ele / it works

Ele Un paseo por Durango it works ¿Aprender Inglés y Español? Un viaje por el aprendizaje No./ Sema. final $ Mucho trabajo

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Revista con fin educativo / Proyecto final de 2do semestre de la Escuela de Lenguas de la UJED / Durango, Dgo. México 2014


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EleUn paseo por


it works

¿Aprender Inglésy Español?

Un viaje por el aprendizaje

No.∞ / Sema. final $ Mucho trabajo

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disenoOmar Basio

edicionOmar Basio

escritoresOmar Basio

Hector GonzalezAimme IbarraJose Renteria

Edi ltoria

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Welcome to Ele Magazine. This magazine was designed to keep you informed and up to date on the latest and most important information about your career. We have a great staff working on the most important information needed to help you suceed in your career and also give you advice, knowledge and most important of all, a great read. We had a great time putting this together for you all so we hope you enjoy it. So be sure to send us your feedback and write us a note letting us know what type of articles you would be interested in Reading. So have fun and enjoy it!!

Ele magazine team

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Signos de puntuación

The importance of

learning english

A trip across

Durango culture

Foreign teaching


Hablemos de cine







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ELelos signos de puntuación

Los signos de puntuación delimitan las frases y los párrafos

y establecen la jerarquía sintáctica de las proposiciones,

consiguiendo así estructurar el texto, ordenar las ideas y

jerarquizarlas en principales y secundarias, y eliminar

ambigüedades. La puntuación varía según el estilo de

escritura; sin embargo, las diferencias de estilo que se

puedan presentar no eximen a nadie de cumplir con ciertas

normas mínimas y de evitar errores generalmente

considerados como inaceptables. De ahí la importancia de

conocer y aplicar las normas básicas de la puntuación.

Por Omar Basio


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Signos de puntuación


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ELeThe importance of learning english

The learning of a second language is a primary need for us as students, in a way that apart of your original language a second language is a necessity.

But unfortunately the vast majority of collage students see it as a requirement to end their career.

By Aimme Ibarra

Us as docentes de la lengua inglesa should not see it this way We should note that we should feel fortunate to have the knowledge of the engl ish language since english is a very important tool that gives us:

More job opportunities.More acces to

information sources.Better salaries.

And others.

English is the world's most important language and the most spoken one around the world. Is a similari ty factor of opportunities now in days. Which allows us to experience new ideas, exercise our minds and not only learning the language but their culture and environment. Today's english language learners are a divers collection of immigrants, business peolple, students and artist who share a dedication to the english language .

English is a gateway to a world of knowledge.


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A trip across Dgo CultureBy Hector Gonzalez

On the morning of Tuesday, November 25th we attended Elementary School located in downtown Durango. The reason for our visit was to promote local tourism as well as raise awareness to the importance of knowing our city. The results were a sucess. Not only did we have fun with these kids from 5th grade but we also were surprised at just how much they knew about the city, historic buildings and more.

We began the class by presenting ourselves. Fresh out of their English class we decided to use some English in the presentation. We asked what they knew about tourism and proceeded to show them a Power Point presentation using only pictures. We would then ask if they knew the building and gave them additional information or an interesting fact that we ourselves learned during the class this semester. The kids really responded well and seemed to all be eager to participate. We asked some trivia and went on to show the most important buildings and tourist attractions we have in this beautiful city.

Towards the end of class we discussed the importance of promoting our city and being

proud of it.


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ELeWe concluded the class by giving out some local traditional candy. It just

happened to be one of the girls Birthday so we decided to all sing her happy birthday. The kids seemed excited about learning the song and when we

finished we thanked them all and the Teacher. Overall it was another great experience and the whole class just passed so quickly.

During the presentation we realized the kids had a good amount of knowledge about the topic of tourism. They told us they've visited many museums and some of them even attended summer camp where they would visit famous landmarks around the city. This was great to hear because these kids from an early age are getting exposed to culture and can begin appreciating it from an early age. We think is very important and the results are pretty obvious when we saw just

how much the kids already knew.

We enjoyed

the class.

But how does this experience tie in with our career? IS it relevant? Of course it is! Not only did we gain experience being in front of a group but we also encouraged these kids to appreciate all we have to offer and to be proud of our city. The way we prepared our class was to make it fun and very active. As a Teacher you always try to put yourself in the students position. How would you like to be tought?

So we conclude this article on our tourism class. A class which we enjoyed and took us to a few beautiful places. We really got an opportunity to see a different side that way to many of us locals just dont appreciate and take the time to see. I think it changed our perspective on the city as a whole and really made us want to see more new places becuase wheather you know it or not, there are a lot of places to still see. So find that hidden gem, your new favorite coffee place, a new favorite resaturant and hike up a beautiful trail. Durango has so much to offer and here in tourism class we defenitively saw it.


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ELeMajestic Durango

Museo José Rodríguez Solorzano

Basílica menor de la inmaculada Concepción

Teatro Ricardo Castro Centro de la ciudad

Edificio Bancomer

Museo Francisco Villa

Camara de diputados


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ELeCan you resolve this laberynth?


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Foreign teaching

En equipo que está integrado por su

s e rv i do r Jo s é a l i g ua l que s us

compañeros Héctor, Aimme y Basio nos

tomamos la tarea de investigar muy a

fondo la experiencia de una persona de

la cual fuera profesor de inglés en un

país extranjero como lo asignaba la tarea

del profe.

Mi equipo y yo decidimos ir hasta el

municipio de nombre de dios Durango

que está ubicado al sur del estado de

Durango aproximadamente 45 minutos

de la capital.

Ya encontrado a la persona a la cual se le iba aplicar una entrevista por medio de una cámara

de video para que hubiera evidencia en la entrevista, se nos facilitó aplicarla con un amigo

mío el cual su nombre es Horacio Ortiz. Ésta persona es muy interesante ya que el viene de un

país extranjero en específico de Guatemala pero se estableció aquí en México. Vive

actualmente en el estado de nombre de dios pero desarrolla clases de inglés en una primaria

en la capital del estado.

Ya entrándonos un poco más a fondo se les explicara las preguntas que fueron desarrolladas

en la entrevista hacia el profesor Horacio.

investigar muy a fondo

la experiencia

de una persona de la cual fuera profesor de ingles en un

pais extranjero.


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Aquí les mostraremos

cómo fue desarrollada la

entrevista al profesor Ortiz,

paso a paso en un escrito.

Hey how you guys doing well today we decided to came all over to Nombre de Dios to give a

Little visit on a very close friend of mine, his name is Horacio Ortiz.

How you doing Horacio?

Horicon: hey how is it going Jose I am doing pretty good how about you?

Jose: I am doing pretty good as well, you are probably wondering why we came and

gave you a little visit right?

Horacio? Well yea!

Jose: ok Horacio today since I know that you are an English teacher I am

have to ask for you permission to see if I can ask you some questions

about how you came to Mexico since you're from Guatemala and

how you became an English teacher and how you learn it, ok

Horacio would you be willing to give me a hand on that?

Horacio? Ok sure let's get stared!

Jose: ok Horacio? First of all where were you born?

Horacio: I was born in Guatemala actually, in Villa

Nueva, Guatemala.

That's a city near Mixto, Guatemala.

Jose: ok that's amazing, and where did you

learn your English its pretty good actually can

you go ahead and tell us a little bit about that.

Horacio: oh yea of course well I learn my English

in California I move to California when I was very

little and since then I've been practicing.

Jose: oh that's great horacio now I head you are giving

out English classes here in Mexico can you tell us a little bit

about that.?

Horacio: yea Jose well I am giving out classes in an elementary

school in Durango to be more specific in an elementary school called

Jose Loreto Barraza. It's located in the south east of Durango. I attend

fourth, fifth, and sixth graders I am really comfortable with my students.

Jose: Well Horacio we really appreciate all this time you spend with us in this

interview we really want to thank you for having us here.

I guess that would be all teacher Ortiz.

Horacio: no problem José that's what friends are for right! Thanks for stopping by.


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E OL CIONV U Como vimos en clase la música ha ido evolucionado durante diferentes periodos y etapas en lo que es la historia humana. Desde el inicio de nuestra existencia podemos ver como utilizamos las artes para comunicar ideas, información e historias durante el tiempo. Así como vimos el desarrollo de la música desde su inicio, también podemos ver como el arte ha pasado por etapas similares. Las diferentes etapas que vimos nos enseñan que todo tiene una progresión; Había veces que se introducían pequeños cambios a lo popular para crear un nuevo estilo y otras veces se trataba de alejar lo más posible para crear un estilo completamente diferente y nuevo.

Con esa perspectiva

llegamos a investigar a Joan Miró. Conocemos un poco de

su vida y como desarrolló sus habilidades artísticas. Veremos cómo inuyó y ayudó a

popularizar otro estilo de arte; él es solo un pequeño enlace que une el pasado con el presente. Miró era un artista muy talentoso que dejó su huella en la historia de las artes, pero en realidad el arte es algo que transciende y algo que nos pertenece a todos. Una evolución de ideas que pasa de generación a generación. Incitando que busquemos dentro de nosotros un estilo nuevo para poder expresarnos. Así es como hemos llegado a este momento donde existe tanta variedad en todos los aspectos de la vida.


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ELeA finales de 1920 Miró viaja por primera vez a parís donde conoce a Picasso, a lo largo de esa década descubre su lenguaje personal; en 1921 comienza a trabajar en el estudio de Pablo Gargallo de la rue Blomet y conoce a André Masson en el cual en este grupo surrealista encuentra su verdadera expresión en el que desencadena la imaginación y la fantasía.Joan fue un artista que no se limitó nada más a crear pinturas, su inspiración y obras se vieron reejadas de distintas maneras, tales como la cerámica, la escultura, grabación. Al observar detenidamente sus obras pudimos darnos cuenta de que reejan mucha abstracción y al mismo tiempo algo en concreto, sus obras, tienen mucha imaginación, fantasía y mensajes subliminales englobando en sí, obras surrealistas; a simple vista cualquier persona creería que sus

obras son un tanto dedicadas a infantes, pero más bien es por la técnica y uso de colores para tener la textura adecuada.

Usa mucho simbolismo para sus creaciones, en cierta manera se le considera surrealista aunque el mismo expresa que no siente formar parte de un género totalmente surrealista, solo en ciertos aspectos esto se ve reejado. En lo personal consideramos que las obras de Miro no son tan interesantes, si se ha

esforzado mucho, intentando innovar, pero siendo realistas no son obras que dejen mucho que pensar; aunque a decir verdad lo interesante aquí

son los títulos de sus obras que la verdad nunca te imaginarias ese nombre, cada uno queda con su obra, pero la verdad la mayoría de ellos causan un poco de gracia.


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The cinema, since its discovery, was one way in which it represents a piece of reality, so who knows it can not witness it through the projection of the same. With this, I mean that cinema is a very practical

tool, so that works in various ways; therapy, learning, illustrative, projective, promotional, marketing, emotional, etc. And others, I think, countless beneficial to unleash in our lives an essential element to the coexistence of places, people, stories and legends which sometimes have no access ways.

The cinema is located in schools, homes, travel, street in the old and new, is in and for different social classes, countries, personalities, etc. In short, the film is for everyone and indeed the great advantage is that it can also arise from all these places and times.

If sometimes you want to just use film to recreate, there is the possibility. If you want to use it to educate, may be used. To show someone some feeling, to train people in their work, to

recreate experiences.

The cinema as an educational tool which gives a lot of experience and use. Personally, I have the experience to make him a psychological means to analyze personal and group problems; through

film material are solved endless mental conditions, analytical capacity increases, are based experiences, fears and mental obstacles are overcome, finally, the film does more than magic when

facing patients to the specific cinema projection for each problem present.

As for the teaching of English, I can say that to me has helped me film; one hears, sees and interacts with the emotions it provokes, and all that for me is a great set of resources that are available when you give yourself. Even when not even think you learn, you are learning, and film grabs you, transforms you, fills you up and in the end, it changes in such a way that change is itself, and thus, is how one learns best other language, appropriating it.

The experience of being part of a film-discussion left me much knowledge. Speaking of movies, specifically a film that a certain group of people just see, is to share emotions, experiences, thoughts and experiences that everything that group just had, at the same time and space. A piece of life is shared with those people.

I noticed that several people may feel the same at a time, being on the same channel, looking at life from a single perspective, but at the same time, not stopping being individual expressing themselves what everyone caught on that projection .

This joint work leaves me a good feeling, it would


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