E jiI eten ] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg ffr^ 2 eo bis re. •-■ JfJghh rrta* BUnliUr (’■ r- _ ■ 01 O..UI- _______________^ filannmgifeed I^Water, Specii r Dee. « Wl— *** formulal* « ind pnxlcnt rangt proenm for dereloj: M Rsaureei* w um o( wiier resource. £ tumt or »b»t Tl* report nld tlmwt ^ de»th world »tudy ihowed lh;> eoimtiy Sort w*ter bodly." c«uilnf «rt< ! ^ a n MIX*. •whlcl), U conUnued. wlU u-m, u Uh tu «)d our people." ^ to Uw White Never wm « Itae "mor liu canmi^oQ for bringing ibouC t ch conunlaalon trsued. lU-d to » Ul*nt!8 It »dTineed 70 rtccmm [hi nfCper utlU a- for coordinated develop CMrow prove U’® w ater resoureei proJeeU. 1 imtaut of our go to conirresi eoon u proi lalfttlon. Cooke told report (B KTM of eddl- The kcyjlone recomn jjBi und will be aska coordlniUon of ell 5j U. 8, the re- unified river bjAln plann emphozii on multlpls pui; tot.CooltB.PhlU- ects. ■"tlie* conunUslon 77n^U iiro-prep ilay DestroyJV ; Canadian Pol )N, Dcc. 18 (Special)—More Canadis ut year was an all time high for potn1 uiDOunccd laat week.' •entls continue we may have to buy i •ir market is being displaced by Canad Peace Xop Experien eeking Received by 1 i^Chinal Of Air Reac , Dec. IB Cff) — yAIRBANKB. AUtka, De I eei^iMe »n- 3^ l . comb» h u no td offered to go hiImIom with fliihl D ot I ct Korten pcaee jou, , to-Ul. foreign than he ean count, ibt China. But he logged up hli flrsl u made In' the e„ee as im eerUl midwife's 1 OJ-naUaa poUt- yesUrday. etter B. Pearson. princlpaU In lhe ikybom if me Uiree-man were Mrs. Solly Emu. a Neo Uve woman; Mrs. Oladys C cable the group nurse; Maj. Oordon J. S. 1Saturday. The Evanston. 111., the pilot; l.lei M offered to vln Schllep, Itonan, Mont, a Peiping or at pilot, and Combs, dgnat^ by hUn. Bradbum was about to Tadu C-47 down on Uie Ladd base It, Pcaiuin aald. on the return flUht with cofflmlUee had pectonl Mra. Euu whes lily wllh red burst Into the cockpit. Qen. Wa fistu- ,“&toy m U» air ’ he yel •*4 Uiil he bad bela« bora'back her* ■oUate peaee. Then- Bradbum clrc ^ S T been Palrbanks. Combj and Nur hlll combined efforU to d' « ^^lo * d ls ^ Commented Combe, 51. B tals. ellherjjere elfgramaald. Now I can cop. wlUj an, Time _________________ e political com* Ci ime Prob Blr^n«J'^u Group Slat s convenaUons J'5'u,. -OpenSess: .eteenattrtrtay nnrt flUelraedl «U -0«ntr-8.'M.rr-wetll ** * promoter, as an eatly wltneu Committee Chalrmaa Eat , fftuver, D, Tenn. aald Ma ippfprl moter of the All'Amerint go JCV.LCtl ntunenu. would CetUfy at a id Tax ” * May. president of the ai . Tnm O’Shanlcr Country ch a S s d S i t ; Involved In a recent gambllnj _ D tlgaUoa when officer! raid ^ 1 1 t^ — ewftpk elub and found ilot mi 5 Kefauver said Uie co: TOir cive fof would aeek to deUmUne ^ ticesa pro. continenUI Preu, a wire ^ whleh holds a virtual mono w commlllee th e dUsemlnaUcn of horae t Mslflal»hli« h„ u^J g,nnter conn »»*deuilaie DenJti CeaaeeUan 04 for a vote Tluim u F. Kelly, general a B thin Friday, of ConUnenUt, told newts ittotChrlsU “wBuldal know any of the aters U I saw Uim. The] ^ tut* lo get have had any connecUon wit nwwidhtlpto Unental Pres*.- > pcmll a rote. Chief Commlllee Counael H >nuduno(tht IlaUey tald "from evidence gj Wnrtd bUl to thua far" 11 appear* Uiat la defense Accard0. former Capone a "Mnd. U the head of a looeely knit produce UaUcm of crime qrndicate* I l« u . - cago, New York. Plorida. ™ W . Kaning CUy aad CaUfomla. •Sw * -------------------------- Defense Debati ByHighOffii BOISE. Dec. U (UB — i'i ^ woioeraiie ranking clvU defewe offleU SrV °® «lit« Washington. D. a , eonfertec hteoalng a w ith Col PhlUlp Doddridge. ______ civil defenae chief. A. 0 . Tllley. wejleni etai glona] represenUUre for U olvll defenK admlnis flew here from Saa FrancU ^ conferring wlUi oUier aU defense chiefs la Uie west. Arsenic in Feei Nets Cattle I kAll'L?U „ BOISE. Dec, IS WV-Dr. Scliiielder. aUte veterinariaj today a aample of alock n of D. A. a r|W 8|«%-« wilder, contalntd anenlc, ( I I V as' U'S deaUi of some alUe. ^ Schneider said Uie ai W JjIW n l *U)red la a barrel flK/W ifZty . « P»rt of at equipment and became Impre . . Uie polaon. 1 A ReglonaJ Newapaptr Sen OOkUl CItf >t>l CMaV Hmftprr feededjn^tJsage ^iaPRep^^ to forejuUle a -lo n g - approved the commiaslon a for development aad 1. I>rojecu now under resourco. tlon aliould be completed aald almost • ye*r of 3. New proJecU ahoul Ui;j country ht* “used atarud unless they con causing aerioua wastes revlted and approved bas Unued. wlU “ta p o v e r - Crttlclua of Uie ret tr people." *»UUy from me ejeeuUve a itae "more crucial, of the Americaa Waterah about a chaste, the wlUch viewed It aa a . "greater federal govetm I 70 recommendatlona of the naUon's m ted developaient of baaias.- u proJeeU. Theae will The council Is an orgaj eoon as propoeed leg- river valJey assoclaUon*. I told reporters. Clayton Hoff. execuUve one recommandatlon chairman, tald in a stat Jon of all agendea tn report “will be most dUapi baain planning, with the many local organliaU nulllplB purpose prol- ursed a greater local rea and less goveromenUl pal imaare.preparcd-and — <Cwtiin.< »i-r>t>-r-Ci }y More Spuds Potatoes Incre re Canadian potatoes are being sold h« h for potato importa, worried agriculture e to buy up and destroy more U.S. spu 1 by Canadian imports,” an official of tho tion and marketing 1 ------------------------- 1 tration told the Time [perience ed by Vet twrder since the bc Innl; ir Rescues __________________ _uaually It high enough to the Canadian fanner a Ud I. AUtka. D ec 18 he sells hi* lurplus buahe ombs has flown more country. Some Canadian nUhl D ot Uie Ladd cxcluslvely.for Uie eupport lOUi rescue *<iuadroa lean market evea knowing unt. total output may have 1 i up hi* llrst expert- atroyed al midwife's aatUtaat jtJO io Wathlngtt Uietkybomedmma ,ow‘SS?ev'‘e a '^ t^ S ? l^ they eaa under-seU Uie JSfT' iMmer by an average of 25 XSl'SiSf’m."S ■“g ”" ?.bo«t lo « t at 'S' he Ladd base runway 5; •* “ flitht WlUl the ex. ^ problem cf Esau whea Comb* l«Pori* »Ight force congre •oSplt «««"• Hewever. air'he yelled; -A ajrtcultore depttrfc ra'fiack here.” the -war boom may absorb 5radbum circled over the imrplm. Polaloes art ibj and Nurse Cog* source for Industrial alcohi efforU lo deliver a PDrchajet CUmb By Dec. 11. Uie agrleuUia ::ombs, 34. Kingsley, m ent had purchased bushels of poUtoes to su spa WlUl any'sltua- price. Thla U In compari o n ly 13XKK),000 bushels by ---------------- dale last year. Tl 1 Most of Uie deparUnent' r rn n P tlons have alrwidy been 1 although approximately P r,-. buaheU have been uaed In t Slates o ThU year* government I o 6SS10n ha* coat IIBJIO, .1 k ./V O O iV X i „5_830(^ K, IB The aen- 1050 program U relaUvely lUi^ began aii opica tynalve. oTirdMsjptpIalnri niUllKlriied It would farm , and destroying Uie -M*rrweelUiy-golf .M™«-prlc»_ot.iLCBiiIaji eatly witness, I « t year the tame proi halrman Eales K e- *>-t« per buthel, accordi in. said May. pro- ^MA upokesmaa. 1-Amertca golf tour- ------------------- Airplane^ang andlnlUld W jf|| WiVp. X II of UiB auburbaa * V ‘‘" .SSSSU" Transfers tc officer* raided the BUIttEY, Dec. ie-Aft«r found alot machines. Ing arouad la a fog for n; Id the commitiee 100 miles, Matthew Umu deUmUne whether Vosemlte naUona) park, ( ut, a wire serrlce *et hU airplane do rinual monopoly la «eld near BubleU Sunday 1 m of horae race re- conUnued on hU way annter connecUoas «mUnue hy bu to- though. E wnaeeuen ^p„ld have been flna had 1 lly, general manager to go by but after he Iia4 told newsmen he But afler the pilot dUco any of tha gang, was In Sublett Instead of 1 Uitm. They never gunned his molor, flipped mnecUon wlUi Coa* pera, bumped acroa.? the 1 about the time he ehould h lee Counael Rudolph airborne, waa picking thi n evidence gaUiered wire out of hi* hair. ippear* Uiat Tony Urmanskl. who was fW r Capone mobster. Wausau. Wls. to Callfor . loceely knit organ- heading for Ogden when h lyndicate* In Chl. log. Since he didn't know ■ t Plorida Kansas he landed to get hU r nenoa, tianaas _________ ________ there are a few fences In Ii _ , _ lhat the fleld In which Debated :h Officers 11 (UJ3 - A high- W'JO- Jente official from ----- ------- T" ,‘"bSSK SS Man Is Fmed i wetUm aUtes re- Reckless Dri jtUve for Uie fed- Lloyd Ludalck. 53, Twin I tite admlnlstraUon. fined |M and 13 cosU Mi Saa Francisco. Ho police court afler pleadin Ul oUier aUto clvU of recWe*s<lriring, 1 Uie west. Police said he was the • --------------- a 1W5 Pord coupe which Tl J head-on wlUi a 1648 PonUj :;attleLoss IS wv-Dr. A. P. the driver involved. I veterinarian, aald PoUce listed a frosted wl of alock molasses and alcohol at factor* «ni of D. A. Sherbert, lo the Ludwlck collision !d anenlc, omalng happened at 11:35 a. m. 5i lealUe. front'of in Jackaon atreet said Uie aiolasses of the other car U E. E. Chr in a barrel whleh who had parked it in froa la part of ipraylng houae. *came Impregnated Front per^a of boUi o d*m**ed. pollc* fl_M . wp«r Serrlaf £^3—C S twin falls, IDA age//: j; ' ‘f ’SayS commiaslon pmpoied: - '^ f l now under conttruo- ! completed quickly. * JecU ahould Dot be s Uiey confarm with pproved basla plans. the report came H ie execuUve commlllee aa Watershed council. V I It as a boMt for , ral govemmeni coo- naUon's major river Is an organUaUon of MclaUons. SUtement Uie ' most disappointing to II erganluUons which nmenUl patemalitm." a-r>tt-r c»iM»~ir~ nds ----- icrease l i p t ^ g sold hero than griculture depart- U.S. spuds than ;i.I of tho produo. p°S arketing adminls- ef.*ri;.-s.^mariBe kuied u the Tlmes-News. teiepheio.) offlcUls hava been ever-lncreasing lm. i ll* IVT' Allies Warn program during Uie /\ P repar: Defense A e Canadians produce Uie eupported Amer- BROSSELS, Belgium, Det ea knowing Uial their -U . a Army SecreUiy Pra: nay have to be d*. tj,^ jjorUi AUai^lc 1 1 WathiBgtea oducUon cosU are so wlUiaUnd ft communist aoi ifter paying an Import wiatem Surope. la per lOO-pound aack Opening a two-day met cr-»eU Uie American AUanUo defense and foreit verage of 25 cent*. A itlen gathered to complet : eoaU »3J0 in Wash- for a unified European ara told tha defente chlefa th tl the fact Uiat Uie wUl aid IU porUiers' defcns< t year U the biggeal only U ll U "fully convince problem cf Canadian natlen U doing all 11 caa force congreas to take lUelf. however. opUmUU / n*pf»«itt Marshall tare depttrtmcnl itO , may absorb much of ** represenUng 0. a PoUtoes are a prime 8«ereUry Oeorge , O. Man istrial alcohol the meeUnge. He aald: base* CUmb The American people le agriculture depart- hare alepped up Uielr prepi surchattd J3,000«)0 and plan for oven greater a Atoes to autUln the la the next year . . . In U la coosparitoa wlUi all our efforU are now belr bushels by the same ed to expedite Uie organUi our mlllUry forees and the deparUtienl's acqulsl. Uon of muaiUons." eady been destroyed, -i know you share with roximaUly a.OMWO apprcclaUon of the urgencj ten used In the ichool tltunUon and the need for i your own efforU,"*e told t ire Explained laters. lovemment purchtte rit«* pronam :OBt IIBJIO.OOO com- C»ie*,in>ft*m 630,000 last year. The P»ce tald afler 14 moi 1* relaUvely lett ex. meeUag*. tho AUanUc aUlan [snnpIilncdfKcamtr shwuome troying Uiem at an PoUUon to“ withstand a coa s aame program wit far from ready even bc lel. according to a "We must now tpeed Up a. forU and tranalaU our p: rapidly and aa effccUvely )^angles=- ,, , peace Uirougb Implementa ^ire; Pilot fers to Bus S5"S.“.‘Vn°rS,i'S.J c. ie-A ft«r wander- elusion of our work.” he de I fog for more Uian __________________ T.F. Man He; State Heart G i “Sli!?!!!!?! ®0ISE. Dec. 16 VPi-D h“V« heea named at Uie fl ganliaUonal meeUng of Uie if. . 2i ^ iS I: Bltlo Heart aesoelaUoa. pilot he ^ B J Fall*, was named prealden S H"W reckon wlUi la Uiat LuUier Thompson. Twin F*3 fwcM In Idabo and Pnwk Fletcher, Boise, and In wtUch be bi^ SwlndeU. Kt)und“ Alto named to Uie board 1 a bus in Burley to J- Peteraon. director of the st st leg of hi* Jmmey partment of publlo healUi. mage to the alirlMiB ------------------------------------- « r World’s Sp !ss Driving Koreai c. 53, Twin Fall*, was aN ADVANCE AIBBASE. S3 cosU Monday In Dcc. 18 (UJ3—The worid'a fas Iler pleading guilty iighUr plans-Uie U. a P-8« ng, ' —went lato combat for th B was UiB driver of Uma over Korea yesterday ar lupe which collided a Soviet-made MlG-18 Jet d 1648 PonUac tedan flames whUe traveling laste oUier aide of Uie sound, he second aoch col- ThejP-efl. whleh aet a worlt ’e-day period. Last ord ol 7C0JS1 mile* per hot drew a ITS flne for Lake Muroe. Oallf, Sept. 1( ^cd. while fully armed, haa been In I frosted wtndthield since Priday. factor* contribuUng The air foree took Uie 1 ;k collision, which wraps off lU prize fighter onl :35 a. m. Sunday In Lleut.-Col. Bruce H. luaU :kaon street. Owner Stockton, Callf. knocked'thi U E. E. ChrtiUnsea. out of the air about 10 miles I it in front of hU cast of the - border city of C ninton Wcked four MI08 I I of both can vere w1Ui him asd three other injij, pUoU. s \ \ ' \ W it - - ALLS, IDAHO. MONDAY, DECEMBEB 1 —fenllyflease—^ etj In North Korea where mere tbaa 4M marii Korean priaonera ef war pal dews lhe aoU en 4hi irlse killed Is tbe flgbUag aronnd U>e Chesia rei to.) Warned j^j,y Doubt' reparins •I O Uie Moscow regional aor ise Arms Kl,lu«. D » II m ^ JecreUiy Prank Page ported from local el« rUi AUaiUlc allies to- throughout the Soriet "fsr from ready- to » candldaU fa w jrom rea^ w ^ ttslot*i sovleU i ommunlat a«aull on clly tovicU Uiroughout the :. The result In Uiese places i two-day meeting ot almllar to that la Moacow. se and foreign mln- Pravda. commenUag. si l U compleie plant waa a great demontUaU suropean army. Pace unity. lte .chlefa the U. B. ----- Uiers’ defcnjso efforU _ __ . _ _ _ rSiTSIiSUSAF Lead Defends Idl senUng V. 8. Defente M Of Air Com WASHINOTOK. Dec.' Ifl u'e^B^lMtlon of «estem Europe from rees and the produc- , ' , ., , . , jn,” The air force's chlel of al , affirmed hU confidence la a ^ »!«■ »«■ flhe detUucUon of ^J L In “ "y** munlUona producing < m hU roost recent capltol 1 U, '* e told Uio mln- pf^nujce to tesUfy en new i appropriation* requesla. i.Proftam Debaled for Deeade ito u L 'alS ^ 'ci^ -^evam eof atraleg^-alr 1 ill i l l ^ e n debat^ for a ^tcy^e. «l the arKument, goea oi ' e««Uvely aa poe- bobbed up again ^ houae-appropriaUona mUUaj ImplemenUiUan of force otClcials reeenUy. a r ^ d ” *w5Sta‘ w ^ Chairman Mahon. D„ Te m wllh our task and VandcnbCTg “some misguided ih„ loans and air foree enUiusla w S ,“ S .S »r 2“ '"”“? ^ ______ _______ air power to win a war or a ^ , Mahon added Uiat “of cour Qn TlAQfia hody In the mllilary esUbllj all Xicaua nor any well informed pera. eart Group 5f.“A™S.5:rvS;, ~ thea summed up the air 16 {/Pl-Dlrector* .bout air power in led at Uie firat or- gtralegy. saylag Uilr reUng of Uie Idaho oclaUoa. Korea Bad Example !. Brown. Jr, Twia Korea can't be Ukea aa aed prealdcnt-elect: ample because in. that wa. :eln. Lewltlon. and there la an “invlolaU bord. rd. PocateUo, vice you.can't uae aUateglc air Robert S. McKean. mea*ure." The border Is Ui river, beyond which lie Uie al Poodall. SoUe. waa and assembUng polnU for the r and dlreetars are of Chinese red troopa whld Fdndezter. Boise; omwbelmed United Natlona khelder. BoUe; Dr. foree*. Dnder quesUonlng, V Idaho Palls; Dr. berg aald tha Yalu boundaj sn. Twin Falls; Dr. made InvlolaU by decUlon , Bolae. and O. P. United NaUona. But ‘If we are now talking 0 the board waa L. Europe, where there are no I ctor of the sUU de- that we cannot cross." the ai 9llo health. | la quiU different, he sail I’s Speediest Jet Fij orean Combat, Besi E AIRBASE. Korea. Hinton vas aecompanled bi le worid's fastest ]et pUoU CapU Morri* Pitta. Bl he U. a P-88 Sabre ham, Ala.: Raymond (Paddy) mbat for the firat tek. Paaaalc. N. J , and Plral . yeiterday aad ahot Paul W. Brrce. Jr, Lawres 010-18 Jet down la Tena. aveling laster than They tured Uie MIOS into > by flying a t a *very low spi ch aet a world's ree- ao area where Uie MIOS alles per hour orer pUy poaaum while walUng fo llif, Sept. 18, IMS. er American plane*. i, haa been In Korea *^8 had planned eur mis attempt to tuck up those g > took the secrtcT flying at a very low speed." H fighter only after said. "When we arrived In U :e H. lunton. Sl. we throttled down as alow at . knocked'the MIO bie and flew>around for ab Mut 10 mnes souUi. minuUi Sure enough. It w der city of SlnulJu. ’ "PltU pulled out four bogeyi four MIOS to clckte Ing below us and Janecsek three other Sabre out They have gat swept « (MIQ6) Sloton i-r— Ni ne M g ttt CEMBEB 18, 1950 ^ Red Es( TOKYO, (Tuesday) escape docks of Hung blasting American pla entire beachhead coul Bulldozers ripped at are around the harbor GMFrec ----- Sales DETROIT, Dcc. 18 ( today the ealo of 1951 passenger cars—all afl J' Vjt> back order of last Satu told dealers any . —t celved on or after toda; as 4M are consignment basfs and : ae aoU en the grave corporation. 1 . Cl»l« ™» Ths GM order mid 111 -------------------------- InatioD of the dlscrlmir I tion agency affecting t rin iiK f? 1/UUDli poBsible effect of this oi S 'S ! troduced 1B51 CherroleU at >.« fir.» Mun.u M. cent higher than 19J0 mod he flnt result re- ___ _ v.. I...T IB'l Cadillacs have not bee Uie‘^ r i e t * 'l S r guc^^OM had uld Pric candldaU for aeaU mal aovleU aod 30 Bellback Bcfnlred rmghout the union. The federal price order cd Uiese places will be day, however, required. th .t la Moscow. firms withdraw prlM Increas mmenUag, said It after Dee. 1. demonnnuoa of Bulcks and Oldsmeblki OM autoe—are tu t affected < dayi Oeneral Moton trees _ USI models hare not bea L ead er , OU ,toM Itt PonUae. 0 ids -’^An^iasT^3w*i*w ^ ; J riiUpped to you oa or aftW rL o m b at S K t^’wu’SXu 3K. Dec.' 18 W>— TQen. Hevt Vanden- at ttrateglo bombing numbered land army Rirope from a n a«- «P«te<l to wU back price t annouaced aince Dec. 1, u .. i,uf ...ff ~ by the ESA. Todayl order, would not violato Uie ottte lt S m s '? ? Ufy on new m u iu ir retfuesU. dlscrimlaalory. , . _ . Ne OUier AaUea _________ The. eovemmenf* rollbae stralegle air war has order alao affected 1991 C ir adecyiB, «lr>w^e Pori Md Na^ FwnF<iT-o»-mttKir Ttm"MU Fofam awid~aa .th e defensive war comply. Chrysler had “n leh Vandenberg U a oUier companle* annonao Inercaaea on 1991 aiodela { ment, goea on. The Oec. 1. Uie daU to which ES. 1 up agala when a off prices. *Uona mU U a i^ ^ One-«pokc«mao for Uie a KcnUy. -Thfy jj, taking advantage ahon. D., Tex... told auto industry." A OM offlcii me misguided Amer- the more "patently orce enUiusloaU . . . Thla view got sUunch Ited Uie capacity of from Waller P. HeuUier, p n a war or a battle." of Uie CIO Ualted Auto ' Uwt “of course, no- and ofUa a bitter foe of t lllary esUbllshment. pi^ucer*' pollUca. uformed person, haa lUuUier said he oppose. ' Ha aald he wanted point price control Uiat la i smment. Vaadenberg inaUiry and doea not eet to t up Uie air force'* causes of snlraUng ^ U of Ir power in grand spmmng costa o» Ud Example Jordan Says Ci Touch for Bu( ivtolaU border and BOISE. Dec IS QJJS-Oc ilrateglc air in full Len B. Jordan said today border la the Yalu finding il “tough" to cut the ilch lie the air baaea rcquesU for the next fiscj polnU for the maaea alum, but he waa determined troops which have over-all spending wlUiln ant ilted Natlona ground income. uesUonlng, Vanden- while aay surplus la Use Valu boundary wa* fund ,wUl have to be flgure< by dedalon of the budgetary patUm, he was to trim spending "regard e now talking about whether wa have any mone; here are no boriers bank." cross," Uie ailuaUoa "I don't Intend to run Uie I, he sail___________ment on aurplus." be aald. it Fighter Enters , Bests Russian Pla companled by Sabro “They were below ua and ^ irrl* Pitta. Blrmlng- ed Into the attack. Aa we do lond (Paddy) Janec- we kept our balUe format J,.and Plrst Lieut, the MIOS sUrted a hari ri| , Jr, Lawrenceberg, We turned Inside them and j behind them. B M ioa Into combat -They let go their wtaj •very low speed" to Janeoek picked out a tari the MIOS usuallj Brrce corerlng him. I plck< He walUng for alow- guy VlUi PltU covering me me*. MIOS atarted going like he med our mission’to »l closed tn gradually and I up those guys by figured I was within range ' low speed." Hinton a ahort burst. I could see th arrived In lhe area hliung him and plecea flyla TO as alow aa poeal- tlnuri to maneuver and fire round for about IS burst and he started to sm enough. It wortM." bum very bs«Uy. ut four bogey* croas- “i know I got Uiat one aB nd Janeciek called must have kUled Uie plbU l got swept wlng^• ’• no attempt to get cut-dld »id- • opea tiU canopy," « la Itrisat«d Idaho CoodUm ItMster al Aijn Bvrwa ti OlmUtka AaoeikM rt9t as4.Uan«4 vy Sliips- eds H ittiii Escape B( (Tuesday) Dec. 19 (U.R>—United Nation s of Hungnam harbor pulled back again lerlcan planes and the guna of navy ship tihead could b« seen from a rldgo only 1 i ripped at the frozen earth to carve out the harbor while navy planes rained a f: Freezes Dealer^^ >ales for 3 Modt ’, Dcc. 18 (/P)—General Motors corporatloi llo of 1951 model Chevrolet, Pontiac and C ITS—all affected by the srovernment's pric if last Saturday. iealers any Pontlacs, Chovroleta or Cadill after today will remain the property of Gl basis and are not to bo sold until released -der said the action was token ‘‘pending an e discriminatory order of the economic sti affecting passen- * * . • es, including the -« t i . t :t of thifl order on V O lU H tary A raew^eU^w!d*Pon- On Pay, P r lally aaaounced Uiey •--, y % treeze Pe; nave n o t^ Intr^ WASHmOTOM. Dec. 18 u d laid price* would rwult that business and Toluatarlly free*e all pri< ck Bcfnlrtd 'wtge* a h a ^ op today ai I price Increuea mad* n»nnUnt diftnM ipMldlBV pnc«ma»»m>« wbo M ttd not Oldsmeblka—othB said.tseb • itip « ire not bees lat». ta Advised PonUae. o t m aiiH M H flB lK SS aalats: ------- odel on or u. wUl be o p jV B L ^ t dSSto the eellloj* which may be ewlo S u y ^ recUve U unfair and thI?^uJ*Ultt>SuM *be . , exploratsrT.BSAsUUbaaUti Iber AaUea ^ _ Uurn a Wkea staff, and tt ienf»,rollback.price » many produoers.ln.the n 5Ctod 1991 Chrysler, duslry U u t price ceUlng* * , models already In- jjiiyjgjr dioicult torafore iler had ^ eom- tv,J m jhe natloai_ me* lie* announced price grestlon. WUton U realgx Ml aiodels prior to president of Uie Oeneral to which E3A aawed company to direct the new rSeiyiH anD efeiu Council Meet Set for Tuei nlted Auto Workers The Twin Pall* drU defen tter foe of Uie auto dl will meet at 8 p. m. Tui lea. the dltblct courtroom, It he opposed “pla- nousced by Percy L. Lawre trol that Is dlscrlm. rector of drlllan defense, a not get to the baslo It will be the first meei ling cosU of living.” chief depuUes and their ---------------- Lawrence re(;uesU all depu SaysCuts 2S S for Budget «S 'Sv.“£T.S=„'Sr».S lo S “.Li 2’S Sf J re any money in Uie . Soldiers Escap ------ Injuries in C ORANOE. Tex.. Dec. 18 C / ty-flve soldier* of Oklahoma' O Thuaderblri (4SUi) nations __ dlvUlon carrowly mlaaed er M ln'nA Uat night wbea their bus om Ll X l a l l l ^ and caught fire. Thlrty-twi I « — V A •oWler* and the drtrer were Mowuswd w h e a ^ The men wera retamlt sfiHS S “p.u . lh* .to. Ul*., d out a target with ^ ^ rlthta^e I irt CO ^t wa* extinguished l S see^e bSeU Ui* main fuel tanl I plecea flying. I eoa- ' uver and fired a long POUO STBISES AOi tartod to smok* and BOUE, De& U OUO-H ly. publio healUi department ; that one aB right. I today another polio caa* ta d the plbU He made a IS-year-^ Kootenai oou get out—dldnt eren TliU brought Uie auto's po f,"^ - for-UM 7««r-te ISj;.- ---------------- nrrr MAGIC VALLEY-- " EDITION PRICE S CE ting U.N Beachhea ted Nations rear guards protecUng th back again Monday under a protectlvs o [ navy ships, Including the mighty MIbsoi idgo only 16 minutes' walk from the sea. carve out a now and tighter defense llm rained a fiery ehower of death on com forccs besieging the lai _________- -fofithold-Jn nnrtheastB |r~ r Big nm* wltsin thn be and oft nary ahtna nff.hor I V- V « oonUDUowiT while Uhlled Hodels' iOHtarr **mirity wviTer corporation frore r«Dcrtin» of the ntiirand Cadllkc iment's price roll- reaUd almoat enUreJy oo t Uilri dlrialoo. i or Cdlllaci, « . iperty of GM on a reporu *ald the red* wi ill released by the eentiaOnr north of Htmgr ' line of hin* that nm down ,, the defense oertmetK. pending an exam- Pimne* of smok* ttm conomlc stablllza- eqotnaent aad shell bm) * V Uiebe*a>he«d.AIltrooo^r ' * ■ . msad post and staff penon . la . wanted to *leep with thetr tary Act ly, Price ' __ Nary fighter* roar*d oot 1>Awi^a ^ b»40*er se IreU Q S deck* oo their carriers and TW i. /«_. Wind a* high a* t t knot*. < SUSS’S S ! babl* n o t more ia - mum iBflatttt fired by 3f^i- whnee^^S'' r.sns U .J. leb • (tip wa* oo3* ttii t& tdB a- fvr da/f -»r jSid i -bua -flt Uu (oel IK^^leatlo* tSd .m S B V K y offldaH were eaU- t b T m S^bS^ulwe flriag.orier would be giren at celUnga may be (naroDrUte tanet» wei ly on b«f. ^ ^ TwT u. a onUeA-the * ree m»U w u n o r^ aat , tha e t PauJ-«»d *ii k* would be largely T ' a I p i I a X lP l A *mi haa UtUe more UlCUU X ACI staff, and Uier* are » oers.ln.the meat tn- f-'A o p a . ..I.h ff, leaceUlngs would b e W C O illl' iaUoai_iaoblljMUon _-a,A*n m iv m v^r-i* hoew c « ^^ ^ *g» A wCdcaf wilknurcffTnil nn U realgolag a* Toledo. O , Ujreateaed I SS^the'sffiw Sf! reet Uie new ageoey. tract setUement betweea ra - u d carrier*. _ Defense iSffii'SSfrr; 1 Meeting m. J _ wlUila toe next 48 hours. »r Tuesday a* drU defease coun- t 8 p. m. -njeaday tn K r S ^ i 0“ three line* at TWeda t rey L. Lawrence, oi- worker* alao failed to worl an defense. _ tie flrst meeting for • ■ _ I and Ihelr atafls. ^ poony w . r*pre*enUUre said ttu wall elcomlng addres* and * ^ t oegolUt ^ liman, chalrmaa ot ^ hope it » . 100 rt.rt mnnbm wlMctto, appointed by Tues- Big tlaca Effected asks all of them to lh* Unes affected at Ti etlng toe Baltimore and O hio.' ^ _______ and T.fV«» a ie . and the De Tl Toledo Shore line. _E sca^ ies m Crash p& s.. Dec. 18 MV-Por- ]and. Detroit and Chlcai of Oklahoaia'a lamed Carrier lepresentaUres I ISto) naUonal guard had met at toe White He rly missed eremaUoo 3:U o’clock thU mmning w I their bus orerturaed negotUtora. refused to cat e. Thirty-two of the tbe walkout. Ddrtrer were Injured. S Lone Man Stj BoIdBankHi TUC80H. Alla, See I lone baadtt Staged a dartai in only by toe grace rtlckup of tlu Bank of Doo I . „^.n fi~ Wl... nlngston street branch ben ® ' r tooae Inalde got out. ^ aU.DOtnU bunttln wi igulshed before It tha baadlt. laln fuel (ank. wSie oala .iW * & :S ---------= ------ aDdabeatWMBv^ai TBISES AOAZN ager J. IX ^o*w*toSSo5f S5»ptoSrt oo^S«i gyrtw l oounty glrf. tbe auto's poUo total 1 THe Ufldnp ai » ■' 9 rTTrTW GIG .LEY— nON PBICE SCEl^TS ee 4=5= .N ., - iea;d otecting the vital protectlvs coviff^ of ghty M lssonri The om the sea. defense line lo an ath on comaanlflt eglng the last allied nnrtheastKorea. ---------- wltsin ton beachhead ' ahtm nfNhore >n«red while Uhltod Rattoof -back..- ........... I tr Tena AeUea •mirity nmentM de- Une of toe altuaUon | lachbeadfaxt Uiere were ' | that the defenw tuw | t enUrely oo the U. & i. I t attacks antnst th* I «*ed off Uonday. Atr ' I . tha red* were eon- I orto of Btmgnem tn a lhat nm down lato Ui* oertmetsc. smok* tm s taralag ad shell bm U Ttnged d.AIltraoD«,*Tea«am- id staff penonasl. were eep wlto toelr weapons tody tn ease of a nsw : aimed at drlrtog tb* tnto the aea. k*X*eOer*re« I sr* roared oot t» blsfl Iplte le»40*ered .flight lr carrier* and gust* ef I a* t t knot*. On* pilot t forced to mak* aa tnHli»| OQ g IWfll alf* luQgnaB wbll*' te t*fget»’Were fomd. onlaera—the Bocbaftv Paul-aad (Upportlng ready were laybv down Ore arotmd tb* beach- loTieup s Threat - fTDHriSedT-U ilkout cffTniInmea-^==— toreatened today to itretch drtre for a ooa- ent betveea rail tuloa* ~ rrinki*geo«l?iipw^^~ id felt some bope that |sfiv» f«TVf lalght ntoKiId wage dl^nte ext 48 hours, te toe Immlnenoe of lest memben. of'to* of Ranroad Ttatnmen tng "Sick" at midnight X at lU eda Day shift fafled to work; j Mriy naeed ng bere wlto eArler e said tb* walkout wa* and would hurt oon- Uon*. ied hope tt would ool Bar senUmenU' were toe country by otoer official*. At Chicago. rice prtaldent ten's tmlon. said be w u tement would refose to he wUdcatten stay oot. tlaca Effected affected at Toledo ai* re and Ohio. Wbedlng le. and toe Detroit and Bline. ut wa* expected to tie tant Great Lake* tran*- i mter wbere .raH.JtneA_L _ ’ork, PltUburgh. Cler*- t and Chicago merge. presentaUrea here, wbo toe White House mUI bU mmning wlto mlea refused to cconment ca tfan Stages BankHoldup Aria, Seo U 4U9-A staged a daring dayUght u Bank of Dougla* Pen* »et branch bere eariy to- Ksped wlto mjioo .a ata bnllettQ wa* ?ooB^*i»:Ma.ib

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Page 1: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

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E i^ L iB d J ii i • * f ll g f f r ^ 2 eo b is re. • - ■J fJg h h r r ta * BUnliUr


r- _ ■ 01O ..U I- _______________^

filannmgifeed I^Water, Speciir Dee. « W l— *** formulal*« ind pnxlcnt rang t proenm for dereloj: M Rsaureei* w u m o( w iier resource.£ tum t or »b»t T l* report n ld tlm w t ^ de»th world »tudy ihowed lh;> eoimtiy S o r t w*ter bodly." c«uilnf «rt<! ^ a n MIX*. •whlcl), U conUnued. wlU u - m , u U h tu « )d our people."^ to Uw White Never wm « Itae "mor l iu canmi^oQ fo r bringing ibouC t ch

conunlaalon trsued. lU-d to » Ul*nt!8 I t »dTineed 70 rtccmm [hi nfCper utlU a- fo r coordinated develop CM row prove U’® w ater resoureei proJeeU. 1 im taut of our go to conirresi eoon u proi

lalfttlon. Cooke told report (B KTM of eddl- T h e kcyjlone recomn jjBi und will be aska coordlniUon of ell 5j U. 8 , the re- unified river bjAln plann

emphozii on multlpls pui; tot.CooltB.PhlU- ects.■"tlie* conunUslon 77n^U iiro-prep

ilay Destroy JV ; Canadian Pol)N, Dcc. 18 (Special)—More Canadis u t year w as an a ll time high for potn1 uiDOunccd laat w eek .'•entls continue w e may have to buy i •ir market is b e in g displaced by Canad

Peace Xop Experien eeking Received by 1 i^Chinal Of Air Reac, Dec. IB Cff) — yAIRBANKB. AUtka, De I e e i^ iM e »n- 3 ^ l . comb» h u no td offered to go hiImIom with fliihl D ot I ct Korten pcaee jou, ,to-Ul. foreign th a n he ean count, ibt China. B ut he logged up hli flrslu made In ' the e„ee as im eerUl midwife's 1 OJ-naUaa poUt- yesUrday. etter B. Pearson. princlpaU In lhe ikybom if me Uiree-man were Mrs. Solly Emu. a Neo

Uve woman; Mrs. Oladys C cable the group nurse; Maj. Oordon J . S. 1 Saturday. The Evanston. 111., the pilot; l.lei M offered to v ln Schllep, Itonan, Mont, a Peiping or a t pilot, and Combs, dgnat^ by hUn. Bradbum was about to • Tadu C-47 down on Uie Ladd baseIt, Pcaiuin aald. on the return flUht with cofflmlUee had pectonl Mra. Euu whes

lily wllh red burst Into the cockpit.Qen. Wa fis tu - , “&toy m U » air ’ he yel

•*4 Uiil he bad bela« bora'back her*■oUate peaee. Then- Bradbum clrc ^ S T been Palrbanks. Combj and Nur

h lll combined efforU to d'

« ^ lo * d l s ^ Commented Combe, 51. B tals. ellherjjereelfgramaald. Now I can cop. wlUj an,Time _________________e political com*

C i ime ProbB l r ^ n « J '^ u G roup Slats convenaUons •

J'5'u,. -OpenSess:

.eteenattrtrtay nnrt flUelraedl « U - 0 « n t r - 8.'M .rr-w e tll

** * promoter, as an eatly wltneuCommittee Chalrmaa Eat

, fftuver, D , Tenn. aald Ma i p p f p r l m oter of the All'Amerint go J C V .L C t l n tunenu. would CetUfy a t a

id Tax ” *May. president of the ai

. T nm O’Shanlcr Country cha S s d S i t ; Involved In a recent gambllnj

_ D tlgaUoa when officer! raid^ 1 1 t ^ — ewftpk elub and found ilot mi

5 Kefauver said Uie co:TOir cive fof would aeek to deUmUne ^

ticesa pro. continenU I Preu, a wire^ w hleh holds a virtual monow commlllee th e dUsemlnaUcn of horae tM slflal»hli« h „ u^J g ,nn ter conn»»*deuilaie DenJti CeaaeeUan04 for a vote T lu im u F. Kelly, general aB thin Friday, of ConUnenUt, told newts■ itto tC hrlsU “w Buldal know any of the

aters U I saw Uim. The]^ tut* lo get have had any connecUon witnw w idhtlpto U nental Pres*.-> pcmll a rote. Chief Commlllee Counael H> nuduno(th t IlaUey tald "from evidence gjW nrtd bUl to thua far" 11 appear* Uiat

la defense Ac card 0. former Capone a" M n d . U th e head of a looeely knit

produce UaUcm of crime qrndicate* Il« u .- cago, New York. Plorida.

™ W . Kaning CUy aad CaUfomla.

• S w * --------------------------Defense Debati

ByHighOffiiBOISE. Dec. U (UB — i'i

^ woioeraiie ranking clvU defewe offleU S rV ° ® « lit« Washington. D. a , eonfertec

hteoalng a w ith Col PhlUlp Doddridge.______ civil defenae chief.

■ A. 0 . Tllley. wejleni etai glona] represenUUre for U

olvll defenK admlnis flew here from Saa FrancU ^ conferring wlUi oUier aU defense chiefs la Uie west.

Arsenic in Feei Nets Cattle I

kAll'L?U „ BOISE. Dec, IS WV-Dr.Scliiielder. aUte veterinariaj today a aample of alock n

of D. A. ar |W 8|«%-« wilder, contalntd anenlc, ( I I V a s ' U'S deaUi of some alUe.

^ Schneider said Uie ai W J j I W n l *U)red la a barrelf lK /W ifZ ty . « P»rt of at

equipment and became Impre . . Uie polaon.

1A ReglonaJ Newapaptr S en

OOkUl CItf >t>l CMaV H m ftp rr

feededjn^tJsage^ i a P R e p ^ ^to forejuUle a -lo n g - approved the commiaslon a for development aad 1. I>rojecu now underresourco. tlon aliould be completed aald almost • ye*r of 3. New proJecU ahoulUi;j country h t* “used a tarud unless they concausing aerioua wastes revlted and approved basUnued. wlU “tapover- Crttlclua of Uie rettr people." *»UUy from me ejeeuUvea itae "more crucial, of the Americaa Waterahabout a c h aste , the wlUch viewed It aa a

. "greater federal govetmI 70 recommendatlona of the naUon's mted developaient of baaias.-u proJeeU. Theae will The council Is an orgajeoon as propoeed leg- river valJey assoclaUon*.

I told reporters. Clayton Hoff. execuUveone recommandatlon chairman, tald in a statJon of all agendea tn report “will be most dUapibaain planning, w ith the many local organliaUnulllplB purpose p ro l- ursed a greater local rea

and less goveromenUl palim aare.preparcd-and — <Cwtiin.< »i-r>t>-r-Ci

}y More Spuds Potatoes Incre

re Canadian p o ta to es are being sold h« h for potato im porta , worried agriculture

e to buy up a n d destroy more U.S. spu 1 by Canadian im p o rts ,” an official of tho

tion and m arketing 1 ------------------------- 1 tra tio n told the Time[perienceed by Vet twrder since the bc Innl;

ir Rescues__________________ _uaually It high enough to

the Canadian fanner a UdI. AUtka. D ec 18 h e sells hi* lurplus buaheombs has flown more country. Some CanadiannUhl D ot Uie Ladd cxcluslvely.for Uie eupportlOUi rescue *<iuadroa lean market evea knowingunt. tota l output may have 1i up hi* llrst expert- atroyed al midwife's aatU taat jtJO io Wathlngtt

U ietkybom edm m a ,ow‘SS?ev'‘e a '^ t ^ S ? l ^

they eaa under-seU Uie JS fT ' iM m er by an average of 25XSl'SiSf’m."S ■“g ”"

? .b o « t lo « t a t ' S 'he Ladd base runway 5 ; •* “flitht WlUl the ex . ^ problem cfEsau whea Comb* l«Pori* »Ight force congre •oSplt «««"• Hewever.a i r 'h e yelled; -A ajrtcultore depttrfc

ra'fiack here.” the -war boom may absorb5radbum circled over the imrplm. Polaloes art ibj and Nurse Cog* source for Industrial alcohi efforU lo deliver a PDrchajet CUmb

By Dec. 11. Uie agrleuUia ::ombs, 34. Kingsley, m ent had purchased

bushels of poUtoes to su spa WlUl any 's ltua- price. Thla U In compari

only 13XKK),000 bushels by---------------- da le last year.T l 1 Most of Uie deparUnent'r r n n P tlons have alrwidy been 1

although approximately

P r , - . buaheU have been uaed In tSlates

o • ThU year* governmentI o 6 S S 1 0 n ha* coat IIBJIO,.1 k . /V O O iV X i „5_830(^K, IB The aen- 1050 program U relaUvely lUi began aii opica t ynalve. oTirdMsjptpIalnri

niUllKlriied It would farm , and destroying Uie -M *rrweelUiy-golf .M™ «-prlc»_ot.iLCBiiIaji eatly witness, I « t year the tame proihalrman Eales K e- *>-t« per buthel, accordi in. said May. pro- ^MA upokesmaa.1-Amertca golf tour- — -------------------

Airplane^anga nd ln lU ld W j f | | W i V p . XII of UiB auburbaa * V ‘‘"

.SSSSU" Transfers tcofficer* raided th e BU IttEY , Dec. ie -A ft« rfound alot machines. Ing arouad la a fog for n;Id the commitiee 100 miles, Matthew UmudeUmUne w hether Vosemlte naUona) park, (

u t, a wire serrlce *et hU airplane dorinual monopoly la «eld near BubleU Sunday 1m of horae race re- conUnued on hU wayannter connecUoas «mUnue hy bu

to- though. Ewnaeeuen ^p „ld have been flna had 1lly, general manager to go by but after he Iia4

told newsmen he B u t afler the pilot dUcoany of tha gang , was In Sublett Instead of 1

Uitm. They never gunned his molor, flippedmnecUon wlUi Coa* pera, bumped acroa.? the 1

about the time he ehould hlee Counael Rudolph airborne, waa picking thin evidence gaUiered wire out of hi* hair.ippear* Uiat Tony Urmanskl. who was fWr Capone mobster. W ausau. Wls. to Callfor. loceely knit organ- heading for Ogden when h

lyndicate* In C hl. log. Since he didn't know ■t Plorida Kansas he landed to get hU r nenoa, tianaas

_________ ________ there are a few fences In Ii_ , _ lh a t the fleld In whichDebated :h Officers11 (UJ3 - A h igh - W'JO-Jente official from “ — ------------ T "

,‘"bSSK SS Man Is Fmed iwetUm aUtes re - Reckless DrijtUve for Uie fed- Lloyd Ludalck. 53, Twin I tite admlnlstraUon. fined |M and 13 cosU MiSaa Francisco. Ho police court afler pleadinUl oUier aUto clvU of recWe*s<lriring,1 Uie west. Police said he was the •--------------- a 1W5 Pord coupe which• T l J head-on wlUi a 1648 PonUj

:;attleLossIS wv-Dr. A. P. the driver involved.

I veterinarian, aald PoUce listed a frosted wlof alock molasses and alcohol a t factor* « n i

of D. A. Sherbert, lo the Ludwlck collision!d anenlc, omalng happened a t 11:35 a. m. 5ilealU e . f ro n t'o f i n Jackaon atreetsaid Uie aiolasses of the other car U E. E. Chr in a barrel whleh who had parked it in froa

la part of ipraylng houae.*came Impregnated F ron t p e r ^ a of boUi o

d*m**ed. pollc*

f l _ M .

wp«r Serrlaf £ ^ 3 — C S

t w i n f a l l s , IDA

age//: j; ' ‘f ’SayScommiaslon pmpoied: - ' ^ f lnow under conttruo- ! completed quickly. *JecU ahould Dot be s Uiey conf arm with pproved basla plans.

the report came H ie execuUve commlllee ■ aa Watershed council. VI It as a boMt for , ral govemmeni coo- naUon's major river

Is an organUaUon of MclaUons.

SUtement Uie ' most disappointing toII erganluUons which

nmenUl patemalitm." a - r> tt- r c»iM »~ir~

nds-----icrease l i p t ^g sold hero than griculture depart-

U.S. spuds than;i.I of tho produo. p°Sarketing adminls- ef.*ri;.-s.^mariBe kuied u the Tlmes-News. teiepheio.) offlcUls hava beenever-lncreasing lm . i l l * IV T 'Allies Warn

program during Uie / \P r e p a r :

Defense Ae Canadians produceUie eupported Amer- BROSSELS, Belgium, Det ea knowing Uial their - U . a Army SecreUiy Pra: nay have to be d*. tj,^ jjorUi AUai^lc 1

1 WathiBgtea ”oducUon cosU are so wlUiaUnd ft communist aoi ifter paying an Import wiatem Surope. la per lOO-pound aack Opening a two-day met cr-»eU Uie American AUanUo defense and foreit verage of 25 cent*. A itlen gathered to complet : eoaU »3J0 in Wash- for a unified European ara

told tha defente chlefa th tl the fact Uiat Uie wUl aid IU porUiers' defcns< t year U the biggeal only U ll U "fully convince problem cf Canadian natlen U doing all 11 caa force congreas to take lUelf.

however. opUmUU / n * p f» « itt Marshall tare depttrtmcnl i tO , „may absorb much of ** represenUng 0 . aPoUtoes are a prime 8«ereUry Oeorge , O. Man istrial alcohol the meeUnge. He aald:base* CUmb T h e American peoplele agriculture depart- hare alepped up Uielr prepi surchattd J3,000«)0 and plan for oven greater a Atoes to autUln the la the next year . . . In U la coosparitoa wlUi all our efforU are now belr bushels by the same ed to expedite Uie organUi

our mlllUry forees and the deparUtienl's acqulsl. Uon of muaiUons." eady been destroyed, - i know you share with roximaUly a.OMWO apprcclaUon of the urgencj ten used In the ichool tltunUon and the need for i

your own efforU ,"*e told t ire Explained laters.lovemment purchtte rit«* pronam:OBt IIBJIO.OOO com- C»ie*,in>ft*m630,000 last year. The P»ce tald afler 14 moi 1* relaUvely lett ex. meeUag*. tho AUanUc aUlan [snnpIilncdfK cam tr shw uom e

troying Uiem at an PoUUon to“ withstand a coa

s aame program w it far from ready even bclel. according to a "We m ust now tpeed Upa . forU and tranalaU our p:— rapidly and aa effccUvely

)^angles=-, , , peace Uirougb Implementaire; Pilot

fers to Bus S5"S.“.‘Vn°rS,i'S.Jc. ie -A ft« r wander- elusion of our work.” he de I fog for more Uian __________________

T.F. Man He; State Heart Gi

“Sli!?!!!!?! ®0ISE. Dec. 16 V P i-D h“V« heea named a t Uie fl ganliaUonal meeUng of Uie

i f . . 2i ^ iS I : Bltlo H eart aesoelaUoa. pilot he ^ B JFall*, was named prealden

S H "Wreckon wlUi la Uiat LuUier Thompson. Twin F*3fwcM In Idabo and Pnwk Fletcher, Boise, andIn wtUch be b i^ SwlndeU.Kt)und“ Alto named to Uie board

1 a bus in Burley to J- Peteraon. director of the s t st leg of hi* Jmmey partment of publlo healUi.mage to the alirlMiB -------------------------------------

« r World’s Sp !ss Driving Koreaic. 53, Twin Fall*, was aN ADVANCE AIBBASE. S3 cosU Monday In Dcc. 18 (UJ3—The worid'a fas Iler pleading guilty iighUr p lans-U ie U. a P-8« ng, ' —went lato combat for thB was UiB driver of Uma over K orea yesterday ar lupe which collided a Soviet-made MlG-18 Jet d

1648 PonUac tedan flames whUe traveling laste oUier aide of Uie sound,

he second aoch col- ThejP-efl. whleh aet a worlt ’e-day period. Last ord ol 7C0JS1 mile* per hot drew a ITS flne for Lake Muroe. Oallf, Sept. 1( ^cd. while fully armed, haa been InI frosted wtndthield since Priday. factor* contribuUng The air foree took Uie 1 ;k collision, which wraps off lU prize fighter onl :35 a. m. Sunday In Lleut.-Col. Bruce H. luaU :kaon street. Owner Stockton, C a llf . knocked'thi U E. E. ChrtiUnsea. out of the a ir about 10 miles I it in front of hU cast of the - border city of C

ninton Wcked four M I08 I I of both can vere w1Ui him a s d three other injij, pUoU.

s \ \ ' \ W i t - -

A L L S, ID A H O . M O N D A Y , D E C E M B E B 1

— fen lly flease— ^

e t j In North Korea where mere tbaa 4M marii Korean priaonera ef war pal dews lhe aoU en 4hi

irlse killed I s tbe flgbUag aronnd U>e Chesia rei to.)

Warned j j,y Doubt' reparins

•I O Uie Moscow regional aor

ise ArmsK l,lu « . D » I I m ^JecreUiy Prank Page ported f r o m local el«rUi AUaiUlc allies to- throughout the Soriet"fsr from ready- to » candldaU f aw jrom r e a ^ w ^ tts lot*i sovleU iommunlat a«au ll on clly tovicU Uiroughout the:. The result In Uiese places itwo-day meeting ot almllar to that la and foreign mln- Pravda. commenUag. sil U compleie plant waa a great demontUaUsuropean army. Pace unity.lte .chlefa the U. B. -----Uiers’ defcnjso efforU _ _ _ . _ _ _

rSiTSIiSUSAF Lead Defends Idl

senUng V . 8. Defente

M “ Of Air ComWASHINOTOK. Dec.' Ifl

u 'e ^ B ^ lM tlo n of «estem Europe from rees and the produc- , ' , . , , . ,jn ,” The air force's chlel of al, affirmed hU confidence la a

^ »!«■ »«■ flhe detUucUon of ^ J L In “ "y** munlUona producing <

m hU roost recent capltol 1 U, '* e told Uio mln- pf^nujce to tesUfy en new i

appropriation* requesla. i.Proftam Debaled for Deeade

i t o u L ' a l S ^ 'c i ^ - ^ e v a m e o f atraleg^-alr 1 ill i l l ^ e n debat^ for a ^tcy^e. «l

the arKument, goea oi ' e««Uvely aa poe- bobbed up again ^

houae-appropriaUona mUUaj

ImplemenUiUan of force otClcials reeenUy. a r ^ d ” *w5Sta‘ w ^ Chairman Mahon. D„ Te m wllh our task and VandcnbCTg “some misguided ih„ loans and air foree enUiuslaw S,“ S.S »r 2“ '"”“?^ ______ _______ air power to win a war or a

^ , Mahon added Uiat “of courQ n T l A Q f i a hody In the mllilary esUbllja l l X i c a u a nor any well informed pera.

eart Group 5f.“A™S.5:rvS;,~ thea summed up the air

16 {/Pl-Dlrector* .bou t air power in led a t Uie firat or- gtralegy. saylag U ilr reUng of Uie IdahooclaUoa. Korea Bad Example!. Brown. J r , Twia Korea can't be Ukea aaaed prealdcnt-elect: ample because in. tha t wa.:eln. Lewltlon. and there la an “invlolaU bord. rd. PocateUo, vice you.can't uae aUateglc air Robert S. McKean. mea*ure." The border Is Ui

river, beyond which lie Uie alPoodall. SoUe. waa and assembUng polnU for ther and dlreetars are of Chinese red troopa whld

Fdndezter. Boise; omwbelmed United Natlona khelder. BoUe; Dr. foree*. Dnder quesUonlng, V

Idaho Palls; Dr. berg aald tha Yalu boundajsn. Twin Falls; Dr. made InvlolaU by decUlon, Bolae. and O. P. United NaUona.

But ‘If we are now talking0 the board waa L. Europe, where there are no Ictor of the sU U de- tha t we cannot cross." the ai 9llo health. | la quiU different, he s a i l

I’s Speediest Jet Fij orean Combat, BesiE AIRBASE. Korea. Hinton v a s aecompanled bi le worid's fastest ]et pUoU CapU Morri* Pitta. Bl he U. a P-88 Sabre ham, Ala.: Raymond (Paddy) mbat for the firat tek. Paaaalc. N. J , and Plral . yeiterday aad ahot Paul W. Brrce. Jr , Lawres 010-18 Jet down la Tena. aveling laster than They tured Uie MIOS into >

by flying a t a *very low spi ch aet a world's ree- ao area where Uie MIOS alles per hour orer pUy poaaum while walUng fo llif, Sept. 18, IMS. er American plane*. i , haa been In Korea *^ 8 had planned eur mis

attempt to tuck up those g > took the secrtcT flying a t a very low speed." H fighter only after said. "When we arrived In U :e H. lun ton . Sl. we throttled down as alow at . knocked'the MIO bie and flew>around for ab Mut 10 mnes souUi. m inuU i Sure enough. It w der city of SlnulJu. ’ "PltU pulled out four bogeyi four MIOS to clckte Ing below us and Janecsek three other Sabre out They have gat swept «

(MIQ6) Sloton •

i - r — Ni ne M g t t t

CEMBEB 18, 1950

^ R ed E s (

TOKYO, (Tuesday) escape docks of Hung blasting American pla entire beachhead coul

Bulldozers ripped a t are around the harbor

■ ■ GMFrec ----- Sales

DETROIT, Dcc. 18 ( today th e ealo of 1951 passenger cars—all afl

J' Vjt> back o rder of last Satutold dealers any

. —t celved on o r a fte r toda;a s 4M a re consignment basfs a n d :ae aoU en the grave corporation.1. C l»l« ™ » Ths GM order m id 111-------------------------- InatioD of the dlscrlmir

I tion agency affecting tr i n i i K f ?1 /U U D l i poBsible effect of this oi

S ' S ! troduced 1B51 CherroleU at

>.« fir.» Mun.u M. cent higher than 19J0 modh e fln t result re - ___ _ v ..— I...T IB'l Cadillacs have not beeU ie‘^ r i e t * ' l S r g u c ^ ^ O M had u ld PriccandldaU for aeaU “mal aovleU aod 30 Bellback Bcfnlredrmghout the union. The federal price order cdUiese places will be day, however, required. th.t la Moscow. firms withdraw prlM IncreasmmenUag, said I t after Dee. 1.

dem onnnuoa of Bulcks and Oldsmeblki OM autoe—are tu t affected

< day i Oeneral M oton trees_ USI models ha re not bea

L e a d e r ,OU ,toM Itt PonUae. 0

ids -’An iasT3w*i*w^ ; J riiUpped to you oa or aftW

rLombat SKt^’wu’SXu3K. Dec.' 18 W>—TQen. Hevt Vanden- at ttrateglo bombing numbered land arm yRirope from an a«- «P«te<l to wU back price t

annouaced aince Dec. 1, u .. i,u f . . . f f ~ by the ESA. Todayl order,

would not violato Uie ottte

l t S m s ' ? ?Ufy on new m u iu i rretfuesU. dlscrimlaalory., . _ . Ne OUier AaUea

_________ The. eovemmenf* rollbaestralegle air w ar has order alao affected 1991 C ir adecyiB, « lr> w ^e P o ri M d N a ^

F w n F <iT-o» -m ttK ir Ttm "M U Fo f a m a w id ~ aa . th e defensive war comply. Chrysler had “n

leh Vandenberg U a oUier companle* annonao Inercaaea on 1991 aiodela {

ment, goea on. T h e Oec. 1. Uie daU to which ES. 1 up agala when a off prices.*Uona mU U a i ^ ^ One-«pokc«mao for Uie a

KcnUy. -Thfy j j , taking advantageahon. D., Tex... to ld auto industry." A OM offlcii me misguided Amer- the more "patently orce enUiusloaU . . . Thla view got sUunch Ited Uie capacity o f from Waller P. HeuUier, p n a war or a ba ttle ." of Uie CIO Ualted Auto ' Uwt “of course, n o - and ofUa a bitter foe of t lllary esUbllshment. pi^ucer* ' pollUca. uformed person, haa lUuUier said he oppose. ' Ha aald he w anted point price control Uiat la i smment. Vaadenberg inaUiry and doea not eet to t up Uie air force'* causes of snlraUng ^ U of Ir power in grand spmmng costa o»

Ud Example Jordan Says Ci Touch for Bu(

ivtolaU border and BOISE. Dec IS QJJS-Ocilrateglc air in fu ll Len B. Jordan said todayborder la the Y alu finding il “tough" to cut theilch lie the air baaea rcquesU for the next fiscjpolnU for the maaea alum, but he waa determinedtroops which have over-all spending wlUiln ant

ilted Natlona ground income.uesUonlng, V anden- w hile aay surplus la UseValu boundary wa* fund ,wUl have to be flgure<by dedalon of th e budgetary patU m , he was

to trim spending "regarde now talking about whether wa have any mone;here are no bo riers bank."cross," Uie ailuaUoa "I don't Intend to run UieI, he s a i l___________m ent on aurplus." be aald.

it Fighter Enters , Bests Russian Placompanled by Sabro “They were below ua and ^irrl* Pitta. B lrm lng- ed Into the attack. Aa we dolond (Paddy) Ja n ec - we kept our balUe formatJ ,.a n d Plrst L ieut, the MIOS sUrted a h a ri r i|

, J r , Lawrenceberg, We turned Inside them and j behind them.

B M ioa Into com bat -They le t go their wtaj•very low speed" to Janeoek picked out a tari the MIOS u su a llj B rrce corerlng him. I plck<

He walUng for alow- guy VlUi PltU covering meme*. MIOS atarted going like hemed our mission’to »l closed tn gradually andI up those guys b y figured I was within range' low speed." H inton a ahort burst. I could see tharrived In lhe a re a h liung him and plecea flyla

TO as alow aa poeal- t ln u r i to maneuver and fireround for about IS burst and he started to smenough. It w ortM ." bum very bs«Uy.u t four bogey* croas- “i know I got Uiat one aBn d Janeciek called m ust have kUled Uie plbU l

got swept wlng^• ’• no attem pt to get cu t-d ld■ » id - • opea tiU canopy,"


la Itrisa t« d Idaho CoodUm

ItMster al A ijn Bvrwa t i OlmUtka AaoeikM rt9 t as4.Uan«4

vy S liip s- eds H ittiii Escape B((Tuesday) Dec. 19 (U.R>—United Nation

s of Hungnam harbor pulled back again lerlcan planes and th e guna of navy ship tihead could b« seen from a rldgo only 1 i ripped a t the frozen ea r th to carve out the harbor while navy planes rained a f:

Freezes Dealer^^ >ales for 3 Modt’, Dcc. 18 (/P)— General Motors corporatloi llo of 1951 model Chevrolet, Pontiac and C ITS—all affected by th e srovernment's pric if last Saturday.iealers any Pontlacs, Chovroleta or Cadill a fte r today will rem ain th e property o f Gl basis and are n o t to bo sold until released

-der said the action was token ‘‘pending an e discriminatory o rder o f the economic s ti affecting passen- • * * . •es, including th e - « t i . t: t o f thifl order on V O l U H t a r y A

raew^eU^w!d*Pon- On Pay, P rlally aaaounced Uiey •--, y %

treeze Pe;nave n o t ^ In tr^ WASHmOTOM. Dec. 18 u d laid price* would rw ult th a t business and

Toluatarlly free*e all pri< ck Bcfnlrtd 'wtge* a h a ^ op today a i I

price Increuea mad* n»nnU nt diftnM ipMldlBV p n c « m a » » m > « wbo M ttd notOldsmeblka—othB sa id .tseb • it ip «

ire not bees l a t» .

ta AdvisedPonUae. o t m a i i H M H f l B l K S S

aala ts :-------odel on or

u. wUl be o p j V B

L ^ t d S S to the eellloj* which may be e w l o S u y ^recUve U unfair and th I ? ^ u J * U lt t> S u M * b e

. , exploratsrT.BSAsUUbaaUtiIber AaUea ^ _ Uurn a Wkea staff, and t t ienf»,rollback.price » many produoers.ln.the n 5Ctod 1991 Chrysler, duslry U u t price ceUlng* * , models already In- j j i i y jg j r dioicult to rafo re

iler had ^ eom- tv ,J m jhe natloai_ me*

lie* announced price grestlon. WUton U realgx Ml aiodels prior to president of Uie Oeneral to which E3A aawed company to direct the new

— r S e i y i H a n D e f e i u

Council Meet Set for Tuei

nlted Auto Workers The Twin Pall* drU defen tte r foe of Uie auto d l will meet at 8 p. m. Tui lea. the d ltb lc t courtroom, It

he opposed “pla- nousced by Percy L. Lawre trol that Is dlscrlm. rector of drlllan defense, a not get to the baslo I t will be the first meei ling cosU of living.” chief depuUes and their ---------------- Lawrence re(;uesU all depu

SaysCuts 2S Sfor Budget «S'Sv.“£T.S=„'Sr».S

lo S “.L i

2’S Sf Jre any money in Uie .

Soldiers Escap ------ Injuries in C

ORANOE. Tex.. Dec. 18 C/ ty-flve soldier* of Oklahoma'

O Thuaderblri (4SUi) nations_ _ dlvUlon carrowly mlaaed er

r« M l n ' n A Uat night wbea their bus om L l X l a l l l ^ and caught fire. Thlrty-twi I « — V A •oWler* and the drtrer were

Mowuswd w h e a ^ The men wera retamlt

s f i H S S “ p.u

. l h * . t o . U l* .,d out a target w ith ^ ^

r l t h t a ^ e I ir t CO ^t wa* e x t i n g u i s h e d l S s e e ^ e b S e U Ui* main fuel tanl I plecea flying. I eoa- ' uver and fired a long PO U O STBISES AOi tartod to smok* and BOUE, De& U OUO-Hly. publio healUi department; th a t one aB right. I today another polio caa* tad the plbU He made a IS -y ea r-^ Kootenai oouget out—dldn t eren TliU brought Uie auto 's pof," - for-UM 7««r-te ISj;.-

---------------- nrrrMAGIC



tin g U .N B eachhea

ted N ations r e a r guards protecU ng th back again M onday under a p ro tec tlv s o [ navy ships, Including th e m igh ty MIbsoi idgo only 16 m inutes' walk from th e sea. carve o u t a now and tig h te r defense llm

rained a fie ry ehower of death on com forccs besieging th e lai

_________- -fofithold-Jn n n rth eastB| r ~ r Big nm* wltsin thn be

and oft nary ahtna nff.hor I V- V « oonUDUowiT while Uhlled

H o d e l s 'iO H tarr **mirity wviTer

corporation fro re r«Dcrtin» of the n ti i r a n d C ad llkciment's price roll- reaUd almoat enUreJy oo t

Uilri dlrialoo.i o r Cdlllaci, « .iperty o f GM on a reporu *ald the red* wiill released by th e eentiaOnr north of Htmgr

■' line of hin* that nm down,, the defense oertmetK.

pending a n exam - Pimne* of smok* t t mconomlc stablllza- eqotnaent aad shell bm)* V “ Uiebe*a>he«d.AIltrooo^r' * ■ ■ . msad post and staff penon. l a . wanted to *leep with thetrtary Act ly, Price

' __ Nary fighter* roar*d oot1 > A w i ^ a ^ b»40*er

s e I r e U Q S deck* oo the ir carriers andTW i . / « _ . Wind a* high a* t t knot*. <

SUSS’S S !babl* n o t m ore ia -m u m iB fla tttt fired by 3 f ^ i - w h n e e ^ ^ S ' '

r.sns U.J.leb • ( tip wa* oo3* t t i i t&tdB a- f v r d a /f -»r j S i d i -b u a -flt U u (oel

I K ^ ^ le a t lo * t S d . m S B V K

y offldaH were eaU- t b T m S ^ b S ^ u l w e flriag .orier would be giren

a t celUnga may be (naroDrUte ta n e t» wei ly on b « f . ^ ^ T wT u . a o n U eA -th e * ree m » U w u n o r ^ a a t , tha e t PauJ-«»d *ii

k* would be largely T ' a I p i I a X l P lA *mi haa UtUe more U l C U U X A C Istaff, and Uier* are »oers.ln.the m eat tn- f - ' A o p a . . . I . h f f ,le a ceUlngs would b e W C O i l l l '

iaUoai_iaoblljMUon _-a,A*n m iv m v^r-i* hoew c « ^ ^ ^ *g» A wCdcaf w ilknurcffT nil nn U realgolag a* Toledo. O , Ujreateaed I

S S ^ t h e ' s f f i w S f !reet Uie new ageoey. trac t setUement betweea ra

“ - u d carrier*. _

Defense iS ffii'S S frr; 1 Meeting

m . J _ wlUila toe next 48 hours.»r Tuesdaya* drU defease coun-t 8 p. m. -njeaday tn K r S ^ i

0“ three line* a t TWeda t rey L. Lawrence, oi- worker* alao failed to worl an defense. _tie flrst meeting for • ■ _I and Ihelr atafls. ^ poony

w . r*pre*enUUre said t tu wall

elcomlng addres* and * ^ t oegolUt ^ liman, chalrm aa o t ^ hope i t »

. 100 r t . r t m n n b m w lM c tto ,appointed by Tues- Big tla c a Effectedasks all of them to l h * Unes affected a t Ti

etlng toe Baltimore and O h io .'^ _______ and T.fV«» a i e . and the De

T l Toledo Shore line._ E s c a ^

ies m Crash p &s . . Dec. 18 MV-Por- ]and. D etroit and Chlcaiof Oklahoaia'a lamed Carrier l epresentaUres IISto) naUonal guard had met a t toe White Herly missed eremaUoo 3:U o’clock thU mmning wI their bus orertu raed negotUtora. refused to cate. Thirty-two of the tbe walkout.D drtrer were Injured.

S Lone Man Stj BoIdBankHiTUC80H. A lla, See I

lone b aadtt Staged a dartai in only by toe grace rtlckup of t lu Bank of Doo I . „^.n f i~ W l... nlngston street branch ben

® ' r tooae Inalde got out. ^ aU.DOtnU bun ttln wi i g u l s h e d before I t th a baadlt.laln fuel (ank. w Sie o a l a . i W * & : S---------=------ • a D d a b e a tW M B v ^ a iTBISES AOAZN ager J . IX

^ o * w * t o S S o 5 f S 5 » p t o S r t o o ^ S « ig y r t w l oounty glrf.tbe auto 's poUo total 1 THe Ufldnp a i »

■' 9“ rTTrTWGIG.LEY—n O N

P B IC E S C E l^ T S

ee4 = 5 = .N ., -iea;d

o te c t in g t h e v i ta l p ro te c tlv s coviff^ o f g h ty M ls s o n r i T h e om th e s e a . d e fe n se l in e l o an

a th on c o m a a n lf l t e g ln g th e l a s t a llie dn n r th e a s tK o r e a .----------

w ltsin ton beachhead ' ahtm nfNhore >n«red while Uhltod Rattoof-back..- ...........I t r Tena AeUea •mirity n m en tM de- Une of toe altuaUon | lachbeadfaxt Uiere were ' | that the defenw tuw | t enUrely oo the U. & i . It attacks a n tn s t th* I «*ed off Uonday. Atr ' I . tha red* were eon- I orto o f Btmgnem tn a lhat n m down lato Ui* oertmetsc.

smok* t m s ta ra lag a d shell b m U Ttnged d.AIltraoD«,*Tea«am- id staff penonasl. were eep wlto toelr weapons tody tn ease of a nsw : aimed a t drlrtog tb* tnto the aea.k*X*eOer*re« Isr* roared oot t» blsfl Iplte le»40*ered .flight l r carrier* and gust* ef I a* t t knot*. On* pilot t forced to mak* aatnHli»| OQ g IWfll alf*luQgnaB wbll*'

te t*fget»’Were fom d. onlaera—the Bocbaftv P a u l-a a d (Upportlng

ready were laybv down Ore arotmd tb* beach-

loTieup s Threat -

fTDHriSedT-U ilk o u t cffTniInm ea-^==—

toreatened today to itretch drtre for a ooa- en t betveea rail tuloa* ~

r r i n k i * g e o « l ? i i p w ^ ^ ~ id felt some bope tha t |sfiv» f«TVf lalght

ntoKiId wage dl^nte ext 48 hours, te toe Immlnenoe of l e s t memben. o f 'to * of Ranroad Ttatnmen

tng "Sick" a t midnight X a t lU e d a Day shift fafled to work; j

Mriy naeed

ng bere w lto eArler e said tb* walkout wa*

and would h u r t oon- Uon*.ied hope t t would ool Bar senUmenU' were to e country by otoer official*. A t Chicago.

rice prtaldent ten's tmlon. said be w u tem ent would refose to h e wUdcatten stay oot. tla c a Effected affected a t Toledo ai* re and Ohio. Wbedlng le. and toe Detroit and B line.u t wa* expected to tie ta n t G reat Lake* tran*- i m ter wbere .raH .JtneA _L _ ’ork, PltUburgh. Cler*- t and Chicago merge. presentaUrea here, wbo toe White House mUI bU mmning wlto m lea refused to cconment ca

tfan Stages Bank Holdup

Aria, Seo U 4U9-A staged a daring dayUght u Bank of Dougla* Pen*»et branch bere eariy to- • Ksped w lto m jio o . a

a ta bnllettQ wa*

? o o B ^ * i » : M a . i b

Page 2: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh


li - D ea th Q aim s I A ged W omar

In T w in ^ 'a lM n. Anon* IH nncr. TB. <J1«

, T «jn. Bundty »t the Twin I bom» of her ion. Henry D tanfr. ■

I had b«cn 111 ft lone time.' . Sh« WM bom J»n. 10, 1871,r - ~ ~ O io k » U l* , T«nn.-8h« gm m aulc t ;;. D»nJel P . D inner In IMfl In Over

enun»rt—T«a i w l l n y -ffjuIiU Jl" n r S l e s r o a T E a r w u i w w am rK

---------- tw w i7 'rm -D ee.-8«.-A ^iD »m t«the-LD S ehurch. the reeelTed endowment «t ths 6»lt U ie ' temple on M*rch 37, 3B12. i

|i D»nner h»<l Ured In Twin FaJU »lm e .

:j Survivor* Includa h tr husb*threa dBUghler?. Mn. Amy 8Id«

I Los Anitelej; Mrs. Edna DuUI Prow . Utnli, Iind Mrs. Pearl WeU

Rl«r»lde. Calif.: three w ns. Ht ' Dttmcr. T^'ln Fall*: Leo , r " Big Dear Clly, c» lif, #nd Arr ' Danner; Provo. Ctah: 41 ir»;

«hlJilren and 70 crMt-rrandchJId! r. and two eieil-Rreat-ttrnndchlldilli , 8h# also U survived by one broU

Mllus T. Bartlett. Twin Fntls; i two sb len . Mrs. Ardeila We

ii Oreatvllle. Ore., and Mrs. E tta BoI man, Burley. Four sons and i1* dttuihter preceded her In deatli.

Puneral jcr^-lce.i will be held » p jn . Wednesday al the Twin F: mortuary cliape!. Elder L.-Z. Bi lett of the Twin Fnll.i LDS (h ward will be In charEc. Burial wlU Blade In the Tu'in Falls cemetery.

M ad S n iper I' Is O bject of i P o lice Alei1 i PinLADELPIUA. Dee. 18 W> Scoru of police, worklns around t

,1 : clock, today hunted a mysterlt 11 ' “mad” »nlper who has killed t I person and wounded six others

the clly'< residential Oak Lane si jj' tlon In the last six weeks.' Tho manhunt—de:<crll>ed as I

' areatejt fn PhlJadelphla’s histanbeKtn Saturday night after t

' h year-old housewife was slain by{'' ffimman police believe responsll

for six other shootings In the »r T h ere 'i no doubt a msnlic

, oa the loose," said ona pollc# offlc' *^nly a madman could have coiI , ' mltted these acta."

. Have Few C1ae([ Ha admltCnl polfce h id fewI ' to fo en but said, "We'll stay. : tho Job unUl wo le t him."r Mr». a a lr e Cohen, .wife of

Junior high achool teacher a I mother of two tm all children, i

killed by a bullet fired throu I closed Venetian blinds of a kllchI. while she was washing dishes.

Poliee cald the killer apparen fired from a Urrace across the sin

; from the house.I Saw Olm Bhadom

TTtey said the man m ust have s« dim s h a ^ ^ ^ o v ln g about behli

S o”a r t ^ ****Pew. person* aniwared knocks <

I the door or ringing of the doorbePolice disclosed th a t shortly b

I , fore Mrt. Cohen waa ahot SaturdiI ' night, a n-year-old youth, Jo!

Dlener, was fired a t by a mysterlo assailant.

! Man Fined1 Ernest Tomlinson. Twin Palli, w

commlttM to the city jail when 1J_______was- unabia to pay a <io fine Mo

a r r b wllce cou rt—lle -rle sd— --------

Tnmllnson wbj arrr^trd nt'5 p.' I ' Baturday-fey-clty-poUco-»lto-««

they removed him from beneath parked cnr tn the alley ftt ths re

------------of -th# St. lUgls bar on ShoshoI ttreet soulh.

7 I The Hospital'VlslUng hours a t the Magtc Vali

Memorial hospIUl a ra 'from 3 to ,1 and 7 to s p. m.I) AD^^T^EDI Ouy Vickers. Gary Shaw. Har

E n te r. Mrt. IfaroJd ifulder. ai Mrt. Byran Plott. a ll Twin Fai:

I Mrs. Joo Machkcek. Mrt. Don Koard and Mrs. John Baty, aU But M n. In 'ln Kevan. Hansen; .M Norman Cope. Haselion. and Nol

' Fothtman. WelU, Ner.(, DI6>nRSED

H. L. Keriehner. Mrs. John Pier I M «, Oerald Kelm. ^Jrs. L. U. !J' Calmon. Mrs. Paul McClure a

daughter. Mrs. Donald Anderson a I daughter and Mrs. Chester Vlnj'a

and son. all T n in Palls: Slerll j' Moss. Jerome: PYank Itussmi, Eagle: OrvlUe Henry. Klmber:

Beulah Doihwell. Murtaugh a Marian SUat.i. Filer. .

i W eatherTrom AP and Up Reporta

I M»*le Valley—MotUy cloudy iDl(hl and Turtday. Continued m temperatum. I Il |h Turtday t>i

' ’ 75 in Marie Valley knd urar 3ilCamai prairie. Low tonlilit 55 30 In vallfT, 20 to.23 on pralrlf.

Sutl„ii I

Ifl Bur l W' i l — li :i

ll'j ______ ~ !o nB | N « Y o j r i '- . r z i i . : ! ! sj

H lil [ s*it Uk» ciirHZZrZIZ |J s'l

I , ■ -- ------------tJ oP Twin r . t i . ___________ <1 :iIf ivtiaincio* _ _ _ _ _ _ IS :»

B aby Photos' , ODB.SPBCTALTI

LEEDOM PHOTOE ntrance on th e alley

bealde Wlley Drug


I g i m a Keep th e Whltfi F. l a U n S ............ o f Safety FlyJ

'^oman n ^ ' alls 1ner. TB. died at | . P Vthe Twin Palls j Iiry Dtaner. Bta ( I vtime. I f I .a . 10, m i . In ir ^ I

TntfTied w - . - If— - jMfl in Overton 11 -,_ff9Uld_M ye. ________ \ _______i wMQlsrBBni* —tl ..... — --A^m»mbef.,oJ J-..___________ ^,e received her N ow o n e d a V w U K o i li

d c a tK Irt o u r Lla.M t a .

her husband,arm Incom e

J. Pearl Wetter. •, ,

r.s;’"br,7 D ips bhgh tl;f , and Arnold . -w t "lh: « grand. 1 ^ 1 K j l C t I P-p-andchJJdrm. ^ d o t X C '

WABHINaTON. Dec. H flJJ aHn FolLv «^d F»nnert got allghtly leu mone;• w W.M, their producta during tho fln

”’onUu of this y e a r than durlni'inn , on*cr in death111 h? hMrf .L 2 department reporU d today.

Twin Falls Income dacllne was sm[^r L Z Bart, only one per ccn t. I t was altrlS ifffl f thirff ^ smallej* 5alf3 volume.

L r ia l w !l be National farm Income up to D Iu e C ile rv »25j00,000.000 <m cemetery. | 25,M3.000/»0 for the i

................... period In 1049; - - - •ExcepUonallj heavy market

this month vou ld be requlre< . bring IBSO to ta l farm Income u

r t f ' i28,137,000.000.w l However, fa rm e n in nine it

, _ mado more money during the> A l / i i ' f ” months o f lOW (han they

r M v l t last year. Tho sta tes are Michl rw.. IR II-. _ Virginia. NorUi Carolina. Qeo; , Montana. Colorado. Washlns

California wheit . ot markeUngt were eqii

i .K L Ji’Sher than Ust jr t J ..1 *^” 0 Income from the salt wiK um e flcc- jiv^iocij for the first 11 months

u ^ i .K. >■«*• toUlled »14j00,000,000-al iCTllxd as the,t V fter livestock th a t went to ma

1 . U was tmaller, bu t price Increases ve » t the decline )n talcs.:s In the area. , m • i

.i.S™;*; Man Facmg Trial On Check Chari

Claet JM"** Lee Roach. 19. Lexlngh id few clue* Nebr.. waived preliminary heai

m Monday in Justice court on a chit him* of forgery and waa bound overio1 w lfi of a nw l of district court ur

U * ^ e r and * «

f lr e d '* ^ U £ h allegedly cashed a foi» of a ^ h S check in the amount of USing i s h e t T»'ln F»1U llore for wller apparently Qfflclalt algned a compl•rws Oie s lr t« «« Nov. B, Meanwl.ross m e s« ie( ^ P tc ku d at

■ moblla from th e Ashworth Miaaowt company and waa apprehendednujlhaTOwen. gan Bernardino. CaUf. He was about behind on the a u ta P oMle th r it^

^ g hbo rhood , a u i h o r l U t « 3 f l | ^ ^ H H M while 130 p tiii

pSlioN InW^bne police* xj,jn g « n r^ j7 ii» Bnnd4» - n » l m h block of ^A ^ According to a h e r lfn depul

ed knoctt cn Roach ha* adm itted cashing run r the dwrbell. out checks on local merchant*

e*Umated In excess of MOO. • . t check for w hich Roach w u

Monday wa* »TltUn on f a myswnous Fidelity NaUonal bank and coun _____ tlgned by B urt Palmer, Filer.

Driver UnhurtJail when ho Ml

130 fine Mon- uninjured when^ W - Tilradrf iMl om ttoL etb la-au lom obH e^

ceBietcry.road_atJ.pjn. Sunday ■a«nuniedHn=tfte=a!tch.-Th#-ai

£ » i i S t ^ldded_cm the-lo«e-«nom beneath b mLlhap—BTl3=TnV«Wg5TW?y"’ftM hV «sJ Sheriff Ron Hawkes.

on Bhoshone o m c z n s INBTAtLEO_____________EMERSON. Dec. 18 — Hera

~* | ytlllg. ClargmoDi Qranfn.Jn^ta

p i t e t- '' Charles aasklll. Mrs. Wayne h

e Magic Vallty Mrs. Earl Freymlller tn d Mr*.• ■from 3 to 4 Schwatjier. HoAtesses w ert. >

Florence Hansen and Margaret hiD nil.

ifulder. and | _ _ .1 Twin Falls: M ajric ValleyIrs. Don Hoc. n itaty, aU Buhl; UnCralSHansen; .Mrs. Ion, .n a Now. - P a n m l . o t Icmp n Oeorge Flelcher will be held a“r P-*"' Tuesday a t tho Methos. John Werco. chureh with th e Rev. James M cmur. «M Methodist mlnlj

lA nderion^M B, PartTu-ln Falls MelhodUt pastor, c

S i u S S ^ ’a* for Mrs. Arronn Benoy Danner' be held a t 3 p.m. Wednesduy at

Tuin Pftlb mortuary chapel i I P I * Elder L. Z. B artlctl of the 1

Palls LDS th ird ward In eha P Reporti Burial wlll be made In the 1 Illy cloudy le . eemclerj'. ,Continued mild „ --------Tuetday tin r FALLS - Private fun

tnd Ufar JK oa 'fn 'lcfs fer .Mrs. Ethel Coates Di tonlibt 25 (0 h»»er will be held at 2 p.m. Tue;

sn pralrlf. ^ o Re>-no1d3 funeral homr.terment will bc made in Sunsei

^ mortal park.

;:l i ii ““y ino .-L IS T E M to th ao io tii■“ Ij tona o f the exqultita

= ■! I r yK raJomJl o ^"^idip?^ **** **


‘ T w »-tr«d»U ioc»pM»HOTO /e alley CLAUDE b r o w :Drus l u MAIN AVE. EAST

whit. n,i! Amei’ican Is Selected Ski

School HeaV ■ BON VALLEY. Dec. 18 (ff>—' \ first Americsn bom man to h

• the 6ufl VaJfey tU ictUKl wsj\ pointed Monday.

Ofllclsls of this Union Pac--------'raiort Ubbed Jolm Litchfield, foi

er DartmouUi college Rce, to beetV _ _______ cxecuUra director ol the ski ach

it* type in the world. j n H I H o i H T ■ 'n tS irieid -R iK tea i—o t t r - r1 our Uaoto VI. uluy Ume to motion p lcturt producUc

Litchfield mm'cs Into a rei I — ’ formerly ruled exclusively by Zti

pean*.» / \ n t A Tho 3i'year>old Litchfield '

» 1 . 1 ' high school there. He skiedl O f h t l V Dartmouth from 1938 through 1n J and won the nallonal Iniercollegl

• \ T Jumping championship t h e 1 ? l Y f t f l r h b college carter. i t X C a i , member ot the V.Dec. H 0JJ5 — downhill and slalom teams al' leu money for Pan - American championshipng tho first 11 Chile In 1B37. He was cn the »pe<than during tho Jumping njuad of the 1010 Olym

i'the*iSS i^luro iS 'eieeuU vt director. UUhflI today. will hetd an expert staff of 38 ne was small— structon. many of whom aret was attrlbuUd nowned as professional skiers.ume. ■ .......... ■ ■)me up to Dec. 1 f -k ,Krtt-SS; Demos Count ‘K "TTS On U nderdo"h : : : : Aid in Batuduring the f ln t WABHINOTON, Dec. 18 OP.than Chey did Democratie letderf countcd (o<

s are Michigan, on American sympithy for the irollna. Oeorgia, derdog In atlem pu to rally lupp1. Washington, lor Becrelary of SUle Achesonnla where tha tha ftc* of formal OOP demarIt were equally for his ouster,than Ust year. Two Influential Democratie stm the sale of ators who didn't want lo be quol. 11 montha this by name lold reporters they thl0,000,000-about publio reaction to the lUpubllcir. The number stand mty help toUdlfy tupport :ent to market Acheson If he iiayt on.e Increases off. TramaD Detemloed

One high administration author---------- who Mked nol to b e ’named tirr T r i a l President Truman Is 'absoluiely ti X I l a l termlned" lo stick by Acheson a■ hft* no intention of yielding to t. L / l i a r f f 6 Republlean groups In bolh the tc

19 Lexlnswn house which voted lin l n ^ h S Frl<l»y their belief th a t Achesi r t ^ a charge has lost the confidence of the couund ovV w tho ^ ‘hoH'O *“« roplased.•t court under O" the other hand, reports clrc, » « umihiT(o U tated In tha t Presidewa* uname lo ^ to quiet the Ot

uhed a forged oPPwlUo"-mt of US on CenflnnaUoRllore for which These reports—and they were:1 a complaint vouched for by anyone In author B Meanwh Ie -w er« to the effect lhat If Aches Packard auto.' roUht ask Ch ihworth Motor ' ' ‘'“ O” ^ ‘ j>l>rtf,.naM la ■ J '” ™ ,.S '; ." ‘ If He wa* n a . pctlfollo.

u ,! f r jh .? S l If thil happened, ll wa.i said f itiney-Genera! McGrath might

line lor a court appointment Clifford, former president

S 3 r i adviser now in private pracU attomey general,

rlfr* deputle*. cashing numer. merchant*, so

u of MOO. The oach w u a r.WTltUn on the k and counter- sr, FUer.

With ^Jured when he W f I L l I ^;omobH« o a - ta « ---------- . . . .ro. Sunday a n d _______ ______tch.-T ha-auto-le-Iooee-gnvel.-------------- a <Bv«wg5T«=i>y r n l 1 1JTAtLEO18 — Hercchel |t r i = t h e r' and M n. were Mrt. »it'scoials

ral services for M n w L

uT.' j a s j I A | \r t B. ParreJt,It pastor, offl-« made in ths — n w w B B M I M S

uneral sen'lceioy Danner wlll f t t:dne»dny a t tlie •7 chapel wlih It of the Twin m ir lUard In charge, e In tha Twin

Private funeral w k W V - J ^el Coates Durk-2 p.m.Tuesday

leral homr. In .! In Sunsei Me*

I ’ Illo th ag lo fb w ,»{T £ 2ixqultif* [SJ 1

— i i

-Make you CamelM



“ * . r i T w i n F a i h1 T T J C. E. Mertie. Twin P

t l H P n H I* home on a leave from /X navy. He w u recalled to acUve ite . I I w v - m . >“ n man to head *'■ ®<»ttle. _____

Student Ham.Union Pacific Russell arrived In Twin 1

L l S l d . S ® to ipend the ChrUt« tn vacaUon wllll hi* pareni*. Dr.

Jlogucilllt. _. .

___ L. J. Peterson, administrativeUrt production. ^ ^ departtnm" w t , public health, aad Dr. 7 . O .C ti

jslvely by Zuro- of uje department'sfi.,-v,M.M . . . venUblB disease division, both B

In Monday to a" the touth cenlral Idaho health

i ! m w a . a n ,in u t,.u ..p n ,b l .m Intercollegiate _ ,

5'£.‘.™cr!“‘ Bergdoll Pleads J Guilty to Chargrn 'K M Of Draft Evasiile 1010 Olympic yoRK. Dec. 18 CUiD-Al

r I. *,.1 M Bergdoll. 3J. whose father was“Ctor, UUhfleld nolorlou* drafUdodger. staff of 38 In- j_ pieaderf guilty In :

'■h“"? "•al eourt today lo dodging nal skiers.---------- ■ Peflerel Judge Bylvtstcr J. F1 ___ . te t Thursday. Dec. 31. for ij O l i n i tenclng. Bergdoll faces a maxla

penalty of flvo year* In prison

e rd o s “■O H I* father. Orover Clevel Bergdoll, hid out Irom fed

O U t t l C agents In his famlly't Phlladelf mansion for three yeara alter

Dec. 18 UP)— fusing lo rtport for Induction counted Wday w it ,

Ihy for the un- The »on, a 155-a-week cleric Hi to rally aupport in « cold.water flat on New Yo ale Acheson In t ^ t side, "was more open vGOP demand* ,1* d r if t board. He wroto theo

letter saying; lemociatle sra - - j ,-ui n d report for a phyt: nt lo be quoted examination on Monday; not lert they think other day. ellherl I wUl the nepubllcan f ^ j be Inducted Inlo the a n llfy tupport for fof5ej_ j/ #n attempt to Induct ” • U made."amlned

$175 stolen From Store on Sunds

i S t A th i^ n P “ n t company. 333 Main avei J S «orth. netled $178.44 to burglart t

their entry early Bunday. iVivJrLi Ptrru. F oh« entronco was gaU

hy breaking a window In the r . Qu“et Uie OOP 0 ' the esUbllshment. Ttle tl quiet tne u o i ' currency, was taken from ■

desk of John K. Angerbauer, mi ‘•t*on nger of the tlore. Small changeI they w^ren t tiling ^aa token from ne In authority ^ u h reslsterlhat If Acheson _____________light ask Chief • ,

Band to PlayJEROME. Dec. 18-The Jero

II wa.1 said At- high school band and chorus, um rath might be the direction of W. S. Klrcher, ipolntment and present a concert a l 8 p jn . Mont ler presidential In the new high school audllorit private practice Band members will appear for ' neral, first time In ihelr new unlformi

th Stars who

leir throatsr^ COOL,MILD

W E t S !

m ^ r -W ^ : ’

^ak your own SO-Vsy, ,Came!MmEZTkt-

inpur'TZm''lH ortliroM , TlorTo»t»J - "


1 Falls News in Briefa o b ts M ett

ertle. Twin FaUs. The TMn Pallt Camera club >7 leave from the hold a polluck Chrislmu dlnne led to active duly the old Moose hall a t 7 p. m. T ha* been tervlng day.

_ VFW PaHyTwin Palls Velerani of Por

red In Twin Palls War# wm hold their annual Ch;th# ChrUlmu m as-part^ a t 8 pjn. loday at

pareni*. Dr. and DAV hall. There will be a gift ussell U a student change.

— ' __Blllle pprkwHl arrlvfd^in 1Palls Bunday from California

dmlnlstratlve dl- ipei^d Christzna* vacation wllh :o department of parent*. Mr. and M n. Arthur Bi Dr. T. 0 ,C a n r« . w lLt-Sho U a student a t Los epartment'* pre- gtlfs Trade Ttchnlcal Junior rlslon. both Boise, lege. ,Monday to aasUt --------daho health unit Held* lle a r la n I problem*. Clyde WllUamt, Boise, tppeals----------- - amlnder for the Idaho employn

security ageney, U holding hear J T l c a U S here Monday and Tuesday on c y i l of fraudulent claims. The hearC h a r g e hem* held a t the Idaho s

tEvasion ZlTZ'— "'":. 18 cUiD-Alfred M em bm of the Amertcan ! 1 father was the ,ien dub No. I wlll meet for a i drafUdodger of luck dinner at tho home of 1 ed guilty In fed- b«1« Tltui. 444 PUth arenue « to dodging th# » t 7 p. m. Wednesday. Member*

a*ked to bring their own tabI# trlvtstcr J. B yia j t j . ................. -5. 31. for sen- tees a maximum Blrthin In priton and a daughter w u bom Mondaj I each of two u,e Magle Valley Memorial ho#i:

to Mr. u id Mrs. Nortnan C rover CleveUnd Haielton. Bunday births Inclu ; Irom federal gon* to Mr. and Mrt. Wad# Quli ly-t Philadelphia »nd Mr. and M rt Joe Macha year, alter re- ,n Buhl, and Mr. and M n. R*

or Induction In Young. MurUugh;~ind a daugl to &fr. and Mrs. Pranklln Suhr, B'

week clerk Uvlng _________________; on New York'a _ „ _ ~

T. F. Group Sets . <«. Yule Store Houhwl‘ 1 will « “ store' hour* for Christma* shInto t h e m e d P'"''- “ *« hy the Twin Falls hi

I t to ehanta- bureau, call for a 8:30 {5t to induct me ,week except Friday when stores •

_ remain open to 9 p m , A. 8 . Bo

I FromI C ! i i n # ] n i r Bockwlte said rumon tha t st<i O U n a a j will be open until 9 pm . each e[ burglary of th# n 'f* Tuesday do not ref all* Glas* and MerchanU' bureau policy. Bc 3 Main avenu# itores may have late etore houra. to burglart who u id . but such action Is Individ

irly Bunday. policy and has not been consldenco was gained by th# Merchants’ bureau,low In the rear A telephon# check with severaliment. Ttle |17B. mcrchanU disclosed lhat nenttaken from the them had made plans for late st

igerbauer, m an . houn except on Friday evening,mall chang# to* —token from the f a r .M sold

E.MERSON. Dec. 18-Mr. and V.----------- O. Q. Praegltter have sold th, D f n i r f&rm and are moving to Rup<' JT i a j PraeglUer will work for the rallro .8—The Jeromed chorus, under oberlln InsUtule, now Oberlln cS. Klrcher, wlU leje, opened In 1833 v, lth 44 tludei. 8 p jn . Monday as the first completely coeducatloilool auditorium, collete-ln the Unlled States.appear for the —------------------------


'J l OS -SOUTH PAaFiC=TOir■ - • ! tmoke the cigarette ibst agree*

*. w ld ta r ii im u -C im e h r


# STAGE STAR; “Mp c ip irrtt# ^ must be mild, I imoke C tm els-

_ dicy agree with my ibroatl-

MOVIE llERO: Hlie r^ lt j 'lp l.r ■ra far (rom taty oa tar voicel Camelj suit mr throat to a T l "



i r i r f q ' ^ ' e Projecr---------- P lan le rm e(

P resen t Ne«_ As major facton In a lon«-i

nrogram. Uie commission n tran* of Pore tai mended expansion of jM d r« l*r^nSklS! tlon »=tlvllles l ^ g h ^ ig a m. today a t the drainage P^tectlo i^ r111 be a Elfl ex- development of federal hydroele I* ” nowfT projects, and Improveroer

_ mland navigation lacIllUes. r ~ — ■ ------------TOe-« tn m tB to '»-rtv tr bailn

n Cailfomla to fftcton os W UrJhtd m an«5«ii c a U ^ w ^ h a tioo i conlrol. municipal waterr t p lj« , navigation, hydroelectric j dent a t LOS An- irrlsaUon, pollution abaten

SS"“4p.SS_ and insect conlrol.

ConstrucUon of major daou lolse. tppeals ex- the Columbia river should be p a h o < 5 S K " t ed, the commission tald holding hearing* The rtport reeoimnendea coir ruesdty on cases Uon of such dams as Chief Jo IS. Th# hearing* on Uie ColumbU river In Waah Uie Idaho sta te ton. Albenl FalU on tho Pend Ol olllce. river In Idaho. Hungry Horse on

- FUthead river In Montana Hell's canyon on tho Bnake rlv«

American P en . Idaho u toon u featlble.. meet for a pot- -Work should go forward on0 home of M rt. ColumbU basin Irrlgatloo pn fth tvenue east, workt and on some eupplemt ay. Membert are aupplle* of IrrlgtUon water,**r own tabi# terv- report tald.

7718 ‘ w nm te lsn 'a lso • »ald'p«- developed a t the Columbia b

dam* m uit be marketed a t tmllbom Monday a t rates and ihat'anU-speculaUon :[emorlal hosplul should eonUnue to apply-to a l

Nortnan Cope, rtgated lands.blrUis Included . -Transmission lines, fUh lad

». Wad# Quigley ,n d spawning ground rehabllltaJoe Machacek. *nd watershed rehabilltaUon

and Mr*. Ralph deserve early priority," the re*nd a daughter „i(i.iklln Suhr, Buhl. one major advene fac tor----------- menace to the upriver talm on :

n I _ m iu t be set off against theI p j3 6 1 S ef the Columbia for irrigaUon. n^ - - gallon and power, tho Hours ________

Payment for BiUrry evening thU SOUght III COUw h e n s ^ r ^ l l

e h i i n ^ balance of a t233 bill for med■ «en,-lces. Is being sought by the I

non Uiat stores Adjuitment B u r e"nm each eve“ =• A- Summers, Twin P

d f not n n e c t “ e « 'P l‘lnt llled Mondayt)oU^. Botne J^ tlc e court.

‘ eWre houn. ho "n 's complaint tay* Ute orlg>n ll Individual ‘’I" lne“r« d between Bept.been considered “ h** P®’'”'*jfeou ceased afler IIBIJO had been pwith several lo- J- »• Barnes, represenUngted that none of adjustment bureau, asks foru lor late store unpaid balance and cosU cf theJay evening, tlon.

Dance PlannedEDEN. Dee. IS-Eden high scl

tave sold Uitlr „nIor* wlll hold Uielr seniorIng to Rupert, m g p jn . Dee. Ti In the scliool gjlor Uie railroad. na.ilum. Serving on Uie various c(--------- ------------ mlttees are Oene Klelnkopf. Jlow Oberlln col- Holland, Donna West. Pat Briivlth 44 tludents Bob Thomlon. Jim Newbry. £ly coeducational r * f . Rpencrr, Jim O rant, Lo1 Stales. Juehau, Coleen Wright, Chatl--------- ------------ i,.t;>cricof>, Lee Sterling and DotB WANT ADS. Sallee._______________________

F r tfT S n S i SONGSTOESS! -My own SO-Day teibsiagrtCf - T ett was /u n -ao d coavlncingl - m e h r C ta tU *«re« with a r ibeou}"

f r c lgarettt ■ FO M AND RADIO STAR: "I >ke Camels— focnd the aiuwet to mlldaesj iuosil* whea I cbaoged to C ^ e l il"

k J o h n p a f t i d a

e roles I play BROADWAY STAR: "Smokinc ■a tar voieel CamelsdsyafierdiyprovcdCaoiel - a t t o a T l - m lldacM tom er “


^ one sing

1 . V - «' "Ot.a ,hr„. th r . ,u o lh « n d „ d .o fm .n o„j

DAHO ‘ ___________

f s ^ n T o d ^enned I-----------------

_ _ - - E d ElUolt and Tom JJovtr ^ f I V A A r l dbeuislng mUltary matters111 I I C C U puyful pup ignoring woman’*„ - <!«» t« PostflfiieeI In a long-term l* te shoppen lining up a t inmisslon recom. office windows with armloadof land reelam a. CftriJtma* parcel* . . .•DJck \rough irrigation, and Oliver Johnson sUU worklnprotection: rapid Jaycee welfare wagon projecteral hydroelectric Mr*. Pearle Aldrtcn. d raft boardI Improvement ol retary, teUlng young Jellow hoadUUes. get to reeruiUng offices . . . Mait-rtvtr bailn plaa CaMlI .rarrylni-Chrlftm m pact.UKTTnclUd#'such r r r w H o lm f o -o I fe r ia r eomn itd 'm an«5«nw jtr on the -weathe r- ; . -■ Stuart-eiclpal w ater eup. sporUng heavy Jackel wlUi biydroelectrie pow. red lining'. . . Johnny WllkcjUon abatement. acUng non-eommltUl nbout eoa. fish and wild- em Cailfomla weather . . . Ond sUt, aedlment Dalgh and Robert Kem s appan

oblivious to oven-warm officemajor dams on Walt Feamster conferring wlUishould b« push, penler . . . Dr. David McCltald. cleaning heavy layer ol frost

imended comple* windshield of hU aulo . . . Be'as Ctilef Joseph oUitr driven going down street

Iver In Waahlng- heads stuck out side window iI tho Pend OWC# not bothering lo Uke fro it off wigry Horse on the shield . . . Two fellows sUndln

M ontana and sUeet comer waving hands as1# Bnake river Jn discus* wmeUiIng or olher . . .feasible. endar fan making the rounda toI forward on the up ealendan for 1 9 5 1 .. . And crrlgatlon project heard: "He Just finished hlsne supplemental caUon during goose season wllaon water,** Uie getting any Beeae.”

Shiibl bSJ Services Held for Xnin Falls M;.p p i ,- u , .1 1 1,-

r,.t fi.h Arthur were held a t 3 p jn . Moi« Uie LDB first ward taberr

h ?h iu tau in a ^ Bishop Cleve Egbert presK habllltaUon alw tnvocaUon was given by Jrity, the report Speakers were p. P. r

^ O' Tolman. AfcJ Ja e n t lacto r-U ie , vloU„ joJq virlaiver Mlmon runs ^Ite benedlcUoa w u glvei a g ^ Ute w o p. ^ s ic n . Jr.

■ IrtgaU on. nav i. pjijbeart„ were Clifford T. J Uio commls*lon rlchsen. Alfred Johnson. Junior!:

sen. Dale W. Henman, Karl Preei------------ and Dlcuj.' n r " R i l I Cleveland Egbert dedicated .U i U l i l grave In Sunset Memorial park.

S State Tax Office S S' m.1S Now in One Splent B u r e a u b q ise . Dec. 18 OI.FS-Thu t ■itn. Twin Palls, collector’s offlc# finally .led Monday in , jing]# te n t today.

. , , The last unit In tho Ux collec ay* Ute original ,g „ c y _ ih t tax collector’* ol etween Sept. 35. itjeif-shlfted from Uie first floe

‘ 5°. UlB new quartera In Uio sUtehthad been pa d. bwement.

epresenUng he Except for P . O. Nelli's office. ‘ . # .K last of Ute unlU was moved Into COSU of the a c i,„enient Baturday.

_______ Tax Collector Neill said ho wart 1 to be Uie last to move becauselanned "«t want to b« •*avanable" inMtn mm. .cl.«ol to m K r U nlu .n J cli.In.heir senior ball .Uie school gym. < S 9 H r T ! T I T T T r T 3the various eom- j M e L U i ^ U E l L J 3Klelnkopf. Jean .oDYotja

S i J K h o u S a T w iI Grant. Larry t j o T T y / *******p o p »right. Charlene | | V | Z J * ling and Donna f t

. p r a n M s r i o '

coavlodoel - n)ybuiioeu,my.voicecomet£ml mr th to tzl" I t a o i i mild, a i ld <UaeUl“ - -

> STAJL- 1 hiUSlOiLCOM EDYSTAEi’Mr to mlldaesj throat welcome* Camel mlldattt. imelil- AndleoioyCamel’l tk h f l t v o t f

: "SmokinB TELEVISION STARi "M r t t i» « tnmlCaael sure scu a workoot, to 1 tmoka

ths mUd dcaretts - CAMEU'


lin g lecase^du tit sm iiM ^C A

ot not.d fhrool .p..1oll.». « ft.r a tefot r f 3,470 ,W ^ anil womsn who imeliad Com»l»-cind only C«ii<»U“ |*

Todaya Ton. H o r» a ra ( j ^« 7 m altert . . . T»Jring womaa’* or- i \ l f t Ilde postalliee . . . ^ V e p ^Ining up a t post- Thrte WlUl armloads of "*“>t*dlaeorjS,!»k,^ ■3 . - .iDJck Wait# *4t i-e-e on SUU working on Police. fagon project . . . Police bettn u-.,,,, ih . d raft board tec. f ; « a.n. t^ J e l lo w how to Welch. p rices . . . Mary Jo * 'th ao iytomobuTw^ Thrlitmiit hyrVnt.. E. ReynoIdL^m offeriar a uumeim “ «Jw*tieetien ot g, T-r-;-6tuart-Bwia- “ ^ - ^ - n r w r i ^ jacket wIU, bright ^ejnoMi. dn.w *^ Johnny Wllkertoa * « maki-J^ L i ltu i nbout eouth- avenu a n : ^eather . . . O. W. ^'hen lhe mljh»j t Kems apparenUy !^*’'=h ,»f 1»» Uw i-warm office . . . of boa, ^)nferring wiui car- ! i~ police m. David McClusky “ ‘o vliion ef bou, i n ,a layer of frost off eoUljiea o1 aulo . . . Several t ' *“ P'™- t •e late lg down ttreet wlUi *«tb iaide window afler Otow:akefroit Off wind-ellowt sUDdlng cn n » C-ts

i S . r . S a ^ o S. finished hi* va- AC,

« « • » ; .L________ _ 'tA tlo n a t7 ;:0 p ,a ^ ir

, _ ______ tection of Five PtirJi _

a e m l o r Olenn. Klmbe,l7 ^

i’alb Man KJ&p’S S "f o T Lloyd M. Me- , **o-nuitiorj-iie=i-[^ a t 3 p jn . Monday «nne<Uoa tiui U<

t ward tabemacla .e Egbert presiding. —— _ _

.T„f5“?£J;TwoAreHuinan. Me] Jen:en9lo and Vlrla Bell l . a r I onttflo :Uoa w u given by l^ ea V eS

BUHL, Dcc.1», b e Clifford T. Hln- ce)vrf«ratc.'ieiiaih- inson. Junior H an . ajn. Bunday «ha tt,' nan, Karl Preemao In which they «

highway and cfu.S6l i rrt dedicated the (tme on nn Imjiuos t Jemoriai park. Castleford road -------------- Raymond Upuia. x

: Officer \ n X trolman Jack U r t i, One spot

8 m u - m . ,u t« S i c J J h ' j h S i S ; :|i.= . I M . , . . . a ; ; , ™ " * ” '” '*

collector’s oHIce received ecratcht»S» n the flrat floor to the automobile tna i In tho sUtehouse were damaged.

. Nelli's office. Ute'as moved into Uie T W IN FALLS I

5U1 said ho wanted >’<>•« A. P, 4move becauie he A n m u i

I " a v a n a b le ^ Uie ornl

u A i L i u M Masonie T«b ro n v o tin 218 Second Arc.

“ ’ T i ”"” ’ i

■] r l T l • AD SOJOHHW* K

' ' i s ~ “ O P E R A -S O P ^ ^ n o «com et£m l toIcs io much 1 *wm CameliJ' - - - 'O tm tll M d ihej wi» P

■ S T M i’U r S H M T S C A ! ra .n » lel throat Irrltstloo. Mf t « ^tk h f l tv o t f w dcoaei Ctmel



Page 3: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh


f c a n t r ” H « ^E .e rn ian O d d !

^ ------ ByBENBT

K , Sessionu ' - Blclurtl or unkind, pleu

Of*®/*’cuus ol Job he ha# . .It-* • ' “ ■■ I” '

K l W ° « r w -niuiwlM. Wby7 . . . U t I »i«n bceom« thi

ihert* '!- p r e s i d e n t of I m m ^ ^ ^ r n l i S »!'’«*'’* bulk or of » xml-

» e r » l t y . or i B S s * ” - ^ 0 ihrte-sU r genera:

W i S ^ T i ‘,‘„ S S lo i» i>»«‘ "

K fw c* * ^ bein« thought ofy o u i i J - . - T h e * .

pUyen. tnnH .<i3 TOl«J W P*P« columnlala,

on Yet. in my book, year* »re there,

■ • ^ ^ B i m t l i e n M - you’re »ltU ^ bel f c | g » ^ ^ m pletfd- desk or loollng a

club down No. 1 hlghwB » *U1 I** I w n «*«B ^ ® * ?r^m J4r meeting publle of the U.

E .°ss ,r

r a c sR ^ t i r i o ^ B ut on the bril ■^^Q ioiRl to <Joniie « h j j r t Uft<(j I ■ ^ i l 7 Cbriilmns Uf»l by the pitlures c ■rSTeCertoJ DuehcM of Wind, ■ i i e a i t a ^ hotn*-Mem- y , , ,jgclc of tho U ~ gxtti »nd bftkwJ when- iho doeked K M i i Recipes of thew jgnUy, thereby pi

tsm l^ed with u , , rumor that tired of traveling

■ ^ M f tn p r e M n te d by je a r together, ^ C o ^ a tt and Mrs. E. S . I must say, thou{ ■ ^ y e l by Mrs. Jack Judging by (lie pic

amack. U a seeonc ttn ter\-ed by Mra. The avcraee l&-yi

^ C f j b . a . W. McHen- or high achool ful K ^ j l n . w. O. Typper. -------------------------

fc s fu d e n ts ■ re O peretta ^^EjD ce. IS - ’Die first I K^ ■ t2 ia Oellevue school |N , — —^ B e p e r ttla n t 8 p. m. -TTI

II Till be followed ^ . I Bt-J,by the aeventh | g Iand tlie annual ^ r m »

^bC U ss, rpoiuored by ‘J f /■ J B S

K R * r t lU Is “Cljrlst- i V■ i b a ' Un. Murtai Dl- t iB r x m Uw jon. Mra. > 7 voVX■lateiili aad John M. \ X f| l i i i t i : t t ' / \ y \ ^■ l i n *11] be played by 4 ^ ^ Wfl i n t e l , Unda Worth- f > jT ^ roA■ bKicI. Velma Walts, M l ! A i ' f X ■imejlrtaMoron. Karen ' V t - r ■ ifalj iws# Chancy, nay ^ • .^ -n ■ lto Eitc.'i. SlndA Dald- . ^U i■AU-Ka. Ralph Price, ,V

P ‘ ' “ ” P’i'“ ”'‘ . « BURNIS------------ -------------,)► cast \

H Howhcnd B&A Dk, 18—Mr, andE i c e iDd family Imve ( O Bockcnda .i^ E C lU ie City vhere ( /W etlr HD and broltier. WV. 4 ( ^

W « hll departure ' I C u . ^HlU,, to fill a Ncw M f ^

■ t o nt-elon for Uie J r -jlf

& | = l PITCHES Isp Mi d m . . . Id- • ‘

I E 5 ^ ” '£ h . '* ^ "■' We-iEoTi■ — rw io D . - -_ s iie n tb u u c r» - ;■ c n b e h f p - — ------------------------

lu im co GEivLOlV W. PSon* 2SI-J >M Main Atti

■ L ^ w M Ih liflinD

I F o r H e rI ANI


dree%I 'A K IE R rC A ’S FJ

I II '*a _ II “W c Ir----- -------------------- ------- I

I ffc»rf?HOr(cr.a SECOND rx o o 'n -

Eink’s Rambling Rema )dd Things LUte RunBy H E N nr McLEMOEE h li royal higlmeIj aad end* of a bargain bise- der . . . -w hat mind: Will w me reader. Und e#rly tralalna li

Z ~

1 -------■ t f \ r win- r A

J prim a< f /fcStin..-.- , , to iic tp as wor' i M M i a ' I ta pillow U lll,have you ever heard of a <8- r

)Id Western Union messenger —-thought of or referred to aa f* ] J T V I J <

■J. . . The aame goes for b ise . L . > j T u M f :pUyera. truck drlvera. news. ~ = ^ = Scolumnists, and firemen ^ ._______________ ___________

j» my book. 40 la « . . . Tlie ,are there, brother, whether WARMTH /sItUng behind a mahogany THATlS T

So “ ? ' & r ' ‘ T H A T O U fn QUlle aure the enUret reading W IL L ALV^

of the u . S. U heartbroken L ^ . he rlJt between LU and Nicky, H | Eng the beauteous gal who Olenn Davls in favor of a boy w V wpapa owns a mesa of hotels

lost of us Amerleans had bc- _ V ^ , as aecujtomed to stories and es of LU and Nicky’s wedding ^ i J \ X ^ s-w c-w errto tm nnom ta f cof»- —. To tlilnk th a l this manlogc, gave every promise of lasting v two years, haa gone on the \

lo-*u«h-»-*hort-tlmel------------ -imkMaZ ion the brighter aide, wasn’t Our fuel oil

leart Uft<d tn tha very clouds n im lifv nKv e pictures of the Duke and a l ' 'S3 of Windsor a-necklng on r n o n c 1680 cck of tho Queen Elliabeth Bcrvicc.ahe doeked In Ncw York re . ___, thereby putting an end toim or tha t they had grown M e f T y ^of traveling 600.000 miles a

ist say, though, tliat the Duke. ■ W A f I by (lie pictures of the royal

la a aecond rnte kisser . . . j . .vcraee l&-yeDr-oId soda Jerk h achool fullback cnn outklss

th a t ma

F i g u r i r

‘ ■> Selection


B o n o C ^


Horsehcad Q 9 KBooVcnda_____Pr. O t u D A L S O ^

<**** jp;;

* O th e r Item !

■ We“ al»o have « nice aelectlon-or plat* braaa 1 entbuiIcr»Tr7_Trfty«TrrWflH H t i i i l l z n H i a j

EivLOEFlCE_SUPPLY C()0 Main A ttn o e re r th -----------------------------— r -------o r g N AH.THlH ^ L I L T I L a f .M.


n o E R s o n sIn Twin FaUs

i e r C h r is tmAND ALW A Y& -

G iveH erA

'free e tinqhouseRICA’S FIN E ST SEW ING M A CH IN E

B j ^ ChriBtmas■ B f l * w ith the purchase

V l 3 Westinghouse Snrlng ^ 7 YOU W ILL RI

D p i o o r t - •' « iJT

_________________ TIME!

Remarks Hit I roll a n d M w ira itu m on the llgl

(Rumble SeatconveruUon by

jyal hlglmeas trom here U> yoo- a blow-by-blow ; . . . -What the Duk# lacka U f L ' — —

training In the now forgotten lie s e a t . . . Speaking of rumble ^, do any of you middle-aged \i9 remember double dates end how K ilher fellow tried to get you to S f

so he could havo the dear, off -swept privacy of the nimble ^. . . I have had boyi to u t me ale wheels of their fathera' c an W ,I ll waa even money that 1 ^ Ai plunec over the f lr tt cliff or Sf- MInto the nearest trM.

=Tlme~foniK to •’ilen rpnw d o r -i t f —.-.Y eo n e rc r-h ta tm e n ib e - te - ’5 ^ —ttp as soon as their heads h it W j illlow talking about thU knack f c '

JARknH AUO COMTORX w ' ^T H A -n S T H E T H W © - , ©HAT O U R S O O D O IL g fVILL ALW AYS B R I N ^ U ^

r fuel oil if! of un ifonn m ility, alw ays the best. K ■)nc 1680 fo r friendlyvice. f c v E j R

I 1i t i n g G i f t s Mth a t make tomorrow’* fc '


B eautifu l China Baflo w ^ COLONIAL W I I I ■

Figurino Lamps Ww ith matching shades s

S S ____49.50 I W

DECORATIVE I {ono Chino Picces W F o r

o m ! l . “ „ . . . . 2 . 0 0 - i - $ ] . o

• Vases ^• Aah ReeepUcle* S f• F lgu ra M• Moay olher Kenu f c ‘

attractively priced a

ic r Ite m s by Dodgo »s te m Animals ^ « - - -:ureB ®;te r openers in priccd WIffh t g lcam in? brass & — - ^ - -

lato braaa by Blake ' —

-Y C O ., Inc._ I I j I I........................Phone 874 © .I J L H P iW. - M j a y s -

■ ."■ G i f t

------------------------------------- I F o r

If f c AND

S I U n d e

IU m a s I


ssr. Down f c $ 3 * ( Hl i Monlha ^

n n ^ H cnBaUnci AND

iriatmaa Gift! ®purchase of Uie rree- f c '

ise S n r ln s Machine f f '7 W ILL RECEIVE e0 W orth ef MaUrtall<r <holf«<.f frtii« • • .torturer, or «olwii in • "oa*sa of <elu« *b4 piium . . ■


I t Is Uloae’of Ul wbo tooa and h a p p e n ito m *and smoko another dgare tte and c a n t go to a l ^1 on the llghl to read ano lher plo c a n to topter, who talk about it aU th e about how he: - . - We clutter up IntcrcM lnj . . . “k'eruilon by ln.ilatlng on giving Among the plow-by-blow acsenptloii o f whftt to death are ow

« l ^ ^ 5 ! g ^ ^ ! a l s ^ s ^ © a ^ s I « ! e l s ^ S ! S «

C 'T _ ’

11]G ifts H I

For H ^


U nder!

_____________ AND U N D E R ,________

- G i f t s —

For M M$ 2 . 0 0 I ^

U nder! H m

J____________ AND UNDER_________ -

' 0G ifts r

For )

”f° 1 1 U nder!

• yAND UNDfciR

V I S I T S A N T A ^

F A U i S , I D A H O

n n e u to u a when Wl CO to bed and can . . . J u iti t go to aleep . . . How peo- car thal U uw, c a n to . listen to » fellow tell drlfe on the «ju t how he can’t so to aleep? ihU country la. U rsu esa la none. a dtvll ot a UmUaong the people who annoy me lljry can hardljdeath are owners o t foreign make acling mpcrlor


Y ' 4 ,^ '

TOYS! I -00S k „ " J S T * I ®“

\ • Chocolate -flnd T ea SetsI • ' W ind-up ToyiI • R ubber DollsI • Mnke-Up Kitsf • T inker Toya■ • Tops and CaraI • W hite Black Boards

'' For Her!I »;

• T ussy Bubble Bath• W rislcy’s Boxed Soap• Scuffs w ith Caso

/ • Glove R in ^• F am ous Brand Cologmci

• Chinese Hankerchiefa• Selection of Billfolds• S a tin Hose Boxes

For H err O " !X stree t Roor X "

V -------------------- Tlea**------------

^ -#^iEi^mDUBlBraBd-Cobffni I • L eather, P lastic F ab r

_____ I _ P u rsesf f • Woo! snd S iik 'S c a m s

— -m- - - J L S l t a a J e ra e y B 7 5 5 M fl^ ^ Nylon Hosieiy

Slippers!. r . 's . Z

• Children’s felt charac slippers, suede moccaal: fe lt cowboy slippers

• W omen’s quilted sa tin

7 m ules, suede or quiltedrayon satin ' hioccasins

• Men’s sucdo, leather hs solo scuffs, all sizes

For Her! -J®®' V raablen Cester ^

X M— « J i a W

\ • Beatfona Bras and Oarter &I • W am en B ruI • ’ree Bhlrtt. lon( or abort, ale I styleff f • Tlasue r a n i i Blmuee, abort■ aleere atyleif f • Short Sleeve Plald Shirta. I■ River Tabrica.

Slippers! ^ 0 0■ ' O » "• ehlldren'a hard aole, *lp, leat

high allppera, ahruUngt, leat: soft soles, rv o n uU n «^i"f ity popular "8<iueaky".illppen.

■ , • Women's rayon aatln allppera. ' trimmed moccaaina, leopard fi

y rlc m occulni, thearllngs, b l patent Cuban heel allppen, 1 ’•more.

• Men’a auedi and leather lUpp• Oompleto dtB ran te


rs . , . J u i t becMise they own a these anoou rlr thal U uneomfoctable. haa the ever rlda tnl*e on the wrong aide aa far aa . . . They'd be «U country la concerned, and bave or bumming rlitvll ot a time getting spare part-i. American can. f)' can hardly drive the thing for Lel ’em go loting luptrlor . . . I I would serve kind ot can E


n201 Main Avenue East

= = T O F


r E v e r y o n e fI For Him! 1

SSS; Id T ea Sets • Fashion C ra f t Tienfl • Nylon SocksI • Rayon Dress SoclciI. • Wool and Rayon 1

9 Cotton Shorts• Colorful Teo Shirti• W hite and Border

Boards Hnnkerchlcfs

i o O I FOR T H E ■ HOME! I

U nder Domeatiei •. ■

e Bath « Selection of Towelxed Soap ^ Luncheon Cloths

• G ift H angers id Colognes • P lastic Aprons kerchiefs • Pillow Cases, w hit Billfolds pastels'o^es 9 Bath M at S e ta '

2 00 I I C hild ren! A

Bm=S=G!oTCr ” -^-CoTflarorCrK W lO T. r - ^ r ^ f e 3 5 a s ^

Qd-ColoffDSS------1 i^-ShfTrtrfilpgvff a ]w r t.Lstlc F ab ric • Famous Brand Jeat

_ _ • Colorful Cotton Cr k S c a rv e s " • GIHs’ Cotton Drew TCTgTWH— ~~ ^ _ > 7l nfB P tf -Nylon-Psn' 7 ’ ' • '^ a b j^ S h o e s

0 0 I f o r T H E ^

iit charac te rle moccaains, # Lovely selection olslippers . . . aah trays, vasesIted sa tin e tte holders, floweror qu ilted po ttery figures, wallmoccasins and m any other delleather h a rd G ift Ideas from wl

ires choose.

3'00 I I For Aim! ^± KS O

« .» . • Broadclotfi Pajam avl Oarter Bella ^

or ahort. aleeve a• NylonGloves

cmaee, abort # Boys’ Cowboy Shlri• Swank Jew elry

Jd Shirt*. Dan « Barclay Tcc Sh irts

0 0 I FOR TH E ^ HOMEI ^

D nder Demeitle* ^ole. *lp, leather Fleer

S X / k K • W hite S h t.1 .r.iU ppera. • Luncheon C loths

Shower Cuil U f f b u S ; • Sheet Blanketa^ allppen, and • Cannon Towel S e t

.v -~ — • G uest Towel Setsk a ^ r i i p p e n . ^ Em broidered.Casci


lese anoou right If tn th e / eonld . . . Uada ta Irer ride to w u a forelfn ear. terwted.. . They'd be walking baU tb* tim e, (D kM et^ Vr )' bumming rides from ow nen of —- —merican can. T he ro*e li 1 Let ’em go lo Europe and aee w bat t o June and tnd ot can Europeans try to buy aa the blrthst<



Jast In Twin Falls PI


IFTIIDEne Q n Y o u r Liii l-o® S lip p e rs !e r i B t ra a >1e«r

C ra ft Ties • C W ldren’a warocks P « r« ; bonny fiJ ress Socks f lan n e l Blippan id Rayon Scarves . • W om en 's sllppjIhorta IcatTeo Shirta shcarllngfl

md Bordered • M en’a fe lt alipjh iefs Com plete size i

^ I Children!

. o tT o w c la . • G i r l . 'C o t to n sn Cloths • I n fa n ta ’ Anklengers 9 I n f a n ts ’ U lttezip ro n s • R ay o n PanUes.^ases, white and # G ay Cotton T(

.t S e ts ' • I t f a n t s ’ T o j.

t S 3 o ^ - - S c t s = = = = 5 lR 3 M m e n t-B ^

~ • B ed r Z m: : •

N ylon-Psnts--------------• -S h o w at-S cn ifeoes ~ ir~ B a th M at bets

2 00 For Himl iH e a l D e p t . 8lrt«et Floor

• A rro w Ties, ra lelecUon of G ifts • F am o u s Brand rays, vases, cigar- _ers, flower bowls, • H ickok Beltsigures, wall vases, • T ie Rackay other delightful • B arc lay Teo SlIS from which to • W ool Scarfs

- • - • Suspenders

n! 0 “- I For Her!'t. TTfi.i»» S treei IToor>r ^ 0 r iew e, ^ • • F lan n e l Nlgbtl

t t P ojam ss • P u rse s , leatheiihlrts, whites and p la s tic

• Cow hide BlUfo ' T “ o ,.,- . ■ • S U p srla c s ix in twboy S h irts ^ g j i j t Nighties ewelty « E v e n in g Bags Tee S h irts « S U ppcr Socks

0 0 I F O R t h e HOM EI

Vnder B eniew arts„ B u e a e n t*

• l& -pc.B oya!K neeta G lass Dishes n Cloths 9 C lubA lum lnui 5hower C urtains « C an d y Dishes' lanketa # A sh T ray S et Towel S ets ' 9 H e a v y Alumii owel Sets T ra y slered Cases . • S a ja rs lb lf t Flc


-------------PA G E TH H EH ' |

. . . Uada ta D e t i^ It fiM 9^ to* teraeted.(Dfateftetrf W K«Kig»W and taSfc b i J 1

T he ro*e ll recarded u tb a Sowert o June and tbe pearl o r moonctane ' aa tbe b l r t h i t o n e . ------------- ——:— -


s o n s IP h o n e 275U ’|S

m =^I ' I

Eu r L i s t ! Ipers! l-oo I 8a I g

ild ren ’s warm fe lt slip* mi ; bonny fo r tiim m ad Sone] slippers Sim en 's sUppera in ray o n 9in , fe lt, leather an d 9 /sarllngfl , f ln ’s fe lt slippen Qn p le te size rang* M

d ren ! l - « » I |

rls* Cotton s iS fe 'v /T C " S'an ts ’ Anklets^' ' g •

a n ts ’ U ittens Syon Panties, Girls* g

y Cotton Tee Sh irts 9a n ta ’ Toys . - 2 ..

L5 e ^ j f f l l u n a « r

TOCTt B ag s- • ^ ? a ~ r r ! :

J PUlows" , g ~e c tio a ’rfT inydB -w a r-S ca ffs - ................i a g - ~ -tn M at bets ■ ^

Himl O®®, I aet Floor Arow Ties, rayon & k n i t Qn o u s Brand Dress nr ta jC:kok Belts SR acks X

relay Teo Shirts xo l Scarfs 9jpenders 9 - -

H er! I |Ol 1

in n e l .N I j l i t l e s Srses, leather, fabric, Q .bUc S '•whide Billfolds apn~lacH ti'lmmw^ grwpoy fffti t N ighties Aen ing B ags mppcrS ocks t t

1 7 3 1 ] Ilaement* . M-pc. Royal Ruby A nchor XISS D ishes S lib Aluminum 10" S k m rt JE•ndy Dishes' '" S ; -lh T ray Sets f f l . ,savy Aluminum S te a k ' 9 . ayaija rsIU e Floor S if t t f s ;

Page 4: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

^ U tH »» »«p»4 «Um Bill «1W» *J ? , K II Wftc« ll T»li r*lli. Utba. itlff t»« Ml •> M»r«> I. Illl. |

■ „ c ; > 4 S 5 S f f i t / S r a , v . , a ;

■ S: • «: s a - . r . r . —


f t e f e ___________ -

' ------------3 1 1 ” j! —-D rih«« nonli* ---------------- ■ -■■- ■ { *-«* |

:' ’ ...It All twllf* rw U iJ Ir »' M o tin vt tM»I ot c^P«»al •

-M U »ubllih»l •"»». »l>l ^ »ubll»J»l la i»»TtBrt<Ur iMU. «t Uli l»rff p.natnt to I h . W-IOI. »»>• C»4«. ,

” «7tsT-»ou.'inA” coI*iKC** ji:« Htikrt Sl'Wi. 8i» rriMlMt. C«l».________

EX C E SS P R O F IT S T A X iA n oxcesa profits tax irp p a re n tly Is go in g J

t o bccom e Ifiw, s a l t wns d u r in g W orld w ar I t - I f I t does. I t wlll bo a v ic to ry fo r a sym bol,

I n o t Q tr iu m p h of reason,i T h e ta x Is viewed In m a n y q u a rte r s aa a »' nece .-aary bnlnncc for th c d r a f t in g o t m e n . *

• I f m n npow er te to be c onscrip ted , they a ay , ,t h e n 50 m u s t cap ita l be. i

T h e re c a n 't be nny qu a rre l w ith t h n t p ro p o - ■o ltlo n . E very scRtncnt of A m e ric an life m uB t J m a k e fa ir sacrif ice In a tim e of s tress.

T h c o n ly question : Is th 9 excess p ro flta levy « t h e r ig h t w ay to exact p ro p e r sacrif ice f ro m i

'b u s ln e .is n n d Industry? ■ T h o ev idence sugg rtla th e ease fo r I t h o a ,

n o t been p roved . As had been p o in te d o u t i b e fo re , th e re a re s till some 22,000 Ind lT ldual t ca se s u n s e t t le d since the lo a t wtir. T h ey s ta n d x a s tc a tlm o n y to th e confusion en g en d e re d b y th is k in d of tax . ^

M o reover, w itnesses a p p ea rin g b e fo re c o n ' g s re sa lo n a l com m ittees thla f a l l h a v e te s tif ie d t w i th o u t c o n tra d ic tio n th a t d u r in g W orld w a r n o n ly o n o In s ix c o rpo ra tions p a id m o n e y to ® th e g o v e rn m e n t u n der the excess p ro flta la w . ^

N o t ev en th e m ost a rd e n t s u p p o r te r o f su c h t a t a x c o n ten d a th a t I t can b e a p p lied w ith o u t g a p e d a l p rov is ion for young a n d grow ing c o r- ■ p o ra t lo n s . B u t I t Is e x trem ely d if f ic u lt t o _ a r r iv e a t a fo rm u la th a t w ill r ea lly p ro te c t th o ^ n e e d e d e a m ln g s of an e x p a n d in g I n f a n t p

: c o n c e rn . ^ E x p e r ie n c e In th c p a st a n d te s tim o n y In

c o n g re ss In d ic a te th a t m a n y execu tives b e a t , t h e la w a lm p ly by spend ing f re e ly eno u g h to ij I n s u re th e r e w lll be no e x c e u p r o f i t to t a x . p W h llo a l o t of people m ig h t la b e l t h a t u n - P p a t r i o t ic , n o body h a s y e t dev laed a w ay to |] co p e w ith I t . A nd everyone a d m its I ts e ffec t

' la In f la tio n a ry . u N o rea so n ab le bu sin e ssm a n la p ro p o s in g «

to d a y t h a t Induatry be a llo w ed to e scape ^ h ig h e r ta x e s w hen everybody else Is ta k in g i t Jj o n t h e e h ln . W h a t m ost a re rec o m m e n d in g la a h ik e In t h e reg u la r c o rp o ra te incom e ta x e s w h ic h now ra n g e up to 45 p e r c e n t . B a c k e rs » o f t h i s p la n a rg u e th a t I t w il l b r in g th o g o v - ^ e m m e n t a m p le a dd itiona l re v e n u e w ith o u t ^ t h e c o n fu s io n , a n d in e q u ity a t te n d in g th e j e x c e s s 'n r o l l t ^ f tv y . ' t

. B u t to e odds a re a g a in s t I t g e t t in g a n y ­w h e r e In t h e s e n a te . A p r o f i ts p la n a lre a d y ^ h a s p a s se d th e bouse oT crw helm lngly , a n d

.s e e m s j u s t a question of c h a n g in g c e r ta in o; p ro v is io n s o f t h a t bill. b

T h e h o u se m easu re w ould ta x 75 p e r c e n t o f a l l e a m ln g a above 85 per c e n t of th e level o f ^ p r o f i t s a v e ra g e d du ring a c o m p an y ’s th r e e ir m o s t p ro f i ta b le ye a rs In t h o 1040-49 a p a n . e I t a a su m e s In o th e r words, t h a t o b o u t 15 p e r m c e n t o f e a rn in g s In th a t p e rio d re p re se n t ” a b n o rm a l g a in s due to the p o s tw a r boom. I n v

— th f r - fu tu re - I t -w o u ld 4 a x 4 h a t - i 'c x t .ra ” ns If K .' —- w e w - w a r - produced .— ---------- T t ---------------“

. . „ I n o n e f f o r ^ to m e el th ? o b fec tio n s to t h e “ — 'w a rt im e I b w I th e house p ro p o s a l -c o n ta ln a :— «S T ero l-c sc n p c-c la u ffc s’ dc3lgned t o ” p re v e n t it

u n d u e h a rd s h ip ; a n d sp c c la l p rov ision la ni_ m a d e fo r grow ing com panies. T h e re Is a lso m

a_ r a th e r c o m p lex optional fo rm u la fo r f lg u r-_ _ i n g « ce53.:ear n ln g a .o n - th e :b a a la .o t a f ln n ’s : j - in v e s te d c a p ita l. '

O n ly ex p erien c e can te l l w h e th e r th e se - f e a tu re s r e a lly m a k e th e p la n m oro w orkable . » B u t If th e r e la a n y obvious w ea k n ess In th e m , id I t la th e s e n a te ’s du ty to g e t r id o f I t now . w

B lnce c o n g re ss haa co m m itted I tse lf to a p - p r o v in g a p ro p o sa l th a t Is above a l l a n e m o - of t l o n a l sym bo l, th e le as t It c a n do Is to p rov ide t h a t sy m b o l w ith th e g re a te s t possible d e g re e , m of p r o c t lc a l substance .__________________________«

_________________________ hi

H IS W A S A TO U G H JO BF ew people In th e c o u n try c a n Im ag ine i*

h o w g re a t a s tr a in Is p la c e d ,u p o n a p res l-d e n t la i s e c re ta ry like C h a r le s R oss who d ie d ®ja t h la p o s t ]u s t th e o the r d a y . gi

T h e P re s id e n t, of course, Is one o f th e p rim e n e w s so u rces In th e enU re w orld. W hen he ip e a k s , lt '3 news everyw here, a lm o s t 'a u to -m a tlc a l ly . F o r th a t r e a s o n -h e m u s t (o r a t Sl e a s t h e shou ld )- exercise e x tre m e cnre In hw h a t h e sa y s, e ith e r In o f f - th e -c u ff c o m m en t « I n n e w s c on fe rences or In fo rm a l s ta te m e n ts .

T h e p re s s secre tary Is one o f those on w hom ^f a l l s th e b u rd e n of decid ing w h a t o u u h t to ib e s a id a n d how ; of m easu ring w h a t th e e f - cif e e t of p a rU c u la r words w ill be u p o n th e n a - n t lo n a n d th e w orld.

A t b e s t. I t Is a n awesome ta sk , A nyone c a n ?Im ag in e w h a t h is job m u s t h a v e ’been lik e uic rv ln g u n d e r P residen t T ru m a n . ji

------------------------ _ _ _ _ _ ^T R A N S P A R E N T C A M O U FLA G E

R e p o r ts a re .c o m ln s th ro u g h t h a t R ussia’sP r e m ie r S ta llri h a s sum m oned key d ip lo m ats pt o M oscow from th e va rio u s Soviet aa te lllte «

• c o u n tr ie s . T h e re ’s some fe e lin g a con fe rcnce Is ? t o t h e w in d to discuss sp r in g s tra teg y forc o m m u n ism in Europe a n d A sia. a i

A s u s u a l , nobody is a d m it t in g a m eetin g Is ^a c b c d u le d . T h e dip lom ats h a v e , w ith a m az ing ^u n a n im i ty o f purpose, de cid e d e i th e r to v is i t \ t o p R u s s ia n doc to rs o r to taike a " re s t c u re ”iQ th e S o v ie t u n ion . t

O n ly tr o u b le w ith th is 'c a m o u f la g e Is t h a t \c o m e o f u s rec a ll 4 h e l a s t tim e a K re m lin |s u m m o n s w e n t o lit . F o r a f e w of th e s a te l lite ,v is i to r s , t b e “r e s t” tu m e d o u t to be p e rm a - cn e n t . ,

— t T l ie r e a r e s a id to be 2,000.000 h e a v y d r in k -

e ra In th e D n lte d S ta te s . S o u n d s p r e t t y s ta g - y-B e r in g to u s l ...... - t t


w i T U C K E R ’S N A T IO N A L f

^ W HIRLIGIG•WAeHINOTON - TTi« *ut«moblU mMiufirturtn* |

, «uieunc«m tnt of Wfher price* for e u t ihoektd th t , t i j l economic plMiner* «t Die «*piu \ u rtolenUy u the '

------ KorfMi dl»Mt«r upMt the mlUlirx jnen »t U» Pen-tABOn.

I tM P n , ^ KeyKflln#. chUnniD of UI I.M ' ' the idvUorr •eonomle council, uke«

•• the t ie r U u t there U no JuiUHc*- i> ; i l ! : ■. \ tion f « the booat. He u m t i lh»t

" 1;, the l»»illn» flTOu pll»4 Up "Qneoa-


■ T JK L O ^^O — He Intlitt they ^I t t l H continue to m U e the iw i i beI |!m b l mirflM by u n lo i^ n g their prod-' I.M ■ ■ ucU on the bl(c dealen. «hoee lollil'1^* binK and credit b o ltn cu wlU per-•wal • . m 't »b»OTb thAe extr» „I i»» ijuoUi. hoIdln« them until future „S i ; «hort*iM force cuitomeri to buy &t *lm o« any price. „

P rw eo t »pd pr«ip«eUre redueUon* of msnufacturlnf m a u te r ltU usd qustu vlU creato scarclliu »oon. ^

K rrw U as b e llim the principal vlcUnu of hl(her it4 ' prleea wlll be the ‘lltUe («llow>~ in the dUtritnjtloD

(#ld. iTnllka theli oor# fartanat* rlvaU. he f«ar» they m' ,inir win not be able to llnuic* and m alnum lane lq- f ,

vtnUirlei until the reUU market bccomea more lUble. th ' ■ 7 They may hare to fold up. bol, . • •

EEGVLATIOK—A ntw doctrine about the economic t fl rol* of the automobile In our Increasingly complex «o-

clety may flow frem theie dlfflculUe*.WlUi the ear 1 tamlly ««ei*lty IniU ad of-« Iu*is7.

iay , acpeclUly In .view ef wartime. Industrial diilocatloniand relocaUoM, It h u bten JugBeated tha t production *'*

p o - and dlFirlbutlon b t claued and ireaUd u a public ^ nilt. utility. Uke the rallrsadi, pover nnd other key In- ;

duatrtea.Tha rfconatrucUon tlnance corporaUon Tlrtually pro- ™

claim ed UUj Idea In extending a *25,000.000 loan to « 'om H en rr J. XaUer, Increaalng his lndtbt«dneii to that

afency to »M,000,0W. u . . Like th* Intentate commerco eommlsilon In Its ^ dealing with the rallroadj, the RTO laid dovn condt-

Uoni of producUon and price for K alier'i product u a l t ^ t pracUoUly plaee htm u a d ir lirge-Kale federal m d regulaUon.

ESBBimAlS-TW eTal cootxol o te r U>e auto In- bi d u it/7. Uk* a o i t rw«nt •xpanaloni and acursJow ot ae

3 h ' g o w n m en l power, wUl cona alowljr. cxeeplngly, raUier in le d th a a opealy or ihaiply.v a r B u t U Dr. Alan ValtnUne. admlnUtrator of the ds r to economic aUbUlutloa agcncy, ahould flad It necttm y of

to Impede price rtgulatlonioa autoa alone, tha concept jk th a t c an are economlo and mUltaiy euenUali will b« qq

iCh tha underlying reawn. I t Is a consideration whleh h u ' m o u t given thought and conccra to the tnduitrlal bigwigs o r . a t Detroit and elsewhere. , th

tn I t ll UDdentood that Walter 4t«uther, head of tha " CIO United Automoblla Worker*’ union, might not

object to such aa asserUon of federftl Jurisdiction, n n t provided It did not prereat him from using the strike

weapon when he thought It was oecessary to Improve ^ Jn h ll member*' coodlUons. ^

e ttt p o L m C A I^ T h e admlnUtraUon’i parUeulu poet- ** to uhness toward the Detroit moguls springs from ■

a x . pollUcal as well as an econoaile reason. The abrupt i n - prlco rise announcement revealed vividly thal Wash- ~

tn Ington was as unprepared on the Industrial front as ~ " It U on the mlllUry. ‘

T ho White House raised no objections when workers In tho auto and allied Industries were given lacressed.

Ing wages, based largely oa the soaring cosl of Uvlag. ip o These boosts contributed to e re rr component part of ^ . a car, euch as iteel. rubber, tin. aluminum. The UTO ^ > Itself upped the cost of^syntteUc rubber by J j per cent.

x es 8 TArO)ARD-Tn short. It ll tha official failure to c r s ftPPlr controls prompUy and a t th e source, soon alter QV. th e Korean conflict and InaugunUon of tha expanded

rearm ament program, that ha* aent prices of food. ctoUilng. household funUshlng»-*nd now automobiles tei

t h e high they m*> reach of many Ametl- pe ean famUles. ■' mi

l y . And the most bitter opponent of controls. Including even the federal reserre board'* new credit restrlcUons. was Reuther. -mus the Ford-QM move has raised .

* ^ general suspicion that the Washington planners are I ln opentlng under a double standard o t poUUcal eco­

nomics and morality.

■ • JE 8T—Although Washington Is a grim pltce thes*days, It stui can enjoy this bitter Jest now circulating _

fee In o flld a l aad diplomatic quarter*. I t rew ires around B m . StoUa's reported InstrucUons to 'Vlshlnsky to an- 11 jc r nounce that, beside* being inrenlor* of electricity,

radio, telerlslon. the ballet, etc., ths Russians art the only tn is descendants of Adam and Ere. For once

^ Mr. V. dared to oppose.

------- “ nifly-naTe-ne*»papenrnaiM .*isd'eolle*es.aB'd 'lhef = 1h o are too sm*rt to b411«vr3CTh*VlB‘goUi8'tdo'farT5cE^ "m

- -W eU.“ .Bip la laed-U>e big boss-at-M oscow ;-w *- ^ - n u iilant-coi^ i 5 a Ihs =-h t leave It wim noUilng. We hare no food, no clothing.

la no electric Ughts, no autos, no paved streets, etc. Tbat Iso mokes us descendant* of Adam a ad Eve, doesn't It}'*


I f the f ln t msJor appointment anaounewl by Got.- 1 lie. t i e c t Len Jordan Is sn IndlcaUon of w hat Is lo eomt, E im, Idaho win Indeed ha>-e the outstanding admlnlitraUon E

his friends are confldenUy predicting.,n T he appolntmsnt Is tha t of oiir fellow townsman.

PoUce Chief j n . McCsrUiy to be eotnralssloner JO- of law enforcement. McCarUiy took office here four Ide and a halX yean ago. In tha t period he has madt T 'l rcQ. »n outstanding reeord, to put I t mndly.. The writer

considers him the ablest ponce otflcor with whom h t haa come la conUct In nearly 30 years of newspaper- Inc. and the list Includes oUier good ones.

McCarthy stands out on a number of counts. Its . ^ Inc Is honest and unafraid. He Is an execuUre. knows ,s j. how lo run on organliaUon. He knows how to eo- J®? led *n<> tbe cooperaUon ot oUier law*'■'* enforcement organlaUons, and w ith Indlriduals and

groups. ^m e McCarUiy Is said lo know every crook trom here „ * h e to lUUfax. which Is probably an exaggeraUon. but . J

he knowi a lot of them through police experience . ot mere lhan 30 years In Uie Pacific norUiwest, and “5

“ I’ Uie brighl enes Uke lo glre him a wide berUi. for m he has a very high percenUge of calches among

c n t wanted men.I ts . Nampa ehlef hss two other quaimcaUons Uiat nom r l* in good stead In Uie bigger, tougher cro° ‘ Job to which h t U going. He Is loyal to Utoie wlUi

m whom and for whom he works and he knoiri whst e f - cannot as well os whst can be done In law enforcemtnl.[III- He Is no selt-defeaUng fanaUc. . 5

Idaho's gain U Nampa's loa . Chief McCsrthy wW J *an . “ replace here. The elty admlnlstraUon■"*** should make evsry effort to gel a flrsl clsu chlif C IKC to head Uie depuUnenl. of which the ptople have bel

JuaUflably eome to expect more than they used to — n , Nampo I tee Press. .yj,

, . A STATK LEARNS ®*a a The Washington Pension Union, one of Uit stongest la ts pressure ouUlls that erer beset a * u t« . had lu wings llla clipped In Tueiday's elecUon. As a resull. Uie lUle

. or WashlngUin can now gel back to a sensible wel- fn r program and avoid threatened bankrupuy.lo r Two years *{s. Uie people passed a family relief Uw

‘ !iL“‘ Ueuury doors wide open to abuse., . .g Is They found out Wathlnglon had actually told Its• Ing ^U ians UiaUt-wu more profliahle to go on relief Uian * 'l a it was In Uij "red.'

wim aU Olher serMcej .uttering.'- ■ ’ *A referendum enaetmeni cannot be chanted for f l

two year*, so Qov. LangUe had to gel along Uie best 9 h a t he could. However, he was ready for hu eleeUsn. ^ .]■„ He had a proposal Uitt would glre Uie state power ^ iitA chillers, Uiough he did not adiw ite U**«’ withdrawing support for old people and Uie famlllfi f l n a - of wage earners acUially in need. Abws all Uilnu I J

he wonted to m a k i'th e able bodied chlslen go back II to the ir Jobs. I I

| . U ils ts U)» measure the peopl* adopted .. . 'n ie re- H tu rn s from IhU elfcUon show there are a million J voters In Washington wlio are a i^ood deal «Uer thsn f l

^ thejr vere two years &(o.—Milwaukee JounuL C


■ . - . t im e b -n e w s , TWIK

^A'LI ' '■ ftG ]J J K S h o t s ■"ly u Uie o n u I O ofUte Pen- S & 9

WiIrm tn of ' . ■mm ' — asIdl, Uke* MI8Sn> TOT POINT «»iJuaUflca- Dear shoour:<rti that I t asenis 'I . M. S»tl*fl»d" mUstd »■ "oneoa- the point on Uitt Uttl* note by "Pel W

*■ v ro i^ W R ^ ^ d iS ro H W h -iie r-3 ’a, W -------------- HirHrlist* they pert^ livestock In ihts* p tr tt 1*he sami better lhan some of eur pampered ‘ri Blr prod- ChUdrtn. but 1 don’t Uilnk even "I.oose solid M. eaUsfled-will adm ltiuWlU per- flute. Uie ipuds laste Just U>e4e extra ,n d Uiiy are grown In Uie11 fulur* ^ 0 Mil. bui as long is Uie gorem-•ny prtce. m .n t i, buying Ui«m - wllh our P"f*clurlnf money, by ihi w*y-why ean t Uie f ‘oon. kj4s get the Ne. I'* and l i t the Ure*5f higher , i « k fatten up on tho No. 2'sT ;>tributlen B ut I guess Uiat makes Juit asears they much sense as anyUilng eUe cur ““large lij- f ^ e ra l goremment h u been doing “

I(Jereme) “

economlo * . •ALREADY IT BTABTSl

locstioS J Inquired of a lumber yard In * ac■oducUon nearby town th* price of th e n rock ma pumic M d was told It's hard 10 giU Ttkfv In . B ut for a cenl a foot abovo Uie po

eeUlng price I eould get some. TTie ba

T S S!I «. I W " .

n ,u ITwl” "■■‘ I g■n condl- * * * , u,

produci X!BE THC OLD ONEe federal Dear pot Shots: of

Along aboul now I luppese most „ people are looking fcr new calendar!, q ,

auto In- bu t not se »1U) your* truly. We hava rsJons of aeeUed there rllJ be no calendar j y, raUier in our abode trom now en. ' i n

I f we want to know the current uo r of the dsto we can always look a t our copy ou lecessary of Uie T-N. You lee. we no longer *n I concept jitve ^ reuon for a calendar, and ab I will be not Just becsuse Uiere's nothing ha hlch h u much to look forward to. h tI bigwigs We finally repaired U u t creek in pn

Uie wall )d of Uie . L Laiy 1Ight not • • • go


Improre pomt out ‘to your “readers whst would happen to Uiera If Russia should Uke over UiU

. counUy. You should tell them Uiat ’ j B ^ m t commuijliu would pu t everyone t th e r didn't need into labor camps

«>d merely work Uiem to deaUi.. I ll ironv B* ihould Wll your readen the»nrk»r» communlsU would Uke their chll-

dren away from Uiem and raUe • Uiem as communUts. You should tell

n lJf nf your n*ders all thU and more, Pot Shots, because, as a dealer la truUi.

n ir you and your newspaper asjoclates P*' would be among the very first to be

lined up and shot.I f . Obrien*

txp*nded --------ef food. Pot Shou note: We know It. Mat-

;omoblle* te r of fact. Uiere are a number of r Amerl- peeple wlUi Uiat viewpoint, com-

tniiniiu or no communists, ncludlng « • •trlcUons. FAMOUS LAST LINE4 raUed . ,551 1, j „ t one holiday ners aree»l QEKTLEMAN IN "niB '


c* Uies* --------- I I


” " '" 1 ! Phono • a t I t r S lo m ic

^ » n . by White Mortuaryere four

“ »S; TINSEL, BELLS and S j i : CHRISTMAS JOYmis. H t ChrUtmas Spirit has a million , knows fleets, each one sends a finger of r U) eo- hearts. Main Streel ex-jier law empUfles tha t spirit, jals and Tinsel mores, retlecti light, add- r.rr, V.... brllllance to the occa-ilon. Bells

sway slmulaUng Uie hiinions of belU ' rtng oul the Joy of ChrUtma*

?iL .nd y*"'' *Wre windowa are like Santa's •rth for <Sl»Pl“Tlns gifts thatI amon* ''Pdown our spines,

ons that The mental aUltude o t shopping. *PWi of Blrlng;3ie w th their minds, their hearts and souls Wl whst „ n a om w .vfj of happiness lq makercemtni. ,n IrresUUble force. ChrUtmu4V,. -.di '* eontajloui: Join Uie crowds

lu chief Christmas, without the tinsel, ple have belU and green would loae part of ed to — Iti symbolUm. Our Streel Decora-

'Uons add materially to lhe facet* of ChrUtmas Spirit. '

it.*ongest ____ ______

1 = - W H I T E

S i u , M o r t u a r ytold' Its

illetuian T h e C hapel bll th e 'P a rV * '(19 "red.'

a d i^ i te

‘ million Iser thsn

r " Ihow t h in g s -a

M PEGLER’SNVW TO RK —Th* B t m r d Law e

W m ^ Review ha* Inquired for the date 0 o f an H say in wblcb I referred t« a

l y p Ul* ^

- ■ as a 4 e a l andf i r Itnne b r a t a l i t u i - j,

r mUstd II up. X Ktt by -Pel think I like t h c f f i . f i j ^ H n f l f l ^0 1 imidi 5 ^* _

!Zi n .rJ^ Review h ^ v e j t B ^ ^ ^ ^ E B j j n qiJl 'HuQta^Uis ti

o |^ 0(;td A lf tr B l a ^ m V n t> [ e T ra - I . end Lee P m * - ^ ^ £ ^ 0 1 k

Just Uie “ - w i i m * r^iwn Id the brolher, Donald, were secretaries toe gorem- H ol«M -. whleh Job. In hi* UlUr uu-iih nur pbese. C«mblned-th* duUe* of hos. «ean t Uie orderly w d bapysltle r wlUi oluTe n « ! tjio” 0^ «>»• Inwilw tual flunkey. ji

I’o P rw ikfurter picked Holmw’ yi‘ u ,, , , secreurle* and. as we know, from a

abundant teiUmony, planted many y,a h»ppy h o t dog In Uie hiase of 01

len domg dereloped In Uie bu-Rinni.1 reecraey looo after Roosevell ctme t<

;In Uie f i m HU* trltl, P rtnk- c

T81 furt«r r«ferr*d td th**e specimensts 'm en ef competence and cher- li

rard In a a c te r oflil ' t f plain ImpUcallon rheel rock made h lnuelf » hell e f a fellew unlll aI.. Tom M urphr. now th t Mew Ifork tlibovD the pollee commuulontr. pliined'hU ta n iisme. *nie back by u k ln ( whether Preasmaa, b ack m tr- who U ter b e e tn e chief counsel ofhU local Uie OIO, also bore hi* eredeaUab. e:

Judge K aufm sn on the bench ci. Sm m spared him th e neeesslty of oaswir- ^1 PtlU j Inf. a favor from e n t new dealer ti

to another, becaiue Uurphy had plhe good! on Pretaman. wbo later n

‘ had lo adm it h i bad betn a member (j. ef the CommunUt party when old j,

«se most , | „ i g him In Uie govem- ^ lendan . nen t.We hava . . .calender luym ond V oJer h a wrtttat ' In hU opinion, some of the defec- ®'! eurrent uens, a euphemism for treeion. In “our copy our gorem m ent during the ascend- ■ 10 longer oney ef the H arvard cell are tnce- idar. and able to the Influence of Holmes, who

nothing had no more moroU th&n a pig and *|h tld tha t force, alone; was the su- e.

crock In prem* law hf clvlUzaUoa r’ Moley probably Is right.

L Laiy Holmes d id bccome ths Idol of a bgodless cult and the task of dtbunk- s;

,, Ing will l>e long and wearisome be- u" cause, like Roosevelt, he U accepted di

W..I, « * m agnificent sbmeUilng by mil-.^

ITW ***** 'iem th a t pruflcfurter, Uio muddy master I everyone qulbbler. exalt* Holmes In specloui ir camps xapturcs, and olliers of the same pideath. ....................

iden the iilr chll- nd raUe louId tell nore, Pot In truth,

“ B e s11t. Mat-umber of ■ IIIIE

. .

f jT lIB - • • • / ■ I ’OW

i ^.lo n e \i s r I /

r t u a r y N

5 andm

million ^linger of REDDYtreet ex-

Y o u r S o rv a n;ht. add­on. BelUs of belU ■ V • » .ChrUtmas I o u r c l e c t r i c se

tts tha t R e d d y K i lo w a t t , T l

b e s t s e r v a n t o f a l l s

shopping - . . . o n t h e f a r m .f giving;md souU F» »1; ‘^mjjke R e d d y K i lo w a t t

e crowds H e ’s a lw *)-B t l i e r e w

j “ "> ”» long ai you ipart of

hour’s housework I

J T h a t ' , R e d d y K

r y’a rJ T '


D \



iR’S A N G L E ;Tord Law evasive mind elrcle w arily to l h | eUie d? tt conclusion that ty rw inyU InevlUble t

e f e ^ t e and Ideal. On a llen u te day* they #|<1»wn fascism. *■

H M f l I t win be very hard to bring 'M k m iM Hclmss down, no t merely because ;B i i H h e ^ been built *0 big, bu t oUo ! ■ 1 9 b ^ u s e Uie appnachU defended by f.

ttngles of obusatlon. 'I j ^ U j j H I”.*!'??, i

..f niiin em rssslon. Uis m u l t being ” K S n that the crnl{W “wii5*TininyTn u sr *

be Ihi one to reject Holme* doesn't J ^ f l l know what h* stood for and there-

fere can't undentand why bo va* a •* erll. tretorlet to i refer now to the latest o l teveral c hi* la tu r iraets uklng up the m yth. T h li U « t* of hos. a imaller work coUtd “T h e Secret ti itler wlUi of Mr.-JusUce Holme*.” by Harold ]i iunkey. ji. McKinnon, San PrancUco, a law- n d Holmes' yer, who begin* by tty ln g tha t low, from Holmes h td a very bad phUo*ophy c led many yet ranks among the c m te s t men s

h ia u of ot our ttme. n Uie bu> tdiilosophy w u agnosUo, roa- veil ctme terlsluile, hopeless of the a tta in - t

ment of any ulUmate tru th , m ean- big or sUndtrd of-value," M cEln- t

1, P rtnk- non writes.specimens "As a result. It U fundamentally g w d char- indlstlnguUhable from the amoral « Bollcallon reslUm ot Uiose regime* of force j, tllew unlll and power that are the acandtl of ( ?tew Tfork uie century. NeverUielees, hla rank . d 'hU ta n u pre-eminent. Devotion lo him h u Preasmaa, become a cult."Munsel of McKinnon lose* most of the audl- redeaUals, ence who musl make the final de- he bench eUian to repudiate Holmes when he >f aaswsr- resorts to sueh weapons as "agno*- ew dealer uc* and 'amoral realUtn.” A news- rphy had paper editor, addressing the com- who later nion InteUlgence. wouldn't use these a membw They are not Just meaning-when old They are euperclUous. e govern- • • • ^

n ie foreword, by M ortimer J. 'fta i thiL Adler, professor o t Uje philosophy h . ef Uw of the Unlverelty of Chl-reLon m “ go. teed off gracefully. He sold It

* « Hotae* be taken offare traee- pedestal. But two line* further Imes who <>" ^e began to mlr® and In Uie a Dig tnd »««nd ptra4r»ph he w ai talking >s the su- about dogmtUa pragmatism and

raw empiricism.In thanking MclUnnon for his

Idol of a book, I wished th a t those who ex- f dsbunk- tmlned thU brutal old faker would isome be- use Isnguage tha t people could un- I accepted dentand.lg by mil- ''Ihe phone rang as I waa wading e y a and' Into your brochure." I told him . “It now what was Henry Taylor, who Is a pretty

good brain, I think you will agree, y master I said:I specious ''How do you stand on dogmaUc the same prajmaUsm and raw empiricism?" ,

i S t e l e c tIN THE >

. . A N D P L E N T Y i


ur Son^ant of fho Conftjry ^

ilectric service is the best In the wc owatt, The Mighty Atom in Pcrso: I t of all around your home . . . in e farm.

Kilowatt likes lo work fo r all o f y< s tliere when yon want him , and ht ; as you need him.

m morel Remember that he’ll do sework for less than lwo cents 1

Reddy Kilowatt Power fo r you!

m M Kitz

I D A H O ?^ C I T I Z E N W H E R P V j

. . . ___________3 n M He tald this could not be treated :v U i v i ttricUy u a bUck and white pto-

I v 1 1 ^ "1 once attended a philosophy clas* conducud by Adler and Rut-

|v to t h t ehln*. Wben It w u ovtr Huuhln* inevitable asked me wb*l I thought of It. i 1 day* they eald: T dcn t know. I feU olf the 1

al*d a t the flrtt tural"“I h*v* looked up ’dlalecUo’ and '

\rrtr,, ‘eelioUo’ and ‘pragmtUsm* and 'em- . plricl*m’ M.time*. I c a n t remember^ what Uiey m*an unUl Uie n est Ume

I run- across them. I should UUnk fended by jt would be possible to demolUh UUs

■inyTnusf . , ,e* doesn'tn d there- To thU McKinnon repUcd: “You y be w u are right, ot coursc. th a t kind of

talk won’t budge Henry Wallace'a o l teveral common man. But my piece w u 1. This U written for prafi and the Uke. I 1 h e Secret have to stick (0 my own line. Oood t )y Harold juck. Continue to be dogmaUe u « , a lew- not emptri,cal.“ ,ring U u t I tn i not going to look up emplrt- j >hUo*ophy cal agala I doa'i care w hat t t , iteat m ea means.

J can put orer Uie lde4 Uiat » ostlo, roa- Holmes was a vicious Influence and IB a tta in - becami the god.,01 an evU cull lh, m ean- without resort lo a. tongue known I " M cEln- to few ouuide th t' cult Itself. ‘

But If UcElnnon and Adler con- am entally jj^er thU to be Uielr fight why le amoral ahouldnt they u t e appropriate 1

of force language? Are Ihey loo good to come I scandal of dovn off their toe* and dug} ]

hla rank _--------- — ----- -------- -0 him h u

the audl- final de-

1 Wben he

' A news-the com-use these ^meaning-

rtlm er J.}hllosophy’ of Chl- IHe said It ' \ cortoken off Ves further ▼ V 1id in the ' . \ , j lLl talking _ \ i f 'tlem and Stop in

' ^ Explai1 who ex- h i m 'M M .l ker would could un-

“hK’“ First Federal S avirlm K o r TWIN



In the world, and in Person, is the e . . . in tho shop

■ all o f you folks.Q, and he’ll work

he’ll do a whole:ei)Ul , i I i l l

r yo u ! r o t

^ n < y

V g f BUMNttp o w w

D N p o w e rW h e r e v e r i t s b r v e s

M0^M O N P A T I iE C B n ^ '

; be treated —

Bo F h o iphilosophy

^ and Rut- BtrlcUy foj y j, er H uw hln. Y u. tir. ao l a t l T ?Ih t of It. 1 U under w .t .T ^ S '* # feU olf the N. J , where V e S l j J '

alecUo’ and(n 'a n d 'e m - 2 “ ?***•t remember ^ ^ f l p ^ ^ T ^ leneJtU m e hould UUnk , f l . v ’ emoUshUili V L ^ ^ f l f l U< eomprehen- (ou ..don't do o t gclng-to

pned: “You H U i W H I p r ^ b t ^ oat kind of n a *bo« t,!y Wallace'a “*»• "clutin■ piece w u , I ‘'*«‘>7 lo .p o tu « B !_ Uie like. I have been in a crao

I Idei Uiat K ,? i aJr,fluence and “ •'O'lng am ,a evn cull PwoaIgue known 1*»UUiheto« Itself.

Adler con- --------------------- -fight why The total route milei „

appropriate municipal and nriv.S^S:ood to come tlon syiiemi u iihin Kf»>1 slug? la I .m mllu. '

W m M exlmum lo fity '

M O rta te reo m ln g i j g i

^ « o » * o W n g\ convenfence

Stop in Todoy and Let Ui

Expla in O ur Plan Fully

pl Savings & Loon/O P TWIN FALLS

North Twin FaSs, An


P O v m c o w M f ^ ■

Page 5: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

pBegin | ^M iarsday l ■ > - .

1S d“ »i“>

>liS*w^Sf3S: In« !■ *?*.»> ,<fte-rggt-- ISi' V- ---------M - ______

0T5«. «r f 0 '*2 M 'g '^uU ons «Kl g

Il ^ ^ b i c t e r o u M K l*®5!Srt Btanber* wDl ^

Khool girl*- JA'U B ^ a the eighth »^ HtUl* VKlen. Mrs. ^

Hirold M m m MJ ‘ P * r t of tb» pro- »

^ trtttl t o >11 g . ^^ ^ S T u i e evenE ^ l M | a ~i S r T f Richfield’* i r f .

B)UeIUt«<] for 02 ^ for the com. K _ J _ _ ^ ™ | M K i rol*."*nier*«re-^ . U n . C . M .P rld . j f ■'g ^ icw . Mrs, Robert g i HZ > ^ ; Mn. Oeorxe ^ ■r p t t e Cenimi!#. « mM toic MllIn. LDS. ^ f fX ^ l t r district, ^ 1-5- lo ao n . ttacher*. 0£ r f ] be Kcepted ^ ^ \ f ) M g JJ t t «*k. er can bo ^ M i

i S — Ii Planning | W / jimas Party-f-ps. l»-Mtmber* of

mu' nnlcn tro plui- ^ V f i 4children's daneo B

B tw st 3 p. m. ne»t (gl,^CilCT'hall. •'Jl)opato»U thoch ll- & xaunlty and aur- ^ » gsf tlmo and

10 Oregon |t« -JohnL .P ow le r. ^ .■I ts Ontario, Ore-, f iM is le t eiperleneo » ipbUcsccoimtanL^ nancies In clvle Mti'Jea M director of K l!dTU filled by J«4M >J,lUntVTlce president, f f EihlpofKaileir Legionitt filled. He sho w u ^icl Uie Haller Toast- f f

| Qimagic to u c h

Jolden A c c c n t %

)iir l e t te r s ®

^ 1 ' ^

a ca ft-hiu ®ea B!n» ^ ^ ^ < 3

scaOretn W

» W{!c accent, the ®‘=s!i et ih w rich • W

ss.-p".r"' I^ kite? paper* » ^

for anj one ■‘ ejilae. K ^ H


ivtrt g

S i i i1 1 #^ p s

I W /l

S I'■ ■ ^ .1 !0 3 ® 3 ? © 3

E g K g » c 0 « @ ( i £ e v g » @ H £ @ i j

Gifts 1: r = ,= = . : : ^ = = = £ 3 = = = —

df ^ I■ f ■ '■ o 'S p e i i d .

Tp less

i $ i | so

I * 2 * *

f *0

W \ I * 3 "

I *4“®ImhII I ^

Buy His Gif

H e'd Buy It I

- I T®3?©3«g3®3S©S©!®i®3

5 to mj

^ ' o L Ip m ^

ou W ant Arrow Handkerchiefs ..iperid . . . Interwoven Sox ...........2_ 00 Nylon Sox—all o1 Fluorescent “Cold Fire'’ i Stocking Caps and “Col

r le s s Cooper U ndershirts .....

$ « 50 Hickok Belts o r Suspeni= 1 : ^ - -Wembley—A r r ^ y ^ - . r- w = m : = ^ P a g h t Q n - C y ^ t T i e a : :

- »Q - — ^ a w a n k '- J C T p W ^ - ; : : : : ; : ^

Bright P attern Rayoh'^ . . Knitted I^y o n MufflCT

7= -"— ^ ^ arm = E E 5 ^ ap i< ^B ^

Genuine Pigskin Dress

2 98 Fruit of the Loom Pajai Hickok Initial Belt and i Fur Lined Dress Glovea

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3 n e Gabardine Sport'Shirts by Terrace Club ....

Padded Sole o r Hard So Slippers, leather up

4 ^ King:, Swank o r MeekerBill Folds ...............

First Nig;htcr Pajanms to All Nylon M nfflers ___

ST)0 '"A rro^ Dale, W hite Shii (Regular o r French

' McCall Nylon Acetate ,

is Gift W h e r e j t f ^ k -A

luy It Himself ^



._____________TIMES-^TIMES-NEWS, TW O? FALLS, H

m m m m m m m m i

nake 21

wm a 1

i jh

T chitfs...... ...........35c to $1.00 aX .................... 55c - 75c - $1.00 ®ox—all colors..... ........$1.00 S!old Fire” Sox „...65c and $1.00 Rand “Cold Fire” Caps ....$1.00 § •

jh ir ts ....................... ........$1.00 ffi

‘ M

r Suspenders ....$^0 and $2.50 go w — T - — -■ •— — :a f t T i e 8 : 7 r r r - : r r , : i : 8 L S 0 j o i 2 ; 5 f r - ^

r - - — JiftI Rayon Jockey Shorts ....$1.50 g

M nffler____________ $1.50 gp^e^ ~ ~- ...;.---------- 06« to - »9S~ g -

in Dress Gloves ...».....~..:$2.98 f i>om Pajam as___ _______$2.98 SBelt and Buckle Set.........$3iO iss Gloves.........................$3.98 «r Colored Shirts..$3.65 & $3,95 f irt'Shlrta §: C lub ..............................$2.98 @Hard Sole &

•ather uppers.................$2.98 K

r Meeker a.....................:....$4.00 and. $5.00 f iPajamas by Weldon.......$5.00 , Kn e r s .................;...„ ....^$4^0 f iTiite Shirta f ir French C uffs)______ $4.50 gAcetate Sport ShirU ....$4.95 9


" I f lt'> From ROPER'S. LEY • RUPERT • JEROM


m m m m m m m m 's.

a n y rWhatever

Roper's C for K



\ 75)*

1 ^ ^

»•«» I *c»=»51.00 g li iP E ^ s H(51.00 g fo Brentwoo K1.00 A Broadmo<51.00 «■ * Z L ® * „ Aceta il nn m ■ ■ BroadmMI Stradivar


12.50 & SBarSO Lnxorlonii y byWi

«niy=jg " # Rtfsarvaf

ilSO '« '* !■ i t k d o Hals1.50 I l O Stra<ii™r

-----S totoonJ

2.98 % Pendleton12.98 S All Nylon13.50 S I U AUWool 198 i ' Satin Twi

S *o Moufcs Pendleton S * 1 C ®® Stetson “(

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iLevi Strai

* 1 5 ” M enrs 'a ,

■ Nunn Buit o ®

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# Kingsridg• Society Bl

a n d i

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f l B CERTIFI W ^ - For A n ). , „ . A m o u n t

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i h a p piVant To SpgS e l e c t k o r t o f G i f t s

G i v e You t h e




F s


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ool S hirts ..4 I0 .75 S

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irdine S h irt, § A A H I____________$15.95 XCase ...___ .$17.50 g

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jy O u r IFTERTIFICATES >r A n y m o u n tou W ish ^

>py|Spend! I iSif ts H I

' I 'I

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) I^ I

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# 1

"i_. ' |2 ' ■ i

# 1

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Page 6: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

i Anns Buildup j To Emphasizf


j I • r rn ld fn f TnimmV expindfd « !,• liTOttntnl proirrsm. now roeiu < primarily nn brtftng up «rr

strtnsUi. *111 ih lf l emphuU ne

Jh 0)» b*il« ef olflclil eiprejjloni. I •l’ cludlns those b t the rrn ld m t, *i !i from bfoid hlnta by »lr fore* ofl

, cu ii.Mr. Tnim»n. In • bro»dIy phr*s

ouUlne of » h i l th* mlllUry bulldlwould be under hfi n»«on«J em* lency projT«Bi. ttld the trmy »i R&\7 would be able U> ktUln thi new manpoH'tr coili w lthb i it months but the »lr fores »-ould U

■] jom ew hit longer. Bee*ii»« th* i feree w f ir liidV vfti r» lndlt»Ui th»t 11 w»> h iv in i difficult? in g* tln j all the m ini»»'er it need*

' thU w « a little mytllfj-lnt.I'l SIrnlfltance Addedr However, related to an eartl

J' ' comment by Air Secretary Thom; n n lr tte r . the Preildenfi referen' had added nlgnlfltanee. FlnUttcr iMUfylnj recently before t hou ■pproprJaUons rolUUry «ubcomml

- Ue. laid he u-bs nupporUnj requea ■1 for money enough to expand to tl

' I offldslly announced slM of an B pou p air force. Dul, » ld Flolette

I 1 am nol commUtlns tnywlf ' them as final rtsuIu."

Thu*, the Tmman and FlnlettJI eommenla, taken together. ie«ni«

to *pell out pretty definitely th■ thought:

No B«sl CeIUn«, There 1» no longer any rtal ce!i tng on the aU« of ths air ferca. : ' »ppearii eWtaln to grow. eTentuall

treil be>-ond the 54-group Jevel jU) il perhaps beyond 100 group* erm

f' ■ epen war with Ruula <fo<» nat coteII i before tha t level U reachsd.'■I Under th* flri-fold lner»u» I

U rcraft produetlon which Mr. Tru man aald would be reached wlthl

j ‘ the next year, emphaiU probabl will continue on itr»t«Ho bombc

! ou tpu t Jet-powered medium typej ,c luch as the medium bomb* j}: (capable of handllni atom bomba I'i; VlU gel lner$a«ed att«Dtlon. a]

Uiough there cerUlnJy l u t bee K no th lnf to indleaU laUntlon c r glowing dowB the produetlon of th

ultra long range S-U , » cotnbLs* i tjQD jet>conT*ntlanal engtnsd t7P< >' . Je t U f b t Bom btn' JeU aUo »U1 predominate In th

l> light bomber clasi as the ou^u *peedi up. A lm n beUtre the j* t U proTlng a highly u tU fieto r Weapon for Uctlcal bombing.

, m the army axpanafoa precrurthe f ln t bolUeneck th a t m uit b

h I brttken li In training facilities. In ! ' eluding bolh iltea and Instruclon.

The Prealdent »pecUle4 ne flgur ■ll for the new expansion goal of th ji anny. lumping all the armed force, y under the orerall figure of *cearl; n >.M0,000.“<1 Neart.MO.OM '‘J Nowevtr. thera U possibility tha I'l the army's s tnog th under th st p n

g n m might twell to perhaps 1.100, doaor 1MO.OOO. IU present strensU

l{' iL presum td to ba ft iitt]* erer 1,'i:l| o a i m) ‘TotraiaeoOMOorTOOMOmen. al|i most ai] c f them draftees or recruit U v ith no pm ious mUltaiT experience I" «iU retiuirs reopening of mere of thi

eld World war n training eamps , B urre; team* frora Washington havi

I'll bees looking orer camps for months ptcklng out thos« which should b<

I. ushLt Training DlrtslDs*

: At this time, the regular army haj alght training <unslan»-~the Sth in'

,| f tn t f 7 * t r o r t DU, N .J .; Jrd armor­ed a t Tort Knox. Ky.: lOlh infantrj

,!i . t t ro rt-m iq r» C iw .r lO tit -aIfbcrnn

“ ------^wm ored a t O unp Ohalfoe,-Ark’.; I8ttTHrfntTT-H’TB n j p t o n , - O cC .rW

I-: .......vm or«d « t ? ^ Leonard Wood.Ua.;I, eth infantiy a t fo r t Onl. CaUf..J in t*ikin* of th* regular armj :| j training problem, army offlcUl* havi

U ------ e o m p a ln e d - ttit .t tc .i r t jia n d le a p .je H h r t}i< f t u a l _ i r « ^K orta c rw tti » beary drain ot axperienetd e«jmmi»loo»d and non'

I eommlssIone4 offleen *ho other, wise cnuld be used es Initructora.

But the fact remains th a t In Worlc w ar H the army started out with i

' mueh smaller ita ff ol In.itruclers anc I virtually no "cadres" of experience ' treops end built Into an *nntua

fcTce of 10.000.000 men.

'' Oregon Tots Die 1 In Blazing Home

, BWZET HOME. Or*-Dee. IB m - 1j ■ Two Iltli* girls perUhtd in thi I flame* th i t burned ou l thilr smaV

home here SMurdsy after tn oil car hear a kliclitn stove exploded.

I I Tlie dsviEhiers of Mrn. lyfoni Stoo--Bciiiah Ann. S. nnd Caroline 3-couldn 't be ^aved by the mother Bhe da.nhfd from the kitchen fltme; outdoors tor help and then coulrtn' get Into the burlng home, Tlie ch ll dren were resting on a living roon sofa when the kerosene oil exploited


I' ' D epend ON US!

I Wo will jflvc you fast.I efficient Sen’ice on nli H BfldJator Bepaiw. We I guarantee all our work.

jl New RadiatorsIj for all mokes of cars and I tru d u . ’

I C L Y D E ’S .R a d i a to r S h o p

On Traek U a e ^ r b o o t (U-W

P PAGE ^ -----------


Mup Twin Falls ]lasize ^ j Power)ec. II u n —' r s Bll ,•.!«.» wiu«» i S S(kexpanded re* i : « "Uo* luatrr »>ii

"SSr ' s i sOTphtsl* next »k»i Ntw. 7a«

- ! ' i ‘ “ g -

mrejlloni. In- 10;I» B®b Druhxr 111** Wtrresldent, and •*«a ir fore* offi- TUtaoaT io« Nt

'r''S'^d» iisS'iuvJS;"' SKlllUry buildup t^ e som oi rteattn ‘b-ntJonsJ ra e r - in * ^ tn u k r ’I'th . army and > iSS« tlU ln their »;jj h«»t i im ‘Ctw lthb a few »:«o •Lg..b«« oub i ;«o *1-

res would U ke »■ * j'" , ; , , ,eau*e th* a ir IndlcaUon ii.w **0 Trw Bur? » :» •<:

flculty in get- ( ,!..« b ii & ».<« li* SJl■er It needed. !I;?S rJi" ArDoM •!**■llfj-lng. 'l iw I'/ohTu I 'S e ‘si^<>ded liso o r Jm.'KUX°Klub iiOO Spc0 an eartlcf tu s 'Modtre namteem 4.11 ‘f t e u ry Thomas JjO. 0[. KLU J .« nf* reference ‘ W *!»i mi?e. FlnUller In i ;m t - r. »•. Baptrt n»« ’Jo :fore a house , f ‘” c.w-tii.y subcommlt- 1“ ” • j , « •(:.rUng requests *:i*expand to the ■

Deparlmenl knd nnletUrr Store in Boise I ;s .r» '= Gutted by FlamiU n, BOIBE, twc. 18 (lIJfr-Flre wha n r rtal cell- destroyed the Interior of the »K » air force. I t 000 four-story Montgomery-Wi iw eventually, store here w u brought under a oup Jevel and trol eorly today by a combined io roup* evm If of city Ilrcroen and volunteer fli loe* nat com* li«htcn.raehed. The fir* was discorered l»t« li1 incrsu# In night and Fire Chief Btere Tayl ileh Ur. T ru- did no t dsclars ths bias* under c« MhBd within trol a t IMS ajn. today.u is probably Tor a time the specUcular bU tetio bomber threatened to spread to adjolni iBdlum types, buildings and to thoss in the rt: dlum bomber including the F ln t Security bar atom bombs) Electrlo Bervlce appliance and ttentlon. a l- o . Penney’s store.Jy h t t been The Boise firemen were alJed InUntlon of a t least five Cole volunteer flrem ueusa ol th s and several Whltney-Prankiin vt , a cemblna- unteer*.enginsd type. The building Is In the heart of t >btn downtown business district,itlnate In the Flre PrerenUon Capt. w . F. Roaj I Uie o u ^ u t said the building and lls conter lere Uie B-4S probably woul'd exceed tfOO.OOO r satlsfacton' value.imblng. — ...............—

SmS P T f J " 2 ^ 'e y Holds Yule Mee

goal of the BORLEY. Dec. l$ -A Christm armed forees program w u presented Wednesdi 'a of “nearly n ight a t the UUler school F l ' Tiis auditorium was decorated i*siblUty lh a t echool children with a large Chria Jar th st pro- m at tree. There were J85 pa rtr rhaps 1.100,- and teachen a t the meeUng. Mi ient strength Olenn Btmmons r« s 4 a prayw. ai IttJs orer ! ,• C hristm u songs were tung. *

U rs. A. M. T ^om u and Mr«. Jot IMO men. aU jtue. spoke. Mrs. F^ank Spenc M or recruits discussed child punishment et 7 experience, u n . Albert Carter w u progra t m on of th e chairman. OuesU were Mrs. Vaugl ning camps. Bair. Rupert, fourth dbW ct P I Ilngton have prealdent: M n. D ic k Uaugha 1 for months, county PTA eounell presldant; ai h should be j j f , . Roaa Loreleu. coundl Uea

«l«n* . RefreshmenU were aerred. Milar army h u o tto Rannussen had charge of dfr-Uw 8U\ in - oraUons. t grd armor*OUi infantry . - ^ . . .

^feirPressiA iae^w,-Art.; 18th —a o c c . r « l i - W - U Y g r r o alW ood .ua .; _ W AsmNqTOW ; D ec..» W • rd. CaUf.. Joseph Bhort, unUl recently t egular arm y W h iu nous* reporUr for the Ba DfficUlshave timer* Bun. took over today i

7 d n in o a " ^ o r t , '4 ^ y e ir - o ld native of Mli .. ilsslppl. w*» Bwom In by ch ief Jm

*ho om er. ue* Fred M. Vinson, h i? '.- M « h o n »uee*ed*d Chules O . Ros ? Tniman's boyhood friend wf

experiencBd _ _ _ . _ , .

■” Play Scheduled By Junior Clas;

Uie BELLEVUE. Dee. 18-Members iTT __ the Bellevue high school Junli

, JlOlTie prtsenUng Uielr class pla Du*. i«»irv_ "Don'lDarken M>-Door'at 8:15 p jhM in 5i* today under lhe dlrtcUon of John ^

er“in o lu S il « » t are Robert McKerche(Tilodfd Roberi Slevers. WaneMrn LfonR ' ' ' ' ' ' Chopmt:mdCaroilne. U n n ln r ond Jloberu Cool#

T O IS -N in v s 'VANT AD.:hen couldn't ne, Tlie chll-. Jiving room j f Aoil explo<ltd. a ' \

WANT ADS. 1(1/ '

i i V 4 'J \


' work.

'ors - J I

^K nlh o p

. . i . — .lll l • CistiUMi

a lls R a d io S ch ed u les KVMV -KTFI-AM-F

11 (IUO K nx>cxcLEt> { (tne K iL o -n .i l aMOMOAT

, i S Stxru •»!- V. KtlUnlwntil* •»»I1UI1 Uou •-« C«U ClM Cl«k• lie •Cibrl.l lUtlUr »|14 KH-rirtMn U1U*IC ll •Hta Hu m c :* S|x>rU.I.V|»TiOO *KufJtf tf lUpttU 4:>9 7«aat, TiuUr TiTM *Wai-IIoRM fWBU, tiM >U«I> Ttl^eAoat IIs;9« tntblad IS* Storr 1:10 llollrwa^ C4IIIM

llll* I c»m”•JB. iEiUT*4Ur tkMk

lOe Ntx.A lira Clwli TUUOAV« s f s 'T - i " . . : s ........., :M Frmftk IUBiai»7 I ill Mifl* V*ll>r A*rl

IS !ili !s:‘L-;'.Ja“alOe M Bs44 I iM N n tI t«« 'Kau SnIU liOO xBmk-ttat-BMS1 IM •M ilt yotut lOilt im iLD .tt/O rroiII;iO -U4K. r«l> IIiU iW . LcT. » 4 Ul 1 iM M1..1U/ Mtllkif “ '***I 111 Hi o ' i:iU Nmb N*«>

t:IB ‘Qgrni fot • Dtr liM ittttfb O n su;I0 ChrUlnu Bhepsin* nea Kllsrrtl* KUaM.

les (111 Ntwi tht IIiidIiis<iw 4iM tWtlcea* TrtttlajiU h“ “ e , | '} | icnl;Se ’U r Kins liU Slt'-rittMK E41tle<

b iiOO Bpcrti iloliw SiM iDibr BomU■ « .ll 'ft lu n L ^ l i T.-Mi Illei«k liM •CtbHiI IImIUt TiIO it'lb^r M«Cm

«l4l Itm IUr» SlM tBU Tow»«:tl •IIDI lltnir. Ht»« 1:10 i l ’toelt Ar* r«BniT m 'JohD tilxU liM lOet MiB't r«al

til. liCO Iht Blorr t i l l Nlt.^nn««» 1<1IU<Illt i l ’tul iiullli'iD 1:10 iC trtktilt of Ant J;1D •Cavsl Uonu Crltla 10:M WrtaUInt UiUha1:1* •Miusl NtwifMl III! KNt»« aaS 8lta-«l

rtment Boise Fog Holds loise Is 3 Airplanes Alo:

BOISE, Dec 18 MV-Tliree pla;r l a l l l C o were stranded aloft y u u r d ty aft

X <N I t.K noon when a heary fog bank »eu15M Two of the cr

I . L - i had to make emergency landings.^om e^-W ard bank of fog. which h u blih t under con- keied-ihe area InUrm lttenU y.'i:omblntd force „ n t tr a tc d lafely by one pQot wirolunUer flre- managed lo land a t tbe airport

Jloprever, UtrvlD Rorsback, a t'ered lata l u t u n - o f the Sulphur Creak ramQtera Taylor to land on a d irt road alo

iM under con- X3. B. SO aouUi of Boise. Rusii»T. Oakey. Boise, located a farmecUcuiar bUie field south of to«Ti, setting hU pla

to adjoining down in a puture.e in the rtar. Several F-81 national guard figIlecurlty bank, er planes huUIy wera called balance and J . to Oowen field u the fog appeart

SrIfXS Idaho Air Guard Seeks Volunteer

strict. BOISE. Dec. 18 OJ.Q—A eall 1W. F. Roach voIunt«crs w u tent ou t by th* 100

1 IU contenU fighter squadron. Idaho natlord gfOOOOO in guard, todty u It sought to brl

Itself up to full strength.— __ The squadron rccenUy w u rt<

1 ganised. I t ssld Jl needed abcl i r l p v ^ ^ Ualned as alnm, - y , mechanic*, radiomen, flro and eraP I V l P P r rcscue crewmen and other duties,

i c ITA C CI. Present policy of Uie armed fore-A C hristm u prorlde tha t men who enlist In nd Wednesday tlonal guard unlU and saUsfaclor:jchool PTA perform training duUes are exem

from aelecUre service, offlcen aa'decoraled by _ _ —

S S T ra f f ic F in e sa prayw. and your drlrers paid 88 In fines 8ui

md Mr*. Jatm ym j improper parking,ank Spencer Dr. M. A. D nke paid 81 for oveihm cnt and u„ ,j parking, A. L. Brooks paid i

eaih for tlireo overtuno cItsUor. 'J52? W llbum Malone paid 83 for ove:

ou u ic t ^ A , Uylng the time limit in Uie po*k Maughan. office tone and H. A. Offerbui

’.“ dT u.'S?«ma. Mr.. Inducted

harge of dee- IB -U avlng Bu:____ ley for the InducUon centcr a t Boli

l u t week were Olen Oliver Tn t I J q - rnKvn* -Alhinn;. HnrlUM Alma Rlj> m i C - insT-Burleyj-Daryl-Leon-CarBU

iT 'W A W * ^ rogCBT~Can(a cuunty. Fretn~Bofa recently the <»en will t>e asslgnid to th t for the B al- .basic training cenUra. er today aa 5 5 ; ; * 5 S i 5 H 5 5 5 5 * i 5 i i 5 S iTfe fa I : I J jJ: j j bitlve of Ml*- " W J t t i S B H H C a S S O t

i N O W P U k Y I N c lr]ts O . Ross. l * \1 friend who t --j f."-*____ * The Now* , Blory of beloved ^ L * |I p H - » Mrs. Mlnlverl I W

W P«»enU W

^^Class i ^aS ) • p7dg |chool Junior « "Miniver Story" St:ir class play, with /M‘' a t 8:15 p jn . ' 1 ^ JOHN M *in o fJo h n M . *3 k HODIA K

*1t McKercher, L -:evers. Wanda * ’ exthai •le Chapman, '± ' I .»,) j„ r j c tto o . L •>berU Cool#*. I'll. Smith «j-rI»H7 J.'.l____ U l* u t« i N.*t L jWANT ADS. M M M a M M M M

-m / r

L P p i k

> I>i*tiU M ifronJO O % G raIa.N »iitnJSpirj(i *

t im es-new s.

d u i« I Family Views T-AM-FM Fiery Plunge


„ . , ORAND HAVEN. M ich, Dec. ILW-A MonUgu*. Mich., builn•rirtMB u iu* i man and his live children rtpo. ’TU .t.vio they u * a "big orange-coloredT r c u t ^ . T & «M h into U te Mfchlgflil7wa*4 Celllat flunCI.8 0 .a * w h ~ r : - OUaiienib-maDaRtr o:.a.sU r

Mimt*gue,-T«Mni4'»j»ttad-tlx»-_u?.|» .. **' )Bi.l u u r llie lat»'«ha*Uy afler n

..Br VJtK« nJght Friday u he and the youi te n were retumlng from a mc

roMOAY aUie police u ld .Bsktr The civil aerontuUca admlnis:

rl* v*ii>T A*rL tlon tnd Belfrldge. Mich, tl r fi »M« f«P«rted no aircraft mlsslni orenfue tn tfie are*.- . Report Verified

t Loto U tn On Uie olher aide of the lake, a rtt Hict* Midway airport control tower. CIB N*«> «**o. gave the tame report and i

Onmst air operations orer the JtJfd 'a >n«i« KUabtkt -rouUne" throughout the night. l i r S l J " “I «*» It about five mile* <

V aliitBbw. shore.- Hem* told police, "It loo •rift.ti> wiuca ui;e 4 big cun'e-shaped h a r

moon. When It hit the water, I t , , m«Cm looked like a camp flre off in « Tow» dlstancfc"

V .-X H« » '|J he U’e►riti.« u iuo . to his children, ranging In age ft rikx it of ab. k« fUc to 13. and Uiey followed its c

--------------------- Area SearchedV T I J A coatt guard patrol boat ftllO ldS here learched lhe area and sl

,, trooper* corcred Uie shore look

ies Aloft .s„V—Tliree planes lalie from Milwaukee, Wls.. whyeswrday after- U»e Uke U TS miles wide,tog bank aelUed AlUiough Uiere were no repo^rwo of the craft aircraft In the area, lhe sheriff anc» landings. flee at MujkfRon, Aflch., nearby. *Ihlch h u blan- offlcen heard a "large plane'llkirm ltlanU y.'w u transport- fly over about half

one pilot Who bour before lle m t reportthe a irpo rt ---------------------------

De^th Claims Kir Of Famed Bandit

_ - Infantry lleulenant colonel In Wo:J l l i i r n J- R«I»Uves said VounjL I U a l U elilmed he w u rearad by Fral i i n iA A * > a brother of Jesse, a t Austl u n i e e r s Tex. hu family Mid he w u lhe aI« _ A call fnr ot Robert Younger and a nephewXtitinoS S'; ?»«»••; “1 ‘ “““* r ttin n .i 1 * ^ Jtmes brothen.

Younger was stricken ytilerd ought to bring ^ home a t Uie Sl

l« l« mining claim, 14 mile* up t ^ / ! 5 T muU' ^ork of Uie CleanraUr rh

n n . H. JW In . t o i heied a* aircraft -^.1flro and c ru h _________________

P o s to ffic e R e n o v a te.0 enlist In na- HAOER.MAN. Dec. 18—RenovaU a taUsfaclorlly of ij,e postofflee In Hagerman l u are exempt nearing compleUon... offleen aald, Ths celling h u been lowen--------- which wiU mak* a big differen

In heaUng of the building, a; r U l C S new llghl fixtures ha ra been -1

sulled.) In fines Bun* j ,y Harmoh h u ben in char lUon for over- of the renovaUon. larking. —Id 81 for over-Jrooks paid 81 W t m f m i * f m

★ NOW ! ★

:entcr a t Bolsa 1 Oliver Tra- a_Almh-Richi Leon—CargtUr

:__________ T JOAN BIONDELL '

3 . ' W S i d o o f

L H eaven" J

i d S I ^ ' S H A D O W ^ t o r y " I f O F A 1


k T E R E S A W R IO H T ] J O S E P H C O T T O N A W A L L A C E F O B b A


L i f

iJSsWU • Kifl»«yDi*tMnsCo .,IinfieJd,Pa.

ifi^'ws Pocatellan Killei „ „„ In Hit-Run Cal U n S C POCATELU5, Dac. I I QU9-C

c _ land Hcrtoo. U , Pocatallo N

d r ' i i o f t died in ft local hoapital rest* v .^1 a l I- and Bannook county law » f i

. . . u TW I t oOlctra itapped op i»«»«* a h it and run d r lm

S Horton died of h t td Injurlea <Jilldren struck down by a red Ford pl

iruel' W ‘l*y n lsh t on the Yel Mlchlffflcs in highway wlUUn the elty lb

w o j.a .tors.lnBh roUtft' ldaEo MlTbur

r“i^V’m“?vie* ITsU^^“ en‘" S3T[ from a m le. near the O rten Trl*lUca admlnistrt- nightclub. U>o four got oul to iMich air f ^ e "• o” W'* highway.

rw aft i X n a cr P«“ «* »*“ • *PP«^rcrait missing cr ^

. ,ft.A The tnickdrlver slopped aomo erlfled bock, iof the lake, the aulcUy drove off

itrol tower. Chl- __________________

DownX Hill; 5 Are Hishaped harvest ORAND FORKS, D, C , De< t Uie water. It crowded bus rolled 400flre off In the <Jown a mountain side nine, b

west of here yesterday and cam d the object out r u t in a creek bed.[Ing In age from None of the 40 to 60 occupanU followed Its dive killed and only flvo required :

pltallxatlon. The bu* w u do

ktroi ho»t fmm PoUce Said ohly Uie crowded im a Md l u S prevented, a ;■ e^o re tookSu ^ “ >ere be*n fiI ^ passengen. the occupanu w

Italian Red Chiel Goes to Moscc

about half an ROME, Deo. 18 </p>-Anolheireport wB*i«rn Europe's ailing commt---------- leaders w u reported ea jouti

V : ^ Moscow today,ins Ixin luU ao nax-a agency AT* j » . aaid Palmlro TogUalU. numberBandlLR rtd , le ft by txaln y*st«

r i ; « ^ A soviet capital. TogUatlr t n . recoverlni from a brain operaiH h™ih Thorc*. French ci l l !;?4, vM tS munlst l*ader. already is In Mo«I n h e r e yester- tna tm a n t foUowlng a sufoungsr. 81. aaolonel In World y \ ---------------- i — 7 1

Dances IieldS e a ^ A w ^ ■ BURLEY, Dee. IB-M em ber*ha w u the aon Claremont Oranga met Friday o:tid a nephew of »» lha O ^ e hall for a sqi•■u a eousliv of <lance wllh Rax Allen u caller.

w u served a t ths clois of ths i iken ytilerday Th« annual C hristm u pile a t Uie S u r he held Dee. :0 wiUi cliUdrti 14 mile* ua the 'membera pre*enUng ths f :iearwater river Thera wui b* a vi*It fiIn a local h<K- Banta Claus and treats served.

18—RenovaUon I ^ o H i s r o pHagerman U « /

been lowettd, K I n j l / A v-S -s/>big difference G \ f J L

e building, and S V , . 4 \ xh ara been la - ^ i / ✓ \

bra In charge ^



I NO W A T C h ^

ID E N T IC A iT '">*'^i*iiik«w etiH


M ia 441 M AIN. AVI S 3 S t 0 a £ l j ( * 0 3 t t 3 S ! @ j


I Killed 2 More Guan Units Ordere

H S ' To Army DuS ,w m “ WABHracrron. i x c - i t w iT g l S S T i h ™ T .0 n o ,. r . 0 J ^ « r l ,

T t l w m i^ M * aQ*Ltle."Tbe pra>tnt total U anr r o T T i u r wm- t er-t ufn -bacfc- -aiM u»o-jU y ia loa^jinea_H a hen thclr car the 3lst infantry of, Alabaff* O rten Triangle Ml*»l**lppl. and Uie 47Ui t i f a

• got oul to push of UlnnsaoU and North D a« L The anny u ld Uiey wera aele

u id . apparently as tha beat fitted tn equipn ,th of ths truck, training and manp6wer ia I jpped aomB dls- geogrtiSilc a nai. come bock, Uien jj,!* bring* to a ta U l of alx

number of naUonal guard dlrii— -------- called to acUvs duty in th a iD n w n ihB bBglnning of tb a Kou u n l l r v Juns 33. Thera la » toU l c

A rp H u r t ^t i r e n u n army ttld Uie Slat, i , D, O-.. Dec. 18 manded by MaJ.-Qen. Alexande I rolled 400 feet paxion. OreenvUle. U l u . will 1 side nine. mUct a t Ft- Jtekton. 8 .0 . TJia -ITth, < tay and cama to manded by MtJ.-Oen. Normti

HendrIek*on, Minneapolis, will \ 60 occupanu w u Csmp R utter near Oxark, Ala.>e required hos- — ........... .....................—bus w u demol- i

is .srs 'ts:: A m erica N ee ccupanu would TRAINED OFt beaUng during

! £ ! _ . . . M o r e Td Chief _ . _ „ Moscow Falls I

(/p>—Another of

ir ,o '“ ? r S COMPLETE Bl■a agency Ani*iiU. number oni U N D f l

txaln y*st*rday U I N r \ .V « Jlal. TogUatU Is brain operation.

French com- W i n t f l r.dy is in Moacow}Wing a airokt J A n ]hs ago.

lield Aecre6He6 C o u rse s3-^!em ber» of , T rain ing . D oy o r E net Friday night


WlUl chUdrtn of ___ . ^nUng ths pro- "‘Training DoesI* a visit fromaU served. , , ----------


E v e r y dny w ili bc-a p c rfc c t tJryinK d a y ! F o rg e t w ea tlic r . . . fo rR c t

^ w o rk , no d i r t . . . dua l . . . aoo t. ^ N o heavy , w e t w nsh to c a r r y ! k o V ) V c lo thes line to s trc tc h . . . D ry 4 « V c!othe.s a n y tim e , . . dny o r n if rh t! , ) » 4 w h i te s fltoy w h ite r , . . color.i

b r ig h te r!

’Wiitln|Wt«OtTMYMaiCAL ^'TWINS'' U S I l ^ l


A & Y E L I"For Your Wcslmohouac A

J N AVE. EAST«3S@3«S£5S0'»3. !0.3»031S0.

DAHO ' ______________

Guard !Fraternity’s]rdered Draft Chidl y L f U t y LnONOTON, Va, Dec. 18 c

t a n.w, Aaid* to MaJ.-Oen. Lewis n « i l “ You didn’t Bet U)s point. Oen,

. n * ^ U v B ^ U,U thing w u supposed to be a J

^ “aa a < ^ u You remember SUve Mile*- 3t total U around W uhington and Lee lad who

!lf• M*h »6*1<1 he didn’t know whal hU <orth D aM ta. Briar would Uilnk alley wera aelected tils Ugglng around with the be I in equipment, teou* Mlw BeU a l JaclsonvUle; 1 ip6wer ia their on New Year’s day.

Then Tuesday night his frater ta U l of six Uie broUicn dcclded they'd play

I guard dlrislon* Joke on him. They telephoned Ity Id th a army Roanoke Time* and tipped I of tb a K onan edilon Uial Sieve wouldn't be i I la » toU l of 2T to get to JteksannUe. Bald he'd I

lummoned to Uke a physical th e Slat, eom- amlnaUon for Uie d raft-on Dec

ea. Alexander O. The Times had ths atory In I M lu , VlU train and gave 11 to Uie Associated P

r. m e 47th. com- before some doubting Thomu Jen. Norman E elded he'd better check-and :apolis, will go to Oreat Joke. The brothen had I Oxark, Ala. kidding, Story had to be killed.

a N e e d s . . .ED OFFICE PERSONNELM o re T h a n Ever Before!

F a lls B u s in e s s CollegeOFFERS


NROLL NOWW in te r Term Storts


d C ourses in oil phoses of Businesj Doy o r Evening Classes.

TW IN FALLS JSINESS COLLEGEInff Doesn't Cost . . . I t Pays!"

r s l M i I j ELECTR



• ■ aoo t, a r r y ! N o



ELECTRICOhomc Appliance Store . . . Phone ;

oity’s Joke Backfir.:t Chief Didn’t Get Pa‘iSSn!„£:h s point. OeneraL you * u 'p 2 l? '^ pposed.lobeajoke.{one and butchered .A n d then d o \ S [ ^ ‘ md proper. ortertd

8Uve M ilea-ths Dec nLae lad who w u ^ xlddmg. Ujii’u - .

5 i J V 7 5 r i M ,„ tnow whal hU girl ------------

r^ufl^h^K 31 Crash VicfI JaclsonvUle; F U , j .

£ h t his fratcmlly KfiCOthey'd play this VentrjeVi

ley telephoned Uie p irtiti have n iand Upped Uie *>«“ « «f 31 Wr>oa ,v ^

e wouldn't be able of a Ventnjtu- nWe. E M he-d been «i«h{ slop »a ke a physical ex-t draft-on Dec. 37. . "nie dead Includrt «I the Btory In type ^ old. en rwnle Aaaoelatea Press M'rlda lo^u,btlBg Thomu de- Christmu holldsji.r check—and d i d . __ _____ _________brothen had been

)NNEL JOHn''f0 1

w n i i n iT



s l 9 9 ’ lCONVENIENT TERM il


Page 7: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

a _ c i ^

■ L Are Set S *i i^ lM u a a i l

■ ( < D» fcbooU

fiitri«r ^ooi* vn i

■ & ^ D . D o n m - " T O t o h■ s f S i l . M «r Aim • , ■ f e i ^ e r w n . Myrl# K-------------------W ^ t i t U . Alft*<J We- -----------------------■ r S i . BBhkr, Boowa — ----------

E m b a iB * ^ » -« h » n ]tC o n iK » “ BPRINaFIEU

K»Ssrss.,sr "s,isu.■ f t ? 6 )0B«. WchMtJ h« h*d m«J8B ^ t f c S n n l c k . Mai7 menta to h»v« lR 5 f # S ^ n i . 8»ndrfc able cow# moved■ f ly ^ C w ie ro n . J e n r ^or laUenln®. H L ^ 2 i Baulc. J*net Orover touehiB f e iS * MUnne Jones, tor "ruiUer»“ lit tL % D o w n » m .D ttU eM llerthU w eelBPrM BEsCtr.C itherliie fled BonnerlUa

Md John D ew WUkle Ui«■ mlulDC.B .41 sslth *111 be w* Orover beliWc

IS eUter atudenU his caUle hod H lmM iu- Uuilo wUl be Mootan*.

Rtlph Ander- L—tr l^x>' _ . ^ ,

E 5 S ’SS‘.“p.™ iS T r a v e l S c l

i S l f f i f S S G i v e n ;K t f i t tbt boudir dlf* u m v E R fir rv <■ n » t cov, Dec. I8-8pe<

to ft Union P&cin B Z T * i r t . t k nn lT tn ity of IdAh< ■ Q Q llg t L I U O homei for the C ^ E i J. in d .n tu m them t■brter Meets 11 ,1 »..m.j.;^ ■ n i i V J ilA W W W g^lg y y y ju n c ^ tg■ t e U - B u r l«7 6aropt> 0 Iu < M « n d ftt4^ K jA e * beld their anr and ths trala UtTiH ^ f ic ia e r party Wed- p. th a t diy, :

cafe. a t:a:D 5p.m .T buretjpbeaion. prea- , t S p. m. aad In tad U n . RetU

^H ieqgiU at Byrd a ad On It* PMt>vacatK S l a e b i r t e o r a r - n t a t h e ^ ^ l a lu

9:S0 a. m. Jan. 3, 1

H s ^ f U U Of mosey here a t 8 : 6 0 J^ ■ c ltm ie ln B o U e an d _________^ K n ta jistihera Idaho, - n 1 Tk.■ w membenhJp re re K l i r j e V I qK l Wllion and M n. f «

B £ i £ h 5 S f , " S P r e s e n tH t n b c lw * of tha BtnUXV. Dec. H■ or Burley high ec

r u foUowed by » concert of vocal■ -tp a by U n. C ullda n udo Wednesday : ■ w U n .Z (ther6eho )v . echool audltorliun. HiacSr^ «1U be held on vocal Ineiructor, a: H - Initnmiental mtult B ------------ the dlrectan.

l i P S S S e S O u t ^ b e ^ S T h S h K h io■ . L , echool choir, flrU-

m K l i r i A V QU*n*t and a JunloD U n t i j of *eventh irade 1

f c t e . l^-Chlldren and O utet eoloUt wllM toV T inS wrroundlnr Medien. lyrlo »optMfcpUitfrt u lhi hlfh ---------------

0“ ?inu Burley Ma Hold Ins

. 1 ^ ^ DDRLEV, Dec. ] K w escorted to to«-n ? w , d i ^

K r M u m ' s » n ^ « ' “ • wonhlptul

H ciiai'ff^ lnnoB nc ^ Burlev offlcen prior to Ini

■ Q b n thetr annuit free P l ^ have beer ehSinn fsliovid by (uPPtr to t

g ^ r t i Isdje. rerular lodge teaelo

fe ilW !It-More cheer ' M R .

besit o( » r. m d 9«Ui of their

■ ^ ■ b m s n r have

»<llotram K w w ^ Moon. In

fllhUni «lUi thl Moons

K g ^ H r l o u i duller. J l ^ H V

ilw i al-

E s a ~ “


K Be Sure to S e e . . . H THENEW-mr * C h r i s i ' m a s T r I L I G H T S

R ? " ■‘sf't* ' W y LlihU 1■ R L '* ' »li« v^. 7 '’ ® i*i»tlnf and pulUn* t

outleti th a t branchI KtnB j jg Thtyre Different! They-re Bi

f - - . _ S S . 7 5 26 -L IG H T■ ^ V ^ S E T ................

I Light Setfl a t Greatly■ ^ r e d u c e d P R IC E S !

ELECTRIC® 'ippfiW e Store Phone

I S aSipga


ScreoM and ttw Ghoct ef Qirbtmoi Yet to Come erei agretrpef bniaentiwft. n 't in ttsk t h«'d neter die," u i "WKrt fcct he done »iHt W* loortey?” otked analher

' hoM't left it te met'* loughed a (hird.

Embarrassed Church sHPIOFIELD. I d a , Dec. 18 ( t I V P R- S a m Orover, Bprtnffleld ,;her, wae an em banaued HAILEV, Dee.. today. (ion Kendall, p> euddenir reoiembered lh a t muniiy B apibihad made earUer arrante> nouncrd his tchU to have 15 head of valu- utrvleti.cowe moved to new paetures Tlie Sunday e

latxenlnff. turlni; songs. r «■over touched off a eearch play will be pre;"ruiUen" In e u le m Idaho next Ptlday. ‘er this week when he noil* roUovlng UieBonnevlUe County Sheriff in charge of Mi

I WUkle tha t his cows wero ginners; VlrslnlIn j. Mrs. John Win■over belitedly recalled th a t Albert Schaufellcattle had been raoved to e»nia will visit,tana. The iwo churc

■ —J senior, pretent^d

ivel Schedule Tfsl'ssi' Given at U. of I. Sii!'" “V E R Srry O? i d a h o , Mo»- The Chrlslme)ee. I8-Bpeclal c a n atU ched Riven »l l l 1. m.Tnloa Pacific train wlll can y n«v. Mr. Kendj■alty of Idaho itudente to their U planned for t

for the ChrUtmas holiday* Last of the c tturn them here before classes will be a midnlit 8 a. m. Jan. 4, nOlroad oTfl- ll :»0 p. m. to 1!nnounced today. ere.IM end a t « p. BS. Wednesday -----------le trala Uire* Moecow a t 8 :ia ATTEND C th a t diy, arriving ta BoUe

6 p .m . T hunday. In Shoshone. m.«.d a S . " „ r . , S»post-vacaUon retu rn Sched- e trala leaTes PocaWUo a t m. Jan. 3, Shoshone a l ll:S5 '

BoUe I t 3:10 p. m and arrives __________; 8 :60 a;’m. Jen.

ley ^pils to resent ProgramIXV. Dec. 18-Mualc studenta . 1ley high echool will present \ert of vocal and Instrumental Wednesday night In the h lsh »auditorium. Linden Leathim , nslruclor. and Roman Tross. • Vaental music dlreetor, will ~be; V Iecton. \ Vesenled on the program will . \high echool orchestra, high I choir, fIrU* glee club, boys’. and a Junior choir, composed m th grade glrU. It soIoUt win be Mrs. Jeanne .1. lyrlo soprano. I

ley Masons to I ' )ld InstallationJTV, Dec. 1 8 -B u rle y Ma- _lodge' wUl install offloers I ly. James W. Sm ltn will be- l UK’onhlpful master of the

elective offlcen to be In-

P ^ g l n ^ l a M ^ ^ e a l u m

j ^ i n ^ w ^ i n w m u n r - ^ { ■ M Fprior to InstaUaUon.have been made for an ] / , C A Q P

lupper to be eerved before ' 2 ^ A d C lodge lesslon.TliUrsday.

^ P |WM ChW htS Prir^niflSlfR

W(S ee .,. — —,r . c /l a s Tree _ _

FreEdy LlihU are tailored to m m id pulUng to 'la i to make m w h h dy LUhta. Main cord fot- th a t bnnch oft to toUow

! They-re Better! J

$7.95 -------Grc&tly

RIC CO. K t are Phone 154"

Twin Fane

i S S S ^ S l E L m iP iie U i

______________________ T IM E

; 0 L ; _

to Come eretheord ^ever die," u id one. TW Spirit took Scrooge toeiked another. "He avrekhedhorel.ogroupof0 Ihlrd. Of

urch at Hailey Club Gives Yule Plans wanla d u b mcmt

s . r u s ; ’?" k s : E r l =« r B .pu .1 .h m h . h . . ; " “ 'iS 5 ,o *1erd his schedule for Christmss Charles M arlin

i. , . Bchool-flnancese Sunday ichool program Ica- sup t. B cm ell 1R songs, rcclUllons and a short starley schoolwill be presented a t 7:30 p. m. Quests a t t^ie iPtlday. ‘ Melville. T»1n 1

Uowlng Uie departmental work and Arlen McOelarge of Mrs. Paul Eberle, be- -------------:rs; Virginia Winter, primary; RETURN' FB John Wise, Junior, and Mrs. ^

. n S f S S i ’e two church choirs, junior md r. preeented a musical prognm

rol Anne Moedl waa soloist and ^Sfsc Culler and Juanita Ruark « m

I I I I .e ChrUimas message wlU be ■ Tlwlli at 111, m. next Sundsy by the l a l l Mr. Kendall. Special music

inned for this service, it of the Christmas observance be a midnight Mmmunlon at p. m. to 13:01 a jn . ChrUtmts |

_________________ ^ATTEND CONVENTION l / j g W X L -OEUMAN. Dec. 19-M n. V. W. * 6>n and Mr. and Mn. Johnisend attended the HoUleIn Ile n association convenUon In t , ,■ Janice Hoke, granddaughter Irs. Carton, retumed homo Wth ^ M


SpecialFor Last Minute

mmmm! CASE..... ..........................2 .8 5 .

>lneoppl<Zhocolat( =ruit Mi3( Valnuts>:a n d y •resh Oys ►liced Bac


it Scrooge to s ril« port ef the d ir. ond showed hint, n «l, 0 group of harpies hoogllng ercf the penooal effect]

of the deod ooa.— , t6n f c t m r i ‘ ,M »nu

Club Meets ChorusmX£V, Dec. 18 — Burley Kl* T / \ Q i n s r s club mem ben met Wednesday v O U l g I for a roundtable discussion of BURLEY De atomic bomb, 1(4 uses, and the niimlly choms:t th e bomb could have in south. S S m n w lllp iIdalio. A l b e r t Carter and oratorio -The '

•les M arlin led the discussion. Tuesday a l the ol-flnances were dUcussed by. Bcm ell Wrlgley and Reed chorus ley, school board ehairman.its a t t^ie meeting were John Youth W el^rallie. T»1n PalU: Seth Oorlesi X .

“ " O " . ‘ •a* B“' i w ■In the chorus. ,

ETURN FBOM MONTANA «com panU t CHFIELD, Dec. 18—Ted Brush SoIolsU are i: Hal Rogers have returned from Read, Maxine isU, M ont.. where they spent Budgo, Sally pa&t s ix monlhs In forestry Coombs, DollIe


fh lidayd^igid-A t

C A i ^N o T<A~JOO% Shrimp M


iai Price:lute Food Suggest!

th T ^ b u n d ^ . ...2 .85 ...... C A S E ...........................

1 ^ I P o ll Chunk J I ^ I C No, 2 C a n ...... M

_ A » t . C tn te n3 ©S2'/»"’- ...........

I’o i'C ok is

k l X ’ ">• '■'<9........ *

| , ^ S e f t S h t l l , * t S New C ro p ............. Ib. ^

f . r o n C H R U T M A S G um O ro p i , 'O re n g «

SKeti, SflHn Mix Ib.

iystersp‘aco n -“-





shoiM U m ,ia , ^^^wnti>eyio*'|b^^^^ m ooal effects . Of moumert. Scraoge vot mere

• unheppy mon mijlit be nmj u s i j s s s i j s j ^

homs in Burley Co Sing “Messiah” I S XJURLEY. Dee. 18-B urlcy Com- he wlU <*ke so mlly chorus directed by Clifford *''*■ *ailkln wlll present tho ChrUtmas aeveral yean.itorio. ‘T h e Messiah." a t 8 0. m. -------------------esday a l tbe LDS tabernacle In . '• g | j 2 S |2 2 | rley. ’rhe chorus, one of the winter ' ivltlee sponsored by the Burlry i ■u lh Welfare council, presented :I on torlo to an over-flow audl- U;e lasl year. There a re N> alngen ■the chorxu. J . Verson B a m u Uom panU t 'loIolsU are Howard Corleas, Earlad, Maxine WaUace. R u l o ndge, Sally Sanford, Marlon B H H Vombs, Dollle CUyloa aad VUlne •; k J

_______________________ i m

M Shrimp'*] I ~ A p p e ttz e > s | | i § 1 1

rh en Uurop. tender ehrimp _tre rMdy lo • A Just reoova I |!rom can. placa oa cnckere |Itid garnish to tasM. OiM can K T JT T T V jnBskM a pUuful ef caoapea. |)ukk ,M iy ,*eo i> eo lca l-:» I»Ki^ 7 d « U d ^ v ith w la^ ■

BLUE PIATE IS h M -P a k , I ROY t




WEDNESDAY | | P ^ THURSDAY. ■S™I t , , .


ces ' BINGO

igestions I l | n | |■ n e j .

- g t — :■--------GUNo S ljty ^

................. ;.......5 .4 9 RUBBER

..... ■............- iu » .— - r ------ -tllffiSlHg

:l29 / ll iI’oT»0 X .......... I REG. CHECI

m > m m m iv 1 ........ jjO V yO ^,

,..:43/ S. NOW 0NL1

'■’•35 BH[Beg. S M cou B UOOmO U C Beg. IU S BBTC

M M ^ W ETSr DOLL .Ib. »•«

m M m F / TOY WAGON „ U M No. 8

CRSMI8TB7 81 Beg. V M

W V ■ / OBIENBODBEpt. # ^ # C* m J m CASH EEQI8TEB er. t* .0 , 5. VELOCmD

M Beg. n o MIDOIC J roOTBALL —

m «ii

■ M M H M i i J S i3S £»3a

f a l l s , IDAHO


HAILEY, D gram and vUl scheduled hen

| j S [ f Blatne counlysoring Chamh announced.

A tree msU

— TnHlar ~gwirf^- . te d -i 'e lv fl^ ^

' reindeer imay hsve lun.

A : • Seveni hun ^ I WUl be dUtrtb

e deed r«oe. m tfr id ed by friends '»oge W l mored. 'The com cf Hib n Biijhl be my own," he w pt. p jp , ,

------------------------- ------------------ ^ H A nxY , De

MOVES TO TO M B S ’E m SHAILEY, Dec. 18-M r. and M n . Bhe attended 1'ayne Lundberc and sons have the Unlvenityored lo Ssn Antonio, Tex., where Ing accepted t! will lake some specialised tn in * . {. He w u Itato pa tro lm u here Uranium onveral yean. two countries

f m R"R.g. $1.00 I M I,.;


Rog. $1.00 MBABY RATTLES ^ ' 1 W

R«j. *1.00 IPaper Buster ■ S n S fe


> •« . S M 9 ^Plaitie DOLLS .


BINGO GAMES H9Q^ B|29 ^R«9 . $I.9S—SIngt R<!

— GUN- SET — -Rei ■3 i± $1 ia3> .0L L 5°^S B l | ^

tUBBER BLOCKSR t . S1.7> 1 ^ 1 W

lihiB liirrRA CTO Ra i i ' BE'


Rag. S2.19 ^ : I CHINIS! CHCCKIRS * ■ _

lEO. checki' r board 3 . ;; ^

rowornY ’1.98 h | y “Reg. 5 2 .8 9 c m o l ,


LIGHT SET c i A RetNOWOHLT '2 .4 9 A ' t R*i

•. IIJ* COLOBEO > 1 0 - ^ r n l r ^ B Hxom o B lO C J tB _ H 7C . i c i j ' B«i. IU 5 BBTBT i o o n i. T T j ” ‘TST DOLL_______ X .7 U Av - A — D « i. » . « I | J Q ^r WAGON________ l « W ,i p . ,

I U 5 N 0 .8 i ' ''® -SMI8TB7 8 B T ___ ^ * 7 0 / ' Q . .. V M M A A tENHODBE_______X .7 P

j h b e g is t e e ' ____ ’ 2 - 9 8 ;■ :■ R , ;

\ S ! c m » = _ ' 5 . 7 5 • u , . : " , R e i

5 9 c k i k . R e i


f l t ^ i/ • C V S T O m S S A T I S F .

■ 410 M A IN A V E N U E SO U TB

Annual Christmas Cpmedj Event PJanned by . jSy E C. of C. at Hailey “SHAILEY, Dec. 18—Annual pro* Here." was pn

ram and visit of Santa Claus U by the, JuniorAeduled here nexl Saturday for a t tbo high *•laine counly youngsiera. the spon. The ipcnsojjrtng Chamber of Commerce has th e east werennounced. QulUlan, RonA tree msUnee a t I p. m. will Lattlm er. Jui

recede Santa’s scheduled arrival shaw rer, E m

arrivy In th» now f i a S S l U j S *llllai'_ grccrl, CUlUT...LUSlil9HtC' In buhu.'s i Vflvpf. A hftnA gilt |y.gar reindeer a t the event so they - . . • ' — lay hsve lunch, chamber officials ^

Several hundred bags ot candy % m T 6 T v 111 be dUtrlbuted as San t* inter- ~ ^ ^ j _

to u on the ir Chrlsl-

' ful. Drtvcsi isBEGINS BCUOOL co tia to disU

HAILEY, Dec. 18-Oeraldlce Pox. pje* right to thaughter of Dr. E. W. Pox. ha* be- *ldun her studies a l Woodbury college, der. InflariMdhe attended school a t Stevens and Ouanateed tole Unlvenity of Idaho before bc- refm^niooey.H accepted to Woodbury. tbe Ust of maa

uranium ore h u been found Ib C R E O I »o countries In New Mexico. ^


i . $1 .98 l ln fla ted SQU. $ 1 .6 9 ...........................

■ $1 .89 ■■■■■■■■■■ADDINI



U M K 7 D B IV I .ET WBKNCH SET - Z ----------------tiH F L A S n OCOVEBB-------------------- _:------------

(Iiutallatlon Kztrt) l£J5 Single ShotD»B BIFLB ____________________

. $ Z 1 9 ............................MA(

. $2 .19 ..............P U S T■ ^2J9^ ;n ;v :;- ...................

S S a f c ^ C H I N E S tr $ 2 :4 9 ^ = - . ;= R 0 C T


i; Reg. $4 .29 Shooting GolliI Reg. $1 .39 Horse Shoe Goi^ : Reg. $3.19 CLIMBING T>

~ Reg. $5 .29 ELEC. BASEB/£ Reg. $4 .98 W ind-up TRA!

-R eg. $1 .09 BINGO GAME Rog. $4 .19 BATHINETTE Reg. $4:49 W ind -up TRAI Reg. $3 .59 W in d -u p TRA Reg. $2 .49 P la itlc DISHE

. Reg. $1 .69 BEAD SETS, a i l Rog; $4 .29 Elee. BASKETI


e $ ta i t^S A T I S F A C T I O S q U A R A N T ^ ^

3 S 0 U T H ........... • i '■ * ?

« K a a a tiB » a 8 aM a » » a a i

Comedy Is Given . jSy Men Juniors

ZDEN, Dec. 18—The comedy tbree-act pUy, "Ut Me Out of Here." was presented Friday crenlo* by the. Junior dasi to a lar e envd at tbe hlgb achool audlUirlum.

The sponsor was H. B. OUck. IQ the east were Carat Rehwalt, Janet • QulUlan. Ronald Hawley. Kenneth Lattlmer. June Schauerman, Jim Shawrer, Ema Hlt«, Beth Marble,

Safer Cough RdiefWhen new inm or old fsD tojtopyoor coo* o r ^ t eold doo t (toy.Creooulilon csotaina only ufe, belp<

»e« rlgbt to tbe teat of the trooblf to aid funin lootha and hetl i*f, teo- der. faioacUal aveibnaaLOuanateed to pleue yoa or dng^re funds money. CreoemUoa has stood tbe Ust ot many miUkm of Bsen.CREOMUL'SIWptOern CM CMfc AnM

j j l o m i l | 4 9Ited SQUEEZE BEARS..................PULL TOYS..ADDING MACHINE



- *10.95•22.50

illation Kztrt)____________ : _ ’9 .95

■ B l '.........MACHINE GUN.■■■Pt^STIC I t n t R S

kSTER...;...........$23.95X E R .................;$25.95WAFFLE

', with troy ___ $27.50

ing G o lliry ------.$3 .69 ,Shoe G om e_____.98eBING TANKS ..$ Z 6 9

BASEBALL...... $4 .49up TRAIN $3.98

I REGISTER___$ Z 4 9O G A M E........„._ ...89eIIN ETTE ............. $3 .#9.u p TR A IN S___ $ 3 .M ■-u p TR A IN S___$2.98le DISHES............$1 .89> SETS ......:)___$1.29BASKETBALL ...;$3.19

9 :00 P.M.



Page 8: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

M |ssio n a ry T alk s' For Burley Grou[I A t Y u l e t i d e M e (

BUIUXy. D«c. 1»-Paye w • Bon. who hM returned trtxa v a

«uel* where ierrcJ m tny ye M ft mliSlonnry, told ot C M M edetriU oM In Uio Bouth AJuerU

. ‘c iirta ’ P

Jr w

■\ Afric*. M iny peoplo m Vcneajj'l l hATe neter o l ChrtiW “ i ij, cMiDOt comprehend lb# aie»“^II the obiervftDce even whra «! nUmed to them. UIM Johnion M

I I Mrs. Clyde aodinour »fld MI L to d Dalfour playfd * pl»«o di

tn d Mr*. E. M. awlM uith tod

gnm u Blvcn. AI) bM krt U belni

Ur Mr*. John Drew, preslto1 charge of Uie b u ,m ^ m « ^

, r r s r ' 3 r * v

. . .

Candy M aking Is Shown to Circli

' ’ b h o s h o n e . I5ec,' I nf candy were dcmoMlrftted bJ Mi

lU rrell Thome and Thome Bl the repilar meeUng

tl Malher’* Circle * t ^ e home ot WN R. A. Baumann. Sfr#. Arthur Jii

nvB lh# Sw^{«.ttonftl number- The birthday P»rty for tho

' membera who hiul had birthday aiI S S e * du rin i lhe P « t> VM held, wllh Mr*. D. O. Mlleht

prealdent of the froup. la chan The honored memben w e«1' ed with eeTMvic «*nHewhfch theweettog* were re« t by Mr*. Mltehe Mr*. Hall and Mr*. Durton “njora

'I lufreahmenta were *«7 ed a t U1 doae of lh* meeting by the no

Mi*. Baumann. Mr*. Han it ■ TurobuU Helton.

I' G ift C lu b M eetsi JCTOME, Dtc. II - M o lK ni the Olfl elub were enlertainri laI; week by Mra, K eaneth WaJkt 1/ Dinner waa eerred from a tabI' Jtttercd wllh a ChfUlmaa arran|.

JDBDI In allver u id blue w ith Ughu ' blue taper*. . ^

Mr*. Ouy SUnion was p r « ra i«I ] d n . Bridge followed wltb hono■ ! betag won b? Mr*. Mormy Jenw■ Mr*. Stanton and M ^ ^C a^ U W l

eomb. auesw were Mri. D l* E»m I' Mra. BUnley SJaler aad M «. Wl

comb . ______________________

Marian Martin Pattern

■ 1 wI M

II Bf'lji „ ii"i I ' I \

' ■ f ’ " ' i .

[ M l

i ^ \1 1 A l s ~ i 4 - u1 \ \

I'l|. , TEATIMt FABinON' (SerrlnR a t a u a t T hli \i ToI apron. Covrra bcaullfuUy, 111* <

Tloely. looka say wlUi contrail n I Hm . U aaip pocketl There'* aaolI K v tnion. Veo. U ai# boUil I; paltcm 6 « l : SmaU H . 1«; miI > IB, 30: larce I S . ' i l Smalt lakci 1

ydi. 33-tn.: 1 yd. contrast.I; TiUl cuy-:«*ui« pattern gn),, perfect fit- Complele. llluslrji

If i aew chart ahotrs you erery iMpU - Bend twtM v-lwe te n ls ta toi

tor thl5 pallem to Marian Mart ; care of Tlme.vNeiti, Pattern Dei

i - P. O. Box C740. Chicago 80. UL r>iplainly your name, addrtjj. to

{ a iu , Ityle number.Send twenty centa in colna

OUI U arlan MaiUa p a lltm bcM ;[ Baalea. jeparalM. faahion for i:| youa* and young In heart plu* ('.I Idea* galorel A free pallem olII blouM to make from a yard ot : II tBch fabric U 'printed lo Ihi boc

I Jf-aCESltniiI"The Som e of

Thaughttul ServictTTWINFALLS


D Kf o r K lch t Phon* U afr. and Mrs'.

Siaulev C. phallpt

I page eight___ ___

T alk s O ffice rsS e lec tec ' Group ^ t L eague M eJ l i J. ''JSROMZ. D ec.1»-M i*. WM d e m Q Q T w u «lMted preddent d»-Fave Joha- WomeB'i 2e«ca

red ^ y year* eently. O ther office* are Mr*. (1 flf ChrWoM no'd Aufderhlede, t1c« p r t ^ 2 > u m K S 5 Mr*. ^ A hr««. « « U r y . ^ B v meeting Mr*. Eric Jenaen. m a n ir tr .

Mi*.Bi g ^ »^ g g l d

kurhter of~Mrrn»r.~7 ig 'I~m « Tppwntwr to -yw ^-O teW B ar-bt U (tn ln* a* a for the m oa In aerTle* from mlislonary In ehurch. Mr*. Wayno Wlaemaa• la Venezuela Introduced aa « new member. Chrlaimaa and Pollowlng tb« meeUcf % g ift lh# meaning ,of change waa h«]d aad i«tr««hai vhen It ll ex- In ChrlatnuJ colon wer* aerred

I Johnaon aald. Mn. D *re Btocfc Mr*. B r t iDur and Mr*. Mletzner u id Mr*. A rt Buhr.1 a piano duet *

" w M .i N aticno lM eetinc r r i " 's Review ed fc ,001 OM.M.U C h u rch 's SocieS , S S K r a o H I ^ D «. M,

> f»m. Henderson. Ontario, Or*., wa* r I t? *pe»k«- « t lha W oiea^ Mlaalon

Mn. Henderaon, Who w*« Ida!

- aoclety tend clolhlag to Maji Su<!The p rogrun Included derotl

’ I r t n I c conducted by M n. M artha 1 l y Kee: group *ln|lng and a report

tJ>* Norember lhank offering I V_ 11L. I c Ur*. VlrxInU Jooea. la -T w o Und* During the bufloet* meetlns iirated by Mr*. Mclrty voted to.tend a donaUoa

M rt Burton t»>e ^ l« lr« » ^ home, BoUe. ana ar jnwUng of froup to help withI home of Mr*. ChrUtma* trea t Deo. 3J.

Arthur JIalJ A le tter wm read from V e 'number. Patteraon, a mlulonary In Eg] IT for U «« and Mr*. L . E. Trowbridge reat

b lX la y a n . temperance arUtie. Cloalag pra , pa*t quarter ^ ^ ^ .

TerrtU P w le r and Mr*. L. E. TYt w e« pre*ent- l>rld«« «*l*ted by Uio ho*te«, i

slrtlKSy J m »u« 7 meeUng r tn b e hMr*. MltcheU.w tro Thorne! Oleaa* P eny .jenred a t the ^ „ , * * ,* , ,

. ' C hJS D eS cles C lub Is G u est fo r Pari

I 1 , rAJRVJEW. Dec. 19—i::# DeSi/V V e G tS «luh of Ul# Buhl CaUioUc chu

. wa* entertained a t the Tom Tve- Mem^r* of j,ome by PaUy and Kenneih Tve ile rW nri l^wt »nd Lyle Ebhen. Pollowlng th e b

. T . \u meeting and leMon. a C hr mas exchange w u held.

Oame* wer# played during thee le w ith Ughted ^ Oabri.

. Ether*. Prancli Karel. Plore: Oofford and Jerry Turner.

/ . S “ ”=>■L C t ^ l l ^ . ’ evening and Uie group wa*

nd Mrt. w S church. Tirtn D ec .,

— D inner-D ancel o r t i n The student body of Twin Fi

Bualness college held a dlnnefdai ■ n a t tho T u rf ctub laat week. Tuxi

dinner waa aerred. Arloa a**Ui orchMtm fumWiod dance-muali

U k Tho eommltlee la chargro eH 0 / Putzler, Haroldn k Holnllne, Meryl Chamber*. D<

Nldiola and Jeanette Strunk.

# I Care of Y/ f t . -AN'

M RecenUy a whole tow n '

V / m \ -

s , y * I p young people had gona

^ il A c f alcchoUo ccateat. AJi tr - i. \ * o’clock Uiey had atarted, ^ 4 \ home la the ir ear. They had stopi ' l^ \ tavern for more drinks. A

''■V , , \ ' Hetman had found them la te r tS, _ J ■<. y .. nioratng atrcwB-along tfia .hlghwi : e i Thli etory wtlh rarlaUona can♦ ^ •if « * d la the newspaper* about o ‘ 1 ;f L a week. Peopl* ihake the ir he, and aay, '•acmelhlag ought to

•fi i* !L done about thli. Alcohol and ga«• 'J.^ I law." And they go .about the ir bi V T fT n lN r oeu while th« distraught p a n

I ' M ^ bury the ir detd or weep o re r U crippled ehlldrtn.

^ ^ ^ ■ 1 Law* th a t a rt contrary fo pu opinion never work. Only when people w ant to abide by the law d It work. Our taik then I* to t« people, especially young people, t

O i i i they cannot drire a car If they dr ' s ^ ' intoxlcanta. If Uiey do they i

W 4_ U tJiemielres or oUier*u _ ia —}n conilder any drunken driver a

tentlal murderer and «o. I a ra »i do Uie people »hoie Uvea he

A ffT i.. danger*.-jjm u ,e „ pyjBmON ---------------------------------------------

5;<.-s \M O TTOUaat. 4

Jarlan MuUn. t ■ moment snd tliink hoPallem Dept, > yo" COULD NOT HEAR jgo 80. UL flin t C pfhoiid»yi.TlieM elm ge^iaddrejj, zont, J jng lltiiwonderfu) lime of tt

\ ler, the chce*y Scasoa Cn* In coins for ^ *or*t>ip ihac moW O x w x paltem booki S ’ lo OTcryine e fa i.

uhton for Ui» i f Wo. k wouldn't be a » « y )h e s r t ^ u ig i t t > « , c o n ld B o th a r . . . l l , e a

, Sfl* i oo Ae hearth, tba lo5 eome frorf. Ihe ChUdren on c

d to lh* book. J Wmter Wind whi,UinK.fco ------------------- I .J* ful M l p of (he Carol c n , «

E V »t>ch a k jI p»rt o(C hr» ta j v So»oeloTtdoneofyoonm»

^ TDM without thc hearine t^;S h t t l t e « -a HE.\RING QI f heart tsd yoor*. Hoar vot1 Oiristmat. R«s>etBber, U)e

i A K C A i r i a M D H T J . q ^ t i l O V S Ct>R!

I THE Jlbone U J ]Xrs: C | J i q a r a a o N HOTXi,

h W ip t J W » u / l i l UjfiU

le c te d Local Pair W ed 4e M e e t In Church Rites

On Friday Nighr c h p « lo t* r* . Befor* a background of A itm I ar* M rs. Ar> themums and pompoias. Ui« mi lee p r tc ld ea l- rlage of RweUa Soreosoa aad Je •eacUCT aad m rich wa* solemnlied Prlday c

. ^ T f alag. The bride It the daaghtertriag p ra ld e a t. Mr. and Mr*. n » a k Bono* 7.-? H a t e l^ . aad the brldegr^ U I

5 ? ^ ^ ^ A. P. K eU« read 1

™ j s ’r v u s -

W floreaion chose • weddlag gown white net over *Upper »alln. 1

S r m t t fMhloaed w i t h lc■t tjunr. ,leeve* pointed a t Ui# wilst aad* fuU skirt entrala. Her Uludon i i o o f i r t n was flagertlp length aad her flow leering ,e r e red r ie * aad wWU chry*i

ed fo r * S*a token of *eaUmeat, she Wl C - - i ^ 4- , pearls beloagtng to her grandmoU j O C f S r y and carried her au n tl handkerchl ra_Mr*. Mable ^

w i a ^ t * ^ gown and earn^ . - M l a s lM ^ camatloas. Th# btlde*maldj. Be T’L m a o f ^ S Ounnlngton. gowned la aqJ bome 01 M n. wearing ord10 waa Idaho’s »«* O’ " taffeta, and Rose BmeS C iS f Vt^ choee sister* frcm Harellon. VS ^ iTsL iS l Murphey wearing blue talfi

M tarhey wearing pl

Jock J. Kalb perfcrmed Uie dul k ?S of best mao for Uie bridegroom. Tk offering by Bturgton. 1

<h. D*” Tlckner. The rlr* b e « « »M CHckl# Sorenton a « I« ln ^ Johnton. wearing light bl ? f Jim ? Hi! taffeta over net. was flower.glrL ^ I p w ith Uie her son'* wedding, M n. Ulri "■ chose a dark blue dress and wi

' . - ■ * coraage of carnations. M n. Sort»»»'orldge read a ^ camaUon corsage

31o*lag praytr wedding musle w u pUyed by M . . Ralph Kalaher and the soloist w

seized b y ^ Mr*. A. O. Helm*.XL.E.TYOW- uiree-uered w e d d i n g es » hoslesi, Ur*, topped with a mlnlatur# bride a

. bridvroom centered Uie Uble a t t lg win be held ncepUon held tn church baseme I. Alice Craig, u a ry Bale* bad charge of t

gue*t book. Presiding a t Uie rece* Uon Uble were Mn. J . R. Johns 1 i k I c and Mr*. W. H. Soremoa, M U U l o phyUls Stackmaa and Mrs. j . . D ^w 4 .« > Rarick. Burley.r r O r t y T h # n ew M rs .tn r ic h w m b eg n —'n :# DeSalM a*ted frcm Twin PaUs high achi iihflUc church next spring. sT om T verdy The bridegroom waa gradual e n n ^ Tverdy fro™ Twlo ?»“* high school in 1» swing th e bw^ >» employed at Ui# Travold Prlr son a Christ- Ulhographtag companyr T r t n n i l . .luring theeve* *

W ed in N evadaimer. EDEN. Dec. l» -T ho manlag#kt the close ot Merle MaClure. daughler of Mr. aigroup was tn< Mr*_Thoma* McCTure to Jack Huirty a t S t. Ed- ion of Mr*. Le* Martla. w u ptFaUs, Dec. 38. formed Dec. U at Elko.

The ceremony waa'Wllneasedl r t « / “ <a the bride'# partoU and le* M art'O r i U C They wUl make Uielr home in Lof Twin FaU* Angtle*. Callf, where Uie bridI dlnnefdance groom Is employed In defense to iweek. Turkey ♦ » •

jlo a BwUaa'a CLim b o b tesblanee-mtialo. PUXR. Dec. 18 — M n. W.

charge con* Chase was has l u i a t a St&r socer. HaroJdlne Juacheon and holiday party TTiujimber*. Doris day. Luncheon was served buflBtrunk. (tyle and a gift exchange held.

)f Your ChildrenBy AKGELO PATRI

» tow n was drunken driver*,” you *ay. Am tho ( by th e deaUi Uw* enforcedT Ii Uie Ucense of lu ?e«i^e.W M h» -a . drirfit-tevr>lfMl?^Wliy- nfit? * -pthCTa.-^H>e8e h lth - s ehOOt-boTS «aU-flUl*~Uug « W 'a - p a r ^ lh e rm srron ikrjfanm vitiriinaT iT c n i to t r t a t r -m »w*<t:^tiy-^the-d*otr«w of -e tw» ja te a t AJoag <IrlBk7'77j* fe c o r i i 'd a w T iS m ' lad s ta rted for *ay saJ had stopped TouUi Is heady enough witho drinks, a po- strong drink. Speed and daring a

iem la te r tha t charact«rl«tlo of youth. Danger t h s r h l g h ^ ^ Kn iPceaUve. to^«rin ffr-Ad«M»4>i

taUons cao be » couple ot drinks and you have t a t about onoe making* of a tertble accident.* I * ’" <lo n«* » « » to help, 8chc K , training helps wme. The burd

heaviest on fathen and mel * “ 0 must refuse the use of t

? , . iv ^ .5 :^ : C“f to children If Uiey are g ^ I! *her# Inloileatlng drink* •eep over Uielr ,erved.

I t 1* h*«l to 'llr t wlUi a tulkli SJw -S .. .K. complalnlrn adolescent boy or g

.1 .1 1".,“ * ^ harder, muth harder,ly w e jaw cots bury him after a murderous sci

m uilxhooie belve " «Wvlng and Uie tr*gt

ir l f t h e y d ^ k of drinking, do they risk ,

; or other*. II driver a po- <k,J

I lives he en- bi- Df, r*ui inTu i«tirt p-i«. “cubiIlltblu.” Ts cAUIk * ecpr. Mi>d 10 <ti

w* to punish ti.*8uii»»*’c?ii^ T «kT ?R * 'y r‘ *

T O H t A K ( ^ \

in d U .i^ h o w y o « w « Jd fc tlif * i jDT HEAR M thli most h inn r Jre e lin g of tbc Bell^n»eliim . . 1id lime ofthe year. The liuRh- . JSe»»o CrtctBK, tfae derwit t S

^ a » iM a M > M M * < » « M d l ^ l j

be a rery M etir O w k taa . if i Ja r . . . l h e a ^ 'o « o f th e Y u J e | • . - 1u th , tb* l » ^ l o « > d « thst A < I I •{IttldrenonOtRstmasBsorn.lhe X . 15

o fy o m m sy b e rtce d w ith tS e th o o flito fa irir t. *{' {’e»ntiK they deserre. M»ke it »7e»l a itiiln u i 1* L.\Rlr»G Chtutmaj. Put a wanntr e W In their J s. H o* vould you feel coolcf not b t» « S>mber, the JOJ o fthe gift II ia the stvtn;;. I

iWO « A MARK OF W T E L L I6E H C E 1 r s e t> l» « l> E R * T W H FOR O T H E R S J

HE JEWEL BOX 1i H o m , p n o N z « 9

______ \

■ W ed . Bride 1 R ites ly N ig h t

of chjTtaa*■om*. th« m ar- . suon aad Jerry ■ [ .«d Friday eve' lhe dasghter of -u tk sc ra u o a .Idegi^ U t ^

Keuer read Uie >t Uie AmericanT be bride was f r / .x B W B M W I 4 P ; ; ^her fa the r.. )

3t •errtce. MUe p?>eddlag gown of K jv ,• i • v i % ^ ‘. r ® per u t la . Tbe . ' ' l • ! ; ’ • •■ r-'iH M)d w t t h long I t . . j ,he wrist aad « f* ' ' ' N ' - 4 ;> 'rH Pler Ulusloa veil 7 ^ . ' j L aad her flowersWhlU chrytaa> n i L i w r '* ^

Imest, she wore ier grandmoUiert handkerchief. ■ ■ k s B - l H l

MRB. JEBBT ULBICar e s S d s . ® ^ ‘8^^^OTvned la aqua '

JS S S !? . O ffice rs Elected r r « : B y l o c a lG r o tHaMltoa. Vtr- lilrs. Marie au((ery wit) headIng blue taffeU Noble Orands club for the «' wtariaz pink lag year. Olher offlcerg etec

Thursday a t the home ot Mr*. W rmed Uie duUe* W atts Induded Mrs. Hutda O ffldegroom. Tbe f ln t vie# prejldent: Mrs. TempaStiugeoB. T*«J I^w ood. second vice president; Ikner. The ring- Iverton. seereiary. and Mr*. MSorenton acd Hair, treuurer.

ring light blue s*ve the thought forI flower ^rL *^*d Mn, Tom Alworth gavlag. M m Dlrieh Christmas rttidlng,dress and wote T he house was decorated opros. M n. Boren- Priately for the holiday season. Ote n d r w with *'ere exclisnced. Mrs. Betntee f

ton. Pocatello, a former memberI pUyed by M n. «»« club, was a guest. Refreshmcth e soloist wa« were sen.-«J l i s Driscoll. )>

Allco Shifter and Mrs. Slgtld 6me d d i n g cake « «

E - E i l ; T e a Fetes Guesicharge of Uie Oec. U - l i n . tV.t a t the recep- Churchman honored her dausht . J . R. Johnson In-Iaw. Mrs. Wilson P. Churchm Sorenson. Mr*. »t a Ua recently. Seventy-five gut nd Mr*. J . A. attended the event, Larg# basketj

mixed chfTsanlhemums were uset * WlU be grad- ^ ' a decorations. The tea table ' ills high achool centcrtd *1th an arrangement

whf{« chryjsnthcmims *nd f waa graduated Plnk *n»pdra8ons. Presiding at I school In IMP. tea Uble durmg the course of I Travold Print- afternoon ^Jere Mrs.-Frank Mathe ng company in Duhl. Mrs. R, L. Robison. Mrs. C

bert WhlU. Mrs. A. E. Gould. M n « W. Sanberg and Mrs. wmiarn Pel-

e V O d O PARTY HELDhe marriage of SHOSHONE, Dee. 16-Henry 1 titer ot Mr. and was « irpri«d when a group of e to Jaek Huey, neighbor* and friends dropped In irtln. w u per- help him celebraU his 8tst blr ako.' day anniversary. The evening \I witnessed by tj>ent vlslUng nnd remlnl.'cinj »] a d Le* vf«rtin. whleh the traditional birthday ci r home in Loe *hd Ice crtam were sen'eo.« the bride- ^

«JTE*fl -------- --------- Mrs. W. a St&r toclal j7 P«rty TTiurs- M

served buffetang# held.

Iren m1 say. Ar* those ■Ucense of such

ut-glrU ^U ught — snvm rnndT m - ---------- rr—

- M - ' '

:nough without and daring areuUv Danger u -------- ........................... . l ^ Bf “Ad«Mfr4hafr

a you havTlSeI accldtat. J lto help. School / •.■. The burden / Itien ana meth- *th t use of Uie .If they tr# go-

ing drink* are

wlUi a sulking, ^;n t boy or glri /uch harder, to Ilurderous acci- j ^ J i f l H:hoose belwten tnd Uie tragedy

OflclHU«| er BB- fiIlton b \a <K<ns< l> M B —I l>lf if t^gUlnmSrt r-lt. "ClitBilat > * ^ r o E S . '

7»^7*'y^‘ ^ J F ' ^ T ^ i S w

8 HI1 wll\ HIQ iru inu i l i . f< • ' i r :- . i n l h r i , > . frot bt»r « ,5 I ■ f f ,1"fl- V I T , ® #:f I6E H C E I l l i

ST *19 — -

3 S e a V ! * i

_____________ TIMES-NEWS. 1

Je H om e W edding I: l a a r a n H eld by H eybur

C ouple T hursdcBZyBCBN. Dec. I t — CSur)

EUtabesh Lmey. daughter of and Mr*. WUUam UUey. a sd Wa S. SUmpsos, aon of Mrs. U SUmpecp. w en tmlted ta marri

home of tbe bridegroc mother Thursday erenlcg wtth

■ jnedlale^ieUUvt* prteeat.

■ w B ® * " The room w u dtcor«t«d with ■ s i B ' - t M baskeU of pink aad vhUe chi

taUiemam*;-Ughte(l - ta p e n hickory boogh* W m m rt

satin eowB e a^ t» ta * /i' i V ? H K # 7 0 ^ ' Icag slM■ pointed a t tha wrist. Ber flage

veU.wu of (Uk fUutlon Uc« be* wlUi Uara. She carried a bout

Mr*. Louis fiUmpsoa. m a tn a honor, chose a yeUow fomial

i f l f l l H B wore « white c an u tlo a eets. ' ULBICH Bridesmaids were Joyce Ingkrat raring) Plak govn aad Meldlne Ta:

. la aa eggshell gown. Both gtrl* w corsages ot whlU caraaUoas.

Lols eUmpwD w u best b l e C i e U U shen were Victor Eagkraf i

l l G r o u p Wde'< mother w o« s i«Hii »h« blue afiemoon dress and th# bri

5 S b ^ r troom'* moUier a brown aftemo / i t a . t e u d ‘T ^ une ot Mr*. W O ^ recepUon and shower was gi rs. Ifulda Oolt. ‘he young couple taimedU M n ^ p a El- U'« ceremony a t Uie chu 5 president; M n. recm tloa hall A short progi % and Mr*. Myr- a reading by Lal

Cheney; vocal solo by Lon 1 thought for th# Jenien, and a vocal *olo by Le Alworth gave a #rd McBride. Louis Stlmpeon ■

masUr of ceremonies, lecorated oppro- The guest book was cared for lay season. OlfU Caro! Hunsaker and the gift ta: rs. Bemlce Pat- were la charge e t Doris Coles -mer member of Maxine McBride. Cora Mae Lee i It. Refreshments Uia Balle*.» Driscoll. Kfn. The Uirte-Uered wedding c n . Slgrid Smith, was cut and served by the nei

ip veds. Thero wero refreshmenU i^ dancing fsr the guesU.

= ( n i j p c f The bride U a senior a t H J WlU be grI — M n. W. B. uated wllh th# claas of 1051.1 her dauRhter- BUmpson was graduated ft P. Churchman, neybum In 1M3 and b a veUrar

‘he marine corps. He la engaged Larg# basket* of fanning. The young couple wUJ ,

r .,* ra " .s .amuigemcnt of . ♦ * *

S iS " .t‘S; Local Girl Chose°.l MARYLHURST, Ore,. Dec. 1

m !L nTt' Chaney,, freshman fr? T*'‘n " " ‘ved into

French society of MaryUiurst t.•WllUam Peters. Marylhurst. Ore,. recenUy. 1

* UaUon followed a formal dinner!iELO the campus., 18—Henry HIU Tlie busy round of pre-holli

a group of his fesUvlUes will fnd wllh a ChrisUIs d ro p i^ In lo trc# fireside and aa evening of ohis 8tgt birth- door caroUng Dec. 10. M lu Chai

'he evening was wilt retum horns Dec. 30 to spiemlnl.'clng nftrr the vacation Mlh h rr partnU . :[ll birthday cake and Mrs. O, E. Chaney, 30i Mj: sen'ed. avenue norUi.

- = F o J

■n e w s , t w in f a l l s . IDAHO

iding Is Pan-H ellenic Hai ley b u m Bridge Lunchec h u rsd ay J t J il l . - C h y la , .n S ^ lS a pui-n=iit«i= . t t t a t «i i tlub i

« u a U n . iM a a O a .Psn-StUealc beaeUt dlnner-di

” 5 * ^ held Dec. r r a t Uie T o r i I

1 ' u ^ S f j u i memben wbo 1 5 Uckets to een are aiked to .r^

a wW u allpiw wito h S h » « « * * ?o ? . £ ? * i r e s ' T n tl aad M r .t. Her fingertip _________r1/vn Itce .1 —

C a le n d a r•oa. m atraa of low formal and _nation oosa^e. s ^ » » Borne Improvement orce WlU metl a l a p. m. Tuesday 'S S a t o Mn. Paul Hash for * ChrlKBoUl glrJ* wore ^

m “ bort*’ m aa Mentor club wUl meet a t T.i r Ernkraf and m. Wednesday a t the home of 1

Archie Colaer. OlfU wUl b# e r ww« • Ua2 changed. ^ ^

IrS ro^ tO B M O T te CaUiolta women's league r f S a ^ e S a S rte t t at 8 p. m. Tuesday la St.

wanj't school auditorium for 5le ImmedUUJy annual ChrtsUnu party and

a t Ul# church exchange.

Th# Highland Vie* club w a il io l» LoretU a t I p. m. Wednesday for • pot

•olo b r ^ n . dtnntr a t Ui# bom# of Mrs. ] . Stlmpeon wa* Stltaemelr. Each faember U m [ej. to bring her owa tapl# tervlce.

l*thM [lft UAlM Vubble clat* of Ui#Doris Coleman Chrlstlaa chureh wlU have lU ra M a e ^ e and nu*! C hristm u party a l B p.

Tuesday la the church basem wedding cake Parents are asktd to bring | by Uie neirty- 1 " lhelr own chUdrtn.

■freshmenu and * * *Jta Ntwcomers will tiav# a Christttnlor a t Hey- ^<1 .® P- “ • Ttiunda:id WlU be grad- the home of I tts . James Koui of IOS] SiS Slua Lakes boulevard. Rese

raduated from tlons may be obtained from 1 1 b a veUran of E. M. Sandberg, 1C0-R or Mrs. R e la engaged tn Brlshear. IMS. ,couple wUJ live

The Newcomers club will mee „ a p, m. Wednesday for a sei

meeting a t lhe hom# of Mra. Ila: J ^ P i r » c a r > M. Coot. IOC! Addison aveni;e i V-.I I U 3 C I I Restrvailons may be obUlncd f

Ort,. Dec. 18— Mrs. E. M. Sandberg, 100-R, or J ^eshman from R- W. Draahcar. IMfl.Mlved Into Uie ♦ ♦ *«arym urst col- Stcond ward ReUef society s„ recenUy. In l- hold lls Christmas parly a t 3 p irmal dinner on Tuesday a t th# U?S seeond v

chapel, A program has been of pre-holiday ranged and a thort IlUrature le:

llh a Christma* will be given by Donna BuiUe. M evening of outi b tn are asktd to bring a gill 0. M lu Chaney the Chrbtmas box. tc. 30 to spend -rr partnU . Mr. Termite damage b so stv trt laty, 30i NUiUi Vtnezuela th a t most floor* are m

of clay tUe.

Falk's . . . Famous For Famoi


1 ^ A tc la ,^ t n t J

lune w ith the happj-holida}

^ atl exquisite formal! A line

A \ \ stir<! to » « ihis cliarm-fifle

i \ V \ ta ffe ta s , bouffant nets, slii

\ \ U \ brifthlest stylesU w aiting fo r your scliiction tt

^ Sizes . . .S to 15—1

K -

29.9!^ T h e sp e c ia l th r ill t h n t roc:

Y t h in y tr u ly g ln m o r o u s . , . ] 9

. \ b e a u tif u l accc.saorics. Choo

\ - lovely s ty le s . . . a ll f ln tte ri i

\ Y o ii'll'B lbam w ith a !ipnrklir

\ find b ra c e le t, nylon n e t evci

c a to la c y dcaitn is . . . Elcga

eveninfl: s ilh o u e tte .


S It CosisJ^^oJ^C lo SJinp r,

)A H O ___________

nic H as C hristm as Form ; u ncheon Motif f o r M eet M '- lSSS Of WSCS Womi

Uie C hristm u i t s Cbristmu them e, wss i ifld meeting c t t r didc* of th e WSCS « t t ) T urf elub Sat- meeUag* Thut*d*y.____ Mr*. H. B. H ornet w u h b ^

clrd# No. 3 a t b e r home. 3 ie ed candlea. The h rM n . A. M . PuUey.nt dinaer-daace r ^ S ^ ^ w e r e glT«a b r l S o

_ V— Tflled'i'dtmatlon tu U w cliurrli" fart fund to fUl a C h ris tm u ba

• J if * J 2 5 ^ fw a ntedy family, lyder, 6M-J. be- jg , K a I w u !

'Jlra Howard w llh M » . AtteU K aaltU Lt hottea*. The devoU

f ! 2 ! »efvice wa« ltd by Mr*. J . M. : ta d Mr*. Irfwt* ilr*. Tom Alwortb gai

review of -H ie LltUe Mixer- ' I Mr*. 0. H. Soiltta pUyed » p

_I ' solo. During the eodial hour ii d o r presenUd to e*ch memba

I toy shower was g lren by tho gi for Ul# chut«h nursery. Tea

nprovemest club terred with Mrs. H . u oeneabe a . Tuesday with pouring.:or », ChrU tm u circlt N& « n e t « t th e hom

Mr*. Olyna f ta l tb - fo r * pot ¥ luncheon. Mr*. E . T . O utterr

meet a t 3:S0 p. assistant hosUaa. The group i he home o t Mr*, carols aad Mrs. Cl&ra Parka i fU wlU be ex- derotlonals fram th e S7th P*

Mrs. Oeorge T . Oolvla gave 4 program. A gift n * gives to

men’* leagu* will church nurserr. lesday la St. Ed- Mn. 0. M. Plsher w u hostes itorlum for the a dessert luncheon 'fo r circle party and gift e vlth Mr*. O. E. Beymer u u

ant hostess. Mrs. Ivaa Price i « Ult devotions. Mrs. AUle Jone*.

tw club wUl meet gram leader. Introduced Mr*. Fi lay for • poUuck Prunty who apoke oo 'C hrist ]# of Mr*. Elsie In Paris. 1M9, U » WAC." Eaember U asked .Tht hostess for circle No. T ^■# service. Mra. H. C. Straak* assisted by :

♦ V. R. Uwsoa and M n . C. 0 . Iu s of ths f ln t ley. Tht dtvoUoas were glvei flU have lu an- Mrs. Ben L uaty aad Mr*. Irty a l B p, m. Painter presented tha prog: hurch bwemtaU Donna Knox gave a Christ : to bring glfu rtadlng. The group presenUi Irtn . gttt U Uie SalvaUon Army.

« A potluck luaeheon w u helelavo a C hrb tm u circle No. 8 a t th e home ot m. Thursday a t O. W, Undtmood w ith Mr*. O t J&mts Koutnlk, Llndtmood u u & is u a t hos

levard. Resen's- Mr*. Frank Kelson gave the d lined from Mrs. Uoru. -Uit Christma* story," ai -R or Mrs. R. W. praytr was glvea by M n . C. O. J

son, Carols were sung by the gr * ' Clothing w u donated to th#

:lub will m tet a t for a stwlng On Wtdnesday, circles No. 10,# of Mra. H an ty ----------'ton flvent;fl esst.

| S S S 1, ' r . t w i n


the Stockholders of Uie Twi DS seeond ward purpose of electing Dlrec

I s s E " S‘." .“ it“to“ S sir£ : n t “«t'™; s

Banking Room of the Twin

t floon aro made

or Famous Names = - ^ — ■ =

For All the Gifts ' All You

r /

■M ............ / / ^ — — ----------------------

^ h m S m a ^e lic s t, a t y o u r g ay est, in

ppy*holiday se aso n . . . tn

nai! All new arrivals! Be

cfiarm-fHled « I/«{ lon of

I t n e ts , slim rainfc c rcp cs l /A

e s t s ty le s a re h e re . , . / f v

selection today!

9 to IS -IO to 42 j f / j &

m .

' - m m/ & W

?.951 th a t ROCS with wearing someH

>rous. . . is yourB with any o f o u r

'Hes. Choose from a v a rie ty o f

all f ln tte r in ? . . , aiJ in te restin g !

’ a flpnrklinff rhinestone necklace

on net evening gloves w ith deli.

I . . . Elegantly combined fo r an te. _

lorics-Sfreei Floor

o Shop at Falk’s -=

' r M eets A d d r e s f l o W om en

hm4 t e m i o r t * ' » ^ ^ a ^ H ^ w s r a « tiM ,

f » u to

- “ s ; ““ "S"”"'W by M tt. Q. H . .Christm., ^ ■

^®'^o'-,Pinoch| Club Is aI

m r ^ . Tea w u wen fou,(.i, I

Q u t te ^ r ^ w M r.and i S M * ^frc u p MUf Mr*. n*fde^.

Ci*r» P a riu ^c*t mttUnj *tii v.. HtJjo 07th Psalm. w«tk< #t Use j

^ i v t a g a v r S Twin Pallsn a g jreo to Uie * * « ■•»,W U hMUs* a t JJW lnX o I3n for circle No. ^ I^ « » u a t s b t - « •“ V wjB

I v w Price gave c B I. AUle Jcmes, pro- P«tel ■ ■duced Mr*. F ^ ??*« « t e r t n ^ S ^ » oo “C hrlslm u ^««1- ■ • WAO." ----------------- _ M

“ wero glren br

leon w u held b r * f w t ^ B

circles No. 10 and g e . " ” ^ *


STOCKHOLDERS; ■n » » lir i = u J

rs of the Twin Falls g, ‘r f ^ B eleeilna Director* lo r « of IncorporaUon and B y - U ^ f to operate branch hsnks uM /or nesa u may properly come b e f o r e ^ ^ S B »y. J jn u a n - 18. IM l ac <:<W oSoS^p“M

of the Twin PaUs Dank * Trust

_______________IVAN B. SKINNH, f l

Jiffs You Need,,! You Need Is F l

n f


» i 4 i


■’ > I- H


Page 9: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

KS* WeekA nother full wee

m M ^ w k lull h lta spread o u t on ever

•■,5S» iW* Tho Twin F alls 1 Bruina trave l to

- f a u « a n 4 ^ g , - j ? f g ^f f t f S m iT T M r f l t e O n 3 _ T O u ^ I 'M n H B k " ' tu r n to T w in F a i l s i d n H P ! ^ . ' th e d e fe n d in g a ta te

S I K k s ' N am p a B u lld o g s. S I H E I P a V ' court tcUon (U rU 5 l I e C T < l * ' Uu Heybum P u t b e n S g M i g a a ' : h m t . TIVfth. In «. Ml ^ a r n o M m < Duchesne m»et

w M ^ R w 0«<Jo T un d ty n l ih t B i K « S / i a n o the r tcUon Tuetdft] u K ^ t » K DuM » t 0 « U it. Jerome Z .W L S m S S a FU«r » t O uile/ord. I

ooodlnr, King HIU i r . ^ - _ Dletitoh » t Richfield a.

'"pt r o t Venkee ^ Anthony and ' t . c ity ThumUy. Th* Bo

Tjpon the to- home Seturffty to t« J t S BanuSr- On Prldiy. N unpa ’

K B«umont jerome. Melad e t Oikle • puUi will M Olenni P eny i dirtod !**• H M tnn ia a t ralrlie ld

M MurUu*h. Heybum i ^ liitt McOouf- Q ^io t t PAUl and Malt

u e l t t than w,U the^-jtUle ihU roay |y j»nie# thU wetl ^ K t h tw ta i o w Harold Blown 1* poinlSr , i o i tJ>« tor upMU. The r s ln j w

tiowerer, when they i d igUd the m oit oeoree Kays' ret«ran ^ 0»TrxaiIe»«ue, ^hooUn« q ^ t e t a t Rui ^M j»belJ.m ay- ju o Plratt*. paced bj ^iIiUC Coleman u d OUly lUys. ha

tn every department to: MttTvUahowlby u d « 1U r> lato the (i» it» d y to give Duhl wUl be the undl ^K tr John»on a Oakley Hometa a t Oak Cu* bot comer. EJden WllUanu’ aquad ijIbrSantat city v ited wtth height, kx

vae su« and tpeed. Buhl h a i loi , three Bamei tW i na^onJ lUMigold and Coach Oerald OelUnge y»<im Coleman, duce h li 1950-Sl Jerome ^ r tn l other Son g a m e 'a t Caldwell. T .f titi t guy really ihould have UtUe troubl ■ ome. Caldwell, eparkedtfBUl Besna and Hugh strlngfleld. la rege Eltsr the Yanks sn ih t ta t t B lj Six co»{« jlijbe ihli year n ie d will be out to ev ffCosboyupln wiih the Ciutletord Vi ni. dropped 11 opening game

• ton to Castleford. but (Ulll art tlnBlng KUloy'i team h a i beer ixanttr In the rapidly. I t will be favon ^ tn ik lngm oat the Wolves wlU b« hard Biadtikenotlce. their home floor, in-rttr-old Ber- Shcahoae wlU be out I THa Fallt hlgb two in a row over Ooodli

Ing. The Indiani defeat bUt la boUi the alori In their f ln t gami ■ol Minor letgues «8o in fihoihone. Ooodl 1 le e o n d high a contctl lo Olenni Ferr b lU minor loop Fairfield will be favon lU n iJo r Itague. olf King lllli. Dletrtch Imputed one o( edge Richfield And Kim ipzticoreior tlie the nod over Murtaugh.b p t together a -------------- -------riadBlne ttralght w r • • /Wyoming ((•a t couple of 1 XLeav<-— For Bowl 1Browns LARAMIE. Wyo, Dec

WyomlnB'i Cinderella Cot PC pulled themielvei from :

3 V 0 I I S national footbaU prom J Uielr own boot etrapi,

1 ^ Ilreams today and head aA c t i o n A dato New V ea ri 6

Oator bowl with W aihl •d itrf Pref* Lee'i Oenerala U a t tha e ilflAsjelM nJlm^■ trail, And tho trail w a l .» Cleveland imvclled before them,■ BfcU.^ cl»l._in Tlilrty^four playen.- i l i n « the nailonar wlvci. three coaches i

jsiootl-pityeffsr d a r—S ter tjth e r-p lS S r^ ^U ltoal confer. Ujo trlp-hy autnmobUa. Ot

the chlrnRo et and university offlclali ^ D iJ l cuiiomers down later. •W t hfit I t Lot And a ipedal train fl

«ttT tiu-cme acroM the ita to picklns » t . la n degree iludcnla aod Uio unlve

npiuffd llie m ume to reach Jaeksoi e»a en)«Ti wUh for tho game they hop

‘ mttte New York Wyoming right up In thi _ To do It, Uie Cowpok'» « LKiiccn Bt daj-a of the rough, toug

on the lhat helped maka them I tu conl«t champions ef the Skyline

^ Imt ind make mentor Bowcto boUi win. conference eoach of the

: ^ » t Uielr two Wyatt, schooled In the 1? ^ *lth Uie Ing Tenneatt* ityle ef iJ K r e i to Ujb Imported four yean ago t ^ t o e e h a m . UUng about, a Wyomln ^ W - A » f t i c a reconl a i d U h ea rten l^ '

a m th Uie land. Two y»*n dldr J * any effecti In tha gi

tiae t, Ih t column bu t U at j t a i Wyi a C ? .* " points lu firat league UUe. fci ,'L*“ f*d by W yalt U perturbed abm laifcinue. Uie dIUon of h li men. TlieyV (iO W w enU a light workouts and tte

**'■« “ hdwlched around fln « * “'* *0 “ >® •*»«« «»ded o; ^ ™ Brewns riving. He p lani lo pou:

h „ ------------------

Utah Erupts t■"f »u e- HONOLULU, Dec. 18 (

«Mie on : CtomU*7 SiciiT c i,r of 30 paat attampti

— _ ‘N- BJ Uie Rediklni anipU0 7 " ------------- «hadow of Mauna LoaW hptln la louehdowni In the l u t a;: ; ;^ a u le to dmb Hawaii <&.ae.3"^------ - J Although handicappedJ”*/ w ry ball on a ra lm w ep t;tsn*7‘=™ *i ii,p_ nlnKham came wlUiln two•m plftloni of equalling tbi. collegiate record of 1S4 mN by Don, Henrleh of Wael'

t,v, Utah's four acorea Jn imlnuwt were not Uie on

•4 P’- ' by Ken Kahoonel toS » gavo Ul#'Rainbowl^ s iT ‘ tfluchown In the m

Ule rawing.'^■nbon-a had Ui#

‘'" “ I the cloalni T.I. r.ll. Tliey led 13-12 a t halfUmi

5 V-‘j» » d v a n U g e a tU ie tJ , . , '» '■ >“

1 ' WlKB TOCB?i„l “ *«• >8 WV^ 1> . a iMt round U wlUi

^ « an e»gi« ,D d five bli^ ^ D«Wol)ff, N. T

i p f l P Ig. IBgO

' ■ ■

lley Quintets ;ek of Basker full week of basketball awaits Majjic c lull hits In the area.- Twenty-six hoor it on every day of the week, rin Falls Bruins face two of their stiffe, ravel to Bupert to ---------------

x r L a B e l lioh i t ^ loa lrh t WlUl

A n tiy Trcmulncleane meeU Daolo a t h c av y w eiK lit w rc!

% 2 ld ay night w l« Tues,a#T. Jarem a a t CaldwaU, m a t p ro ff ra m spolaiUeford. aboihooa a t * * *:ing am » t n irfia id . _Richfield aod K lnbtrly I* 6 & r e

^ a trtp through eatl* -Wednesday, f tts i meat: ■ • . . ' J P W atbony and than Bugar ■->ay. Tha BobcaU returnday U> tackle Malad, ' S U nt, Nampa wUl play a t ‘ ■. V nad a t Oakley. Rupert a t > -ru Ferry a t Ooodlng, ■ C t_ ^t t Fairfield, OuUetord V -'I. Heybum a t Aberdeen. [. _ . '■ * ' : 111 and M a lu a t Albbn.1 will be the underdog la I f J plea thU week, but Ooacb i « " (rn 1* polcUng iiU c a s tn ]M ig r i S n Krhe going WtU b* tough, g n ,■ S /m g S m 'T f ,hen they m eet Coaeh J 9 ^ y * y ^s ' veteran and abarp*iite t a t Rupert. H S ^ . a S n B B E

paced by Abble-Url- Uy Hays, have tM mucb - « r to e n t for Twin PaUi loto the game favored

be Uie underdog to tbe sets a t Oaklay. Coach B inu' aquad i i wiU-bal- belght, scoring punch FRA^^K STOJ

luhl h a t lo it two out of . . . fonaer AIUAj th li u t f m . ban player for Wath

aid Oellinger will intro* wbo meets Dale Hi )-Sl Jerom e Tigers In a TnewUy en the wetl ildwell. The Cougars card. O ther bonlt mUe trouble wltb Jer* ebamp Andy Tremaln til. sparked by lanky T^R»tt»i and Mr. f tleld, is regarded highly oeerga nruekaaa , 18 BIX «® lcrtnc«. itavla*)se out to oven Uie score -uUeford Wolvet. Flier

G l o s e R a cn h a i been Improving ill be favored, althoughvlll be hard to beat oa O C t I T 3 1 1 6 1 loor.wlU bo out to maka 11 D i — T ,rv. over O oodlnr a t Oood. I l l J T U I J L 0 < Ilant defeatod tbe Sen*r f ln t game two weeks Action th la 'Weck In one. Ooodlng dropped uven Twin F^Ut bo< □lennt Ferry Saturday, could tee loop leade 111 be favored to knock banda aa narrow marII. Dietrich favored to preient f ro n t runners d And Kimberly given place squads. Murtaugh. Qem S tato OU and

— ------------------were.Ued fo r f ln t i• • • 1 women’i M ajor leag

i m g G r i d

L e a v e s S ? 1 u y i"r ;rc S S’ " M crcbanli league, wl

. o w l T i l t 'Icfigue.

Wyo, Dec. 18 «P)— League ttandlngs. le;nderella CoATokn.who and this w eek 'i icbeCelvei from nowhere to m a jo r leactbaU prominence by ------------x)t straps, pack Uieir n t s -----------and head aouth. i'wirie U w __________

w Vear'a day la Uie t ' s -------------------wim Waahlngton aod w .iv r ~---------t U a t tha end of their orinwir M>'rk«t______w traU wUl be weU T«» ,‘*.“ 1"

»lty offlclala wUl motorMEItCIIANrS Ll

Ja l train wUl dg-iag c«n si»>» •■*!>*'■----------:at« picking up fans. —

Uio unlvarilty band a a u 'i’:u»b in s______ach JackionvlUe. Fla., u*''® rew«r ..... .............., U..7 hop i .U l' put ----------It up In the big time, um w au ___________b e Cowpokei face 10 T.n hkh .V,*rough, tough pracUce n i U i ‘«’" ) »taka them undefeated iitnniJi. | i i : iiou*rr. i«;the Skyline confcrence Co'i"- »«• _ , .entor Bowden W yatt u ,n ^ach of UiB year. u ithT po-.r^V ^iif t-ioled In the hard sock* J*"**'* Fun>«’« "•9 Ityle ef play, wat ““ “yeara ago to do aome* cauR C ii l e iia Wyoming fooUaUI ChtiiiUn ............................

J'r'TKpiauS ES?"™ie eIn tha gamea won « ^ « W y o m l a tw o n =0 UUe. D iT l t a t___ ________rturbed about the eon* Tn. hiik b«-i,nen. -nieyVe had only 'niL’1%. m -.a and timing drlUi, Cf«ii«i. u u d. lw .. tn .iround final examt T»Buat'> Sch» on ended on Thanks*ana to pour It en a t Prakrtnun n . ciiruu*

VrtMUt n . D4Ptl>(] ; COMHERCUL Ll

r u p t s t o g g v a ‘i z = i Hawaii =r, Dec. 18 M v-utah-i>ava Ounnlnghaai b it Trusuu Nmb ________u t attem pU Saturday Wih tawitr^ u o p l r t in lh . s ; a . ! “launa Loa for four reiur. n o i x»im. i i t i c r1 the l u t alx minulei s«h»tf«u ftr i>« iMO-ae.uidlcapped by. a tUp- nuctiu Tnetoc «*. um i< . ralm wept fleld, cun* Tri-auw N*©n »»• Ro*»n5 wlUiin two pais com- u iN o tt leacquailing th e naU oo^ n itr V iriiu s t o n _____rd of 1S4 se t th li year w««j. Tr»ewr ------ ------eh of Waeblngton. —scores In a wUd ilx hith •v*r*s* kowinnot the only o n u . A Doumi), iioi johnaon. it : ;

Cahoonel to Dlek Car- u 7‘'’i . ^ ’i r u 7' ‘*Bn# Rainbows 38 yardt *' fVr d«Tl In the m ld it of Uie Woodi Tr»«ior « . o- ■

& C- An4mo» Flltra's had Ul# D iet well wouen ' b KAJOB I

the cloalng minutes, c m a u u o n ------ — _I a t halfUme, and had age a t Uie Umo OoacbI boys found them* timiMwiek_____________

flcHsUth J « . l r » ----------

IKB TOCBffET ....................■— . ■V W)ec. 16 Mv-Faahlon* ,, . '- n - r .md U WlUl Uie help *

SSf/.‘'A r S J S B a r b e r SU. B. golfing 'faciUy. B«*Openad for Bfana InvlUUoti golf „ - ru v T E R Seattrday wlUj a "n287. .................

■ • 1

t e t s F a c e F u l

j k e t b a l l A c ti<t.s M ajfic V nlley h ig h s c h o o l fa n s before •-s ix hoop c o n te s ts a r e s la te d thi.s week a

e i r s t i f f e s t t c s t i o f t h e .■scitsiin. On T t

iaraKfffifrOTBelle Here Tues(T re m a in e , rcc o g n lzc d tta tio n a U y tis th e IK ht w re s tl in g c h a m p io n , ta k e n on talc: l e re T u esd ay nlfeht in t h c f e a tu r e bou t o f r ra m sponso red b y th e T w in F a lls VFW

* * * w o n h is w orld tit i tJ i n g M o n te L nD uo 1reared e i P a so , t c x . t i

■ ” ■ - • ■ fl^“ P P 'c r is rec<c h a m p io n by n ti m ifls io n a in ^0 at^

' R in j r m nfm ziiie.^ f f i . Ttt'o other bouti con

T\ie.'«lay'ii prognm . itro n se jt to be preser

: , year. Frank fltojack.J p ■W" ' • A merica football play

' ' Inglon s ta te colleite, I ' Haddock In ihe leml-

' I 1 ' S aka ta . ID48 Olympic champion, meeti Oi Jnan In Uie opener.

T lie Tremalne.LaBe mlse.i lo l3c a pirlller

' iM t only nne boul tn 1 th o t to Jnck KIter by

/ V i){ Frenchman: ‘c y ! -with the best, ard he

j B ' ' ’? f’® 'I e T . ■ j y B ® ; - ■' over the tricky Tremi Tremaine has climb

to tb e lop In the gru AhfK STrtJA nr bualneaa wlUi a punislANK STO/ACK “rocking hone." Onc«-mer AM.Amerlta foot- applied, he utuallj roll r for Wathlagton Slate fall, a Dale Haddock hero H e first entered 1 la the wetUy wretUlug gam e In 1D3J and wa ier bonlt pilf world io<o when he Jolnec dy Tremaine wlU> Fierro pa tro l In Texas. He re md Mr. Sakata wllh rin g in 194B. iruekman, (Staff e a - , Stojnck mado hla fir

he re two weeks ago. — ------ th e 'b e a rd ed Shlek A

h is feared airplane af k n Q p p f i S tojack finds axiotb<

tom er In Haddock, an , , _ tho knock d o * u draga i T P r n wreaUlng. Haddock UC t t i C l l i hjg unpopularity In T

1 - M r. SakaU. alM wln L o o p s

Cavern Cabaretlea only . _ _slf U\e pate. Only two K v r k l l P C Sl .rate Qem SUlo Paper :on Coffee shop In Uie j - . , , —

S ” u . : “ o » r h 1 ”i C l a s h T o eJ chureh In tho Church _

andlngi. leading bowlers J j O O p I jeek'a acbedule Includet: Tjrt.Rp.AJOB LEAGUE BO ISE, Dcc. IS WVi _________1) i» ,•» college and Southern ]

----------------■* M ii» EducaUon open t—-------------J! ;} division intermounUii

" it JT ;«»i baaketbaU race here t___ _______ :t SI .i«! T h e four leamt In thl

---------— .51 It .«o« p ]jy ^ ij.gan ie double’*r«iV bo>ltni Uorrii. I t l t and bome tehedule, enuirnii. m ; UU Five freshmen ma:Bfl: a . Coltmin. IM! Com: Bronco squad. Coach 0.Q^hmo, i . t ; _Adn». ! .£, .}oy-i,.coununa-on tpefr■dsitd t n Du. i l Ulll year. The Broncot

■ — tctIt two iion»le«tue-iiT ^ .n .m io 'j D«r Uila seaaoli. ipllttlng'wlIt y,. s»T.n Up Nnsarene.

ziiANT S i-g*cug„ . h u ^ ^ e * 'a d v a n ta ^ * ^ fK siwp !o . l it the Boise aquad.__ - ....-...... » . ,JJ .J7 J__W aber, defending clu

.............. “ division, and Rlckt collie i"— — !i .'•« th e cne-tw o contender......................:> » •»! gue.;';':™;'T"i;;"iri;n- RhnndV W eber lojt three s tihkuf. I7t: Li'ni'r. i i : i Winning Uam latt spi

iM : Rmiik. u»; Mine promWng freshnIlouirr. » ? : Thotpt. ICJ: |j,.gp uu j.p ij

titihl'* B(h«4tl« --------------------

M r s . C o m i s k

B a c k i n g C h s — H » .JII CHICAGO. Dec. 18i l " . — " lA ; ; ■}•• G race Cosmitkey tald I t - L Z Z Z Z ir u j i» W hlto sox wiu back UP' — --------------------------- 11 :j .j«i of BaaebaU Commiss

--------- ■* i5 l-i C handler.................ii u ;»it Mra. Comlskey Is Wbwtru* bo-itni Htr. i»t; Ident..i ' a . "u IS; . =>’" ■*;»DtLuca. t t l i Nnbr. IH. task her aon, youthful

1 Iskey, vice preildent ■,n rt. St. U w irfi No. 1 —Ti. Chrltltaa A^hwertli Molor _ _ _ _ _

, T»o hlih trm tw bowirlERCUL LEACUB l|‘.“ DuTOiS°^r*ill’"v . *1t -------------- M IJ .TJI L. V»»««n. IH | R. ll«.rr.-----------------;} II •;;? !*•; Jt- W.lltr. U ti X. IIi :------------ JJ J* C tU r.tio iflolukl* I1,1 - ....... -ll >1- •*»> IlroMwltk v«, Bunlm*

-------Jl JII Cnn Sl«U Oil Tl, Aikvo)frai* howltrti Worrit. I«i; WOUEN"R^INOB IlohMon. lU ; Brookt. I ll: Etonomr C«»h M ttlitt__D»nnlnf. l l l i llooi.r. HlJ lq« T«Tnn ______!a"' ___r* Tl. Cirr.ll rrilihl u'lJI* IT odS t.IZ IZ IZ Z

S S W ™ ! ” ™” —>n n . Itocrton IJottl Jl.rm on.iu. ■noT T eacuei to r * - ------- <0 IJ •;!» U Kww«rl. m I ’c. JlifM,--------------H ;} j I? ‘»‘ = '■ Cowhim. I ll; A.

j«Ti«r«------ ll 11"** • ■'!?’ lI«rtnon.1tiIl'"".^‘w*T»ChUrn. 15;! &3'biV f«Vb«*"V‘ ***' I'lonwr I’lrk Mkl. w. Hoir *1. M. tl. j'twtWnaa »». Flltr ViritO' Slort , p■B U a7oB

iiry - ........ » J{ * VH**!


h e r S h o p m a r t i n * v i ia ie a to r B n ilna , M O TO R O

C E N T E M .P ..^ J51 MAIN AVI.

-__________ t im e s -n :

ans before the C h r i s t - --------------------------ibi.i week and action is

’1)11. On Tuesday, th e

Puesday m m MUy ns the world lig h t:cfl on talented P ierre H j ^ . ^ a { |j f lurc bout of thc weeklyFalls VFW. TremaineI world title b>' defeat- ^ ^ E £ g V . r ; ; ^lte LaDue Inst April in0. Tcx. Tho talented r rocoRnizcd as 3n by nthlctic com* s In ‘IO fltatc.'i and by infmziiie.her bouts combine to make ' program the

to be presented here th it ank StojBck. former AU- (ootball player for Wash- tale colleite, takes on Dale In the leml-flntl and Mr.048 Olympic welshl-llfUng1. meets Oeorfe Bruck* he opener.cmalne.UBelle bilUe pro- About lo lurrond i bc a pirlller. LaBelle has jook mere aa If the; one bout In T»1n Fallt and square Gardro. Al' lack KIter by a clote m ar- Congara 'J1-C9.Frenchman holii hli o»ti -----------------------------best, and he will have to

Coast T e jne has climbed the ladder _ - _<p In Uie grunt and groan W f o t «WlUl a punlBhlnS hold. Uie k J K t lhone." Once the hold Isie utuallj rolls to a certain I V 1 U o w

st entered tbe wiesUlng „ „1D3J and was active unUl NEW YORK. Dee. I:n he joined the border su it of his unfoneenTexas. He returned to the men'a tloglea cha

‘m .a , W. .p p , . „ „ c .i week! ago. dUpojlng of Tranclseo waa afcorcded Shlek Abdullah wlUi as the No. 1 tennltd airplane spin hold. United States for lOS

finds axiotbed lough cus- undisturbed by prtHaddock, an exponent of pllcaUont tbls year

; don-n. drag out lacUcs of S tates LaviTi TennlH add i^ Is popular by ranking committee g

}ularlty In Twin Falls. m atlc" top v>oC to UikaU. also will be making ta l ColUonjia leftha. appearance in Twin Palls, second place to runk’allan uses hit powerful Flam , Beverly Hills,tUengUi to advanUgo and T h e rankings will iIVO UtUe trouble disposing fjclal untU approvedeteran Druckman. Dnick* annual meeting. Jan.)ably win be too tlow to m tle Ukellhood thntle Olympic champ. clianged. A year ago IwlU atart a t B:30 p. m. discussion of the Noat Uio-Hadlo Rondevoo Pancho GonraIe.i, w bI tupervljlon of the Idaho profe.islonBl conlractommlsslon. nua l mceUng.------------------------ Listed behind L ar

C T r * ! ? » e re -»• Edward <Budl l C S a O l L i J J returned from Europ

■ the defense of tbo DnI — miss botb tbo cup miI I 1 0 n i £ f X l t Uonala.becauie of a ,

and three membera

oop GameDec. IS lff>-BoUe Junior

id Southern Idaho College .Uon open the sorthem KK) ' IntermounUin eonferenc* [■'/m. race here tonight U Nr teams In the division win w S L•game double reund home _______I tehedule. ending Feb. 17. reshmen make up tbo ^ s 'uad. Coach George Blank- —------ ■;lUna-on tpeed-over height ^ -------The Broncoi have played - ■nOT'leajue^gamesxi'o.rfiir m ? i. ipllttlng WlUl NorUiwest . .

a t two regular! back and V ' • l';’ tdvantaje of height over r v ,aquad. 1 ' ••

Jefendlng champion of tbe r--'. ••nd Rlckt college aro rated y 'S'O contenders of Uie lea-

lost three s ta r t from Itiearn latt spring but basnWng freshman talent to j J £ W v % : ^ I. the UUe-plcture. .

C o m i s k ^

ing C h a T t f f l e r30. Dec. 18 OP) — Mrs. unUkey tald Uis Chicago wlU back up the reUnUon lU Commisslonsr A. B.

nlskey Is WblU Box pret*

Icated ahe would take to on, youthful Ohuck Com- > president of the club.

trm tw bewltrti^/. Sl««irt

a i ^ » » .nt VI. R<Kubtch Jmtlry £ £n . Eqslubl* Llf« • •VI. Bunfm*Oil Ti, Aikirofth Jlelor__

*h Uttktt ___ II 11 .JM Ik' __ ~«T u J U It ---------------- JJ II .11* 1;5™.-s:=:l! !! S! ; "M'I ** yj « Illl com4vtf»s» bowlmi H. UiMwlii. - .ni>Ioa, I lt; L. DtTrlM. II4| £nCl.hVii.^ll};*^Jf S. 1» : n. BndltT, 1«I.

fineIf* »t. Uirktt ygj^j




/ -


P i iBouncer and 1

I to (urrond * loose ball, a ty Collegs of New Yeri ire aa If t b e y ^ eltaalnr a bat la Uie wind thao Gardro. Al B oth haa hU t f t on Uie aame thlni I 'J1-C9.

ist Tennis Iron Man '•Receives

Uilnk be will hav<

1 Ranjdng trim almultaneou.O boai games,ft weel

fORK. Dee. IS (JFf—Aa a re- This makes himlls unfoneen victory In the Jor Uie "Iron coa tingles championship atIlls. Arthur D. Laraen of Ban of ^ a S ( S a ) t0 w u a ^ rd ed .r tc o g n iU o n m unbeaten, onci <0. 1 tennli p layer In Uie Now h it astlgnmei

Itates for 1050 ' *hlP 2» coUcj u rb rf by prefesjlonal com. ^ » amooUUy-fun. t UUs year, lh a U alted team which wlli n Laxm TennU asiociaUon'i iqutd. coached by . committee gave the “auto- of Yale, In Uii )P v w t to Uie tem peram en.rorjia lefthander and tbe ^ drlU his o w )lace to runner-up Herbie canes for Uie Ortu:vetly Hills, C alif. ale agalnit Clem inklngs will n o t become of- tu approved by th e USLTA I— —lectlng. Jan. 20. bu t Uiere la Davit cup team ’ellhood th a t they will be o ,rdnar MuUoy anA year ago Uiero wm some jjroTO. Jr.. Ui

n of he No. 1 rtmUng of cupp„, ranked3onralM, who had algned a jhe first 10: 7-1nal contract before Uie a n - orange.N .J.; 8-Earl■tJng. Pranclico and D-E.behind Laraen and Plam i, phiiadelnhla.

Mward <Budge) Patty, whofrom Europe to help wlUi ,

ise of tbo Davla cup .only to When lo u Boudritl tho cup m atches and na* In 13* double plays ; ecause of a sprained ankle. IMl. he set a maJo M membera of t h t beaten fsr shortslop which


A^ea Kiendsliip speaks tl

" M e n y C h r i s

’M crry C h ris tm u r VitB what d( como words fill the heart, a s , iro friend greets friend with frienaship

S tirelf 0 ^ 7 the finest, tbe most fine enough to accompany these fii yeora, those wbo welcome the Itu fine whiskey have particularly wel S c o g ro m ’r / i w u t A m a ie a n tc h i ik ty .

< K % /

Sujram’s 7 Crown. Blended W hiskey, l

/ - -•


and T w o P o m i c e r s

of New York's Ed Rooan. left, and B rlghaa Yoc e wind thao pUylng a thriltlog baaketbaU gan e aame thing. Ths bon* leam itaved Otf a ral

I H u n t e r sMI. Pla.. Dee. 18 CH - H

Andy Oustafson doeiQ't i L Q I l a i M JI be will have any trouble X

H u n t i n games.ft week apart. Omakes him top candidate BOISE, Dec. 18 i

e "Iron coach" UUe, but Idaho big game: O ui doesn't mind. waa llnally cloaed Iu s guided hls Onlrenlty end of a lato elk himl (Fla.) squad Uirough county and Uie tu ibeaten, once Ued leupa. m ent bellevei th lilit astlgnm er(U .*re:‘' ■' probably wUl reaeb'hip 29 coUege aU -itan In* of 33.US. -mooUUy-funcUoniog touUi P. J . U$I>ennott,'vhlch wUl meet the nortb illllem k lr aald tbalcoached by Heiman Illck- are no t yet tn frr Yale, In the Shrtne char- checking here Chrlttmaa night. License aalea reet:rlU his own Miami Hum- said, ahowed an lmfor the Orange bowl clas- 1.000 elk tar* sold d;alnit Clemsoa on New a total o f 31.407 to«doy. ed by Elk bunUra.

— I Antelope hunter*539 «nlm«U dUrtj

up team. Ted Schroeder. .neclal h u n t • MuUoy and BUI Talbert, spedal huntOTO. Jr.. Uie fourth Davis 55 allowedwaa ranked lOUi. OUien In counUea In eaist 10: 7-Ricbard Savitt, n r a o t t ^ i a l d . b n N .J.; 8-EarlH .Cochell.San to t h i ^0 . . d S.E. Victor S .K ... S 5 S , “ p S U " ^idelphla. ^ .y ,

Lou'Boudreau parUdpaled >E d BatPbaeh.? pl(ouble plays for Cleveland In Cube in IMS, abutset a m ajor league record boUj endi o f a d(

tslop which tUU stand). Sept. 38.


' S s J ‘

lealcs the Magic Words •

l i r i s t m a s ! ” mth what deep joy those wel4 rt, as, from coast to coast, friendship’s happiest salute!, tbe most deaired of gift*, is .

ly these fine words. And, for ne the luxury of the gift of ularly welcomed the gift of n tch iikty .. * 7 Crwm

WUikej. 8S.S Pmt. ESK Cnin Nmlril Splrm.


Is Rat ‘Amaz

NEW YORK,CA * T he m ost snm ii

oceurred on any in ? the^ o k -T>latiy - 'th e- noon Nov. Ohio, when Mlc cd

\ \ T hst Is the consld' % ‘ maj or i t y

WTlten and radio ( . \ Uclpated lo Uie ai

■ M " Press poll. No othiden t ncn even a clc grotesque affair In

I . era wore glovet to »'1 ^ ^ .. vlnddrtven tnow

ta to n and aothe tldeliae

Michigan won wl f ln t down and wl yard through Uie a n e t gala on Uia grou

'* There were O pur' V ? ' - strove to get Hd of

P i P ! a n k \ ' A ‘.‘ • '- i skin. Ohio led 3-3 a I ' / ■ ■ ■ ^ l" t period.

Michigan had thc Its chances ot got bow] tba t It had nt to sm ut CalUomi

___ mld-weit obtervar.— i 1 i> m to Uie oddity of Uii

Qrighaa Yooni's Joe Rlcble Running a dlitao j>keU»U game st Madlaoa gulsbed. second In ed otf a rally te edge th e the expert! w u lh

the Iowa eleven, U---------------------------------— — Notre Dami, went

■m If ■ With 3S leeondi r«nters May1 -w~v W ett eoait obser

ual Deer SSJS,?LSLS. • -wjr 1 Ington 8 u t« • Un

ntingMark JSJi-rSl?IE,- D « . 1 . OJB - T h . I«!0 U I t m t hunoi.1! M u m S J ? , .

‘“ i s i s s s i IS e , S ' t H i “ a sssS

tf will rw eh Ul, 1B« flp ire respondniU tadudi r LculirlBa'a falhxn

M ^X tom otfiU to big game “ { wkir aald tha t i&The recorda S d o K T p l i ^ t yet tn from tb e various ^ wbat wott Lg StaUoni. w inslng extra poise aalea recorda, McDermoU ended In a Ua aod 1 lowed an Increase of nearly ed. went tnto tba C k ta rs sold durtog 1B50 ^ e n nil# require* seren of 3 l.« n ta«t were p u n ± a i - o u t In Uia nort nk bunUra. a n chuckling orerope h u n te n accounted for recess during tba

duilnr September'* Eastern Ortym ai h u n t coDaga while t>layeispecial hun t for rem otal of gold tooth lott by 1 M . allowed In portions oi .>unUe« In eatlem Idaho, M e- NKL80K BOET8 ( t M id. broke a ll recorda SALT LASS Cli

to th a department w hea —Chopping: away- I reported a 100 per c e a t hopemii wlUi an i

to b lr **"** prelli ’ TJtah'a heavywel^t

taqtbaeh.7 pitching fdr th * u lgh t takes cn Bom I IMS, abut out Brooklyn In kane. In a lO-roua ads o f A double-header on the Utah «Ut« ' t I. aeum.


rds ■


ulnl Splrm. Suinm-Dlsliflm' Cmponllon, lti>(l!»

[ichigan I i Rated Lmazing’EW VORK, Dcc. 18 (yPK ' m ost amazing th in s th a t

irred on any g rid iron dor- the rcccn t foo tball eeaaon- . . i^ la tiy -W e-^ n g id -^ a fier--—1 of Nov. 25 » t ColumhuB,), when M ichigan defeat- )hio State, 0-3, and won a , to the Rose bowl. ;i

s t It theconsldered opinion ot a |iirliy ol the pallon’a tporta Tt and rsdlo casters who par* ated In Uie annual Assoelaled I poll. No oUier game or Inel-. I r tn even a cloae second to tbe (

^ u e affair In which Ute play- lj,'ore glovet to avoid frostbite. A 'Idrtven tnow blinded tbe tpK* s and ao oil flre waa kept roar- sa the tldeliae to thaw out Uie

cbigaa won w liheut 'm aking 'a down and wlUiout making a ' through Uie a ir. T he victon' !

n ia on Uie ground waa 37 yards, e were O punU aa each tide e to get Hd of tbe glased plg- Ohlo led 3-3 a t Uie end ot Uia period.chlgan had thought ao UlUe of hancet ot going to the,Rose tha t It had not' even bothered

o ju t CalUomla. declare* one wett obtervsr. U all added Up le oddity of Uie season, mnlng a dlilant, though dlitia- 1 led, second In the memories of expert! w u the occasion when iIowa eleven, Ued a t^4-14 wUh 1, e Damt, went Into a huddi* j 3S lecondi remaining to play.Bawkeyt* sUD were huddUog i

'outly wbeo Uie game ended. {!it coait obaerren cast a Rout E for Uie aet ef th a Washington (Jes In dtUbenUely glrlng Wash* :n sute a touchdown In tb s ^

60 aecondi ao they conld g tt ,» io n of Uia ball and giva AU. riea Don Henrlch a It Uie recorti fo r pas* compi**1 In one Mason. Dou made good.Coaeh Fortrt E rashenk l of

1 was reported to h a t* baeo r burned W th* Inddent. ber oddlUea reealled by lh a eor*'3ndentt Included theaet ulsTllla’s failure to defeat

a mlzup. It only tlx players aa Ita llna when eked wbat would have bees tba ling extra point. T he - game d in a Ua and U lam l. UDdefeat- rent tnto Uia Omngw bowL Tha require* seren m en on th* Un*. 1It b Ul* northweat they-tUlI |chuckling orer th * 10 mlnsta 1* during tb* gama between em Oregon and Bola* Junior r* while tilayers aaarehed’for'a tooth le tt by > Bolaa player.

BOK BOET8 0 S B 0 0 K 8 ’ iLT LASS c n r . Deo. M <UB lopptng: away- a t th a list of to ll wUb an aya to » return >lg time preliminaries, T jeUa.I's heavyw el^t Jack Helico. to* t takes cn Basor<kTQ«kK .1. tn a la-roimd n ialn a f U tah state' talrgnnm dg coU>'

1. • . , .


MQE im ia I

Page 10: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

£ TlmWU tb r « . ijU itl'

II. n* toa>bl*4 Aaltioriut^*11. Uot)i*r oi umioud

IUUd ef (. rorlari Tror J-

j i l K S W "

a v U - - i i o C ”j i i s r

I ^ Z ' Z l Z Z Z .[...., T T T | « *

p T p T ~ ~~"S - ■ Ry----------- ” 55 "

p --------------- ^ w " ^

" to " . ' . *•

p r ----------an __ * _____ , __________ -

' ! * ____________________________ __

[. b o a r d i n g HOUS]i F e c ^ T w I i G G s / w w o o ^ ! k O F TH 'S M iss ive i j u s t


; L I F E ’S L I B f f i T H A T


I"A ll I snid wna . . . ‘How

I •; brin tr th a t b l j box of g i f tI enow ?” *



I D O N A L D ^

■' f ■■ '■

i _____ DECEMBER _


u iiiru coin n H * i I r p i n

'u tamleu WTTe|SB8)>|AlH|3Balil r«miB* Ir flollclH lik nH ^ aI aIAalfcorlUttr* UlArTA pUb^R 0U'IeIumioud a l i Jpofi»ri loieTcpKptleMaicjw wMMB

s i S ; - s B e l W l f i i r a«etuW«n of «»tur<f*y'* Punl*

SI. (I«WM adr* t 8wU» r tw ri^» _. »»• Ko» '.I. I-r»T pl«w*1'“ ^ , . DOWH t Loek UUr

L U ls in l 4>V0IK I. r u t s e< A om

t li It”! ''1^ 1 ' I'®” “ Aalin»l t »»«- " ■" ^ *■________ __ __ __ __ I. |Ufu»»]r '7 10. U c ^ t ^ M

” 57 Zr-------— I t loo*«; / It. Audltarr ariu____ — ---- _ - _ I. IL im trluB ,u , 5T ar « indiMD. Stfo ln t et------------- ----- V., JT- — — - U. nodtnlt

_ __ __ ___ „ _ a . riiinppia*2----------~^'iS K»*fll»*-------------------------------------n. ntnanTM ------------ -----------— ----- --- --L Bblp'i offlw79 i f K Cn»y»a' I. BUlnnlni— I— — — J"' i • 7. Amtrlcin

, ' , *' ■' ,, !• ^ iiuioomt

r a r i i f jSTST [ S C S_ _ — _ -I - __ __ t OrttnuJ aur»4* “TT „ H~ , lonifiw '

r ------ ;?7--------------“• %Sk“It. ruKiooT ---------. f e ---------------— ll. fiiinatr flnlil

__ a . IB

HOUSE - MAJOR H O O PIJ!T O tx jv o o -m iu * :^6 I 3UST ^ HAD Beefl t WitsED ^ 11U6 Ott) CI5T6«M> BV 1U6 LOVlfJG SPIRITUe MWJA ER. Of CHfflSTMAS/---- :20P itJ AMD CWAT W r o BeTTER GOALOtJ& GAlKi ABOOT VOCRl VJm4'*3U, MA30R.—■ ,C6A’- - ^ WHEN CeirTA\H JtOPLE *H unLE KlOT T VWD W\MT60A6THltJG 6tA*T ITrranSn 7 GETJJlCaA*3D

2K TiT> \ ewmBJLV.tDOMT

1 TH A T By N E H E R

— ,

. . . 'H ow do you expect the m ailm an tc )x of {fifti fro m Grandma th ro u sh dee]

PSB B H B > i c ^ I 3 5 i i r n r r r v e d w r r « .M6fi UB IP WE was ^ r ^ T sUCCEECBPiS A60VERNK\EN1


^ g n i i x . I

I .

SMBER_ 19E0 ______________



IHr |o |f t |e |s | B Jn t h e c e s a / <3o w

S i p■ M ? 4M H n y jo CURE w M n s\ mas

ft i n U K E W A S It^ j v L _ ■ oIr ItI s I V TK CisJJJC OP '• ys ,,L U 'L ' ^ } y

ly's Puizl* rw

n r pletur*»k lluU ^ H & / / f r T 7rts ct Aom Wli“•" m aimti t r w gW ^

m*»] iS|oBtAis H lU j

I TOg»'THigTY~>EAg£

£V°“' SIDE GLANCESlumorUt . I ■ li' ' u

■h i ^ i ^i r f r I

30PIJ!-Ut<e MCr^ JM M X

CMtSED ^ V l V i l E w►JG SPIRIT . | | m


>\»1(£0PL£^ T H i t iG I ^ H ' . i j i ^ - y ^ x B m

t T x m ' ^ H ' . . \ L > « / ^ * ^ 8g w w s ^

»2-/8 '

“ I t happens every tim e hc he still th in k s he’a a cavo it



p I= f j . ' M : , . .lailman to ^ »>«■.««>DUffh deep "Som etim es I wish I hnd

fo r brcach of promise I"

jo w r r «OEP«es \AWfTN«oouo»fT\rp5E ’ WE w a s ANWtOEP )SUKPRt?e ME |P \ W&E /ERNK\ENT CITATION‘ V .^R sP .N C rC D / H2




?AY jSyW E tiJA M S

© y \ S i r 'S t S S

1 1

— ~ - - ■■• jCwitii*M 3— ;4lgTY y E A R S T ^ 500>0'


;ry tim e hc runs out w ithout hia rubbers— 's a cAvo mnn!"

I__________ By DICK TU RN ER

T <«A M.VKMW. T. .1 Ma. g. «■ »«T, o>»- V

wish I hnd le t you go ahead and sup me jm isel”



pS iX T U Jow , j u s t S i r N^ s - l - Si^HT! t rANlV P L ^ g VflLj ) -



^ T 5?1C R jw r

) wo VMTH/ / coH tm . I I ^ K ^

r i^ ^ . ) , . r *5iS6cwsL ‘ uesncuR

/ ^ y s g ? = \^ IM 9 w n re 5*ljUfrAT"7 \f((;/i p. acBn»i/£*x»iiKmoK»l \

1 = (TPAROIAMICtMrH J.P . ( I■ llHBSiitM A Mck£E. Wice VEM PEAK V

W i]l'l< y^ ^ ncjEMj>*:»e6M)C*»iumv> P 'Be»oE«,nAU£W)yEN6««a

mJM T ‘'® ♦* ****0* »5HW

IRAITH A 1 % ^ 0 :

iTw iw t B in ovw I yX>‘ OMt AV4<oWW-

A W M era 's o n o on U r> 6 la^ S {3 Walt, Ntna. He ff?t mo I 0 rV5 Chnstmas prosontj

ru b b e r s — I ' L _ lh

{ M P B / LOO< AT ) f5?»3^ THAT U N E / J 0«j6T» I'l-u 0S HE?B y

JR N E R g

f i g

\ S t /V n /W I HALF\ \ j OILOPTIO/JW lt« L P (

-----i --------- 1 Q AZA3IC. SO^fW I WWEIJd «™ m e J J k f c

C rono^T ' l E i C 7W/^ uoP£s r f J BT7 /A/ HALP IwBH

, , ; suB A ^EK so . K r . :

I f : m'--y y ' " ^ I

B_ r /N A FDV SECONDS. TH' 7] I . 1 EVE WIU. OF DOME tTS D _ IjWOlK.r-HlSSANiry Wll

I B£CON£-An’-iC» P K f ’ ^ C A N DRAG Hl

iT ' n te V H riMiSH t

s ^ iE > o j ; - ■

A 1 ^ ; AUcy OOR OOOIA



\ H 0 - ______________

' • ' T w n e e w i fm w t^ ^ \ \— ^ Hoaw * * « • '

------------ - ? ? ^ iM K r4 y « c thbcb ' i

SMnMAr V « ie FEMICIS! 1 ^ | ^ ’*CU6M8LEH?^U « 5 w / ^ . l W D i r T W t^TM M SW D U ) WTH 3.P. ( KNOW THEfO ■

| L s s s j s s riWlfMCMXDj ^IS i s u L V 'f ^ ^ f E n n M [

tv (\1 CftVi IVK’ SVE. ,A N y o N E ^ > '" > ^

l^ y

It was d a ltv e i^ ^ M put It

, p ^ o n y '' open till ChristmasM odious

fT M ca '*

kf'VJi j H I

! n y rflLL bu] jsW EULflCA: — SHE'Li- TELL YOU A t

^^M E ) ( BE HERE A W A SO l^ THE. caJ— ' MOMENT Phony j o b •T T -— -------------- I'M SSNDiMGa -------------- --------- \ n / ^ - HEROtiBECOF

J . s p 5 L ^

M |2■ | H B I ^ F ’ T>^<X^t(»AUFKa0<

Mircu'LCOuvnjv'scoec El tfH V SO SH ^*V BSBOeeTWEEAKTHQW

<W HALF IN/VJP J ^^.^M E S S E D U P HIB W WLF c u r OP ^ ^ ^ G E O S S A P H v ;

WWEB, HUH? ^ — 7 / ' i r ^

S .:.r - '


^ M yJO^J lAJULT/^^OOROOOIAANO ^ HEV^./:BOOMh a v eh it V O O O U ^III Ri^T^t r ip_ANDWEDO ■ o S C A R f P ^ ^ )tc■ M

w w 7 * w f i ?ow >»i* ir o w n c *k, « c t s u ^ « O T » jc k td tvk«CTHBCR' to o K iM * t* rru f lu > » a * « * d B fi O P t M / w » « T W B tfW T O « » C * * ;« » f ll£ -

J u» m m t^e. _____

i e > « u H t V i w r e 6 O . M 0 l i ! i W » ^ ^ 1LlTMM5«0DU>! MMI tW " -JOK TOP « t t i^V E p


f I p u tltln tfw S Rnatty heoouldn 'tc h s n and Wait wait any tenjer

didn't thinlc I vvas and opened rt tora jf^5^cnou6h J

W E U L flC A N ^ PIR5T-Y LINED UP A T .V .'^•ELL YOU AU. J STUDIO—TECH N ICIA N S/,^.eOUT THE. M E T Al____THRU TH E , ^ PHOnV j o b ^ COOPERATION O FM SSNDiMG BOB PURCELL— > ^ 1 M l£R.OtiBECORE. - ~-m -|t . i-----------^ __ ^;hE GETS ^ x2T i W

iS T ^ S S i!?

i . ; c ^ O T J ^ T T O P ^

' } ^ ^ KOITAII

' weJ ? Y e’S b / w S S 'x yftlGHT.I ME.J .wrTHTH' CANP1NDA A

\JH IN k !^ T 0 0 j V ^ H T

tXrtMNKW l(E A » < (W S -u itM r:7 7 rT ''''< H

II ....... I.................... BS ''S S I

h© o o u id n 'tl t I t w as a Ty ten jB r phoodsaphao) ff^ d It f e r

Page 11: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh


^ ooDW. r>~. u i n S l o L W f C E

f s j i i r - . » s r . f f l M X " :L ) Mat kUb«rl.«oo4 »:■- - 4m*** *” n. M n t<,W>l*.Hl thet

M t^** M4 «>«•• X -^ - - •

s f s a « i & si k l " ^ Bl>i<nUlT mu**i

* k - 55^

rM MBSin Md cattm 1 1 ^(hekt mJllM. •toek«T •

V iW .

^ * * j,* **SbM*Vuti?*

-------i i r u L0» AKOELta, D*e. II-------------II c»iu< MUt > !.»« :• »u

,U4 . 's . . , u mctir w .« bi>—------- M H J«w«r: »«i»T»Jlr b

’ tuadr prl««i! cih«r

fcr’aiidEggs S i r S sip (Ui P to<4 M b.lf«» 1_ kilKn »oil wiv* •OWI^TLivntcO 4l«a (sd lo» sood COWI ]U J W ^ (Ori-B»J; Vf* u l t .« i «onim«a «

Kon < : B wBDtn ii>4 culUn It.MUtI* l.iMi itm dri n

- >. I U IM>: m<l' ^ u I 'B : medium■i * IBJiOJtOO: mwJlum bimI |ulibii eo«: z»-i

■ < lZ . «ad «Sl«« IM-J« (b*. t'loclw *o®d io«C l l trv-»«'“ ' » « •

iSiuiii »*'•*» »»*•!f t « U cnl • pound —•Il'JuJ.H A IU ! I» D rORTLAM0 IU . ponnaND. d« . i i

U m dtn >0417: sw i » :•» • IM: aurk.*31 IB <«au • doMS klfbir; fo^ *ad cbalc* 11

i i s k V i t ' & t f ji l l sp lo 1I.K: f t* (Md«r »l

tlnn tl W CO.! fgllr M .^ U l lUbt^w M4li isd <BlUn v^nlnf ttMdr

. _ — ilMn MR<| ttw Iou ll« U n CITT low l«ed antiBd IM Ib. fi

en.Bm- U JUP)—B»t. »nd tn«Jluia h«lltd M n lll M uBHir tnd CMlUr meMitWUi A ^ l| (•« to ll.lO:u>mmaB kl)

T«Aa A 111 B lUBd- to n iC.OO-II.M: trw xoun iood b-f WU JI.W-SI.O.

_ • u«u(* hilU 1T.«0I eth<s W r n r i - r . . . : 5 S . " „ r : , K r . " c ; ‘. r s Z ’SJHUJ,'. rJs."i!S”.'.r .'JliCni<A U m IMO ccamcB in d n ll.OO.:i.O]IU7. ISkV itUbi* (M: (dUrrUllin la CUM ,l»»*tii»r Itmbt IWfl hU (MliCnla AA ti»B ,sak* M linlx il.1»<3».<iM i naltiim tl . l l i hild abcT* 14.00. in tt-TIl IvT* IM I:mi IH»I md» B U tt. BAK FlUNCII

IAN rBANCIBCO. D«.I tS » iTi^ it^ * A ***'

itaMlItmill .1.11. Ctllliultkli «l9l»pp1rlnUnlS-tHU>'>M*l t ludi lUofbUr t to n .

hJHIi {rT«r» M Ibi. u Udm tntlBlr m *»i trad m 4 b . IM Ii fr7tT» «„« to U rtai.r Biklac pi

IKi Sfc »■»»: r«*t*n tlwul tu t iy . (inBlIM >4 Dm. li-lll hnu tltuhlfr >t«ni >1.00; oc• (h . K4JI k«M Ilihl kiUfn 2(.H| ttw enantr .

M tutM g. DENVKRN;nca It (u«B<i C nit DCHVZR, D««. II vn—Min-n: m i< B ii>u. u iu u i.iooi csItm >«Ii— — tUiM> •pralikf tu sd r bim riUiir «lo«l laad mcaUr <^ . f Q T n r tttm 1441. U abara tail

V l a V Y hl|h laod ttJM i.T I; roe >/ - - lU li«M 4(.d aa«i U.OO

in Helps ™1 H tn JJCOi W n rn u

fe ServiceS W u a butter witJi i,‘

v.-fc.— . I J iuttlr l*»W InelttdlBff »li»P.I huaburger lUniJ B„krt »ai «ubiuh«di la: I ee to rf hli modeJ ta» w«ci>i <ii««hi«r Umbi' oJ hU builnm to

”» * " * •» - S ^m in ln I t hU Pltc« uUbl* le.oooi aeU>a. H <»1. eOUnKr lil|hcf: »ood .nd eholc. jm

1; t t ; B tttitn I S i i J i ' ' S i i , « r .m t!{ Itnm mU . m «p ta i h ib». n . p I lOinO Juit Uk« a ]Lco-ii,oi.

^ teOTOUTfl hWl4 K l{ m » M « “ S « '? S< '•fuaiCTlM eonllnuw MHnri 'SniU-and '*

•ta(k>n aad (Mdct* atran« b {«) ttMi* U.ll I aocpla low k; OBtioa .m xd ll-tci aam am i la<

tnJa emtrRM ^ Cji ecujurm in S5!S ? «d ilr a I button lo h&lt »>aa asd nadlsm eava l«.TJ '^ l o b t K r r e d *■«> ii.oo.ii.mi 'SS- ‘ ci’i.T'.is:^«R |1n i, eljht H it «Sak. .. . lm u .00.11.««; p *»3. »n open eo»l I.Uaidlum and lood atoekc banitl aUlUrd anri K.OMI.M.

' S . £ r » n i f S ; H i r . ' . Ktil» Ctboo:« ll .Sam taaib. (laadr: aUosh j u a t f«llr ilaadri J»»J.r lamb.

s . “ ' j a s f i ;

J r ™ - - S E“?i? ‘"'I h t i _______ ^ CBICACO

& ■“ « > « =

j^ 'Rihrouihoui h ll C.IU. Ml.bla ».»0l «al.

• melodlea r^ Jx 'ta^ o tta W !* ' (!i>B?ntf«tthe toun* «*“<»• .i*™ ii.ooJi.oos *(► ^ W l r o i d mural

»»d ’t» law <>N>lc. hrtt.Ii5 *rll!. b**f KJMI.OCJ oatin

‘Capuin- „ I.iIa-,40», ^StftI S s . of UlB •>*f» I*®*" Midi atklax A) fi> n ^ n e ; j ( ) in <>.M ea tad vaaUklna. aI Cce hue becS >

4 ^ ?*«bener Mid. ia kba b c i ta t ^ ciartnf. on sa h sas c ity . Daa. i t

!J>7l.Back TwiC l a s s L iv K T o a t

‘ '’ eo^M inti^ «■*>. iiMM Ib ..______llan. UMW _______

s»feil.^*aJ>«r oM v ' *. o iu w* ' lha 1« t »h»»t. per kuaha] __^ “ “ “« , e i . , l^ -l« a /"M « «a,k5--

I s s s i i g i ilm.ll 1.4, ,

(Hx dwiin «iuud)

B E m W l It, 19M


and Financ • * * • «

re s to ck GraOODXN CIIIQACO. D«c. II

Daa. 11 tr i - W B O ^ - a a p »^-*I up i„ t ,k . . -bl ; aarir U»da nurfad kr ” *7i bl|k«i >lac«

raUlT a*U»al aoma bid. • u k JjaJ*'. ^.r.aUr llVii ODdar'a: aaUaf itn w a r: aa blftxi. OKmb<r I.lU

K i .5 r , ■ s y s ? . W A i - ' t ‘l i tood rMM W l ‘®« ‘■Ukir. DK.mkttw oa ^K ar ordar 11.111 --------•M tM ; oommaii II.O«.tOJ4t CASH CR•Sttaia 1I.00.1I.M! tood talU CIIICACO, Ilte. IInadlsm ttM-1140: fOod to Bom.U . ataskar aod fMdar lla .n Coia SV : ><llo> l.Tir t S ' i ' & v - .a^ '^ lM ^la^K .O O .iV .M l IThu U oS: >*npl. Vm

SSSS'a.-Tu.SKi; «S7.‘7iV.kiBdlta. orlda u.<k Cb:

L09 A JfC ltM r m iK B 1!Lta, Dae. II W V -fm W }- CHICAGO, Dk . II l I. t.tOOi’ auan aad b«lf<» <)p.s ]ll«l.tir W-TI hlikcri cawa aM4r; »«i.rallr bSdlB* for l»Jlr ga< MM; MJ«: Olhar claaaaaata^l madlBm Htr ;.4|l, j.ttS•d am ad l.«0» .|.tu Ib. lad May t.llS :.ili l « i B>*llum Brakmam Bli Jidr M> j,tm

• taari 2IJ».M J(I madia* C.ralad balfam ll.1M0.Tli mUad 0<« 1.04 i,tISrm ni aowa ll.00.tT.OOi ma. Uar l.lti) I.Tit,. r»od aowa 1I.».».001 dalrr Mar 1,»J< I.TIS)l «onlm«a «o»a II.IMMOi Juir l.tli,

cutlara lt.OO.liJOl calm O.UI itaadri aaadtom aUo*htar Da. .h i^0.10; madlum to abaloa ToaUn Uar~ .Jl>, ,t| sadlum and food ■W.k aalr* Mar Jlk, .91U laod and low abalt. tIM j Juir .11 .»«, >la eoO: JUO h!»b.r; tood BrfM.JTI (ba. tnieklD. 10.00401 D«: l,l« I.u.« ;,o o d „ - .lT .O O « ;I llb t H.r M,}| u . , ;lia Bonai markrt naU»lai. 8«>l«aa

---------- --------------------- Jao<; MJi;rORTLAKD Mar t.OtU l.i:S

D. Om. 11 bn—(UBDA)— Mar l.eit; | . i :u. too: markat atlita. »40 Juir I.M l.i:^ aad cbaica 110.110 Iba. lO.Tt- LariIfb rialdia# ha^ tl.Xt; aood Daa SLTO JUT-w, lUO.n.00; Iliht waUbU Jaa l l « Il.iOfnr faadar »l<a ssaeld. Mar li.ST ll.ti>1. I.t0gi maik.t attlra. bot H .r K.U II.7:1; fad .uara axaJr alwdr la Jalr Il.T: cow. fallr M hlfbm eaan.n Wki.l—f.cltk Cm.I a.nln« .laadr lo 10 UPI ball. Daa i.U 1.11 W han faw lo a d i^ » ^ W

Potatoes-!tnadian halfm w V ttW V O ’

Oa1'faw°»oMat coiM 'STim; CH1CAClb 1I.M-Il.00i load m^llam CIIICACO. Dk. U (

IT.OOl othar eocamaa aad rtral. I ll: oa track Im a idd r 21.00-11-001 calTM IIT.1.rkat aboul .tn d r i f .« food bvpplla m.49n l . | i ti.OOi aotna hald aber* ll.OOg markat aboot .UadrI . w asd vaal.ra ll.OO.IIMl Unit lupMtlea.In II.OO-ll.OO. Track >.l« <100 Ihi.'tbla too: markat U. S. I . lu U‘»Ii«d }.T»-Ihl 1S-£<I hlih .r; tood .nd M3: aswaihM l.r ti earnha ll.1».3».00i r>od 70UBI XcClurM U, 8. I ilia .ira 14.00. l . t t j Hlnnc«>u .nd HAK nUNCISCO pa'lT iid''uf|°.*'ia‘r ?i 'CIBCO. D «. I t t/r>—(USDA) narclil wa.bad i.H: wu I. UOI markat Mt aaub. f . i , MadlUta m^tilr 1I. 4191 lapplr iBeludWaround "(^ .n lUpVlIn is^a'ra Ilbur .to.™. load b.Ifar.i trala: nark.t itnilr.Ir oowai trada epmti a lo l Track aala IM Iba. rtr aaklac prlcta: taw aarlr apaalik t can tl 1.40; Ic laadr; amall lot law madluni „o .rtllr tood Qu.lltr f.7.- *!!■“-'!II.OOl aalrta a.Iabla U i BO * BiniTMlM (U tk. aa<

imartllr rood os.lllr aila 70l| no aarly aalaa. w n u n madlan r«Uow

___ flualltr and cordiilcpa '»•:DEKVKR kh Janboi Id.ho. Or.toi

Dae. II im-(U6DA1-<atlIi naatlr I-IO; .hlla IdahI eslraa aalabla tOO] B>a.t 111 1 KIcblf.B nadlaBi 1. na itaadr bat « r lr Irad.laad moatir abalaa fad Uibt I “ V ........................

hdfin jPotato andn.»*and**c2lUnI’'l?o i:o “00* F u t U F:a aalra. and r„ M.OO. ^ „I Wnrwa and (Uta Tt>!.00 CeinpkBT, EDo BMlarouad *0 hUbari aarlj «o» ’nd abolaa 1»0-JTO lha. IIJO- ’ .. _

15: II.OO-IT.OO! JANVAltT 0 :roed faadlBjr p in aod faadan n ,t ] vi v | | , ] |

W ’l i t b“ » f : '‘S . iT ~ " " “ ^ "InelodlBi.liaaHalotrwdK.; ,

.nd choica JtO-lOO Ib, barro*. - , 1, ~ LTTi.00-10. lane .Ulai H.OOi TtinghT rUIJ t- ll .H : *oed'.aad_cbolca ——IM Iba. ila*. 19.71 t« t» alt. om t l8ir Tj eoj ■i m ftU T ~ u m i —Ho-bl*rt«.T»«-BritJ

S '5 i ^ ; S ¥ l Meter Van Gent Get

- u t i i - b - r o o k . a ^ ^ .7 » .7 w i 5 o ': t i a ^ ' O o|'to*5 <lroT8 up b< Il.00.ll.t0l varr raw road mCUT. CSep«It«d ft I r i rood aaiuaia ball. 11.00; abOUt hU blUlnfttf. W ■ “ > «>• nioUr WM EJ .ood aUaka^ anl^U titn »M • J ^ k ln j U(±et C

At Use tr tin a buI. I.OOOi fad woolad Uoiba Jganied th t t thfl mlSSri‘a?a«htr’ oa.^a'2SSi' R*««0 «* “ >»f«dtr lamba .tron* to U llm tloa pu ipa ttj »n(l

■nd cbolta fad wool«l l.mta Ing U perffiltted In U II: rood to cholct natlva Kq KU rerIrfdUSd^aSSLo*?*!;::/bViS ■mo t« r n c burewII! I load, .ood aad aholct Up thO Ucktl, rCfrU^II.00-11.00. oew excuse. ' CBICACO Parklna m e t« i t r

Dj^“ u^t;^fD BD A )-TIof. LItUoBOCk.

vIHsS'.'&'inTfd Marine \V f m i THS FIB

S *;!22id“ ioo h l l t r f".! A m CB A PrW IN O Uw al<M or a'tronf wlUi batt REA (ff>—W htt thi^ ^ 1 halfrra M hliharl mtrtno WlU WtM la 1

9i rood rra^a alaara 11.00* tCAn.« ot low rood ii.ooai.toi Thwo neckpieces t

23*a» to S>£?^ leathemeclu »Xter U.-1400 . ^ fad woolad ar ^•aid I atklBX M blthar. orwoolaklna, abora m O aa Calll. It.OMi c.l»«

twaa Itaadr i lOt Ib.aUuihUr and f«j h.Iftr. fullr .taa and fSod iU<rt JI.OO.ll.O'

tA SiiT E iT T . bSS“i . y i ‘n,'V ,‘i 5 : r frrr. Daa. i t <UF) — not* l l« 0: mtdlun rradt kal:I ! £ " . . .N t ' r . : i . . - ^ - i „ ; a r

Twin F a lls M a rk e tsUVXnOCX POTATOU (IX^ I M I O tba. -llUO-lt-M J ______________

TH.----- tlT.I»ll.O» ‘ roerdaalin qattad)ta i n Iba. . ^ ^ I I Z t l l M u n MUL

S l r i J t - r a W l V a i l

— J-Jgl’J jJ ^orad toekt —

"■“ '■■' lo w i io aompaar rr

7 : ^ — ______

S S . “ V M lfa ^ tJ U S s)Ur T in tta » M traa *04 ^<>0

............................. ... . ..U .n Bmtll A ___________

. I ___________llT t 'i 'lJ l l I bad li— T ”. I.Tt.|.l» U ^ ( U r n ^ _

Grain “'-■ ■ I d i l l 'Wa s h in o t o n ’oi0. D«. : t to -c ra laa loday th t l hretd U Uboo lllo prka. -bUh. In mwt cm. . . Li disputed by Dr. :lllkaat ilac. tba aarlr asaimar Unlvenlty Of Kebr*4 « . . 01. t.«:ta«Ur and tradla* Bho reporltd ta.ip..d. t i - a a r fraat » i» ~ . pietellc tisoeUUon d i w , ; ^ r u k u * " " ” Unlvtnlty

I. Oi. p L 7 \« « .i ~ k a . coedt tollawed t 1LUb«.iu«fifli6»r vlUcIi-lntmdta hriAZ

*.f» WM IH-IH hirbar. Uaay v evtry m e t i r ■ •T.n.Ur Iivii rr. wat 4V-*H Al me end of el|.cmbar I .lj i i i acrba.M w.ra 1*1(1. eaeTi, jlrl htd " l.r i -^u 4T to IT^'aaluUkcr. pK.mbar it.iT. Expeotiro O

CABii CRAIN OmltUni bretd fr0, Dec It (f)—Ca«h whaat <llet ll a) uiuieceua ■ rr « . f,..- ,! P«n»lve. lhe Itld. Thl

j.‘ei’? v l i h tu ! i i ! N ebm kt ctmpi1. I h ..*7’wVii. 1.0U Ka. I coeds eould diet I t « 'T -bll. I.OIU; Ko. 1 bMVT ft d ty for etch sir).

So- I >«iio» i.on ; JlllnoU results from the toiJia u .T tb u S 'a i *•“ eofuumed.llla Cblata. ^rmiHEB TABLB foods whlch provldo

■A li'f- Cl»a

•ll!i -I;5 i • u '^ l i i ' z A typical b reaw jl1.41S j»* lit t’J her reteafch IncIudeiM) : . t i s i.»:w t u s orange or fripefnilti*»ii iTi»i !i> i i i H of enriched bread, 0liHi] lill*. l i im I'.ti butler, ft poiehed eggi.tiS i.Tis i.iiw i.TiH sUm milk.i.«i‘. i.Tii, 1.63H 1.71'i For lunch the red.Hi; . « .M li slices of enriched b.!!», .11 .»m .» t '. spoon of butter, &1 !^ M»i io U u i2 »Uk, i tonato. ftnd ■.»i .MS .MS .M ^ dinner theyI.M I.M i.i» s pound of cubo tteik,

i - » . I.,1 I.4S.4 I.7t rlched roll With buti.iT>; i.07>; t.i:>^ ikim mllk and ft s:

m i» W -^ Jo7‘u I 'l iSi:« '‘ liiSS t l l i ? ______ ___________

a |K s ifK Valley’s ( •iJnie Cm.'i ”■*’ Still Is ■; "‘i ofH oti

a t o e s - U n i o n s iu o h o a t e , v t. wI ful ChftmpUln Ttllej

CHICAGO tween Vermont's Or3. Dk. 11 (UP>-roUlo ar- tJie AdlfondtckiI oa track 1M| toul U. B. sUll U disputed terrli

5!itooa. over, when » wetlh'

; h 5 t s . ’; ^ . ! V . T r a . s i : “ “ " u « i u ..M M «,vJ, 8. 1 ilia A wathad ear a t I^fentgO F<

™ * lnk.tcrft»I«dart. car at i J i - u s cocn. P*rchment, prtscrrei.btd J.H: wuhad'aad'w irf iB tOftTl hftll, Wtt foundlaa m:niir M l trr al t t s j "NoTtmber ffl, A. E» ii« n,^Vfaui diaand mod- the wl«mne dty I nUiat«.ir. 1" the 00th dty ilni

V uiifif.irconduJa . 1 . Ot thb rlver Iar c a t 2 Inch and la n tr aar Well, M ty XUtUT* J

our (M Ik. aackill U. B. I and .ood osalltr «nd condlUon mid- *'0adiun raiiow. i.ii-i.w ; fair Portj--flve y e tn 1cordiUoa 7M.00: flw ^ Span. 8»muel de Clurnipltln

,! l^ u . iXto i t ‘lon ffom Quebtt t rt‘.a Btdiasi 1.IM.00. lu th territory for m i

I 1th conquered It In t

lto and Onion S>itedsutM'’durg Futures s u „ S = S S .

7 B. W, MeBoberts ftnd w ts honored tn d si y, EUe* BUg. Fbone MO) bellevo to thit day U

wfts the first. What lANUAitT ONiosa sftllor be doingk, 11.24 law. ll-n eio..i II mftUrlals and a lead

h. ti.44 low, 11.11 eIo.a| pose of eiuWlihlng cMARC3I ONiom territory In the New

h. Il.Tl low. 11.TI aioaai 17 discovered ftlio th l reiNUABT poTATorji • Itfldlng ptrty orelftrad al 19.Ui no i i Im. NCW Hftinpshlre—]USl

r f f ^ " r ! l j J i‘»iU; ppmW. -Reds_in-M r Vanishes, ^?u8e_Ca

c«u»3tjes tlBce Jta« droTs up beslae ft pftrUns nrazimftteiv mo h

S e d T - n ^ U i t

& r r k h ^ S . “ lhtralflo buretu O oldnua «

h tt tha meter had beea ^ . _____th» tldewftlk for demon- . , i 5

UTDOses ftsd th a t no Dart* itrlUngly lc mitted in tho block where \ I 7M captured, of wl ffic bureau tergeant took »;ouo<l«l. AddlUonall ket. refreshed by a brand n ls^ were wounded i « . ftcUons with tho Bi

m e t« i ar« not used la WhU# th# ccimnuE

________________ BriUsh' trooiM, th# 1

irine VogueTesting Suj

More Che;llie ftnd faded blue silk ' FAIRDUnY. HI. OJ.

„ egger brothers, who tleckpleces ftfe North K o- test fftrm, cltlm ft wi* ^ 0 wel«ht gam forks ftXter the United N a- under nomiftl ffta passed the J8lh parallel. lU a l.Toihen. Saa------------------------------------ reported that test lo.OMi c ira . t.OOOl fad ttMra lol gftlOCd 3.03 pOU

IS'lJ *“ ?* producing a pound ofr ’a Kawli fadVliJJ. I^M^ POUBdl Of feeda, li ir id fij kaifart lo.t®: Only 8H cenU per p<jn rradt kalfaia 11.00-10.00. ‘Uiey (aid tha t C

pound per d ty OD I four poundi of feed.

rkets- quanUUea of newITATOU (DtUttrad) stances promises to p_________________ife.^ 0 *noro pork 00 Ami

— table# a t lower prodD lan qattad) ■u n POULTBT The tertn ■collecUi. 4 Ibt. and __________ .» « was first Uted by Bei

i g ............

— S I Shlpr

I . frost PB

f l S F = " i HYDRA100 POOL t

a i W O T . n i t t S i I


-— t Ktmlnrly I

_______________ TIMES^^

pert Scoffs Garlic, ! ‘No Bread’ Mak

lea in DietsIlINOTON’nj.R>—The theorr —p p t m an la d orttd It Uboo In reducing dleU only for eaeh olhiJtcd by Dr. nuUi Levertoa, to n th e r , rUslngIty ot Nebraska nutrltlonUt. through th t yearareported to the American mony.: asioeUtlon meeting her* o f ecurte, tomet3 Unlvenlty of Nebraska for one reason or afollowed t low.calory diet pu rtn* 1»J0. lovi

. • tn facing ■Wytl g .tle end of elghl weeks, t b t u*ten to tom# groi;irtl. girl h td lost about 2» a Fort W orth. T* b#r huiband wokeEipestire Omlialon mlddlt of the n ight

Uni bread from a reducing “^ou j o u l d malas unneceuary as I t Is ex- corpse.. she laid. The esperlment oh AntolnetU Zegraib ruka campus showed the told the court h e r Iould diet at a cost of M ceaU unpleaaant habit ofor each glr). *Dd drinking r»dinglo food U ftlienlng. Dr. breath# in »n stld. The lots o r g tln • M cBhaal#.from the toUl number of h*^ *« P“ “P » lth

eoniumed, the explHned. pu‘ » Pl*»lafe dlel thould Includo only »W # befor# they 1rhlch provldo “a fair thare- »<«M atW. th# eJvtlues along with calorie*. to be » b u t M..1 ‘X S i hu ibuv lllcal breakfast terved during y t th# rocks was pcearch Included a half cup of ju u * w haler of Ior gnpefrult Juice, ono tllc# ^ m n u d ft dl:hed bretd, one teaspwn of the eourt 1ft^ tch e d egg and a glass of band had w ritt« i 1

unch the reducen had twoif enriched breod, one tea* p u t none of n iof butter, a g itu of aklm ■mn y„„tomato, and a medium apple, p j ^ oS rou."dlnner they ale one-thlrd J S ^ e i i , u o n '5f c u ^ steak a rjnaU boiled u ^ t T h e r L 3d poUto. lettuco salad, en- hammer and a ha«11 Wllh butler a glass of w heS i i e 1illk tnd ft small dipper cf u,ey were for. ahe 1

' T l l conk you,”--------------— — • Eileen Barrett, '

ley’s Claim 5S;sr4 S'W_ objected to his mel

11 Is Topic_ Prom Miami. Pla

F Hot Debate £SU'.S?;,“ S ! ”S/ermont's Oreen mountains “ ‘t2 , L f ^ i ,

r Adlfondtcks of New.York Usputed territory.rar of the historians sUrtod ' t ?long tf te r thfl re ti wars wero hen a weathered lead tube ind la the tand along tho . J l uf the Mlsslsquol river. **?“

lUemge Found MUwaukeInk-tcrawled message cn

snt, preserved tn HlghgtW I?Jl. w tt found inside: mber ffl, A. D. IJM -T U i U

Z * d t 7 l m r « ‘? e f t '^ ^ T i ^ m o u f th e b l ;.11 htve pertihed tn d oa the ?hf thb river I die too. Pare-J ty future posterity know A nager aUege<lIy

tl.. Stanford Ide Cliampltln led an expedU T»,.'X T r ~ J « , m Quebec and claimed tho r U t i J 11(16! ritory for Prance. The Brit- - r t n <» lUered it In the Prench aad H O F h a i < m and lojt I t to the Infant . „Jtates during the Itevolutlnn. . PAJLO ALTO, Ci rench Claim Honored coUeje graduatca ket he French claim of discovery ^ ■ J f« n o on the .1 nortd and some historians Charles M. Hur to this day th a t Champlain ^ first. What would ft com. tomewhero In Korea

Ilor be doing with wriUns o L 'SIs and a lead tube, they ask?I argue thal euch equipment *idard and used for the pur-esUbllshlng claims to virgin “ ‘v® commissic’ In the New World. Theyed alM th l reeerd or a Brll-

, _ , Hunter ircclvied i l o«

3_m-Malaya— r S iu8e Casualties«*ORE (JF) — British troops moved on. eommunlit terrorlsta In tho Now H unter is.bac

ingis of Mftlftj-a have h td he hopes nobody evis since J ta e . iw a. of tp - "<U« “ P“ dlplomtely 300 killed and SOO » college graduate,L .This lil t Includes the --------------

Z,£: u?S„S‘S-' Minnesotai U.S.-Cana

ry obierver* aay thew f!g- MOJNEAPOLia ffiI strikingly low. Communlit Minnesotant don’t 1•A included 1.4il killed and th T u n lte d SUtestured. of Which U l were Se lyT m w t of t ^ I. AddlUoaally. 876 commu-

A pou « oplnloTW tt the B r t t ^ conducted by the Mthe ccimnunisU hftve tak- Tribune showe

? s vmong civilians and poUce. ^3 „ n t think 11 ; -- ------ -------- per cent had no opi

uig Suggests )reCheapPorit3URY. ni. 0JJ5—T he non- totaled 18 per cen' others, who run a practical cent had no oplnli n , claim a world rccord In opinions.rht gain for weanling pigs ---------------------------er normal f a m coodiUons, iroihers. Sam and Praak.

that test lo t pigs In drr- led 3.03 pouads p e r dty, lg ft pound of pork for erery inds of feed a t a cosl of ^

cenU per pound o f pork. tald tha t compare# wllh f Mr cxceilest gains of ont >er d ty en from thre# to inds or feed.rothers said the addlUoa ofUbiotlc drugs and m lnuu _!s of new Tltamla tub- promises to pu t 40 per cent Iirk on Amerlcaa dlnoer W; lower producUoa oosta.

•rtn •collectlM bargaining"; used by Beatrice Webb tn [i

N aw S h lp m tn t J ^


YDRANTS I io» olI tested Bugler A Jurt Rteeived X Cottle and '

ROGERS \FARM I T O R I I G l o b e

K lm ln r tr R ood | T R U C K U


rlic, Red Wine and V( Make Marriages Go

r KICBABD KLUNKB - EA 6U t( C o r r e s ^ e n t | ^ _ m _ lora grand? Ju st think of It

m aa aad one woman, living )r eaeh olher. making plant ir, raising a rtmily. going tl th l yeara lo bUssTul har-

ourte, tom etlae# lore fadu,I reason or another.3 f ISJO, love fadod forjuLM ^ ! _ V „ / Wsoup!esrA nd:J'b»t-'««u».^Jf : /‘,7 Wrll, g iti ir r tnd .a tome grounds for divorct: xirt W orth. T ex , woman tald \ \itbaod wokt her up tn th t \ \ \or tho n igh t and tald to h tr ; . W l l would make a beautlTul 1 ' l y

InetU Zegras. Oakland, Calif, i u j \ ^e court h e r huibtnd had the ' j()| n l i t I - lent habit of aaUng raw garlic ; U « I J I ^rinklng red wint. Then he u n i l | i i 0 breath# la b t r ftee.■ M cBhaal#. Bao Jate. Ctllf., n t the one tha t \pu t up w ith • husband vho Kiug, spokane, W

loaded pUtol on the bedilde her m an l« n her t<efor# Ihey w eot to bed. He footbaU.add. sh# charged, ‘h e r e 's Also sports.m in« be a m urder tround hert Lotey's husband.■*y" divorce In L ot Angtier huiband whose marriage plained h e hadn'trocki was poetically inclined, court order to retuvhaley of KooxvUle. Tenn, ing ball. So he proranted ft d lvor^ after ihe an one tid e v lth t);

the court a verse her hui« jead.lad WTittea h t r : ElizatMth Dockir eyei m ay ^ I n t . charged th a t herteeth m ay grit, other girl friendi.

none of m y m onty worse, b e boughtyou git. charged them toey oa you." count.

Kelly. Montclair, N. J , tes. Are husbandsher husband slept with a if you n o te the Hr and a hatchet under hls husbands. Roy CtJWhen ahe u k e d him what n . J., said h is wifesre for. she said, bo told her, man’s dog for yeaiIk you.” moved, she wenl aln Barrett, Chicago, w u a coiUda’t b e a r to bmd wife whose husband th a t dog.her to lose weight But ihe ^ h en U ie « ’s Oeo

1 to 1 ^ method, which was c S a t L H o sale 10 everylhlnt

w i th . ...I “omebodMiami, Pla., came tho tad «(vjt - 0^ . ri t Marjorie Baughman. She m e ’to kiss 1r husband of fmir monlhs for “ 1“ “ . Jcomplaining h t treated hex .

Ud. Marjorie was 18.h e Bocha, MUwaukee, WU, .“L cjf.. her husband was too free D »lw*tlan On the15 InterpreUtlon oT the Sir

r hm band f o r ^ h e r ^ o ^ t Work Not Centenar

irough ankle-deep mud, „ .ier Milwaukee wlfo, Narvello Q j l

I took too long buying a tur- BELMONT, Mai e w eat out for the b lrt W. T hlery nearly giving ev# In J6*8 and didn’t w»t threo days ol ick untu Christmas eve, she monla two years 1 Ihout the bird. But he had a of SL Vitus I explanaU on-ho said he’d bas had poor dlg«

fcplng in the basemeat. « « has Just cell ier aUegedly cruel husband "Work don t kii

, T va a find few m en wbo

iford Diploma Underground SSSJ'-VS

r% ^ 1 * his famUy, died a tr Safekeeping u' ALTO, callf. dJJO-Most odUt church a t 18 fraduatca keep their diploma lyu u ttered bu t one tme on the .living room waU unoked a o r take irles M. H unter Is different. Sf|nk. uried two feet la tho ground The haadsome ero lo Korea. bachelor scoffs s tT, a 35-year-old array Ueu- working under te from Sacramento, finished j.oune. H e retired ory course a t Stanford last trading business sev •. A short time later he re- because t t had s: ,1a commission and was sent aiuch. '“ • , . Now he keeps bicommescement exercises In tng w a l ^ doing i s diploma was maUodtohim, »„d t .k tn g a “de< h e meantime Hunter landed terest la poUUcs.”t as platoon commander In a __________ralry division regiment. ^ 1 1 -rvheopsUn'was forn'irded and ' ~ | p l i 511^ r i : received i t one dtywW lrm ur — V c J l r t l ;.th e Kaktong. Hrer.. Limited -_BUHT., D e c - i a .-he-oould-oarry,-he buried te rm laadodg incau her-bound document by tho to a Slm plo t poUte Dtlng his poslUon before ho Buhl a round 8 aJ )n. fire In th e room vilunter is.back la J tpan and workmen u they ;s nobody ever asks him to work. A hole wai * his diploma to prov# he’a roof a ad aome dan e graduate, tmoke. B uh l flren:' bring the blaze m it

nesotans Back l.-Canada Unity ^ a ,[EAPOLIS OlfO — Although K ,itans don’t feel a ualoa otIted SUtes and Canada Islo st of them would welcome F O R D lII ^ opinion In MlnnesoU U S E Led by the MlnnespoUs Bun- _______ibune showed that only n A W I Mt or those poUed Uilnk Uie ~ever wUl take pltce. About PH O N E C':ent think ll win nol and 30 _t had no opinion. Goodlnff 47rer, 65 per cent of those T w in F aAid Uiey would Uke to teo a w u i s *t«d 8U t« i and Canada be- m A t I Ane eountry. Those against l l f i m l l t f16 per cent while 19 per f t T A f . f . l

id no opinion or quaUUed



jca loss of valuable stock from b lo a t v :d Bugler Mineral Solt.3ttle and Sheep will winter b a t ta r w ith t u lant, conditioning mineral a d d ed to thel

lobe Seed & FieedTRUCK U N I — TWIN FALLS — PHOI


n d V e r s e J 6 h ,g o s l_ „ i T H E O a J C t J

s G o t o D o g s

c h ^ e d . “uponL i \ found her large D aV l i l i L - ' in bed wiUi hU heia / J l i f i L . ' ' ■ protettec■ b U B k . . ■ ■ a comes firs

I 11 1^ BO to sleep 'e one Ustt belonged to Jtckli ou5 f2d* ti^ l^d iv^ spokane, Wath. flhe charged ja le rt her to pity h l|h tehool

n>orts.mlnded w u Bhirley '1 husband. Ia ttiklng 1 ,1 In L ot Angeles, Shirley com- iSr„ ,I h e hadn’t compiled wllh a

side with Ul. holos fUlod wllh “ ^ ^ “J i V e i t ^ e r '

bo th Docktrd, Lot Angelei, housework.d th a t her erer-lorlag hsd !'<' < girl friendl. To make things 1—

b e bought them gifts and 'r i d them to her chargo ae-

husbands dogs? Not quits, _____ ^n o te the testimony of threo f t

ids. Roy Canfield, of Kearny, - - j J U a id hU wife fed a nelghborlog ' • ,,dog for yeftn. When Uie man • I ^ , she went along. She said the 'X b e a r to bo separated from

I Uiere’s Oeorgo KUenschmldt, . / , aatL He said their dog “camo ' A J 1 everything.” Once, ho told r v I ^ Birt. somebody slepp^ on Uie " " ' - "f 'oot. “She picked U up and I]n e to kiss Its foot,” be said. Dtland. O., husband John Am- old a divorce court tha t he 3 ploy second fiddle to t i a n “On the martUfo night.’

• k N o t F a t a l , P r i n c e o f :

n t e n a r i a n S a y s B e c o m e i

O n A n n i v e r s a r y nesillng In' woodecviONT, Mass. (UJD-Charlalery nearly starved when bi,re« days old, caught pneu-two yetrs later, suffered tn C o u n ^ A na Mior SL Vitus Dance and alw yi

i f S t “S S i « hi. loou, t o i ' S s ™ ranniversary. M ls h artsto

k don’t klH a maa. TouH ‘hw «M aboutw m en wbo work u bard u »hen HlUer movedIB aald. took over Uiey mtstrong die beforo Uie weak,’ behind the ir m ansBftld, adding tha t one of hb fortunes,th e 'ttrotigest" membtf of Cn the catUe r

lUy, died a t 84. it * cowboy. The i>tmembers th a t he wm “mli- ess, sUm, vlvacloiJ ” unUl he Joined Uii Melh- old, share* the h'hurch a t 16. Since Uien h t nlne-i^om taoch tered bu t one oath and nelUier sitter. Countess So

a o r taken an alcoholic 200 head of Bereft 8,300-acre ranch,

haadsome, w h lt t - h a lre d —————r scoffs a t the theory th it BCBZAD 1r under te u to n klllt mea HAKSEN, Dec. 1H e reUred from hU gold y*Ut, wlU bbusUicss teven yean tgo only Uio m e ^ of t t■ t t had slowed dowa too munlty Parm Durei

nesday a t the sdhe keeps busy reading, tak- »P«k oa Ui# cot Ik*, doing temperance work weeds*k l r i a "decent citlien's in* ' ■ ' ■—

k —C e c - l f t—P lra .Q d i-.__id fatnix^ artma dawi.ja __n p lo t poUto Storage cellar In ro u n d S a a i. Monday. iTie ~ th e room w u discovered by la fta they w tre coming to K ho le w u burned la Uit d aome damage w u doaa by B uh l firemen wert able to l ^ a g l

le blaze uader cantrol almoit I

O R DEAD 8 U S E L E S SAMIMAI.S ‘■"'‘ y '" '

= H O N E C O L L E C T

idlnff 4 7 . R u p e r t 66 m a n u re a t tJ T w in Fftlla 814 Y o u re n tii

______ a ll th e alowDAHO HIDE daU y ch o re

TA LLO W CO.and ua< t h e tT8(

) lo o d in • 9 a e t tOADE C o n tro d u m p . Koes 01

^ T W I

S ' ^■ '

? r V /


nn b lo a t w ith proven,

t i r w ith t h l i o o M tite \ e d t o t h t l r d o ily feed . \

Feed Co.P H O N I 4 0 1 . n v ! f f l n

IH.GO SLEEP ON ) ■ N e w M '

m ' a i "

' 1 ^ 3 ANOELHCt i •h V y i'fS ^ 1 - \ medical treaimenl

/ foUow-Uirough CftJJ J r ^ y than IO per cent

' v alcohoUcs, a ptone\ \ \ m y J coholism tayt.

I \i 'V M l \ i T * I ^ V Dr. Andrew C . r1 U U A \ U U l i ^ ^ ever, there Is ao i

d l f f e r « ^ * ,'CAfO ’"But group theiI ........... I v - .;;— I drug anubus andirged, ”upon retiring to bed I social workers—«aher large D alm tlltn dog lying tcribed for thewiUi hls head on the pUlow." th a t much caa be <he protetted, h it bridt aaid: Iem drinker,” said 1

og comes first and If you d o n t Ident of tho Unive., go to sleep on the couch.’* . _ es Hays. Los Angelet, com-d to ft divorce court Uial his The sclenUst tulaugbt the ir 17-year-oId son his ovn work andply Ughted mstches to h it leagues a l Chicago''s bara feet wluIi the old man the new NtUonal

daUon w tt .annouiappy for a dlffereat reason Dr. Ivy tald Uly was Mrs. Leltoy Hlcholi. of non-profit InsUtulon. N. J . Bhe charged her wlU be a truitoe. 'nd wlUi cruelty. She said he creto altem pt teher a ll on hls lap, embraced drinkers through ind kept be r from doing her disease and relat<rork. headquarten will :

I Ban Fernando valli

tfeatment, media - f g j y U group therapy anc

_ HoiplUlliBt

m ^ o t^ ^ d M l l n j ' ' iL ^ which fre<iuenUy a

Jf jlS l tences or commit^ f f l ^ ^ ‘“^ons. NclUi

—r ' ^ ^ 9 K d m — W L 'Society bas pnx ‘•~/ tlcohoUc, and sod

tome or the respo: btliuung Uie prob

' Trip Rese; nee of Poland Locates lecomes CowboyBEY, flask, im — A ranch « tn wooded hllU In souUi- ^ T t S S w ^ a 1 Bftskfttohewftn Is Uklng Ui# ?rf ft cftsUe for Poland;. Prtoce

Cxartoyski ftnd hU ^ f e » A na Mary Joanna Za- P } j ^ ^ h e h a d l

prince b rju g h t his wife and children to Canada In IMS,‘ollsh anstocra t tald Uiey It about leaving Polftad to n S to ^HlUer moved In, Whea SUUn S S f t f ver Uiey moved out, leevlag j j j ,, Uielr mansloo and aU Uielr es. Ithe caUle ranch, Uie prince wboy. The falr-halred counU y f A f l J 1m, vivacious aod SO yean _ , la rta the housevrork la tho H m | H A f t tm taochhouso . wllh h e r .- J f ■,Couoteae Sophia. They have H o rs e s • MUl ad of Hereford catUo on Uie r e r Proapt c n ranch. Blgbert PrltB0BZAO TO MEKT

SEN. Dee, J»-H arry Oaoll. ,PaUs, w m bo tho speaker a t , •eeUng o t the Hansea com- PR R C Y G I ’ Parm Bureau a t 8 pm . Wed-

a t Uie school. Oault wUl T R O U T F oa th# coatrol o i aozloiis

and you’re loaded, ready ta i>iys m a n w ith one trac to r con s tay aeated, aai le lp of t h s F e rguson System , load, hitch, hau l i n o n u re a t th o ro te of 40 lo ad j a day.

Y o u r e n tir e farm opera tion gets a b i j , ipccdy ill th e alow , toueh , han d U bor ta k en riG}>t < laU y c h o re b y th e new Fcrguaoa S p readw a n m b ln n tio n .

SPREADERt T h e oew book ’a ' eye h itch <x a n d uncoup les by F inger T ip C ra tro l riftbi t h e tTBctor s e a t S h red t a n d rp re ad i 70-1 lo a d in ft 7-foot p a th , 4 to 30 loada p e t • a a e tLOADERt F o rk lower* and r m l » b y F tn p C o n tro l— F o o t p e d a l ope ra tea tr ip lot d u m p . O ne-m an a ttac h m e n t— once m o gioes o n a n d o£F In a few m inutes.


K IM D E R LY -R O A D — F H O N E 'J l


, BU H L — PH O N E 67



ew Methods id Treatment )f Alcoholism33 ANOELES EUJ9—edenUflo leal treatment and iateUlgenl iwthrough care can cure mare t 70 per cent of tb e nation's boUcs, a pbneer s tuden t ot al- ilism tayt.-. Andrew C. Ivy reported, how- , there Is no sure-fire panacea

okM.-S»e|al traiU.-dlIfer«^ "

!*aad each m u tt be d e alt with « n tly . ,IUt group therapy, use of tha r anUbus and w ork of alcoboUo - ll w orkers-each properly pra- )ed for Ul# individual—prov# much can be done for th e prob- drinker,” aaid D r. Ivy, Tice p r» - t Of the University o f Chicago.

Burveyt EerolU u sclenUst surveyed results ef ovn work and tb a t of h is col- . ues a l Chicago’s P o rta l b o u tt u new NtUonal AloohoUtm foun- on was .announced, r. ivy said the fouadatlon. a .profit InsUtuUon of w hich he be a truitee. wUl m ake a con-

9 altem pt to help problem ken Uirough research o f their tse and related disorders. Its iquarten will be tn tb a nearby Fernando valiey.

Empbatltes FoUow-ep e emphatlied the value o f fot- up core. Including peychlatrlo tment, medical rehabuiu tlon . ip therapy and social read ju it- iL HoiplUllzaUon is important, lald, but tn alcoholic isn 't cured oon as he gets out of • hosplta] '

iie Teslarcher'crlUclzed 'present hods of dealing w ith aJcohoUa,:h fre<iuenUy ftre either JftU sen-- «s or commitments to mental lluUons. NelUier are effecUve, boUi are wasteful, he said, loclety bas produced th e chronic hoUc, and society m ust assume e of the responsibUlty of reba- aUng the problem drlakets,” he

•ip Reservation Locates Lost KinaOENIX. Aril. W V -T ea year* • Dlck-Longstieth b la coutln,. Arthur Lynch, lost touch wlUi 1 other. Dick is reserraU on ageat 3t*as-WorM alrUaes b e rs . ' tie oUier d iy he got a loag dls- » call from Tucson fo r a com- Ited retervaUon. I t waa ao con- tied he had tes ask .the asma promise to caU back. T b e caUer Mra. Lynch.rter the exdtem eat w a i o rer, h a ' ' le Uie reserraUon. B u t b# waa Lful to note wbere M rs. Lyneb' golog. Be does n o t In tend to lose again._____________ _______ ^

HTANTED!lead or a liv e[o n es • Mules - C o w i

r e t P roap l PK *.n»Blgbert rrloM PaM ,CALL CO L L K ;! ' 1-

B 8 e - jt________ ___________•


tady to ipreada y seated, a n d w itb th a i h itch, hau l a n d a p r e a d . day.I a bis, Ipccdy lift—«4th token riG}>t o u t o( th is n Spreader and L oader

i' eye hitch couplei > Cmtrol riftbt from 1 tpreads 70-buabel ao loada per acre,

a l » b y F in s e r T ip • a tea tr ip la tc h toit— once mounted, - - — ......... -butes.





. . . ■ K M H .

Page 12: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

Defense Eff ori Project Effee Is AnnounceD E N vni. Dee. i8 o i js - ’m * r

•m m eat u pltciag priortty oo hydro-tlecirtc w d reel*m»t. preJeeU whleh "e*n mil!* w V ■

■-.-...'■_glrtefLnmtrttwtipni u> to* « « ■ — »yw t. 0eerfH fr'-*:-tt>*MtUa aLD3\

X K ipfflnrnnrtD B iT :— ■Cb*pm»n m eiJed , howwer.

ira« lnpoulbl« kt thU Ume to I<» e u t th< ef/oe£ ot Utt cu n w l naUonil »ltu*uon on em *to »» and po«ff projteu In th« *est *1 In the plftnnlnc *uge.

The tntertor itcrtU ry. replrt h r UlefTitn lo » <juei7 !>? O'® Unit Pre*i. u id the curreni trend • toT»rd concenUiUni 'o n w*yi aieiM to fliiince the MtlonM mobUaUon. *1Uj top pi ortty emphsJli on compleUon pfo;eeU c»p»ble or m»Un« ewly *i direct conirtbuUoni of power ewe tlftl to iuch mobilU»Uon.“

HI* iU U m tnt indlMted the posjbJJJty ih»t projKU »Ull In the p it nlng Jtsje might be.sffecttd by U emergency. , ,

He Idded Uiit he would prew i “/u!J ce.-aldfTsUan »nd dtvelopme; of weilmi w»ter rMourcw" tn *- cord with the urgent retjulrpmen oecesloned by the mlllUry »llu*Uo

"I luDy rttesniie the Import - wejtem dcvclopmrot In pre»ervlf

. *nd expanding the eeinomle eecurtty." he tdded.

Damage Action in Rupert Postpone!KUPERT, Dec. I8 -T h« WJJM.t

»cUon being brmiiht by M n. Nell: WllUiiw M»ln»t U m o a t Selienel tor U\e death cr her eea Aug. Ii IMT. teheduJed to hare been tried I dUtrlet court In Iluperl Monday, h i been postponed Co Cho n«rt U m < court.

Mn. WlUlami* w n wm an em ploye of Schofield and died as a re suit of injuries rec eit^ when he te, from a trM. Judge Isaac McDouga PocateUo. was to have presided dur Ing the trial. M n. Williams li repre aented 6y S. T. Eowe. DurJey. an. Schofield by Frank Btephaa, Twlj rails. _________________

Arrested SundayBoward W. Tennant. ISIS Kim

befly read, w u arrested a t 9;15 ajc Sunday by d ty police and cham< with being drunk tn aa automobili a t the elly dump.

T m n u it was accompanied cy h i e-year-old w n. police aald. Thi jrouopter w u taken home by poUei after the father t m lodged In thi city M . He w u released a t t a^n Sunday on deposit of t30 bond.

Police said Tenant'a car h u stalled a t the dump. Ke la aehedulec t» appeaa « t * ju s . Monday. In pO' lice court. _______________

Obscure Law B Plan to Kore

By DOUQLAB U S S tH NEA Staff Contepoadeal

WASHINOTON (NEA)—An ob- aeure U v congreu apparently for- so t it passed la lOii, tt h u Jusl been discovered, throw* a mnnkej vreoeh Into Uncle Sam'a pension pncram for lorrlTora of meo kiUcd tn Korea.

I t give# tho widow* and lamiUei 'o f killed army and air force r»- a tnU ts a* much u twice the

______a iaoun l'o f UfeUm* pensions thatMX* p w ld e d ~ turvlvuta o t-regcU i

____ -ftnny_«)d air force peraonneL Jt---------««uld •Dd-up-addinc-blUlimi.taJlK

coA of tha Koreaa w ir and the big moblliuUon.

T te law in guesUon, whleh U «o oonfuHd by amendments and con* fUcUnf legUlaUoa Uiat U h u Pen.

---------tigon - officials and eengrwsmengasplai’. originally was passed tc glre certain benefit* to m rrtrora of Boremmmt clvUlan employes kUltd while on duty.

It .n o v turns out, however, Uui Ujb act appllea to memben of the acUre reserres of the anny and ai: force who a n «a actir* duty is Korea.

Tlie'staggering Inequity Uiat thli creates Is mostly among offlcen. Close to eo per cent of th* offlcen of Uie army asd a ir forco are re- aervlsts. The great bulk of enllal«d men In both terrlcea aro regular*. But more and more tesarvei ara be­ing called Co acMve duty erery day, Th* act putt member* of the na­tional guard on acUve duly in thi aame status as regular army and air force personnel.

Pan ot the twuhle resulU from Korta being eallfd a peaceUme. po- lie# acllon by Prtilden l Truman, Tills Is forUfied by an act o t con- g rtu which states that, as far ai the r t jw e j are coneemcd. official pesce a rr t« 4 5epi. 8 .1M5 alUioujh for oUier official purposes a state of war sUU exists. When aa official atate or war la declared the old ael does nol affect rwervuis. which Is why no problem wa* created br World war n .

Here Is Uie Tay the mU-up - works:

The J825 sovpmment employei ccmpenwUon a ct'g iv es the -tur. vlvor ot a reiM rlil a pcnMon « per cent of lhe man’s pre^-lous sal. ar>\ If there are children the pen­sion can go up to 75 t>er eenl ol previous salary. The maximum 1; »S2i a month.

Tho comparable pension provided by veteran*, idmlnlslration lo tur. vlvers ot regulars It fixed a t m fo; a widow with no chUdren, rega:^. leu of the m aa't previous pay scale And It also goiS up tllghUy If then are children. 'A widow with oni child gets tlOS a moath. for exam­ple.

Thus, la a tj-pical case, the wid. ow of a reserve major, wllh ont ChUd. geU tSOa a m onth, while Uii widow of the regular army m ajn wlUi one child geU her fixed tlOi » mooth. And If the re a e m major J5*ppeaed to bo oo n i«h t «UUia. the pepsion would b« $390 a m onth. AU o th t t benefit*, n c h u death g ra . tulty and insuraac*. vould be the M a e /o r both tu r r t r e n ta jr fs la jv And reserrtft*.

7%e reason why the old »ct does! &Qt to navy, n a rlo o aod e o u t I


Effort ^ HolLyD; Effect H H jj l jK g pl U n c e do iA -’m a goT*-lority eophaiU Id reclamationmake early aod • J F10 U;* war ef-


I, however, Itt Ume to fort- .t ’ ; ' 'c u n rn l Sni*r-certain water ~ ■

J Uie sUU

replyingrby the United 1;ni trend w u !

ways and le sl«pped-up ' 1'wlUi top prl- T T ^ e r :ompleUon of i ' ^klngearlyand ^ S K w a i l' power etsen- • p T U fc C M lon.- M l t />ted the poul- ; j . f K l j r ^ B a;l la the plan- ffected by Uie R E ? ,

E V . ' " Aould press for b F ;I development I * ® ; '* ', urces" tn ac- J * * * > 're<]ulrpmenu i m l n i :... . ,

iary altuiUon. v ; ' , -he Import of In preserving mtemal eco-

tion*".(tDoncd ^S S More Fall Wheat

Moving Now Thai SUm"" At Harvest Peaiwa* an em- AMKRICAK PAJOS. Dee. IBdied u a re> Anytme w ^ld think 11 w u fallwhen he M l American Tails Instead of winti

te McDougal, T h# . would, Uial U. If Uiey Judgipresided dur- the statons by wheat harvest aetl*ams It repre- Uts. More wheat Is bdng moved oDurJey. *fid of tha American Tails area now Uk

^phaa, Twla there was during the recenl harve season.

------ Many private elevalon, built

mday S:^-Arja"c”£.*iS''r• IBIS Kim- tary a t Uie American Falls PMA o r a t J ^ S ^ flee., wld. Farm, storage In Pow. and r ta m d ’ “ Unly, Including the private elen a a u t ^ b l l a ton . Is esUmaled a t more than 1

000,000 buiheb, England added, aaied by his In Amertcan Falls there are a|

»ald. The proxlmately 1500,000 bushels i me by police wheat sUll in storage. This gral xlged In the probably wlll not bo shipped for sei ed a t D a^n. eral monUis. There still Is a ahon ] bond. age of 'graln can, J . It. ColUns, mar a car had ager of one of the Amertcan Fal Is scheduled elevalon, tald. and some grain ma po- nol.iw shipped before tho lOSl cro Is ready for hir>'est. '

aw Blocks Pension Korea War Dead KirIB S tN ■ * * * *

Rides45dea h u Just rr:-TT—------------------------------------

» a monkey •m’a pentlonf men killed ' r l S f : ' • i ' / 't . i 'v

m d famiUea 'lr force re- f - ' '

twice tho T ' nslons t h t t p - ' — — - - ^ -o t- re g u la r enonnaL UiU m i.tO h e M C g g f e - t f Hand the big • ' J B T . U '

whleh U <0 ' '• ■ts and coo- •It b u Pen.Mugressmen •’- -^ |5 ‘» g S E jK ^ . sBWW - I passed to ' turrtTor* of ployea kUled -

jwever, that iben ot the nny and airIre duty in J B M p ['■,

ty Uiat thlamg offlcen, B B M B fth* offlcen

m a are re< m U M B S Sof eallated

ire regular*. irve* are be-r erery day. WJKlam MeCanIey . . . He't of the na- wailing calmly for the deluge,

duty in th* ’guard reserre* makes th* , whol

resulU from compllcaud.MeUme. po- Ju tt after Uie w ar-apparenil; n l Truman, not rtttlUliiK iha t lhe act probabl; act o i con- covered their reseri'ei an3-«'«i-—th'

t. as far u aavy got the old act amended ti ned, official apply to IU reserves fer a period o 4S. alUiough SO <l»y*. This wa* for lu week-eni Mes a tU te warrlo.-t. But in effect jt eut out It n aa offldal reserves called up for the presen red the old emerscncy. rvUls. which The picture even geu more con I created by fused when th* experts get int<

lhe subject .ot disability pension: the mlx-up Officials concerned say tha l It »11

Uke a long study to deicrmlne wha I t employes Inequities will result from t in t fieli :s the sur- of bcntllta.

p e ^ o n i i The man who discovered all thl previous sal- u Uie amall. gray, pleasantly-efll en the pen- dent head ot the U. 8. buresu o per eenl of employes compcnsaUon commlwlor

maximum Is WiUIun McCauley. He’s calm abou the storm which wlll toon swli

ion provided aboui his head over ihls quesUon *''* op''''®" congrea wll ed a t rrs for have to decide wheUitr to raise th

Iren, regard- comMaiaUon to the riiu la rs lo Ui u* pay scale, level at the rrstr%'lsts. or lowe hUy If thert corapensailon for lhe resen-et. p wllh one Whichever Uie>' decide to do. h tl, for exam- admiu, will bring a jiorm of pro

test-T he only Uilng he know* 1 se. the wid* that It's his job lo administer th f . WlUl on* old act until ii is changed. He als h , while the explains Uiat evety survivor of army m ajer iese«'lst above the rank of pnvat r fixed $10S would probably cet more benefit aerro major from his agency than from the v / t fU bia, Uie Tljey e a n t gat both, moaUi. AU Aad he Is walUng ter Uie delug death g ra . of appl^aUons a t the bureau ef em IUld be the ployts* ccoipensaUoa, departmen of JTfnlaj* e f labor,' W ashlajlon 25, D. c

I when this infonnaUon gets out t. tha public. So far nobody has ap pjled for the im a ilng bcaeXlts yet

ILy Dance Queen a n d .



- r 7 '

FalU high school Boya dab Qelly danee. Aim L t t lefl U Jeyee WUUs aad a t right Carole areca

Wheat Three Fires HitV Than Dietrich Vicinit;t , P « „ L - DIETRICH. Dec. 1^-T hree fire

J r G a H none of which caused exuntli I n w la — damage, h it m otrlch U a tpace i t w u 'f a l l in h oun Bunday and Monday, il of winter '7 .^ ^ 0 « « s demoIliJied the tnUf<t Uiey judged gf Edward Hoo^ e s t aetlv -ngm ovrt oul Q ujrlen but no one.wa* m t i

rtnicUire whtn it bumod. The fit eceni narveat «ungu l4hed by % buckei brl

, g»de of neighbors.« rt. built In T},e second fire occurred a t 8:J are rereaalng Monday In Uie ranch homgland, secre- p^ul Welii, Weiss diaco\-ered th alls PMA of- b lue In the roof and atUc of Ui

preparing to leav irivat^ eiera- on his achool bus run. H e pul it ou

by hlmslef before going on Uie rui d added. jq Monday Mr*. WalUhere are ap- plelchner smelled smoko in he

bushels of home In town. An old nue ha' , This grain covered with well board bu p ^ f o r s M - had no t been insulated and Ui I Is a ahort- „ u b o ard became lgnlted from th ^U lns,raan - cjiinu,fy. aooie tmoke and wate lertcan FaU* dunng, ^gne to the bulldlni w •n'l «“ eonlenta but Uiero wa■*'®- prwtlcaUy w . ^Ire, diOTage.

f l K m QLENNB FEIUIT. Dec. 18— At *-* * » - * * * ovtrhcaled dilmney la blamed fo;

# tire damage a t 10 » jn . Sunday UUie city-ownod house w hldi Is occU'

/ I a pled by the GlrJ Scouts.U C - The house, located on propertj

adjacent to Uie Naiarene church ■ ■ ’ also was u«d as an extro elnsaroon; ■V,- for the churth Bunday achool. TheV building caught lire shortly after i

: fire had been sUrted in the heating ' planl to warm the building used bj

^ . - t h e echool. Policeman R . A. Woolan. .................. said..« I . 1 The Olenns Ferry fire department

~ - wM nb1e-to-eiillnBUlsh-tha.tilaze.faut not-gnUl-afterthe bulMIng h ed r.ffn

hii'Wi Range Is Seed^ i i l r In Aerial Trial

ROPEHT. Dee. 18 - Crested i' wheatgrass w u sawn on 300 acres

ot land nonh of here today by elr. r jio i B twnan. who lives north ot

Curo’. engaged tho 'Reeder flying ser\‘ic*. T«-ln Falls, for Uie project

. I t Is believed ta be the f ln t large scale aerial seeding of nngdand by a prtvate opcntor.

In ists. the govemment used alr- planes to reseed U.OOO acres of rangeland south ot Twin FaUs wllh crested wheatgrasa. Meanwhile, several other fannen north ot here are reported planning aerial teed-

: Gas Tank Drained---------------- OasoUne Uileves moved Into theIh t »hnif center of the city Sunday and draln-

of Uie poslofllee.-apparently cameron. T i’ln Falls, report- ict probably .^d u,e u n , t occurred betwetn S in i-w ar-the p, ^^d U;SS p, m . Sunday. He amended to tjtimated his lost a l 10 gallons, a period of _________________

Award Presentedthe present Floyd Broadhead won the blue

pencU award a t the laal meeting of \ more con- *he Twin rails Toaatma-iler cluh. ta get tnto OUjer speskfrs were Max Lloyd and ty penilDna. P»ul BchwarU. Oamea Koutnllc waa tha l It will «n<5 Lea Crowlty was

ermine what tha dilef critic.___________m th a t field 1 ---------

(red all thla «asantly-efll- Ii. buresu commission.

' i 3 r | i B Mbs

IT3.F" ^ A ' \ B-nomnile to do, he ' ■ t i l

u knows U K usaimUilsler Uie ged. Ha ^

H T I's ft>dy haa ap-xaeXitJ y e t Straight bourboa.wlilskir. M proat. t

: and Attendants

-rt* ■■ •' '"[■

lanec, Abo Longballa |Mtc* ea her th reae betwec Sarole a rte ae . (SUft phote-eagraTlng)------------------- * * * *

3 Hit Girl Is Crowned Vicinity Holly Queen for

Event at SchocU a tpace of longballa w u chosen U o lMonday. Queen" lo reign over the four

ist teriou* of ftimusl Holly baU Saturday night 1 the trttifcr ujg Xfttn Falls high school gymn. Edw&rd RooL gium. Her attendonts w e r e Caro

a u sleeping oreene snd Joyce Wlllls.1. was m the xhe grand march began at •nod. The fire o'clock with Bob Mingo. Boys' cli a. buckei bri- president, leading. Music was fu

nlahed by the "Drulneen,”:urred a t 8:30 sophomore membera of Boys' cli I reach home were In charge of the tickets ar llaco\-ered the proBfams. printing ballot* for U I atUc of the queen snd her a ttendants. Junlo arlng to leavo planned and supervised decoraUoj H e pul it out and pteparatlon of the floor, lg on the run. Arrangementa to r the floor shoi

Mrs. W alUr the purchase of gifts for the quee soke in her and attendanU and arranging an old flue had tervlng rtfreshmenta wero dlrecte *11 board bu l by senior boy*, ted aod the Patroni for the dance were M Ited from the and Mri. Charles Kelly, Mr. on e and water Mn. Charles Shirley. Mr. and Wr the building John D, F la tt and Mrs, Berth

I thero was Mingo,Clau tponsort are Rex L. Olsoi

- ---........... sophomores: Arnold Do Paul. Juo_ lors, and L. M. W inters, seniors. Th

* n V 0 n ‘1“ ’'* ^ sponsored by the Boy • U J C U _ . jiub of which Kenneth E. Kail U ad

t G. F . ___- —P'bto.Tw Trailer Skids and '

Crashes at Mato*• , BURLEY. Dec. 1»—AtiproximaUl

» •« »f - I - w l l d a l e d Frdghtw ays trailer an conUnts when the trailer Jack

i , ™ ta lM .«d UppM over o r Ul. h l r t way five miles south of MaJl* o

M M S t o J - =• " ■ '> ™ *t 1»:jo b ™I. A. Woolen. Bankhead. 30. Twin Falle denartmentU ^ C h u t Patrolman Mar%-ln Snyder tha

lc « -o n - th B -h tg h w a r-c au ie d -ih ^ 1rfller-ia-ggg.- I Ie aald Iw eppH e

--------- . h l* -titak«_afld_thfl . trtU er jack—, — , ------- knlf*d-*ad-U ppo4-osxr.jnioitnitl^ f i P n left Uie highway and staned cros “ „ , country Ihrough the sagebnish bc I T r i a . 1 Oaokhead could stop It. '

I. F. Realtor Dies S S Of Crash Injurj

IDAHO FALLS. Dec. IB - A . 5 Idaho FUU realtor, die,

. 1 - 5 « hll home U si n ig h t . followlni i t n ngdand cgnjpUeatlons resulting from an In

. . , Jury In ad automobUe accident las en t used air- rj_•W Bodily, who w u in charge of thiin Falls with uodiiy ,gcncy for the p u t two yean

Meanwhile. jcuvg m community alfairti. H, lorth of here » member of the Elk.% Amerlcai aerial teed- Legion. YMCA. KlwanU. Countr

club and Uie Idaho Falls Real EsUt<------ assoclaUon.

• 1 ,He was tta le secreUry of the Na r a i n C Q Uonal Parm Loan aMoclatlon for i; ved into the I’'* ” opening his real eslat. ly aad drain- “Kency.__________________ •

ciub Meets1 between S JEROME. Dee. IB—Five mlnut4

Sunday. He *peeehcj were given by Mac Am-gallons broje. Tom Prescott and Boyd Free-

— man Friday night a t the regulai X J meellng ot the Jerome Toastmasteri

<eIlLCa elub. Toa Mohan was the toasUnas.on the blue ter and Curt P u k e tt was the tableIt meellng of topic masler. Chief critic wa.i Billma.iler cluh. Hand, Paul H. Wlswell presided atax Lloyd and the meeUng. The next jneeOng olKoutnllc was Uie club la scheduled for Dec. 39.Crowlry was ------


^ i c l r n ^ r 'tustBs its a j t !

5 . . . o o n o i i J t t i l ' i k e i i c a 's la rg e st-se llin g

® 5 “I'l lnurton!

I 'ar. M protrf. DULCo,.Crmkfort. Ky.


c i r r tn:Ai>QC*aTCBaM rw ^ S f y

A 7m (tUJ k*» U(M u mitt c6 # MM ur4> laprlaud w1l>

MIM. AIm lUUAMn •i>4 t^ SV. .•.W H pU »rj7lU U .

S I SU PE R FOAM5 PILLOWSs r •( Tmm U utM -N a BabWr Oeu—6 LABT A UrtTIME



W ?RiiVfc«o«fHPi. onZV Zir V CklUm'a Albsm. i rarardi Ig f B. F . GOODRICHV (CS Main t . rk>a

5 I H U R R Y g ^r«r Bmt

Irene betweca Mlg) K lo S««n r>ni> SIsr*

* t t Sears Roebuck 4 C

v n e d I ' —

e n f o r ® s e l e c t a

t S c h o o l Ic iio « i.-H o n , g srr„s„^TSi.

? r d 5 " n S K S Y E L E C m Cschool gymna- ^ *“

Ills. ^began a t 8 J s FOR ONLT

go. Boys' club W ♦l.W DOWN i |l.t)0 A WIuslc was fur- K Y n un mIkI a

6 gMALL ArrUAKCK S of Boys’ club M S«h u » 6u<>)>.4a le tickets and ^ Tu iur - V tt/u ««t<r allot* for the f t c e i i f Mmut. «u.dants. Juniors W WILSON-BATEScd decoraUon* grf I 1 — ' — le floor. f the floor thow, W n i t THoucinruL c tnfor Uie queen grf APPLIANCESarranging and f f ‘ w ^n . r«, wero directed W

V.? §5 T\VIN FALLSMr! and Wrs. S ELECTRICMrs. Bertha S Tw rh« .. ii>-Wi’ii wt«« tc

Rex L. Olson. M r —30 P au l iufl- S Give H er A‘b?'uiTBo>v S HOOVER VACUmi, E. Kali U ad- g TANK OR UPRIOHT_____ M AuUioclMd blM t t i SmiM

S a n d ' i '^ ■ 0 . A N D E R SO N 'S

t M a l t a I • "® C H B IS T M A 3

1 Uftllcr *nd ® — F O K A L L —trailer lack- Cm ul—Sllr«r»n«• on Uie high- »of MallA on W Trlkw~Cn«3<t 5«l

);8 0 * m s u n . gp Diamond Hardware. Twin Falls, — d State High- W

YOUR GIFTS Id-he-epplle* ----------- W-RAPPF.D FREE-

£ ! £ - S |_started cross W ------------------


Dies f ------------------f t CHRISTMAS'

i n j u r y ® a r r a n g e m e n t sC. IB —A. S. M CfittrrplKM—UiBlalplicwI realtor, died © i s h t . following Sp *L‘ ?* • ~: from an In- S r».accident last M muumc.

a A GRAND SELECnOcharge of the ® OF GIFTS

ty ftlfaiils. Ho g f ,,if , „ iwMii>«rt,lk.vAm5 ican W , R ^ ’DALL FLOBAL5 Real eTiS & a n d GIFT SHOP

t t T«or cBt; S A R Cr«n 8Ua>ry of the Na- S ' »« m « r u » . 11elation for IS f f — lls real estate W

0 CHRISTMAS^Flve minute f fi SPECIALSoy Mac Am- gad Boyd Free- gf . l,Aj,tP3

t S S w i S S g SLLr™ .» 01;he toasunas- » * '*vas the table g f Toor {J.wi,) Ltap,_____________ lU.IO I

“ m uiSd” ” E 't mefUng of ^ SiiKiifs tJ }r Dec. 39. M


[np' It t Li/i

^ f t Complete LineA Of Stii tn<I.;al;n.MS ' It« SktlMW Coll Club, iBj Cifj^ ZlKUlc Dt>4i.|I|

E st-seiiing f '\ j s BrWi» Ciniiit Shif t _ Ili> .Iti.ttl.. U*lt»r Ciinl

( b o u iio n ! |

s Buv.iuiirM rBsUxii.A .IM ni.pfl.nM Rid,i f 7ii.s.ow«r«4 niri*

« coop *£j.Kno.vW or SHOT CUN6

S ' 1 t h e SPO R T E R

i l s l t a i r ! I _____ -



I ®: ____

U(M u >nUr cm»«*

R FO A M 1 Free ThejL O W S EveO' day IU C hrlstm u 3Tmm U ia tickeU to the Idaho will bc

1 contest togeUier wtUj 4 we* urtTlME enUr b to clip a Complete u r - t r r p m 'C balance of Uae com

O p u t of the daatlfled secUo— sequence. P u te up tbe Uni

. Uon possible and mall or...m. Tlmes-News. W lnnen wlJ n m Qtnt ,0 , y jy ,

THIRD WIM a b d '

;OODRICH 1*” M A N 'S O R V l

FRCI Please call a t the -no

•I StlvUiii TUT WL■ Lo» Pric«4

Ill r»n» aisra iiiion Coauebuck 4 Co. u u i ” woai«

--------- 4-WEEKr r r ; c a w e i k mJ r i i n i i o t r T r a v e l A la rm C ta

J 0 " ' " W 'T chK .ia^ F a m o u s P u r r c y Blank '


JERRY RIDGEWAY: 0 ^ ------------- 1 - Twin Fails. Idah ,it 11.00 A WEEK Wlnf 3 tlcteta U see

ArruANCi: "Th* Miniver story-* 6uBk<4n or the coming ettracUon •

the Orpheum theater. A.

N -B A TE 3

_______________ n r n E r s t b e c b v c k l ecirm jL GITT[A N C ES

.f 'I '. r i - i

F A L L S ° “ "C T B tC = = =-Wt'll Wt«« TcB I ■_ ----—

!U< Bl for comtliU atlKtlon o I Chrlilmu ItKnnta (ixl Albtuni, s

H e r A **■ c’ljiuDB Ditowv *ftr«;o V A CU UM '----------------------- ------------------

t UPRIGHT I ■ ■ ~J . .1^ 8m k . W E S T E R N -G A M B L E S

WESTERN Atrro SUPl-LVD ERSO N S t o y a n d G IF T---------------------- ' H E A D Q U A R T E R S

I ru iw rn jn E o t n .sTM A S IN BASEUc.vr-A L L - ------^ - 1


H ard w are . sun tin . i . ,Ptr»fln*U»»<l Chiliunti C»t<»

’ *nd Per»oBillirf Ciru--------------------- , G ESfG IF T S O F F IC E SU P PL Y

» Oltia* J— — — — ——«>♦------------- :---------- :___L«AlMl-S»lKt m r■FT. ST O REr u A B ^ n l r | ai/ ^ £ « i- '

W< 4<llT*r-Gi{t WrifM — "1 CbrUtom Z»»

iT M A S ' RIBER-CAIKlE M E N T S I---------------------- ---------------------UiBlalplicw

a ^ u C L O S E O U TSE L E C T IO N SA L EIIFTS 20T o O F Fw , DiosiiUr, R e ta i l P r ic eiw*«tln«rt -L. FL O R A L ■n-.nxs-.cASii •■ T S H O P A iis .i -r iM iin Cr.« 8U.» T ^V IN P A L L S

P U ..1UI H A R D W A R E .

™ A S - iT u c fn u lrM A alA LS SEASON

M -E -R -R -Y iPS . w m i Kosic?tLtCTTI0N OP YOUH OWNu « . A C R O S O N IC- p ._ i n . i o ,p P IA N O

, „ A u r rr iH i: cirr«p.-----1 ».,»«p ,-jlOy

. tT ’" * ' C L A U D E B R O W TMufeic & F u rn itu re

tE R ’S • A ia .ll dtpMli mil ,).||rtr ftmpUag ror IhU ChiUtau


te L in eNationaUy FamoutA T L A S TOOLS

»l aorprUinj;^ Low n;<«H«1 for D.4 .r BfoUrr

* »"• 8j«Mlnf Cuni. Pl,h|„ Uiltrr Ciinl T.tklt, IU.1,, Hod,

H IU LL APPLIANCE3 TouUt., Co«« V.Ur., Sculf^t

m .nitl. SELECT TOUR.

-Kno.V O U T -•' FROM

K R E N G E L 'S



gtgeeeeeggsggWMgecgi' KRIS KRINGLE’S| [ - ^ = : G I F !E r C I J l D E = a n d : : : : ^


^ Enter Now! Theater Tickets

C hrlstm u 3 m e ticxeU to tba Orpheum and 3 Idaho will be awarded u prltes la Che Chuckle ler wtth i weekly prties. All you need to da » p a Complete Ua« trom the Olft Oulde section ce of the compleU lines (up to 6) trom aay olher istlfled secUon of Uie pap« to mak# up a funny te up tbe llnea la the mott humorous comblaa- and mall or bring It lo Crt* Kringle Editor. W lnnen wlU be announced in thla column

' your UckeU a t Ui* Ttmes-New* oKlca.


Mabel Whelan, Buhl Wins a


lU a t the Tlmes-New* fer your cerUflcale.

TUT WVfNINO CmJCKLklUuloRf C4>lldr 'Rl*lMNrloii Coau

-WEEKLY PRIZESCamelk BJouse from Hale’a Alarm Clock from Tho Jewel Box 5 Orvin W rist Watch from Sears rrcy Blanket from C. C. A nderson Co.


Wins 3 Uckeu to ace kets U see -Eajt side al Heaven"ver Story"

''Shsdow of a Doubt-or Uie comiig a ttrtcC on a t

•t to f id e ia I d a h o UjeaWr. AD.t w leoerai ob jec t to federaPtax.


n "V* *M * '”*Good d.«p toll6 ... Piratr

111. .tiKtlon ol — JEWELItT —

'ITK UCISIO CorciM Iteul rhcvt <»

T m E ^ N E W SI ^ i p T IS FEATURING AIb t S s l^VELY s e l e c t i o n

E d e tt! NU-ART«c-'jT CHRISTMAS -CARDS■ *------------rri7it-aio!*ATV&g3____________ —Also—

1 L O V E L YS f l g i f t S T A T IO N E R Y■ ir» .^ " U T IM E S -N E W Si.rf cut. JOB D E P T .i f --------------------------------------- -UPPLY -------- ------------------------------ 1

________GIV E A ~G i i ‘' r ■

1 - . . INSTEAD.OF.AciHrrrt" -------------------- -----------------‘

G A D G E T •


-adt ^

i n ; ; I CI^CK RADIOS

OUT DETW EILERSE I--------------------------------------------- 1F F ,_____________________________ _’rice __turn G IF TJfMii ‘ C E R T IF IC A T E S

^LLS _ M iniature ShoesA R E . T, tb. t»i«------------------ rOB MEN.


' I y HUDSON'SSure F i t ”

NIC -------- -


____CUu. AUmlouni, U.UliO L k i n d s '’ O P

m itu re w a g o n s -.I dillr.r rtm Can >p4 IloUur tota.biutau L*r»« Aiiortinntt «{. .. _ l DOLL II0t;t1E3 L

Korluli. Olitaa------------ , BUY ON n u n o r r r— OR LAY.AWAV


Ef?ry'wi»hrTIi; »)OLS Uatll Chriiiaafow rr;.«BroUtr I — I

YOU’L L 'Cur^Pl,hl„ g j . SORRY

If You



• STOIIE- lEfoKE TOD Birrt

^ ® gp.elaJ i,r<c- oa s a a r ItMu.

ss-ast5’fsi3is i3gapasflffli


s g c c g e e g e s e e t i B B ,

'E’Sa n d : : ------- -----------

F E S T : 1— — ^GIVE

ITO.' "“ I ' S ”*'ruoM t u s j

a Sear* Roebuck A r .leum aad 3 I__________ ^ho Chuckle ■ed to da » _ Ude tection OIVE 1 ® i

a comblna- ii« i 'or ib* . Igle Editor. »!•«> VALUE -lU colum . FIRESTO.NE SlO Ji

‘ *• n>»


fin e r CHBJSnu1..4IM » i __




j ra o n Co. ~

I N N E R R A D U N T H E A mKETS Lul w «i I. Balt..tclN TIEE C f '-C I .C M f;:^


“ “ HEATINGDoubt- '-------------------------—tracCon a t ■ -a te r . AH WOMENS LOmito federaP - iioudat su rm ni

♦ V .l.«Sl|,u.»l»a» m CCK LB sum i t u Jl, u i ft



w»r» Tf«a«r» It-i &•[< '. BOX it.ii u n ji

rhcvt <» ,_______ I , - SAV-MOR MU(

EWS ELECTIUO 0IFI8 I NO A ,„nvt £ C n O M c o R N W riis rZ jia i


; S ^ ° L . M ..K . KINGJX)

.Y I-----------------------------O N E R Y FOB TOTJBEWS LABTUnnmP T . GIFTSHOPHN(

' * ITJTM------------- 1 IDAHO DEPT. SK

OF. A _ I ---------IT • ' HORTON IBONEBEAM TAiixaoHiHCANOES tllS.SO Valoi

w P ar J7S.M


E R S L _ L —


LTES(hoes 5 £ u1 l« >« w *Z. VIMH. Cinaii rtr<»lb. t M a r te l OUiO.»

« Aai llcoli ItLDBW MOON’Sa ® PA IN T 4 FUBNIH

------------------------------------------------’i t ” LAMS BBICW


e n d t a b is

M COFFEB TABL0, W.U1 jjj p,i.ui


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i r r ■

H O M E - F O H N W ®

J P P L Y T B E B B a a "V » r - OPAtt

= dy . e jo i i ! * ® ’


KOBlja® IsnTuitc F U R N IT ^ ■


Page 13: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

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K M A L E . F lK “tfc C f t j T *'*♦- .1 *~

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■ ^ ' S T S »•<» <ll.lrlbtlll«-.• J y j j2 r EXAIR (

I s r i ® c E s ». ..i.u .di.,, i»«.K 2 - - 7 ^ I HkKririEM OOOD r

f . 0. BOX H «

f c g r s w i s _ _ _ _ _

I s B g " , i £ ,S i i B U S IN E S S OPPU■ * , I I i..uiiiiTiiri FOB REJfTi ■ g r J ^ ” ..? 7 i T»l« ..UlilUh»J builnm.

iWm sh u vb S r ' ' k : , 'B S ^ s s s n n r iru r iT i-------- ----------------

F U R N IS H E DB.M. _ SINGLE Of doubl.. Yci

E m T B W T „ ,c t “ . r . t v r ' i .b u u Cllr Of «»

B ffj g FOUJ^D StCCLY t^nUhtJ framP l : 'A u T m )t.

C ^ W l N l N G I■ U iT b cCT»t»»i <»ai^ llol W»t»f bMU iaaifi ^ “ S r ’.lS '.’or'trm'iI TRAILS END

tf lalHKtliB Rtnoii I I .

■iirSSs'SS -B S L r II.CO m «.T. rrlMU

**DAWr.L DOO'SE.B iTUTION________ Iii,b-H7 J9■rTh^uTfii^w^ 0. 1.

F U R N IS H E D A P ;

^ ■ R A C rO R S *

K ............................ MC* *»»rocm «pirls.iK a B i ---------- — *:«■"-» <•-•»»•■[TT SHOPS * III T -A T .V ..‘ l-M y

v*r.r“ ;» r . i “■ r IuUmM* •»< <* Tililv.j hoiji.. .11 f.lm.R Jifw D«o1t l.lo r i-tlUOM lumlfhH optrI n Mm» » .^..o'c'5 W,.., T.Jn_K.K o d irtm. Joelor do- AI-AIITMKNT lor r.ntK kluklM ln* is^ mU Head. U il !<M' Aiit<■ iw 9 An. AriiwiT / i i n j 3 u ^ t r n n r « p s

■BIM5 AIDS rUllNISHEU »p»nm.r>i,

U N F D H N IS H E InONS WANTED Ai-AimiENT. sn w.i»

W .7 i iu ^ . 'K o u m .nd- — •_________ DK.mb.r 10. n» i.. »

im ittA .K O . uauuxu lloor. * i

‘‘nMiSS.“ ^ p l‘rin,"?l.

jfi'TJ,' -u ' mTi

F U R N IS H E D IE I Un • *e.V, rhon. VEHY MC>: J-foom dl__________■ ____________________________________ U ka norPi._____

g l ’an>.r i^ .r t^ . l ! ^*7''hfit«r.'%cxj'"i!.rdrn' »^.C<U-JiSlLa.- -I'tiM _ WUlor^t;oxa-«»»llw-

l ; ‘S i , “ "„S ‘' ; . ; £ U N F lli iN lS H E D■ <a I'lss. Eut rtoni MIOOM. oil hr.l.f, co..r.

«r>U cr M‘ 6uM' ' *ri!.’.. ^na.M.

K '.im 'n tllt'l '.r 'p l'"* ’ * IIUOXIH .nd L.1K. no 1 f*’"* i;ir«l. T.ln r.lli.B 8MALL J-room niod.rn

wJ!\ ood.rB. "•jjjj'**'L »IXEOR :-1ICDnOOM hm»». mod

■ r>M<(ii.oi (>111117. Jtrom.. phon. I

I W ta -F E M A l.E

^ " f t F c V i T

I ^ B S E SDIbU »-I'00M iBOj.rn houi.. ni

» i7 l.L' l.Z ',n \o J ..i T t) W c.ll Sund.r*. or

K ^ ^ — M A IP r)l>:uil00tl Sofflc. mod.

I---------------------------l i - / '•’r ” '.'”;; WE HAVB r

. MODETiN"ANTEi) TU'o uEonooa

l i j i W A L E r o i i i i rwm a g i c v a l


n£w l o c a tltl Skchon. Sotill.

■v« hna, . ■■ “« 0(1,■.‘, "«'■'■« . l i h ------------------------------


" * ' t M ISC . KOR nr * ‘ g g g j ^ ^

T R U C K S n n df o r r e n


ID A H O . U -D R IV E , I

l ^ u •*l.iio„ FIVE POINTS'^ u .iiu .^ ''c ; .'.k p f lo r ^ 130

! E L P W A N T E D H IS C . FOIIA L E » F E M A L E ^ A)<kiiuu.s»;

■ nTuiI.Si;

____N E E D ________— " a ' -~ ^M O N T Y ~ti

-mint lo work «i»d ini*r.»Uj “or* fulur*. ru t «ip«fUa<« of KMp'li.U'. tiulruaf.. W. "IU tniB too •• • H.iw u b-i.ii.A of l.f« eorpof«lloo, Iaiw,? th.n

lUXIANCE CIU__ m Jod l-<rict Wni

B REXAIR CLEANE31 11--------- —lUodlni. ho«.SoM »ppll»Be«. i-


Wriu AKD LIVE„ , . „ , . i . r . n . . l i o J,

E SS O P P O R T U N IT IE STl Mod.f# iwtIm «l»Uoii •llh ■»1 builnm. Cood loc.Uon Is '—,11.. Conuct n.Ub.r Oil C«». IDAHO FINi

oni.!“ou7«f iowp o«»«-. «ut----------------------------------ciiicK 'm A nIN IS H E D R O O M Sf^<b«bl.. “• Com* - -

” * h o m e s fo

..t^d r^n. .nd moo ®*}*!;i;,‘TiL'"'"*-» • »°* A r.» . Hons, i-ho.. ,TUrui,ooy L . ,

H.NU. ITJ North Elm. _l£l^u.ll,r tuu... I:• ' ~ BAflEMCIT boiu*. I.ri

nOU.- E .n.1 Icl (.r .. r bMt. laairaprlni taxt/B*. i.wlon. I'llr. t;,loo. RAIL3 END MOTtL hhm i' '-[Iri’’,'' i

■ ^ lit UllVLOi » t.“lar. TrlxU katk. kaifltatili cld. doull. rocuitu lluilr iprlni.. 4tO 1th, liukl.NIEL DOONE LODOB «.HOOM h

* »"■--------------------------------- OWWtll iM'Inj, Jlo5H ED A P A R T M E N T S E‘or%*rl,‘V^(w.erho.t. iifbtai <ic. 1. til Ilk

oon Adulu. |[ l2tv'or*corli?i iii"l *.nu. north. »,rt.-oem Adulu aaW. W TWl.>J K.Tli'i

S/ i Cr^r“=;i-or ir’.'.’TiSul. T ln K.lla. _ _ CKrlilmia. Slomlilr IUT ror f.nt MII Klmbnlr Cmll .1 lltS 6-JMl.. Iol SH. Autj CoarL <I»;.JI1,_________I'l.SU .p .rj^inufor r.Bi. I> OWNER Inrlnf Io*n i >r«»r..n lisdt. Twin y«ll.. hom.. J WrooU tp .rtn .nl. .1 (b* AA M>- nic. (lr.;I.c>. Ilalilirra, .mo<l.fn. sround .ttucU^

.IRNISHED A P T S . | ' —iiT IH M.1» awui. « ro«S»d b.t., - AJ.II.M. , u t

” ;, « r°Z, .nd mod.r.. COMPACT ho. IT farnljhfd. Thoo. 5ISSJ. ‘“ iir.I. I.r.t md •..t.r turnl.h»l. CECI!. C. J 1. ap.rlni.Bt I. Phon. 8«ltNM. Up.Uln Tl.ak « Tf«I

V IS H E n H O U S E S I 51,600 D(:>: l-foom dupl.i. Itll Ulu.

JOM hom., r.ntr fufnl.h«I. ht^^, *V*rVll7n'l no'icaMni. lU.W w..k. Hlg Klr.plac, lary, llvinfna».1._________________■ room. ouUuor flrtjlatin"Iuinl*h«I bou... •»l«r !n.“ “f«non~™in'tIlfn«»trcxJ c.nlrn <rm. Nlc« for rrtpomlbl. p.rtr.


",!lJ‘'mll.r,. ho„.; .» w n e w BRICt------— ---- — , J H.dru.m.. r.dl.»tl.rB. B.wlr <jKnr,i«j. .looliiBt ||,|n( b.Jro6mi .n<

Pbfin. ItOO, SalUni ob . lir|. 1st1 hc«... Biod.rn, r7r .mall r«tl.- mo.1 .mm., pbnB. C«»1J1. .Bd moBlb. Ea

m o v e f o r c h r is

ipilryliL-t'^d SpacIo«. lhrM btdrooi led.rn hum.. rSen. ::7>.n. f .r .c . I'.rfKl ho^. oil U l. ip ] n.lik. p I*'

Jhkk.’ .'“l’Bd'Mri"iu' T^VIN FALLS” al.b;i'~.ia.ll nn. hou.a * INSURAN.‘ caii-n?." ” I_______

om hotu. Klih Adulta. _.W f ' . . A.'.ru7'‘v” ‘i.’ I----------------------------

FEATUItorrtt. .Bd baraa. Inquira YOU’LL I

----------------- IN THIS NEV


UEDnooa U0WE3 * Kl«p!...""roil HENT ^ Kltchn,

•GIC VALLEYSTMENT CORP. * Slokar Kum.,.' Jf AllachtJ Garai.ew LOCATION- jw cn I1KS

!!____ I a n o t h ;------------------------------- NICE HC[ ) T 0 R E N T . L E A 3 E

houa* for I month., ciil bHrooma wllh pl.nlj au].t#(I for w.rtnlh. iCItElL II... Kjulpn.nt, fU l!.*S0«0 do*

» 'a g i c v a :■I.. ...y , .IN V E S T M E N '

C. KOR R E N T s h « S . “ “ 'ueTpoHHiirierTiBrTnw

CK S n n d C A R S F A R M S FOR

'O R E E N T ■

;. v»», ncKUP «KO ' jito ck s. ‘„iSSENGER CAI13 of cllr dump irouBd roa

II. W. Hrown.

IDAHO “ 2iulp ,«l " u oM.r';•DRIVE, Inc. tt.ll. TlmK-N..a.

SERVICEPDONE 1303 d.Irr uc.rlasa. Dwau.:

•_______ :________ « • AtlioBi EUi.1. (

illSC . FO R R E N T F A R M S FOJU.SK («, rent I lloi.r atoraia. _:r. I'hon. om.Rt. f l n Tall..- for .11 «<ulon.l port- 174 ACf(I'h Of dar. IUla- Ci-od r<i> »rvp l.»d. "I — =-------r - r r :--------- »*—i y.L[ o N T T r m o o s n —- J . E. wi:

N E E D M O N EY i’hon.- BEE - >■'■ ■■ "

l callr ijwnad crwllt rnrsnaBr. — IP'a In J*,U I----------------------------

s t r o u t ’s ..lANCE CREDIT CORP. C A T A II iit.rt Wni rboa. J l»

I lUBchn. IIom«, Cai •------------------------------------ •li'-. .tr. WORI.n-*- mUU^lnc Uarialna.


AND LIVEiTOCS , ~ ' ■ ■■ ■

V .^ . R O B IN SO N ' r 4 0 a CF

IllI of T-la nila. tin !

HO FIN A N C E CO. b « A .p .r-n « ii .r- LO AN S —

r O N E O F T HICK HIATT. MiDMer v rI Kloor Hack A Tnit DM*. le. Nortb J .ro a t

>’b.n. Ill bom., Utn. nMblna.II t . r . f . , pOTillry boui.

™ e S f o r SA L E.og..^rial.- T.b.a>9T«S. Cll

— ." "‘"*"'---------------------------- ACRES. Dmp rUI toun-.! aod b.lh. 11.000.09. Will 2 of Impmaoat■ n.r bou.a. » l Vtn Uurwi. »b .i( p.f »IIT boiu*. Ian. lot. oil foro««. f" ' '« • >f »«Ph‘<n. :i<i.W. <tl Duch.aai. •'ani'lo b«7 IL Oil.n.| Icl (.r t.1., ln,B.^I.I. po.. r .k . n.lOO. i'bo.. MOJ. IIT

'o:-n;r.'"'c:ir »Vs!m i %;■,

^ L U . T Z ',^ . talh. . ,Mr. C IT IZ E N ’S J1? I*'*'* 3II5J -Phom. Iiul.1. <»;<. ft.nd.ll. Acre*, fran Al

ii.olhlf pa;ni.nt‘>'.'’l>rvan Dgr<

laa.Enr, llod.rn l«o*li«Jroom ^-rn t/~irt <S7 Ttrlur. Uu< I.rrt 1 7 0 A C I10 H.0W.C8. Thoti. ;t».NH. Soulh aid.. Varr prodt bill IIM do>a handla. «ll—par •‘ I’- "» d~» *'Ilk. N.w t.kadrsoai Ctp« ;Tit«ii fcrooa giod.rt

m. -1th roll buamnl. Pboa. «>*lor. reti bur.=r ccoun .1 1007 SunrU. Bout.- 160 A C I

s r . c -

H “3 H ; ' ' t r t S ' •“ " ' ’•■’r . - . r / . - f f '

b e n A s p E y -

aa. 51o*ili!r''V»rrrio* Ilk. «nl.llOJ 6-jBtl.. Uagla.trd of Thon. .

B E S T Ur.;Iaca. Ilalili.d a;i; laicll«” i “a'.- uVLInrolirriJi! Sa7a"l,'*.l «U-i® p‘.*Vho‘nri!lJ;\v‘:il“ ‘l^

alf.iu n.wlV and.d U arrM Ladino clo'.r. '

TOna hana: pall, ctl diBlnr «t tin. p.r .er. thli T." SI k”*'''! i’’Uad!°C™a '*

n'T.r^in homrbat*ioc.troB. “ '" i '

CECI!. C. JONES C. E . AD-Tl.ak « Tr«l ria. I Ph. « l t Q £_ g g y

_______________________ III A.fc Eul

S1.600 DOWN I-------------------- --------

E r i '”ni ’;^t™r-i«Vi;Vn': i c o a c riw r flr.jl.ti .nd flth: Fatla- >rM~froiB w . ^ 0 raoBtIifr-T«rm.Bti. Onlr « -..n . “ No ..nJ. IH I* p.ltr- I’tlc. Ul.OM. On*.h>I---------------------------- *---- -«B ^hl« .l. rMF IMS •.“ G R A V E S & -S O T T - '

' “ “ ■ M A G IC V A-* IN V E S T M E N -

' ] KEW LOOA'W B R IC K H OM Eimi. r.dla&t arr<> loI b.dr06m. .nd bulll-la r .i .t .- ' ' ..............B . lari, lot Iftc.trJ In T»lo ' '

r e a l E S T A T E■ ACXtH .n« l . n . moj.

M O V E IN )R C H R ISTM A S ‘" 'IhrM btdroom ftam. homa. n m c t Ida a .tr niar-

.aaamanl. .tokar batt. larta i lo i | .era.. NorI'.rfKl iK.tlon In Wuhlni- Oth.r cood llallnn.h '“ com ln’’ l‘ha“ o 'fTr"' .‘‘d MACAW. Phon. T,:h. krx. ~~

I F A L L S R E A L T Y j------------------------------N S U R A N C E M ._ ^ ^^ B A C O N i L A '

I -DEAL w m i tou:

If 70S wint ti>F E A T U R E S . . . b u y . . .

i 'O U ’L L L IK E • . • SELL’H IS N E W H O M E . ^ •

B A C O N & L A ]1mI EatlKhra >li K*la N- ri>oa«

11 Flnlihid

'"n^cnViVsM.M B U S I ^COOD T rnus X

A N O T H E R I f T N IC E H O M E __________ •

tor fomfoilabl. Il.InJ. ThJ~ • BICVCLE SALES i or" w.mi'lh’ “Vulr'f’nUhri lllulu. Crcl.rT, I'h. 111. i:.J50,«0 d'own- food t.ra.u ♦ CLEANgflS & Pyj

“ ™ e ™ p . EEsEfiJEW LOCATION Phon. » .__________ _,na lioulh Pbona »U « KLECTn/CALW S

- I Phon. IITI-W or ««I|.SI


MrrltaNJ *Y{j ’’" y j’ H<*'r .andlnt or r.Ilnlahl

rr propoaltlon. «Ui bau.. w»t • lA N iTO B SEfiVICnpfrouBd roai Pkon.OllOi:. Houa.rl..BlBf- l.nllori.l

" 1 p-i- w . • 1 ° ‘■0^

; f ■ K . K ." " ’.'..! !*■« j y i J ” ‘r c X r r s : r . ' ” ‘K id ;« '-“ ''. . . • . ' i o ™ C T C L gilB**. . SUalu* Crclcrr. I'b. i l l . <

______________________ TIMES-

A R M S FO R S A L E F A R M IM P)I tu roKi> u.ctof *

174 ACRES USED iigLLANU h.j<>• crvp l.»d. NorlKild. ke*. dlllon. Phon. Tlill.

* ‘i" - D-4 CATIIIPJLLAK .T ’-' ' - f s r ^ i f r -

REAL ESTATE f—tS7 I!oB. Phuo. tlH-RlI P O T A T O E G_________________________ . • •

I I Perusia W ubmT R O U T ’S .R A N C H

C A T A L O G Bidi!‘*Tifi'SGnani WorIlomw, Ccualrr nu.loM.a.

f. W0RI.I1-* LARRESTi 1,011 D n rt r*idlnc U.rolna. II lilaU.. Mall.4 U U U Ij‘■ x r o t s s s r j i & c ' i

<“ a c r e s . l j M A cm m■ proJg«l.. I..<, . J l Inpr-.4. ^ d »r*M. • ts N«rtb.«Ua U«t« r««»clr lu la rtlla. t in lla .t for • flnt l5" 'to di‘ ^ r U

m _ i ! ____ **, - ‘J MiDffi' CATTLE W, — . — ...............I fTON-rREEZlNO^ E O F T H E B E S T s«m. u .u .k »,w.

10 dJ7h>rtb J.roaa- l-rooa modno“S r i i r S s M i : P A U L e «

OAVUfAXTM A N D \V E L D ,R A Y M A N N j„ io - pbon. o iiw i

rtb LIoooIb I t m t , Idab.

» r . , I I ^ S E D J O T

i.'Vh’T p i r . " " ' ^7"!“ “ S P E C ]

‘ » i '2 « ■!; v“ u. ' “ ’!■ X i'- '” 'l«n.nt bocia Till !■ Ih« U t-wn«*J. . . b.*a waiu»» for. I MM UTU tr««lor. 1 ES. All la «r»pa. Cood ken< Alao.lUlI.llnn. Onlr ti.000.09. } UU ITU tnctor..r iZ E N ’S A G E N C Y » x « «ru«f,

•Phona. UM m u RTN tracl^f (JAero., fren Alb.rt«n-. I II IIP MM po-.r

-------------------------------------- T H I

I 7 n A r R V ^ I S A W T O O T H '

iTooa Biod.ra bou.. Im (kla }>'> Shoahen•W.!>«>:• TWIN FALL!

160 A C R E S _________________Ida. UO tbir«> of . t t d ---------------------------1‘rn. rnrc“o7fal7‘ rL.‘. * ; i r 5 B A B Y Cl.loch or dalrr ftrm. SPECIAL Urlr_Ord»

A S P E Y - R E A L T O R n J 'Jw ik i'if 7,3rri0 ..f N.wUrr7-. Whlli” '!!...]

Wka or^r.^^S .!^ W. art aliu Idaho'. < lha f.aioua barr.l bi


an bur. HO .. r « oi dnp «n. H A Y. G R A IN

’dV<.*bli'b'’ rWda''..f b’.tn.T 'pi vnn^^L'i'r," iirt'^ '’h.».la. cr Olhar crop.. MulJr In ^“t , 1, F Vu1.- I7 .«dri IW. r.*r. I lu « .Tr'" _______.dlno clor.r. Wheat rlald* ta HAY for a.i., anr

f*Thl"*f.r™'’iV i^nR*Mk«r" ^AUIU Vail.7..UllllBt

C . E . A D A M S “ r X .C. E . B E Y M E R o ^ Y .'I A.fc Eul P hn . Ui VhoJr’o' !____________ JM) ANIl lUb^cutll^

WANTED to bur I

ICO A C R E S V . ’. i ' “S

r n r '..r iTin .1 ?°VV-In*!^?- Ph^n. C»l-ni, Jeromrpc~ tr*d>~gir ot fina >*6Si>-rT*«dltt*—a^d-^opaymrni. f*rm- Lo'. k

miW. nboti« call. •[A G IC V A L L E Y L I V E S T O C K -'E S T M E N T C O R P . wanted u b«7i w«.

KEW LOCATION ® p b ^ o '^ R j “ Kimbhon. South Fkn*tU I , , kUREjjrED Suffolk

HcUuKr. ^ Bortb e:

■ ...... - .....HS.'rr‘'va-E S T A T E F O R S A L E ‘I ' S S S F S

tnd l.r r . a<o .n> bona. S«Y.r.l I COWS. «n. Jual Jr.a.II puturfc ortb.fd. Il.lf dowm. partm.Bl p w h»I»oc»- Pkon.«t>«rlr.___________________ STUI) UUl.L A»o<l.tKlUlna. Whlt.fK., S

I OIMJI. JnSn noMlBf 10. M T ni.r- npd.ra hon«. 4 CUCILMUCY eo*. « 11 .e ra . North .Ida (ariBL calm, haa.r .prinitr tood Itallnn. Btt uWw- lloliUln hurr:AW. Phon. TMU. rDar aar cow Irnh jiui b

bnd nu.rna>r bull.

H IG H EO N & L A \V R E N C E P R IC E S. w m i TOUR FRIENDS- Fof P E A D am

ANIM.,n t ti> ■ - PlIOSE US CY . . . '=“ '"-?*’ Twla r.11

• • * ID A H O I

E n f X N V ; A ^ V v ; ; I ^ T ^ L L O

DN & L A W H E N C E P ^

______________________ _ CUOU piBto Sh.lland I“ ■ aonlb. old. T.ln>bon

B U S I N E S S m d P E O F E S S I O N .

DIRECTOR:LE s a l e s & SERVICE • P L U m ]SG & 111

NEBS a py£fls *“pb*«. 117 "w oVoii^

tE /iCM L pntNT-iN’J** * ' • nEFniCEnA riO ?ntlns ot .11 klBda. TIbm-N.w.- ll.dlf.r.lora. wuh.ra. ^_________________ Sh»mw.r ApslUnc IIr n /C ALWSTALLAr/ONi iii tlr i^ i^ AppiiaBc,. •W or «« KUlla««r Elw vallar B*fn». S.

H SANDl.VG ________ _ a SEWJN'C MACHIIf-- r u n m.ehlB... :nt or r.tlBl.hlBt. I'b. 01>I>-H1. tuU Twla F.lla. H ., l i t lnd A... No. Ph. IIOL J.romfco n s E n w c E ^ ^ • rv p £ \v n /T £ n s

rv TO LOAN »oc.i Tinnwrttw Ea-nr homu and loan., lloon ». • VENETIAN BUA

«M. r. g oriTM. 0 •tVATEfl SOFTES IHCYCLES______________ n. w.ndimt. o .tw .ii.r'J«f7. I’b. 111. dlT H tuT rfc lt. Cttlil|»a Sofi W il« S.


A RM IM P L E M E N T S PE I)BD u.ctof tad rwir a»4 b«dar. IKISIUH .^tr>uil pui I H-m. KlB'b.rlr.___________ tUul....^^ North. I

rZBPlLLAK *Bll»4.Mr. M. I MALE I.Ujn<. c»cl

-------- 1 I’ElilGllLKD co;«r bi)TATO EQUIPMENT rm«LT“ Tr.,..1

' • • ' • Turn* I/n'ti* “ ph';i: w H A iu ta rim ;. OB l5S?f .r Sl.t Jktrett I’hnn.

0.dt. Tnll«r nik&a TOT TlCJlKIEll puppl>J B*»«lr Wort i Iob. Prle* li.OOTlmwN»w..

1C UECISTEKilD CockerD O U G L A S <.ll«nt for Ch.lttmi

M A C H IN E S H O P J » sub i.. nii,. u i M B. Twi. rana (JQ O D T H IN

------- •' iri.oi:^p.p .or*, fi

MACHINE WORK ‘‘ u V .^ ^ m j™ ^ ' *■ALL ' k i n d s D iJ c K K i^ r r z n i


fo r..I t. PhonaOI.

MIDSTATE ‘ nialr'-OriS'.fS^IOllCATTLE WATERERS I otato'es. cull. .Bd•PREEZINO . AUTOMATIC ,r»- AMoci.tion. in• U .M kM w . J0NATIMN8.~toBin

iioMLS tiid~ JoniihiiAUL EQUIPMENT n.'." p'Si',""*'" D WELDING SHOP ..« . .Pbon. OIIWI Idiho . I .W , OII-JI, Buhl

‘ APPl S Iloniw and

ISED EQUIPMENT " S F S F Ss p e c ia l

o t iv r n » . . .». ; : 5 T . i u K - r = r 7 ; ; ; r T M M<-*h«»l------- --1100 Wln«*»» Bppltf. ll.l.UTU trtclor. 1»«T 111 bP.l-IHOO lo 11.18. Cull, :5c, K

anulti. ^ weal, i ,r.ITU tractor*. IIIJ CT hp.) .RTU inclon (Jl hp.» OIVE TT3RKCT8 TRTN tractor ( il hp.l • 0 . .a Dr.M.d . PIP MM p . . . , «I. DuUB, hal To»{,

T H E ' —


:0J ChoahoB* SU 8. --------------------------TWIN falls , idaiio | F O R S A L E (

B A B Y C H IC K St. t t r l r Ordtf “<*•” lu>t*yg». PhoB. Cl

a poullfr ftm - ll.OO ptr bosdrtd z .u i.. Phont Klabtiord.r. Stll.ftcUoB --------------------------

a aliu Idaho-, ttcluil.t prodo«tr ol f— ■ --aioua btrr.l brtultd Noflhwaaltr oASn far m t eldd. H tra lll.Cr.da ItaUhefr. ^ **°^ufL*?tSrO. G R A IN A N D F E E D I *»F.IU. M i s a F o :r a.l^ anr eolllnt. C.ll MIIW WELHII babr eariUf.. I p.m. . - ■ . l t l Vtn Pur.fl,Vail,7..lllMlB* »<rrjrv HmUrlr FOLDI.“VO babr b»m.tiJ.nct. l l^ J ______________ *lh Avtnot W«l.^NO blllllBt Strrlt* FEom CLEAN t o . dotk^Md

: of third ruitlnf haltd bar- rr.4 TWO Bonatt Jd^morltlC»»ni. nuhl. ________ Eth.I Htua.r. Tll.f.

lodini MoBaah.B Mllllai l .n i» AilEP.ICAN. 1 .stoeriHII.H or o m il____________ .crlPllaBt SI. J. Hlll. :nd tnd Irrl cuitlBC, tBd DEKItlCk Moa. pttialrt. I'hoBt 091741. lo t fhaat 4111 MbIII lUU cuttlni wIrt U e d ^ - ClllLS* illocl.. Ch>)lr.r. Phon. OSK-JI. SlrttC Ctll tOII-M.

J to buri lU l^ har- .B7 t«t>lu. OlIIL-H UICYCLE. »• old. tnr tmounL Phoat JIUW n.w. Ctll tfltr I. pj i ......................... OOOUUE-ntJC__J biI-

- lea >.,1 < _ le a t_ la iiiltt llf tJ Ilflr«t cullinc har. M.l SolUi. >^«t.____________om -ni. Jrrom.. GOOD InapvUd ua«

EBTOt-K-railLTRV ' “ s r ^ s S iJ 10 bu7I Wttaef ctlvat. PbtB. USED 4^-j^li^^lj^l^

piBto ttddl. hon.. I >*(n eld. S Aiyi.i^B-. U7-RJI, K1mb«rlr. CIKL 3 6<hw1nn blCTt

i S U f f i S ' - S ”.ly. Borth ef H.M.B.

rB “ ‘"ph?n?o'?[i.!;!*‘^ ^ ^ ^7* , 1 ^ “ A i 's s s r i - x ;

t ’ s'ott'^' ‘'’kIiV 'em .!'* WMk| tT». tntl^B. t

Ul.L AtJWClttloB numtart- II»' lImm proJtelar aad Whll.fK., Sbtrthomt. Phot. .aptaktr- JnSn noMlBf <a*dt »IUi

. ~ » . £ - . f clIoliltlB hMr? apiloi.f. I CtJ.fB- J'J'JJJ" a lr«h Ju.1 B fj- d .M j pot-u.rnatr bull. Pbon. l l t j ,____ „

H IG H E S T r --------- MICE BigP R IC E S P A ID ” r ” ^

D E A D a n d U S E L E S S olotst


*“ llAKUMAN pltBo^ori

ID A H O H ID E sl^H tiru '^ '^o tk& T A L L O W CO . -?»■»»________________ _______ IVANIIOC oil b«tn

------------------------------------- ^EW ANO BttO tJwUP E T S ■/B.efftf .l.lauM Om

, .™ iTl

' WE HAVE .om. |oo<E SSIO N A LVV -W-V "W T* BTllltblt. TvIb FillORY ^s=zi=

. Tw^pltct UtIbi row

(l.u bttt. Kllllartr DkuIo.I7I.W or «IIS. RI. roar.t>ltet U a r Oak

ir ApslUnct haptlr. n . l i l ^ Tlrt*.wt7 Floor Ltn > Applltpct.. Phon. n i l . tad T tU t' ■Iltr Httfl». Str.let. Ph. 1IU.H. ________ __

'nlf^m.chlB^l^.lfntlB A ^„•wla Ftlb. IIO Soulb LIteoli. | | 5, u , „ „ r t« Crt ______________ _________ ptrftet eotMlllloB _n v n /T E n s •■pt.ifi,- on Bom.ttli tnd Mrrlet. H oit PO. ----------ntwrttwEj. 0;p»^P. g TBox“'M,tl.«..l.rETtAN BU ND S ----------

rtptlrini. w w mi- Ph. U U . '■EF S O F T m m

s«(i w titi stTTin.~rt>«M m . ■


P E T S " F U R N IT U R E .NTrVJull PUPP1...IDS Ulut'Ltk* LmNO^HOOM.«.

cock.'r for .aJt.~Pt;>ert WMTI.S(;ilOU5C r.n

.E I.U.n<. cKk.r .panl.l pwpl«. tiOOU

.-4:i-W..M.I.l-^ lUt 440. BabU ®» •" «II«f IlLKD «;.r br.^_ ' i;'’* ; , C a l l ’cTlJll “or".? .r.t.»u. J. C-Wolll. t» JtOtoB.- t r.kiniM. puppr. Ch..p. Will ------------------------

t nic. Cbrlitn.i llfl. Sll IlO'*, Phon, 1II.-M-______ . _ M A T T B

•l«™ ‘T « 7 S ' n e w in n ia • O'” •J.lV. L»ia t¥ iEii puVp' ~ >toT;»TB7o S ^

.................... E V E rrCK£0 Cock.r puppla. fot .t l .. tz . M A T T R E S St for Ch.Ktmu (Kti. N.ilo Vtl. c , a. . . EobUItbl.. Illll. Ukat and f.ll. t.anBt.

lO D T H IN G S TO E A T ~T.p“ o™V filanr.l — "*« ' Vt- TIIOR

^ sun A o i h j r i ^ - ^ south-CT.

•OTATOES for ttl.. Will daljrer. -0I7IR1. B»H, B. P. 0 0

r , ; . ; r 'r ^ 'ii.n7~iJ s r tBa"^«i.~. *«•

‘6rehtfd. 1011 Etil^djlMa. I ' ' " **OES. cull. .Bd frul.d. Idaho Un>w

“ a g i c v

b e s t b e d r

S . - . r * ’ ’ ” ' * - V n lvs. ..UM 7 ..» . lrnl.1.•d. ar.a iMdr. I0« It 400 pcUBd.■ 0U.JI. Buhl. No

. All ^ tdn .'" all.°nat o“ hUbw'r ll-Pm;C LICUT OOADLE lllh muk. wblptlai « rt.n . * iBamprlnf B

« » . lltlnrlch-a. £lst U kt. • Full .Im b*! i• • P1.1. ,lua . 1 0.»n B.a4r Turkm. Ord.r aow b,oeh. olldtra. Anr alu- tnr Bunbar-' llOt-W . 1444.H . riUf t m i o . • M|bt tUad tr pouioa. . cholM amooth If.d.- « ] ptllowi, tBd r buth.l. ttid SUrm.nts tppln. II.M U IL BteoBda. tCa . • } P’How cuat‘*-;*l»‘;.^‘i^nuthT^'ir>".'lli.“ “ • I b« Uap

: TURKCTS FOR CHRISTMAS 1259.00•a O rt..^ . PIuU. Wr.ppod A ll ^m»-w y°ii{i.k*. n in »o4i« J20S

= : = r : i = ^ ? so iF E R T IL IZ E R i u p « « bu

pulxrlMd abtep. cow l.rtlllMr Cet flowtrv Pboa. OIHRI._______

« S A L E O R t r a d e

BEt 4.door dtluit MdtB. LoBkt ^ TaBtrtprlB* mOVIE ctaart. pnW ur .ad K ttta • MU t lu btd.

Pton*. CIIMlt*"^ “ l“ »«

iV A N T E D T O B U Y • ^ i i B « . iUDlldour or IM 74 anltt wUt • ' I pillow et*e«.Phon. El»b.rl,. IIRll. , ,

far m f .Id Oold tBd J t - t l r r l $249 .00 '*A^LL*FO^K '.othoat W. Pbo- Sd J1 8 9 B0 _ ?

' IlI-CO ptr aoatb

M I S a F O R S A L E (j^ A U D E^ b tbr«riU 4.,bu .lB .u ...d ptd. . - . p u j l N I T I'O btbr b»m. »00d eoBdlUoa. KJ Twla FbIJ

ilD.dMk .Bd r x x ^ttiktrt lor --L V rg7J!o*r;;i~m r . . l u . tof lm*. S P E C IA L IIltua.r. ril.f._______________ POULTHT drtt.111 P:AN, 1 .obKrlpUoB ll. IWB asb- tIU Twla Ftlla. IdBBt SI. J. mil. 411.__________ CESSPOOL tsd tttg . rtti— n~-n iH Frt* laipttUta. Fbe

JlTIE H T O h n - v i

c.!FS.t,V “S . . " " ® . : " ' S V . a . - 'f 'S - .

im l j:lg t !s i !1t.. UJI ritTbora

ln.p«M ua«l tir*. UtritlBt. i ■ 'r ,tllM ."IL JrJJ»dII{aC Z«». - i r iCTWlCtiL ■ ■ ________ Nttfi a T«i

f f l^ I tu IM^i'pfitdrUb a u t di:- {‘i *5^JL**‘u ^

K h .» . ' u .„ i. ', iT.> .•<unrlthl nlano! dtraao and *®“ ‘'tihlna mteUat. » e Addltea »»*• "

ty y » ” “ r^ 'U o. UB.BtnHtln;r R A D IO ANiBllt. LtdlM 4rtM«. aklrtt. far- r iiifO ttd bt«h. «•d »oit, alM IS.'. artrdfobt, -j’A?’ ‘’r i . . r i n '‘. s '7 ., r r ; ' ..iS

. . . . . . ______ ^r Btw Bti-llolau SooBd-Sllnt ^ . » *•r-‘’1o» f« ,'t*^ l.“ J^::'’ai;"*-u in *?.Jr ‘“‘i.” ~ i i ‘ il w“"dr.^for »JM. Naw *. V. E. Wft.wtti JetoPfc Pbo»> »«tW

s £ £ ^ ' “‘ “ ■ ™ ”' s e e '1 ■ b e j


------------------------------------ r THE BHOriT U R E . A P P L IA N C E S ^AN pltBo^orMin-teaToiolJli. „ _Ktiu. Idtbo._________See TUY O..T Otklana eotl CmIv . Onl,T.r»t. WllMja-IUlM._________ ^0*'

IE oil bum for I r« « bo«.- U sedU4 4lh ArtBU. Wt.1. v-iocuSO M MWUH r^Bcu. W.'k. 'b. at th e USE

Z t L ^ z Z ' lM * T Elulric- 441 MtiB H at ..............

aterlfletl Ptteiicllr aew n i l ]•{> NAIH I-dotr.■Bllalow- Cl.BlwUt r« . Bt. ta « r .________v r I ■'■■■.“77- » * ' ” >‘0 «® i r . . "■PPlUnctt wllh M«r crtdll l .m t ltl» CltEVROLET.It. TwIb Ftll. Homt * Aol»- llu l tr _____fron. Poat O trlcP boB tn i. „ „ bTCDEBAKEB

.■I Ktdls. huttf,Kt U tIbi room .et, Uat ** -----t ---------------------------- IM.OO l»U NASH Clsb cosIltc. •Tfro.hl.t-

te t U a r Oak btdroom bmot ------- L----------------------------- n i * « |,M cnrvnoLET; VbbIW. n n ._________l».»l

„ , . . . 1041 aiEVnOLCTTt7 Floor Untp ----------- M.OO maa rood----->b]t t iM HIT NASH (-doer

wutlMT trt. I» HIT VASn c«BPt-

• I t l l l -AxniBiUf- n t .

W IL L S M(.lo T .------------------------,,^00 U S E D a

C O N W A R E H O U S E ^ 7hosm IPS LOOTJ8T ,

- »<l PLTMOUTII t T bw ’ * * t “

tN lT U R E , A P P L IA N C E S “ S . t T . , ! . " " : ‘cla HOOM ' Che.p. PhoB. 1144. t t t HtllUtd'. tr,l l ' I l ' ' .__________ I—- A STEALl IHO llo'I.S(;i|OUSC t.n i., la lOod eoadluo 0»»tdr1»«. ftdlt, b' <IK ».n<i. ..IU CoBaldtr tndt. tOI' °ii; »«**-W r>talnr».

-------- supt- - “ B l

S O K P B IS li

Vbek dcuvemE V E R T O N I 'l l MctAUB 1

lA T T R E S S F A C T O R Y Z ? .'l3 k ..‘ S

" - ' " ‘ n ilt . kttttr............................. , HIT rLTMOUm

NEW TllOR WASHER* ^sun AMiitbit „ „ m m e « -At OM I^‘« ^ bttltr. MW a


B. p. GOODRICH n«l HASH - t t f :I m iro iu > « d « .

----------------------------------------- n i l BOICK 8«MI IIU PACKAIID C

MAGIC V A LLEY ’S imi c h e ^ ^ e t


Valuelm o ai^noLET

No. X I t i l BUICE Sptcb[ZCC LICUT OR DARK WALKUT n i l DODCE 4-do«' Bi.lUtu eoopfc

F u l l. lM b - tB d .- ! r .- . , .h , . t „ „ „ bCE Ilau mirror. Ttaltr tad bultr, tpoUlj

Nllht tUad BBd toll .p tU n * ct pillow,. IBd J .hut* »«"« •» •Jflllow cuu . . . . . . . . .I b« Uap ROEI

1259.00 V A L U E 'F o r _ . . ^

?209.95 ^?S0 D ow n ■'

ptr tooBiJi frt* tHII.etr —i —.iii

DON’T (No. U

IECE LICIIT OR DARI WAUTOT • OVER <TBBtcprlB, m tttm . TO CHOCr«u t lu btd. BUkt .ibb4 GMAC

t S f i r

• I ' ” ™ . a ' . r s i . !*.li«U mHsi ------

5249 .00 V A L U E ' ' “ S K . W ' All F o r

89.60 - 528.80 Ddwn ''0 ptr aoatb rrm Ddlftrr


Twla rtlll. Utb« t t l t FOIUI CmUm

IP E C U L S E R V IC E S K . “ ” .

'K . ' . 'K f f .S i '"•OOL tsd MpiU Unk tltuiltc.laipttUtB. Fbaat tU tU . BlU. U- IIU HA8B AaUta

„ butar. wtrtrtUES»ir maraud. E ttiM Mt» sUltMt. tlt tiFjetat, IU StttBl A * « « a.«lk ^

^ o U ' t a i ttpiit u .k t • iK sc n rv so L r r1 .r-ldtaL «.m DUb. WW

i-rttw-A»ttui»jbi»»t IIIU --------- -aqjniictjfli<n)■■ - DTBtflew, t*d

- ___ wbltf t U Ur- ^ _ s t e a a K :

la t l HIT smCK RatdBWRINKLES dl& bttltr. JMobil SUtlOB tt-Uat ptlBl,

tad Wut BBd fflttt T l i r lb.

Sa ta- If 7«a s**d U b* lewtd ti l l CITEVROLErJUI. . UuUr. tltta

j i ^ i r s u S . I tu plVWoutti <MOBlIt CMUCl I ta,t«f. ,petll,

lA D IO A N D ^ U S IC lUi ciEVRbtrri.Bd bt«b,' « « t iU . t tW t .V wp. S f ; r»fd TTtntf>T- i in CSEVBOttTi r F r b s r s T w T i i s r s r w t SAdio. fct««tr.ett Ih. ptldwlB AtntoBle. lodtr*.I tatU pUa«. Cltodt Bivwa Maala I til FORD S-pttta

u i i g i ^ o r x r*11 —

K r sAL-te—. W l ro ^ A O w

' S E E T H EBEA R •««

THAT WILLS G OT n».k»4.-----ON DIBPLAT IN “ ** PLtllGtrta 4


See T hese «.*i, b -ttr.eoBdliloB __Select «w


m i ciiEvitoLcrt LtBt Wut n e a t nS4 tosdmoa __

NAin I-dotr. Radio. « t lW ^ 9 ^ 1 ?, 7 . ----------------------------- i im A U TFORD aah e«pt. RtdU. kultr. LOTo».fdtl»^ d u a _________ HIMCltEVROLET rittUlBt Dtloxt. nSOUlllu t tr ________________I im Fboatlll (BTCDEOAKEB Chttaplea i-4oor. 'Radio, butar. ertnirlrt asd lol* . : *

NASH Clab co«i.t. Rtdlo. wttthn TRUCKS A ^trt.Bn«Boior----------------- IJM roR HEKTi NtwMEDCURT 4~Joor. Rtdlo. bultr. Tnllg .C o -_ :^W nit t cat; RtooadlUoatd^^^ a f ' i t TOOT^

CnrVROLET 4-door. Dttttr. ST-FOOT CoaUatalrxd paadlUoa «««l Rtdwtd M SUM aiEVBOLET *-doof. Btttar,maa rood----------------------- IUJ wE HAVE a «t»

NAOT cjjpt. ^ r t r iT t . r ^ T K T T oS irvnihultr. Batts. Vtrr. r t t r ttjatalulsa:' T».Uaa ------------ ;------------- UIO older plckat la ■CHRYSLER nor»L Oetrdrtrv HlrttC FboBt Ithnler. Yttr, rerr cUta ___i b t n<FOOT T ianltorOBO Woof ttdtm. U ta t«_ l« i? ta * ? ^ 5 ? 5 a l

I t o ^ ^ S t4 IW ILLS M OTOR C O .'

U S E D C A E L O Tk Laaa W. T « . FriU

>H 0N K4»^. - ■[


-------------------------- - AUTOS F


AUTOS FOR SALE j;in i M ^ t w T t t t W a n k l i wtd

I FORD «o...rtIhlt compWul7 tnlps .;! wBtr la atrrltt. Will ull tqaltr. S4I I tfiUta, PhoB. TII.M.__________ _I FLTMOUni nc.lkal teadl- ' oa. prictd u ull. tsBald.r irtdt. SOS I bird t.rau . tan or ctll HH.W.» rORO todcr d.tu... Prietd ta uO. ll ttk or tqvllr. Ctll KlBbtrl7 lt -« er •! ■ HtliUtd-. atrrlct ta tilt blthwty. ' j' ITEALi IMO Uodioa Coumodo.t ~t.~ rttdrir*. radlt. bultr. Ifk. atw, o u l ^ ^ d t . tOI Third Att. E. er taQ

-------- S U P E R IO R ...... ..... ..........B ^ S ;


U PACCARO Baptr Moor ttdtii. o.ardrlrt- totosiillt tlaub. raa rUor. rtdl^ btaur.

IT DODGE Cottaa (-dtor. m tltof. [tadla. btaur.

Ill rLTMOUTTI Chk toopa, r u 'rUor. radio, butar.

lU DODCE 4-dear etdta. radla asd i bultr. atw too Ur. ||

4f CBEVBOLET i-dotr tedta. laiJatad btaut. I

IU NASH -tM" S-detr, radio, baatw. || <41 PORS Mder. 'ilit BOICK 8b m i- ix r .tdaa.<U PACKARD Clipptr d-4eer.<11 CHEVROLET Qob eMM. radio

tad bultr.<lt OLDSMOBILE ttdta teopt. radio.

buUf, k7dr.otU«.no CHEVROLET 4-4oot .tdao. radio.

bultr, .ua *lMt, apotlljbt lit BUICE SptcUl 4-doer ttdia.Ill DODCE 4-dm Mdaa. |IU FORD eocpt. ||III DODCE <.{oor .tdta, nOla.

butar, tpoUlxhL

A Writtaa CatriBtat With Mmi tf Tbitt Ctf«

............... ...... i{ROEM ER’S i

USED CARSAcnu from Star*

Rtausibtr, a t«uir« dta] alwtia


o v e r I T c a r s TO CHOOSE FROM

GMAC T erm sIH BTnCC BperitI Mitattta.' Draa.

Bllet- Utrt'a a rw)(tHa« , tltSS

<4» sniCX Ssptr d-deer. bntriew,radla, buttr, au t tm t* . dlrtttioai i * ^ j ^ . « p mat*.

<U CRETkOUT Btrllao <tfaBa <•. doer, butar. •nrt t lu a __414tlIU CltEVROLET FlttUlat dtlUt. V

. do t. radio, buttr. (petlUbt- • n t eoTOi -. ,—-;„.„.tltil

IU r o w dtlfcw t-deef. ragto

<U CHETROLCr A«BMdaa. Ralla. btaur. noUlibt. dritlas lUbta. bttk.«P lifhu. irtaMUId nabar.

■ ttar wlDdgw wiptr. B»BF, _ etbtr axtiaa , ,tltU

U NASB Aabateadov 4-doet. B a ^ butar. ertHrira. btd. lew sUltaca. tltaa tllU

II TORD S-daor dttsxa. Radio, butar, n r r aloe ----- ;----- IlOU

U CnXVSOLrr’riettaa*!* 44»or.

^ P7BtS>wr\adkK'b^Wr!*t«MS f t ~ T7T7Z wkiluwall Uru. aas7

il BinCK Reada«*Ur (Wlaattt*. Ra. die. btaUr, ja tn r e tW ailnu. to-uat ptiBt, Ttn t lu a _ I 1 W

II CITEVROLEr S-patMX«tr te a ^. Uutar. tltaa . IIW

U PLTMOirnT' d.hii* 4-dee . R ^W w . .petliiM tad te tl

IT CITEVBOLXT tM j iu t t f Maar.Radio, bultr. Btw palBl _ U a

11 FORD S^autaxtr eeopa. Rtdlo.

4T CSIVROLET r iu ta u ta r M att.


41 rO ^ A O Woor. Radio.

41 BOICE BpteUl atdtaelta. Radio.

41 CntVROtXT BpttUl 4a tat 4- btatar,

U PLlVOtrtB Moor dttaaa. Haatw


•pttd. buttr. roodttBdlUOB_______ _ , - - , , I I W

a INTERNATIONAL K to* »kk.a».i4t c3 eVB0LCT tea'IU CHEvhoLTT J toTK 'oZ.H W 141 CHEVROLET tH taa tt«k . rood


boa* 111 Opts tUI I t*«y 4w.

TtUCKS AND T R A ILER SR BtKTi Ntw bocLM tnlltr. Om •nller Co. PboBt 411.

BY' 11 FOOT fBtaltbtd tialltr beaw

FOOT Coailatatal trallar. tsraWb^ ltdaetd u ILIOO. S t / l wut •< U b«:>aa.: HAVE a t t n eoapUU ileck af at* tad Bttd trallen. Stt a* ter pew but IBTI. Weed/ 5uL STt Addltta ««tB«a

ilder plckat la tnda. <1maiHr lirttC rboBtm-W.. -. - ••FOOT Tta»»l*«» tiallaf. Uk* MV^alt* -

t e ^ ^ Stt w ^ *1 *niafc g u ^ .

_________ • i. . ' ■

Page 14: eten] Ei^LiBdJiii • * f l lg f f r ^ 2 eo bis re. • - JfJghh

■ P A G E ro U R ’rEB:^

A c

!): 'M l ^

■ w .W ELEC

ruU double w vnith, ret

1 vL ture. Dm y< , i , Qullt of eoo

r i Euuy w«sh«< u f . . . listed I

bontorle*. t

^ '1 ® ‘ I

1 1 1i W , owr w.Mta,fc.


i _ ^ _______________

i f ^

W citln g h o u M ELECTRIC SHEET

ruU double-bed »U« for cosy warnilh, regirdle** of temt>era- ture. Dm your fiivorlt* bUnket,Qullt of comforter u top cover.EuUy w«she<J. Bafe u It t« snuf.. . . listed by Underwriter*’ La-bor»torle*. Ine. ^24 95

m v......SEE THE 1


tauAuy Weims ctoiHis,

I *0tO»»M1C W M H tt ^

'1 “

I $299 ’ ^ J

EN TIC AL 'T W I N S "t« t l l lb MMI Ml •< ffiSQkT « Oukm Ufm |

Maqi. , Greena't

Greenmy m & y

1 : ^

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W « t iY our W estihghoi

> E lectrical Applic

locality for th e f

W e a ln g h o u ii


Tha l u t word Iq deep luxunr. (.{alnUiiu (elected v a m th Cho whole night through, rcgirdleaa of tempcr*ture Change*. O uter’ coTtr of quilted r*;on«tatln can be dry-eleaned , . . toner wartn- Ing ftheet U ewUy washed. Ho»e.

V r ‘ blue. Breen. Listed by Underwrit-

< 18 $ 4 9 . 8 5


i : r : : w H G H —

\ : . o lT t!^ ‘? ^^ h '- i.

TMtN YOO ----

/ T d r x s a v e"y Waler Sav(

, If* anothar W e.tlnjhou.o f IR S T fc

> famoiu Laundromat A ulotnatic W;—tho «diui«W E IG H .T O -SA V E D that OMurrj #avinei of bot WaUir, k u ; monoy. LoundremAt, aao n s th a Tin taka tho work ou t of washday now i

t m " T tha GUESSWORK out, too -B ru i i Btnpla a t 1-2-3:

L You W EIOU cIothM on Uw W,____ to-S«vo D oor.; J } Y 1 2. You fliTAD load ,iro on Indicfli 9 J f 3. You S E T Jha Water Saver^ * 1 Adtl »oflp—S ft tha control—T hat'i- I J you rt /ree of U'othday work.'

iqic V a ilnaw dfs Hdvi nawalfs Inc. Y Electric Co:



t i n g h ot in g h o u s e D e a le rs in Mo<

A p p l ia n c e s fo r C h r is tm a

ir t h e f i n e s t . . . W estingh i

f M lJ ' L ^ v lIFORTER ^

leep luxury. XwV»%rmth Ui«1, regardlesa ^ge». O uter' m -u u n COA nner warm- uhed, noM.’ Underwrit- ■ ■

$49.85 n


mfiouse I



^ £ d o o r


jT-vou— -------- - .m v ~ -----------------------

s r e S 'lh" W .ish .io ,■1 Door. ^

H Y O O ------ __________ ____ __

W tWater S a v «

°ad tize shownrt»/iK/fcfltor— Boll

" m r d i . colo. "regutar", U h t t c

I writ— .________ . J BINC50t

i»o fr’IR S T for tha^ t a a t i c COfTO-SAVEDoOR ____3tWiU,r,»o»p„na oons th a f l i t t ishtlay. now U ka. to o -B n a i t ’* ai

M OB Um W rij^ .

*® “a Indicfltof V S tro rnirol—T lu tl ', lOj. work: .

A T YC a l le y W t<dwe.... JEROM E

........................ B U H L

Co: ■ tw in FALLS

Gooding Hd^



l O u s e <in M o g ic V o lley H a r e o \

ir is tm o s . S hop a t t h e s to i

s t in q h o u s e l



E very day wi

t dayJ Forget woTk, no d ir Mo heavy, wi clothesline : clothcs anyti: W hites fitiij


e-ir otr»* y*.ID E N T IC A L 'T W I N S "M All lit WOK *( WASMOAT —iW U.^«w»-»W trM

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Bott fleecy texture In Uirtc rich colors, rose. blue, green. Rfaln- tilsis Mtecwd-wonnth resMdlwa ef changes In room tempemture.Ea*lly washed. LlsWd by Under- RTtiers’ Ubortitorlcs, Inc.

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YOUR.iVestinghOME I Shaw I UHL I Reed's \LLs I Reed's Hdwe. G



‘ C h r i s five a ’W onderfu l Selection

he sto re conven ien t t o yc

• MO GUESSWORK ^ VG • N O W AITING ^e ry day will be a p erfec t drying yi Forget w ea ther . . . , fo rge t rk , no d i r t . . . d u a t . . .- so o t ^ „ - heavy, wet in ish to carry ) No " thealine to s tre tc h . . . Dry thcs anytim e . . d a y or n ight! lite s stay w h ite r . . . colors a f e / / ffhterl



Are Surelo

W aftlnihouifW ETJ .WARMING

11 m d -.ture. M ijS u Qfler-

GivS~3^Q C teaperatur*7 J COTtrof *t

high, mwliom,4 5 Com.

-----------1 dawp applicntlon. Quilt,■oyoa-«t« cow*. .


• • •

ghouse DIW Electric id's Rifeway *d's Riteway........G OODING


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t t o y o u r


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gr-tHFmome-------re to Pledse~houifWETMtOOf'0

icntlon. Quilt \ Vf

V} .4 5 _

- I a t low,«oUon


D e a le r :.......................... SHOSHON

l y ................................ B U R L E '

l y ......................................R U P E R


- I

l : S | - r - | ^

r f■■ - - ■ '-V


9 9 9 5 ,



___^ V»«rtngl««*»STANDARD,wArMinoI



e r sJ S H O N E

b u r l e y k

