electrochemistry chapter 20 brown, lemay, and bursten

Electrochemistry Chapter 20 Brown, LeMay, and Bursten

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Page 1: Electrochemistry Chapter 20 Brown, LeMay, and Bursten

ElectrochemistryChapter 20

Brown, LeMay, and Bursten

Page 2: Electrochemistry Chapter 20 Brown, LeMay, and Bursten

Definition The study of the relationships between

electricity and chemistry Review redox reactions Review balancing redox reactions in acid and


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Voltaic Cell (also called Galvanic Cell) Device in

which the transfer of electrons takes place through an external pathway.

Electrons used to do work

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Summary of Cell Each side is a half-cell Electrons flow from oxidation side to reduction side

– determine which is which Salt bridge allows ions to move to each terminal so

that a charge build up does not occur. Assignment of sign is this:

Negative terminal = oxidation (anode) Positive terminal = reduction (cathode)

Salt bridge allows ions to move to each terminal so that a charge build up does not occur. This completes the circuit.

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Cell EMF Flow is spontaneous Caused by potential difference of two half

cells. (Higher PE in anode.) Measured in volts (V) 1 volt = 1 Joule/coulomb This is the electromotive force EMF (force

causing motion of electrons through the circuit.

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Also called the cell potential, or Ecell

Determined by reactant types, concentrations, temperature

Under standard conditions, this is E°cell

25° C, 1 M or 1 atm pressure This is 1.10 V for Zn-Cu Shorthand: Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/Cu

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Reduction Potentials Compare all half cells to a standard (like sea

level) 2H+ + 2e- → H2(g) = 0 volts (SHE) The greater the E°red, the greater the driving

force for reduction (better the oxidizing agent) In a sense, this causes the reaction at the anode

to run in reverse, as an oxidation. Use this equation:

E°cell = E°red (cathode) - E°red (anode)

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Spontaneity Positive E value indicates that the process is

spontaneous as written. Activity series of Metals – listed as oxidation

reactions Reduction potentials in reverse Example, Ag is below Ni because solid Ni can

replace Ag in a compound. Actually, Ni is losing electrons and thus being oxidized by Ag+. Ag is listed very high as a reduction potential.

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Relationship to ΔG ΔG = -nFE

n = number of electrons transferred F = Faraday constant = 96,500 C/mol or 96,500

J/V-mol Why negative? Spontaneous reactions have

+E and – ΔG. Volts cancel, units for ΔG are J/mol Standard conditions: ΔG° = -nFE°

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Nernst Equation Nonstandard conditions – during the life of

the cell this is most common Derivation E = E ° - (RT/nF)lnQ Consider Zn(s) + Cu2+ → Zn2+ + Cu(s) What is Q? What is E when the ions are both 1M? What happens as Cu2+ decreases?

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Concentration Cells Same electrodes and solutions, different

molarities. How will this generate a voltage? Look at

Nernst Equation. E = E ° - (RT/nF)lnQ When will it stop? Basis for a pH meter and regulation of

heartbeat in mammals

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EMF and equilibrium When cell continues to discharge, E

eventually reaches 0. At this point, because ΔG = -nFE, it follows that ΔG = 0.

Equilibrium! Therefore, Q = Keq Derivation logKeq = nE°/0.0592

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Batteries Portable, self-contained

electrochemical power source

Batteries in series, voltage is added.

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Things to consider Size (car vs. heart) Amount of substances

before it reaches equilibrium

Toxicity (car vs. heart) A lot a voltage or a little

(car vs. heart) Example – alkaline camera

battery Dry – no water

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Fuel Cells Not exactly a battery, because it is open to

the atmosphere How does the combustion of fuel generate

electricity? – heats water to steam which mechanically powers a turbine that drives a generator – 40% efficient

Voltaic cells are much more efficient http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/fuelcell8.s


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Corrosion Undesirable

spontaneous redox reactions

Thin coating can protect some metals (like aluminum) – forms a hydrated oxide)

Iron - $$$$$

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Protection Higher pH Paint surface Galvanize (zinc

coating) – why? Zinc is a better anode Called cathodic

protection – sacrificial metal

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More dramatic

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Electrolysis Cells that use a battery or outside power

source to drive an electrochemical reaction in reverse

Example NaCl → Na+ + Cl-

Reduction at the cathode, oxidation at the anode

Voltage source pumps electrons to cathode.

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Solutions High temperatures necessary for previous

electrolysis (ionic solids have high MP) Easier for solutions, but water must be considered Example: NaF Possible reductions are:

Na+ + e- → Na(s) (Ered = -2.71 V) 2H2O + 2 e- → H2(g) + 2 OH- (Ered = -.83 V)

Far easier to reduce water! continue

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Continued Look at possible oxidations:

2F- → F2(g) (Ered = 2.87 volts) 2H2O → O2(g) + 4H+ + 4e- (Ered = 1.23 volts) Far easier to oxidize water, or even OH-!

So for NaF, neither electrode would produce anything useful, and doesn’t by experiment

With NaCL, neither electrode is favored over water. However, the oxidation of Cl- is kinetically favored, and thus occurs upon experimentation!

Use Ered values of two products to find Ecell (minimum amount of energy that must be provided to force cell to work)

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Active electrodes If electrode is not inert, it

can be coated with a thin layer of the metal being reduced, if its reduction potential is greater than that of water.

This is called electroplating Ecell = 0, so a small

voltage is needed to push the reaction.

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Quantitative relationship