el parque de las ciencias

(Z) . \•)') ,• ç ¡ t• 4- .-ut-.t y. • -- 1 - - -- ..•• REPOT QN "EL PARQUE DE LAS CIENCIAS" SANTIAGO, CHILE BY DANIEL M. MACt1ASTER MUSEUM CONSULTANT November, 1978 Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Canadá 308 - Teléfono 744537 - Casilla 297-y Santiago - Chile

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November, 1978

Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica

Canadá 308 - Teléfono 744537 - Casilla 297-y

Santiago - Chile



President Emeritus

Chicago Nuseum of Science and

Industry and Museum Consultant

PO: Comisión Nacional de Investigación

Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT)

Departamento de Fomento

prepared irt Santiago, Chile

November, 1978



ti *q*

1. Consultant's Proqram of Activities While in Chile 1

2. Summary of Cosultant's RecommefldatiOns 4

3. Notes Concerriing General p lans arid perspective 7

Drawings Attached

4. Governance, Executive Control, Adrninistration and 10

St aff i ng

S. Site and Building Considerations 15

6. Exhibit Program 19

7. The Budget 22

8. Time Schedule for Completion 25

9. Expression of Appreciation 2€


1. preliminary Documents

a. Request to O.A.S. by CONICYT fac Technical

A ssi st ence

b. Response by Consultant

c. Tentative Program Suggested by CONICYT

ci. Response by Consultant and Suggested Agenda

2. The Science Museum Comtnittee

3. Opening Statement to Science MUSCUM Cmittee by Cerisult$flt

4. Rsportse from Science Musewn Coaaittee

S. Btographical Material Concerning Con.ultant

6. suggested Plan and Perspectivo Drwings



This report is respectfully submitted by science

rnuseum consu].tant MacNaster whose services the Chilean Govern-

ment requested through the Organization of American States to

render advice on the organization and administration of a

museun of science and technoloqy in Santiago, Chile.



Consultant's Program of Activities While in Chile

During the period of my consulting mission, from

October 18 to November 15, 1978, 1 visited a variety of educational,

cultural, recreational, industrial and research activities where

briefings were heid with their resective staffs as well as were

meetings with representatives of governznental agencies and their

components. Formal and informal meetings were heid with the

president of CONICYT, the head of its Department of promotiort of

Science and Technology, Vr. José Manuel Cousifo, Mr. Enrique

Dellacasa and Miss Elena Acuña of his staff. Meetings also were

held with the Members of the Technological Museum Committee

consisting of: Mrs. Grete Mostny, Mr. Juan Infante, Mrs. María

Elena Troncoso, Mr. José Manuel Drouilly as well as Mssrs. Cousiño

and Dellacasa, Mrs. Jeannette Charney and Miss Acuña.

1 was received with great cordiality and a spirit of

cooperation by Santiago Mayor Patricio Mekis, Mr. Enrique Campos

Menéndez, National Director of Museums of Libraries, Ana María

Prat, Director of CENID, Director General M. Wayne Sartdvig and

Director General Adjunto William R. Corthorn of Fundación Chile, Mr.

Jaime Fortessa at La Moneda, Mr. Guillermo A. Belt, Director of

O.A.S. Offices in Chile, Mr. Oscar AgUero, Chief of the Department

of International Affairs of CONICYT, and many others for briefings,

discussions and the exchange of views of the subject of the proposed

Museum of Science and Technology.

Several detailed visits of irispection and study were

made to the proposed site for the.Museum in the area on Avenida

Alameda adjacent to the Universidad Técnica for conferences with


the architects, engineers and designers of the overall plan for the

area as well as for exarninations with them arid other Universidad

staff members of the detailed plans for the proposed Planetarium.

'?ith the collaboration of Architect Rubén Vieyra, to

whom my great thanks are expressed, a plan and persective drawing

were produced of my suggested proposal for the utilization of the

site for both the Science Nuseum and the Planetariurn -the area to be

called "El Parque do las Ciencias"- with a central reception

building to which each would be connected operatig under a single

Board and Staff. The drawings referred to aboye are a part of this

report and are described in detail elsewhere herein.

To further orient and inform m yself, to the degree

possihle in a brief period, on the nature of the city, and its people

who will be the visitors to the Juseum, 1 traveled alone, and

accompanied by others, throughout t--he city and surroundirig areas by

foot, automobile, bus and the retro observing business and industrial

areas, resideritial areas of various income leveis, traffic patterns,

the location of schools, institutions of higher education, public

transportation facilities, places of worship, stores and shoppinç

centers, theatres, restaurants, hoteis, San Cristóbal Hill and its

funicular railway as well as its Enoteca arid Sheraton Hotel, Santa

Lucía Hill and its special features, Forestal and O'Higgins Parks

and its El Pueblito, La Moneda, under reconstruction, the Palacio

Cousiño, the Teatro unicipa1 for a performance there, the Cathedral

and more. 1 went on excursions to Laguna de Aculeo, Viña del Mar,

Valparaíso and elsewhere, visited the FISA, and in all ways possible

made a coriscientioris effort to put myself in the position of a



citizen of the community rather than that of an outsider isolated

and insulated from the populatiori who will be the constant users

of the proposed Science Iuseum.

Through the courtesy of my new found friends 1 had the

opportunity to visit several houses and apartments, to be present

at social gatherings, dinners and receptions at houses and at

Museums, to meet many persons from various walks of life in an

informal manner and to learn their views of the proposed Museum of

Science and Technology and the idea of cornbining it with the

proposed planetarium in a unique addition to Santiago "El Parque

de las Ciencias". 1 found tremendous support and enthusiasm for

the project.

At the first formal meeting of the Committee on the

Technology Museum. 1 presented a previously prepared "openinq

statement" as an introduction to the subject. It is appended

herewith as an integral part of this report as is the response

from the Cornrtittee to it and to a suggested agenda for discussion

here which 1 prepared in advance and forwarded.

4 --



Summary of Recommendations

As the result of study and observatiori and with the

mutual agreement of the committee, it is my coriviction that a

coriternporary Museum of Science and Technology, utilizing the proven

techiques of effective cornmunications and dissemiation of knowledge

through the utilization of visitor-involvement and audience-participatiori

devices, should be established in Santiago with all deliberate haste.

In fact, in view of the particular and special need for such en

institution in Santiago, because of the country's unique geographical

location and configuration, lying as it does between the mountains

and the sea, it is my hope that the irnmediate development and

compietion of such an institution might receive special priority.

Such en institution,presenting as it will for all of the Chileari

public arid for growing mumbers of foreigri tourists to see, the basic

principies of conternporary science and their application to Chiie's

life, culture and economy today, tomorrow, and for the years to come,

would constitute a high profile demonstration of Chiie's growing

positiori of importance in the world at large.

Such an institution, it is my conviction, should reflect

the unique and admirable nature of Chile, rather than be a replicatiori

in whole or in part of a United States or European one. It should

reflect proudly the cultural heritage of Chile and should be aimed

at all of the comporients of the Chilean public, employing the

techniques, which experience in Chile, not eisewhere, iridicates are

successful, effective and, most importantly, welcomed by the people

of Santiago and the nation as a whole.

1 • -. . -. -•----------------------- --



It is my considered judgeinent that such an institution, aimed at

all of the individuals of the community, and with every effort made to

encourage its use by the entire populatiori, will prove to be the rnost

heavily visited cultural facility in the country. 1 believe that

individuals, students and farnilies will ernbrace such an institution not

orLiy as a significant, non-formal educational institution, which it will

prove to be, but also as a much welcomed, highly regarded and thoroughly

appreciated socially - contributing recreational facility for al].. One

million visitors per year would not be an unreasonable expectation for

such an institutiori. 1 believe that such an institution will be of

truly significant value in a variety of ways to the schools and

universities, to the qovernmental establishment at all levels and to

the population in general.

1 believe also that it will prove to be a rnost significant

tourist attraction and that t-te revenue derived from theexpenditureS

of tourists in Chile will substantially justify the cost of the

projected iristitution. This henefit would be in addition to the

irtstitution's contributiort as an educational and recreational and

sociahly clesirable facihity to the people of all ages of Santiago

and Chile.

Foliowing independent study anddiscuSSion,afld wjth this

consuitartt in attendarice as wehl, it was rnutually agreed that the

basic functon of the institution would be to disserninate information

Qn scierice and technology to all of the conponents of the pubhic; that

while sorne historial rnaterials would be displayed, in order to give

perspective, the primary function of the institution iMmediately and

in the future would be to ernphasize present day, contemporary, rnodern



technology and to look constantly to the future, that basic research

in the physical and biological sciences or in technology would not be

a function of the institution, that the institution would avoid an

encyclopedic or broad and ah - ernhracinq approach to the subject

matter but would confine itself to t ^iose fields of science, industry

and technoloqy directly related to Chile such as food, nutrition

agriculture, marine resources, telecommunications, electronics,urban

and rural network planning, computer programs, mining and rnetalhurgy,

ecology and other Chilean - related fields of subject matter and the

basic sciences of physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, as well as

the technology and iridustry associated therewith.

In the appendix of this report is the response from the

Museum Committee which sums up that qroup's concensus.

It is also my strong recommendation that the proposed

Planetarium be located together on a single site and be administered

as a single unit.



Notes Concerning General p lans and perspective Drawings Attached

The layout of buildings, public amenities and landscaping

features shown on the attached drawings are not to be considered

definitive or final. They represent rnerely a demonstration study of

the fact that the proposed Science Museum and Planetarium can be

accomodated in a highly efficient and desirable manrer in the

triangular area proposed on Alameda adjacet to the capus of the

Universidad Técnica.

The two iristituttons are shown connected by an elliptical

structure designed to serve as the puhlic reception center, the

dining, check-room and souvenir sales facility as well as to house

the heating, ventilating and air-conditioniflq installation for the

entire cornplex, including the Science Museum and the Planetarium.

The grourtd f loor of the structure would serve as the

public reception area, with book and souvenir sales and check-room

facilities. The floor below would house the restaurant and kitchen,

washrooms and mechanical facilites. Outdoor dinirig would be

available on cortnected terraced areas on the lower level in two

places, one toward Alameda, the other toward Ecuador, hoth of which

could be seen by the rjublic frorn te outside and would attract visitor


The second level of the building would serve as an

attractive galiery for special events, receptions and temporary


The entire central building would be connected, on the

ground f loor level arid on the second f loor level, to the Science



Museum on the one side and the planetarium on the other side by

glass-walled corinecting aall.eries.

The roof of the structure could serve eventually, if not

irnmediately, as a solar energy receiver to provide spaee heatirig,

hot water and air conditioniri q energy and for exhibition and

demonstration purposes as a scierLce exhibit.

The Science Museurn building shown on the drawings represents

a structure of 200.000 square feet of floor space. The area beyond the

building, toward Ecuador, is availahie for an additional building of

similar or lesser size when required at a future time. Such an

addition could also be cortfined to one story building of 100.000

square feet of floor space, or less.

The driveway shown between the Science Museum and Ecuador

is to provide truck access to the building for the delivery and

removal of exhihits arid equipment. Wheri the building is expanded the

driveway would be shortened to connect with the new addition. The

area betweeri the two leq s of the U-shaped driveway could be used

irnmediately as an experimental or demonstration botanical or

agricultural garden or as a site for large, outdoor, science museum

exhibits to attract the attention of passersby.

-.he central reception building is served by a driveway

from Ecuador to accommodate private automobiles, school-grOUp and

tourist-buses. After discharging their passengers at the entrance of

the reception building they would proceed to park in the parking area

beyond which would be a part of the total complex and would be made

attractive by plantings of trees and bushes.

-.he entire triangular area would be a park with reflecting

pools, fountains, flowers, trees, bushes, flags and bar-iners, special

lighting fixtures, etc.



While the science Museum is showri in these drawinqs as

a two - story building it could be built as a one - story building

occupyiflg its presently Lndicated area and the proposed expansiOfl

area as well. However unless orovisions were made in the design

and constructiOn of such a building to add a second floor at a

later time, the Museum would be for ever locked irtto and restricted

to a total of 200.000 square feet of floor space.

In these drawinqS no attempt was made to indicate the

archjtectUraldesig n of the exterior or interior of the Science

MuseUm. This, of course, is an entirely different projeCt and is

not to be influenced by the design suggested on these drawings.

The design for the planetarium, however, is a well-

conceived, thoroughly considered architeCtUral, mechaniCal and

educationallY effectiVe plan ready for execution.

The existence of the superb, new library of the Univer-

sidad Técnica irnmediateiY adjacent and accesible to the new Science

Museurn and planetarium makes this site additionally desirable.

In total, the new complex would comprise a new and

unique additon to Santiago, and to Chile, to be known as "El Parque

de las Ciencias".



Governance, Executive Control, AdrrtinistratiOfl and Staffing

It is recommended that a Board of Goverriarice (using whatever

term is comnon and will be readily understoodifl Chile) be duly and

officially constituted by proper authority and issued an official

corporate charter consistirxg of:

- Ministro de Educación

- Alcalde de Santiago

- presidente de CONCYT

- Rector Universidad Técnica del Estado

- Ministro Vicepresidente de la Corporación de Fomento (CORFO)

- presidente de la Corporación del Cobre (CODELCO)

- presidente de la Academia de Ciencias

- Presidente del Colegio de Ingenieros

- presidente del Colegio Médico

- Director Nacional de Museos Archivos y Bibliotecas, Ministerio de Educación

- Director Generl de la Fundación Chile

- Directora del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural

- presidente de la Cámara Chilena de la Construcción

- presidente de la Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (SOFOFP)

- presidente de la Confederación de la producción y el Comercio

This board should be empowered to, elect its own Chairman,

possibly for a three year terrn to be extended for additional three

vear terms by Board action, elect other off1cers'of the Board,

appoint committees of the Board, hoid regular and special meetings,



develop lts own By-Laws and in general assume all of the duties of

being responsible for all matters related to the institution.

It is recommended that durinq this interim period this

Board appoint an Executive Director who would carry out the policies arid

directives decided upon by the Board.

It is recommended that the present Conmittee en the

Technology Museurn be desiqnated by the Board as its DeveloPmeflt

Comrnittee to pursue with great diligence rnatters related to the

establishment of the Nuseurn under the advice, conserit and approval

of the Board and that the Executive Director of the Board be

designated as the Chairman of the Development Committee.

When the oroject is assured and the time has come for

construction and operation it is recommended that the ExecUtiVe

Director he phased out and a perrnanent organization be instituted

as foliows:

T'-e per-nanent staff of the Museum, as it is developed,

it is recomrnended, should be divided into the foliowing categories.

The Executive Office, consisting of the Chief Executive, the Director

and Assistant Director and the necessary stenoraphiC and support

personnel. The function of the office, operatina through estabhished

procedures, would be to provide over-ali direction, to execute the

policies arid directives of the Board, te supervise the department

beads,to raise funds, to prepare the budqet with the cohlaboration

of the Board and the Business Manager and to be responsible for



adherence to it, and in general to exercise all of the duties,

functions and responsibilities of the Chief Executive of the

corporatiOn. It is suggested that the Chief Executive be designated

president of the institution arid be a fu1ltirne employe of the

corporatiOfl serving at the discrtion of the Board, reporting to the

Chairman of the Board, that he be an ex-officio rneber of ah

comrnittees of the Board and in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-

Chairnan of the Board shall be empowered to preside at meetings of

the Board.

The Office of Business Manager

Headed by the Business Manager, this office is to

handie all matters related to personnel payrohl, purchasing, handling

of invoices, the business management of all revenue-producing related

services such as dining facilities, souvenir and book sales, etc, etc.,

in the standard manner of an accounting and financal control office.

t. 4 ni rc1nr nf xhihits is to handie all matters

related to the design supervisiOn of construction, instahlation, renewal

maintenance and repair of perrnanent and temporary exhibits.tJnder the

Director of Exhibits would be assitarits, desigriers, artists, a shop

uperintendent arid his assistants and craftsmen, and any other personnel

necessary to carry out the functions and responsibihities of a viable

xhibits procjram.

The Office of Engineering Services for the Building and Grounds is to

handie rnatters related te heating, ventilating and air-conditioning, the

internal and external maintenance of the structures and grounds, etc.



The OperationS Office is te bandie the opening and closing of the

huildinc, hiring, training and supervising of guides and guards,

information des's, the receDtion and handling of the general public

school groups, etc.

The Office of Education is 'o initiate or review all exhibit plaris

and programS for tecinicai accurcy and appropriateneSS, rnaintain

contacts with scools and universities, produce printed rnaterials

of an educational nature and in general serve as the scientific and

technical authenticatirig deoartmerit of the institution.

The Public Relations Office is to prepare and dissemmiriate press, radio

and televisi6n information and in general keep the institutiofl'S

various publics inforrned concerning its prograrns and activities.

Substantial efficiency in governance,administratiOfl and

staffing would result from unifying the planetarium project with the

Museum of TechnolOgy project into one. ;Jhile each would occupy

its own building, they should be under one Board and a single

executive, adinistrative and staff organizatiori. The two would be

seen by the pubhic as a single presentatiori. The Museuru of

Technology and the Planetarium located side by side in El Parque de

Ciencias under a single rnanagernent.

Futher econornies would be achieved by having common and

single inforrnation and reception areas, dining facilities, washrooms,

puhlic locker rooms, book and souvenir sales areas, heating and air

condition facilities, etc., to serve both buildings, thereby

eliminating duplication. Such aboye mentioned facilities could be

housed in one or the other of the building or preferably, in a



connectiflg entranCe hall gallery located betweeri the two and

attached to each.

By locatinq the useum of Technoloçy adacer.t to the

Universidad Técnica additicnal advantages.tO both irtstitutions can

result by utilizing the wealth of scientific and techriical expertise

represented on the various faculties of the universidad to suqgest,

des¡-.n and create plans for rnuseurn exhibitS and to do basic research

therehy elemtnatin: that functiori from the rnuseum's program. The

universidad'S studets could be employed to serve as guide-lecturerS

in the Museurn. Frorn the Universidad's standpoint, clearing the area

between the Universidad'S present campus and locating the

planetarium and the MUSCUm there will serve es "a window to the world"

for the universidad whjch is now essentially isolated frorn public



Site and Building Considerations

The geoqraphic s i-te for such an institution should be

adequate for the irnmediate requirements of the building arid should

provide sufficient area for future expansion (which in my opirtion

will be essential as time goes on). It should also provide a

park-like setting wjth atractive landscapinq, fountains and

reflecting pools, and outdoor exhibits related to the nature of the

Museum. It should be readily accesible via public and private trans-

portation and by pedestriaris. It should provide space for parking,

the loading and unloadirig of cars and group-tour buses and large

delivery vehicles both for immediate rieeds and for the future when

additional space for these purooses will inevitably be necessary.

The site proposed adjacent to the Universidad Técnica

and wjth froritage ori Avenida Alameda and with metro Statioris readily

available would seem to fulfili all of these requirementS and to be

and ideal location for a variety of other reasons which are

mentioned in the section of this report on Governance, Executive

Control, Adrninistratiofl and Staffing.




Building Considerations

The building should be conceived primarily as a controlled

environment and support system for the Museurn's exhibits and proqrams

which it wjll house rather than as an end in itself. It should

convey and conxnunicate to the visitor, even though he may not

articulate or even cerehrate the fact that it does so, that the subject

matter of the institution - science and technology - is of utmost

significance and importance now and will continue to be increasingly

so in the future. It should not be in appearance forhiddinq, as !fldfl

public buildings are, but should be inviting and corivey psychologically

a feelinq of the pleasure, enjoyrnent arid recreation which the exhibits

withiri it will bring to visitors from all walks of life - not only to

the learned or affluent or educated or those already familiar with the

subject matter of science and technology.

It sr-iould he as free of columns as possihle and should

provide for maximum fiexibihity within, immediately and in the

unpredictahle future. It shou1d be desigried to allow for expansion, a

phenomenon wich every successful science museurn has experienced.

The huildinq should be designed as a demonstration of the

efficient use of materials arid the conservation of energy. :n this

clirnate provisiori should be nade to utilize solar energy for space and

hot water heating and air conditioning if not irnrnediately, certainly

in the future. To the degree that it is feasible, the buildinq should

be a science arid technology exhibit in itself demonstrating how a

buil r1 ing works as far as load-hearinq consideratiorts, graphic statics,

heatirq, ventilatinq, etc., tire concerriéd. It shou'd he designed for

ready access by the puhlic through the avoidance of stairs and for

the convenience of the handicapped.



Few windows or large glass areas are recornrnended so that

control of lighting within is possible. A large unloading dock is

required for receiving and dispaching large exhibit units with large

freight elevator capacity for handling large and heavy units.

Sufficient electric power capabilit y and convenient distribution of

outlets throuqhout the buildinq are essential.

-,he building should not be designed only to accomodate

the original exhibit installations. Exhibits in a science rnuseurn

shoUld be changed frequently to maintain public interest and to

keeps abreast of new developments in science arid technology and

exhibition design techniuues. Special features which the building

should provide for are:

A unique, attractive and unusual theatre of 300-400

capacity with equipment and facilities for the presentation of

special dernonstrations, lectures, dramatic performances, concerts,


An area of sorne 20,000 square feet of floor space with

a ceiling height of 30 feet to accornodate big arad soectacular exhibit


A rnodest hut creatively designed library-audio-visual-

learning-center for popular printed and audio-visual reference

materials related to science and technoloqy.

A temporary exhibits galiery of sorne 10,000 square feet

of floor space for a constant strearn of changing exhibit presentations.

A food service facility with dining and kitchen accomo-


A book and souvenir sales shop.



An impressive visitor reception area with Inforrnation

Desk, check room facilities, telephones, etc.

An area for receiving school groups with student

orientation rooms, check room, school group lunch facilities, etc.

Toilet and washrooms

Maintenance and exhibit-onstruction shop facilities.

Locker rooms for various groups of employees. An

executive of f ice with adjacent reception and food service areas for

receivincj distinguished visitors, receptions, Board meeting, etc.

public escalators and staff elevators where required.

Staircases, corridors and connecting passageways out of sight of the

visitor areas where required.

Offices for adrninistrative staff and secretarial


A desiqn and drafting area

Exhibit-storaqe areas

Possibly a rnembers lounge wjth refreshrnent facilities.

Mechanical support areas: fan room, janitors closets

with water sink and draín facilities, etc.

A fire protection system

A Staff lounge area

A First Aid room and related facilities

Photographic dark rooms and laboratories

A printlng and photocopying room

A general file area

A business-personnel office with appropriate accounting,

payroli and related equipment.



Exhibit Prograrn

The success of this rnuseum - or for that matter, any

other institution - will depend upori its integrity, its well-defined

objectives, the dedication and ability of its people, its administra-

tive, executive and financial management skill, good fortune and

probably a few other things. But in the case of a Museurn its success

depends in large rneasure upon its exhibits and the degree to which

they serve the needs and are accepted by its nublic. t'Iot any public.

Its public.

The role of a scierice museum is to provide revealation

of what its viewers never knew or never even knew existed before, to

broaderi their horizons, to inspire and stirnulate them to become a

part of the thrust, the cutting edge of a more fulfilling human exist-

ence, to encourage initiative and resolve and deterrnination and mci-

dentally to learn sorne scientific and technical facts.

It is my feeling that the Museum we are working or

should not attempt to teil too much about too many things but should

confine itself to the immediate environment.

The science museum doesn't take the place of a formal

school - that is essential. The science museum serves many other

purposes and in addition augments the formal school and makes its

task easier and its results more effective.

People come to museums for educational recreation and

the more recreational the presentation is, the more effective it is.



Tie museum experience rnust be enjoyable in order to be educational.

Involvement is essential,is the sine qua non. What one enjoys he

remembers. What is dull,uninteresting, painful, one puts from his

mmd or forgets as soon as possible.

Three-dimensional things in motion haVe infinitely more

appeal than static thins or pictures or qret blocks of material

to be read. To many individuals reading isdifficult if not painful.

Three-dimensional thinqs set into rnotion, operated by, controlled by

the visitor are fascinating to him.

Exhibits of ths kind dealing with suhjects close to

home rather than foreiqn or abstract matters are particularly


A series of exhibits of this kind dealinq proudly with

Chile's technological present and future would insure the success

of the Museum's exhibition program.

Such an instttution is riot only for those in t'ie fields

of science and technoloqy or for those who will eventually find

their life-work in these fields.

The science and technoloqy exhibit is designed to

contribute to the cultural erilightenrnent of all to those who wihl

become artists end poets and military officers and eritreprerteurs

and pubhic servants and taxidrivrs just as the museurn of fine arts

is not only for artistsor the historical, museurn for historians.

The iristitution we are contemplatirig will rnake a unique

and significant addition to the public cultural, educational and

recreational resources of Santiago and the entire country.



A special, separate and most irnportant feature of this

institution should be its "Traveling Exhibition Service". This

would consist of a contiming series of science and technoloqy

exhibits designed to be light and demountable, to be parked Into

especially designed shipping containers and to he transported by

rail or hihway to principal population ceiters througnout the

country. There they would be set up in space availab.e in schools,

libraries, tarkets, or public buildings for all to see. Ch1dren

from surrounding rurdi areas could be brought by bus to uti.ie

then. This procedure wculd serve as a hiqhly desirable out-reach

prograrn of the institution in Santiago and might be combined into a

total rnuseum out-reach program participated in by the art, history

and natural h±story museums.



The Budget

It is proposed that the initial structure for the Museum

be a twa story building consisting of approximately 200.000 square

feet of floor space of whici roughly 125.000 square feet be devoted

to exhibits with the rernainder devoted to supporting facilities

outlined elsewhere in this report under Site and Building Considerations.

1 am not personaily familiar with the costs of building

construction in Santiago but 1 am informed that such a building could

be built for US$ 1,000,000. To thiá mist be added the cost of

architectural and engineering services. To the extent that these

services might be contributed by a State—upported University or by

a Ministry such costs would not become a part of the budget for the

Museun. Other possible sources for this technical assistance might

be the Orgartization of ímerican States, or a contribution of services

from private industry here or elsewhere. The cost of acquiring and

clearing the land hetween the present confines of the campus of the

Universidad Técnica and Avenida Alameda would, 1 assume, come from the

govermment or the city or both. The costs of landscapinq and

otherwise beautifying the site after the building is bui].t could, 1

assume, come from other city and national Ministries responsible for

parks. The cost of furniture and fixturs would have to be estimated

when preliminary plans for the building are cornpleted and might be in

the order of magnitude of 15% of the building cost.



The cost of designing the exhibits would be influenced

trernendouslv by whether or not outside designers would be used as

would te cost of constructirg the exhibits. These design and

construction costs could range from USs 25 per square foot to US

100 per square foot amouriting to from USS 2,500,000 to US$ 10,000,000.

Sources for these funds might be Chilean business organizations and

foreign industrial cooperations doinq business in Chile, including

but not limited to: General rotors, Frigidaire, IBM, Smith—Corona

Marchant, Xerox, Ford, Vollkswagen, Toyota, Siemens, Corning Glass,

Fiat, Mercedes Benz, International Harvester, ITT, ESSO, Mobil,

Olivetti, etc.

Operating costs would include payroll,energy, telephone,

office supplies, building maintenance supplies, exhibit maintenance

supplies, printing, etc. ;hile it would be impossible at this time,

not knowing the detaile0 program of the institutions or Chilean wage

costs, to properly estirnate these operatinq costs the total operating

budget for an institution of this size hased en experience in the United

States would he in the order of USS 1,500,000. Revnues to support

such a budget might derived from five basic sources:

1. T8X revenue from City and State

2. Revenue from visitors through general admission charqes, special

admission charges te special events, exhibit openings, lectures,

performances, temporary exhibits, food services, the sale of

books and souvenirs, etc.


3. Revenue from industrial corporations (in addition to funds for

e.hibit construction) for the maintenance of individual exihits.

4. A mernbrship proara w-4 t'.-i various clases of members: corporate,

founer, benef actor, life, Frrilv, individual, stud rmt, etc.

S. Grnts and jifts frori individuals and foundattons in this country

and abroad.




Time Schedule

Factors to he considered in developing a working schedule

for the realization of this project are te acquisiton and clearina

of the land, the architectural, engineerinq, and landscapinq design

and constructon of the buildings, grounds arid related utilities, the

desiqn, construction arid tnstallationof exhibits, the recruitirty and

training of personnel and the final oreparations for previewinq and

openiriq the institution to the public.

1 have no knowledge as to the length of time that will he

required to acquire the land. Clearing it, once acquired could he

accomplished in three months. The buildini plans could he developed

and finalized in one year. The coristruction of the huildings and

associated facilities could be completed in three years. The design,

construction and installation of the exhibits could be accomplished

concurreritly during the sanie three years that the building is under


urinQ tbis period at appropiate tims which can be

scheduled, the staff can be assemhled, trained arid given pre-opening

practice experience.

If th' land can he acquired over the next two years, the

entire project can be conpleted in a five year period And opened to

the public prior to the end of 1983.

This is not an unrealistic schedule but in fact is a

generous aliotment of time which may well he improved uoon.

The Jeterminq factor is the decision forthwith to go

ahead and the purposeful and dedicated pursuit . of the work.



Expression of Appreciation

In conclusion, 1 thank all of those with whom 1 have

met jri connection with thjs rnission of corisultation for the warm,

gracious, friendly and cooperative spirit with which they received

rne.ty soecial tharLks and expression of admiration arid good will go

to CONICYT President Manuel Pinochet, Santiago Mayor Patricio

Mekis, National Director of Museums and Libraries Nr. Enrique

Campos Menéndez, Rector Eugenio Reyes, Pro-Rector Carlos A. Forray

artd Guillermo Clericus of the Universidad Técnica del Estado, Direc-

tor General N. wayne Sandvg and Director General Adjunto William R.

Corthorn of Fundación Chile, María Elena Troncoso and the many

others who have been so helpful to me.

To the distinguished and able Committee on the proposed

Museum of Technology, histed elsewhere in this report, goes much

of the credit. They are a group of great talent, knowledge and

w i s dom.

My immediate colleagues and collaborators were José

Manuel Cousiño and his associates in C0NICYT, Enrique Dellacasa and

Elena Acufia who mirtistered to my every need, contributed in great

measure to my efforts and were cortstantly availabe to help and

advise me. 1 rnust in all conscience extend an especial expression

of gratitude to Elena Acuña for hcr professional contributions to my

work here. Without her knowledqe and bi-hingual expertise this

report would not nave heen possible. Finaily to María Elena Delgado,

who served as my secretar" during my rnission in Chile and typed this

report, 1 express my qreat gratitude and respect for her ability.



1 leave Santiaqo, and Chile, with most pleasant feelirics.

1 came here a strançjer and imnediately was rnade to feel at home by

ah. T hope that on ny next visit here my wife will have the

opportumity to accompany me. She wculd regard with deep affection,

as do 1, this country and its most admirable people.

1 will welcome the opportunity to he of service in the

furtherance of this project iri the future: reviewing plans for the

development of the site, the buildincjs, the educational prograrn,

the exhibits and any and ah aspects coricerning it. 1 loo forward

toward our continuing productive collaboration.

Daniel MacHaster

santiago, Chile

November, 1978

-,---. 1. ------------- ..-..-.-...--.------------.- ------------------



1978 - 1979


País del cual se desea recibir la cooperación: U. S. A.

I. Servicios de Asistencia Técnica de Expertos

Gobierno de Chile

Experto: Daniel Miller Mac Master, Presidente

Entidades Ejecutoras: CONICYT, Universidad Técnica del Estado,

Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Mu-

seos y Municipalidad de Santiago.

Duración de la Misión: 1 mes

A. Detalles de la Misión

1. Descripción de la actividad

a. Objetivos específicos inmediatos y de largo alcan-

ce, incluyendo beneficios sociales.

El establecimiento en Chile de un Museo Tecnológi-


b. Lugar de la actividad e'


La política de recursos

dedicado a la promoción

cia y tecnología en que

contemplada la creación

el mando del Plan Nacional

humanos contempla un item

y divulgar_¡- de la cer. -

aparece especificamente

de museos.

c. Si la actividad es nueva o continuaci6n o modifica

ción de una existente.

No existen muscos tecnológicos en Chile.

d. Si es una actividad separada o relacionada a otra

actividad más am plia. En el último caso indicar

quien está realizando dicha actividad.

Forma parte de la labor de creación y administra -

ción de Museos que realiza la Dirección de Biblio-

tecas, Archivos y Muscos del MinistriO de Educa -




e. Núm'-ro y nivel profesional del personal local que

está trabajando o que se pondrá a trabajar en el proyecto.

Existe un Comitó formado por expertos nacionales

representantes de las instituciones interesadas eh

el proyecto.

f. Cantidad de los fondos disponibles para la activi-


No hay

g. Fecha estimada para el inicio y la terminación del


IQ de noviembre de 1978 - I Q de diciembre de 1978

2. Descripción del trabajo a realizar por el experto

Proporcionar una descripción detallada de las diversas

tareas que desempcará ci experto con las prioridades


Redactar en conjunto con el comité de especialistas na

cioriales un proy'cto acabado de creación de un Museo

Tecnológico moderno.

3. p ersonal y facilidades de contraparte

CONICYT proporcionaría oficina, personal de secretaria

y servicio de copia y cálculo al experto.

4. Fecha de inicio de la misión

19 de noviembre de 1978

B. Requisitos y experiencia que se exigen al experto

Profesional de gran experiencia en la organización y admi-

nistración de museos tecnológicos. Ojalá haya o esté de -

sempeñando altos cargos directivos.

Proponemos al Sr. Daniel riller Mc Master, p resident and

chief executive officor del Museo de Ciencia e Industria

de Chicago.

C. Condiciones del Servicio

5. Lugar de la misión

En le ciudad de Santiago, en la sede do CONICYT, calle

Canadá # 308.

6. Alojamiento

Podría usr la case de extranjeros de la universidad

Técnica del Estado.


May 19, 1978

Mr. Antonio Lulli A., Director Office of International Cooperatioti l7th Street and Constitution Ave., N. W. Washington, D.C. 20006

Dear Mr. Antonio Lulli A.:

In response to your letter of May lZth, 1 am pleaced to .ccept tite Chilean Government'S request for my servicee to advise on tite organization and adminietratiOn of a tecbnologic&1 museum.

1 would appreciate it, however, If the tirrting of my visit titere could be changed a bit. Becau8e of cornmitmenta here and el gewh.re, 1 could not be there the entire rnonth of November. 1 could be avail-able for a four-week period leaving Chicago on Wedneiday, Cctober l8th. and returning to Chicagon Wedneed&y. Nov.mber l5th.

1 hopo theae dates are convenient to the others involved as 1 am very xnuch interested in carrying out this miseton.

Stncerely yours,

D. M. MacMaster




' 21/8/78


ANT. Nota de OA N Q CHI-402 de fecha 14/6/78

MAT. Asesoría Creación Museo Tecnoló gico, Programa Tentativo.

SANTIAGO,1. 1978



La organización de Estados Americanos, O.E.A., nos ha comunicado su aceptación para proporcionar asesoría, a nuestro Gobierno, en la organización de un Museo Tecnológico para Santia go de Chile, en el período comprendido entre el 18 de octubre y 15 de noviembre próximo.

En relación a su visita, hemos preparado un programa tentativo que estaría sujeto a las modificaciones que fueran ne-cesarias, atendiendo a las sugerencias que Ud. nos haga o a sus necesidades de información.

El programa tentativo comprenderá lo siguiente:

1. Sesiones previas con nuestro Comité ad-hoc, para darle a conocer nuestra realidad y responder a las consultas previas que Ud. desee formular.

2. Dedicar las dos primeras semanas de su estadía en Santiago, a visitar y conversar con los res-pectivos ejecutivos de nuestros museos y depar-tamentos universitarios que tengan alguna rela-ción con el tema.

3. Una tercera semana sería dedicada a visitar al-gunos Institutos de Investigación e Industrias, así como la corporación de Fomento de la Produc cióri (CORFO), institución que ha sido promotora de grandes empresas industriales en Chile y que dirije aún grandes empresas.



4. Sesiones finales con nuestro Comité ad-hoc para evaluar y completar la información compilada por Ud., y discusión de las ideas que Lid, tenga acer ca de la formación de un Museo Tecnológico en nuestro país.

Quisiéramos recibir cuanto antes sus sugerencias acerca de este programa tentativo y sobre el tipo de información que Lid. necesita para colaborar con más eficiencia a su trabajo en nuca - tro país.

Agradeciendo desde 1iyo, su aceptación a colaborar en esta misi6n en Chile, le saluda a'entamente,

PINQTSULVDA de. ¡visión (R) P)dente '\


September 6, 1978

Mr. Manuel Pinochet Sepulveda General de Division (R) Presidente Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica Y Tecnologica (CONICYT) Departamento de Fomento

Dear Mr. Pinochet Sepulveda:

This is in response to your communication of 22 August, 1978. The tentative program you have suggested for my forthcoming visit to Santiago appears to me to be an excellent one.

My approach will be to bring to you the various options which are available so that you might be in a position to decide which would best ac-complish your particular aims, purposes and ob-jectives. There are many science museums through-out the world which differ quite markedly one from the other. 1 feel strongly that your institution should be unique to your situation rather than a replication of a Tinited States or European one in whole or in part. It should reflect your cultural heritage and should utilize methods of communica-tion, visitor involvement and participation which your experience shows are successful and effective and welcomed by your particular audience.

Early in our meetings we might discuss in a tenta-tive and exploratory way the subject matter 1 have outlined on the enclosed sheet. Then after our meetings of several weeks we might again discuss these matters in a more definitive way and come to eventually agree upan conclusions which would set the basic philosophy and direction of the develop-ment of your institution.




As 1 will be in the Far East from September 27 until just one week before 1 leave for Santiago. 1 would be appreciative if 1 couid receive my airiine (1 believe there is a BranLff fiight from Miami non-stop leaving at 1:45 a.m. on October 18, arriving in Santiago at 10:00 a.m. on October 18. Braniff would book a connecting flight for me from Chicago to Miami on the eariy evening of October 17. Returning on November 15 there is a flight from Santiago leaving at 9:55 pm. arriving at New York at 10:05 a.m. on November 16. Braniff would also book a connecting flight to Chi-cago for me leaving New York about noon on November 16. U this meets with your wishes 1 would appreciate it if your office would make these reservations for me and mali me the tickets or have Braniff in Chicago make them availabie to me as soon as possible) tickets as soon as possible, as well as my address and telephone number while in Santiago and the name and address of my immediate contact. 1 need this informatiori to leave with my office here in the event that they wili need to contact me.

Looking forward toward a most productive association.

With best regards,

Daniel M. MacMaster

P.S. Enciosed herewith is a copy of a letter 1 received today, after writing the abo ye, from Alan Smith in charge of the Office of International Cooperation of the Organization of American States, as well as a copy of my reply to him.



1. Airns, Purposes, Objectives Education, recreation, research, tourist attraction, preservation, other?

2. The Audience Children, pupils, coilege and university students, the under-educated, pre-schoolers, senior citizens, clubs and organizations, tourists, and?

3. Subject Content Physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and medicine, geology, anthropology. natural history, science-related aspects of music, art, aquarium, etc? Or, "theme' exhibits on Energy, Agriculture, Nutri-tion, Ecology, Transportation, etc? Applicable social mores, taboos to be considered?

4. .Content Level Demographic information needed, distribution curve, age, sex, econornic, social, education needs of various components of the population.

5. Circulating or External Prograrns Basic decision--yes or no?

6. Geographic Site Locatjon, utilization of ground area, personal and public transportation, parking areas, availability of food services, etc.

7. The Building Physical requirements to accomplish aims and purposes, allocation of space, selection of architect, safety considerations, heating, ventilat-ing facilities, energy-conservation considerations. Visitor flow, ceiling heights, floor loadings, efficient rnaintenance considerations, etc.

• 8. The Time Schedule Building d esign, exhibit design, construction, ms tallation, opening.

9. The Budget Architectural services, building construction, exhibit construction, prelirninary staffing, perrnanent staffing and operational costs.

10. The Management Organization Governance, executive managem-ent, administration, organization chart, job descriptions, staff positions, etc.

1 . . ........................................


Merbers of the Comrnittee

1. NRS. GRETE MOSTNY, Director of the National riuseum of

Natural History, represeritative of the Ministry of


2. MR. JUAN INFANTE, iawyer, representative of the Mayor

of Santiago.

3. MRS. MARIA ELENA TRONCOSO, corisidered as the promoter

of the project of creating the Technoiogical Nuseum

in Santiago.

4. MR. JOSE MANUEL DROUILLY representative oí the Rector

of the Technical University (U.T.E). He ¡s an engineer,

in charge of the Departrnent of Constructons.

5. MR. JOSE MANUEL COUSIÍO, representativ -of CONICYT. He

is a chernist and is in charge of the Dep-artment of

Promotion of Scierice and rechnology, COMICYT.

6. MR. ENRIQUE DELLACASA, lawyer, works in the sarne


7. MISS ELENA ACUfA, works in the saine Department.

- -------------------------- ------ - -


Opening Staternent by Daniel Miller MacMaster, President Emeritus Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago

Meeting on the establishment of the Science Museum in Santiago Chile

October -Novernber, 1978

You know that you have many alternatives from which to choose, as you

face the task of determinag the ultimate character of the new institution which

we are here to consider.

Without presuming to suggest specific conclusioris, 1 plan to indic ate to

you what sorne of the alternatives are which he before you, to teli you how the

various institutions with which 1 am associated have chosen among thern, to

further familiarize you with a number of other institutions throughout the world,

to speak about the three -dimensional exhibit as an effective mediurn in ttnonforrnalu

public education, and to engage in discussions with you during this week on avariety

of matters related to the establishment of a new museum.

As thcse concerned with the establishment of a new institution, you find

yourselves in quite a different situation from that of trustees or staff o existing

institutions. It is perhaps a more difficult one, but at the same time, a potentially

more rewarding one.

You know that the bright hight of public scrutiny is being focused as never

before upon our institutions of all kinds. Quality is being demanded in greater

measure. It is no longer enough that an institution merely refrain from being

undesirable as vas the case not too many years ago. To survive, our institutions

must excel. But what is excellence? What is institutional success?



Aside from other definitions which may be applicable, isn't success

measured by the extent to which objectives are achieved? Unless objectives

are isolated and defined, doesn't success rexnain immeasurable and irnpossible

of achievement?

Certainly any institution to be successful must have well defined aims,

purposes, and objectives - -an institutional phiiosophy of life, if you will--and

these objectives, whatever they may be, must be pursued with conscientious,

perservering, undeviating, and relentless vigor.

You, and those who wili comprise the professional staff which you are

now responsibie for assembling, are the individuals who will moid this new

institution. Individualiy and coliectiveiy you will determine what kind of an

institution it wil be. In what directions will you go?

Over the years it has been generaily accepted that the basic purposes

oí the traditi.ona], cias sical museum were three in number: to engage in basic

research, to serve as a repository, and to contribute to the education oí the

public (not necessarily in that order, but possibly so).

To engage in basic research resulting in significant new contributions

to human knowledge in whatever fieid is, indeed, a noble pursuit. To bri.ng

to bear a level oí scholarship, singieness of purpose, unbiased judgernent, to

uncover the necessary evidence, and to irnpartially judge it without reference

to preconceived ideas, is the essence oí basic research. The significance oí

much basic research done by museurns is undeniable. Sorne museums do it

and sorne don't. Wil this one?

To find and acquire. the artifacts of our heritage and to select from them

those sufficientiy significant to warrant preservatior; to properly preserve them

against the ravages oí time, nature, and man; to protect, save and keep them for



posterity no rnatter what the obstacle, is the essence oí thc repository £nction of

the museurn. Sorne museurns do this and sorne don't. Wi11 this ano?

U musoums over the years and over the world have one thing in common,

it is their dissimilarity. This is particularly true of science museumS, and 1 don't

see anything wrong with this.

In ancther field, that oí higher educatiOn, with which you may be even

more familiar than you are with museurns, we are fortunate indeed, 1 feel, because

of the variety of institutionS which we have.

Wc have colieges1 and we have universitieS, and sorne of the colleges are

bigger than sorne of the universitis. We have privately supported institutiOiS and

publicly supported or.es. V.e have ali-inale, ali-fernale, and coeducational ones.

We have church related intitutions which run the gainut from total dependence to

theoretical relationship at best. Wc have institutions, it would seern atleast, for

all leveis of cadernic ability and all levels of econornic abihity. We have practica

experierceoriented institutioflS and academicahly-Orieflted institutlOflS. We have

technical institutions and quite dissimilar liberal arts schools. The hist could go

on and en. Generaily speaking, institutionS oí higher education are character -

ized by their differences, one from another. In fact, throughout our country, it is

easier to poir.t out the differences than it is to identify the sirnilarities in connec-

tion with institutions of hiher education.

1 am among those who feel that this is desirable, that an importarit part

oí the strength of hi gher education lies in its diversity, and that it would be

unfortunate irideed if it were cast into one rnonolithic pattern.

1 feel thc same way about museurns. Even within the field of scierce

museurns, we ha yo those which are history-of-sciCflCC oriented and those which



are basic_princiPieS-OfSCienCe oriented. Ve have those which are rcpositoriC

for historical objects, and those which couldn't care lcss about historical objects.

Wc have science museums which have curators in charge oí collections, and WC

have others which have neither curators nor collections.

\Ve have sciencc rnuseums which devote a substantial portion of their

resources to basic research, and others which do no basic research at ah. We

have sciencc museums which emphasize cornmunications with the general pubhic,

and others interested prirnarily in comrnuning with scholars.

Wc have science rnuseums with no industrial exhibits, and those with

corporately identified industrial exhibits. Again, this hist cculd go on and on, and

again, it is my feeling, that there is nothing wrong with this. There is no right or

wrong in this situation. It is a question of agreeing upon a plan, a Lorinat, a phil-.

osophy, and pursuing it with conviction, intelhigence, and enthusiasrn.

It is inevitable that at this time your institution has no well defined

institutional philosophy. It couldn't be otherwise. It is a function oí the trustees

to establish the aims and purposes and objectives oí the institution for which they

are responsible.

Tbe advantages and disadvantages oí foliowing any oí the alternatives

available to you must be weighed. What kind of an institution do you want this to be

,in the years to come? Pure Science? Science and Tec'nology? Science and corp-

orately identified industry? A repository Lor collections oí things? An instjtutiOfl

for communicating ideas? An educational institution? A research institution? A

center for formal classes? A cornmunity cultural center? It can't be all things to

all people. To be distinguished, it must have a character oí its own, and that


character rnust be determined before intelligent decisions can be made. It is difficult

enoiagh to hit the target when one know what he is shooting at.

Largely as thc result of the answers to these basic que stions will be

determined such matters as sources of revenue, costs of operation, sources of

exhibits, the rature of the staff procuremerat program, and SO Ofl.

Sorne oí the institutions around the world which fail into this general

category are the Deustches Museurn in Munich, the Palais de la Decouverte in

Paris, the Science Museum in South Kensington, London. In the United States,

they are tobe found in Boston, Philadeiphia, Washington, Charlotte, Dearborn,

Chicago, Los Angeles, Berkley, and elsewhere. This is by no means an exhaustive

list. New ones are being organized constantly. They are of all shapes and sizes

and oí all philosophical dispositions. No two are alike.

Let me tehi you about the ono 1 know best - t',-,e Museurn oí Science and

lndustry in Chicago. Physicahly, it is substantial in size, encompassing as it does

sorne 608, 000 square feet of floor space - 14 acres - 60,000 square meters. As far as

audience is concerned, it is also substantial in size. While it is located in Chicago,

it is not a local institution. Each year, sorne 4,000,000 individuals visit it from ah

Over the United States and rnost other parts of the world and stay an average of three

hours and thirty minutes each - representing more than 14-mihlion rnan-hours of visitor

time. During a six-day survey rnade in August, not less than 44 oí our 50 states

\vere repr entd by visitors on each individual day. During the course of the six

days, not irLcluding Sunday which is thc day of our 1a-gest attendance, our visitOrc

carne £rom a, 787 towns and cities in ah of the 50 states and a few over 1,000 of

the 50 thousand sarnpled carne £rom 23 places in 57 foreign countries. Only 26%



oí our visitors were from the Chicago area.

How has this institution chosen among the alternatives which institutions

oí thi-s general nature around the world have available to therri?

We don't do research. We feel that in viev of the quantity of research in

the physical and biological sciences being supported by our Federal Qovernmeflt,

by the universities, and by industry, we would be ili-advised to dissipate any por-

tion oí our relatively limited resources by supporting work in this field. We Lcd

that we can maxirnizé our contribution to the public good by serving as an effectiv

mediuxn oí public education rather than as a research institutiOfl.

Wc are principles .-of-scienCe oriented rather than historicallY oriented

as rnost oí the European, and sorne oí the American, institutiOflS in this general

field are. We do not serve as a repository for historical objects. Only ten or

fifteen percent oí all oí our floor space is devoted to histQrical rnaterials. Wc

want eriough significant historical material to indicate progess and devclopment,

but we dont engage in the practice of making definitive collections for professiofla'

or scholarly purposes. As a consequence, we don t t have curatorS.

Our ernphasis is on today and. tpmorrow. We change about ten percent of

ah of our exhibits every year.

In addition to our basic science .exhibits, we welcorne and seck out out-

standing industrial exhibits sponsored and identified with individual industrial

corporations or groups oí corporations. About halL of our space is devoted to

exhibits of this kind. \Ve feel that they are among the most outstanding and signif-

icant cxhibits which we have. Industrial corporations bear the cost oí des igning,


'. 7 -

installing, and maintaining these exhibits. If we could obtain an equivalent amount

oí money in sorne other way, we would still prefer to have corporaUons sponsor

Cese industrial exhibits. Ve are a Museum of Science and Industry, and we feel

at much oí our strength andeffectiveness cornee frorn our constant and intirnate

ase ociation with contemporary industry.

We don't rent space. Sorne institutions do. We provide space for indus-

trial exhibits without a opace rental charge, although corporate exhibitors pay us

for the mainter.ance of their exhibits. It is a situation quite unlike that oí a trade

fair or a World's Fair where little control is exercised by the fair management

over the handling of the subject matter by the exhibitor. We must approve every

detail in connection with our industrial exhibits.

Our great cmphasis is on the third basic purpose oí the traditional

museum, that of contributing to the education of the public. This involves commun-

ication, and comrnunication implies two accomplishrnents - not one. To cornmun-

icate to use the terminology oí electronics, means to send, to be sure, but at thc

same time it irnplies that what is serit is received. Otherwise, no communication

has been accomplished. We Leel that for a museum to be effective as a cornmun-

ications n-iediurn Lor public education, it must show, display, exhibit its material

in such a manner as to be understandable by its audience. We feel that it is

no longer enough that muse urns me rcly be "open to the public". The public rnust

actually use thern, use them in large nurnbers and use thern effectively, or e]se

the museurn, not the public, has failed. To be successful as a contributor to

public education, the rr.x-tseum is no longer in a pass¡-.-e-.ole. It can no longer take

the positicn that "WC have made these treasures available, arid if the public doesn

take advatage of this opportunity, it's not our fault". Today's rnuseum (mdc



itself undeniably cornmitted to the propostion that if the student hasn't learned, the

teacher hasn't taught. The general public is the museums student body.

'1'herefore, when ve think oí the funtion oíthe museurn with respect to

¿he public, two factors are involved: visitors and educational effectiveness. If a

irniseum does not succeed in attracting 'isitors - and not just a few but in large

numbers, because we must rexnember that museums, aside from anything else

they may be, are public institutioflS and the public is a large group, not a sinail

one - then it has failed.

Cornmunicatiflg educationally with the public in an efíectivernanner

necessitate$ the use of techniques quite different from those which are cífective

in commurÁicating with scholars in the sanie field oí subject matter and quite

. different from those which are successful in the formal school.

To the extent that museum administrators and staff rnernbers fail to

recognize this basic point, they will fail to achieve success in connection with the

rnuseurn's function oí coritributing to the education of the general public even

though they may be erninently successful in the íields of basic research and


lii the rriuseum, the audience is not a captive one. It is, in fact, a most

elusive one. Since no one is required to visit a museurn, we feel that every effort

must be made to win the audience through an attractiv- and effective presentation,

and to hoid the audience once it is won - if mass educational effectiveness is the

aim. Holding the audience is more difficult than attracting it. It requires eternal


Unlike the'situation v.'hich obtains in the formal school, the museuxn

audience is complctcly hctcrgencous. Visitors are oí all ages and intcrests



they are of all social and econornic backgrounds, and of all degrees of prcvious

preparation. None oí the motivating influences which s'crve the schools so wehl

are present.

There are no compulsory attendance laws br museum visitors. They

don't have to come, and they can leave at any time. No grades are given. There

are no diplomas or degrees awarded. There are no parental pressures, no social

pressures. If visiting a rnuseurn costs the visitor anything at all,the cost is of no

significance as an educationahly motivating iníluence. There is little opportunity

Lor a coordinated course of study, for a spiral curriculum, for hornework, for

repetition, or for disciplinary action.

As the result of our visitor surveys, we know that our substantial

audience is haif male, halí female. The ages and occupations of our visitors

are in direct correlation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures for the

country as a whole. This, then, is a cross section of the public. It is not a

connoisseur group; it is nct a specially rnotivated group. These visitors can

look at, utihize, learn from, and be iníluenced by the exhibits which appeal to

them, and they can ignore those which don't.

1 r-nention ah of this sirnply to indicate that in addition to its primary

purposes, the Museum of Science and Industry is a rather good living laboratory

Lor making observations with respect tothe educatior il effectiveness oí exhibits

in connection with the mass, general pubhic.

Housed in the Museum is a vast instahlation of exhibits in the basic fieldr

of physics, cherriistry, rnathematics, and the medical sciences, as wehl as an

unique collection of exhibition arcas devoted to the appiications oí the basic

physical sciences by industry. The individual arcas occupiedby each oí these

exhibits range in size up to 17, 000 square fect of floor space.



This is a mass education jstititiOfl based on the premise that acquiring

jnformatiofl, knowledge, ndcrstandiflg should be a pleasant experienCe. It is our

observation thát it is not necessary to be duil to be educational that in facto it

helps not to be. More effective education results we find, from an interestiflg,

appealing, attractiVe, ernotiOflally stimulating pre s entation.

Our basic approach is to accept people as they are - emotioflal human

beings. We dont take the attitude that, "Thís is good Lor you," or "You ought to

do it".

Wc feel that color, light, architectural design are of great irnportaflCe --

not as ends in thernselves, but as means toward accomplishing an educatiOnal end.

We have found that ideas and quality are more importaflt than anythirig else. We

feel that util the visitors 1 attenti.on and interest are caught and heid, nothir.g has

been accomplished.

We believe that iL there is no audience, there has been no accomplishmC

We don't believe that endless rOWS of glass cases, even of perfect specimefls1

provide an irresistable, rnotivatiflg influence giving rise to educatiOn3 l effective-

ne & 5.

Wc have Lound that relative cost is by no means a reliable measure of

exhibit educational effectivefless. Wehave seen thoroughly efíective inexpensive

exhibits, and ineífectiveOfles which cost rnuch more'. Girnilarly, relative size is

not a reliable measure of exhibit effectivefleSs. We have seen srnall exhibits whicl.

drew, held, and delivered educational effectivenesS, and large ones which didn't.

Our audience at the Museum of Scienc and lndustry is riot a captive one.

The Museurri is located sorne six miles from the center of the city in a somewhat

re-mote and sornewhat difficult place to reach. It stands alone. It doesn't benefit

from other attractic,ns in the sarne area; there arcnt any. Practically none of o


visitors stop in becausc it is convcnicnt to do so. This rneans that to draw and

ho]d this very large attendance, we must strive constantly to utilize the rnost

effectivc cxhibit techniques available.

Today's exhibit designer must function as an educational psychologist.

His job is to select from the rnany techniques which exist those which best serve

his purpose in reaching and influencing visitors, not rnerely to make the exhibit

look "pretty". No one technique is superior in all cases. Each should be used,

alone, or in combination with others, when its particular characteristic wihl con-

tribute to the solution of the problem at hand.

What is it that characterizes exhibits as a medium of communicatiOn as

distinguished from the other media. •What do exhibits have that the others don't

have? What is the heart and soul, the ultirnate reality, the very essence of this

rnediurn? If we have learned one thing aboye all others in connection with exhibit.

it is that the great advantage which the exhibit has is the opportunity which it pro-

vides to involve the visitor personaily - physicahly and rnentahly. The exhibit

which is des igned to take advantage of this opportunity - to cause the visitor to

participate, to become personaily - physicahly and mer.tahly - involved, is an

éffective exhibit. The exhibit vhich is not designed to take advantage of this

opportunity - which ahiows the visitor to rernain a non-participaflt - a mere

spectator - is almost always an ineífective one. One rnight rneasure exhibit

effectiveness by rneasuring the degree to which the visitor becornes personahly

involve d.



De signing and pr oducing educ ationafly effective vis itor-par ticipation

exhibits aimed at the general public is quite as technical and creative and

professional a field of activity as any. Educational ex.hibits have come of

age. When properly done, they need take second place to no other medium

of communication.

That is one institution's philosophy of life. lnevitably yours will be

different. In your collective wisdorn, which in thi5 group is great indeed,

you wil seek it out. You will weigh the alternati.ves and come Lo your own

convictions. 1 am here for no other reason than Lo be helpful to you.


*IIaSO s&cWKAL 0$ IST0$IA NATV*L nfl1& ?$7 O W)



1. rrorsito_s ohjt±vos

son la educaci6n,la recreacin,la atraccin

turísLtica a eraves de la exhihic!n y actividades de extensin;

la eonservacin de sus colecc4ones.

De las tareas clás 4_ ­_aT de les museos se excue,

por lo menos al principio, la investigacin,porque el Museo de Cien-

cia y Ttcnclogía nstará vinculado de manera directa a la Univer-f-

dad Tcnica del Fstado,jue discne de investigadores y medios le

investigaciri en los campos de cienci ' tecnclega,y con la D±-

recc!6n de Oihliotecas,Archivos y useos,cue realiza investigaco-

nes científicas en ciencias naturales y humanas a traves de sus


l;Luseo de Ciencia y Tecnología servir en con-

secuencia primariamente como medio de comunicación masivo con su


2. l Publico

estudiantes de los niveles bsco:,sedics y universitarios;

pre-escolares,miemhros de clubs y sociedades de diferente !ndole,

"juventu'les cientfieas ' tecnolgicas",turistas y público en ge-

:-ral,no fil ninguna cr'anizacn o institucin.

Considerando gue el Museo de Ciencia y Tecnología estar

ubicado en una parte de la ciudad con un fuerte porcentaje de

ohlctn sub-educada, erÇ tomarse en cuenta nuy especialmente

este sector nurricamente muy importartte,tn t o en el nivel de

las exhiiciories corno en su constituci6n física.

3. Contenido

se considera que es importante que,por le menos en el pro-

yecto inicial,se jonja énfasis en aquellas ramas cientficas que

no etn representadas en museos existentes,tales como ciencias

naturales y humans y el arte; esto no implica la eliminacin

total de estas diciplinas - porque se entiende que un museo le-

e presentar una exhibición integrada y contextual - sino que

esos temas,apoyados por importantes colecciones e investigacio-

nes en otros nuseos,sean tratados en el 1 .11useo de Ciencia y Tec-

nologa sólo como aspectos complementarios. Por ejemplo: al ex-


d1 N*CIG$AL *S i1A NATV*L ___ - a*r&eo rLU)

plicar la teoría de las ondas como 5eri6meno fsico,podrn ex-

hibirse y explicarse instrumentos musicales,que funcionan gra-

cias a las ondas aciisticas.

l cont-'ndo dl ::useo de ciencia y Tecncloga deber

considerar la exhibicin y de-ostr n de modelos y/o urd-

dades de

a) ciencias sicas

en una sala o

b) la licacin de •1

logco dal m'.uda

como mateticas,fica,quica,biologa

del! Sn, y

ollao llo eritfice y tecr

mod erno. st parte dob'r or'erarse por

temas.or ejemplo: las diferont's f:r:as de energia y su

aplicacr.;1a indicacin de su-

de los recurcoo nturalac oe las aer.eran,etc.(eri otra sa-

la o pabell6n);otro toma pocir.a ser lo arotcnica con to-

das sus implicancias:plantas cultivables,anirnales domésticos,

nutricn,consid'raciones ecol6tcas,socioles,etc.relac 4 o-

nados con el terna podrían constituir otra sala o Pabellón;

la mincría,la squera,la nave;acir.,la salud y muchos otrcs

aspectos de la en ora--ton nora exhibiciones anlogao.

Tn ambos puntos ( a y b) conviene :-xsid'rar dos

hechos bsicoo: 1. que - aunque no se desea un museo de la

historia de la ciencia y do la tecnola - deberá esbozar-

se un corto desarrollo histrco en esos canpos,porpie el

presente y el futuro se entienden sola.-:ente a travs del

pasado.Tl hombre es un ser hist6rice e historizonte.2. e

deber dedicar especial fasis en 105 jotencialidades

cient!ficao y tecnolicas acualeo y futuras de hile,

da manera que el museo servir en lo posible como :rganiro

orientador a lo juventud en cuanto o sus posibilidades pro-

fesionales f'turas.

4. Nivel del contenido

' i-le es un país jven,de modo que la nayora

de los usuarios del r.uso tendrn menos de 30 años.(v.infor-

macin demogrf co).

Txiste un amplio sector de lo poblacn adulta con

niveles educacion:les uy haa y/o inccm-'letes,oue tenen oo

posibilidad de elevar el nivel de sus conocimientos 'nediante una

educación forrnal;ounque existen escuelas para adultos,la.mayor!a


3 *VliO N&aoxAL D$ *ISTOA N*TU*&L

- aaTZO (LI)

e la poblacin t ora d; 'el ha2 o '"ano carece de

Po y mot±vaci6n pare asistir n ellas;el rus-'o deber g suplir y corp-

lementar en prte estos cnocimiontes en forma de recreacin

ticipacin (t ler"s 'ar • b'los y —enes. lyna exh1.tcin oar

, in nivel nt ectul de 12 a 14 años parecera el nas adecuado.

15. ro'ramas ti rrites o extanurales

n antes 'ue el museo inicie su

funcionamient en un edificio propio,conveidr diseñar unidades de

exhibicn y kits,que erniecon a circular tto en la capital corno

en provincias.Si se !org A esto,se crar Jrar: expectacn en tor'a

la pobi n ciún s-'r r le"ente una vnn r r: 1' trcsar a circu-

los pu r ±entes (industr!s,fundacienez,eto.) 'ara 'ue hagan aportes

econmicos y/o materiales para el futuro museo.

6. Sitio geoorfico

uno de los terrenos considerados para la ubicación el

futuro Museo de ienc Tpcnolc- es de prcpiedad de la Univ er-

sidad enica del tAo.ste terrenc es d fcil acceso mediante

los medios de movilizaci5r. colectiva ('-use-,netro),es bastante

amplio para permitir lo. expaxisi6n -el rusec,proveer espacios dc

estacionamiento adecuados y se encuentra cerca de otros centros

culturales,como la m isma 'Jniversida Tcnica del stado,el Pla-netazio y a poca rce :o1 'useo Nacior.l de i lístor4a Natural.

7. 1

o csien-10 edificio para el futuro useo de 'iencia y

Tecnoloa,ste podr diseñarse según las pautas y experiencias

de la ; useolo:a odrna.Si no será posible traer un experto en

esa especalidad,se podr solicitar información y bibliorafa

del Centrc de ocumentaci6n useogrfica U:O/ICCr.

¿erg prudente pensar en una corLstruccin concebida de tal

manera que sea factible su eventual expansin,especialmente si

no se dispone desde un -ncipic de un preop'sesto que -aranti-

ce la ejecurin e una o bra de dimenriones adecuadas (70.000 m.

8.-10. Tiempo de

estas consideraciones

1ependern es. grar. 'ei-a de la o las orarieiones de 'as cuales


aso ziAcIONAL as 5OW XATUI

4 ___ - a1O (cELa)


dependerg el museo,puesto que su ejecuc 4-6n,su planta de personal,

su administracl6n '1eb2rn arl pcuarse i las leyes y normas vigentes

para el organismo rector.

Es importante elaborar y dsefar planes y esquemas detalla-

dos a la brevedad posible para poder juzgar estimativamente los

costos involucrcs.


;ree ostny

* (- /J-ervtdcr

St1390,26 Je Octubre de 1978




Duiil Miller MacMaster s residcnt Emeritus of the Museum of Scicnce and lndustry in Chicago and an honorary life meinher oí its Board oí Trustees. He was named Director of Lhe Museum in 1951, elected President in i 968 and President Emerjtus in 1978. He ser-,ed the Museurn in a variety oí capacities, including those oí Curator and Director oí Exhibits, since joining it3 staff in 933 while sti].l a student at the University oí Chicago, prior to the Museum's opening to the public.

During 1948 and 1949 he was General Manager of the CMcago Railroad Fair in addition to his Museurn post. He served as •a rnember and Presidcnt of the Board oí Education in Eornewo. Illinois (194S-49) and as Secretary oí the State of Illincis Commission on Higher EdiLcation (1955-59).

He is an Honorary Director and former President oí tie Chicago Chamber Orchestra Associ -ation, a rnember of the Board of Governors oí the Chicago Heart Association, a Trustee oí the Adier Planetarium, the Museurn oí the International. College of Surgeons and an Ho-iorary Trustee oí the University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundaticn. He is a Directcr ErnerituE of Monmouth College, a Director oí the Hyde Park Bank and Trust Cornpany and is a member of the Citizens Board oí the University oí Chicago and the Citizens Committee of the Universit of Illinois, Kappa Sigma, the Tavern Club, the Quadrangle Club oí the University oí Chicago, the Cornrnercjal Club oí Chicago and a number oí technical boards and soc.ieties. Ile is a former Director oí the Sears-Roebuck Foundation and the Lincoln Academy oí Illinois and a former member oí the National. 4-H Servjce Committee.

Mr. MacMaster has been a consultant to museums and expositions in a number oí cities in th United States and abroad and has written rnany articles for encyclopedias, newspapers and technical journais.

He has recaived outstanding civilian service awards f:om the U.S. Arrny and U.S. Navy, and has been decorated with .he Golden Cross of the Roya Order oí Phoenix by King Paul oí Greece (1963), the Officers Cross of Polonia Restituta oí fhe Governrnent oí Poland (1967), the Grarid Badge oí Honor by the President oí the Republic oí Austria (1970), the Golden Bade of Honor of the City of Vienna (1970), the Grand Badge of Honor oí Burgenland, Austria (1971 1. 1 the Oskar von IIiller Gold Medal oí the Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany (1 1174), the Order oí Cultural Merit oí Poland (1975), and the Officer's Cross Order oí Cultural Merit of Luxernbourg (1976). He received the Doctor oí Hurnanities degree fron-i LincoL- College Li 1970, the Doctor oí Humane Letters degree from DePaul University in 1978 and was elected the First Fellow oí the Association oí Science-Technology Centers in 1974.

Iii 1960 Mr. MacMaster 'vas Director oí the First Floating Seminar to Greece abo2rd the S.S. Queen Frederjka. In 19U he served as guest consultant on museums in various cities in the Federal Republic oí Gerraany at the invitation oí its g ' vernment and in 1973 was a consultant on the establishment of a science museum in Iran at the invitation oí its governrnert. In 196 3 he served a tour oí duty as a U.S. State Departrnent Specialist in Dublin, Essen, Eerlin and Stockholm.

Born February 11, 1913 in Chicago, he is married to the forrner Sylvia Jane Hill. The Mac-Masters Uve at 910 Bruce Avenue in Flossmoor, Illinois 60422. They are the parnts of Daniel Miller MacMaster, Jr., and Jane Irene M. Lightell (Mrs. Robert W. Lightdll) and the grandparents oí Malcolrn MacMaster Lightefl and Julia Jane Ligliteil.

February 1978


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