el parasol issue trece

The presentation for Azerbaijan took place a few days ago, and while the crowd were very impressed with the tourist video presentation and the internet photos of the accommoda- tion, they were also thirsty for more and started shouting questions about the details, such as the dates at the end. Well here at the umbrella desk we have managed to hunt down some of the (ever illusive) organisers for some serious fact questioning. Here is what we have gathered Dates: 22nd october – 30th Octo- ber, the duration is 6 days or 8 days if you include the optional 2 day trip at the end. The organisers have also said there will also be some basic ac- commodation available if people ar- rive early. Location: While the event has been billed as the capitol Baku the INCM itself will take place in a small seaside town called Shuvelan which is a 20 minute drive from the capitol. Accommodation: The INCM will all be taking place in a recently reno- ON THE ROAD TO BAKU? u m b r e l l a n e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m h t t p : / / E A S A N e w s p a p e r . t u m b l r . c o m vated children's summer camp, the good news is that there are profes- sional people for cleaning duties and food duties so while there might be some minimal duties they will be quite basic. Days Trips: information on this was quite sketchy but from what we have been able to gather there are 2 day during the INCM, the first one will be to the Capitol where everyone will be visiting the centre of the city. For the second trip the group will be split in half one half will visit mud volcanos and the other half will go to the beach. Theme: while a theme is not manda- tory for an INCM it is worth mention- ing that there has been a theme at the INCM in recent years, with Copenha- gen010 running with a “community” theme and Liechtenstein009 “the role of the Architect”. So far no theme has been mentioned in relation to INCM Azerbaijan. Getting there: now this is the diffi- cult question, seeing as Azerbaijan is on the very periphery of europe, it is going to be a more expensive INCM to attend. The options of getting there are limited for the western europeans and flights are looking pretty expen- sive, ranging from a like €300 euro to €600 euro. Obviously there are many options and it will be up to every indi- vidual to research the most economi- cal way. Optional Excursion: little is know about this excursion. Apparently the trip is for two days after the end of the INCM to a sports camp in Gebela. No one from the group we spoke to knew anything about the details of the trip, and when we were put onto the phone to the only organiser who did, he proceeded to agree to some questions before hanging up. Cost: The INCM should cost the same price as previous meetings and the optional excursion should cost “not more than 30 euro” extra. Communication: to get in touch with the Azerbaijan team you can email them on [email protected] or check out their website www. incm011.az, however the website is still under construction. Tonight: Workshop presentations will be at 9.30pm on the steps, with a slave auction after, and final party after that. EL PARASOL 6 Saturday AUGUST issue 13 · volume 11

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Issue 13 of El Parasol, easa011



The presentation for Azerbaijan took place a few days ago, and while the crowd were very impressed with the tourist video presentation and the internet photos of the accommoda-tion, they were also thirsty for more and started shouting questions about the details, such as the dates at the end. Well here at the umbrella desk we have managed to hunt down some of the (ever illusive) organisers for some serious fact questioning. Here is what we have gatheredDates: 22nd october – 30th Octo-ber, the duration is 6 days or 8 days if you include the optional 2 day trip at the end. The organisers have also said there will also be some basic ac-commodation available if people ar-rive early.Location: While the event has been billed as the capitol Baku the INCM itself will take place in a small seaside town called Shuvelan which is a 20 minute drive from the capitol.Accommodation: The INCM will all be taking place in a recently reno-


u m b r e l l a n e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o mh t t p : / / E A S A N e w s p a p e r . t u m b l r . c o m

vated children's summer camp, the good news is that there are profes-sional people for cleaning duties and food duties so while there might be some minimal duties they will be quite basic.Days Trips: information on this was quite sketchy but from what we have been able to gather there are 2 day during the INCM, the first one will be to the Capitol where everyone will be visiting the centre of the city. For the second trip the group will be split in half one half will visit mud volcanos and the other half will go to the beach.Theme: while a theme is not manda-tory for an INCM it is worth mention-ing that there has been a theme at the INCM in recent years, with Copenha-gen010 running with a “community” theme and Liechtenstein009 “the role of the Architect”. So far no theme has been mentioned in relation to INCM Azerbaijan.Getting there: now this is the diffi-cult question, seeing as Azerbaijan is on the very periphery of europe, it is going to be a more expensive INCM

to attend. The options of getting there are limited for the western europeans and flights are looking pretty expen-sive, ranging from a like €300 euro to €600 euro. Obviously there are many options and it will be up to every indi-vidual to research the most economi-cal way.Optional Excursion: little is know about this excursion. Apparently the trip is for two days after the end of the INCM to a sports camp in Gebela. No one from the group we spoke to knew anything about the details of the trip, and when we were put onto the phone to the only organiser who did, he proceeded to agree to some questions before hanging up. Cost: The INCM should cost the same price as previous meetings and the optional excursion should cost “not more than 30 euro” extra.Communication: to get in touch with the Azerbaijan team you can email them on [email protected] or check out their website www.incm011.az, however the website is still under construction.

Tonight: Workshop presentations will be at 9.30pm on the steps, with a slave auction after, and final party after that.


issue 13 · volume 11


• Congratulations to Espain who probably cheated their way to victory in last nights football finalissimo.


Are you looking forward to going


No, cause here it’s sunny and fun, and here we have drinks.Jesus (ES)

Not really. Actually, not at all!Darko (MD)

I’m looking forward to home but not the office!Martin (NL)

Yes. Proper diagnosis for my leg!Ville (FL)

Looking forward to going to Moroc-co, Seville and then home.Wendy (IE)

Not really, going to miss working with lots of cool people.Wernard (SA)

I am already missing Cadiz…Zsofia (SK)

Who are you?Carlos Cabrera Pernia

Where are you from?Valencia

What are you thinking of right now?I don`t want this EASA to finish, but we definitely need it to.

What is your proudest achievement in life?I haven't done it yet.

Who is your favourite Spanish Archi-tect?Campo Beaza

Can you recommend a novel, poem or music that has changed your out-look on life?"Entre Dos Aguas" - its a song

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?That everyone could speak the same language so you wouldn`t have to learn 100 languages when you come to EASA.

What is the best thing about EASA for you?Have fun with people who are just like you.

Beer or Sangria?Beer

Boxers or Briefs?Briefs

Moist or used?Used

Fran or Jesus?Jesus in the morning, because he would be sleepy and Fran in the afternoon, when he`s very busy, so like this they both leave me alone




• WORKSHOP REVIEWS: Done, except Orgadiz and Avanzada!

THINGS MARTEN WILL DO FOR A CIG #1Dress like a sailor and draw a huge cock on his neck.


After putting in many hours of work into the EASA calender, there were printing problems. There are always printing problems. Without going too much into the details about spanish opening hours, printing times and binding issues, the result has been ONLY 7 FULL COLOUR CALENDARS have been printed. These very limited edition calenders are signed by the people who are pic-tured and will be auctioned this even-ing. Demand is high so visit an ATM and bring your cash!


P I G SLast part of the EASA dictionary. I feel sort of melancholy, which is re-flected in today’s words. But we still have a final party to look forward to!

EASA-blues [iːˈɛːsa bluːz ] noun A state of mind appearing when you are back home, have taken as many (hot) showers as you want, slept in your own bed and eaten your favour-ite food, but something just is not right. Where is everyone? What to do?

EASA-flu [iːˈɛːsa fluː ] noun Something you might bring home. EASA is a lot of things, but not a health camp.

EASA-song [iːˈɛːsa sɒŋ] noun Every EASA has it’s own song. EASA 008 Ireland had “Kids”, EASA 009 Italy was “What is love?”. Which song sums up EASA011 Spain? Maybe “I just came to say HELLO”, a huge hit on the dance floor 5.30 last night.

EASA folklore [iːˈɛːsa sɒŋ] noun What will be the story of EASA 011 in Cadíz? As much documentation as we do, the stories of EASA are over all verbally communicated. If this was your first EASA, you can be happy about the fact that next year, you will be one amongst the group saying “oh, do you remember in Cadíz…” So see you next year in Helsinki!/Kajsa Börjesson


Little is know about this mystical game. Rumour is it is played with 2 pigs and the winner gets to choose his pick from the ladies/men as well as get-ting a crown and tital of “EASA PIGS CHAMPION 2011/2012”. How is it played? Well first you must find the pigs,(maybe they hang around the 3 little pigs workshop) then you will be able to learn. When is the tour-nament on? Well this is also a mys-tery.....(maybe after the presentation and auction)

Calendars on sale tonight!





• Dignity• Virginity• Self-respect• Perception of time• Sense of smell• Oportunity to finish workshop on


• Our EASA love


• Today's hot/disturbing organisers are Emilio Roldán and Javi Guerra

P A R T Y R E V I E W Everyone seemed so tired yesterday, and it seemed like nothing was about to happen at the courtyard. Yet, as always, us EASAians do not know how to stay quiet, so at around 2am, things finally started moving.

The Dutch wanted to play but their session was taken over by the Serbian House Mafia . I must honestly say the music was annoying me at the beginning, but as time went by, the drinks got drunk, the tunes got better and the smile on people`s faces was on as usual once more.

The bar got busy again, people woke up from their sleep and the dancing got crazier as time went by. Some of us may have gone to bed early, as another heavy night is expected for us tonight at the closing party, but for

those who stayed, a good night was guaranteed.

Unfortunately the music had to stop at 5am, with complaints reaching Campo del Sur that the music was too loud. By this time though, loads of people could be seen heading to their beds, others challenging the few energy left in their body. All in all, it was another great night as usual, so well done boys and girls.

SUPER-DUTCH EASA?Very early this morning, over our third G&T, Marten Dashorst (NL) confessed to a Dutch bid this year. "We heard the Serbs were bidding, and we like beating them in competi-tions." Expect excellent town plan-ning and peanut butter.

Tomorrow’s Weather

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4 6 Saturday AUGUST