eighteenth critical bibliography of the history and philosophy of science and the history of...

Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925) Author(s): George Sarton Source: Isis, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Jul., 1926), pp. 526-654 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/223928 . Accessed: 08/05/2014 22:33 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . The University of Chicago Press and The History of Science Society are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Isis. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Thu, 8 May 2014 22:33:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Page 1: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History ofCivilization. (To November 1925)Author(s): George SartonSource: Isis, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Jul., 1926), pp. 526-654Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science SocietyStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/223928 .

Accessed: 08/05/2014 22:33

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Page 2: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the

History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization.

(to November 1925)

This Eighteenth Bibliography contains 1019 notes. Some of these notes have been contributed by R. C. ARCHIBALD (Providence, R. I.), L. GUINET (Bruxelles), L. LEROUX (Paris), L. LELAND LOCKE (Brook- lyn, N. Y.), D. B. MACDONALD (Hartford, Conn.), RAOUL R. MAY (Paris), H. METZGER (Paris), M. MEYERHOF (Cairo), R. PETIT (Paris), JULIUS RUSKA (Heidelberg), J. STEPHENSON (Edinburgh), A. D. ToLE- DANO (Paris), H. R. VIETS (Boston), H. WIELEITNER (Augsburg), anld J . K. WRIGHT (New York).

An author's index will be found at the end. For general inform- ation on this undertaking see the Preface to the Sixteenth Biblio-

graphy, in Isis, VII, 171-4, 1925. To this I wish to add the following remarks.

In the first place, the reader will observe that I have reestablished the systematic arrangement of the third part which I had aban- donned after the war and replaced by an alphabetic arrangement (Bibliographies VII to XVII). The systematic arrangement now introduced is, I believe, far superior to the one used in vol. I and II of Isis, but it is not perfect, nor can any arrangement whatsoever be. It is for that reason, - that no system of classification can possibly satisfy everybody - that I had given up the attempt in 1919,- for that reason, and also because I was more or less demoralized by the war. I now realize that this abandonment was a lack of courage and faith, which was especially shocking in a journal like Isis, the very purpose of which is to illustrate the Unity of Know- ledge and the Unity of Mankind. Of course, the old alphabetic arrangement was more convenient, but convenience is in itself a very low aim. As soon as the readers have become familiar with the new classification (which is so logical that it will not be difficult to memorize its main points), they will have but little trouble in finding what they want in our bibliography and because of the better arrangement they will obtain additional information into the bargain.

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The main advantage of the new classification is that it emphasizes the Unity of Knowledge. Against the hard-boiled specialist who claims that one can not hope to know more than an infinitesimal

subject, we claim that one can not understand a single thing unless one has tried to understand a great many others. Strictly speaking one would have to know everything in order to have a deep know- ledge of anything. This is a vicious circle. The only way to

escape from it is by means of the fundamental method of science: the method of successive approximations.

The new classification emphasizes also another fact. Many of the items included in this bibliography are of necessity unimpor- tant, because important publications are rare. But the collection of these items has an importance of its own; it serves as an object lesson and as a guide to the scholar who is thinking of investigating a special subject. It is the editor's fondest hope that the existence of a good bibliography may gradually act as a deterrent and decrease the number of incompetent and superfluous publications. Of course this aim can be attained only when the bibliography is sufficiently known.

I am grateful to the friends who suggest, on the basis of their own special experience, that such or such item ought to be included. But they ought to bear in mind that such indefinite suggestions may oblige the editor to loose a considerable amount of time. If

they truly wish to help him, they ought to send him these items in such form that they may be included into Isis without modifi- cation; that is, the bibliographical note ought to be complete and written in accordance with our customs.

Assuming that a hundred genuine scholars use this bibliography, if each of them would send me yearly, say, two or three notes on the items deemed by him most important, the Bibliography would be enriched with some 250 notes of considerable value. It is in that way that scholars can help us most effectively.

For the sake of the compiler of the index, contributors are begged to quote always the initials, and if possible, the full names, of each author. Quoting the full name decreases the number of errors. For example E and F can easily be confused, but not the words Ernest and Ferdinand.

To be listed in this Critical Bibliography, publications ought to be sent to the Editor (1). But the Editor remains sole judge to

(1) Or to one of the contributors, being then carefully marked , For review or annoucemcnt in Isis. ,


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Page 4: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)


decide whether each item ought to be included or not. He can not undertake to return irrelevant papers or books.

In answer to a query, the previous Bibliographies have been

published as follows : I to IV in vol. I, 1913-4; V and VI in vol. II; VII to IX in vol. III; X to XII in vol. IV; XIII and XIV in vol. V; XV in vol. VI; XVI and XVII in vol. VII. The total number of notes published under each heading (say XIIIth century, or Islam, or mathematics) is already very considerable. It will amply repay any scholar engaged in the investigation of a special field to read the chapters devoted to it in the whole series of bibliographies.

The ultimate aims of this bibliography are: 1) to establish the

History of Science as an independent discipline; 2) to demonstrate

inductively the Unity of Knowledge and the Unity of Mankind; 3) to serve as a center of information and rallying ground to the scholars engaged in our studies. I can not succeed entirely without their assistance and they can help me in many ways. To serve them, as well as I can, is both my duty and my pleasure. Critical work must be approached in a spirit of service or left untouched.

Harvard Library 185

Cambridge, 38, Massachuzsetts, GEORGE SARTON. December 1925.


Fundamental Classification (centurial). Books and papers relative to a period longer than one century but

not longer than two are also included in Part I. They are then clas- sified under the most important of both centuries; I mean that one wherein their center of gravity falls. There can be no objection to this, for no one interested in one particular century, say the xuth, can possibly avoid reading the notes concerning the two adjoining centuries, the xith and xlth.

S. IX A. C.

Allen, Thomas William. HOMER: The origins and the transmission, 357 p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1924. Isis

Berard, Victor. Introduction a l'Odyssee. T. 1, L'Epos Homerique, le poeme represente. Paris, Societe d'Edition , Les Belles Lettres ,, 1925. Isis

B^rard, Victor. L'Odyss6e : Poesie Homerique. T. 1, chants I-VII. Texte etabli et traduit. Paris, Societe d'Edition " Les Belles Lettres ,, 1925. IIS

[MHdelln, Franqois (Abbe d'Aubignac) (1604-76)]. Conjectures acade- miques ou Dissertation sur 1'Iliade. Nouvelle edition corrigee, annotee, precede d'une introduction par VICTOR MAGNIEN. Paris, Librairie HACHETTE, 1925. 1sS


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Page 5: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

S. VII A. C. S V A. C.

(( Dans ces Conjectures, l'Abb8 D'AUBIGNAC, au XVIIe siele, soutint - ce que personne n'avait os6 avant luii - qu'HoMiuRE n'a pas existe, que I'Iliade et l'Odyssee, ces antiques poemes de la Grece tant veneres par les siecles, mais qui trouverent aussi de severes cri,tiques, out ete formes par des compilateurs cousant ensemble des poesies d'esprit different et d'epoque differente. Et il ne reste plus que trois exemplaires de la pre- miere edition de ce livre, edite enl 1715, longtemps apres la mort de son auteur. ))

Nilson, Martin P. Gotter und Psychologie bei HOMER. Arch. f. Reli- gionswiss., vol. 22, 1923-24, p. 363-390. isis

S. Vll A. C.

Charpentler, Jarl. The date of ZOROASTER Bull. Sch. Or. Studies Lond., vol. 3. pt. 4, 1925, p. 747-755. Isis

Prof. HERTEL (in (o Die Zeit Zoroasters )) concludes that ZOROASTER muist have been alive in 522 B. C., and probably after that date also. The traditional date puts the revelation of ZOROAST'R in 630 B. C. The author, with MEYER and others, holds that the date of ZOROASTER is to be fixed somewhere in the ,neighbourhood of 1000-900 B. C., or perhaps even somewhat earlier. J. S.

S. V A. C.

Bise, Pierre. La politique D'HERACLITE D'EPIIESE. 284 p. gr. 80 de la Collection historique des grands philosophes. FELIX ALCAN, Paris, 1925. isis

L'auteur tient HEIACLITE pour (( le plus genial philosophe de l'anti- quite pr6esocratlique >), et il entreprend, en employant une forme oratoire un peu genante, de nous faire connaitre l'homme (pp. 1-68) et sa doc- trine politique, envisageant successivement la doctrine du (( tout s'ecoule )), celle de la guerre pere de toutes choses, celle du logos perma- nent .oppose a 1'ecoulement universel, et le Gouvernement des Sages capables de fonder la cite ideale oh rbgnent sans partage la loi et la justice (69-238). En appendice, la premiere traduction frangaise des neuf lettres apocryphes d'HE.ACLITE. Avouerai-je que j'ai l'impression que BISE traduit plutot la pensee des commentateurs d'HIIRACLITE, ou des politiques, tel MACHIAVEL, ou des philosophes, tel NIETSZCHE, qui s'en rapprochent le plus, qu'il ne nous donne la sienne prolpre?

L. G.

Dawson, Miles Menander. The ethics of SOCRATES : a compilation of the teachings of the father of Greek and Roman philosophy, as reported by his disciples, PLATO and XENOPHON, and developed and commented upon by ARISTOTLE, CICERO, MARCUS AURELIUS, EPICTE- TUS, and others. Arranged topically and with running commen- tary. xxi+361 p. New York, PUTNAM, 1924. Isis

Schone, Hermann. HIPPOKRATES Trpi (papdaKWv. Rein. Museum, 73, 434-448, 1924. Isis

Philological study. This treatise is very small (1 1/2 p.). G. S.

Unger, Predericus Carolus (editor). Trepi Kalpbiqg, liber Hippocraticus de Corde editus cuni prolegomenis et commentario. 101 p. (Utrecht thesis.) Lugduni Batavorum, BRILL, 1923. ISis

Wright, Jonathan. The psychiatry of the Greek tragic poets in its relation to that of HIPPOCRATES. The Journal of nervous and mental diseases, vol. 54, 481-492, 1921. Isis


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Page 6: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

S. IV. A. C.

Wright, Jonathan. The medical fakirs of Athens and the sexual pro- blems of Babylon in the days of HERODOTOS. New-York Med. Journal and Med. Record, 118, 257-262, 1923. Isis

Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard. The Greek Commonwealth. Politics and economics in fifth century Athens. Fourth edition, revised. 471 p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1924. se

S. IV A. C.

Jaeger, Werner. ARISTOTELES, Grundlegung einer Gcschichte seiner Entwicklung. Iv - 438 S. Berlin, WEIDMANN, 1923. ,sS

Jolly, Julius. Das erste Buch des KAUTILIYA Arthaschastra. Ztschr. d. D. Morgenl. Gesellschaft. Bd. 74, 321-355, 1920. isis

[Kautilya] Meyer, Johanii Jakob. Das altindische Buch vom Welt- und Staatsleben, das Arthagastra des KAUTILYA. Aus dem Sanskrit iibersetzt, erliutert uud mit einer Einleitung. Lief. 1. 176 S. Han- nover, Orient Buchhandlung HEINZ LAFAIRE, 1925. isis

Kerenyi, Karl. Astrologia Platonica. Arch. f. Religionswiss., vol. 22, Heft 3-4, 1923-24, p. 245-256. isIs

The author investigates the nature and role of the twelve gods men- tioned in the second speech of SOCRATES in the Phaedrus. These are zodiacal gods, - gods of the months; PLATO may have taken them from EuDosus, but the idea itself is Babylonian; the possibility of PLATO'S having himself an acquaintance with Chaldean doctrines is not excluded.

J. S.

Laloy, Louis. ARISTOXENE DE TARENTE et la musique dans l'antiquite. 371 p. 8?, suivies d'un lexique des termes techniques d'ARISTOXENE. Paris, - Les Belles Lettres ,, 1924. ,Ps

Bonne reedition d'un ouvrage (paru en 1904) des plus importants de la musicologie frangaise, et qui etait devenu rarissime. Pour mieux mon- trer l'apport de l'harmoniciien de Tarente, M. LALOY expose d'abord les theories mnathematiques des pythagoriciens, puis celles des ecoles mensu- ralistes post6rieures; il en vient ensuite aux idees d'ARISTOTE sur l a musique, en ,insistant particuliierement sur celles, excellentes, sur la nature du son. Enfin, il montre toute l'originalite d'ARISTOXiEN, a la fois conservateur prudent et hardi novateur. Celui-ci introdulit pour la premiere foiis l'ide de temps dans la musique; il est le premier a consi- derer le ton comme un intervalle autonome. On lui doit la mensuration d'intervalles reputes avant lui irrationnels, ainsi que la notion de modu- lation. Seize siecles avant son apparition, il laisse entrevoir le systeme tonal, ainsi que le temperament egal, etc. Au point de vue rythmique, LALOY le considere (mailgre les essais anterieurs de LASOS) comm.e le fond'ateur de la science objective du rythme; mais il est a remarquer que BOECKH et WESTPHIAL. qui s'inspirent d'ARIsTOxENE, ne peuvent expliquer oertaines formes de vers dactylo-epitritiques ou logaidiques. Un bon lexique du vocabulaire technique d'ARISTOXE;NE termine le volume.


Navarre, Octave. Caracteres de THEOPHRASTE. Commentaire exegetique et critique precede d'une introduction. (Collection de commentaires d'auteurs anciens. Association Guillaume Bude) iv +- 242 p. Paris, (( Les Belles Lettres ), 1924. ISIS

[Plato]. Die PLATONS Briefe, herausgegeben von ERNST HOWALD. VII + 197 p. Zirich, SELDWYLA, 1923. IBIs


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Page 7: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

S. III A. C. S. II. A C. S . I.A. C. S. I.

LPlato]. 11 Timeo di PLATONE. Tradotto da G. ZANNONI. Con note esege- tiche intercalate al testo si da renderne corrente la lettura. 174 p. Faenza, F. LEGA, 1923. ISI,

Rolfes, Eugen. Die Philosophie des ARISTOTELES als Naturerklarung und Weltanschauung. xv + 380 S. Leipzig. FELIX MEINER, 1923.

Stein, O. MEGASTHENES und KAUTILYA, iv + 336 p. Wien, HRLDER, 1922, ISIB

Reviewed by F. J. MONAHAN in J. R. A. S., 623, 1923.

Welmann, Max ARISTOTELES De lapidibus Sitzungsberichte der Preuss. Ak. d. Wissenschaften. Phil. hist. KI., 79-82, 1924. Isis

S. 11I A. C. Winter, Franz. Der Tod des ARCHIMEDES (82. Winc;celmanns-pro-

gramrn der Archaeologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin) 24 p.. ill. Berlin, W. DE GRUYTER, 1924. Is~

Apropos of an ancient mosaic of Herculanum (now in the collection of Frau E. SCABELL in Wiesbaden) representing the death of ARCHIMEDES.

G. S. S. 11 A. C.

Surendranath, Dasgupta. The study of PATANJALI. (Griffith Memo- rial Prize, 1915 1I + 207 p. Calcutta, University of Calcutta, 1920. ,s?s

Reviewed by E. J. THOMAS in J. R. A. S., 116-117, 1923.

Taeger, Fritz. Die Archilologie des POLYBIOS. vIII + 164 p. Stutt gart, KOIILHAMMER. 1922. isi

S. I A. C.

Anderson, John George Clarke. Some questions bearing on the date and place of occupation of STRABO'S Geography. Anatolian Studies presented to Sir WILLIAM MITCHELL RAMSAY. Manchester, 1923, p. 1-13. rsIs

STRABO was badly informed on Eastern affairs during the last part of AUGUcsrU' rule; he has some incomplete information down to the year 3 or 2 B. C. His book was written neither in Amasea nor in Rome but in some provincial city of the Near East. G. S.

Bouyges, P. M.(S. J.) Sur le De plantis d'ARISTOTE-NICOLAS, a propos d'un manuscrit arabe de Constantinople. Melanges de 1'Universite Saint Joseph, t. 9. 71-89, Beyrouth, 1924. Isis

The pseudo-Aristotelian treatise De plantis now generally ascribed to NICOLAUS DAMASCENUS. The author had the excellent idea to study an Arabic version which he found in the Yeni Jami Library in Constanti- nople. The Arabic text is entitled: Book of ARISTOTLE on plants, tafsir (explanation, commentary?) by NICHOLAS, translation by IS'HAQ IBN HU,NAYN, corrected by THABIT IBN QURRA. G. S.

S. I

Bailey, Kenneth C. The identity of , Alumen ) in PLINY'S Natural History. Nature, vol. 115, 764, 1925. Is,s

Besson, Emile. Les logia agrapha. Paris, Bibliotheque des amities spirituelles. 1925. I SI


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Page 8: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

Fairweather. William. JESUS and the Greeks, or Early Christianity in the tideway of Hellenism. xvi +4- 407 p. Edinburgh, CLARK, 1924. ISis

Glover, Terrot Reaveley. PAUL OF TARSUS. London, Student Christian Movement, 1925. Isis

Goguel, Maurice. Introduction au Nouveau Testament. Tome 2. Le quatrieme Evangile. Tome 3. Les Actes. Paris, LEROUX, 1922. Isis

Jacobs, Joseph. JESUS as others saw him. A retrospect A. D. 54. Preface by ISRAEL, ABRAHAMS. Introductory essay by HARRY A. WOLFSON. 230 p. New York, B. G. RICHARDS, 1925. iSis

This splendid' essay purports to be written by a member of the Sanhe- drim to a Greek friend telling him what he saw and heard of the prophet JOSHUA BEN JOSEPH HA-NOZRI. That is, it attempts to reconstruct a contemporary Jewish estimate of Christ. It was published anonymously in 1895. It fully deserved this new edition, for it is likely to become a classic, a Judaeo-Christian classic. I wish that Jews and Gentiles alike would read it. Prof. WOLFSON (Harvard) has added an excellent intro- duction (How the Jews will reclaim JESUS), and the reminiscences of ISRAEL ABRAHAMS, the learned Hebraic scholar of Cambridge University are also very interesting. I might refer the reader further to a review by SOLOMON SCHECHTER in his Studies on Judaism, vol. 3. G. S.

Jenkinson, Edward James. The unwritten sayings of JESUS. 160 p. London, Epworth Press., 1925. isxs

Jeremias, Joachim Jerusalem zur Zeit JESU. Eine kulturgeschicht- liche UJntersuchung zur neutestamentlichen Zeitgeschichte. 1. Die wirtschaftlichen Verhailtnisse. 98 S. 2. Die sozialen Verhiiltnisse. 64 S. Leipzig, E. PFEIFFER, 1923. Isis

Knox, Willred L. ST. PAUL. and the Church of Jerusalem. xxviii + 396 p. Cambridge, University Press, 1925. IsI,

Lightley, J. W. Jewish sects and parties in the time of JESUS. VIII -- 416 p. London, for the Fernley Lecture Trust, Epworth Press, 1925. IsIS

Lulofs, H. J. Eubiotiek van PLUTARCHUS. Bijdragen tot de geschiede- nis der geneeskunde, 5, 237-247, 1925. isis

[Petronius]. The Cena Trimalchionis of PETRONIUS together with SENECA'S Apocolocyntosis and a selection of Pompeian inscriptions edited by W. B. SEDGWICK. 146 p., 5 pl. Oxford University Press, American Branch. New York, [$ 1.50]. Isis

Latin text together with abundant notes (p. 87-135). (( It is hoped that the addition of the A;pocolocyntosis and Inscritptions will add to the interest of the book; some knowledge of Pompeian inscriptions is indispensable for the full appreciation of the Cena, while the latinity of the Apocolocyntosis presents some striking similarities. Apart from this they should prove interestibng for their own sake. The notes are here reduced to a minimum. ))

Streeter, Burnett Hillman. The four Gospels. A study of origins, treating of the manuscript tradition, sources, authorship and dates. xiv + 622 p. London, MACMILLAN, 1924. Isis

Wellmann, Max. Beitriige zur Quellenanalyse des iilteren PLINIUS. 1. Teil. Hermes, 59, 129-156, 1924. isis

532 S. I,

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Cuntz, Otto. Die Geographie des PTOLEMEAUS : Galliae, Germania, Raetia, Noricum, Pannoniae, Illyricum, Italia. H andschriften, Text und Untersuchung. VI + 226 p., 3 maps. Berlin, WEIDMANN, 1923. isis

Frazer, Sir James George. Sur les traces de PAUSANIAS, a travers la Grace ancienne. Traduit de l'anglais par G. ROTH. X + 361 p., 1 fig. carte. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1923. isis

[OGalen]. De sanitate tuenda, De alimentorum facultatibus, De bonis malisque sucis, De victu attenuante, De ptisana ediderunt KONRA- DUS KOCH, GEORGIUS IIELMREICH, CAROLUS KALBFLEISCH, OTTO IIARTLICH. (Corpus medicorum graecorum, V, 4, 2.) LXIV + 522 p., Leipzig, TEUBNER, 1923. Isis

Neuburger, Max. Die Medizin in den (( Noctes atticae )) des AULUS GEILUS. Archivio di storia d. scienza, 6, 1-17, 1925. I,s

Peters, Emil. Der Physiologus. Aus dem griechischen Original iibertragen. Mit einem Nachwort versehen von FRIEDRICH WiRZ- BACH. Mit 174 Federzeichnungen Von FLORA PALYI. 152 S. Miin. chen, Musarionverlag A. G., 1921. isis

Schone, Hermann. Verbesserungen zum GALEN text. Sitzungsber. d. preuss. Ak. d. Wissensch., 15, 94-106, 1924. isis

Sudhoff, Karl. Eine Liste von GALENschriften aus dem Anfang des 15. Jahrhuuderts. Archiv fiir Geschichte der Medizin. Bd. 17, Heft 1-3, 1925. Isis


Bugiel, V. Une importante contribution a 1'histoire de la medecine au in1 siecle de notre ere (cont., fin). Bul, de la Soc. fr. d'Hist, de la Med., t. 18, 361-392, 1924. Isis

See Isis, VII, 533.

Cumont, Franz. Fragment dc bouclier portant une liste d'etapes. 15 p. Revue Syria, 1925. Isis

Le fragment de bouclier trouv6 par l'auteur en 1923 a Salihlyeh, I'an- cienne Doura-Europos, et dont j'ai d6ja parle (Isis, VII, 565), est ici publie avec une admirable reproduction en couleurs. (( Le I1ambeau de peau qu'un merveilleux hasard a fait retrouver dans une tour ensablee de Doura, ne nous donne pas seulement des indications precieuses sur l'occu- pation militaire de la Russie m6ridionale et de l'Armenie au lle siecle; il concourt aussi avec les inscriptions des provinces frontieres a nous montrer comment les Severes ont utilis6, pour la defense de l'empire, les archers palmyreniens, dont 1'adresse etait renomm6e; enfin, document d'un type jusqu'ici inconnu, il nous fournit des indicationxs imnportantes pour l'histoire de la cartographie antique ) G. S.

[Hlppolytus]. Philosophnumena, or the Refutation of all heresies, formerly attributed to ORIGEN, but now to HIPPOLYTUS, bishop and martyr, who flourished about 220 A. D. Translated from the text of Cruice by FRANCIS LEGGEE (Translations of Christian Lite- rature, series 1, Greek texts.) 2 vols., 180 and 189 p. London, S P. C. K., 1921 ,sis

Reviewed by S. LANGDON in J. R. A. S., 468-472, 1922.


Vol.. viii 3. 35

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Page 10: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

S. IV. S. V. S. VI.

Mascart, Jean. Le plus vieil instrument d'astronomie nautique (iml s.). 15 p., 8 fig., Lyon, AUDIN, 1923. isis

Says L. GALLOIS in XXXIIIe Bibliographie Geographique, p. 23: a II s'agit d'un instrument en bronze dont les d6bris ont 6te retrouves dans un bateau qui, depuis de longs siecles, avait fait naufrage pres de l'ile d'Antikythera. L'un des fragments est une roue dentee. Le tout est accompagn6 d'une inscription dont on n'a pu lire que quelques mots. Le fait que l'objet 6etait enferm6 dans une boite en bois, comme le sont nos instruments nautiques, et que la trouvaille a ete faite dans un naivire, autoriserait a penser qu'il s'agit d'un instrument d'astronomie nautique; mais il faut reconnaitre que tout cela est bien vague. )


Bell, H. Idris (editor). Jews and Christians in Egypt. The Jewish troubles in Alexandria and the Athanasian controversy, illustra- ted by texts from Greek papyri in the British Museum. With three Coptic texts edited by W. E. CRUM. xii + 140 p., 5 pl. London, British Museum, 1924. IsIS

Reviewed by ADOLF v. HARINACK in Litteris, Lund., vol. 1, 115-122, 1924.

Bidez, J. L'apostasie de JULIEN. Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Bude, no 7, 9-14, 1925. isis

Ensslin. Wilhelm. Zur Geschichtsschreibung und Weltanschauung des AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. 106 S. (Klio, Beiheft 16.) Leipzig. DIETERICH, 1923. sis

S. V

[Buddhaghosa]. The Expositor (Atthasalini) BUDDAGHOSA'S Commen- tary on the Dhammasangani. The first book of the Abhidham- mapitaka. Translated by MAUNG TIN. Edited and revised by Mrs. RHYS DAVIDS. 2 vol. (Pali text society, translation series 8, 9.) Oxford University Press, 1920-1. Isis

Reviewed by M.. H. B. in J. R. A. S., 127-132, 1922.

Maung Tin, Pe. La legeinde de BUDDHAGHOSA. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 265-269, 1923. 1sls

Discussing FINOT'S conclusions in La Legende de Buddhaghosa, in Cin- quantenaire de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, 1921.

Neuburger, Max. Die Medizin im MACROBIUS und THEODORETUS Janus, 28. 155-172. 1925. Isis

Comparaison des conceptions medicales chez deux auteurs qui etaient contemnporains; le premier etait de formation paienne et latine, le second d'6dueation exclusivement chr6tienne et syriaque, mais neanmoins de culture tres large, et ayant pratique HIPPOCRATE, HIROPHILE et ERASIS- TBATE. L. G.


Christensen. Arthur. Le regne du roi KAWADH I et le communisme mazdakite. 127 p. Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk- filologiske Meddelelser, IX, 6, 1925. IsIs

Completing TH. NOLDEKE'S earlier study (1879) by use of new sources. G. S.

Weber, Shirley Howard. ANTHIMUS, De Observatio Ciborum. Text, commentary and glossary with a study of the Latinity. (Thesis, Princeton University.) vii+152 p. Leiden, E. J. BRILL, 1924. isis


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Page 11: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)



Lammens, H. (S. J.) La Mecque a la veille de 1'Hegire. Melanges de l'Universite Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth, t. 9, fasc. 3, 339 p. Beyrouth, 1924. Isis

[Paulus Aegineta]. PAULUS AEGINETA edidit J. L. HEIBERG. Pars altera. Libri V-VII. vi+414 S. (Corpts medicorum graecorum, 1X, 2.) Leipzig, TEUBNER, 1924. IBIS

S. Vlll

[Charlemagne]. Capitulare de villis vel curtis imperii CAROLI MAGNI oder Die Landgiiterordnung Kaiser KARLS DES GROSSEN. Neu ibersetzt und mit Erliiuterungen versehen von WIILHELM FLEISCH- MANN. 76 S. Berlin, PAUL PAREY, 1919. ISIS

Darmstaedter, E. GEBER-Handschriften. (Vorliufige Mitteilung.) Chemiker-Ztg, 48, 441-42, 1924. IisB

Holmyard, E. J. Accuracy of weighing in the eighth century. Nature, vol. 115, p. 963, 1925. Isis

Apropos of G. F. HILL, The Frequency Table, Numnismcatic Chroicle, fifth series, vol. 4, p. 76, 1924; W. M. F. PETIrE, Glass Weights, ibidem, fourth series, vol. 18, p. 111, 1918.

Holmyard, E J. JABIR IBN HAYYAN. Proceedings Roy. Soc. of Med., Section of History of Medicine, 16. n. 12, 46-57. siss

Reviewed by J. RUSKA in Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, 23, 136-137, 1924.

Jaussen, Antonin, et Savignac, Raphael. Mission archeologique en Arabie. III. Les chateaux arabes de Qeseir 'Amra, Kharaneh et Tiba.. 135 p., atlas de 58 pl. Paris, GEUTHNER, 1924. Isis

Reviewed by CL. HUART in Journal des Savants, 23, 34-36, 1925.

Manitius, Karl. Naturwissenschaft in der Geschicltsschreibung der Karolingerzeit. Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med., Bd. 15, S. 68-77,1923. IsIs

Manitius, Karl. Naturwissenschaft im beginnenden Mittelalter. Eine Studie in den friinkischen Geschichtsquellen der Karolingerzeit, 41 S. Crimmitschau, ROILAND & BERTHOLD, 1924. isis

Sticker, oeorg. Die gebrauchlichen Heilkriiuter in Deutschland zur Zeit KARLS DES GROSSEN. Janets, 28, 21-41, 1924. s11s

D'apres un MS. de la bibli.oth eque universitaire de Wiirzburg (Mp. th f. 146 Conciliorum collectio saeculi ix), dont une feuille reproiduite en hors textie, renferme, sous le titre e( Consilia diversa ), trois recettes m6dica.les; l'une d'elles renferme uile nomenclature de 67 plantes m6di- cinales: la pharmacie en conmaissait a cette 6poque environ 120.

L. G.

Thomsen, Vilhelm. Alttiirkische Inschriften aus der Mongolei. Ze d. deutsch. Morgenrl. Ges., N. F., vol. 3, Heft II, pp. 121-175,


The article begins with a useful account of the early history of the Turks from the 6th to the 8th cent. A. D., of their social organizatiton, religion, burial customs, and chronology. The inscriptions to which the article is mainly devoted date from A. D. 732, 735, and 720 respeetively.

J. S


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S. IX.


'All ibn Rabban al-Tabarl]. The book of religion and empire by 'ALi TABARI. Translated from an apparently unique MS. in the John Rylands Library by A, MINGANA. xxiv+169 p. Manchester, University Press, Isis

Reviewed in J. R. A. S., 469, 1923. Defense of Islam written under the caliphate of AL-MUTAWAKKIL (847-61), probably the earliest work of this kind extant. -ALi IBN RABBAN was primarily a physician.

G. S.

Furlani, 0. Bruchstiicke einer syrischen Paraphrase der - Elemente, des EUKLEIDES. Zeit. fir Semitistik und verw. Gebiete, vol. 3, Heft I, pp. 27-52, 1924. TsUi

A short account of the little that is known of Syrian mathematics introduces the text of a Syrian paraphrase of the greater part of Book I of ElUCLID'S Elements, with figures. The original MS. belongs to Cam- bridge University, and is stated in the catalogue to be probably by HUNAIN IBN IS I-^Q. J. S.

[Imube-no-Hironari]. Kogoshiui, or Gleanings from ancient stories. Translated with an introduction and notes by GENCHI KATO and HIKOSHIRO HOSKINS. With a facsimile of the Yoshida manuscript of the Kogoshui, the oldest manuscript now extant. 114 p.. 4 pl. Sanseido, 1924. Isis

Joerimann, Julius. Fruhmittelalterliche Rezeptarien (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Medizin hrg. von HENRY E. SIGERIST, 1) iv+181 S., 2 Taf. Ziirich, CARL HOENN, 1925. Isis

This work is a continuation of SIGERIST'S studies on the same sub- ject (1923), reviewed in Isi4s, VI, 429. It contains the text of three IX. cent. antildotaria, two of St. Gall and one of Bamberg, followed by an analysis of their form and contents, and by an index of drugs.

G. S.

Laborde, E. D. King ALFRED'S system of geographical description in his version of OROSIUS. Geographical Journal, 62, 133-138, 5 fig., 1923. Isis

Ruska, Julius. Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand der RAzi-Forschung. Arch. di storia d. scienza, Roma, V, 335-347, 1924. ISIS

Complement a l'6tude du meme auteur publi6e par Isis (V, 26-50). RuSKA propose de grouper les ecrits de RHAZES sous quatre chapitres : 1. CEuvres ,philosophiques, theologiques et de caractere historique; 2. Ecrits sur la medeeine et la chimie; 3. Ecrits qui ne peuvent pas etre groupes sous 1 et 2; 4. (Euvres manuscrites ou imprimees non encore identifi6es. R. discute ensuite les dates donnees par AL-BiRUNi pour la naia'sanee et la mort de RHtAZEs (865, 08, 28-925, 10, 27); il estime que cet inteivalle de soixante ans est inconciliable avec le fait bien etabli que RHAZES, dont l'ceuvre medicale est 6norme, n'a commence a s'inte- resser a la medecine que vers trente ou quarante ans; la date donnee pour sa naissance est certainement trop tardive. L. G.

Wiedemann, Eilhard. TUeber AL KINDIS Schrift tiber Ebbe und Flut, Ann. d. Phys. 67, 374-387, 1922. Isis


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S. X. S. XI.

S. X.

Bouyges, P. M. (S. J.). Sur le De scientiis d'ALFARABI, recemment edite en arabe a Saida et sur le De divisione philosophiae de GUNDISSALINUS. Melanges de l'Universite Saint Joseph. tome 9, 49-69, Beyrouth 1924. isis

Hackin, Joseph. Formulaire sancrit-thibetain du xe siecle. (Mission PELLIOT en Asie Centrale) ix+130 p. Paris, GEUTHNER, 1925. isis

Murasaki, Lady (d. 992). The tale of Genji. Translated from the Japanese by ARTHUR WALEY. London, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1925.


[al-Tanfikhi, 939-994]. MARGOLIOUTH, D. S. The table talk of a Meso- potamian judge, being the first part of the Nishwar al Muhtadarah or Jami' al-Tawarikh of ABU 'ALi AL MUHASSIN AL TANUKHAI. viiI+300 p. London, Oriental Translation Fund, New Series, vol, 28, 1922. Isis

Wiedemann, Eilhard. Zur nabataeischen Landwirtschaft von IBN WAHSCHIJA. Zeitschrift fir Semitistik, t. I, 201, 1922. isis

S. XI.

Brehier, Louis (editor). Histoire anonyme de la premiere croisade. (Classiques de l'histoire de France au moyen age). Paris, CHAMPION, 1925. isis

Dinguizli, Dr. (de Tunis). Etude experimentale et clinique du Djelen- joubine d'AvIcENNE dans le traitement de la tuberculose pulmo- naire. Bul. Acad. de mdec., Paris, 27 fevrier, 326-330, 1923. isis

Le djelenjoubine, qu'AvICENNE faisait ,prendre en quan,tih considkcrable par ses malades, obtenant non seulement des amiliorations, mais des guerisons, etait compose, d'apres les recherches de l'auteur, de roses rouges confites dans du miel ou du sirop de sucre. Non seulement ce medicament iie presente aucun inicon.venie.nt, mais il a une certaine influence, sans doute due a la presence du tannin, sur les crachats, dont la quantite diminue legereauent, et sur l'etat general, qui s'amk- liore quelque peu. L. G.

Leib, Bernard. Rome, Kiev et Byzance a la fin du xIe siecle. Rapports religieux des Latins et des Greco-Russes sous le pontificat d'UR- BAIN II (1088-1099). xxxii+356 p. Paris, AUGUSTE PICARD, 1924.


Reviewed by Louis BREHIER in Journal des Savants, 23, 38-39, 1925.

Meyerhof, Max. Ueber Klima und Gesundheit im alten Kairo nach cALI B. RIDWAN. Sitzungsber. d. phys. med. Soz., Erlangen, Bd. 54, 197-214, 4 pl. 1923. isis

One of the unpublished works of 'ALA IBN RIDWAN (980-1061), a treatise on hygiene with special reference to Egypt (fi daf' mud r al-abdan bi-ard Misr), of which there are two MSS. in the Khedivial Library (Med. 18, 384), to protest against a treatise of the Tunisian physician IBN AL-JAZZ AR who had spoken disparagingly of the climate of Egypt. This climate is not as unhealthy as IBN AL-JAZZR asserts; within twenty years IBN RIIDW2N has known only five plague outbursts in Cairo! The treatise is divided into fifteen chapters, of which the sixth dealing with the particularities of Cairo, its atmosphere and general situation, is here translated and fully annotated. A complete edition and translation of that treatise would seem very desirable. G. S.


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Obermann, J. Der philosophische und religi6se Subjektivismus GHAZAL1S. xii--345 p. Wien, BRAUMfiLLLER, 1921. BIN

Reviewed in J. R. A. S., 296, 1923.

Rothfeld, Otto. IUMAR KHAYYAM and his age. iii+89 p. Bombay, D. B. TARAPOREVALA Sons, 1922. ISis

Schoy, Carl. Abhandlung des Sehaichs IBN 'ALI AL-HASAN IBN AL- HAITHAM. Ueber die Natur del Spuren (Flecken), die man auf der Oberflache des Mondes sieht. Nach einer bisher unedierten Hs. in der Bibliothek zu Alexandria aus dem Arabischen zum ersten Male ins Deutche iibertragen. IIannover 1925, Orientbuch- handlung HEINZ LAFAIRE xiI +33 S. [geh. 6 Mk] Isis

Diese auch typographisch hervorragend ausgesta,ttete kleine Schrift ist E. WIEPDEMANN gewidmet. Sie beruht auf der eilzigen bisher bekann- ten, von MAX MEYERHOF in der Bibliothek der Munizipalitat zu Alexan- dria entdcckten Handschrift einer Abhandlung IBN AL-HAITI-IA]MS, die nur IBN ABs USAIBI' A erwaihnt. Abgesehen von einer Schrift PLUTARCHS De facie lunae ist sie die einzige Schrift aus alterer Zeit, die sich mit der Erkltdrung der Mondflecken befasst. Der Araber glaubt, dass die Stelien der dunkeln Fleeken an der Mondoberflacehe aus Gesteinen bestehen, die wegen grosserer Dichte und Absorptionskraft d'em Auge weniger Licht zusenden, als die helleren Stellen, und widerlegt eine Reihe anderer, teilweise phantastischer Versuche, die Helligkeitsunterschiede zu erklaren. Die Uebersetzung bringt die etwas breite Darstellung des Autors und den arabischen Satzbau gut zum Ausdruck und ist angenehm zu lesen. Da der arabische Text nicht beigegeben ist, muss auf Nach- priifung im Einzelnen verzichtet werden. JULIUS RUSKA.

Schoy, Carl. Die trigonometrischen Lehren des ostarabischen Astro- nomen iMvn. IBN AHMAD, ABU'L-R1HAN AL-BiRCUNi dargestellt nach al-Qanun al-Mas'udi 160 S., 54 Abb. Hannover, Orient, 1925.

Wiedemann, Eilhard. Entsalzung des Meerwassers bei AL-BiRUNi. Chemikerzeitung 46, 230, 1922. ISIs

Wiedemann, Eilhard. Meteorologisches aus der Chronologie von AL- BiRUNi. Meteorol. Zeitschr. 199-203, 1922. isis

Zinner. E. Das mittelalterliche Lehrgerdt fur Sternkunde zu Regens- burg und seine Beziehungen zu WILHELM VON HIRSAU. Zeitschr. fiir Instrunmentenkunde, 43, 278-282, 1923. I8IS


[Averroes]. The philosophy and theology of AVERROES. Tractata translated from the Arabic by MOHAMMAD JAMIL-UR-REHMAN. (The Gaekwad studies in religion and philosophy, 11) 308 p. Baroda, 1921. ISIs

Reviewed in J. R. A. S., 290-292, 1923. ( The two (commonly counted as three) tracts by AVEIRROES which now appear for the first time in English, namely (1), Fasl al-maqal wa-taqrir ma bayn al-shanri a wa-1- hikma min al-ittisal, together with a short appendix concerning the eternal knowledge of God, and (2) al-Kashf "an manahij al-ad'illa ft 'aqa'id al-milla, were edited in 1859 by M. J. MiiLLER, who also published a German translation in 1875. ) Unsatisfactory translation.

G. S.

538 S. XII

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Bergh, S. van den. Die Epitome der Metaphysik des AVERROES uebersetzt und mit einer Einleitung und Erliuterungen versehen. xxxv+339 S. Leiden, BRILL, 1924. Isis

Bloedner, Karl. PETRONUS, PETRON1US, PETRONCELLUS, ein Salerni- taner Arzt aus der Mitte des 12. Jahrhunderts (gest. 1197), sein klinisches Shriftwerk und der Autor der Uebergangszeit PETRI- CELLUS. (Diss., Leipzig). Institut fur Geschichte der Medizin an der Universitait Leipzig, 59 p., 1925. Isis

The author has edited all the fragments bearing PETRONIUS' name in the Traetatus de egritudinum curatione and in the De febribus contained in the great Salernitan collection of the Breslau library (MS. 1302, written between c. 1160 and 1170). This PETRONIUS died at Salernc in 1197. He should not be confused with PETROCELLUS (or PETRICELLUS) whom S. DE RENZI and others considered an early Salernitan physician. According to BLOEDNER the writings of this PETROCEILLUS are much earlier; they belong to the early medieval period of S. Italian medicine which marked the transition between ancient and Salernitan medicite.

G. S.

Borchardt, Paul. Die grossen Ost-West-Karawanenstrassen durch die Libysche Wiiste. Petermanns Mitteilungen, 70, pp. 219-223 map. Gotba, 1924. ISIS

Study of routes in the Sahara as described by BENJAMIN OF TUDELA. See Geographical Review, 15, 142-143, 1925, and other references to BORCHARDT herewith. J. K. W.

Borcbardt, Paul. L'itineraire de RABBI BEENJAMIN DE TUDkLE en Chine. T'oungpao. 23, 31-35, 1924. isis

Identification of places on the route to China mentioned by BENJAMIN o~; TUDELA whose data BORCHARDT holds to be worthy of confidence.

J. K. W.

Borchardt, Paul. Der Reiseweg des RABBI BENJAMIN VON TUDELA und des RABBI PETACHIA aus Regensburg in Mesopotamien u. Persien. Jahrbuch der jiidisch-literarischen Gesellschaft, 16, 137-162. Frank- furt a. M., 19-'4. Isis

Study of BENJAMIN'S and PETACHIA'S routes and of data given by them about routes in Persia and Mesopotamia. For routes in Arabia according to BENJAMIN see note by BORCHARDT in Anthropos, 16-17, 1056-1057, 1921-1922; see also preceding references here given to works by BOR- CHARDT. J,. K. W.

Bouyges. P. M. (S. J.). Notes sur les philosophes arabes connus des Latins au Moyen Age. V. Inventaire des textes arabes d'AVERROES. Melanges de l'Universite Saint-Joseph. Tome VIII, 1, 54 p., 1922; t. 1X. 2, p. 43-48. Beyrouth, 1924. iSIS

Efros, Israel Isaac. Philosophical terms in the Moreh Nebukim. (Columbia University, Oriental Studies), 169 p. New York, Colum- bia University, 1924. isis

Franke, Johannes. Der Salernitaner Magister FERRARIUS und eine bisher nicht verbffentlichte a Summa de Purgatione quatuor Hu- morum ) unter seinem Namen, Codex Mon. lat. 251. 27 p. Diss., Leipzig. Institut fuiir Geschichte der Med., 1925. Isis

539 S. XII.

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[Judah ha-Levi]. Selected poems of JEHUDAH HALEVI. Translated into English by NINA SALAMAN. Chiefly from the critical text edited by HEINRICH BRODY. xxviii + 192 p. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1925. IsIs

Kroner, H. Der Mediziner MAIMONIDES im Kampfe mit den Theologen. 15 S. Oberdorf-Bopfingen, Selbstverlag, 1924. Isis

Quentin, Henri (O. S. B.). Une correspondance medicale de PIERRE LE. VENiRABLE avec Magister BATHOLOMIEUS. Miscellana FRANCESCO EHRLE. Vol. 1, p. 80-86. Roma, 1924. IEIB

Sudhoff, Karl. Die Schilderung des medizinischen Unterrichtes bei der Apostelkirche zu Byzanz zu Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts durch NIKOLAOS MESARITES (gest. 1163 o. 1164). Mitteilungen zur Ge- schichte der Medizin und der ?Naturwissenschaften, 23, 189-190,. 1924. isis

Torkomian, V. Les manuscrits medicaux armeniens de la Bibliotheque~ Nationale de Paris. Bul. soc. fr. hist. med., t. 19, 166-172, 1925.


I1 s'agit ici uniquement du faxaeux MS. de la Consolation des fievrea de MISKHITAR de HRm. G. S.

Wiedemann, E. Zur Geschichte der Alchemie. Zeitschr. f. Chemie, 35, 522-528, 1921. IBss

S. Xlll

Bostock, John Knight. ALBERTANUS BRIXIENSIS in Germany. Being' an account of the Middle High German translations from his didactic treatises. 123 p. London, Oxford University Press, 1924.


Carton, Raoul. L'experience physique chez ROGER BACON. Contribu- tion-a l'etude de la nme'thode et de la science experimentales au xIle siecle, 188 p., gr. 8?0. These. J. VRIN. Paris, 1924 - L'expe- rience mystique de l'illumination interieure chez ROGER BACON, 376 p., gr. 80, J. VRIN, Paris, 1924. - La synthese doctrinale de ROGER BACON, 150 p., gr. 8.? J. VRIN, Paris. 1924. IsIs

Le premier des trois volumes ici signalks constitue la premiere et vrai- ment importante etude consacree a la theorie baconnienne de l'experience iphysique. Mais Vlauteur n'y etudie l'experience des sens que pour l'expose de i'illumination interieure, sans chercher a Pl'tudier dans la contribu- tion qu'elle a fournie chez BACON a la science de la nature, ni dans la contribution qu'elle apporte i Vhistoire de la m6thode au xme siecle; il cherche 'a ( fixer l'allure de l'expierience des sens comme method'e, si du moins elle existe comme telle ), et decouvre que chez BACON, la science experimentale est une science et un art essentiellement hermetiques (pp. 169-173), et des lors en relation etroitte avec l'experience mystique et interieure, a l'etude de laquelle est consacre le volume suiviant. Tandis, que 1'experience exterieure fait la science philosophiq.ue, 1'exp6rience inte, rieure fait la science in,terieure, theologique, deux sciences jumelles, la philosophie devant etre traitee uniquement piar la theologie, et la thio- logic par la philosophic. Ainsi se trouve constituee la ( Sapience chre- tienne x), l'i'dee du ,slut etant la (( clef de voute de la synthese doctri- nale baconienne. Le savoir ainsi constitu6 se met au service de l'Eglise,., et son esprit est un esprit d'imperialisme religieux x) d'une extreme fer- veur, que l'auteur rapproche de celui de saint AJGUSTIN. L. G.

540 S. XIII.

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Giles, Herbert A. The (( Hsi Yiian Lu ) or (( Instructions to Coro- ners )). Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, Section of the Hi.story of Medicine. 17, 59 107. London. 1924. Isis

An English translation of a Chinese coroner's book, dating from the reign of SHUN Yu (A. D. 1241-1253) and still in use in 1873, is given in its entirety. The laws set forth are strictly adhered to in modern China by all engaged in the inlvestigation of criminal cases. Book I gives in great detail the procedure of examination of a dead body. Book II is on wounds, suicide, drowning, burning, etc. Book III takes. up poisoning and other types of violent death, and Book IV, methods of restoring life. One is impressed by the high degree of knowledge and skill shown by Chinese coroners as early as the XIII Century.

H. R. V.

[Jalalu' d-Dln-i-Rfimi, b. Balkh 1207-d. 127.3]. The Mathnawi of JALALU'DDIN ROMi. Edited from the oldest manuscripts available with critical notes, translation, and commentary, by A. REYNOLD NICHOLSON. Vol. 1 containing the text of the first and second books. For the E. J. W. GIBB Memorial. London, LUZAC. 1925.


Jeanselmne, E. et Oeconomos, L. UIn dispensaire medical 'a Byzance au temps des Paleologues, d'apres une peinture du MS. grec. Paris 2243. Aesculape, 15, 26-30, 1925. ISlS

Commentaire de deux compositions a la plume, colori6es, qui se trou- vent en tAte d'un des MS. du ( Dynameron )) de NICOLAS MYREPSOS.

L. G.

Lauer, Philippe (editor). ROBERT DE CLARI: La conquete de Constanti- nople. Paris, CHAMPION, 1925. Isis

Loria, Gino. LEONARDO PISANO e le matematiche nel secolo di DANTE. Period. di mat., 4, 1924, p. 131-134. ISlS

Sudhoff, Karl. Neue IUteruszeichnungen in einer bisher unbekalmt gebliebenen MusTio-Handschrift zu Vieenza. 11 p., 1 pl. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, Bd. 17, Heft 1-3, 1925. Iis

True, Gonzague. La pensee de Saint THOMAS D'AQUIN. Paris. Payot, 1925. I18is

Extraits choisis et class6s, avec introduction (50 p.).


['Abd al-Rahman ibn Hudhail al-Andalusi]. ABDERRAHMAN BEN HODEYI EL. ANDALUSY. La parure des cavaliers et l'insigne des preux., Edite d'apres le manuscrit de M. NEHLIL, revu et corrige sur 1'exem- plaire de la bibliotheque de 1'Escurial, par Louis MERCIER, consul de France. iv + 98 p. Paris. GEUTHNER, 1922. Iis

IBN HUDIHAIL, un savant andalou du xrve siecle, composa un traite divise en deux parties : la premiere, consacr6e & Part militaire proprement dit; la seconde, a I'hippiatrique, a P'equitation et au ma'niement des armes blanches et de jet, a cheval. Le texte de la seconde partie eat repro- duit ici, en phototypie, d'apres un manuscrit appartenant a M. NEHLIL, directeur de l'Ecole superieure de langues et litteSratures arabes et ber- beres de Rabat. L'auteur se propose de publier plus tard nne traduction fra.ncaise, et aussi le texte arabe de la premiere partie. Le texte est fort bien calligraphi6 et tres clair. I1 vaut la peine de reproduire ici la table des matieres, car ceci donnera an lecteur une idee du contenu d'un trait& arabe d'hippiatrique.

541 S. XIV.

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Page 18: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

1. Sur la cr6ation du cheval, sur qui l'a domestiqu6 le premier, sur sa diffusion dans le monde; 2. Sur les vertus myst6rieuses des chevaux et ce qui est promis a qui en eleve; 3. Sur l'entretien des chevaux, les soins a leur donner et les recommandatbions faites a ce sujet; 4. Sur les noms que les Arabes donnent aux diff,rentes parties du corps du cheval et le nombre de ces vocables qui sont noms d'oiseaux; 5. Sur les qualites a rechercher dans les diff6rentes parties du corps et sur les ressemblamnees qu'il est bon que le cheval pr6sente avec certains animaux; 6. Sur les robes, signes, balzanes et 6pis, pelotes; 7. Sur ce qu'il faut rechercher chez les chevaux, caract6ristiques des plus nobles d'entre eux, noms par lesquels on d6signe les chevaux de race et de sang; 8. Sur les vices natu- rels et acquis; 9. Du choix des chevaux, de leur epreuve, physiognomonie du cheval; 10. De l'apprentissage de l'6quitati~on en ses diverses mani- festations; 11. Des courses de chevaux, din peloton a l'arriv6e, des paris; 12. Noms des chevaux du proph6te beni et des 6talons les plus reputtes parmi ceux des Arabes; 13. Termes et noms de choses ,speciaux aux che- vaux; 14. Citations des pontes sur la pr iferenee des Arabes pour les che. vaux, superieure a celle des autres races, les soins qu'ils leur donnaient, la gloi're qu'ils en tiraient; 15. Du sabre; 16. De la lanee; 17. Des arcs et f1eches; 18. Des cuirasses; 19. Des boucliers et armes analogues; 20. Des armes et 6quipements en general.

[al-Dhahabi]. SHAMS AD-DIN MUHAMMAD IBN AHMAD AL-DHAHABi. Kitab Duwal al-Islam. 2 vol. 213 + 90; 195 + 68 p. Haiderabad, A. H. 1337. ISIB

Reviewed in J. R. A.. S., 628, 1923. This is only an abbreviation of the original work.

Gulubovich, P. Girolamo. Biblioteca bio-bibliografica della Terra Santa e dell' Ordine francescano. Tomo IV (dal 1333 al 1345). 503 p. QUARACCIi., Firenze, Collegio di S. Bonaventura, 1923. Isis

Haberling, Wilhelm. War DANTE 0ein Arzt ? Daniejahrbuch, 7, 59-78, 1923. isis

Keith, A. The skull and ancestry of ROBERT THE BRUCE. Nature, vol. 115, 303-304, 1925. isis

Meinsma, Koenraard Oege. De zwarte dood (1347-1352). 487 bldz. Zutphen, W. J. THIEME, 1924. Is,s

Reviewed by M. A. VAN ANDEL in Bijdragen, tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 5, 84, 1925.

Nohl, Johannes. Der schwarze Tod : eine Chronik der Pest, 1348 bis 1720. 372 p. Potsdam, GUSTAV KIEPENHEUER, 1924. isis

Pearson, 'Karl. The skull of ROBE:T TIHE BRUCE. Nature, vol. 115, 571, 1925. isis

ROBERT THE BRUCE is said to have died of ( leprosy )). PEARSON, drawing attention to the condition of the upper jaw of ROBERT'S skull, and to the exfoliatedl wound on the right side of the sagittal suture, suggests that thins (( leprosy )) may have been syphilis. He seems to accept entirely SUDHOFF'S theory with regard to the origin of syphilis. Sir ARTHUR KEITH, in a brief answer, discusses PEARSON'S conclusions which he refuses to share. G. S.

Silmonini, R. MAINO DE' MAINERI ed il suo Libellus de preservatione ab Epydimia 48 p. (Codice del 1360 conservato nell' Archivio de Stato di Modena.) Modena, UMBERTO ORLANDINI, 1923 Isis

542 S. XIV.

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Page 19: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

Thorndike, Lynn. The study of western science of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Medical Life, vol. 32. 117-127, 1925. siss

Lecture delivered in Washington on Jan. 1, 1925, at the joint meeting of the History of Science Society and of the Historical Section of the A. A. A. S.


Amsler, Hans. Ein handschriftlicher illustrierter Herbarius aus dem Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts und die mnedizinisch-botanische Litera- tur des Mittelalters. 96 S., 3 Taf. (Inaug. Diss.) Herzogenbuch- see (Kauton Bern), STAIJB-SCHARRER ts. a., i925 ?). Isis

Thesis prepared in Zurich under the direction of H. E. SIGERIST. It contains a bri!ef outline of medieval botanic literatu re (pip. 5-19), followed by a longer study of the medico-botanical literature of the XV. century (pp. 20-55) and finally by an analysis of the Zurich MS. C 51/722. The second part is essentially a discussion of the rela- tions between the three great types of herbals: Herbarius latinus, Hortus sanitatis and Gart der Gesundheit. The conclusion is that the Gart is a later compilation, modelled upon the Hortus sanitatis but based also upon a further 'study of the sources of the Hortus (MATTHAEUS SYLVA- TICUS, VINCENT OF BEAUVAIS and PLATEARIUS) and upon a few new sources. G. S.

Bandtlow, Friedrich Wilhelm Oskar. Die Schrift des GABRIEL DES ZERBIS : de cautelis medicorum. (Diss.) Institut fur Geschichte der Medizin an der Universitiit Leipzig, 20 p.. 1925. IsiS

Analysis of that work, first printed at Venice in 1495, preceded by a short account of ZERBIS' life and works. ZERBIS was a Veronese who studied at Pavia and Padua, and flourished at Bolcgna and Rome. He died in, 1505. (( Wesentlich :neue Gesichtspunkte bringt GABRIEL DE ZEERBIS nicht. Wir konnen ihm aber nicht die hohe und ernsthafte Auffassung von seinem Beruf und seine begriiudete Besorgnis um die Wtirde seines Standes abspreehen. Manehe seiner Ausfiihrungen waren wert, von vielen aucli der heutigen Aerzte zu Herzen genomimen zu werden. )) G. S.

Basmad]ian, K. J. Publication des oeavres d'AMIRDOVLAT Bul. soc. fr. d'hist med., t. 19, 83-85. 1925. t1is

Blecher, Raidolf. Ein Aderlasstraktat von JOHANNES KANZELBERG.RR aus Schwanfelden. Diss. Leipzig. Institut fur Geschichte der Medizin an der [Universitat Leipzig. 10 p. 1925. Isis

E. WICKERSHEIMEE published in 1921 (see Isis, V, 221) a regimen composed by JOHANN CHANCZELPEROER sometime during the third quarter of the XV. century, while a student in Bologna. Another work of this same CHANCZELPERGER de Schwonfelden (Schwanfelden, in Lower Fran- conia), is included in a Vienna MS. (National Library, Cod. Palat. No. 2971, med. 132). It is a little treatise on bloodletting which is here edited (p. 6-10). Incipit: ( Nota quod omni tempore si necessitas urget minuendum est. )) G. S.

Celoria, Giovanni. Sulle osservazioni di' comete fatte da PAOLO DAL Pozzo TOSCANELLI e sui lavori astronomici suoi in generale. Pubbl. del R. Osserv. astr. di Brera. Iv + 76 p., illus. Milano, 1921. ISiS

Espinas, (Georges. La draperie rurale d'Estaires (Nord) (1428-1434). 44 p. Paris, RIVIVERE, 1923. Isis

543 S XV.

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Page 20: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

[Ibn Tagribirdi, Abfi-l-Mahasin, 1411-1469]. Annals entitled An-nujum wa-z'hira fi muluk Misr wal-Qahira, Vol. VI, part 2, no. 2. Edi- ted by WILLIAM POPPER. LXXII, 691-993. Leiden, BRILL, 1922'. isis

Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge. Prejudice and promise in fifteenth century England. The Ford Lectures, 1923-24. Oxford Univer- sity Press, 1925. Isis

La Ronciire, Ch. de. De Paris a Tombouctou au temps de Louis XI. Revue des Deux Mondes, p. 653-675, 1 fig.. 1er fevrier, 1923. Isis

Martin, Alfred. Die ersten Nachrichten fiber die Syphilis in der Schweiz und ihre Bedeutung fur die allgemeine Geschichte der Syphilis. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, No. 7. 8 p., 1924. Is1s

Pacioli, Prater Lucas. An original translation of the treatise on double-entry bookkeeping. Translated for the Institute of Book- Keepers, Limited, by PIETRO CRIVELLI. xviii + 125 p. London, SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, 1925. ISis

Plomer, Henry R. WILLIAM CAXTON, 1424-1491. (The Roadmaker Series.) 195 p. London, LEONARD PARSONS, 1925. Isis

[Rust, Hans]. HANS RUSTS Weltkarte (15. Jahrh.). Faksimiledruck. Miinchen, LUDWIG ROSENTHALS Antiquariat (1924). Isis

Saitta, Guiseppe. La filosofia di MARSILIO FICINO. (Studi filosofici. diretti da GIOVANNI GENTILE, 15.) Messina, G. PRINCIPATO, 1923.


Scholderer, Victor; Pollard, Alfred William; Thomas, Henry; Esdaile, A.; and Rendall, F. 0. Catalogue of books printed in the 15th century now in the British Museum. Part 5: Venice. London, QUARITCH and MILFORD, 1924. isrs

Schretlen, M. J. I)utch and Flemish woodcuts of the fifteenth cen- tury. With a foreword by M. J. FRIEDLAENDER. VIII + 71 p. London, BENN, 1925. ss1818

Struik, D. J. Sull' opera matematica di PAOLO DI MIDDELBURG. Rendi- conti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, sci. fis., vol. 1, 305-8. 1925.


PAUL OF MIDDELBUEG (Middelburg, 1445 -Rome, 1553) wrote three mathematical works : an astrological judicium for 'the year 1480, another for 1481 and a treatise De numero atomorum totius universi contra usurarios, Rome, 1518. The first judicium contaiins a hundred problems proposed to mathematicians; the second judicium, solutions of: fifty of them. They show that PAUL was a student of ARCHIMEDES. Problem 49 deals with the solid bodies which can fill space without leav- ing holes. ARISTOTLE (De Caelo, III) and AVEiROES had maintained that, not only cubes but also tetrahedra could thus fill space. It is generally supposed that MAUROLYCUS was the first to show their error in his Libellus de impletione loci, 1529. However, MAUROLYCUS had been pre- ceded by PAUL of Middelburg and it is probable that both had been following PAUL'S great predecessor in Padova, REGIOMONTANUS. The- De numero atomorum shows that PAUL was also to some extent a fore-- runner of STEVIN (decimal fractions) and NAPIER. G. S.

544 S. XV.

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Page 21: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

Sudhoff, Karl. Syphilis-Erfahrungen zweier Augsburger beamteter Aerzte, JOHANNES und AMBROSIUS JUNG in den Jahren 1497 und 1498. Pharm. Monatsheften, Nr. 9, 1923. Isis

Tri?ot-Royer, . Une epidemie de hoquet a Tournai en 1413. Bul. de la Soc, tranc. d'hist, de la mod., t. 18, 396-401, 1924. Isis

Wickersheimer, Ernest. Le regime contre l'epide6mie de JOHANNES CASTELLANI. Bul. de la Soc. fr. d'hist. med., t. 19, 91-93, 1925.


Leonardo da Vinci

Hart, Ivor B, The mechanical investigations of LEONARDO DA VINCI. vni+240 p. Chicago, Open Court, London, CHAPMAN & HALL, 1925. [$ 4]

This beautiful work is the first to be devoted to the subject in English; it contains the translation of LEONARDO'S MS. on the flight of birds (pp. 200-35) (available since 1893 in French and Italian) the only translation of any complete MS. by LEONARDO in English. This translation had already been published by the author in the Journal of the R. Aeronautical Soc., 1923, together with the study on LEONARDO as a pioneer of aviation (summarized in Isis, VII, 202) which is also reproduced and forms the longest and the best part of the work (pp. 143-200). The other parts .are: 1. General introduction; 2. Mecha- nical science in the XVth centfury; 3. Contemporary scientific influence; 4. LEONARDO'S sources; 5. LEONARDO'S mechanics : dynamics; 6, Statics. This is a clear presentation of the main facts but it is neither a scholarly nor a deep study. The author has not even made sufficient use of the best secondary sources available : P. DUILEM, 0, WERNER, F. M. FELDHAUS. Of course DUHEM'S works are treacherous for the unwary and careless student, for under an appearance of clearness they hide many obscurities and contradictions. HART has not been able to digest DUHEM'S investigations, let alone to study them critically. His account of mediaeval science is very superficial. To quote an example of his carelessness he refers to BENI MoOcHi (on p. 66) - that is, he uses a French transliteration in an English text and is apparently unaware that this name does not represent one man, but three: the BANiN MITA, i. e. the sons of MIs, IB.N SHIKIR. I must still add that this summary .is not even as complete as the title indicates, for no account is given of LEONARDO'S studies in hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and hydraulics, sub- jects i~n which he was intensely interested and which his natural curio- sity and his professional duties (as civil ,and military engineer) prompted him to investigate repeatedly. This book will be useful to the general reader who wants to have some idea of mediaeval mechanics and' of LEO- NARDO'S contributions, but the scholar will hardly need it. It may be a contribution to the English literature of the subject, it is not a contri- bution to international scholarship. GEORGE SARTON.


A. -- Mathematics.

Bortolotti, Ettore. L'algebra nella scuola matematica bolognese del secolo XVI. Periodico di matematiche, serie 4, t. 5, 147-184, 1925.


Bosmans H. (S.J.). La resolution de l'equation du 4e degre chez SIMON STEVIN. Mathesis, 49-55, 99-104, 146-153, 1925. ISlS

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B. - Physical Sciences and Technology.

[Brahe, Tyge] DREYER, JOHN Louis EMIL (editor) TYCHONIS BIRAHE Dani opera omnia. T. VII, v4-422 p. 1924. T. X, xxvuI--434 p.. 1923. T. XI, iv+414 p., 1924. Haunise, in libraria Gyldendaliana ISis

For previous volumes of this monumental edition, see Isis, V, 149-51 (SARTON).

[Coppernicus, Nicolaus, aus Thorn] Ueber die Umdrehungen der Himmelskorper. Aus seinen Schriften und Briefen. Posener Drucke, herausgegeben von HERnMANN IRAUSCHNING. Erster Druck 80 S. Zur 450. Wiederkehr des Tages der Geburt von COPPER- NICJS in Thorn am 19. Februar 1473 Mit einem Portrat in Holzschnitt nach dem Bilde in der Johanniskirche zu Thorn. Posen, imi Verlag der Deutschen Biicherei, 1923. ISIS

Die Reihe dieser schon ausgestatteten deutschen Drucke au,s der jetzt polnischen Stadt Posen hatte nicht besser eingeleitet werden kinnen als mit der vorliegenden Auswahl aus den Schriften des Ostpreussen CoPPER- NICus, dessen Deutschtum heute nach der Schrift von G. BENDER (Isis, vol. V, 222), nur von Unwissenden oder BSswilligen bezweifelt werden kann. Es werden Stiicke aus seinem Haup,twerk gegeben (sehr gut und sehr schon iibersetzt), sodann Dokumente a us seiner amtlichen Tatigkeit (z. B. Munzgutachten), die vielfach auch weltlich war, und Briefe. In einem Nachwort hat der Herausgeber (von S. 59 an) ein treffendes Bild von dem Leben und der Persinlichkeit des COPPERNICUS (nur so richtig geschrieben!), sowie von den damaligen verwickelten politischen Verhillt- nissen ggeeben. Da es selbst in Deutschland immer noch nicht geniigend bekannt ist sei nochmals darauf hingewiesen, dass COPPERNICIJS i. J. 1496 an der Universitat zu Bologna, wo es auch eine polnische (( Nation ) gab, der ( Natio Germanormn )) beitrat, in deren Statuten ausdriicklich stand, dass nur solche Studierende anufgenoimmen werden kinnten, ( qui nativam alemanicam haibent linguam ).

H. W.

Dreyer J. L. E. The place of TYCiio BRAIIE in the history of astronomy. Scientia 25, 177-185, 1919. IrsI

Hellmann (ustav. Versuch einer Geschichte der Wettervorhersage im XVI. Jahrhundert. Abhdl. der preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch. 54 S. Berlin, W. DE GRUYTER. 1924. ISIS

C. - Natural Sciences

Almagia, Roberto. Un grande planisfero di GIUSEPPO ROSACCIO (1597). Rivista geografica italiana. XXXI, 264-269, Florence. 1925. Iss

Brief note on a hitherto undescribed Italian planisphere in the Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde en Maritiem Museum ( Prins Hendrik )) in Rotterdam. The world-map resemples that of OTELIUS. ROSACCIO brought out an edition of the Geography of PTOLEMY in 1599.

J. K. W.

Caraci, (liuseppe. Un atlantino manoscritto italiano della seconda meta del secolo XVI. Rivista geografica italiana, 31, 269-283, Florence, 1925. rsis

The 27 manuscript maps constituting the little atlas with which this note deals are ascribed to FRANCESCO PADAVANI and are now (or were at the time of writing) in the possession of OTTO LANGE, the antiquarian.


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Page 23: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

They are based essentially on the Italian maps of GASTALDI and (( serve to show that alongside the printed maps, the habit of transcribing maps by hand still persisted at the end of the sixteenth century... ))

J. K. W.

Delaunay, Paul. PIERRE BET ON naturaliste : II. P. BELON lithologiste et geologue; IV. P. BELON mammalogiste Bull. de la Soc. d'Agricul ture, Sciences et Arts de la Sarthe, t. 49, 233-290, 1923-24. Isis

Hildebrand, Arthur Sturges. MAGELLAN; a general account of the life and times and remarkable adventures, by land and by sea. 269 p. London, JONATHAN CAPE, 1925. Isis

Mackall, Leonard L. A manuscript of the (( Christianismi Restitutio ) of SERVETUS, placing the discovery of the pulmonary circulation anterior to 1546. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, Section of the History of Medicine, XVII, 35-38, London, 1924.


The author examined this important manuscript in the Bibliotheque Nationale (manuscrit latin 18212) and compared it with the original o Christianismi Restitutio )) of 1553 in the same library. Evidence is presented to show that the manuscript was written and in circulation by 1546, probably prior to the work of COLOMBO. H. R. V.

Monardes, Nicholas. Physician of Seville (1493-1588). Joyfull newes out of the newe founde Worlde. Englished by JOHN FRAMPTON, merchant, anno 1577. With an introduction by STEPHEN GASELEE. Two volumes (Tudor translations) London, Constable, 1925.


[Pigafetta]. Relation du premier voyage autour du monde par MAGEL- LAN, 1519-1522. Edition du texte frangais d'apres les manuscrits de Paris et de Cheltenham par J. DENUCE. (Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir a l'Histoire de la Geographie depuis le xnie jusqu'a la fin du xvi? siecle, publie sous la direction de CH. SCHEFER et H. CORDIER, t. 24) 290 p., 50 p. de facsimile. Paris, ERNEST LEROUX, 1923. s181

[Unamuno, Pedro de]. The voyage of PEDRO DE UNAMUNO to Califor- nia in 1587. (Printed in the Quarterly of the California Historical Society for July, 1923 under the caption of (( UNAMUNO'S Voyage to California in 1587 ).) 21 p. Berkeley, The Courier, 1923. Isis

Zimmermann, Walther. Ein deutsches Apotheker-Herbarium des 16. Jahrhunderts. Arch. d. Pharmazie, 261, S. 35-61, 1923. isis

Zimmermann, Walther. Vom IUeberlinger Apothekerherbarium aus dem Jahre 1594. Bodenseebuch, Konstanz, S. 85-88, 1923. Isis

D. - Medical Sciences.

Capitaine, P. A. Un grand medecin du xvie siecle: JEAN FERNEL. These Paris, 104 p., 1 portr., Paris, LE FRAN9OIS, 1925. s181

Tres bon travail dans lequel l'auteur adopte ipour la date et le lieu controverses de la naissance de FEBNEL: 1497, Montdidier, et pour la date de sa mort: 1558-04-26. Apres une biogr,aphie oh il rappelle les tra- vaux mathematiques de FERNEm, et dans laquelle il donne le texte o-h est exposee sa remarquable determination de la longueur d'un degre de meri- dien, CAPITAINE 6tudie l'ceuvre anatomo-physiologique du medecin de

547 S XVI.

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HENRI II, sa pathologie, son ouvrage sur le mal venirien, et sa thera- peutique. Bibliographie des oeuvres d'e FERNEL et des ouvrages consultes.

L. G.

Cumston, Charles Oreene. Une note sur ((L'excellent petit livre)), publi6 en 1557, par GEORGES PICTOR. Bulletin de la Soc. fr. d'Hist. cde la Med., t. 18, 357-360. 1924. is81

( Ce petit opuscule de trente-trois pages de texte fut publi6 a Mulhouse en 1557 et contient des remarques intIressantes sur la pathologie et le traitement des calculs renaux. )

Jeanselme, E. La cure de la syphilis au xvie siecle. Aesculape, mars 1925, 49-54.

Diete et purgation accompagnaient les frictions merourielles et la d6coc- tion de bois de gaiac, dit le ( saint bois ). Au xvue siecle, le gaiac a perdu tout credit. L. G.

Lejeune, Fritz. Die hinterlassenen Briefe des Leibarztes PHILIPPS II. FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ. Ins Deutsche iibertragen und bearbeitet. 41 S. Greifswald, L. BAMBERG, 1924. i:S

Lejeune. Fritz. El estado de la medicina en Espafia en el siglo xvI. La Medizina Germano-Hispano-Americano, No. 2, 133-138, 1924.


Lint, J. 0. de. Fugitive anatomical sheets. Janus, 28, 78-91, 1924. 18si

Conclusions: Le nombre des planches anatomiques detachees publiees pendant la premiere moiti6 du xvIe siecle est plus grand qu'on ne l'avait cru jusqu'ici... Un certain nombre des figures de VESALE sont copiees de dessins plus anciens, probablement de planches de HANS GULDEN- aMUNDT (1539),.. Voir sur le meme sujet le travail de LEROY CRUMMER, signale dans Isis, VII, 281. L. G.

[Paracelsus]. Labyrinthus medicorum oder Vom Irrgang der Aerzte. Was der rechte Arzt lernen und kennen und wie beschaffen er sein soil, wenn er gut kulieren will. Herausg. und mit einem Nachwolt versehen von HANS KAYSER. Leipzig. Insel-Verlag, 1924. Is1,

[Paracelsus]. Magische Unterweisungen des edleu und hochgelerten Philosophi und Medici PHIIIPPI THEOPHRASTI BOMBASTI VON HOHEN- 1mEIM, PARACELSUS genannt, hrg. von FRANZ SPUNDA. 64 S. In Wolken wanderer Verlag zu Leipzig, 1923. IBIS

Roshem, J. La tllerapeutique de,LtvIN LEMNE, m6decin zirizeen. Paris Mlf;dical, 6, 12, 1924, suppl., 9-13 ,sis

L VIN LmINE (Ziriz6e, Zelande, 1505.05.20-1568), apres des atuides de medecine et de thiologie i Gand et a Louvain, revint dans son pays natal, ou il exerca la medecine pendant pres de quarante ans; il etait en relations avec VESALE. Alors que dans ses ( Occultes merveilles et secrets de nature ), trad. franqaise, Paris, 1567, il fait montre d'esprit critique en pathologie, il ne s'eleve pas, en therapeutique, au-dessus de la pauvre moyenne des medecins de son temps: il guerit l'epilepsie avec un collier de pivoines, ou par attouchement avec un morceau de corne de pied d'elan, et presque toute sa therapeutique est du meme ordre.

L. G.

548 S. XVI.

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Sticker, Oeorg. Krankheitenin Mittelamerika zur Zeit des COLOMBUS. Janus, 28, 232-304, 1924. Isis

La variole, la meningite oerebro-spinale, semblent avoir et6 introduitea par les Espagnols (variole a Mexico, 1520; meningite k Verac?uz, 1526); il semble aussi que le typhus exanthematique etait inconnu au Mexique avant l'arrivee des Europeens. En revanche, la lepre est une maladie indigene, de meme que la gale, le beriberi, peut-etre la grippe,. Un tres grand nombre de termes indigenes ne sonit pas encore identifi6s; les monu- ments figures, dont bon nombre sont ici reproduits, sont' difficiles A expliquer. La question de la syphilis reste ouverte. L. G.

Strunz, Franz. PARACELSUS. Eine Studie. 102 S. (Die Schweiz im deutschen Geistesleben, 23.) Leipzig, HAESSEL, 1924. ISis

Van Schevensteen (d'Anvers). A propos de traites d'ophtalmologie parus a Strasbourg au debut du xvIe siecle. Janus, 28, 1-20, 1924.


En 1538 et 1539 parurent a Strasbourg, chez HEINRICH VOGTHERREN, deux editions d'un petit traite anonyme sur les maladies des yeux, et un opuscule un peu plus important ayant, comune norm d'auteur, LEON- HARD FUCHS, et dans lequel le nom patronymique des VOGTHERR revient a plusieurs reprises,. L'auteur etudie d'abord eette famille des VOGTHERR dans laquelle des membres de cinq generations ont exerce, avec d'autres fonctions, la pratique medicale, chirurgicale, et surtout, ophtalmologique. BURKHARD VOGTHERP (1430?-1500 ?), son fitls CONRAD V. (?-?), les fils de celui-ci: GEORG V. (1487-1539); BARTHOLOMAEUS (?-1536), et HEINRICH V. DER AELTERE (1490-1556), a la fois peintre, graveur sur bois, imprimeur, oeuliste et poete; et enfin des descendants de GEOnG V: GEonG HER- CULES V. (1519-?), Samuel V. (1530-1584), et un nouveau GEORG V. (1556-1623), fils de SAMUEL. VAN SCHEVENSTEEN, s'occUpe ensuite de LEON- HARD FuCHkS, de ses ceuvres anterieures a 1539 et de son traite d'ophtal- mologie publie a cette date; c'est ce traite qui a ete plagie par HEINRICH VOGTHEER dans l'ouvrage anonyme edite par lui. L. G.

E. - Alia.

Bell, Aubrey Fltz (Oerald. FRANCISCO SANCHEZ, el Brocense. Hispanic Society of America. xii + 166 p. London, MILFORD, 1925. Isis

Bell, Aubrey F. 0. Luis DE LEON. A study of the Spanish Renais- sance. 394 p., illustrated. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1925. isis

Contents: 1. Spain and the Renaissance; 2. Spain and the Refor- mation; 3. Salamanca University; 4. LuIS DE LEON: childhood' (1527-43); 5. Student years (1544-60); 6. Professor at Salamanca (1560-72); 7. In the ,cells of the Inquisition (1572-76); 8. Portus Quietis (1577-91); 9. Cha- racter and ideas; 10. LUIS DE LEON as poet; 11. As prose writer (huma- nist, theologian, and philosqpher); 12. As political thinker; LUIS DE LEON and PHILIP II. Appendix (including very full bibliography and chrono- logy, a li;st of references in LuIS DE LEON'S works).

Childs, James Bennett. Sixteenth century books. A bibliography of literature describing books published between 1501 and 1601, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, vol. 17, part. 2. p. 73-152, Chicago, 1923. ISIS

Modest but important guide for the study of XVIth century biblio- graphy. The information is divided as follows : General works; Prin- cipal countries; Cities, provinces an,d less important countries; Printers; Catalogues and special subjects. G. S.

S. XVI. 549

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Page 26: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

Demaus, Robert. WILLIAM TINDALE, a biography. Being a contribu- tion to the early history of the English Bible. Popular edition, revised by RICHARD LOVETT. 561 p. London, R. T. S., 1925. 1 8,

First ed. 1871, second edition, edited by RICHARD LOVETT appeared in 1886. The editor of the present reprint has had access to some notes which DEMAUS had prepared for a second edition.

Heckmans, Joseph. Die Aeusserungen des DESIDERIUS ERASMUS von Rotterdam zur Tierpsychologie. Renaissance und Philosophie, Beitrage z. Geschichte d. Phil., 13. S. 113-206. Bonn, PETER HAN- STEIN, 1916. Isis

Lopes de Castanheda, FernAo (d. 1559). Historia do descobrimento e conquista da India pe los Portugueses. 3a ed. conforme a ed. prin- ceps revista e anotada por PEDRO DE AZEVEDO. (Scriptores rerum lusitanarum.) Coimbra, Inprensa da Universidade, 1924. ISIS

Previous editions 1551-4, 1833. Edition of the first book only 1797.

[More, Thomas]. The last letters of blessed THOMAS MORE. Intro- duced by Cardinal GASQUET and edited with connecting narrative by W. E. CAMPBELL. XIX + 123 p. Roehampton, Manresa Press, 1925. isis

Parsons, John Denham. Did (( Shake-speare )) signal? 19 p. London, The author, 45, Sutton Court-road, Chiswick, W., 1925. isis

[Plantin]. PLANTINS'S index characterum, 1567. Facsimile. Intro- duction by DOUGLAS C. MCMURTRIE. New York, privately printed, 1925. isis


A. - Mathematics.

Agostini, Amedeo. I1 concetto d'integrale definito in PIETRO MENGOLI. Periodico di Matematiche, t. 5, 137-146, 1925. isis

Agostini, Amedeo. I concetti di limite e di integrale in un allievo di CAVALIERI (PIETRO MENGOLI). Bollettino dell' Unione Matematica Itatiana, 4, 4 p., 1925. ISIs

Agostini, Amedeo. La teoria dei limiti in PIETRO MENGOLI. Periodico di Matematiche, t. 5, 18-30, 1925. isis

Bortolotti, Ettore. La memoria (c De infinitis hyperbolis ) di TORRI- CELLI. Archivio di storia d. scienza, 6. 49-58, 1925. isis

Fait suite au travail an!alys dans Isis, VII, 546: 1. I1 manoscritto; 2. L'edizione Faentina; 3. Analisi della memori~a; 4. Esposizione siste- matica del contenuto della memoria. L. G.

Bosmans, H. (S. J.). Le jesuite mnathematicien anversois ANDRE TACQUET (1612-1660). 25 p. Compas d'Or, Anvers, 1925. Isis

Brunschvicg, Lion. PASCAL savant. Revue philosophique, 1-29, 1924. ISIS

Conference faite a la Societe' mathematique de France. Le texte de cet article forme un chapitre d'un livre paru chez Hachette: Le Genie de Pascal (Isis, VIII, 175). H. M.

550 S. XVII.

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Chevallier, Paul. La maladie et la mort de PASCAL. Pascal etait-il syphi- litique? L'Hopital, 13, 346, 1925. Isis

Epstein, Paul. Die Logarithmenberechnung bei KEPLER. Z. f. math. nat. Unterr, 55, 142-151, 1924. 'I"

[Pascal, Blaise]. Les lettres de BLAISE PASCAL accompagnees de lettres de ses correspondants. x + 348 p., 1 portrait. Paris, CRAS, 1922.

Edition des lettres qui sera utile eux qu ne peuent s procurer Edition des lettres qui sera utile A& ceux clui ne peuvenlt so, procurer les oeuvres de PASCAL editees par IION BRUNSCHVICG, PIERRE BOUTROUX et FELX GAZIER (HACIETTE, 1908-14). Il y a en tout 44 lettres, plus 4 lettres 6changees entre DESCARTES, MERSENNE, CARCAVI et FERMAT.

G. S.

Roth, L6on. Correspondance de DESCARTES et de HUYGENS. C. R. des seances et trau. de l'Acad. des sc. mor et polit., nov.-dec. 1924, 411-424. ,szs

La correspondance 6changee entre DESCARTES et HUYGENS, que l'on croyait a peu pres completement perdue, est actuellement entre les mains de LEON ROTH, qui va en assurer la publication. II fait, dans cette note, l'histoire de cette collection de documents, qui comprend 66 lettres origi- nales de DESCARTES, dont 64 adressees at HUYGENS et 2 a VAN SURCK, 46 lettres de HUYGENS a DESCARTES, 3 de VAN SURCK a HUYGENS, et 1 du Pere MERSENNE a DESCARTES; en tout, 116 lettres, dont 94 sont in6dites. La collection comprend egalement une liasse de documents concernant la polemique de DESCARTES et du mathematicien STAMPION, et les diffi- cult4s de DESCARTES avec les theologiens d'Utrecht et de Groningue. L'im- pression est faite par la Clarendon Press. Sur LEON ROTH, voir Isis, V, 143; VII, 324. L. G.

Schafheitlin, Paul. Die Differentialrechnung Von JOHANN BERNOULLI aus dem Jahre 1691-92. Nach der in der Basler UJniversitatsbi- bliothek befindlichen Handschrift iibersetzt, mit einem Vorwort und Anmerkungen versehen. 56 S., 33 Fig. Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1924. I1s,

See Isis, V, 232.

Thompson, Alexander John. HENRY BRIGGS and his work on loga- rithms. The American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 32, 129-131, 1925. Isis

Waard, C. de. Les objections de PIERRE PETIT contre le Discours et les Essais de DESCARTES. Rev. de Metaph et de Morale, 32, 53-89, 1925.

Publication, precedee d'un conimentaire qui en determine l'attribu- tion a PIERRE PETIT, de papiers inedits, sans nom d'auteur et sans date, trouves par DE WAARD au cours de recherches effectuees a la Bibliotheque Nationale dans la correslpondance de MERSENNrE (manuscrit 24714 du fonds frangais, fol. 69-72 et 108-123). La plus grande partie d'e ces papiers est constituee par des critiques sur la quatrieme partie du Discours, et par des objections contre les Essais, dont la Dioptrique fournit les remarques principiales. Ces recherches de DE WAARD a la Bilbliotheque Nationale sont faites en vue de la publication, qui ne comprendra pa's moins de cinq volumes, de la correspondance de MERSENNE et de celle a lui adressee, travail dont s'6tait deja occupe PAUL TANNERY, dont les documents sont mis a la disposition de DE WAARD par me- PAUL TANNERY.

L. G.

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Wieleitner, Heinrich. Die Geburt der Modernen Mathematik. I. Ana- lytische Geometrie. 60 p. Karlsruhe in Baden, G. Braun, 1924.


Reviewed in the American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 32, 135, 1925, by DAVID EUGENE SMITH. See also Isis, VII, 593.

B. - PlIysical Sciences and Teclhnology.

[Abia al-'Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Suflani, fl at Fez ? c. 1620] Art de la reliure et de la dorure Texte arabe accompagne d'un index de termes techniques, par P. RICARD, chef du service des Arts indigenes au Maroc, 2e 6dition, 22 -- 30 p. Paris, PAUL GEUTH- NER 1925 IsIS

( L'ouvrage est dii a un maitre relieur, ABOU EL ABBAS AHMEI BEN MOHIAMMED Es-SOFIANI, qui le termina pendant le mois de Dou El Hidja de 'annee 1029 de l'Htgire (octobre 1620), dans l'espoir, dit-il, de laisser apres lui un livre utile et de faire en m5me temps ceuvre agreaible a Dieu. Nous n'avons pas le texte original, mais celui-ci a ete recopie par un anonyme en 1255 H. (1839 J.-C.). C'est ce texte que nous publions ici.

o Le document en question conti'ent vingt pages, dont l'une annulee. I1 commence par une citation de SIDI AHMED BEN AnDOUNE, Sgalement auteur d'un ourrage sur la reliure, qui invite les artisans a ne jamais employer de feuillets renfermant le nom de Dieu et de son Prophete dans la confection des plats d'un livre, si ce n'est pour le cartonnage d'un Coran.

(( Apres un pr6ambule oi il fait mention des difficultes d'apprentis- sage a l'epoque ohi il vivait, Es-SSOFIAN decrit tout au long, dans des chapitres successifs:

( 1? La confection et la preparation des plats des livres (de son temps, on ne connaissait jpas encore les cartons import6s);

O 20 Le cousage des cahiers d'un volume, le couvrage, l'estampage des coins ornementes, la confection des tranche-files et Fencartage;

a 3? La preparation de lor liquide et son emploi, meles de conside- rations sur diverses sortes de colles ))... (( En resume, nous sommes en pre- sence d'un document ancien de plus de trois cents ans. II n'y est fait aucune mention de l'or coucheC au fer. I1 est done pro:bable que cette technique Setait alors inconnue a Fez. Nous possedons des reliures exac- tement traitees suivant les methodes de E's-SoFIAWI, dont toutes les dorures sont appliquees au qalame et a l'or liquide. C'est un point inte- ressant d'etabli. I1 reste maintenant a decouvrir vers quelle e,poque la pratique de la dorure au fer s'est introduite au Maroc et d'ohi elle est venue. II semble bien que Tunis en ait ete l'initiateur, car ils sont assez nombreux les fers h coucher designes par les maallems fasis sonus le nom de tounsi. )) I est in,t,ressant de noter que P. RICARD a publi' une nouvelle edition de ce texte du debut du xvie siecle en partie dans un but pratique, pour rendre service aux jeunes relieurs qui tse forment en ce moment a Fez. G. S.

Delacre, Maurice. Le role de VAN HELMONT dans l'histoire des sciences. Rev. gen. des sciences, 35, 703-708, 1924. Isas

[Huygens, Christiaan]. (Euvres completes. Publiees par la Societe Hollandaise des Sciences. Tome 15: Observations astronomiques, systeme de Saturne, travaux astrononmiques, 1658-1666. iv + 619 p. La Haye. 1MARTINUS NIJHOFF, 1925 Isis

Les vol. 1 a 14 ont ete analyses danes Isis, V, 154-6.

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Wren Society. The first volume of the Wren Society. 1924. St. Paul's Cathedral. Original WREN drawings from the collection at All Soul's College, Oxford. 16 p., 30 pl. London, The Wren Society, 1924. isis

C. - Natural Sciences.

Andel, M. A. Van. Dutch naturalists of the 17th century and the materia medica of tropical America. Janus, 28, 219-231, 1924,

ISIS Le premier livre vraiment important (1625) consacr6 par des natu-

ralistes hollandais a la description de l'Amerique tropicale est dfi a JOANNES DE LAET (Anvers, 1593-Leyden, 1649) : (( Nieuwe Wereldt ofte Bes,chrijvinghe van West-Indian )), dont une traduction franqaise est parue en 1640 sous le titre: (( Le Nouveau Monde, ou Description des Indes occidentales )). Plus important est l'ouvrage de WILLEM Piso (Leyden, 1611-Amsterdam, 1678), surnomme le fondateur de la m6decine coloniale, et qui introduisit en Europe l'ipecacuanha, <( Historia naturalis Brasi- liae )), 1648; une deuxieme edition en parut en 1658 sous le titre: (( De Indiae utriusque re riaturali et medica. )) L. G.

Marion, Seraphin. Relations des voyageurs frangais en nouvelle France au xvnI siecle. VIII + 276 p. Paris, Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1923. Isis

Martens, Friederich. Spitzbergische oder Groenlandische Reise. Be- schreibung gethan im Jahr 1671. Hamburg, Auf. G. SCHULTZENS Kosten gedruckt, 132 p., 1675. vI I + 136 S. (Facsimile edition, 21.) Berlin. W. JUNK, 1923. Isis

Mieleitner, Karl (1890-1923). Die Anfange der Theorien fiber die Struktur der Kristalle. DOMENICO GUGLIELMINIS Philosophische Betrachtungen, abgeleitet von den Formen der Salze. Fortschritte d. Min., Krist. u. Petrogr., 8, 199-234, 1923. isis

LSteno, Nikolaus (1638-1686)]. Vorliufer einer Dissertation fiber feste K6rper, die innerhalb anderer fester Korper von Natur aus ein- geschlossen sind von NIKOLAUS STENO, Florenz 1669. Uebersetzung von KARL MIELEITNER. (Oswalds Klass. d. ex. Wiss., Nr. 209.) 68 S. Leipzig, Akad. Verlagges., 1923 Isis

Wyatt, Raymond Benedict Hervey. WILLIAM HARVEY, 1578 1657.

(The Roadmaker Series.) 214 p. London, LEONARD PARSONS, 1924. ISIS

D. -, Medical Sciences.

Bell, Walter (eorge. The great plague in London in 1665. xn+374 p.. 30 illustrations. London. JOHN LANE, 1924. isis

(( This book tells a tragedy of the poor. A few men--very few-of birth, positilon, and wealth stayed in London, sharing the suffering which was the lot of all, and there are names that gained added lustre in that year of calamity; but in its immensity and in overwhelming proportion it was ' the ipoore's Plague.

' )) ... (( I find myself unable to regard DEFOE'S ( Journal of the Plague Year )) as anything other than an histo- rical novel. The circumstances under which it was written are well known. Plague raged at Marseilles in the years 1720-21; there were grave fears that shipping from Continental ports would bring infection to England, and both the Government and the public at that time showed serious alarm. DEFOE found in the last visitation of Plague to London, which was still dimly in the memory of a few aged men, a fitting subject

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for his pen. ) ... ( I have written coldly, critically, with a sobering sense of responsibility, careful before making any statement to establish its authenticity, and without resort to artifices which DEFOE, as a fiction writer, was justified in employing. )) ... (( And yet it has seemed to me that this picture I have drawn of a city in its agony is more terrible than all that DEFOE imagined. Nothing could, indeed, exceed the unexampled horror of the plain facts. The Bills of Mortality admit a loss of 97,306 lives in the year 1665, and of these 68,596 only are accre- dited to the Plague. London's population is likely to have fallen short of a half a million at that time. I have advanced reasons for belief that these Plague figures are largely under-stated, that the Plague alone was responsible for fully 100,000 deaths-for almost all. ) The author has already written many books on London, one of them, The great fire in London in 1666 (3rd ed. 1923), may be considered a sequel to the present one. His account of the plague i~s very elaborate, carefully checked, clearly written and beautifully illustrated. G. S.

[Browne, Sir Thomas]. A catalogue of works by and about Sir THOMAS BROWNE in the Norwich Public Libraries (Norfolk Celebrities III) by GEORGE A. STEPHEN. 4 p. Norwich, The Public Libraries Committee, 1925. iSIS

Buchner, Eberhard. Aertze und Kurpfuscher. Kulturhistorisch inte- ressante Dokumente aus alten deutschen Zeitungen (17. und 18, Jahrhundert.) 330 S. Miunchen, ALB. LANGEN, 1922. ISIS

(rimbert, Charles. Un medecin mystique au xviIe siecle, JEAN HAMON, medecin et solitaire de Port-Royal. Bul. soc. fr. d'hist. med, t. 19, 86-90), 1925. Isis

Martin, R. C. 0. DESCARTES medecin. 72 p. Paris, A. LEGRAND, 1924. ISIS

Travail de secoade main, qui ne comporte, en r6alIit, qu'une cinquan- taine de pages; l'auteur ne fait qu'y resumer les notions courantes, sans avoir pris la peine dde se reporter, par exemple, au o DESCARTES consi- dere comme physiologiste et comme medecin )) de BERTRAND DE SAINT- GERMAIN (1869), au beau travail de A. G. BERTIIER pubhli par Isis (II, 37-89; III, 21-58), ni meme a 1' (( Histoire de la medeeine )) de CH. DAErEMBERG, evideniment plus ancienne, mais bien suiperieure a celle de L. MEUNIER (Isis, VII, 319), la seule dont MARTIN donne l'indication bitbliographique, et qui ne cite meme pas DESCARTES. L. G.

Newman Sir (eorge. THOMAS SYDENHAM, reformer of English medicine. (The Tercentenary of Birth of THOMAS SYDENHAM, M.D. 1624-1924). 37 p. London, the British Periodicals, 1924. iSIS

Packard, Francis R. GUY PATIN and the medical profession in Paris in the XVlIth century. With seventeen illustrations including nine full page plates. xxn+334 p. New York, PAUL B. HOEBER, 1925. isis

Contents: 1. Historical foreword; 2. PATIN'S youth and education at the University of Paris; 3. La Faculte de medecine; 4. Home life and literary interests; 5. PATIN in relation to his students and his sons; 6. Opinions of PATIN; 7. Some of PATIN'S contributions to literature; 8. PATIN experiences opposition; 9. PATIN'S later years. Bibliographic notes. Index.

Schevensteen, A. van. Les oculistes ambulants dans les provinces belges aux xvIe et xvIIIe siecles. (Recueil des memoires de l'Acad. Royale de MeAdecine de Belgique, t. 22). 73 p. Bruxelles, 1924.


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Schevensteen, A. van. Repertoire des annonces medicales parues dans les journaux politiques dans les provinces belges aux xvni et xvinIe siecles. Antwerpen, YPERMAN, 1925. IsIs

E. - Alia

[Avvakum, 1610-1681] The life of the Archpriest AVVAKUM. Translated from the seventeenth century Russian by JANE HARRISON and HOPE MIRRLEES. With a preface by Prince D. S. MIRSKY. 155 p. London, The Hogarth Press, 1924. ISIS

Bowman, Florence Louise, and Roper, Esther J. Traders in East and West. Some aspects of trade in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 93 p illustrated. (Texts for Students, 37). London, Sheldon Press, 1924. ISIS

[Orotius, Hugo] Grotius-tentoonstelling te 's-Gravenhage. 13-28 Juni 1925. Catalogus, 112 bdz. genealogische tafel, portretten. [in Dutch] Leiden, SIJTHOFF, 1925. ISIS

Catalogue of the exhibition organized in The Hague by the Dutch ( Vereeniging voor Volken.bond en Vrede )) to celebrate the third cente- nary of the publication of the De jure belli ac pacis, in Paris, 1625. It was my privilege to visit this small but very impressive exhibition, arranged in a private house, Javastr. 26. The catalogue has a more than temporary value, it contains a brief biography, a list of portraits of GROTIUS and his relatives ('a few being reproduced), of prints and manu- scripts, of all his works and of the many editions and translations of them, etc. The Jus belli ac pacts was published 47 times in Latin and 28 times in other languages (Dutch, German, English and French). One of his theological treatises, De veritate religionis christianae was trans- lated into ten languages, including Welsh. Visitors to the exhibition were given the opportunity to mail a special commemorative postcard cancelled by the postal officers in a distinctive way. G. S.

[(rotius, Hugo] HIUGO GROTIUS, 167?5-1925. Leiden, SIJTHOFF 1925. ISIS

Collection of essays on GROTIUS by prominent jurists and scholaxs of many countries, reprinted to celebrate the third centenary of the Jus belli ac pacis. G. S.

Gunn, John-Alexander. BENEDICT SPINOZA. xIII+167 p. Melbourne, University Press, 1925. ISIS

Lapauze, Henry. Histoire de l'Academie de France a Rome. 2 vol. Paris, PLON-NOURRIT, 1924. ISIS

CHARLES SAUNIER in Larousse Mensuel, t. 6, 717, 1925.

Levine, Israel. FRANCIS BACON (1561-1626) (The Roadmaker Series). 191 p. London, LEONARD PARSONS, 1925. ISIS

Martinovitch, N. M. The life of M1OHAMMAD PAOLO ZAMAN, the Persian painter of the XVIIth century. Journ. Amer. Or. Soc., vol. 45, No. II, 106-109, 1925. ISis

Sums up what is known regarding this artist. Born in Kirman, he was sent about the middle of the XVIIth century by Shah ABBAS II to Rome, where he studied painting; he embraced Christianity, receiving the name of PAOLO. Later he embraced Islam again, and made the pil- grimage to Mecca. He worked in Isfahan in the years 1675-78.

J. S.

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Ogg, David. Europe in the seventeenth century. (The History of Europe, Edited by E. LIPSON) xi+579 p. London, BLACK, 1925.

As the author claims in his preface that he has tried to give more importance to the intellectual history than is generally done, I examined his book with great curiosity. I was deeply disappointed. DAVID OGG (Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford) knows that the XVIIth cen- tury is the century of GALILEO, DESCARTES, GROTIUS, PASCAL, SPINOZA and LEINIZ, but apparently he does not know of HARVEY, HUYGENS and NEWTON whose names are not even mentioned!! He knows of the Acca- demia del Cimento and of the French Academy but not of the Royal Society or of the Academie des Sciences. It is clear that his claim to explain the intellectual history is mere humbug. G. S.

Parkes, Joan. Travel in England in the seventeenth century. 354 p., 32 pl. Oxford University Press, 1925 iss


A. - Mathematics.

Agostini, Amedeo. Notizie storiche sopra una proprieta dei numeri complessi. Bollettino dell' Unione Matematica Italiana, 3, 2 p., 1924. Isis

Apropos of the theorem: an algebraic expression containing any number of imaginary numbers can be reduced to the form a + ib, wherein a and b are real. This is often called the theorem of D'ALEM- BERT, because D'ALEMBERT enounced and proved it in 1746 (Reflexions sur la cause gen6rale des vents, Paris, 1747, pp. 141-43, or pp. 106-8 of the Latin translation). But the same theorem had been clearly enounced by NIcHoLAs BERNOULLI in a letter written to EULER in 1743 (see P. H. VON Fuss. Correspondance math6matique, t. 2, 703-4, St. Peters- burg, 1843). G. S.

Bosmans, H. (S.J.) Le geometre JEROME SACCHERI, S. J. (1667-1733). Revue des Questions scient., t. 7, 401-430, 1925. II,s

1. Biographie au cours de laquelle l'auteur publie une traduction fran- caise des deux seules lettres que l'on conn.aisse de SACCHERI, toutes deux adressees a V. VIVIANI; 2. Les ( Quaesita geometrica )), 1693; 3. La (( Neo-Statica )), 1708; 4. L' ( Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus )), 1733. Cf. Isis, II, 445; IV, 153. Etude fondamentale basee sur l'examen direct des ceuvres du R. P. SACCHEmi . L.G.

B. - Physical sciences and technologie.

Lipmann, Edmund 0. von. ACHARDS Luftballon von 1783. Chemiker- Zeitung, 49, 313, 1925. slis

Lipmann, Edmund 0. von. Zur Entdekung des Sauerstoffs. Che- miker-Zeitung, Nr 47, S. 335, 1925. IsiS

Lipmann, Edmund 0. von. Eine vergessene Abhandlung uiber einen vergessenen Fortschritt der Zuckerfabrikation. Magdeburg Z., 1925.05.23. IsI,

Apropos of a notice sent by LAVOISIER to the Societe des Arts et Metiers, on May 27, 1786, on the new process in the fabrication of sugar invented in 1785 by the colonial physician JACQUES FRANCOIS DUTRONNE DE LA COUTURE (see (Euvres de LAVOISIER, Paris, 1868, vol. 4, 478), who published later a treatise on the subject : Pr6cis sur la canne et sur les moyens d'en extraire le sel essentiel, Paris, 1790. G. S.

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Marshall, T. H. JAMES WATT, 1736-1819. (The Roadmaker Series), 192 p. London, LEON ARD PARSONS, 1925. ISIS

Rolland, Romain. Le jeu de l'amour et de la mort. 255 p. Paris, ALBIN MICHEL, 1925. ISIS

Apres plus de vingt-cinq ans, ROMAIN ROLLAND reprend son epopee dramatique consacre ,a la Revolution: le 14 juillet, DANTON, les Loups. Ce nouveau drame est signa,le ici parce que les personnages principaux, Jer6me et Sophie de Courvoisier, repr6sentent plus ou moins fidelement LAVOISIER et sa jeune femmne. Je l'ai lu dans les Pyrenees, loin de mes livres, et je n'ai pas assez plrsent a l'esprit le caractere des personnages reels pour apprecier la verite historique des portraits. Mais c'est un drame puissant qui continue dignement la grande ceuvre de ROMAIN ROL- LAND, lun des ecrivains les p,lus v.igoureux de notre temps. I1 est dedie a STEFAN ZWEIG. G. S.

[Volta, Alessandro]. Le Opere di ALESSANDRO VOLTA. Edizione Nazio- nale sotto gli auspici della R. Accademia dei Lincei e del Rt. Isti- tuto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, 2 vol. Vol. 1, xxvmi + 591 p., vol. 2, xi + 372 p. Milano, HOEPrI, 1918, 1923. ISIS

C. - Natural Sciences.

Baglioni, Silvestro. La funzione delle papille sensitive della (( corona glandis )) secondo le osservazioni di G. B. BECCARI (1682-1766). Arch. di storia d. scienza, t 6, 28-32, 1925. IsIs

L'auteur cite des extraits du 3e vol. des (( Consulti medici ), de GIACOMO BARTOLOMEO BECCARI (Bologna, 1682-1766), d'oi il resulte que ce physi- cien et anatomiste, professeur de medecine a l'Universite de Bologne, 6tait arrive, des 1780 environ, a une conception bien voisine de la notre, de la fonction de ces papilles. L. G.

Egede, Hans Poulsen (1686-1758). Die Erforschung von GrOnland. Bearbeitet von MARTIN HEYDRICH. (Alte Reisen und Abenteuer, 8.) 158 S. Leipzig, F. A. BROCKIIAUS, 1923. ISIS

[Goethe]. Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen. Mit dem Originalbild- werk Rerausgegeben von JULIUS SCHUSTER. 146 S., 1 Portrait, 16 Taf. Berlin, W. JUNK, 1924. ISIS

Haller, Albrecht von (1708-1777). Gedichte. Kritisch durchgesehene Ausgabe nebst einer Abhandlung ( HALLER als Dichter ) von HARRY MAYNC. (Die Schweiz in deutschen Geistesleben, 23, 24.) 285 p. Leipzig, H. HAESSEL, 1923. ISIS

Jackson, Benj. Daydon. Notes on a catalogue of the Linnean Herba- rium. Proceed. of the Linnean Soc. of London, 134 (1922). Sup- plement, 38 p. ISIS

Junk, Wilhelm. LINNE im Lichte neuerer Forschung. Vortrag, gehalten auf der Vers. Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Innsbruch i. J. 1924. 24 S. Berlin, W. JUNK, 1925. ISIS

[Linnaeus]. A short guide to LINNE'S Hammarby published by Svenska Linne-Sallskapet. 16 p. Uppsala, ALMQUIST and WIKSELLS, 1923.


557 S, xVIII.

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Page 34: Eighteenth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and the History of Civilization. (To November 1925)

Thwattes, Reuben (old. Early western travels, 1748-1846. Edited with historical, geographical, ethnological, and bibliographical notes 32 vols., large 8vo. Cleveland, Ohio, ARTHUR H. CLARK CO., 1904-1907 [$ 175.00]. Isis

A series of annotated reprints of some of the best and rarest contem- porary volumes of travel, descr,iptive of the aborigines and social and economic conditions in the Middle and Far West, during the period of early American settlement. Almost all of the rare originals are without indexes. In the present series, this immense mass of historical data has been made accessible through one exhaustive analytical index in two large volumes.

Wieland, 0. R. A historic fossil. Science, vol. 61, 541, 1925. 'iss

Apropos of a wedge cut from the historic cyeadeoid Raumeria Reichen- bachiana, and donated to Yale University by the custodians of the Zwinger Museum of Dresden. (( This great petrifaction was first observed near Lednice, about three miles from Wieliczki in the salt region to the southeast of Cracow, in the year 1753. It was sent to Dresden by an engineer named BORLACH in 1755, and thus has a longer museum history than any other cycadeoid. It is also the finest of all European trunks, and in fineness of structure is not surpassed by any American species. The true horizon is not yet known; but the trunk, along with the Silesian Raiumeria. Schulziana, must pertain to some horizon in the Galician Carpathians about equivalent to tlhe Como or to the Lakota of the Black Hills. )

D. - Medical Sciences.

Bilancioni, Ouglielmo. GIAMBATTISTA MORGAGNI (1682-1771). (Profili, 62.) Roma, FORMIGGINI, 1922. ISis

Cagnetto, Giov. Dal Forziere di ( Sua Maesta Anatomica s. Rev. di storia d. se. med. e natur., Siena, 15, 321-335, 1924. Isis

Lemon inaugurale du cours? d'anatomie pathologique de l'Universite de Padoue, consacree a J. B. MORGAGNI. L. G.

Comrie, John D. An eighteenth century consultant. Medical Life, vol. 32, 128-137, 1925. Isis

Apropos of W rhAm CULLEN, born at Hamilton, Scotland, in 1710; died near Kirknewton, some 9 miles from Edinburgh, in 1790. This essay contains the text of a few letters of his. G. S.

Drinker, Cecil K. Doctor SMOLLETT. Annals of medical history, t. 7, 31-47. 1925. isis

TOBIAS SMOLLETT, the Scotch novelist, 1721-71.

Ouelltot, Octave. La pince de MuSEUX. Bal. soc. fr. d'hist. med., t. 19, 30-32. 1925. is's

i NICOLAS MUSEIX 6tait un chirurgien rdmois. Ne a Traveey (Aisne), le 11 aoft 1714, il vint i Reims Studier sous la direction d'un oncle, PIEP-r MUSEUX, mattre chirurgien. Lui-meme obtint la maitrise en 1736... NICOLAS MuSEUX mourut a Reims, le 10 fevrier 1783, laissant un fils, PIEKRE, qui fut chirurgien comme son pere. ))

Oulart, J. L'euseignement medico-chirurgical a Paris en 1764, juge par un etudiant allemand. Bul. soc. fr. d'hist. mod., t. 19, 25-29, 1925

Lettre de J. J. GASSER a EDOUARD SAUDIFORT (1742-1814), Paris, 22 janvier, 1764.

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Lenormant, Charles. JACQUES RENE DUVAL. Presse Medicale, 28 janv. 1925, 123-7. ISIS

Details biographiques sur l'anatomiste et chirurgien JACQUES-RENA DUVAL (Argentan, 1758-01-12 - Paris, 1854-05-16), qui fut le medecin de D'ALEMBERT. L. G.

Miller, William. Snow. JAMES MEASE. Annals of medical history, t. 7, 6-30, 1925. ISis

JArMES MEASE (Philadelphia, 1771; ibidem, 1846), Philadelphia physi- cian. Analysis of his inaugural thesis on hydrophobia and other works.

G. S.

Molindry, Raymond (de Luchon). THnOPHILE DE BORDEU, 1722-1776. (Pioneers of Hydrology, 4) Archives of Medical Hydrology, No. 5, 175-176, May 1924. ISIS

Olivier, Eugene et Leglair, Edmond. Quelques considerations anato- miques, physiologiques et pathologiques tirees d'un manuscrit, par Louis JOSEPH DECROIS, apothicaire a Lille (ne en 1725). Bul. soc. fr. d'hist. med., t. 19, 159-165. 1925. (Avec bibliographie.)


Rolants, Edmond. Les medecins des epidemies dans la Flandre wal- lonne au xvIiIe siecle. Bull. Soc. des Sciences, de l'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 8 p., 1924. Isis

Ruhrah, John. WILLIAM CADOGAN and his essay on gout. Annals of medical history, t. 7, 64-92. 1925. Isis

WILLIAM CADOGAN (1711-1797). His dissertation on the gout appeared in London in 1771 (ten editions in two years!). It is here reprinted with brief introduction and a contemporary poem reviewing it.

G. S.

Touzet, Henri Paul. Une maitresse de J. J. ROUSSEAU, apothicaire, Madame DE WARRENS et l'art gallenique. Bull. de la soc. d'hist. de la plharnmacie, mai 1925. 41-45. Isis

Est-il historiquement vrai que M'M DE WARRENS se soit livree a l'apo- thicairerie? L'auteur en appelle a J.-J. ROUSSEAU lui-meme, qui, dans ses ( Confessions ), montre sa maitresse ( passionnee de drogues et de preparations galeniques des simples ); puis a la biographie de J.-J. 6crite par FRANCIS JAMES. Mme DE WARRENS et son amant celebre s'adon- nent a la botanique dans un jardin de Chambery, en compagnie de CLAUDE ANET, laquais, herboriste et rival inconnu de J.-J. ROUSSEAU. Mtm DE WARRENS projette de faire 6tablir h Chambery son Jardin royal des Plantes, ofu une place de demonstrateur appointe serait reservWe i son amant, doffice. On ajouterait meme un College de pharmacie. La mort de CLAUDE ANET fait echouer la combinaison, et le jardin de Cham- bery est bientot abandonne. - Bien qu'elle n'a,it pas publiquement pra- tique 'art officinal, M"(' DE WARRENS parait, aux yeux de 1'auteur, meriter le titre d'apothicaire. L. LEROUx.

Tricot-Royer, . Les lepreux d'Anvers; la derniere page de leur histoire. Bul. soc. fr. d'hist. med., t. 19, 118-124, 1925. ISIS

Trzebinski, S. Une lettre de BONAPARTE au Dr. (S. A.) TISSOT, a Lau- sanne. Bul. Soc. fr. d'hist. m6d., t. 19, 173-175, 1925. ISis

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Wallach, Emil. HERMANN BOERHAVE'S Beschreibung einer Zerreisung der Speiserohre. ((Atrocis, nee descripti prius morbi historia secundum medicae artis leges conscripta ab HERMANNO BOERHAAVE. Lugduni Batavorum 1724)). Mit Kiirzungen ins Deutsche iiber- tragen. Janus, 28, 473 488, 1924. IsIs

E. - Varia.

Adickes, Erich. KANT als Naturwissenschaftler. (Kant-Studien, Band 29, 70-97). Berlin, IROLF HEISE, 1924. IsiS

Aulard, A. Le christianisme et la Revolution fran,aise, 156 p. F. RIEDER et Cie, Paris, 1925. [7 fr.] Isis

Dans un livre portant le meme titre que celui-ei, EDGAR QUINET s'etait place surtout au point de vue philosophique et exprimait, en particulier, la necessit6 de la s6paration de l'Eglise et de 1'Etat (1845); AULARD se place, lui, au point de vue strictement historique et fait le recit de t'his- toire religieuse de la Revolution francaise: essai d'un lien plus etroit entre l'eglise gallicane et l'Etat (Constitution civile du clerge, 1790-92), suivi de la (( tentative de dechristianisation )> (Culte de la Raison, Culte de l'Etre supreme, 1793-4), qui aurait peut-8tre mis le christianisme en echec mortel, croit l'auteur, si le succes de la defense nationa.le n'avait pas fait paraitre l'ennemi interieur moins dangereux; a lFidde de la dechristianisation se substitua alors celle de la separation des Eglises et de l'Etat, regime qui devait d'urer jusqu'au fonctionnement du, Con- cordat (1802), par lequel BONAPARTE retablissa.it l'Eglise romaine dans sa situation dominante, non certes par piWet, mais par politique.

L. G.

Bonar, James. MALTHUS and his work. VII + 438 p., portrait. London, ALLEN, 1924. ISIS

This is little more than a reprint of the original edition, London, 1885. The biography proper, which forms the fifth (and last) part, pp. 399-433, has been expanded and a few notes have been added. It is interesting to note that this second edition was reprinted in Saxony by the Rodar process from a copy of the London edition. G. S.

Bowden, Witt. Industrial society in England towards the end of the eighteenth century. xii + 343 p. New York, MACMILLAN, 1925.


Bynkershoek, Cornelius van. De Dominio Maris Dissertatio A pho- tograghic reproduction of the second edition (1744) with an English translation by RALPH. VAN DEMAN MAGOFFIN and an introduction by JAMES BROWN SCOTT. (Classics of International law), 429 p. New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, J 923.


George. Mrs. M. Dorothy. London life in the eighteenth century. xi + 452 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. IIS"

(lould, Frederick James. THOMAS PAINE (1737-1809). 192 p. London, LEONARD PARSONS, 1925. ISIs

[Kant]. Kant-Studien. Band 29, Heft, 1, 2. Jubilaums-Heft zur Feier der Wiederkehr des 200. Geburstages von IMMANUEL KANT an 22. April 1924. xx + 349 S. Berlin, ROLF HEISE, 1924. Isis

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[Kant, Immanuel]. IMMANUEI, KANT, 1724-1924; Lectures delivered at Northwestern University December 4-5, 1924, on the bicentenary of KANT'S birth. 211 p. Chicago, Open Court, 1925. Isis

Beautiful edition of these discourses illustrated by means of portraits and views of KANT'S grave and hoiuse. Con tents: EDWARD L. SCHAUB : The legacy of KANT. G. T. W. PATRICK : The need and possibility of an, imperativistic ethics. MARTIN SHUTZE: The cultural environment of the philosophy of KANT. JosEPH A. LEIGHTON : KANT the seminal thinker. EDWARD SCRIBNER AMES: The religion of IMMANUEL KANT. S. G. MARTIN : KANT as a student of natural science. J. H. FARLEY : KANT'S philos'ophy of religion. E. L. IINMAN : KANT'S philosophy of law. J. F. CRAWFORD: KANT'S doctrine concerning perpetual peace. E. F. CARRITT : Sources and effects in England of KANT'S philosophy of beauty. FRANK THILLY : KANT'S Copernican revolution.

Kries, Johannes v. IMMANUEL KANT und seine Bedeutung fur die Naturforschung der Gegenwart. IV + 127 S. Berlin, JULIUS SPRINGER, 1924. Isis

Lamm, Martin. SWEDENBORG : Eine Studie fiber seine Entwicklung zum Mystiker und Geisterseher. Aus dem Schwedischen von Ilse Meyer-Liine. VIII A- 379 p. Leipzig, FELIX MEINER, 1922.


Reviewed by J. G. ROBERTSON in Litteris, Lund, vol. 1, pp. 59-61, 1924.

Leclercq, Emile. Les assignats. Papyrus, 6e annee, 254-5. Paris, 1925. ISIS

L'auteur etudie les assignats au double point de vue de leur gravure et de leur impression. Les assignats, dont la fabrication fut d'cretee en 1790 et 1791, restent les plus beaux specimens du papier-monnaie. TARDIEU, graveur de portraits, executa pour eux des compositions remar- quables; Diioz, le celebre graveur, appliqua la taille-douce a leur fabri- cation. Une fois repandus dans le public, les assignats furent presque aussit6t contrefraits. L'auteur etudie les differents modes de c'ontrefagon et les moyens imagines pour y parer. L. LERoux.

Lippmzann, Ed. 0. v. Einige Lesefriichte zur Erklairung von Stellen in GOETHE'S Werken. Die Deutsche Zuckerindustrie, 1923. isis

Mahnke, Dietrich. LEIBNIZ und GOETHE. Die Harmonie ihrer Welt- ansichten. (Weisheit und Tat. Eine Folge philosophischer Schriften.) 82 S. Erfurt, KURT STENGER, 1924. isis

Rickert. Heinrich. KANT als Philosoph der modernen Kultur ein geschiclitsphilosophischer Versuch. Tiibingen. J. C. B. MOHR, 1924. ISIS

See, Henri. La vie economique et les classes sociales en France au XVnIIe siecle, 230 p., in-8?. FfLIX ALCAN, Paris, 1924. [15 fr.l Isis

Ouvrage compose de deux parties dont le lien n'apparait nettement qu'a la reflexion, et surtout si l'on sailt que l'auteur a fait preceder cette publication de deux autres volumes : (( Les Idees politiques en France au XVIIe siecle )), 8?, 1923 (M. GARD) ; (( Les Idees politiques en France au xVILIe s.iSle )), 8?, 1920 (HACHETTE). H. SiE s'occupe d'abord de l'agriculture a la fin de l'ancien regime. On sait qu'a cette epoque, sous l'influence des agronomes anglais, des economistes franqais, et surtout des physiocrates, on commence a se preoc'cuper des questions agricoles, et que le gouvernemcnt cree un peu partout des societes d'agriculture, qu'il

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essaie d'abolir la vaine pature et le droit de parcours, encourage les defri- chemeats, s'efforce de provoquer la mise en valeur des terres incultes, et tente de favoriser le partage des biens communaux pour 6tendre la super- ficie des terres cultivees. S'appuyant en grande partie sur des docu- ments d'archives, SEE montre que ces efforts ont en grande partie echoue, et trouve la raison de cet e'hec dans l'organisation de l'economie rurale h l'epoque et dans l'antagonisme violent des nobles et bourgeois et des paysans. La seconde partie : (( Les Classes sociales en France au xviii siecle )), precise le caractere des classes sociales dans l'aneienne France, et met en lumiere l'influence des faits economiques sur les faits sociaux. Prenant ses exemples en Bretagne, ShE montre que ce sont sur- tout des raisons d'ordre 6conomique qui ont incite la bourgeoisie, et dans celle-ci les hommes de loi, a jonuer un role pr6ponderant au moment de la convocation des Etats-G6neraux, les ouvriers, avant 1789, n'ayant pas conscience de leurs int6erts de classe; on commen,ce cependant A saisir les germes de l'volution qui se fera au xIXe sieele, et plus qu'aucun autre 6conomiste, TUEGOT en a eu la vision nette. L. G.

Variot, G. L'abandon des enfants de JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU et le fonctionnement de 1'Hopital des Enfants Trouves a cette epoque. Bul. soc. fr. d'hist. metd., t. 19, 63-83, 1925. Isis

Vorlander, Karl. IMMANUEL KANT. Der Mann und das Werk. 2 vol., 530 p., 404 p. Leipzig, MEINER, 1924. ISIS

Reviewed by JEAN WAHL in Litteris, Lund, vol. 2, 30, 1925.

Wilm, Emile Carl (editor). IMMANUEL KANT, 1724-1924. Addresses delivered in Boston by GEORGE HERBERT PALMER, MARY W. CAL- KINS, E. C. WILM, W. E. HOCKING, HARLOW SHAPLEY, KUNO FRANCKE, ROSCOE POUND, and GERHART VON SCHULZE GAEVERNITZ. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1925. ISIS


A. - Mathematics.

Archibald, Raymond Clare. BENJAMIN PEIRCE, 1809-1880; biographical sketch and bibliography. Reminiscences by CHARLES W. ELIOT, A. LAWRENCE LOWELL, W. E. BYERLY, ARNOLD B. CHACE. Publis- hed for the Mathematical Association of America, Oberlin, Ohio. iv4-31 p., 4 pl Chicago. Open Court Publishing Co., 1925. isis

Separate edition with additional illustrations (portraits) of the impor- tant memoir mentioned in Isis, VII, 555. G. S.

[Lie, Sophus]. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Herausgegeben von dem Norwegischen mathematischen Verein, durch FR. ENGEL und P. HEEGAARD Fiinfter Band: Abhandlungen uber die Theorie der Transformationsgruppen. Erste Abteilung. 776 p. Kristiania, ASCHEHOUG, 1924. Isis

Picard, Emile. Melanges de mathematiques et de physique, 366p., gr. in-8o. GAUTHIER-VILLARS et Cie, Paris, 1924. Isis

Comme dans (( Discours et Melanges )) (Isis, V, 519), l'auteur a r6uni ici quelques portraits de savants: G. H. HALPHEN, KARL WEIEESTIASS, J. J. SYLVESTER, CH. HERMITE, N. H. ABEL, H. G. ZEUTHEN, MARC SEGUIN (Isis, VI, 177), ABn. BRaGUET; des etudes ayant pour objet des questions g6nerales se rapportant aux sciences physico-mathematiques

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(reflexions sur la mecanique, sur les principes de l'analyse et de la geometrie, sur les rapports de la mathematiqiue et de la physique, sur les theories actuelles de l'optique et l'oeuvre de H.. FIZEAU, sur la theorie de la relativite et ses applications a l'astronomie); des discours prononces au cinquantenaire de la Societ6 francaiise de physique (1923), a celui de la Societe mathematique de France (1924), a l'oecasion du tricentenaire de PASCAL, du centenaire de PASTEUR; et l'Introduction a l'histoire des sciences qui ouvre 1' (( Histoire des sciences en France ) de H. ANDOYEr, CHi. FABRY, etc. (Isis, VII, 514-16). L. G.

Riemann, B. Ueber die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zugrunde liegen. Neu herausgeg. u erliutert von H. WEYL. 3. Aufl. Berlin, J. SPRINGER, 1923. ISIs

Roever, W. H. WILLIAM CHAUVENET, Washing'ton University Studies, volume 12, n?. 2, January, 1925, pp. 197-117+ portrait frontispiece.


WILLIAM CHAUVENET (1820-1870) was born in Pennsylvania. He gra.- duated at Yale University in 1840 and became professor of mathematics in the United States Navy in the following year. It was largely through his efforts and plan that the Naval Academy was established and orga- nized at Annapolis, Md. He was appointed professor of mathematics at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. in 1859 and chancellor of the University in 1862. His chief publication was Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy, 2 volumes, 1863. R. C. A.

Welhe, Carl. FRANZ REULEAUX und seine Kinematik. vii+-1O p. mit 2 Portrits. Berlin, JULIUS SPRINGER, 1925. ISIS

Der Begriiuder der wissenschaftlichen Kinematik (geb. 1829-09-30, Eschweiler, Rhnld., gest. 1905-08-20, Berlin) wird hier von einem seiner ]etzten Schiller warm gefeiert. S. 1: F. R. als Forscher, Lehrer und Mensch; S. 46: Wesen und Bedeutung der Reuleauxsehen Kinematik; S. 65 : Abdruck eines einst beriiuhmten Aufsatzes (( Kultur und' Technnik )) (a. d. J., 1884) von F. R.; S. 96 : F. R. 's Werke (91 Nrn., darunter 12 Biicher). F. R. behandelte auch die Geschichte der Kinematik u. im bes. der Rechnenmaschine. H. W.

B. - Physical Sciences and Technologj,y.

Baldwin, F. 0. C. The history of the telephone in the United King- dom. With a foreword by FRANK GILL. xxvi+788 p., 75 pl. London, CHAPMAN and tIALI,. 1925. Isis

Bianchi, Umberto. La rivendicazione di una gloria italiana: ANTONIO MEuccI. 36 p. Roma, Tip. Camera dei deputati, 1922. ISIS

The Italians claim ANTONIO MEUCCI (1808-89) as the inventor of the telephone. American patent, 1871. G. S.

Chatterton. Edward Keble. Steamship models. xuI+84 p., 128 pl. London. LAURIE, 1924. ISIS

Del6pine, Marcel La theorie du carbone asymetrique. Conference faite devant la Societe chimique de France le 22 decembre 1924 a l'occasion du cinquantenaire de cette theorie. Bull. Soc chimique de France, fevrier 1925, 197-236. ISIS

Histoire de la th6orie de la constitution des combinaisons organiques dans l'espace, ouverte en 1874 par deux publications de J. H. VAN 'T HOFF,

563 S. XIX.

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dont l'une en franoais dans les Archives neerlandaises des scienoes exactes et naturelles, 9, 445, et par un memoire de J. A. LE BEL, ins*re au Bul- letin de la Societe chimique de France le 5 novembre de la meme ann6e. Bibliographie des travaux les plus importants sur la question.

L. G.

[Faraday, Michael] The centenary of the discovery of benzene. Supple- ment to Nature, June 27, 1925, p. 1001-16. ISis


[Ferraris, Galileo, 1847-96] As a tribute to the memory of GALILEO FERRARIS, the municipal authorities of Livorno Vercellese, his native place, have recently changed the name of the town to Livorno Ferraris.The event was made the occasion of a ceremony, electrical engineers from all parts of Italy being present. The house in which FERRARIS was born in 1847 has also been acquired by the local authorities and is to be converted into a museum. ('cience t 62, 324, 1925). isis

Furness, Caroline IE. MARY W. WHITNEY. Popular astronomy, vol. 30 and 31, 1922-3; Reprint 24 p., illustr. Isis

MARY WATSON WHI-ITNEY, born ,at Waltham, Massachusetts, Sept. 11, 1847, was a pupil of MARIA MITCHELL ,and succeeded her. She was thus the second professor of astronomy at Vassar College. The present bio- graphy was written by one of her ownl pupils, who has since succeeded her, the third professor of astronomy at Vassar. It is a very sympa- thetic account of MARY WHITNEY'S life and work. She died in January 1921, but a seriou-s illness had obliged her to retire from active life twelve years before. G. S.

[tarries, Carl Dietrich (1866-1923)] Zeitsch. f. angew. Chemie, Heft 9 1924. is

Whole number devoted to him. Portrait.

Hendrick, Ellwood. LEWIS MIILLER, a biographical essay. Introduc- tion by THOMAS A. EDISON. Illustrated. XII+208 p. New York, PUTNAM, 1925. Isis

Spirited biography of the American inventor and philanthropist LEWIS MILLER (1829-99). He invented' many agricultural machines and was the inspirer of the Chautauqua movement. Says EDISON (( He grew up in the ( School of Hard Knocks )), acquired la liberal education, invented some of the most useful labor saving machines which had ever been brought out up to that time, contributed, probably, more to the cause of popular education than any other teacher of his time and helped to introduce more innovations into the schools for higher education than many College Presidents. )) G. S.

[Kelvin] KELVIN centenary oration and addresses commemorative. vi+100 p. London, PERCY LUND, HUMPHRIES, 1924. Isis

King, Agnes Gardner. KELVIN the man. A biographical sketch by his niece. With an introduction by Sir DONALD MACALISTER. xv+142 p., 12 pl. London, HODDER and STOUGHTON, 1925. ISiS

Launay, Louis de. Le grand AMPERE, d'apres des documents inedits. xvI+278 p., 7 pl. hors texte, PERRIN & Cie, Paris, 1924. Isis

Louis DE LAUNAY, qui se prepare a pu,blier la correspondance inte- grale d'ANDRE-MARIE-AMPERE et le journal in6dit de son fils JEAN-

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JACQUES, a extrait des tres nombreux documents inedits dont il a pu disposer la substance d'un livre consacre au grand AMPtRE. I1 y fait revivre, avec ANDRIS AMPtRE, son pere JEAN-JACQUES AMPtRE (Lyon, 1733-01-08-1793411-23), n6gociant en soie, (( un type tres representatif de ces bourgeois honnetes et lettr6s qui favoriserent par idealisme les d6buts de la Revolution, pour en devenir bientot les sanglantes vic- times )), et son fils, ecrivain erudit et fidele amoureux de Mme RECAMIER. II s'agit veritablement ici de biographie, et non pas d'une etude sur AMPEIrE savant. (A ce dernier point de vue, on peubt voir le numero de novembre 1922 de la Revue Generale d'Electricite, publie a l'occasion du centenaire d'AMPERE (Isis, V, 519-520). DiE LAUNAY nous fait verita- blement vivre la vie si tourmentee et, au fond, si malheureuse d'AMPtRE, nous fait pene6trer dans la psychologie de ce chercheur de genie, et nous montre comment il etait sans cesse conduit d'une idee a une autre. Nous suivons AMPERE poete, professeur de eollege, mathematicien, chimiste, philosophe, physicien, de nouveau mathematicien; AMPERE perpetuelle- ment balanc6 de la foi religieuse a l'incroyance, et de l'incroyance a la foi; le savant se d6battant au milieu des difficult6s materielles de la vie, occup6e a des besognes fastidieuses d'inspection, pris plar les deboires de la vie de famille, ou se landant dans une aventure amoureuse sans issue, et faisant neanmoins sa d6couverte fondamentale de l'eleetricit6 dynamique, la seule electricite pratiquement employee, ( avec cette idee, poussee du premier coup jusqu'a sa forme mathematique parfaite, que I'electricit6 et le magnetisme sont deux manifestations d'une meme force )). Le r6cit de cette vie me fait souhaiter ardemment la publication annonc;ee de la correspondance d'AMuPERE. L. G.

McAdie, Alexander. The Kennelly-Heaviside layer. Science, vol. 61, 540, 1925. ISis

a In connection with the transmission of electric waves, we now hear much concerning a reflecting atmospheric layer some forty kilometers above the earth's surface, and quite generally known as the Heaviside layer. It is not so generally known that Professor A. E. KENELLY announced the probable existence of such a layer prior to its announce- ment by OLIVER HEAVISIDE. The latter some time in December, 1902, in vol. XXXIII, tenth edition., Encyclopedia Britannica, in an article on telegraphy, isuggested a conducting layer in the upper air. KENNELLY published his paper (( On the elevation of the electrically-conducting strata of the earth's atmosphere )) in the Electrical World and Engineer, New York, March 15, 1902.)

Mayer, Adolf. Die Grenzen der Liebigschen Agrikulturchemie. Die Naturwissenschaften 12, 905-911, 1924. Isis

Mayer, Adolf. Zur Geschichte dep Agrikulturchemie. Die Natur- wizssenschaften 12, 885-887, 1924. 1IS

Neumann, Hans. HEINRICH WILHEM DOVE (1803-79). Eine Natur- forscher-Biographie. Nach den Archivalien der Familie DOVE und anderen Quellen. v+88 S., 6 Bildn. Liegnitz, KRUMBHAAR, 1925. ISis

Neumann, Hans. Liegnitzer Naturforscher. II. Forscher des 19. Jahrhunderts. HEINRICH WILHELM DOVE, Mitteilungen d. Gesch. u. Altertums-Vereins zu Liegnitz, 145-217, 1922-1923. ISis

Ostwald, Wilhem. MICHAEL FARADAY (1791-1867). Eine psychogra- phische Studie. 1 Portrat. 62 S. Zurich, RASCOHER, 1924. IsIS

S. XIX. 565

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Royal Meteorological Society. Nature, vol. 115. 657-58, 1925. ists

a The Royal Meteorological Society was founded under the name of ( The British Meteorological Society )) on April 3, 1850, and the occasion of its seventy-fifth anniversary was celebrated in London on April 21 and 22. The following brief account of the history of the Society and *of its predecessors may therefore ,be of interest. )

Smith, Edgar C. The centenary of the railway. Nature, vol. 116, 19-20, 1925. isis

Smith, Edgar F. JOHN GRISCOM, 1774-1852, chemist, 27 p. Philadel- phia, The author, 1925. Isis

JOHN GRISCOMi was born at Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey, Sept. 27, 1774. ( For thirty years in New York city he was the acknowledged head of all other teachers of chemistry. >) He did not engage in research but trained hundreds of investigators. He died at Burlington, February 27, 1852. G. S.

Thorpe, Jocelyn F. The discovery of benzene. Nature, vol. 115, 915- 917, 1925. Isis

Travers, Morris W. The discovery of argon. Nature, vol. 115, 121- 122, 1925. Isis

Werner, Alfred. Beitrag zur Konstitution anorganischer Verbin- dungen. (OSTWALDS Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften, 212.) 96 S. Leipzig, Akadem. Verlagsgesellschaft, 1924. ,is

Wood, Alex. JOULE and the study of energy. (Classics of scientific method, 3.) vmii + 88 p. London, BELL, 1925. Isis

Previous books of the same collection have been reviewed in Isis, V, 194-6; VII, 599. The present volume is divided into two equal parts, an introduction and the account of JOULE'S life and work. The intro- duction is insufficient. One would have expected a better account of ROBERT MAYER'S work, and dif the author spoke of SADI CIARNOT at all, he ought to have said something of CARNOT'S remarkable anticipation of the first law. This volume ,is less satisfactory than the others, yet it will be useful. G. S.

C. - Natural Sciences.

Berlepsch, Hans Freiherr von. Mein ornithologischer Lebenslauf. Sonderabdruck aus : Der gesamte Vogelschutz, seine Begriindung und Ausfiihrung auf wissenschaftlicher natiirlicher Grundlage. 10. Aufl. 19-75 S. Neudamn. J. NEUMANN, 1924. ISIs

[Buch, Leopold von]. LEOPOLD VON BUCH'S Briefe an D. L. G. KARSTEN. Zu seinem 150. Geburstage hrg. von JULIUS SCHUSTER und ROBERT BLOCH. 32 S. Berlin, W. JUNK, 1924. Isis

Coulon, Marcel. Lettre ouverte a FRANOIS PICARD, maitre de confe- rences a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris. Mercure de France, ler aout 1925, 814-20. Isis

Lettre violente en defense de J. H. FABRE, dont l'euvre a etk attaquee par ETIENNE RABAUD dans sa notice consacr6e a CH. FERTON (1856-1921), publiee dans les Annales de la Societe entomologique de France en 1921. Cette notice a ete r6imprim6e, en guise d'introduction aux oeuvres de FERTON, editees par RABAUD et PICARD. Reponse d'ETENrNE RABAUD dans le Mercure de France du 15 aofit, pp. 256-7. Voir aussi Isis, V, 240; VII, 236; VIII, 191. G. S.

566 S. XIX.

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Faure, Jean Louis. CLAUDE BERNARD, 213 p., 1 portrait hors texte. Paris, G. CnRS, 1925. [7.50 fr.] sis

Cet excellent petit livre donne un apergu tre s complet du grand genie que fut CLAUDE BERNARD. FAURE nous le presente tour A tour comme savant, comme ecrivain, conmme philosophe, et comme homme. L'auteur, un chirurgien distingue, possede un tres bon style. I1 a bien compris la grande portee de la philosophie de BERNARD, et declare me me que si l'illustre physiologiiste avait vvcu aujourd'hui, il aurait rejete touut brin de vitalisme qui lui restait encore. En effet, CLAUDE BERNARD, quoiqu'il ffit le grand ap6tre du m6canisme en physiologie, ne pouvait complete- ment se s6parer de son milieu. 1 parlait de force vitale, tout en disant que l'on pouvait paraphraser le mot de LEIBNIZ : ( Chaque chose s'ex- - cute dans le corps vivant comme s'il n'y avait pas de force vitale. )

Le d6faut le plus grand de ce livre est de proclamer que CLAUDE BEE- NARD n'a eu de superieur que PASTEUR. En dehors du fait que les compa- raisons de ee genre sont toujours mauvaises, il est certain qu'au point de vue philosophique, PASTEUR a ete tout a fait inferieur a BERNARD. FAURE cite la discussion sur les ferments, que PASTEUR croyait toujours lies a un organisme vivant. BERNARD fut empech par la mort de finir ses exp6riences sur ce sujet, mais tout porte a croire qu'il s'orientait vers la verite, d6montree plus tard par BCHINER, que les ferments, meme s6pares d'un corps vivant, agissent toujours. Et si PASTEUR a libere la chair de l'homme de la maladie, CLAUDE BERNARD est de ceux qui ont affranchi son intelligence du joug, aussi lourd, de la superstition.

Nous regrettons aussi un peu que FAURE n'ait pu associer a.u nom de BERNARD les noms de ces physiologistes etrangers qui, s'inspirant direete- ment de l'oeuvre du maitre de la physiologie moderne, ont continue le travail si bien commence par lui. A vrai dire, ce livre donine l'impression que la physiologie, et meme la biologie tout entibre, sont des soiences uniquement frangaises. L'auteur cite PAUL BERT et S. LEDUC, mais non pas WILLIAM BAYLISS et JACQUES LOEB. RAOUL M. MAY.

Flad, Johann Martin. 60. Jahre in der Mission unter den Falaschas in Abessinien. Selbstbiographie mit Einleitung und Schlusswort von seinem Sohn Pastor FRIEDRICH FLAD. 442 S., mit 5 Bildern, 1 Karte. Giessen, Brunnen-Verlag, 1922. 1318

U(oebel, Karl von. WILHELM HOFMEISTER. Arbeit und Leben eines Botanikers des 19. Jahrhunderts. Mit biographischer Erganzung von Frau Professor GANZENMiLLER geb. HOFMEISTER. (Grosse Manner, 8.) 177 S. Leipzig, Akadem. Verlagsgesellschaft, 1924.


Holmes, S. J. Louis PASTEUR. VI + 246 p., 4 pl. New York, HARCOURT, BRACE, 1924. Isis

Hulbert, Archer Butler. The American transcontinental trails. Vol. 1. The Platte River Routes. (The Crown Collection of American Maps, series 4.) Autographic edition, 63 leaves. Colorado Springs, 1925. ,sis

The whole series will contain 250 blue prints of the main American transcontinental trails in 5 volumes: 1. Platte River routes; 2. North and South Platte routes; 3. Oregon trail in Idaho and Oregon; 4. Cali- fornia trail: Forth Hall to PIacerville; 5. Santa Fe trail. This publi- cation will be of great use to the students of the westward expansion across the United' States and it will stimulate local societies to make deeper studies of local details. Each map is briefly explained and there is a general introduction. The author is professor of history at Colo- rado College. G. S.

567 S. XIX.

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568 S. XIX.

[Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895]. Supplement to Nature, No. 2897, London, May 9, 1925, entirely devoted to HUXLEY to celebrate the centenary of his birth. P. 697 to 752, many portraits. IsIS


Keyes, Charles. Early geological explorations of JOSEPH NICHOLAS NICOLLET in the Mississippi Valley. Pan-American Geologist, vol. 43, June 1925, pp. 321-332, 1 pl. Isis

NICOLLET (1790-1843) was a pioneer in the geological exploration of the upper Mississippi Valley. J. K. W.

Keyes, Charles. WILLIAM MACLURE : Father of Modern geology. Pain- American Geologist, vol. 44, September 1925, pp. 81-94, 1 portrait.

KEYES claims, somewhat extravagantly, that MACLURE (1763-1840) deserves the title (( Father of Modern Geology )) in virtue of his geolo- gical map of the United States published in 1809, the e( first attempt in this country to chart the rocks as ' Geological Formations ' in the modern adaptation of that term )). J. . W.

Kingsley. J. S. Louis AGASSIZ and , Darwinism ,. Science, vol. 61, 234-235, 1925. lais

Lacroix, Alfred. ALPHONSE MILNE EDWARDS. Revue scientif., Paris, 10 janv. 1925, 1-17 IisI

Apres une tres interessante introduction sur la vie de famille au Jardin des Plantes au debut d'u xIXe siecle, LACROIX trace un portrait tres attachant du grand zoologue que fut ALPH. MILNE EDWARDS (Paris, 1835-10-13-1900-04-21), et expose son oeuvre de savant et d'adminis- trateur du Mus6um. L. G.

Lapicque, Louis. Un chapitre d'histoire de la physiologie: la concep- tion de duree dans l'excitation au xix8 sieele. Journal de psychol. normale et pathol , 22, 97-127, 1925. Isis

Rappel des travaux de E. Du Bois RAYMOND (18488) E. F. W. PFLiUGER (1859), A. VON BEZOLD (1861), AD. FICK (1863), E. BRiUCKE (1867), TH. W. ENGELMANN (1870), J. KONIG (1870). L. G.

Leboucq, Henri. CHARLES VAN BAMBEKE, 17 pages, portrait Gand, AD. HOSTE, 1921. Isis

Lee, Ida (Mrs. Bruce Charles Marriott). Early explorers in Australia: from the log-books and journals, including the diary of ALLAN CUNNINGHAM, botanist, from March 1, 1817, to November 19, 1818. 663 p. London, METHUEN, 1925. Isis

Margerle, Emmanuel de. Commentaire sur l'Atlas of Colorado (1877). Bulletin de la Section de Geographie, 1924, 89 p., illustr. Paris, 1925. Isis

Analyse de l'admirable atlas du Colorado par F. V. HAYDEN (1829-87) com,pris dans le ( Survey of the Territories )) publie par ordre du gouver- nement americain en 1877. Cette analyse minutieuse est accompagn6e de

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nombreuses illustrations. L'exemplaire que l'auteur a bien voulu m'ien- voyer porte la mention: (( Ceci n'est qu'un acte de justice; l'apologie d'un chef-d'ceuvre oublie. ) I1 est intAressant de noter que les lacunes de cet atlas, par exemple celles relatives au sud-est de l'Utah, entre la frontiere du Colorado et le fleuve Colorado, ont g peine ete comblees; les surfaces laissees en blanc sur les cartes les plus recentes ne se mon- trent guere moins etendues, aujourd'hui encore, qu'elles ne Vi'taient en 1877! - L'auteur a ajoute a cette analyse une reduction d'.un dessin inedit execute par HF NRI DELACHAUX vers 1886, d'apres l'Atlas du Colo- rado: c'est une excellente image du relief du Colorado. Cet HENRI DELA- CIIAUX (Neuchatel, 1864-1908), devenu citoyen argentin en 1888, est sur- tout connu par une grande carte murale de la Republique Argentine publiee en 1906. - Pour continuer jusqu'a nos jours l'histoire de la cartographie du Colorado, l'auteur nous don,ne aussi (pp. 75-7) une description des excellents (( Guidebooks of the Western United States )), oeuvre de vulgarisation scientifique en 5 fascicules (1915-22), dont 3 inte- ressent en partie le Colorado. II est tres regrettable toutefois que ces ouvrages ne soient pas mieux connus du public amiricain. Les ecoles du Colorado devraient les faire connaitre a leurs elMves et les fascicules devraient atre mis en vente dans les gares. G. S.

Maynial, Edouard. La vie de JEAN HENRI FABRE, l'Homere des insectes, 1823-1915. Avec deux portraits. (Nobles vies, grandes oeuvres. 4.) Paris, PLON-NOURRIT, 1925. IsIs

Plutot un panegyrique qu'une biographie. G. S.

Merriam, John C. An outline of progress in paleeontological research on the Pacific Coast. University of California Publications, Bull. of the Dept. of Geol., vol. 12, 237-266, 1921. rsls

Morris, M. C. F. BENJAMIN FAWCETT, colour printer and engraver XI + 140 p. London, MILFORD, 1925. rsls

Died 1893. Illustrated the History of British Birds (1851-7) and other works of FRANCIS ORPEN MORRIS (1810-93). G. S.

Nansen, Fridtjof. Sporting days in wild Norway. Illustrated by the author. London, THORNTON BUTTERWORTH, 1925. IslS

Ostenfeld, C. Hansen. Botanisk have gennem 50 aar, 1874-1924. 101 p. Kobenhavn, G. E. C. Gads Forlag, 1924. rsls

Reviewed in Nature, vol. 115, 210, 1925.

Perrier, Edmond (1844-1921). LAMARCK. 128 p. (Collection Les Grands Hommes de France.) Paris, PAYOT, 1925. IsIs

Dernier livre ecrit par EDMOND PEtRIEFR, au Musenum, dans la maison meme qu'habita LAMARCK. La biograiphie de LAMARCK est condensee en 13 pages, que suit un expose systematique, mais tres 6elmentaire, de' travaux du savant que TH. H. HUXLEY qu,alifiait de geant, et des prir cipes de sa philosophie zoologique. L. G.

Picard, Franqois. J. H. FABRE et son defenseur. Mercure de France, ler sept. 1925, 556-60 IsIs

Suite de la polemique avec COULON. Attaque violente contre l'ceuvre de FABRE. G. S.

Rabaud, Etienne. La biologie des insectes. avant, pendant, apres J. H. FABRE. J. de psychol., XIV, 705-729, 1924.

(Voir ci-apres.) Isls

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Rabaud Etienne. J. H. FABRE et la scienee. 144 p. in-16, 4 portr., ET. CHIRON, Paris, 1924. isis

Ce volume, forme d'articles du Journal de psychologie (vide supra) et des Annales de la Societe royale de zoologie de Belgique (LIII, 1923), est dirig6 non pas tant peut-etre contre FABRE lui-meme que contre I'impor- tance tres exageree attribuee a son ceuvre ecrite par les vulgarisateurs et par les manuels scolaires, bien que l'auteur ne parle ni des uns ni des aUtres. RABAUD part d'une analyse de 1'ceuvre des REAUMUR, CH. DE GEEn, LEPELLETIER DE SAINT-FARGEAU, V. AUDOUIN, L. DUFOUR, NEWPORT, et montre que l'observation des meurs des insectes etait bien &tablie, sur une methode sure, avant l'ceuvre de FABBx, qui renferme d'ailleurs peu de f,aits lui appartenant en propre, mais contient un certain nombre d'affirmations sans p,reuve, et des observations superficielles accomipa- gnees d'exp6riences insuffisantes. C'est surtout en dehors de FABRE, avee ED. PEEIIS, G. W. PECKHA{M et E. G. PECKHAM, Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, AUG. FOREL, E. PIOARD, V. CORNETZ, CtH. FERTON, entre autres (Isis, VII, 143, 236; VIII, 191), que s'est 6difiee une connaissance positive de la vie des insectes. La dernie're moitie d,u volume est un expose sommaire de la question de l'instinct a la lumiere des faits actuellement connus et con- trol1s. L. G.

Reischek, Andreas (1845-1902). Sterbende Welt. Zwolf Jahre For- scherleben auf Neuseeland. Hg. von seinem Sohn. Mit 94 bunten und einfarb. Abb. und 2 Karten. 334 S. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1994.


Roccati, Alessandro. In ricordo di ANGELO SISMONDA (1807-1878). Rae- colta di lettere a lui dirette da GIACINTO DI COLLEGNO, PAOLI SAVI, CHARLES LYELL, BERNHARD STUDER, L1ONCE ELIE DE BEAUMONT e J. FOURNET. 117 p., 1 ritr. Torino, BOCCA, 1922. Isis

Smith, Erwin F. Les maladies bacteriennes des plantes. Rev. ge'n. des sciences, 36, 134-139, 1925. isis

( L'histoire de ce sujet commience en 1877, avec les deeouvertes du Prof. THOMAS J. BURRILL, a Urbana, aux Etats-Unis. M. BuRBur.L etait un habile micrographe et mycologue, chef du departement de botanique de l'Universibte e 'Illinois, et plus tard, a plusieurs reprises, president int6rimaire de l'Universite. II est mort en 1916, age de 77 ans. )x

Stenta, Mario. HEINRICH KOCH (1815-1881). Vierteljahrschr. d. Naturforsch. Ges. in Zurich, 69, 313-317, 1924. isis

H. KocH (Zurich, 1815-12-14-Paris, 1881-06-30), commergant pas- sionn6, pour l'hiistoire naturelle, est le fondateur du ( Museo Oiivico di Storia. Naturale >) de Trieste (1852). Portrait. L. G.

Suess, Eduard. Erinnerungen. xx+451 S., 2 Bildn., 4 Text-abb. Leipzig, S. HIRZEL, 1916. isis

Ungerer, Emil. LAMARCK-DARWIN. Die Entwicklung des Lebens. 118 S. Stuttgart, FROMMANN, 1923. Isis

Wissmann, Herrmann von. Durchquerung Afrikas. 1. Teil: Unter deutscher Flagge quer durch Afrika von West nach Ost. 252 S. Mit einem Portrat WVISSMANNS, 19 Vollbildern, zahlreichen Text- bildern u. einer Karte. Berlin, Globusverlag, 1923. Isis

Zaunick, Rudolph. Briefe LEOPOLD VON BucHS. Der Geologe, Nr. 34, 669-674. Leipzig, 1924. Isis

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D. - Medical sciences.

[Bologna]. Primo centenario de la Societa Medica Chirurgica di Bolo- gna (1823-1923) a Cura della Societa. 995 p., 8 pl., 1923. msi

Castaldi, Luigi. Due anatomisti pistoiesi : FILIPPO CIVININI, fondatore del Museo anatomico pisano, e ATTO TIGRI, scopritore del tessuto reticolare e del bacillo del tifo. Rio. di storia d. sc. med. e natur., Siena, 15, 326-339, 1924. Islt

Bio-bibliographie relative a CIVINII, FILIPPO ANTONIO ROMOLO (Pis- toia, 1805-09-24-Pisa, 1884-05.11) et a TIGRI, ATTO FERDINANDO ROMOLO (Pistoia, 1813-05-22-Siena, 1875-07-02). L. G.

Cheyne, Sir Wm. Watson. LISTER and his achievement: being the First Lister Memorial Lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on May 14, 1925. Iv+136 p. London, LONG- MANS, GREEN, 1925. isBI

Cyriax, Edgar F. On some points as regards priority in mechano- therapeutics. Janus, 25, 230-237, 1921; 29, 1-6, 1925. T8,s

L'auteur montre qu'un certain nombre de decouvertes ou d'applications pretendues r6centes de la mecanotherapie ne sont que des reprises de tra- vaux oublies de P. IH. LING et de son 6cole. L. G.

Dukes, Cuthbert. LORD LISTER, 1827-1912. (The Roadmaker Series.) 186 p. London, LEONARD PARSONS, 1924. IsS

Ebstein, Erich. A pioneer in Paraguay. The Swiss physician JOHANN RUDOLF RENGGER. Medical Life, 32, 312-316, 1925. IsIs

Born in Baden (Canton Aargau, Switzerland) in Jan. 1795; died on Oct. 9, 1832.

Ebstein, Erich. Zum 100. Geburtstag von THEODOR BILHARZ. S. A. aus der Miinchener medizinischen Wochenschrift, Nr. 12, 480-81, 1925. Isis

[Florence] I. Centenario dell' Accademia Medico-Fisica Florentina (1824-1924). Lo Sperimentale. Anno 78, 179-406, 1924. 1sIs

[Oraefe, Albrecht von. 1828-70] Augenkrankheiten und ihre Behand- lung. Vorlesungen gehalten an der Universitat zu Berlin im Win- tersemester, 1859-1860. Herhausgegeben von JULIUS HIRSCHBERG. 159 p., 23 fig. Leipzig, GEORG THIEME, 1925. Isis

Lectures delivered by ALBRECHT VON GRAEFE -in 1859-60 to the medical students of the University of Berlin. Every document i,s valuable which enables us better to understand -the thou,ght of one who was at once the greatest ophthalmologist o,f his time and a man of singular nobility. These lectures were edited by another famous ophthalmologist, JULIUS HIRSCHBERG (1843-1925), in the eighty second year of his age. Says HIRSCHBERG in his preface (( ALBREOHT VON GRAEFE'S wissenschaftliches Lebenswerk mochte ich vergleichen mit dem dichterischen von G(ETHE: es ist auch eine grosse Konfession. ALBRECHT VON GRAEFE, bei aller seiner liebenswiirdigen Bescheidenheit, fiihlte sich befahigt und berufen, die Augenheilkunde zu reformiren; aber er empfand' diese Aufgabe als eine heilige Pflicht. So wollte u.-nd musste er der wissenschaftlichen Welt Rechenschaft ablegen von jedem Fortschritt, den er gemacht, von jeder Verbesserung, die ihm gelungen, und die der ganzen Menschheit zu Gute kommen sollte: das Heilen war ihm das H8chste, AsKLEPIOS war him der


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Retter. )) HIRSCHBERG died on February 17, 1925; he will be ever remembered by his monumental history of ophthalmology (eleven volumes!) one of the most elaborate histories of a special subject which has ever been composed. G. S.

Howell, HI. A. L. The British medical arrangements during the Waterloo Campaign. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medi- cine. Section of the History of Medicine, 17, 39-50. London, 1924.

Lutaud, A. Les medecins dans BALZAC, Bianchon-Bouillaud. Bul. soc. fr. d'hist. med., t 19, 145-158, 1925. Isis

Le Dr Bianchon de Balzac represente le celebre professeur JEAN-BAP- TISTE BOUILLAUD (1796-1881). G. S.

Meige, Henri. Les effigies de CHARCOT. Aesculape, mai 1925,122-128. Article illustre de dix reproductions d'eaux-fortes, medailles, bustes,

statue, de JEAN-MARTIN CHARCOT (1825-1893). L. G.

Mon6ry, Andre. Le transport des blesses de la Revolution a nos jours. Aesculape, 15, 7-10, 1925. 1sIs

L'auteur ne parle que du transport des blesses dans les armees fran- gaises, et il note qu'en 1914, on avait encore, a bien peu de chose pres, les types de voitures imagin6es par LAREY pour la caMp!agne du Rh,in en 1792. Ceux qui ont dui en user pendant la premiere ann,ee de guerre ne connaissaient pas la valeur historique de ces guimbardes, mais ils maudissaient l'administration qui n'avait rien trouve de plus confor- table. L. G.

Putnam, Ruth. Life and letters of MARY PUTNAM JACOBI. Foreword by GEORGE HAVEN PUTNAM. xvIU+381 p., London, PUTNAM, 1925.


Dr. MARY PUTNAM was the wife of one of the greatest New York physi- cians, ABRAHAM JACOBI. Her biography is another important contribu- tion to the study of the difficulties which women had to encounter n,ot so long ago to obtain a medical education and a medical degree. (See my review of A woman's quest, Isis, VII, 144). MARY PUTNAM studied medi- cine in Paris and remained there throughout the siege of 1870. G. S.

Senn, E. THEODOR BILHARZ zum l00jiihrigen Geburtstag. Arch. tur Schiffs- und Troppen-Hygiene, 29, 190-192, 1925. IsIB

Thibierge, Georges. Une belle oeuvre nosologique, l'oeuvre syphilo- graphique de JOSEPH ROLLET, chirurgien major de l'Hospice de 1'Antiquaille a Lyon. Presse medicale, n~ 97, 2035-2039, 1924. 18si

Thibierge, Georges. L'avenement des doctrines syphilographiques modernes, l'oeuvre de JOSEPH ROLLET, chirurgien major de l'Antiquaille a Lyon de 1855 a 1864, sa vie, 1824-1894. 72 p. Paris, MASSON, 1924. ISIS

Thibierge, Georges. Notes sur les successeurs de BAZIN a 1'H6pital Saint-Louis. (CHARLES LAILLER, EMILE VIDAL, ERNEST BESNIER). Bul. soc. /ranc. d'hist. med. t. 19, 129-144, 3 portraits, 1925. Isis

Trois dermatologistes.

Variot, U. Quelques souvenirs anecdotiques sur CHARLES ROBIN, (m. 1885) le premier professeur d'histologie de la Faculte de mede- cine de Paris. Bul. soc. fr. d'hist. med., t. 19, 8-15, 1925. Isis

572 S. XIX.

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E. -A lia.

Cajori, Florian. Number of United States scientists when the Sigma Xi Society was founded. Science, vol. 61, 117-118. 1925.


The number of distinguished scientists per million of population, about 1870, was approximately: 82 1/2 in Switzerland, 57 3/4 in Hol- land, 47 in Germany, 46 1/3 in Sweden, 20 in England, 19 1/2 in France, 15 3/4 in Austria-Hungary, 11 1/2 in the United States, 10 1/2 in Italy, 4 1/3 in Russia. Interesting enquiry, but what about Belgium? I am afraid the author mixed Belgium and Holland? - The Sigma Xi Society was founded in 1886. G. S.

Cole, George Douglas Howard. ROBERT OWEN. (Curiosities in politics.) Boston, LITTLE BROWN, 1925. ISIS

Deherain, Henri. HENRI CORDIER (Nouvelle-Orleans, 1849-Paris, 1925), Journal des Savants, 23, 80-83, 1925. ISIS

Goodman, Paul. MosES MONTEFIORE. 255 p. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1925. ISIS

Joad, Cyrill Edwin Metchinson. SAMUEL BUTLER (1835-1902). (Road- maker Series). London, LEONARD PARSONS, 1924. ISIS

Lenoir, Raymond. MAINE DE BIRAN. Revue philosophique, 1924. no 11- 12, p. 358-404. ISIS

Ce travail est compos6 de trois parties; la premiere decrit l'volution intellectuelle de MAINE DE BIRAN et constitue en quelque sorte la biogra- phie de sa pensee; la deuxiime est un excellent resume de sa doctrine; la troisiime etudie l'influence de ce philosophe sur la pensee contem- poraine. H. M.

London, Royal Society. Catalogue of scientific papers. Fourth series (1884-1900). Vol. 19, T-Z. vI+877 p. Cambridge, University Press, 1925. ISIS

[Maine de Biran]. Le Bulletin de la Societe de phi losophie, t. 24, 1924 lui consacre plusieurs etudes : P. TISSERAND. La fecondite des idees philosophiques de MAINE DE BIRAN (pp. 20-49); H. DELACROIX, MAINE DE BIRAN et l'ecole medico-psychologique, (pp. 51-63). (Indication d'une influence probable de MAINE DE BIRAN sur la psychologie pathologique de J. G. F. BAILLARGER et de J. J. Mo- REAU de Tours); CHAN. MAYJONADE. L'evolution religieuse de MAINE DE BIRAN, (pp. 65-81). L. G.

Martin. Robert. ALFRED BINET. 126 p. Paris. Les Presses Universi- taires, 1924. ISIS

Etude de l'enuvre de BINET (1857-1911) : methode, psychologie, philo- sophie, pe'dagogie. On n'y trouve aucun renseignement biographique.

L. G.

[Mill, John Stuart 1806-1873]. Autobiography of JOHN STUART MILL. Published for the first time without alterations or omissions from the original manuscript in the possession of Columbia University. With a preface by JOHN JACOB Coss. vII+221 p. New York, Columbia University Press, 1924. ISIS


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Plrou, Oaftan. Les doctrines economiques en France depuis 1870. 214 p. (Collection ARMAND COLIN, Paris, COLIN, 1925. isis

Cet ouvrage est a rapprocher de ceux de H. BOURGCIN et de G. WEILL, dont il a deja ete rendu compte ici (Isis, VI, 453-4; VIII, infra). L'au- teur y partage les doctrines economiques sous trois chefs : doctrines socialistes (94 p.), doctrines individualistes (61 p.) et doctrines inter- meaiaires : radicalisme social, catholicisme social, nationalisme econo- mique (36 p.), et donne de ehacune d'elles un expose historique precis, parfois un peu trop ecourte: 5 pages seulement pour la doctrine commu- niste, alors qu'il en attribue a peu pres autant a l'histoire du parti socialiste pendant et depuis la guerre. L. G.

Quebec, The Literary and Historical Society. The centenary volume, 4824-1924. 196+109 p. Quebec, the Society, 1924. Isis

[Verne, Jules, 1828-1905]. I?. Centenario de JULIO VERNE. la. Soleni- dade Sessao comemorativa do 60? aniversario da publicagao do livro (( Cinco semanas em balao )). Boletim da Sociedade de Geogra- fila de Lisboa, Ser. 42a, 1924. Nos. 1-6, pp. 7-55. Isis

JULES VERNE was broadly interested in many phases of science and his romances undoubtedly have stimulated scientific yearnings among their numerous youthful readers and may thereby have exerted a genuine, if imponderable, influence on the scientific development of modern Europe. The present series contains the following special studies : S. RAMON DA COSTA, JULIO VERNE e a Ooeanografia, p,p. 7-22; ERNESTO DE VASCONCELOS, JULIO VERNE ge6grafo, pp. 23-29; GAGO COUTINHO, JULIO VERNE e a naveganao a6rea, pp. 29-35; ANTONIO CABREIRA, JULIO VERNE educador e pedag6go, pp. 35-46; CHARLES LEPIERPRE, JULES VERNE, auteur d'une ceuvre de paix, pp. 47-55. J. K. W.

Weil, Georges. Histoire du mouvement social en France (1852-1924). 3e 6d. revue et augmentee. viii + 512 p. in-8?. Paris, F. ALCAN, 1924.

[25 fr.] Is's

L'auteur entend par mouvement social l'ensembl,e des efforts tentes pour l'am6lioration de la condition 6conomique de la classe ouvriere, soit par le patronage, soit par les groupements ouvriers : cooperatives, syn- dicats, soit par 'Etat. I1 est done amnene a envisager les rapports entre le gouvernement et la. classe ouvriere. Si bien qu'en definitive, et par la force des choses, cette histoire du mouvement social est avant tout une histoire politique, ou l'on etudie comment les questions ouvrieres ont ete posees ou r6solues par les divers gouvernements et les divers partis, depuis le coup d'Etat du 2 decembre. Le parti socialiste joue na.urellement dans cette histoire un r81e de premier plan., puisque c'est lui qui s'est occupe sp6eialement de grouper coopierativement les travail- leurs manuels et de faire aboutir leurs revendieations; mais on se trom- perait en cherchant dans ce livre une histoire du parti socialiste. La premiere 6dition avait paru en 1902; la deuxieme allait jusqu'en 1910; celle-ci, comprenant la p6riode de guerre et d'apres-guerre, expose les derniers conflits qui ont abouti a la scission des socialistes et des commu- nistes, A la separation des syndicalistes en deux groupements host,iles. Une bonne bibliographie ,et un index completent ce livre, qui laisse mal- heureusement de c6tk un chapitre important, me semble-t-il, du mouve- ment social: le mouvement pacifiste. L. G.


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S. XX.

S. XX.

A. - Mathematics.

Frdchet, Maurice. L'analyse generale et les ensembles abstraits. Rev. de Metaph. el de Morale, 32, 1-30, 1925. Isls

Expos6 du developpement pris, pendant ces quinze dernieres annees, par l'analyse fonctionnelle, pour devenir ce que E. H. MooRE appelle l'analyse g6enerale, et a laquelle l'auteur a apport6 une tres importante contribution. L. G.

B. Physical sciences and Technology.

McLaren, Samuel Bruce. Scientific papers. Mainly on electrodyna- mics and natural radiation, including the substance of an Adams Prize Essay in the University of Cambridge. vmi + 112 p., portr. Cambridge University Press, 1925. ISIS

( The present volume, which has been prepared for publication by Professor H. R. HASSt, Professor T. H. HAVELOCK, Dr. J. W. NICHOLSON and Sir JOSEPH LARMOR, serves as a tribute to the memory and a memo- rial of the scientific activity of S. B. MoLAREN, who died of wounds in 1916. It contains an adequate account of the ADAMS prize work, so far as it has not been superseded by the abundant activ,ities of other investigators in the ten years that have since elapsed; and it is com- pleted by reprints of scientific papers, or by systematic accounts of their contents where reproduction was deemed unnecessary. The volume also includes a ,personal appreciation by Professor HUGH WALKER and an obituary notice by Dr. J. W. NICHOLSON. ))

Poincar6, Lucien (1862-1920). La physique moderne, son evolution. Edit. refondue et augment6e de trois chapitres, par MAURICE DE BROGLIE, 292 p. Biblioth. de philosophie scientifique, E. FLAMMARION, Paris, 1925. [8 fr.] IBIS

LUCIEN POINCARE, cousin du mathematicien, avait tente dans ce petit livre une mise au point des chapitres les plus importants de la physique. Son livre est connu, puisque l'6dition (1906) en est completement epuisee. On en a supprime ici une vingtaine de pages sur les proprietes des solides et des liquides, quelques autres sur l'ether et la gravitation, sur les corps radioactifs et sur la constitution de la matiere, pages qu'il etait difficile de maintenir dans un ouvrage que l'auteur avait concu comme un expos6 des ( r6sultats generaux auxquels sont r6cemment parvenus les physi- ciens )). Et l'ouvrage s'en trouve d'autant plus a jour que M. DE BRO- GLIE donnte, en complement, avec la competence qu'on lui sait en ces matieres, un aperqu des idees les plus recentes sur la constitution des atomes, la theorie des quanta, et les rayons X. Je souhaite a cette edition le succes de la premiere. L. G.

C. - Natural sciences.

Buchan, John. The last secrets. The final mysteries of exploration 303 p., 12 pl., IO maps. London, THOMAS NELSON, 1922. Isis

Well written popular narratives of certain explorations of the last two or three decades. J. K. W.

Costa, Ferreira, ANTONIO AURELIO (1879-1922). Various papers pu- blished in his honour in the Arqtuivo de anatomia e antlhropologia. vol. 8, 539-95. Lisboa, 1924, with portraits and bibliography. sis


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Oaultier, Jules de. RENE QUINTON. Mercure de France, ler aout 1925, 695-702. Isis

Souvenirs personnels et breve esquisse de la physionomie de QUINTON; ipas de biographie proprement dite. G. S.

E. - Alia.

[London, Royal Society]. Phases of modern science. Published in connection with the Science Exhibit arranged by a Committee of the Royal Society in the Pavilion of His Majesty's Government at the British Empire Exhibition, 1925. vni + 232 p. London, DENNY, 1925. IBIS

Enlarged and revised edition of the work reviewed in Isis, VII, 338..


Historical Classification. Including only the items which could not be included in Part I-the-

fundamental (centurial classification). Hence a student of Muslim science, for example, should not peruse simply the notes collected below under the heading (( Islam ); he should examine as well those included above- under the headings S. VII, S. VIII, etc.

Contents: 1. Antiquity: 1. Antiquity (generalities); 2. Egypt; 3. Babylonia

and Assyria; 4. Greece; 5. Rome. II. Middle Ages; 6. Middle Ages (generalities); 7. Byzantium.

III. Oriental Science and Civilization: 8. Asia (generalities; Western Asia; Central Asia; Eastern Asia); 9. India; 10. China; 11. Japan; 12. Israel; 13. Iran; 14. Is- lam.


1. - Antiquity (generalities). Arthaud, Gabriel. Les Etrusques. Mercure de France. ' aofit 1925,

633-664, 1925. 18IS L'auteur, tirant ses conclusions de l'anthropologie et de l'onomastique,

conclusions d'ailleurs conformes aux 1egendes etrusques, fait sortir ce: peuple, yvers le xniie siecle, de la Cimmeirie d'HoM]RE. Des lors, leur langue doit se rattacher aux langues touranniennes, avec des vocables- d'origine grecque, latine, arabe, persane et turque, et non pas au groupe finnois (J.-J. MARTHA), ni au dialecte egyptien (H. DE BARENTON).

L. G.

Bacon, Janet Ruth. The voyage of the Argonauts. vi + -187 p., with 6 illustr , 5 maps. London, METHUEN, 1925. Isis

Barton, C. A. The place of the Amorites in the civilization of West- ern Asia. Journ. Amer. Or. Soc.. vol. 45, n? 1, 1-38, 1925. is's

CLAY has developed ,a theory of the antiquity of the Amorites, and of the importance of their land as the centre from which all Semitic civili- zation radiated; he claims that they possessed a civilization as old as,


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if not older than, those of Egypt and Babylonia. From this view the author dissents; he argues for the correctness of the usually accepted position, that Arabia is the home of the Semites, from which all through the historical period waves of migration have proceeded; there was no Amorite empire in the fourth millenium B. C.; the Amorites were not identical with the Akkadians, but were their East Semitic kinsmen, who about 2,800 B. C. began to pour out from the Arabian desert and to try to gain a foothold in Babylonia. Some few of them did so, but the rest, being unable, swept westward, occupying the land between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean, and surging on to the borders of Egypt. The Amorites in the West, maintaining intercourse with their kinsmen in Babylonia, adopted the Akkadian system of writing which they distributed over the West and mediated to the Hittites. J. S.

Baumann, E. D. Die heilige Krankheit. Janus, 29, 7-32, 1925. 's,s

Etude sur l'epilepsie dans l'antiquit'; HARODOTE appelle de6j mal aacre la maladie de CA:MBYSE. L'auteur recherche l'o,rigine de l'appellation (( mal sacr )), examine les conceptions que s'en faisaient les aneiens, et les moyens th6rapeutiques rapportes par HIPPOCRATE, CAELIUS AURE- LIANUS, ORIBASE, GALnIN, ALEXANDRE DE TRALLES, CELSE, etc. L. G.

Blazquez, Antonio. Las costas de Marruecos en la antigiiedad, Madrid, 1921. (Real academia de la historia). aI8s

On the coast of Morocco as described by ancient geographers and histo- rians. J. K. W.

Bryan, W. R. Italic hut urns and hut urn cemeteries: a study in the Early Iron Age of Latium and Etruria. (Papers and monographs of the American Academy in Rome, vol. 4). 204 p., plates. Rome, American Academy, 1925. 8isl

Bury, J. B.; Cook. S. A.; Adcock, F. E. (editors). The Cambridge ancient history, vol. 2. The Egyptian and Hittite Empires to c. 1000 B.C. xxv+751 p Cambridge University Press, 1924. isTs

Cavaignac, Eugene. Population et capital dans le monde mediterraneen antique. Publications de la Faculte des Lettres de l'Universite de Strasbourg, fascicale 18. vuiw+163 p. Strasbourg, Librairie Istra, 1923. iSls

Clay, Albert T. A rejoinder to Professor GEORGE A. BARTON. Jozzrn, Amer. Or. Soc , vol. 45, nO 2, 1925, pp. 119-151. Ras

Reiterating conclusions previously arrived at. The evidence for the Babylonian origin of the material.s for the early chapters of Genesis is weak; the Creation and Deluge stories were carried by the Amorites from the West to Babylonia, where they were only partially Babylonized; a hundred details still remain in the different versions to show their Amorite origin. Not a single detail in the Biblical stories is Babylonian.

J. S.

Contenau, Georges. Elements de bibliographie Hittite. Paris. GEUTHNER, 1922. Isis

Reviewed by A. H. SAYCE in J. R. A. S., 626-27, 1923.

Fischer, J. Zur Friihgeschichte der gynaikologischen Operationen. Archiv fur Gynaikologie, Bd. 120, 288-294, 1923. 18is

Fischer, J. Zur Geschichte der operativen Gynakologie im Altertum. Berichte iiber die gesanimte Gynak. u. Gebuirtshilfe, Bd. 2, 177-182.



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Frankfort, H. Studies in early pottery in the Near East. Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Occa- sional papers, n? 6, v-147 p. London, Royal Anthropological Institute, 1924. ISIS

UOtze, Albrecht. Kleinasien zur Hethiterzeit. Eine geographische Untersuchung (Orient und Antike, Herausgeg. von G. BERGSTRAS- SER und F. BOLL, 1). 32 p., 1 fold. map. Heidelberg, CARL WIN- TER. 1924. ISIS

Localization of various geographical names which appear in the Ilittite cuneiform tablets found at Boghaz Keui. J. K.V.

Harnack, Erich. Das Gift in der dramatischen Diehtung und in der antiken Literatur. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Giftkunde. 78 S. Leipzig, VOGEL, 1908. Isis

Hlelberg, Johan Ludvig. Geschichte der Mathematik und Naturwis- senschaften im Altertum. (Handbuch der Altertumswissensch. 5. Bd. 1 Abt. 2. Halfte). vmI+121 p. Miinchen, C. H. BECK, 1925.

Das ( Handbuch )), begriindet von IwAN VON MUiinLE, wird jetzt in neuer Auflage von WALTER OTTO herausgegeben. Es ist ein grossartiges Unternehmen der Altphilologen. Der vorliegende Abschnitt war urspriinglich von S. GiNTHER verfasst. Dass HEIBERG, dessen Lebens- arbeit die Herausgabe von Quellen fast aller in Betracht kommenden Fiicher war, etwas ganz anderes liefern kann, ist einleuchtend. Vor allem gibt er iiberall die Belegstellen und fiihrt in der Fussnoten die zugehirige Literatur auf. Bei der grossen Knappheit musste dabei freilich manches wegfallen. Doch vermisst man an einzelnen Stellen wirklich neueste Lite- ratur (z. B. die Beriicksichtilgung der Untersuchungen von E. FRANK fiber die sog. Pythagoreer. Isis, VI, 48 f.). H. W.

Heiberg, Johan Ludvig. Matematiche, scienze naturali e medicina nell' antichita classica. Traduzione di GUIDO CASTELNUOVO (Per la storia e la filosofia delle matematiche). 188 p. Roma, ALBERTO STOCK, 1924. Isis

See Isis, V, 531.

K?ster, August. Schiffahrt und Handelsverkehr des ostlichen Mittel- meeres in 3. u. 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. 38 S., 4 Taf. Leipzig, HINRICHS, 1924. Isis

Mieli, Aldo. Manuale di storia della scienza. Antichita (Storia, Anto- logia, Bibliografia). Con due appendici: MARIO VALLAURI, La scienza nell' India antica; GIUSEPPE TUCCI, La scienza nella Cina antica (N. 5 d. Studi di storia del pensiero scientifico). xxxni+576 p., 5 tav. f. testo, 64 illus. Casa edit. Leonardo da Vinci, Roma, 1925. [40 1.] isis

L'extraordinaire activitk du fondateur de l'Archivio di storia della scienza et d'e la Rassegna di studi sessuali e di eugenica ne connait point de treve. Sans cesse, aux articles de revues (dont un sur la theorie d'ANAXAGORE et la chimie moderne, et un autre sur VANOCCIO BI'IN- GcuCCIO et la methode exp6rimentale ont et5 publies ici meme, I, 370-376; II, 90-99), s'ajoutent de nombreux comptes rendus critiques, la publica- tion de collections biographiques importantes (Isis, III, 59-60; IV, 112-114; V, 475; VII, 336), et des ouvrages dont SARTON a maintes fois parle (Isis, III, 135, 151; IV, 347-349; V, 173-174); il donne, en outre, une part de son labeur a plusieurs societes savantes italiennes dont il est plus ou moins l'initiateur. Sa production imprimee vient


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encore de s'accroitre d'un manuel d'histoire de la science qui guide le lecteur a travers toute l'antiquite jusqu'a la mort de BOECE.

AI,DO MIELI attache un tres grand prix a la connaissance des textes (toute son activite propre en temoigne, ainsi qiue la publication par sa maison d'editions de la collection intitul6e Universitas scriptorum); il est donc normal que son manuel soit, en somme, constitue surtout par des extraits des savants de 1'antiquit6, ces extraits 6etant pr6ecdes d'une notice *sur leur auteur, et relies a l'ensemble de l'oeuvre par des notes telles que celles sur le d6veloppement de l'astronomie grecque jusqu'a ARISTARQUE (pp. 117^124), sur le developpement historique du probleme de la quadra- ture du cercle (148-154), de la ge6ographie ancienne (158-164), sur la connaissance et la theorie des mar6es (311-316), le developpement de l'optique (421-429), l'alchimie (487-506). Sauf pour ce dernier appendice (on me pardonnera ce mot, puisque l'auteur l'emploie lui-meme deux fois), les paginations que je viens de relever montrent que ces notes sont tres courtes; elles sont trop courtes: le manuel a bien une unite de forme, mais l'6tudiant qui le consultera y trouvera difficilement l'unit6 de pensee qui doit le guider; les notices consaerees a chaque auteur ne l'y aideront pas, elles sont aussi trop courtes: moins de deux pages pour PLATON, par exemple, avec quatre pages du TimSe; cinq pages ,pour HIPPOCRATE, avec dix pages d'extraits; douze pages pour ARISTOTE et vingt-sept pages d'extraits, etc. Les textes ne sont repr6sentes que par leur traduction italienne.

Le tout est expose en ordre chronologique; je crois que, pour un manuel, l'expose systematique du d6veloppement de chaque question serait prefe- rable: les tables chronologiques donnees de la page 10 a la page 16 auraient parfaitement (suffi pour situer chacun dans le temps, et l'unitk de pensee y efut singulierement gagne.

J'estime qu'il faut considerer ce volume, parfaitement illustr6, non comme un manuel de l'histoire de la science dans l'antiquit6, mais comme une anthologie des 6crivains anciens qui interessent l'histoire de la science a des titres divers, anthologie tres pr6cieuse, qui doit aller de pair avec un manuel didactique, mais ne peut pas se substituer 'a lui. L. G.

Ormerod, Henry Arderne. Piracy in the ancient world, an essay in Mediterranean history. 286 p., 2 maps. Livepool. University Press, 1924. I,ss

Roget, Raymond. Le Maroc chez les auteurs anciens; preface de STE- PHANE GSELL. 52 p. Soc. d'6dit. Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1924.

[9 fr.] Isi8

L'auteur a reuni dans ce recueil et traduit les rares textes grecs et latins anterieurs au ive siecle de notre ere, relatifs auMaroc; les auteurs de ces textes n'ont d'ailleurs pas visite la contree d'ont ils parlent, sauf le chef carthaginois HANNON; le voyage certain de POLYBE ne nous est connu que par la relation de PLINE L'ANCIEN, qui a largement aussi emprunte a une carte dress6e par ordre d'AGRIPPA, sous le regne d'Au- GUSTE. STRABON est, avec PLINE, l'auteur dont nous avons le fragment le plus long; il ecrit aussi de seconde main, mais discute les t6moignages, et pretend du moins avoir interrog6 des indigenes venus a Rome. Les renseignements donnes par PTOLOMEE sont interessants par l'indication des positions astronomiques des lieux, qui peuvent ainsi etre identifi6s. Les autres textes proviennent d'HECATEE DE MILET, H-RODOTE, diU pnriple attribue a SCYLAX, d'EPIIORE, ALEXANDRE POLYHISTOR, VITRUVE, POM- PONIUS MELA, PAUSANIAS, de l'auteur de l'itin6raire d'ANTONIN, de PAUL OROSE, DION CASSIUS, et, celui-ci donne a titre exceptionnel, du g6o- graphe anonyme de Ravenne, qui parait avoir 6crit vers 700. A ces textes objectifs, ROGET a joint une partie de legende : ce que dit PLATON de


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l'Atlantide dans le ( Timee ). Un index precieux donne les concordances de noms entre les textes des differents auteurs, et avec les denominations actuelles, chaque fois que l'identification a ete possible. L. G.

Sayce, A. H. The decipherment of the Hittite hieroglyphic texts. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 537-572, 1922. I8I8

Ungnad, Arthur. Die altesten Volkerwanderungen Vorderasiens. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte uld Kultur der Semiten, Arier, Hethi- ter und Subariier. 17 S. Breslau, Selbstverlag, 1923. sis

Xanthoudides, Stephanos. The vaulted tombs of Mesara, an account of some early cemeteries of Southern Crete Translated by JAMES PERCIVAL DROOP, with a preface by Sir ARTHUR EVANS. London, HODDER and STOUGHTON, 1924. I8Is

2. - EGYPT

Budge, Sir Ernest A. Wallis. TUTINKHAMEN: Amenism, Atenism, and Egyptian Monotheism. With hieroglyphic texts of hyms to Amen and Aten, translations and illustrations. xxnt-160 p., plates and illustrations. London, MARTIN HOPKINSON, 1923. Is88

The most interesting part of this book is the last chapter (pp. 140-52) which is a summary of Egyptian monotheism and of the views of scholars on the subject. The idea of the Oneness of God can be traced back to to introduce the exclusive worship of this ancient god. Aten, the Solar the Ancient Empire. AMENIOTEP IV did not introduce it, but he tried Disk. In opposition to other scholars, H. R. HALL (Isis, V, 2ot) and J. H. BREASTED who speak of AKHUNATEN (thus did the king name him- self after his religious revolution) as the first individual in history, the first philosopher, the first idealist and what not; Sir ERNEST considers him a sort of religious crank, who did more harm than good, BUDGE'S theory is the right one if the king's mummy has been correctly identified by G. ELLIOT SMIIrI, for that mummy ( exhibits in an unmistakable manner the distortion characteristic of a condition of hydrocephalus ). In plain English AKHUNATEN had water on the brain. In his Ancient history of the Near East (p. 298), Dr. HALL wonders too if the king was not really half insane. Sir ERINEST makes a very interesting com- parison (p. 107) between AKHUNATEN and another king of Egypt, the Fatimid Khalifah AL-H.AKIM (996-1021). ( Each was the son of a wealthy, pleasure-loving, luxurious father, and each succeeded to the throne when he was a boy. Each had a strange face, each was moved to break with tradition .and introduce new ideas, but the spirit in which each made changes was that of a mad reformer. Christians and Jews were to AL-HAKIM what the Amenites were to AAKHUNATEN. Both king and Khalifah were pious in an intolerant and arrogant fashion, and each was a builder of places for worship. Each thought that he was the incarnation of God, and each usurped the attributes of the Deity, and prescribed rules for worship. Each was a patron of the arts. )

G. S.

Capart. Jean. Thebes. La gloire d'un grand passe. Grand in-4?, 362 p., 259 fig. Bruxelles, VROMANT, 1925. ISIS

(Euvre de haute vulgarisation admirablement illustre. Quelques-unes des photographies, qui ont servi i cette illustration, ont ete faites par ELISABETH, reine de Belgique. L'auteur a ete assiste par MARCELLE WER- BROUCK. G. S.


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Dawson, Warren R. Egyptian medicine under the Copts in the early centuries of the Christian Era. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. Section of the History of Medicine., 17, 51-57, London, 1924. Isis

Our knowledge of Coptic medicine (380 to 640 A. D.) is largely based upon the Cairo papyrus discovered in 1892 and recently fully described by CHASSINAT (s8is, VII, 184). There are five other fragments men- tioned by DAWSON, but none of them sre nearly as important as the Cairo papyrus. Coptic medicine was similar to that of ancient Egypt but was strongly influenced by an admixture of Persian and Greek the- rapy and magic played a less dominant note. Nearly all the drugs and diseases can be identified in the Cairo papyrus, which consists of a series of prescriptions by a practising physician. The author suggests that a great deal of light will be thrown on the more ancient (hieroglyphic) papyri when they can be re-studied in conjunction with their Coptic derivatives. H. R. V.

Erman, Adolf und Ranke. Hermann. Aegypten und agyptischen Leben im Alterturm. 2. Bearbeitung, xxvii+692 S., 100 Abb., 42 Tafeln. Tiubingen, J. C. MOHR, 1923. IBSs

First edition, Ttibingen, LAUPP, 1885-1887.

Jequier, Gustave. Histoire de la civilisation egyptienne des origines a la conquete d'Alexandrie. Nouv. ed. revue. 330 p., 265 fig. Paris, PAYOT, 1923. Is8S

First edition, 330 p., 1913, reviewed in Isis, I, 503.

Johl, Carl Hermann. Altiigyptische Webestiihle und Brettchenwe- berei in Altigypten. viii+70 p., 59 Abb., 7 Taf. Leipzig, HIN- RICHS, 1924. isi,

Jondet, Gaston. Les ports submerges de l'ancienne ile de Pharos. Memoires de l'Institut egyptien, t. 9, Le Caire, 1916. IsIs

Jondet, Gaston. Les ports ante-helleniques de la cote d'Alexandrie. Bulletin d'archeologie d'Alexandrie, t. 16, Le Caire, 1919. Is18

Keimer, Ludwig. Die Gartenpflanzen im alten Aegypten. Mit einem Geleitwort von GEORG SCHWEINFURTH. 1. Bd. iv+187 S. Ham- burg, HOFFMANN U. CAMPE, 1924. I8Is

Kendrick, Albert Franck. Catalogue of textiles from burying grounds in Egypt. London, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1920-22 181s

M6ller, U. Die Aegypter und ihre libyschen Nachbarn. Zeit. d. deutsch. morgenl. Ges., N. F., vol. 3, Heft 1, 36-60, 1924. Isis

A useful and clearly written account of the relations of the Egyptians to their western neighbours from the earliest times to the close of the middle ages. J. S.

Naville, Edouard. L'evolution de la langue egyptienne et les langues semitiques. xm+179 p. Paris, GEUTHNER, 1920. IsIS

Reviewed by A. H. SAYCE in J. R. A. S., 1922, 132-135.

Naville, Edouard. La revolution religieuse a la fin de la XVIIIe dynas- tie egyptienne. (Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses.) Strasbourg, Imprimerie alsacienne, 1924. Isis

Reviewed by G. BfN.DITE in Journal des Savants t. 23, 33, 1925.

581 EGYPT.

VOL. vii -3. 38

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Newcomb. Rexford. Ceramic architecture in Ancient Egypt, Baby- lonia and Assyria. (Architectural Monographs on Tiles and Tile- work, 2). 30 p. Beaver Falls, Pa., Associated Tile Manufacturers, 1924. ISIS

For this remarkable publication, see Isis, VII, 283.

Sellers, O. R. Intervals in Egyptian music. Amer. Journ. Semitic Lang. and Lit., vol. 41, n? 1, pp. 11-16, 1924. ISIS

On the scale and musical instruments of the Old and Middle King- doms. The author discusses the view that the Egyptians had a penta- tonic scale. J. S.

Smith, 0. Elliot, and Dawson, Warren R. Egyptian mummies. With woodcuts by A. HORACE GERRARD and K. LEIGH-PEMBERTON, and other illustrations, 190 p., 65 pl. London, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1924. ISIS

Vasconcellos, Fernando de. A numeragao fraccionaria no papiro de Rhind e em HERAO de Alexandria. Assoeiac,ao Portuguesa para o Progresso das sciencias. Congresso do Porto, 1921; also in Anais do Istituto Superior de Agronomia, ano 2. 1924, vol 2, 50 pp. isis

The author believes that he has thrown new light on the problems of the Egyptians to express each of the quotients of 2 by the odd num- bers 5 to 97 as sums of fractions with numerators 1. M. CANTOR, P. TAN- NERY, LORIA, HULTSCH, BOBYNLN and others have dealt with this same topic. R. C. A.

Vercamer, Emile. Une decouverte extraordinaire: les ports submerges de l'ancienne ile de Pharos. R. de l'Univ. de Bruxelles, dec. 1924, tirage a part, 5 p. ISIS

A propos des deux memoires ecrits par l'auteur de la d6couverte: GASTON JONDET (1916 et 1919) (v. supra), et d'un travail de RAYiMOND WEILL (1919) (v. infra) sur le m8me sujet. Pour E. VERCAMER, la con- struction de ce port ne peut etre rattachee qu'au regne des Hycsos et doit 8tre attribuee a des Proto-Pheniciens de la Basse-Egypte.

L. G.

Weigall, Arthur (Edward Pearse Brome). Ancient Egyptian works of art. xxI4-353 p. London, T. FISHER UNWIN, 1924. Isis

Weill, Raymond. Les ports ante-helleniques de la c6te d'Alexandrie et l'empire cretois. Bulletin de l'Institut frangais d'archeologie orien- tale, t. 16, Le Caire, 1919. ISIS

Wieleitner, Heinrich. Zur iigyptischen Mathematik. Zeitschr. f. mathem. und naturw. Unterr., 56, 129-137, 1925. Isis

Apropos of T. ERIc PEET'S edition of the Rhind papyrus, 1923, reviewed in Isis, VI, 553-7.


Andrae, Walter. Coloured ceramics from Ashur. London, KE(AN PAUL, 1925. Isis

Boulton, W. H. Babylon, Assyria, and Israel. Their history as recorded in the Bible and cuneiform inscriptions. viii +181 p., maps and illustr. London, S. Low, MARSTON, 1924. Isis


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Driver, 0. R. Letters of the First Babylonian Dynasty. xv+87 p., 31 pl. (Oxford editions of cuneiform texts.) Oxford University Press, 1924. isis

Gadd, Charles Joseph. Sumerian reading book. vn+-197 p. Oxford University Press, 1924. Isis

Kugler, Franz Xaver (S.J.). Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel. Assyriologische, astronomische und astralmythologische Unter- suchungen. Natur, Mythus und Geschichte als Grundlagen baby- lonischer Zeitordnung nebst eingehenden Untersuchungen der alteren Sternkunde und Meteorologie. Teil 2, H. 2 (Schluss), S. 321-630. Miinster. i. W., ASCHENDORFF, 1924. Isis

An elaborate review of this work will appear in a forthcoming number. G. S.

Thompson, R, Campbell. Assyrian medical texts. Proceedings of the Royal Society of AMedicine, section of thle History of Medicinle, 17, 1-34, London, 1924. isis

Translations from cuneiform tablet's from the Kouyunjik Collection. A fragment from the author's Assyrian Medical Texts (Vide, Isis, VII, 250). H. R. V.

Thompson, R. Campbell. The chemistry of the ancient Assyrians. 158 p., 6 cuneiform plates. London, LUZAC, 1925. Iisl

Thureau-Dangin, Franqois. La correspondance de HAMMURAPI avec SHAMASH-HISIR 58. p. Paris, ERNEST LEROUX, 1924. sis8

Reviewed by EDOUARD CUQ, in Journal des Savants, 23, 49-61, 1925.

Waterman, Leroy. Abbreviated ideograms in the Assyrian letter- literature. Amer. Journ. Semitic Lang. and Lit., vol. 41, no 1, 1924. pp. 17-23. ISIS

The Assyrian letters exemplify the popular Assyrian speech, and' are valuable for the light they throw on the development and modification of ideographic forms of expression; e. g., in illustrating how from phone- grams ideograms may arise by abbreviation. J. S.

Zimmern, H. Die altbabylonischen vor (und nach-) sintflutlichen Konige nach neuen Quellen. Zeit. d. deutsch. morgenl. Ges., N.F. vol. 3, HIeft 1, 1924, pp. 19-35. isis

The tradition of ten mythical antediluvian kings of Babylonia was known until recently only in the version of BEROSUS. LANGDON lias recently given anl account (Journ. Roy. As. Soc., 1923, etc.) of cuneiform inscriptions acquired by the Ashmoleian Museum in Oxford, which give the original and more complete form of this tradition. The present article gives an account of LANGDON'S work for German readers.

J. S.

4. -- GREECE.

Carpenter, Rhys. The Greeks in Spain. Bryn Mawr College Mono- graphs, 6, vIII+180 p. London. LONGMANS, 1925. Isis

Denniston, John Dewar. Greek literary criticism. (The library of Greek thought ) xii+224 p., London, DENT, 1924. ails


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Hill, George Francis. A catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum: catalogue of the Greek coins of Arabia, Mesopotamia, and Persia. ccxix + 366 p., 55 pl., map. London, LONGMANS, 1922. Isis

Reviewed by T. H. WEIR in J. R. A. S., 1923, 621-22.

Kurz, Marcel. Le Mont Olympe (Thessalie). x+232 p., 14 pls., 3 pano- ramas, 2 fold. maps. Paris, VICTOR ATTINGER, 1923. Ists

This book is in the main an account of a detailed photogrammetric survey carried out by the author in 1923 of the higher summits of Olympus, preceded by a history of the exploration of the mountain. There is' also a scholarly chapter on the history of Olympus as it has been depicted on maps from the earliest times to the present day.

J. K. W.

Moore, Clifford Herschel. The religious thought of the Greeks, from HOMER to the triumph of Christianity. Second edition. 385 p. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1925. ,si

First published in 1916.

Ronmmel, Hans. Die naturwissenschaftlich-paradoxographischen Ex- kurse bei PHILOSTRATOS, HELIODOROS und ACHILLEUS TATIOS. Iv+82 S. Stuttgart. W. KOHLHAMMER, 1923. isis

Rougier, Louis. Hellenisme et christianisme. Mercure de France, 1 aout 1925, 577-592. Isis

( I1 n'est pas possible de concevoir deux sensibilit6s, deux optiques du monde et de la vie, deux hierarchies de valeurs plus antithetiques que celles de l'Hellenisme et du Christianisme )). Expos6 concret de cette dualit6. L. G.

Sigerist, Henry E. Beitrige zur Geschichte der griechischen Medizin. Schweizerische Medizinische WVochenschrift 1925, Nr 9 (Reprint, 14 p.). Isis

Two lectures, the one on the evolution and nature of Greek medicine, the other on the latest phase of that evolution, Roman medicine.

G. S.

Wright, Frederick Adam. Greek social life. (Library of Greek thought.) xviIn+246 p. London, DENT, 1925. Isis

5.- ROME.

Ashby, T. Practical engineering in Ancient Rome. Presidential address to Section H (Anthropology) of the British Association. Supplement to Nature, vol. 116, 342, 1925. IBsS

Besnier, Maurice., Notes sur les routes de la Gaule romaine. I. Intro- duction: historique des recherches. Revue des ttudes anciennes, 153-164, 1923. isis

Charlesworth, Martin Percival. Trade routes and commerce of the Roman Empire. xx+288 p. Cambridge University Press, 1924.


Lanciani, Rodolfo. Wanderings through ancient Roman churches. xiv+325 p. Boston, HOUGHTON MIFFLIN, 1924. ISIs


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Lefebvre des No6ttes, Ct. La voie romaine et la route moderne. Larousse Mensuel, t. 6, 771-2, 1925. Isis

Milne, Joseph (rafton. A history of Egypt under Roman rule. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 355 p. London, METHUEN, 1924.


First edition 1898.

Monceaux, Paul. Histoire de la litterature latine chretienne. 176 p., Paris, PAYOT, 1924. Is1s

Reviewed by L. A. CONSTANS in Journal des Savants, 23, 37-38, 1925.

Orient, Jules. Trouvailles medico-historiques provenant de la Dacie Romaine. Bul. soc. fr. d'hist. med., t. 19, 33-36, 4 ill., 1925. Isis

Pais, Ettore. Storia dell' Italia antica. Vol. 1, xv+404 p , 200 illustr. Vol. 2. 557 p., 124 illustr. Roma, Casa Editrice Optima, 1925.


Schulten, A. Ein unbekanntes Alphabet aus Spanien. Zeit. d. deutsch. morgenl. Ges., N. F., vol. 3, Heft 1, p 1-18, 1924. Is8l

The alphabet here described is found only on the coins of nine towns, apparently all in the present province of Cadiz. The coins bear also ancient Latin inscriptions, which indicate that they belong to the period immediately succeeding the Roman conquest, ,about 200 B. C. The alphabet is held to be a very ancient ,script which continued to exist till into the Roman period; it occurs also in two inscriptions on stones which seem to have the form of Roman altars. It is concluded that the script is not Iberian, Greek, Phoenician, nor Libyan; it must be indigenous, - probably Tartessian (for what is known of the literature of this people cf. STRABO 139; Tartessos was destroyed ca. 500 B. C.). J. S.

Walters, R. C. Skyring. The Groma: a surveying instrument of the ancients Discovery, vol. 6, September 1925, pp. 330-343, 2 figs.


Brief account of the gromna, discovered by MATTEO DVJLA CORTE at Pompei in 1912. (See Isis, VI, 188.) J. K. W.




Carlyle, R. W., and Carlyle, A. J. A history of mediaeval political theory in the West. 4 vols. LXXXII + 1210 p. London, BLACK- WOOD, 1903-22. IBIs

Reviewed by F. LIEBERMANN in Litteris, Lund, vol. 2, 10-20, 1925.

Evans, Joan. Life in mediaeval France. Oxford University Press, 1925. 1ssl

Formoy, Beryl E. R. The Dominican Order in England before the Reformation. (Studies in Church History.) xvi+160 p. Lon- don, S P.C K., 1925. Isis

Garufi, Carlo A. Necrologio del liber confratrum di S. Matteo di Salerno. LX1I-+431 p. (Fonti per la Storia d'Italia pubbl. dall' Istituto Storico Italiano.) Roma, Tipografia del Senato, 1922.



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Oaselee, Stephen. An anthology of mediaeval Latin. London, MAC- MILLAN, 1925. 18o

Jacob, Oeorg. Der Einfluss des Morgenlands auf das Abendland vornehmlich wairend des Mittelalters. 98 p , 3 illus., Hannover, Orient-Buchlandlung HEINZ LAFAIRE, 1924. Isis

JACOB believes that the influence of the classical civilization of the Mediterranean (Greece and Rome) on the cultural development of Ger- many and northern Europe has been grossly exaggerated. He would trace the origins not only of many of the most important elements in the material culture of northern Europe in medieval and' modern times but also of many intellectual attainments to oriental inspiration. The thesis is based on a broadly comparative study of Eastern and European culture and should provoke discussion even if it does not necessarily carry conviction. J. K. W.

Kendrick, Albert Frank. Catalogue of early medieval woven fabrics. (Victoria and Albert Museum). vii + 74 p., 24 pl. London, the Museum. 1925.

Langlois, Ch. V. La vie en France au Moyen Age, de la fin du xnie au milieu du xIVe siecle, d'apres des Romans mondains du Temps. xxviii+392 p., 25 pl. Paris, HACHETTE, 1924. Isis

Revised and enlarged edition of La Societe franqaise au xIIIe siecle d'apres dix romans d'aventures, 1903.

La Ronciere, Ch. de. La decouverte de l'Afrique au rmoyen age. Car- tographes et explorateurs. 2 vol. Tome 1. L'interieur du continent. (Memoires de la societe royale de g'eographie d'Egypte. Tome 5.) yn+ 1 72 p., 19 pl. Le Caire, Societe royale de geographie (I'Egypte, 1924-25 ISIi

Leisinger, Hermann. Die lateinischen Harnschriften PSEUDo-GALENS. (Beitraiie zur Geschichte der Medizin, 2.) 69 S , 4 Taf. Zurich, FUiSSLI, 1925. ISIS

After a brief introduction on uroscopy the author gives various early texts on the subject derived from eight MSS. ranging from the ix. to the xv. century. He then discusses their contents and their relation to early medieval medicine. G. S.

Macauliffe. M. J. Gaelic law: the Berla laws, or the ancient Irish common law. 120 p. Dublin, HODGES and FIGGIS, 1923. Isis

Men6ndez Pidal, Ramonn. Poesia juglaresca y juglares. Madrid, Publicaciones de la , Revista de Filolog'ia Esplanola ,, 1925 Isis

Pirenne, Henri. Medieval cities: their origins and revival of trade. Translated from the French by FRANK D. HALSEY. 249 p. Prin- ceton, University Press, 1925. 1iss

Stokes, Henry Paine. The medimaeval hostels of the University of Cambridge. With a special history of Borden Hostel. Together with chapters on Le Glomeiy Hall and the Master of Glomery. 113 p. Cambridge, IDEIGTHON and BELL, 1924. ISIs

Taylor, Henry Osborn. The mediaeval mind: a history of the deve- lopment of thought and emotion in the Middle Ages. Fourth edi- tion. 2 vols. Vol. 1. xix +- 603 p. Vol. 2. vm-i + 620 p. Lon- don, MACMILLAN, 1925. [Sls


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Diehl, Charles. Constantinople. (Les villes d'art celebres.) Iv+172 p., 3 plans. Paris, LAURENS, 1924. Isis

Diehl, Charles. History of the Byzantine Empire. Translated from the French by GEORGE B. IVES. ix+199 p. Princeton, University Press, 1925. isle

Graindor, Paul et (r6goire, Henri (editors). Byzantion. - Revue internationale des etudes byzantines. T. 1, 1924. Paris, CHAM- PION, 1924. sisI

CH. DIEHL in Journal des Savants, 23, 90, 1925.

Macri, M. Christo. L'organisation de l'economie urbaine dans Byzance sous la dynastie de Macedoine (867-1057). 160 p. R. GUILLON, Paris, 1925. ISIS

Ce n'est que sous la dynastie de Macedoine q,ue la civilisation byzan- tine presente des caracteres a la fois purement nationaux et particuliers au point de vue de l'organisation economique: avant BASILE Ier, ce sont encore les traditions romaines; d'ans les derniers temps de la periode mac6donienne, ce sont deja des troubles a l'interieur, et la famille des Comnene verra l'arrivee des croises, et l'influence qu'ont exercee dans la vie du peuple les nombreux etrangers etablis dans le pays. La periode macedonienne est donc vraiment une periode i part: l'Empire se trouve a son apogee; Byzance, le marche international par excellence, compte pres de 800,000 habitants, et la politique des empereurs qui voulaient rehausser la splendeur de leur cour et de leur capitale, s'est largement refletee dans l'organisation de l'economie urbaine. Or, on possede sur les corporations de Constantinople au x? siecle un document unique, connu sous le nom de (( Livre du prefet )), dcouvert en 1892 par JULES NICOLE dans un manuscrit de la Bibliotheque nationale de Geneve, et qui est un edit de LEoN VI le Sage (886-911). Avec i'aide de ce document, des commentaires auxquels il a deja donne lieu, l'auteur donne, en premier lieu, un aperqu historique de ce que furent a Byzance les manufactures et les monopoles de l'Etat (pp. 11-31), puis il examine quelle 6tait la politique des souverains envers les corporations, et quelles etaient les relations du commerce et de l'industrie des particuliers avec le gouver- nement (33-107); il cherche ensuite a degager les role.s; du capital et du travail (109-153). L'ouvrage manque malheureusement d'un chapitre de conclusions. L. G.


8. -- ASIA,


Glinka, (. B.; Tkhorshchevski, 1. 1. and Tsetkov, M. A. (editors). Asiatic Russia. Publication of the Emigration Bureau of the General Office for Land improvement and agriculture (in Russian). 2 vol text, vi +- 576 p,, 638 p., numerous illustr., 1 vol. index cxv p., 1 atlas, 71 maps, 4 p. introductory text, 23 p. index. St. Petersburg, 1914. Isis

This great, official publication of the Czarist regime is unique of its sort. In its magnificent volumes extensive text and admirably clear maps are devoted to presenting nearly all phases of the physical and human


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geography of Asiatic Russia. In the text volumes there are chapters on climates, soils, topography, structure, vegetation, flora, forests, irriga- tion, industry, agriculture, communications, political administration, populations, religions, towns, immigration, land policies and adminis- tration; and the distribution of nearly all of these elements is shown on maps of a scale of 1: 25,200,000, 1: 12,600,000, and larger. The maps showing land ownership are particularly interesting, revealing in distinctive colors the immense tracts held by the crown, state lands, peasants' holdings, etc.

The historian of science will find the closing chapter of vol. 2 of parti- cular value, in that it gives a history of the exploration and scientific study of Asiatic Russia from the time of MARCO POLO onward. The introduction to the Atlas is a review of the history of the cartography of Asiatic Russia and is accompanied by several reproductions of early maps of the region. It deals with the cartographic beginnings in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with the active work of mapping the Russian empire under PETER THE GREAT and CATHERINE THE GREAT, and with the progress of surveys in the nineteenth century. J. K. W.

Littmann, Enno. Deutschland und Morgenland im Lichte der Lchn- worter. Zeit. d. deutsch. morgenl. Ges., N. F. vol. 3, Heft 2, 1924, pp. 73-87. isis

There are in German about 1,100 words which have an Asiatic origin. A number of examples are discussed, and the modes of transmission indicated. J. S.

Western Asia.

Albright, W. F. The evolution of the West-Semitic divinity 'An- 'Anat-'Atta. Amer. Journ. Semitic Lang. and Lit., vol. 41, no. 2, 1925. pp. 73-101. Isis

Mentioned here because the first pages contain a discussion of the influence of Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Arabian culture on Syria. ( Syria was always too much exposed to foreign influences to develop a culture of its own... it is becoming steadily more evident that we have been seriously underestimating the amount of cultural transfusion which took place within this region of man's earliest and richest civilization. )

J. S.

Richardson, Hilary 0. The Semites. Amer. Journ. Semitic Lang. and Lit., vol. 41, no. 1, 1-10, 1924. ISIS

( Semitic )) like ( Aryan ) is a term that should be restricted to lin- guistics. ( The Hebrews were entirely different from the Arabians, and the Babylonians were entirely unlike them both. Even the Hebrews and Phoenicians, speaking practically the same language and living so close together, were almost startlingly different. ) ... ( There never was any such thing as a Semitic people, except the original invaders. There is no such thing as Semitic characteristics, except of these invaders. )

J. S.

Central Asia.

Dalnelli, (iotto. Paesi e genti del Caracorum: vita di carovana nel Tibet Occidentale. (Pubblicato sotto gli auspici della R. Societa Geografica Italiana.) Vol 1. viii + 291 p., 74 pi. Vol. 2. iv + 323 p., 95 pl Firenze, LUIGI PAMPALONI, 1924. ISIS

Francke, A. H. Tibetische Hochzeitslieder. 71 S. Folkwang-Verlag, Hagen-Darmstadt, 1923. iSIS

588 ASIA.

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Francke, A. H. Two ant stories from the territory of the ancient kingdom of Western Tibet. A contribution to the question of the gold-digging ants. Asia major, 1, 67-75, 1924. Isis

Eastern Asia.

(Including works relative to the whole of Buddhist Asia, or to India, Central and Eastern Asia combined.)

Coedis, Georges. Recueil des inscriptions du Siam. Premiere par tie: Inscriptions de Sukhodaya, editees en siamois et traduites en fran~ais. 168, 177 p., 124 pl. Bangkok, Bibliotheque Nationale Vajiranana, 1924. ISIS

Duroiselle, Charles. A list of inscriptions found in Burma. Part 1: The list of inscriptions, arranged in the order of their dates. 216 p. Superintendent Government Printing, Rangoon, 1921. ISIS

Reviewed by R. 0. DEWHURST in J. R. A. S., 1923, 463.

Winstedt, Richard Olof. Shaman, Saiva, and Sufi. a study of the evolution of Malay magic. London, CONSTABLE, 1925. ISIS

9. - INDIA.

AItekar, Anant Sadasiv. A history of important ancient towns and cities in Gujarat and Kathiawad (from the earliest times down to the Moslem conquest). Indian Antiquary, vol 53, 1-8, 1924; vol. 54, 9-24, 1925. (Suppl.) ISIS

Avalon, Arthur (Sir John Woodroffe). The serpent power, being Shat-Chakra-Nirupana and Paduka-Panchaka.. Two works on Laya Yoga translated from the Sanskrit, with introduction and commentary. Second revised edition. xvn + 184 p. London, LUZAC, 1925. ISIS

First edition, 1919.

Banerjea, Sir Surendranath. A nation in making. Reminiscences of fifty years of public life in Bengal. 425 p. London. MILFORD, 1925.


Barua, Benimadhab. A history of pre-Buddhistic Indian philosophy. xxIV + 444 p. Calcutta, University Press, 1921. ISIS

Bloomfield, Maurice. Rig-Veda repetitions: the repeated verses and distichs and stanzas of the Rig-Veda in systematic presentation and with critical discussion. 2 vol. 690 p. Cambridge, Mass., Har- vard University Press, 1916. ISIS

Reviewed by A. A. MACDONELL in J. R. A. S., 113-120, 1922.

Carpenter, Joseph Estlin. Theism in mediaeval india. Hibbert lectures (second series). xII + 552 p. London, WILLIAMS and NORGATE, 1921. Isis

Reviewed by JAMES LINDSAY in J. R. A. S., 126-127, 1922.

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Bibliographies of Indian art. v + 54 p., 4to. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1925. ISIS

This work is partly reprinted from Parts I, II and IV of the Cata- logue of Indian Collections in the Museum (see Isis, VI, 73) and partly


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anticipates other bibliographies to appear in future volumes of the same Catalogue. It is divided as follows: General, Journals, Sculpture, Paint- ing, Textiles, Other minor arts, Index. It is a valuable list, which may be trusted to be essentially complete, but it will be far more valuable still when critical notes are added (the author says he will eventually do so in later editions) : none could do it with more authority than himself. G. S.

Davids, Mrs. C. A. F. Rhys. The Abhidhamma-Pitaka and commen- taries. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1923, 243-250. isIS

A great task begun in 1881 was completed in 1923 : the publication by the Pali Text Society of the third section of the Buddhist canon (Abhi- dhamma Pitaka) and of early Pall commentaries on that section. Some of these texts have been tranalated. The Society has also edited and translated the famous little manual Abhidhammatthasangaha of the xII. century. This retrospective survey inspires to the author some melancholy reflections on the vanity of Buddhist scholasticism. ( As we leave this house of cloistered lives, of a closed tradition, of a past dominating present and future, we have a sense of rooms swept and garnished, clean and tidy, of sealed windows, of drawn blinds, of no outlook towards the dawn. )) G. S.

Davids, Mrs. C A. P. Rhys. Buddhist psychology, an inquiry into the analysis and theory of mind in Pali literature. Second edition with supplementary chapters. x + 301 p. London, LUZAC, 1924.


Those having the first edition (xxI+212 p., London, BELL, 1914) can buy the supplementary chapters separately. Mrs. RIrys DAVIDS and her publisher give thus a generous example which ought to be followed.

G. S.

Dey, Nundolal. Geographical dictionary of ancient and mediaeval India. Indian Antiquary, vol. 53, 151-190, 1924; vol. 54, 191-198, 1925 (Suppl.) Isis

A continuation of previous instalments. J. S.

Dumont, P, E. Note sur les agrandissements successifs de l'agniksetra et de la mahavedi dans l'agnicayana. Bull. de la classe des lettres, Acad. de Belg'ique, 1923, 280-97. Isis

May be of interest to the student of Vedic metrology. G. S.

Enthoven, Reginald Edward. The folklore of Bombay. 353 p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1924. Isis

Goetz, Hermann. The relations between Indian painting and culture. Bull. Sch. Or. Studies Lond.. vol. 3, pt. 4, 707-719, 1925. ISIS

A lecture delivered at the school. J. S.

Oopinatha Rau, T. A. Memoirs of the archaeological survey of India, No. 3: Talam'na or Iconometry. 115 p., 5 pl. Calcutta, Superin- tendent Government Printing, India, 1920. ISIS

Reviewed by R. P. DEWHURST in J. R. A. S., 290-291, 1922.

Greaves, Edwin. A sketch of Hindi literature. viii -- 112 p Madras, Christian Literature Society for India. Isis

Reviewed by T. GRAHAME BAILEY in J. R. A. S., 146-147, 1923.

Gribble, James Dunning Baker. A history of the Deccan. 2 vol., illustr. London, LUZAC. 1896-1924. Isis

590 INDIA.

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Uu6non, Rend. L'homine et son devenir selon le Vedanta, 226 p. in-8?, BOSSARD, Paris, 1925. Isis

L'auteur, prenant (( comme .point de vue central celui des doctrines hindoues, et plus particulierement celui du Vedanta, qui est la branche la plus purement meta,physique de ces doctrines )), a entrepris l'expose de la constitution de l'etre humain, de ses etats posthumes et de ses possi- bilites, d'apres ces doctrines. Partant de la distinction fondamentale, mais si difficile, du ( Soi )) et du ( Moi )), il fait connaitre, d'apres des textes tires principalement des Upanishads, des Brahma-Sutras et des commentaires de SHANKARACHAutYA, les elements constitutifs de 1'homme, leur comportement a l'etat de veille, a l'dtat de r8ve, a l'dtat de sommeil profond, les modifications que subit l'etre huimrain dans son a evolution posthume )), les conditions diff6rentes oii il peut se trouver alors suivant le degr6 qu'il avait atteint dans la Connaissance, et les etapes qu'il doit parcourir dans son ( voyage divin )) vers la liberation, la delivrance finale, 1' ( Identite supreme )). - Aucun essai de vulgarisation; l'auteur s'en defend bien: il s'adresse ici encore a I' ( elite intellectuelle )>, telle qu'il l'a d6finie dans son precedent ouvrage, (( Orient et Occident )>, analys6 dans cette meme bibliographie critique sous la rubrique (( Socio- logy )>. L. G.

iHeimann, Betty. Die Tiefschlafspekulation der alten Upanisaden. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Buddhismus, 7. 22 S. Miin- chen, SCHiLOSS, 1922. Isis

Hodson, Thomas Callan. The primitive culture of India, (James G. Forlong Fund Lectures.) 133 p. London, The Royal Asiatic Society, 1922. Iss3

Reviewed by W. CwooKEF in J. t. A. S., 122, 1923.

Hultzsch, Eugen. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum., Vol. 1, Inscrip- tions of Asoka. New edition. cxxxi + 260 p., 55 pl. For the Government of India, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1925. Isis

Kaye, 0. R. Hindu astronomy. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India, 18). 134 p. Calcutta, 1924.

Reviewed by J. L. E. DREYnR in Nature, 115, 770, 1925.

Keay, Frank Ernest. A history of Hindi literaturej (The heritage of India series) vii + 116 p., map. London. Oxford University Press, 1920. Isis

Reviewed by R. P. DEWIIURST in J. R. A. S., 293-297, 1922.

La Valle-Poussin, Louis de. Indo-Europeens et Indo-Iraniens. L'Inde jusque vers 300 avant Jesus-Christ. T. 3 de 1'Histoire du monde dirigee par E. CAVAIGNAC. 346 p. Paris, E. DE BOCCARD, 1924. s181

La ValIe-Poussin, Louis de. Bouddhisme. Opinions sur 1'histoire de la dogmatique. (Etudes sir l'histoire des Religions, 2). Troisieme edition. xvi - 420 p Paris, BEAUCHESNE, 1925. Isis

L'ouvrage parut pour la premiere fois en 1908; l'edition nouvelle ne differe que par quelques dedtails de l'edition originale. Pour le mettre au point, l'auteur aurait dfu le remanier trop profond6ment; il n'aurait d'ailleurs pas ose ecrire maintenant quelques-uns des chapitres, aurait dfi entreprendre de plusieurs parties de la dogmatique une analyse entie- rement nouvelle, et n'aurait guere conserv6 que les chapitres relatifs au Grand Vehicule et au Tantrisme. - Introduction; 1. Enseignement de

INDIA. 591

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CAKYAMUNI; 2. Systemes m6taphysiques du Bouddhisme; 3. Bouddhisme philosophique et religieux; 4. Carriere dia futur Bouddha; 5. Le Boud- dhisme et le surnaturel hindou. Tantrisme. Additions et corrections (pp. 413-7). G. S.

La Vallde-Poussin, Louis de. Nirvana. xxIIi + 194 p. Paris, BEAU- CHESNE, 1925. iSIS

Apergu histQrique. Les ( points r6serv6s )) et le Bouddhisme ( agnos- tique ). Scolastique. Vaihhasikas et Sautrantikas. Index.

Liebich, Bruno. Zur Einfiihrung in die indische einheimische Sprach- wissenschaft. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wisselschaften. Heidelberg, CARL WINTER. 1919-20. ISis

Reviewed by A. A. MACDONELL in J. R. A. S., 433-439, 1922.

Mazumdar, Bijaychandra. The history of the Bengali language. xvIIi -- 298 p. University of Calcutta, 1920. ISIS

Reviewed by L. D. BARNETT in J. R. A. S., 1923, 443.

Monahan, F. J. The early history of Bengal. Preface by Sir JOHN WOODROFFE. XII + 248 p., 5 pl., 2 maps. Oxford University Press, 1925. isis

(( This volume deals with the history, institutions, inscriptions, and art of the Maurya Period which began soon after ALEXANDER'S invasion of India in 327 B. C. In this period the historian of Bengal first finds sure ground. )

Ray, H. C. The Indian alphabet. Indian Antiquary, vol. 53, 233-235, 1924. IsIs

The author refers to the generally accepted theory of BiiuHLE, that Indian script was derived from the alphabet of the Northern Semites in the 6th or 7th cent. B. C., and then discusses BITANDARKAR'S view of the early-indeed prehistoric-origin of the Indian alphabet. BHAN- DARKAR concludes that writing was known to the Vedic Aryans long before the time of MESHA, king of Moab (850 B. C., the date of the Moabite stone). J. S.

Sarkar, Benoy Kumar. The political institutions and theories of the Hindus, a study in comparative politics. 242 p. Leipzig, MARKERT and PETTERS, 1922. IIs8

Reviewed in J. R. A. S., 484, 1923.

Sarup, Lakshman. The Nighantu and the Nirukta, the oldest Indian treatise on etymology, philology, and semantics. Critically edited and translated for the first time into English, with introduction, notes, three indices, and eight appendices. Introduction. 80 p. Oxford, University Press, 1920. English translation and notes. 259 p. Oxford, 1921. IsIr

Reviewed by L. D. B. in J. R. A. S., 1922, 447-448; 1923, 275.

Saunders, Virginia. Magic in the Sanskrit drama. Journ. Amer. Or Soc., vol. 45, no. 2, 110-114, 1925. Isis

Draws attention to a number of instances of magic in the Sanskrit drama. J. S.

592 INDIA.

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Temple, Sir R. C. Remarks on the Andaman Islanders and their country. Indian Antiquary, vol. 54, 21-29, 46-55, 81-94, 1925.


Observations on languages and their transcription, and' on the inter- pretation of beliefs and customs, mainly in the form of a criticism of ALFRED REGINALD BROWN'S book on the Andaman Islanders; comments on BROWN'S interpretation of Andamanese myths and legends.

J. S.

Vallauri, Mario. I1 brano della Sarngadharasanhita sullanatomica, Estr. dagli Atti della Reale Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, vol. 58. 1923. isis

Vallauri, Mario. La terapeutica indiana (Saggi sulla medicina indiana, 6). Arch. di storia d. scienza, 5, 356-377, 1924. IsIs

Suite des etudes sur la medecine dans l'Inde precedemment signalees (Isis, IV, 182; V, 272; VII, 271). L. G.

10. - CHINA.

Cordier, Henri. Bibliotheca Sinica. Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs a l'Empire chinois. DeuxiTeme edition, supplement et index. Fasc. 4, p. 4210-4430. Paris, GEUTHNER, 1924, ISIS

Dawson, Percy M. Su-wen, the basis of Chinese medicine. Annals of medical history, t. 7, 59-64, 1925. ISis

Translated from L, WIEGER. Histoire des croyances religieuses en Chine, 1917. (A new edition of that work has since been published, Isis, VII, 261.)

Fraser, M. Forbes, A. Tanggu meyen (( The hundred chapters )) and other Manchu reading lessons. Romanised text and English translation side by side. vii + 184 p. London, LuZAC, 1925. ISIS

Hawkins, Horatio B. Geography of China. 13th edition, revised. ix + 86 p., many maps and illustrations. Shanghai. Commercial Press, 1923. Iis

Hobson, Robert Lockhart. The later ceramic wares of China. London, BENN, 1925. ISIS

Johnston, R. F. The Chinese drama. With six illustrations from original paintings by C. F. WINZER. 36 p. Shanghai, KELLY and WALSH, 1921. Isis

Reviewed by W. PERCEVAL YETTS in J. R. A. S., 1923, 271.

Koop, Albert J. Early Chinese bronzes. London, BENN, 1924. Isis

Laufer, Berthold. Ivory in China. 78 p., 10 pl. Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History, 1925. isis

( The object of the present study is to set forth the importance of ivory in the early antiquity of China, to trace the sources of supply and the development of the ivory-trade, and to interpret the art of ivory in its relation to Chinese life and culture. This essay is divided into five chapters dealing with the elephant in China and the trade in elephant ivory, folklore of the mammoth and trade in mammoth ivory, trade in walrus and narwhal ivory, ivory substitutes, and objects made of ivory. It is occasioned by a collection of ivory carvings made by me in China in 1923 (Captain MARSHALL FIELD Expedition) and recently placed on exhibition, and may serve as a guide to this collection. ))

593 CHINA.

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Shirokogoroff, S. M. Social organization of the Manchus. A study of the Manchu Clan organisation. Journal of Royal Asiatic Society (North China Branch). Extra volume 3. VI + 194 p. Shanghai, 1924. is,s

Siren, Osvald. Chinese sculpture from the fifth to the fourteenth century. 1 vol. text; 3 vol. plates. London, BENN, 1925. isis

Siren, Osvald. The walls and gates of Peking. Researches and impressions. xvII t- 239 p., 109 photos, 50 drawings. London, JOHN LANE, 1924. Isis

Yetts, W. Perceval. Public health in ancient China. Journlal of the Royal Asiatic Society, p. 98-100, 1924. Is18

11. - JAPAN.

Anesaki, Marahuru. Quelques pages de l'histoire religieuse du Japon: conferences faites au College de France. (Annales du Musee Gui- met, Bibliotheque de vulgarisation, tome 43). Ix + 173 p. Paris, EDMOND BERNARD, 1921. 18sI

Reviewed by A. WALEY in J. R. A. S., 124, 1923.

Chamberlain, Basil Hall. A simplified grammar of the Japanese lan- guage. (Modern written style.) Revised edition by JAMES GARFIE,LD MCILROY. VIii -- 144 p. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1924. Isis

13. - ISRAEL.

Borchardt, Paul. Die Falaschajuden in Abessinien im Mittelalter. Anthropos, 18-19, 258-266, sketch map. Vienna, 1923-1924. 1sis

Interpretation of passages in the works of BENJAMIN OF TUDELA, ELDAD HIA-DANI, GERSON BEN ELIZER, and other early Jewish travellers relating to the Falasha Jews of northern Abyssinia. BORCHARDT would place the mythical river Sambation of the Talmud in this same vicinity. See note in Geographical Review, 15, 318-319, 1925. J. K. W.

Feldman, (Rabbi) Asher. The parables and similes of the Rabbis, agricultural and pastoral. ix + 290 p. Cambridge University Press, 1924. Isis

Finkelstein, Louis. Jewish self-government in the Middle Ages. With a foreword by A. MARX. (Abraham Berlinger series) xiii + 390 p. Philadelphia, Jewish theol. sem. of America, 1924.


Frazer, Sir James George. Le Folklore dans l'Ancien Testament. Edition abregee avec notes. Traduction par E. ANDRA avec une Introduction par RENE DUSSAUD X + 448 p., PAUL GEUTHNER, Paris, 1924. [40 fr.] isis

Le nom de FRAZER est heureusement devenu tres populaire en France; presque toute son aeuvre est traduite et ne manque pas de lecteurs. SARTON a donn6 (Isis, V, 535; VI, 201), de l'edition anglaise complete de laquelle l'auteur a tire en 1923 une edition abregee publi6e a Londres chez MAC- MILLAN, et dont vient de paraitre une excellente traduction francaise, un compte rendu auquel je ne puis que renvoyer le lecteur de cette note. Cette traduction est precedee d'une introduction dans laquelle RENE DUS- SAUD caracterise la metho'de de FRAZER. L'edition abregee differe de la premiere, non seulement par le raccourcissement de presque tous les cha-


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pitres qui sont conserv6s, mais aussi par la disparition totale d'un cer- tain nombre de ceux qui formaient, dans l'edition con,plete, la troisieme et la quatrieme partie. Tous les chapitres du premier et du second livre sont conserves. On peut avoir d'autant plus confiance en la sinceritd de cette traduction, que FRAZER connalt lui-meme admirablement la langue frangaise, comme en temoigne, en particulier, son livre sur ERNEST RENAN (edit. CL. AVELINE, 1923). - Malheureusement, les notes biblio- graphiques (40 p.) sont rejet6es a la fin du volume. Index copieux.

L. G.

Friedlander, Arthur M. Facts and theories relating to Hebrew music A paper read at one of the meetings held in connexion with the Centenary celebration of the Royal Asiatic Society, July 19, 1923. With musical examples, and a reproduction of an early Hebrew manuscript containing neums. 16 p London, REEVES, 1924. I8si

Gollancz, Sir Hermann. Pedagogics of the Talmud and that of modern times. A comparative study viii 4- 120 p. London, MILFORD, 1924. isis

Contents: 1. Brief survey of education among the Israelites in early history and Talnudic times. 2. Outline of views on education held by typical modern thinkers. 3. The physical development of the child. 4. The purpose of education : man's destiny. 5. Reflections upon educa- tion in general. 6. Methods of in,struiction. 7. Details of instruction. 8. The local o,f the school. 9. Class-system and number of pupils, 10. The teacher. 11. The pupil. 12. Female education. 13. School and life.

Gowen, Herbert H. The colour terms of the Old Testament. 12 p. (Reprinted from the Anglican Theological Review.) Seattle. University of Washington, 1920. ISBs

Reviewed by JAMES LINDSAY in J. R. A. S., 1922, 125-126.

Oulkowitsch, Lazar. Das Wesen des Talmud Zeit. d. deutsch. mor- genl. Ges., N. F. vol. 3, Heft. 2, 111-120. 1924. Isis

The leading ideas and contents of the Talmud are briefly described; indications are given of its importance for the historian of Judaism, the theologian, jurist, philologist, geographer, the student of science, etc.

J. S.

Halper, Benzion. Post-Biblical Hebrew literature, an anthology Vol. 1. text, notes and glossary; vol. 2, English translation. 300 and 251 p. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society, 1921.

ISIs Reviewed by H. HIRSCHrELD in J. R. A. S., 1922, 141-142.

Jaccard, Pierre. L'art grec et le spiritualisme hebreu. A props de la peinture juive. Mercure de France. 15 aofut, 1925, 80-93. sisi

Kittel, Rudolf. Die hellenistische Mysterienreligion und das alte Testament. Zeit. d. deutsch. morgenl. Ges., N. F. vol. 3, Heft 2, 88-101, 1924. isis

The author argues that Judaism had a large share in the origin of the Hellenistic mystery cults of Alexandria, and that the Persian influence was less than has hitherto been generally believed. J. S.

Kittel, Rudolf. The religion of the people of Israel. Authorized translation by R. CARYL MICKLEM. Lectures delivred in Upsala in 1920. 229 p. London, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1925. isis


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Moore, George Foot. I libri del Vecchio Testamento. Trad. ital. di A. PINCHERLE. (Biblioteca di culttura moderna, 125.) XII+234 p. Bari, LATERZA, 1924. ISIS

Myers, Jack M. The story of the Jewish people. Being a history of the Jewish people since Bible times. With prefatory note by The Very Rev. The Chief Rabbi. Vol. 3. xvi + 184 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. isis

The New Palestine. Hebrew University Issue. Vol. 8, N? 13, p. 281-456, many illustrations, New York 1925. ISIS

Special number to celebrate the formal inauguration of the Hebrew University, on Mount Scopus, j'ust outside of Jerusalem, on Apri.l 1, 1925. It is on Mount Scopus, be it remembered, that TITUS VESPASIAN pitched his tent, in 70 A. D., to direct the conquest of the city. A number of articles have been contributed to this issue by distinguished authors, of whom I can but quote a few: ALBERT EINSTEI, GRAHAM WALLAS, Sir MARTIN CONWAY, ISRAEL ABRAHAMS, SIDNEY E. MEZES, ABRAHAM GOLDBERG, PATRICK GEDDES, JESSIE E. SAMPTER, RABINDRANATH TAGORE, etc. When one realizes how many fundamental contributions to art and science have been made by Jews, it is strange to tliink that this is the first Jewish university in the modern sense. I (a Gentile) believe that its foundation is very opportune and will be considered later as an important landmark in the history of civilization. This Univer- sity will not be simply, as we have every reason to expect, an important center of research, but it will be also a new valuable link between East and West and above all, it will become the bet hayotzer l'nishmat houmoh, the place where the soul of the Jewish nation shall be recreated. The whole teaching will be given, be it noted, in Hebrew. Let us hope, how- ever, that this center of Jewish civilization will not become a center of narrow nationalism and sectarianism. EINSTEIN'S brief article contains a plea for toleration to which I isubscribe entirely; another paragraph of his article deserves to be quoted verbatim : a A special task devolves upon the University in, the spiritual direction and education of the labor- ing sections of our people in the land. In Palestine it is not our aim to create another people of city dwellers leading the same life as in the European cities and possessing the European bourgeois standards and conceptions. We aim at creating a people of workers, at creating the Jewish village in the first place, and we desire that the treasures of culture should be accessible to our laboring class, especially since, as we know, Jews, in all circumstances, place education above all things. In this connection it devolves upon the University to create something unique in order to serve the specific needs of the forms of life developed by our people in Palestine. )) Among the many portraits illustrating this number there is one especially beautiful, of EINSTEIN (facing p. 294).

G. S.

Ochs, Julius. Medizingeschichtliche Beitriige zur Lehre vom Abortus und von den abortiven Abgiingen in der Auffassung des Talmud. (Diss., Koln) Hygien. Institut d. Univ. Kl1n, 1923. ISIS

Schapiro, D. La peritomie. Etude generale et particuliere. Janus, 27, 161-191, 241-254, 259-285, 1923; 28, 120-142, 192-198, 1924; 29, 61- 77, 1925 (a suivre). ISIS

Apres J. FiRST, P. LAFARGUE et d'autres, l'auteur admet que l'institu- tion de la circoncision chez les Hebreux est due a ABRAHAM.

L. G.

Schechter, Solomon (1847-1915). Studies in Judaism. Third series. vii-+336 p. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society, 1924. isis


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Stein, Leonard. Zionism. 218 p. London, BENN, 1925. Isis

Wiener, Harold M. Early Hebrew history and other studies. ix + 117 p. London, SCOTT, 1924. ISis

13. - IRAN.

Arnold, Sir Thomas W. Survivals of Sasanian and Manichaean art in Persian painting. 23 p. London. MILFORD, 1925. ISIS

Edwards, Edward. A catalogue of the Persian printed books in the British Museum. viii + 968 p. London, British Museum, 1922.


Reviewed by R. LEVY in J. R. A. S., 121, 1923.

08otze, Albrecht. Persische Weisheit im griechischen Gewande. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Mikrokosmos-Idee. Ztschr. f. Indo- logie u. Iranistik. 2, 60-98, 167-177, 1923. ISIS

Hluart, ClEment. La Perse antique et la civilisation iranienne. 35 fig., 4 pl., 1 carte. xv +- 295 p. Paris, Renaissance du Livre, 1925.


Kalmykow, A. Iranians and Slavs in South Russia. Journ. Amer. Or. Soc., vol. 45, n? 2, 68-71, 1925. isis

The author comments on the discovery that the Scythian and Sarma- tian tribes, who are the first historically identified inhabitants of South Russia, belong to the Iranian branch of the Indo-European family and form the western part of the Iranians. This discovery he characterizes as (( one of the more remarkable and' least remarked achievements of oriental science during the present generation. )) J. S.

Newcomb, Rexford. The architectural ceramics of Persia: ancient medieval and modern. (Architectural Monographs on tiles and tilework, 3). 32 p. Beaver Falls, Pa., Associated Tile NManufac- turers, 1925. Isis

See Isis, VII, 283.

Paruck, Furdoonjee D. J. Sasanian coins. xx + 536 p., 68 pl. map. Bombay, The Times Press, 1924. isis

Reltzenstein, R. Das iranische Erloesungsmysterium. (Religions- geschichtliche Untersuchungen) xni + 272 p. Bonn, MARCUS & WEBER, 1921. Isis

A. PUECH in Journal des Savants, 23, 84-85, 1925.

14. - ISLAM.

Ahmad -Isa Bey. Al-alat at-tibb w'al-jir.aha w'al-kihala 'inda 'l-'Arab (The medical, surgical and ophthalmic instruments of the Arabs). 24 p., 6 pl., 8vo. Cairo, 1925. isis

This is a compilation of all that is known about the instruments of the Arabs for medical purposes, extracted mainly, from the Chirurgia of ABULCASIS (ABU-L-QASIM Az-ZAHRAwi), and from the publications of SUDHOFF and HIRSCHBERG. The author gives an alphabetical list of the instruments and a reproduction of the plates of ABULCASIS and HRsciH- BERG. Moreover a photo of the instruments found during the recent excavations at Fustat (Old Cairo). Nevertheless, I have doubts about the medical character of some of these instruments. Several of them are probably cosmetic tools. A more extended vocalisation of the names of instruments would have been useful. M. MEYERHOF (Cairo).


VOL. viII-3 39

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Arnold, Sir Thomas W. The Caliphate. 223 p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1924. isis

Reviewed by D. B. MACDONALD in American Historical Review, t. 30, 501-3, 1925.

Browne, E. 0. A supplementary handlist of the Muhammadan manus- cripts preserved in the libraries of the University and Colleges of Cambridge. xii+3+8 p. Cambridge, 1922. isis

Byne, Mildred Stapley, and Byne, Arthur. Spanish gardens and patios. Illustrated. London, LIPPINCOTT, 1925. ISIS

Carra de Vaux, Baron. Les penseurs de l'Islam Vol. 4. La scolastique, la theologie et la mystique. 384 p. Paris, GEUTI'HNER, 1D23. isis

The characterisation of vol. 3 in Isis (vol. VII, 272) applies essen- tially to this volume also. Scholasticism, meaning the philosophical development in Islam, is treated in its eastern and western schools (FARABI, AVICENNA, IBN TUFAIL, AVERROES) and in its influence on Chris- tendom in the so-called' Averroism. A cha.pter follows on the philo- sophical secret societies. Then comes theology-the ieal scholasticism or philosophical systematization of dogma-and another on the mystical theology, orthodox and heretical, theistic and pantheistic. This leads to the sceptics (ABt'-L-(ALA of Ma(arra, 'UMAR KHAYYAM) and to the Persian and Turkish mystical and moralizing poets. The final chapter on music is rather artificially tacked on. The whole reads easily and may prove suggestive but the reader does not get far. D. B. M.

Cheikho, P. L. (S.J.). Catalogue raisonnd des inanuserits de la Biblio- theque orientale de l'Universite Saint-Joseph. III nos 246-336, Mineralogie, chimie, divination, medecine). Melanges de l'Univer- site Saint Joseph, Tome VIII, 6, 387-440, Beyrouth, 1923 ISIS

Erskine, Beatrice (Mrs. Steuart Erskine). The vanished cities of Arabia. Illustrated by Major BENTON FLETCHER. 324 p Lon- don, HUTCItINSON, 1925. ISIS

Gabrieli, Francesco. Saggio d'una bibliografia geografica arabo-occi- dentale. Ossia primo gruppo di opere geografiche musulmane (arabe, persiane, turche) che siano tradotte in tutto o in parte, o ampiamente riassunte, in lingue occidentali, 'con particolare riguardo all' Italia; preceduto da una introduzione sommaria o schizzo storico sullo svolgimento della letteratura geografica arabo-musulmana. Archivio di storia d. scienza, 6, 33-45, 1925.

ISIS . La letteraitura geografica presso gli Arabi; 2. Conoscenze geogra-

fiche degli Arabi intorno all'Italia; 3. Cartografia araba; 4. Bibliografia (96 numere). L. G.

Gauthier, Leon. Introduction a l'etude de la philosophie musulmane. L'esprit semitique et l'esprit aryen; la philosophie grecque et la religion de l'Isl'am. 138 p. in-8?. E. LEROUX, Paris. 1923. isis

I1 s'agit ici d'une introduction v6ritable a l'6tude de la philosophie musulmane, et non, comme le sont trop souvent les introductions a telle ou telle chose, d'une vulgarisation at peu pros sans valeur. I1 est bien certain que, pour p6n6trer dans l'etude de la philosophic musulmane, il est necessaire de connaitre l'esprit s6mitique arabe, de savoir en quoi il s'oppose a l'esprit aryen: c'est a ce contact avec l'esprit arabe que sont consacr6es les 67 premieres pages du livre de GAUTHIER, oU il pre- sente une conception legerement differente de celle de. E. RENAN, de celle de P. LAPIE: le semite, pour l'auteur, est essentiellement separatiste, done

598 ISLAM.

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monotheiste et antirationaliste, taaudis que l'esprit aryen est fusioniste, donc pantheistique, et son aboutissement normal, par dela. la philosophie grecque, est le christianisme. II faut aussi connaltre la religion musul- mane dans ses grands traits, et donc chercher comment elle derive des dogmes judeo-chrktiens et de la philosophie grecque. Ces deux points font l'objet des deux derniers chapitres de ce travail, qui est done tres logi- quement presente; malheureusement, la documentation s'arrete a 1909: le manuscrit etait alors pret pour l'impression, et l'auteur n'a rien voulu y changer. La question de l'accord de la philosophie grecque et de la religion musulmane, qui est, au fond, Ie probleme fondamental de la phi- losophie musulmane, pour nous, Occidentaux, n'a d'ailleurs pas fait un pas depuis. L. G.

Goldzlher, lgnaz (1850-1921). Die Richtungen der Islamischen Koran- auslegung. Lectures delivered in the University of Upsala on the Olaus-Petri foundation. Vol. 6 of the Publications of the de Goeje Stiftung. x - 392 p. Leiden, BRILL, 1920. isis

Reviewed by D. S. M. in J. R. A. S., 120-22, 1922.

Guillaume, Alfred. The traditions of Islam. An introduction to the study of the Hadith literature. 184 ). Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1924. Isis

Harrison, Paul W. The Arab at home. Based on fourteen years' missionnary experience in Arabia. xiI + 345 p. New York. CROM- WELL, 1924. Isis

Kumm, H. K. W. The Arab geographers and Africa. Scottish Geo- graphical Magazine, vol. 41, no. 5, September 15, 1925, pp. 284- 289. J. K. W.

Levi-Provenqal. E. Les manuscrits Arabes dc Rabat. viii. 306 + 74 p. Paris, ERNEST LEROUX, 1921 ISIS

Reviewed by F. KiENKOW in J. R. A. S., 628-630, 1923.

Marty, Paul. L'universit6 Qaraouiyne de Fes Renseignements coloniaux et documents, suppleient a l'Afrique frangaise, novem- bre 1924. Isis

PIERRE CLERGET in Rev. g6n. des sciences, 36, 165, 1925.

Philip, Viscount, History of Arabic journalism. Containing the story of every Arabic journal or magazine, which has appeared in the world, east or west, with portraits of their editors and contri- butors, and biographies of the most famous of them. Two volu- mes (in Arabic). Beyrut, Adabiyyah Press, 1913. Isis

Reviewed in J. R. A. S., 280-281, 1922.

Roberts, Robert. The social laws of the Qoran, Considered and compared with those of the Hebrew and other ancient codes. x + 126 p. London, WILLIAMS and (NRG..ATE, i925. Isis

Riihl, Alfred. Vom Wirtschaftsgeist im Orient. viii + 92 S. Leip- zig, QUELLE und MEYER. 1925. (geb. 6 Mk.)

Dieses kleine, aber inhaltreiche Buch behandelt an einem enger begrenz- ten Beispiel, dem wirtschaftlichen Leben Algeriens, die Frage der inneren Einstellung der Bekenner des Islam, der in Algerien einheimischen Juden, sowie einer eigentiimlichen islamischen Sekte, der Mozabiten, zu Handel und Erwerb. Auf den bahinbrechenden Untersuchungen MAX WEBERS fussend, untersucht der Verf. den Einfluss der natiirlichen Bedingungen des Klimas und der Landschaft, vor allem aber die Einwirkung der reli-

599 ISLAM.

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giisen Gebundenheit, der durch den Islam geschaffenen Lebensgelwohn- heiten und Lebensauffassungen auf die wirtschaftliohen Energien. Es ist genussreich zu lesen, wie die Verhaltnisse und Anschauungen, die dem Kenner der Geschichte des Islam gelaufig sind, durch die volkswirtschaft- liche Beleuchtung neue Farbe und neue Begriindung erhalten. Nicht minder lehrreich sind die Ausfiihrungen fiber das jiidische Element in Algier, und noch interessanter ist das, was fiber das wenig bekannte ber- berische Volk der Beni Mzab, das einige Oaslen im Siiden Algiers bewohnt, fiber seine puritanische Art und wirtschaftliche Macht ausgeffihrt wird. Ohne es beabsichtigt zu haben, sagt der Verf. in seinen auf beste Quellen gestiitzten Ausffihrungen manches, was auf das Verhaltnis der koloni- sierenden Machte zu den alteingesessenen Staimmen Licht wirft und die immer wieder au;sbrechenden Aufstande verstehen lehrt.


Schoy, Carl. Ortsbestamningar i den arabiska astronomien. Exerpt from : .Nordisk astronomisk tidsskrift, bind 3, no. 2, pp. 64-72, 1922. IBI

Schwarz, Paul. Iran im Mittelalter nach den arabischen Geographen. 5, Lfr. 2, S 577-624. Leipzig, OTTO WIGAND, 1924. Isis

See Isis, V, 275 (RUSKA).

Valyl, F61ix. Spiritual and political revolutions in Islam. Iv - 236 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. I8IS

Wiedemann, Eilhard. Ueber Lote, Loten und Giessen bei den Ara- bern, Zentralzeitung f: Optik und Mechanik. 44, S. 83 ff., 1923.

Notes extracted from the Shining Stars, an Arabic work written by one AL-HsSANi. Not seen. G. S.

Wiedemann, Ellhard. Zur Geschichte des Kompasses (Nachtrag). Zeitschr. f. Physik 14. S. 240, 1923. Isis

Notes extracted from the Shining Stars of MAL-HASANi and compared with other Muslim quotations on same subject. Not seen. G. S.

Wiirschmidt, Joseph. Naturwissenschaftliches Studium im Islam und sein Einfluss auf das Abendland. Der Asienkampfer, 6, 1924.


Zwemer, Samuel Marinus. The law of apostasy in Islam, answering the question, why there are so few Moslem converts, and giving examples of their moral courage and martyrdom. 164 p. London, MARSHALL BROTHERS, 1924. I8IS


Systematic Classification.

Including only the material which could not be included in Parts I and II. Hence studies on Japanese astronomy or on XIii. century astro- nomy are not classified below under astronomy, but above, respectively under Japan (in Part II) and S. XIII (in Part I).

The sections forming Part III are classified as follows: I. Science in general: 1. Bibliography; 2. History; 3. Organization;

4. Philosophy.


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II. Formal sciences (Knowledge of Forms) : 5. Logic and Theory of Knowledge; 6. Mathematics; 7. Statistical methods.

1II. Physical sciences (Knowledge of inorganic nature) : 8. Mechanics; 9. Astronomy; 10. Physics; 11. Chemistry (Physico-chemistry, Industrial chemistry); 12. Technology.

IV. Biological sciences (Knowledge of organic nature): 13. Biology (Generalities, (( Natural History ))); 14. Botany (Agronomy, Phytopathology, Palaeobotany); 15. Zoology.

V. Sciences of the earth (implying knowledge of both organic and inorganic nature) : 16. Geodesy; 17. Geography and Oceano- graphy; 18. Geology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology, Mining; 19. Meteorology, Climatology, and Terrestrial Physics.

VI. Anthropological and historical sciences (Knowledge of man, past and present) : 20. Anatomy; 21. Physical anthropology (anthropo- metry and races of man); 22. Physiology (human and compara- tive); 23. Psychology (human and comparative); 24. Archaeology (generalities, methods); 25. Prehistory; 26. Ethnology (primitive and potpular science); 27. Superstition and Occultism; 28. Econo- mics (economic doctrines and history, commerce, transportation and communications); 29. Sociology, Jurisprudence and Positive Polity; 30. History of Civilization (general history, historical methodis, biography and chronology); 31. History of art (Art and science, Iconography, Arts and crafts); 32. History of Language, Writing and Literature; 33. History of Morals (Moral organiza- tion of society); 34. History of Philosophy; 35. History of Reli- gion (Science and religion).

VII. Medicine: 36. History; organization and philosophy of medicine; 37. Epidemiology, History of special diseases. Public health and Social Medicine; 38. History of hospitals and of medical

teaching; 39. Pharmacy. Pharmacology. Toxicology. VIII. Education (the methods of accumulating, imparting and diffusing

knowledge) : 40. Education (Generalities, Metho:ds, Colleges, Universities); 41. Academies, societies, congresses. National and international organization of science; 42. Bibliography (Methods, Libraries); 43. Museology (Museums and Collections).

IX. 44. Alia; 45. Errata.

The applied sciences are not disconnected from the puTe ,sciences, but, as far as possible, the principles and applications of science are considered successively in the same section. However, applications based upon the principles of many sciences are dealt with separately (ex. technology, medicine, education).



Scientific Periodicals A world list of scientific periodicals published in the years 1900-1921. In 2 volumes. Vol. 1. xxii + 499 p. Oxford University Press, 1925. Isis


Barbagallo, Corrado. Storia delle scienze. vi + 179 p. Milano, AILBRIGHI SEGATI, 1925. Isis


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Caullery, Maurice et Lote, Ren6. Histoire des sciences en France' Deuxieine volumne. Histoire des sciences biologiques, par CAULLERY,

MAURICE; Histoire de la philosophie, par LOTE REN' (Ilistoire de la nation francaise, dir igee par GABRIEL HANOTAUX, t. XVI). 620 p.,

omnibreuses illustra2tions de CHARLES SANLAVILLE et ROBERT

FEAU. PLON, Paris, 19 5. isis I1 a d6ej ete rendu comipte du premier volume de cette (( Histoire des

sciences en France )) (Isis, VII, 514-16), volume oh sont expos6es l'his- toire des mathematiques, l'histoire de la physique et celle de la chimie. Les remarques generales alors faites par SARTON s'appliquent evidern- ment i cette seconde et derniere partie de l'ouvrage, tant en ce qui con- cerne le texte qu'en ce qui a trait aux illustrations. - Chacun des auteurs dispose ici d'un nombre de pages sensiblenment egal, et c'est jus- tice. La premiere moitie de l'etude de CAULLERY, appuyee sur un cha- pitre d'introduction sur la science grecque, source de la biologie mod'erne, s'etend jusqu'a LAMIARCK, le reste etant reserv4 au XIXe siecle, et aux pro- blemes et tendances de la biologie contemporaine. L'anatomie humaine dans ses grands traits, la physiologie, la bacteriologie, la zoologie, la botanique, la geologie, y sont tour a tour envisagees, et les solutions pro- posses pour les grand's problemes qu'elles soulevent sont admirablement exposees, 6tant entendu que l'ouvrage s'adresse au grand public.

L'histoire de la philosophic de REN. LOTE s'appuie, elle aussi, naturel- lement, sur l'apport de la science et de la philosophic antiques; suivent: un chapitre sur le moyen age, un sur la Renaissance, deux sur le xvne ,siecle, deux sur le xvlle (65 pages environ par siecle), et trois cha- pitres (100 pages) sur le xixe siecle et l'epoque contemporaine: repar- tition de la matiere tout a fait logique; ensemble tr6s bien construit, chaque detail etant a sa place, avec sa juste valeur. Malheureusement, a l'avant-derniere page, ce bel ensemble se trouve gate par le jugement porte sur la theorie de l.a relativit6 g6enralisee, plus ou moins traitee de mystification, sans d'ailleurs que le nom d'EINSTEN soit prononce.

La collection HANOTAUX ne comporte que ces deux volumes pour l'his- toire des sciences. II n'y a done point en France de medecine, de chirurgie, de pharmacie, de geographie, d'anthropologie, de prehistoire, d'archeo- logie? L. G.

Gunther, Robert Theodor. Historic instruments for the advance- ment of science. A handbook to the Oxford Collections prepared for the opening of the Lewis Evans Collection on May 5, 1925. iv -4 90 p. Cambridge University Press, 1925. I"is

Ruska, Julius. Erster Jahresbericht des Instituts fur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften zu Heidelberg. 4. p. Heidelberg, 1925. Isis

For the Heidelberg Institute, which is essentially devoted to the study of Muslim science, see Isis, VI, 538. This is the first annual report, very brief. G. S.

Schmidt, Heinrich Geschichte der Entwicklungslehre. IX --- 549 S Leipzig, ALFRED KRONER, 1918. Isis


(Internal organization is meant. see ISIS I, 195, For external, national and international, organization, see section 41.)

Photography as a scientific implement. A collective work. vnI+-549 p., plates and figures. London, BLACKIE, 1923. isis

Contents : 1. CHARILEs R. GBsorN : The history of photography (34 pages); 2. S. E. SHEPPARD: The elementary optics of photography;


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3. A. E. CONRADY: Photographic optics; 4. S. E. SHEPPARD : The theory of photographic processes and methods; 5. CHARLES RUNDLE DAVIDSON : Astronomical photography; 6. H. Moss: Application of photography in physics; 7. JOHN HENRY C. MONYPENNY: Photography in the engineering and metallurgical industries; 8. GEORGE H. RODMAN: Photomicrography; 9. H. S. L. WINTERBOTHAM : Photographic surveying; 10. F. C. V. LAws: Aeronautical photography; 11. W. L. F. WASTELL : Colour photography; 12. WIIAM B. HISLOP : Photography applied to printing; 13. ARTHUR S. NEWMAN : The technics of kinematography; 14. WILFRED MARK WEBB: The camera as witness and detective.

[Poland]. La Science polonaise, ses besoins, son organisation et ses progres Resume frangais des articles parus dans le vol. 1V. p. 553-83, 1924. -- Resume frangais des articles parus dans le vol. V, 36 p Annuaire de la Caisse J. Mianowski, Institut d'encourage- ment aux travaux scientifiques. Varsovie, Palais Staszic, 1925.


Le deuxieme des fascicules cites donne aussi la table des matieres des volumes I a IV, 1918-1923. G. S.

Smuts, Jan Christiaan. Science in South Africa. Presidential address to the South African Association for the Advancement of Science, delivered at Oudtshoorn. Cape Province, on July 6, 1925. Nature, vol. 116, 245-9, 1925. Isis

Admirable address which very few statesmen would be able to deliver. General SAMUTS seems to be especially well acquainted with palaeobotanical problems, and palaeontological problems in general, and to understand fully their importance from the South African point of view. ( Science has in South Africa a splendid field of labour : other nations may well envy us the rich ores of this great (( scientific divide )) which is our heritage. I trust that South African science will rise to the height of its great opportunities, and that this subcontinent will yet earn for itself that scientific leadership of the southern hemisphere to which its central position and its great scientific assets and opportunities entitle it. )) G. S.


Burtt, Edwin Arthur. The metaphysical foundations of modern physical science: a historical and critical essay. (International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method.) ix + 349 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. ISI3

Evolution in the light of modern knowledge. A collective work. xvi + 528 p. London, BLACKIE, 1925. IsIa

Contributors: JAMES H. JEANS : Cosmogony; HAROLD JEFFRIYS : The evolution of the earth as a planet; WILLIAM W. WATTS : Geology; CONWY LLOYD MORGAN : Biology; FREDERICK 0. BowE : Botany; ERNEST W. MACBRIDE : Zoology; M. S. PEMBREY : Physiology; G. ELLIOT SMITH : Anthropology; WILLIAx McDouGALL : Mental evolution; FRE- DERICK SODDY : Physics and chemistry; ALFRED A. ROBB : Time and space; ALFRED E. TAYLOR: Philosophy; JAMTES M. WILSON: The reli- gious effect of the idea of evolution.

Haering, Th. L. Philosophic der Naturwissenschaft. Versuch eines einheitlichen Verstaindnisses der Methoden und Ergebnisse der (anorganischeni Naturwissenschaft. Zugleich eine Rehabilitie- rung des vorwissenschaftlichen Weltbildes. 788 S. Miinchen, RosI,, 1923. (8 M.) 11is


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Eine ganz vorziigliche, wirklich im gew6hnlichen Sprachgebrauch geschriebene Philosophie, die den Sinn und die Bedeutung jeder natur- wissenschaftlichen Betatitung klarlegen will. Der seiner Aufgabe auch vom naturwissenschaftlichen Standpunkte aus vollig gewachsene Verf. hat hier ein besonders fur jeden Wissenschaftshistoriker geeignetes Werk geschaffen. Erginzende Werke sind von ihm entweder bereits erschienen oder in Vorbereitung. Das vorliegende ist im Grunde genommen eine Philosophie der Physik. H. W.

Hobson, E.W. The ideal aim of physical science. A lecture delivered on November 7, 1924, before the University of London at King's College. iv+34 p. Cambridge University Press. 1925. Isis

Lange, Frederick Albert. The history of materialism and criticism of its present importance. Authorised translation by ERNEST CHESTER THOMAS. (International Library of Psychology, Philo- sophy and Scientific Method.) Third edition (3 vol. in 1). XLIIl + 330 p.; 397 p.; 376 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925 IsiS

First published in 3 vol. in 1881.

Noyes, Alfred. The torch-bearers. Vol. 2: The Book of Earth. vii + 375 p. Edinburgh, BLACKWOOD, 1925, Isis

Whitehead, Alfred North. An enquiry concerning the principles of natural knowledge, Second edition, xiv + 207, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 1925. Isis

Wolf, Abraham. Essentials of scientific method. 160 p. London GEORGE ALLEN and UNWIN, 1925. Isis

(( This little book is intended to give an up-to.date, concise account of the aim and' methods of science. It may claim to describe and illus- trate more scientific methods than are dealt with in any other book; and to present them without those unnecessary encumbrances which so fre- quently prevent the student from seeing the wood for the trees. Some psychological and philosophical considerations are inevitable in a book of this kind; but I have deliberately resisted' the temptation of letting the main theme lose itself in a mass of discussions which, though interest- ing and important, may well be deferred for separate, subsequent consi- deration. )) Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. The chief cognitive processes in the service of science; 3. Classification and description; 4. The evolu- tionary and comparative methods; 5. The simpler inductive methods; 6. The statistical method; 7. The deductive-inductive methods; 8. Order in nature and laws of nature; 9. Scientific explanation; 10. Probability. - The book is clearly written, but very elementary. G. S.



Agostini, Amedeo. I1 teorema fondamentale dell' algebra. Periodico di matematiche, serie 4, t 4, 23 p., 1924. Isis

History of the progressive demonstration and generalization of the fundamental theorem of algebra, beginning with R. BOMBnLI until to-day. The modern demonstrations are classified and discussed. G. S.

Bally, Emile. Principes et premiers developpements de geometrie generale synthetique moderne. viii + 218 p. gr. in-8?, GAUTHIER VILLARS et Ci', Paris, 1922. Isis


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Ce n'est la qu'une partie de l'ouvrage que l'auteur devait donner sous ce titre, et que les ( tarifs actuels de l'impression )) ne lui permettent pas de publier integralement. (Quand finira cette crise, dont le monde savant souffre plus que tout autre?) On n'y trouvera done pas l'unit6 que BALLY lui eit sans doute donnee, mais seulement un chapitre prelimi- naire sur les elements d'arithmetique ordinale, un chapitre sur les notions de geometrie generale, un chapitre ayant pour objet l'Ptude de l'hexangle general, et deux autres consacres A l'hexangle pascalien.

I. G.

Bliss, Oilbert Ames. Calculus of variations. xII -189 p. Published for the Mathematical Association of America. Chicago, Open Court, 1925. IsIS

( This book is the first of a series of monographs on mathematical subjects which are to be published under the auspices of the Mathema- tical Association of America and whose publication has been made pos- sible by a very generous gift to the Association by Mrs. MARY HEGELER CARUS as trustee for the Edward C. Hegeler Trust Fund. The purpose of the monographs is to make the essential features of various mathema- tical theories accessible and attractive to as many persons as possible who have an interest in mathematics but who may not be specialists in the particular theory presented, a purpose which Mrs. CARus has very appropriately described to be ' the diffusion of mathematical and' formal thought as contributory to exact knowledge and clear thinking, not only for mathematicians and teachers of mathematics but also for other scien- tists and the public at large.' )). Contents: 1. Typical problems of the calculus of variations; 2. Shortest distances; 3. The brachistochrone pro- blem; 4. Surfaces of revolution of minimum area; 5. A more general theory; A list of references; Notes; Index. Neat and handy little volume which will be of great convenience to students and teachers because it brings together many problems which are scattered in various treatises and memoirs. Let us hope that all the Carus Mathematical Monographs will be on the same level as this one. G. S.

Calori, Florian. Indivisibles and - ghosts of departed quantities - in the history of mathematics. Scientia, May 1925, 301-306. Isis

( The indivisible and the atom have had a similar history. Just as the ancient atom was long found satisfactory for the explanation of che- mical phenomena, but at the close of the last century was resolved into much smaller parts, to meet the new facts of observation, so at the time of LEIBNIZ the (( Indivisible )), which had rendered good service, was dis- sected into numberless smaller fragments. We have seen that before LEIBNIZ, CAVALIERI selected as his title page a Geometry of Indivisibles )). But after the calculus of LEIBNIZ had' begun to command the attention of Continental mathematicians, DE L'HOSPITAL wrote a book thereon, entitled ( Analysis of the infinitely small )) (1696). During the eighteenth century the conception of the infinitely little led to pheno- menal advancements in mathematics. Bishop BER KELEY called fixed infi- nitesimals (( ghosts of departed quantities )), but these were the liveliest and most productive ghosts ever placed upon the stage of intellectual history. It is a matter of no little curiosity that two old concepts, the individed atom and the infinitesimal, both useful and stimulating, should be fictitious conceptions. The indivisible atom is gone from physical science, the fixed infinitesimal finds no regular place in the rigorous analysis o?f our day. That false hypotheses may for a time help to advance physical science is generally known, but it is not so generally recognized that fictitious conceptions have played a similar role in the abstract science af mathematics. ?


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Coolidge, Julian Lowell. The story of mathematics at Harvard. Harvard Alumni Bulletin, 26, 372-378, 1924. isiS

Coolidge, Julian Lowell. An introduction to mathematical probabi- lity. xii + 216 p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 19'25. ISIS

Filon, L. N. G. The beginnings of Arithmetic. The Mathematical Gazette, July 1925, vol. 12, 401-414. isis

The presidential address to the London Branch of the Mathematical Association, Jan. 31, 1925. Deals particularly with Babylonian, Egyp- tian, Greek, Arabic, and Hindoo number systems and symbols.

R. C. A.

Horn d'Arturo, G. Numeri arabici e simboli celesti. Pubblicazioni dell' Osservatorio astronomico della R. Universita di Bologna. Vol. 1, 187-204, 1925. ISIS

The author compares the series of numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and the series of astronomical symbols representing a general conjunction pre- ceded by a solar eclipse. He finds so many similarities between these two series of symbols that he concludes that the one was inspired by the other. The astronomical situation represented occurred on Septem- ber 16, 1186. He suggests that the astronomical series was chosen in 1186 to replace the Arabic symbols. This theory is very ingenious but seems fantastic. G. S.

Lefebvre, B. (S.J.) Notes d'histoire des mathematiques (Antiquite et Moyen Age). viii + 154 p. Louvain. Societe scientifique de Bru- xelles, 1920. ISIS

Reviewed by D. E. SMITH, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 22, 62-64, 1922.

Lenz, K. Die Rechnenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen. Zweite Auflage. vi+108 p. Berlin, TEUBNER, 1924. ISIS

First edition, vi+114 p., 1915.

Loria, (ino. Da DESCARTES e FERMAT a MONGE e LAGRANGE. Contri- buto alla storia della geometria analitica. Reale Accademia Nazio- nale dei Lincei, memorie, serie 5, t. 14. 777-845, i923. Roma, 1924. ISIS

Contents: 1. Forerunners of DESCARTES; 2. DESCARTES and FERMAT in the history of coordinates; 3. Progress of the Cartesian method during the second half of the xvii. century; 4. The coordinates in a state of ( symbiosis )) with the infinitesimal calculus; 5. Constitution of the general theory of plane algebraic curves; 6. Analytic geometry of space; 7. Final aspect of the Cartesian method. - Masterly study of a great subject. It ought to be promptly translated into English. G. S.

Miller, (. A. Histoire de cinq concepts fondamentaux des math6ma- tiques. L'Enseignement Mathematique, t. 24. 59-69, 1925. ISIS

(( Les cinq concepts fondamentaux dont nous aloens brievement consi- derer l'histoire sont ceux de nombre naturel, d'inconnue telle qu'elle se pr6sente dans une 6quation alg6brique, de systemes de postulats, de fonc- tion et de groupe. ),

Neuberg, J. Bibliographie des triangles speciaux. 54 p. Bruxelles, HAYEZ, 1924 ISIS

Picard, Emile. Mielanges de mathematiques et de physique. 362 p. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, 1924. ISIS


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Simon, Max. Nichteuklidische Geometric in elementarer Behandlung. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von KUNO FLADT. (Beihefte z. Zeitschr. math. u. nat. Unterr. 10) xvm+115 S., 125 Fig. u. Por- triit als Titelbild. Leipzig, B. G. TEUBNER, 1925. sis8

Es ist sehr zu begriissen, dass diese von SIMON (1844-1918) in Strass- burg zweimal gehaltene Vorlesung jetzt durch eine kluge Hand heraus- gegeben wird. Schon im Simonschen Text sind zahlreiche historische Notizen. Der Herausgeber hat aber dazu iloch einen historischen und einen bibliographischen Anhang gefiigt und einen Lebensabriss von SIMON beigegeben. H. W.

Smith, David Eugene. Mathematica Gothica. 30 p. Paris, Presses UTniversitaires de France, 1925. s,

Delightful essay, beautifully printed, on the message which the Gothic cathedrals of France deliver to the cultivated people of our time and especially to the humanized mathematician. Privately printed for the author's friends. G. S.

Speiser, Andreas. Klassische Stiicke der Mathematik. 168 p. 16 fig. Zurich, FfJssI,, 1925. Isis

Les fragments qui composent cette anthologie, fort joliment present1e et ornee d'une planche reproduisant Le Paradis de TINTORETTO, sont emprunt6s a ARCHYTAS, PLATON, ARISTOTE, EUCLIDE, ARCHIMEDE, LM0- NARD DE VINCI, KEPLER, DESCARTES, PASCAL, JACQUES BERNOULLI, J. SACCHERI, EULER, DANIEL BERNOULLI, EINSTEIN, J. J. SYLVESTER, J. HJELMSLEV. On y a ajoute des pages de DANTE et de GCETHE. Chaque fragment est precede6 de quelqiues lignes d'eclaircissement. L. G.

Sullivan, John William Navin. The History of Mathematics in Europe from the Fall of Greek Science to the Rise of the Conception of Mathematical Rigour. 109 p. Oxford University Press, 1925. s8Is

This little work is the fourth in the series of (( Chapters in the History of Science )) ed'ited by CHARLES SINGER. The earlier volumes were on Greek Biology and Greek Medicine by Dr. SINGER himself (Isis, V, 532); on Mathematical and Physical Science in Classical Antiquity by J. L. HEI- BERG (Isis, V, 531), and on Chemistry to the time of DALTON by E. J. HOLMYAP.D (see below).

After a very readable introduction (pp. 7-10), the material is arranged under ten chapters headings: The dark ages in Europe (the passage of Greek mathematics to Arabs; the Hindoo mathematicians; the begin- nings of European mathematics), pp. 11-19; The first European anathe- maticians (LEONARDO OF PISA and JORDANUS NEMORARIUS; the fourteenth century), pp. 20-27; The fifteenth century (REGIOMONTANUS; minor advances), pp. 28-35; The beginnings of modern algebra (MICHEL STIFEL; the cubic equations; FRANCISCUS VIETA), pp. 36-48; Related advances (Meehanics; logarithms; notation), ipp. 48-55; New Methods (The methods of indivisibles; new methods in geometry), pp. 56-64; The middle seventeenth century (FERMAT, PASCAL, WALLIS; precursors of NEWTON), pp. 65-79; NEWTON, pp. 79-92; The invention of the calculus, pp. 93-98; Summary of the progress from NEWTON to the introduction of rigorous methods, pp. 99-109. The excellent list of 17 illustrations selected by Dr. SINGER includes : portraits of NICHOLAS OF CUSA, LUCA PACIUOLO, NAPIER, DESCARTES, WALLIS, LAGRANGE, and a portion of a twelfth century manuscript at the British Museum showing the BOETHIAN numerals and signs for fractions, weights and measures.

Mr. SULLIVAN's work is exceedingly interesting .reading, but journa- listic rather than scholarly; hence it is not to be regarded as authori-


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tative like IHEIBERG'S. This might be expected of one who after being in the research department of the American Telephone Company, and in the engineering department of the British post office, abandoned science for journalism; and whose chief earlier literary output consisted of short stories and a novel. Mr. SULLIVAN frankly states that his work is based largely on CANTOR'S (( monumental )) Geschichte, BALL's (( excel- lent )) Short History, and CAJORI'S History. R. C. A.

Vasconcellos, Fernando de. A origem Grega do valor =- \/10 e dos nfmeros fundamentais das tabuas de Senos das Siddhantas. Asso- ciation Espa)lola para el Progreso de la Ciencias, Congresso de Salamanca, vol. 3, 5-13, 1923. isis

Vasconcellos, Fernando de Almeida e. Historia das Matematicas na Antig-uidade. 24+653 p. Paris-Lisboa, AILLAUD e BERTRAND, 1925.


Portugal has made notable recent contributions of works on mathe- matical history and bibliography. GOMEZ TEIXERA'S valuable Traite des courbes sp6ciales appeared, 1908, 1909, and 1915, an appendix dealing with celebrated problems of elementary geometry which can not be solved with ruler and compasses alone. JOAQUIN DE VARGAS Y AGUIrRE'S thou- sand ipage Catdlogo General de Curvas was published in 1908; the second edition of the classified bibliography, Les Math6matiques en Portugal by R. GUIMAZRES, 1909-11, lists in particular (pp. 530-555) publications concerned with biographies of mathematicians, and the philosophy and history of mathematics. And now we have this large work from the pen of the enthusiastic professor of differential and integral calculus, and probabilities, at the University of Lisbon.

After an introduction of 54 pages about 90 ipages are devoted to mathe- matics before 600 B. 0. The next 420 pages deal with mathematics under the influence of Greek civilization; then 20 pages for Hindoo mathe- matics and 40 for the contributions of the Arabs, Moors, and western Latins.

The work will doubtless be of great service in bringing to the fellow countrymen of Professor FERNANDO DE VASCONCELLOS an admirably arranged body of material even though one can not always find in the work the result of latest research, as may be noticed in the discussion of HERo's date and many other points.

The charge for the work is remarkably low, about 30 ese. in Lisbon, that is, about $1.60. R. C. A.

Vassllief, A. V. Le nombre entier. Apercu historique avec 24 portraits et figures et une table. (Bibliotheque Mathematique) (en russe) iv+268 p. Petrograde, 1922. isis

Reviewed by D. MIBIMANOFF in L'Enseignement Mathematique, t. 24. 160, 1925.

Whittaker, E, T. W, W. ROUSE BALL, The Mathematicat Gazette October, 1925, vol. 12, 449-454; portrait frontispiece. isis

An interesting, valuable, and admirably judicial obituary notice. The Iportrait of BALL is a fine one. R. C. A.

Wieleitner, Heinrich. Die Geburt der modernen Mathematik. His- torisches und Grundsatzliches. II. Die Infinitesimairechnung. 72. S. (Wissen und Wirken, Bd. 13). Karlsruhe i B., G. BRAUN, 1925. isis

La premiere partie de cet excellent petit travail a ete signalOe par SARTON (Isis, VII, 593); elle traitait de la geom4etrie analytique. La


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seconde brochure est ainsi divisee: 1. Introduction de la notion d'infini dans les math6matiques 1eementaires; 2. Le concept de limite et celui d'integrale; 3. Developpement du concept d'integrale; 4. Calcul diffe- rentiel; 5. LEIBNIZ et NEWTON; 6. Conclusion. Courte bibliographie et index des noms propres pour les deux volumes. L. G.

Wieleitner, Heinrich. Ueber den Rauminhalt der Pyramide Unter- richtsblatter fiir Mathematik iznd Naturwissenschaften, 31, 91-92, 1925. ISIS

Wieleitner, Heinrich. Zur muslimischen und aegyptischen Glei- chungsaufl6sung. Archioio di storia d. seienza, 6, 46-48, 1925.


Comparaison du procede employe par AL-KHWARAZMI pour resoudre une equation lin6aire ou une equation du second degre lorsque le coeffi- cient de x, est fractionnaire, et de celui que donne le papyrus Rhind.

L. G.

Wieleitner, Heinrich. Der Gegenstand der Mathematik im Lichte ihrer Entwicklung. (Mathematisch-physikalische Bibliothek, Band 50) 61 S. Leipzig, TEUBNER, 1925. Isis

A delightful introduction for those who have already some knowledge of mathematics and would like to have a general view of the whole field before proceeding further. It is full of learning and wisdom, without pedantism, and will help potential mathematicians to find their way.

G. S.

Wolff, Oeorg. Mathematik und Malerei. (Math.-phys. Bibl. 20-21). 2. verb Aufl. 85 S., 21 Fig. u. 38 Abb, im Text u. auf 4 Tfln. Leipzig, B. G. TEUBNER, 1925. iSIS

Ein reizendes kleines Biichlein, auch technisch sehr gut ausgefiuhrt, aus dem man miihelos die Gesetze der Perspektive, ihre Anwendung in der Malerei, und ihre Geschichte in einwandfreier Weise kennen lernt. Gutes Literaturverzeichnis am Schluss. H. W.


(History and methods. Tables and generalities. For the applications, refer to the sciences to which they are applied).

Rletz, Henry Lewis, (editor.) Handbook of mathematical statistics. viin+221 p. Boston, HOUGHTON MIFFLIN, 1924. ISis


(Knowledge of Inorganic Nature). 8. - MECHANICS.

(Including Celestial Mechanics.)

Benedicks, Carl. Space and time: an experimental physicist's con- ception of these ideas and of their alteration. With an introduc- tion by Sir OLIVER LODGE. XIv+98 p. London, METHUEN, 1924.

Birkhoff, . D., wihthecooperationof . E. LANGER. Relativity and Birkhoff, 0. D., 7with the, cooperation of R. E. LANGER. Relativity and

modern physics. xI-283 p. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univer- sity Press, 1923. Isis

Reviewed by H. P. MANNING in the American Mathematical Monthly, 32, 185-201, 1925.


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Eddington, Arthur Stanley. Vues generaies sur la theorie de la rela- tivite. Traduction autorisee accompagn6e d'une 6tude sur l'oeuvre d'EDDINGTON et de notes par THOMAS GREENWOOD. XXIV+102 p. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, 1924. [818

Einstein, A. Quatre conferences sur la theorie de la relativit6 faites a l'Universite de Princeton. Traduit par M. SOLOVINE. 96 p. Paris, GAUTIIER-VILLARS, 1925. Isis

Einstein, A. Sur l'electrodynamique des corps en mouvement Traduit par M. SOLOVINE. (Les Mailtres de la pensee scientifique). i +-56 p. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, 1925. sIS

Elsbach, Alfred C. KANT und EINSTEIN. lJntersuchungen fiber das Verhaltnis der modernen Erkenntnistheorie zur Relativitats- theorie. vmii+374 S. Berlin. WALTER DE GRUYTER, 1924 Isis

Dieses Buch des hollandischen Philosophen ist insoferne doch auch historisch, als es die Entwicklung der Kantischen Philosophie besonders bei den Neukantianern der Marburger Schule (H. COHEN, P. NATORP und E. CASSIRE.R sind in eigenen Kapiteln behandelt) wenigstens in Bezug auf den vorliegenden Gegenstand hervortreten lasst. Mit diesem Kantia- nismus glaubt Verf. auch die allgemeine Relativitatstheorie EINSTEINS in Uebereinstimmung bringen zu konnen. Ob freilich KANT selbst damit einverstanden wiire, steht stark in Frage. Den historischen KANT gibt das Buch jedenfalils niicht. Fur diesen haben beispielsweise der Philo- soph H. SCHOLZ und der Physiker H. REICHENBACH die Unmoglichkeit einer Vers8hnung mit EINSTEIN d'argetan. Wie dem aber auch sei, das Buch ELSBACHS gibt durch seine eingehenden Untersuchungen auf alle Falle einen wertvollen Beitrag zu der so wichtigen erkenntnistheoretischen Frage. H. W.

Jouguet, Rend. Histoire des etudes hydrodynamiques en France. Revue scient., 13 juin 1925, 345-360. Isis

Lodge, Sir Oliver. Relativity : a very elementary exposition. iv+41 p. London, METHUEN, 1925. Isis

Nordmann, Charles. The tyranny of time: EINSTEIN or BERGSON ? Translated from the French by E. E. FOURNIER D'ALBE. 217 p. London, T. FISHER UNWIN, 1925 Isis

Severi, F. Elementi logici e psicologici dei principi di relativita. Esame delle obiezioni d'ordine generale contro la relativita del tempo. Scientia, 37, 1-10, 77-86; trad. franc., suppl., 1-10, 15-24, 1925. Isis

Silberstein, L. The theory of relativity. Second edition, enlarged. x+563 p. London, MIACMILLAN, 1924. isis

(( The old and new parts of the book together constitute what is per- haps the most complete text-book in the English language on the theory of relativity and gravitation in all its ramifications, certainly the ful- lest on its cosmological aspects. It is worthy of a place beside the standard treatises of EDDINGTON and of WEYL, but not quite as mathe- matical as the former and perhaps wider in scope than the latter, and written from rather a different point of view than either, so that the three books are in a sense complementary to one another. ) Nature, vol. 115, 409, 1925.


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Weinroich, H. Ausgewihlte Fragen des Mechanikunterrichtes auf der Oberstufe. Drei Vortraige. gehalten gelegeiitlich des math.- naturw. Ferienkurses an der Universitiat Gottingen von 8. bis 17. Juli 1924. (Beihefte zur Zeitschr. f. math. u. nat. Unterr., 9). Leipzig. B. G. TEUBNER, 1925. "is

Mit zahlreichen historischen Einflechtungen, die wenigstens zum Teil auf eigenen Studien des Verf. beruhen. H. W.


Belot, B. L'origine dualiste de la terre et des mondes. R. des quest. scient., Louvain et Paris, 4? S., t. 7, 33.52, 1925. ssIB

Resume de l'hypothese cosmogonique de l'auteur (Isis, I, 30), qui montre, en terminant, comment sa conception dualiste s'accorde avec le recit des quatre jours cosmiques de la Genese. L. G.

Bdvenot, Hugh 0. (O.S.B.). Ehemalige Osterberechnung im Kloster Weingarten. Benediktiuzische Monatschirift, August 1923, 223-36. - Easter reckoning made easy. The Month, 7 p. April 1924-.


Description of a perpetual Easter calculator found in an old wall- painting in the icloister of Weingarten Abbey, near the Lake of Constance. e Besides graphically bringing out the main principles of the Gregorian reform, this figure is eminently adapted to showing that the succession of Easter dates is by no means a puzzle to be left for the mathematician to solve, and only to be half understood even by the Church student. One short lecture on the calculator and the method of using the pointer has been found sufficient to make an audience of quick average intelli- gence grasp the whole principle underlying the modern reckoning of Easter. )) Another astronomical wall painting of the same cloister, a planetarium, has been described in Isis, VIII, 300-313. G. S.

Boquet, F. Histoire de l'astronomie. 510 p. in 8?, PAYOT, Paris, 1924. [25 fr.] Isis

Livre ecrit par un astronome, a lPusage des esprits curieux des choses de l'astronomie, sans references, sans index des noms cites, et il y en a tant, qu'on s'y perd. (( Nouis avons choisi, dit l'auteur, parmi les nom- breux ecrivains qui ont traite de la science du ciel, ceux qui ont paru devoir le mieux mettre en evidence .l'tat de la science a leur 6poque. ) Pourquoi alors parler d'HoRACE, dont on ne peut pas dire qu'il a eu o de serieuses connaissances astronomiques ); de FETRNAND DE CORDOUE, qui publie un nouveau commentaire sur l'Almageste a dont on aurait pu se passer )), etc. L'ouvrage est ,partage en quatre livres: l'astronoanie dans l'antiquite (152 p.); l'astronomie medievale, du Ixe siecle jusqu'en 1543 (CoPERNIC) (84 p.); l'astronomie moderne (228 p.); l'astronomie pen- dant la premiere moiti6 du xix" si6cle (26 p.). L'auteur s'est efforce de rendre facile la lecture de son livre: il a cru y arriver, pour l'astro- nomie ancienne, en ridiculisant les conceptions cosmogoniques des Pytha- goriciens, d'EMPIiDOCLE, d'EUDOXE, etc., ou en couvrant d'un voile sa vertu effarouch6e A la pens6e qu'une constellation a pu porter le nom d'ANTINOius! L. G.

Drecker. Josef. Die Theorie der Sonnenuhren. Bd. I. Lieferung E der Geschichte der Zeitmessung und der Uhren. 112 S. 140 Abb. Berlin, W DE GRUYTER, 1925. IsIS


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Drecker, Professor Dr. Zeitmessung und Sterndeutung in geschicht- licher Darstellung. 188 p., 67 Abb. Berlin, BORNTRAEGER, 1925.


Summary of Ipresent knowledge on chronology and horology (with historical notes) followed by an explanation of astrology. G. S.

Frank, Josef und Meyerhof, Max, Ein Astrolab aus dem indischen MIogulreiche (Arbeiten aus dem Institut fur Geschichte der Natur- wisschaft, 3) 48 S., 4 T. Heidelberg, WINTER, 1925. ISis

This is the third publication of the Heidelberg Institute (for which see Isis, VI, 538-9); the first two by J. RUSKA have been reviewed pre- viously (Isis, VII, 119, 183). It contains the very elaborate description of a Mogul astrolabe now preserved in the Kestner Museum in Hannover. This astrolabe is dated A. H. 1018. The inscriptions, geographic and astronomic, have been translated by MEYERHOF; the rest of the work, that is, the description of the astrolabe, very completely, part by part, and the explanation of its use, have been contributed by FRANK. The same has also given a very valuable bibliographical introduction. Stu- dents wishing to understand the nature and use of the astrolabe could not do better than to read this very clear memoir, which is completed by glossaries of Greek and Arabic terms and by 5 illustrations.

G. S.

Russell, H. N. The problem of stellar evolution. Nature, vol., 116, 209-212, 1925. Is8I

Shapley, H. The Magellanic clouds and their bearing on the problem of stellar ages. Scientia, 38, 69-78, 1925; trad. frangaise, id., 29-37. ISis

La position, la structure et la composition des nuees de Magellan con- duisent a adopter pour les etoiles un age qui ne peut pas atre inferieur h 1012 annees. L. G.

Temple, Sir R. C. A fixed Easter and the reform of the Christian calendar. Indian Antiquary, vol. 53, 212-219, 235-240, 1924. ISis

The subject is considered' from four points of view: (1) A Lunar- Solar calendar with fixed Easter; (2) A Solar calendar with fixed Easter; (3) The existing Solar calendar with a fixed Easter; (4) The existing Solar calendar with a fixed Easter and' Intercalary Days. The last seems to satisfy requirements with the least possible disturbance of existing habit. Every February would have 29 days; a day is to be taken from December, and the last diay of December made intercalary (i. e., not counted in the week); a second intercalary day would then be necessary for leap year,-say a public holiday made to fall between Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st. The scheme could begin in 1933; then New Year's Day would always be on a Sunday; and April 15th, which would also always be a Sunday, could be made a fixed Easter. J. S.

10. - PHYSICS.

Auterbach, Felix. Physik in graphischen Darstellungen. xn+257 S. 29 Taf. Leipzig, TEUBNER, 1925. ISiS

Boutaric A. Lumiere, masse et gravitation. R. des quest. scient, 4e S., 7, 168-181, 1925. IsIB

R6sume des conceptions actuelles et des observations recentes sur la pression, l'inertie, le poids de la lumiere et le deplacement des raies spectrales dans un champ de gravitation. L. G.


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Campbell, Norman Robert. Theorie quantique des spectres. La rela- tivite. Supplement a l'ouvrage: La theorie electrique moderne. Traduit de l'anglais par A. CORVISY. 230 p. Paris, J. HERMANN, 1924. :is

Campbell, Norman Robert. La theorie electrique moderne: theorie electronique. 2? supplement: la structure de l'atome. Traduit de l'anglais par A. CORVISY. vi+166 p. Paris, J. HERMANN, 1925. isis

Chwolson, 0. D. Die Physik und ihre Bedeutung fur die Menschheit. Aus dem Russischen iibersetzt von GEORG KLUGE. Vmii + 277 p. Braunschweig, VIEWEG, 1924. IIS

Crommelin, C. A. Instrumentmakerskunst en proefondervindelijke natuurkunde. Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het lec- toraat in de natuurkunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Ledien den 12den Mei 1925. 32 bdz. Leiden, IJDO, 1925. isis

Dr. CRONMMELIN having been appointed lecturer in physics to assist KAMERLINGH ONNES decided to devote his inaugural lecture to a histo- rical survey of the relations between experimental physics and the making of scientific instruments. The most valuable part of this, historical sketch is that dealing with the MUSSCHENBROEK family. The author was able to obtain valuable information from members of that family who are now living in Amsterdam and' The Hague. He gives excellent reproductions of the portrait of SAMUEL JOOSTEN VAN MUSSCHENBROEK (1639-82), painted by I. PALING in 1673, and of the portraits of JAN VAN MUSSCHENBROEK (1687-1748) and PETRUS VAN MUSSCHENBROEK (1692- 1761), painted by H. VAN DER MIJ in 1715. G. S.

Heyl, Paul, R. Fundamental concepts in physics in the light of recent discoveries. Abstracts of a series of three public lectures at the Carnegie Institute of Technology on January 6, 7, and 8. Science, vol. 61, 221-225, 1925. 1ss1

Jaeger, F. M. Le principe de symetrie et ses applications. Traduit de l'anglais par P. GARARD et J. CHEVRIER. 417 p. Paris, GAUTHIER- VILLARS, 1925. isis

For an analysis of the original edition, Amsterdam, 1917, see G. SARTON. The principle of symmetry. Isis, IV, 32-8.

Jeans, J. H. Electric forces and quanta. The sixteenth Kelvin Lec- ture, delivered on February 5 at the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Nature, vol. 115, suppl., 361-368, 1925. Isis

Larmor, Sir Joseph. The permanence of substance. Nature, vol. 115, 231-232, 1925. Isis

Lodge, Sir Oliver. Ether and reality: a series of discourses on the many functions of the ether of space. (The Broadcast Library). 179 p. London, HODDER and STOUGHTON, 1925. ,8, i

Lodge, Sir Oliver. Matter and energy. Scientia, 37, 11-14; trad. frang., suppl., 11-14, 1925. ,s:s

( Nous devons attribuer a l'ether de l'espace la seule existence substan- tielle et fondamentale qu'il y ait dans l'univers materiel; et nous devons chercher a resoudre et a expliquer toutes les autres choses a l'aide de cet 6ther. )) L. G.

VoiL. vII-3

613 PHYS1CS.


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Marx, Erich (editor). Handbuch der Radiologie. Band 6: Die Theo- rien der Radiologie. Bearbeitet von M. LAUK, P. ZEEMAN, H. A. LORENTZ, A. SOMMERFELD und G. WENTZEL, GEORG Joos, E. RIECKE, L. VEGARD, P. DEBYE. xi + 806 p. Leipzig, Akademische Ver- lagsgesellschaft m.b.H., 1925. mll

Planck, Max. A survey of physics: a collection of lectures and essays. Translated by R. JONES and D. H. WILLIAMS. v1I-184 p. Lon- don, METHUEN, 1925. ints

Sheppard, T. and Musham, J. F. Money-scales and weights. vi+221 p. London, A. BROWN, 1924. Isis

Siegbahn, Manne. The spectroscopy of X-rays. Translated with the author's additions by GEORGE A. LINDSAY. XII + 287 p., fig. Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York.

[$ 6.00] IsIB < In this translation from the German Edition I have revised several

chapters so as to incorporate the results of recent researches. More par- ticularly the account of the deviations from the BRAGG law, which is of fundamental importance in all X-ray measurements, has been rewritten in the light of the beautiful experiments of BERGEN-DAVIS and his colla- borators. While revising this chapter I was fortunate in being able to discuss the problem with Mr. IVAR WATLER, an expert in X-ray theory, to whom I am indebted for many valuable suggestions. ) ... ( It is the purpose of the author to set forth the spectroscopy of X-rays, from the purely technical rudiments to the most important results, with special reference to atomic physics. In the first-mentioned part of the work- the description of the technique and experimental methods and' of the apparatus-I have sought to give sufficient detail to enable any experi- menter who whishes to turn his attention to this division of the subject to make immediate headway. ) ... o In the second part of the subject, namely, the significance for atomic physics of the results of X-ray research, I have discussed mainly the direct conclusions drawn from the empirical material, and have not entered into a deeper consideration of the more theoretical side of the problem. In the celebrated book of SOMMERFELD, Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines, the reader will find a treatment of the theoretical side, as well as a consideration of the latest results of experimental investigation. )) Contents: 1. Brief sum- mary of our knowledge of X-rays up to LAUE'S discovery (12 p.); 2. Inter- ference of X-rays; 3. Technique of X-ray spectroscopy; 4. Emission spectra; 5. Absorption spectra; 6. Systematic arrangement and theory of X-ray spectra; 7. The continuous X-ray spectrum; 8. Other methods of evaluating the inner energy levels of the atoms. Appendix of tables. Bibliography. - The author is professor in the University op Upsala and has been recently awarded the Nobel prize for physics; the trans- lator is assistant professor in the University of Michigan.

Townsend, John S. E. Motion of electrons in gases. Being an address given at the centenary celebration of the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, September 1924. 35 p. Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York, 1925. Isis



Ainsworth, Michell. Evaluation de l'age d'une ecriture. Ann. de ch. anal., 2e S., t. 3, 126-9, 1921. IsIs

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L'auteur decrit d'abord les substances employees depuis le xvime siecle pour la fabrication des encres: noix de galle et sulfate de fer, bois de Campeche, indigo, couleurs d'aniline (dans les quarante dernieres annees). Ii dtudie ensuite le vieillissement artificiel d'une enere en citant l'exemple d'un faussaire qui avait employe pour ce faire un melange d'encre noir- bleu et d'encre de Chine. - L'examen microscopique permet de differen- cier une encre vieille d'une encre jeune. Les caracteres trac6s avec une encre a la noix de galle et aux sels de fer poss6dent, en effet, au bout de quelques annees, une structure cristalline caractristique paraissant due a un pigment qui s'attache aux fibres du papier. - Suit une etude chi- mique d'ou il resulte qu'on peut apprecier l'age d'une ecriture vieille de huit jours a quatre semaines par le pouvoir copiant et la faculte de se dissoudre, ainsi que l'age d'une ecriture plus vieille (de un A dix ans) par l'inefficicat6 de reactifs appropries. L. LEROUX.

Aston, F. W. Isotopes. Second edition. xi + 182 p., 5 pl. London, E. ARNOLD, 1924. iSIS

Aston, F. W. Mass spectra and isotopes. Being the twenty-sixth Robert Boyle Lecture delivered before the Junior Scientific Club of the University of Oxford. 16 p. Oxford University Press, 1924. Isis

Bohr, Niels. The theory of spectra and atomic constitution: three essays. Second edition. x + 138 p. Cambridge, University Press, 1924. ISIS

Bragg, Sir William. Concerning the nature of things. Six lectures delivered at the Royal Institution. xi + 232 p., 32 pl. London, BELL, 1925. ISIS

Duclaux, Jacques. Les colloides. (Actualites scientifiques.) Troisieme edition, entierement revue et augmentee. v III +- 290 p. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, 1924. isis

Findlay, Alexander. Chemistry in the service of man. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xix + 300 p., 4 pl. London, LONGMANS, 1925. isis

Freundlich, Herbert. The elements of colloidal chemistry. Trans- lated by GEORGE BARGER. VII+ 210 p., illus. London, METHUEN, 1925. iSIS

Ouye. Charles B. Physico-chemical evolution. Translated by J. R. CLARKE. XII + 172 p. London, METHUEN, 1925. ISIS

Hlaldane, J. B. S. Callinicus. A defence of chemical warfare. (Today and Tomorrow Series). viii + 84 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925.


Hatschek, Emil. The foundations of colloid chemistry. A selection of early papers bearing on the subject. Edited, on behalf of the Colloids Committee of the British Association. 173p. New York, MACMILLAN, 1925. Isis

This collection, which will be of special interest to the great number of chemists and biologists who are studying colloids, contains the follow- ing papers: 1. F. M. ASCHERSON. On the physiological uti,lity of the fats and on a new theory of cell formation based on their co-operation


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and supported by several new facts (1838, 1840); 2. FRANCESCO SELMI. Studies on the demulsion of silver chloride (1845); 3. FRANCESCO SELMI. A study of the pseudo-solutions of Prussian {blue and of the influence of salts in destroying them (1847); 4. ASCANIO SOBRERO and FRANCESCO SELMI. On the products of decomposition of sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphurous acid in aqueous solution (1849, 1850); 5. MICHAEL FARADAY. On the experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to ,light (1857); 6. THOMAS GRAHAML. On the properties of silicic acid and other analogous ,colloidal substances (1864); 7. WILHELM MUTHMANN. The question of the silver suboxide compounds (1887); 8. J. M. VAN BEMMELEN. On the nature of colloid's and their water content (1888); 9. M. CAREY LEA. On allotropic forms of silver (1889). The collection would have been more valuable still, if the editor had given us a little more information, but such as it is, it will save chemists a lot of trouble. I may be permitted to mention that the importance of SELMI'S work on colloids was already clearly explained to our readers in Isis, I, 123-4, 1913. G. S.

Holmyard, E. J. Chemistry to the time of DALTON. (Chapters in the history of science, 3). 128 p., illustr. Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York 1925. [$ 1.00] IsIS

(( Much of the material employed in Chapters 1 and 2 is, I believe, new, and in the remaining part of the book I have, while making full use of the standard histories of chemistry, drawn as far as possible from original sources. My guiding principle throughout has been to empha- size the continuity of chemical thought and to show that the theory of evolution is applicable to the development of science no less that to the world of birds, beasts and flowers. o Contents : 1. Chemistry in Greece, Egypt and Islam; 2. Chemistry in Europe until the fifteenth century; 3. From THOMAS NORTON to JOHN RUDOLPH GLATTBER; 4. The phlogiston theory; 5. BOYLE and his contemporaries; 6. BLACK, CAVENDISH, SCHEELE and PRIESTLEY; 7. LAVOISIEIR; 8. DALTON. Many illustrations.

Lewis, William Cudmore McCullagh. A system of physical chemi- stry. (Text-books of physical chemistry). Third edition. 3 vols. Vol. 3: Quantum theory. With certain appendices by JAMES RICE, A. McKEowN, and R. O. GRIFFITH. x +- 407 p. London, LONGMANS, 1924. ISIS

Mason, Frederick Alfred. An introduction to the literature of che- mistry for senior students and research chemists. 41. p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1925. iSIS

Smith, Edgar F. Observations on teaching the history of chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 2, 533-555, 1925. ISIS

Explaining the results of the author's own experience in teaching the history of chemistry, outlining a history course and giving various advice to prospective teachers. G. S.

Taylor, Hugh Stott (editor). A treatise on physical chemistry, a cooperative effort by a group of physical chemists. 2 vols. Vol. 1, xi + 603, 41 p. Vol. 2, 701-1359, 41 p. New York, D. VAN NOSTRAND, 1924. ISIS

Urbain, Georges. Les notions fondamentales d'ele6ment chimique et d'atome. (Science et civilisation.) Iv + 172 p. Paris, GAUTHIER- VILLARS, 1925. Isis


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(For mining, see 18. geology; for industrial chemistry, I1. chemistry. See also Arts and Crafts under 31.)

Feldhaus, Franz M. Tage der Technik. Technisch-histor. Abreiss- kalender. 365 Abbild., 365 Blatt. Muenchen, Verlag R. OLDEN- BOURG, 1926. Isis

In neuem, verbessertem Gewande erscheint auch fuer 1926 der FELD- HAus-Kalender. Tausend'en ist er schon in den letzten Jahren ein lieb- gewordener Begleiter durch den Wandel des Jahres geworden. Neue dankbare Freunde wird der Kalender in seiner verbesserten Ausstattung gewinnen. Das ist weiter nicht erstaunlich bei seiner reichhaltigen Viel- seitigheit und universalen Vertiefung. Bringt doch jedes Blatt eine Abbilldung.

Jeder Jahrgang bringt ganz neues Material. Das erscheint kaum glaublich und ist doch so. Dies zu erreichen ist natuerlich nur einem Verfasser wie FR. M. FELDHAUS moeglich, der wohl der umfassendste und gruendlichste Kenner technischer Geschilchte und Wissenschaft ist. Von dem ungeheuren Reichtum der FELDHAUS'schen Archive zeugen folgende Zahlen: Die Sachkartothek umfasst ca. 100,000 quellenmaessig bearbei- tete Daten, die Personenkartothek ca.. 25,000 Namen, die Tagesdaten- kartothek ca. 10,000 Daten, die Bild'sammlung allein ca. 12,000 Photos. (Of. Isis, IV, 44.)

So wird dieser Kalender in der Tat zu eincr wertvollen Kultur- geschichte. Er zeigt uns, dass die Anfaenge von Allem, was die heutige Zeit der Menschheit an technischen Errungenschaften in. den Schoss geworfen hat, meistens bis tief ins Altertum zurueckgreifen. Von neuem sieht man, wie gross die Zahl der Erforscher, der Erfinder und der Pio- niere gewesen ist, die die Grundlagen unserer Tage in zaeher Arbeit und unerbittlicher Energie geschaffen haben. Der Kalender raeumt gruend- lich mit der Meinung auf, Technik sei langweilig.

Johannsen, Otto. Geschichte des Eisens im Auftrage des Vereins deutscher Eisenhuettenleute gemeinverstaendlich dargestellt. VII + 246 p., 221 Abb. Duesseldorf, Verlag Stahleisen, 1924. ISis

Johnson. Alfred. Ships and shipping. A collection of pictures in- cluding many American vessels painted by ANTOINE Roux and his sons. With introductory text by Louis BRES and reminiscences by EDOUARD GAUBERT. Translated and annotated by ALFRED JOHNSON. iX + 270 p. Salem, Mass. Marine Research Society, 1925. Isis

Kettridge, J. 0. French-English and English-French dictionary of technical terms and phrases used in civil, mechanical, electrical and mining engineering, and allied sciences and industries, inclu- ding geology, physical geography, petrology, mineralogy, crys- tallography, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, geometry, abbrevia- tions and symbols, weights and measures, compound conversion factors, etc., and a method of telegraphic coding by which any entry in the dictionary can be expressed by a 10-letter cipher word with indicator and check. xvI + 1137 p. London, GEORGE ROUTLEDGE, 1925. ISIS

Le Chateller, Henri. Science et industrie. 284 p. in-16. ERNEST FLAM, MARION, Paris, 1925. ISIS


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Ce livre est ecrit contre la tendance, depuis longtemps denoncee, des indiustriels francais a mesestimer l'aide que peut leur apporter l'appli- cation, dans leurs ateliers, des methodes scientifiques. Les leqons des premiers mois de la guerre ont ete rudes: elles ont sans doute ouvert ies yeux a beaucoup; d'aucuns cependant les ont d'eja oubliees. LE CHATE- LIER, qui avait fait de son enseignement de la chimie a la Sorbonne quelque chose de neuf en y introduisant des donnees industrielles, ren- verse en quelque sorte le probleme qu'il avait resolu, en le prenant par sa face opposee, et cherche a montrer aux industriels: d'abord ce qu'est la science, puis l'influence qu'elle a exercee, souvent malgre eux, sur l'industrie; il appelle de ses vceux la disparition des petits inventeurs, dont les tatonnements representent tant d'energie perdue, et leur rem- placement par la recherche de laboratoire. Et comme l'enseignement doit jouer le role fondamental dans la formation de cet esprit scientifique, il consacre deux chapitres de son livre a l'enseignement scientifique et

l'enseignement technique. L'ouvrage se termine par un expose du sys- teme d'organisation scientifique du travail suivant les methodes de F. W. TAYLOR. L. G.

London, South Kensington, Science Museum. Board of Education. Catalogue of the collections in the Science Museum, South Ken- sington; with descriptive and historical notes and illustrations. Water transport. 3: Steam ships of war. Compiled by G. L. OVERTON. 102 p., 8 pi. Land transport. 2: Mechanical road vehicles Compiled by E. A. FORWARD. 87 p., 10 pl. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1925. ISIS

Magglns, James P. Histoire du porte-plume reservoir et du stylo- graphe. Papyrus, 4e annee, 142, 177, 252, 573, 651, 717, 778, Paris, 1923. 1sIS

Dans une serie de notes qui ont fait l'objet d'une conference, l'auteur decrit tous les instruments utilises pour l'ecriture au cours des ages: le stylus d'or ou de metal et la tabula de cire de CHARLFMAGNE; le porte- plume de roseau des Orientaux; la plume d'argent des patriarches de Constantinople sous l'empire grec; le pinceau imbibe d'encre de Chine des Chinois et des Japonais; la plume d'oie, qui reste jusqu'en 1830 l'unique instrument d'ecriture d'usage general; les plumes metalliques, d&ja employees aux xve et xvie siecles; enfin, les etapes de la construction, depuis un siecle, du porte-plume reservoir. L. LEROUX.

Matschoss, Conrad. Maennel der Technik: ein biographisches Hand- buch herausgegeben im Auftrage des Vereines Deutscher Inge- nieure. Berlin, Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure Verlag, 1925. isis

Meigs, John Forsyth. The story of the seaman. Being an account of the ways and appliances of seafarers and of ships from the earliest time until now. 2 volumes. Vol. 1. x + 356 p., vol. 2. 357-675 p. London, LIPPINCOTT, 1924. isis

Potts, Harold Edwin. Patents, invention and method. A guide to the general lines of procedure in invention and discovery. vii + 160 p. London, The Open Court, 1924. isis

Schlomann, Alfred. Dictionnaires techniques illustres en six langues: fran~ais, allemand, anglais, russe, italien. espagnol. Tome 15. La filature et les files. vIII -- 952 p. Paris, DUNOD, 1924. isis


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(Knowledge of Organic Nature).


(Generalities ( Natural History )).

Castle, W. E. Genetics and eugenics : a text-book for students of biology and a reference book for animal and plant breeders. Third edition. v ii + 434 p., 60 pl. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1924. s818

Clark, J. Edmund. International co-operation in phenological re- search. Nature, vol. 115, 602, 1925. I8si

Collin, Rdmy. Physique et metaphysique de la vie; esquisse d'une interpretation synthetique des phenomenes vitaux. vii + 104 p. Paris, DOIN, 1925. Is8s

Cudnot, L. L'adaptation. 420 p., 82 fig. G. DOIN, Paris, 1925. [20 fr.] 1818

Ouvrage divis6 en quatre parties. Dans la premiere, l'auteur d'finit et limite le sujet, en cat6gorisant ce qu'.on appelle communemnent des adaptations, et en insistant assez longuement sur les organes ou fonc- tions inutiles, indiff6rents ou nuisibles, ( qui ne se peuvent guere com- prendre qu'en admettant que l'etre garde des traces de son histoire pass6e, et presente des etapes d'une 6volution future )) (orthogen6se). La seconde partie est constituee par un expose critique des theories qui ont cherche a expliquer les adaptations. CUENOT est assez bre,f sur le lamarckisme et le darwinisme, mais s'6tend longuement sur le mutation- nisme, dont l'armature experimentale est tres solide, dont les pretentions explicatives sont d'ailleurs moindres que celles des th6ories qui l'ont pre- cede, mais qui rend vraiment compte, tout au moins, de l'adaptation necessaire et suffisante. Dans la troisieme partie, les diverses categories d'adaptations iprecedemment delimitees sont reprises, et sur elles est essayee la valeur explicative des theories: les problemes concrets exa- mines ne sont, en general, pas r6solubles par les th6ories anciennes, et l'auteur est contraint de (( reconriaitre que nous n'avons rien a proposer a la place )). (Plus de la moitie de l'ouvrage est consacree a cette confron- tation des theories et des faits.) Le volume se termine par un court cha- pitre sur la m6taphysique de l'adaptation: position prise par le finalisme spiritualiste, le mecanisme materialiste et l'agnosticisme, en face de ce probleme central de la biologic. L. G.

Oeddes, Patrick and Thomson, J. Arthur. Biology. (Home University Library) 254 p. London, WILLIAMS and NORGATE, 1925. s818

Henderson, L. J. L'ordre de la nature. Traduit de l'anglais par E. RENOIR. VIII 4- 188 p. in-16, FFLIX ALCAN, Paris, 1924. 1sis

L'edition originale (1917) de ce travail du president de notre (( History of Science Society )) a fait, en son temps, l'objet d'une analyse de SARTON (Isis, III, 152). Coimme j'ai ci-dessus signale un ouvrage de CUtNOT sur l'adaptation, je crois bon, malgr6 le compte rendu de SARTON, de dire un mot de celui-ci. CUENOT cite surtout des faits; HENDERSON cherche surtout des explications, et les trouve dans le domaine de la chimie phy- sique biologique. Apres avoir constate que 1' ( aspect teleologique de la nature et des formes de la vie est un fait universel de l'experience humaine ) et qu' ( il n'est pas plus satisfaisant d'eliminer l'ordre de


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la nature que d'eliminer la nature elle-meme ) (Ip. 8), il expose l'histoire. de la teldologie depuis ARISTOTE jusqu'a KANT (pp. 8-60), puis jusqu'a l'heure actuelle. Dans un des chapitres les plus importants du livre, inti- tule (( L'Evolution )), ou l'a.uteur ecrit: (( I1 y a dans l'histoire de la pensee, en dehors de l'etablissement de la seconde loi de la thermodyna- mique, un seul effort syst6matique pour decouvrir une loi g6enrale de la nature, r6gissant le processus total de l'evolution. I1 se trouve dan's les Premiers Principes de HERBERT SPENCER, et sert de fondement a sa Philosophic synthetique )) (c'est la loi d'evolution), il trouve dans les travaux de W. GIBBS et de H. LE CHATELIER le fondement h la croyaince de SPENCER a la tendance de toutes choses vers l'dquilibre dynamique. Mais la loi d'evolution, en tant que principe complet et rigoureux, n'en a pas moins echoue; et HENDERSON, s'appuyant toujours sur la seconde loi de la thermodynamique et les expos6s de GIBBS, admettant que l'6vo- lution consiste dans l'evolution des systemes, et remarq,uant l'importance que ipossedent dans la nature les trois 6elments C, H, O, en arrive a con- clure que c'est dans I'existence des propri6tes exceptionnelles de ces corps qu'il faut chercher non pas la solution complete, mais le (( plus remar- quable groupement de causes de l'aspect teleologique de la nature )).

L. G.

Janet, Charles. Le volvox. 151-+64+180 p., 15 fig., 21 pl. PROTAT freres, Macon, 1912, 1922, 1923. Isis

Etude du Volvox, d'ailleurs encore incomplete, malgre son etendue, faite au point de vue, precedemment developpe par l'auteur, de l'onto- genese (Isis, IV, 191; V, 542). On consultera avec profit une bonne etude densemble sur la theorie de CH. JANET, publide par JEAN DELPHY dans le numero du 15 mars 1925 de la Revu~e grnerale des sciences, sous le titre ( Les Theories de l'evolution : 'Orthobionte ). L. G.

More, Louis Trenchard. The dogma of evolution. Louis Clark Vanuxem Foundation lectures delivered at Princeton University, January 1925. vi+387 p. Princeton, University Press, 1925.


Morton, Harold Chrlstopherson. The bankruptcy of evolution.. 196 p. London, MARSHALL BROS, 1925. 1sis

( Darwinism is dead, and will soon be buried without hope of resur- rection. )) (!)

Oppenheimer, C., und Pincussen, L. (editors). Tabulse Biologicae. 4 Bande. Band 1 : Reine und physiologische Physik, physika- lische Chemie und biologische Anwendungen. vi+522 p. Berlin, VW. JUNK, 1925. isis

Osborn, Henry Fairfield. The origin of species as revealed by ver- tebrate palaeontology. Nature, vol. 115, 925-26, 961-3, 1925. IsBs

Rice, Edward L. DARWIN and BRYAN - a study in method. Address of the vice-president and chairman of Section F. (Zoology). Ame- rican Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D. C., December 1924. Science, vol. 61, 243-250, 1925. ISis

Stenta, Mario. Sulla importanza di Trieste nella biologia marina e specialemente sulla Stazione Zoologica di Trieste. Rendic. 12a ass. ord. del Convegno dell' Unione Zool.ital. in Trieste, 8-12 sept. 1921 34-37. Isis


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Stenta, Mario. Trieste negli studi di biologia marina. Atti d. Soc. ital. per ilprog. d. sc., Trieste, 382-408, octobre, 1921. ISIs

Rappel des travaux poursuivis a la station zoologique de Trieste depuis sa fondation, en 1875, par le gouvernement autrichien. Cinq pages de bibliographie. L. G.

Teilhard de Chardin, P. L'histoire naturelle du monde. Reflexions sur la valeur et l'avenir de la Systematique. Scientia, 37, 15-24, 1925.


a Les efforts combines de la physique, de la chimie, de l'astronomie, aboutissent, par leurs efforts speculatifs les plus precieux, a construire une vaste systematique du monde inorganique, ou s'intercale sans effort, au niveau de la biosphere, la classification des etres organises. )

L. G.

Teilhard de Chardin, P. Le paradoxe transformiste. R. des quest. scient , Paris et Louvain, 4e S., t. 7, 53-80, 1925. Is1

Ecrit par un ( transformiste chretien ) en reaction contre 1' ( effondre- ment du transformisme 0, dont on a parle a propos du livre de VIALLE- TON, L., a Membres et ceintures des vertebr6s tetrapodes ), que j'ai pre- cedemment analyse (Isis, VI, 435-7). L. G.

Thomson, J. Arthur. Concerning evolution. viI+245 p. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1925. Isis

Thorpe, Malcom Rutherford (editor). Organic adaptation to environ- ment. xvmI+312 p. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1924.


Wilson, Edmund B. The cell in development and heredity. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xxxvII+1232 p. New York, MACMIILAN, 1925. IISS

14. - BOTANY.

(Agronomy, Phytopathology, Palaeobotany).

Artschwager, Ernest Friedrich and Smiley, Edwina M. Dictionary of botanical equivalents. German-English, Dutch-English, Italian- English, by ERNEST ARTSCHWAGER; French-English, by EDWINA M. SMILEY. 124 p. Baltimore, WILLIAM and WILKINS, 1925. IsBI

Bidwell, Percy W. and Falconer, John I. History of agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860. xuI+512 p., 114 fig. Washington, D. C., Carnegie Institution, 1925. fSIS

( The material for this history has been obtained from a wide variety of sources, such as tax records, inventories of estates, journals, diaries, accounts of early settlers and travelers, early periodicals, and local histo- ries. The entire book is fully documented and generously illustrated with dot maps, graphical charts and reproductions of early agricultural imple- ments. ))

Bower, F. O. Plants and man : a series of essays relating to the botany of ordinary life. XII+365 p. London, MACMILLAN, 1925.


Christ, Hermann. Zur Geschichte des alten Bauerngartens der Schweiz und angrenzendet Gegenden. Mit 21 Textbildern u. 1 farb. Taf. von MARIE LA ROCHE. 2 sehr verm. Aufl. 161 S. Basel, BENNO SCHWABE, 1923. isrs


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Droewitt, F. Dawtrey. The romance of the Apothecaries' Garden at Chelsea. Second edition. x+136 p., many illustr. London, CHAPMAN and DODD, 1924. Isis

This second edition, revised and enlarged, contains a letter written by LINNAEUS to PHILIP MILLER, which shows that it was without doubt, the Apothecaries' Garden which brought LINNAEUS to England. It also con- tains further notes on LINNAEUS and on his two pupils, KAM and' FABRI- CIus, who came to Chelsea. Charming little book. G. S.

Gras, Norman Scott Brien. A history of agriculture in Europe and America. 444 p. New York, F. S. CROFTS, 1925. I"S

Hall, Charles James. A short history of English agriculture and rural life. vIi+152 p., 8 pl. London, BLACK, 1924. Isis

Hall, Sir Daniel. Agricultural research in relation to the community. An address delivered before the Graduate School of the IU. S. Department of Agriculture, January 26, 1925. Science, vol. 61, 399-403, 1925. isis

Ivins, Lester Sylvan and Winship, Albert Edward Fifty famous farmers. xiv+407 p. New York, MACMILLAN, 1924. sisi

Rohde, Eleanour Sinclair. The old English gardening books. xni+144 p., 16 pl. (The New Aldine Library, 5) London, MARTIN HOPKINSON, 1924. is8s

Rolfe, Robert Thatcher, and Rolfe, F. W. The romance of the fungus world; an account of fungus life in its numerous guises, both real and legendary. Foreword by J. RAMSBOTTOM. xx+309 p., 31 pl. London, CHAPMAN and HALL, 1925. Isis

S6e, Pierre. Champignons chromogenes causes de l'alteration des papiers. Ann. de Chimie analytique, 2e S., t. 2, 94, 1920. 1s's

Selon l'auteur, les taches du papier pique doivent etre attribuees a l'action de champignons inferieurs, qualifies papyricoles, qu'il est par- venu a cultiver sur papier sterilise. Ces champignons sont assez nom- breux. On signale le Chaetonium, le Myxotrichum, le Stachybotrys, l'As- pergillus, le Fusarium, le Stemphylium. Quelques-uns de ces champi- gnons peuvent vivre pendant plusieurs annees. Ils s6cretent des liquides qui colorent les fibres du bois. L'in.fection provient des matieres pre- mieres non sterilisees introduites dans les pates. Le papier peut aussi se piquer sous l'influence de l'humidite et des poussieres; aussi est-il necessaire de nettoyer, d'aerer et de secher les livres de temps i autre, et meme de les soumettre a des fumigations de formol.

L. LERoux.

Wangerin, Walter. Geschichte der Botanik 1914, 1915. Justs Bot. Jahresber., 42, 267-304, 1914; 43, 576-605. 1915. IsIs

General survey of writings on the history of botany.

Wiener, Leo. The philological history of (( Tobacco )) in America. Conference faite au XXIe Congres International des Americanistes. Goteborg, 1924, 305-314, 3 maps. (1925). Isis

( In every case the ( tobacco )) words start at the, Atlantic periphery and work their way to the interior, hence tobacco was imported from without, either directly from Mexico or by the same agency whlich brought it to Central America. ))


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Boutan, Louis (Marie Auguste). La perle; 'tude gene rale de la perle, histoire de la meleagrine et des mollusques producteurs de perles. 421 p., 167 fig Paris, IOIN, 1925. Isis

L. JOUBIr in Revue g6nerale des sciences, 36, 248, 1925.

De Toni, 0. B. Intorno un gigantesco pesce [Orthagoriscus mola] catturrato nell' Adriatico. Atti d. R. Ist. Ven. di sc. left. ed arti, 80, p. 125-129, Venezia, 1921. sis

Uermain Louis. La vie des animaux a la surface des continents. iv+260 p. in-16. FELIX ALCAN, Paris. 1925. Isis

Expose des grands problemes souleves par la distribution geographique des animaux terrestres. L'examen des facteurs de la distribution des animaux a amen6 l'auteur a consid'rer ce qu'il appelle les grands domaines biologiques, c'est-a-dire (( de vastes etendues offrant, sinon un milieu uniforme, du moins un milieu de meme nature et oh les ani- maux presentent des adaptations analogues )), et il recherche dans les p6ri.odes geologiques l'origine et les causes de ces groupements. En dehors du domaine maritime, dont il n'est pas question ici, GERMAIN distingue le domaine continental, avec ses trois types: steppe, foret, montagne, le domaine insulaire, le domaine potamique et le domaine souterrain; en,fin, il fait une place a part a certains milieux speciaux, tels que les atolls, les eaux r6siduelles des usines, les galeries de mines, les maisons, etc., qui permettent peut-Stre de saisir le mecan'isme du peuplement d'espaces primitivement azoiques. L. G.

Urinnell, Joseph. Bibliography of California Ornithology. Second installment to end of 1923. (Pacific Coast Avifauna, 16). 191 p. 1924. Isis

Oudger, E. W. Cats as fishermen. Natural History, vol. 25,143-55, illustr., New York, 1925. Isis

Qudger, E. W. The classified continuation card catalogue of the Bibliography of Fishes. Science, vol. 61, 516-517, 1925. Isis

For the Bibliography itself, see Isis, VI, 456-9.

Qudger, E, W. Spiders as fishermen and hunters. Natural History, vol. 25, 261-75, illustr., New York. 1925. isis

Hovell, Thomas Mark. Rats and how to destroy them. With intro- duction by S. L. BENSUSAN. XLII+465 p. London, BALE, SONS and DANIELSSON, 1924. Isis

Krause, Hermann. Die Geschichte der neueren zoologischen Nomen- klatur in deutscher Sprache. (Diss., Gottingen) 67 S. Braun- schweig, APPELHANS, 1918. isis

Mennessier de la Lance, Gabriel Ren6. Essai de bibliographie hip- pique. Donnant la description detaillee des ouvrages publies ou traduits en latin et en frangais sur le cheval et la cavalerie avec de nombreuses biographies d'auteurs hippiques. Tome 1. A 'a K. x -+ 760 p., 1915; Tome 2. L a Z et Supplement. 736 p. (le Suppl. commence a la p. 671) 1917; [Tome 3] Supplement. 64 p. 1921. Paris, LUCIEN DORBON, 1915-21. ,s1s

Cette bibliographie monumentale est fort utile, parce qu'elle contient de nombreuses notes critiques et biographiques qu'il serait difficile de


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trouver ailleurs. Les ouvrages sont cites dans l',ordre alphabftique des auteurs, ou, pour les anonymes, des titres. De plus, une table methodique a la fin de l'ouvrage permet de retrouver les ouvrages se rapp,ortant 'a un sujet d6termine, par exemple: achat, alimentation, ane et mulet, archeologie et curiosites historiques, attelage, cavalcades, cavalerie, courses, dictionnaires, 6curies, equitation, haras, harnachement, hippo- logie, hippophagie, hygiene, jurisprudence, m,edecine veterinaire (partie, tres eten,due), pal6ontologie, iconographie, etc. On notera que cette biblio- graphie est limitee aux ouvrages publi6s en latin et en frangais et que les articles de revues ne sont signal6s que s'il en existe des tir6s a part. Si int6ressante et precieuse qu'elle soit, cette bibliographie n'est pas une ceuvre vraiment scientifique, mais l'euvre d'un amateur passionne et zele qui merite notre reconnaissance. Le general MENNESSIER (n6 en, 1835), ancien commandant de la IIIe division de ca,valerie, nous indique, dans son avant-propos, la genese de son grand ouvrage: (( Quand l'heure du repos a sonn6 pour moi, je n'ai pas cess6 de m'interesser a l'arme dans laquelle j'ai servi pendant quarante-six ans et au brave animal sur le dos duquel j'ai parcouru bien des milliers de kilometres. J'ai alors occupe les loisirs de ma retraite a rechercher et a decrire les ouvrages publiePs - en latin et en frangais seulement - sur le cheval et la cavalerie, depuis les origines de l'imprimerie j,usqu'a nos jours. )) G. S.

Schroder, Christoph (editor). Handbuch der Entomologie. Band 3: Geschichte, Literatur, Technik, Palaontologie, Phylogenie, Syste- matik. Bearbeitet von ANTON HANDLIRSCH. Jena, FISCHER, 1925.


Sharp, Dallas Lore. The spirit of the hive. Contemplations of a beekeeper. 240 p. New York, HARPERS, 1925.

Solleder, Fridolin. Ein Hauschreckeneinfall im Kloster S. Salvator im Jahre 1649. Der Sammler, 92, Nr 59, 60, 1923. Is

Brief account of the recorded invasions of Europe by locusts.

Tocco, Roberto di. Saggio storico sull' origine, diffusione e caratteri delle varieti europee del , Bombyx Mori ". Annuario della R. Stazione Bacolog ica Sperimentale di Padova, t. 44, 63 p., illustr., 1925. Isis

Ziegler, Heinrich Ernst. Der Begriff des Instinktes einst und jetzt. Eine Studie fiber die Geschichte und die Grundlagen der Tier- psychologie. Mit einem Anhang : Die Gehirne der Bienen und Ameisen. 3. erweit. Aufl., mit39 Abb. im Text und 3 Taf. 211 S. Jena, FISCHER, 1920. ISis

2. Aufl. 1910. - Includes historical notices.

Ziegler, Heinrich Ernst. Zoologisches Worterbuch. Erklarung der zoologischen Fachausdriicke. Zum Gebrauch beim Studium zoo- logischer, anatomischer, entwicklungsgeschichtlicher und natur- philosophischer Werke. Dritte, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Erste Halfte. (A-L) Jena, GUSTAV FISCHER, 1925. ISIB


(Implying knowledge of both organic and inorganic nature).

16. - GEODESY.

Lamb, Horace. The figure and constitution of the Earth. Inaugural address delivered to the British Association at Southampton on August 26. Supplement to Nature, vol. 116, 333-339, 1925. Isis


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Agostini, Alberto M. de. Zehn Jahre im Feuerland. Entdeckungen und Erlebnisse. Mit 118 Abb., 2 Panoramen, 3 Karten, 308 S. Leipzig. BROCKHAUS, 1924. ISis

Almagl&, Roberto, e Attilio Mori. I1 nuovo Repertorio bio-biblio- grafico dei viaggiatori italiani. Boll. Reale Societa Geografica Italiana, Series 6, vol. 1, 461-486, 1924. Isis

The Eighth Italian Geographical Congress held i,n Florence in 1921 appointed a commission to bring out a new and thoroughly revised' edition of AzMAT DE S. FILTPPo and GUSTAVO UZrELLI'S Studi biografici e biblio- grafici sulla storia della geografia in Italia, 2nd edition, Rome, 1882, 1885. The work is to be carried out cooperatively; the present article, which is to serve as a model for the many collaborators, contains articles on the following: FRANCESCO CARLETTI (by GEIMMA SGRILLI); ANDREA PITTI (by GIUSEPPE CARACI); GIOSAPHAT BARBABO (by GIUSEPPE CARACI); FILIPPO PIGAFETTA (by MARIA ANTONIETTA SCOTTI); and on GIOVANNI DA PlAN DEL CARPINE (by GIORGIO PULLE). J. K. W.

Anz, Heinrich (editor). Gotha und sein Gymnasium. Bausteine zur Geistesgeschichte einer deutschen Residenz. Zur 400-Jahrfeier des Gymnasium Ernestinum. Stuttgart, 1924. Isis

The great geographical establishment of JUSTUS PERTHES is situated in Gotha. This volume contains a chapter by HERMANN WAGNER entitled ( Gothas Bedeutung fiir die Pflege der Astronomie und Geographie. ))

J. K. W.

Blazquez, Antonio. Cartografia de la penfnsula iberica. Noticia de mapas interesantes para la geografia de Espana. Bol. de la Real Sociedad Geografica: Revista de geografia colonial y mercantil, 21, 281-300. Madrid, 1924. IsIS

List of maps alphabetically arranged by authors' names; for the most part covers period prior to 1800. For the majority of the maps no indi- cation of the scales is given. J. K. W.

Congr6s International de Geographie. Le Caire, Avril 1925, Compte rendu publie par le secretaire general du congres. Tome 1. 171 p., 6 pl., 1 diagr. Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut Franeais d'Ar- cheologie Orientale du Caire pour la Societe Royale de Geo-

graphie d'Egypte. 1925. Isis This volume contains texts of various documents relating to the orga-

nization of the Eleventh International Geographical Congress at Cairo, lists of the delegates, and a compte rendu of the sessions. The commu- nications delivered before the various special sections have not yet been published. For a general statement regarding the work of the Congress see H. BAULIG, <( The International Geographical Congress at Cairo )), Geogr. Rev., vol. 15, 1925, pp. 470-474.

Out of a total of 121 communications, 35 dealt with the history of geography and historical geography. Among the resolutions adopted, those of especial interest to the student of the history of science were in favor : (1) of international collaboration in the preparation of a syste- matic collection of geographical material in the ancient papyri; and (2) the preparation of a critical edition of the entire cartographical work of IDRiS1. J. K. W.


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Davis, W. M. The progress of geography in the United States. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 14, 159-215, 1924. Isis

Broad survey of the progress of scientific geographical studies in the United States. J. K. W.

Febvre, Lucien (Paul Victor). A geographical introduction to history. In collaboration with LIONEL BATAILLON. XXV + 388 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. Isis

Firestone, Clark Barnaby. The coasts of illusion, a study of travel tales. Drawings by RUTH HAMBIDGE. X + 410 p. London, HARPER, 1924. Isis

Freeman, Lewis Ransome. Down the Grand Canyon. 371 p. New York, DODD, MEAD, 1924. ISis

Horstink, J. Th. Enkele bladzijden uit de geschiedenis der geometrie. De Indische Gids, 47, 112-123, 1925. Isis

Brief review of the history of mathematical geography and carto- graphy. J. K. W.

Kartografiska SAllskapet, (editors). Sveriges kartliggning:en over- sikt. viii + 318 p., 3 maps. Stockholm, Generalstabens Lito- grafiska Anstalts Forlag, 1922. isis

General review of modern Swedish scientific cartography. J. K. W.

Keltie, John Scott, and Gilmour, Samuel Carter. Adventures of Exploration. Book 1 : Finding the continents. iv 4- 128 p., 4 plates. Book 2. Central and South America. iv + 156 p., 4 plates. Book 3. Asia. iv + 164 p. London, GEORGE PHILIP' and Son, 1925. isis

Knox College Library. An annotated catalogue of books belonging to the FINLEY collection on the history and romance of the Northwest. Collected and presented to the Library of Knox College, Gales- burg, Illinois, by EDWARD CALDWELL of New York City. Supple- mented by a bibliography of the discovery and exploration of the Mississippi Valley, by APPLETON P. C. GRIFFIN, 67 p. Galesburg,. Illinois, 1924. isis

Kretschmer, Konrad. Geschichte der Geographie. Zweite Auflage. 163 p. (Sammlung Goschen, 624). Berlin und Leipzig, 1923. Isis

Lehner, Wilhelm. Die Eroberung der Alpen. xi + 727 p., 44 pl., 1 diagr., 2 maps, 2 fold. tables. Miinchen, Hochalpenverlag, 1924.

ISIS A magnificent volume devoted to the history of mountain exploration

and of mountaineering as a sport not only in the Alps but in other parts of the world (though North America is somewhat neglected).

J. K. W. Looker, Samuel J. (editor). Travel old and new; a selection from

the literature of travel in both hemispheres. xxx + 473 p. London, DANIEL O'CONNOR, 1922. ISIS

Manchester University. Loan exhibition of old maps. (Facsimiles and reproductions of manuscripts, maps and globes, early printed maps, etc.) held in the Whitworth Hall of the Manchester Univer- sity (25 31 January 1923). Catalogue of Exhibits, with descrip- tive notes, 42 p., 1923. ISIS


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Medina, Jos6 Toriblo. Cartografia Hispano-Colonial de Chile. Atlas consisting of 33 photographic reproductions of maps. 44 p. Minis- terio de Industria y Obras Pihblicas: Direccion de Obras Publicas: Inspeccion General de Geografia. Santiago de Chile, 1924. is51

Thirteen maps and plans of Chile of Spanish or Chilean provenance, dating from the eighteenth and two from the seventeenth century are here reproduced photographically with an historical introduction on the development of Spanish cartography as relating to Chile and bio-biblio- graphical notes on each item. The text is the work of one of the fore- most historical scholars of South America; the publication as a whole throws new light on an important and somewhat neglected phase in the history of cartography. J. K. W.

Pereyra, Carlos. La conquete des routes oceaniques d'HENRI LE NAVI- GATEUR a MAGELLAN, Traduit de l'espagnol, par ROBERT PICARD. 214 pl. Soc. d'edit. Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1925. s18s

I1 ne s'agit point ici d'un travail d'erudition a rdferences nombreuses, mais d'un expos6 assez attachant, quoique parseme de digressions par- fois un peu longues, ecrit pour le grand public, des ( faits essentiels de la grande revolution geographique qui sebauche des le xmI sidcle et s'achbve au xvIe par l'ouverture definitive des routes maritimes que decouvrirent l'Espagne et le Portugal. )) L. G.

Smith, Glenn S. A review of topographic mapping. Exerpt from The Military Engineer, vol. 16, no. 86, 108-115, March-April, 1924. 7 illustrations. Isi8

Toussoun, Prince Omar. Memoire sur l'histoire du Nil, in 3 vols., con- stituting Memoires presentes a l'Institut d'Egypte et publies sous les auspices de sa Majeste FOUAD I, roi d'Egypte, vols. 8, 9, 10. Vol. 1. v+264 p., 1 illus.; Vol. 2. pp. 265-543, 52 tables; Vol. 3, 5 pl. (1 fold.), 17 maps (4 fold.). Cairo, Imprimerie de l'lnstitut frangais d'archeologie orientale, 1925. ISIs

This elaborate work, of value alike to students of physiography, histo- rical geography, and the history of geography, consists essentially of miscellaneous passages translated into French from classical, Moslem, and modern writers dealing with the names and praises that have been applied to the Nile from early times; with its sources, course, floods, islands, and' branches; with the canals that have been connected with it; with the apex of the Delta; with Nile gauges and different levels reached by the waters; with important floods; with the building up of the soil of the flood plain; and with historical events of interest relating to the river. The author supplies an important series of tables compiled from a variety of sources showing the minimum and maximum levels of the Nile year by year from 622 A. D. to 1.921 A. D. (See Isis, VII, 304.)

J. K. W.

Tutton, A. E. H. The story of the Mont Blanc observatories. Nature, vol. 115. 803-5, 1925. s1is

Vallot, J. Evolution de la cartographie de la Savoie et du Mont Blanc, fasc. 1, avec un atlas de 26 planches reproduisant 123 cartes anciennes. 32 p. Paris. HENRY BARRERE, 1922. IsBs

The development of methods of topographical representation, particu- larly of the representation of relief, may be studied in this collection. The text contains a concise summary of the evolution of topographical cartography from the earliest times to the opening of the nineteenth century-both in general and in its particular relation to Savoy and


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Mont Blanc. This is followed by a brief ( classification and identifi- cation ) in synoptic form of the maps reproduced in the Atlas.

The Atlas consists of line-cut reproductions of 123 maps, panoramas, and panoramic maps of the region of Savoy, the Lake of Geneva, and Mont Blanc, dating ifrom the PEUTINGER Table to the Martigny sheet of the DUFOUR map of Switzerland (1879). J. K. W.


(For palaeobotany, palaeozoology and palaeoanthropology, see respectively, 14. botany, 15. zoology and 25. prehistory).

Argand, Emile. La tectonique de 1'Asie. Congres international de geologie, Comptes Rendus de la XIIIe session, Bruxelles 1922. Fase. 1. 171-372, 27 fig. Liege, 1924. IsIB

Memoire tres important et d'une portee plus generale que le titre ne l'indique. Voir la longue etude qu'y a consacr6e CHARLES JACOB. ( Les Theories tectoniques nouvelles >, E. ARGAND, A. WEGENER, Annales de Gdographie, t. 34, 97-112, 1925. G. S.

Davison, Charles. A history of British earthquakes. xvnII+416 p., 100 fig. Cambridge University Press, 1924. isis

( The author has had three main objects in view-to compile a cata- logue of all known British earthquakes, to trace the zones in which crust-changes have recently occurred, in which the faults are yet alive, and to discover some of the laws that rule the growth of faults. ) The second chapter contains a catalogue of nearly 1200 British earthquakes between the years 974 and 1921. In subsequent chapters, the earth- quakes are considered in detail according to the seismic districts in which they 'occurred. The book deals primarily with earthquakes originat- ing in Great Britain, but some other earthquakes are considered in chapter 20 (Ireland, Channel Islands, Shetland Islands, the Lisbon quake of 1755, Nov. 1) to the extent that they affected Great Britain. For example the Lisbon quake gave rise to sei,ches or oscillations of the waters of numerous ponds, lakes and rivers in England, and to sea-waves chiefly along the southern coasts. The earliest known catalogue includ- ing British earthquakes is contained in an anonymous work, ascribed to Dr. THOMAS SHORT (1690?-1772) of Sheffield : A general chrono- logical history of the air, weather, seasons, etc. 2 vol. 1749 (exceedingly rare). But the study of British earthquakes may be said to date only from the following year, 1750, ( a year of earthquakes )). The Royal Society published that year a supplementary part of the Philos. Trans. (No. 497, pp. 601-750) dealing exclusively with British earthquakes. One earthquake of that year (London, March 19) is of special interest because it furnished an early, if not the earliest, record of the rotation of an object. The first chapter contains the history of the subject beginning, as I said, with the years 1749, 1750. The author has made a special study of it, for the last thirty-five years. A standard work. G. S.

Oattefoss6, R. M. La verite sur l'Atlantide. 142 p. Lyon, LEGENDRE, 1923. ISIS

Gorceix, Charles. Origine des grands reliefs terrestres. Essai de geo- morphisme rationnel et experimental. Preface de P. TERMIER. vnI + 176 p., 18 fig., 25 photo., 7 pl. Paris, P. LECHEVALIER, 1924.



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Hummel, K. Geschichte der Geologie. 123 S. (Sammlung Goschen, 899). Berlin, WALTER DE GRUYTER, 1925. ISIs

Another of these very handy histories of science of the Goschen collec- tion. This one is essentially a summary of ZITTEL'S history, special emphasis being laid upon the evolution of theories and technical methods. The last chapter (pp. 108-120) deals with the history of institutions orga- nized for geological study. The author is professor at the University of Giessen. The period preceding the xix. century is covered in 23 pages; 78 pages dealing with the xix. century. The development of each branch of geology during the XIX. century is explained separately; thus the his- tory of seismology covers 4 pages, etc. An exceedingly brief, but useful, outline. G. S.

Jillson, Willard Rouse Early mineral explorations in the Mississippi valley (1540-1840). Illinois State Historical Society. Transac- tions... for the year 1924. Publication number 31 of the Illinois State Library. IBIS

Knopf, Adolph. Bibliography of isostasy. Washington, National Research Council, 1924. IsIS

KOppen, Wladimir, umid Wegener Alfred. Die Klimate der geolo- gischen Vorzeit. iv+256 p. Berlin, BORNTRAEGER, 1924. sis8

Launay, Louis de. La terre, sa structure et son passe. 152 p., in-16. (Collection Payot) Paris, PAYOT, 1924. Isis

Tres claire vulgarisation, ecrite dans le meme esprit que (( La Science geologique )), du meme auteur (Isis, II, 394; IV, 325), et bien capable de faire aimer la g6ologie, dont se trouvent presentes les resultats les plus nouveaux. La place de la terre dans l'univers; les rapports de la geo- graphie physique avec la geologie; l'etude des processus superficiels et internes, des iph6nomenes geologiques; l'evolution de la structure ter- restre, y sont 6tudiies en une suite de six chaipitres d'oou sont absents les termes techniques, et tout ce que peut avoir de rebarbatif la geologie pour le non-specialiste. L. G.

Montessus de Ballore, Fernand, comte de (1851-1923). Histoire de la sismologie. Revue des Questions scientifiques, t. 29, 29-57, 320-50, Louvain, 1921. isis

1. Primitifs; 2. Philosophes grecs avant et apres ARISTOTE; 3. Theorie d'ARisToTE et ses origines; 4. Les philosophes latins et leurs successeurs au moyen age; 5. Relations des tremblements de terre avec d'autres phe- nomenes naturels; 6. Volcans et tremblements de terre; 7. Sismologie generale et dynamique; 8. Sismologie geologique; 9. Constructions anti- sismiques; 10. Organisations sismologiques. G. S.

Nickles, John Milton. Geological literature on North America. 1785- 1918. Part. 1. Bibliography, 1167 p. Part 2. Index 685 p. United States Geological Survey, Bull. 746, 747, 1923-24. ISIS

Pastor, Alfonso Rey. Las teorias sismogenicas a traves de la his- toria. Iberica: afo 11, num. 523, pp. 234-238, 12 de abril de 1924; ano 11, num. 524, pp. 248-252, 19 de abril de 1924, 9 figs. Isis

Piccinini, P. Idrologia e crenoterapia (Le acque minerali d'Italia). viII+608 p., 72 illustr. Milano, HOEPII, 1924. IsIS

Etude tres complete des eaux minerales d'Italie. L'auteur traite d'abord des eaux miner.ales en general (origine, ionisation, conductibilite 6lec- trique, radioactivit6, etc.), de leur histoire, de leur industrie et de la

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legislation qui les regit. Puis, apres une vue d'ensemble sur les cures hydrominerales, il examine, une a une, toutes les eaux minerales italiennes et leur utilisation ou les possibilit6s de leur utilisation. L. G.

Rinne, Friedrich. Crystals and the fine-structure of matter, with a drawing by A. DURER, and portraits of the leading investigators in the study of fine-structure and 202 figures. Ix+195 p. Trans- lated by WALTER S. STILES. New York, E. P. DUTTON, 1924. isIs

Rovereto, (aetano. Forme delle terra. Trattato di geologia morfo- logica (Geomorfologia), xvI + vIII - 1188 p. gr. in-8?, 428 incis., 38 tav., JULRCO HOEPLI, Milano, 1924-5. [150 1.] isis

Ce gros trait6 de geomorphologie, dont le titre g6enral evoque necessai- rement celui de l'oeuvre fondamentale de SUESS (Isis, II, 381-389), dont il differe cependant profondement, non seulement par l'ampleur, mais aussi par le plan adopte, est partage en deux parties d'egale importance dans lesquelles l'auteur, professeur de geologie a l'Universite de Genes, traite successivement de la morphologic generale, dont il prend les bases dans l'etude du climat, de la lithologie d ilie, de a biologi, de la dynamique externe et de la dynamique interne du globe, puis de la morphologie parti- culiire des regions de volcanisme, de glaciation, des regions a circulation souterraine, du desert et de la steppe, des regions de plaines, de collines, de basse et moyenne montagne, de haute montagne, et enfin des regions coti&res, des iles et des fonds oceaniques. Schemas nombreux; iconogra- phie photographique abondante et fort bien venue. Chaque chapitre est accompagn6 d'une copieuse bibliographie, dans laquelle l'auteur ne donne mialheureusement presque jamais l'indication des pages interessantes a consulter, de celles auxquelles il se rjfere; bibliograiphie d'ailleurs incom- plete: je prend's au hasard: page 732, on cite dans le texte DE MAR- CHI, L., CRAMMER, FINSTER WALDER, REID, H. F., DEELEY, TARR, R. S., a propos des regions de glaciation; ces noms ne se retrouvent pas a la bibliographic qui clot le chapitre. Index analytique precieux de 23 pages.

L. G.

Spence, Lewis. The problem of Atlantis. vII -- 232 p., 16 illustra- tions. London, ,WILLIAM RIDER, 1924. iSIS

Suess, Eduard. The face of the earth. (Das Antlitz der Erde.) Translated by HERTIIA B. C. SOLLAS under the direction of W. J. SOLLAS. Vol 5, Indexes and maps. xvI + 170 p., 7 pl. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1924. Isis

For analysis and other editions, see Isis, II, 381-9.

Wegener, Alfred. La gen8se des continents et des oceans. Traduit sur la troisieme 6dition allemande par M. REICHEL. Paris, BLANCHARD, 1924. ISIS

Longue analyse par MAURICE GIGNOUX dans la Revue generale des sciences, 36, 139-42, 1925. V2oir Isis, V, 289; VI, 223; VII, 305, 586.

Wollaston, T. C. Opal: the gem of the never never. xI+164 p., 15 pl. London, T. MIIRBY, 1924. ISIS


Bemmelen, W. Van. De Kompaswaarnemingen der oude zeevaarders en de verplaatsing der Magnetische Pool. (Tijdschrift van het Konimklijk Nederlandsch A ardrijkskundig Genootschap. Tweede leeks, DL. 42, pp. 508-519, 4 figs., Juli, 1925. ISIS

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Bettoni, Plo. La meteorologia nella sua origine e nel suo sviluppo. La Meteorologia Pratica, anno 6, n. 2, Marzo-Aprile 1925, pp. 50-57. Isis

Brief sketch of the development of meteorology from the earliest times. J. K. W.

Chauveau, B. L'electricite atmospherique. 2. Le champ electrique. de 1'atmosphere. x + 264 p., 29 fig.. 11 pl. Paris, GASTON DOIN, 1925. ISIS

J'ai pr6ce6demment rendu compte dlu premier et du troisieme fascicule de l'ouvrage que complete cette seconde partie (Isis, V, 193-4; VII, 284). L'auteur traite ici des caracteres gene6raux du champ electrique de l'atmo- sphere, des procdes d'observation et de mesure, des variations regulieres du champ et de sa variation en fonction de l'altitude (mesures en ballon), et aussi des autres ph6nomenes fondamentaux de l'1lectricite atmosphe- rique: d6perdition de la charge terrestre, charges electriques des preci- pitations atmospheriques et ph6nomenes nuageux. L'ensemble de l'ouvrage constitue maintenant un traite complet, destine avant tout aux mte6oro- logistes, que l'auteur ne menage d'ailleurs guere au debut de son long chapitre sur les ph6nomenes nuageux. L. G.

Fichot, E. L'influence de la rotation terrestre sur la physionomie des marees. Notice A, 71 p. Annuaire pour l'an 1925, publie par le Bureau des Longitudes. ISIS

C'est dans le regime des mers secondaires que se manife,ste de la maniere la moins contestable l'influence de la rotation terrestre.

G. S.

Oeorgii, Walter. Wettervorhersage: die Fortschritte der synopti- schen Meteorologie (Wissensclzaftliche Forschungsberichte : Na- turwissenschaftliche Reihe, Band 11) vii + 114 p. Dresden, THEO- DOR STEINKOPFF, 1924. Isis

Olivier, Charles Pollard. Meteors. xix + 276 p., 23 pl. Baltimore, WILLIAMS and WILKINS, 1925. Isis

Rouch, Jules. Les methodes de prevision du temps. (Nouvelle collec- tion scientifique). 280 p. Paris, ALCAN, 1924. Isis

Smith. H. T. Marine meteorology, history and progress: 1. Early History; 2. Middle period; 3. Present day. Marine Observer, vol. 2, March, June, November 1925, pp. 33-35; 90-92; 173-175, 5 figs. isis

Sketch of the development of marine meteorology from classical times onward and especially of its progress in the latter half .of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Particular attention is devoted to the development of methods of recording meteorological observations at sea and of tabulating and coordinating them. J. K. W.

Vanderlinden, E. Chronique des evenements meteorologiques en Bel- gique jusqu'en 1834. 329 p. Bruxelles, HAYEZ, 1924. Isis

VI. - ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SCIENCES (Knowledge of man, past and present).

20. - ANATOMY.

Archivo (Arquivo) de anatomia e anthropologia publicado sob a direc. cao do Prof. HENRIQUE DE VILHENA. (Instituto de Anatomia. Faculdade de Medicina da TUniversidade de Lisboa). Imprensa Libanio da Silva, Lisboa, 1913 (et sq.) Vol. 1, 1912 (1913). 398 p., 40 pl.; vol. 8, 1923 (1924). 598 p., 40 pl. isis


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Je ne puis qu'indiquer bri6vement cette admirable publication, magni- fiquement illustree, qui fait honneur a son e'minent directeur et a la FacultA de m6decine de Lisbonne. Les .tudes qui interessent plus specia- lement nos lecteurs sont classees ci-dessous sous les noms de VILHENA, SERRANO, PAPILLAULT et COSTA FERREIRA. (Voir index.) Ces volumes con- tiennent aussi plusieurs etudes sur le tatouage. G. S.

Crummer, Leroy. Further information on early anatomical fugitive sheets. Annals of medical history, t. 7, 1-5, 3 ill. 1925 Is, ^

Franco, Enrico Emilio. La tradizione anatomica veneziana e l'inseg- namento dell' anatomica chirurgica nella scuola Minich, Rio. di storia d. sc. mediche e naturali, 16, 49-63, 1925 1 81

Legon d'ouverture du cours d'anatomie chirurgicale professe a l'h&pital civil de Venise (1925-01-23). L. G.

Serrano, Jos6 Antonio 11851-1904). Relaciao alphabetica dos anato- micos, physiologistas. histologistas, embriologistas, medicos e cirurgioes cujos nomes figuram na nomenclatura anatomica actual. Archivo de anatomia e anthropologia, vol. 1, 102-219, 1914. isIs

First published at Lisbon in 1891-2. Brief biographical dictionary of the men whose names occur in the ,present anatomical nomenclature. It is very interesting to note that these 309 men are divided by nationality as follows : German, 106; French, 80; English, 39; Italian, 30; Swiss, 12, etc. (12 more nationalities represented each by from 8 to 1 men). The United States are represented by one man, WILLIAM EDMUND HonNEm (1793-1853), professor at Philadelphia; the tensor tarsi is named after him Homer's muscle. G. S.

Vilhena, Henrique de. Quadro general da anatomia. Arquivo de anatomia e anthropologia, vol. 6, 1-36, 1 pl. Lisboa, 1921. is's

Subdivisions de l'anatomie formant une sorte d'introduction a une philosophic anatomique. Le texte portugais est suivi d'.une traduction frangaise, pp. 93-130. Les travaux anatomiques de l'auteur et de son ecole et ses vues synthetiques sur l'anatomie et sur la science ont fait l'objet d'une etude de LUIS GUERrEIRO, ibidem, vol. 7, 1-38, aussi en traduction frangaise; voir aussi, ibidem, vol. 8, 473-86, 1924.

G. S.


(Anthropometry and races of man.)

Gregory. J. W. The menace of colour: a study of the difficulties due to the association of white and coloured races, with an account of measures proposed for their solution, and special reference to white colonization in the Tropics. 264 p., 4 pl. London, SEELEY, SERVICE, 1925. isis

Haddon, Alfred Court. The races of man and their distribution. New edition, revised and enlarged. viii + 184 p., 10 pl. Cambridge University Press, 1924. isis

(( The Races of Man, which was first published in 1909, has been out of print and in considerable demand for some years; it has now been re-written and enlarged. The book consists of four parts. The first portion deals mainly with some of the physical characters employed in racial discrimination and classification. A grouping is next given af


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various stocks according to these characters, together with their distri- bution. This is followed by an attempt to indicate a probably racial history of the various areas--Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and America. Finally in the General Summary the author deals briefly with the pro- blem of heredity and the effects of environment on the formation of races, and also gives a sketch of what he assumes to have been the main lines of the progressive evolution and the early migrations of Homo sapiens. ))

Stmar, Thdophile. Etude critique sur la formation de la doctrine des races au xvIIe siecle et son expansion au xixe siecle. Memoires de l'Academie royale de Belg'ique, classe des lettres, 2? serie, t. 16, p. 1-404, 1922. isis


(Human and comparative.)

Bilancloni, Ouglielmo. Sulla storia dei nervi della voce. Archioio di storia d. scienza, 6, 18-27, 1925. isis

Courrlier, Robert. Le cycle sexuel chez la femelle des Mammiferes. Etude de la phase folliculaire. 110 p., 5 pl. Archives de Biologie, t. 34, 1924. Isis

HENRI V. VALLOIS dans la Revue gendrale des sciences, 36, 218, 1925: (( Si les donnees de COURRIER sur la phase folliculaire se confirment pour l'ensemble des Mammifbres, on voit qu'en difinitive, tous les phenomenes multiples qui constituent le cycle sexuel seraient sous la dependance directe de l'ovule et de ses enveloppes. ))

Fischer, J. Menstruation und Ovulation. Ein Beitrag zur Vorge- schichte der inneren Sekretion der Ovarien. Wiener mediz. Wochenschr., Nr. 42, 1923. Isis

Harris, Fraser. Physiology and (( vital force )). Nature, vol. 115, 608-610, 1925. iSIS

[Helmholtz, Hermann von] HELMHOLTZ'S treatise on physiological optics. Translated from the third German edition. Edited by JAMES P C. SOUTHALL Vol. 2: The sensations of vision. xi 4- 480 p. Ithaca. N. Y., F. K RICHTMYER, Secretary, Optical Society of America, Cornell University, 1924. ISIS

Leersum, E. C. van. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der goedaardige schildklierzwelling. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der genees- kunde, 5, 184-196, 10 ill., 1925. ISis

Loeb, Jacques. Regeneration: from a physico-chemical viewpoint. x+143 p. (McGraw-Hill Agricultural and Biological Publications). New York, McGraw-Hill, 1924. ISis

Papillault, G. L'animisme dans les th6ories regnantes sur le neurone. Arquivo de anatoimia e anthropologia, vol. 8, 526-32, Lisboa 1924.



(Human and comparative.)

Campbell, Charles MacFie. A present-day conception of mental disor- ders. (Harvard Health talks). 54 p. Cambridge, Mass., Har- vard University Press, 1924. isis


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Campbell, C. MacFie; Langfeld, HI. S.; McDougall, Wm.; Roback, A. A.; Taylor, E. W. (editors). Problems of personality: studies presented to Dr. MORTON PRINCE, pioneer in American psychopa- thology. (International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method). xiii + 434 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925.


Dumas, Georges (et ses collaborateurs). Traite de psychologie. T. 2. 1173 p. Paris, ALCAN, 1924. isis

Freud, Sigmund. Collected papers. Vols. 1-3. Authorized translation under the supervision of JOAN RIVIERE. New York, International Psycho-analytical Press, 1924-25. isis

Kohler, Wolfgang. The mentality of apes. Translated from the second revised edition by ELLA WINTER. viii + 342 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. Isis

Laumonnier, J. Le freudisme. Expose et critique. 172 p. in-16, FELIX ALCAN, Paris, 1925. [9 fr.] Isis

Si la doctrine de FREUD a peu connu le succes en France jusqu'a l'heure actuelle aupres des psychologues et des psychiatres, elle s'est largement empar6e des romanciers et des ecrivains de theatre, qui en exploitent les tendances comme une veine commode, sans tres bien toujours savoir ce qu'il y a au fond de cette mine; et c'est peut-etre 1 une des raisons de la multiplication des exposes critiques et de critique. Isis en a deja signale un certain nombre: IV, 92; V, 303, 551; VII, 331. Dans l'ou- vrage de LAUMONNIER, l'expos6 du freudisme occupe la majeure partie (126 p.) du texte; expos6 tres clair, sans parti pris de denigrement, non seulement des applications de la psychanalyse aux nevroses, mais aussi de ses applications a la vie normale et collective. Suit le chapitre de critique, dans lequel, tout en reconnaissant l'enorme labeur accompli par Freud et ses disciples, l'auteur refuse a la psychanalyse le role que vou- draient lui faire jouer ses fideles, en psychologie, en morale et dans l'histoire de la civilisation. L. G.

Pflister, Oskar Robert. Love in children and its aberrations: a book for parents and teachers. Translated from the German by EDEN and CEDAR PAUL. 576 p. New York, DODD, MEAD, 1924. isIS

R6v6sz, U6za. The psychology of a musical prodigy. ix 4-+ 180 p. (The International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method). London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. iSIS

Terman, Lewis Madison. Genetic studies of genius. Vol. 1. Mental and physical traits of a thousand gifted children. xv + 648 p. Stanford University, California, Stanford University Press, 1925.


Tischner, Rudolf. Telepathy and clairvoyance. Translated by W. D. HUTCHINSON, with an introduction by E. J. DINGWALL. xi + 226 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. iSIS

Tolddano, Andr6 D. L'ethologie collective. Esquisse d'un programme de travail. Revue de Synthese historique, t. 39, N0? 115-117, pp. 5-14, 1924. isis

L'dthologie collective, i qui STUART MrIL assignait pour etude dans sa Logique la (( formation des caracteres nationaux et collectifs )), doit, selon moi, Atre etablie sur une base scientifique. I1 conviendrait d'abord de distinguer l'6thologie descriptive, qui aura pour tache de preciser


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les traits caracteristiques d'individualites collectives determinees, peuples anciens et nations modernes; l'ethologie comparee et l'Fthologie genetique, qui s'a.ppliquera a discerner les causes determinantes de la formation du caractere des differents peuples et nations. J'estime que l'ethologie collec- tive devrait faire l'objet de recherches patientes, entreprises en commun dans les differents pays, selon des principes autant que possible uniformes.

A. D. T.


(Generalities, methods.)

Lucas, Alfred. Antiques : their restoration and preservation. VIII -- 136 p. London, ARNOLD, 1924. ISis


Burkitt, Miles Crawford. Prehistory. A study of early cultures in Europe and the Mediterranean basin. With a short preface by L'Abbe H. BREUIL. Second edition. xxvI+438 p., 48 pi. Cam- bridge University Press, 1925. IsIs

Ebert, Max (editor). Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte, unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgelehrter. 1. Lieferung. xx+128 S, 33 Taf. Berlin, W. DE GRUYTER, 1924. Iis

Hoernes, Moritz. Urgeschichte der bildenden Kunst in Europa, von den Anfiingen bis um 500 vor Christi. Dritte Auflage, durch- gesehen und ergainzt von OSWALD MENGHIIN. xix -864 p., 1462 Abb. Wien, ANTON SCHROLL, 1925. I9Is

Keith, Sir Arthur. The antiquity of man. New and enlarged edition. Two volumes. vol. 1. xxxII+376 p.; vol. 2. xiv+376 p. London, WILLIAMS and NORGATE, 1925. isis

Stone, E. Herbert. The orientation of Stonehenge. Nature, vol. 115, 800-801, 1925. Isis

( We may conclude, therefore, that the builders of the present struc- ture of Stonehenge did, as a matter of fact, direct the axis of their new building, either exactly or very nearly, to the point on the horizon at which the sunrise at midsummer then took place. It may, of course, be contended that this remarkable agreement is a mere chance coincidence. The fact, however, remains as stated. The accuracy of Sir NORMAN LOCKYER'S calculations has never been. checked by any competent com- puter. The margin of error (200 years either way) appears sufficient to allow for any want of precision in the data. o


(Primitive and popular science.)

Bakker, C. Enuresis nocturnain de volksgeneeskunst in en om Broek in Waterland. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde. 5, 210-218, 1925. IBIS


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Best, Elsdo2l. Maori religion and mythology. Being and account of the cosmogony, anthropogeny, religious beliefs and rites, magic, and folk-lore of the Maori folk of New Zealand. 264 p. (New Zealand, Dominion Museum, Bulletin 10). Wellington, SKINNER, 1924. Isis

Bros, A. L'ethnologie religieuse. Introduction a l'etude comparee des religions primitives. 284 p. Paris, BLOUD et GAY, 1923 Isis

(( Les parties essentielles de ces etudes ont ete professees en 1920 a l'Institut catholique de Paris. Elles doivent beaucoup au savant religieux qui dirige Anthropos, et qui a ete le principal inspirateur des Semaines d'ethnologie religieuse. II est juste qu'au seuil de ce livre, j'exprime ma reconnaissante affection au R. P. SCHMIrDT, des Peres du Verbe divin. )

Contenu: 1. Definition et histoire de l'etlmologie; 2. Objet de l'ethno- logie religieuse; 3. Les sciences auxiliaires de l'ethnologie; 4. L'observa- tion; 5. Observateurs et missionnaires; 6. L'interpretation des faits; 7. Comparaison, classification, definition des faits ethnologiques; 8. L'ex- plication genetique des faits; 9. L'animisme de TYLOR; 10. Le socio- logisme de DURKHEIM.

Cox, John Harrington (editor). Folk-songs of the South, collected under the auspices of the West Virginia Folklore Society xxxi-4- 545 p. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1925. I8is

Dart, Raymond, A. The historical succession of cultural impacts upon South Africa Nature, vol. 115, 425-429, 1925. isis

(( It is not in the contact of any one people but in the endless pro- cession of emissaries of every great navigating power in the Indian Ocean down this coast that one finds an explanation of the prodigious extent of the early mining industry of Southern Africa. Moreover, it is only in terms of this procession that the physical, anthropological, and ethnological problems of this country can be adequately understood. ))

Del Mar, Frances. A year among the Maoris; a study of their arts and customs. Foreword by WYNDHAM DUNSTAN. 176 p. London, B,E:NN, 1924. Isis

Dingwall, Eric John. Male infibulation. vjl-145 p. London, BALE, SONS and DANIELSSON, 1925. s8is

Freeman, l.eonard. Surgery of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas. Art and Archaeology, vol. 18, 21-35. 1924. Isis

Goldsmith, Elizabeth Edwards. Life symbols as related to sex symbolism. A brief study into the origin and significance of certain symbols which have been found in all civilizations, such as the Cross, the Circle, the Serpent, the Triangle, the Tree of Life, the Swastika, and other solar emblems showing the unity and simplicity of thought underlying their use as religious symbols. xxvIII-455 I). London, PUTNAMS, 1924. Isis

Hanstein, Otfrid von. The world of the Incas; a socialistic state of the past Translated by ANNA BARWELL. 189 p. London, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1924. IsIs

Hoffmann-Krayer, Eduard. Volkskundliche Bibliographie fur das Jahr 1920. xvIii+212 S. Berlin, W. DE GRUYTER, 1924. Isis


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Jenness. Diamond. Eskimo folk-lore. Part A: Myths and tradi- tions from Northern Alaska, the Mackenzie Delta and Coronation Gulf. Southern Party, 1913-16. III+90 p. Part B : Eskimo string figures. Southern Party, 1913-16. 192 p. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18, vol 13. Ottawa, F. A. A CLAND, 1924. 8

Jochelson, Waldemar. Archaeological investigations in the Aleutian Islands. ix+145 p., 28 pl., 110 fig. Washington, Carnegie Insti- tution, 1925. I81s

An account of excavations of ancient village sites on the Aleutian Islands. In addition to description of the materials uncovered the volume contains discussion of questions concerning development of pre- historic Aleut culture, direct emigration of the Aleut from Asia, relation of Aleut to Eskimo, Indian, and Siberian tribes, and origin of American aborigines in Asia.

Leroy, Olivier. Essai d'introduction critique a l'etude de 1'economie primitive. Les theories de K. BUECHER et l'ethnologie moderne. xmII+138 p., 14 illustr. Paris, GEUTHNER, 1925. Isls

(( Le but de cette etude est d'examiner, dans l'eeuvre de l'economiste KARL BUECHER, ce qui se rapporte a la description et a l'intelligence des manifestations de la vie 6conomique elementaire. ))

Contenu: Introduction; 1. Methode et principes; 2. Egoisme primitif; 3. Structure sociale; 4. Proprinte; 5. Pr&voyance; 6. Separation des sexes et division du travail; 7. Problemes d'origine: travail, echange, domes- tication des animaux; Conclusions.

London, British Museum. Handbook to the ethnographical collec- tions. Second edition. xvi+319 p., 20 pl. London, British Museum, 1925. ISIS

Lubllnski, Ida. Eine mythische Urschicht vor dem Mythos. Arch. f. Religionswiss., vol. 22, 154-175, 1924. Isis

A discussion of the ~powers attributed by primitive peoples, especially by the tribes of the American Indians, to saliva, urine and excrement. These substances are believed to give rise to living things, to be able to kill, and to bring the dead to life, etc. The thought which lies behind the belief in such powers is that all those things which characterize the living as contrasted wvith the dead body possess a vital principle.

J. S.

Marin, Louis Table d'analyse en ethnographie. L'Ethnographie, N. S., Nos. 9 et 10, 201-329, 19-24. isis

Cette table, tres complete, et due au president de la Societe d'ethno- graphie de Paris, est destinee a ordonner rationnellement la recherche de ceux qui abordent des documents ethniques. L. G.

Moss, Rosalind. The life after death in Oceania and the Malay Archipelago xnI+247 p., 2 maps. Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York, 1925. [$ 4 70] Tsis

This work is one in purpose with the series of regional studies concern- ing the belief in immortality which Sir JAMES FRAZER has so brilliantly instituted (see Isis, I, 540). Says R. R. MARETT in his brief but excel- lent foreword (( To the man of the glacial epoch it seemed that death is not the end; if indeed so much is to be inferred from his burial-customs And up to this day most human beings, whatever their breed or grade of culture, have held the same belief, or at any rate have behaved as if


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they did. Now the question how, if at all, this faith may be rationally justified is reserved for the philosopher. Meanwhile, the anthropologist can at least bear witness to the age-long and world-wide prevalence of the belief; leaving it to the philosopher to estimate the precise value of the argument from consent as best he may. )) Says the author (( The pulpose of the present inquiry is to trace the connexion between burial- customs and beliefs in a future life among the more primitive peoples of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Indonesia. It does not claim to be in any way comprehensive, nor to survey each and every form of disposal of the dead: on the contrary, only those practices which have an apparent con- nexion with ideas about the afterlife, or have directly contributed to the evolution or modification of such beliefs, have been brought within the scope of the present work. ) G. S.

Nieuwenhuis, A. W. Principles of Indian Medicine in Ameriican Ethnology and their psychological signification. Janus, 28, 305-356, 1925. isIs

Enquete menee chez les Kwakiutls (iles Vancouver), les Tsimshians (c6te continentale faisant face aux iles de la Reine Charlotte), les Haida (iles de la Reine Charlotte), et concurremment chez des tribus sud-ame- ricaines: Caraibeg, Uitoto (Colombie), Yagans (Terre de Feu), et por- tant, chez chacune d'elles, sur: a) l'organisation de l'homme; b) la nature de la maladie; c) la cause de la maladie; d) la lutte contre la maladie; e) par qui est menee cette lutte; f) les remedes employes. Tous croient a l'existence de l'Ame ou de plusieurs ames, pensent( avec des variantes) que la maladie est en relation avec le depart de l'ame ou son manque de force, qu'elle est causee par des magiciens au pouvoir surnaturel; la lutte, qui consiste a rendre a l'ame sa force d6ficiente, est menee par des medecins dont le pouvoir est aussi surnaturel et qui emploient quelques plantes m6dicinales. L. G.

Nordenskiold, Eriand. The ethnography of South America seen from Mojos in Bolivia. (Comparative Ethnographical Studies, 3) vi+- 254 p., 30 maps. London, Oxford Universiy Press, 1924. Isis

Nordenskiold, Eriand. The Secret of the Peruvian Quipus. Part I of No. 6 Comparative Ethnological Studies. 37 p., 5 fold. plates. Oxford University Press, 1925. [5 sh. net] ISis

Recent studies have emphasized facts and justified conclusions in regard to the use of the quipu by the Incas.

1. In the absence of any system of writing the quipus served the pur- pose of numerical records in a highly complex governmental machinery.

2. The attempt of the conquerors to wipe out completely the Inca civi- lization resulted in a complete destruction of the quipus in daily use.

3. The preservation of any specimens is due to the custom of depositing certain articles in the grave with the dead.

4. There is no evidence that any of these grave quipus so far examined were other than numerical records.

In seeking for an explanation of this burial custom NORDENSKIOLD rejects the theory of the depositing of articles of intimate possession, which concern the living, on the ground that such a disposal would give the dead power over the living.

This study is an analysis of eight specimens to determine if the num- bers recorded have any significance which might throw light on the ques- tion. He finds an unusual occurrence of numbers which involve combi- nations of the number seven, which evidently does not refer to the week. The frequent combinations of 365 and of numbers approximating the synodic periods of Mercury and Venus suggest considerable knowledge


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of astronomy. The tentative conclusions are that the grave quipus are all in the nature of calendars which contain mystical numbers, which may have been connected with fortune telling or as puzzles for the spirits. This study emphasizes the value of MAX UHLE'S suggestion that whatever secrets the quipu may contain will only approach solution through the complete publication of all available specimens, of which there are pro- bably not more than one hundred and fifty in existence. In part 2, the author promises a study of other specimens. In addition to astronomical knowledge which such a study may reveal, the frequent appearance of prime numbers may disclose an unexpected familiarity with the proper- ties of numbers. L. LELAND LOCKE.

Preuss, K. Th. Religionen der Naturvolker Amierikas 1910-1923. Arch. f. Religionswiss.. vol 22. 284-330, 1924. 1sis

A series of useful reviews on recent work in the above field, in three parts: (1) North America; (2) Central America; (3) South America. ( Religion ) is interpreted widely, and' includes art, travels, folklore, mythology, anthropology, ethnobotany and social organization.

J. S.

Radin, Paul. Monotheism among primitive peoples. With a fore- word by ISRAEL ZANGWILL. 69 p. London, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1924. 181s

Reitzentein, Ferdinand (Freiherr von). Das Weib bei den Natur- vOlkern. xI + 483 S., 265 Abb., 11 Taf. Berlin, NEUFELD und HENIUS, 1923. s1is

Schwa rz, Herbert F. Eclipses as interpreted by the American abori gines. Natural History, vol. 25, 162-5, 2 fig. New York, 1925.


Sydow, Eckart von. Die Kunst der Naturv6lker und der Vorzeit. 568 p., 24 pl. (Prophylaen-Kunstgeschichte, 1) Berlin, Prophyliien- Verlag, 1923. 11ss

Tozzer, Alfred Marston. Social origins and social continuities : a course of lectures delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, February 1924. xIx + 286 p. New York, MAc- MILLAN, 1925.

Weinreich, Otto. Kleine Anzeigen : Zur Volkskunde. Arch. f. Reli- gionswiss., vol. 22, 321-351, 1924. s1is

A useful review of recent work in the field of folklore and fable; there is a special section on recent Greek contributions to folklore literature.

J. S.

Williamson, Robert W. The social and political system of Central Polynesia. 3vols. xxx + 438 p., vi + 496 p., VI 4- 488 p. 7 maps. Cambridge University Press, 1925. 1Iss

( The ethnology of Polynesia has been the subject of an extensive and varied literature. For long past travellers, explorers, missionaries, government officials and others, and academic writers at home have been accumulating ethnological material. It is, however, scattered in books and articles in journals and other periodicals and, though some of these are written in a more or less scientific method, many are mere collections of isolated and disconnected data; also the information is confined in most cases to specific islands or groups. This material Mr. WLULAMSON has now collected, arranged and co-ordinated. The area with which he


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deals is Central Polynesia, which excludes Hawaii to the north and New Zealand to the south, and his subject, after a preliminary chapter on origin and migrations, is the social and political systems. ))

Winstedt, R. 0. Shaman, Saiva and Sufi : a study of the evolution of Malay magic. vii + 191 p. London, CONSTABLE, 1925. isis


Besterman, Theodore. Crystal-gazing: a study in the history, distri- bution, theory, and practice of scrying. XIII + 184 p. London, WM. RIDER, 1924.

Carter, Charles E. 0. A concise encyclopadia of psychological astro- logy. Together with observations of the astrological charac- teristics of about fifty diseases and an introductory essay on the zodiacal signs from the standpoint of biology and psychology. 159 p. London, FOULSHAM, 1924. ISIS

Carter, Charles E. 0. The principles of astrology, theoretical and applied. 200 p. London, Theosophical Publishing House, 1925.


Houdini, Harry. A magician among the spirits. XIx + 294 p., 25 ill. New York, HARPERS, 1924. Isis

Oefele, Felix von. The roots of Voodooism. From Babylon to Atlantic City. Medical Life, 32, 308-312, 1925.

Page, Calvin Samuel. Rx the life atom. Key to nature, New direct explanations; radio, gravitation. magnetism. electricity, light, sound, nervous force, molecule; refuting EINSTEIN'S relativity confirmations, using new discoveries of the Earth, Mercury, Moon, Volcanoes, etc. xv -+- 330 p., portrait. Chicago, Science Publishing Company, 1923. Isis

Author's preface: (( I am impelled to voice my gratitude to Divine Providence that I have been permitted' to discover the exceedingly bene- ficent atomic matter Rx. ))

Tischner, Rudolf. Geschichte der okkultistischen (metapsychischen) Forschung. II. Teil. Von der Mitte des 19. Jalrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart. 371 S. Pfullingen, JOHANNES BAUM, 1924. isis


Economic doctrines and history. Commerce.

Transportation and Communications.

Avenel, Vicomte Georges d'. Les enseignements de l'histoire des prix. 168 p. in-16, PAYOT, Paris, 1925. [5 fr.] isis

GEORGES D'AVENEL est le premier, je crois, a avoir systematiquement introduit en France, dans l'histoire, les questions d'argent. De son ( His- toire economique de la propri6te, des salaires, des denr6es et des prix en general, depuis l'an 1200 jusqu'en l'an 1800 )) (6 vol. parus, E. LERoux, edit.), oui les nombres, traduits en monnaies et mesures modernes, groupes, eclaires les uns par les autres, revelent le jeu des interets associes ou hostiles qu'ils ont exprimes dans le pass6, il avait deja tire des &tudes


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de detail, notamment 1' evolution des moyens de transport ,)) le ( nivel- lement des jouissances , (( decouvertes d'histoire sociale )), trois volumes edites par E. FLAMMARION. I1 en tire aujourd'hui un resume, general dans lequel il expose les enseignements de l'histoire des prix. Titres des cha- pitres: 1. Le capital aux siecles passes; 2. Aneantissement des anciennes fortunes; 3. La richesse du xxe siecle; 4. Transformation de la pro- priete et abolition graduelle du communisme; 5. Le travail et le gain de l'ouvrier; 6. La part du patron ou le (( benefice )); 7. Les profits de la foule et l'avenement du proletaire. - Je lui sais beaucoup de gre de montrer clairement k tous, dans une edition de lecture facile et a bon marche, que (( ce n'est ni par siecles ni par regnes que l'on devrait chif- frer l'histoire pour marquer les etapes de l'humanit6 )); que la (( chute de l'empire romain, le changement des dynasties et, a plus forte raison, la ,politiq,ue de tel ou tel monarque, ont eu sur l'etat social de leur temps une r6percussion cent fois moindre que telle evolution rurale, industrielle ou financiere )). L. G.

Gill, Conrad. The rise of the Irish linen industry. vi+-539 p., 2 maps. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1925. I8IS

Lloyd, Godfrey Isaac Howard. The cutlery trades; an historical study in the economics of small-scale production. xvI-+-493 p., 16 illus., 3 maps. London, LONGMANS, 1913. Isis

Macarthur, Walter. Sea routes of commerce an outline of maritime history in ancient and mediaeval times. xn-i+114 p., 4 maps. BostoI1, STRATFORD, 1925. ISiS

A brief, popular outline of an immense subject. J. K. W.

Rich, Wesley Everett. (1889-1918). The history of the United States Post Office to the year 1829. vii+190 p. Cambridge, Mass , Har- vard University Press, 1924. IsIS

Stanley-Stone, Arthur Carlyon. The worshipful company of turners of London, its origin and history. vnI+337 p London, LINDLEY- JONES and Brother, 1925. SIB


Beer, Max. Social struggles and socialist forerunners. Translated by H. J. STENNING, and revised by the author. 224 p. London, LEONARD PARSONS, 1924. ISIS

Brown, Rollo Walter. The creative spirit. An inquiry into American life. 233 p. New York, HARPER, 1925. s8is

(( The creative spirit-the impulse that flowers fully in a genius, but is potentially present also in almost every man and woman-is what transforms life from a dull routine into a glorious adventure. Without this spirit any civilization becomes mechanical and deadening. Mr. BROWN believes that the creative spirit is being stifled in the United States today by the leveling standardization of education, art and modern industry. His specific suggestions for releasing it and his plea for a new public attitude toward our creators will fire the enthusiasm of the same public which hlas responded to JAMES HARVEY ROBINSON'S The Mind in the Making'. )) Thus says the jacket, and the jacket is right. I will simply add that the book is very well and forcibly written and' that every


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American educator, everyone having (( charge d'ames )) ought to read it. A special chapter is devoted to the Creative Spirit and Science. The last chapter, entitled The Creative Spirit and the American Public, con- tains a spirited plea for the support of the Macdowell Colony in New Hampshire-a summer colony of artists founded by the great composer E'DWARD ALEXANDER MACDOWELL (1861-1908), which represents probably the greatest effort made in America in the direction indicated by the author. G. S.

Dufour, Pierre (i. e. Lacroix, Paul, 1806-84). Geschichte der Prosti- tution bei allen Volkern von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Ins Deutsche iibertragen von ADOLF STILLE und BRUNO SCHWEIGGER. Mit Geleit- und Schlusswort von ERICH WULFFEN, bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts erganzt von FRANZ HELBING Vollig neu bearbeitet und bis zur Gegenwart fortgefiiuhrt von PAUiL LAN- GENSCHEIDT. Siebente, vollig neubearbeite Auflage. 482 S., 16 Taf. Berlin, LANGENSCHEIDT, 1925. ISIS

Fenneman, Nevin M. A classification of natural resources. Address of the vice-president and chairman of section E. (Geology and Geography) American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, December 1924. Science, vol. 61, 191-197, 1925.' iss

A very comprehensive and clear study of the possible duration of our natural resources. G. S.

Gay, George I Statistical review of relief operations of the Com- mission for Relief in Belgium (1914 to 1919 and to final liquidation). x+82+439 p , illustr., maps, quarto. Commission for Relief in Belgium, Washington D. C., 1925. ISIS

Very valuable record of the greatest relief organization which was ever undertaken. It involved the feeding of some nine million people during five years, the generous collaboration of 95,000 agents and the expenditure of almost 900 million dollars. It made known all over the world the administrative genius of HERBERT HoovER. The statistical tables are introduced by a review of relief operations (81 p.).

G. S.

Uettell, Raymond Garfield. History of political thought. (Century political science series) xi -t- 511 p. New York, Century, 1924.


Gu6non, Rene. Orient et Occident 250 p. in-16, PAYOT, Paris, 1924. ISIS

L'Orient et l'Occident, si eloign6s l'un de l'autre a tous 6gards, arrive- ronit-ils un jour a se rapprocher? Et a quelles coniditions ce rapproche- ment serait-il possible? Telles sont les questions, auxquelles les circon- stances actuelles donnent une importance toute particuliere, que l'auteur essaye de resoudre, sans tendresse pour nos civilisations occidentales. Pour que l'entente desirable soit possible, dit-il, elle doit s'operer dans l'ordre intellectuel; et si toutes les tentatives faites jusqu'ici ont echoue, c'est que les Occidentaux n'admettent pas d'autre civilisation que la leur: (( La civilisation greco-romaine est, pour nous, la civilisation tout court )),

et toute la premiere partie du livre (130 p.) est employee a denoncer les illusions et les superstitions propres a l'esprit occidental, en parti- culier la (( superstition de la science )), et ,a proclamer la sup6riorite spiri- tuelle de l'Asie. II faudr,ait, pour que l'entente soit possible, que l'Occi- dent revienne a une civilisation ( normale )), uniquement basee sur des principes; c'est cela qui devrait etre le role de l'elite intellectuelle; et si l'Occident revenait a cette civilisation normale et s'inclinait devant la


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superiorite orientale, l'entente serait par la meme un fait accompli. (Par Orientaux, GUtiNON entend surtout les Hindous. Voir son Introduction gienrale a l'etude des doctrines hindoues, M. RIVIERE, 1921.) Quoi qu'on puisse penser de ces conclusions un peu inattendues, elles font rfeflechir, et ce n'est pas deja un si mince m6rite. L. G.

Kellor, Frances and Hatvany, Antonia. Security against war. Two volumes. Vol. 1: International controversies. ix-435 p. Vol. 2: Arbitration, disarmament, outlawry. pp. 436-851. NewYork, MACMILLAN, 1924. ISIs

Laski, Harold Joseph. A grammar of politics. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1925. ISIS

Pease, Edward Reynolds. The history of the Fabian Society. Second edition, with a supplementary chapter. 306 p. London, for the Fabian Society, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1925. ISiS

First edition, 1916.

Purdom, Charles Benjamin. The building of satellite towns, a con- tribution to the study of town development and regional planning. xv+368 p London, DENT, 1925. isis

Vaughan, Charles Edwyn (1854-1922). Studies in the History of poli- tical philosophy before and after ROUSSEAU. Edited by ANDRZEW GEORGE LITTLE. 2 vols. London, LONGMANS, 1925. ISIS


(General History, Historical methods, Biography and Chronology.)

Cavaignac, Eugene. Chronologie. 214 p. Paris, PAYOT, 1925. IsIs Je signale ce manuel 'a cause des services qu'il peut rendre aux arti-

sans de l'histoire de la science. A qui n'est-il pas arriv6 d'h6siter pour situer un fait dans la chronologie g6nerale? ou de devoir transcrire une date d'une ere dans une autre? ou de devoir passer d'un calendrier a un a.utre? Le volume de CAVAIGNAC permet de faire ces transformations imm6diatement, et on y trouve, divis6e en 26 periodes, toute la chrono- logie des faits marquants dans l'histoire de la civilisation depuis 4241 A. C. jusqu'a maintenant. La valeur pratique de l'ouvrage est consi- derablement diminu6e par l'absence d'index. L. G.

Jenkinson, Hilary. A manual of archive administration including the problems of war archives and archive making. xvIII+243 p. (Car- negie endowment for international peace). London, MILFORD, 1922. IsIS

See Isis, VII, 563 (SHIOTWELL).

Leuridant, F611cien. Tables des notices biographiques publi6es dans 1'Annuaire de l'Acadenie Royale de Belgique (1835-1914). 55 p. Bruxelles, HAYEZ, 1919. isis

Suivi d'un index des documents relatifs k l'histoire de l'Academie publi6s dans l'Annuaire. G. S.

Marshall, Leon Carroll. The story of human progress : an intro- duction to social studies xvi+548 p. New York, MACMILLAN, 1925. Isis


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Matteson, David M. List of manuscripts concerning American history preserved in European libraries and noted in their published catalogues and similar printed lists. VII+203 p. Washington, Carnegie Institution, 1925. ISIs

Most of the material in this volume has hitherto been unknown to almost all scholars and has been obtained from the printed statements of manuscripts in the smaller libraries in a number of European cities.


(Art and science, Iconogiraphy. Aris and crafts.)

Adler, fuido. Ilandbuch der Musikgeschichte unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen, mit vielen Notenbeispielen und Abbildungen von Instrumenten. xIII+1097 S. Frankfurt a. Main, Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt, 1924. isis

Les Arts de reproduction graphique. L'histoire de la gravure. Le papier a travers les 'ages. Bull. officiel diz syndicat des Maitres imprimeurs de France. No special, Paris, 1925. Isis

Monographie de 104 pages oui sont etudi6es successivement la typo- graphic et ses applications: stereotypie ou clichage, ster6otypie g6no- wienne pour l'impression des tables de logarithmes, 1lectrotypie pour la reproduction des planches gravees, stylographie pour l'imitation des des- sins a la plume et des eaux-fortes, impressions musicales, impressions en relief pour les aveugles, etc.; la lithographie et ses applications dans la diaphanie pour la fabrication des simili-vitraux et des affiches lumi- neuses, la ddcalcomanie pour l'impression des feuilles de metal; la litho- chromie pour l'imitation des peintures a l'huile.

L'histoire de la gravure et des applications si importantes de celle-ci: photogravure, phototypie, h6liogravure, etc., est exposee clairement et d'une maniere tres interessante. La gravure sur bois est nee vers 1285 pour servir h l'impression des cartes h jouer. La gravure en taille douce, pour la reproduction des estampes, remonterait h 1452 et n'aurait 6te employ6e h l'impression de la musique que vers 1675. Jusque-la, l'im- pression de la musiqiue se faisait par typographic; les planches de metal etaient frapp6es au moyen de poincons repr6sentant les notes, cles et autres signes. Les caracteres italiques dateraient de 1475. (De nom- breuses gravures et des hors textes en couleurs accompagnent ces descrip- tions.)

L'histoire du papier occupe les vingt-cinq dernieres ages de ce beau travail. Le papier proprement dit, en pate, n'apparait qu'au Ixe siecle, chez les Arabes. L. LEIRUX.

Brlggs, Martin Shaw. A short history of the building crafts. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1925. isis

Conway, Sir William Martin. Art treasures in Soviet Russia. vii + 284 p. London, ARNOLD, 1925. IBIs

Hannover, Emil. Pottery and porcelain: a handbook for collectors. Translated from the Danish. Edited with notes and appendices by BERNARD RACKHAM. Vol. 1. Europe and the Near East: earthenware and stoneware. 589 p., 7 pl. Vol. 2. The Far East. 287 p., 2pl. Vol. 3. European porcelain. 571 p., 2 pl. London, ERNEST BENN, 1925. Isis


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London, British Museum. Catalogue of engraved British portraits preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings. 6 vol. (Vol. 6. Supplement and indexes). London, British Museum, 1908-25. ISBs

Sharp, Cecil James, and Opp6, Adolf Paul. The dance, an historical survey of dancing in Europe. xv + 54 p., 75 pi. London, HALTON and TRUSCOTT SMITH, 1924. IsI

Urbain, Georges. Le tomibeau d'ARISTOXENE; essai sur la musique. 234 p., G. DOIN, Paris, 1925. [14 fr.] Isis

II est assez curieux de voir un livre sur l'evolution de la musique ecrit par un chimiste erninent, membre de l'Academie des sciences. Chose remar- quable, le savant qu'est M. URBAIN croit fort peu a la valeur de l'appli- cation a Part des principes scientifiques. I1 critique fort l'immlixtion dans la musique de l'acoustique et des acousticiens. Pour lui, est seule valable l'etude historique du fait musical. Et cela explique probablement le titre de son livre, ARISTOXhNE de Tarente etant en musique le premier des empiristes. Pour reprendre ses expressions, le (( pragmatisme intellec- tuel )) de M. URBAIN, son ( commodisme )) la Poincare, sont fort inte- ressants. Par exemple, tres convaincante est la critique qu'il fait de la valeur des notions les plus communement admises, comme celle d'octave. Malheureusement, son information historique est un peu hative. II con- fond les theories de PYTHAGORE avec celles d'ARISTOXENE, qui en prend souvent le contrepied, accorde une importance tres exageree aux theories harmoniques de RAMEAU, et surtout a celles de FETIS, alors qu'il ne cite meme pas SAUVEUR et neglige HELMHOLZ, etc. Par contre, le cha- pitre oh il indique l'immensite du nombre des combinaisons modales pos- sibles est tres suggestif. R. PETIT.


Hart, Horace. Rules for compositors and readers at the University Press, Oxford. The English spellings revised by Sir JAME, A. H. MURRAY and HENRY BRADLEY. 27th edition. 135 p. Londons Oxford University Press, 1925. 18is

Maclennan, Malcolm. A pronouncing and etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language. Gaelic-English; English-Gaelic. xvi + 614 p. Edinburgh, JOHN GRANT, 1925. IsS1

Meillet, Antoine et Vendryes, Joseph. Traite de grammaire comparee des langues classiques. 684 p. Paris, CHAMPION, 1924. ISi8

P. CHANTRAINE in Bull. Assoc. Guillaume Bude, No. 7, 40-1, 1925.

Scheftelowitz. J. Gleichklangzauber in Indien und im jiidischen Volksglauben. Zeit. d. deutsch. morgenl. Ges., N. F. vol. 3, Heft 2, pp. 106-110, 1924. 1sis

Among many peoples a belief exists that every object possesses the nature and power of all words with a similar sound to its own name, although these words cannot be brought into any etymological rela- tionship. Examples are given from India and from ancient and modern Palestine. J. S.

Seifert, Josef Leo. Literaturgeschichte der Cechoslowaken, Siid- slawen und Bulgaren. Miinchen, KOSEL und PUSTET, 1923. isIS


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Smith, Logan Pearsall. Words and idioms. Studies in the English language. xi +- 300 p. London, CONSTABLE, 1925. ISis

Stfibe, Rudolf. Der Ursprung des Alphabetes und seine Entwicklung. vii + 36 p. (28.5 X 23 cm.) mit 68 Schriftproben auf 20 Tfln. und 3 Stammbiiumen. Berlin, HEINTZE & BLANCKERTZ, 1921. Isrs

Beschriinkt auf die aus dem Altsemitischen entstandenen Alphabete, gibt das billige Buch guten, zusammenfassenden Text und sehr schbne Schr,iftbeispiele nach Photographien. H. W.

Trelease, Sam Farlow, and Yule, Emma Sarepta. Preparation of scientific and technical papers. 113 p. Baltimore, WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 1925. IBIs

Van Tieghem, Paul. Precis d'histoire litteraire de l'Europe depuis la Renaissance. Paris, ALCAN, 1925. iSIn

Vendryes, Joseph. Language : a linguistic introduction to history. Translated by PAUL RADIN. (The history of civilization series). xxviii + 378 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. tlsu


(Moral Organization of Society.)

Bureau, Paul. L'indiscipline des mceurs. Paris, BLOUD, 1921. isrs English translation entitled c Towards moral bankruptcy ?, with intro-

duction by MARY SCHARLIEB. XVi + 546 p. London, CONSTABLE, 1925.

Jacks, Lawrence Pearsall. Responsibility and culture. 86 p. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1924. isis

Levine, Israel. Reason and morals : an enquiry into the first prin- ciples of ethics. xi + 177 p. Glasgow, MACLEHOSE, JACKSON, 1924. IsIs

Naville, Adrien. Liberte, egalite, solidarite : essais d'analyse. 124 p. Lausanne, PAYOT, 1924. Isis

Schweitzer, Albert. Memoirs of childhood and youth. Translated by C. T. CAMPION. 103 p. London, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1924. xsis


(See also above, 4. Philosophy of Science.)

Dauriac, Lionel (1847-1923). Contingence et rationalisme. xxI 4- 366 p. Paris, J. VRIN. 1925. Isis

IAONEL DAURIAC, philosophe double d'un artiste (il s'est beaucoup occupe de psychologie musicale), n'a pas vu paraitre ce livre, dans lequel il avait groupe, autour d'anciennes etudes sur EMILE BOUTROUX (1916), sur CHARLES RENOUVIER (1909), JULES LACHELIER (1896), OCTAVE HAMELIN (1908, 1909), et deux articles de 1916 et 1917 intitules (( Contin- gence et Categorie ), et ( Necessite mediate et immediate ), des pages inedites sur l'esprit general de la doctrine de HAMELIN et sur le ratio- nalisme de Louis IAARD. DAURIAC, ancien adherent du neo-criticisme, s'in- teressait surtout, depuis une dizaine d'annees, au mouvement rationa- liste. L. G.


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Fournler d'Albe, Edmund Edward. Quo vadimus ? Some glimpses of the future. (Today and tomorrow series) 92 p. New York, E. P. DUTTON, 1925. I8ss

Hoffding, liarald. La relativite philosophique. Traduit du danois par J. DE COUSSANGE. VII + 293 p. Paris, ALCAN, 1924. ,sis

Keyserling, Hermann. The travel diary of a philosopher. (Das Reisetagebuch eines Philosophen). Translated by J. HOLROYD REECE. 2. vols. vol l1, vm - + 336 p.; vol. 2, 405 p. New York, HARCOURT BRACE, 1925. ISis

See review of the original text by JULIUS RUSKA in Isis, V, 191-3.

Rosny aln6, J. H. Le pluralisme integral. Mercure de France. 15 aoit 1925, 5-38. ISis

Schmidt, Raymond (editor). Die Philosophie der Gegenwart in Selbst- darstellungen, mit einer Einfiihrung. 5 Bande (Bd. 1-2, 2 Aufl. 1923). 228 p., 212 p., 234 p., 250 p., 265, p. Jeder Beitrag mit dem Bildnis des Verfassers. Leipzig, FELIX MEINER, 1921-1924. Isis

Reviewed by EMILE BR;HIER in Litteris, Lund, vol. 1, pp. 97-109, 1924.


(Science and Religion.)

Beach, Harlan Page and Pans, Charles H. (editors). World mis- sionary atlas, containing a directory of missionary societies, classified summary of statistics, maps showing the location of missionary stations throughout the world, a descriptive account of the principal mission lands and comprehensive indices. Maps by JOHN BARTHOLOMEW. 251 p., 29 pl. New York, Institute of soc. and rel. research, 1925. IsIS

Burkitt, F. C. The religion of the Manichees. The Donnellan Lec- tures for 1924. VIII + 130 p., 3 illustr. Cambridge University Press, 1925. IsIs

(( The three Lectures here printed were delivered last June in Trinity College, Dublin, as the Donnellan Lectures for 1924. Their main object is to bring the wonderful discoveries of original Mani- chee literature from Central Asia before a wider public than at present seems to know of them, and at the same time to suggest that the Chris- tian element in the religion of the Manichees is larger and more funda- mental than the scholars of the last generation were inclined to allow. The volume gives an outline of the history of the Manichees and an account of their religion and the philosophy underlying it. )>

D'Arcy, Charles, F. (Archbishop of Armagh). Science and creation: the Christian interpretation. vi + 126 p. London, LONGMANS, 1925. IsIS

Evolution and Intellectual freedom. Supplement to Nature, July 11, 1925, p. 69-84. IS,S

Supplement entirely devoted to the trial of J. T. SCOPES, a Tennessee high school science teacher, for having taught the theory of evolution in defiance of the State Law. Opinions by many American and English scientists and churchmen. The whole forms a valuable contribution to that old subject, the conflict between positive knowledge and theology.

G. S.


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Ooodspeed, Edgar Johnson. The making of the English New Testa- ment. Ix+-129 p. University of Chicago Press, 1925. Isis

Hannah, lan Campbell. Christian monasticism : a great force in his- tory. 270 p. New York, MACMILLAN, 1925. ,sts

Jones, Rufus Matthew. The church's debt to heretics. (Living Church Series) 255 p. London, JAMES CLARKE, 1925. isis

Keith, Arthur. The religion of a Darwinist: Conway memorial Lec- ture delivered at South Place Institute on March 26, 1925, 76 p. London, WATTS, 1925. ISIs

Leuba, James Henry. The psychology of religious mysticism. (International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method). xii 4- 336 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. isis

Mathews, Shailer (editor). Contributions of science to religion. With the cooperation of WILLIAM E. RITTER. ROBERT A. MILLIKAN, EDWIN B. FROST, aud others. VII +- 427 p., 5 pl. New York, APPLETON, 1924. Isis

Moore, George Foot. Origine e sviluppo della religione. Trad. ita- liana di GIORGIO LA PIANA. xvI+168 p. Bari, LATERZA, 1925. ISIS

Russell, Bertrand (Arthur William). What I believe. (Today and tomorrow series) 95 p. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1925. ISis

Thomson, John Arthur. Science and religion. (Morse lectures, Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1924.) IX + 238 p, New York, METHUEN, 1925. ISIS

Tsanoff, Radoslav Andrea. The problem of immortality; studies in personality and value. VIII - 418 p. New York, MACMILLAN, 1924. ISIS

Underwood. Alfred Clair. Conversion: Christian and non-Christian, a comparative and psychological study. 283 p. London, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1925. ISIS



Bijdragen tot de leschledenis der Geneeskunde. Uitgave van het Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunzde, Amsterdam, Jaar- gang 1, 1921. xxvIII+462 bdz.; Jaargang 2, 1922. xxIV+380 bdz.; Jaargang 3, 1923, xxiv+360 bdz.; Jaargang 4, 1924. xxIII+330 bdz.; Jaargarg 5, 1925, xxvIII + 320 bdz. ISIS

These volumes, published by a Dutch society of physicians, are devoted to the history of medicine and contain a large number of contributions on the subject. Many of these papers are only of local interest and can- not be mentioned here individually. Other papers will be classified in our Critical Bibliography as fast as possible. The whole collection is a credit to the activity, intelligence and philosophical spirit of the Dutch medical profession. G. S.

Dlepgen, Paul. Geschichte der Medizin, IV. Neueste Zeit: Von der Begriindung der Zellularpathologie bis zur Gegenwart. Erster Teil : Die Hilfswissenschaften und biologischen Disziplinen. Mit 4 Fig. 146 S. Berlin, W. DE GRUYTER, 1924. ISIS


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Giordano, Davide. TUn commentare del (( Libro delle ulcere )) di IPPO- CRATE ed una discendenza di chirurgia: I CIGNoZZI. Riv. di st. d. sc med. e. naturali., 16, 1-12, 1925. Isis

A propos d'un ( Libro d'IPPOCRATE dell'Ulcera, con le note pratiche chirurgiche di GIUSEPPE CIGNOZZI, in Firenze, 1690 ), l'auteur etudie une longue suite de chirurgiens, dont l'un est encore vivant, et qui des- cendent de ce GIUSEPPE CIGNOZZI (1652.07.08-1730.10.15). L. G.

Janet, Pierre. La medecine psychologique. 288 p. (Bibliotheque de Philosophie scientifique.) Paris, FLAMMARION, 1923. I88s

Kirchhoff, Theodor. ])eutscher Irrenirzte. Einzelbilder ihres Lebens und Wirkens. Herausgegeben mit Unterstiitzung der Deutschen Forschungsanstalt fir Psychiatrie in Miinchen, sowie zahlreicher Mitarbeiter. Erster Band, 282 S., 44 Bildnisse, zweiter Band, 345 S , 62 Bildnisse, Berlin, SPRINGER, 1921-4. Isis

Neuburger, Max. History of Medicine. (Oxford Medical Publica- tions.) Translated by ERNEST PLAYFAIR. Vol. 2. part 1. VII+135 p. London, Oxford University Press, 1925. IsIS

Tricot-Royer, . Le Professeur DANIEL VAN DUYSE de Gand. (1852- 1924). Notice necrologique. Bul. de la Soc. fr. d'Hist. de la Med., t. 18, 393-395, 1924. ISIs

Ophtalmologiste gantois. Auteur de divers travaux sur l'histoire de l'ophtalmologie. G. S.



Goodman, Herman. Master dermatologists, based on diseases named after them. Annals of medical history, t. 7, 47-59, 1925. Isis

Howard, William Travis., jun. Public health administration and the natural history of disease in Baltimore, Maryland, 1797-1920. vi + 565 p., 2 maps. Washington, Carnegie Institution, 1924. Isis

Lacassagne, Jean et Pigeaud, . Les inoculations experimentales de maladies veneriennes a des medecins (d6vouements trop ignores). Ann. des mal. ren., dec. 1924. Iis

Terson, A. Les premieres mentions de l'hypertonie de l'oeil dans le glaucome. Bul. Soc franc. hist. med., t. 19, 53-62, 1925. Ilts


Deneke, Th. Festschrift zum hundertjahrigen Bestehen des allge- meinen Krankenhauses St. Georg in Hamburg. x + 184 S, 42 Abb. Leipzig, LEOPOLD VOSS, 1925. ISiS

Lacassagne, Jean. Histoire du Grand Hotel-Dieu de Lyon, des origines a l'annee 1900, par le conseil general d'administration des Hospices civils de Lyon, 462 p., Lyon, 1924. ISIS

Leclair, Henri. Les hopitaux militaires de Lille avant la Revolution. Essai historique. 172 p., 8 pl., Lille, MOREI, 1925. IBsB


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Andel, M. A. van. Klassieke Wondermiddelon. VII. Bezoar. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 5, 137-148, 1925. loin

Benedicenti, Alberico. Malati, Medici e Farmacisti. Storia dei remedi traverso i secoli e delle teorie che ne spiegano l'azione sull'orga- nismo. 2 vol. xx+-vI+ 1612 p., 495 illustr. ULRICO HOEPLI, Milano, 1924-1925. [110 1.] isis

M. A. BENEDICENTI, professeur de pharmacologie experimentale a l'Uni- versite de Genes, a employe les loisirs que lui laissait pendant la guerre son laboratoire vide et silencieux, a reunir et a coordonner les documents qui lui ont permis d'ecrire ces deux gros volumes, ou trouveront a glaner les hommnes curieux de l'histoire de la m6decine, de la pharmacie, et aussi de la chimie et des sciences naturelles en general. L'keuvre, tout en con- servant le caractere d'un travail rigoureusement scientifique, foisonne d'anecdotes, de souvenirs litteraires, de notices biographiques qui en faci- litent la lecture. Le travail de recherche et de mise en ceuvre a dfi Atre consid6rahle: l'auteur en soit lou6 et remercie. Qu'il soit loue aussi du plan qu'il s'est propose : il n'a pas entendu ecrire une histoire propre- ment dite de la pharmacie, mais il voulait que son lecteur a se sentira come il vivere in contatto coi grandi spiriti del passato, comprenderli ed amarli sia cosa non solo utile, ma piena talora di dolcezza )) (p. xi). I1 a parfaitement atteint le but qu'il s'etait propose, et la disposition materielle donnee par l'editeur a 1'ensemble de l'ouvrage en accroit, si possible, l'inter8t.

I1 n'est evidemment pas possible de donner en quelques lignes un compte rendu d'une ceuvre aussi etendue; donner les titres des vingt-six chapitres qui le composent est meme impossible; il y faudrait cinq ou six pages, l'en-tete du chapitre etant un resume ;assez complet, qui per- met d'ailleurs heureusement la recherche, facilitee encore par deux index alphab6tiques (auteurs et matieres). J'indiquerai seulement qu'apres un long chapitre d'introduction (pp. 1-39) sur la superstition en therapeu- tique, l'auteur consacre quatre chapitres (pp. 40-305) a l'etude de la maladie et des remedes dans l'antiquite, deux chapitres (pp. 306-468) au moyen age, quatre (pp. 468-747) aux xve et XVIe siecles, six au xvIe (pp. 748-1096), etc. Mais il ne s'agit cependant pas d'un partage chrono- logique aussi tranche que j'ai l'air de l'indiquer, l'histoire de chaque periode s'eclairant par celles qui l'ont precedee ou suivie: c'est ainsi, par exemple, qu'au chapitre consacre a la medecine hippocratique, on trouvera des renseignements sur la medecine au temps de MOLIELR

Le livre se trouve heureusement orne de portraits de medecins, phar- maciens, naturalistes, de reproductions de vieilles figures de plantes medi- cinales, d'anciens appareils de pharmacie, de caricatures de med'ecins et de clients, de pages ou de frontispices d'ceuvres fameuses, etc. En resume, une mine de renseignements precieux. L. G.

Bouvet, M. Sur l'histoire de la legislation des toxiques. J. de pharm. et de chimie, 25, 464-468. 1922. IsIS

Renseignements curieux sur l'histoire de la jurisprudence pharmaceu- tique, provenant de documents recueillis a la Bibliotheque Sainte-Gene- vieve (Paris) et de la collection personnelle de l'auteur: A. Le premier jalon de la legislation des toxiques est l'ordonnance de JEAN LE BON (aofit 1359) : les apothicaires sont tenus de ne vendre les m6dicaments dangereux qu'a des gens requis expressement par le medecin. - B. Arret de Lille (28 mai 1526) : le commerce des poisons et venins est regle- mentk sevrrement dans la ville; les poisons ne peuvent etre delivres qu'a


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des personnes de connaissance sure, avec inscription sur un registre spe- cial. - C. Le Statut des Ma4tres apothioaires nanceens (31 juillet 1640) diffire peu de l'arret de Lille. - D. L'dit de Lowis XIV (juillet 1682) regit le commerce de l'arsenic, du realgar, de l'orpiment et du sublime jusqu'en 1777 : on exige non plus seulement l'inscription sur un registre, mais la justification de la qualite de l'employeur; de plus, le vendeur est tenu d'avoir une comptabilit6 speciale et soignee, sous peine d'une amende de 1,000 livres. - E. La loi du 25 avril 1777 renouvelle l'edit de 1682 et met 'fin aux discussions entre apothicaires et epiciers en deli- mitant les attributions de chaque corporation et en ereant le College de Pharmaoie. - F. La declaration du 14 mars 1780 concerne les empoison- neurs: elle ordonne aux apothicaires et pharmaciens d'observer les prescriptions de 1682 et punit les empoisonneurs de la peine de mort; les juges peuvent meme prononcer cumulativement la peine de la roue et celle du feu. - G. La loi du 21 germinal an XI (11 avril 1803) est con- sacree a l'armoire aux poisons et rappelle l'edit de 1682. - Cette legis- lation fut encore modifiee au cours des xixe et XXe siecles, sans qu'il en r6sulte une loi parfaite. L. LEROUX.

Gautier, L. Histoire et evolution de 1'enseignement de la pharmacie en France. 40 p. in 8?, extr. du J. de pharmacie d'Alsace et de Lorraine, janv. 1922. Isis

Legon inaugurale de la chaire de pharmacie galenique a la Faculte de pharmacie de Strasbourg (9 nov. 1921). - Jiusqu'en 1359, l'exereice de la profession de pharmacien est absolument libre en France, bien qu'une ordonnance de 1336 inaugure l'inspection des pharmacies par les .mede- cins. En 1638, une ordonnance de LouIS XIII interdit i quiconque n'est pas renu Maitre en pharmacie de vendre des medicaments; mais les phar- maciens n'avaient d'autre enseignement que deux lectures par semaine faites par un m6decin au siege de la corporation. L'enseignement officiel de la pharmacie ne fut reconnu n6cessaire que le 25 avril 1777; il fut supprime le 17 mars 1791, puis retabli un mois apres; enfin, le 11 avril 1803, furent fondees les eeoles de pharmacie de Paris, Stras- bourg et Montpellier, qui ne furent rattachees a l'Universite qu'en 1840.

L. G.

Jupp6, Fernand. L'apothicairerie en Bearn. Recherches sur les apo- thicaires bearnais depuis leur origine jusqu'a la Revolution. 160 p. in-8?, LESBORDES, Tarbes, 1922. Isis

Depuis une quinzaine d'ann6es, les travaux relatifs a l'histoire de la pharmacie se multiplient heureusement en France, soit qu'ils paraissent au Bulletin de la Soci6te d'Histoire de la Pharmacie (depuis 1913), soit que, plus etendus, ils soient publi&s sous forme de theses de doctorat. L'historique de JUPPrr rentre dans cette derniere categorie; on y trouve, sainement groupes, des documents provenant des Archives des Basses- Pyrenees, ou des archives communales de la region, documents dont l'au- teur a tire tout ce qu'ils pouvaient donner. Jusqu'au xvIe siecle, on ne trouve pas d'apothieaire, i proprement parler; ils apparaissent au debut du siecle, ainsi d'ailleurs que dans les autres regions de 1la France, et vendent, en meme temps que leurs medicaments, du suore, des confi- tures, des cierges, de la cire; en 1551 apparait le premier reglement de la profession, reglement qui restera en vigueur, peu modifie, jusqu'i la R6volution: l'enseignement de la pharmacie n'etait ipas organise en Bearn, et la seule garantie primitivement exigee 6tait un 'stage d'une duree d'ailleurs non determinee; l'obligation de passer un examen devant des m6decins et des apothicaires ne date que de 1629, et ne fut pas observ6e avant le milieu du xvll siecle; enfin, au xvimi, les futurs apothi- caires frequentent les Facultks. Cet historique proprement dit ocoupe


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84 pages; il est suivi de chapitres sur l'exercice de l'apothicairerie et sur la: situation des apothicaires. Deux pharmaciens blarnais sont celebres, dans la p6riode etudiee par JUPPr : BERTRAND PELLETIER (1761-1797), pire de JOSEPI PELLETIER, a qui l'on doit la decouverte de la quinine et de la strychnine, et ANTOINB GERMAIN LABARRAQUE (1777-1850), connu par son etude des proprietes desinfectantes des hypochlorites. L. G.

Kauffeisen, L. L'onguent napolitain. Bull. de la soc. d'hist. de la phar- macie, mai 1925, 72-80. ISIS

L'auteur fait l'histoire de ce medicament mercuriel, employe depuis huit siecles dans le traitement de la syphilis. II etudie ensuite les diff&- rentes compositions indiquees par les apothicaires depuis la publication de la ( Pharmacop6e universelle ) de N. LIMERY en 1738. Le mal est extr6mement ancien, puisqu'on en aurait trouve des traces irrecusablea sur des momies 6gyptiennes (?). La Bible porterait meme la trace du (passage de ce fleau ou d'un mal approchant qlui aurait atteint les Philis- tins en l'an 1114 A. C. (?). II aurait 6t6 apporte en France, comme on le croit, au xvIe siecle, par les soldats de retour des guerres d'Italie, et Francois Ier n'en aurait pas ete exempt, d'apres les lettres de GUI PATIN.

L. LTEmoux.

Lewin, L. Die betaubenden und erregenden Genussmittel. Fur Aerzte und Nichtarzte. 354 S. Berlin, GEORG STILKE, 1924. ISis

Thompson, C. J. S. The dawn of medication. A chapter in the history of pharmacy from the earliest times to the tenth century. Janus, 28, 425-450, 1924. IIIB


(The methods of accumulating, imparting and diffusing knowledge)


(Generalities, Methods, Colleges, Universities.)

Crosbie, Laurence M. The Phillips Exeter Academy : a history. xn+-347 p. Norwood., Mass., The Plimpton Press, 1923. Isis

Goodspeed, Thomas Wakefield. The story of the University of Chicago, 1890-1925. xv+244 p., 16 pl. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1925. Is8s

Lempriere, William. A history of the girls' school of Christ's Hospital, London, Hoddesdon, and Hertford. With an introduc- tion by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Worcester. xiv-t-98 p. Cambridge University Press, 1924. 18sI

Martin, Robert. Les diversites mentales; enquete sur les ecoliers. 216 p. Les Presses Universitaires, Paris, 1924. isis

Cet ouvrage, qui devrait etre lu par tous ceux qui ont charge d'educa- tion, s'ouvre par un historique de la question des types mentaux, histo- rique qui part de PASCAL (esprit de justesse, esprit geom6trique, esprit de finesse), pour aboutir & nos jours, en passant par FRt. PAULHAN, P. MALAPERT, FRANC. MENTR?~, A. BINET, E. VERMEYLEN. A travers les ecrits de ces psychologues et d'autres, en particulier de TH. SIMON, et en presence des 6coliers, l'auteur a determine sa methode, dont l'expose-


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forme Ie second chapitre du livre. Les comparaisons donnees par les dix- huit tests employes l'ont amene a distinguer quatre types: le sensoriel, l'imaginatif, le systematique et le neutre (rare); au portrait de chacun d'eux est reserv6 un chapitre. Une enqu8te ultkrieure, basee sur six tests nouveaux, a porte sur les rapports, dans chacun de ces types, entre le caractere et les qualites intellectuelles. L. G.

Morrah, Herbert Arthur. The Oxford Union, 1823-1923. x + 326 p. London, CASSELL, 1923. 188s

Sargeaunt, John. A history of Bedford School. Edited and com- pleted by ERNEST HOCKLIFFE. XII - 260 p. London, FISHER UNWIN, 1925. 18Is



(Societies and congresses devoted to particular sciences are classified under those sciences. For the internal organization ot science. - Isis I, 195 - see section 4.)

Bortolotti Ettore. L'accademia e l'istituto di Bologna nel settecento enelperiodoNapoleonico. 10p. Bologna. Tipografia AZZOGULDI, 1924. IsIs

Bortolotti, Ettore. Origine e progressi della R. Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna, Supplemento delle Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, serie 8, t. 1, 20 p., 1923-24.


(Methods, Libraries).

Anselmo, Antonio. Bibliografia das bibliografias Portuguesas. 158 p. Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional, 1923. 1sTS

Jones. Ifano. A history of printing and printers in Wales to 1810; and of successive and related printers to 1923. Also a history of printing and printers in Monmouthshire to 1923. x + 367 p. Car- diff, WILLIAM LEWIS, 1925. I8is

Litteris : an international critical review of the humanities. Publi- shed by the New Society of Letters at Lund, under the editorship of S. B. LILJEGREN, JORAN SAHLGREN, LAURITZ WEIBULL. Associate editors : HANS HECHT (Germany), J. G. ROBERTSON (England), DENIS SAURAT (France). Vol. 1, n? 1 Sept. 1924, Lund, C. WV. K. GLEERUP. 1818

A new review of high criticism, somewhat similar to the Journal des Savants but strictly international. A few of the reviews are quoted in this critical bibliography. Isis extends her every good wish to Litteris.

G. S.

MacNair, Mary Wilson. A list of American doctoral dissertations. printed in 1922. 238 p. Washington, Library of Congress, 1924.



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List of 444 doctoral theses classified by authors and by subjects, toge- ther with supplements to the lists relative to the years 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921. See Isis, IV, 439; V, 281. G. S.

MacNair, Mary Wilson. A list of American doctoral dissertations printed in 1923. 209 p. Washington, Library of Congress, 1925.

sis8 List of 420 theses with supplement to the list of 1922. G. S.


(Museums and Collections.)

[Bayonne]. Bulletin du Musee basque. Bulletin trimestriel 1924, No 1, 76 p. illustrees. I9si

Ce numero, le seul paru jusqu'ici (sept. 1925), est fort interessant. Il contient, par exemple, une s6rie de notices sur des objets exposes, qui sont autant de fragments d'un catalogue detaille. Le Musee basque de Bayonne est un admirable musee regional. II faudrait un tel musee au centre de chaque region, ou fussent soigneusement gardes tous les docu- ments archeologiques qui sont les temoins de son histoire et de ses traditions. G. S.

[Bruxelles]. Union des Associations Internationales. Mundaneum. Le Nouveau Palais Mondial organise en Centre Intellectuel Inter- national. Publication N? 116, 32 p. Bruxelles, 1925. s91s

Le Musee mondial install6 au Palais du Cinquantenaire, a Bruxelles, avait ete stupidement d6truit, il y a quelques annees, par le gouverne- ment belge pour faire place A une foire du caoutchouc! Nous sommes heureux de le voir renaitre de ses cendres, grace a l'energie indomptable de PAUL OTLET. Le Mundaneum est un centre intellectuel international, en partie realise, comprenant un musee, une bibliotheque et des archives, les bureaux centraux de beaucoup d'associations internationales et une universite. Dans la pensee d'OTLET, cette grande organisation n'est que le commencement de la Cite mondiale, dont l'emplacement n'est pas encore determine. Le manque d'imagination du gouvernement belge en cette matiere est vraiment inconcevable. G. S.


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