electric current and theory of electricity _ heating & magnetic effect _ electrical4u

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    Electrical4uOnline Electrical Engineering Study Site

    Electric Current and Theory ofElectricity | Heating & Magnetic Effect

    More related topics:Electrical Engineering & TechnologyAtomic StructureNature of ElectricityDrift Velocity & Electron MobilityElectric Current Static Electric FieldMagnetic FieldElectrical Conductance and ConductivityElectrical Resistance and ResistivityResistorResistances in Series and ParallelTheory of Electrical PotentialWhat is Capacitor and Capacitance?What is Inductor and Inductance?Ionization Process Electrical PowerElectric Lamps

    This page is all about:What is Electric Current?DefinitionTheory of ElectricityMeasurement of CurrentConventional Flow of CurrentTypes of CurrentAlternating CurrentConventional Direction of Alternating CurrentEffects of Electric CurrentHeating EffectApplications of Heating Effect of CurrentMagnetic EffectMagnetic Field due to CurrentCork Screw Rule

    Electrical Current CoreTheoryTheoryWas

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    Right Hand RuleMagnetic Flux Density Due to Current

    What is Electric Current?

    Electric current is nothing but the rate of flow of electric charge through a conductor with respect totime. It is caused by drift of free electrons through a conductor to a particular direction. As we allknow, the measuring unit of electric change is Coulomb and the unit of time is second, the measuringunit of current is Coulombs per second and this logical unit of current has a specific name Ampereafter the famous French scientist Andr-Marie Ampere.

    If total Q Coulomb charge passes through a conductor by time t, then current I = Q / t coulomb parsecond or Ampere.

    For better understanding, let give an example, suppose total 100 coulombs of charge is transferredthrough a conductor in 50 seconds. What is the current?

    As the current is nothing but the rate at which charge is transferred per unit of time, it would be ratioof total charge transferred to the required time for that. Hence, here current I = 100 coulombs / 50second = 2 Amperes.

    Ampere is Sl unit of current.

    Definition of Electric Current

    While a potential difference is applied across a conductor, electrical charge flows through it andelectrical current is the measure of the quantity of the electrical charge flowing through theconductor per unit time.

    Theory of Electricity

    There is an equal number of electrons and protons in an atom. Hence, atom is in general electricallyneutral. As the protons in the central nucleus are positive in charge and electrons orbiting thenucleus, are negative in charge, there will be an attraction force acts between the electrons andprotons. In an atom various electrons arrange themselves in different orbiting shells situated atdifferent distances from the nucleus.

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    The force is more active to the electrons nearer to the nucleus, than to the electrons situated at outershell of the atom. One or more of these loosely bonded electrons may be detached from the atom.The atoms with lack of electrons are called ions. Due to lack of electrons, compared to number ofprotons, the said ion becomes positively charged. Hence, this ion is referred as positive ion andbecause of positive electrical charge; this ion can attract other electrons from outside. The electron,which was previously detached from any other atom, may occupy the outer most shell of this ion andhence this ion again becomes neutral atom. The electrons which move from atom to atom in randommanner are called free elections. When a voltage is applied across a conductor, due to presence ofelectric field, the free electrons start drifting to a particular direction according the direction ofvoltage and electric field. This phenomenon causes current in the conductor. The movement ofelectrons, means movement of negative charge and rate of this charge transfer with respect to time isknown as current.


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    The amount of negative electric charge in an electron is 1.602 X 10 Coulomb. Hence, one coulombnegative electric charge consists of 1/1.602 X 10 = 6.24 X 10 number of electrons. Hence, duringdrift of electron to a particular direction, if 6.24 X 10 number of electrons cross a specific cross-section of the conductor, in one second, the current is said to be one ampere. Since, we have alreadyseen the unit of current, ampere is coulomb/second.

    Video Presentation on Theory of Electric Current

    Measurement of Current

    The most common method of measuring current is to connect an ammeter in series with the circuitthats current to be measured. This is so because; the entire current flowing through the circuit mustalso flow through the ammeter also. The ideal internal resistance or impedance of an ammeter iszero. Hence, ideally there is no voltage drop across the ammeter connected in the circuit. Aconventional analog ammeter consists of a current coil. Whenever current flows through this coil, itdeflects from its position depending upon the amount of current flowing through it. A pointer isattached to the coil assembly; hence it points the current reading on the dial of the ammeter. For


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    measuring alternating current, clip on meter or tong tester can also be used instead ofconventional ammeter. In this ammeter a current transformer core is attached to the meter whichcan easily be clipped on the live current carrying conductor. Due to this arrangement, current in thecircuit transforms to the secondary of the CT and this secondary current then measured on the dial ofclip on meter without disturbing the continuity of the current unlike conventional ammeter.

    Conventional Flow of Current Vs Electrons Flow

    In the early days, it was thought that the current is, flow of positive charge and hence current alwayscomes out from the positive terminal of the battery, passing through the external circuit and enters inthe negative terminal of the battery. This is called conventional flow of current. On the basis of thisconception, all the theories of electricity, formulas, and symbols were developed. After thedevelopment of atomic nature of matter, we have come to know, that actual cause of current in aconductor is due to movement of free electrons and electrons have negative change. Due to negativecharge, electrons move from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of the battery through theexternal circuit. So the conventional flow of current is always in the opposite direction of electronsflow. But it was impossible to change all the previously discovered subsequent rules, conventions,theories and formulas according to the direction of electrons flow in the conductor. Thus the conceptof conventional current flow was adopted. The true electron flow is used only when it is necessary toexplain certain effects (as in semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors). Whenever weconsider the basic electrical circuits and devices, we use conventional flow of current i.e. currentflowing around the circuit from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.

    Video on Conventional Current Flow

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    Types of Current

    There are only two types of electrical current, direct current and alternating current.We abbreviate them as DC and AC respectively. Concept of DC was developed before AC. But ACbecomes most popular means of generating, transmitting and distributing of electric power. Thedirection of the flow of direct current is unidirectional, means this current does not alter its directionduring flowing. Most common examples of DC in our daily life, are the current that we get from allkinds of battery system. But most popular form of electrical current is alternating current or AC. ACdoes have some advantages over DC for generating, transmitting and distributing and that is why thecurrent we get from our electric supply companies, is normally alternating current.

    Alternating Current

    The current whose flow is not unidirectional moreover it alternates at a frequency, is calledalternating current. In other words, the direction of the current continuously changes from forwardto backward and then backward to forward in the circuit. The number of times, this direction changesfrom forward to backward or from backward to forward per second, is referred as frequency of thecurrent. The current produced in an alternator is always an alternating current. The shape of thewaveform of an alternating current is usually sinusoidal. But square, triangular and other types ofwaveform are also available for attending current.

    Conventional Direction of Alternating Current

    As direct current, alternating current is denoted with arrow. An AC has both forward and backwarddirection of flow. The arrow head always indicates the forward direction of the current. In different

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    point of view, when the current has a positive valve, the direction of current is same as the referencearrow and when the current gets negative value; its direction is just opposite of the reference arrow.

    Effects of Electric CurrentThere are mainly two effects of current, such as heating effect and magnetic effect. Each and everyutilization of electricity, we see in our daily life, is either due to heating effect or due to magneticeffect of current. For examples, the light bulb glows in our house is due to heating effect of currentand the fan rotates in our house is due to magnetic effect of current. There are thousands of otherexamples which can illustrate the effect of current, too.

    Heating Effect of Electric Current

    Whenever current passes through a conductor there would be a generation of heat due toohmic loss in the conductor. This is commonly known as heating effect of current.Since, we cannot use electric power directly, we need to convert it into another usable power, likeheat, light, or mechanical power etc. When current flows through a conductor some loss occurs andthis loss is almost inevitable, and more the resistance of the conductor, more the loss. This loss dueto the electrical resistance of conductor is mainly responsible for the heating effect of current.As some electric power is converted into heat energy, this phenomenon can be described by Jouleslaw, which states that,

    Where H is the generated heat in calories, i is the current that is flowing through the wire and it ismeasured in amperes, r is the resistance of the conductor in ohm() and t is the duration of currentflowing in seconds. If we know the time of current flowing, the resistance of wire, and amount ofcurrent flow, we can easily find out the generated heat of the circuit. This heat can be utilized invarious ways.

    We saw that the more the electrical resistance of the wire the more the generated heat in the circuit,but to know more accurately about the heating effect of current, we should know about it from theatomic level. As the flow of current is nothing but the flow of electrons there will always be resistancefrom the fixed atoms of the conductor. The fixed atoms of the wire resist the flow of electrons and asa result there are collisions and as the kinetic energy converts into heat energy we see that the wire isgetting hot.

    Applications of Heating Effect of ElectricCurrent

    Now, the generated heat can be viewed from many points of angles. Sometimes, it is only seen as aloss and is trying to be minimized. Various steps are taken to minimize heat dissipation from theconductor. But we can see many positive applications of heating effect of current in our daily life.Electric iron, the whole idea or working principle depends upon the heating effect of current. High

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    resistant wire is used as the main coil in the electric iron when current flows through the coil, the coilgets heated and the iron works. But what about over heating of electric iron? This problem can besolved by using bimetallic conductors. Bimetallic plates made of two different metals are used in thecircuit. As expansion co-efficient of heat is different for two metals, so due to heating effect onemetals expansion is different from the other metal; as a result the plate is bent and after reaching ata certain temperature the contact of the circuit is broken and current flowing through the coil isstopped and the electric iron too is not heated any more.

    The same mechanism is used in electric heater, the only difference is that there is no bimetallic plateor circuit breaker involved.

    Another application of heating effect of current is seen in electric bulbs. The wire which is usedinside the bulb gets illuminated and emits light after reaching certain temperature. The metal used inthe bulb is mainly made of tungsten.

    Finally and perhaps the most important application of the heating effect of current is in electricalfuses, that are used in almost everywhere. From huge industries to domestic level, everywhereelectrical fuse is a must. The fuse is made of such metals which has a certain melting point. They areokay for normal current but when over current flows through the circuit; the generated heat in thefuse wire is enough to melt the metal portion of the fuse wire and break the circuit. In this way thecostly equipment is protected as huge current flow, can damage the equipment permanently.

    Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

    Magnetic Field due to Current Carrying Conductor

    In 1819, it was discovered by a Danish Physicist, Hans Christian Oersted that an current is alwaysaccomplished by certain magnetic effect. He observed a current carrying conductor when placednear a magnetic needle; the needle deflects to a certain direction. He also observed that when thedirection of current in the conductor is reversed, the needle deflects in opposite direction.

    That means there is a magnetic field due to current carrying conductor. Further investigationshows that, the magnetic field around the conductor consists of a number of concentric closed linesof force. If we pass an current through a conductor through a card board as shown in the figure andtry to plot the field with the help of a magnetic needle on that card board, we shall get the magneticlines as shown in figure. These are all closed circles and concentric with the conductor. Now if wereverse the current in the conductor and repeat the same experiment as shown in the figure, we shallget the oppositely directed closed circular magnetic lines, concentric with the conductor as shown.

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    From the above experiment it is also found that when current flows through the conductor in upwarddirection, the direction of circular magnetic lines are anti clockwise if we observe from the top. On theother hand; if the current flows through the conductor in downward direction, the circular magneticlines are clockwise if we observe from the top.

    Properties of magnetic field due to a current carrying conductor can be summarized as below,

    1. All lines of magnetic field are circular in shape, symmetrical to each other and concentric withthe axis of current carrying conductor.

    2. The radius of the lines of force increases as we go away from the axis of the conductor.3. The direction of magnetic circular line depends upon the direction of flow of current through

    the conductor.4. The magnetic flux density of the induced magnetic field around the conductor increases if the

    current flowing through the conductor is increased and it decreases if the current isdecreased.

    Determination of Direction of magnetic field around a Current Carrying Conductor.

    There are mainly two popular rules for determining the direction of magnetic field due to a currentcarrying conductor and these are Cork screw rule and Right hand rule.

    Cork Screw Rule

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    If the right handed cork screw is held with its axis parallel to the conductor pointing the direction offlow of current and the head of the screw is rotated in such a direction that the screw moves in thedirection of flow of current , then the direction in which the head of screw is rotated, will be thedirection of magnetic lines of force.

    Right Hand Rule

    If the current carrying conductor is held in right hand by the observer so that it is encircled by fingersstretching the thumb at right to the fingers in the direction of flow of current then finger tips will pointthe direction of magnetic lines of force.

    Magnetic Flux Density Due to a Current CarryingConductor

    Whenever a current passes through a conductor, a magnetic field is appeared surrounding it. Thedirection of this magnetic field of current carrying conductor can be determined by Cork Screw ruleor Right Hand rule.

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    As per Biot Savarts law, the expression of magnetic flux density at a point P nearer to a conductorcarrying a current I is given as,

    Where, dB is the infinitesimal flux density at point P.Current I is passing through the conductor.

    dl is infinitesimal length of conductor.

    r is the radius vector from center of element dl to point P.

    is the angle between current and radius vector.

    Now in order to find the actual magnetic flux density B at the point P due to total length of theconductor, we have to integrate the expression of dB, in respect of dl.

    The above expression is used to evaluate magnetic flux density B at any point due to infinitely longlinear conductor and this comes as

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    Here, R is the radial distance from conductor to the point P.Now if we integrate B around a path of radius R enclosing the current carrying conductor, we get

    This equation shows that the integral of H around a closed path is equal to the current enclosed bythe path. This is nothing but Amperes law. If the path of integration enclosed N number of turns ofwire, each with a current I in the same direction, then

    This relation is very important relation; it is used for determining flux linkage of a system ofconductors. From flux linkage, the inductor of the system can easily be determined.

    If the current in the conductor varies, it causes variation of flux linkage. We know that change of fluxlinkage induces a voltage in the conductors and the rate of change of flux linkage is directlyproportional to the induced voltage. This is known as Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction.

    Objective Questions on Electric Current (MCQs)

    What is electric current?What do you mean by heating effect of electric current?What is Jouless law of electric heating?What are the practical applications of heating effect of electric current?What is electric flux?What is electric flux density?

    What is alternating current?What are the advantages of alternating current?What are the advantages of using sinusoidal alternating voltage or current?What is rms value or root mean square value of an alternating current?What is form factor of a sinusoidal alternating current?

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