ehr s ystems u se and q uality in greece

EHR EHR S S ystems ystems U U se se and and Q Q uality uality in in Greece EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification 21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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EHR S ystems U se and Q uality in Greece. Angelina Kouroubali, PhD Affiliated Researcher FORTH. Information Society SA State-owned firm offering project management expertise to the Greek public sector in the fields of IT projects and of re-engineering public administration processes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: EHR  S ystems  U se and  Q uality in  Greece

EHR EHR SSystems ystems UUsese and and QQualityuality in in Greece

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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Source of InformationSource of Information

Information Society SA◦State-owned firm offering project management

expertise to the Greek public sector in the fields of IT projects and of re-engineering public administration processes.

◦The firm currently runs projects co-funded by the European Union and national funds.

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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The Health Sector in GreeceThe Health Sector in Greece 140 public hospitals

◦ 35,814 beds

6 private hospitals◦ 1,420 beds

179 private clinics◦ 14,528 beds

187 primary care centres

60,4 physicians/10000 inhabitants

~ 11 M inhabitants

7 health regions

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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The Health Sector in GreeceThe Health Sector in Greece

Secondary care is the main point of interaction between the system and the citizens.

Healthcare IT is seen as one of the major tools to achieve cost cutting

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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IT status/setup/developmentsIT status/setup/developments

2003-2009 ◦ 13 Regional Healthcare IT Projects (OPSY)

undertaken by Information Society SA◦ total cost: ~50M◦ ~60% completed

Applications◦ ERP, Patient Administration, Medical Applications (EHR),

LIS, MIS, primary care ISDRGs are being introduced to hospitals

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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IT IT ApplicationsApplications

Enterprise◦ ERP, Patient Administration◦ Medical Applications (EHR)◦ LIS, MIS◦ primary care IS

Cross Enterprise◦ Central patient registry, Regional MIS◦ RHA portal, Integrated booking service◦ I-EHR

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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EHR EHR systemsystems:s: Market Market

Market penetration◦ Public Sector: primary care <10%, secondary care 30%◦ Private Sector: primary care 30%, secondary care 50%

Number of applications ◦ ~ 20-30

Market segmentation ◦ Total % of top 3 systems: 50%

Number of suppliers◦ ~ 10-15

Evolution of the market last five years◦ Rapid development (OPSYs) with periods of stagnation

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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EHR systemsEHR systems:: Legal/Regulatory contextLegal/Regulatory context

Legislation for data protection / securityEHR Legislation: No ... But

◦EHRs need to be in place due to the country’s

obligations towards Troika (Memorandum II)

Functionalities◦Information Society SA (OPSY) RFPs have been

widely used as a common reference point

◦OPSY RFPs required HL7 compliance

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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EHR systemsEHR systems:: Quality AssessmentQuality Assessment

EHRQ TN project

◦Workshops to raise authority/vendor awareness

◦Certification of one of the top 3 vendors with the

EuroRec Seal 2.

Quality requirements are project based

◦Assessed within the project

National quality assessemnts is not in place

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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EHR EHR systems: systems: IInitiativesnitiatives & P & Planslans

13 regional healthcare it systems◦ basic EHR implementation

New national project for 30 hospitals◦ includes central EHR (18M budget)

Study to establish a national EHR roadmap ◦ ~1M budget

Pilot e-prescription program◦ covering ~20% of all prescriptions in the country

National e-prescription project (tender phase) ◦ ~25M budget

Study for a national interoperability framework ◦ ~300k budget

No initiatives for quality labelling & certification

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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Initiatives & PlansInitiatives & Plans

Follow European guidelines◦Calliope, epSOS, digital agenda

Focus on financial aspects of healthcare

Need to establish national infostructure

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade

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IdeasIdeas - P - Proposalsroposals

Gradually benefits start to become apparent.

End users become aware that effort goes beyond their own department creating a sense of integration

Departments that benefit most from the system embrace it.

New ways of working create a critical mass of users with new mentality, making it harder to revert to old ways.

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Thank you for your attention

Angelina [email protected]

EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification21 - 22 November 2011, Belgrade