effect of training on the anaerobic energy system


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Page 1: Effect Of Training On The Anaerobic Energy System
Page 2: Effect Of Training On The Anaerobic Energy System

Energy can be defined as the capacity of a physical system to do work. Energy is fundamental to everyday living and exercise.

The word anaerobic can be defined as something that is ‘capable of living without oxygen”.

The anaerobic system can be indirectly assessed by performance tests such as the vertical jump and the step test.

Vertical jump test

Page 3: Effect Of Training On The Anaerobic Energy System

The anaerobic system consists of both the ATP-PC system and the Lactic acid system.

The ATP-PC system is used only for very short durations of up to 10 seconds. The ATP-PC system neither uses oxygen nor does it produce lactic acid.

Adenosine triphosphate works together with creatine phosphate to increase the capacity of the ATP-PC system

ATP stands for Adenosine triphosphate and is also known as the Alactacid system. After 5- 10 seconds of maximal work the supply is depleted, and another energy system is used.

As these energy stores are broken down, they are quickly restored

Adenosine Energy P Energy P Energy P


Page 4: Effect Of Training On The Anaerobic Energy System

The other system that operates without the use of oxygen to help restore ATP in the muscles is the lactic acid system. This system involves the partial breakdown of glucose to form lactic acid. This involves a series of twelve chemical reactions known formerly as glycolysis. The energy that is provided by this system to the body is significant as it provides a quick supply of ATP to the body which assists in intense short bursts of activity usually lasting from around 30-60 and may last up to 3 minutes .If the intensity of the activity is maintained lactic acid will then accumulate within the muscles. The breakdown process of the lactic acid within the muscles may take up to two hours.



Pyruvic Acid

Insufficient Oxygen

Lactic Acid



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Page 6: Effect Of Training On The Anaerobic Energy System

Anaerobic exercise is used by athletes in non-endurance sports to build power and speed and is used predominantly to increase muscular strength.

There are three types of anaerobic training energy systems these include:

The Phosphagen system- 10 seconds of maximum intensity exercise

Anaerobic glycolysis (also known as the lactic acid system)- 30 seconds of high intensity exercise

Oxidative system- can contribute to 40- 45% of energy after 20- 30 seconds of intense activity.

Methods and modes of aerobic training are ways to which one can improve their anaerobic system.

Methods of anaerobic training

Explosive training, speed training interval training and various methods of resistance training

Modes of anaerobic training

Sprinting, plyometrics, stair climbing, resistance training and weightlifting

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Short duration interval training sessions of high intensity are used to develop the anaerobic system. Training to improve the alactacid system should be short and of high intensity using the muscle groups.

Training the lactic acid system involves using methods which are more then 10 seconds in duration. An athlete must allow adequate rest and recovery of the bodies glycogen stores between training.

As a result of anaerobic training the following physiological changes will occur:

•The development of musculare strength

•Increased muscular stores of ATP and PC

•Improvement in power out put

•hypertrophy which is the increase of the size of an organ or in a select area of the tissue

•futher development of both fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibres.

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Adaptations of the system depend on:

• Type of anaerobic capacities to be developed

(power and strength). • Characteristics of the athlete.

• Nature of the sport.

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The quality of an athletes muscle tissue can begin to change and adapt after only several workouts

The type of exercise stimulus causes specific adaptations

With training, performance gains cause changes in more then one physiological system

The training of each system must be with the specific goals of the training program

Adaptation responses are dynamic and are related to an individuals age and stage of physical development.

The adaptation of fast and slow twitch muscle fibres. for example

the slow muscle fibres exerting less energy and is slower releasing most commonly used for endurance, slower concentration speed and less force output therefore smaller.

Fast twitch muscle fibres are used when extra power is needed they contract quickly and forcefully when needed. These fast fibre are larger and also tend to hypertrophy more regularly.

The improvement of capacity due to training of the muscles allows the lactic acid system to generate energy for a longer period of time.

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