eight keys of excellence. the eight keys of excellence = the characteristics that successful people...

Eight Keys of Excellence

Upload: phebe-brooks

Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Eight Keys of Excellence

Eight Keys of Excellence

The Eight Keys of Excellence

=The characteristics that successful people have.


When our values and behavior are aligned. Integrity happens when what we value is evident in our actions.

Failure Leads to Success

Failure provides the informationinformation we need to learn so we can succeedsucceed.

Failure = not achievingachieving desired resultresult

Failure Leads to Success

The two exceptions to this rule:

1. If you do something and do not achieveachieve the desired result, and during your attempt you perishperish (i.e., diedie), then you are not receivingreceiving feedback, you are not learninglearning, and you are not nearingnearing success.

Failure Leads to Success

The two exceptions to this rule:2. If you do something and do not achieve the desired result, and instead of changingchanging your method, you continuecontinue to do the same thing over and over and you continue to not achieve the desired result, then you are not receiving feed back, you are not learning, and you are not nearing success.

Speak with Good Purpose

SpeakingSpeaking in a manner that moves the group or us forwardforward. Being responsibleresponsible for honest and direct communication and focusing on truthtruth-telling, stating assumptionsassumptions and maintainingmaintaining integrity.

This is it!

The commitmentcommitment to focus our attention on the present moment and the willingnesswillingness to make whatever we are doing most important -- to live in the NOWNOW. What you do todaytoday is what will matter tomorrowtomorrow.


The ability to follow our vision without waveringwavering; staying truetrue to the desired course.


The quality of accountabilityaccountability and responsibilityresponsibility. The ability to be counted upon and the willingness to take responsibilityresponsibility for the choices we make.


______________ The LineLine The LineLine


______________ The Line

The Line

Above the line:


Everyone is capablecapable to choosechoose their response.


Below the line:

______________ The Line

The Line

1. Lay blameLay blame : It is not your faultfault for a variety of reasonsreasons.

2. JustifyJustify : There is a “validvalid” reason for why it is not your faultfault.

3. Deny : You did not do it.Deny : You did not do it.

4. Quit : You stop trying.Quit : You stop trying.

The ability to changechange what we are doing to achieve the desireddesired outcome. Flexibility allows us to choosechoose the best option to accomplish the outcome.



When mindmind, bodybody and emotionsemotions function in alignment. Balance comes from the ongoing adjustmentsadjustments we make to continue moving in a positivepositive, healthy direction.