elder scrolls tt rpg

The Elder Scrolls Tabletop RPG A d100 Conversion by Barruktp Version 0.56, WIP Commercial uses of this work is expressly prohibited by the author, however feel free to redistribute, copy, and modify for recreational use. The Elder Scrolls and all related images, names, and data are © 2011 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved. All hail Bethesda for making such great games!

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Elder Scrolls Tabletop RPG


Page 1: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

The Elder Scrolls Tabletop RPGA d100 Conversion by Barruktp

Version 0.56, WIP

Commercial uses of this work is expressly prohibited by the author, however feel free

to redistribute, copy, and modify for recreational use. The Elder Scrolls and all

related images, names, and data are © 2011 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax

Media company.

All trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. All Rights


All hail Bethesda for making such great games!

Page 2: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

This d100 based conversion of The Elder Scrolls video game series is intended to be a tactically intense tabletop game played on a hex grid map. Conversion to a square grid map is possible, put would take more effort than I want to put into it. The use of combat miniatures will make for a more immersive experience but is not required. All stats, spells, items, and perks are based off of TES Skyrim with some additions and modifications.


Basics - 3

Experience & Leveling - 4

Combat Turn Sequence - 5

Actions & Initiative - 6

Combat Movement Effects - 7

Calculating Damage - 8

Combat States - 9

Combat Example - 10

Skills - 11-31

Gear - 32-40

Grimoire - 41-46

Character Record - 47-52

Thanks to The Unofficial Elder Scroll Pages for their excellent reference information.

Please visit www.uesp.net Version 0.56, WIP

Page 3: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

The BasicsThe BasicsThe BasicsThe Basics

Standard d100 Instructions:Standard d100 Instructions:Standard d100 Instructions:Standard d100 Instructions:

This conversion is a d100 base tabletop role playing game. That means you will need at least two d10 dice, preferably in different colors. Identify

one d10 as the “tens” dice, and another different looking one as the “ones” dice. Every task will have a chance of succeeding ranging from 0 –

100%, to succeed roll your two dice, multiply the result “tens” dice by ten and add the “ones” dice result, and compare vs. the roll’s Target:

•If the result is less than the Target, the roll succeeds.

•If the result is the same as the Target, or less by up to a certain amount called the critical range, the roll is a critical success.

•If the result is greater than the Target, the roll fails.

•The Target will depend on the Skill related to the task you are attempting, and often some situational modifiers. If something has a 25% chance of

succeeding, your Target is 25. Please see the Skill pages for descriptions of Targets and Critical Ranges for various tasks.

•Sometimes a Target will be greater than 100. In this case, the roll is trivial and success is guaranteed. Still roll the dice to determine if there is a

critical success: add normal critical range + amount target is greater than 100. Then subtract this number from 100, the roll will be critical success if

greater than the result.

Example: Target = 135 for a roll with critical range of 5. 135 – 100 = 35, 35 + 5 = 40, 100 – 40 = 60. So this roll will be a critical

success on any roll greater than 60.

WhatWhatWhatWhat’’’’s New in This System:s New in This System:s New in This System:s New in This System:

•Perks: An attempt has been made to include every single skill perk from TES Skyrim. However, many perks have been slightly modified to work

more easily with rolling dice and a hex grid, while keeping the basic functionality the same. Also, compared with Skyrim, there are three new skills:

Notice, Lore, and Survival, these all have brand new Perk trees.

•Combat Momentum: This mechanic solves two common problems with role playing systems: 1. Low level players not being able to hit opponents

often, 2. Combatants often remaining stationary during combat, which is contrary to the feel of combat in TES Skyrim (and real life, for that matter).

Once this system is mastered, each combat should have the exciting feel of a fencing match, with opponents striving to out-maneuver each other

around the battlefield, waiting for a critical error in order to move in for the kill. Please see the Momentum section of page 5 and the Combat

Movement chart on page 6 for details.

•Notice Skill in Combat: Not only does Notice allow players to spot hidden opponents, objects, and traps, like in most systems, it is also used to

react to opponent’s actions in combat. Many perks related to the Notice Skill allow for greater flexibility on the battlefield, combined with the

Combat Momentum system, these perks can have a dramatic effect on melee combat.

•Physical Damage Types: In Skyrim the difference between blunt, slashing, and piercing weapons only is relevant for some Perks and weapon

stats. In this conversion, the Damage Type distinction also affects critical range, what kind of power attacks do the most damage, and some armor

and creature resistances.


Page 4: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Experience and LevelingExperience and LevelingExperience and LevelingExperience and Leveling

From play testing, keeping track of each individual skill’s experience in a tabletop setting is overly time consuming and causes players to

level too slowly for enjoyment. However, maintaining a skill – use based experience system is vital for the feel of The Elder Scrolls.

Other d100 systems force you to roll against your current skill to level the skill, however that seems too random in this application.


•Each successful use of any skill will provide between 1 to 10 Experience Points (XP). Please see skill pages for specifics.

•If a skill has been used in the player’s current level, he may upgrade the skill by turning in the requisite number of experience.

Experience required to upgrade all skills is as follows:

16 – 30: 10XP 31-40: 15XP 41-50: 20XP 51-60: 25XP

61 - 70: 30XP 71-80: 35XP 81-90: 40XP 91-100: 50XP

Bennies, poker chips, are other small items are recommended to keep track of current unspent XP. Again, XP may only be spent on

skills used during the current level.

•After a set amount of skill upgrades (SKU’s), the character will automatically level up. The number of skill upgrades needed to level is:

Current level +3. I.E., to level from level 10 to level 11 will require 14 SKU’s.

•On levelup, the player may choose any perk he is qualified to take from a skill he has used this level, as well as gain 10 total points in

any combination of Health, Stamina, and Magicka.

Creating a CharacterCreating a CharacterCreating a CharacterCreating a CharacterAll starting skills, powers, and available races are per TES Skyrim standard except for the following:

•New skill Notice: All races start with 15, except for Khajit (+10 bonus), and Redguard (+5 bonus)

•New skill Lore: All races start with 15, except for Altmer (+10 bonus), and Imperial (+5 bonus)

•New skill Survival: All races start with 15, except for Bosmer (+10 bonus), and Argonian (+5 bonus)

•New lesser power Bosmer: Drawing an arrow is a Minor action instead of a Major action.

•Racial crafting knowledge: Please see Smithing page for details

•Hearing range: Please see Notice page for details

•Starting spells: Characters may either choose up to two Novice level spells, or an extra 3 SKU’s for each spell not taken.

•Starting septims and level is up to the GM’s discretion. A reasonably unlabored start to the game would be starting at level 5 (22 SKU’s,

40 extra H/S/M, 4 perks), along with 200 starting septims.


Page 5: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Combat Turn PhasesCombat Turn PhasesCombat Turn PhasesCombat Turn Phases1. Draw cards for Initiative (see page 6)

2. If this is the first turn of combat, deal Held Actions to all combatants except for the initiative winner. These actions will expire at

the beginning of their first turn.

3. Starting with the initiative winner, all players take a turn.

1. Take Movement up to current max Movement.

2. Take up to 4 Minor Actions. 2 Minor Actions may be traded for a Major Action, and 4 Minor Actions may be traded for an

Extended Action. Please see next page for available Minor, Major, and Extended Actions.

3. If making a melee Attack, follow Attack sequence below.

4. Up to 1 Minor Action may be Held. Held actions are used to respond to enemies’ actions are expire at the beginning of the

player’s next turn, and may be used to take any action except for a Melee Attack.

4. Initiative passes to the next combatant until all have taken a turn.

5. Cards are redrawn and the cycle starts again at step 3.

Attack SequenceAttack SequenceAttack SequenceAttack Sequence

1. Attacker declares target that is in an adjacent hex and

whether this is a POWER ATTACK.

2. If the Defender has a Held Option, may RESPOND

Option A – Spend Held Action

Option B – Spend 10 Stamina and win a Notice check.

3. Attacker has opportunity to INTERRUPT

Spend 1 Minor Action and 10 Stamina, win an Adverse

Opposed Notice Check.

4. If RESPOND action is successful and not interrupted,

Defender may take a Minor action (e.g. move 1 hex in any

direction or change momentum).

5. Attacker has opportunity to FOLLOW

Spend 1 Minor Action to move 1 hex in any direction or

change momentum.

6. Attacker rolls vs. target = skill number + bonus or penalty

for each attack.

7. Result < target: hit, Result > target: miss

Target – Result </= Weapon Crit Range: Critical Hit (2x


8. If result is a hit, Defender loses Health = Damage * (1-D.R.)

Critical RangeCritical RangeCritical RangeCritical Range

Blunt Weapons (maces, clubs, fists, staves, war hammers): 2

Slashing Weapons (axes, scimitars, battleaxes, halberds): 3

Piercing weapons (swords, greatswords, arrows, spears): 5

Daggers: 10

Destruction Spells: 2

If target > 100, then Critical Range is increased by Target -100.

Power AttacksPower AttacksPower AttacksPower Attacks

One Handed: 30 stamina for 2x damage

Dual Wielding: 80 stamina for 3x damage each weapon

Two Handed: 50 stamina for 2x damage

Blunt Weapons provide a bonus 1x damage for standing

power attacks.

Slashing Weapons provide a bonus 1x damage for side power


Piercing Weapons provide a bonus 1x damage for forward

power attacks.

Power attacks have a 50% chance of staggering an opponent.


Page 6: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Facing DirectionFacing DirectionFacing DirectionFacing DirectionA combatant is facing the direction parallel to his last

space of movement during the Movement phase of his

turn. A combatant automatically will turn to face the

target of an attack or spell, this is considered a free


MomentumMomentumMomentumMomentumA combatant has momentum in the direction parallel to his last space of movement. A

combatant may spend one space of movement to cancel momentum or change momentum

towards an adjacent unoccupied space, may be done either in the Movement Phase or as a

Minor Action. Momentum has an important effect on hitting an opponent in combat. Please

see combat movement table.

Combat InitiativeCombat InitiativeCombat InitiativeCombat Initiative

Turn order in combat is determined by drawing cards

from a standard 52 card deck + Jokers, similar to the

Savage Worlds system. Higher cards go first, with

spades > hearts > diamonds > clubs. Jokers always go

first, and provide an extra 10% hit chance for melee and

ranged attacks, plus a bonus 5 damage to all hits.

Unlike Savage Worlds, do not shuffle the deck after a

Joker is drawn.

Major ActionsMajor ActionsMajor ActionsMajor Actions-Power Attack -Draw Arrow -Cast Active Spell

-Cast Passive Spell -Ready weapon -Jump

-Shout -Backstab1 -Read a Paragraph

-Open a Door or Chest -Eat -Purge Poison4

-Intimidate -Persuade -Unstagger

Minor ActionsMinor ActionsMinor ActionsMinor Actions-Move 1 hex any direction -Release Arrow -Melee Attack x 1 (2H)2

-Melee Attack x 1 (1H)3 -Melee Attack (unarmed) -Change Blocking State

-Change Sneaking State -Ready spell -Continue Sustained Spell

-Unequip Weapon or Spell -Manipulate Small Object -Roll4

-Shield Bash4 -Read a Sentence -Change Momentum

-Aim -Release Active Spell -Search

-Stop Sprinting -Quaff a Potion -Intimidate or Persuade

-Poison a Weapon

Extended ActionsExtended ActionsExtended ActionsExtended Actions-Manipulate Heavy Object -Pick a Lock -Climb

-Swim -Read a Page -Disarm a Trap

-Pickpocket1 -Eat an ingredient -Unequip Armor

Free ActionsFree ActionsFree ActionsFree Actions-Start Sprinting -Drop Object -Talk

-Read a Word -Cast Sustained Spell -Notice (once per turn)

1Must be in Sneaking state with Hidden Meter > 502Up to a maximum of 2x total 2H Melee Attacks / turn.3Up to a maximum of 3x total 1H Melee Attacks / turn.4These actions require specific skill perks to use.

Please see the Skill pages for descriptions of skill specific actions.

Keeping Track of Health/Stamina/MagickaKeeping Track of Health/Stamina/MagickaKeeping Track of Health/Stamina/MagickaKeeping Track of Health/Stamina/Magicka

In order to not bog down gameplay, it is highly

recommended to use color coded markers to track

current H/S/M for all combatants. One convenient way

to do this is with red, green, and blue poker chips: each

poker chip is worth 10 points. If you wish for a more

deadly game, you could round all damage taken during

a combat round up to the nearest increment of 10,

otherwise keep track of single units of H/S/M with a

single d10 placed on top of the stack.

1 Turn = Movement +

1 Major Action + 2 Minor Actions OR

4 Minor Actions OR

1 Extended Action

Up to 1 Minor Action may be Held.


Stamina and Magicka Stamina and Magicka Stamina and Magicka Stamina and Magicka RegenrationRegenrationRegenrationRegenration

Stamina and Magicka regenerate 10 points at the

beginning of every combat round. Health does not

normally regenerate.

Page 7: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Why Feint?

Normally, intentionally putting yourself in a position that has a negative modifier is not a good idea. However, if you have allies in melee range of your enemy this may set up the next player for a very nice hit. Also, the Notice perks “Trickster” and “Bait and Switch” make these maneuvers worth doing even if you are by yourself.

Hex Occupied by Defender

Hex Occupied by Attacker

No Momentum

Direction of Momentum

Attack Bonus: Number is

Added to Target

Attack Penalty: Number is

Subtracted from Target








= & =

Modifiers for Archery or Active SpellsModifiers for Archery or Active SpellsModifiers for Archery or Active SpellsModifiers for Archery or Active Spells


Standing Shot





Moving Target



Fleeing Target






Range 0 to 5: Point blank +30

Range 6 to 11: Short +0

Range 12 to 23: Medium -25

Range 24 to 35: Long -50

Range 36+: Extreme -75

Range 60: Maximum

Aim: +20 per Aim Action, if Archery

each Aim Action costs 10 stamina.

Light Cover: -20

Heavy Cover: -40

Poor Lighting: -30

Modifiers for Archery or Active SpellsModifiers for Archery or Active SpellsModifiers for Archery or Active SpellsModifiers for Archery or Active Spells


Standing Shot





Moving Target



Fleeing Target






Range 0 to 5: Point blank +30

Range 6 to 11: Short +0

Range 12 to 23: Medium -25

Range 24 to 35: Long -50

Range 36+: Extreme -75

Range 60: Maximum

Aim: +20 per Aim Action, if Archery

each Aim Action costs 10 stamina.

Light Cover: -20

Heavy Cover: -40

Poor Lighting: -30



for Blow

























































































































































Combat Movement ChartCombat Movement ChartCombat Movement ChartCombat Movement Chart





Page 8: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Weapon DamageWeapon DamageWeapon DamageWeapon DamageUnlike many other systems, weapon damage is fixed: each weapon or spell strikes for the same number of points on each hit, except for

a critical or a power attack.

Damage = Weapon Base x (1+0.5 x Skill%) x (1 + Perks) + Effects + Ammunition (if ranged)

Ways to increase your damage include improving your weapon using the Smithing skill, increasing your Weapon Skill, buying damage

increase Perks, and using better Ammunition if doing a Ranged Attack. Power Attacks and Critical Success both double damage dealt, so

a Critical Success Power Attack would be Damage x 4. All physical damage is categorized as Blunt, Slashing, or Piercing.

Damage ReductionDamage ReductionDamage ReductionDamage ReductionAll physical damage is reduced by the Damage Reduction percentage (DR), before being applied to a target. For examples, a DR of 25%

means that 25% of incoming damage is blocked by the armor, so every hit would be multiplied by 75%.

DR = (Total Armor Rating + Number of Pieces equipped x 25) / 10. DR has a hard cap of 80%, any armor rating over this amount is


Armor rating for each piece = Base x (1+0.4 x Skill%) x (1+Perks) + Effects. Please see Heavy and Light Armor Skill pages for examples.

Elemental and poison damage are not mitigated by DR, instead these types of damage use Resistance Ratings.

Damage Resistance RatingsDamage Resistance RatingsDamage Resistance RatingsDamage Resistance RatingsFire, Frost, Poison, Disease, and Magic all have separate Resistance Ratings. Similar to DR, each rating is a percentage that reduces

the damage before applied. Resistance is a bit simpler to calculate however.

Resistance Rating = Permanent Resistance + Temporary Resistance

•Permanent Resistance, choose one of the following: Racial bonuses, armor set bonuses, or enchanted items total.

•Temporary Resistance, choose one of the following: Potion bonuses or Alteration spell bonuses.

•Magic Resistance rating not only reduces damage, but also provides a bonus to resist non-damaging magical effects (such as Paralyze).

In these cases, if the spell resist roll is an Opposed check, the rating is added to your opponents roll. If there would not normally be a

check (such as with Petrify) simply roll d100 vs. Target = rating to try to resist.

•Wards are Restoration spells that reduce damage magical taken without effecting Resistance Ratings. Instead, they directly absorb a

number of points of damage before being extinguished.

Blocking Damage ReductionBlocking Damage ReductionBlocking Damage ReductionBlocking Damage ReductionPhysical damage can be Blocked by a shield as well as being reduced by normal DR. This requires the defender to 1. Have an equipped

shield, 2. Be in the Blocking combat state. Blocking DR ranges from 50% to around 85% and is applied before applying normal DR. So

when blocking:

Damage taken = Damage dealt x (1 – Blocking DR) x (1 – DR) 8

Page 9: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Combat StatesCombat StatesCombat StatesCombat StatesNote: Skill perks will override the following text as applicable.

-BLOCKING-When a combatant is blocking: Movement is halved, Notice checks -15, cannot perform Major or Extended actions, cannot Sprint, any

physical hit sustained from a 180° frontal arc will initiate a Block Event.

-FEARED-Cannot take any major or minor action except for moving away from enemies at full pace (non-sprinting). If movement away from

enemies is impossible, will become Paralyzed for duration of fear.

-FROZEN-Half movement, cannot Sprint, no Stamina regen.

-KNOCKED DOWN-When a combatant is knocked down, they cannot move or take any major or minor actions for the remainder of the round. At the

beginning of the next round, the combatant is upgraded to Staggered state.

-STAGGERED-When a combatant is staggered, the can move at 1/2 movement. Staggered characters may not block, cast sustained spells, or shout.

Staggering an opponent has a 25% chance to disarm them. Characters may spend a Major Action to Unstagger.

-SNEAKING-While sneaking, Movement is halved, Notice checks +15, cannot sprint. Enemies must pass an opposed Notice check (+ Sneak

modifiers) to detect. If detected, the Hidden meter is set at 0% and the enemy will attack. While sneaking, the Hidden meter increases by

10 each combat round not in line of sight of an enemy. Backstabbing and Pickpocketing in combat is allowed if the Hidden meter > 50.

Please see sneak Modifiers and Outcomes Table on the Sneak skill page.

-SPRINTING-Movement is doubled, drains Stamina by 10 points/turn if wearing no armor, 15 points/turn if wearing any light armor, 20 points/turn if

wearing any heavy armor. A combatant cannot normally take any other actions while sprinting.

-PARALYZED-Cannot move or speak, may not take any actions except for Notice. At the end of the duration of the Paralyze state, combatant is

upgraded to Staggered state.

-ON FIRE, POISONED-Take damage at the beginning of every round. Amount of damage and number of rounds is dependent on specific fire or poison effect.


Page 10: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Combat Example: Sam the Strong vs. the WolfCombat Example: Sam the Strong vs. the WolfCombat Example: Sam the Strong vs. the WolfCombat Example: Sam the Strong vs. the Wolf


Sam the Strong

Wolf’s Turn:1. Movement: The wolf moves in to attack!

2. Declare Attack:

1. The wolf declares a Power Attack (Major Action) on Sam, spends 30 STA.

2-4. Sam is already is in Blocking state, so decides not to Respond.

5. Since the wolf is already in a good combat position, it does not Follow.

6. The wolf is in Lunge position and has One Handed of 35,

so its Target to hit Sam is 35 + 50 = 85.

7. The wolf rolls for the attack: 77. 77 < 85 so Success.

8. Damage is dealt. Wolf’s claws do a base damage of 7, so damage dealt =

7 x (1+ 0.4 x 0.35) rounded up = 8 damage, 16 for power attack.

Sam has Blocking DR = 70%, and regular DR = 35%, so he takes

Damage = 16 x (1 – 0.70) x (1 – 0.35) = 3 damage.

9. Check for Stagger, since the wolf Power Attacked. Stagger roll is 53,

which is > 50, so Sam is not Staggered.

Sam the Strong laughs at the wolf’s pitiful attempt to damage him. The wolf did not use all of its actions, so it has a Held Action.



Sam the Strong’s Turn:

1. Movement: Sam looks at the Combat Movement chart and

realizes he is in Cleave position for +70, so does not move.

2. Declare Attack:

1. Sam cannot Power Attack since he is blocking, so he does a normal attack.

2. The Wolf declares Responding and turns in its Held Action.

3. Sam could spend an Action and 10 Stamina to attempt an interrupt, however his

Notice is fairly low, so he chooses not make the attempt.

4. The Wolf changes its momentum towards an empty hex as

shown. Sam is now at Dodge position, which is -30 to attack.

5. Sam could attempt to Follow to change the situation, however

he has a clever plan to get that pesky wolf, so he lets the Dodge stand.

6. Sam is using a mace with One Handed skill = 42, so his Target is 42-30=12

7. Sam rolls for the attack: 36. 36>12 so Miss.

3-4. Sam still has 3 Minor Actions left, and decides to take 2 Move Actions:

1. He moves into the hex that the wolf is moving toward to cut it off.

2. He spends a Move Action to stop his momentum. Now he is back in the

Cleave Position!

5. With his last Minor Action, Sam declares another Melee attack.

2-5. The wolf has spent its Held Action, so it may not Respond.

6. This time his Target is 42 + 70 = 112, which is a guaranteed success. Sam knows

that his Critical Range is now 12 + 2 = 14, so any roll above an 86 will be a critical.

7. Sam rolls a 88, Critical success!

8. Damage is dealt. Sam’s mace has a base damage of 16 and he has the 20% perk,

so damage dealt = 16 x (1+ 0.4 x 0.42) x (1 + 0.2) = 22, doubled from the crit is 44.

Beasts do not have armor, so the wolf takes the full 44 damage, and is killed.













Page 11: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Here, Put This Apple on Your Head...Here, Put This Apple on Your Head...Here, Put This Apple on Your Head...Here, Put This Apple on Your Head...

•The Archery skill is used for all ranged weapons in and out of combat.

•Firing an ranged weapon requires a Draw Action (usually Major) and a Release Action (Minor). Any number of Aim Actions may be taken in between drawing and releasing: each Aim action costs 10 stamina and increases the chance of hitting by +20.

•Range to target, target’s movement, lighting conditions, and cover all effect chance to hit. Please see ranged modifier table for details.

•Critical hits do double damage.

•An archer may attempt a Headshot (or a Kneeshot), at a -40 penalty, to do double damage. Penalty is increase to -50 when opponent is wearing a Light helmet, -80 when opponent is wearing a Heavy helmet.

•Missed shots have a 25% chance of hitting another target in any space adjacent to their line of fire.

•After combat, there is a 33% chance of recovering each shot arrow.

•Ammunition weighs nothing.

•All hits grant 1 XP. Training in an Archery range grants 1XP per hour.

Ranged Weapon Damage = (Bow base x (1+0.5 x

skill (%)) x Perks) + Ammunition Damage + Effects

x2 damage for Critical hit (usual range 5)

x2 damage for Headshot (-40 hit penalty)

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 Ranged weapons do 20% more damage.

2 Ranged weapons do 40% more damage. 20 Archery Overdraw Rank 1

3 Ranged weapons do 60% more damage. 40 Archery Overdraw Rank 2

4 Ranged weapons do 80% more damage. 60 Archery Overdraw Rank 3

5 Ranged weapons do twice as much damage. 80 Archery Overdraw Rank 4

1 Bonus +10 critical range when using ranged weapons. 30 Archery Overdraw

2 Bonus +15 critical range when using ranged weapons. 60 Archery Critical Shot Rank 1

3 Bonus +20 critical range when using ranged weapons. 90 Archery Critical Shot Rank 2

Hunter's Discipline Recover twice as many arrows after combat. 50 Archery Critical Shot

Ranger Able to move faster with a drawn ranged weapon. 60 Archery Hunter's Discipline

Eagle Eye Range, lighting, and movement penalties are halved. 30 Archery Overdraw

Power Shot Arrows stagger all but the largest opponents 50% of the time. 50 Archery Eagle Eye

Quick Shot Drawing an arrow is now a Minor action. 70 Archery Power Shot

1Receive an additional 1 Minor action per turn when using a ranged

weapon.40 Archery Eagle Eye

2Receive an additional 2 Minor actions per turn when using a ranged

weapon.60 Archery Steady Hand Rank 1

Bullseye 15% chance of paralyzing the target for 1 turn. 100 Archery Ranger or Quick Shot

Critical Shot

Steady Hand




Page 12: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Just Another Brick in the Wall:Just Another Brick in the Wall:Just Another Brick in the Wall:Just Another Brick in the Wall:

•Equipping a shield provides a bonus to total Armour Rating and thereby Damage Reduction, however to block attacks you must initiate Blocking state.

•Initiating Blocking requires a Minor action, and incurs a 50% movement penalty, as well as preventing the use of Major or Extended actions, Sprinting, and incurs a 15% penalty to Notice.

•Any melee blows that hit a Blocking combatant are greatly reduced in damage (see example). A blocked melee hit costs 10 stamina to the Blocking combatant.

•The Power Bash perk unlocks the Shield Bash Minor action, which allows you to damage opponents with your shield while attacking. To Shield Bash an opponent, pay 20 stamina and roll vs. Block + combat movement modifiers. A successful shield bash will Stagger an opponent and do half of your shield’s base Armour Rating in damage. A critical hit (range 2) will Knockdown an opponent.

•Ranged attacks and spells may not normally be blocked.

•Blocking a hit as well as Power Bashing both grant 1XP.

Blocking DR = (shield base x (1 + 0.4 x skill (%))/10

+ 50) x (1 + Perks) / 100

Example: Sam the Stout is blocking with an Orcish

shield with base rating 30, and has 50 blocking skill as

well as the Rank 2 Shield Wall perk. So his Blocking

DR = (30 x (1 + 0.4 x 0.5)/10 + 50) x 1.25 / 100 = 69%

Our friendly GM will round to the nearest 5%, so when

Sam blocks 70% of any damage will be taken off the

top before the normal armor DR calculation.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 Blocking is 20% more effective.

2 Blocking is 25% more effective. 20 Block Shield Wall Rank 1

3 Blocking is 30% more effective. 40 Block Shield Wall Rank 2

4 Blocking is 35% more effective. 60 Block Shield Wall Rank 3

5 Blocking is 40% more effective. 80 Block Shield Wall Rank 4

Quick Reflexes If blocking, may turn in Held action for two Minor actions instead of one. 30 Block Shield Wall

Deflect Arrows Arrows that hit the shield do no damage. 30 Block Shield Wall

Elemental Protection Blocking with a shield reduces incoming fire, frost, and shock damage by 50%. 50 Block Deflect Arrows

Block Runner Movement penalty for blocking state is eliminated. 70 Block Elemental Protection

Power Bash Able to do a shield bash for 20 stamina while blocking. 30 Block Shield Wall

Deadly Bash Bashing does five times more damage. 50 Block Power Bash

Disarming Bash 25% Chance to disarm when power bashing. 70 Block Deadly Bash

Shield Charge Sprinting with a shield raised knocks down most targets. 100 Block Disarming Bash or Block


Shield Wall



Page 13: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Grinding Out That Heavy Metal:Grinding Out That Heavy Metal:Grinding Out That Heavy Metal:Grinding Out That Heavy Metal:

Heavy Armour is, well, heavy; as well as being expensive, noisy, restrictive, and not as sexy as those strappy leather getups. However, when facing several large attacking barbarians, there is nothing quite like the feeling of thirty pounds of solid steel between you and pointy death. Examples of Heavy Armour styles are Iron, Steel, Dwarven, Orcish, Ebony, and Daedric.

•Heavy Armour typically provides 25% more protection than equivalent light armour pieces. Additionally, Heavy Armour perks can allow the user to take less damage falling, do more unarmed damage, and reflect melee damage.

•Disadvantages to wearing Heavy Armour vs. Light are:

•Heavier and more movement penalties

•More noisy and difficult for sneaking

•Perk tree is larger and the weightless perk (Conditioning) is more difficult to achieve than the equivalent Light Armour perk.

•Uses more stamina when sprinting

•Armour does not normally provide protection against poison or magical attacks, this can be mitigated by Enchantment.

•All armour can be improved at a Smithy. You can either hire a blacksmith to improve your armour or attempt to improve it yourself (via Smithing skill).

•Any hit mitigated by Heavy Armour provides 1XP.

Armor Damage Reduction Calculation:

Damage Reduction% = (Armor Rating+25 x (# of pieces equipped))/10

Armor Rating = Sum of Piece Ratings

Piece Rating = Base x (1+0.4 x skill(%))x(1+perks) + effects

Example: Sam the Strong has skill 60 and rank 4 perks as well as the Well

Fitted perk, and decides to wear full Plate Steel and a shield.

Cuirass: 40 x (1 + 0.4 x 0.60) x (1.8) x (1.25) = 90 piece rating

Assuming gauntlet AR = 36, boot AR = 23, helmet AR = 30, shield AR = 40:

Armor Rating = 90 + 36 + 23 + 30 + 40 = 219

Damage Reduction = (219 + 25 x 5)/10 = 34%

Our friendly GM will round to the nearest 5%, so any physical damage

coming at Sam will be reduced by 35%.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 20%, does not affect shields.

2 Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 40%, does not affect shields. 20 Heavy Armor Rank 1

3 Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 60%, does not affect shields. 40 Heavy Armor Rank 2

4 Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 80%, does not affect shields. 60 Heavy Armor Rank 3

5 Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 100%, does not affect shields. 80 Heavy Armor Rank 4

Fists of Steel Unarmed attacks with Heavy Armor gauntlets do their armor rating in extra

damage. 30 Heavy Armor Juggernaut

Cushioned Half damage from falling if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet. 50 Heavy Armor Fists of Steel

Conditioning Heavy Armor weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down when worn. 70 Heavy Armor Cushioned

Well Fitted 25% Armor bonus if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet. 30 Heavy Armor Juggernaut

Tower of Strength 50% chance to resist Stagger when wearing only Heavy Armor. 50 Heavy Armor Well Fitted

Matching Set Additional 25% Armor bonus if wearing a matched set of Heavy Armor. 70 Heavy Armor Tower of Strength

Reflect Blows 10% chance to reflect melee damage back to the enemy while wearing all Heavy

Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.100 Heavy Armor Matching Set



Heavy Armour

Page 14: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Buckling the Swash:Buckling the Swash:Buckling the Swash:Buckling the Swash:

•To make an attack with a one handed weapon, you must equip the weapon first (Major action). Each attack is a minor action, you may attack up to 3 times per turn (does not apply to unarmed attacks).

•Please see Attack Sequence table and Combat Movement chart for how to calculate hits.

•You may perform a Power Attack by stating thus when you announce your target. Each power attack is categorized by your current momentum: Forward, Standing, Side, or Backwards. Power attacks with one handed weapons cost 30 stamina and do double damage, up to 3x depending on weapon type.

•Dual wielding: The advantage of dual wielding is that you may power attack with both weapons at once for 80 stamina, doing 3x damage with each weapon, up to 4x depending on weapon type. Also, the Dual Fury perk grants extra attacks.

•Weapon Type: All weapons are categorized as Piercing, Slashing, or Blunt. Weapon type affects which power attacks receive a bonus as well as critical range. Creatures may be weak against certain types of weapons.

•Each hit with a One Handed weapon gives 1 XP.

Fists, Claws, Swords, War Axes, Daggers, Maces, Clubs, and Scimitars are all one handed weapons.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 One-Handed weapons do 20% more damage.

2 One-Handed weapons do 40% more damage. 20 One-handed Rank 1

3 One-Handed weapons do 60% more damage. 40 One-handed Rank 2

4 One-Handed weapons do 80% more damage. 60 One-handed Rank 3

5 One-Handed weapons do twice as much damage. 80 One-handed Rank 4

1 Attacks with 1H piercing weapons have an additional 10 critical range. 30 One-handed Armsman

2 Attacks with 1H piercing weapons have an additional 15 critical range. 60 One-handed Rank 1

3 Attacks with 1H piercing weapons have an additional 20 critical range. 90 One-handed Rank 2

1 Attacks with 1H blunt weapons ignore 25% of armor, does not apply to unarmed. 30 One-handed Armsman

2 Attacks with 1H blunt weapons ignore 50% of armor, does not apply to unarmed. 60 One-handed Rank 1

3 Attacks with 1H blunt weapons ignore 75% of armor, does not apply to unarmed. 90 One-handed Rank 2

1 Can spend a Major action and 10 stamina to attack 3x when dual wielding. 30 One-handed Armsman

2 Can spend a Major action and 10 stamina to attack 4x when dual wielding. 50 One-handed Rank 1

Dual Savagery Dual wielding power attacks do 50% bonus damage. 70 One-handed Dual Flurry

Fighting Stance Power attacks with one-handed weapons cost 10 less stamina. 20 less for dual. 20 One-handed Armsman

Critical Charge Can do a one-handed power attack while sprinting that does double critical damage. 50 One-handed Fighting Stance

Savage Strike Standing power attacks do 25% bonus damage with a chance to decapitate your enemies. 50 One-handed Fighting Stance

Paralyzing Strike Backwards power attack has a 25% chance to paralyze the target. 100 One-handed Critical Charge or Savage Strike

1 Attacks with 1H slashing weapons cause an extra 20% bleeding damage for two rounds. 30 One-handed Armsman

2 Attacks with 1H slashing weapons cause an extra 40% bleeding damage for two rounds. 60 One-handed Hack and Slash Rank 1

3 Attacks with 1H slashing weapons cause an extra 60% bleeding damage for two rounds. 90 One-handed Hack and Slash Rank 2

Hack and Slash



Bone Breaker

Dual Flurry


One Handed

Page 15: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

So, YouSo, YouSo, YouSo, You’’’’re the Crafty Type:re the Crafty Type:re the Crafty Type:re the Crafty Type:

•Smithing skill is used to craft weapons, armour, ammunition, lockpicks, and many mundane items. To craft an item you will need access to the appropriate tools (e.g. a forgefor metalworking), as well as knowledge of the crafting Recipe.

•Recipes may be learned by apprenticing with craftsman as well granted through racial knowledge. For example, all Orcs are taught the secrets of crafting Orcish armour by their parents (it is a boring childhood). Relevant perks are still required.

•Learning a Recipe: You must find a craftsman with knowledge of the desired materials, and apprentice with them for at least 1 day. At the end of the day, you may roll vs. Smithing +50 for each recipe to learn any recipes of the category you have been studying.

•Each Recipe includes specific tools and materials as well as time to create the item. To craft, roll vs. Smithing + modifiers: Success = item crafted, Failure by 20 or less = item crafted in twice duration, Failure by more than 20 = item crafted in twice duration with twice the materials. A critical success (range 3) will provide an item enhancement per the GM’s discretion.

•All weapons and armour may be improved by (Current Smithing/2)% x (Perk). Improving a weapon or armour piece requires 1 hour and appropriate tools and materials. Roll vs. Smithing + 30: success = item improved, failure = item not improved.

•Crafting or improving metallic objects requires access to a forge as well as refined ingots of the relevant type. Ingots can either be purchased or refined from ore at a Smelter, which can be found in most large cities and near many mines. Most blacksmiths are happy to rent access to their forge during non-work hours for a small fee.

•All crafting grants 1XP per hour spent, whether in making items, improving items, or apprenticing, up to 10XP per day.

•Dragon Armour? Preposterous… dragons haven’t existed in hundreds of years!

Racial Crafting Types

Altmer Elvish

Argonian Scale

Bosmer Leather

Dunmer Glass

Imperial Studded

Khajit Fur

Nord Steel

Orc Orcish

Redguard Chainmail

Perk Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

Steel Smithing Can create Steel armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.

Arcane Blacksmith You can improve magical weapons and armor. 60 Smithing Steel Smithing

Dwarven Smithing Can create Dwarven armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much. 30 Smithing Steel Smithing

Orcish Smithing Can create Orcish armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much. 50 Smithing Dwarven Smithing

Ebony Smithing Can create Ebony armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much. 80 Smithing Orcish Smithing

Daedric Smithing Can create Daedric armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much. 90 Smithing Ebony Smithing

Elven Smithing Can create Elven armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much. 30 Smithing Steel Smithing

Advanced Armors Can create Scaled, Plate, and Chainmail armor at forges, and improve them twice as much. 50 Smithing Elven Smithing

Glass Smithing Can create Glass armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much. 70 Smithing Advanced Armors

Dragon Armor Can create Dragon armor at forges, and improve them twice as much. 100 Smithing Daedric Smithing or Glass

Smithing 15


Page 16: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Staying Alive:Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Staying Alive:Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Staying Alive:Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Staying Alive:

•The Survival skill encompasses all of those time honored ways tostay fed, warm, and dry outside of the confines of civilization.Practically, this means hunting, fishing, foraging, making camp,and enduring natural hardship.

•Once a day while outside of towns or cities, at least one party member must make a Survival Wilderness roll. Results of the roll determine how much food is found by the party, how well they arerested, and if any unexpected finds come their way.

•Besides the daily Wilderness roll, Survival rolls can be made for additional hunting, fishing, foraging, etc in order to gather food and crafting materials.

•Each locale of Tamriel has its own selection of flora, fauna, and geology. It is a good idea to have knowledge of what is locallyavailable before spending time searching for something specific.

•The minimum time spent to make a Survival roll is 2 hours. Eachadditional hour spent during daylight adds a +10 bonus.

•Each day spent in the wilds automatically grants 2XP.

•The lower the result is within each category, the more beneficial the Windfall will be for the party.


Target - Roll Result Description



-40 or less Skunked No food found, max stamina -20 for the next day 0

-20 to -39 Meagre 1 ration worth of food found, -10 max stamina 1

-19 to +19 Sufficient 1 day's worth of food for the party found 2

+20 to +39 Plentifull 1 day's worth of food found, +3 rations 4

+40 to +59 Bountifull 1 day's worth of food found, +6 rations 6

+60 or crit Windfall Same as bountifull, an additional rare item found 6

Windfall Roll Item Found

1 to 10 Magical treasure

11 to 30 Mundane treasure

31 to 40 Rare Ore 4x

41 to 60 Common Ore 4x

61 to 80 bonus 3x ingredients

81 to 95 encounter with predator

96 to 100 encounter with monster


The Call of






Lay of the Land




Legs of

Steel Antidote



Perk Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

Survivalist +20 bonus on all Wilderness Survival Rolls.

The Call of Blood May track non-magical beasts and creatures over any surface. 30 Survival Survivalist

Strong Metabolism Regen effects from food is doubled. 30 Survival Survivalist

Lay of the LandSurvival checks to search for a particluar ore, wild animal, or

alchemical ingredien are at a +30 bonus.40 Surivival Survivalist

Field Dresser Double leather and meat yield from animals. 40 Survival Blood Tracking

Deadly Huntsman Critical range of attacks against unarmored oponents are 90 Survival Field Dresser

Hardy+50% fire, frost, and lightning resistance (does not stack with

items or racial bonuses, does stack with potions).60 Survival Strong Metabolism

Legs of Iron Sprinting does not consume stamina. 100 Survival Hardy

Antidote May take a major action to purge poison from self or others. 70 Survival Hardy

Natural Immunity Immune to all disease. 70 Survival Hardy



Page 17: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Definitely Not Compensating:Definitely Not Compensating:Definitely Not Compensating:Definitely Not Compensating:

•To make an attack with a two handed weapon, you must equip the weapon first (Major action). Each attack is a minor action, you may attack up to 2 times per turn.

•Please see Attack Sequence table and Combat Movement chart for how to calculate hits.

•You may perform a Power Attack by stating thus when you announce your target. Each power attack is categorized by your current momentum: Forward, Standing, Side, or Backwards. Power Attacks with two handed weapons cost 50 stamina and do double damage, up to 3x depending on weapon type.

•Pole Weapons: These are special two handed weapons that generally do less damage, but have the advantage of +1 reach. This means that you may attack an enemy from 1 extra hex away. Combat movement rules still apply.

•You may equip a spear and a shield simultaneously for optimum defense. However, you may not Power Attack while doing so.

•Weapon Type: All weapons are categorized as Piercing, Slashing, or Blunt. Weapon type affects which power attacks receive a bonus as well as critical range. Creatures may be weak against certain types of weapons.

•Each hit with a Two Handed weapon gives 1 XP.

Greatswords, Warhammers, Battleaxes are normal two handed weapons.Spears, Staves, and Halberds are common two handed pole weapons.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 Two-Handed weapons do 20% more damage.

2 Two-Handed weapons do 40% more damage. 20 Two-handed Rank 1

3 Two-Handed weapons do 60% more damage. 40 Two-handed Rank 2

4 Two-Handed weapons do 80% more damage. 60 Two-handed Rank 3

5 Two-Handed weapons do twice as much damage. 80 Two-handed Rank 4

Champion's Stance Power attacks with two-handed weapons cost 20 less stamina. 20 Two-handed Barbarian

Devastating Blow Standing power attacks do 25% bonus damage with a chance to decapitate your enemies. 50 Two-handed Champion's Stance

Great Critical Charge Can do a two-handed power attack while sprinting that does critical damage if hits. 50 Two-handed Champion's Stance

Sweep Sideways power attacks with two-handed weapons hit all targets in an 180° arc. 70 Two-handed Great Critical Charge or Devastating Blow

Warmaster Backwards power attack has a 25% chance to paralyze the target. 100 Two-handed Sweep

1 Attacks with 2H piercing weapons have a bonus crit range of 10. 30 Two-handed Barbarian

2 Attacks with 2H piercing weapons have a bonus crit range of 15. 60 Two-handed Rank 1

3 Attacks with 2H piercing weapons have a bonus crit range of 20. 90 Two-handed Rank 2

1 Attacks with 2H slashing weapons cause extra 20% bleeding damage. 30 Two-handed Barbarian

2 Attacks with 2H slashing weapons cause extra 40% bleeding damage. 60 Two-handed Rank 1

3 Attacks with 2H slashing weapons cause extra 60% bleeding damage. 90 Two-handed Rank 2

1 Attacks with 2H blunt weapons ignore 25% of armor. 30 Two-handed Barbarian

2 Attacks with 2H blunt weapons ignore 50% of armor. 60 Two-handed Rank 1

3 Attacks with 2H blunt weapons ignore 75% of armor. 90 Two-handed Rank 2



Deep Wounds



Two Handed

Page 18: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Picking Your Poison:Picking Your Poison:Picking Your Poison:Picking Your Poison:

•Alchemy can only be performed at designated Alchemy Labs, each potion crafting attempt requires 10 minutes.

•To create a potion (or poison) you must combine two or more ingredients which share a magical effect. If the shared effect is a beneficial one (e.g., Restore Health), you create a potion; if the shared effect is a negative one (e.g. Damage Health), you create a poison. Multiple-effect potions can be created if the combined ingredients share more than one effect in common.

•Each ingredient has a total of four available effects. Tasting the ingredient always allows you to discover an ingredient's first effect. Additional effects can be discovered by experimenting to see what ingredient combinations successfully yield potions. You can simply mix ingredients randomly together.

•There are five tiers of potions and poisons. Each tier requires substantially greater skill to craft (see table below). To create a potion roll vs. skill x (1-perk). A critical success (range 5) creates a potion one tier higher than attempted.

•The effects of multiple Fortify style potions do not stack.

•Alchemical suppliers generally receive new shipments once per week.

•Successfully creating a potion or poison grants 2XP the first time you create it, and then 1XP for each subsequent batch.

•Eating a new ingredient to discover its effect grants 1XP.

Tier Description Target

I Minor Skill + 40

II Standard Skill + 0

III Potent Skill - 20


Heroic or

Debilitating Skill - 40



or Deadly Skill - 60

VI Supreme Crit only

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 Crafting Tier I potions and poisons automatically succeed.

2 Bonus +20 to craft Tier II potions and poisons. 20 Alchemy

3 Bonus +20 to craft Tier III potions and posions. 40 Alchemy

4 Bonus +20 to craft Tier IV potions and poisons. 60 Alchemy

5 Bonus +10 to craft Tier V potions and poison. 80 Alchemy

Physician Potions you mix that restore Health, Magicka or Stamina are

25% more powerful. 20 Alchemy Alchemist

Benefactor Potions you mix with beneficial effects have an additional 25%

greater magnitude. 30 Alchemy Physician

1 Eating an ingredient reveals first two effects. 50 Alchemy Benefactor

2 Eating an ingredient reveals first three effects. 70 Alchemy

3 Eating an ingredient reveals all its effects. 90 Alchemy

Poisoner Poisons you mix are 25% more effective. 30 Alchemy Physician

Concentrated Poison Poisons applied to weapons last for twice as many hits. 60 Alchemy Poisoner

Green Thumb Plant yields from Survival Wilderness checks are doubled. 70 Alchemy Concentrated Poison

Snakeblood +50% resistance to all poisons. 80 Alchemy Experimenter or

Concentrated Poison

Purity All negative effects are removed from created potions, and all

positive effects are removed from created poisons. 100 Alchemy Snakesblood





Page 19: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Use of Chainmail Swimwear:Use of Chainmail Swimwear:Use of Chainmail Swimwear:Use of Chainmail Swimwear:

•Different regions and cities of the Empire provide different styles of light armour. Some examples are fur, leather, scale, chainmail, studded leather, Elven, Imperial (light), and Glass.

•All styles of light armour share the following advantages vs. heavy armour:

•Lighter and less movement penalties

•Less noisy and easier for sneaking

•Perk Unhindered (weightless) is available 20 skill points earlier than Conditioning.

•Uses less stamina when sprinting

•Stamina recovers faster with Wind Walker

•The lighter weight allows for the carrying of multiple suits of armor, each fine tuned for specific enemies and situations, without drastically taking up encumbrance.

•Fully mastering the Light Armour tree requires two fewer perks over Heavy Armour (10 total points versus 12), allowing for more growth in other skill trees.

•These advantages come at the cost of brute protection, typical equivalent level light armour pieces have 25% less protection than their heavy counterparts.

•Armour does not normally provide protection against poison or magical attacks, this can be mitigated by Enchantment.

•All armour can be improved at a Smithy. You can either hire a blacksmith to improve your armour or attempt to improve it yourself (via Smithing skill).

•Any hit mitigated by Light Armour provides 1XP.

Armor Damage Reduction Calculation:

%Damage Reduction = (Armor Rating+25 x (# of pieces equipped))/10

Armor Rating = Sum of Piece Ratings

Piece Rating = Base x (1+0.4 x skill(%))x(1+perks) + effects

Example: Sonja the Somewhat Red has skill 40 and rank 3 perks, and

is wearing leather cuirass, gauntlets, and boots, but not a helmet.

Cuirass: 26 x (1 + 0.4 x 0.4) x (1.6) = 42 piece rating

Assuming her gauntlet AR = 24 and boot AR = 18,

Armor Rating = 26 + 24 + 18 = 68

Damage Reduction = (68 + 25 x 3)/10 = 14.3%

Our friendly GM will round to the nearest 5%, so Sonja will take 85% of

any physical damage that comes her way.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 Increase armor rating for Light armor by 20%, does not affect shields.

2 Increase armor rating for Light armor by 40%, does not affect shields. 20 Light Armor Rank 1

3 Increase armor rating for Light armor by 60%, does not affect shields. 40 Light Armor Rank 2

4 Increase armor rating for Light armor by 80%, does not affect shields. 60 Light Armor Rank 3

5 Increase armor rating for Light armor by 100%, does not affect shields. 80 Light Armor Rank 4

Custom Fit 25% Armor bonus if wearing all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet. 30 Light Armor Agile Defender

Matching Set Additional 25% Armor bonus if wearing a matched set of Light Armor. 70 Light Armor Custom Fit

Unhindered Light Armor weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down when worn. 50 Light Armor Custom Fit

Wind Walker Stamina regenerates 50% faster in all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet. 60 Light Armor Unhindered

Deft Movement 10% chance of avoiding all damage from a melee attack while wearing all Light Armor: head,

chest, hands, feet.100 Light Armor Wind Walker or Matching Set

Agile Defender


Light Armour

Page 20: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Call a Locksmith!Call a Locksmith!Call a Locksmith!Call a Locksmith!

•Lockpicks are used to both open locks and disarm traps.

•Picking a lock or disarming a trap is an Extended action. Thus, each attempt will consume an entire combat round.

•An improvised lockpick may be used at a -50% penalty to all rolls for opening that lock. Also, a roll of 1 to 10 on when using an improvised lockpick will break the lock and render it unopenable.

•Each lockpicking attempt will damage a lockpick, lockpicks break at a rate determined by the lock/trap tier. Each attempt also increases the chance of success by +20.

•Lockpicks can be found for purchase at smithys and general stores, also shady types will have a supply. Lockpicks may also be created using the Smithing skill.

•Each unique lock opened or trap disarmed provides XP per the tier description table. Each subsequent opening or disarming of the same lock or trap reduces the XP by half (rounded up).

Perk Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

Novice Locks Novice locks and traps are +30 easier to pick.

Apprentice Locks Apprentice locks and traps are +30 easier to pick. 25 Lockpicking Novice Locks

Quick Hands May make a second disarm attempt before setting of a trap. 40 Lockpicking Apprentice Locks

Wax Key Automatically gives you a copy of a picked lock's key if it has one. 50 Lockpicking Quick Hands

Adept Locks Adept locks and traps are +30 easier to pick. 50 Lockpicking Apprentice Locks

Expert Locks Expert locks and traps are +30 easier to pick. 75 Lockpicking Adept Locks

Golden Touch 50% greater chance of disarming traps 60 Lockpicking Adept Locks

Treasure Hunter May modifiy a Treasure roll by 10 in either direction. 70 Lockpicking Golden Touch

Locksmith Pick starts close to the lock opening position. 80 Lockpicking Expert Locks

Unbreakable Lockpicks never break. 100 Lockpicking Locksmith

Master Locks Master locks and traps are +30 easier to pick. 100 Lockpicking Expert Locks

Lock or Trap Tier Initial Modifier

Damage per

Attempt XP Granted

Novice +40 3 1

Apprentice 0 4 2

Adept -40 4 4

Expert -80 6 7

Master -120 12 10

Starting lockpick health: 12LHP



Page 21: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg



All-seeing Eye







TricksterBait and




I Spy with My Little EyeI Spy with My Little EyeI Spy with My Little EyeI Spy with My Little Eye…………

•Notice is an extremely useful skill that may be used to search for treasure, spot hidden enemies, and respond to opponents’ actions in combat.

•All notice checks are Free actions, however only one notice action may be taken per round (response checks and interrupts do not count). You may take Search minor actions to increase your next notice roll by 20%.

•At the beginning of each round, all opponents either in line of sight or in hearing range of a Sneaking character will make an opposed Notice check to try to spot the character.

•Instead of Responding to an enemy’s action with a Held Action, the player may spend 10 stamina and pass a Notice check to make a Response.

•Similarly, an attacker may interrupt to attempt to cancel an enemy’s response. This requires an Adverse Opposed Notice roll.

•Searching for treasure attempts to find additional treasure beyond what has already been revealed in a cleared dungeon. May not take Search actions to increase the odds of success when making this roll.

•All successful Notice checks taken with fewer than 4 Search actions grant 1XP.

Opposed Skill Checks:Both participants roll the relevant skill. Each participants skill level + bonuses is

added to their opponent’s skill check. The lower result wins. In the case of a

tie, the opponent with the higher initiative card wins.

Adverse Opposed Skill Checks:

Same as above, however in addition to obtaining the lower result, the initiator of

the action must pass the skill check by obtaining a result </= their Notice skill.

Did you know?Did you know?Did you know?Did you know?

Hearing range is 14 for Bosmer and Khajit, and 10 for all other races. This bonus naturally makes them better at detecting hidden enemies but increases their vulnerability to shouts and cries.


Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 Each Seek action adds a +30 bonus to the next notice roll.

2 Each Seek action adds a +50 bonus to the next notice roll. 30 Notice Rank 1

3 Each Seek action adds a +70 bonus to the next notice roll. 60 Notice Rank 2

Steady Nerves May hold two Minor Actions per turn. 20 Notice Seeker

Echolocation Stealthed oponents do not receive Line of Sight bouses. 30 Notice Seeker

All Seing Eye May make a notice check to detect magically hidden objects and creatures 50 Notice Echolocation

Quick Reflexes Draws two initiative cards, and may choose which one to use. 40 Notice Steady Nerves

Trickster May take a Follow Action even if the Defender does not Respond. 50 Notice Quick Reflexes

1 Receive a +30% bonus to notice checks prior to a backstab 60 Notice Echolocation

2 Receive a +60% bonus to notice checks prior to a backstab 80 Notice Rank 1

Bait and Switch May change the target of an attack prior to a Follow Action. 60 Notice Trickster

Mobility Can move two spaces as a minor action instead of one. 80 Notice Bait and Switch

Tactical MasteryMay hold all actions, up to a maximum of 8. Also, held actions do not expire at

the end of the combat round.100 Notice Mobility




Page 22: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Artful Dodging and Other Acts of a Less than Savoury Artful Dodging and Other Acts of a Less than Savoury Artful Dodging and Other Acts of a Less than Savoury Artful Dodging and Other Acts of a Less than Savoury Nature:Nature:Nature:Nature:

•You may make a check vs. current Pickpocket + Notice to gauge a Mark. A successful roll will allow you to assess the Mark’s wealth and possessions.

•Items may either be pickpocketed in sneak by approaching a Mark from behind, or by performing a Bump and Grab. Bumping and Grabbing requires a successful Speech check prior to making the Pickpocket check.

•The chance of successfully pickpocketing an item is dependent upon the item being stolen: Heavier items and more valuable items are harder to steal but reward more XP.

•If you fail, the target will detect you and you will receive a bounty for your current locale. Even if successful, there is also a chance that the target will hire a thug to kill you.

•A bounty will be cancelled if all witnesses to the crime have been eliminated. However, murder is not kindly looked upon by the authorities.

•Pickpocketing in combat requires you to be Sneaking with hidden meter > 50 and to approach the target from behind, and takes an Extended action.

Pickpocket XP = (Item weight x 10 + Item Value x 5 – Current Skill x 10)/10,

round down. Minimum reward is 1 XP, maximum reward is 10 XP per item.

Example: A rather foolish thief with Pickpocket of 25 attempts to steal a steel

sword from a guard. A steel sword has weight of 10 and value of 45, so the

thief would receive (10 x 10 + 45 x 5 – 25 x 10)/10 = 7 XP if successful. If not

successful, the thief would receive a bounty = item value + 10 and could be

caught by the nearest guard.

To Pickpocket an item roll vs. Target:

(Pickpocket – 1*(1+weight/5) – 1*(1+cost/20) + effects)*(1-perks)

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 Pickpocketing bonus of 20%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds.

2 Pickpocketing bonus of 40%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds. 20 Pickpocket

3 Pickpocketing bonus of 60%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds. 40 Pickpocket

4 Pickpocketing bonus of 80%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds. 60 Pickpocket

5 Pickpocketing bonus of 100%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds. 80 Pickpocket

Night Thief +25% chance to pickpocket if the target is asleep. 30 Pickpocket Light Fingers

Cutpurse Pickpocketing gold is 50% easier. 40 Pickpocket Night Thief

Keymaster Pickpocketing keys is 50% easier. 60 Pickpocket Cutpurse

Misdirection Can pickpocket equipped weapons. 70 Pickpocket Cutpurse

Perfect Touch Can pickpocket equipped items. 100 Pickpocket Misdirection

Extra Pockets Carrying capacity is increased by 100. 50 Pickpocket Night Thief

Poisoned Silently harm enemies by placing poisons in their pockets. 40 Pickpocket Night Thief

Light Fingers



Page 23: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

It Must Have Been My ImaginationIt Must Have Been My ImaginationIt Must Have Been My ImaginationIt Must Have Been My Imagination…………

•Initiating Sneaking requires a Minor Action and may only be doneout of combat or out of Line of Sight of enemies. Starting to Sneak out of combat in public may cause onlookers to laugh at you and/or alert the nearest guard.

•At the start of every round, Sneaking characters must make a opposed check Sneak vs. opponent's notice + modifiers for all opponents within line of sight or earshot of the Sneaker. Please see modifiers and results table.

•Your success at Sneaking is recorded via the Hidden Meter. The Hidden Meter normally starts at state of 50 out of combat and 0 (detected) in combat.

•A Hidden state of 60 or above allows Backstabbing and Pickpocketing. A Backstab attempt requires an additional opposed detection check and grants 5x damage for daggers, 3x damage for other melee weapons, and 2x damage for ranged attacks.

•Each detection roll that does not decrease the Hidden Meter grants 1XP. Each successful Backstab grants 3XP.

•You may not Backstab with a ballista. Additionally, Backstabbing with pole weapons or spells does not provide bonus damage.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 You are 20% harder to detect when sneaking.

2 You are 25% harder to detect when sneaking. 20 Sneak

3 You are 30% harder to detect when sneaking. 40 Sneak

4 You are 35% harder to detect when sneaking. 60 Sneak

5 You are 40% harder to detect when sneaking. 80 Sneak

Backstab Backstab attacks with one-handed weapons now do six times

damage. 30 Sneak Stealth

Deadly Aim Backstab attacks with bows now do three times damage. 40 Sneak Backstab

Assassin's Blade Backstat attacks with daggers now do a total of fifteen times normal

damage. 50 Sneak Deadly Aim

Muffled Movement Noise from armor is reduced 50%. 30 Sneak Stealth

Light Foot You won't trigger pressure plates or other environmental traps. 40 Sneak Muffled


Silent Roll Sprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll for 4 spaces

of bonus movement.50 Sneak Light Foot

Silence May take full Movement without receiving a Sneaking penalty. 70 Sneak Silent Roll

Shadow Warrior May initiate Sneaking in line of sight of an enemy with a 30 starting

Hidden meter.100 Sneak Silence


Stealth Modifie rs and Outcomes

Note: Modifiers are added to the Notice re sult of the opponent

attempting to detect the Sneaking player.

Wearing L ight Armour -20

Wearing Heavy A rmour -40

In Direct L ight* -40

Weapon is Drawn* -20

Movement > 3 this turn -15

In Adjacent Space -20

In Shadow* +30

Outs ide at Night* +30

Not in Line of Sight +60

In Partial Cover +20

In Heavy Cover +40

Spell Cast Previous Turn -30

*Only applies if in Line of Sight

If Then

Notice - S tealth >/= 20 Detected! Hidden meter set to 0.

Notice - S tealth > 0, < 20 Hidden meter - 20

Notice = Stealth Hidden meter - 10

Stealth - Not ice > 0, < 20 Hidden meter unchanged

Stealth - Not ice >/= 20 Hidden meter + 10

Nearby ally of Detector is kille d Hidden meter -30

Detector is hit by Stealther Detected! Hidden meter set to 0.

Distance > 10 spaces and out of Fully Hidden! Hidden meter set

Line of Sight to 100.

Out of Line of S ight Bonus Hidden meter +10



Page 24: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

The Gift of the Gab:The Gift of the Gab:The Gift of the Gab:The Gift of the Gab:

•The Speech skill is normally used for Haggling, Persuasion, and Intimidation checks.

•You may make a Haggling check (not to be confused with the perk), when attempting to buy or sell an item. A successful Haggling Speech check will improve an item’s price by 20% in your favour, a critical success (range 5) willimprove by an additional 20%.

•You may attempt to Intimidate and opponent in combat to select another target, or Intimidate a merchant to give you a 40% discount (same as a Haggling critical success). To make an Intimidate check, pass an Opposed skill check vs. one of the following opponent’s skills: One Handed, Two Handed, Archery, Destruction Magic, Conjuration Magic, Illusion Magic. Intimidating a merchant may cause them to report you to the guards for a bounty, depending on how much they like you and the value of the item.

•You may make a Persuasion Opposed Speech roll to increase someone’s opinion of you (or reduce their hostility). Persuasion rolls in combat are Adverse Opposed checks vs. the enemy’s Speech, and will cause the enemy to select another target. A critical success (range 2) will cause the enemy to stop fighting and leave the area.

•All successful Speech skills checks provide 1XP, 2XP on a critical success.

•Performing a Haggling or Persuasion check out of combat with your weapon drawn will incur a -30 penalty.

•Performing an Intimidation check with your weapon drawn will incur a +30 bonus if your opponent does not also have a drawn weapon.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 Buying and selling prices are 10% better.

2 Buying and selling prices are 15% better. 20 Speech

3 Buying and selling prices are 20% better. 40 Speech

4 Buying and selling prices are 25% better. 60 Speech

5 Buying and selling prices are 30% better. 80 Speech

Allure 10% better prices with the opposite sex. 30 Speech Haggling

Merchant Can sell any type of item to any kind of merchant. 50 Speech Allure

Investor Can invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his available

gold permanently. 70 Speech Merchant

Fence Can barter stolen goods with any merchant you have invested in. 90 Speech Investor

Master Trader Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering. 100 Speech Fence

Bribery Can bribe guards to ignore crimes. 30 Speech Haggling

Persuasion Persuasion attempts receive a +30 bonus. 50 Speech Bribery

Intimidation Intimidation is twice as likely to be successful. 70 Speech Persuasion




Page 25: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Turning Stuff Into Other Stuff:Turning Stuff Into Other Stuff:Turning Stuff Into Other Stuff:Turning Stuff Into Other Stuff:

•All Alteration spells are considered passive spells, and are cast via spending a Major Action.

•To cast, roll Alteration skill. Success = spell cast, failure =spell cast with 50% extra magicka cost.

•Spells interrupted via a combat response or by not having enough magicka are not cast, no magicka is spent for interrupted spells.

•Dual cast Alteration spells cost 2-1/2 times normal magicka for 1-1/2 times normal potency, duration, and/or range (Telekinesis).

•Passive skills currently in effect may be recast at a 20% magicka savings.

•Casting Novice and Apprentice level spells grant 1XP, casting Adept and Expert level spells grant 2XP, casting Master level spells grants 5XP. No XP is granted until spell has a real effect on the course of gameplay.

Spell Cost for All Spells: Base x (1-skill%/2) x perks x effects

Example: Melcor the Magnificent dual casts Stoneflesh on himself

which has base cost of 200. Fortunately, he has an Alteration skill of

40 and the Apprentice Alteration perk. So his cost is 200 x (1-40%/2)

x ½ x 2½ (dual) = 200 magicka. Not a cheap casting to be sure, but

since he dual cast and has the Mage Armor Rank 1 perk, he will have

an extra 180 AR (18% DR) for the next 15 combat rounds.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

Novice Alteration Cast Novice level Alteration spells for half magicka.

Alteration Dual Casting Dual casting an Alteration spell overcharges the effects into an even more

powerful version. 20 Alteration Novice Alteration

Apprentice Alteration Cast Apprentice level Alteration spells for half magicka. 25 Alteration Novice Alteration

1 Blocks 10% of a spell's effects. 30 Alteration Apprentice Alteration

2 Blocks 20% of a spell's effects. 50 Alteration Rank 1

3 Blocks 30% of a spell's effects. 70 Alteration Rank 2

Adept Alteration Cast Adept level Alteration spells for half magicka. 50 Alteration Apprentice Alteration

Expert Alteration Cast Expert level Alteration spells for half magicka. 75 Alteration Adept Alteration

Atronach Absorb 30% of the magicka of any spells that hit you. 100 Alteration Expert Alteration

Master Alteration Cast Master level Alteration spells for half magicka. 100 Alteration Expert Alteration

Stability Alteration spells have greater duration. 70 Alteration Adept Alteration

1 Protection spells like Stoneflesh are twice as strong if not wearing armor. 30 Alteration Apprentice Alteration

2 Protection spells like Stoneflesh are 2.5 times as strong if not wearing armor. 50 Alteration Rank 1

3Protection spells like Stoneflesh are three times as strong if not wearing

armor. 70 Alteration Rank 2

Magic Resistance

Mage Armor



Page 26: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Is That an Atronach in Your Pocket?Is That an Atronach in Your Pocket?Is That an Atronach in Your Pocket?Is That an Atronach in Your Pocket?

•Most Conjuration Spells are considered Passive, and are cast via spending a Major Action. Soul Trap and Spectral Arrow are considered an active spell and are cast identically to ranged Destruction spells.

•To cast (except for active spells), roll Conjuration skill. Success = spell cast, failure = spell cast with 50% extra magicka cost.

•All summoned creatures are placed in an adjacent hex of your choice, except if you have the Summoner Perk.

•Spells interrupted via a combat response or by not having enough magicka are not cast, no magicka is spent for interrupted spells.

•Dual cast Conjuration spells costs 2-1/2 times the magicka for 1-1/2 times the duration.

•Summoned creatures provide 1XP per every round in combat.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

Novice Conjuration Cast Novice level Conjuration spells for half magicka.

Apprentice Conjuration Cast Apprentice level Conjuration spells for half magicka. 25 Conjuration Novice Conjuration

Adept Conjuration Cast Adept level Conjuration spells for half magicka. 50 Conjuration Apprentice Conjuration

Expert Conjuration Cast Expert level Conjuration spells for half magicka. 75 Conjuration Adept Conjuration

Master Conjuration Cast Master level Conjuration spells for half magicka. 100 Conjuration Expert Conjuration

Conjuration Dual Casting Dual casting a Conjuration spell overcharges the spell, allowing it to

last longer. 20 Conjuration Novice Conjuration

Mystic Binding Bound weapons do more damage. 20 Conjuration Novice Conjuration

Soul Stealer Bound weapons cast Soul Trap on targets. 30 Conjuration Mystic Binding

Oblivion Binding Bound weapons will banish summoned creatures and turn raised

ones. 50 Conjuration Soul Stealer

Necromancy Greater duration for reanimated undead. 40 Conjuration Novice Conjuration

Dark Souls Reanimated undead have 100 points more health. 70 Conjuration Necromancy

1 Can summon atronachs or raise undead twice as far away. 30 Conjuration Novice Conjuration

2 Can summon atronachs or raise undead three times as far away. 70 Conjuration Rank 1

Atromancy Double duration for conjured Atronachs. 40 Conjuration Summoner

Elemental Potency Conjured Atronachs are 50% more powerful. 80 Conjuration Atromancy

Twin Souls You can have two atronachs or reanimated zombies. 100 Conjuration Dark Souls or Elemental





Page 27: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Come and Light My Fire:Come and Light My Fire:Come and Light My Fire:Come and Light My Fire:

•Destruction Magic ranged spells are Active and require a major action to cast as well as a minor action to release. Aim actions may be taken to increase accuracy (+20 per action) prior to release.

•To cast a Destruction Magic ranged spell roll vs. Skill + modifiers. Success = spell hits, failure = spell misses, Critical hit = spell does double damage (range 2).

•All non-ranged Destruction spells are passive and are cast as per Alteration Magic spells (e.g. runes, cloaks, walls).

•Spells interrupted via a combat response or by not having enoughmagicka are not cast, no magicka is spent for interrupted spells.

•Dual casting Destruction spells costs 3 times the magicka 2 times the damage.

•The same XP rewards as Alteration Magic apply.

Of Note:Of Note:Of Note:Of Note:

•Frostbite, Flames, and Sparks Novice level spells are exceptions to the above rules, and follow the casting and XP rules of Sustained spells (see Restoration Magic).

•Fire, Frost, and Lightning damage have the following additional effects:-Fire damage does 25% bonus health damage every round for two additional rounds (does not stack).-Frost damage does 100% bonus stamina damage and Freezes the target for 1 round.-Lightning damage does 50% bonus magicka damage. In addition, ranged attack penalties for Lightning based spells are halved, bonuses apply as normal.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

Novice Destruction Cast Novice level Destruction spells for half magicka.

Apprentice Destruction Cast Apprentice level Destruction spells for half magicka. 25 Destruction Novice Destruction

Adept Destruction Cast Adept level Destruction spells for half magicka. 50 Destruction Apprentice Destruction

Expert Destruction Cast Expert level Destruction spells for half magicka. 75 Destruction Adept Destruction

Master Destruction Cast Master level Destruction spells for half magicka. 100 Destruction Expert Destruction

Rune Master Can place runes five times farther away. 40 Destruction Apprentice Destruction

1 Fire spells do 25% more damage. 30 Destruction Novice Destruction

2 Fire spells do 50% more damage, increases blast radius of Fireball. 60 Destruction Rank 1

Intense Flames Fire damage causes targets to flee if their health is low (under 20%). 50 Destruction Augmented Flames

1 Frost spells do 25% more damage. 30 Destruction Novice Destruction

2 Frost spells do 50% more damage, increases radius of Ice Storm. 60 Destruction Rank 1

Deep Freeze Frost damage paralyzes targets if their health is low (under 20%). 60 Destruction Augmented Frost

1 Shock spells do 25% more damage. 30 Destruction Novice Destruction

2Shock spells do 50% more damage, Chain Lightning jumps one

additional target (Caution: may hit followers). 60 Destruction Rank 1

Disintegrate Shock damage disintegrates targets if their health is low (under

15%). 70 Destruction Augmented Shock

Destruction Dual Casting Dual casting a Destruction spell overcharges the effects into an even

more powerful version. 20 Destruction Novice Destruction

Impact Active destruction spells will stagger an opponent when dual cast. 40 Destruction Destruction Dual Casting

Augmented Frost

Augmented Shock

Augmented Flames



Page 28: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Some Enchanted Evening:Some Enchanted Evening:Some Enchanted Evening:Some Enchanted Evening:

•Enchanting and Disenchanting require extended access to an Enchanting Altar.

•Magical items may be Disenchanted to learn a particular Enchantment. Disenchanting a magical item takes 8 hours and grants 5XP. A successful Enchanting roll decreases time to 4 hours and grants a bonus 5XP.

•Enchanting a magical item requires a known Enchantment, a non-enchanted item (unless with perk Extra Effect), and a charged soul gem. Souls trapped in soul gems provide the following potencies for all enchanted effects:-Grand (& Black): 100%, -Greater: 80%, -Common: 60%, -Lesser: 40%-Petty: 20%

•Enchanting an item takes 8 hours and grants 3XP. A successful Enchanting roll decreases time to 4 hours and grants a bonus 3XP, as well as a bonus 10% potency. A critical success (range 5) grants an additional 20% bonus.

•Enchanted weapons and staffs consume charge per use. Weapons may either be recharged with a charged soul gem at an Altar of Enchantment, or via the Soul Trap Conjuration spell. Charge provided per soul = 1,000 times normal potency.

•Recharging an item at an Altar of Enchantment takes 10 minutes and grants 1XP. A successful Enchanting roll grants an additional 50% charge.

•Enchanted clothing, armour, and jewelry effects are constant and do not consume charge.

•All soul gems are single use.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1 New enchantments are 20% stronger.

2 New enchantments are 40% stronger. 20 Enchanting Rank 1

3 New enchantments are 60% stronger. 40 Enchanting Rank 2

4 New enchantments are 80% stronger. 60 Enchanting Rank 3

5 New enchantments are 100% stronger. 80 Enchanting Rank 4

Fire Enchanter Fire enchantments are 25% stronger. 30 Enchanting Enchanter

Frost Enchanter Frost enchantments are 25% stronger. 40 Enchanting Fire Enchanter

Storm Enchanter Shock enchantments are 25% stronger. 50 Enchanting Frost Enchanter

Insightful Enchanter Skill enchantments are 25% stronger. 50 Enchanting Enchanter

Corpus Enchanter Health, magicka, and stamina enchantments are

25% stronger. 70 Enchanting Insightful Enchanter

Extra Effect Can put two enchantments on the same item. 100 Enchanting Corpus Enchanter

or Storm Enchanter

Soul Squeezer Soul Trap and soul gems provide extra magicka

for recharging. 20 Enchanting Enchanter

Soul Siphon Death blows to creatures, but not people, trap 5%

of the victim's soul, recharging the weapon. 40 Enchanting Soul Squeezer




Page 29: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

No Smoke, No Mirrors:No Smoke, No Mirrors:No Smoke, No Mirrors:No Smoke, No Mirrors:

•Illusion Magic spells cast on enemies are considered active spells and behave exactly like Destruction ranged spells. Dual-casting these spells costs 3 times the magicka and affects creatures of 2 times level range (after perks).

•Illusion Magic spells cast on self or allies are considered passive spells and behave exactly like Alteration spells. Dual casting these spells costs 2-1/2 times magicka for 1-1/2 times duration.

•Illusion spells cast on enemies may not be overwritten by the same spell effect for the duration of the spell.

•Casting Novice and Apprentice level spells grant 1XP, casting Adept and Expert level spells grant 2XP, casting Master level spells grants 5XP. No XP is granted until spell has a real effect on the course of gameplay.

Perk Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

Novice Illusion Cast Novice level Illusion spells for half magicka.

Animage Illusion spells now work on higher level animals (+8

levels to the spell maximum). 20 Illusion Novice Illusion

Kindred Mage All Illusion spells work on higher level people (+10

levels to the spell maximum). 40 Illusion Animage

Quiet Casting All spells you cast from any school of magic are silent

to others. 50 Illusion Kindred Mage

Apprentice Illusion Cast Apprentice level Illusion spells for half magicka. 25 Illusion Novice Illusion

Adept Illusion Cast Adept level Illusion spells for half magicka. 50 Illusion Apprentice Illusion

Expert Illusion Cast Expert level Illusion spells for half magicka. 75 Illusion Adept Illusion

Master Illusion Cast Master level Illusion spells for half magicka. 100 Illusion Expert Illusion

Hypnotic Gaze

Calm spells now work on higher level opponents (+8

levels to spell maximum). Cumulative with Kindred

Mage and Animage.

30 Illusion Novice Illusion

Aspect of Terror

Fear spells work on higher level opponents (+10 levels

to spell maximum). Cumulative with Kindred Mage and


50 Illusion Hypnotic Gaze


Frenzy spells work on higher level opponents (+12

levels to spell maximum). Cumulative with Kindred

Mage and Animage.

70 Illusion Aspect of Terror

Master of the Mind Illusion spells work on undead, daedra and automatons. 90 Illusion Quiet Casting or Rage

Illusion Dual Casting Dual casting an Illusion spell overcharges the effects

into an even more powerful version.20 Illusion Novice Illusion



Page 30: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

We DonWe DonWe DonWe Don’’’’t Need No Education:t Need No Education:t Need No Education:t Need No Education:

Academics and the pursuit of science has a rich and varied history in the Empire. Not only do adherents of the Arcane spend their life in pursuit of knowledge, but so do those who study the natural world, its creatures, and the peoples of Tamriel for the sake of pure research. A diligent study of Lore will reward the searcher with knowledge of ancient secrets, accelerated study of other skills, and even glimpses into the hidden realm of the Arcane.

•The player or GM may initiate a Lore Knowledge check to attempt to reveal details about a place, creature, object, person, or organization. Possession of each book related to the subject of study will grant a +20 bonus for this check. A successful Lore check will grant 2XP.

•The magical properties of objects may be ascertained by passing a Lore check with a -10 penalty. Knowledge of related spells will provide a +30 bonus. A success will grant 5XP.

•Reading any book of note will grant 1XP.






Arcane Research






Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

1The chance of success on Lore knowledge checks is

increased by +20 when researching non-magical objects.

2 Above increase is +40 30 Lore Rank 1

3 Above increase is +60 60 Lore Rank 2

Archivist Each book read provides 2XP 20 Lore Scholar

Natural PhilosophyCan perform a Lore check to determine a creature's strengths

& weaknesses in combat. Success grants 3XP30 Lore Scholar

Curator Receive a +30 bonus to identify magical objects 50 Lore Archivist

1When rolling for books, chance to find a skill tome is increased

by 50%40 Lore Archivist

2 When rolling for books, chance to find a skill tome is increased 50 Lore Rank 1

1 The chance to find a spell tome is increased by 50% 50 Lore Applied Sciences

2 The chance to find a spell tome is increased by 100% 60 Lore Rank 1

ArchaeologistMay make a lore check at a -20 penalty to predict the layout of

a dungeon. Success grants 5XP70 Lore Arcane Research

CartographerThe location of every city, town, and dungeon in a chosen

Province of Tamriel is known.90 Lore

Natural Philosophy or


Academician Skill tomes now provide +3 skill points. Receive +1 all skills. 100 Lore Curator or Archaeologist

Applied Sciences

Arcane Research




Page 31: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Take Two and Send a Courier in the Morning:Take Two and Send a Courier in the Morning:Take Two and Send a Courier in the Morning:Take Two and Send a Courier in the Morning:

•Restoration magic contains the most sustained spells of any school. Sustained skills are initiated as a free action, must be sustained for at least one minor action, and may be sustained until the caster is out of magicka. Sustained Restoration spells include healing spells, wards, and absorption spells.

•To cast a Sustained spell, roll vs. Skill + 50 + modifiers. A failure means the spell fizzles and cannot be attempted again until nextturn. A critical success (range 5) halves the magicka cost as long as the spell is sustained.

•Sustained spells grant 1XP for every round in which at least oneaction is spent sustaining the spell.

•Dual casting sustained spells costs 3 times the magicka for 2 times the effect.

•Most other Restoration spells are considered Passive and behave exactly like Alteration spells for casting method, dual casting, and XP rewards.

Of Note:Of Note:Of Note:Of Note: Restoration is the only type of magic that most common citizens of Tamriel have had exposure to. If fact, most people do not think of it as magic at all, rather as miracles from Arkay, Mara, or one of the other gods. Needless to say, the clerics do little to clear up this misconception.

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.

Novice Restoration Cast Novice level Restoration spells for half magicka.

Apprentice Restoration Cast Apprentice level Restoration spells for half magicka. 25 Restoration Novice Restoration

Adept Restoration Cast Adept level Restoration spells for half magicka. 50 Restoration Apprentice Restoration

Expert Restoration Cast Expert level Restoration spells for half magicka. 75 Restoration Adept Restoration

Master Restoration Cast Master level Restoration spells for half magicka. 100 Restoration Expert Restoration

1 Magicka regenerates 25% faster. 30 Restoration Novice Restoration

2 Magicka regenerates 50% faster. 60 Restoration

Avoid Death Once a day, heals 250 points automatically if you fall below

10% health. (Only if the damage does not kill you.) 90 Restoration Recovery

Regeneration Healing spells cure 50% more. 20 Restoration Novice Restoration

Necromage All spells are more effective against undead. 70 Restoration Regeneration

Respite Healing spells also restore Stamina. 40 Restoration Novice Restoration

Restoration Dual Casting Dual casting a Restoration spell overcharges the effects into

an even more powerful version. 20 Restoration Novice Restoration

Ward Absorb Wards recharge your magicka when hit with spells. 60 Restoration Novice Restoration




Page 32: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

A WarriorA WarriorA WarriorA Warrior’’’’s Best Friends Best Friends Best Friends Best Friend


Name Weight Value



Iron Sword 9 25 7

Steel Sword 10 45 8

Silver Sword 7 100 8

Orcish Sword 11 75 9

Dwarven Sword 12 135 10

Elven Sword 13 235 11

Glass Sword 14 410 12

Ebony Sword 15 720 13

Daedric Sword 16 1250 14

Swords are the bread and butter of the armed class. They are particularly suited for lunging attacks, and their long edges have a better chance of doing extra damage than most other weapons.

Critical Range 5

Damage Type: Piercing

War AxesWar AxesWar AxesWar Axes

Name Weight Value



Iron War Axe 11 30 8

Steel War Axe 12 55 9

Orcish War Axe 13 90 10

Dwarven War Axe 14 165 11

Elven War Axe 15 280 12

Glass War Axe 16 490 13

Ebony War Axe 17 865 15

Daedric War Axe 18 1500 15

War Axes are favoured weapons of the Nords, and can wreak havoc on a lightly armoured foe. They are most effective when used in sideways slashing type attacks.

Critical Range 3

Damage Type: Slashing

MacesMacesMacesMacesCritical Range 2

Damage Type: Blunt

Power Attacks require 40 stamina

Name Weight Value



Iron Mace 13 35 9

Steel Mace 14 65 10

Orcish Mace 15 105 11

Dwarven Mace 16 190 12

Elven Mace 17 330 13

Glass Mace 18 575 14

Ebony Mace 19 1000 16

Daedric Mace 20 1750 16

Maces are traditionally used by fighters facing more heavily armoured, better equipped foes. A strong standing blow has the best chance of defeating your enemy with this weapon.


Name Weight Value



Iron Dagger 2 10 4

Steel Dagger 3 18 5

Orcish Dagger 3 30 6

Dwarven Dagger 3 55 7

Elven Dagger 4 95 8

Glass Dagger 4 165 9

Ebony Dagger 5 290 10

These weapons may not be much to look at, but only a fool turns his back to a foe armed with a dagger. They do unparalleled damage from Sneak attacks and thus are favorite weapons of assassins.

Critical Range 10

Damage Type: Piercing

5x Backstab Damage (instead of 3x)

ClubsClubsClubsClubs Certainly not the most elegant of weapons, however clubs have the advantage of requiring little training and being less exhausting to use than other weapons.

Name Weight Value



Oak Club 8 8 6

Ironwood Club 9 12 7

Studded Steel Club 10 15 8

Bone Club 11 40 9

Studded Glass Club 12 140 10

Studded Ebony Club 13 190 12

Critical Range 2

Damage Type: Blunt

Power Attacks only require 20 stamina

Called by different names throughout Tamriel, these somewhat rare single edged weapons make up for in raw damage what they lack in versatility. Plus they look very impressive.

ScimitarsScimitarsScimitarsScimitars Critical Range 3

Damage Type: Slashing

May not use forward power attacks

Name Weight Value



Iron Cutlass 9 35 9

Steel Scimitar 10 65 10

Silver Cutlass 7 105 10

Orcish Cutlass 11 190 12

Akavari Katana 12 330 13

Elven Scimitar 13 575 14

Glass Katana 14 1000 16

Ebony Katana 15 1750 18


Page 33: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Now WeNow WeNow WeNow We’’’’re Getting Seriousre Getting Seriousre Getting Seriousre Getting Serious…………

GreatswordsGreatswordsGreatswordsGreatswords The blade of kings. In the hands of a highly trained blademaster, a greatsword can unleash an unequaled whirlwind of carnage. However, such power usually comes after years of disciplined training.

Critical Range 5

Damage Type: Piercing

Name Weight Value



Iron Greatsword 16 50 15

Steel Greatsword 17 90 17

Silver Greatsword 12 160 17

Orcish Greatsword 18 75 18

Dwarven Greatsword 19 270 19

Elven Greatsword 20 470 20

Glass Greatsword 22 820 21

Ebony Greatsword 22 1440 22

Daedric Greatsword 23 2500 24

BattleaxesBattleaxesBattleaxesBattleaxes Few sights inspire fear like charging Nordic warriors wielding these mighty weapons. Battleaxes have been known to cleave foes in half with a single blow.

Critical Range 3

Damage Type: Slashing

Name Weight Value



Iron Battleaxe 20 55 16

Steel Battleaxe 21 100 18

Orcish Battleaxe 25 165 19

Dwarven Battleaxe 23 300 20

Elven Battleaxe 24 520 21

Glass Battleaxe 25 900 22

Ebony Battleaxe 26 1585 23

Daedric Battleaxe 27 2750 25

WarhammersWarhammersWarhammersWarhammersIf you seek to subdue a foe wearing plate armour, look no further. Warhammers deliver brutally punishing blows to those foolish enough not to evade their attacks.

Critical Range 2

Damage Type: Blunt

Power Attacks cost 60 stamina

Name Weight Value



Iron Warhammer 24 60 18

Steel Warhammer 25 110 20

Orcish Warhammer 26 180 21

Dwarven Warhammer 27 325 22

Elven Warhammer 28 565 23

Glass Warhammer 29 985 24

Ebony Warhammer 30 1725 25

Daedric Warhammer 31 4000 27

SpearsSpearsSpearsSpears Deceptively hard to master, these mainly defensive weapons are often used by soldiers in tight formation, as well as favoured by hunters because of their lightness and reach.

Critical Range 5

Damage Type: Piercing

Extended Reach, may equip a shield*

HalberdsHalberdsHalberdsHalberds Suited well for both attack and defense, these weapons can commonly be found in elite guard formations throughout the Empire.

Critical Range 3

Damage Type: Slashing

Extended Reach

StavesStavesStavesStavesFar more than just a simple piece of wood, staff wielding commoners have surprised many noble knights to their chagrin. Also, their natural state makes staves ideal for attracting Arcane energy.

Critical Range 2

Damage Type: Blunt

Extended Reach, may enchant into a

Wizard’s Staff, may attack 3x per turn

Name Weight Value



Iron Spear 8 35 7

Steel Spear 9 55 8

Silver Spear 7 110 8

Orcish Spear 10 85 9

Dwarven Spear 11 145 10

Elven Spear 12 245 11

Glass Spear 12 420 12

Ebony Spear 13 750 13

Daedric Spear 14 1300 14

Name Weight Value



Iron halberd 20 55 14

Steel halberd 21 100 15

Orcish halberd 25 165 17

Dwarven halberd 23 300 18

Elven halberd 24 520 19

Glass halberd 25 900 20

Ebony halberd 26 1585 21

Daedric halberd 27 2750 22

Name Weight Value



Oak Staff 10 30 6

Ironwood Staff 11 55 7

Steel Shod Staff 12 90 8

Sungwood Staff 9 165 9

Glass Shod Staff 14 280 10

Ebony Shod Staff 15 490 12


*May not power attack with a spear and a shield equipped.

Page 34: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Action at a DistanceAction at a DistanceAction at a DistanceAction at a Distance

BowsBowsBowsBows First perfected by the Elves, bows have been vital tools for hunting and defense from time immemorial. Mastering the bow requires a strong arm, a keen eye, and much patience.

CrossbowsCrossbowsCrossbowsCrossbowsThe introduction of crossbows to the Empire is relatively recent; they were found in Dwarven ruins around the time of The Nerevarine. Since then, they have become popular with mercenaries and paranoid nobles.


SlingsSlingsSlingsSlingsMainly used by farmers and shepherds to fend off predators, slings have the advantage of being able to chuck anything small and roundish at an enemy at high speed.

Very few merchants stock the more exotic ammunition types, these can either be crafted or taken from slain foes.

*These magical arrows only exist while using the Bound Bow spell.

Critical Range 5

Damage Type: Piercing

Critical Range 5

Damage Type: Piercing

Range Penalties are +15%

Name Weight Value



Shortbow 5 30 6

Longbow 7 50 7

Orcish Bow 9 150 10Composite Bone

Bow 10 270 12

Elven Bow 12 470 13

Glass Bow 14 820 15

Ebony Bow 16 1440 17

Daedric Bow 18 2500 19

Name Weight Value



Iron Crossbow 7 30 8

Steel Crossbow 9 50 9

Orcish Crossbow 11 150 12

Dwarven Arbalest 14 270 15

Glass Crossbow 15 820 17

Ebony Crossbow 18 1440 19

Daedric Crossbow 20 2500 20

Name Weight Value



Iron Arrow 0 1 8

Bone Arrow 0 0 8

Steel Arrow 0 2 10

Orcish Arrow 0 4 12

Dwarven Arrow 0 6 14

Elven Arrow 0 8 16

Glass Arrow 0 9 18

Ebony Arrow 0 12 20

Bound Arrow* 0 0* 24

Daedric Arrow 0 16 24

Iron Bolt 0 3 9

Steel Bolt 0 5 11

Dwemer Bolt 0 8 15

Ebony Bolt 0 15 22

Daedric Bolt 0 20 26

Name Weight Value



Common Sling 1 15 4

Elven Sling 2 25 6

Name Weight Value



Rock 0 0 4

Iron Shot 0 1 5

Steel Shot 0 2 7

Dwarven Shot 0 5 9

Glass Shot 0 8 12

Ebony Shot 0 10 15

Critical Range 2

Damage Type: Blunt

Range Penalties are +15%

Calculating Ranged Damage:

Skill and perks boost bows only, so

Damage = (Base bow) x (1 + 0.5 x Archery(%)) x (1 + Perks) +

Ammunition + Effects

Please see Ranged Modifiers table for range, combat movement, and

other effects.

Critical Range 5

Damage Type: Piercing


Page 35: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Stylish ProtectionStylish ProtectionStylish ProtectionStylish Protection

HideHideHideHide LeatherLeatherLeatherLeather


The lightest and cheapest armor, mainly used by hunters, bandits, and poor adventurers.

Well cured leather armor is strong, supple, light, and almost noiseless, making it perfect for skirmishers and archers.

Standard issue armor for the Imperial Legion, and also popular with sellswords and better armed thugs.

Bonus: Armor noise penalty reduced by 3 for each

piece worn.


Bonus: 5% Frost resistance per piece worn,

does not stack with racial abilities or item

enchantments, does stack with potions.

Fur armor is often worn in Skyrim for its warmth, and by Khajit since they like to dress in the skins of their prey.

Name Weight Value



Fur Cuirass 6 50 23

Fur Boots 2 5 5

Fur Bracers 2 10 6

Fur Helmet 1 23 11

Name Weight Value



Hide Armor 5 50 20

Hide Boots 1 10 5

Hide Bracers 1 10 5

Hide Helmet 2 25 10

Name Weight Value



Leather Armor 6 75 23

Leather Boots 2 25 7

Leather Bracers 2 25 7

Leather Helmet 2 60 10

Name Weight Value



Studded Armor 6 125 26

Studded Boots 2 25 8

Studded Bracers 2 25 8

Studded Helmet 2 60 12


Page 36: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Even More Stylish ProtectionEven More Stylish ProtectionEven More Stylish ProtectionEven More Stylish Protection





Chainmail is expensive and time consuming to create, but is treasured by Redguards for its superior mobility in battle.

Bonus: Movement is 7 if wearing a complete set

of chainmail, 8 with Unhindered perk.

Name Weight Value



Chainmail Armor 6 360 32

Chainmail Boots 2 90 9

Chainmail Bracers 2 90 9

Chainmail Helmet 2 190 14

Used by the Altmer both for battle and ceremony, Elven style armor has fallen out of fashion in the Empire from its association with the THalmor.

Name Weight Value



Elven Armor 4 225 29

Elven Boots 1 45 8

Elven Gauntlets 1 45 8

Elven Gilded Armor 4 550 35

Elven Helmet 1 110 13

Offering superior protection against piercing weapons, Scale armor has been perfected by the Argonians of the Black Swamp, who craft it from the remains of their enemies.

Bonus: Piercing DR +10% if wearing a complete


Name Weight Value



Scaled Armor 6 350 32

Scaled Boots 2 70 9

Scaled Bracers 2 70 9

Scaled Helmet 2 175 14

Crafted from volcanic ore, the secrets of making this superior armor have long resided with the Dunmer of Vvanderfell, who are now mainly refugees.

Bonus: Slashing DR +20% if wearing a

complete set.

Name Weight Value



Glass Armor 7 900 38

Glass Boots 2 190 11

Glass Gauntlets 2 190 11

Glass Helmet 2 450 16


Page 37: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Built Like a RockBuilt Like a RockBuilt Like a RockBuilt Like a Rock





The most basic form of heavy armor, Iron armor is often crafted by apprentice smiths striving to improve their craft.

Commonly available and offering superior protection, Steel armor is usually the prized possession of up and coming adventurers. Nordic smiths are known for making the best.

Although the Dwemer, or Dwarves, have long since vanished, the secrets of their crafting may be discovered by those with time and money to pursue them.

Bonus: 5% Shock resistance per piece worn,

does not stack with racial abilities or item

enchantments, does stack with potions.

Orcish smiths are deservedly held in high regard across Tamriel for creating this unique, effective, and intimidating armor style.

Bonus: +5 bonus to Intimidate rolls for each

piece worn.

Name Weight Value



Iron Armor 30 125 25

Banded Iron Armor 35 200 28

Iron Boots 6 25 10

Iron Gauntlets 5 25 10

Iron Helmet 5 60 15

Name Weight Value



Dwarven Armor 45 400 34

Dwarven Boots 10 85 13

Dwarven Gauntlets 8 85 13

Dwarven Helmet 12 200 18

Name Weight Value



Steel Armor 35 275 31

Steel Armor 35 275 31

Steel Gauntlets 4 55 12

Steel Helmet 5 125 17

Name Weight Value



Orcish Armor 38 625 40

Orcish Boots 9 125 14

Orcish Gauntlets 6 125 14

Orcish Helmet 6 300 19


Page 38: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

The Best DefenseThe Best DefenseThe Best DefenseThe Best Defense




Steel PlateSteel PlateSteel PlateSteel Plate

The pinnacle of the Nordic smithcraft, Steel Plate armor is sought after by wealthy knights and champions throughout Tamriel.

Bonus: 10% Fire resistance per piece worn,

does not stack with racial abilities or item

enchantments, does stack with potions.

Incredibly rare and expensive, Ebony armor was famously worn by The Nerevarine when she battled the dread lord Dagoth Ur.

Daedric armor is associated with the denizens of Oblivion, and represents the embodiment of fear and darkness for ordinary mortals.

Bonus: Every piece worn adds a 5% chance that

humanoid enemies will flee in terror for 1 round.

Shields are used to mitigate much more damage than can be handled by armor alone, and can be used to stagger and knock down opponents by skilled warriors.

Name Weight Value



Steel Plate Armor 35 1000 42

Steel Plate Boots 7 200 15

Steel Plate Gauntlets 7 200 15

Steel Plate Helmet 8 500 20

Name Weight Value



Ebony Armor 38 1500 43

Ebony Boots 7 275 16

Ebony Gauntlets 7 275 16

Ebony Helmet 10 750 21

Name Weight Value



Daedric Armor 50 3200 49

Daedric Boots 10 625 18

Daedric Gauntlets 6 625 18

Daedric Helmet 15 1600 23

Name Weight Value



Hide Shield 4 25 15

Imperial Shield 5 75 18

Banded Iron Shield 12 100 22

Steel Shield 12 150 24

Dwarven Shield 12 225 26

Elven Shield 4 115 21

Glass Shield 6 450 27

Orcish Shield 14 500 30

Ebony Shield 14 750 32

Daedric Shield 15 1600 36


Page 39: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Everything But TheEverything But TheEverything But TheEverything But The…………

Note: All prices may be adjusted by

region or by merchants trying to rip

you off. It pays to comparison shop.

GM’s are encouraged to add

Availability rolls to high value items

per their discretion.

ClothingClothingClothingClothingItem Weight Value

Silver Ring 0.25 30

Gold Ring 0.25 75

Silver Garnet Ring 0.25 160

Silver Amethyst Ring 0.25 180

Silver Ruby Ring 0.25 260

Gold Sapphire Ring 0.25 500

Gold Emerald Ring 0.25 700

Gold Diamond Ring 0.25 900

Silver Necklace 0.5 60

Gold Necklace 0.5 120

Silver Jeweled Necklace 0.5 380

Gold Jeweled Necklace 0.5 485

Gold Ruby Necklace 0.5 550

Silver Sapphire Necklace 0.5 580

Silver Emerald Necklace 0.5 830

Gold Diamond Necklace 0.5 1200

Copper and Onyx Circlet 2 50

Copper and Moonstone Circlet 2 100

Copper and Ruby Circlet 2 150

Copper and Sapphire Circlet 2 200

Silver and Moonstone Circlet 2 250

Jade and Sapphire Circlet 2 300

Jade and Emerald Circlet 2 350

Silver and Sapphire Circlet 2 400

Gold and Ruby Circlet 2 450

Gold and Emerald Circlet 2 500



FoodFoodFoodFood TransportTransportTransportTransport

Adventuring GearAdventuring GearAdventuring GearAdventuring Gear


Item Weight Value

Blank Book 2 4

Common Book 2 10

Rare Book 2 50

Skill Tome 3 100

Unique Book 2 200

Magical Tome 3 Per spell


Item Weight Value

Common Hat 1 1

Ragged Clothing 1 1

Ragged Boots 1 1

Common Clothing 1 2

Common Boots 1 2

Common Shoes 1 2

Common Gloves 1 2

Common Robes 1 5

Professional Garb 1 5

Blacksmith's Apron 1 8

Chef's Tunic 1 8

Hooded Robes 2 8

Academic Robes 1 10

Adept Hood 1 10

Fine Gloves 1 10

Fine Boots 1 20

Fine Hat 1 25

Cuffed Boots 1 25

Fur Lined Gloves 1 20

Fur Lined Boots 1 25

Pleated Shoes 1 25

Fine Clothes 1 40

Fur Lined Robes 4 50

Fine Raiment 1 100

Fur-Trimmed Cloak 1 100

Noble Robes 3 200

Snowy Sabre Cat Fur

Cloak 5 200

Name Level Value Notes

Hired Muscle 2 5 / day comes unequipped, but with a sturdy back

Common Sellsword 6 10 / day Can choose either 1H, 2H, or ranged

Experienced Sellsword 12 30 / day Generally has Steel equivalent gear

Elite Sellsword 20 100 / day Has plate equivalent gear

Hedge Priest 4 10 / day Can heal and turn weak undead

Lay Priest 12 30 / day More skilled healing, casts some adept skills

Grand Cleric 20 90 / day Casts expert level Restor. spells

War Dog 10 200

Can choose male or female, adds +10 to Survival

Wilderness checks.

Bard 16 70 / day

Can cook, entertain, pick locks, perform some

illusion magic, and tell of your exploits

Strumpet - 100 / day Nudge nudge, wink wink

Item Capacity Value Speed, Notes

Pack Mule 500 300 20 miles / day

Common Horse 400 1000 30 miles / day

Riding Horse 450 2000 40 miles / day

Warsteed 600 5000 30 miles / day, will attack enemies

Horse Drawn Wagon 2000 3000 20 miles / day, Requires 2 horses to pull

Carriage - 1 per 5 mi 40 miles / day

Teleportation - 1 per 1 mi Infinite as long as mage knows the destination

River Boat 2000 1 per 10 mi 60 miles / day

Ship - 1 per 5 mi 100 miles / day

Item Weight Value

Backpack 0 8

Bedroll 3 2

Beeswax 0 20

Bronze Spikes 0 5

Caltrops 0 10

Canteen 1 2

Cooking Gear 10 15

Empty Bottle 0 5

Grapple Hook 1 16

Grooming Kit 1 6

Jeweller's Tools 4 120

Latern 2 8

Leatherworking Tools 5 40

Lockpick 0 10

Magnifying Glass 1 15

Portable Forge 70 300

Rope 1 per yard 2 per yard

Spyglass 1 30

Tent 10 5

Tinder & Flint 1 5

Torch 2 1

Woodworking Tools 10 50

Writing Kit 1 10

Item Value Notes

City Shack 1,000

About what you would


Country Cottage 3,000

Climbing roses cost


City House 5,000

Includes a cot for

servants, and a kitchen.

Country House 8,000

Includes about 1/2 acre

of land.

City Estate 25,000

Only available to nobles.

Comes fully staffed.

Country Manor 40,000

Only available to nobles.

Comes with servants,

stables, a chapel, and a

small brewery or winery.

City Market Stand 1,600

Perfect for hawking your


City Shop 6,000

Includes a small living

space and a work area.

Smithy 10,000

Includes a forge,

smelter, and full set of


Item Weight Value Effects

Common Rations 2 5 Enough food for one day.

Common Food 1 1 Restores 2 Health when eaten

Cooked Food 1 2 Restores 5 Health when eaten

Hearty Food 2 10 Restores 10 Health and 10 Stamina when eaten

Gourmet Meal 4 50

Restores 20 Health and Stamina when eaten, Stamina

regen is doubled for 10 rounds.

Common Drink 1 5

Restores 10 stamina when drunk, stamina regen is

halved for two rounds

Strong Drink 1 15

Restores 20 stamina when drunk, stamina regen is

halved for 4 rounds

Vintage Drink 1 100 Same as Strong Drink 39

Page 40: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Magical Shopping ArcadeMagical Shopping ArcadeMagical Shopping ArcadeMagical Shopping Arcade


All spells are potentially available as single use scrolls.

Scrolls weigh nothing and require no skill to cast.

Scroll Value = Tome Value / 2

To see if a vendor has a scroll, roll vs. (105-

Tier)*(Merchant) where

Tier = 20 for Novice

40 for Apprentice

60 for Adept

80 for Expert

100 for Master

Availability = 1 for magical vendors

2 for school specialists

1/3 for general stores

Scrolls of Sustained spells contain 4 actions worth of


These rules may also be used to determine the

availability of Soul Gems.

Spell TomesSpell TomesSpell TomesSpell Tomes

Availability of Spell Tomes is generally less than

that of scrolls. To see if a vendor has a tome,

roll vs.

(90-Tier + Merchant)*(1+Player Level/50) where

Tier = 20 for Novice

40 for Apprentice

60 for Adept

80 for Expert

100 for Master

Merchant = 15 for magical vendors

40 for school specialists

-30 for general stores

Generally a player must wait 1 week before

searching for the same tome or scroll again.

For values of Spell Tomes, please see



Enchanted ItemsMagical vendors will always have some enchanted

items available, this is their stock in trade.

The odds of other stores having magical items are:

20% * Merchant * (1+Player Level / 50) where

Merchant= 1 for general stores

3 for specialty stores such as

clothiers, jewelers, and smiths

This roll is just to see if the merchant has any

items, not a particular item. For rules on spawning

magical items, please see the Enchanting section

(or just roll a d100, the lower the die result, the

better the item is).

Effect Potency Price Availability Potency Price Availability Potency Price Availability Potency Price Availability

Potion of Cure Poison, Disease, or Paralysis full 60 70 N/A - - N/A - - N/A - -

Potion of Detect Life or Chameleon 5 rounds 30 40 10 rounds 45 30 15 rounds 68 20 20 rounds 101 5

Potion of Dispell full 80 40 N/A - - N/A - - N/A - -

Potion of Fire, Frost, or Lightning Shield 40 pts 45 50 60 pts 68 35 80 pts 101 15 100 pts 152 5

Potion of Fortify Carry Weight 30 20 80 60 30 60 90 45 40 120 68 10

Potion of Fortify Skill 12 35 95 25 53 75 37 79 35 50 118 10

Potion of Invisibility 2 rounds 90 50 4 rounds 135 25 6 rounds 203 12 8 rounds 304 5

Potion of Light 5 rounds 20 80 10 rounds 30 60 15 rounds 45 40 20 rounds 68 20

Potion of Night Eye or Water Breathing 5 rounds 40 40 10 rounds 60 30 15 rounds 90 20 20 rounds 135 10

Potion of Reflect Damage 20% 120 40 30% 180 20 40% 270 10 50% 405 4

Potion of Reflect Spell 30 pts 100 40 40 pts 150 20 60 pts 225 10 80 pts 338 4

Potion of Regenerate Health, Stamina, or Magicka 10 pts 30 95 20 pts 45 75 30 pts 68 35 40 pts 101 10

Potion of Resist Fire, Frost, Lightning, or Poison 10% 40 70 20% 60 40 30% 90 20 40% 135 10

Potion of Resist Magic, Disease, or Paralysis 10% 50 50 20% 75 35 30% 113 15 40% 169 5

Potion of Restore Health, Stamina, or Magicka 25 30 95 50 45 75 75 68 35 150 101 10

Potion of Shield 50 70 70 100 105 35 150 158 20 200 236 5

Poison of Burden or Slow 25 20 50 50 30 35 75 45 15 90 68 5

Poison of Damage Health, Stamina, or Magicka 10 30 60 20 45 40 30 68 20 60 101 10

Poison of Damage Health, Stamina, or Magicka Regen 5 30 50 10 45 35 20 68 15 30 101 5

Poison of Fear or Frenzy level 6 70 60 level 12 105 40 level 18 158 15 level 30 236 5

Poison of Fire, Frost, or Shock Damage 10 40 60 20 60 40 30 90 20 60 135 10

Poison of Paralysis 1 round 90 40 2 rounds 135 20 3 rounds 203 10 5 rounds 304 5

Poison of Ravage Health, Stamina, or Magicka 10 50 40 20 75 30 30 113 20 40 169 10

Poison of Silence 1 round 60 60 2 rounds 90 25 3 rounds 135 15 5 rounds 203 5

Poison of Weakness to Fire, Frost of Shock 20% 50 50 40% 75 30 60% 113 20 100% 169 5

Poison of Weakness to Poison or Magic 10% 80 30 25% 120 15 40% 180 8 100% 270 3

Tier I - Minor Tier II - Standard Tier III - Potent Tier IV - Heroic (or Debilitating)

Note: Tier V Legendary, and Tier VI Supreme

potions can be crafted or found, but are almost

never sold by apothecaries.


Page 41: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Alteration GrimoireAlteration GrimoireAlteration GrimoireAlteration Grimoire

Spell LevelTome


Base Magicka




Candlelight Novice 40 20 Creates a hovering light that lasts for 10 rounds. Passive

Oakflesh Novice 40 100Improves the caster's armor rating by 40 points for 10 rounds.

May be amplified by the Mage Armor perk.Passive

Magelight Apprentice 85 80 Ball of light that lasts 60 seconds and sticks where it strikes Passive

Stoneflesh Apprentice 100 200Improves the caster's armor rating by 60 points for 10 rounds.

May be amplified by the Mage Armor perk.Passive

Feather Apprentice 125 200Increases maximum encumbrance by 50 points for 1 hour. Only provides XP if fully

encumbered before spell is cast, may not be used during long journeys.Passive

Transmute Adept 200 100Transmutes one piece of unrefined Iron ore to Silver, or Silver ore to Gold if the caster is

carrying any.Passive

Equilibrium Apprentice 250 0Convert up to 25 points of health to magicka, up to 50 if you have the Apprentice

Alteration perk.Passive

Fire Shield Adept 300 240Adds 30% fire resistance for 10 rounds. May stack with item effects or racial abilities,

but not potions.Passive

Frost Shield Adept 300 240Adds 30% frost resistance for 10 rounds. May stack with item effects or racial abilities,

but not potions.Passive

Lightning Shield Adept 300 240Adds 30% shock resistance for 10 rounds. May stack with item effects or racial abilities,

but not potions.Passive

Telekinesis Adept 320 150Can pull an inanimate object to you from a distance, requires a successful range attack.

Add it to your inventory or throw it.Passive

Detect Life Adept 330 100Nearby living creatures, but not undead, machines or daedra, can be seen through walls.

Lasts 2 rounds, effect has a range of 10.Passive

Ironflesh Adept 340 260Improves the caster's armor rating by 80 points for 10 rounds.

May be amplified by the Mage Armor perk.Passive

Waterbreathing Adept 340 220 Can breathe water for 10 rounds. Passive

Petrify Expert 550 300

Change an inanimate object to solid stone. May cast on an enemy's armor or clothing by

performing a successful unarmed attack. Opponents with petrified armor are knocked

down and the armor shatters.


Detect Dead Expert 600 150 Nearby dead can be seen through walls. Lasts 2 rounds, effect has a range of 10. Passive

Ebonyflesh Expert 650 350Improves the caster's armor rating by 100 points for 10 rounds.

May be amplified by the Mage Armor perk.Passive

Spell Shield Expert 700 360Adds 30% magic ressitance for 5 rounds. May stack with item effects or racial abilities,

but not potions.Passive

Liquefy Master 1200 800

Change an area of solid ground with radius 3 hexs into a pool of water 12 ft deep.

Enemies caught in the area are knocked down, and must swim to solid ground after



Dragonhide Master 1400 700 Caster ignores 80% of all physical damage for 5 rounds. Passive


Page 42: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Conjuration GrimoireConjuration GrimoireConjuration GrimoireConjuration Grimoire

Spell Level



Base Magicka

Cost Effects



Bound Sword Novice 50 90

Creates a magic sword with base damage 15, weight 0 for 8 rounds. Unequip the weapon to

dipell. Passive

Conjure Familiar Novice 50 100

Summons a spirit animal to be the caster's companion for 10 rounds. Animal type chosen must

be smaller than a human. Passive

Raise Zombie Novice 50 100 Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for you for 10 rounds. Passive

Bound Battleaxe Apprentice 150 170

Creates a magic Battleaxe with base damage 25, weight 0 for 8 rounds. Unequip the weapon

to dispell. Passive

Conjure Flame

Atronach Apprentice 150 150 Summons a Flame Atrnoach to fight for you for 10 rounds. Passive

Reanimate Corpse Apprentice 150 150 Reanimate a moderately powerfull dead body to fight for you for 10 rounds. Passive

Soul Trap Apprentice 150 100

If the target dies within 5 rounds, will either charge an empty soul gem or enchanted weapon or

staff. Souls may be used to charge soul gems of equal or greater magnitude. Active

Flaming Familiar Apprentice 250 100

Summons a flaming familiar which will charge into battle and explode. Familiar will charge up to

7 spaces, and explosion does 20 fire damage to all enemies in a 1 hex radius. Passive

Banish Daedra Apprentice 320 200 Weaker summoned daedra and atronachs are sent back to Oblivion. Passive

Bound Bow Adept 350 200

Creates a magic bow with base damage 20, weight 0 for 8 rounds. Unequip the wespon to

dispell. Passive

Conjure Frost

Atronach Adept 350 220 Summons a Frost Atrnoach to fight for you for 10 rounds. Passive

Revenant Adept 350 200 Reanimate a substantially powerfull dead body to fight for you for 10 rounds. Passive

Spectral Arrow Adept 350 150 Summons a bolt of pure energy that will do 40 damage and stagger an enemy. Active

Dread Zombie Expert 360 300 Reanimate a very powerfull dead body to fight for you for 10 rounds. Passive

Expel Daedra Expert 620 220 Powerfull summoned daedra and atronachs are sent back to Oblivion. Passive

Command Daedra Expert 660 240 Powerful summoned and raised creatures are put under your control. Passive

Conjure Dremora

Lord Expert 730 360 Summons a Dermora Lord to fight for you for 10 rounds. Passive

Flame Thrall Master 1260 900

Summons a Flame Atronach to be your slave for 1 week. Spell requires 12 hours to cast and a

carefully prepared ritual space. Thrall is immune to Command or Expel. Ritual

Dead Thrall Master 1270 1000

Reanimates a dead body to be your slave for 1 week. Spell requires 12 hours to cast, a

carefully prepared ritual space, and fresh human remains. Thrall is immune to Command or

Expel. Ritual

Frost Thrall Master 1300 1100

Summons a Frost Atronach to be your slave for 1 week. Spell requires 12 hours to cast and a

carefully prepared ritual space. Thrall is immune to Command or Expel. Ritual

Storm Thrall Master 1350 1200

Summons a Storm Atronach to be your slave for 1 week. Spell requires 12 hours to cast and a

carefully prepared ritual space. Thrall is immune to Command or Expel. Ritual

Summon Unbound

Dremora Master 1700 1200

Opens the jaws of Oblivion and lets loose a dreaded Dremora Lord upon the world. Spell

requires 12 hour to cast and a carefully prepared ritual space. Summoned Dermora is not a

thrall, but will not attack the caster out of gratitude for his release. All others are fair game. Ritual


Page 43: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Destruction Grimoire Destruction Grimoire Destruction Grimoire Destruction Grimoire ( 1 of 2)( 1 of 2)( 1 of 2)( 1 of 2)

Spell Level



Base Magicka

Cost Effects



Flames Novice 50 14 / action

A gout of fire that does 8 points per action. Targets on fire take 2 damage per round for 2

rounds. Target area is a cone 4 hexs deep centered on the caster. Sustained

Frostbite Novice 50 16 / action

A blast of cold that does 8 points of damage per action to Health and Stamina. Target area

is a cone 4 hexs deep centered on the caster. Struck enemies are frozen for 1 round. Sustained

Sparks Novice 50 20 / action

Lightning that does 8 points of shock damage to Health and 4 damage to Magicka per

action. Target area is a cone 4 hexs deep centered on the caster. Sustained

Fire Rune Apprentice 100 230

Cast on an adjacent hex. If not in Line of Sight of an enemy, enemies must make a notice

check +30% to detect the rune. If stepped on, the rune will explode and do 50 fire damage to

all within a 1 hex radius. Particularly useful against undead. Passive

Frost Rune Apprentice 100 300

Cast on an adjacent hex. If not in Line of Sight of an enemy, enemies must make a notice

check +30% to detect the rune. If stepped on, the rune will explode and do 50 frost damage

to all within a 1 hex radius. Particularly useful against beasts. Passive

Lightning Rune Apprentice 100 320

Cast on an adjacent hex. If not in Line of Sight of an enemy, enemies must make a notice

check +30% to detect the rune. If stepped on, the rune will explode and do 50 lightning

damage to all within a 1 hex radius. Particularly useful against summoned creatures. Passive

Firebolt Apprentice 100 40

A blast of fire that does 25 points of damage. Targets on fire take 6 damage per round for 2

rounds. Active

Ice Spike Apprentice 100 50

A spike of ice that does 25 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina. Struck enemies

are frozen for 1 round Active

Lightning Bolt Apprentice 100 50 A bolt of lightning that does 25 points of shock damage to Health and 12 to Magicka Active

Fireball Adept 350 90

A fiery explosion for 40 points of damage in a 3 hex radius. Targets on fire take 10 damage

per round for 2 rounds. Active

Ice Storm Adept 360 140

A freezing whirlwind that does 40 points of frost damage per round to Health and Stamina.

Will persist in the same area for two rounds. Struck enemies are frozen for 1 round. Active

Chain Lightning Adept 400 120

Lightning bolt that does 40 points of shock damage to Health and 20 to Magicka, then leaps

to a new target Active

Lightning Cloak Adept 350 370

A nimbus of lightning around the caster that lasts for 10 rounds. All adjacent enemies take

10 health damage and 5 magicka damage. Passive

Flame Cloak Adept 320 290

A nimbus of flame around the caster that lasts for 10 rounds. All adjacent enemies take 10

health damage and 3 additional damage per round for 2 rounds. Passive


Page 44: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Destruction Grimoire Destruction Grimoire Destruction Grimoire Destruction Grimoire ( 2 of 2)( 2 of 2)( 2 of 2)( 2 of 2)

Spell Level



Base Magicka

Cost Effects



Frost Cloak Adept 340 320

A nimbus of frost around the caster that lasts for 10 rounds. All adjacent

enemies take 10 health and stamina damage. All struck enemies are frozen

for 1 round. Particularly useful against enemy melee fighters. Passive

Icy Spear Expert 720 320

A spear of ice that does 60 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina.

Struck enemies are frozen for 1 round. Active

Incinerate Expert 700 280

A blast of fire that does 60 points of damage. Targets on fire take 15 extra

damage per round for 2 rounds. Active

Thunderbolt Expert 750 340

A Thunderbolt that does 60 points of shock damage to Health and 30 to

Magicka. Active

Wall of Flames Expert 700 120/hex

Sprayed on the ground, creates a wall of flame that will damage anyone

entering for 50 fire damage per round spent engulfed. May cast on up to 5

adjacent hexes, at least one must be mext to the caster. Persists for 5

rounds. Passive

Wall of Frost Expert 700 140/hex

Sprayed on the ground, creates a wall of frost that will damage anyone

entering for 50 frost damage per round spent engulfed and will be frozen.

May cast on up to 5 adjacent hexes, at least one must be next to caster.

Persists for 5 rounds. Passive

Wall of Storms Expert 725 150/hex

entering for 50 lightning and 25 magicka damage per round spent engulfed.

May cast on up to 5 adjacent hexes, at least one must be next to the caster.

Persists for 5 rounds. Passive

Fire Storm Master 1300 1400

A massive fiery explosion centered on an enemy. Does 100 points fire

damage to target, 75 points to creatures within 2 hexes, and 50 points to Active

Blizzard Master 1350 1100

A persistent winter blast centered on an enemy that does 20 health and

stamina damage per round for 10 rounds, 5 hex radius. All enemies caught

in the blast are frozen. Lasts for 10 rounds. Active

Lightning Storm Master 1400 1300

A debilitating bast of lightning cast on an enemy that does 80 points

lightning and 40 points magicka damage, then jumps to the nearest enemy

4 successive times. Allies may be damaged if adjacent to struck enemies. Active


Page 45: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Illusion GrimoireIllusion GrimoireIllusion GrimoireIllusion Grimoire

Note for GM’s: Creature level = (max health + max stamina + max magicka – 220)/10 + 1, rounded up. Minimum

creature level is 1.

Spell LevelTome


Base Magicka




Fury Novice 40 70 Creatures and people up to level 6 will attack anything nearby for 5 rounds. Single target. Active

Clairvoyance Novice 50 30If underground or indoors, illuminates the path to the nearest exit. More useful than you

might think.Passive

Courage Novice 50 40 Ally receives +20 health and stamina and is immune to fear for 5 rounds. Passive

Fear Apprentice 80 150 Creatures and people up to level 9 flee in terror for 5 rounds. Single target. Active

Calm Apprentice 90 140 Creatures and people up to level 9 won't fight for 5 rounds. Single target. Active

Muffle Apprentice 90 140 Armor penalties for sneak rolls are negated for 15 rounds. Passive

Rally Adept 300 110Allies receives +40 health and stamina and are immune to fear for 10 rounds, 1 hex

radius centered on caster.Passive

Frenzy Adept 330 200Creatures and people up to level 14 will attack anything nearby for 5 rounds, 1 hex

radius centered on target.Active

Beguile Adept 350 220 Bonus +40 on all speecraft haggling or persuasion checks for 10 minutes. Passive

Silence Adept 400 200A Target that fails to resist may not cast spells or Shout for 3 rounds. Spell is resisted by

an Opposed Illusion vs. Speechcraft check.Active

Pacify Expert 610 300Creatures and people up to level 20 won't fight for 5 rounds, 1 hex radius centered on


Invisibility Expert 625 330Caster or target inanimate object is invisible for 5 rounds. Manipulating an object or

attacking will break the spell.Passive

Rout Expert 650 320Creatures and people up to level 20 flee in terror for 5 rounds, 1 hex radius centered on


Paralyze Expert 700 450A Target that fails to resist is paralyzed for 2 rounds. Spell is resisted by an Opposed

Illusion vs. Notice check.Active

Call to Arms Master 1150 650All allies within 10 hexes receive +30 health and stamina, as well as +25 to the following

skills: Marksman, One Handed, Two Handed, Notice. Duration is until end of combat.Passive

Harmony Master 1220 1050Creatures and people up to level 25 won't fight for 10 rounds, 10 hex radius centered on


Hysteria Master 1240 860Creatures and people up to level 25 flee in terror for 10 rounds, 10 hex radius centered

on targetActive

Mayhem Master 1250 1000Creatures and people up to level 25 will attack anything nearby for 10 rounds, 10 hex

radius centered on target.Active

Mass Paralysis Master 1280 900All targets area radius 5 that fail to resist are paralyzed for 5 rounds. Spell is resisted by

an Opposed Illusion vs. Notice check.Active


Page 46: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Restoration GrimoireRestoration GrimoireRestoration GrimoireRestoration Grimoire

Spell LevelTome


Base Magicka




Healing Novice 50 12 / action Heals the caster for 10 points per action. Sustained

Lesser Ward Novice 45 35 / actionWhile sustained, increases armor rating by 40 points and negates up to 40 points

of elemental or poison damage. Useful for Responding to enemy attacks.Sustained

Fast Healing Apprentice 95 70 Heals the caster for 50 points. Passive

Healing Hands Apprentice 90 25 / action Heals the target 10 points per action, but not undead, atronachs or machines. Sustained

Steadfast Ward Apprentice 90 40 / actionWhile sustained, increases armor rating by 60 points and negates up to 60 points

of elemental or poison damage.Sustained

Turn Lesser

UndeadApprentice 90 85 Undead adjacent to caster up to level 6 flee in terror for 5 rounds. Passive

Absorb Health Adept 400 80 / action

Per every action spent, drains 20 health from the target and heals the caster for

20 health. Must make a successful unarmed attack to initiate spell, spell is

disrupted if the caster is not adjacent to the target at the end of the round.

Stamina is also absorbed if the caster has the Respite perk.


Close Wounds Adept 360 130 Heals the caster for 100 points. Passive

Greater Ward Adept 340 60 / actionWhile sustained, increases armor rating by 80 points and negates up to 80 points

of elemental or poison damage.Sustained

Heal Other Adept 300 80 Heals the target for 75 points, but not undead, atronachs or machines. Passive

Repel Lesser

UndeadAdept 330 110 Target undead up to level 13 will flee for 5 rounds. Active

Turn Undead Adept 320 170 Undead adjacent to caster up to level 8 flee in terror for 5 rounds. Passive

Absorb Magicka Expert 700 0

Per every action spent, drains 60 magicka from the target and transfers it to the

caster. Must make a successful unarmed attack to initiate spell, spell is disrupted

if the caster is not adjacent to the target at the end of the round or when the

target is out of magicka.


Circle of Protection Expert 650 170

Creates a magical circle on the ground centered on the caster radius 4 hexes.

Undead up to level 20 attempting to to enter the circle will become feared for 5

rounds. Duration is 5 rounds.


Grand Healing Expert 680 250 Heals all allies adjacent to the caster for 200 points. Passive

Repel Undead Expert 650 260 Target undead up to level 20 will flee for 5 rounds. Active

Turn Greater

UndeadExpert 660 350 Undead adjacent to caster up to level 16 flee in terror for 5 rounds. Passive

Bane of the Undead Master 1200 1000All undead within a 6 hex radius take 50 points fire damage, are staggered, and

are feared for 5 rounds.Passive

Guardian Circle Master 1220 710

Creates a magical circle on the ground centered on the caster radius 4 hexes.

Undead up to level 35 attempting to to enter the circle will become feared for 5

rounds. Caster and all allies are healed 60 points per round spent in the circle.

Duration is 10 rounds.


Life Vortex Master 1500 200 / action

Creates a cone shaped vortex of life stealing energy centered on the caster 5

hexes deep. Per every action spent, all enemies in the cone are drained 50

points health and the caster health is increased by 50 points. Health gained

above maximum dissipates at the end of the round.



Page 47: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Character Record Name Level / Current SKU’s Race Gender Age

Max Health: Max Stamina: Max Magicka: Current Movement: Head Torso

Shield Hands Feet


Head + Torso + Shield + Hands + Feet + Effects = Armour

Equipped LH Equipped RH


Known Spells:

Greater Racial Power: Power Used Today:

Armour Rating + (Number of Equipped x 25) 10 Rating

= D.R.

Base Damage x (1+0.005xSkill) x Perks + Effects = Damage Weight


Base Damage x (1+0.005xSkill) x Perks + Effects = Damage Weight


Base Damage x (1+0.005xSkill) x Perks + Effects = Damage Weight


Base Damage x (1+0.005xSkill) x Perks + Effects = Damage Weight


Base x (1+0.004 x Skill) x Perks = Rating

Name/ Effects

Base x (1+0.004 x Skill) x Perks = Rating

Name/ Effects

Base x (1+0.004 x Skill) x Perks = Rating

Name/ Effects

Base x (1+0.004 x Skill) x Perks = Rating

Name/ Effects

Base x (1+0.004 x Skill) x Perks = Rating

Name/ Effects

Unspent Skill XP: v0.56

Blocking DR:

Power Bash Damage:

Page 48: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Inventory Item WT Enchantment Charge

300 + (Max Stamina-100) = Max Encumbrance

Currently Carried Weight: Septims (Currency):

Faction Affiliations

Properties Owned


Page 49: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Passive Spell / Potion EffectsPassive Spell / Potion EffectsPassive Spell / Potion EffectsPassive Spell / Potion Effects






EffectEffectEffectEffect Rounds Rounds Rounds Rounds

EffectEffectEffectEffect Rounds Rounds Rounds Rounds

EffectEffectEffectEffect Rounds Rounds Rounds Rounds

EffectEffectEffectEffect Rounds Rounds Rounds Rounds

EffectEffectEffectEffect Rounds Rounds Rounds Rounds

Right Hand Ring

Left Hand Ring

Robe or Clothes, may not be worn with Armour.

Circlet or Hood, may not be worn with Helmet


Shoes, may not be worn with Armoured Boots

Resistance RatingsResistance RatingsResistance RatingsResistance Ratings


Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)

++++ ====


Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)

++++ ====


Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)

++++ ====


Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)

++++ ====


Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)

++++ ====


Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)Permanent Temporary Rating (%)

++++ ====

Permanent: Choose one of racial bonus, armour set bonus, OR total of enchanted items. Temporary: Choose either potion effect or Alteration spell effect.

PotPotPotPotions, Scrolls, & Food in Inventoryions, Scrolls, & Food in Inventoryions, Scrolls, & Food in Inventoryions, Scrolls, & Food in Inventory

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Item QtItem QtItem QtItem Qtyyyy

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Item Item Item Item Qty Qty Qty Qty

Item QtyItem QtyItem QtyItem Qty

Clothing & Jewelry EffectsClothing & Jewelry EffectsClothing & Jewelry EffectsClothing & Jewelry Effects

Page 50: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks



Heavy Armour

One Handed



Two Handed

Page 51: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Light Armour


Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks






Page 52: Elder Scrolls Tt Rpg

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks

Base + Effects = Current

Used this Level?

XP To Next Lvl

Purchased Perks






