effect of customer heterogeneity on the relationship satisfaction–loyalty

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blasco, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneity on the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Española de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002 ARTICLE IN PRESS +Model REIMKE-2; No. of Pages 15 Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC (2014) xxx, xxx---xxx Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC www.elsevier.es/reimke ARTICLE Effect of customer heterogeneity on the relationship satisfaction---loyalty M. Fuentes-Blasco a,, B. Moliner-Velázquez b , I. Gil-Saura b a Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketing, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain b Departamento de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain Received 30 July 2013; accepted 6 March 2014 KEYWORDS Unobserved heterogeneity; Satisfaction; Loyalty; Word-of-mouth; Retail; Finite mixture structural equation modelling Abstract The need to study the differences among consumers due to their behavioural hetero- geneity and the highly competitive consumer markets is recognized. In this paper, we analyse the potential heterogeneous shopping assessment in retail and how that experience may influence on consequent customer loyalty in a different way. The effects of satisfaction on attitudinal and behavioural loyalty and positive word of mouth are estimated by a finite-mixture structural equation model, and unobserved heterogeneity is analysed simultaneously. The results show that there are three latent segments where the strength of causal relationships differs which mean that there is an overestimation of the impact of customer on loyalty when heterogeneity is ignored. © 2013 ESIC & AEMARK. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved. PALABRAS CLAVE Heterogeneidad no observada; Satisfacción; Lealtad; Boca-oreja; Comercio minorista; Modelo de ecuaciones estructurales de mezclas finitas Efecto de la heterogeneidad de los clientes sobre la relación satisfacción-lealtad Resumen Se reconoce la necesidad del estudio de las diferencias entre los consumidores debido a sus patrones de comportamiento heterogéneos y a la alta competitividad en los mer- cados de consumo. En este artículo analizamos la evaluación heterogénea de la compra en el comercio minorista y cómo esa experiencia puede influir en la lealtad del cliente de una manera distinta. Los efectos de la satisfacción sobre la lealtad actitudinal, conductual y el boca-oreja positivo se determinan mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales de mezclas finitas, y simultáneamente se analiza la heterogeneidad no observada. Los resultados demuestran que hay 3 segmentos latentes en los que varía la intensidad de las relaciones causales, lo que sig- nifica que se sobrestima el efecto de la satisfacción del cliente sobre la lealtad cuando se ignora la heterogeneidad. © 2013 ESIC & AEMARK. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados. Corresponding author at: Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketing, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1, 41013 Sevilla, Spain. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Fuentes-Blasco). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002 1138-1442/© 2013 ESIC & AEMARK. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

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ARTICLE IN PRESS+ModelREIMKE-2; No. of Pages 15

Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC (2014) xxx, xxx---xxx

Revista Española de Investigaciónde Marketing ESIC



Effect of customer heterogeneity on the relationshipsatisfaction---loyalty

M. Fuentes-Blascoa,∗, B. Moliner-Velázquezb, I. Gil-Saurab

a Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketing, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spainb Departamento de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Received 30 July 2013; accepted 6 March 2014

KEYWORDSUnobservedheterogeneity;Satisfaction;Loyalty;Word-of-mouth;Retail;Finite mixturestructural equationmodelling

Abstract The need to study the differences among consumers due to their behavioural hetero-geneity and the highly competitive consumer markets is recognized. In this paper, we analyse thepotential heterogeneous shopping assessment in retail and how that experience may influenceon consequent customer loyalty in a different way. The effects of satisfaction on attitudinaland behavioural loyalty and positive word of mouth are estimated by a finite-mixture structuralequation model, and unobserved heterogeneity is analysed simultaneously. The results showthat there are three latent segments where the strength of causal relationships differs whichmean that there is an overestimation of the impact of customer on loyalty when heterogeneityis ignored.© 2013 ESIC & AEMARK. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

PALABRAS CLAVEHeterogeneidad noobservada;Satisfacción;Lealtad;Boca-oreja;Comercio minorista;Modelo de ecuaciones

Efecto de la heterogeneidad de los clientes sobre la relación satisfacción-lealtad

Resumen Se reconoce la necesidad del estudio de las diferencias entre los consumidoresdebido a sus patrones de comportamiento heterogéneos y a la alta competitividad en los mer-cados de consumo. En este artículo analizamos la evaluación heterogénea de la compra en elcomercio minorista y cómo esa experiencia puede influir en la lealtad del cliente de una maneradistinta. Los efectos de la satisfacción sobre la lealtad actitudinal, conductual y el boca-orejapositivo se determinan mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales de mezclas finitas, ysimultáneamente se analiza la heterogeneidad no observada. Los resultados demuestran que

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

estructurales demezclas finitas hay 3 segmentos latentes en los que varía la intensidad de las relaciones causales, lo que sig-

nifica que se sobrestima el efectla heterogeneidad.© 2013 ESIC & AEMARK. Publicad

∗ Corresponding author at: Departamento de Organización de Empresa1, 41013 Sevilla, Spain.

E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Fuentes-Blasco).

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.0021138-1442/© 2013 ESIC & AEMARK. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. Al

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

o de la satisfacción del cliente sobre la lealtad cuando se ignora

o por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

s y Marketing, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Ctra. de Utrera, km.

l rights reserved.

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atisfaction is a crucial objective for customers and man-gers of retail establishments and a concept of greatnterest in consumer research (Cooil, Keiningam, Aksoy, &su, 2007). Similarly, loyalty is one of the main priori-ies in marketing and is particularly relevant in the fieldf retail distribution due to the competition in this sector,canty product differentiation and the difficulty of captur-ng new customers (Cortinas, Chocarro, & Villanueva, 2010).urthermore, service loyalty research still has certain lim-tations and there is disagreement over the concept andow it is measured (Bennett & Rundle-Thiele, 2004; Buttle

Burton, 2002).The relationship between satisfaction and loyalty seems

o be obvious, but even now analysis of the effectivenessf satisfaction to predict customer loyalty is a topic ofnterest and debate (Kumar, Pozza, & Ganesh, 2013). Var-ous works highlight the limited influence of satisfaction onepeat purchase behaviour and intentions (e.g. Szymanski &enard, 2001; Verhoef, 2003), and the importance of otherariables that explain loyalty better (e.g. Agustin & Singh,005). This satisfaction---loyalty link can be extremely sensi-ive to factors such as sector of activity, type of customersr the antecedent, and moderator and mediator variableshat involve in the relationship (Kumar et al., 2013).

In addition, market segmentation is one of the basicillars of marketing, especially in companies in the ter-iary sector (Díaz, Iglesias, Vázquez, & Ruíz, 2000). Serviceroviders recognise that they can increase profits by iden-ifying groups of customers with different behaviours andesponses (Rust, Lemon, & Zeithaml, 2004). Given the needo adapt commercial strategies to the specific requirementsf each group of customers, the study of segmentation con-inues to be a topic of interest even now (Becker, Rai,ingle, & Völckner, 2013; Floh, Zauner, Koller, & Rusch,013). It is therefore necessary to understand market het-rogeneity to improve the process that leads to loyalty. Inompanies in the retail sector in particular, identifying dif-erent consumer profiles is the key to improve the efficiencynd effectiveness of marketing strategies (Theodoridis &hatzipanagiotou, 2009).

Procedures used to find homogeneous groups of con-umers have been evolving towards modelling unobservedeterogeneity with latent segmentation methodology. Thisethodology enables identification of segments that are

‘intuitively more attractive, more realistic and theoret-cally more accurate’’ (Lilien & Rangaswamy, 1998, p. 60).nother of the main benefits of the latent approach lies

n the fact that it is based on a probability distributionodel that enables joint identification of segments and esti-ation of population parameters (Dillon & Mulani, 1989)

nd therefore enables predictions on dependent variablesnder a common modelling structure (Cohen & Ramaswamy,998). In addition, this modelling is particularly interestingor commercial managers when it comes to implementingheir relationship marketing strategies at segment level

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

Cortinas et al., 2010; Grewal, Chandrashekaran, Johnson, Mallapragada, 2013).

Our proposal is intended to contribute to this linef research by analysing unobserved heterogeneity on


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ervice evaluation by customers of retail establishments, tourther our understanding of how that evaluation impactsn the satisfaction---loyalty relationship from their multi-imensional perspectives. This work is organised in threearts. Firstly, based on a review of the literature, we definehe theoretical framework for approaching the variablesatisfaction and loyalty, which are the basis for the pro-osed causal model. There is also in-depth explanation howeterogeneity is treated in causal equations. This theoret-cal framework provides the basis for a series of researchypotheses. Secondly, we establish the methodology used inhe empirical research and evaluate the findings. Finally, weeport the most significant conclusions which can be drawnrom this study and possible managerial implications.

onceptual framework


atisfaction has been defined in the literature from differ-nt perspectives, from approaches that point to the specificr accumulative nature of the transaction (Boulding, Kalra,taelin, & Zeithaml, 1993) to cognitive and/or affectivepproaches (Oliver, 1997). In the first of these groups, satis-action over a concrete experience is an approach shared byany authors (e.g. Giese & Cote, 2000; Spreng, Mackenzie,

Olshavsky, 1996). However, in the service context, sat-sfaction is considered to refer to a set of accumulatedxperiences (Cronin & Taylor, 1994; Jones & Suh, 2000), andspecially in the area of retail distribution because in thiscenario consumers evaluate the establishment’s ability toontinuously deliver the benefits they seek. Therefore, fol-owing the approach of other studies applied to the retailontext (Sivadas & Baker-Prewitt, 2000), our work regardsatisfaction as the global evaluation of a customer’s experi-nces in the shop.

As regards the second group, from the purely cogni-ive perspective, the classic definition from Oliver (1997,. 3) points out that satisfaction is ‘‘a judgement the indi-idual emits over the pleasurable level of compliance orerformance of a product or service’’. In this approach, theisconfirmation of expectations theory is the most widelyccepted in the literature (Oliver, 1980). From a more affec-ive perspective, one of the most representative definitionss from Giese and Cote (2000, p. 3) who consider that satis-action is ‘‘a set of affective responses of variable intensityhat occur at a specific moment in time when the individualvaluates a product or service’’. In addition, other authorsefend the convergence of both approaches. For example,ovelock and Wirtz (1997, p. 631) define satisfaction as ‘‘aerson’s feeling of pleasure or disappointment resultingrom a consumption experience when comparing the resultf a product with their expectations’’.

There is a stream of research that focuses on thetudy of the relationship between cognitive satisfactionnd affective satisfaction. Oliver (2010) points out thatognitive satisfaction is preceded by an affective process,

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

hat is, regardless of expectations, consumers form posi-ive or negative impressions of a product or service thatirectly influence their satisfaction. Empirical evidence inhe area of services confirms the contribution of affective

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Effect of customer heterogeneity on the relationship satisfaction

Propos ed model




Attitud ina l loya lty





Behavioural loyaltyH5a H6a

H5b H6b

H5c H6c









Figure 1 A summary of the research hypotheses establishedin the theoretical framework.

responses to the level of satisfaction (e.g. Mattila & Ro,2008; Westbrook & Oliver, 1991). In general, the results showthat positive affects mean that a purchase experience is pos-itively and directly related to satisfaction (Wirtz, Mattila, &Tan, 2000). Furthermore, the role of emotions in services isparticularly relevant due to consumer interaction and par-ticipation in the servuction experience (Wirtz & Bateson,1999). In the context of retail distribution, Gelbrich (2011)shows that customer’s happiness increases their satisfac-tion with the shop, whereas a feeling of disappointmentreduces judgements of satisfaction. Therefore, we considerthat in retail establishments, affective satisfaction will havea direct positive effect on cognitive satisfaction (Fig. 1);therefore, we posit the first research hypothesis:

H1. Customer affective satisfaction with the establishmenthas a positive impact on cognitive satisfaction.


Loyalty is a multidimensional construct that has beendefined and measured in different ways in the market-ing literature (Oliver, 1997, 1999). Generally, it can beanalysed from a behavioural and attitudinal perspective.The behavioural perspective considers that customers showdifferent levels of loyalty in relation to their repeat pur-chase behaviour over time (Buttle & Burton, 2002). Althoughrepeat purchase is the behaviour that most authors mention,other behaviours have also been observed, such as level ofspending (Knox & Denison, 2000) and recommendation fromothers (Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1996). The atti-tudinal perspective, with a more affective nature, refersto customer preferences and favourable predispositionstowards the establishment (Gremler & Brown, 1996). Thisattitudinal loyalty can be defined as an individual’s promisedbehaviour which entails the likelihood of future purchases orreduced likelihood of changing to another brand or serviceprovider (Berné, 1997). For example, according to Lovelockand Wirtz (2007, p. 629) loyalty is ‘‘the commitment tocontinue purchasing from a company over a long period oftime’’. Various studies in the retail sphere have followed thisattitudinal focus on loyalty (e.g. Chaudhuri & Ligas, 2009;Gelbrich, 2011; Walsh, Evanschitzky, & Wunderlich, 2008).

Both perspectives have been criticised in the literaturebecause repeat purchase does not necessarily imply being

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

loyal nor is the commitment to shop again sufficient togenerate loyalty (Dick & Basu, 1994). It therefore seemsappropriate to consider both behavioural and attitudinalcomponents in order to reflect the true multidimensional


PRESS---loyalty 3

ature of loyalty. Loyal customers must have an emotionalie that accompanies their repeat purchase (Doherty &elson, 2008); furthermore, they must continue to purchasend recommend the shop even if other shops have betterffers (Dick & Basu, 1994). Similarly, Oliver (1997) under-tands loyalty as a deep commitment to purchase againhich causes a repeat purchase behaviour despite the influ-nce of commercial efforts from the competition. Bloemernd De Ruyter (1998, p. 500) define loyalty as ‘‘partialehaviour towards a shop, expressed over time which isetermined by a psychological process stemming from com-itment to the brand’’. Therefore, this dual approach

ncompasses both behaviour and attitude and has been usedn various studies applied to the retail trade (Cortinas et al.,010; Willems & Swinnen, 2011; Zhao & Huddleston, 2012).

As well as these two components, recommendations orord of mouth (WOM) is one of the most significant and

ecognised dimensions in the loyalty literature (Carl, 2006).lthough it was originally studied in the 1960s, there haseen a significant increase in academic investigation inecent years (WOMMA). The literature contains various def-nitions which, in general, coincide in pointing out thatt is about communication between consumers regarding

product, service or company and that the emitter ofhe information is an individual independent of commer-ial influence (e.g. Harrison-Walker, 2001; Litvin, Goldsmith,

Pan, 2008). Therefore, word of mouth excludes for-al communication of customers to companies (in the

orm of complaints or suggestions) and of firms to cus-omers (through promotional activities) (Mazzarol, Sweeney,

Soutar, 2007).It has also been highlighted that it is a type of direct, per-

onal behaviour, independent of the company, which makeshe information transmitted more real and credible. In thisegard, it has been recognised that WOM has a much greatermpact on consumers than advertising or promotion (Sen,008). It is also both an antecedent and a consequence ofonsumers’ evaluation of a purchase experience (Godes &ayzlin, 2004); in the pre-purchase stage individuals seek

nformation as a risk reduction strategy, especially in theontext of services, and in the post-purchase stage they usehis form of communication to help, take revenge, let offteam or reduce cognitive dissonance (Halstead, 2002).

In short, taking into account the twofold perspective ofoyalty --- behavioural and attitudinal and the importancef word of mouth to complete the explanation of customeroyalty, in this work we consider that this loyalty will bexpressed through three dimensions: behaviour --- in relationo repeat purchase; attitude --- in relation to predispositionowards the shop, tie or commitment; and word of mouth-- in relation to the recommendations the customer makesbout the establishment.

As regards the relationship between satisfaction andoyalty, satisfaction has been considered as one of theain antecedents of loyalty, especially in retail distribution

Bloemer & De Ruyter, 1998). Despite some contradic-ory results for the satisfaction---loyalty link (Seiders, Voss,rewal, & Godfrey, 2005; Verhoef, Franses, & Hoekstra,

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

002; Verhoef, 2003), many recent studies applied to theetail trade confirm the direct effect of judgements of sat-sfaction on different dimensions of loyalty. For example,he study by Walsh et al. (2008) on a chain of franchises

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nds that satisfaction has a positive impact on repetitionnd word-of-mouth intentions. Binninger (2008) concludeshat satisfaction with a given food shop favours preferences,ntentions and attitudes to repeat and recommend. Veselnd Zabkar (2009) find that satisfaction with shops sellingousehold goods has a direct impact on intention to repeaturchase and recommend. And the work by Cortinas et al.2010) show that customer satisfaction in supermarketsncreases frequency of visits to the establishment and repeaturchase intention. Finally, Nesset, Nervik, and Helgesen2011) confirm the positive effect of satisfaction with foodshops on future purchase intention and recommendations tothers.

Therefore, we understand that both the affective sat-sfaction and cognitive satisfaction customers experiencefter their purchase experiences in shops will have a direct,ositive influence on the loyalty dimensions we are consider-ng (Fig. 1): repeat behaviour (behavioural loyalty), attitudeattitudinal loyalty) and word of mouth. Therefore we posithe following hypotheses.

2. Affective satisfaction has a positive impact onehavioural loyalty (H2a), attitudinal loyalty (H2b) and wordf mouth (H2c).

3. Cognitive satisfaction has a positive impact onehavioural loyalty (H3a), attitudinal loyalty (H3b) and wordf mouth (H3c).

nalysis of heterogeneity at segment level: finiteixture structural equations models

he relationships between satisfaction and loyalty in theetail context have mainly been studied with regressionnalysis (e.g. Binninger, 2008; Walsh et al., 2008) and struc-ural equations models (e.g. Rodríguez del Bosque, Sanartín, & Collado, 2006; Vesel & Zabkar, 2009; Nesset et al.,011). Whatever the statistical procedure used, in the studyf these relations it is generally assumed that consumersre homogeneous and any differences that may exist inheir evaluations and responses are therefore ignored. How-ver, various authors have argued for the need to detectnd analyse differentiated consumer behaviour. Consideringhe market from an aggregated perspective may be a fairlynrealistic vision (Becker et al., 2013) as bias can occurn estimates of parameters causing inconsistent results inelation to the effect of marketing variables (Kamakura &edel, 2004), instability of the resulting segments (Blocker

Flint, 2007) and solutions that are difficult to implementKim, Blanchard, DeSarbo, & Fong, 2013).

When attempting to analyse individual heterogeneity ategment level, numerous studies use a priori methods in theegmentation process, that is, they previously identify theariables whose discrimination capacity is to be assessed,hey describe the segments and relate their characteris-ics with variables relating to their behaviour. Similarly, intructural equations’ models heterogeneity is treated using

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

ultigroup methodology (Jöreskog, 1971; Sörbom, 1974),ssuming that consumers can be assigned to different seg-ents in relation to certain segmentation criteria based

n sociodemographic variables or variables specific to the


PRESSM. Fuentes-Blasco et al.

urchase situation. This methodology presents various limi-ations inherent in a priori segmentation as it is based on awo-stage procedure that first forms groups without consid-ring the structural model and then applies multigroupethodology in each segment and it can be statistically inef-cient for large models (Hahn, Johnson, Herrmann, & Huber,002; Jedidi, Jagpal, & DeSarbo, 1997).

The main challenge for the researcher is that it is rarelynown beforehand how many segments there are and whatonsumers are in them, so latent modelling, as a predic-ive post hoc procedure is extremely useful for identifyinghe size and composition of unknown groups (Cohen &amaswamy, 1998), and is an efficient tool for detectingnobserved heterogeneity at segment level (Malhotra &eterson, 2001). The methodology developed by Jedidi etl. (1997) based on the heterogeneity analysis proposal inuthén’s (1989) MIMIC model simultaneously combines esti-ation of causal relations and the detection of unobserved

eterogeneity based on a general structural model withandom coefficients. In particular their proposal makes itossible to obtain segments and estimate the loadings of theeasurement model and causal relations in each of the seg-ents that have not been defined a priori. This perspective

ollows the line of segmentation models based on the con-umer decision process like those proposed by Kamakura andussell (1989) and Chintagunta, Jain, and Vilcassim (1991),lthough with the difference that it enables work with simul-aneous equations and measurement error.

Thus, study of customer heterogeneity in the relation-hip between satisfaction and loyalty is a recent line ofesearch that can further our understanding of the forma-ion of consumer responses (e.g. Cortinas et al., 2010; Teller

Gittenberger, 2011). Following this approach we formu-ate the last research hypotheses where we consider thexistence of groups of customers based on differences notnly in the relationship between the two types of satisfac-ion, but also in the relationship between both types andhe dimensions of loyalty (Fig. 1).

4. The strength of the relationship between affectiveatisfaction and cognitive satisfaction differs between con-umer segments.

5. The strength of the relationship between affective sat-sfaction and behavioural loyalty (H5a), attitudinal loyaltyH5b), and word of mouth (H5c) differs between consumeregments.

6. The strength of the relationship between cognitive sat-sfaction and behavioural loyalty (H6a), attitudinal loyaltyH5b), and word-of-mouth (H5c) differs between consumeregments.


uestionnaire design and field work

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

quantitative investigation has been carried out in theontext of shopping experiences at retail establishmentselling food, textile, household and electronic goods. Thenterviews were distributed on the basis of a series of

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Effect of customer heterogeneity on the relationship satisfaction---loyalty 5

Table 1 Measurement scales.

Affective satisfactionAdapted from Gelbrich (2011)

--- SA1: I am delighted to visit this shop--- SA2: I am grateful this shop exists--- SA3: Shopping in this shop is pleasant--- SA4: I enjoy shopping in this shop

Cognitive satisfactionAdapted from Nesset et al. (2011)

--- SC1: In general, what is your level of satisfaction with this shop?--- SC2: Considering what is expected from this type of shop, assess yoursatisfaction with this one--- SC3: This shop is close to my ideal shop

Behavioural loyaltyAdapted from Willems and Swinnen (2011)and Demoulin and Zidda (2009)

--- LC1: How often do you visit this shop?--- LC2: Of the total purchases you make of this type of products, whatpercentage of your spending is at this shop?

Attitudinal loyaltyAdapted from Willems and Swinnen (2011)

--- LA1: I feel committed to this shop--- LA2: I have a close relationship with this shop

Word of mouthAdapted from Gelbrich (2011)

Action:--- BO1: I recommend this shop to my family and friends--- BO2: If my family and friends ask my advice, I tell them to go to this shop--- BO3: I encourage my family and friends to buy products in this shopContent:--- BO4: I tell other people about the advantages of this shop--- BO5: I tell other people that this shop is better than others

ell th



Twiuts(socgt(Aitems), cognitive satisfaction (2 items), behavioural loyalty(2 items), attitudinal loyalty (2 items) and word of mouth(6 items)1 reached satisfactory levels of reliability and

1 Despite defining two dimensions to measure word of mouth(action and content), the results of the factor analysis withmaximum likelihood extraction and the criterion of eigenval-

--- BO6: I t

representative shop formats in a Spanish city and itsmetropolitan area.

The final questionnaire, with minor changes in item head-ings to improve understanding after a pilot test, comprisesa set of scales carefully selected from the most recent lit-erature and adapted to our context (see Table 1). Exceptfor the behavioural loyalty scale, 7-point Likert type scaleswere used. The affective satisfaction scale was adaptedfrom Gelbrich (2011) and is based on the works by Oliver(1997) and Aurier and Siadou-Martin (2007). Cognitive satis-faction was measured on a scale used in the work by Nessetet al. (2011). The behavioural loyalty scale, adapted fromthe one used in the works by Willems and Swinnen (2011)and Demoulin and Zidda (2009) and based on Osman (1993),includes an item on frequency of visits to the establishment(from 1 --- ‘‘Almost never’’ to 7 --- ‘‘Almost always’’) and a7-point item on average expenditure percentage (from 1 ---‘‘0%’’ to 7 --- ‘‘100%’’).

Attitudinal loyalty was measured with the scale used byWillems and Swinnen (2011), based on research by Morganand Hunt (1994) and Bloemer and De Ruyter (1998). Finally,the word of mouth was measured following Gelbrich’s (2011)approach which differentiates two dimensions: action ---referring to the degree to which consumers recommend aproduct or company (Swan & Oliver, 1989) --- and content ---referring to the degree to which the consumer speaks of theadvantages (Harrison-Walker, 2001).

Personal ad-hoc questionnaires were used interceptingconsumers as they left the establishments from Monday toSaturday mornings and afternoons. Directed sampling was

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

used, asking people as they left the various sales outlets anda total of 715 valid questionnaires were collected (42% fromshops selling food, 25.2% textiles, 25.2% electronic goodsand 7.6% household goods) The main sociodemographic


em that this shop treats me better than the others

haracteristics of the sample are: 62.8% women with anverage age of 40.6 years (±S.D. 14.8 years), 54.1% statedhey were working, and 48.7% had a bachelor’s degree origher.

imensionality and reliability of the measurementcales

he dimensionality and reliability of the proposed scalesas analysed using exploratory factor analysis with max-

mum likelihood (ML) and calculation of Cronbach’s alphasing IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software. This step enabled uso purge the scales, eliminating a variable from the affectiveatisfaction scale (SA4) and a cognitive satisfaction variableSC3) as recommended by the reliability indexes. Dimen-ionality was confirmed with maximum likelihood estimationf a first order measurement model using EQS 6.1 statisti-al software. Viewing with caution the significance of thelobal contrast given the size of the sample, the statis-ics indicate that the model presents adequate fit (Chi2Sat-Bt.d.f. = 80) = 433.42; RMSEA = 0.067; CFI = 0.974; GFI = 0.932;GFI = 0.892). The final affective satisfaction scales (3

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

es greater than 1 showed that the six items clearly loadedn one factor, explaining 76.19% of the variance. This dataas corroborated with estimation of a measurement model that

ook into account the two WOM dimensions. The fit indexes for

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6 M. Fuentes-Blasco et al.

Table 2 Descriptive statistics, reliability indexes and measurement scale correlations.

Average S.D. ˛ � AVE 1 2 3 4 5

1. Affect Satis 4.79 1.47 0.919 0.918 0.788 0.89a

2. Cogn Satis 5.31 1.27 0.927 0.927 0.864 0.74 0.933. Attitude 2.58 1.79 0.962 0.962 0.927 0.55 0.45 0.964. Behaviour 3.39 1.41 0.686 0.701 0.540 0.43 0.44 0.52 0.735. Word-of-mouth 4.18 1.54 0.952 0.950 0.760 0.70 0.64 0.57 0.54 0.87

of th

















a The elements on the main diagonal represent the square root

nternal consistency. These indicators, together with theverage values of the scales and the correlations betweenhem, are shown in Table 2.

The measurement scales have: (1) convergent valid-ty because all the factor loadings are significant at 99%t-statistic > 2.58) (Steenkamp & Van Trijp, 1991); and2) discriminant validity, because the linear correlationetween each pair of scales is less than the square root ofhe AVE in the scales (see Table 2). This validity was analysedn depth with the Chi2 difference test between estimationf the model restricting the correlations between each pairf constructs to the unit and the unrestricted model fol-owing the indications in Anderson and Gerbing (1988). Thetatistical value Chi2 = 3730.96 (d.f. = 10) is significant at 99%p-value = 0.000) and so we can state that each scale meas-res a different dimension.

stimation of the finite mixture structuralquation model

s stated before, we use the methodology developed byedidi et al. (1997) to estimate the causal relations takingnto account the existence of possible unobserved hetero-eneity. The main characteristics of these authors’ proposalre as follows. Assuming there are s = 1, . . ., S segments orlasses of unknown proportion in the population, s denoteshe index of belonging of the individual i (i = 1, . . ., N) to thenknown segment s. Based on belonging to each segment,he equations that represent the measurement model areeflected as follows (according to the standard notation forultigroup structural models (Sörbom, 1974)):

y|s = vsy + �yy�

s + εs

x|s = vsx + �yx�s + ıs


here for any segment s, �s is the vector of independentatent variables for the segment with average E(�s) = �s�nd variance E[(�s − �s� )(�

s − �s� )′] = ˚s; �s is the vector of

ependent latent variables; y|s represents the vector ofbservable variables/indicators to measure the vector ofependent latent variables �s; x|s is the vector of observable

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

ariables/indicators to measure the vector of independentatent variables �s; �s

y and �sx are the matrices of fac-

or loadings for each observable variable (dependent and

aid model (Chi2Sat-Bt. (g.l. = 75) = 514.34; RMSEA = 0.074; CFI = 0.969;FI = 0.918; AGFI = 0.868) show that this estimation is worse than thet for the measurement model that contemplates a single dimensionor this construct.



e AVE.

ndependent respectively); vsy and �sx are the measure-

ent vectors of the intercept term for the dependent andndependent latent variables respectively; and εs and ıs rep-esent the vectors of measurement errors for the dependentnd independent latent variables with variances �s

ε and �sı

espectively that are not necessarily diagonal.It is assumed that the vectors of measurement errors are

ncorrelated with the vectors of latent variables �s and �s;nd that the average error vectors are null.

On the basis of the measurement model described in Eq.1), the structural model is established that enables the dif-erent latent constructs for each segment to be related asollows:

s = ˛s + s�s + B�s + s (2)

q. (2) can be transformed assuming that the beta matrixf coefficients that relates the dependent latent constructsan be expressed as B = (I − Bs) for each segment:

s�s = ˛s + s�s + s (3)

here ∀s = 1, . . ., S, Bs is the non-singular matrix of struc-ural coefficients, which shows the relations between theependent or endogeneous latent variables; s representshe structural coefficient matrix that shows the effect of thendependent variables �s on the dependent latent variabless; ˛s is the vector that reflects the constant terms (inter-ept); and s is the vector of uncorrelated random errors ofhe structural model, with zero mean and variance �s.

The model expressed in Eq. (3) assumes that the popu-ation coefficients are invariant between the groups and sohe multigroup structural model for known groups has beendentified (Sörbom, 1974); therefore, Eq. (3) is determinedn all the groups where the data have a multivariant normalistribution (Titterington, Smith, & Makov, 1985).�|s denotes the joint vector of observable variables

iven the membership to segment s. Assuming that vector|s follows a conditional multivariant normal distribution,

he unconditional distribution of the vector is a mixture ofistributions expressed as follows:

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,


sfs(�|�g, ˙g) (4)

e can express the function of likelihood for a given sample�1, . . ., �N) of i = 1, . . ., N observations as the product oformal distribution density functions:

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L =N∏i=1


s(2 )−(p+q)/2|˙s|−1/2

× exp


(�i − �s)′˙−1

s (�i − �s)


Estimation of the model enables determina-tion of the vectors and matrices that reflectthe population parameters for each segment s,(�s

y, �sx, Bs, s, vsy , vsx, ˛s, ˚s, s, �s

ε, �sı, �s� ), and the

unknown proportions s, ∀s = 1, . . ., S.Jedidi et al. (1997) indicate that the maximum like-

lihood estimations for the measurement vector andthe variance---covariance matrix are obtained in relationto the theoretical measurement model and structuralEqs. (1) and (3). The likelihood function (Eq. (5)) isestimated on the basis of a modification of the two-stage estimation---maximisation (EM) algorithm. Thus, whenconvergence is achieved, the algorithm provides the esti-mations for the population parameters and their asymptoticcovariances. The a posteriori likelihood that observation i

belongs to segment s is denoted by∧pis and represents the

fuzzy classification of N individuals in S segments --- likeli-hood of membership to each segment S --- conditional to theproposed structural model.

In short, the aim of finite mixture SEM modelling is tosimultaneously estimate the causal relations proposed inFig. 1 and detect unobserved heterogeneity from the generalrandom coefficient model.

Firstly, the aggregated causal model is estimated usingRobust Maximum Likelihood given the lack of multivariatenormality in the observable variables. Then, a simplifiedmodel is estimated incorporating unobserved heterogeneitywith the aim of identifying and quantifying latent segmentsand estimating the structural relations. Based on sampledata and following the notation presented at the start of thissection, it is assumed that after i = 1, . . ., 715 individuals,there are s = 1, . . ., S a priori unknown latent segments. Con-ditioning belonging to segment s, the measurement modelexpressed in Eq. (1) comprises vector x|s which meets thevaluations of the 3 variables observed in the affective satis-faction scale which act as antecedents. Vector �s reflects theaffective satisfaction latent variable to which the previousobservable variables load. Vector y|s includes the obser-vations of observable variables that act as dependent: 2cognitive satisfaction variables, 2 behavioural loyalty varia-bles, 2 attitudinal loyalty variables and 6 word of mouthvariables. Vector �s gathers the 4 latent variables that actas dependent ones.

In order to ensure identification of the model it must beassumed that the measurement error vectors are uncorre-lated with the latent variable vectors �s and �s; and that thevectors of average errors are null (E(εs) = E(ıs) = 0).

Based on the measurement model conditioned to belong-ing to segment s, the structural equations model that we

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

propose is defined as in Eq. (3), where the matrix s reflectsthe effect of the affective satisfaction latent variable on thecognitive satisfaction and the three dimensions of loyalty.And the matrix Bs shows the effect of cognitive satisfaction


PRESS---loyalty 7

n the other three endogenous latent variables (behaviouraloyalty, attitudinal loyalty and word of mouth).

The structural model represented in Eq. (3)as estimated using an iteration process with thexpectation---maximisation algorithm with Mplus 7.0.oftware. This iterative methodology consists in aour-stage estimation of all the population param-ters conditioned to belonging to the segment s�sy, �s

x, Bs, s, vsy , vsx, ˛s, ˚s, s, �sε, �s

ı, �s� ), and the likeli-oods of belonging s, ∀s = 1, . . ., S. According to Cortinast al. (2010), the process begins by contemplating 2 latentegments, in a first stage the parameters are relativeo constants vsy , vsx, ˛s, �s� (stage 1). The parameters areradually released one by one according to the mod-fication indexes. Secondly, the parameters associatedo the variances are released ˚s, �s

ε, �sı (stage 2). Then

hose associated to the matrices that reflect the factoroads and causal relations between the latent variablessy , �s

x, Bs, s (stage 3) are released and, finally, the like-ihood of belonging or the size of the latent segment sstage 4).

The process is repeated until it is verified that the eval-ation criteria increase with model parsimony, especiallyhe Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). At each estimationtage, a considerable number of random initial values andnteractions were used to prevent convergence to a localptimum (McLachlan & Basford, 1988).


able 3 shows the results of the different iterative processes,he number of latent segments used in the estimation,he indexes to evaluate parsimony (AIC, BIC and adjustedIC) and discriminatory capacity (entropy), the size of eachlass/latent segment in absolute value and the number ofree parameters at each stage of the estimation.

The estimated model and the number of latent classesor retention are chosen according to criterion values, whichuggest the first two conclusions. Firstly, estimation of theausal model without taking into account data hetero-eneity (aggregated vision: number of classes = 1) presentslearly inferior evaluation criteria to the other proposalshere that heterogeneity is taken into account (disaggre-ated vision: number of classes = 3). This fact indicates thathere is unobserved heterogeneity in the effect of affectiveatisfaction over cognitive satisfaction and in the effects ofoth types of satisfaction on behavioural loyalty, attitudinaloyalty and positive word of mouth in the estimation of theirausal relations. Secondly, the evaluative indexes indicatehat the best estimation is the proposal that contemplateshree latent segments in the fourth stage of the iterativerocess. In this model all the parameters of any matrix wereeft free according to the modification index values. Choos-ng this modelling as the optimum one, three segments arebtained with sizes 1 = 14.7% (105 customers), 2 = 57.9%414 customers) and 3 = 27.4% (196 customers).

To examine for possible differences in the causal rela-

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

ions between the three segments the estimations of thetandardised loadings in the measurement and structuralelationship models are analysed for the aggregated modelnd the model with three latent classes (see Table 4).

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Table 3 Evaluation indexes for determining the number of latent classes.

No. classes LL AIC BIC Adjusted BIC Entropy Distribution Free parameters

1 −15994.19 32110.39 32389.30 32195.61 --- 715 612 (stage 1) −15936.91 32011.88 32327.32 32108.22 0.785 237/478 692 (stage 2) −15674.37 31490.00 31815.00 31589.00 0.900 461/254 712 (stage 3) −15595.92 31337.85 31671.63 31439.83 0.901 462/253 792 (stage 4) −15724.13 31608.26 31974.05 31720.03 0.975 43/672 803 (stage 1) −15705.23 31568.46 31929.67 31678.82 0.865 143/377/195 793 (stage 2) −15234.32 30644.64 31047.00 30767.58 0.842 121/450/144 883 (stage 3) −15203.11 30584.23 30991.16 30708.57 0.823 143/442/130 893 (stage 4) −15169.31 30518.62 30930.12 30644.35 0.856 105/414/196 904 (stage 1) −15796.02 31756.05 32130.98 31870.60 0.783 141/267/119/188 824 (stage 2) −15499.45 31174.91 31577.27 31297.85 0.898 28/110/375/202 884 (stage 3) −15441.13 31062.26 31473.77 31188.00 0.895 36/112/374/193 904 (stage 4) −15401.05 30986.10 31406.75 31114.63 0.893 36/110/370/199 92










The optimal number of segments is highlighted in bold (three seg

The results of the aggregated model, that is, the onehat does not take heterogeneity into account, indicateshat most of the proposed causal relations are significant. Inarticular, there is a positive and significant effect of affec-ive satisfaction on cognitive satisfaction (�12 = 0.732), ando the first hypothesis H1 is accepted. This relationship isn line with the contributions that show that service satis-action judgements are preceded by affects generated byhe shopping experience (e.g. Gelbrich, 2011; Mattila & Ro,008).

Affective satisfaction has a positive and significantnfluence on the three proposed consequences of loy-lty: attitudinal loyalty (�14 = 0.525), behavioural loyalty�13 = 0.241) and word of mouth (�15 = 0.496). These resultsead to acceptance at the global level of the group ofypotheses H2a, H2b and H2c. Cognitive satisfaction has

positive and significant effect on behavioural loyaltyˇ23 = 0.254) and word of mouth (ˇ25 = 0.334), but not onttitudinal loyalty and so only hypotheses H3a and H3c areccepted. The fit indexes for the causal model, excepthe contrast associated to the robust Chi2 are adequateRMSEA = 0.061; Chi2Sat-Bt. (g.l. = 74) = 273.1, p-valour < 0.05;FI = 0.973; TLI = 0.961).

Therefore affective and cognitive satisfaction contributeo the creation of loyalty as other studies have concluded bytudies that applied to the retail trade confirming the effectf satisfaction on the different responses associated tooyalty (e.g. Cortinas et al., 2010; Nesset et al., 2011). How-ver, although affective satisfaction has sufficient power toorm loyalty in its three dimensions (repeat purchase, com-itment and recommendations) the same cannot be said for

ognitive satisfaction as the results indicate that it has noignificant influence on attitudinal loyalty.

The results for the model disaggregating into 3atent classes show interesting differences in the rela-ions between the variables. The first segment ishe smallest group (N = 105 customers). It presents

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

he lowest constant values for cognitive satisfaction˛2 class1 = −0.103) and word of mouth (˛5 class1 = −0.110)f the three segments. Furthermore, it achieves theighest intercept for attitudinal loyalty (˛4 class1 = 1.543),


s in 4th stage).

ith an increase in this value in comparison to theggregated model (˛4 agreg = 0.691). This group has the high-st values for the error variances associated to the fourependent variables. In the causal relations analysed, theseustomers are characterised by having the highest signifi-ant effect of affective satisfaction on behavioural loyalty�13 class1 = 0.279) of the three segments. In addition, unlikehe other two groups, in this segment cognitive satisfactionoes not have a significant influence on behavioural loyaltyˇ23 class1 = 0.209) or attitudinal loyalty (ˇ24 class1 = 0.059). Theelationship between affective satisfaction and cognitiveatisfaction (R2

CogSat class1 = 0.389) is not as well explainedn comparison to the other two groups (R2

CogSat class2 = 0.580;2CogSat class3 = 0.569).

The second class has the largest number of customersN = 414), representing 58% of the sample. In this group theonstants of the four equations associated to the dependentariables are significant, presenting the lowest value associ-ted to attitudinal loyalty (˛4 class2 = −0.107). However, thisegment shows the strongest influence of affective satisfac-ion on this type of loyalty (�14 class2 = 0.961). For the otherausal relations, in this latent class all the estimations areignificant, and in particular there is a significant relation-hip between cognitive satisfaction and behavioural loyaltyˇ23 class2 = 0.300).

Globally, this segment shows R2 indexes above thosechieved in the other groups, and achieves the best explana-ion of attitudinal loyalty in relation to the two dimensionsf satisfaction (R2

AttitL class2 = 0.962) and word of mouthR2

WOM class2 = 0.609).The third segment has 196 customers. As in the sec-

nd segment, all the relationships between satisfaction andoyalty are significant. Although despite substantial influ-nce, the effects of affective satisfaction on loyalty showower values in comparison to the other two groups and theggregated model. In particular, the effect of this dimen-ion of satisfaction on behavioural loyalty (�13 class3 = 0.181)

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

s slightly below the value achieved in the second groupnd quite a bit lower than the estimated effect in the firstroup. In addition, the estimations in this segment also showower effects in relation to affective satisfaction with the

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Table 4 Standardised loads for the measurement models and estimations of causal relations (model aggregated and bysegment).

Aggregated Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

SA1/Affect Satis (�11) 0.910 0.924 0.924 0.921SA1/Affect Satis (�21) 0.862 0.863 0.863 0.858SA1/Afect Satis (�31) 0.804 0.668 0.923 0.920SC1/Cogn Satis (�12) 0.881 0.774 0.940 0.939SC1/Cogn Satis (�22) 0.937 0.776 0.986 0.985LC1/Behavioural L (�13) 0.722 0.717 0.720 0.719LC1/Behavioural L (�23) 0.758 0.760 0.763 0.761LA1/Attit L (�14) 0.934 0.813 1.000 0.992LA2/Attit L (�24) 0.906 0.762 0.997 0.984BO1/Word of mouth (�15) 0.796 0.698 0.827 0.823BO2/Word of mouth (�25) 0.864 0.852 0.867 0.865BO3/Word of mouth (�35) 0.910 0.905 0.916 0.914BO4/Word of mouth (�45) 0.863 0.855 0.870 0.868BO5/Word of mouth (�55) 0.848 0.763 0.776 0.884BO6/Word of mouth (�65) 0.769 0.602 0.628 0.889

Intercept Cogn Satif (˛2) 0.462 −0.103 2.166 0.000Intercept Behavioural L (˛3) 0.789 0.045 0.497 0.000Intercept Attitudinal L (˛4) 0.691 1.543 −0.107 0.000Intercept Word of mouth (˛5) 0.428 −0.110 2.501 0.000

Error var. Cogn Satif ( 2) 0.464 0.611 0.420 0.431Error var. Behav L ( 3) 0.788 0.805 0.791 0.797Error var. Attit L ( 4) 0.683 0.719 0.038 0.702Error var. Word of Mouth ( 5) 0.401 0.448 0.391 0.400

Affect Sat → Cogn Sat (�12) 0.732 0.623 0.762 0.755Affect Sat → Behav L (�13) 0.241 0.279 0.185 0.181Affect sat → Attit L (�14) 0.525 0.491 0.961 0.458Affect Sat → Word of Mouth (�15) 0.496 0.485 0.489 0.484Cogn Sat → Behav L (ˇ23) 0.254 0.209 0.300 0.298Cogn Sat → Attit. L (ˇ24) 0.050 0.059 0.026 0.111Cogn Sat → Word of Mouth (ˇ25) 0.334 0.337 0.341 0.341

R2 Cogn Sat 0.536 0.389 0.580 0.569R2 Behav L 0.212 0.195 0.209 0.203R2 Attit. L 0.317 0.281 0.962 0.298R2 Word of Mouth 0.599 0.552 0.609 0.600Size 715 105 414 196


Estimations in bold are significant at least at 95% (p-value < 0.05).Parameters that appear in italics were set before the estimation.

other dimensions of loyalty in comparison to the aggre-gated level: attitudinal loyalty (�14 class3 = 0.458) and wordof mouth (�15 class3 = 0.484). However, this last dimension ofloyalty is better explained than in the first class or in theaggregated model (R2

BO class3 = 0.600).Thus the results show that the effect of affective sat-

isfaction on cognitive satisfaction (H4) and the effectsof affective satisfaction and cognitive satisfaction onbehavioural loyalty (H5a, H6a), attitudinal loyalty (H5b, H6b)and positive word of mouth (H5c, H6c) differ over the threesegments identified. In particular, in the second and thirdclass all the causal relations are significant, providing affir-

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

mative confirmation of hypothesis H1 and the groups ofhypotheses H2 and H3. However, in the first segment we can-not accept the hypotheses concerning the effect of cognitivesatisfaction on behavioural and attitudinal loyalty (H3a and



3b). These results suggest that the relationship betweenhe two types of satisfaction and their effects on loyalty doot remain constant in all consumers as differences can beeen between the groups obtained. Firstly, in one group ofndividuals (class 1) most of the relations are less intensehan the relations in the other groups; furthermore, cog-itive satisfaction does not have a significant influence onither behavioural or attitudinal loyalty. Secondly, there arewo other groups (class 2 and 3) where all the relations areulfilled but with the difference that in class 2 most of theffects are less intense than in class 3. Consequently, wean confirm the existence of heterogeneity in the process of

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

reating loyalty in customers of retail establishments.The final composition of the three segments has been

tudied by analysing the information from sociodemographicariables and a specific criterion concerning the type of

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Table 5 Characterisation of the latent segments.

Descriptive criterion Categories Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Gender Male 37.1% 34.3% 43.4%Female 62.9% 65.7% 56.6%

�2(2) = 4.68*

Age Average in years (±S.D.) 42(16) 40(14) 42(15)�2

KW(2) = 1.79

Level of education No formal education 3.8% 1.5% 1.6%Primary education 12.5% 13.4% 16.6%Secondary education 19.2% 17.0% 19.2%First cycle vocational training 4.8% 5.4% 4.1%Second cycle vocational training 11.5% 13.6% 9.8%Diploma, 3-year degree courses, advancedtraining cycles

15.4% 14.8% 11.9%

5-Year degree courses 29.8% 31.9% 34.7%PhD 2.9% 2.4% 1.6%

�2(16) = 11.12

Employment situation Farm owner or similar 1.0% 0.2% 0.5%Farm labourer 1.0% 2.2% 1.0%Non-agricultural business owner 7.6% 3.1% 3.1%Employee (non-civil servant) 27.6% 27.8% 27.6%White collar 3.8% 4.8% 1.0%Civil servant, public authority employee 9.5% 9.2% 12.2%Self-employed and liberal professional 8.6% 6.5% 6.1%Police and armed forces 0% 0.0% 0.5%Housewife 4.8% 8.0% 8.2%Student 16.2% 18.1% 13.3%Retired 13.3% 7.2% 11.7%Unemployed 6.7% 12.8% 14.8%

�2(22) = 29.06

Shop where thepurchase is made

Food 45.7% 41.1% 41.8%Textile 25.7% 27.3% 20.4%Electronic goods 21.0% 23.7% 30.6%Household goods 7.6% 8.0% 7.1%

�2(6) = 6.49*







* Significant values at 90% (p-value < 0.1).

stablishment where the customer made the purchase usingon-parametric bivariant tests with IBM SPSS Statistics 20oftware (see Table 5). Although the results only show sig-ificant differences between the three segments in relationo the gender of the consumer, we consider the distributionf all the variables important for detailing the profile of theroups obtained.

As regards the sociodemographic characteristics of therst segment, this group is made up mainly of women, over0% in the second segment. They have the oldest aver-ge age together with the third segment (42 ± 16 years),ith the highest percentage of customers without educa-

ion (3.8%) and lower level university education (45.2% firstycle and second cycle studies). This segment has the high-st percentage of retired people (13.3%) and the lowestnemployment (6.7%). It consists mainly of consumers who

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

ave been shopping in food shops (45.7%).The second latent segment has the highest percentage

f women (65.7%), the youngest customers (40 ± 14 years)nd shows a substantial percentage of students in vocational


raining (19%) and at university (46.7%). In comparison withhe other two groups, a high percentage of consumers haveeen shopping in a clothes shop (27.3%).

Finally, the third group has the highest percentage of men43.4%). The average age of customers in this segment is sim-lar to that of those in the first segment (42 ± 15 years). Thisroup has a high percentage of customers with a level of edu-ation similar to that of a degree (34.7%) and unemployed14.8%). Furthermore, 30.6% of consumers in the group didheir shopping in an electronic goods shop.

As indicated above, although there is only one differencen relation to one criterion which makes it significant, theescription of the groups according to the main sociodemo-raphic characteristics and the type of shop help to profilehe types of customers found. In general terms, group 1ould respond to a profile of classical customers formed by

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

dult women with a lower level of education with a predomi-ance of shopping in food shops. Group 2 represents a profilef individuals also made up of women, although slightlyounger, with a higher educational level, with a particular

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Table 6 Summary of segment characteristics.

Segment 1 N = 105 Segment 2 N = 414 Segment 3 N = 196

Affect Sat → Cogn Sat 3◦ 1◦ 2◦

Affect Sat → Behav L 3◦ 1◦ 2◦

Affect Sat → Behav L 2◦ 1◦ 3◦

Affect Sat → WOM 2◦ 1◦ 3◦

Cogn Sat → Behav L × 1◦ 2◦

Cogn Sat → Attit L × 2◦ 1◦

Cogn Sat → WOM 2◦ 1◦ 1◦

Gender Women predominate Women predominate Women predominate, butthis group has the most men

Age 42 years 40 years 42 yearsEducation It is the group with more

people with no educationUniversity studiespredominate

University studiespredominate

Employment situation It is the group with the mostretired people and thelowest number ofunemployed

It is the group with the moststudents

It is the group with the mostunemployed and the feweststudents

Shop It is the group with the mostfood shops

It is the group with the mostclothing and electronicssho

It is the group with the mostclothing and electronics




emphasis for shopping in clothing shops. Group 3 fits moreclosely with a profile of adult customers with higher edu-cation, containing more men than the previous groups andwith a higher percentage of shopping in electronic shops.

Discussion and managerial implications

Market segmentation is one of the basic pillars of market-ing and is particularly important in the sphere of firms thatare active in the retail distribution sector. Retail estab-lishments are aware of the potential for increasing theirprofits by identifying groups of customers that show dif-ferent attitudes and behaviours towards the sales outlet.In this line of research, our work provides evidence ofthe heterogeneity in the market by explaining the processthat leads to loyalty, showing different consumer profilesbased on latent segmentation methodology. The resultsshow three latent classes that identify groups of customerswhere the strength of the relationships of affective and cog-nitive satisfaction on behavioural loyalty, attitudinal loyaltyand word of mouth is expressed in a significantly differentway.

Other works in the same study area of retail commerceanalyse the causal effects of the antecedents of satisfac-tion or loyalty considering that the market is homogeneousand so segmenting it in order to identify differences(e.g. Theodoridis & Chatzipanagiotou, 2009). Unlike thatmethodological stream, our contribution focuses on thesimultaneous study of consumer heterogeneity and theprocess of loyalty formation through satisfaction --- bothconstructs from a multidimensional perspective, using

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

latent modelling, a barely used methodology in recentresearch. Thus, the novelty and value of our worklies firstly, in the methodology used and secondly, inthe causal relations studied: the relationship between


ps shops

ffective and cognitive satisfaction and the relation-hip between both types of satisfaction and the mainimensions of loyalty (behaviour, attitude and recommen-ation).

At aggregated level (Table 4) it can be confirmed ineneral terms that customer satisfaction with the retailhop has a positive influence on loyalty. In particular, theesults indicate that affective satisfaction influences notnly cognitive satisfaction but also behavioural and attitu-inal loyalty and word of mouth behaviour. Therefore, themportance of emotions in achieving satisfaction, repeaturchase, commitment with the shop and the diffusion ofositive comments is confirmed (Gelbrich, 2011; Nessett al., 2011). However, although cognitive satisfaction alsonfluences behavioural loyalty and word of mouth, it doesot contribute to the formation of attitudinal loyalty. Thats, the cognitive assessment of the experience, based onompliance with expectations or the ideal shop, stimulatesepeat shopping and recommendations to others, but lacksufficient force to influence customer commitment and atti-ude to the shop. This lack of relationship between cognitiveatisfaction and attitudinal loyalty suggests that affectiveatisfaction has a greater capacity than cognitive satisfac-ion to predict loyalty in all its dimensions. This result is inhe line of research that questions the linearity and/or sim-licity of the satisfaction---loyalty relationship (e.g. Kumart al., 2013; Seiders et al., 2005). For example, in contrasto our result, in the work by Seiders et al. (2005) satisfactionas a positive effect on repeat shopping intentions and noffect on repeat shopping behaviour.

At segment level (Table 6) the results show the existencef three groups of customers with different intensity in the

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

ffect of affective satisfaction on cognitive satisfaction andn the effect of both satisfactions on the dimensions of loy-lty (Fig. 1). In segment 1, the intensity of the relationss generally lower than in the other groups and there are

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ausal relations that are not significant, namely, the effectf cognitive satisfaction on behavioural and attitudinal loy-lty. Perhaps the fact that in this group over 45% of theonsumers do their shopping in the food sector which means

type of routine shopping where expectations and the per-eption of the ideal shop is more or less constant, means thatognitive assessment of the experience does not contributespecially to repeat shopping or commitment and loyaltyay depend more on how convenient the shop is (location,

ssortment, prices, etc.).Segment 2 is the group with the strongest causal rela-

ions, followed by segment 3. In both cases, consumers have level of university education, with fewer retired people,nd over 50% of them have been shopping in the clothingnd electronics sector.

Although there are no significant differences in theescriptive characteristics for these segments, these resultsndicate that in certain customers, namely in segment 1,here is no relationship between the cognitive assessmentf the experience and their subsequent behaviours and atti-udes, thereby adding to the above debate over the complexelation between satisfaction and loyalty (Kumar et al.,013; Seiders et al., 2005; Verhoef, 2003; Verhoef et al.,002). This fact highlights the need to study a disaggregatedodel focusing on different perceptions of customer sat-

sfaction, showing that estimation bias can be avoided byonsidering the sample of customers as a whole.

From the practical perspective, this work has impor-ant implications for retail distribution management. Firstly,nalysing the satisfaction---loyalty relationship is essentialor assessing how and to what extent it is necessary to investn customer satisfaction to improve loyalty (Kamakura,itta, De Rose, & Mazzon, 2002). If our results have revealed

greater capacity for affective satisfaction to create loy-lty, managers should focus their marketing efforts onncreasing positive emotions by selling experiences that areainly affective.Secondly, customer heterogeneity must be studied to

nderstand the loyalty process. The identification of differ-nt segments in relation to the influence of satisfaction onoyalty is of particular interest for relationship marketingtrategies at segment level, because it makes this approachore efficient and effective. In view of the fact that in

ome customers, cognitive satisfaction does not contributeo repeat visits or to their commitment towards the shop,anagers must be aware of the need to increase satisfaction

rom a different approach, that is, using strategies adaptedo customer profile, type of product, and type of shopping orxperience. For example, if the shopping is routine, as in thease of food shops, efforts should focus on adding emotionallements, (trying out products, animation, smells, etc.) ashey will have a key effect on loyalty responses. However, ifhe shopping is of a less frequent, more hedonic type, as inhe case of clothing, household goods and electronics, thenvestment should be directed not only at generating emo-ions but also at improving assessment of the experiencehrough product and service differentiation strategies (prod-ct quality, personalised service, complementary services,

Please cite this article in press as: Fuentes-Blascoon the relationship satisfaction---loyalty. Revista Espahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reimke.2014.06.002

tc.).In addition, although many retail distribution companies

ocus their efforts on improving satisfaction for all theirustomers in the same way, resources must be distributed


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fficiently to orient satisfaction and loyalty in the mostrofitable customers (Kumar, 2008; Kumar et al., 2013). Sim-larly, highly satisfied customers may show loyalty attitudesnd behaviours that require action on the part of the shopriented towards exceeding their expectations and emotionsn order to keep their loyalty. And in the same way, for theustomers who, despite being satisfied go less often to thehop and/or do not recommend it, strategies are neededo increase their perception of the improvement in servicesnd superiority of the shop’s offering in relation to its com-etitors.

A possible limitation of this work at conceptual level ishat only satisfaction has been studied (although in both itsimensions) as an antecedent of loyalty. For that reason weropose the study of other interesting variables that mayirectly or indirectly influence loyalty, such as perceivedalue, switching costs or level of consumer involvement.imilarly, some moderating variables could be included inhe model to detect differences in the satisfaction---loyaltyelationship, such as type of purchase (frequent versusporadic or utilitarian versus hedonic) or the type of estab-ishment (franchises or branches versus independent shops).econdly, the lack of significance in profile differences inelation to consumer sociodemographic characteristics andype of shop as objective bases, lead us to consider the usef subjective criteria that enable clearer identification ofhe most characteristic traits in the groups identified. Inhis regard, we propose including psychographic variabless they are stable over time and enable deeper understand-ng of consumer behaviour and motivations. Specifically, weonsider it useful to use an adaptation of the LOV instrumentKahle, 1983) to evaluate the importance consumers attacho personal values. It may also be relevant in the descriptionf segments to address another series of behavioural varia-les (subjective and specific bases), such as convenience andntertainment, which match the benefits sought in shoppings well as consumer attitude.

On a methodological level, loyalty scales may be a lim-tation because of the small number of items. To improveeasurement of this construct, we propose the use of a dif-

erent behavioural loyalty scale to the one used in this work,hose reliability has been shown to be relatively accept-ble. For example the measure in the work by Nesset et al.ould be added (2011, p. 278) (‘‘Out of the last 10 timeshat you have gone to a shop in this category, approxi-ately how many times have you visited this shop?’’), and

ven include items concerning loyalty behaviours other thanepeat shopping, like the effect of price rises on shoppingehaviour.

Finally, this study could be repeated in a different typef service context to examine shopping frequency and theegree of customer participation, for example in the fieldf tourism. Application to other sectors would help toerify whether the same differences between customersemain and explore more deeply market heterogene-ty in the complex relationship between satisfaction andoyalty.

In short, through analysis of unobserved heterogeneity,

, M., et al. Effect of customer heterogeneityñola de Investigación en Marketing ESIC 2014,

ur proposal contributes to this line of research with the aimf continuing to provide evidence of the unequal influencey segment of satisfaction on consumer loyalty to a retailstablishment.

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This research has received financial support from the Span-ish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2010-17475/ECONand ECO2013-43353-R).

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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