el niño–southern oscillation and its impact in the changing...

REVIEW National Science Review 5: 840–857, 2018 doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwy046 Advance access publication 17 April 2018 GEOSCIENCES Special Topic: Advances in El Ni˜ no Research El Ni ˜ no–Southern Oscillation and its impact in the changing climate Song Yang 1 , 2 , 3 , Zhenning Li 1 , Jin-Yi Yu 4 , Xiaoming Hu 1 , 2 , , Wenjie Dong 1 , 2 , 3 and Shan He 1 1 School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China; 2 Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Climate Change and Natural Disaster Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 519082, China; 3 Institute of Earth Climate and Environment System, Guangzhou 510275, China and 4 Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Received 12 February 2018; Revised 25 March 2018; Accepted 15 April 2018 ABSTRACT Extensive research has improved our understanding and forecast of the occurrence, evolution and global impacts of the El Ni˜ no–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, ENSO changes as the global climate warms up and it exhibits different characteristics and climate impacts in the twenty-first century from the twentieth century. Climate models project that ENSO will also change in the warming future and have not reached an agreement about the flavor, as to the intensity and the frequency, of future ENSO conditions. is article presents the conventional view of ENSO properties, dynamics and teleconnections, and reviews the emerging understanding of the diversity and associated climate impacts of ENSO. It also reviews the results from investigations into the possible changes in ENSO under the future global-warming scenarios. Keywords: El Ni˜ no–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), diversity, teleconnections, climate impacts, ENSO projection INTRODUCTION ElNi˜ no–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a powerful climate phenomenon that exerts profound impacts on the global climate and accounts for the major skill source of seasonal-to-inter-annual climate pre- diction. Since the coupled nature of oceanic El Ni˜ no and atmospheric Southern Oscillation was recog- nized [1–3], substantial effort has been devoted into understanding and later predicting the occurrence, development or evolution, physical properties, links to other climate systems and climate impacts of ENSO [4–12]. Compared with other climate phe- nomena, ENSO is perhaps the one whose occur- rence, dynamics and influences have been relatively well understood and predicted [13]. Nevertheless, the Earth climate is changing and ENSO, includ- ing its responses to the changing global climate and feedback/influences on the worldwide climate, is also undergoing significant changes [10,11,14–18]. ENSO has tended to occur with the warmest sea- surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropi- cal central Pacific, instead of eastern Pacific, in past decades [19]. is change requires us to reconsider the mechanisms responsible for ENSO occurrence and development, the links of ENSO to other cli- mate systems and atmospheric-oceanic fields includ- ing temperature and precipitation, and the basis and methods for climate prediction. While the long-term changes in the properties and climate impacts of ENSO in past decades have not been fully understood, we face another challeng- ing question: how will ENSO change in the future climate? Numerous studies have been conducted us- ing climate models to project the ENSO conditions under different scenarios of global warming due to increases in carbon dioxide. ese investigations provide relatively consistent results about the flavor or type of ENSO, but also present large uncertainties in the intensity and frequency of ENSO. erefore, only limited information about future ENSO condi- tions can be provided by climate models based on their future climate projections. In the next section of this article, we review the fundamental features of ENSO and the theories of ENSO occurrence and development. e third section discusses the ENSO-related teleconnection C e Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/nsr/article-abstract/5/6/840/4975301 by guest on 31 July 2020

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Page 1: El Niño–Southern Oscillation and its impact in the changing climateyu/PDF/Yang-et-al-2018-NSR.pdf · 2020. 7. 31. · SpecialTopic:AdvancesinElNinoResearch˜ El Nino–Southern

REVIEW National Science Review5: 840–857, 2018

doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwy046Advance access publication 17 April 2018


Special Topic: Advances in El Nino Research

El Nino–Southern Oscillation and its impact in thechanging climateSong Yang1,2,3, Zhenning Li1, Jin-Yi Yu4, Xiaoming Hu1,2,∗, Wenjie Dong1,2,3

and Shan He1

1School ofAtmosphericSciences, Sun Yat-senUniversity, Guangzhou510275, China;2Guangdong ProvinceKey Laboratory forClimate Change andNatural DisasterStudies, Sun Yat-senUniversity, Guangzhou519082, China;3Institute of EarthClimate andEnvironment System,Guangzhou 510275,China and4Department of EarthSystem Science,University ofCalifornia, Irvine, CA,USA

∗Correspondingauthor. E-mail:[email protected]

Received 12February 2018;Revised 25 March2018; Accepted 15April 2018

ABSTRACTExtensive research has improved our understanding and forecast of the occurrence, evolution and globalimpacts of the El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, ENSO changes as the global climatewarms up and it exhibits different characteristics and climate impacts in the twenty-first century from thetwentieth century. Climate models project that ENSOwill also change in the warming future and have notreached an agreement about the flavor, as to the intensity and the frequency, of future ENSO conditions.This article presents the conventional view of ENSO properties, dynamics and teleconnections, and reviewsthe emerging understanding of the diversity and associated climate impacts of ENSO. It also reviews theresults from investigations into the possible changes in ENSO under the future global-warming scenarios.

Keywords: El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), diversity, teleconnections, climate impacts, ENSOprojection

INTRODUCTIONElNino–SouthernOscillation (ENSO) is apowerfulclimate phenomenon that exerts profound impactson the global climate and accounts for the majorskill source of seasonal-to-inter-annual climate pre-diction. Since the coupled nature of oceanic El Ninoand atmospheric Southern Oscillation was recog-nized [1–3], substantial effort has been devoted intounderstanding and later predicting the occurrence,development or evolution, physical properties, linksto other climate systems and climate impacts ofENSO [4–12]. Compared with other climate phe-nomena, ENSO is perhaps the one whose occur-rence, dynamics and influences have been relativelywell understood and predicted [13]. Nevertheless,the Earth climate is changing and ENSO, includ-ing its responses to the changing global climate andfeedback/influences on the worldwide climate, isalso undergoing significant changes [10,11,14–18].ENSO has tended to occur with the warmest sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropi-cal central Pacific, instead of eastern Pacific, in pastdecades [19]. This change requires us to reconsider

the mechanisms responsible for ENSO occurrenceand development, the links of ENSO to other cli-mate systems and atmospheric-oceanic fields includ-ing temperature and precipitation, and the basis andmethods for climate prediction.

While the long-term changes in the propertiesand climate impacts of ENSO in past decades havenot been fully understood, we face another challeng-ing question: how will ENSO change in the futureclimate?Numerous studies have been conducted us-ing climate models to project the ENSO conditionsunder different scenarios of global warming due toincreases in carbon dioxide. These investigationsprovide relatively consistent results about the flavoror type of ENSO, but also present large uncertaintiesin the intensity and frequency of ENSO. Therefore,only limited information about future ENSO condi-tions can be provided by climate models based ontheir future climate projections.

In the next section of this article, we review thefundamental features of ENSO and the theoriesof ENSO occurrence and development. The thirdsection discusses the ENSO-related teleconnection

C©TheAuthor(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing &Media Ltd. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:[email protected]


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REVIEW Yang et al. 841

Flatten thermocline


EP El Niño


CP El Niño

Current Wind

Figure 1. Conceptual diagram for the spatial patterns of EP El Nino events (left fig-ure) and CP El Nino events (right figure). Arrows with (without) white borderlinesrepresent anomalous oceanic (atmospheric) circulations, respectively. Shadings atthe sea surface denote the spatial location of the SST anomaly. Dashed blue linesand solid red lines represent the climatological and El Nino-conditioned equatorialthermocline, respectively (adapted from fig. 3 in Yeh et al. [54]).

patterns and the involved physical mechanisms, em-phasizing the tropical thermally driven forcing, wavetrains and the interaction between atmospheric ed-dies and jet streams. The climate impacts of ENSOand its changes are discussed in the fourth sectionand the ENSO conditions projected for the futurewarming climate are reviewed in the fifth section.The main features associated with different types ofENSOare also discussed correspondingly in the var-ious sections of this article. A summary is provided inthe final section.

FUNDAMENTALS OF ENSOENSO characteristicsENSO and its variations are usually measured bythe dominant modes of the equatorial Pacific SST[3,20–23]. In the twentieth century, thewarmphaseof ENSO (El Nino) is basically characterized bylarge SST anomalies in the eastern Pacific, while anew type of ENSO with large SST anomalies overthe central Pacific was recognized several decadesago [14,24] (Fig. 1), referred to as the centralPacific (CP) El Nino [11,25], dateline El Nino[26], El Nino Modoki [10] and Warm Pool ElNino [27]. This new type of El Nino also displaysdifferent seasonal evolution and teleconnectionpatterns compared with the canonical El Nino[28–31]. Phase-reversal features cannot be clearlyidentified in CP El Nino events [25,29].The emerg-ing ENSO diversity challenges inter-annual climateprediction [17,32] and the skills of forecastingENSO and its changes with greenhouse warmingdepend on our understanding of the underlyingphysics, which has also evolved over the past severaldecades.

Conventional views of ENSO dynamicsConventional views explain the occurrence ofENSO as either a stochastic and damped eventtriggered by stochastic forcing including westerlywind bursts [33,34], the Madden-Julian Oscillation[35], tropical instability waves [36], monsoonactivity [37–39] and forcing from the subtropicalSouth Pacific [40,41], or a self-sustained andnaturally oscillated air–sea coupled system. Fromeither perspective, the Bjerknes feedback [2],describing a typical unstable air–sea interaction,is the essential positive feedback process in thegrowing stage of ENSO. Initial positive (negative)SST anomalies in the equatorial eastern Pacificassociated with westerly (easterly) anomaly andweakened (strengthened) Walker Circulationare amplified via the Bjerknes feedback, leadingto the mature phase of an El Nino (La Nina)event. In the self-sustained framework, ENSOinvolves at least four negative feedback processesto terminate warm/cold episodes and completethe transition to an opposite phase: the delayedoscillator [7], the discharge/recharge oscillator[9,42], the western Pacific oscillator [43,44] andthe advective/reflective oscillator [45].

The delayed oscillatorThe idealized delayed oscillator theory, proposedby Schopf and Suares [46] and Battisti and Hirst[7] and shown in a conceptual delayed oscilla-tor model by Suarez and Schopf [5] based onthe coupled ocean–atmosphere model of Zebiakand Cane [6], considers the effect of equatori-ally trapped oceanic wave propagation. An ini-tial sea-surface height anomaly is displaced intoeastward-propagating Kelvin waves and westward-propagating Rossby waves. The Rossby waves thatpropagate westward are reflected at the westernocean boundary and return as equatorial Kelvinwaves. The reflected eastward-propagating equato-rial Kelvin waves have westward currents, referredto as the delayed negative feedback flow. The tra-ditional version of the delayed oscillator theory in-volved the equatorial eastern Pacific SST anoma-lies, while Clarke et al. [47] presented the theoryfor zonal equatorial displacements of the equatorialeastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool.

The discharge/recharge oscillatorThe discharge/recharge oscillator theory empha-sizes the major role of equatorial heat storage andthe wind stress curl anomalies related to the equa-torial eastern Pacific SST anomalies. Jin [9,42] for-mulated the discharge/recharge oscillator based onthe intermediate anomaly coupled model of Cane


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842 Natl Sci Rev, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 6 REVIEW

and Zebiak [48]. Since the work of Wyrtki [49,50],the buildup of warm water in the tropical Pacific hasbeen considered as an essential precondition for thedevelopment of El Nino events. During El Nino,positive SST anomalies in the equatorial easternPacific and the associated westerly wind anoma-lies cause a meridional poleward Sverdrup transportof equatorial warm water, resulting in a basin-wideraised thermocline. SST anomalies in the equato-rial eastern Pacific are more sensitive to the changein mean thermocline than those in the equatorialwestern Pacific, leading to a larger SST decrease inthe eastern Pacific and easterly wind anomalies.Thetransition from El Nino to La Nina is completedand the recharge process restarts. On average, the ElNino-related discharge process is stronger than theLa Nina-related recharge process, which may con-tribute to the asymmetric evolution of El Nino andLa Nina [51].

The western Pacific oscillatorThe western Pacific oscillator theory by Wang et al.[44] and Wang [52] begins with condensationheating in the western-central Pacific, which in-duces twinoff-equatorial cyclones andwesterlywindanomalies at the equator.The anomalouswind stressdeepens the thermocline and increases the SST inthe eastern Pacific. Positive feedback between windstress and SST leads to growth of the anomaly.Meanwhile, the pair of cyclones raises the thermo-cline, so that SSTdecreases andSLP increases off theequator in thewesternPacific. Anomalous high pres-sure induces easterly wind anomalies that cause up-welling and cooling. The cooling spreads eastwardsand provides negative feedback, thereby creating anoscillating coupled ocean–atmospheric system. Un-like the delayed oscillator theory, this theory doesnot require wave reflection for the coupled ocean–atmosphere system to oscillate.

The advective/reflective oscillatorPicaut et al. [45] pointed out two notable modifica-tions of the delayed oscillator theory and proposedthe advective/reflective oscillator theory. First, themajor region of air–sea interaction is over the cen-tral Pacific rather than the eastern Pacific. Second,the contributions of equatorial Kelvin wave reflec-tion from the eastern Pacific boundary, zonal advec-tion of SST and zonal current convergence are theintegral parts of theENSOcycle,whichwere ignoredin the delayed oscillator framework.

As discussed above, these four ENSO oscilla-tor paradigms have different emphases but are alsointerconnected [53]. The delayed oscillator theorywas proposed from the perspective of tropical wave

propagation and reflection. The discharge/rechargeoscillator theory introduced the extra-tropical ther-mocline variation into the ENSO mechanism andexplained how it leads to a self-sustaining oscillation.The western Pacific oscillator paradigm emphasizedthe local air–sea interaction over the off-equatorialwestern Pacific but ignored the wave reflection atthe west boundary of the western Pacific.The advec-tive/reflective oscillator conceptual model pointedout the crucial role of zonal current in the ENSOmechanism.

View on ENSO diversityDisplacement of the thermocline dynamicsWhile both CP ENSO and the conventional east-ern Pacific (EP) ENSO emphasize the fluctuationsof depth of the equatorial Pacific thermocline onthe production of ENSO, Ashok et al. [10] arguedthat the flattening of the equatorial Pacific thermo-cline from 1958 to 2004 might have displaced theupwelling zone of the thermocline from the tropicaleastern Pacific to the tropical central Pacific, result-ing in more El Nino and La Nina in the central Pa-cific. In this view, the emergence of CP ENSO doesnot really represent a change inENSOdynamics, butrather a displacement of the action center of ENSO.

Zonal advective feedback (favoring CP-type)vs thermocline feedback (favoring EP type)Kug et al. [27] offered a different view to explain theproduction of CP ENSO. While others emphasizedthe role of the background difference in the tropi-cal Pacific in the generation of two types of ENSO,the authors considered that thermocline variationsare important for affecting the SSTs in the coldtongue but not in the western Pacific warm pool,where ocean advection terms and surface heat fluxforcing are important for determining SST varia-tions.

Kug et al. [27] indicated that zonal advec-tion feedback was a crucial factor in modulat-ing the SST anomaly of CP ENSO. In particu-lar, the east–west SST gradient is relatively strongin the transition zone from warm pool to coldtongue over the central Pacific. Thus, SST anoma-lies can be effectively induced by the zonal advec-tion of mean SST by El Nino-related anomalouszonal current. The enhanced SST anomalies in turnlead to surface wind anomalies, and then amplifythe zonal current anomalies [27,54]. Specifically,during the ENSO onset season June–July–August(year 0, JJA(0)), both an off-equatorial eastwardcurrent over the central Pacific and an equato-rial eastward current related to the negative sea


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REVIEW Yang et al. 843

ENSO Teleconnection Mechanisms

Atlantic Ocean

Eddy-jetstream mechanism

PNA and TNH wavetrain mechanism

Tropical troposphere mechanism

Atmospheric bridge mechanism

PSA wavetrain mechanism

Eddy-jetstream mechanism


Indian Ocean Atmospheric bridge mechanism

Indian Ocean capacitor mechanism

Indonesian throughflow



Western Pacific coupling mechanism


North Pacifi


(Boreal winter)

(Boreal winter)

South Pacific

NW Pac

Figure 2.A schematic illustrating themajor teleconnectionmechanisms throughwhichENSO affects the global climate.

level anomaly in the western North Pacific con-tribute to warm advection by the mean tempera-ture gradient. In August–September–October (year0, ASO(0)), the anomalous eastward current devel-ops, enhancing the SST anomaly. In the peak season(December(0)-January-February(1), D(0)JF(1)),however, a weak westward current anomaly relatedto the westward gradient of the equatorial sea leveland reflected upwelling Kelvin wave from the west-ern boundary, decaying warm SST by cold advec-tion, appears in the central Pacific [55]. After thepeak of CP El Nino, the westward current is furtherdeveloped and appears in the whole equatorial re-gion during February–March–April (FMA(1)), in-dicating termination of CP El Nino. The other im-portant mechanism for CP ENSO is the latent heatfeedback. Compared to the eastern Pacific where la-tent heat fluxplays adamping role in theSSTanoma-lies, there is a positive latent heat flux feedback to theSSTwarming in the equatorial central Pacific, whichreinforces the surface warming [27,56,57].

Subtropical forcing mechanismThe view by Kao and Yu [25] and a series of follow-up studies [29,58] also considered that the CP andEP types of ENSOwere produced by distinct mech-anisms. Differing from Kug et al. [27], the authorsproposed that the forcing from the subtropical Pa-cific Ocean and atmosphere was particularly impor-tant in triggeringCPENSO.The initial SSTanomalyoff the coast of Baja California is considered as atrigger of CP ENSO by a southwestward propaga-tion [30,59], which is induced by atmospheric dis-turbance, particularly the North Pacific Oscillation[60]. As soon as the SST anomalies are establishedin the equatorial Pacific, local air–sea interaction in-

cluding the ocean advection term emphasized byKug et al. [27] quickly intensifies the SST anoma-lies into a full-blown CP ENSO event. Therefore,this view of CP ENSO dynamics involves three keyprocesses: (i) the initial SST anomalies producedoff the Baja California coast, (ii) the southwestwardspread of the subtropical Pacific SST anomalies intothe equatorial Pacific [29,61] and (iii) the equato-rial Pacific coupling that intensifies the arriving SSTanomalies into CP ENSO.The first and second pro-cesses invoke subtropical atmospheric forcing andsubtropical Pacific coupling and are also known asthe footprinting mechanism [62,63]. This view ofthe CP ENSO dynamics emphasizes the processesoutside the tropical Pacific for the generation of CPENSO, which is in contrast to EP ENSO dynam-ics that reside completely within the tropical Pa-cific.The recent study by Su et al. [64] demonstratedthat forcing from the subtropical South Pacific canalso affect CP El Nino, while Ding et al. [65] ar-gued thatmoreNorthernHemisphere extra-tropicalprocesses triggered El Nino events that existed after2000, which might be related to the frequent occur-rence of CP El Nino.

THE ENSO TELECONNECTIONMECHANISMSENSO affects the climate in different regions of theworld via different teleconnection patterns. Figure 2provides a schematic that illustrates the major tele-connection mechanisms enabling ENSO to affectthe global climate, which are discussed as follows.

ENSO teleconnections within the tropicsAtmospheric bridge and tropical troposphericmechanismsWithin the tropics, there are twomajor mechanismsthat enable ENSO to affect the tropical Indian andAtlantic Oceans. The first major mechanism is thetropical tropospheric warming/cooling mechanism[66], which explains the spread of ENSO signalsto the other two ocean basins via the propagationof Kelvin and Rossby waves in the tropical tropo-sphere. In this mechanism, El Nino (La Nina) firstcauses warming (cooling) of the troposphere overthe tropical central-eastern Pacific [67]. These tem-perature anomalies then excite Kelvin and Rossbywaves that propagate eastward and westward, re-spectively, to spread the SST anomalies throughoutthe global tropics. These tropical tropospheric tem-perature anomalies then affect temperature and hu-midity in the atmospheric planetary boundary layer,


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844 Natl Sci Rev, 2018, Vol. 5, No. 6 REVIEW

resulting in SST anomalies in the tropical Indian andAtlantic Oceans through surface fluxes.

The secondmajor mechanism is the atmosphericbridge mechanism [68–70] associated with theWalker circulations that span the tropical Pacific,Indian and Atlantic Oceans. During El Nino, theeastward displacement of convective activity weak-ens the Pacific branch of the Walker Circulation, re-sulting in anomalous descending motions over thetropical eastern IndianOcean, which then induce anIndian Ocean warming via solar radiative and latentheat fluxes. This displacement also disturbs the At-lantic branch of the Walker Circulation, resulting inanomalous descendingmotions over the tropical At-lantic, which weaken the surface trade winds to pro-duce Atlantic warming via surface latent heat fluxes.

Additional mechanisms for the tropical At-lantic OceanWang [71] suggested that the El Nino-inducedanomalous descending motions over the equatorialAtlantic can induce anomalous ascending motionsover theAtlantic subtropical high region through theregionalHadleyCirculation.Theweakened subtrop-ical high decreases northeast trade winds, resultingin warming in the tropical North Atlantic (TNA)region. Another popular mechanism to explain theTNA response to ENSO invokes a wave train re-sponse in the mid-latitudes. This mechanism sug-gests that thePacificNorthAmerican(PNA)patternexcited by El Nino (LaNina) events has an anomalycenter over the southeastern US, which extends intothe Atlantic andweakens (strengthens) the subtrop-ical high, resulting in TNA warming (cooling). TheENSO-induced SST anomalies in the TNA regiontypically peak duringMarch–April–May (MAM) af-ter ENSO peaks but can linger through June–July–August (JJA) and beyond.

Additional oceanic mechanisms for the tropi-cal Indian OceanAdditional mechanisms are also needed to explainthemore complex IndianOcean response to ENSO,which includes the IndianOcean basinwarming andcooling [68–70,72] and the Indian Ocean dipole(IOD) [73,74]. Both the atmospheric bridge andtropical troposphericmechanisms have been used toexplain how the Indian Ocean basin warming (cool-ing) is induced by El Nino (La Nina). The mecha-nisms that enable ENSO to force the IOD are evenmore complicated.

The dynamics of the IOD has not been fully un-derstood, although it has been linked to ENSO forc-ing [75,76] and non-ENSO-related processes in thePacific and Indian Oceans [77–79]. Positive IOD

events usually co-occur with El Nino events and arecharacterized by warmer SST in the tropical west-ern Indian Ocean than in the tropical eastern In-dian Ocean (vice versa for negative IOD events).The El Nino-induced anomalous descending mo-tions over the southeastern Indian Ocean during itsdeveloping summer can intensify the climatologi-cal southeasterlies off Java and Sumatra to producecold anomalies in the southeastern equatorial IndianOcean [75]. These cold anomalies become the coldpole of the positive phase of IOD. Since the climato-logical trade winds reverse directions in boreal win-ter, the ENSO-induced anomalous cooling weakensand switches to a warming after October, answeringwhy the intensity of ENSO-induced IOD typicallypeaks in the boreal fall [80].The ENSO-induced an-ticyclonic wind stress anomalies in the southeasternequatorial Indian Ocean also excite a downwellingRossbywave that propagates into thewestern IndianOcean, where the climatological thermocline is shal-low. The arrival of the Rossby wave deepens the lo-cal thermocline ridge and warms the regional SSTs[75,81], which becomes the warming pole of thepositive IOD.TheSSTgradient across the equatorialIndian Ocean also triggers positive Bjerknes feed-back to further facilitate the growth of IOD. There-fore, ocean dynamical processes are involved in es-tablishing the ENSO–IOD teleconnection.

In addition, the Indonesian Through Flow hasbeen also suggested to play a role in transmittingENSO influence into the Indian Ocean. Pacificanomalies may leak via the through flow to firstarrive at the Northwest Australia coast and thenradiate into the Indian Ocean interior [82]. How-ever, due to limited observations, the magnitude ofthis throughflow leakage and its importance for theENSO teleconnections in the Indian Ocean are stilla matter of debate.

The recent change in ENSO from the EP type tothe CP type may have changed the ENSO impacton the Indian Ocean. The more westward-locatedpositive SST anomalies of CP ENSO may induceweaker SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean thanEP ENSO [83], possibly changing the ENSO–IODrelationship [84].

Downstream ENSO teleconnections tothe Northern and Southern HemispheresTwo major teleconnection mechanisms have beenproposed for the impacts of ENSO on the middle-high-latitude climate downstream of ENSO: a wavetrain mechanism and an eddy–jet stream mecha-nism. The wave train mechanism emphasizes thatENSO heating or cooling in the tropical Pacific can


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REVIEW Yang et al. 845

excite stationary wave trains emanating from thetropics into the middle and high latitudes of theNorthern and Southern Hemispheres, remotely in-fluencing regions such as North and South Ameri-cas, theNorthAtlanticOcean, theAntarctic, etc.Theeddy–jet stream mechanism considers the ENSOinfluences on the strengths and locations of zonal-mean flows in the mid-latitude troposphere, whichinclude the thermally driven subtropical jet streamand the eddy-driven polar jet stream.

The PNA and Tropical Northern Hemisphere(TNH) wave train mechanisms in the NorthernHemisphereThese two wave train patterns lead the variabil-ity modes of mid-latitude atmospheric circulations.They differ from each other in their spatial structuresand their relationships to the two types of ENSO.As a result of these differences, the two patterns en-able the two types of ENSO to produce differentdownstream impacts on theNorthAmerican climate[30,85].

The PNA pattern [86] is a wave train pattern thathasbeenoftenemphasized for producing remote im-pacts in the Northern Hemisphere. It is character-ized by geopotential height anomalies that spreadeastward and poleward from the tropical Pacific toAlaska and Canada and then equatorward throughthe US. The anomaly centers over the US tend tocause above-normal winter temperatures over thenorthern US and below-normal over the southernUS during El Nino events and vice versa duringLa Nina events [30,87]. This pattern also causesan enhanced winter Pacific jet stream that extendsfarther east than normal toward the southern USduring El Nino events. Since the jet stream deter-mines the paths of winter storms, the PNA pat-tern enables ENSO to affect winter rainfall patternsin the US.

The TNH [88] pattern is another wave train pat-tern that has been invoked to establish adownstreamteleconnection to theNorthernHemisphere.Theas-sociated geopotential height anomalies display cen-ters over the tropical central Pacific and off the Pa-cific coast of North America and show a zonallyelongated dipole crossing the North Atlantic Ocean[89]. Since the atmospheric wave train response toENSO is sensitive to the exact location of maximumSST anomalies of ENSO [69,90–92], it is believedthat EP ENSO excites primarily the TNH patternwhile CP ENSO excites the PNA pattern [30,85].Thus, due to the differences between these two pat-terns, the impacts of ENSO on North America aredifferent between the two types of ENSO.

The Pacific South American (PSA) wave trainmechanism to the Southern HemisphereFor the Southern Hemisphere, the PSA [93])pattern is the key pattern through which ENSO ex-erts its impacts on the South American and Antarc-tic climate via the downstream wave train mecha-nism [90,94]. The PSA pattern is characterized bya stationary Rossby wave train emanating from thetropical central Pacific with major anomaly centersto the east of New Zealand, over the Amundsen–Bellingshausen Seas and near the southern tip ofSouth America, and its negative (positive) phaseis related to El Nino (La Nina) [95]. Specifically,through thiswave trainpattern, ENSOaffects South-ern Ocean SSTs [96–98], Antarctic sea-ice concen-trations [99–101] and Antarctic surface air temper-atures [102,103].

The two types of ENSO affect the SouthernHemisphere climate differently through the com-bined effects of this wave train mechanism and theeddy–jet stream mechanism that modifies the re-sponse of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) toENSO.TheCP ENSO tends to influence the South-ern Hemisphere more strongly. The increasing oc-currence of CP ENSO is associated with a PSA pat-tern that is more in phase with the SAM, giving riseto a stronger ENSO impact on the Southern Hemi-sphere climate [83,104], probably explaining the re-cent substantial warming in the West Antarctic viaan enhanced ENSO-induced anticyclone over theAmundsen Sea [103].

Jet stream displacement mechanismsThe tropospheric jet streams serve as a transmitterto broadcast ENSO influence into the middle andhigh latitudes. During an El Nino event, the warm-ing of the tropical troposphere strengthens and con-tracts the Hadley Circulation to move the subtrop-ical jet stream equatorward and the displaced jetstream affects the central location of baroclinic ed-dies, which drives anomalous ascending motions inthe mid-latitudes. The eddy forcing then inducesanomalous adiabatic cooling in the mid-latitudes todisplace the location of the polar jet stream, which isdriven by north–south thermal gradient and the re-sultant baroclinic eddy forcing [105]. This series ofeddy–jet stream responses enables ENSO to cause alatitudinal displacement of the zonal-mean flows inthe middle-high latitudes via the Arctic Oscillation[106] in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarc-tic Oscillation in the Southern Hemisphere.

Nevertheless, statistically significant correlationsare observed only between ENSO and the SAMduring austral summer but not between ENSO andthe NAM [107], likely because the atmospheric


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circulation ismore zonally symmetrical in the South-ern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere.This feature allows the eddy–jet stream mechanismto be more effective in establishing the ENSO–jetstream relationship.The SAM tends to be in its posi-tive phase during LaNina and negative phase duringEl Nino. The ENSO–SAM relationship during aus-tral spring is stronger for the CP type of ENSO [83].As a result, the CP ENSO exerts stronger impactson the Southern Hemisphere climate by exciting astronger SAM response than the EP ENSO.

Upstream ENSO teleconnections to thewestern Pacific and East AsiaSignificant responses to ENSO have been observedin the northwestern Pacific and East Asia, whichare located upstream of ENSO. To explain such up-stream responses, a Gill-type response mechanism[108] has been used. This mechanism suggests thata pair of Rossby waves can be excited to the westof anomalous tropical heating or cooling. However,the Rossby wave response alone cannot fully ex-plain the ENSO impacts that are observed in thenorthwestern Pacific and East Asia, located furtherwest (i.e. more upstream) from ENSO, and usu-ally peak in the boreal summer after ENSO decays.Two mechanisms have been proposed to explainthese important features of the upstream ENSOteleconnections. One is the local air–sea couplingmechanism proposed by Wang et al. [109], whoargued that the Gill-type response to an El Ninowarming in the tropical central Pacific first excited acyclonic wind anomaly pattern to the west of thewarming, enhancing the mean trade winds and thusevaporation from the oceans. As a result, a cold SSTanomaly center is induced to the west of the warmSSTanomalies associatedwithElNino.The inducedcold anomaly then excites a second Gill-type re-sponse and an antic-cyclonic anomaly farther to thewest [110]. Through this series of two Gill-type re-sponses, El Nino is able to produce an anomalousanticyclone over the northwestern Pacific. The an-ticyclonic anomaly then reinforces the cold SSTsby enhancing the mean northeastern trade winds tostrengthen surface wind speeds and surface evapora-tions.Through thiswind–SST-evaporation feedback[111], the anomalous anticyclone and cold SSTs aremaintained through the summer even after El Ninohas ended. This upstream and delayed ENSO tele-connection can affect the strength of thewestern Pa-cific subtropical high (WPSH), profoundly influenc-ing the East Asian weather and climate [112,113],in particular the monsoons and typhoon activity[114,115].

The Indian Ocean capacitor mechanism [116]is another mechanism that has been proposed toexplain how the observed upstream and delayedENSO teleconnection is produced. As mentioned,El Nino can induce warming in the Indian Oceanduring the mature phase of El Nino. Throughlocal air–sea interactions in the Indian Ocean, thiswarming can be maintained through the summerafter El Nino decays. The Indian Ocean warmingthen excites a warm Kelvin wave response in theatmosphere that propagates eastward into the west-ern Pacific. Surface friction then induces subtropicaldivergence on the northern flank of the Kelvin wave,which suppresses convection and forms a surfaceanticyclone over the northwestern Pacific. Besidesproducing a strengthened WPSH, the suppressedconvection can also excite a wave train propagatingnorthward toward Japan to form another importantENSO teleconnection inEast Asia: the Pacific-Japanpattern [117].

The key to the Indian Ocean capacitor effect isthe ability of ENSO to induce basin-wide warm-ing or cooling in the Indian Ocean during its de-veloping and maturing phases. If it is proven thatthe CP ENSO is less capable of inducing the IndianOcean SST response than the EP ENSO, as arguedbyYu et al. [83], the importance of the IndianOceancapacitor effect may decrease when CP ENSO be-comes more dominant. Additionally, El Nino canalso contribute to themaintenance of theWPSH viathe SST anomalies over the tropical Atlantic Oceanin the decaying summer [118].

Besides these two mechanisms, a combinationmodemechanism [119] has recently been suggestedto explain how ENSO can produce upstream im-pacts on thewesternPacific andEastAsia.Themech-anism emphasizes that the non-linear interactionsbetween ENSO and the annual cycle of the westernPacific can give rise to a near-annual mode of vari-ability that is termed the combination mode [120].This mode can modulate the inter-hemisphericstructures of the atmosphere and ocean to affect thephase transition of ENSO and, at the same time, af-fect theWPSH intensity after ENSO decays.

THE CHANGING ENSO AND ITS CLIMATEIMPACTLong-term changes in ENSOBoth paleo-climatic proxy record and instrumentalrecord have shown that ENSO presents long-term changes in amplitude, frequency and otherfeatures [121–123]. In the past century, ENSOdemonstrates significant characteristic changes ona decadal time scale, featured by larger amplitudes


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and longer persistence after the late 1970s[11,124,125]. The reasons for the amplifica-tion of ENSO strength in the last century arestill uncertain. Without imposing anthropogenicforcing, simulations by various coupled generalcirculation models (GCMs) show that ENSOamplitude modulation, even on a century-longtime scale, may be a result of natural variability[126,127]. However, several studies argued thatthe intensified ENSO amplitude could be partiallycontributed to by anthropogenic forcing, and thereexists evidence that the atmospheric CO2 con-centration could exert an influence on tropicalPacific variability [128,129]. For example, forced byhistorically increased concentration of greenhousegases, models in the Coupled Model Intercom-parison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) demonstrate a10–15% enhancement of ENSO amplitude sincethe pre-industrial era [130]. However, the featuremay be model-dependent and different from therecent observed evidence. For example, in CCSM3,ENSO variability decreases in the global-warmingscenario [131]. And, in the observations, ENSOvariability has been suppressed since 1999/2000[132]

Accompanied by the observed change in ENSOintensity, the recently emerging CP ENSO indicatesthe change in the dominant El Nino flavor in the lastseveral decades. The mechanism for the higher CPENSO frequency in recent decades is still not fullyunderstood. There exists evidence that the frequentoccurrence of CP ENSO may be related to anthro-pogenic forcing. For example, Yeh et al. [133] anal-ysed the model simulations of the Climate ModelIntercomparison Project’s Phase 3 (CMIP3) andsuggested that anthropogenic forcing contributed toan increased frequency of CP ENSO compared toEP ENSO. The flavor change is related to a flat-tening of the thermocline in the equatorial Pacific,which is favorable for amplifying the zonal advectionfeedback—themajor dynamical feedback process inexciting CP El Nino. The internal positive feedbackprocess between the climate mean state and the fre-quency of CP ENSO may also serve as a factor forincreasing CP ENSO frequency. Choi et al. [134]analysed a GCMoutput and found that the frequentoccurrence of CP El Nino increased the zonal con-trast of tropical Pacific SST, which in turn resultedin more frequent CP El Nino events by enhancingthe crucial zonal advection feedback.

The changing impact of ENSOBy modulating the in situ atmospheric deep convec-tion, the spatial distribution of tropical SST anoma-

lies can influence the atmospheric circulation dra-matically [90,91,135]. As mentioned above, theatmosphere tends tobemost sensitive to the changesin SST anomalies or SST gradient in the westernPacific warm pool and less responsive to the SSTchange over the eastern Pacific, where the climato-logical SST is below the convective threshold. How-ever, as the variations in SSTanomalies amplify fromthe western Pacific to the eastern Pacific, the clima-tological SST over the central equatorial Pacific ishigher than that in the eastern Pacific and the am-plitude of SST anomalies is higher than that in thewestern Pacific [136,137]. Therefore, the emergingoccurrence of CP ENSO with sea-surface warmingconfined to the dateline region can exert significantchanging impacts on the variations in precipitationand surface air temperature.

The changing impacts on tropical oceansThe IOD plays an important role in affecting theIndo-Pacific climate, the Asianmonsoon and others.While ENSOand the IODvaried relatively indepen-dently in the 1950s [138], the relationship betweenthe two has become closer since the mid-1970s dueto the deep thermocline of the eastern equatorialIndian Ocean [80]. On intra-seasonal variations,Hsu and Xiao [139] suggested that, accompaniedbymore unstable atmospheric stratification inducedby the enhanced moisture in the boundary layer re-lated to CP El Nino, strengthened convection wasfound in the initiation and eastward-propagationphases. EPElNino causes significant warming of theTNA via the atmospheric bridge mechanism in bo-real spring [68], while the TNA does not display arobust response to CP El Nino events [140]. In ad-dition, both EP and CP El Nino events can influ-ence the South Atlantic Ocean via the Pacific SouthAmerica pattern, although the feature is less robustthan the response seen in the TNA [140,141].

The changing impacts on the North AmericanclimateThe EP El Nino impact on the North Americanclimate has been documented by Ropelewski andHalpert [87] and Halpert and Ropelewski [142],among others. The response in winter tempera-ture is traditionally characterized by a north–southdipole pattern, in which anomalously warm tem-peratures are over the northern US and southernCanada, and cold temperatures over the southernUS [87,143]. However, Yu et al. [30] demonstratedthat the temperature over northwestern and south-eastern US was most sensitive to CP El Nino (seeFig. 3), resulting from different atmospheric wavetrain patterns in response to the SST anomalies in


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~ ~(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 3.USwinter (JFM) surface air temperature anomalies regressed onto EP El Nino(left panels) and CP El Nino (right panels) indices based on (a) and (b) the NCEP-NCARreanalysis and (c) and (d) the CAMS air temperature data set. Regression coefficientssignificant at the 90% confidence level are shaded. (e) and (f) Conceptual diagrams ofthe impacts of EP El Nino and CP El Nino on US winter surface air temperature (fromfig. 1 in Yu et al. [30]).

the two types of ENSO, as discussed in the thirdsection of this article. Moreover, the recent increas-ing frequency of CP ENSO has led to more expo-sure to the El Nino influence over the northwest-ern and southeastern US. In addition to the robustchange inwintertime temperature,Weng et al. [144]suggested that the dry-north and wet-south patternin thewesternUSmore likely occurred duringCPElNino, while much of the western US was wet duringEP El Nino.

The changing impacts on Asian and AustralianmonsoonsEP El Nino events are associated with reducedprecipitation over the Indian and Australian mon-soon regions [4,87,145]. However, a case analysisshows that, while moderate CP El Nino events (e.g.2002, 2004) have resulted in severe droughts in In-dia [146], the super El Nino in 1997/98 exerted avery limited influence on the Indian summer rain-fall. Similar results can also be found in the Aus-tralian monsoon region [147,148]. In highly pop-ulated East Asia, the interaction between ENSOand monsoons is linked by a low-level anticycloneover the Philippine Sea [109,149]. The anticycloneforms in fall and persists to the ensuing summer.It strengthens the WPSH and causes enhancedprecipitation in southeastern China [32,112,150].During CP El Nino, however, the anticyclone isweaker and is confined to the west of the Philip-pines [151] (see Fig. 4). Yuan and Yang [16] thenshowed that an anomalous –/+/– rainfall anoma-lous pattern appeared during CP El Nino in East

Asia in summer. The dry condition over south-eastern China and the northwestern Pacific duringCP Nino results likely from the anomalous anti-cyclone [151]. Chen et al. [152] also pointed outthat CP El Nino played a crucial role in form-ing the triple precipitation anomaly pattern overEast Asia, which was less clear and shifted south-eastward during EP Nino. Nevertheless, althoughstatistically significant, the limited sampling mayrestrict the robustness of the conclusions. For exam-ple, through observational diagnosis andmodel sim-ulations, Hu et al. [153] argued that the surface airtemperature anomalies over the Eurasian continentare not significantly affected by the type of El Nino.Also, the changes in the mean state, especially themean SST over the western Pacific warm pool, con-tribute to the changing ENSO-related impact on theAsian summer monsoon [154]. Meanwhile, due tothe shift in the ENSO-driven Walker cell anomaliesand the warming over Eurasia, the relationship be-tween ENSO and the Asian monsoon also changes[155]. Although the results from four models (theGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory ClimateModel versions 2.0 and 2.1 (GFDL CM 2.0 andGFDL CM 2.1), the Meteorological Research In-stitute (MRI) model and the Max Planck InstituteECHAM5(MPI ECHAM5))with a robustENSO–monsoon connection suggest that the relationshipbetween ENSO and the South Asian summer mon-soonwill notweakenwith global warming [156], therelationship is projected to become weaker by themajority of models [157].

The changing impacts on tropical cyclonesCyclone activity is often weakened during El Ninobut activated duringLaNina.However, an increasedfrequency of Atlantic hurricanes is associated withthe warming over the central Pacific and the likeli-hood of landfall along the Gulf of Mexico and Cen-tral America is higher [158].Over thewesternNorthPacific, TC frequency is significantly higher dur-ing CP El Nino compared to the case of EP Nino[159]. Due to the favorable boundary layer condi-tion for cyclogenesis in the central Pacific duringCP El Nino, the occurrence of strong typhoons overthe western North Pacific is significantly higher inautumn compared to EP El Nino [160]. Over theSouth China Sea, the displacement of WPSH dur-ing the EPElNino is favorable for typhoons tomakelandfall in China [115,161]. However, the recentwork byHan et al. [162] pointed out that theGCMsstruggled in capturing the differences in TC activitybetween EP El Nino and CP El Nino, as shown inobservations, possibly due to the bias of the models


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Figure 4. (a)–(e) Partial correlations of seasonal SST (shadings) and 850-hPa winds (vectors) with normalized DJF Nino-3 indices and (f)–(j) DJF EMI (ElNinoModoki indices). Shadings indicate correlations above the 95% and 99% confidence levels; only the vectors significantly above the 95% confidencelevel are shown. ‘C’ (‘A’) denotes anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) (from fig. 1 in Yuan et al. [151]).

in response to the shift of tropical heating associatedwith CP El Nino.

The changing impacts on mid-latitude and po-lar climatesAs pointed out by Ashok et al. [10], CP El Ninoexerts a significant influence on the wintertime

storm-track activity in the Southern Hemisphere.It was further shown that CP events led to moreblocking conditions over Australia associated withwarming in the subtropics and a southward-shiftedsubtropical jet stream in the eastern Pacific [163].Recently, Wilson et al. [164] used the NationalCenter for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Com-munity Atmosphere Model to reveal that both EP


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and CP El Nino conditions supported the ob-served feature that there were stronger equator-ward momentum fluxes on the equatorward sideof the eddy-driven jet stream, shifting the jetequatorward.

Moreover, the changing ENSO affects the po-lar climate by altering the planetary wave patterns.Hegyi and Deng [165] revealed that the increasingCP El Nino drove a stationary Rossby wave trainthat interfered with the zonal wave number 1 com-ponent of the extra-tropical wave. The interferencesuppressed upward propagation of wave energy intothe stratosphere, causing a stronger stratosphericpolar vortex and a tendency to forming a positivephase of the Arctic Oscillation. Thus, a polewardshift of the NH storm tracks could be found, partic-ularly in the North Atlantic. Hu et al. [166] demon-strated that the emerging CP El Nino events deep-ened the tropospheric polar vortex and strength-ened the circumpolar westerly wind in the Arctic,thereby inhibiting summer Arctic warming and sea-ice melting. Atmospheric model experiments con-firmed the observed responses of Arctic circulationand the surface temperature to CP El Nino forc-ing. For the Southern Hemisphere, Yu et al. [83]discovered a change in the early 1990s in the rela-tionships between ENSO and two leading modes(SAM and PSA) of the Southern Hemisphere at-mospheric variability. While the PSA maintained aclose correlation with ENSO in 1940–2014 duringaustral spring, the SAM–ENSO correlation becamestrong after the early 1990s. In addition, while bothEP ENSO and CP ENSO can excite the PSA, onlyCP ENSO exerts a significant impact on the SAMthrough the tropospheric and stratospheric pathwaymechanisms.

ENSO IN THE FUTUREChanges in the properties (e.g. amplitude, spatialpattern, temporal scales, etc.) of ENSO during therecent decades are likely linked to global warming[25,27,133]. These changes in ENSO variability ex-ert feedback on the global climate change in turn.Climate models have been widely used for study-ing the projections of ENSO in the future climate[167–169]. These projections have been focusedon three key questions: how ENSO intensity maychange in the future [170,171], how the location ofmaximumENSOvariabilitymay be shifted in the fu-ture [58,172–174] and how ENSO teleconnectionmay be affected by the changing mean states in theatmosphere and oceans [175–177]. The prevailingviews on these three questions are summarized inthis section.

Changes in intensity and frequencyModel consensusGiven the significant impact of ENSO on globalclimate, how ENSO intensity and frequency willchange in the future is of great concern. Comparedto the projections by CMIP3 climate models, theENSO response to global warming in CMIP5 mod-els showed robust projected changes in certain as-pects such as the increase in extreme El Nino andLa Nina events [178–180] and the reduction in theasymmetry of ENSO amplitude due to global warm-ing [181]. Cai et al. [178,182] used the ENSO-related rainfall anomalies todescribeENSOstrengthand pointed out that there would be increasing ex-tremeElNino andLaNina events in awarmer futureclimate. The frequency of extreme El Nino eventsmay continue to increase for one century after thegreenhouse gases have or the global mean surfacetemperature has stabilized [180]. However, the en-semblemeans ofmulti-model SST anomalies do notexhibit the similar signal as clear as rainfall anoma-lies, due possibly to the non-linear relationship be-tweenSSTandprecipitation [181,183,184].CMIP5simulations also exhibit a reduction in Nino3 skew-ness in the future climate state compared to thatin the historical simulations [181], which may par-tially result from a larger increase in extremeLaNinaevents than extreme El Nino events [185].

Diversity in ENSO intensity and frequencyCompared to CMIP3, the ability of CMIP5 in sim-ulating ENSO has been significantly improved interms of either individual model or ensemble mean.However, there is still no consensus about howENSO intensity and frequency will change in awarmer climate [170,171].

For ENSO intensity, as measured by SST stan-dard deviation, about half of the models show nosignificant response to increasing greenhouse gases,while the rest indicate either strengthening or weak-ening [169,186–188]. Furthermore, Zelle and Duk-stra [189] examined 62-member ensemble simula-tions by employing the NCARCommunity ClimateSystem Model (CCSM, version 1.4) and found noobvious change in ENSO amplitude under warmerscenarios.

Substantial effort has been devoted to under-standing the fundamental processes that control theENSO amplitude change under global warming.When most of the energy is consumed by the sea-sonal cycle, little is left for inter-annual signals. Inthis case, El Nino amplitude tends to be an inversefunction of the relative strength of the annual cycleand the mean climate state [190]. Subsurface ther-mocline properties are thought to be the key for El


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Nino amplitude change, as in the thermocline andzonal advective feedback [34]. Atmospheric feed-back is also considered as a main source of inter-model diversity of ENSO amplitude under globalwarming [191]. To a large extent, these uncertain-ties in ENSO-related feedback processes are fur-ther attributed to the diversities of changes in cli-mate mean state, such as the changes in mean zonalthermocline slope and mean zonal SST contrast[187,192], climatologic mean Pacific subtropicalcell [34,193], mean meridional overturning circula-tion in the equatorial Pacific Ocean [34] and atmo-spheric mean state related to tropical precipitation[194]. It shouldbenoted thatCMIP5models ensurea high level of consistency in basin-wide warming inthe tropic Pacific: a stronger warming in the equa-torial eastern Pacific and a weakened Walker Circu-lation in a warmer climate [130,195–197]. ENSOfluctuation shows different characteristics under thesimilar basic climate changes because ENSO is sen-sitive to the mean state among the different models[191,198].

For frequency, it is hard to reach an agreementabout how ENSO will change in the future cli-mate [170,199,200] and results are largely model-dependent. Timmermann et al. [199] applied aglobal atmosphere–ocean GCM model [201] andfound that more frequent El-Nino-like conditionsand stronger cold events would occur under globalwarming. Using the HadCM2 and HadCM3 mod-els, Collins [202] found an increase in the frequencyof ENSO at 4×CO2 in theHadCM2, but no signif-icant change at 4×CO2 in theHadCM3. Zelle et al.[189] foundnoapparent change inENSOfrequencyin a warmer climate based on the CCSM1.4. To ob-tain a reliable projection, models should reproduceENSO realistically in the present era [203], suchas its seasonal phase locking feature [170]. Multi-model ensemble (MME) results from both CMIP3and CMIP5 show comparable seasonal phase lock-ing, whereas individualmodels show that ENSO canpeak at any season. Given the apparent model biasin historical ENSO frequency, it is challenging toproject ENSO frequency in the future climate. Ad-ditionally, the discrepancy in observational data setsmay be another factor causing the diversity in ENSOintensity and frequency.

Change in the type of ENSOENSO diversity is another featured issue in theframework of ENSO dynamics. Several studies havereferred to the more frequent occurrence of CP-type ENSO as a climate response to global warm-ing [133], while others have suggested it as a part

of the natural variation [204,205].The science com-munity has strived to answer how the EP and CPtypes of ENSO will change in a warmer climate.Compared to the CMIP3, the CMIP5 models per-form better in simulating the two types of ENSO[58,173,174] with a clearer CP type of ENSO andsmaller inter-model spread. Based on the experi-ments by the CMIP5 models that can simulate EPand CP ENSO events as observed, Kim and Yu[173] found responses of strengthened and morefrequent CP events but uncertain EP events un-der the RCP4.5 scenario. However, Taschetto et al.[206] suggested that there was no notable enhance-mentof the ratioofCP/EPENSOunder theRCP8.5scenario. Xu et al. [207] examined the ENSO re-sponse under the RCP8.5 scenario and found thatEP events would be weaker but no robust changeoccurred to CP events. According to the discussionabove, there is controversy about the relative fre-quency from CP to EP El Nino events in a warmerclimate, as well as their relative intensity. It shouldbe noted that the inconsistent responses of CP-typeevents to a warmer climate suggested by Taschettoet al. [206] and Xu et al. [207] are based on the out-put from 34 models, some of which cannot simulateEP and CP ENSO events realistically.

Changes in ENSO impactsThe potential change in ENSO under global warm-ing may distinctly affect the global climate. Here, wefocus on the changes in ENSO teleconnection andclimate impact forcedby increased greenhouse gasesreflected byMME results, in spite of the inter-modeldiversity.

ENSO-related climate impacts can be robustdue to the highly consistent basic state climateevolution such as the El Nino-like ocean warm-ing pattern in the tropic Pacific. A larger clima-tological mean of water vapor content over theequatorial Pacific forced by increasing greenhousegases results in an intensified ENSO-related rain-fall anomaly [177–179,207], although the rainfallanomaly may be partly offset by the simultane-ously weakened atmospheric circulation [208]. Theintensified ENSO-related rainfall anomaly in turnmaintains a stronger western North Pacific anticy-clone during the decaying phase of El Nino [188].The El Nino-like warming pattern in the tropic Pa-cific may also cause an eastward shift in the mainconvection centers, resulting in a systematic east-ward shift of the ENSO-related teleconnection pat-tern [27,209].Correspondingly, theENSO-inducedPNA teleconnection pattern associated with aneastward and northward-shifted anomalous low is


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expected to intensify the rainfall anomalies over thewest coast of North America and cause temperatureto increase (decrease) throughout northern (south-ern) North America [209]. Generally, broader im-pacts of ENSO over land can be found from theCMIP5 projection [210].The warming in the tropi-cal mid- and upper troposphere forced by the green-house effect tends to increase atmospheric stability,which may suppress the circumglobal teleconnec-tion andweaken the relationship between the Indiansummer monsoon and ENSO [175,176] but signifi-cantly enhance the relationship between the Asian–Australian monsoons [211].

Thus, although there are large uncertainties in theresponses of ENSO properties and related climateimpacts to increasing greenhouse gases, part of theENSO-related climate impacts is closely linked tothe robust changes in the mean climate state un-der the future emission scenario. However, thereis still a large gap between observation and modelsimulations. For instance, under the influence of in-creasing GHG concentrations, models projected ElNino-like warming in the tropical Pacific with weak-ened easterly trade winds and Walker Circulation[186,212], while observations show significant LaNina-like SST anomaly patterns in the tropical Pa-cific in the last three decades [213,214]. Althoughthe long-term changes in observed and simulatedSST are different, both indicate that the CP-typeENSO occurs more frequently.This may be becausethe long-term change in SST from observations in-cludes other features such as decadal variations andis thus more complicated than that frommodel sim-ulations. Given the various model biases for the his-torical simulation, however, there is a large uncer-tainty in whether the projected changes for ENSOand related behaviors would actually take place.

SUMMARY AND DISCUSSIONSThis article reviewsENSOand its climate impacts in-cluding the mechanisms for ENSO occurrence, thecharacteristics of ENSO, the ENSO-related telecon-nections patterns, the impacts of ENSO on globalclimate and the long-term changes in ENSO andrelated climate features observed and projected forfuture climate. The major mechanisms that explainthe occurrence of ENSO include the theories ofthe delayed oscillator, the discharge/recharge oscil-lator, the western Pacific oscillator and the advec-tive/reflective oscillator, most of which are withinthe Bjerknes feedback framework. As a powerfulphenomenon that explains much of the skill sourceof seasonal-to-inter-annual climate prediction, theoccurrence of ENSO is always accompanied by sig-nificant atmospheric teleconnection patterns and

climate anomalies over many places of the world.ENSO-related teleconnection patterns occur overnot only the tropical Pacific, Indian and AtlanticOceans, but also the middle- and high-latitude re-gions both downstream of ENSO (North and SouthAmerica, the North Atlantic Ocean, the Antarctic,etc.) and upstream of ENSO (e.g. the northwest-ern Pacific andEast Asia).These patterns, associatedwith changes in the mean flow, wave trains and theeddy–jet stream interaction, cause significant tem-perature and precipitation anomalies over those re-gions via different mechanisms.

However, ENSO has experienced apparentchanges, especially those in its flavor from the tradi-tional eastern Pacific type to the central Pacific type,and many features associated with ENSO includingits climate impacts have changed. These changesoccur not only in temperature and precipitation,affecting the daily life of human beings, but also indisaster weather and climate events, often causingenormous loss in economy and lives.The changes inENSOalso lead to alterations in the relationships be-tween ENSO and other climate systems such as themonsoons. In addition, the changingENSOis a chal-lenge to the sector of operational climate prediction.

The future changes in ENSO, which can onlybe understood using climate models, are still un-clear at present. Large uncertainties remain in theprojections of ENSO properties such as ENSO in-tensity, frequency and even flavor by climate mod-els. Even the state-of-the-art models cannot reachagreement about whether more or fewer El Ninoswill occur, whether El Ninos will become strongeror weaker and whether El Ninos will occur moreor less frequently. Correspondingly, many featuresabout ENSO teleconnections and climate impactsrevealed by model projections need to be explainedand applied with cautions. Nevertheless, climatemodels tend to agree that, in the warming climate,the anomalies of tropical Pacific SST are more El-Nino-like.They also agree that therewill bemoreCPtypes, instead of EP types, of El Nino in the warmingfuture. This information, plus our knowledge of thecurrent ENSO properties and climate impacts, maybe helpful for understanding and predicting the vari-ations of future climate.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis study is supported by the National Natural Science Foun-dation of China (41690123, 41690120), the National KeyScientific Research Plan of China (2014CB953900), the Na-tional Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFA0602703), the ‘111-Plan’ Project of China (B17049)and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province(2017A030310571).


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