effect of vegetation competition on tree ...of vegetation where either equisetum arvense,...

QK 477.2 .FS C38 1990 EFFECT OF VEGETATION COMPETITION ON TREE SEEDUNG ESTABUSHMENT AND GROWTH IN AN UPLAND, POST-FIRE SUCCESSION IN INTERIOR AlASKA A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of the University of Alaska Fairbanks in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE By Timothy Carl Cater, B.S. Fairbanks, Alaska December 1990

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  • QK 477.2 .FS C38 1990






    Presented to the Faculty

    of the University of Alaska Fairbanks

    in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    for the Degree of



    Timothy Carl Cater, B.S.

    Fairbanks, Alaska

    December 1990






    Presented to the Faculty

    of the University of Alaska Fairbanks

    in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

    for the Degree of



    Timothy Carl Cater, B.S.

    Fairbanks, Alaska

    December 1990

    ARLIS Alaska Resources Librarv & Information Services

    Library Building. Suite 111 3211 Providence Drive

    Anchorage, AK 99508·4614

  • _, .. . •'' '' .... ..__ • - ••••. 1. -·· ~ ~'··· -· .· ~ ·- ·-' -- .. -~ - ~-~-. -----.... ---·~ .. ....._.. __ . __ .. ~ .. _ ............. __ _..,...,....,_,,....,,.,......--~---=--~----~--.. ----·-· .. -----

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    Timothy Carl Cater


    Department Head

    APPROVED: .£Sf?~~



    Location and density of naturally occurring Picea glauca seedlings were

    measured five years following fire to document natural establishment patterns.

    To estimate effects of competition on these patterns, _E. glauca and Betula

    papyrifera were sown as seeds and transplanted as seedlings into distinct patches

    of vegetation where either Equisetum arvense, Calamagrostis canadensis, or

    Populus tremuloides was dominant (>90% cover). Naturally occurring P. glauca

    seedlings preferentially established where E. arvense was dominant. Similarly, _E.

    glauca and B. papvrifera establishment and growth were greater in E. arvense

    patches and clipped plots. Thus, colonizing species inhibit establishment of late-

    successional species, with E. arvense being a weaker competitor than C.

    canadensis and _E. tremuloides. Accumulated above and below-ground biomass

    were not good indicators of competitive ability. Environmental differences

    between patch types were positively correlated with the bioassay results: C.

    canadensis patches had thicker organic mats and cooler and wetter soils than

    other patch types.




    Abstract ...................................................................................................... .iii

    Table of Contents ..................................................................................... .iv

    List of Figures .......................................................................................... vi

    List of Tables .......................................................................................... viii

    Acknowledgments ..................................................................................... ix

    Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

    Methods ....................................................................................................... 4

    Study Area ...................................................................................... 4

    Experimental Design ...................................................................... 5

    Seed Sowing Experiment. ................................................. 6

    Transplant Experiment ...................................................... S

    Biotic and Abiotic Site V ariables .................................... 9

    Transects ............................................................................ 10

    Statis~ical Analyses ....................................................................... 11

    Results ......................................................................................................... 13

    Seed Sowing Experiment .............................................................. 13

    Germination ........................................................................ 13

    Survivorship ......................................................................... 13

    Growth .................................................................................. 17

    Transplant Experiment ................................................................. 20


  • v


    Biotic Site Variables .................................................................... 24

    Abiotic Site Variables ................................................................ 24

    Transects ....................................................................................... 29

    Discussion .................................................................................................. 31

    Seedling Establishment and Early Growth .............................. 31

    Abiotic Site Variables ................................................................. 33

    Equivalence of Competitors ....................................................... 34

    Indicators of Competitive Ability .............................................. 35

    Conclusions ................................................................................................... 3 6

    Management Implications ............................................................. 36

    Suggestions for Future Work. ....................................................... 37

    Literature Cited .......................................................................................... 38



    Figure 1. Seedling germination (maximum number observed/total 14

    seeds sown) and survivorship after two years (number

    survivors/maximum number germinated) from sown seeds

    of spruce and birch in seedbeds.


    Figure 2. Seedling germination and survivorship after two years from 15

    sown seeds of spruce and birch in seedbeds.

    Figure 3. Growth parameters for spruce seedlings from sown seeds 18

    in clipped and control treatments in three patch types.

    Figure 4. Growth parameters for spruce seedlings from sown seeds 19

    in clipped and control treatments in three patch types.

    Figure 5. 1989 diameter growth and 1988 and 1989 height growth for 21

    spruce seedlings transplanted into clipped treatments in

    three patch types.

    Figure 6. 1989 growth parameters for birch seedlings transplanted 22

    into clipped treatments in three patch types.

    Figure 7. Relative growth rate (In (total dry mass) - In (total - 23

    current growth) for birch seedlings transplanted into

    clipped treatments in three patch types.


  • Vll

    Figure 8. Above and below-ground biomass in mid-August 1989 in 25

    three patch types.

    Figure 9. 1989 seasonal and daily patterns of soil temperature at a 26

    10 em depth in three patch types.

    Figure 10. 1989 seasonal pattern of soil temperature at a 10 em depth 27

    in clipped and unclipped treatments in three patch types.

    Figure 11. a-c) 1989 seasonal pattern of soil moisture in organic and 28

    mineral (top 5 em) soil layers and organic mat depth in

    three patch types.

    Figure 12. 1989 distribution of naturally occurring white spruce 30

    seedlings > 1 yr old in a 2520 m2 area upslope from




    Table 1. Probability values (from F-tests) from all ANOV As performed 16 (FER=.OS).



    I wish to acknowledge my advisor, Terry Chapin, who provided

    guidance and assistance with all aspects of this work and was a constant role

    model. I thank my other committee members, Keith Van Cleve and Les Viereck,

    for a great deal of advice and careful editing. I also thank Joe Stehlik from the

    Alaska State Forest Nursery for providing the white spruce seeds and the

    transplant seedlings used in the bioassay experiments. The Institute of Arctic

    Biology provided logistical support. All of the staff and faculty of the Institute of

    Arctic Biology provided a superior place to work and study. I am indebted to my

    fellow graduate students who provided unending help and moral support with the

    multitude of tasks involved with completing a thesis. Lastly, I thank my

    compatriot, Elizabeth Stockmar, for providing field assistance, as well as guidance

    and support with life in general.



    In Alaskan post-fire succession, little is known about the role that

    competition from colonizing species has in governing establishment and early

    growth of late-successional tree species. Previous studies of taiga succession have

    emphasized plant responses to successional changes in the physical environment

    (e.g. light, moisture, nutrients; Van Cleve and Viereck 1983, Van Cleve et al.

    1983, Van Cleve and Yarie 1986). However, competition was important in

    determining seedling establishment and growth in primary succession on an

    interior Alaskan flood plain (Walker and Chapin 1986). Similarly, studies in

    other forest successions have shown that competition is an important control over

    tree seedling establishment (Wilde et al. 1968, Webb et al. 1972, Niering and

    Goodwin 1974, Harcombe 1977, Van Hulst 1979, Carter et al. 1984) as well as

    influencing plant growth in general (Harper 1977, Connell 1983, Schoener 1983).

    Understanding these competitive interactions is important because post-fire

    succession is :common in Alaska. Before fire suppression (pre-1939), Barney

    (1971) estimated that interior Alaskan forests (140,000,000 ha; Viereck 1973)

    burned at the rate of 0.6 to 1.0 million hajyear. Following fire suppression

    (1940-1970), approximately 400,000 hajyear burned while approximately 240,000

    ha/year have burned between 1970-1980 (Viereck and Schandelmeier 1980).

    Thus, the majority of interior Alaska has burned in the last 200-250 years (Barney

    1971, Viereck 1973). Fires may recur as often as 50-110 years in white spruce


  • forests (Yarie 1981), with the majority of fires occurring on south-facing slopes

    (Viereck 1973).


    Competition was defined by Grime (1973) as "the tendency of neighboring

    plants to utilize the same quantum of light, ion of a mineral nutrient, molecule of

    water, or volume of space." Thus, competitive interactions, or inhibition, arise

    from resource pre-emption (Werner 1976, Grace 1987) and result in a reduced

    resource availability (Tilman 1985).

    Many competition studies use species that are morphologically similar or

    have taxonomic relatedness in order to maximize the degree of niche overlap

    (Goldberg and Werner 1983, Schoener 1983). However, all autotrophic plants use

    essentially the same resources (Harper 1977, Chapin 1980). Thus, all co-occurring

    plants can be potential competitors (Aarssen 1983, Agren and Fagerstrom 1984,

    Shmida and Ellner 1984, Hubbell and Foster 1986, Goldberg 1987).

    The three competitor species used in this study were chosen because (1)

    they are prominent in post-fire succession and (2) they appeared to differ

    strikingly in the extent to which they excluded white spruce (Picea glauca

    [Moench] Voss) and paper birch (Betula papvrifera Marsh.), the future dominant

    species of similar sites (Viereck 1973, Van Cleve and Viereck 1981). Also,

    grasses have been shown to be important competitors during white spruce

    regeneration (Stiell 1976, Gardner 1983), with bluestem (Calamagrostis

    canadensis) being a particularly effective competitor (Waldron 1966, Eis 1981).

  • In early succession in taiga forests, distinct patches of vegetation

    dominated by one species are present, a situation that is analogous to pair-wise

    competition experimental designs. However, plants are probably responding to

    diffuse competition (MacArthur 1972) from all species in a patch (Fowler 1981,

    Goldberg and Werner 1983, Mitchley 1987). Thus, conclusions will be made

    relative to patch types instead of single competitor species.

    As in other competition studies, a field neighborhood experimental design

    was used (Goldberg 1987) and competitor abundance manipulated. The

    responses of spruce and birch to these altered environments were compared to

    their behavior under natural, unmanipulated conditions (Connell 1983).

    Conclusions from competition experiments were compared with natural patterns

    of spruce seedling establishment to test the hypothesis that competitive"

    interactions are important in controlling establishment and early growth of late-

    successional tree species in a post-fire succession in Alaska.



    Study Area

    The study was conducted from 1988-1989 in the Bonanza Creek

    Experimental Forest near Fairbanks, Alaska (64°45'N, 148°20'W) as part of the

    boreal forest Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program. The study site

    (LTER site # UP1a) had burned five years prior to study (29 May-15 June 1983)

    as part of a 3500 ha wildfire (Juday 1985). Located on a south-facing slope, the

    site was previously occupied by a 170-year-old white spruce stand (Foote and

    Viereck 1985). As documented for wildfire in Alaska by Viereck and

    Schandelmeier (1980), the forest floor burned unevenly resulting in a patchy

    mosaic of varying seedbed conditions. In general, the area was moderately

    burned with interspersed patches of severe burn (Foote and Viereck 1985).

    Severe burning can cause significant changes in the nutrient status and chemical

    properties of the forest floor (Smith 1970, Dubreuil and Moore 1982, Dyrness et

    al. 1989) and has been positively correlated with white spruce seedling growth on

    an interior Alaskan floodplain (Wurtz 1988). Charcoal was present in humus

    layers as observed for other white spruce stands in Manitoba (1955).

    Zasada (1985) showed seed beds to be important to seedling establishment

    in the Rosie Creek Fire area with most seedlings occurring on ash and/ or organic

    seedbeds of 2.5 em or less and on organic seedbeds > 5 em deep when a good

    seed source was available. White spruce seedlings were present in 1984 at 124-

    766 seedlings/ha depending on burn severity (Foote and Viereck 1985) and


  • 5

    distance from seed source (Zasada 1985).

    As in other descriptions of taiga succession (Van Cleve and Viereck 1981),

    the study area had a shrub /herb layer dominated by horsetail (Equisetum arvense

    L.), bluestem (Calamagrostis canadensis [Michx.] Beauv.), and quaking aspen

    (Populus tremuloides Michx. (nomenclature of Hulten 1968, Viereck and Little

    1986). Most of the plants present regenerated from underground organs the year

    after the fire (Viereck and Foote 1985) leading to nearly pure patches of

    bluestem and aspen 1-10m in diameter. These patches were separated by areas

    of horsetail containing scattered individuals of fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium

    L.), bluebells (Mertensia paniculata [Ait.] G. Don), raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.),

    and wild rose (Rosa acicularis Lindl.). Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. and

    Marchantia polymorpha L. were common. The shrub/herb stage usually lasts

    approximately 25 yrs until deciduous trees become dominant, although white

    spruce may be conspicuous in the understory. White spruce is usually dominant

    after 100 yrs, often with a birch tree component (Van Cleve and Viereck 1981,

    Van Cleve and Viereck 1983).

    Experimental Design

    A bioassay approach (Chapin et al. 1986) was used to determine the

    influence of competition on spruce and birch. Three sets of 15 replicate patches

    of vegetation were selected with each set of patches having one of three

    competitor species (horsetail, bluestem, or aspen) as the dominant ( > 90%

  • vegetative cover) species. Each set of patches contains true replicates for

    comparisons among patch types (Hurlbert 1984). However, caution should be

    used in extrapolating these results to the entire Rosie Creek fire, or to fires in

    general, since only one burned site was used.


    Within each patch, a 4.1 m X 4.5 m plot was established. All above-

    ground vegetation was removed (clipped treatment) in half of all 45 (3 patch

    types X 15 replicates) plots. The adjacent half was the unclipped treatment. The

    clipped treatment was maintained by removing all non-experimental vegetation

    with hand clippers every 1-2 weeks during the 1988 and 1989 growing seasons.

    Seedling survivorship and growth responses were recorded as functions of (1)

    presence/absence of competing vegetation and (2) biomass per unit area of the

    patch type. Since the dominant species of the patch types have different growth

    forms, these two estimates may be better indicators of resource use than the

    number or size of neighboring individuals (Goldberg 1987).

    Seed Sowing Experiment

    On 31 May-3 June 1988, six 20 em X 20 em seedplots were established in

    both the clipped and unclipped halves of all ( 45) plots. Seedplots were at least

    0.9 m from the plot boundaries with 10 em separating each seedplot (the

    experimental unit in the analyses). I randomly assigned three treatments: (1)

    control (unseeded), (2) no scarification, and (3) scarification with each treatment

    containing two of the six seedplots. Control and no scarification seedplots were

  • left undisturbed, while scarified seedplots were scraped twice in perpendicular

    directions with a 3-toothed trowel to create an organic and mineral soil seedbed.


    One non-scarified and one scarified seedplot were randomly selected and

    sown with 404 viable spruce seeds/plot (10,100 seeds/m2). The other non-

    scarified and scarified seedplots received 140 viable birch seeds/plot (3500

    seeds/m2). Sowing rates were based on field germination and survival rates of

    Walker et al. (1986). Spruce seeds were collected adjacent to the burn area in

    1983 and 1984 by the Alaska State Forest Nursery; birch seeds were collected in

    1987 from an area 4 km north of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Both sets

    of seeds were cleaned and stored at -10°C until sown. Prior to sowing, laboratory

    germination tests were conducted to obtain the proportion of viable seeds (spruce

    80%, birch 95% ). Quantities sown were determined by weighing seeds and were

    based on groups of 100 seeds (n=6; spruce: 3.2 X 10-3 g/seed ± 2.65 X 10-4,

    birch: 2.93 X: 104 g/seed ± 5.81 X 10-5).

    Germinants were counted at least monthly in 1988 and three times during

    1989 on each seedplot. It was planned to subtract germinants from the adjacent,

    control seedplots from the counts to allow for seedlings from natural seed rain,

    but no naturally regenerating seedlings were found. The maximum number of

    gerrninants counted for each seedplot on any one date during 1988 was used as a

    measure of germination. On 8-10 August 1989, all live germinants in each

    seedplot were harvested and counted. Above-ground stem height and root length

    of ten randomly selected germinants were recorded (all were measured if fewer

  • than ten survived). Gerrninants were separated into roots, stems, and leaves,

    dried at 70°C for at least 48 hr, and weighed.

    Transplant Experiment


    Spruce seedlings were grown for one year in a greenhouse at the Alaska

    State Forest Nursery in Palmer, Alaska from seed collected in 1983 adjacent to

    the burned area. They grew in a 1:1 soilless medium of Sphagnum peatmoss and

    coarse vermiculite in 1000 cm3 cones and were watered as necessary with water

    containing soluble fertilizer (NPK 9:45:15 for the first four weeks and NPK

    20:20:20 afterwards). Natural light was supplemented (430 lux, 16 h photoperiod)

    until the natural photoperiod exceeded 16 h. Greenhouse temperatures were


    In July 1987, seedlings were placed outside to harden off for winter

    (watered with NPK 9:45:15). The following June, spruce seedlings were

    transported to Fairbanks and acclimatized in the shade for ten days. Four

    seedlings were transplanted (7-8 July) into both subplots (clipped and unclipped)

    of all 45 plots. Birch seedlings were grown under the same conditions ( 440 cm3

    cones) from locally collected seed sown in May 1988 and four seedlings were

    transplanted (3-5 August) into both clipping treatments in 42 plots (15 horsetail,

    14 bluestem, 14 aspen). Within each subplot, each seedling was located at least

    0.9 m from the subplot's boundaries and the seed sowing experiment and was

    separated by 25 em from other seedlings. Spruce seedlings that died after one

  • month (24%) were replaced. Extra birch seedlings were not available to replace

    ones that died (29% ). Browsed seedlings were not included in the analyses.


    For both species, stem diameter at 1 em and total height above ground

    were measured in August 1988. In August 1989, all measurements were repeated,

    and the birch seedlings harvested at ground level. Seedlings from each seedplot

    were separated into 1988 stems and 1989 leaves and stems and all parts were

    dried at 70°C for at least 72 hrs and weighed. Individual weights from a seedplot

    were pooled for analyses.

    Biotic and Abiotic Site Variables

    On 17 August 1989, accumulated biomass in each patch type was

    quantified by harvesting all above-ground biomass in a 0.25 m2 quadrat one meter

    inside each unclipped subplot. Samples were oven-dried at 70°C until a constant

    weight was reached. Also, below-ground biomass was estimated by collecting

    three randomly located soil cores from both clipping treatments in 42 plots. Each

    core contained the organic soil layer and the top 10 em of mineral soil (the

    rooting depth of transplanted seedlings). Roots were separated using a 0.5 mm

    mesh sieve, oven-dried at 70°C for at least 72 hrs and weighed. The three core

    samples from each clipped plot were pooled for analyses.

    Several abiotic variables were measured to document effects of removing

    all above-ground biomass and to quantify environmental differences among patch

    types. (1) Each time a plot was visited (at least every two weeks), soil

  • 10

    temperature at a ten em depth was measured in both clipping treatments with a

    30 em long soil thermometer. (2) Soil characteristics were measured by sampling

    the organic layer and the top 5 em of the mineral layer four times in 1989. Cores

    were 10 em in diameter and were taken at least ten days after a rainfall. On each

    date, organic layer depth, soil moisture (% dry mass after oven-drying organic

    soils at 70°C and mineral soils at 110°C until a constant weight was reached), and

    bulk density of each soil layer were calculated. (3) On 28 July 1989, total solar

    radiation at ground level was measured within one hour of solar noon (1300;

    AST) in the unclipped half of 15 experimental plots (five of each patch type)

    using a Li-Cor (Li-185) radiometer.


    To document natural patterns of spruce seedling establishment, thirty two-

    meter-wide transects 90 m in length were established adjacent to each other

    approximately 300 m upslope from the experimental plots. The transects

    extended away from an unburned stand of mature, seed-producing white spruce

    trees. In each transect, each spruce seedling older than one year was counted.

    Both distance from seed source and the dominant species of competing vegetation

    in the seedling's immediate vicinity (25 em radius) were recorded. Vegetative

    cover estimates were visually made every ten meters in a one m2 quadrat.

    Seedling densities in each patch type were standardized relative to the cover of

    that patch type in the sampled area in order to make comparisons across species

  • 11

    (Neu et al. 1974). Most seedlings encountered established the year after the fire

    under very different conditions from those present during this study. Primarily,

    very little horsetail, bluestem, and aspen were present (Viereck and Foote 1985)

    which is simulated by the clipping treatment.

    Statistical Analyses

    Germination and survivorship of seedlings from sown seed were analyzed

    using model I 3-way analyses of variance (ANOVA; SYSTAT version 4, Wilkinson

    1988). Data were transformed where necessary to meet the assumption of

    homoscedasticity (P = .05, Bartlett's test; Zar 1984 ). Significance of the three

    factors (patch type, clipping, and scarification) was tested using Bonferonni

    adjusted probabilities (P=.05/7 = .007) to control the familywise error rate

    (FER) at .05 (Wilkinson 1988, Day and Quinn 1989). To compare results

    between spruce and birch, 4-way ANOV As were used with species as the fourth

    factor (FER= .05).

    For germination and spruce survivorship, when patch type significance was

    detected (P < .007), differences between level means were tested using Tukey

    multiple comparisons (Zar 1984, Day and Quinn 1989). For birch survivorship,

    the Kruskal-Wallis test was used since data were rank-transformed (Conover and

    Iman 1981, Zar 1984). Both tests had overall significance levels = .05.

    If the clipping or scarification factors were significant, Dunnett's test was

    used to make planned, pair-wise comparisons between level means within each

  • 12

    patch type (P = .05; Zar 1984, Day and Quinn 1989)

    Growth data from both bioassay experiments were analyzed using Model I

    3-way analysis of covariance (AN COY A; FER= .05) on data that were

    transformed where necessary. Total number of surviving seedlings was used as a

    covariate to account for intraspecific competition. I confirmed the assumption of

    homogeneity of slopes between the covariate and each factor in the analyses

    (patch type, clipping, scarification; Zar 1984, Wilkinson 1988). The covariate was

    removed when not significant, and ANOVAs were performed using the same

    multiple comparison procedures described for germination and survivorship. If

    significant covariance was detected, the Bryant-Paulson generalization of Tukey's

    method was used (significance level = .05) to compare adjusted level means

    (Bryant and Paulson 1976, Neter et al. 1985, Day and Quinn 1989).

    All other analyses were performed with Model I 2-way ANOV As

    (FER= .05) using transformed data where necessary and the multiple comparison

    tests described for germination and survivorship. If any of the Al'\l"OV A or

    ANCOVA analyses showed no significance, no multiple comparisons were

    performed unless visual inspection indicated a possible significant difference

    between untransformed level means as suggested by Zar ( 1984) and Wilkinson



    Seed Sowing Experiment


    Birch seeds germinated better than spruce seeds, especially in bluestem

    patches (P .05) increase germination, while it

    consistently did improve germination in horsetail and aspen (Fig. 2). Removal of

    above-ground vegetation did not significantly affect germination (Fig. 2, Table 1).


    Spruce survivorship was always greater than birch survivorship (P < .05) in

    all three patch types (Fig. 1). Also, overall survivorship was significantly inhibited

    (P < .05) in bluestem and aspen relative to horsetail. The positive effect that

    scarification had on germination was not detected for survivorship after two years

    (Table 1). Significantly increased survivorship (P < .05) due to clipping was seen

    only for birch in horsetail patches (Fig. 2).

    The· seed sowing e;qJerimems demonstrate that germination is lower in

    bluestem and higher on scarified seedbeds. However, only patch type is

    important in controlling survivorship after two years (except for birch in clipped

    horsetail patches) with horsetail consistently having the most favorable

    environment of the three patch types. Above-ground competition appears to be

    important only to birch survivorship in horsetail patches.


  • 15 7

    -1 2--'-

    ,........_ "-0 ?'-. -......._.., z 9+ 0 1-

  • ,........._


  • (< -,-- 1 , .. uv l - 0 1qr,.; ~~~

    Table 1. Probability values (from F-tests) from all ANOV As performed (FER


    Seed Saving Experiment

    Species Patch Clip- scari-Type ping fication

    (:il (f'Il (f.;l.l (:if.;] El:Xt:l. E::IX:lt: f.;I..x:lt: f'l:Xt:t.x:lt: Irsm:!I:2Dlli;t12n


    Spruce .002 .024

  • 17


    Growth of spruce gerrninants also tended to be greater when sown in

    horsetail compared to gerrninants in bluestem and aspen. \Vhile germinants in

    bluestem and aspen did not differ (Fig. 3). Total biomass and total length (above-

    ground stem height + root length), but not root:shoot biomass ratio, exhibited

    this pattern (Fig. 3). Similarly for birch gerrninants, total biomass, but not total

    length or root:shoot biomass ratio, was significantly greater in horsetail than in

    the other two patch types (Fig. 4 ).

    Clipping of competing vegetation consistently caused increased growth

    (P < .05) of spruce germinants in aspen patches and tended to increase spruce

    growth in horsetail patches (Fig. 3). Birch's response to clipping \Vas like spruce's

    except that gerrninants differed in horsetail and bluestern instead of aspen:

    gerrninants in the clipped horsetail patches accumulated significantly more

    biomass (P < .05) and were longer in both clipped horsetail and bluestern patches (Fig. 4 ). Also, clipping had no detectable effect on allocation ( root:shoot ratio)

    for spruce (Fig. 3) or birch (Fig. 4).

    The consistent significance of total number of surviving seedlings (Table 1)

    as the covariate in the growth analyses suggests intraspecific competition among

    gerrninants was important. No significant interactions among the three factors

    were detected (Table 1 ).

  • 14.- a14 SPRUCE 0.4-r T CJ UNCLIPPED

    -CLIPPED ; a a a

    1? _J_ b -' 0 12 * E 14 14 b ~ 0.3 + u 10 +

    ~ -._.,

    11 ..,.. T 13 15 Vl

    ll -T - 1l - Vl . I ll (;> -

  • 20T

    l r i E 15 +

    .... '-' w -10-,_ z

    ;::: 5 + 0 ....

    * a



    0 -'-------'--'

    3.5 T i

    ' I_ 3.0+ c 0

    a...,5+ • -· i Ol ~

    :n .., 0 + (/) -· < :::;:

    Q 1.5 + Cl ,_

    Z 0

    I j 1. T

    _J r ;::: 0.5 + 0 I .... r

    * a




    I j



    * a





    b b



    0.8 T

    0.7+ Q

    ~ 0.5 + (/')

    ~ 0.5' ::::;

    0.4.,. 8 Q 0 . ..J7 (/')

    ~ 0.2+




    I , ~I --,

    I I

    a a

    r r

    ~ I

    : >



    Fig. 4. Growth parameters for birch seedlings from sown seeds in clipped and control treatments in three patch types. Statistics as in Fig. 1.


  • 20

    Transplant Experiment '

    The patch type into which spruce seedlings were transplanted affected


  • "--·-~····--·----~·-...--~-~-J.~ ·~-~---~---..:~,·~"--·"-_:# ___ :~ __ ., __ ..,._;_._ ___ ....._.___. ... :~~:--~--'"---'--.SPRUCE a

    15 14 b b

    0 • 0 _!_I ___ __:_j HORSETAIL BLUESTEM ASPEN


    10.0 T a a a -

    t '* :..___; UNCLIPPED ......-, 8.0 + 'l i]1 - CLIPPED o!l

    :~! E I (.) ~ *I -.......; .

    I 3 6.0+ ;II ,-1

    0 0:: 0 I- 4.0 I 0 w :r:: 2. 0

    i I I I + ;

    I r.


    -::-! ·-: * *I: *

    :1 i l

    i I II ' * r ·~ ! ; i ~~ T i I I I i I

    I I

    I I I

    i I II

    0.0 1 988 1989 1988 1 989 1 988 1 989





    Fig. 5. 1989 diameter growth and 1988 and 1989 height growth for spruce seedlings transplanted into clipped treatments in three patch types. Statistics as in

    Fig. 1.

  • E

    1.5T I

    r 1.3+

    E 0' ~ 1. 7" :r .... ;;:: ;f 0.8 +


    ~ 1. 6- * - CLIPPED a


    : 1 .4 ~ b b - II

    1.2__:_ 0'> ;----r:

    * - lj_!l i T 0) 1 0 ° I , .__, . --:- i .1· . '!""""'

    i · : .L I w - i f!l ' I ~ 0.8...:... :I !l! I I a::: I I i I ; I

    ' ' 1 1 i

    0 r' I '. I I f- .0- I I I I 3: ! ~ ! • 0 - I ;

    6 o.4~ u > f- 0.2--:-

  • 24

    Biotic Site Variables

    Above-ground biomass of all vegetation in each patch type was not

    significantly (P=.061) different among patch types. However, aspen had a much

    higher average (906 gjm2) than horsetail (186 g/m2) or bluestem (258 gjm2); the

    lack of statistical significance is probably due to the high variance associated with

    the aspen samples (Fig. 8). Similarly, aspen had significantly more (P < .001) root

    biomass than horsetail and bluestem patches which were not significantly different

    from one another. In horsetail patches, clipping significantly stimulated (P < .05)

    root growth (Fig. 8).

    Abiotic Site Variables

    Bluestem soils were colder (P < .05) than soils in horsetail and aspen

    patches on three of the sampled dates in 1989. Horsetail and aspen soils were

    not significantly different (P> .05) from each other (Fig. 9). Temperature

    differences among patch types appear to be less common after solar noon (Fig.

    9). The clipped treatment consistently created significantly warmer (P < .05) soils,

    especially in bluestem patches (Fig. 10).

    Bluestem soils were often wetter (P < .05) and had a thicker organic mat

    than in aspen patches. But only occasionally did bluestem patches have a deeper

    organic mat or wetter soils than horsetail patches (Fig. 11 ). Bulk density was not

    significantly different among patch types (Table 1). Clipping did not significantly

    affect soil moisture or bulk density (Table 1).

  • 1

    c:;- 1 200 + I I E l

    1000 + * ~ I U1 U1 . g 200 +

  • 16 T


    f 14 +


    13 ~ ' '

    12 + I T


    0·---- 0 BLUESTEM ·-·ASPEN



    2 2 I 3

    3 7

    3 8 1i 1'7 10 11 - 7 .... 2 4 1 4 ; 4 T T 6 ;; • - 7 6 ~.... , •.

    .... IL II . I -"-.- .- 14 - /~ - · r/ + '• • f - \!/ I

    ~11 + u ~ 0 10 ~

    T ~' '-· - i :t . -~· .:. - - - ,' ' II ' -' • :r>' : ;..· I ; j. ·-t-'7' - -

    ~: - - 'I v -~ ..) '' - : ... - ', . ' ' '-----""

    ' ' !';", - ; ' . : 2. -- ~· .. ~ ;.-' 9 1 1 ' - 4

    :_.'-- '.) -· " w 0::: :J f-

  • 7:0 T

    i T *


    ' + I I

    tO+ -·~· 1 r

    ,...--..._ 5-

    u 0 J '--"

    w 0:::::

    20 .....-

    :::J 1- IS + " I

  • J5QT


    100 ' T

    75 +

    ~ 50 Vl 0

    E >- 2.5 + '-v •O ,, '-'

    w 0::


    ::J 60 T f-V1

    0 ::E 50+ -' 0 V1 .d.Q +

    30 +

    20 -r-

    10 -r-


    a b - BLUESTEM

    j a css:sl ASPEN a

    'I b a a b ,, T I I ab b

    II cb a

    I i I !

    j I I

    I I


    r r T ij8a II : 0 ~ I 'I I! ,, ! j I!

    i;l . ; i r . i l

    i I I



    a a a



    0 "2 1

    14 4 JUNE JULY


    5! r aaa b .-- i able § 4 + . 'i t ~I ' a.. · i a • a ..... 31 . a , n c:t:: . : I I T w I I I ~ .... ' I ~ 2~ I, il I u i 'I ;! IJ z l 'i I 23 . I I . II a: 1 _;_ , , . : 1 0 . ,., :i ;,

    I . ' 'I o i ,, : i I 1 4 JUNE 4 JULY 1 7 AUG

    20 T ' c i

    ::J -

    "' i 2 15 1 ~ i z I 0 • - I .... . < ' CS10+ < ' c:t:: -' w > w -' 5 + 0 z

    1 a a : !


    n :::J 0 c:t::

    " I I




    Fig. 11. a-c) 1989 seasonal pattern of soil moisture in organic and mineral (top 5 em) soil layers and organic mat depth in three patch types. n = 15 for each patch type. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P >. 05) for that date. d) Light attenuation in three patch types, n = 5 for each patch type. Statistics as in Fig. 1. (radiation at ground level in the clipped treatments (100%) was 2100 U E*cm-1*s-2).

  • Light tended to be less attenuated (not significantly) in horsetail patches

    than in bluestem or aspen (Fig. 11).



    Density of naturally occurring spruce seedlings decreased as distance from

    seed source increased (Fig. 12). This pattern corresponds to that of spruce seed

    rain documented in the Rosie Creek burn by Zasada (1985). Of the 1,167

    seedlings encountered, 90% were associated with horsetail. This result partly

    reflects greater abundance of horsetail in the sampled area (Fig. 12). However,

    when the frequencies of associations are standardized to reflect each competitor

    species' abundance in the sampled area, spruce seedlings were found much more

    often than expected (association index greater than 1.0) near horsetail and much

    less often (association index less than 1.0) than expected near bluestem or any

    other species: present (Fig. 12). Aspen was absent where seed rain was great

    enough to perform transects, so its effects on the natural distribution of naturally

    occurring spruce seedlings could not be evaluated.

  • ' ~ 275 ~;~ IE 250 +I

    • I • 225 +: I... ;. I

    ~ 200 +; § 175 + i c: ' '

    --; 150 +; ,_ . ~ 125 !: 2: 100 +' ~ 75 f! ::::; • I 8 SOfj ~ 25ti




    :::::1 OTHER

    25 35 45 55 65 80 T

    75 85 95 105

    t C HORSETAIL f 70 + - BLUESTEM ] tl ~MOSS

    60 • IS2l OTHER ~~~ ..-.. .:; l T ! ~ ..,~Q 1 I ~ : ] .• ~ :1 ~ 40-i- ! ii :/ 2; : !/ ~ ] 'i u ·I . :· •I ., ,., '

    : i)J !f :: il

    ' il--0 ! .

    ] .I :I


    i l

    ~ u li I 'I n " 1 .i


    ~ 'I :i I ·I :;r ., !! ill ' I

    30 . 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 1 0



    .3.0.,. . +-+ HORSETAIL _2-.:::_ MOSS


    6 5.7

    ~ , ·-· BLUESTEM .....-.. / ~ --- -·~' + I + 1

    ~ ~ ~ . + .:::l > .... o.,.. + ~ 8 .• + §~ :;;: +

    ~ f.) ;;;; 0 ;;,..1 ~., 4 :n


    . . 5 "'7


    ..2 I I -·· '' _,, ··==· •• ; ~ + ... , .

    ~ 0 "- ; I ~ ' .• =\· =~ . i :i . ~ \ ;

    0,0 : •• ..!~············I 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 JISTANCE FROM SEED SOURCE (m)

    Fig. U. 1989 distribution of naturally occurring white spruce seedlings > 1 yr old in a 2520 rrl- area upslope from experiment. n= 14 for each distance class. b) Cover (%) of primary species in sampled area, means± SE. c) Association index of spruce seedlings for primary species in sampled area. A value > 1 indicates greater probability of finding seedling near a species than predicted by its cover in the sampled area (aspen not tested).


    Seedling Establishment and Early Growth

    The preferential establishment of naturally occurring spruce seedlings in

    patches of horsetail as well as their exclusion by bluestem and other species

    demonstrates the importance of understory vegetation in determining patterns of

    post-fire forest regeneration. Similar correlations of tree seedling density and

    distribution with different herb patches have been found in eastern deciduous

    forests (Maguire and Forman 1983). In old-field successions, seedling distribution

    is greatly influenced by the distribution of vegetation patch types, bare ground

    (Harrison and Werner 1984 ), and height of competing vegetation (Werner and

    Harbeck 1982).

    The experimental results suggest that a lower level of competition appears

    to be present in horsetail resulting in preferential establishment and growth of

    spruce and birch germinants and transplanted seedlings. Thus, in these forests

    where the understory survives and resprouts after fire, the species composition

    likely determines the pattern of overstory development via inhibitory interactions.

    Similar results have been found in other successions (Niering and Egler 1955,

    Neiring and Goodwin 1974, Harcombe 1977, Van Hulst 1979, Peet and

    Christensen 1980, Eis 1981, Walker and Chapin 1986). However, Uchino et al.

    (1984) have shown that high rates of nitrogen fixation are associated with

    horsetail. Thus, the soil nitrogen status may be more favorable in horsetail

    patches allowing for facilitory interactions.


  • 32

    Spruce seed predation by birds and/ or small mammals was observed

    (disturbed seedbeds) in both clipping treatments in all patch types. This is

    probably responsible for birch's higher germination rates while spruce's greater

    seed size is probably responsible for its higher rates of survivorship (Harper 1977)

    compared to birch after two years. Although scarification was not important to

    establishment after two years, germination was greater on scarified seedbeds.

    Similarily, white spruce regeneration in interior Alaska has been shown to be

    significantly greater on mineral soils (Zasada and Gregory 1969, Dobbs 1972,

    Putnam 1985, Walker et al. 1986) relative to untreated organic seedbeds. ·Also,

    Zasada ( 1980) showed that white spruce seedlings were taller and had larger basal

    diameters on mineral surfaces than on organic surfaces after five years.

    Above-ground competition appears to be important for birch but not for

    spruce as indicated by birch's increased growth and spruce's general lack of

    response. Both types of results have been shown elsewhere: Shaw et al. ( 1987)

    showed that shaded sitka spruce seedlings grew taller than unshaded seedlings,

    but Wurtz ( 1988) showed white spruce seedlings to be relatively unaffected by

    shading. Also, Wurtz ( 1988) showed significantly greater basal diameter growth

    of white spruce seedlings (after three years) upon removal of associated


    The seed sowing experiment demonstrates that simultaneous establishment

    of mid and late-successional species, like birch and spruce, is possible on these

    sites. Similarly, simultaneous establishment of other mid and late-successional

  • species has been shown to occur early in old-field successions (Braun-Blanquet

    1932, Beckwith 1954) and in a primary succession on an interior Alaskan flood

    plain (Walker et al. 1986). Thus, patterns of succession on these sites must

    reflect differential growth and/ or longevity, not sequential establishment.


    Results from this study are also consistent with the hypothesis that the shade

    tolerance of late-successional species like spruce tends to be greater than that of

    mid-successional species like birch (Harper 1977, Bazzaz 1979), as ·walker and

    Chapin (1986) demonstrated for white spruce and balsam poplar (Populus

    balsamifera L.) in a primary succession in Alaska. A low maximum potential

    growth rate, common for species that occur in limited resource environments

    (Chapin 1980) and later in succession (Grime 1977, Chapin 1980), may explain

    the low biomass and cover of late-successional species during initial stages of

    succession (Egler 1954 ).

    Abiotic Site Variables

    Environmental differences between patch types do not consistently explain

    these results although several trends appear to be important as has been shown

    by Van Cleve and Viereck (1981). Increased birch growth (and spruce rarely) in

    horsetail patches and clipped plots may be due to increased mineralization and

    decomposition rates resulting from increased soil temperature. These interactions

    have been demonstrated in the taiga (Van Cleve and Viereck 1981, Van Cleve et

    al. 1983, Van Cleve and Yarie 1986) as well as in tundra soils (Chapin et al.

  • 34

    1979). Increased soil temperature has been shown to increase root elongation

    rates in greenhouse-grown Alaskan taiga tree species, as well as being correlated

    with the seasonal pattern of root elongation by taiga tree seedlings (Tryon and

    Chapin 1983). Also, Dyrness et al. (1989) and Wurtz (1988) demonstrated that

    early white spruce seedling growth is controlled by soil temperature. Similarly,

    Grossnickle (1987) demonstrated that cold soils inhibit seedling growth.

    Higher soil temperatures were not consistently correlated v..1th differences

    in soil moisture, although bluestem tended to have a thicker organic mat and

    cooler and wetter soils. Drought conditions due to higher temperatures and

    subsequently higher evaporation rates should increase the likelihood of

    competitive inhibition due to competition for water (Van Cleve et al. 1983).

    However, drought conditions were probably not present since the average

    monthly precipitation rate (recorded at a weather station upslope from

    experimental plots) between May and August was very near (45.8 rnrn in 1988,

    33.9 rnrn in 1989, Viereck, unpubl.) to the 30 year (1959-1989) monthly average

    (38.3 rnrn) ·for the same time period in Fairbanks (United States Department of

    Commerce 1988, United States Department of Commerce 1989). Nevertheless,

    drought stress may still be an important factor during average growing conditions.

    Equivalence of Competitors

    Both experiments suggest that horsetail is a weaker competitor than

    bluestem and aspen and that birch is inhibited more by competition than spruce.

  • 35

    Thus, competitive pair-wise interactions between species with different growth

    forms are not equal as also found by Miller and Werner (1983). Wilson (1989)

    also documented unequal competitive interactions between two co-occurring

    grasses. In contrast, Goldberg and Werner (1983), who used competitor species

    of similar growth forms, did not document unequal patterns between species.

    These results also confirm that dense grass clones can effectively inhibit seedling

    establishment as shown for bluestem by ·waldron (1966) and Eis (1981). Also,

    McQuilkin (1940) demonstrated similar interactions during pine seedling

    establishment in little bluestem (compared with bare and scarified soil).

    Indicators of Competitive Ability

    Species identity is a better indicator of competitive ability than either

    above-ground (Goldberg and \Verner 1983), below-ground biomass (Goldberg

    1987) or light attenuation. Thus, the amount of above and below-ground biomass

    of a patch type does not appear to be an adequate predictor of plant responses to

    competition although alternative explanations can be made for any field

    experiment (Bender et al. 1984 ). However, root competition has been shown to

    inhibit seedling growth of late-successional species in other studies (Lutz 1945,

    Walker and Chapin 1986). Similarly, Tilman (1989) demonstrated that

    competition for nutrients is an important mechanism in determining growth of a

    bunchgrass on unproductive, nitrogen-poor soils in Minnesota.


    In an upland post-fire succession in interior Alaska, natural establishment

    patterns of spruce indicate that horsetail patches provide a better environment

    than bluestem and other species present (aspen not tested). Bioassay experiments

    demonstrate that spruce and birch can simultaneously establish, but show greater

    survivorship and accumulate more biomass in horsetail patches. Also, competitive

    interactions significantly affected the establishment and early growth of spruce

    and birch. Both sets of results lead to the conclusion that the species of

    understory vegetation present have unequal, inhibitory effects on the

    establishment and growth of spruce and birch and are important in determining

    patterns of forest regeneration in interior Alaska.

    Bluestem patches tended to have a thicker organic mat and cooler and

    wetter soils than horsetail and aspen patches. These trends correspond to the

    lower growth exhibited in bluestem patches. Thus, differences in the plant-

    mediated microenvironment appears to control establishment and growth on

    these sites.

    Management Implications

    A. burn's intensity may be very important to forest regeneration. Previous

    work has shown that areas that are intensely burned are more likely to be

    established by horsetail. Similarily, lightly or moderately burned areas are more

    likely to be colonized by species present before the fire. This information


  • 37

    combined with the results from this study suggest that artificial regeneration

    techniques may not be necessary if a site is intensely burned. Also, any artificial

    regeneration techniques which increase colonization by bluestem should be

    avoided. Gathering the depth of the existing organic layer may be the most

    effecient information to collect before considering artificial regeneration.

    Suggestions for Future Work

    Several areas of study warrant further work. First, determine if the

    regrowth of colonizing species is similar following fires in other areas. Tree cores

    taken from a mature forest may show that various distributions of mid and late-

    successional trees exist, thus implying that vegetation competition is important.

    One might use various temperature treatments in bluestem patches to determine

    if temperature or competition is the more important factor. Also, to test for the

    importance of nutrient competition, use bioassay experiments to determine if

    tissue nutrient concentrations of tree seedlings varies among patch types

    The.possibility of site conditions present before a fire controlling

    subsequent regrowth patterns also exists. To document this, immediately mapping

    former vegetation patterns (from burned remains) following fire and monitoring

    subsequent regeneration of both colonizer species as well as tree species may be

    very important.


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