egu general assembly 2008 wien 14th-18th april … · deformation modelling of the valoria earth...

Deformation modelling of the Valoria earth slide - earth flow F.Ronchetti (2), W.Schädler (1), J.Meier (1), L.Borgatti (2), A.Corsini (2), and T.Schanz (1) EGU General Assembly 2008 Wien 14th-18th April 2008 References References Ronchetti, F., Borgatti, L., Cervi, F., Lucente, C.C., Veneziano, M.M., Corsini, A., 2007. The Valoria landslide reactivation in 2005-2006 (Northern Apennines, Italy). Landslides 4 (2007), pp. 189-195, Springer. Cruden, D.M., Varnes, D.J., 1996. Landslide types and processes. In: Turner, A.K, Schuster, R.L. (Eds.), Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation, Transp. Res. Board, Spec. Rep., vol. 247. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 36– 75. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Association of the Rectors of the Italian Universities (CRUI) are acknowledged for funding traveling expenses through a VIGONI exchange project. The second author acknowledges the support by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation via a postgraduate scholarship. UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI MODENA E REGGIO EMILIA Introduction Introduction Slope Evolution Slope Evolution Monitoring Monitoring (1) Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany. (2) Earth Sciences Department-University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Email: (1) [email protected] (2) [email protected] dst MODENA Numerical modelling was performed on the basis of two geometries in the framework of continuum mechanics, comprising a constitutive approach that is based on a rheological model. The different entities of the landslide were discretized as soft homogeneous blocks, showing only little internal deformations and moving along thin, soft and highly plastic shear zones, which exhibit a pronounced time-dependency in their material behaviour. Thus, the sliding bodies themselves are considered only in the form of the load they impose onto the creeping shear zones. Finite-Element calculations performed by means of a well-established commercial code (PLAXIS), using the Soft Soil Creep Model as constitutive model for the shear zone material, were able to reproduce qualitatively the distribution of displacements and stresses at different stages of the slope evolution. Thereby, the consequent topographic variations could be explained: pre-reactivation phase 1973– 2001 (obtained by existing 1:5000 topographic maps), post-reactivation phase 2001 and pre-reactivation phase 2005 (obtained using a 1: 2000 topographic map of 2003) and post-reactivation phase 2005 (obtained from Lidar data of 2007). As the actual spatial distribution of the material properties along the shear zones is unknown, each of them was divided into two homogeneous sub-zones characterised by a specific set of material parameters (smeared approach), considering the engineering geological setting. The numerical model was verified with a large reference dataset obtained from continuous monitoring with inclinometers and wire extensometers. A Finite Element deformation model has been developed for the head area of the Valoria earth slide – earth flow. The evolution of the landslide from 2001 on was mapped, investigated and monitored with various systems. On this basis, two different 2D geometry models were set up along a representative section through the head area in order to account for different plausible interpretations of the field and monitoring data. The first model is simplified and more robust. The second one is more complex and detailed, but implies a higher number of assumptions. Case Study Case Study Complex earth-slides – earth-flows triggered from the Lateglacial to date represent about 80% of the landslides known in the Emilia Romagna Region. In many cases, their gentle deposition areas have been chosen as favourable location for villages or are crossed by important roads. This results in considerable potential damage in terms of both human lives and economic losses. The Valoria landslide reactivated partially or totally for several times in the last 60 years. Reactivations are controlled by rainfall and snow melting and normally occur in autumn and spring. After decades of relatively calm phases, the Valoria landslide was reactivated in 2001 during a period of abundant rainfall. After this event, new reactivations were recorded in the years 2005 and 2007. Every reactivation was characterized by the retrogression of the crown zone and successively by further destabilization of the whole head area. The reactivations of the head area triggered the advancing of the earthflows in the middle and lower part of the slope. The downslope propagation of the activity is related to the transfer of mass from the head area and to undrained loading mechanisms developing during the sudden overriding of landslide deposits. Figure 1: Location map and panoramic view of the Valoria landslide in February 2006. Figure 2: Panoramic view during the 2005 reactivation. Height max. [m] Height min. [m] Height difference [m] Slope angle [%] Length max. [km] Width max. [km] Depth of sliding max. [m] Area total [km 2 ] Estimated Volume [Mm 3 ] Valoria 1.350 520 830 24 3,5 0,7 40 1,1 30 Table 1. Morphometric characteristics of test sites Landslide description Landslide description The Valoria landslide affects Cretaceous to Miocene rock masses such as sandstone dominated flysch, and silty to clayey shales (Fig. 3). Inside the slope, these rocks are deformed by overthrusts and faults (Fig. 4). The landslide deposits can be described as blocks in a silty-clayey matrix. The basic geotechnical characteristics of these materials are summarised in Table 2. Figure 3: Longitudinal section of the landslide. a b Table 2: Geotechnical characteristics of bedrock and landslide deposits. Figure 4: Bedrock of the Valoria landslide. a) Flysch formation; b) Clayshale formation The Valoria landslide can be subdivided into different zones with different types of movements and materials involved (Fig. 5). The upper rock- and earth- sliding area extends between 1375 m and 1200 m. Roto- translational movements involve claystones and flysch-type rock masses outcropping in the crown. The earthflow source area is located between 1200 m and 925 m, where the displaced rock masses are completely dismembered and then incorporated into earthflows. The earthflow track extends from 925 m to 650 m. The landslide toe is located between 650 m and 520 m. Drill-holes and refraction seismics have shown that the thickness of the rock masses involved into the slides at the landslide crown is between 5 and 40 m, and that the thickness of the earthflow deposits along the slope varies from a few meters in high slope-gradient regions to more than 30 m in the low slope-gradient regions of the track and toe areas. A B C An age of about 7800-7580 cal yr BP was obtained for a wood fragment collected close to the bedrock interface in the landslide toe zone. Figure 5: Pictures of different landslide zones during the 2005 reactivation. A) Crown zone; B) Track zone; C) Toe zone. The evolution of the slope has been evaluated through the analysis and the comparison of different Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), obtained in different years starting from the 70’s. In general, from the subtraction of these DEMs, it is possible to assess the erosion in the landslide source area and the accumulation in the toe area. The height difference observed due to the erosion in the upper part of the slope is around 30 m. The Valoria landslide is a complex earth-slide – earthflow located in the Northern Apennines of Italy, in the upper Secchia River basin, in the Emilia Romagna Region. It extends from 1413 m to 520 m in elevation and affects an area of 1.6 km2 over a length of about 3.5 km (Fig. 1). Subtraction of DEM Product Name: CGR (year 2003)- CTR (year 1973) Altimetry change 2003-73 (event 2001) Legend Altimetry change [m] Subtraction of DEM Product Name: Lidar (year 2006)- CGR (year 2003) Altimetry change 2006-2003 (event 2005) Legend Altimetry change [m] Modelling Modelling the evolution of shear strength and geometry the evolution of shear strength and geometry After the 2005 event, only few of the monitoring instruments had “survived”: one inclinometer (B8A), depth 54 m, and one piezometer (B8B), screening between 5.5 and 24.5 m and equipped with electric transducer, located in the non-active head zone; one inclinometer (B2A), depth 81.5 m, and one piezometer (B2B), screening between 6 and 41 m and equipped with electric transducer, located in the active track zone. During summer 2007, new instruments were installed in the crown zone and source area of the landslide. Five wire extensometers (Ex1, Ex2, Ex3, Ex4, Ex5) were placed into the active crown zone across open fractures, two inclinometers (B9A, depth 50 m; B9B, depth 41.5 m) and two piezometers (B9C, 30 m; B9D 15 m), equipped with electric transducers were set up in the active head zone. The piezometers are monitoring the groundwater table in the landslide body and in the bedrock. These monitoring instruments recorded the deformations and the groundwater fluctuation before and after the 2007 event, and some of them continue monitoring at the moment. Do lo R i v e r CONTINOUS CONTINOUS WIRE WIRE EXTENSOMETRS EXTENSOMETRS CONTINOUS CONTINOUS AND NON AND NON CONTINOUS CONTINOUS INCLINOMETERS INCLINOMETERS CONTINOUS CONTINOUS PIEZOMETERS PIEZOMETERS Model setup Model setup Conclusions and future research Conclusions and future research The model proved to be able to simulate the past and the ongoing deformations of the head zone of the Valoria landslide, and suggested that the evolution of this area is determined not only by groundwater condition, that is the main triggering factor, but also by the progressive reduction of friction and cohesion along the shear zones, linked to the recent and ongoing sliding processes. Future research will concentrate on calibrating the model by means of inverse parameter identification strategies, based on the monitoring data gathered in the field. Once the model is successfully calibrated, it will be used for simulating the masses that can be mobilised by possible reactivation scenarios, which are the indispensable input for any kind of run-out simulation. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 7/7/2007 17/7/2007 27/7/2007 6/8/2007 16/8/2007 26/8/2007 5/9/2007 15/9/2007 25/9/2007 5/10/2007 15/10/2007 25/10/2007 4/11/2007 14/11/2007 24/11/2007 4/12/2007 14/12/2007 24/12/2007 3/1/2008 13/1/2008 23/1/2008 2/2/2008 12/2/2008 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 EXT1 EXT2 EXT3 EXT4 Inc2 Inc1 22 m landslide head zone Model section Creep deformation in rock Deep rock slide – around 35 m depth Shallow earth slide – 0 to 25 m depth Deep rock slide – around 35 m depth Shallow earth slide – 0 to 25 m depth M o d e l C r o s s s e c t io n 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 model input : friction angle of shear zones (°) shallower shear zone upslope part - friction angle shallower shear zone downslope part - friction angle deeper shear zone - friction angle crown shear zone - friction angle 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 model input : cohesion of shear zones (kPa) shallower shear zone upslope part - cohesion shallower shear zone downslope part- cohesion deeper shear zone - cohesion crown shear zone - cohesion 1973-1994 1994-2000 2001-2002 2002-2004 2005 2007 1973-1994 1994-2000 2001-2002 2002-2004 2005 2007 Complex model Simple model Groundwater level [m] Figure 8: Monitoring carried out at the Valoria landslide A) Location of instruments, B) Piezometer readings, C) Extensometer plots, D) Inclinometer data C B D A Figure 6: Location of the section considered in the FE-Model Figure 7: Simple and complex model of the landslide head area.

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Deformation modelling of the Valoria earth slide - earth flowF.Ronchetti (2), W.Schädler (1), J.Meier (1), L.Borgatti (2), A.Corsini (2), and T.Schanz (1)

EGU General Assembly 2008 Wien 14th-18th April 2008

ReferencesReferencesRonchetti, F., Borgatti, L., Cervi, F., Lucente, C.C., Veneziano, M.M., Corsini, A., 2007.

The Valoria landslide reactivation in 2005-2006 (Northern Apennines, Italy). Landslides 4 (2007), pp. 189-195, Springer.

Cruden, D.M., Varnes, D.J., 1996. Landslide types and processes. In: Turner, A.K, Schuster, R.L. (Eds.), Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation, Transp. Res. Board, Spec. Rep., vol. 247. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 36– 75.

AcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsThe German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Association of the Rectors of the Italian Universities (CRUI) are acknowledged for funding traveling expenses through a VIGONI exchange project. The second author acknowledges the support by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation via a postgraduate scholarship.



Slope EvolutionSlope Evolution


(1) Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany.(2) Earth Sciences Department-University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, ItalyEmail: (1) [email protected] (2) [email protected]


Numerical modelling was performed on the basis of two geometries in the framework of continuum mechanics, comprising a constitutive approach that is based on a rheological model. The different entities of the landslide were discretized as soft homogeneous blocks, showing only little internal deformations and moving along thin, soft and highly plastic shear zones, which exhibit a pronounced time-dependency in their material behaviour. Thus, the sliding bodies themselves are considered only in the form of the load they impose onto the creeping shear zones. Finite-Element calculations performed by means of a well-established commercial code (PLAXIS), using the Soft Soil Creep Model as constitutive model for theshear zone material, were able to reproduce qualitatively the distribution of displacements and stresses at different stages of the slope evolution. Thereby, the consequent topographic variations could be explained: pre-reactivation phase 1973–2001 (obtained by existing 1:5000 topographic maps), post-reactivation phase 2001 and pre-reactivation phase 2005 (obtained using a 1: 2000 topographic map of 2003) and post-reactivation phase 2005 (obtained from Lidar data of 2007). As the actual spatial distribution of the material properties along the shear zones is unknown, each of them was divided into two homogeneous sub-zones characterised by a specific set of material parameters (smeared approach), considering the engineering geological setting. The numerical model was verified with a large reference dataset obtained from continuous monitoring with inclinometers and wire extensometers.

A Finite Element deformation model has been developed for the head area of the Valoria earth slide – earth flow. The evolution of the landslide from 2001 on was mapped, investigated and monitored with various systems. On this basis, two different 2D geometry models were set up along a representative section through the head area in order to account for different plausible interpretations of the field and monitoring data. The first model is simplified and more robust. The second one is more complex and detailed, but implies a higher number of assumptions.

Case StudyCase Study Complex earth-slides – earth-flows triggered from the Lateglacial to date represent about 80% of the landslides known in the Emilia Romagna Region. In many cases, their gentle deposition areas have been chosen as favourable location for villages or are crossed by important roads. This results in considerable potential damage in terms of both human lives and economic losses. The Valoria landslide reactivated partially or totally for several times in the last 60 years. Reactivations are controlled by rainfall and snow melting and normally occur in autumn and spring. After decades of relatively calm phases, the Valoria landslide was reactivated in 2001 during a period of abundant rainfall. After this event, new reactivations were recorded in the years 2005 and 2007. Every reactivation was characterized by the retrogression of the crown zone and successively by further destabilization of the whole head area. The reactivations of the head area triggered the advancing of the earthflows in the middle and lower part of the slope. The downslope propagation of the activity is related to the transfer of mass from the head area and to undrained loading mechanisms developing during the sudden overriding of landslide deposits.

Figure 1: Location map and panoramic view of the Valorialandslide in February 2006.

Figure 2: Panoramic view during the 2005 reactivation.

Height max. [m]

Height min. [m]

Height difference


Slope angle [%]

Length max. [km]

Width max. [km]

Depth of sliding

max. [m]

Area total [km2]

Estimated Volume [Mm3]

Valoria 1.350 520 830 24 3,5 0,7 40 1,1 30

Table 1. Morphometric characteristics of test sites

Landslide descriptionLandslide descriptionThe Valoria landslide affects Cretaceous to Miocene rock masses such as sandstone dominated flysch, and silty to clayey shales (Fig. 3). Inside the slope, these rocks are deformed by overthrusts and faults (Fig. 4). The landslide deposits can be described asblocks in a silty-clayey matrix. The basic geotechnical characteristics of these materials are summarised in Table 2.

Figure 3: Longitudinal section of the landslide.

a b

Table 2: Geotechnical characteristics of bedrock and landslide deposits.

Figure 4: Bedrock of the Valoria landslide. a) Flysch formation; b) Clayshale formation

The Valoria landslide can be subdivided into different zones with different types of movements and materials involved (Fig. 5). The upper rock- and earth- sliding area extends between 1375 m and 1200 m. Roto- translational movements involve claystones and flysch-type rock masses outcropping in the crown. The earthflowsource area is located between 1200 m and 925 m, where the displaced rock masses are completely dismembered and then incorporated into earthflows. The earthflow track extends from 925 m to 650 m. The landslide toe is located between 650 m and 520 m. Drill-holes and refraction seismics have shown that the thickness of the rock masses involved into the slides at the landslide crown is between 5 and 40 m, and that the thickness of the earthflowdeposits along the slope varies from a few meters in high slope-gradient regions to more than 30 m in the low slope-gradient regions of the track and toe areas.


An age of about 7800-7580 cal yr BP was obtained for a wood fragment collected close to the bedrock interface in the landslide toe zone.

Figure 5: Pictures of different landslide zones during the 2005 reactivation. A) Crown zone; B) Track zone; C) Toe zone.

The evolution of the slope has been evaluated through the analysis and the comparison of different Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), obtained in different years starting from the 70’s. In general, from the subtraction of these DEMs, it is possible to assess the erosion in the landslide source area and the accumulation in the toe area. The height difference observed due to the erosion in the upper part of the slope is around 30 m.

The Valoria landslide is a complex earth-slide – earthflowlocated in the Northern Apennines of Italy, in the upper Secchia River basin, in the Emilia Romagna Region. It extends from 1413 m to 520 m in elevation and affects an area of 1.6 km2 over a length of about 3.5 km (Fig. 1).

Subtraction of DEM Product

Name: CGR (year 2003)- CTR (year 1973)

Altimetry change 2003-73 (event 2001)


Altimetry change [m]

Subtraction of DEM Product

Name: Lidar (year 2006)- CGR (year 2003)

Altimetry change 2006-2003 (event 2005)


Altimetry change [m]

ModellingModelling the evolution of shear strength and geometrythe evolution of shear strength and geometry

After the 2005 event, only few of the monitoring instruments had “survived”: one inclinometer (B8A), depth 54 m, and one piezometer (B8B), screening between 5.5 and 24.5 m and equipped with electric transducer, located in the non-active head zone; one inclinometer (B2A), depth 81.5 m, and one piezometer (B2B), screening between 6 and 41 m and equipped with electric transducer, located in the active track zone.During summer 2007, new instruments were installed in the crown zone and source area of the landslide. Five wire extensometers (Ex1, Ex2, Ex3, Ex4, Ex5) were placed into the active crown zone across open fractures, two inclinometers (B9A, depth 50 m; B9B, depth 41.5 m) and two piezometers (B9C, 30 m; B9D 15 m), equipped with electric transducers wereset up in the active head zone. The piezometers are monitoring the groundwater table in the landslide body and in the bedrock. These monitoring instruments recorded the deformations and the groundwater fluctuation before and after the 2007 event, and some of them continue monitoring at the moment.


o R





Model setupModel setup

Conclusions and future researchConclusions and future researchThe model proved to be able to simulate the past and the ongoing deformations of the head zone of the Valoria landslide, and suggested that the evolution of this area is determined not only by groundwater condition, that is the main triggering factor, but also by the progressive reduction of friction and cohesion along the shear zones, linked to the recent and ongoing sliding processes. Future research will concentrate on calibrating the model by means of inverse parameter identification strategies, based on the monitoring data gathered in the field. Once the model is successfully calibrated, it will be used for simulating the masses that can be mobilised by possible reactivation scenarios, which are the indispensable input for any kind of run-out simulation.































































































EXT1 EXT2 EXT3 EXT4 Inc2 Inc1

22 mlandslide

head zone

Model section

Creep deformation in rock

Deep rock slide – around 35 m depthShallow earth slide – 0 to 25 m depth

Deep rock slide – around 35 m depthShallow earth slide – 0 to 25 m depth

Model Cross section









el in

put :




e of


ar z



shallower shear zone upslope part - frictionangleshallower shear zone downslope part -friction angledeeper shear zone - friction angle

crown shear zone - friction angle




el in

put :



n of




s (k


shallower shear zone upslope part -cohesionshallower shear zone downslopepart- cohesiondeeper shear zone - cohesion

crown shear zone - cohesion

1973-1994 1994-2000 2001-2002 2002-2004 2005 2007

1973-1994 1994-2000 2001-2002 2002-2004 2005 2007

Complex model Simple model







Figure 8: Monitoring carried out at the Valoria landslide

A) Location of instruments, B) Piezometer readings,C) Extensometer plots, D) Inclinometer data




Figure 6: Location of the section considered in the FE-Model

Figure 7: Simple and complex model of the landslide head area.