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Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 1

History of EFT ……………………………………………………………. 2

Meridians …………………………………………………………………. 3

Energetic Disruption …………………………………………………….. 6

Triggers …………………………………………………………………… 7

Breaking the Vicious Circle …………………………………………….. 10

Advantages of EFT ……………………………………………………… 10

Common Uses of EFT ………………………………………………….. 11

How to do EFT …………………………………………………………... 12

Summary of EFT Sequence ……………………………………………. 18

Emotional Release ………………………………………………………. 19

Psychological Reversal …………………………………………………. 20

EFT and Children ………………………………………………………… 21

Levels of Healing …………………………………………………...……. 22

EFT and Relationship Break-ups ………………………………………. 23

Relationship Problems …………………………………………………... 24

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 25

Further Information / Links ………………………………………………. 26

Products and Special Offers …………………………………………….. 26

Newsletter …………………………………………………………………. 28

Contact Us …………………………………………………………………. 28

Appendix 1 – The Basic Recipe …………………………………………. 29

Appendix 2 – Truth Test ………………………………………………….. 31

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The cause of ALL negative emotions

is a disruption in the body’s energy system

Gary Craig

Introduction Welcome to the ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ eBook, which we hope you really enjoy. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a psychological version of acupressure, incorporating methods from Ancient Chinese Medicine and modern-day Applied Kinesiology. It involves gently tapping a sequence of energy points on the body with the fingertips, which releases negative emotions permanently - taking just minutes. EFT releases traumas and negative limiting emotions, beliefs and behaviours that prevent you being in a state of harmony and joy - we all deserve to live life to the full and now we have an easy tool to help. EFT can be used to: • Relieve stress, depression, anxiety, guilt, anger, nerves, low self-esteem • Be free from fears and phobias, addictions and cravings • Help with grief and bereavement • Deal with exam nerves, aid learning and study • Help with time management and motivation • Improve memory and concentration • Improve relationship issues, release pain / grief / anger from break-ups, help

you to let go and move on • Help with weight loss • Relieve pain • Feel at ease doing public speaking (groups, meetings, presentations, etc) • Increase confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, happiness ... plus much, much

more !

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We are going to take you on a journey through the history of EFT; meridians – what they are and how they relate to EFT; triggers for emotional trauma and bad feelings; step-by-step instructions of exactly how to easily do EFT, with various fun exercises to carry out as you go along. This eBook has been written in a way that makes it very easy to understand and easy to learn and use the technique. You will find that working through issues you may have as you go along will be of great benefit to you and speed up the learning process, while making a huge difference in your life. However the most important thing to remember is to have fun!

History of EFT EFT was developed by American Gary Craig, a Stanford engineer. He had a life-long interest in helping other people overcome their emotional limitations and devoted much of his time to investigating various psychological treatments of one form or another. For many years he worked with Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), until he discovered a revolutionary technique developed by clinical psychologist, Dr Roger Callahan PhD. Roger Callahan had devised a complete system of psychological healing, based on the meridians, known as Thought Field Therapy (TFT). It was a completely natural and non-invasive technique which has the capacity to eliminate negative emotions, beliefs and traumatic memories rapidly and often permanently. The inspiration for his method came from Acupuncture combined with the modern day practice of Kinesiology. In his capacity as a clinical psychologist, Callahan had for a year and a half been treating a client, Mary, for a phobia of water – so intense that even rain, puddles and seeing water on television affected her. He had tried every form of conventional psychotherapy known to him, including desensitisation and hypnotherapy. One day Mary described ‘an awful feeling in her stomach’ and in desperation Callahan suggested she tap under her eye (the beginning of the stomach meridian). Not only did Mary lose the awful feeling in her stomach, but also her fear of water completely vanished and within an instant her life-long phobia had disappeared. Callahan went on to develop his discovery and nearly two decades later the method has been refined to incorporate tapping points on the body relating to the major meridians, thus enabling all manner of psychological problems and limitations to be addressed. Gary Craig trained under Callahan and developed his own system – the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – which simplified the process and made it easily accessible to everyone to use and apply. Knowing that each meridian was interlinked with the others in a continuing energy loop meant that by removing a blockage from one meridian, the entire circuit would automatically clear.

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Basically, EFT rests on the Gary’s theory of ‘The Discovery Statement’, that:

The cause of ALL negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.

Meridians EFT uses points on meridians. The meridian system is an intricate web of energy pathways that flow through the body. These pathways closely resemble the nervous system and they are responsible for channelling energy through the physical body. Traditional Chinese Medicine maintains that physical vitality and peace of mind are reliant upon the clear and even flow of these invisible energies. If disturbed, disease or emotional problems may result. Therapies such as Acupuncture and Acupressure directly stimulate, balance or unblock the meridian channels to relieve physical illness and promote psychological health. There are 14 major meridians that form an interconnected circuit – 12 of these pass through the main organs of the body. Identical sets of meridians are found on each side of the body. The two remaining meridians control and modify the supply of energy within the entire circuit. The two end points of each meridian channel appear close to the surface of the skin. Spaced along each meridian there are key points, which act as amplifiers or gateways. These are commonly known as acupuncture or acupressure points. EFT uses the end points of each meridian.

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Meridians and their Emotional Responses

Inside Eyebrow (bladder meridian)

– releases fear (particularly the fear of letting go) – releases holding on to old ideas/beliefs – helps with feelings of being ‘pissed off’ with situations – increases courage – is useful to treat phobias – releases frustration, restlessness and impatience – reduces lethargy – unlocks the thinking process and helps short-term memory – frees trauma.

Side of the Eye (gallbladder meridian) – helps recovery from shock – releases bitterness and dissolves feelings of rage – reinforces determination – improves energy – helps with the ability to make decisions and move forwards into action – is calming – helps decision-making by improving clarity of thought. Under the Eye (stomach meridian) – this is the start of the stomach reflex which when blocked causes muddled

thinking and is therefore most useful to increase intellectual ability – treats addictions – helps with anxiety and nervousness – helps feelings of deprivation – deals with phobias and cravings – creates harmony in family situations, allowing nourishment and

contentment. Under the Nose (governing vessel) – plays a great part in reducing embarrassment and shyness, thus helping

communication and relationships – helps where there is self-defeating behaviour and embarrassment – plays a very relevant part in psychological reversal (see page 20) – connecting / focussing.

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Under the Mouth (central meridian) – has the ability to release past feelings of shame, traumatic memories and

feelings connected with them – also good for self-defeating behaviour – plays an enormous role in removing lethargy and fatigue (by releasing the

above). Collarbone (kidney meridian) – this is at the end of the kidney meridian and is most helpful in decision-

making as it releases the emotional energy of fear – helps one move forwards in all aspects of life – releases criticism (of self and others), disappointment, failure and shame – stops one reacting like a little kid – gives impetus and willpower to carry out tasks. Under Arm (spleen meridian) – this is at the end of the spleen meridian and affects the thinking process – useful to balance those with a tendency to burn out after too much

anxiety, choice making, studying and negative brain chuntering – releases obsessions and being obsessed by things – helps concentration – helps the ability to assimilate food and thought in a positive way. Karate Chop Point (small intestine) – this is the third point on this meridian and represents aspects of trust – this is another point for psychological reversal as it helps release lasting

effects of shock, anxiety patterns, deep feelings of self hate, lack of confidence and sadness.

Gamut Point (triple warmer) – this is the third point on the triple warmer and is on the thyroid meridian – when blocked it increases over-productivity (escaping life by being busy

and constantly ‘doing’), and emotional coldness – stimulation here allows negative emotions to evaporate and increases the

ability to socialise – extremely useful in the treatment of loneliness, depression, despair and

physical pain.

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The lung, large intestine, circulation and heart meridians are found on the thumb and fingers, with the liver meridian being found on the ribs – but are not directly used. The whole meridian system interlinks so these points will already have been indirectly covered. They help:

Lung meridian - release of negative energy around feelings of being scorned, sadness, depression and poor self worth.

Large Intestine meridian - letting go; nostalgia, guilt and living in the past

release into positive energies of an optimistic future.

Circulation meridian (sex meridian and also heart protector point) – plays a large part in bonding, allowing the release of feelings of inferiority, hate, jealousy, regret, sexually related problems and inhalant-type allergy problems.

Heart meridian – releases chest pains, anger, selfishness and loneliness, and

allows empathy and compassion to develop into joy and unconditional love.

Liver – releases anger, rage, viciousness, hate, lingering resentment and helps with forgiveness of others but more importantly the self.

Energetic Disruption EFT views our emotional reactions as the direct result of disturbances within the energy system. The first indication of an emotion is a change in the body's energetic or electrical state. Conventional methods focus on treating distressing memories or thought processes that cause us emotional pain. Roger Callahan discovered that an additional stage occurs between accessing a painful memory and the resulting negative emotion. This is that traumatic memories and thoughts cause an energetic disturbance within the body. This disturbance is then experienced as a negative emotion. Once the energetic disruption is released, memories cease to hold the original emotional intensity, enabling negative feelings to be resolved quickly. This extra dimension is the vital link within emotional healing. In essence, the energy system holds the key to unlocking your troubling emotions.

How a Negative Emotion is Caused

Negative emotional response

Disruption in the body’s energy


Distressing thought/ memory

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When our energies are flowing smoothly we feel calm and peaceful. When the energy system is disturbed we become out of balance and emotional. Blockages within the body’s energy can lead to all manner of negative reactions and experiences. Energetic disturbances can limit your functioning, creativity and potential. They can be likened to boulders in a stream creating a blockage within the channel, preventing a free flow of energy around the body. Removing the boulders allows balance and equilibrium to return, and this is what we are doing with EFT.

Triggers Energetic disruption can be caused by any stimulus that triggers a painful memory or upsetting thought. For instance:

Sounds – the tone of someone’s voice, accents, a piece of music, emergency sirens, machinery, explosive noises, the dentist’s drill, a child screaming.

Smells – someone’s favourite perfume, the fragrance of certain flowers, tobacco

smoke, disinfectant and anaesthetic smells, foods, alcohol on the breath.

Sights – colours, a person who resembles someone from the past, a film on television, blood, syringes, the sea, uniforms, violence, scenes of war.

Objects – jewellery, electronic appliances, mementos, weapons, gas masks,


Environments – thunder, poor driving conditions, boat trips, places that remind us of a trauma, lifts and confined spaces, darkness, wide-open spaces, heights, tunnels, flying.

Animals – insects, bees, wasps, spiders, worms, frogs, dogs, jellyfish, snakes,

bats, birds, cats, rodents, reptiles, horses, cows, maggots.

Trigger words – language that holds certain associations, such as, ‘No!, ‘Shut up!’, ‘You’re stupid/ugly/fat’, ‘Four eyes’, ‘Sissy’, ‘It’s all your fault’.

For example, in a car accident a person may have experienced the screech of brakes / loud crash / screaming / shouting / crying (sounds); outside scenery flashing past / another car suddenly coming close or hitting (sights); smoke or leaking petrol (smells); rain / snow / hot and humid (environment), etc, etc. Experiencing one or more of these triggers can instantly recall the traumatic event as if it had just happened, causing pain, emotional trauma and distress. Try the Personal Triggers Exercise that follows to find which triggers have affected you in certain incidents.

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Personal Triggers Exercise

hoose a couple of negative incidents in your life, identify any triggers that provoke a

Incident 1

vent: …..………………………………………

. .………………………………………………

. ………………………………………………

. …………………………………..………….

. ………………………………………………

. ………………………………………………

Incident 2

vent: …..………………………………………

. .………………………………………………

. ………………………………………………

. …………………………………..………….

. ………………………………………………

. ………………………………………………


sue to clear: ……………………………………………………………………….......................…


he first thoughts that come to mind when I think about this are:





ther aspects, memories, fears, feelings, thoughts, inner dialogue that are connected to this





Creaction for you and write them down, then continue with Aspects. We will be using them later when we start applying EFT.

E 1 2 3 4 5

E 1 2 3 4 5

Is … T … … … … Oare: ……… … … …


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Using the information you have given in the Aspects exercise above, on the diagram below write in the middle the issue you are dealing with, then fill in the aspects, giving them an intensity level by scoring out of 10 as to how much each one affects you (0 = not at all, 10 = very affected). Just tune into the feeling and be aware of how strong it is, then put a number to it. Don’t worry if you can’t get a number – your mind knows what it is so just relax and use the first number that comes into your head. This will identify the most important areas that need to be cleared first.

Issue Issue













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Breaking the Vicious Circle Meridian therapies have a way of neutralising the energetic disruption within the body and returning it back to normal. By gentle ‘tapping’ certain emotional release points on the body, the disrupted energy and emotional charge connected with a traumatic event is removed. Through making an energetic adjustment in such a way, you can alter the upsetting emotions that surface after distressing events. As a result, the energetic template is broken, allowing resolution of the original emotional state. This then liberates you from the emotional hold a situation or difficulty has had.

Advantages of EFT

Relieve emotional pain, not relive it.

Heals the emotions – from niggling irritations to fundamental core issues.

Lasting relief – once every aspect of the problem has been addressed, the results are often permanent.

Rapid healing – once the energetic disruption is removed, change can be easy,

swift and painless.

Express not suppress – unlike using medication, EFT releases and resolves unwanted emotional reactions.

Holistic healing – each time you apply EFT you also give your energy system a

complete overhaul, improving your general health, happiness and well-being.

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Common Uses of EFT

• Abuse

• Addictions

• Agoraphobia

• Allergies

• Anger

• Anxiety

• Bereavement

• Bitterness

• Claustrophobia

• Creativity

• Fears

• Grief

• Guilt

• Habits

• Insomnia

• Migraines

• Nightmares

• Obsessions

• Phobias

• Relationships

• Resentment

• Sadness

• Sex

• Shame

• Smoking

• Success

• Stress

Birth trauma



Inner child work


Limiting beliefs

Low self esteem

Money issues

Pain management

Panic attacks

Past lives

Physical aches and pains

Post-traumatic stress

Public speaking

Relationship pain

Sports performance

Traumatic memories

Weight loss

etc, etc, etc….

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How to do EFT Basically, EFT is light tapping on certain points on the meridians, while saying a statement which reflects the issue you are working on. To tap use your index and third fingers together on each point, tapping 7 or more times while saying the statement. This will cause the ‘stuck’ energy in your body around that issue to be released and you will then find the issue has reduced significantly. It’s that simple! The following shows you the exact steps for carrying out EFT. Have a read through, then choose something from your Triggers or Aspects list above and do EFT on something yourself. You will see how easy it is to carry out, and the more times you do it the easier it will become to remember the tapping sequence. The Basic Recipe

1. The Set-up 2. The Sequence 3. The Gamut Procedure 4. The Sequence (repeated)

1. THE SET-UP This removes any psychological or energetic obstacles or blocks to the healing process, and prepares the energy system for the clearing work to begin.

Step 1 – Identify the Problem Identify the physical pain, fear, memory or issue that you would like to work on. Be aware of the thoughts and feelings it provokes. This will reproduce the energetic disruption that has been causing the problem.

Step 2 – Formulate a Statement – the Set-up Create a statement that encompasses these feelings. This sets the intention of what needs to be cleared, acknowledges the problem and creates self-acceptance despite the existence of the problem. It is important that you are as specific as possible and that your statement represents the reality of your situation. Be honest with yourself about precisely how you are feeling. The more you pin down the exact emotions, the deeper the level of healing.

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For instance:

‘I feel angry that Andrew wouldn’t listen to me.’ ‘I feel angry that Andrew let me down.’

If you are feeling hurt from a past action, form a sentence that best describes how you feel if it were now using the present tense. When recalling the issue the mind perceives it to be happening now, so it is far more powerful to release the issue in the present:

‘I feel hurt that I wasn’t included.’ ‘I am hurt that I was left out.’

With physical problems it is very important to describe the feeling of pain or discomfort, rather than a name for the disorder. Use the language that you actually use when complaining of your condition:

‘A stabbing pain behind the eyes.’ ‘This tight band around my head.’ ‘I have a sick feeling in my stomach.’ ‘Stiffness in my neck.’

Now place the words ‘Even though I …’ in front of your chosen statement, followed by ‘… I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ For instance:

‘Even though I have this anxious feeling, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though I am frightened of flying, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though I have this deep sadness, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though I am nervous about this interview, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though I have this hot, stabbing pain in my back, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though I am scared I will make a fool of myself, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’

This form of affirmation is used as it promotes acceptance of the problem and of yourself. It also overrides any part of you that does not want to change or that has a hidden agenda to keep you as you are, known as Psychological Reversal (explained on page 20). It doesn’t matter whether you believe the affirmation or not – just say it. It is more beneficial to say it out loud (in social gatherings it can be said silently to yourself) with feeling and emphasis – although saying it routinely will usually do the job.

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Step 3 – Score Chart Give your issue a score from one to ten, one being fine and ten being very bad, relating to its intensity. This will help in checking if the problem is resolving after the first round of tapping, and is a good way to record your progress. As you work with EFT the emotional discomfort declines, ultimately falling to zero. So, to begin the EFT session, start by saying the statement out loud three times while continuously tapping the Sore Point – found 2-3” below the centre of the collarbone – so called as it is sore when rubbed (see diagram on page 15), then continue with The Sequence. 2. THE SEQUENCE This clears the energetic disruption from the body. It begins with a reminder phrase which is used to keep your attention focussed on the problem and to avoid distraction, and is said every time you tap a meridian point. It is a shortened version of the set-up statement:

‘this anxious feeling’ ‘frightened of flying’ ‘this deep sadness’ ‘this nervousness’ ‘this stabbing pain’ ‘this scared I will make a fool of myself’

Step 4 – Tapping Points

Using two fingers, gently tap each of the following points in sequence approximately seven times, while repeating your reminder phrase. Each point is located on an acupressure point and may feel slightly more sensitive than the surrounding area. You can tap with either hand, although using the right hand to tap the left side of the body and vice versa keeps the continuity. Tap firmly enough to propel energy through the meridian point, but not too hard to cause bruising. You will be tapping 9 points (detailed and diagrammed on page 15) which are: • bladder meridian • gallbladder meridian • stomach meridian • governing vessel meridian • conception vessel meridian • kidney meridian • spleen meridian • small intestine meridian • triple warmer meridian.

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The points to tap are:

1. Beginning of eyebrow - bladder meridian 2. Side of eye - gallbladder meridian 3. Under eye - stomach meridian 4. Under the nose - governing vessel meridian 5. Under the mouth - conception vessel meridian 6. Collarbone - kidney meridian 7. Under arm - spleen meridian 8. Karate Chop point (side of hand) - small intestine meridian 9. Gamut point (back of hand) - triple warmer meridian

1. Eyebrow 2. Side of Eye 3. Under Eye 4. Under Nose 5. Under Mouth 6. Collarbone 7. Under Arm 8. Karate Chop Point

G. Gamut Point

8 G8 GGG

Sore Spot






Sore Spot






3. THE GAMUT PROCEDURE The Gamut Point can be found on the back of either hand, one centimetre below the knuckles between the third finger and little finger. Tap this point, while saying the reminder phrase, and:

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• • • • •

Close your eyes Open your eyes While holding your head steady make a full circle with the eyes clockwise. While holding your head steady make a full circle with the eyes anti-clockwise. Take a deep breath in, and then out. Wait for a few seconds for your energy to reconfigure.

Different types of information are stored in different areas of the brain, which can be accessed by means of certain eye positions. Moving the eyes as above initiates a balancing action within the various parts of the brain, and addresses and clears the different thoughts, memories and feelings that contribute to a problem.


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Step 5 – Second sequence Repeat the first sequence of 9 points, as before beginning tapping at the Eyebrow point, repeating the reminder phrase while you tap, and finish at the Karate Chop point.

Step 6 – Evaluate Progress Check how you are feeling about the original problem, either by giving it another score out of ten or trying to recall the original intensity of the problem. There is almost always a significant change from your first level of intensity. Although one round of EFT may be enough to be completely free of the problem and take your score to zero, another round of EFT may be necessary. These 6 steps complete Round 1 of EFT. Round 2 – The Remainder The next round deals with the remainder of the problem, anything that hasn’t already been cleared by Round 1. It is basically the same as Round 1, with just a slight adjustment to the set-up statement. This is so that your unconscious mind knows you are dealing with the remaining feelings connected with the problem, rather than the original feelings you had. For example:

‘Even though I still feel anger, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though my shoulder still hurts. I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though I still feel sad, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though I am still scared of spiders, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’

Now repeat the whole procedure from Steps 1-6 again, using the reminder phrase that includes the word remaining. For example:

‘this remaining fear of spiders’ ‘this remaining guilt’ ‘this remaining stiffness’

While doing EFT it is very common to come across another aspect of the original problem. If this is the case, just carry on until you have finished the current round, then start again with the new element.

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Round 3 – The Past If you feel the problem hasn’t gone completely, you may need to do some more tapping. Repeat Round 1 again, this time putting the problem firmly in the past. To do this, change the set-up statement to:

‘Even though I used to ……. I fully and completely love and accept myself.’

For example: ‘Even though I used to feel anger, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though my shoulder used to hurt. I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though I used to feel sad, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’ ‘Even though I used to be scared of spiders, I fully and completely love and accept myself.’

Now repeat the whole procedure from Steps 1-6 again, using the reminder phrase that includes the word used to. The reminder phrase will then be:

‘I used to ….’ For example:

‘used to have a fear of spiders’ ‘used to have guilt’ ‘used to have stiffness’

Remember to evaluate your progress at the end of this round.

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Summary of EFT Sequence ROUND 1 1. Formulate the set-up statement. 2. Check the level of intensity on a scale of 0 to 10 (10 = highest, 0 = none). 3. The Set-up. While continuously rubbing the Sore Spot repeat your set-up

affirmation 3 times: “Even though I have this ________ I fully and completely love and accept myself” 4. The Sequence. Tap about 7 times on each of the energy points while

continuously repeating the reminder phrase (which is a shortened version of the problem - i.e. ‘this anger’, ‘this pain’, etc).

5. The Gamut Procedure (linking the first and second sequences).

Continuously tap on the Gamut point, still repeating the reminder phrase, and:

1) close your eyes, then open your eyes 2) roll eyes in a circle to the left, then roll eyes in a circle to the right 3) deep breath in ….…., then release 6. The Sequence (repeated). Repeat the first sequence, starting at the

eyebrow point and finishing at the Karate Chop point, repeating the reminder phrase as before.

7. Check intensity level. ROUND 2 Dealing the with the remainder of the problem. Carry out as for Round 1, but add to set-up statement: ‘even though there is still some ...… remaining, I fully and completely love and accept myself’. Reminder phrase: the remaining ...... (When sequence completed check intensity level). ROUND 3 Putting the problem in the past. Carry out as for Round 1, but change set-up statement to: ‘even though I used to have ..…., I fully and completely love and accept myself’. . Reminder phrase: used to have ...... (When sequence completed check intensity level).

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There is no need to worry about getting it wrong, or getting the wrong statement.

ALL TAPPING YOU DO IS GOOD FOR YOU ! Any tapping you do stimulates the meridians, relaxes you, calms you and makes you feel better, even if the opening affirmation is totally wrong and the original problem has not yet shifted.


Hopefully by now you have tried the sequence a few times yourself. If not, pick an issue, create the set-up statement, then start The Sequence (using the shortened statement) by tapping on the meridian points, do the Gamut Procedure next, then repeat The Sequence. Identify how you feel and what the intensity level now is, then proceed to Round 2 and 3 if necessary. (See Appendix 1 for a printable easy Reference Chart and summary of the whole procedure.)

Emotional Release People experience many different things when EFT is clearing negative emotions from their energy systems. It is important to observe these shifts as it is tangible evidence that emotional energy connected to an issue is being discharged, and that a change has taken place. Some of the physical sensations are:

warmth coldness jerking yawning deep sigh bodily noises light-headedness sleepiness

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Some of the emotional indications are:

elation bewilderment calmness sadness anger sudden crying (as the buried emotion is brought to the surface and released)

For some people immediate relief doesn’t happen straight away, but hours or even days later. Quite often a person will look back at something they have just accomplished which previously would have been a problem, and only then realise that in fact the EFT on that particular issue had worked. Sometimes the body just needs extra time to process the adjustments before the benefits are noticed. EFT tends to go to the root cause of a problem, first dealing with the top layers which then allows deeper issues to come to the surface and be released. This brings fresh insights and enables people to recognise the original cause of the problem. As clearing the emotions breaks the link between the trigger and the emotional link, EFT is normally permanent.

Psychological Reversal Psychological reversal (or subconscious self-sabotage) was found to be an irregular energy state – a form of polarity reversal within meridians. This appears to cause the energy system to work against the persons intentions, hampering or blocking any positive results. For example, you may have tried giving up smoking or losing weight but found that even with your best endeavours your good intentions are overridden and you go back to the cigarettes or food. Obviously other factors could be involved in these examples, however it is important to deal with psychological reversal in any case. Psychological reversal is easy to correct. Normally the first part of the tapping procedure – the Set-up – will remove it. The Set-up was designed to ensure that your unconscious beliefs are in agreement with what you desire. It neutralises negativity connected to the issues, and promotes a positive openness and receptivity to change. The Set-up is always used, even if psychological reversal is not apparent.

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EFT and Children Children as young as three years old can learn to tap themselves quite easily and gain enormous benefit. We have found it helps with many things including shyness, grief, nightmares, bullying, pain, parents separating / divorcing, fears, phobias etc. All you need to do is just explain how EFT works in language they will understand, for example:

‘There are these power or energy lines in your body, and feelings and bad things make them get stuck. You tap on them to loosen them up where they are stuck and then it all flows freely again and you feel better.’

Then tap on yourself and ask your child to copy you by tapping on him/herself while going through the sequence. Adapt it as necessary to fit in with your child. You don’t need to do the whole routine as children respond very well to even a little tapping. We have found children to be very open to EFT, and when treated like a nice game they learn very quickly, feel better from it and then want to apply it to themselves when they feel bad in any way. Try it with your children for fun and then when an issue arises it will be easier to do. You may also like to try the following statements with children to tap in some positive feelings:

I am happy I am healthy I stay dry I am strong I sleep deeply I am safe etc, etc.

Have a go and see what happens!

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Levels of Healing By clearing the surface layers of fears, hurt and limitations, you allow deeper issues to emerge. This is like the layers of an onion being peeled away. Each time a layer is removed, a more fundamental and underlying issue comes to light. By continually clearing away emotional debris and out-dated beliefs, inner transformation and radical changes occur. A new you is uncovered.

Level 1

Presenting Problem

Panic attacks,

excess weight, phobias, tension headaches, blushing, stuttering

Level 2

Underlying Behaviour and Patterns

Comfort eating, low self-esteem, need to control, over-responsible, perfectionism, ‘doormat’ behaviour

Level 3

Core Issues, Beliefs and Traumas

Traumatic events, feeling unloved, unsafe, worthless, unwanted, guilt, shame, survival fears

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EFT and Relationship Break-ups In a relationship break-up there will be many different aspects to clear (see diagram below). Each one is cleared in turn (starting with the worst first) which will remove the overall feeling, enabling you to move on much quicker in your healing process. Be aware of all thoughts, feelings, pains and memories that come up with each tapping sequence. Make sure you do tap out each of these until they are a zero, before moving on to the next. Unresolved pain from failed past relationships may come to the surface as well, which would also benefit being tapped out. This would help you to let go and move on, release any anger and resentment, and therefore have a happier more positive mind set. A pattern may also emerge, where the same type of feelings have occurred time and again. It would be helpful to take this back to the deeper levels to find core beliefs / behaviours which are causing these feelings so they can be released. .

Relationship Break-up

Hurt and loss

Self-doubt & low self esteem

Feeling lonely

Shock about split

Hurtful words

Painful memory of split


Lies and


Anger and rage

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Relationship Problems The following list is an extensive, but not exhaustive, compilation of thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and emotions that are often problems, especially in relationships. If anything from the list jumps out at you or brings up negative feelings, it would be appropriate to tap it out.

Abandoned Disappointed Indignant Deep sadness

Agony Discouraged Insecure Scared

Afraid Disgusted Invalidated Scorn

Alone Dismay Lazy Self-conscious

Angry Disoriented Lethargic Shame

Anxious Doubt Lonely Shattered

Apprehensive Dread Loss Silly

Ashamed Embarrassed Lost Sorrow

At a loss Empty Mad Deep sorrow

Betrayed Emptiness Melancholy Suffering

Blame Enraged Mortified Suspicious

Bored Exhausted Offended Terror

Burdened Fatigued Outraged Tired

Cheated Fearful Overwhelmed Tortured

Concerned Hapless Persecuted Trapped

Confused Heartache Pressured Traumatised

Crazy Heartbroken Punished Uncertain

Crushed Heartsick Put down Untrusting

Cornered Heaviness Put upon Vulnerable

Defeated Helpless Rage Wasted

Dejected Humiliated Rebellious Wary

Depressed Horror Rejected Worried

Despair Horrified Rejecting Worn out

Despondent Hurt Resentment

Devastated Inadequate Sadness The words in bold are common when dealing with issues of loss, such as the death of loved one.

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Conclusion We hope you have enjoyed learning about EFT, doing the exercises and practicing EFT. It is a wonderful, easy technique which once mastered and used regularly will bring relief from all those horrible negative feelings, beliefs, behaviours, fears and phobias. It is very simple to do, and Appendix 1 gives a very clear guide and summary as to the procedure. Use EFT on anything and everything and see immediate results. To further your practice of EFT, try the Truth Test in Appendix 2. Once you have scores for each statement, circle the lowest 3 or 4 – these are the ones that need tapping out! If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will be very happy to help.

Further Information / Links http://www.emofree.com – Gary Craig’s site, plus download a free 80-page manual written by Gary Craig. Lots of articles and other information available. Also check out http://www.amazon.com and http://www.cygnus-books.co.uk/ for books on EFT and related subjects. http://www.feeling-good-therapies.com/kinesiology.htm – information on Kinesiology and muscle testing. http://www.theta-dna-healing.net/muscletesting.htm – step-by-step instructions on how to do muscle testing on yourself to see which beliefs affect you negatively. http://nccam.nih.gov/health/acupuncture/ – information on acupuncture. http://www.richardbandler.com/ – Neuro Linguistic Programming by Richard Bandler www.theta-dna-healing.net – Theta DNA Healing information site. http://www.theta-dna-healing.net/changingcorebeliefs.htm – Changing Core Beliefs http://www.theta-dna-healing.net/wealthandabundance.htm – Wealth and Abundance. http://www.theta-dna-healing.net/12stranddnaactivation.htm – 12-strand DNA Activation to speed up your spiritual growth and manifesting skills. http://www.theta-dna-healing.net/pricesandordering.htm - Chakra Balance and Energy Clearing.

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Products and Special Offers 'The Secret - The Missing Step' eBook Learn about The Secret (currently taking America by storm!), Cosmic Ordering, the Law of Attraction and manifesting your dreams, and the basic steps to do it yourself. Also learn why it doesn't always work for everyone, and the missing step that only a few know about – which, with the knowledge we share with you in this eBook, will enable you to create everything you desire. We also give step-by-step instructions on some fun, easy techniques to help you on your way. Then, manifest the life you have dreamt of! Price: £4.95 / $9.95 USD

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Theta DNA Technique eBooks Our first eBook shows the exact procedure for carrying out Theta DNA Healing – see below for details. We then continue with a series of eBooks showing how to use Theta DNA Technique on specific issues. A few are listed below:

Theta DNA Technique on Weight Loss Theta DNA Technique on Phobias and Fears Theta DNA Technique on Relationships Theta DNA Technique on Wealth and Abundance Theta DNA Technique on Health Issues Theta DNA Technique on Rejuvenation, Youth and Vitality Theta DNA Technique on Confidence, Self-esteem and Self-worth

Although each of the series will recap on the actual Technique itself, it is recommended to read ‘Transform your Life – Theta DNA Technique on Beliefs’ first as it gives you detailed step-by-step instructions to easily do this technique, and includes a wealth of information which you can then apply throughout each of the series. ‘Transform your Life - Theta DNA Technique on Beliefs’ eBook Learn how to transform your life by easily and permanently removing negative or limiting beliefs, from ALL levels. This eBook takes you easily through the Theta DNA Technique step-by-step, so that by the end of it you will have learnt how to easily and permanently remove and replace limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and will have already applied it to a number of your beliefs. Once these have been removed, miracles happen! We have kept the price very low so that everybody has access to this eBook. We believe that although having a treatment to remove limiting beliefs is excellent and a great introduction and experience, teaching someone how to help and heal themselves is far more empowering for them, and a skill they will have and use throughout their life. Special price - £9.95 / $19.95 USD – worth at least £325.00 / $650.00 USD when compared to the course – a huge saving and something that will be a lifelong aid.

To order click here or send a blank email with ‘Theta and Beliefs eBook’ as the subject to [email protected] and we will email the purchase link.

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The Basic Recipe ROUND 1 1. Formulate the set-up statement. 2. Check the level of intensity on a scale of 0 to 10 (10 = highest, 0 = none). 3. The Set-up. While continuously rubbing the Sore Spot repeat your set-up affirmation

3 times: “Even though I have this ________ I fully and completely love and accept myself” 4. The Sequence. Tap about 7 times on each of the energy points on the diagrams

below (1-8), while continuously repeating the reminder phrase (which is a shortened version of the problem - i.e. ‘this anger’, ‘this pain’, etc).

5. The Gamut Procedure (linking the first and second sequences). Continuously

tap on the Gamut point, still repeating the reminder phrase, and:

1) close your eyes, then open your eyes 2) roll eyes in a circle to the left, then roll eyes in a circle to the right 3) deep breath in ….…., then release 6. The Sequence (repeated). Repeat the first sequence, starting at the eyebrow point

and finishing at the Karate Chop point, repeating the reminder phrase as before. 7. Check intensity level.

1. Eyebrow 2. Side of Eye 3. Under Eye 4. Under Nose 5. Under Mouth 6. Collarbone 7. Under Arm 8. Karate Chop Point

G. Gamut Point

8 G8 GGG

Sore Spot






Sore Spot






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ROUND 2 Dealing the with the remainder of the problem. Carry out as for Round 1, but add to set-up statement: ‘even though there is still some ...… remaining, I fully and completely love and accept myself’. Reminder phrase: the remaining ...... (When sequence completed check intensity level). ROUND 3 Putting the problem in the past. Carry out as for Round 1, but change set-up statement to: ‘even though I used to have ..…., I fully and completely love and accept myself’. Reminder phrase: used to have ...... (When sequence completed check intensity level).

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Truth Test What do you believe? Score each statement below out of ten – ten being absolutely true, zero being not true at all.

I deserve to be happy ….. / 10

I am happy with who I am right now ….. / 10

I find it easy to relax ….. / 10

It is easy to forgive myself ….. / 10

No matter what happens I can handle it ….. / 10

I am comfortable with others expressing their anger ….. / 10

I can overcome my blocks to change ….. / 10

I have lots of skills ….. / 10

I like myself ….. / 10

I like my physical appearance ….. / 10

I have confidence in my own ability ….. / 10

I look forward to the future ….. / 10

I forgive others ….. / 10

I accept love easily ….. / 10

I take time out for me ….. / 10

I am comfortable expressing my anger ….. / 10

Is it ok to say No ….. / 10

I find it easy to accept my emotions ….. / 10

I take responsibility for myself ….. / 10

I welcome change ….. / 10

I deserve to be wealthy ….. / 10 I love myself ….. / 10

I am a good person ….. / 10

I allow others to be who they are ….. / 10

I feel safe ….. / 10

I don’t hold on to resentment and blame ….. / 10 I am important ….. / 10 I deserve to be successful ….. / 10

I let go of the past ….. / 10 I am loved ….. / 10

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