electronic fuel system with stanadyne de10 pump

COMPONENT TECHNICAL MANUAL PowerTech 4.5L and 6.8L Diesel Engines—Level 12 Electronic Fuel System with DE10 Pump CTM331 15FEB11 (ENGLISH) PowerTech™ 4.5L and 6.8L Diesel Engines Level 12 Electronic Fuel System With Stanadyne DE10 Pump For complete service information also see: PowerTech 4.5L and 6.8L Diesel Engines—Base Engine ...................................... CTM104 Alternators and Starter Motors ......................... CTM77 OEM Engine Accessories .................................. CTM67 Application List ................................................... CTM106819 John Deere Power Systems LITHO IN U.S.A.

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COMPONENT TECHNICAL MANUALPowerTech 4.5L and 6.8L DieselEngines—Level 12 Electronic FuelSystem with DE10 Pump


  • COMPONENT TECHNICAL MANUALPowerTech 4.5L and 6.8L DieselEnginesLevel 12 Electronic Fuel

    System with DE10 PumpCTM331 15FEB11 (ENGLISH)

    PowerTech 4.5L and6.8L Diesel Engines

    Level 12 ElectronicFuel System With

    Stanadyne DE10 Pump

    For complete service information also see:

    PowerTech 4.5L and 6.8L DieselEnginesBase Engine ...................................... CTM104Alternators and Starter Motors ......................... CTM77OEM Engine Accessories .................................. CTM67Application List ................................................... CTM106819

    John Deere Power SystemsLITHO IN U.S.A.

  • Introduction

    OUO1080,00001FE 1915FEB111/1

    PU00210,00004DF 1915FEB111/1


    This manual is written for an experienced technician.Essential tools required in performing certain service workare identified in this manual and are recommended foruse.

    This manual covers only Level 12 Electronic Fuel Systemwith the Stanadyne DE10 injection pump. It is one offive volumes on 4.5 L and 6.8 L engines. There arefour companion manuals which cover the base engine,mechanical fuel system, level 4 electronic fuel systemand level 1 electronic fuel system repair, operation anddiagnostics:

    Other manuals may be added in the future to provideadditional information on electronic fuel systems asneeded.

    Live with safety: Read the safety messages in theintroduction of this manual and the cautions presentedthroughout the text of the manual.

    This is the safetyalert symbol. When you see thissymbol on the machine or in this manual, be alert to thepotential for personal injury.

    Use this component technical manual in conjunction withthe machine technical manual. An applicationlisting in Section 01, Group 001 identifiesproductmodel/component typemodel relationship.See the machine technical manual for information oncomponent removal and installation, and gaining accessto the components.

    Information is organized in sections and groups for thevarious components requiring service instruction. Section05 summarizes all applicable essential tools, serviceequipment and tools, other materials needed to do thejob, and service parts kits. Section 06 summarizes allspecifications, wear tolerances, and torque values.

    Before beginning diagnosis or repair on an engine, cleanthe engine.

    This manual contains SI Metric units of measure followedimmediately by the U.S. customary units of measure.Most hardware on these engines is metric sized.

    Some components of this engine may be serviced withoutremoving the engine from the machine. Refer to thespecific machine technical manual for information oncomponents that can be serviced without removing theengine from the machine and for engine removal andinstallation procedures.

    Read each block of material completely before performingservice to check for differences in procedures orspecifications. Follow only the procedures that apply tothe engine model number you are working on. If onlyone procedure is given, that procedure applies to all theengines in the manual.

    CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGDiesel engine exhaust and some of its constituentsare known to the State of California to cause cancer,birth defects and other reproductive harm.

    Record of ChangesPublication and Translation Date

    Section / Group Block Title Comment Update Date

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Introduction

    DPSG,OUO1004,129 1915MAY981/1

    POWERTECH 4.5 L Engine with Level 12 Electronic Fuel System and Stanadyne DE10 Pump


    Right Side of Engine


    Left Side of Engine

    POWERTECH is a registered trademark of Deere & Company

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Introduction

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Contents

    Section 01General InformationGroup 000SafetyGroup 001Engine IdentificationGroup 002Fuels

    Section 02Repair and AdjustmentsGroup 090Electronic Fuel System Repair and

    AdjustmentsGroup 110Electrical Engine Control Repair and


    Section 03Theory of OperationGroup 130Electronic Fuel System OperationGroup 140Electronic Control System Operation

    Section 04DiagnosticsGroup 150Observable Diagnostics and TestsGroup 160Trouble Code Diagnostics and Tests

    Section 05Tools and Other MaterialsGroup 170Electronic Fuel/Control System Repair

    Tools and Other MaterialsGroup 180Diagnostic Service Tools

    Section 06SpecificationsGroup 200Repair SpecificationsGroup 210Diagnostic Specifications

    Original Instructions. All information, illustrations and specifications in thismanual are based on the latest information available at the time of publication.

    The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice.COPYRIGHT 2011DEERE & COMPANY

    Moline, IllinoisAll rights reserved.

    A John Deere ILLUSTRUCTION ManualPrevious Editions

    Copyright 2002, 2006, 2010

    CTM331 (15FEB11) i 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Contents

    CTM331 (15FEB11) ii 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Section 01General Information



    Group 000Safety ....................................010001

    Group 001Engine IdentificationEngine Model Designation........................... 010011Engine Serial Number PlateInformation............................................... 010012

    OEM Engine Option Code Label ................. 010013Information Relative to EmissionsRegulations.............................................. 010013

    Group 002FuelsLubricants and Coolant................................ 010021Diesel Fuel................................................... 010021BioDiesel Fuel ............................................ 010021Testing Diesel Fuel ...................................... 010022Lubricity of Diesel Fuel ................................ 010022

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 011 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Contents

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 012 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Group 000Safety

    DX,FLAME 1929SEP981/1

    DX,FIRE3 1916APR921/1

    DX,FIRE2 1903MAR931/1

    Handle Fluids SafelyAvoid FiresWhen you work around fuel, do not smoke or work nearheaters or other fire hazards.

    Store flammable fluids away from fire hazards. Do notincinerate or puncture pressurized containers.

    Make sure machine is clean of trash, grease, and debris.

    Do not store oily rags they can ignite and burnspontaneously.


    Handle Starting Fluid SafelyStarting fluid is highly flammable.

    Keep all sparks and flame away when using it. Keepstarting fluid away from batteries and cables.

    To prevent accidental discharge when storing thepressurized can, keep the cap on the container, and storein a cool, protected location.

    Do not incinerate or puncture a starting fluid container.


    Prepare for EmergenciesBe prepared if a fire starts.

    Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy.

    Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambulanceservice, hospital, and fire department near your telephone.


    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010001 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Safety

    DX,FLUID 1920AUG091/1

    DX,WEAR 1910SEP901/1

    DX,LOOSE 1904JUN901/1

    Avoid HighPressure FluidsEscaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skincausing serious injury.

    Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure beforedisconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten allconnections before applying pressure.

    Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect handsand body from highpressure fluids.

    If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluidinjected into the skin must be surgically removed withina few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliarwith this type of injury should reference a knowledgeablemedical source. Such information is available inEnglish from Deere & Company Medical Department in


    Moline, Illinois, U.S.A., by calling 18008228262 or +13097485636.

    Wear Protective ClothingWear close fitting clothing and safety equipmentappropriate to the job.

    Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairmentor loss of hearing.

    Wear a suitable hearing protective device such asearmuffs or earplugs to protect against objectionable oruncomfortable loud noises.

    Operating equipment safely requires the full attention ofthe operator. Do not wear radio or music headphoneswhile operating machine.


    Service Machines SafelyTie long hair behind your head. Do not wear a necktie,scarf, loose clothing, or necklace when you work nearmachine tools or moving parts. If these items were to getcaught, severe injury could result.

    Remove rings and other jewelry to prevent electricalshorts and entanglement in moving parts.


    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010002 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Safety

    DX,AIR 1917FEB991/1

    DX,CLEAN 1904JUN901/1

    DX,PAINT 1924JUL021/1

    Work In Ventilated AreaEngine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death. Ifit is necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area,remove the exhaust fumes from the area with an exhaustpipe extension.

    If you do not have an exhaust pipe extension, open thedoors and get outside air into the area.


    Work in Clean AreaBefore starting a job:

    Clean work area and machine. Make sure you have all necessary tools to do your job. Have the right parts on hand. Read all instructions thoroughly do not attemptshortcuts.


    Remove Paint Before Welding or HeatingAvoid potentially toxic fumes and dust.

    Hazardous fumes can be generated when paint is heatedby welding, soldering, or using a torch.

    Remove paint before heating:

    Remove paint a minimum of 100 mm (4 in.) from areato be affected by heating. If paint cannot be removed,wear an approved respirator before heating or welding. If you sand or grind paint, avoid breathing the dust.Wear an approved respirator. If you use solvent or paint stripper, remove stripper withsoap and water before welding. Remove solvent orpaint stripper containers and other flammable materialfrom area. Allow fumes to disperse at least 15 minutesbefore welding or heating.

    Do not use a chlorinated solvent in areas where weldingwill take place.


    Do all work in an area that is well ventilated to carry toxicfumes and dust away.

    Dispose of paint and solvent properly.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010003 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Safety

    DX,TORCH 1910DEC041/1

    DX,LIGHT 1904JUN901/1

    DX,SAFE,TOOLS 1910OCT971/1

    Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid LinesFlammable spray can be generated by heating nearpressurized fluid lines, resulting in severe burns to yourselfand bystanders. Do not heat by welding, soldering,or using a torch near pressurized fluid lines or otherflammable materials. Pressurized lines can accidentallyburst when heat goes beyond the immediate flame area.


    Illuminate Work Area SafelyIlluminate your work area adequately but safely. Usea portable safety light for working inside or under themachine. Make sure the bulb is enclosed by a wire cage.The hot filament of an accidentally broken bulb can ignitespilled fuel or oil.


    Construct DealerMade Tools SafelyFaulty or broken tools can result in serious injury. Whenconstructing tools, use proper, quality materials, and goodworkmanship.

    Do not weld tools unless you have the proper equipmentand experience to perform the job.


    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010004 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Safety

    DX,SERV 1917FEB991/1

    DX,REPAIR 1917FEB991/1

    Practice Safe MaintenanceUnderstand service procedure before doing work. Keeparea clean and dry.

    Never lubricate, service, or adjust machine while it ismoving. Keep hands, feet , and clothing from powerdrivenparts. Disengage all power and operate controls to relievepressure. Lower equipment to the ground. Stop theengine. Remove the key. Allow machine to cool.

    Securely support any machine elements that must beraised for service work.

    Keep all parts in good condition and properly installed.Fix damage immediately. Replace worn or broken parts.Remove any buildup of grease, oil, or debris.

    On selfpropelled equipment, disconnect battery groundcable () before making adjustments on electrical systemsor welding on machine.

    On towed implements, disconnect wiring harnesses fromtractor before servicing electrical system components orwelding on machine.


    Use Proper ToolsUse tools appropriate to the work. Makeshift tools andprocedures can create safety hazards.

    Use power tools only to loosen threaded parts andfasteners.

    For loosening and tightening hardware, use the correctsize tools. DO NOT use U.S. measurement tools onmetric fasteners. Avoid bodily injury caused by slippingwrenches.

    Use only service parts meeting John Deere specifications. TS779UN08NOV89

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010005 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Safety

    DX,DRAIN 1903MAR931/1

    DX,LIVE 1925SEP921/1

    Dispose of Waste ProperlyImproperly disposing of waste can threaten theenvironment and ecology. Potentially harmful waste usedwith John Deere equipment include such items as oil, fuel,coolant, brake fluid, filters, and batteries.

    Use leakproof containers when draining fluids. Do not usefood or beverage containers that may mislead someoneinto drinking from them.

    Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain, or intoany water source.

    Air conditioning refrigerants escaping into the air candamage the Earths atmosphere. Government regulationsmay require a certified air conditioning service center torecover and recycle used air conditioning refrigerants.

    Inquire on the proper way to recycle or dispose of wastefrom your local environmental or recycling center, or fromyour John Deere dealer.


    Live With SafetyBefore returning machine to customer, make suremachine is functioning properly, especially the safetysystems. Install all guards and shields.


    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010006 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Group 001Engine Identification

    OUO1080,00001FA 1915NOV011/1

    Engine Model DesignationJohn Deere Engine Model4045 and 6068 Engines

    John Deere engine model designation includes numberof cylinders, displacement in liters, aspiration, user code,and application code. For example:

    4045TF275 Engine4 ..................................................... Number of cylinders4.5 .................................................. Liter displacementT..................................................... Aspiration codeF..................................................... User code275.................................................. POWERTECH application codeAspiration CodeD .................................................... Naturally aspiratedT..................................................... Turbocharged, no aftercoolingA..................................................... Turbocharged and AirtoCoolant AftercooledH .................................................... Turbocharged and AirtoAir AftercooledUser Factory CodeAP Industries John Deere Mexica S. A de C. V. (Saltillo/Monterrey, MexicoAT ................................................... Agritalia srl (Vittoria, Sicily, Italy)BE Bell Equipment Co. (Richards Bay, South Africa)CQ .................................................. John Deere Brazil (Horizontina, Brazil)DW.................................................. John Deere Davenport Works (Davenport, Iowa)E..................................................... John Deere Ottumwa Works (Ottumwa, Iowa)F..................................................... OEM (Outside Equipment Manufacturers)FF ................................................... DeereHitachi (Kernersville, North Carolina)FG .................................................. Goldoni S.P.A. (Modena, Italy)FM .................................................. Marine EnginesH .................................................... John Deere Harvester Works (East Moline, Illinois)KV................................................... John Deere Commercial Worksite Products (Knoxville, Tennessee)L ..................................................... John Deere Werke Mannheim (Germany)LA ................................................... John Deere Werke Mannheim (Germany) (Engines with Bosch VP44 Injection Pump)LV ................................................... John Deere Commercial Products (Augusta, Georgia)N .................................................... John Deere Des Moines Works (Des Moines, Iowa)P..................................................... Industrias John Deere Mexico S.A. de C.V. (Saltillo/Monterrey, Mexico)PY................................................... Larson & Toubro Ltd. (Pune, India)RW.................................................. John Deere Waterloo Tractor Works (Waterloo, Iowa)T..................................................... John Deere Dubuque Works (Dubuque, Iowa)T8 ................................................... Cameco Industries (Thibodaux, Louisiana)TJ ................................................... John Deere Forestry (Timberjack) (Sweden/Finland/Canada)YC .................................................. John Deere Jialian Harvester Co. Limited (China)Z..................................................... John Deere WERKE Zweibrucken (Germany)Application Code001, etc. ........................................... See ENGINE APPLICATION CHARTS, later in this Group

    POWERTECH is a registered trademark of Deere & Company

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010011 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Engine Identification

    OUO1080,00001FB 1915NOV011/1

    Engine Serial Number Plate InformationIMPORTANT: The engine serial number plate (A)

    can be easily destroyed. Before hot tankcleaning the block, remove the plate.

    Engine Serial Number (B)

    Each engine has a 13digit John Deere engine serialnumber identifying the producing factory, engine modeldesignation, and a 6digit sequential number. Thefollowing is an example:CD4045T000000CD ..................... Factory producing engine4045T ................. Engine model designation000000 ................ Sequential serial numberFactory Code (Engine Manufacturer)T0 ...................... Dubuque, IowaCD ..................... Saran, FrancePE...................... Torreon, MexicoJ0 ...................... Rosario, ArgentinaEngine Model Designation4045T ................. Definition explained previously. See ENGINE

    MODEL DESIGNATION earlier in this group.Sequential Number000000 ................ 6digit sequential serial number

    Engine Application Data (C)

    The second line of information on the serial number plateidentifies the engine/machine or OEM relationship. SeeENGINE APPLICATION CHARTS later in this group.

    Coefficient of Absorption (D) (SaranBuilt EnginesOnly)

    The second line of information on the Saran serial numberplate also contains the coefficient of absorption value forsmoke emissions.

    AEngine Serial Number PlateBEngine Serial Number

    CEngine Application DataDCoefficient of Absorption

    (Saran Engines Only)


    Engine Serial Number Plate


    Dubuque Engine Serial Number Plate


    Saran Engine Serial Number Plate


    Torreon Engine Serial Number Plate

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010012 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Engine Identification

    OUO1080,000020E 1926NOV011/1

    OUO1080,0000035 1929AUG011/1

    OEM Engine Option Code LabelAn option code label is secured to the top of the valvecover and identifies the factory installed options on eachOEM engine to ensure correct parts acquisition.

    Always provide option code information and engine basecode when ordering repair parts. A listing of option codesis given in parts catalogs and operators manuals.

    NOTE: Before hot tank cleaning, ensure that optioncodes are recorded elsewhere.


    Information Relative to Emissions Regulations

    Depending on the final destination, engines can meet theemissions regulations according to the US EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA), California Air Resources Board(CARB) and for Europe, the Directive 97/68/EC relatingthe measures against the emissions of particles andgaseous pollutant from internal combustion engines. Suchengines are called CERTIFIED and receive an emissionlabel stuck on the engine.

    The regulations prohibit tampering with theemissionrelated components listed below which wouldrender that component inoperative or to make anyadjustment on the engine beyond published specifications.It is also illegal to install a part or component where the

    principle effect of that component is to bypass, defeat, orrender inoperative any engine component or device whichwould affect the engines conformance to the emissionregulations. To summarize, it is illegal to do anythingexcept return the engine to its original publishedspecifications.

    List of emissionrelated components:

    Fuel injection system Intake manifold Turbocharger Charge air cooling system Piston

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010013 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Engine Identification

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010014 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Group 002Fuels

    DPSG,OUO1004,2761 1916MAY001/1

    OUOD002,0000171 1927JAN061/1

    RG41183,0000046 1915MAY081/1

    Lubricants and CoolantNOTE: Refer to Section 01, Group 002 of CTM104

    Base Engine Manual for information onlubricants and coolants.

    Diesel Fuel

    Consult your local fuel distributor for properties of thediesel fuel available in your area.

    In general, diesel fuels are blended to satisfy the lowtemperature requirements of the geographical area inwhich they are marketed.

    Diesel fuels specified to EN 590 or ASTM D975 arerecommended.

    Required fuel properties

    In all cases, the fuel must meet the following properties:

    Cetane number of 45 minimum. Cetane number greaterthan 50 is preferred, especially for temperatures below20C (4F) or elevations above 1500 m (5000 ft).

    Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) below the expectedlow temperature OR Cloud Point at least 5C (9F) belowthe expected low temperature.

    Fuel lubricity should pass a minimum load level of 3100grams as measured by ASTM D6078 or, maximum scardiameter of 0.45 mm as measured by ASTM D6079 orISO121561.

    Sulfur content:

    Diesel fuel quality and fuel sulfur content must complywith all existing regulations for the area in which theengine operates. Sulfur content less than 0.05% (500 ppm) is preferred. If diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 0.05% (500ppm) is used, crankcase oil service intervals may beaffected. (See recommendation for Diesel Engine Oil.) DO NOT use diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than1.0%.

    IMPORTANT: DO NOT mix used engine oil or anyother type of lubricating oil with diesel fuel.

    BioDiesel Fuel

    Consult your local fuel distributor for properties of thebiodiesel fuel available in your area.

    Biodiesel fuels may be used ONLY if the biodiesel fuelproperties meet the latest edition of ASTM PS121, DIN51606 or equivalent specification.

    It has been found that biodiesel fuels may improvelubricity in concentrations up to a 5% blend in petroleumdiesel fuel.

    When using a blend of biodiesel fuel, the engine oillevel must be checked daily when the air temperature is10C (14F) or lower. If the oil becomes diluted with fuel,shorten oil change intervals accordingly.

    IMPORTANT: Raw pressed vegetable oils are NOTacceptable for use for fuel in any concentrationin John Deere engines.

    These oils do not burn completely, and willcause engine failure by leaving deposits oninjectors and in the combustion chamber.

    A major environmental benefit of biodiesel fuel is itsability to biodegrade. This makes proper storage andhandling of biodiesel fuel especially important. Areas ofconcern include:

    Quality of new fuel Water content of the fuel Problems due to aging of the fuelPotential problems resulting from deficiencies in the aboveareas when using biodiesel fuel in concentrations above5% may lead to the following symptoms:

    Power loss and deterioration of performance Fuel leakage Corrosion of fuel injection equipment Coked and/or blocked injector nozzles, resulting inengine misfire Filter plugging Lacquering and/or seizure of internal components Sludge and sediments Reduced service life of engine components

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010021 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Fuels

    DX,FUEL6 1914NOV051/1

    OUOD002,0000179 1918DEC011/1

    Testing Diesel FuelDIESELSCAN is a John Deere fuel analysis programthat can be used to monitor the quality of your fuel. TheDIESELSCAN analysis verifies fuel type, cleanliness,

    water content, suitability for cold weather operation, andwhether the fuel meets specifications.

    Check with your John Deere dealer for availability ofDIESELSCAN kits.

    DIESELSCAN is a trademark of Deere & Company

    Lubricity of Diesel Fuel

    Diesel fuel must have adequate lubricity to ensureproper operation and durability of fuel injection systemcomponents.

    Diesel fuels for highway use in the United States andCanada require sulfur content less than 0.05% (500 ppm).

    Diesel fuel in the European Union requires sulfur contentless than 0.05% (500 ppm).

    Experience shows that some low sulfur diesel fuels mayhave inadequate lubricity and their use may reduceperformance in fuel injection systems due to inadequatelubrication of injection pump components. The lowerconcentration of aromatic compounds in these fuels alsoadversely affects injection pump seals and may result inleaks.

    Use of low lubricity diesel fuels may also causeaccelerated wear, injection nozzle erosion or corrosion,engine speed instability, hard starting, low power, andengine smoke.

    Fuel lubricity should pass a minimum load level of 3100gram as measured by the ASTM D6078 or maximum scardiameter of 0.45 mm as measured by ASTM D6079.

    ASTM D975 and EN 590 specifications do not requirefuels to pass a fuel lubricity test.

    If fuel of low or unknown lubricity is used, add John DeerePREMIUM DIESEL FUEL CONDITIONER (or equivalent)at the specified concentration.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 010022 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Section 02Repair and Adjustments



    Group 090Electronic Fuel System Repairand Adjustments

    Fuel SystemGeneralInformation............................................... 020901

    Relieve Fuel System Pressure .................... 020901Remove and Install Final FuelFilter/Water Bowl and/orPreFilter/Water Bowl Base ..................... 020901

    Fuel PreFilter/Water BowlAssembly (Optional) ................................ 020903

    Final Fuel Filter Assembly ........................... 020904Replace Final Fuel Filter/WaterBowl and PreFilter/WaterBowl......................................................... 020905

    Remove Fuel Supply Pump......................... 020906Install Fuel Supply Pump............................. 020907Injection Pump Static Timing ....................... 020907Remove Injection Pump .............................. 020908Inspect Injection Pump Drive GearID and Shaft OD ...................................... 020909

    Install Injection Pump ................................ 0209010Remove Fuel Injection Nozzles ................. 0209013Clean Fuel Injection Nozzle Bore .............. 0209014Clean Fuel Injection Nozzles ..................... 0209014Fuel Injection Nozzle Test.......................... 0209015Disassemble Fuel InjectionNozzles.................................................. 0209017

    Adjust Fuel Injection Nozzle ...................... 0209017Install Seals on Fuel InjectionNozzle.................................................... 0209018

    Install Fuel Injection Nozzles ..................... 0209019Bleed the Fuel System .............................. 0209020

    Group 110Electrical Engine ControlRepair and Adjustment

    Engine Control Unit (ECU) .......................... 021101Remove and Install Engine CoolantTemperature Sensor ................................ 021101

    Remove and Install Loss of CoolantTemperature Sensor ................................ 021102

    Replace Crankshaft PositionSensor ..................................................... 021102

    Remove and Install Oil PressureSensor ..................................................... 021102

    Remove and Install Manifold AirTemperature Sensor ................................ 021103

    Remove and Install FuelTemperature Sensor ................................ 021103

    Remove and Install Fuel Heater .................. 021103Connectors .................................................. 021104Use Electrical InsulatingCompound ............................................... 021104

    Using HighPressure Washer ...................... 021104


    Repair WEATHERPACKConnector ................................................ 021105

    Remove Blade Terminals fromConnector Body....................................... 021107

    Repair (Pull Type)METRIPACKConnectors .............................................. 021108

    Repair (Push Type)METRIPACK Connectors.................. 0211010

    Repair DEUTSCH Connectors............... 0211012Repair AMP Connector.............................. 0211014

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Contents

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 022 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Group 090Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,00001F7 1906NOV011/1

    RG,35,JW7625 1920NOV971/1

    Continued on next page OUO1089,00001F6 1906NOV011/2

    Fuel SystemGeneral Information

    Stanadyne DE10 pumps are static lockpin timed duringinstallation of the injection pump.

    The fuel supply pump is a separate component mountedon upper righthand side of engine block and is actuatedby a pin in block that rides on engine camshaft lobe.

    Engines may be equipped with an optional fuelprefilter/water bowl.

    All engines are equipped with a round final fuel filterwith water bowl. Hand primer on top of filter element isoptional.

    All engines use Stanadyne Rate Shaping Nozzles (RSN).

    Fieldinstalled options include fuel heater, water bowl andhand fuel primer.

    Relieve Fuel System Pressure

    CAUTION: Escaping diesel fuel under pressurecan have sufficient force to penetrate the skin,causing serious injury. Before disconnectinglines, be sure to relieve pressure. Before applyingpressure to the system, be sure ALL connectionsare tight and lines, pipes and hoses are notdamaged. Keep hands and body away frompinholes and nozzles which eject fluid underpressure. Use a piece of cardboard or wood,rather than hands, to search for suspected leaks.

    If ANY fluid is injected into the skin, it mustbe surgically removed within a few hoursby a doctor familiar with this type injury organgrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar withthis type of injury may call the Deere & CompanyMedical Department in Moline, Illinois, or otherknowledgeable medical source.


    High Pressure Fluids

    Any time the fuel system has been opened up for service(lines disconnected or filters removed), it will be necessaryto bleed air from the system. See BLEED THE FUELSYSTEM in this group.

    Remove and Install Final Fuel Filter/WaterBowl and/or PreFilter/Water Bowl BaseRefer to operators manual for proper servicing and(hourly) replacement intervals.

    Engines are equipped with a final fuel filter/water bowl (A)and may have an optional prefilter/water bowl.

    Final fuel filters/water bowls can be equipped with atransparent (seethrough) water collection bowl and/orhand primer on machines equipped with only one filter.

    AFinal Fuel Filter/Water Bowl


    Final Fuel Filter

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 020901 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,00001F6 1906NOV012/2

    1. Thoroughly clean fuel filter/prefilter assemblies andsurrounding area to keep from getting dirt and debrisinto fuel system.

    2. Connect a drain line to filter drain adapters and drainall fuel from system.

    NOTE: The fuel filters are keyed to the filter header. Ifboth prefilter and final filter are removed, ensurethat they are reinstalled in the correct headers.

    3. Remove final fuel filter element and prefilter/waterbowl, if desired. See REPLACE FINAL FUELFILTER/WATER BOWL AND PREFILTER/WATERBOWL, in this group.

    NOTE: Prefilter and final filter fuel lines may be connectedto different filter inlet and outlet ports depending onengine application. Mark fuel line location to aidduring assembly. Refer to markings on fuel filterbase for fuel inlet/outlet ports, as they are differentbetween the pre and final filter bases.

    4. Disconnect fuel lines from all ports.

    5. Remove final fuel filter base (A).

    6. If equipped, remove prefilter base.

    7. Replace parts as necessary.

    8. Install mounting brackets and tighten to torquespecifications provided below.

    SpecificationFinal Fuel FilterBrackettoCylinderHeadTorque................................................................ 73 Nm (54 lbft)Final Fuel FilterMounting BasetoBracketTorque............................................................. 73 Nm (54 lbft)


    Final Fuel Filter Base

    AFinal Fuel Filter Base

    Fuel PreFilterBrackettoCylinder Headand AlternatorTorque.................................................. 73 Nm (54 lbft)Fuel PreFilter/WaterBowl Mounting BasetoBracketTorque............................................................. 50 Nm (36 lbft)

    9. Install prefilter and final filter fuel filter/waterbowl elements. See REPLACE FINAL FUELFILTER/WATER BOWL AND PREFILTER/WATERBOWL, in this group.

    10. Connect fuel lines to all ports.

    11. Bleed the fuel system. See BLEED THE FUELSYSTEM in this group.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 020902 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    RG,35,JW7623 1921JAN021/1

    Fuel PreFilter/Water Bowl Assembly(Optional)

    ADrain AdapterBPackingCCap ScrewDWater BowlERetaining RingFFilter ElementGFilter Base with Seal RingHVent Plug

    I PackingJPlug (2 used)KDiaphragmLSpring SeatMSpringNSpring CoverOPump KnobPRetaining Ring



    Primary Filter/Water Bowl Assembly

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 020903 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1080,00001FC 1915NOV011/1

    Final Fuel Filter Assembly

    1Retaining Ring2ORing3Stem4ORing5Retaining Ring6Filter7ORing8ORing9Drain Adapter10 Screw

    11 ORing12 Water Bowl13 Adapter14 ORing15 Fuel Heater (Optional)16 ORing17 Filter Base18 Primer Assembly

    (Optional)19 Cap


    Final Fuel Filter

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 020904 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,00001F5 1906NOV011/1

    Replace Final Fuel Filter/Water Bowl andPreFilter/Water BowlNOTE: Refer to operators manual for proper servicing

    and (hourly) replacement intervals.

    Final fuel filters can be equipped with a transparent(seethrough) water bowl and/or hand primer onmachines equipped with only one filter.

    Replacement of pre and final fuel filter elementsare similar. Differences will be noted. Make surecorrect embossments on filter elements matchthe slots in the mounting header.

    1. Thoroughly clean fuel filter/water bowl assembly andsurrounding area, if not previously done.

    2. Connect a drain line to filter drain adapters and drainall fuel from filters.

    NOTE: Lifting up on retaining ring (A) as it is rotatedhelps to get it past raised locators.

    3. Firmly grasp the retaining ring (A) and rotate itcounterclockwise 1/4 turn. Remove ring with filterelement (B).

    4. Inspect filter mounting base for cleanliness. Clean asrequired.

    5. Remove transparent (seethrough) water bowl, ifequipped. Drain and clean water bowl. Dry withcompressed air.

    6. Install transparent (seethrough) water bowl, ifequipped, onto new filter element. Make sure Oring isproperly installed in the top groove of bowl.

    7. Thoroughly inspect filter base dust seal ring. Replaceas needed.


    Final Fuel Filter Shown

    ARetaining Ring BFilter Element

    NOTE: The fuel filters must be indexed properly andthe key on canister must be oriented in slot ofmounting base for correct installation.

    8. Install new filter element onto mounting base andposition element using a slight rocking motion. Besure element is properly indexed on mounting base.

    9. Install retaining ring onto mounting base and tightenabout 1/3 turn until ring snaps into the detent. DONOT overtighten the retaining ring.

    10. Bleed fuel system. See BLEED THE FUEL SYSTEM,in this group.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 020905 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,00001F8 1906NOV011/1

    Remove Fuel Supply PumpIMPORTANT: A backup wrench must always be used

    when disconnecting fittings or fuel lines fromsupply pump to avoid damage to fittings.

    1. Disconnect fuel inlet line (A) and outlet line (B) andcap connections on fuel supply pump and fuel lines tokeep debris out of fuel system.

    2. Remove cap screws (C) and remove fuel supply pumpassembly from cylinder block.

    NOTE: The fuel supply pump is driven by a pushrod (D) that rides on an eccentric camshaftlobe. The cylinder head must be removedto remove this push rod.

    3. Cover opening on cylinder block to prevent dirt fromentering the engine.

    4. Inspect face of pump lever for wear. If lever face isworn flat or concave, replace pump.

    ASupply Pump Inlet fromFuel Tank

    BSupply Pump Outlet toFinal Fuel Filter

    CCap ScrewsDPush Rod


    Fuel Supply Pump Lines


    Remove Fuel Supply Pump


    Fuel Supply Pump Push Rod

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 020906 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,00001FA 1906NOV011/1

    OUO1089,00001FB 1906NOV011/1

    Install Fuel Supply PumpIMPORTANT: Apply LOCTITE 242 to threads of supply

    pump mounting cap screws (C) and fuel linefittings when reinstalling supply pump. DO NOTallow sealant to get into fuel system.

    1. Install the fuel supply pump to cylinder block withpumping lever resting on top of push rod, using a newOring. Tighten cap screws (C) to specifications.

    SpecificationFuel Supply Pump CapScrewsTorque............................................................. 30 Nm (22 lbft)

    IMPORTANT: ALWAYS use a backup wrench wheninstalling fittings and/or fuel lines onto supplypump to avoid damage to fittings.

    2. Connect supply pump inlet line (A) and outlet line (B)and tighten securely.

    3. Bleed fuel system. See BLEED THE FUEL SYSTEM inthis group.


    Fuel Supply Pump Lines

    ASupply Pump Inlet fromFuel Tank

    BSupply Pump Outlet toFinal Fuel Filter

    CCap Screws

    Injection Pump Static TimingStatic lockpin timing is accomplished during installation ofthe injection pump. See INSTALL INJECTION PUMP laterin this group.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 020907 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    Continued on next page OUO1089,00001FE 1907NOV011/2

    Remove Injection PumpIMPORTANT: Never steam clean or pour cold water

    on a fuel injection pump while the pump isrunning or while it is warm. Doing so may causeseizure of internal rotating pump parts.

    1. Clean the fuel injection pump, lines and area aroundthe pump with cleaning solvent or a steam cleaner.

    2. Rotate engine to TDC of number 1 cylindercompression stroke and install JDG1571 Timing Pinin flywheel.

    3. Before removing injection pump from engine, installJDG1559 Injection Pump Timing Pin (A) into pumptiming pin bore.

    4. Remove injection pump drive gear cover (shownremoved). Remove drive gear retaining nut andwasher from end of pump shaft. Be careful not to letwasher fall inside timing gear cover.

    5. Attach JDG1560 Drive Gear Puller to injection pumpdrive gear (B) using two screws (C).

    6. Evenly tighten the two screws (C) and snugly tightencenter forcing screw (D) against end of pump shaft.

    7. Tighten center forcing screw (D) until pump drive gearis free from tapered shaft. Remove JDG1560 Pullerfrom drive gear.

    AJDG1559 Timing PinBInjection Pump Drive Gear

    CScrews (2 used)DCenter Forcing Screw


    Stanadyne DE10 Fuel Injection Pump


    JDG1559 Injection Pump Timing Pin


    Injection Pump Drive Gear Removal

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 020908 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,00001FE 1907NOV012/2

    OUO1089,00001FC 1906NOV011/1

    8. Remove temperature sensor connector (A) and fuelcontrol solenoid connector (B).

    IMPORTANT: ALWAYS use a backup wrench whenloosening or tightening fuel delivery linesat fuel injection pump, so that the pumpdischarge fittings are not altered. This preventspossible internal pump damage.

    9. Disconnect fuel supply line (D) and return line (C).

    10. Remove clamp (E) retaining fuel delivery (pressure)lines (F).

    11. Disconnect all fuel delivery lines (F) from injectionpump and install protective caps.

    12. Remove three injection pump mounting stud nuts (G).Remove injection pump from mounting studs. Placepump on a clean flat surface and inspect shaft ODand drive gear as outlined later in this group. SeeINSPECT INJECTION PUMP DRIVE GEAR ID ANDSHAFT OD later in this group.

    ATemperature SensorConnector

    BFuel Control SolenoidConnector

    CFuel Return LineDFuel Supply Line

    EClampFFuel Delivery LinesGNut (3 used)


    Injector Pump Electrical Connector Removal


    Disconnect Fuel Delivery Lines

    Inspect Injection Pump Drive Gear ID and Shaft OD

    IMPORTANT: Use a good light source to thoroughlyinspect gear ID and shaft OD.

    1. Inspect injection pump drive gear ID full 360 for metaltransfer as a result of slippage on shaft.

    2. Inspect injection pump drive shaft OD full 360 forpresence of metal transfer from gear slippage. If thereis clear evidence of metal transfer on pump shaft ODor in drive gear ID, injection pump and drive gearMUST BE replaced.

    IMPORTANT: When replacing injection pump drivegear or installing a new pump, the taperedsurfaces of the pump drive shaft OD and drivegear ID MUST BE cleaned to remove protectivecoatings and oily residue. Use a suitablecleaner that does not leave a residue. Matingsurfaces MUST BE ASSEMBLED DRY andLUBRICANTS MUST NOT BE USED.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 020909 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    Continued on next page OUO1089,0000204 1908NOV011/3

    Install Injection Pump

    1. Before installing injection pump on engine, installJDG1559 Injection Pump Timing Pin (A) into pumptiming pin bore. Install a small punch or screwdriverinto hole in pump drive shaft (B) and turn shaft untiltiming pin drops into recess in injection pump driveshaft.

    AJDG1559 Timing Pin BHole in Drive Shaft




    Install Timing Pin

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209010 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    Continued on next page OUO1089,0000204 1908NOV012/3

    NOTE: When rotating engine to TDC of compressionstroke on number 1 cylinder, turn engine only indirection of rotation to prevent gear backlash.Backlash of gears is enough to throw the injectionpump timing off by several degrees, resultingin poor engine performance.

    2. Make sure that number 1 cylinder is locked at TDC ofcompression stroke and install JDG1571 Timing Pinin flywheel.

    NOTE: Retain JDG1559 Timing Pin (B) in pumpduring installation.

    3. Install injection pump onto mounting studs and tightenthree pump mounting stud nuts (A) to specification.Position drive gear while installing pump.

    SpecificationInjection Pump MountingStud NutsTorque......................................................... 25 Nm (19 lbft)

    4. Install injection pump gear (D) on drive shaft. Install,but do not tighten, injection pump gear mounting nut(C).

    NOTE: Hold the injection pump gear while applyingtorque to prevent the gear from rotating.

    5. Rotate gear counterclockwise (viewed from front ofengine) to remove any backlash, and tighten gearmounting nut to specification.

    SpecificationInjection Pump GearMounting NutTorque............................................... 195 Nm (145 lbft)

    6. Install injection pump gear access plate and removetiming pin (B) from pump. Install plug in injection pumptiming pin hole and tighten to specification.

    SpecificationInjection Pump TimingPin PlugTorque......................................................... 9.5 Nm (7.5 lbft)

    7. Remove JDG1571 Timing Pin from flywheel.

    AInjection Pump MountingStud Nut (3 used)

    BJDG1559 Injection PumpLock Timing Pin

    CGear Mounting NutDPump Gear


    Injection Pump Mounting Stud Nuts


    Injection Pump Timing Pin


    Injection Pump Gear Installation

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209011 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,0000204 1908NOV013/3

    8. Connect injection pump fuel delivery (pressure) lines(F). Beginning with outlet (I) and continuing aroundthe pump head in counterclockwise direction, attachlines in same order as engine firing (153624 on6cylinder engines and 1342 on 4cylinder engines).

    IMPORTANT: ALWAYS use a backup wrench whenloosening or tightening fuel delivery linesat fuel injection pump, so that the pumpdischarge fittings are not altered. This preventspossible internal pump damage.

    9. Tighten fuel delivery lines at pump to specification.Specification

    Injection Pump FuelDelivery (Pressure)LinesTorque................................................................ 27 Nm (20 lbft)

    10. Install clamp (E).

    11. Connect fuel supply line (D) and fuel return line (C).

    12. Install temperature sensor connector (A) and fuelcontrol solenoid connector (B).

    13. Bleed air from fuel system as outlined in this group.See BLEED THE FUEL SYSTEM in this group. Startengine, run for several minutes and check entire fuelsystem for leaks.

    ATemperature SensorConnector

    BFuel Control SolenoidConnector

    CFuel Return LineDFuel Supply LineEClamp

    FFuel Delivery LinesGNut (3 used)HEngine Block SideI Outlet Connection to No. 1



    Injector Pump Electrical Connectors


    Connect Fuel Delivery Lines


    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209012 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,00001FF 1907NOV011/4

    OUO1089,00001FF 1907NOV012/4

    Continued on next page OUO1089,00001FF 1907NOV013/4

    Remove Fuel Injection NozzlesGeneral Nozzle Service Precautions

    Before removal, thoroughly remove all dirt from thecylinder head around fuel injection nozzles. Clean withcompressed air to prevent dirt from entering the cylinders.Plug the bore in the cylinder head after each nozzle hasbeen removed. Cap fuel line openings as soon as theyare disconnected.

    Immediately fit protective caps over the nozzle tips andthe line connections to avoid handling damage and gettingdebris in fuel system.

    Do not bend the fuel delivery lines, as this may affect theirdurability. When loosening the fuel pressure lines, holdmale union of nozzle line stationary with a backup wrench.


    Fuel Injection Nozzle

    1. Loosen tube nuts (A) at each nozzle to remove leakofflines and Tfittings as an assembly.

    ATube Nuts


    Fuel LeakOff Lines

    2. Disconnect fuel injection line from nozzle using abackup wrench on nozzle connection as shown.

    3. Remove cap screw securing nozzle in cylinder headnozzle bore.


    Fuel Injection Line at Nozzle

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209013 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,00001FF 1907NOV014/4

    RG,35,JW7596 1920NOV971/1

    OUO1080,00001FD 1915NOV011/1

    4. Pull injection nozzle out of cylinder head usingJDG15151 Nozzle Puller (A).

    IMPORTANT: Do not use screwdrivers, pry bars, orsimilar tools for this as they might damagethe injection nozzle beyond repair.

    AJDG15151 Nozzle Puller


    Injection Nozzle Puller Set

    Clean Fuel Injection Nozzle BoreIMPORTANT: Always turn tool clockwise in bore

    to prevent dulling of cutting edges, evenwhen removing tool from bore.

    Clean injection nozzle bore using JDE39 NozzleBore Cleaning Tool (A). Blow debris from bore usingcompressed air, and plug the bore to prevent entry offoreign material.

    ANozzle Bore Cleaning Tool


    Clean Injection Nozzle Bore

    Clean Fuel Injection Nozzles1. Remove carbon stop seal (A) from groove in nozzle

    body using razor blade or sharp knife and removeupper sealing washer (B). Discard seal and washer.

    2. Place nozzle in solvent or clean diesel fuel, so carbonstop seal groove is submerged, and soak for a while.

    IMPORTANT: Do not scrape or disturb the TEFLON coating on the nozzle body above the carbonstop seal groove. This coating will becomediscolored during normal operation, but thisis not harmful. Do not use a motordrivenbrush to clean nozzle body.

    3. After soaking, clean nozzle tip with brass wire brush.Never use a steel wire brush or scraper.


    Clean Fuel Injection Nozzle

    ACarbon Stop Seal BUpper Sealing Washer

    TEFLON is a registered trademark of the DuPont Co.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209014 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    Continued on next page OUO1089,0000200 1907NOV011/2

    Fuel Injection Nozzle Test

    CAUTION: The nozzle tip should always bedirected away from the operator. Fuel from thespray orifices can penetrate clothing and skincausing serious personal injury. Enclosing thenozzle in a clear glass beaker is recommended.

    Before applying pressure to the nozzle tester,be sure that all connections are tight, and thatthe fittings are not damaged. Fluid escapingfrom a very small hole can be almost invisible.To search for suspected leaks, use a piece ofcardboard or wood, rather than hands.

    If ANY fluid is injected into the skin, it mustbe surgically removed within a few hoursby a doctor familiar with this type injuryor gangrene may result.


    High Pressure Fluid

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209015 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,0000200 1907NOV012/2

    NOTE: Testing the performance of a nozzle while theengine is running is just a rough test. To obtain atrue check of nozzle performance, use a nozzletester JT25510 (1) and pressure line KJD10109 (2).

    Use only carefully filtered diesel fuel for testingthe injection nozzles, since dirty fuel will severelydamage the precision parts of a nozzle.

    Connect the nozzle to the tester so that the axis of thenozzle forms an angle of approximately 30 to the verticaland the spray of fuel is directed downwards. Check allconnections for leaks. Close the gauge shutoff valve andflush (bleed) the nozzle by operating test pump rapidly.

    Spray Pattern Test

    Close gauge shutoff valve and operate the pump leverat 60 strokes per minute. If the fuel injection nozzle isworking properly, the fuel should issue through all nozzleorifices in a fine, evenly shaped spray cone. This spraycone is inclined from the centerline of the nozzle body, butshould be distributed. For a better check, place a pieceof paper or cardboard at a suitable distance below thenozzle and check the appearance of the damp circularspots made by the fuel. Deviations from the regular spraypattern or angle may be due to the complete or partialclogging of a nozzle orifice. In this case the fuel issues ina jet rather than in a fine spray.

    Checking Valve Stem and Guide Wear

    Connect fuel injection nozzle to the nozzle tester with thetip raised a little higher than its opposite end.Cover the tip and pump the tester to a pressure of10 300 kPa (103 bar) (1500 psi). Keep the pressureconstant and observe how much fuel leaks out of thenozzle return end. After the first drop has formed, countthe drops for 30 seconds and compare with specification.

    Fuel Injection NozzleSpecificationNozzleReturn Leakageat10 300 kPa (103 bar)(1500 psi)............................1 to 14 drops (maximum) within 30 seconds

    Checking Valve Seat

    Connect the nozzle to tester in horizontal position.Operate the pump lever rapidly to bleed the nozzleand allow the valve to seat. Dry the tip of the nozzlethoroughly. Now operate the pump lever slowly until theindicated pressure is approximately 2800 to 3500 kPa(28 to 35 bar) (400 to 500 psi) below opening pressure(see specification for opening pressure). Keep watchingthe nozzle. Under these conditions the fluid should notdrip out of the nozzle tip. However some weeping or lightmoisture on the tip is considered acceptable. Work thepump lever quickly several times in succession to makethe nozzle spray in the normal way. After the last stroke


    Fuel Injection Nozzle Test

    1Nozzle Tester 2Pressure Line

    of the pump, observe again. If the nozzle is not quiteleakproof, disassemble for servicing.

    Opening Pressure Test

    NOTE: Absolute opening pressure is less important thanequal opening pressure of all nozzles.

    Close gauge shutoff valve and actuate the pump severaltimes to allow the nozzle valve to seat properly. Opengauge shutoff valve. Pump the pressure up to the pointwhere the pressure gauge needle falls rapidly. This point(take reading) is the nozzle valve opening pressure.

    Fuel Injection NozzleSpecificationRate ShapingNozzleOpeningPressure for Setting(New or Reconditioned)........................................... 24 40024 900 kPa

    (244249 bar) (35403620 psi)24 100 kPa (241 bar) (3500 psi) Min

    Opening Pressure forSetting (Used)......................................................... 23 00023 600 kPa

    (230236 bar) (33403420 psi)Opening Pressure forChecking (Used).............................21 800 kPa (218 bar) (3170 psi) MinRate ShapingNozzleOpeningpressure differencebetween cylinders......................................700 kPa (7 bar) (100 psi) Max

    If spray pattern, leakage test, and valve wear test aregood but the opening pressure test is unsatisfactory,adjust opening pressure.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209016 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,0000201 1907NOV011/1

    Continued on next page OUO1089,0000202 1923MAR091/2

    Disassemble Fuel Injection NozzlesNOTE: If all tests prove that the nozzle performs properly,

    no further service is necessary and the nozzle canbe reinstalled. If an injection nozzle is not operatingproperly and must be disassembled for cleaningand/or reconditioning, see your Stanadyne dealer.

    ATFittingBCapCORing (2 used)DRetainer

    EProtection CapFCarbon Stop SealGSeal WasherHProtection Cap


    RSN Nozzle Disassembly

    Adjust Fuel Injection Nozzle

    CAUTION: Nozzle tip should always be directedaway from operator. Fuel from spray orificescan penetrate clothing and skin causingserious personal injury. Enclosing nozzle ina glass beaker is recommended.

    Before applying pressure to nozzle tester, besure all connections are tight, and fittingsare not damaged. Fluid escaping from a verysmall hole can be almost invisible. Use apiece of cardboard or wood, rather than hands,to search for suspected leaks.

    If ANY fluid is injected into the skin, it mustbe surgically removed within a few hoursby a doctor familiar with this type injuryor gangrene may result.


    High Pressure Fluids

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209017 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,0000202 1923MAR092/2

    RG,35,JW7586 1920NOV971/1

    1. Unscrew spring chamber cap (C) using JDG1521Spring Chamber Cap Wrench.

    2. Loosen and remove lift adjusting screw lock nut (D).

    3. Loosen pressure adjusting screw lock nut (E) usingJDG15152 Special Wrench.

    4. Connect nozzle to tester, then adjust opening pressureto specifications by turning the pressure adjustingscrew (A). Use JDG1522 Pressure Adjusting ScrewTool.

    5. Tighten pressure adjusting screw lock nut (E) tospecification, then recheck opening pressure.

    6. Carefully screw lift adjusting screw (B) until it bottomson spring seat (F).

    7. Unscrew lift adjusting screw with 7/8 turn.

    8. Tighten lift adjusting screw lock nut (D) to specification.

    9. Recheck opening pressure.Fuel Injection NozzleSpecification

    Pressure Adjusting ScrewLock NutTorque............................................................. 10 Nm (7 lbft)Lift Adjusting Screw LockNutTorque.................................................................... 5 Nm (3.5 lbft)Spring ChamberCapTorque................................................................. 13 Nm (9.5 lbft)


    RSN Nozzle Adjust

    APressure Adjusting ScrewBLift Adjusting ScrewCSpring Chamber Cap

    DLift Adjusting Screw LockNut

    EPressure Adjusting ScrewLock Nut

    FSpring Seat

    Install Seals on Fuel Injection NozzleIMPORTANT: Each time an injection nozzle is

    removed from the cylinder head, replacecarbon stop seal (B) with a new one.

    1. Position JD258 (JD258) Nozzle Carbon Stop SealInstaller (A) over nozzle tip.

    2. Install a new seal washer (C) onto nozzle body.

    3. Position a new carbon stop seal (B) on seal installer.Slide the carbon seal until it seats in its groove onnozzle body.

    NOTE: If nozzle is not going to be installed at thistime, install a No. 16189 Nozzle ProtectorCap over nozzle tip. Plug all other openings innozzle to prevent contamination.


    Fuel Injection Nozzle Seals

    ACarbon Stop Seal InstallerBCarbon Stop Seal

    CSeal Washer

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209018 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1080,0000200 1916NOV011/2

    OUO1080,0000200 1916NOV012/2

    Install Fuel Injection NozzlesIMPORTANT: Before installing injection nozzles, make

    sure nozzles are clean and free fromoil or grease.

    NOTE: If nozzle bore in cylinder head must becleaned, use JDE39 Nozzle Bore CleaningTool. See REMOVE FUEL INJECTIONNOZZLES earlier in this group.

    1. Remove plug (if installed previously) from nozzle borein cylinder head and blow out bore with compressedair.

    NOTE: Make sure that the sealing surface of the cylinderhead (on which the seal washer will be resting)is smooth and free of damage or dirt. This couldprevent proper sealing. Dirt and roughness couldalso cause nozzle to be distorted when the attachingscrew is tightened, making the valve stick.

    2. Install nozzle with spacer and clamps in cylinder headusing a slight twisting motion as nozzle is seated inbore. Illustration shows relationship of parts requiredfor proper installation.

    3. Align nozzle clamps and install cap screw. Do nottighten cap screw at this stage.

    4. Connect fuel pressure line to nozzle. Leave connectionslightly loose until air is bled from system.

    5. Tighten nozzle holddown clamp cap screws tospecifications.


    Injection Nozzle in Cylinder Head

    SpecificationFuel Injection NozzleHoldDown Clamp CapScrewsTorque............................................................. 40 Nm (30 lbft)

    6. Install leakoff line assembly.Specification

    Fuel LeakOff Line HexNutTorque.................................................................... 5 Nm (3.7 lbft)

    (44 lbin.)

    7. Bleed air from loose injection line connection. Tightenconnection using two wrenches to the followingspecifications.

    SpecificationFuel Injection NozzleDelivery LineTorque.................................................... 27 Nm (20 lbft)

    See BLEED THE FUEL SYSTEM in this group.


    Nozzle Fuel Pressure Line

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209019 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,0000203 1907NOV011/5

    OUO1089,0000203 1907NOV012/5

    Continued on next page OUO1089,0000203 1907NOV013/5

    Bleed the Fuel System

    CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure canpenetrate the skin causing serious injury.Avoid hazards by relieving pressure beforedisconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tightenall connections before applying pressure. Searchfor leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect handsand body from high pressure fluids.

    If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately.Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgicallyremoved within a few hours or gangrenemay result. Doctors unfamiliar with thistype of injury may call the Deere & CompanyMedical Department in Moline, Illinois, or otherknowledgeable medical source.

    Any time the fuel system has been opened up for service(lines disconnected or filters removed), it will be necessaryto bleed air from the system.


    High Pressure Fluids

    The fuel system may be bled at one of several locations.On some engine applications it may be necessary toconsult your operators manual and choose the bestlocation for your engine/machine application.

    1. Loosen the air bleed vent screw (A) two full turns byhand on fuel filter base.

    ABleed Vent Screw


    Final Fuel Filter Bleed Vent Screw

    2. Operate fuel supply pump prime lever (B) or primerbutton on fuel filter base (if equipped).

    3. Tighten bleed plug securely continue operating primeruntil pumping action is not felt.

    4. Start engine and check for leaks.

    If engine will not start, it may be necessary to bleedair from fuel system at fuel injection pump or injectionnozzles as explained next.

    BPrimer Lever


    Fuel Supply Pump Primer Lever

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209020 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    OUO1089,0000203 1907NOV014/5

    OUO1089,0000203 1907NOV015/5

    At Fuel Injection Pump

    1. Loosen fuel return line (A) at fuel injection pump.

    2. Operate fuel supply pump primer lever or primerbutton on fuel filter base (if equipped).

    3. As soon as fuel flow is free from air bubbles, tightenfuel return line to specifications. Primer lever isspringloaded and will return to normal position.

    SpecificationFuel Injection PumpReturn LineTorque...................................................... 27 Nm (20 lbft)

    AFuel Return Line


    Fuel Injection Pump Return Line

    At Fuel Injection Nozzles

    1. Place throttle lever in halfthrottle position.

    IMPORTANT: Always use a backup wrench whenloosening or tightening fuel lines at nozzlesand/or injection pump to avoid damage.

    2. Using two openend wrenches, loosen two fuel lineconnections at injection nozzles.

    3. Crank engine over with starter motor for 15 seconds(but do not start engine) until fuel without any airbubbles flows out of loosened connection. Retightenconnection to specifications.

    SpecificationFuel Injection NozzleDelivery LinesTorque.................................................. 27 Nm (20 lbft)

    4. Repeat procedure for remaining injection nozzles (ifnecessary) until all air has been removed from fuelsystem.


    Nozzle Fuel Pressure Line

    If engine still will not start, see your authorized servicingdealer or engine distributor.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209021 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustments

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0209022 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Group 110Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    OUO1080,0000201 1916NOV011/1

    OUO1080,0000202 1916NOV011/1

    Engine Control Unit (ECU)IMPORTANT: DO NOT pressure wash the Engine

    Control Unit (ECU).

    Before welding on engines with ECU, protect theECU from highcurrent damage as follows:

    1. Disconnect ECUtovehicle frameground connection.

    2. Disconnect all other connectors fromECU. Also disconnect module connectorat injector pump.

    3. Connect welder ground close to weldingpoint and make sure ECU and other electricalcomponents are not in the ground path.

    NOTE: For diagnosis and testing of the electronic enginecontrol and sensors, refer to Group 150.


    NOTE: The sealed ECU assembly is the systemcomponent LEAST likely to fail. Ensure that it isisolated and identified as the defective componentbefore replacing. See operation and test manualfor proper troubleshooting procedures.

    The ECU is not repairable. If it is found to be defective,replace it as a unit. Provide the 13digit engine serialnumber when ordering a new ECU.


    Engine Control Unit (ECU)

    IMPORTANT: If an ECU is not programmed identicallywith the original (failed) ECU, misleadingdiagnostic messages, poor performance,or engine damage can occur.

    Remove and Install Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

    1. Disconnect engine coolant temperature sensor wiringconnector and remove sensor.

    2. Coat sensor Oring with JDT405 High TemperatureGrease and install sensor in thermostat housing.Tighten to specifications.

    SpecificationEngine CoolantTemperatureSensorTorque..............................................................15 Nm (11 lbft)

    3. Install sensor wiring connector.

    AEngine CoolantTemperature Sensor


    Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021101 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    RG40854,000014A 1911FEB021/1

    OUO1080,0000203 1916NOV011/1

    OUO1080,0000204 1916NOV011/1

    Remove and Install Loss of CoolantTemperature Sensor1. Disconnect loss of coolant temperature sensor wiring

    connector and remove sensor.

    2. Coat sensor Oring with JDT405 High TemperatureGrease and install sensor in the rear of the cylinderhead. Tighten to specifications.

    SpecificationLoss of CoolantTemperatureSensorTorque............................................................. 35 Nm (26 lbft)

    3. Install sensor wiring connector.


    Loss of Coolant Temperature (Rear of Cylinder Head)

    ALoss of CoolantTemperature Sensor

    Replace Crankshaft Position Sensor1. Disconnect sensor wiring connector.

    2. Using a deep well socket, remove crankshaft positionsensor (A).

    3. Replace sensor and Oring in timing gear cover.Tighten sensor to specifications.

    SpecificationCrankshaft PositionSensorTorque............................................................. 14 Nm (10 lbft)

    4. Install sensor wiring connector.

    ACrankshaft Position Sensor


    Crankshaft Position Sensor

    Remove and Install Oil Pressure Sensor1. Disconnect oil pressure sensor wiring connector

    (shown disconnected) and remove sensor fromcylinder block.

    2. Coat threads of sensor with LOCTITE 592 PipeSealant with TEFLON. Install sensor in oil coolerhousing and tighten to specifications.

    SpecificationOil PressureSensorTorque..............................................................15 Nm (11 lbft)

    3. Install sensor wiring connector.


    Oil Pressure Sensor

    LOCTITE is a registered trademark of Loctite Corp.TEFLON is a registered trademark of Du Pont Co.

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021102 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    OUO1080,00001F5 1909NOV011/1

    OUO1080,00001F6 1912NOV011/1

    OUO1080,00001F7 1912NOV011/1

    Remove and Install Manifold Air TemperatureSensor1. Disconnect air temperature sensor wiring connector

    and remove sensor (A) from air intake line.

    2. Replace Oring and install sensor in air intake line.Tighten sensor to specifications.

    SpecificationManifold Air TemperatureSensorTorque............................................................... 10 Nm (7 lbft)

    3. Install sensor wiring connector.

    AManifold Air TemperatureSensor


    Manifold Air Temperature Sensor

    Remove and Install Fuel Temperature Sensor1. Disconnect fuel temperature sensor wiring connector

    and remove sensor (A) from fuel injection pump.

    2. Replace Oring and install sensor into fuel injectionpump and tighten to specifications.

    SpecificationFuel TemperatureSensorTorque.............................................. 1318 Nm (1013 lbft)

    3. Install sensor wiring connector.

    A Fuel Temperature Sensor


    Fuel Temperature Sensor

    Remove and Install Fuel Heater1. Disconnect fuel heater wiring connector and remove

    heater from filter base.

    2. Replace Oring and install fuel heater in primary fuelfilter inlet port to specifications.

    SpecificationFuel HeaterTorque.......................................................... 9 Nm (7 lbft)

    3. Install heater wiring connector.


    Fuel Heater

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021103 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    RG,RG34710,1328 1923OCT971/1

    RG,RG34710,1335 1923OCT971/1

    RG,RG34710,1329 1923OCT971/1

    ConnectorsConnectors are devices that provide for assembly anddisassembly of systems. Connectors should always beserviced using tools designed for that type of connector.A good crimp is important to mechanical and electricalsoundness. Repaired connectors should be physicallytested by pulling to be sure the contact is firmly attachedto the conductor.

    IMPORTANT: If for some reason the connectorsare not connected, such as when the fuelinjection pump is removed, it is important toprotect the connectors from debris.

    Refer to the procedures which follow for repair of varioustypes of connectors.

    Use Electrical Insulating CompoundApply AT66865 Compound directly to the terminalsbetween the wire seal and connector body. This providesa moisture barrier, especially in wet and humid conditions.

    Using HighPressure WasherIMPORTANT: Reduce pressure when directing

    pressurized water at electronic or electricalcomponents and connectors as this may causethe components to malfunction. Always reducepressure, and spray at a 45 to 90 degree angle.


    Using HighPressure Washer

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021104 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    AG,OUOD008,296 1906MAR021/4

    Continued on next page AG,OUOD008,296 1906MAR022/4

    Repair WEATHERPACK Connector

    1. Disconnect WEATHERPACK connector. Removethe tie bands and tape.

    2. Open the secondary lock on the back of the connector.

    3. Identify wire color/number to the connector cavity.Make sure each wire goes back to the correct cavitylocation.

    4. Insert 1JDG364 Extraction Tool over terminal contactin connector body. Extraction tool needs to be fullyseated to unlock terminal tangs from the connectorbody. When tool is seated, gently pull the wire from theback of the connector. If the wire(s) or terminal(s) arebeing repaired, go to step 5. If the wires and terminalsare OK and only the connector is being replaced, goto step 9.

    5. Using 2 JDG145 Universal Electrical Pliers, cut off wiredirectly behind the terminal seal crimp. If any part ofthe seal is still on the wire, dispose of it.


    6. Using 2 JDG145 Universal Electrical Pliers, strip 6 mm(1/4 in.) insulation from end of wire.

    WEATHERPACK is a trademark of Packard Electric1 Included in JT07195B Electrical Repair Kit2Included in JDG155 Electrical Repair Tool Kit

    7. Select correct size of seal. Slide the seal over the wireinsulation with the smaller diameter side facing theend of the wire. Small diameter side of seal shouldline up with the outer edge of the insulation.

    IMPORTANT: The seal must fit snug over thecable insulation without a gap between thecable seal and the insulation.

    NOTE: Cable seals are color coded for three sizes of wire:

    Green 1820 Gauge Wire Gray 1416 Gauge Wire Blue 1012 Gauge Wire


    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021105 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    AG,OUOD008,296 1906MAR023/4

    AG,OUOD008,296 1906MAR024/4

    8. Select correct size terminal on wire and crimpin position with a Wtype crimp using a JDG783WEATHER PACK Crimping Tool.

    NOTE: Terminals have numbered identificationfor two sizes of wire:

    #15 1416 Gauge Wire #19 1820 Gauge Wire


    WEATHER PACK is a trademark of Packard Electric

    9. Insert terminal into connector. Terminal should clickwhen it is fully seated. Make sure the wire is insertedinto the correct connector cavity.

    IMPORTANT: Terminal tangs must be carefully spreadto ensure good seating on connector body. Ifterminal is being reused in a new connector,make sure tangs are spread.

    NOTE: Connector bodies are keyed for correct terminals.Be sure terminals are correctly aligned.

    Correct terminal installation for sleeve (A)and pin (B) is illustrated.

    10. Gently pull on wire to insure that the terminal is lockedin position.

    11. Repair or transfer remaining wires.

    12. Close the secondary lock on the back of the connector.

    13. Retape wires and add the required tie bands to theharness.

    ASleeve BPin



    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021106 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    AG,OUOD008,297 1906MAR021/1

    Remove Blade Terminals from Connector Body

    NOTE: Use JDG776 Extraction Tool with 56, 280,and 630 Series METRIPACK terminals. UseJDG777 Extraction Tool with 150 SeriesMETRIPACK terminals.

    1. Insert 1JDG776 or JDG777 Terminal ExtractionTool into connector body pushing the terminal lockingtang inward.

    2. Gently pull wire and remove terminal from connector.

    3. Adjust the locking tang on the terminal to its originalposition before installing into a connector.

    ALocking Tang BOriginal Position


    1Included in JT07195B Electrical Repair Kit

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021107 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    Continued on next page AG,OUOD008,298 1906MAR021/2

    Repair (Pull Type) METRIPACK Connectors

    1. Disconnect the METRIPACK connector (A) from theECU.

    2. Remove tie bands and tape from the wiring harnessbehind the connector.

    3. Identify wire color/number to the connector cavity.Make sure each wire goes back to the correct cavitylocation.

    4. Using 1JDG776 Terminal Extraction Tool (C) , carefullyremove the connector seal (B) from the back of theconnector.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure no damage to theseal occurs or water and contaminantswill corrode terminals.

    NOTE: Extraction tool must be used from theback of the connector.

    5. Using JDG776 Terminal Extraction Tool (C), angle thetip so it slides along the top edge of the connector.Make sure the extraction tool is centered in theconnector cavity and push the tool in until resistanceis felt.

    6. With extraction tool inserted into the connector, gentlyrotate tool clockwise and counterclockwise (no morethan 1/8 turn each direction) to depress the terminallocking tang (D).

    7. Remove extraction tool from back of connector.

    8. Push wire until terminal has extracted from the frontof the connector. If terminal does not extract, repeatsteps 46.

    AConnectorBConnector SealCJDG777 Terminal Extraction


    DTerminal Locking TangETerminal







    METRIPACK is a trademark of Delphi Packard Electric Systems1 Included JT07195B Electrical Repair Kit

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021108 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    AG,OUOD008,298 1906MAR022/2

    9. Using 1JDG145 Universal Electrical Pliers , cut off wiredirectly behind the terminal.

    IMPORTANT: Save as much wire as possible. Ifonly a couple of wires are shorter than therest, all of the strain will be placed on them.Damage to the harness may occur.

    10. Using 2 JDG145 Universal Electrical Pliers, strip 6 mm(1/4 in.) insulation from end of wire.

    11. If wire has been removed from the connector, makesure the wire is fed through the connector (F) and inthe correct cavity.

    12. Using either JDG783 (G) or JDG707 (H) CrimpingPliers, crimp a new terminal on the wire.

    13. Make sure terminal locking tang (D) on new terminalis in outward position. Pull wire back into connectorcavity until terminal locks.

    NOTE: Terminal will seat only one way. If terminal doesnot pull into the connector body socket, checkfor correct terminal alignment (E).

    14. Push on the wire to make sure terminal is locked intothe connector.

    15. Slide the connector seal back into the connector.Make sure seal is in its original position.

    16. Retape the wires and add the required tie bands tothe harness.

    DTerminal Locking TangECorrect Terminal


    GJDG783 Terminal CrimpingTool

    HJDG707 Terminal CrimpingTool







    1Included in JDG155 Electrical Repair Tool Kit2Included in JDG155 Electrical Repair Tool Kit

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 021109 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    Continued on next page AG,OUOD008,299 1906MAR021/2

    Repair (Push Type) METRIPACK Connectors

    1. Disconnect the METRIPACK connector. Remove thetie bands and tape.

    2. Remove secondary lock (A).

    3. Identify wire color/number to the connector cavity.Make sure each wire goes back to the correct cavitylocation.

    4. Insert 1JDG776 or JDG777 Terminal ExtractionTool (B) into connector cavity (C) pushing the terminallocking tab inward.

    NOTE: Use JDG776 Extraction Tool with 56, 280,and 630 Series METRIPACK terminals. UseJDG777 Extraction Tool with 150 SeriesMETRIPACK terminals.

    5. Remove extraction tool and pull wire from the back ofthe connector.

    6. Using 2 JDG145 Universal Electrical Pliers, cut off wiredirectly behind the terminal.

    7. Using 2 JDG145 Universal Electrical Pliers strip 6 mm(1/4 in.) insulation from end of wire.

    8. Select correct size of seal. Slide the seal over the wireinsulation with the smaller diameter side facing theend of the wire. Small diameter side of seal shouldline up with the outer edge of the insulation.

    IMPORTANT: The seal must fit snug over thecable insulation, without a gap between thecable seal and the insulation.

    NOTE: Cable seals are color coded for three sizes of wire:

    Green 1820 Gauge Wire



    AConnector Secondary LockBExtraction Tool

    CConnector Body SocketDTerminal

    Gray 1416 Gauge Wire Blue 1012 Gauge Wire

    9. Select correct size contact for wire.

    METRIPACK is a trademark of Delphi Packard Electric Systems1Included in JT07195B Electrical Repair Kit2Included in JDG155 Electrical Repair Tool Kit

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0211010 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    AG,OUOD008,299 1906MAR022/2

    10. Crimp contact (A) on wire with a W type crimp usingJDG865 Crimping Tool (B).

    11. Crimp cable seal (C) on contact using JDG865Crimping Tool (B).

    12. Make sure locking tang (D) on the new terminal is inthe outward position.

    13. Push terminal into the correct connector cavity untilterminal locks.

    14. Gently pull on wire to verify terminal is locked intothe connector.

    15. Place the secondary lock back on the connector.

    16. Retape the wires and add the required tie bands tothe harness.


    CCable SealDTerminal Locking Tang






    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0211011 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    AG,OUOD008,304 1903NOV991/4

    Continued on next page AG,OUOD008,304 1903NOV992/4

    Repair DEUTSCH Connectors

    1. Disconnect the Deutsch connector. Remove the tiebands and tape.

    2. Identify wire color/number to the connector cavity.Make sure each wire goes back to the correct cavitylocation.

    3. Select correct size extractor tool for size of wire to beremoved:

    1JDG361 Extractor Tool 1214 Gauge Wire 2JDG362 Extractor Tool 1618 Gauge Wire 3JDG363 Extractor Tool 20 Gauge Wire 4JDG785 Extractor Tool 68 Gauge Wire

    4. Start inserting the wire into the handle end (A) of thecorrect size extraction tool.

    5. Slide extraction tool rearward along wire until tool tipsnaps onto wire.

    IMPORTANT: DO NOT twist tool when insertingin connector.

    6. Slide extraction tool along wire into connector bodyuntil tool is positioned over terminal contact.



    7. Pull wire from connector body using extraction tool.

    8. Using 5JDG145 Universal Electrical Pliers cut off wiredirectly behind the terminal.

    9. Using 5 JDG145 Universal Electrical Pliers, strip 6 mm(1/4 in.) insulation from end of wire.

    DEUTSCH is a trademark of Deutsch Company1Included in JT07195B Electrical Repair Tool Kit and JDG359DEUTSCH Electrical Repair Kit2Included in JT07195B Electrical Repair Tool Kit and JDG359DEUTSCH Electrical Repair Kit3Included in JDG359 DEUTSCH Electrical Repair Kit4Included in JT07195B Electrical Repair Tool Kit5Included in JDG155 Electrical Repair Tool Kit

    10. Adjust selector (A) on 1JDG360 Crimping Tool forcorrect wire size .

    11. Loosen lock nut (B) and turn adjusting screw (C) inuntil screw stops.

    ASelectorBLock Nut

    CAdjusting ScrewTS117UN23AUG88

    1Included in JDG359 Electrical Repair Kit

    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0211012 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    AG,OUOD008,304 1903NOV993/4

    AG,OUOD008,304 1903NOV994/4

    12. Insert terminal (A) and turn adjusting screw (D) untilterminal is flush with cover (B).

    IMPORTANT: Select correct size terminal tofit connector body.

    13. Tighten lock nut (C).


    CLock NutDAdjusting Screw


    14. Insert wire in terminal and crimp until handle contactsstop.

    IMPORTANT: Terminal must remain centeredbetween indenters while crimping.

    15. Release handle and remove terminal.

    16. Inspect terminals to ensure all wires are in crimpedbarrel.

    IMPORTANT: If all wire strands are not crimped intoterminal, cut off wire at terminal and repeatterminal installation procedures.

    NOTE: Readjust crimping tool for each crimping procedure.

    17. Push terminal straight into correct connector cavityuntil positive stop is felt.

    IMPORTANT: Install terminal in correct connectorcavity using correct size grommet.

    18. Gently pull on wire to verify terminal is locked intothe connector.

    19. Transfer remaining wires to correct cavity in newconnector.

    20. Retape the wires and add the required tie bands tothe harness.




    CTM331 (15FEB11) 0211013 4.5L and 6.8L Level 12 Electronic Fuel System022311


  • Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment

    Continued on next page DPSG,OUO1004,2867 1906MAR021/2

    Repair AMP Connector


    Using AMP Crimping Tool

    ALocator AssemblyBLocator

    CWireDCrimping Slot

    ECrimping SlotFTerminal

    GInsulation BarrelHWire Barrel

    1. Disconnect AMP connector. Remove the tie bandsand tape.

    2. Identify wire color/number to the connector cavity.Make sure the each wire goes back into the correctcavity location.

    3. Press JDG1369 Terminal Extraction Tool into face ofconnector and remove wire and terminal from backof connector.

    NOTE: Verify wire stripping length and crimpheight before using AMP crimping tool. Seeinstructions provided with tool.

    4. Strip new wire to length indicated in tool instructions.Do not nick or cut wire strands.

    5. Hold JDG708 AMP Crimping Tool so that the back(wire side) is facing you. Squeeze tool handlestogether and allow them to open fully.

    NOTE: See instructions provided with tool to determinewhich crimping slot (D or E) to use.

    6. Holding the terminal (F) by the mating end, insert theinsulation barrel (G) first, through the front of the tooland into the appropriate crimp slot (D or E).

    IMPORTANT: Make sure that both sides of theinsulation barrel (G) are started evenly into thecrimping section. Do NOT attempt to crimpan improperly positioned terminal.

    7. Position the terminal so that the open U of the wireand insulation barrels (H and G) face the top of thetool. Place the terminal up into the nest so that themovable locator (B) drops