ekt previous year question papers

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EKT Previous Year Question Papers


  • Engineering Knowledge Test

    Previous Year Question Papers










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    The answers may not be correct try to search on the Internet to get more accurate answers. Also few questions are unsolved; if you know the answers share it with others.

    All the questions are memory based and may differ from actual questions but if you prepare them you will clear your EKT for sure as mentioned by the followers. All the best





    1. Sampling is helpful for-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------quantisization

  • 2. Sound waves are (It came in both papers)----------------------------------------------------------------------


    a .Longitudinal b. Transverse c. Electro magnetic d. Gravitational

    3. If two identical capacitors connected parallel then effective capacitance..?----------------------------------C=C1+C2

    4. Wein bridge is used to measure---------------------------------------------------------------------------------frequencies

    5. Which configuration has min distortion..?-----------------------------------------------------------------------class A


    6. Which of the following is not system software..?----------------------------------------------------------------


    a. Linker b. Loader. c. Compiler d. none

    7. Min No, of NAND gates required to realize the function AB------------------------------------------------------2

    8. Flip Flops mainly used for----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------memory elements

    9. Which is noise free------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FM

    a. AM b. FM.. c. Both d .none

    10. Terrestrial TV propagation System used in India---------------------------------------------------------------PAL

    a. PAL b. NTSC c. DFS

    11. Skin depth of an waveguide doesnt depend on----------------------------------------------------------------temperature

  • a. freq b. temp c .length of the conductor d.Type of material

    12. Transformer rating expressed in-------------------------------------------------------------------------------kilo Volt-ampere (KVA)

    13. Electrical energy can be measured using----------------------------------------------------------------------kilo watt-hour (kWh)

    14. An ideal opamp has---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Infinite B.W

    15. Restivity range of semiconductor------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 ^ -4 to 10 ^7

    16. They give modulation index, carrier power ask us to find total power---------------------------------------Pt=Pc(1+(m*m/2))

    17. In JFET if Vds increased what happen to Ids.?----------------------------------------------------------------Ids decreases

    18. They give some freq and ask us to find Image Freq?------------------------------------------------------Fi=F(given)+2(I.F=455kHz)

    19. In an Unbiased semiconductor the current is zero because of-----------------------------------------------

    transistor in cut-off region

    20. If BJT is in Cutoff region---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------across load

    A. Max voltage appears across load

    B. a.Max voltage appears across Transistor.

    21. Decibel used to measure--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------power level

  • a. power b. voltage c .current d .power level

    22. In RC coupling the value of C should be high because-----------------------------less reactance--signal couples well---no distortion of signal

    23. An ideal voltage source charges capacitor in----------------------------------------------------------------instantaneously

    24. They give Vmax and Vmin and ask us to find modulation index?--------------------------------------------m= ((Vmax-Vmin}/ (Vmax+Vmin)

    25. A voltage source of 5v with internal resistance 2 ohm can transfer max power to load when the value of load resistance is-----2 ohm

    26. In a communication system, noise is most likely to get into the system

    (A) At the transmitter

    (B) In the channel============answer

    (C) In the information source

    (D) At the destination

    27. When modulation frequency is doubled, the modulation index is halved, and the modulating voltage remains constant, the modulation system

  • (A) Amplitude modulation

    (B) Phase modulation

    (C) Frequency modulation==========answer

    (D) Angle modulation

    28. Impedance inversion may be obtained with

    (A) A short ? circuited stub

    (B) An open ? circuited stub

    (C) A quarter ? wave line================answer

    (D) A half ? wave line

    29. HIGH frequency waves are

    (A) Observed by the F2 layer

    (B) Reflected by D layer===========answer

    (C) Capable of use for long-distance communication on the moon

  • (D) Affected by the solar cycle

    30. Which one of the following terms does not apply to the Yagi-uda array?

    (A) Good band width

    (B) Parasitic elements

    (C) Folded dipole

    (D) High gain============answer

    31. A duplexer is used

    (A) To couple two different antennae to a transmitter without mutual interference

    (B) To allow one antenna to be used for reception or transmission without mutual interference========answer

    (C) To prevent interference between two antennae when they are connected to receiver

    (D) To increase the speed of the pulses in the pulsed radar

    32. Indicate which of the following system is digital

  • (A) Pulse ? Position modulation

    (B) Pulse ? Code modulation=========answer

    (C) Pulse ? Width modulation

    (D) Pulse ? Frequency modulation

    33. A forward error correcting code corrects errors only

    (A) Requiring partial retransmission of the signal

    (B) Requiring retransmission of entire signal

    (C) Using parity to correct to errors in all cases

    (D) Requiring no part of the signal to be transmitted==========answer

    34. A typical signal strength received from a geosynchronous communication satellite is of the order of

    (A) A few milli watts

    (B) Kilo watts

  • (C) Watts

    (D) Few pico watts========answer

    35. Telephone traffic is measured

    (A) With echo cancellers

    (B) By the relative congestion

    (C) In terms of the grade of service

    (D) In erlangs===================answer

    36. Positive logic in a logic circuit is one in which

    (A) Logic 0 and 1 are represented by 0 and positive voltage respectively==========answer

    (B) Logic 0 and 1 are represented by negative and positive voltages respectively

    (C) Logic 0 voltage level in higher than logic 1 voltage level

    (D) Logic 0 voltage level is lower than logic 1 voltage level

    37. A half-adder can be made from

  • (A) Two NAND gates

    (B) A NOT gate and an OR gate

    (C) An AND gate and an OR gate

    (D) An AND gate and an X-OR gate=========answer

    38. Which of the following devices has its characteristics very close to that of an ideal current source?

    (A) Field effect transistor

    (B) Transistor in common bas mode

    (C) Zener diode============answer

    (D) MOSFET

    39. The main use of a common base transistor amplifier is

    (A) As voltage amplifier===============answer

    (B) Current amplifier

    (C) For matching a high source impedance to a low load impedance

  • (D) For rectification of a.c. signal

    40. A class-B amplifier is biased

    (A) Just at cut-off===============answer

    (B) Nearly twice cut-off

    (C) At mid point of load line

    (D) so that IB equals jut IC

    41. If the peak transmitted power in a radar system is increased by a factor of 16, the maximum range

    will be increased by a factor of

    (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 16=========== 2

    42. A high PRF will (indicate the false statement)

    (A) Make the returned echoes easier to distinguish from noise=======answer

    (B) Make target tracking easier with conical scanning

    (C) Increase the maximum range

  • (D) Have no effect of the range resolution

    43. A solution to the ?blind speed? problem in a radar system is to

    (A) Change the Doppler frequency

    (B) Vary the PRF==============answer

    (C) Use mono pulse

    (D) Use MTI

    44. The number of active picture elements in a television image depends on

    (A) Fly back time======================answer

    (B) CRT screen size

    (C) Received band width

    (D) FB ratio of receiver antenna

    45. In a color TV, the three primary colors are

  • (A) Red, orange and blue

    (B) Red, blue and green=============answer

    (C) Red, green and yellow

    (D) Red, orange and green

    46. Polarization in a dielectric is given by===========P=(1-x)E

    A. P=xE B. P= (1-x) E C.P= xeE e=permivity...x=suspectance

    47.ht of geostationary satellite----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    36000 Km

    48.minimum freq range of satellite comm-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------C-band(3.7-4.2MHz)

    49.what happens to D-layer at day_time------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ionization/absorption of signals

    50.the nyquist rate of sampling is ----(2Fmax,Fmax,1/2Fmax,etc)------------------------------------------------------


    51.how many electrons does the donor impurity phosphorus continue---(1,2,3,4)--------------------------------------1

    52.transmission of light through optical fiber works on principle of ---(total internal reflection,total internal refraction,etc)-------reflection

  • 53.SHF can be used for ---(radio,satellite,surface wave)-----------------------------------------------------------------satellite

    54.deviation finding in fm ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phase locked loop (PLL circuit)

    55.no. of frames in indian pal system ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 frames/second

    56.which radar measure velocity ,height n distance ?----------------------------------------------------------------------CW DOPPLER radar (not simply CW)

    57.when transistor in cut-off or saturation,the circuit behaves independent of transistor-------

    options----variation,stage,etc-------------------------- stage..cos it behaves like a switch and effect of transistor stage is equivalent to switch

    58.If efficiency of amplifier is 80% then its definately---(class A,B,AB,C)-----------------------------------------------C

    59.buffer is useful for---(isolation of stages,emitter follower configuration,etc)----------------------------------------isolation of stages

    60.for transmission of MW radio.we use---(dipole,antennae on vertical masts,etc)------------------------------

    ---------vertical masts

    61.the most severe effect of noise is seen in---(transmitter,channel,receiver,etc)----------------------------------------channel

    62.if freq deviation is 15KHZ,modulation signal 75 Khz,then theoretical BW i upto 8th component---(150,240,480,etc)--150

  • 63.Balanced modulator is used for removal of---(carrier,USB,LSB,etc)-----------------------------------------------------carrier

    64.In open loop systems,control signal depends upon---(human reference,independent of output,cannot be determined,etc)----------ind of out

    65.the laplace transform of 't'---(s,s^2,1/S^2,etc)------------------------------------------------------------------------1/s^2

    66.at what freq is attenuation highest in optic-fiber------------------------------------------------------------------------around 600 nm

    67.when CCIR-B blanks signalduring vertical OR horizontal retrace???-------------------------------------------------vertical

    68.Modulation of amplitude includes-CHANGE IN AMPLITUDE,change in freq,both,other----------------------

    -----------amplitude change

    69.Base of transistor is-HIGHLY,heavily,moderately,not doped-----------------------------------------------------------moderately

    70.CMRR for ideal Diff Amplifier is-0,unity,less,MORE THAN UNITY---------------------------------------------------

    -----more than 1 (infact infinity)

    71.At absolute zero,valence electrons occupy---(valence band,forbidden band,conduction band,valence electrons disappear)----------val band

    72.the transition region in a unbiased diode consists of---(free charges,immobile carriers,minority carriers,etc)------immobile

  • (already solved above)









    1.horse power is unit of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------power

    2.electron volt is unit of:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------energy

  • 3.what is nibble-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4bits

    4.centroid is concerned with: mass,mass and weight,plane area-------------------------------------------------------------plane area

    5.which is most effective nuclear power plant or thermal power plant-------------------------------------------------------nuclear

    6.ignition quality of petrol is measured by:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------octane number

    7.primary battery is:reversible process,irreversible process----------------------------------------------------------------irreversible

    8.what a catalyst will do--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    increase the reaction rate

    9.what is applied when opening a lock with key:coplaner force,noncoplaner force,lever,torque----------------------------torque

    10.when jet engine has most power:while leaving earth,atmosohere------------------------------------------------

    ----------inc wd altitude

    11.what represents the current:left hand,right hand,thumb.--------------------------------------------------------------------thumb

    12.magnetic flux density---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------weber

  • 13.noise is measured as:pitch,decibel-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    14.aluminum alloy is used in piston:it is light,it is strongest,it is shock less,less wear off------------------------------------light

    15.when a light is passed through a higher refractive index what will happen------------------------------------------------velocity decrease

    16. Capacitance of a cell measured in?----------------------------------------------------------------------------farad

    17.To made House use electric heater which metal/element is better?-----------------------------------------aluminium

    18. Internal resistance of ideal current source?-----------------------------------------------------------------infinite

    19. Integral of (dx / (xlogx))?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------log(log x)+c

    20. Earth &geostationary satellites have same /relative-------------------------------------------------------angular velocity

    a.accleraton b.velocity c.angular velocity

    21. Sound waves are----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------longitudinal

    A .Longitudinal B. Transverse C both D .neither.

    22. Demultiplxer can called as?------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data distributor

    23. Set of instructions meant for to do some task is called.----------------------------------------------------Programme

  • 24. Properties Alkali metals.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Lower densities than other metals

    * One loosely bound valence electron

    * Largest atomic radii in their periods

    * Low ionization energies

    * Low electronegativities

    * Highly reactive

    25. Break down occurs in diode because of.-------------------------------------------------------------------avalanche breakdown( more than 10 V)

    26. If u wants to connect two systems through telephone line which of the following u will use..?----------


    A. Bus B.Modem C.Router

    27. Inductor opposes sudden changes in---------------------------------------------------------------------Current

    28. Which is not a non renewable energy---------------------------------------------------------------------wind


    a. petrol b.Coal c.Wind energy d.nuclear

    29. Which material is widely used for making solar cell?----------------------------------------------------silicon

    30. Cell converts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------chemical to


    A. Chemical energy into electric energy

  • B. electric energy into chemical energy

    31. Steel pipes made from-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------galvanized iron

    32. Human being is------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------closed loop

    system with multiple feedback

    A. open loop sysm

    B.closed loop sysm with single feed back.

    C. closed loop sysm with multiple feed back.

    33. If the gain of the open loop sysm is doubled then gain margin will become-------------------------doubled

    34. Corrosion of aluminum is not formed because of------------------------------------------------------epoxy paint

    35. If the speed flow in pipe of diameter 6 mm is 5m/s.If this pipe is connected to another of diameter 3

    mm, then speed will be---10m/s

    36. They give change in force and change in diameter of a square plate. Ask us to find change in

    pressure---(change in area/change in area)

    37. They give three sets of measurements .Which are sets forms triangle------------------the one where a+b>c where a,b,c are sides taken in any order

    38. First aid of electrical shock victim----------------plug-off power-------move victim by a wooden stick or dry clothes sideways

    39. The performance (function) of fuse doesnt depend on-------------------------------(depends on both..so methinks options are incomplete)---

    a. Type of material b .Length of the material..

  • 40. Annealing makes the material... (Effect of annealing)----------------------------------heat treatment to improve softness and ductility

    41. what does the symbol "j" represents in vector----------------------------90 degree anticlockwise movement (imaginary-axis)

    42. Sulphation in Lead acid battery--------------------------------------crystalline lead sulphate---affects charge storing capacity--slows charging up time

    43. Transient current------------------------------------------------------------sharp fluctuation of current

    44. Principle of hydrogen bomb--------------------------------------------------nuclear fusion

    45. radio activity is the property of----------------------------------------------elements with atomic no greater

    than 82 (Pb)

    46. above curie temperature, magnetic material will become-------------------non magnetic or magnetic


    47. series circuit current----------------------------------------------------------is same throughout (I=I1=I2=I3=In)

    48. byte= ___ bits-----------------------------------------------------------------8

    49. Control and arithmetic logic section is known as-----------------------------CPU

    50.Micro computer is a ----------------------------------------------------------personal computer

    51.power factor of a resistor----------------------------------------------------1

  • 52.hexadecimal digit-------------------------------------------------------------0-9,A-F

    53.fluorescent tube related qn---------------------------------------------------choke coil

    54.change in dimension during the process of magnetisation------------------magnetostriction

    55.in nuclear reaction , conservation of-----------------------------------------mass and energy both

    56.unit of inductance-------------------------------------------------------------henry

    57.petrol in india ..octane no.?---------------------------------------------------90-95 (generally 91)

    58.controlling device for small load?? [related to servo motor etc.]------------potentiometer

    59.viscosity of gas directly proportional to-------------------------------------square root of temperature

    60.instruments to have wide range of scale------------------------------------logarithmic scale

    61.rating of electrolytic capacitor-----------------------------------------------farads

    62.name of electric motor-both rotor and stator rotating at equal speed------synchronous motor

    63.in reversible adiabatic process, change in entropy?-------------------------0

    64.calory is a measure of??------------------------------------------------------heat energy

  • 65.compressed air inside a tire, what will happen if air passes through a hole??------adiabatic process

    66.work done in adiabatic change in gas----------------------------------------(P1V1-P2V2)/(gamma-1) or nR(T1-T2)/(gamma-1)


    67. related to carnot cycle in carnot engine

    68.maximum efficiency of carnot engine

    here is a brief summary of the 4-steps of carnot cycle

    Heat transfer from the working fluid to the low-temperature reservoir (Condenser).

    Adiabatic increase in the temperature of the working fluid (Heat Pump).

    Heat transfer from the high-temperature reservoir to the working fluid (Boiler).

    Adiabatic decrease in the temperature of the working fluid (Turbine).

    An important conclusion from Carnot cycle analysis is that the maximum theoretical efficiency of heat engines is directly related to:

    efficiency = D(T2-T1)/T2


    T2 is the maximum operating temperature on absolute scale (K)

    T1 is the minimum operating temperature on absolute scale (K)

    For a heat engine operating between 300oC and 100oC, with a DT of 200 degrees, this maximum

    efficiency would be:

    efficiency = 200/(300 + 273) x 100 = 34.9%

  • =====================================================================================


    69.something related to mix of ice and water-------------------------------------------all exists at triple -point

    70.efficiency of otto cycle----------------------------------------------------------------60 %

    71.floating battery bus or something----------------------------------------------------used in IC engines

    72.longitudinal wave prorogation--------------------------------------------------------compression and


    73.unexcited single phase synchronous motor------------------------------------------called as repulsion induction motors

    74.inductance related question

    75.advantage of sampling

    a) simple ckt

    b) high speed transmission data=============================================================answer

    c) all of the above

    76.capacity of ecetrical cell

    a) Watth ==============================================================================answer


  • c)ampere

    d) amp/hr

    77.metal to be used in electric heater



    c) platinum

    d) tungstun

    78.computer ic works efficiently because

    a) top-bottom

    b) system

    c)two stage

    d) 2 state

    79.func of fuse wire does not depend upon

    a) itd length

    b) its radius============================================================================answ


    80.material of spring should be----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------steel with high carbon variety

  • 81.skin effect does not depend upon---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------size of wire

    82.aluminium does not corrode with atmosphere------------------------------------------------------------molecular level stability (but it does corrode in extreme enviroments like acids...but slowly)

    83.thyrister is also termed as

    a) dc switch

    b) ac switch============================================================================ans


    c)both a& b

    d) square wave switch

    84.steel pipes are made through which welding----------------------------------------------------------------------------arc welding


    85.a particle whose motion is described by x=asinwt, y=asinwt z=ut moves along

    a) screw path with constant velocity and increase in accelaration

    b) screw path with constant velocity and accelaration

    c) screw path with increased velocity and accelaration

    d) screw path with decreased velocity and increased accelaration

  • Answer is 'C' however if the question is x=asinwt,y=acoswt,z=ut...the answer will be 'B'

    the answer can be arrived by finding d/dx,d/dy,d/dz which are Vx,Vy,Vz then finding resultant using sqrt(Vx^2+Vy^2+Vz^2)

    similairly again by differentiating we obtain Ax,Ay,Az components of Acc'n...then find their resultant ..similiarly


    86. name ,numbers to be given to evaluate instructions

    a) program


    c)data================================================================================= answer

    87. unit of inductance and capacitance--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Henry and Farad respectively

    88.why condenser used in tube light?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    current discharge

    89.period of geostationary satellite---(3 hrs,10 hrs,24 hrs,etc)----------------------------------------------------------24

    90.how many geostationary satellites to cover entire earth---(2,3,4,etc)------------------------------------------------3

    91.Unit of magnetic field intensity---(A/m,A/m^2,A-m,etc)--------------------------------------------------------------


  • 92.what parameters control the state of gas--(P,V,T,all)------------------------------------------------------------------


    93.Body absorbing all radiations------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PERFECTLY BLACK BODY.

    94.Black Body--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSORBS/transmits all radns.

    95.Emmisivity of white body is--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    HIGHER than black body.

    96.Hookes law states that stress is proportional to----------------------------------------------------------------------


    97.if on insertion of dielectric,energy stored becomes one fifth..then dielectric strength is---(5,1/5,25,1/25)--------5

    98.A material having resistivity=2 times copper covers a copper metal sheet of same thickness of

    resistance 2 ohm ,then resistance of composite sheet is---(6,2/3,4/3,3/4)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3/4

    99.the prominent force in an atom is ---(gravitational,nuclear,electrostatic,etc)----------------------------------------nuclear

    100.As compared to a thermal plant,nuclear plant is---(more effecient,less effecient,depends upon

    material,etc)------more effecient

    101.if multiplication of n numbers is 1,then their sum ---(n(n+1)/4,divisible by n,1,always less than n)------------------always less than n

  • 102.the material used in solar cells is---(germanium,silicon,etc)-------------------------------------------------------


    103.in primary cell---(chemical reactions are reversible,irreversible,etc)--------------------------------------------------irreversible

    104.The unit of charge is---(coulomb,ampere,etc)-------------------------------------------------------------------------coulomb

    105.Two taps A(requires 15 mins to fill a tank) and B(12 mins), time required to fill d tank if both taps

    used ?--------(20/3) mins

    106.IR depends on-R VALUE,dirn of current flow,none,ALL--------------------------------------------------------------


    107.1st law of thermodynamics based on-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------LAW OF CONSVN OF ENERGY.

    108.Diesel Quality by--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    109.Internal Energy Dir Prop to-VOL,pr,temp,none------------------------------------------------------------------------


    110.Brayton Cycle is-CONST PR, vol,temp,other----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Const pressure

    111.For Const Vol cycle work done is---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.(work=P*change in volume)

    112..the first sub-shell has the capacity of how many electrons---(2,4,1,8)------------------------------------------


  • 113..to prevent short circuit of surface waves, the polarization used is---(vertcal,horizontal,circular,etc)--------------circular

    114..when ray of light enters a medium of higher refractive index,velocity---(increases,decreases,remains same,etc)----slower

    115.iron cores in transformers are laminated to prevent---(eddy current,copper loss,etc)------------------------------eddy loss

    116.Wein bridge is used to measure---(resistance,frequency,capacitance,inductance)----------------------------------capacitance

    117.which circuit is current transeint,,,,L,C,R--------------------------------------------------------------------------------L

    118.what happens above curie temperature..(sometin related to dia,para,ferromagnetism)------------------

    -----------magnetism is lost-- material becomes paramagnetic

    119.why radioactivity of elements-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    nuclear fission

    120.principle of hydrogen bomb---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nuclear fusion

    121..aluminum is used to make engine and pistons cos---(light,shock resistant)--------------------------------------------light

    122.tolerance of gold band in resistor---(2%,5%,10%,20%)----------------------------------------------------------------5

  • 123.if diameter of two pipes in ratio 2:1 and velocity 1:2,then volume per unit second---(1:8,8:1,2:1etc)--


    124.Magnetic tapes can be used for--- (input,secondary-storage,all) ------------------------------------------------------all

    125.COMPONENT j IF COUNTERCLOKWISE THAN WAT IS ITS ANGLE?---------------------------------------------------------90 degrees

    126.KIRCHOFFS LAWS APPLICABLE TO WHICH ? A.C OR D.C ?----------------------------------------------------------


    127.S.P,D,F FORMAT OF BERILLIYIUM N COBALT?-------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -----berillium--1s2 2s2


    4s2 3d7

    128.HEAT IS MEASURED IS WAT ?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------calories

    129.eddy currents can be minimized how ?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    core lamination

    130.poles of magnet can be measured by which rule ?----------------------------------------------------------------------right hand rule

    131.OCTANE % OF INDIAN PETROL ?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------90-95 (91 generally)

    132.In RLC ckt,during resonance, impedance is-MIN,max,0,other.----------------------------------------------------------minimum (purely resistiv

  • 133.Momentum unit same as--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    IMPULSE (Ns)

    144.PE is highest at WHEN OBJECT thrown IS AT----------------------------------------------------------------------------Max height

    145.Curve y=sinx at x=0 and x=pi/4 is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 and 1/(sqrt(2))

    146.Kirchoffs Law for current is rel to-ELECTRIC CKT,junction,closed loops,electronic ckt-----------------------


    147.Weight of a person is max at--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Surface of earth

    148.what is motor called when its stator rotates at same speed as its actuator--------------------------------------------syncronized motor

    Key of sample paper from IAF EKT

    here is the answer key for GENERAL ENGINEERING

    1B 2A 3B 4A 5A 6B 7A 8B 9C 10B

    11B 12A 13A 14B 15C 16D 17A 18D 19A 20C

    21A 22B 23D 24B 25C 26C 27B 28D 29D 30A


  • =====================================================================================


  • =====================================================================================



  • which is sequential access device?

    magnetic tape

    magnetic drive

    all of the


    what does structural lang do?

    reduces the structure of prog.

    can be read by only programmer.

    all of the


    set of instructions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    BCD is used to convert




    recursion is used in========================================================================???



  • link list

    all of the above

    which is offline


    connected to cpu

    not connected to cpu

    direct storage

    all of the above.

    half adder is used

    ans 3,carry

    in a simple binary tree node is defined as





    if nibble is transferred at rate 128 then




  • 240

    what does fan out means--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Number of components that an IC can drive at its output

    BCD is:





    one input many output





    nand and nor gate is result of how many gates?

    which is not a correct equation of boolean alzabra:



  • A+1=1


    lowest power dissipitation






    first generation computer used






    low pass filter is





  • microprocessor and microcomputer providing access to many use---------------------------------------------------

    -------- multi-user system

    Which configuration has min distortion

    class a===================================================================================answer

    class b

    class c

    class d

    which memory need to be refreshed everytime



    static ram



    cpu consists of

    Arithmetic and logical


    timing and control unit

    all of the above

    where data is stored in cpu.

  • Register==============================================================================


    flip flop

    one question was like some thing to transfer through bus then which will be used:



    Interrupt vector

    one circuit was given

    and option were

    differentiator----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------high pass filter


    low pass filter

    What doesnt assembler do

    Store the code

    Convert into machine code

    Some option--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(dis

    option HAS to be the answer)

    All of the above

    Moving of data from main memory to secondary memory


  • Spooling


    Some option

    One question based on storage with option




    When the flip flop is high------SET--------When low -----------------------------------------------------------------------------reset

    2) A BYTE= BITS ?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

    9)Octal repn for 11111010-81,372,78,other--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    2)Which is d 1st Computer--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    3)CPU consists of------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALU & CONTROL UNIT

    4)For registering instructions in computer---------------------------------------------------------------------------------INDEX REGISTER

    5)Which is d 1st generation computers-MAGNETIC TAPE,vaccuum tubes,minicomputers,all.-----------------------------vaccum tubes

  • 6)Which is for code of instructions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Key of sample paper from IAF EKT

    here is the answer key for specialist.....COMPUTERS

    1C 2C 3D 4C 5B 6A 7B 8A 9D 10C

    11C 12A 13B 14 15D 16D 17 18A 19D 20C








  • 1) zeroth law of thermodynamics-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -thermal equilibrium of bodies

    2) manganese in steel makes it: ductile, malleable, harder--------------------------------------------------------------------harder

    3) efficiency of jet at altitude :increases, decreases,--------------------------------------------------------------------------increases

    4) volume of surface shrinks cos of: adhesion, cohesion-----------------------------------------------------------------

    -----surface tension

    6) weld spatter means----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    7) result of arc welding : composition of filler in electrode, inert gas liberation---------------------------------------------???

    8) volatility of petrol is at temp : higher than diesel, lower than diesel-----------------------------------------------

    -------lower than diesel

    9) a perfect fluid is : compressible, viscous, all of the above-------------------------------------------------------------


    10) sum prob related to apot welding-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    11)father of industrial engg?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fredrick Winslow Taylor

    12) grant chart relates to?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • 13) continuous chips helps in : gud surface finish, easily disposable--------------------------------------------------------gud surface finish

    14) 2 parallel shafts to be connected in perpendicular by: bevel, spiral , helical or worm gears---------------------------helical gear

    15) a question on gear cutting-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    1)mercury does not wet glass, which fluid prop-COHESION,adhesion,ST,Visco------------------------------------------Surface tension (ST)

    2)fluid has specific-SHAPE,vol,temp,pr.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shape

    3) petrols quality by-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    4)Thermal eff of 4str compared to 2 stroke is -----------------------------------------------------------------------greater (but lesser power than 2 stroke)

    5) Durng suction stroke of diesel engine----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    6) Fine mixture of fuel air in petrol engine is called----------------------------------------------------------------------CARBURRETION.

    7)TIG welding requires-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARGON N HELIUM.

  • 8)Ideal Fluids follow--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    9Process havn ini n final states same--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CYCLE.

    10)Cyclic Process havn ini n final states same-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ZEROTH LAW.

    11)DC series motor used in-SHAPERS,lathe,cranes,other-----------------------------------------------------------------


    12)Open cycle behavior over closed cylce----------------------------------------------------------------------open cycle


    13)Not a vector quantity- MI,force,accln,velo------------------------------------------------------------------------------MI (moment of inertia)

    14) raindrops have spherical shape coz of-ST,visco.----------------------------------------------------------------------

    surface tension

    15)Steffan-Boltzman law----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABS


    16)KIRCHOFFS LAW OF HEAT TRANSFER------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    17)3 PHASE POWER SUPPLY,phases separated by--------------------------------------------------------------------------120 DEGREES.

    18)Violating laws of thermo-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • 19)CPM has-One time .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------????

    20) Not advtg of Motion study---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reducing Inventory costs.

    21)Best weldable-.15%CS,.25%CS,// .5%CS,.75%CS---------------------------------------------------------------------????

    22) Drawn into wires--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ductility.

    23)Carburising over Oxidising flame-Carbu-LESS,more effective---------------------------------------------------------More

    24)Not renewable-NUCLEAR,solar,biomass,wind.--------------------------------------------------------------------------


    25)Dew pt of moist air------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vapor condensation temperature

    26) Density of water highest at-0C,100C,//0K,200C.---------------------------------------------------------------------

    actually 4 degrees centigrade (277K)

    27) Electrolyte-DISTILLED WATER,salt soln-------------------------------------------------------------------------------salt solution

    28)PV=mRT applicable for-adiabatic,isothermal changes,BOTH,other----------------------------------------------------both

  • 29)All modes of HT in-BOILER----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ,elec heater,steam cond.

    30)Not a boiler classfn type------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acc TO QUALITY OF WATER.

    7.whats the measure of quality of petrol---(octane no,cetane no,etc)---------------------------------------------------octane

    8.self ignition diesel engine as compared to petrol has?----(lower ignition temp,higher ignition temp,etc)-


    9.the efficiency of compressor at high altitude---(increases,decreases,same,etc)---------------------------------


    12.(not so sure) the velocity ratio of 8 teeth wheel and 100 teeth wheel in third gear wheel is(1:12.5,1:800,etc)-----1:12.5

    31)Cam provides-OSCILLATING/ rotating/reci/other motion------------------------------------------------------------


    32) Brazing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HARD


    29)Acetylene filled in Cyl is in-LIQ/gas/solid/other state.--------------------------------------------------------------

    Liquid (high pressurized)

    17.if petrol is used in deisel engine-----(knocking increases,effeciency decreases,black smoke,will not work)-------knocking inc

    25)In 4 stroke engine power str occurs for every------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2


  • 32.in 4-stroke engine,the cycle completes after how many revolutions of crank shaft---(2,4,1+1/2,2+1/2)------------2

    4]carnot-cycleits effeciency and working basics-------------------------------------------------------------------------(refer above)




  • =====================================================================================





    1)what is the use of dummy coils in induction motor?------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    2)value of inductance depends on??-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------switching frequency

    3)number of devices connected together to store digital data is?------------------------------------------------------------register

    a)circuit b)register c)varacter d)bits

    4)the flow and timing of data to and from the micro processor is done by---------------------------------------------------control pin

    a)control pin b)data pin c)address pin d)....

    5)given transfer function 2/(s+2) and w=10 find gain------------------------------------------------------------------------0.196

    a).44 b).33 c).196 d)...

  • 6)induction instruments are widely used in----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    a)voltmeter b)ammeter c)wattmeter d)frequency meter

    8)kWh meter is-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------recording type

    a)recording type b)indicating type c)deflecting type d)..

    9)synchronous motor is--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------induction type

    a)induction type b)cylindrical pole type c)salient pole type d)..

    10)for dc shunt motor when polarities are reversed--------------------------------------------------------------------------reverses direction

    a)it stops b)reverses direction c)it burns d)...

    11) high pass filter acts as-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------differentiator

    a)integrator b)differentiator c)both d)none

    12) when storage battery turns weak it is restored by--------------------------------------------------------------------

    ----distilled water

    a)a dose of H2SO4 b)battery restorer c)distilled water d)none

    13)when the battery of multimeter turns weak it shows-----------------------------------------------------------------

    -----accurate reading

    a)accurate reading b)lower reading c)more reading d)no reading

    14) direction of induced emf in ind motor is given by------------------------------------------------------------------------right hand rule

    a)flemmings L.H.R b) right hand rule c)thumb rule d)..

  • 15)for balanced 3 ph Vyb lags Er by

    a)120degree b)30degree c)60degree d)90degree

    16)the B.W for transmission of n signals with freq Fm is-----------------------------------------------------------------


    a)2Fm b)2nFm c)...d)...

    17)schmitt trigger is-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------squaring circuit

    a)squaring ckt b).....c)...d)...

    18)capacitor is-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------conductor filled with dielectric

    a)insulator filled with dielectric b)conductor filled with dielectric c)...d)...

    Key of sample paper from IAF EKT

    here is the answer key for specialist .....ELECTRICAL,ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATION

    1C 2A 3A 4B 5D 6 7 8B 9 10D

    11B 12C 13C 14D 15B 16C 17C 18D 19D 20A




  • =====================================================================================





    1.catalyst iz used for---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------alters rate of reaction

    (slow down the reaction rate, change in product part, inc the rate of reation)

    2.electron spin is given by---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    ( plank, bohr)

    3.max value of sin@+cos@---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 degrees

    (at @= 30 deg., 45, 60, 90.)

    4.something related to prism ref index were given one angle is given and other angle has to find----------------------n=sin[(A+D)/2]/sin(A/2)

  • n=refractive


    A=refracting angle

    D=Deviation angle

    5.latch is same as ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D-F/F

    ( RS F/F, JK F/F, d F/F .)

    6.principle of hydrogen bomb-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    uncontrolled nuclear fussion

    ( uncontrolled nuclear fission, controlled nuclear fission uncontrolled nuclesr fussion, uncontrolled nuclesr fussion.)

    7.ques related to radioactive half life time---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    T=half life time

    lambda=decay constant

    8.property of radioactivity---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------gamma rays

    (atomic nuclei, gamma rays, UV rays.)

    9.carbon in million form becoz-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------catenation

    (it is tetravalent, isomers, catenation..)

    10.isotopes r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------same

    atomic no

  • ( hav same atomic no. ,diff nuclei, diff no of protons)

    11. 2 sides of triangle r 10cm ,8cm 3rd ? when d sides r in AP-------------------------------------------------------------either 6cm or 12cm

    ( 8cm,11cm)

    12. 2882 arrangenet of electrons in an atom hav not true from options---------------------------------------------

    ------belongs to group 2

    ( dis atom belongs to group 2 ,..)

    13. in potassium-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4s>3d

    ( 4s>3p,4s>3d,4s

  • 18. plane in air when turned in left wats happens to the nose and tail-----------------------------------------------

    -----(actually tail of the airplane move toward the left, causing the nose turn to the right. ...)

    (nose raise and tail dowm, nose down tail raise, both remain in same position.)

    19. super conductor is-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dia-magnetic

    ( ferro mag. ,ferri mag., para mag., dia mag., anti mag..)

    20. 3 vectors r given as z, z+iz,iz now in z axis----------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    ( a circle having 10 radius, ellipse, eccentric..)

    21. probability of occurance of A and B is probability of not occurance of A and B is 1/ 6 wat is the

    probability of A--P(A)P(B)+P(A)P(B')


    22. non-atomic resistance is-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    ( resistor, capasitor, diode.)

    23. transistor most commonly biasing-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    voltage divider

    (emitter feedback, collector feed back, voltage divider, base bias.)

    24. a transmitting signal havinf freq range 10.0mhz-10.1mhz hav sampling freq---------------------------------------200KHz

    ( 200khz, 100khz, .3mhz, .4 mhz)

  • 25. in navy mari time communication is in--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    ( VHF,VLF,LF,SHF..)

    26. FSK is used in ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------telegraphy

    ( telegraphy,telephony,radiotransmission.)

    27. video signal is in-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AM

    ( FM, AM, PCM.)

    28. something related to cover on TV screen as base cover used 4----------------------------------------------------


    ( degaussing, reduction of UV rays, proper color, spotin of electron beam on screen)

    29. colour in tv is due to---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    ( chrominance,luminous, color burst..)

    30. TWT is used in magnetron why----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    ( gives high freq)

    31. which one is digital signal---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PCM

    ( PSK, FM, AM,PCM..)

    32. open loop sys compared to closed loop sys--------------------------------------------------------------------------unstable

    ( in stable less error,unstable )

  • 33. efficiency of OPamp---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ???(question not clear)


    34. which one iz active filter----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RC

    ( RC, butterworth, notch)

    35. what happens in ve feed back---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------gain

    decrease,BW increases

    circuit operation more stable

    change in i/p and o/p impedances

    36. which covers max area-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------circle wuth radius 4

    ( circle with radius 4,triangle with sides 3,4,4 , triangle with sides 3,4,5)

    37. monochromatic beam in----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------laser

    ( laser..)

    38. RADAR is used for-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------all

    (defence survillence, detection of object, finds the vel of obj..)

    39. component not in automatic control sys-----------------------------------------------------------------------------oscillator

    (sensor,ascillator, error detector device..)

    40. why v use tungsten wire in bulb-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------high resistance

  • ( high resistance, high conductor, low resistance)

    41. when power of transmitting signal is increased wat happens to its range?----------------------------------------increases (RADAR range equation)

    42. microstrip is used in ?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------planar microwave sensors built with

    PCB technology

    43. question related to dipole?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    44. electron mobility in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    m(squared) per (volt-second)


    45.in a molecule when oen atom is surrounded by four atom at corners the structure is-----------------------


    (tetravalent, octavalent, .)

    46. which is freq controlled system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLL


    47. roots of an eq are twice of eq 3x^2+3x-3=0 the other eq is------------------------------------------------------


    48. addition of two vectors P and Q------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sqrt(P^2+Q^2+2PQcos@)

    ( p^2+q^2+2pqcos@..................)

    49. mostly used transmission code------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ascii-7

  • (ascii-7,ascii-8,edbic)

    50.when dc supply is removed to clipper then it is--------------------------------------------------------------------rectifier


    51.something like in in length in solenoid something dec wat happens to 3rd value?----------------------------


    52. A tap fills bucket in 15min B tap in 13 mins if both tap are open for 1 min starting with b tap in hoe much time the bucket fills

    (14 ,13 , 14 )

    53. question related to poly hedral------------------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    54. evaporation in atm compared with water evaporation in vaccum------------------------------------------------


    (inc,dec, remain same..)

    55. P no of persons promise to give Q$ but R persons did not give the S$ each in charity wat is the eq for charity given

    ( dont remember the proper language)

    56.red light wawlength can b detected by----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    emmision spectrometer

    ( lumicent light, some instruments sort were given..)

  • 1) The triangle z, z+iz and iz of area or the side is 50 then in which plane it lies-----------------------------------


    1)circle 2)ellipse

    2) If the area is increased by 69% then how much the side of the square will increase----------------------------30 % (new area=1.69*side^2

    =(1.3*side)*(1.3*side)=i.e. 30% increase in length of side)

    1)13% 2)69% 3)130%

    3) To suppress ____________ we use some FM modulation technic-------------------------------------------------


    1)Carrier 2)USB 3)LSB

    4) A central atom surrrounded by 4 pairs of electrons is called-----------------------------------------------------tetrahedral

    1)tetrahedral 2)linear

    5) The area formed by curve y=cos x if x or y is 0 and pi/4---------------------------------------------------------0.707 (integrate cos x bet'n 0 and pi/4)

    6) If the atomic number increases in periodic table then------------------------------------------------------------

    affinity increases

    1)the size of atom increases 2)affinity increases

    7) Isotopes means-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------same at no,different at wt

    8) At zero Kelvin the semiconduction in semiconductor is because of-----------------------------------------------???

  • 9) To the physical balance when hot air is passed by a tube then---------------------------------------------------???

    1)Physical balance will be in equilibrium

    2)It will move according to weight of the pan

    10) One problem in sequence number--------------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    11) In Geometric Progression all are +ve nos, first consecutive two nos are same then common ratio will be----1

    12) TWT question------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    13) Most commonly used metal in solar cells-------------------------------------------------------------------------Si

    14) Current conducting non metal-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    15) Which of the following doesn't give flame test--------------------------------------------------------------------


    16) In audio amplifier reason for using R-C coupled------------------------------------------------------------------removes DC component

    1)Input and output will be same frequency

    17) Advantage of closed loop system over open loop system--------------------------------------------------------more stable and more accurate

    1)Less stable and less accurate

    2)more stable and less accurate

    3)less stable and more accurate

  • 18) Sound waves travel in air as---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------longitudinal

    1)Longitudinal 2)Traverse 3)Latitudinal

    19) In star network which of the following are true-------------------------------------------------------------------Line current=phase current

    line voltage=1.732*phase voltage

    1)formula reg line voltage 2)Line current formula

    20) Tank circuit is------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------parallel LC circuit is tank circuit

    1)Series circuit 2)Parallel Circuit

    21) If the frequency is beyond resonant frequency then the impedance is------------------------------------------purely inductance

    1)Purely capacitance 2)purely inductance

    22) In physics from lenz law or faraday' law--------------------------------------------------------------------------no of


    1)no of turns 2)No of turns and distance between adjacent turns

    23) The time period of the pendulum depends on---------------------------------------------------------------------length (as well as gravity)

    24) Weight of the bob---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    3)dia of the bob

    25) At 0 K semiconductor becomes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------insulator

  • 1)dielectric 2)insulator

    26) Water is flowing in a pipe of dia given and spped also given when it is attached with another pipe of diameter given then what is the speed of the water in second pipe


    A=cross-section area of respective pipe

    V=water speed at

    respective pipe

    27) Cal of linear strain if weight is given and length it elongates also given-----------------------------------------


    28) Angle of inclination of inclined manoeter--------------------------------------------------------------------------50-

    75 degrees

    29) Indirect way of generating FM-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Armstrong modulation

    1)Varactor diode modulation 2)Reactance FET 3)Armstrong modulation

    30) If S=1 R=1 then Q value of SR FF would be------------------------------------------------------------------------


    1)Set 2)Reset 3)Forbidden

    31) Most ionic compound-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LiF

    1)LiC 2)LiF 3)LiBr

    32) In which compound will the sulphur will have more than one oxidation state--------------------------------


  • 33) Alkali metals are characterzed by--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    1)Solvency 2)Ionization

    34) In the universe Carbon is in many compounds for the reason---------------------------------------------------catenation

    1)Tetravalency 2)Isomerism

    35) A polynomial given when divided by another polynomial given-------------------------------------------------remainder 0--Denominator is factor

    non-zero--not a factor

    36) Probablity of occurence of A is given neither A nor B also given and stated A and B are independent events.

    Probability of occurence of B will be---------------------------------------------------------------------------------???

    1)1/4 2)35482

    37) Life cycle (Charge and discharge ) of Lead acid battery---------------------------------------------------------1200 cycles

    1)1200 cycles 2)1000 cycles

    38) logxto the base 8 +logxto the base 4+logxto the base 4=11 then value of x-----------------------------------64

    1)8 2)64

    39) In H2O2 oxygen is lost by oxidation or reduction then which bond of oxygen with hydrogen is lost-----------covalent

    1)Covalent 2)Electro valent

    40) Max value of sinA + cosAfor the value of A-----------------------------------------------------------------------45

  • 1)30 degrees 2)45 degrees

    41) Alkali metals occurs in cholorophyll------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ca (but even Mg is present but very low in composition)

    1)Ba 2)Ca 3)Mg

    42) Regarding series motor starting----------------------------------------------------------------------------------???


    43) In trajectile related question Range is given 100 m Initial velocity is 800 m/sec. find height of the object

    -----R=u(squared)*sin2@/g --------------------->find the value of @ i.e angle of elevation and then use it in the following formulae


    the values in the question are improper..however the concept of solution is as discussed above


    44) Ball drops from height of 200 metres bounds back of 2/3 of its height

    when it comes to rest what will be total distance travvelled-----------------------------------------------------------------1000 meters

  • 45) No magnetic moment in---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    (actually dia-magnetic)

    1)Ferro magnetic substances 2)Non ferro magnetic

    46) Same input given to NAND gate then the operation is said to be---------------------------------------------------------NOT

    1)NAND 2)NOT

    47) Susceptability unit---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------unitless

    1)Wb-Am 2)WbAm-2

    48) Why/What for strapping in magnetron------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to prevent mode jumping

    49) Maximum attenuation for wave propagation is----------------------------------------------------------------------------dielectric

    1)dielectric 2)conductor

    50) In radio what beam is used by directional finder-------------------------------------------------------------------------pencil beam

    1)Omni directional 2)Pencil beam

    51) Peroxide effect-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Free radical moment

    52) At 25 degrees celcius Silicon barrier potentialis-------------------------------------------------------------------------0.7 volts (1.12 eV)

  • 1)0.35 eV 2)0.3 eV

    53) Two sine wave modulated by carrier wave of index 0.3 and 0.7 the combined index would be-------------------------0.76 to be precise

    1)1 2)0.5 3)0.7

    54) In opamp cross line detector will perform ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -sine to square

    1)sine to sine 2)sine to square 3)square to sine

    55) Compound is used in or purpose------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------???

