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    March 6, 20

    Dr. Jos FernndezVillaseorFreescale Semiconductor

    Electrical Engineering Commun


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    Dr. Jos Fernndez Villaseor 4Freescale Semiconductor

    Telemonitoring Solutions to Prevent 9Chronic Degenerative Disease


    Featured Products 12Repeaters: Learn to Love emBY MICHAEL STEINBERGER WITH SISOFT

    Would You...Could You...Should You... 20Compile Your FPGA Design on theCloud?BY PHIL SIMPSON WITH ALTERA

    RTZ - Return to Zero Comic 22

    How Telehealth Monitoring Systems help health care providers adequately monitor patientswith chronic degenerative illnesses.

    Interview with Dr. Jos Fernndez Villaseor - Medical Product Manager

    Michael Steinberger explains why digital repeaters will become present in every stationarysystem and demonstrates the type of analysis required for their design.

    With Cloud storage technology becoming more omnipresent, Phil Simpson weighs the prosand cons of using the Cloud for your projects.

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    Freescale SemiconductorHow did you get into electricalengineering and when didyou start?During high school, I loved all the

    science classes such as physics,

    math and biology. In my third year

    of high school, I chose to focus

    on physics and mathematics. The

    advanced physics, electronics and

    calculus classes were amazing

    because they let me use my

    imagination and create things.

    At the same time, it was almost

    like playing with the circuits and


    After that, I decided to pursue a

    career in electrical engineering.

    Even though I enjoyed electronics, I

    always wished there was a medical/

    biology group available when I was

    in high school.

    Can you tell us about yourwork experience/historybefore becoming theMedical Product Manager atFreescale?Before joining Freescale, I worked

    as a field application engineer

    for an electronics design house

    focused on health and automotive

    applications. I also worked in a

    clinic for Mexicos Health Ministry

    where I provided preventative and

    treatment medicine to high-risk,

    low-income communities.

    I did research on protocols for

    renal and liver donors with the

    transplantation unit and worked

    with the internal medicine and

    gastroenterology department at

    a non-profit, public hospital in


    For the last 13 years, Ive also taught

    courses in electronics, medicine

    Dr. Jos FernndezVillaseor

    Dr. Jos Fernndez Villaseor - Medical Product Manager
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    and surgery at various universities

    in their electronics and biomedical


    What have been some of yourinuences that have helpedyou get to where you aretoday?

    While at the university, I earned

    a scholarship to study Japanese

    in Kyoto. This experience was a

    crossroad in my life. I learned how

    to improve my time management

    skills, perfect and master my daily

    work, and ultimately decide that I

    had just enough time and energy to

    push myself to the limit and pursuean additional career. When I was in

    my fourth semester of electronics

    engineering, I started my first

    semester of medical school. The

    universities were far apart, and my

    days were longstarting at 5:00

    a.m. and finishing around 1:00 a.m.

    This discipline has continued to

    motivate me today as a practicing

    surgeon and as an electronics

    engineer for Freescale.

    Have you always beeninterested in practicingmedicine?

    Yes. During my childhood, I visited

    hospitals frequently and was thrilled

    by the work the physicians did.

    However, I always thought I had

    a bad memory and at some point

    I decided that medicine was not

    for me. As it turned out, I was notas bad as I thought at memorizing


    What made you decide tostudy both electronics andmedicine?It was always in my mind. I enjoyed

    both things, so why not study

    both? Why not apply technology to

    medicine to fully understand the

    needs of both the market and the

    user (patient)? This way, we can

    offer better solutions and improve

    the health of everyone.

    Can you tell us more aboutaesthetic medicine?

    Aesthetic medicine is focused

    on improving the human bodys

    aesthetics and helping in all anti-

    aging medical treatments. Reasons

    for this could be due to accidents,

    and diseases such as vitiligo, acne,

    or just because patients do not feel

    comfortable with the way they look.

    During my first year

    at engineering school,

    I kept blowing out the

    capacitors. Electrolytic

    capacitors had a figuresimilar to a 1 which

    marked the leg that was

    supposed to be connected

    to the ground. I kept

    saying to myself, This

    must mean the digital 1

    so it should go directly to

    Vcc. Well, after seven or

    eight capacitor explosions,

    I found out it didnt!

    What type of work do you dowith this area of study?Some of the medical and surgical

    procedures we do are to correct

    or improve these conditions. One

    of the things I also focus on is

    medical sport supplementation.

    With that, my major objective is to

    improve an athletes performance.

    For this we learn how to detect and

    correct muscular, neural and joint


    What are your favoritehardware tools that you use?I really enjoy using the Freescale

    Tower System development board,

    which is a designers platform to

    easily prototype and test home

    portable medical equipment. The

    best part about it is that you can just

    plug in the boards you need, such

    as the serial or LCD boards, and

    you dont need a hardware design

    at all. You just use them as stackable


    What are your favoritesoftware tools that you use?CodeWarrior, Micrium RTOS,

    Mathlab and IAR.

    What is on your bookshelf?I like to read non-technical books

    so that I can rest my mind from the

    things that I read on a daily basis at

    work. I am reading Pedro Paramo

    by Juan Rulfo, a Mexican authors

    short novel about death, and Genji no Monogatari from Murasaki

    Shikibu, a Japanese lady from the

    court, which is sometimes called

    the worlds first novel.

    But besides that, I really enjoy

    writing. I have just recently co-

    authored a book based on Micriums
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    RTOS with specific applications for

    medical devices. In this book, we

    focus on home portable medical

    devices, explain the basics of

    physiology and how easy it is to

    create a device using Freescales

    microcontrollers and sensors.

    I have also published some articles

    in Germany, Korea, China, USA,

    Japan and Brazil about how to use

    technology and medical devices to

    monitor and prevent complications

    in chronic degenerative and cardiac

    diseases. In this way, I focus on

    what is needed from the patients

    perspective to improve his or herquality of life, rather on what the

    technology can do by itself.

    I also participate in Freescales

    blog Medical by design, where

    we talk about how to solve real

    medical problems like avoiding

    acute complications of chronic

    degenerative diseases, Parkinsons

    disease, emerging technologies

    and others. If you would like to know

    more about this and others, takea look at the Medical by Design

    blog from Freescale.

    What has been your favoriteproject?One innovative project Ive been

    involved with is an emotion sensing

    application for consumer and

    automotive applications .

    In this project, we tried to capturehow emotions are created and

    felt by humans. The emotions

    and the way we react to certain

    stimuli evoke a cascade of brain

    reactions, mostly triggered by our

    unconscious zones. This produces

    specific neurotransmitters that are

    released through the brain and the

    bloodstream and produce specific

    responses in our body. We can try

    to fool ourselves by saying we dont

    feel scared, but our body says the

    contrary. Picture yourself jogging

    when suddenly a dog attacks you;

    your heart rate will increase, your

    muscles will respond to move away,

    your face will be pale so that all the

    blood is available for you to run

    away! In our reference design, we

    use the most common responses

    induced by hormones, such as

    sweating, heart rate and muscle

    contraction among other variables

    to detect emotions in the user.

    Imagine this concept being appliedto a steering wheel. It would be able

    to detect a heart attack or fainting

    and stop the car, park it and call 911!

    Another one of my favorite projects is

    the design of field effect transistors

    for specific medical needs like

    detecting biochemical compounds

    that help provide early diagnosis of

    a wide range of pathologies.

    Do you have any note-worthyengineering experiences?I was awarded the Best Intern

    Award during my last year at

    medical school, and I graduated

    with honors at my residency.

    I have also been granted the

    Microcontrollers Solutions Group

    Excellence award for the research

    and development and enablement

    work for the medical market at


    Do you have any experientialstories you would like toshare?During my first year at engineering

    school, I kept blowing out the

    capacitors. Electrolytic capacitors

    had a figure similar to a 1 which

    marked the leg that was supposed

    to be connected to the ground. I

    kept saying to myself, This must

    mean the digital 1 so it should go

    directly to Vcc. Well, after seven or

    eight capacitor explosions, I found

    out it didnt!

    What are you currentlyworking on?My colleagues and I are working on

    achieving the lowest power modes

    for microcontrollers so that home

    portable medical devices can run for

    longer periods of time and monitor

    the patient using battery operation.

    This includes transistor-arrayspecifics for the medical market

    such as powerful measurement

    enginesso that medical sensors

    can be easily instrumented.

    As a Medical ProductManager at Freescale, whattype of work do you do?I participate in the market analysis,

    product definition and conception

    and launch of microcontrollerproducts, enablement tools design,

    demos and reference designs,

    as well as customer and product

    support throughout the product life.

    How does Freescale continueto be a global leader inembedded processingsolutions, advancing theautomotive, consumer,industrial and networkingmarkets?Freescale is a global leader in

    the design and manufacturing of

    embedded semiconductors for the

    automotive, consumer, industrial

    and networking markets. The

    company is based in Austin, Texas,

    and has design, research and
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    development, manufacturing and

    sales operations around the world.

    In the medical market, Freescale

    develops innovative embedded

    technologies ranging frommicrocontrollers and sensors to

    analog and wireless products that

    help device manufacturers achieve

    major advancements in next-

    generation medical and healthcare

    applications. These embedded

    technologies are ideal for use in

    health and wellness, home portable

    diagnostics and therapy, and

    medical imaging devices.

    What direction do you seeyour business heading in thenext few years?Diagnostic and therapy devices

    will need to become more portable

    and easier to operate so people can

    quickly detect any signs of disease

    from their homes and diagnose

    treatable diseases early before it is

    too late. For this, we need to develop

    security for data transmission

    to health providers, establish

    appropriate communication

    protocols and improve low power/

    low cost devices to be defined as

    standards. This work has already

    started, but a lot more needs to bedonenot only on the technology

    side but also with regard to patient


    What are some of yourhobbies outside of work anddesign?I love animals and am a huge

    supporter of animal shelters. I

    have adopted five dogs that I

    enjoy walking and taking on hiking

    adventures. I love to cook and went

    through master chef training for

    two years at a culinary school. I like

    experimenting with ingredients and

    different styles of food, and I enjoy

    having friends over to cook for

  • 8/2/2019 EEWeb Pulse - Issue 36, 2012


    Avago Technologies AEDR-850x three

    channel refective encoders integrate

    an LED light source, photo detector

    and interpolator circuitry.

    It is best suited to applications where

    small size and space matters!

    Applications include medical hand

    held devices, camera phones, wheel

    chairs, actuator, vending machine

    applications, just to name a ew.

    Avago Technologies Motion Control Solutions

    Worlds Smallest Miniature

    Refective 3-channel Encoder

    To request a ree sample go to:

    Features Advantages Benefts

    3-channel encoding(AB and I)

    Index Signal I No need or separatecomponents to generatethe index signal

    Miniature size Surace mount leadlesspackage: 3.95 mm (L) x3.4mm (W) x 0.95mm H)

    Ability to ft intominiature motor designs

    304 LPI High encoding resolution Various CPR capableby adjusting to thematching ROP o thecodewheel

    Built in Interpolator o1x, 2x, and 4x

    1x, 2x and 4x via externalpinouts

    Base CPR resolution canbe interpolated by enduser

    High operatingrequencies: 55 kHzat 1x interpolation

    Operating requencies canbe increased by externalinterpolator pinouts bymaximum o 4x

    Corresponding highRPM perormance withincreased requencies

    Index gating Options available or bothgated and ungated versions

    Catering or various usergating requirements

    -20C to 85C Industrial applicationcapable

    Covering consumer,commercial andindustrial applications
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    TelemonitoringSolutions to Prevent

    Chronic Degenerative

    Disease ComplicationsBy Dr. Jos Fernndez VillaseorAging Population and Chronic DegenerativeDiseasesThe average age of the American population is continually

    increasing. Baby boomers are now becoming our senior

    citizens, and with this, drastic changes in our health

    system are necessary.

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO),

    non-communicable diseases account for nearly 50percent of the global burden of disease. Among them,

    the most common are chronic degenerative diseases

    such as cardiovascular diseasemore specifically

    hypertension, which plagues roughly 600 million

    peopleand metabolic diseases like diabetes, from

    which roughly 90 million people suffer.

    With so many people suffering from these diseases

    worldwide, the ability of healthcare providers to

    adequately monitor their patients has become a major

    issue. Telehealth monitoring systems are providing the


    Telehealth Monitoring Systems Help PreventAcute Complications of Chronic Degenerative

    DiseasesTelehealth monitoring systems use telecommunications

    to collect information regarding patients vital signs,

    which is then relayed to a remote healthcare provider

    for further analysis. The systems transmit data such as

    a patients glucose level, heart rate and blood pressure.

    They can also remind patients and healthcare providers

    of the proper time to take or administer a medication.

    The system can be customized to acquire different data

    related to a patients respective treatment.

    The ability of a healthcare provider to remotely monitor

    a patient helps prevent acute complications relating to a

    patients condition because the healthcare provider can

    immediately receive data that helps track the evolution of

    a disease or a post-operational treatment.

    For efficiency purposes, these systems are mostly

    developed for use by the patients themselves. They

    guide the patients through the process of measuring vital

    signs using a rich graphical user interface. This articleFigure 1: Telemonitoring System


    AC Mains

    or Battery


    USB PHY or RS232

    xcvr or Enet PHYPC/Broadband orPOTS connection




    RF Transceiver(WiFi, Zigbee, Bluetooth)

    IR Interface


    MCU Optional Peripherals Analog Sensors
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    provides an overview of how a custom-built, disease-

    specific telehealth monitoring system is implemented

    in a home environment using the Freescale Solution

    Enablement Layer (SEL) for increased portability across

    Freescales 32-bit architectures such as i.MX, Power

    Architecture Technology and the ColdFire Family of


    Freescale Solution Enablement LayerThe Freescale Solution Enablement Layer (SEL) is an

    embedded software platform running with standard

    operating systems such as Linux and uCLinux to provide

    application framework capabilities and abstracted

    hardware drivers (called Services). The SEL is designed

    to support a compile and deploy model of software

    reusability across a range of Freescale 32-bit processors.

    The SEL Service is the primary abstraction mechanism

    designed to allow the partitioning of applications into

    software components that are hardware specific. By

    writing services for specific hardware, the application

    source code contains control and consistent behavior

    without being tied to a specific processor. Moving from

    one platform to another becomes as simple as partially

    re-implementing the service for the new hardware

    device. Moreover, services are RTOS agnostic and

    can be shared by multiple applications. Services are

    designed to be reusable between applications, andindeed, suites of services can be provided by Freescale

    or by third parties to eliminate the redundant portions

    of software solutions while still getting the most from

    specific processor capabilities.

    Application Frameworks and SEL Services Arethe Primary Elements of the Solution EnablementLayer (SEL) Technology.1. Application Frameworks: Define pre-validated

    application frameworks that exist for rapid

    prototyping and application development. Mostapplication frameworks are suites of C++ classes

    designed to interact and define consistent application

    behavior, look and feel, and often implement a rich

    user interface.

    2. SEL Services: A mechanism of application

    partitioning is available for the express purpose

    of partitioning software components from the

    underlying hardware design such that applications

    need to only be recompiled to migrate from one

    platform (hardware and RTOS) to another.

    Conceptually, the SEL is an extension of the operating

    system running on the embedded processor that allowsanother level of application abstraction. SEL Services

    are therefore sub-components of the application that are

    not operating system specific, and can be shared.

    SEL ServicesSEL Services are central components in a software

    solutions implementation. As applications begin to

    use the SEL, they can start by only abstracting a single

    service for a particularly complex piece of hardware-

    specific code, while leaving the rest of the application

    directly calling the operating system. Over time, moreand more of the functionality can be divided into services

    so that the application code becomes more and more

    abstracted from the hardware without losing any of

    the underlying hardware functionality. This process of

    gradually converting to the SEL allows the conversion to

    take place over the life of one or more projects.

    SEL Services Properties Dynamically loaded at runtime

    Interface is directly useable from within an

    application or the command line Applications do not compile or link to services to use


    Insulate the application against both OS and HWdifferences.

    Extended services may derive functionality based on

    existing SEL services

    Telehealth Monitoring System Services Working down from a software solution through a

    hardware implementation in a telehealth monitoring

    system, developers want to write application code that is

    easy to migrate among hardware device implementations

    and RTOS platforms. The Solution Enablement Layer

    allows applications to be segmented to define graphical

    user interfaces (GUIs) independent of SEL services:

    Main control with personalized items for vital signson patient GUI

    Blood pressure with symptoms for acute
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    complications GUI

    Glucometer with symptoms for acute complicationsand prevention of double intake of dosage GUI

    Pulse oximeter for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

    Disease GUI

    The applications are also allowed to define a service of

    the application that is hardware or RTOS independent,

    such that re-implementing part of the service allows the

    user easy migration across the 32-bit Freescale portfolio:

    Blood pressure Service (systolic, diastolic and meanarterial pressure)

    Glucometer Service

    Pulse Oximeter Service

    Thermometer Service (infectious disease complica-tions)

    Digital Weight Scale Service (for monitoring waterretention in patients with congestive heart failure)

    Software partitioning a telemonitoring system

    application might have multiple services running in a

    high-end processor such as i.MX, Power Architecture

    Technology or ColdFire Family, or the application

    might be tailored to implement a couple of services in a

    low-end processor.

    Figure 2 depicts a comprehensive telemonitoring

    system using several SEL medical services. This samesystem can be partioned to target other Freescale 32 bits


    ConclusionModern American society faces many public health

    issues with the rapidly increasing average age of the

    population and the pathology demographics. This means

    that for people to age independently, it is important for

    healthcare providers to be able to adequately monitor

    vital signs and drug intake from a distance.

    Taking this into account, Freescale offers advanced

    hardware tools and a new software platform (Solution

    Enablement Layer) to the community of medical

    equipment designer and OEMs, which enables

    concurrent software and hardware development for

    hardware designers and developers to bring solutions

    faster to market.

    Reusing SEL services and spanning its usage across the

    32-bit Freescale Portfolio enables the proper and rapid

    development of health telemonitoring equipment by

    creating a virtual bridge between doctor and patient.

    Figure 2: Medical SEL SERVICE

    Figure 3: Medical SEL SERVICES in a MCF5329

    Blood Pressure GUI Glucometer GUI

    Main GUI

    Graphical User Interface

    GUI Framework GUI Widgets

    Application Framework

    SEL - Interfaces

    SEL Architecture


    mcf52277 mcf5329 mx31 mpc5121e mpc8360

    SEL OS

    Medical Services

    Blood Pressure Glucometer


    Thermometer Weight Scale

    Blood Pressure GUI

    Main GUI

    Graphical User Interface

    GUI Framework GUI Widgets

    Application Framework

    SEL - Interfaces

    SEL Architecture



    SEL OS

    Medical Services

    Blood Pressure
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    2x10 W Filterless Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifer

    The SSM3302 is a fully integrated, high efficiency, stereo Class-D audioamplifier. The application circuit requires minimal external components

    and operates from a single 7 V to 18 V supply. The device is capable of


    8Winto8)with98dB.Formoreinformation, please click here.







    (- )FET
















    (- )FET













    ovens, thermostats); audio/video (e.g., radios, televisions, set-top boxes, digital recorders); and consumer-electronic

    markets (e.g., printers, network routers, cameras ), among others. For more information, please click here.

    Real-Time Clock Calendar ICMicrochip Technology Inc., a leading provider of microcontroller, analog

    and Flash-IP solutions, announced the expansion of its stand-alone

    Real-Time Clock/Calendar (RTCC) family with the I2C MCP7940M

    RTCC device. This new device is designed for the price-competitive

    consumer products market, and includes 64 Bytes of SRAM as additional

    scratchpad memory, as well as a digital-trimming circuit that can

    compensate up to 11 seconds per day for crystal error. The MCP7940Mdevices provide accurate timekeeping at a low cost for applications

    in the home-appliance (e.g., microwaves, washing machines, dryers,

    High-Speed FPGA 100G Interfaces Xilinx, Inc. announced the industrys first dual 100 Gbps Gearbox

    solution for connecting 100G interfaces with the newest generation of

    high-density, 100 Gbps CFP2 optical modules. Incorporating a single

    28nm Virtex-7 HT FPGA and Xilinx Gearbox intellectual property (IP)cores, the solution overcomes the initial hurdles of leveraging the new

    CFP2 optics supporting 100GE, OTU4 and 10 10 MSA specifications.

    This allows higher density 100G line cards and transmission equipment

    while lowering overall system power consumption and solution cost

    through integration. By offering the implementation based on the Virtex-7

    HT FPGA family with 28 Gbps transceivers, Xilinx can provide communications customers with twice the density and

    more advanced debugging features compared to competing devices as well as replace what would be a three chip

    ASSP design. For more information, please click here.
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    Michael SteinbergerLead Architect, Serial Channel Products

    Repeaters:Learn to


    Eventually, any stationary

    system youre working on will useelectrical repeaters. This article

    explains why and demonstrates

    the type of analysis thats required

    when designing with repeaters.

    1.0 The Need for Speed

    Many years ago, a director at Bell

    Labs told me that the cost of a

    piece of equipment was roughly

    proportional to its weight. We sell

    equipment by the pound, he said.While that was a slight exaggeration,

    he had a point. Printed circuit boards,

    power supplies, connectors, and

    sheet metal represent a significant

    percentage of the total cost of any

    shelf or rack of equipment.

    Some years later, I had an

    opportunity to explore this principle

    in detail. I was the circuits manager working with the manager of the

    mechanical design group, helping

    to choose the technology for a very

    high-performance system. Instead

    of trying to reduce the cost of the

    system at a fixed performance

    level, we decided to evaluate the

    cost and performance for each

    possible set of technology choices.

    Because the performance of the

    system was known to be directlyproportional to the bandwidth of

    the interconnect, my group was

    responsible for estimating the

    maximum achievable data rate,

    and therefore the performance. My

    partners group was responsible

    for estimating the cost. We put

    all our data into a sophisticated

    spreadsheet that plotted a scatter

    graph of the performance versusthe cost for each one of the ten

    thousand possible technology

    choice combinations.

    Our study demonstrated that the

    highest performance-to-cost ratio

    was consistently achieved by the

    technology combinations that used

    electrical repeaters to support

    a higher data rate in the system


    I have since lost access to that data,

    and so can no longer estimate cost

    accurately. Nonetheless, Figure 1

    gives some sense of what those

    results looked like.

    Figure 1 assumes an equipment

    shelf containing sixteen line
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    cards and two switch cards. The

    technology choices were as follows:

    1. The material for the line card,

    switch card and backplane

    could be either FR4 or a lower

    loss material. The material was chosen independently for

    each of the three printed circuit


    2. There could either be no

    electrical repeaters in the

    system, repeaters on the line

    cards only, or repeaters on both

    the line cards and switch cards.

    The capacity of the processing

    ICs for the line and switchcards was held constant for all

    configurations. It was assumed

    that the capacity of the processing

    ICs was high enough, and that it

    was practical to populate the cards

    with enough ICs to consume the

    maximum interconnect bandwidth.

    If this assumption isnt valid, then

    repeaters arent required in the first


    Figure 1 shows that the most cost

    effective configurations are the

    ones that use repeaters on both

    the line and switch cardsin other words, the configurations that can

    support the highest data rate. Most

    studies of this type reach a similar


    In other words, the most cost

    effective system designs are the

    ones which achieve a high enough

    interconnect bandwidth to pack as

    much processing power as possible

    onto a printed circuit board. Ifthe highest processing density

    requires electrical repeaters in the

    interconnect, then repeaters are

    going to be an indispensable part

    of the optimal solution.

    Note that the above conclusion

    applies primarily to high-capacity

    stationary systems such as core

    data routers and high-performance

    computers. The power limitations

    in portable devices typically reduce

    the processing power to such an

    extent that interconnect bandwidth

    is not a limiting factor.2.0 Rules of the Road

    Its tempting to analyze a channel

    with electrical repeaters by

    breaking it into individual segments

    and analyzing those segments

    independently. Unfortunately,

    this approach cannot be relied

    upon to produce accurate results.

    Analyzing the entire channel in

    a single analysis is much more

    reliable, and there are products

    out there such as SiSofts Quantum

    Channel Designer which are able

    to perform such analyses.

    There are several effects that need

    to be considered:

    1. Many repeaters are either linear

    Figure 1: Capacity vs. relative cost for a hypothetical shelf of equipment

    Cost vs. Capacity


    Data Rate (Gb/s)












    No repeaters

    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18



    One repeater Two repeaters
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    or quasi-linear. That is, they

    do not recover the clock and

    regenerate the data. The effect

    of such repeaters is cumulative

    across the entire channel and

    is not isolated to any individual

    segment of the channel.

    2. If the repeater is nonlinear, then

    the placement of the repeater in

    the channel has an additional

    constraint in that placing

    the repeater too close to the

    transmitter could reduce the

    effectiveness of the repeater.

    3. If the repeater has clock

    recovery and data detection,

    then the individual segments

    of the channel are more

    nearly independent. That may

    or may not be a good thing

    depending on the placement

    of the repeater. Furthermore,

    the recovered clock from the

    repeater becomes the clock

    that the receiver must track.

    The resulting increase in

    clock phase noise should beaccounted for in the analysis.

    The following sections briefly

    illustrate each of these effects.

    2.1 Linear Repeater

    Figure 2 is a schematic for a

    simplified channel with repeater.

    In Figure 2, the length of

    transmission line from the

    transmitter to the repeater andfrom the repeater to the receiver

    are variable. To make observations

    about repeater placement clearer,

    the sum of the transmission line

    lengths was constrained to be a

    constant 100. Observations were

    made at the output of the repeater

    and at the decision point of the

    receiver. Both the transmitter and

    the repeater output driver had 3dB

    of precursor deemphasis, both

    the repeater input and receiver

    input had a continuous time linear

    equalizer (CTLE) and the receiverhad five taps of decision feedback

    equalization (DFE). The data rate

    was 5 Gb/s.

    Figure 3 shows eye diagrams at the

    input to the repeater driver and at

    the receiver decision point for three

    different repeater locations: 10,

    50, and 90 from the transmitter.

    As shown in Figure 3, even though

    the eye diagram at the input to the

    repeater driver varies considerably

    as a function of repeater location,the eye diagram at the receiver

    remains almost constant. This is

    consistent with the assumption that

    the repeater is linear.

    There is a slight variation of the

    eye diagram at the receiver due to

    changes in reflected waves between

    the repeater, the transmitter driver,

    Figure 2: Simplified channel with repeater

    Figure 3: Repeater and receiver eye diagrams for three different repeater locations






    A A AI II I

    Receiver decision pointInput to repeater driver

    Input to repeater driver Receiver decision point

    Repeater location = 10

    Repeater location = 50

    Repeater location = 90
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    and the receiver buffer amplifier.

    However, these variations are

    relatively small and therefore

    difficult to see in Figure 3.

    Notethat,asdemonstratedinFigure3, the eye diagram at the output of the

    repeater is no indication whatsoever

    of the performance of the end-to-

    end channel. The eye diagrams at

    the output of the repeater are very

    different, and yet the end-to-end

    channel performance is almost

    identical in all three cases.

    For later comparison, Figure 4

    shows the eye height for a 10-12

    BER at the input to the repeater

    driver and the receiver decision

    point, each as a function of repeater


    2.2 Nonlinear Repeater

    In general, repeaters are not

    perfectly linear; and in many

    applications, the non-linearity of

    the repeater is significant. One of

    the primary functions of a repeater

    is to insert gain into the channel;a number of repeater designs

    achieve this by providing a high

    gain saturating amplifier.

    The analysis of this type of systemis perhaps the most complex. The

    repeater is not linear, so cascading

    transfer functions is not valid. Yet

    the repeater does not recover the

    clock and regenerate the data, so

    the channel cannot be broken into

    independent segments.

    The most reliable way to analyze a

    channel with nonlinear repeaters is

    a time domain simulation. However,

    as demonstrated in [1], timedomain simulations cannot produce

    a statistically significant sample

    of the data waveform. There are

    approximate methods in statistical

    analysis and statistical extrapolation

    that can produce relatively accurate

    results; however, those methods are

    beyond the scope of this article.

    As a demonstration of the practical

    considerations associated with the

    application of nonlinear repeaters,

    Figure 5 shows the eye height

    versus the repeater location for

    a nonlinear repeater in the same

    way that Figure 4 does for a linear


    In particular, Figure 5 demonstratesthat if the repeater is placed too

    close to the transmitter, then the

    saturation of the repeater will

    severely degrade performance.

    2.3 Retiming Repeater

    As mentioned above, there are

    also repeaters that include clock

    recovery and data detection. These

    are often called retimers, or in

    telecommunications transmissionsystems theyre often called


    While a channel with retimers can

    be analyzed as the concatenation

    of independent segments, there

    are practical considerations and

    cumulative effects which should be


    Figure 6 is analogous to Figure 4 and

    Figure 5 in that it shows eye heightas a function of repeater location. In

    this case, however, the eye height

    at the input to the repeater driver is

    particularly important in that for a

    retimer, it is the node where the data

    is detected.

    Note in Figure 6 that for repeater

    locations beyond 60, the data

    detection in the repeater fails,

    causing failure of the entire channel.

    Even though the receiver has morethan enough equalization capacity

    for the failing repeater locations,

    that excess capacity cannot be

    used to improve performance

    because it occurs after the bit errors

    have already been made. Figure 6

    also shows that with a retimer, the

    channel length could be extendedFigure 4: Eye height as a function of repeater location

    Repeater Location (inches)












    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

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    to a total of at least 13060 from

    the transmitter to the retimer and

    70 from the retimer to the receiver.

    When using retimers, clock phase

    noise also becomes a morecomplex phenomenon. Rather than

    recovering the transmitter clock, the

    receiver recovers the clock from the

    retimer, which in turn recovers the

    transmitter clock. Thus, there are

    two clock recovery loops in series.

    There is an advantage in that any

    clock phase noise at the transmitter

    gets filtered twice, and so its effect

    at the receiver is considerably

    reduced. The disadvantage is thateach clock recovery loop introduces

    pattern dependent jitter.

    Figure 7 shows the clock phase

    noise spectral density produced

    in a simulation in which a specific

    phase noise spectrum was injected

    into the transmitter and then the

    receive phase noise spectrum

    was measured with and without a

    retimer in the channel. In Figure 7,

    the transmit spectrum is shown ingreen, the spectrum without retimer

    is shown in grey, and the spectrum

    with retimer is shown in light green.

    The transmit phase noise spectrum

    in Figure 7 was generated to

    demonstrate a behavior and does

    not attempt to represent any real

    system. In particular, the spectral

    components in the transmit

    spectrum are used to make it easy

    to distinguish between transmit

    phase noise and pattern dependent

    jitter. When the retimer is disabled,

    the transmit spectral components

    are still readily visible in the receiver

    clock spectrum. However, when the

    retimer is enabled, then the transmit

    spectral components are no longer

    visible. The trade-off, however,

    Figure 5: Eye height vs. repeater location for a nonlinear repeater

    Figure 6: Eye height vs. repeater location for a retimer

    Figure 7: Clock phase noise spectra with and without retimer

    Repeater Location (inches)













    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100



    Design Region

    Retimer Location (inches)











    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100



    Design Region

    Transmitted spectral components

    filtered out by retimer

    Increased pattern

    dependent jitter with retimer

    Transfer FunctionTransmitted and Received Jitter Spectra


    Hertz (MHz)

    Retiming Enabled






    20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0

    Retiming Disabled Transmit Injected Jitter
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    is that there is increased pattern

    dependent jitter when the retimer is


    3.0 Conclusion

    For high performance stationary

    systems, electrical repeaters

    are eventually going to become

    necessary to achieve a competitive

    performance-to-cost ratio.

    Designing with repeaters has its

    own set of considerations which at

    first may not be intuitively obvious.

    When incorporating electrical

    repeaters into the system design,

    the performance analysis must

    consider the entire channel, end toend.

    4.0 References

    [1] Mike Steinberger, Accuracy of

    the Computational Experiments

    called Time Domain Simulations,




    simulations, July 4, 2011.

    About the Author

    Michael Steinberger, Ph.D., is

    responsible for leading SiSofts

    ongoing tool development effort

    for the design and analysis of

    serial links in the 5-30 Gbpsrange. Dr. Steinberger has over

    30 years experience in the design

    and analysis of very high speed

    electronic circuits. Dr. Steinberger

    began his career at Hughes Aircraft

    designing microwave circuits. He

    then moved to Bell Labs, where

    he designed microwave systems

    that helped AT&T move from

    analog to digital long-distance

    transmission. He was instrumental

    in the development of high speed

    digital backplanes used throughout

    Lucents transmission product

    line. Prior to joining SiSoft, Dr.

    Steinberger led a group of over

    20 design engineers at Cray Inc.

    responsible for SerDes design,

    high speed channel analysis, PCBdesign and custom RAM design.
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    Phil SimpsonSr. Manager, SW Product Planning

    Would you...Could you...Should you...

    Compile your FPGAdesign on the Cloud?

    What if FPGA vendors offered access to

    their software via Cloud?

    If you are the end user of FPGA Design Software, a Cloud

    Computing model would provide you with elasticity and

    flexibility. You would have access to more computer

    power when needed; the availability of compute servers

    would become on-demand. You could select your server

    size from small (2 Virtual Core and 7.5GB RAM) to large

    (8 Virtual Cores and 70GB RAM), upload your design

    and scripts to your dedicated workspace and go. There

    is the potential to check the compile status, compilation

    reports and launch compiles from your smartphone or


    Many companies have their own compute farms and may

    not see the need for a Cloud solution. However, when it

    is crunch time on the project and you need to compile

    multiple variations of your design to reach timing closure,

    extra compute resources are appealing. Imagine running

    the equivalent of the Altera Design Space Explorer on

    the Cloud. You could compile multiple design or setting

    iterations in parallel, reducing the closure timing (e.g.,

    for a four-hour compile time), compiling 10 variations or

    seeds in 4 hours as opposed to 40 hours. A Cloud solution could also offer convenience. It

    provides the convenience of avoiding those long software

    download and installation times. It would provide an easy

    way to evaluate new releases of the software without

    having to commit to the long installation process. It could

    also reduce your Information Technology (IT) costs in

    adding new hardware to your network and maintaining


    Security is interesting. There are many Web-based

    software packages and services available on the Cloudtoday. Most offerings use the Amazon Elastic Compute

    Cloud (EC2) and use SSH with private keys for access.

    For most of our everyday tasks we use the

    Cloud, and never think to question

    the security as we

    provide credit

    c a r d

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    information and other personal details; but will a

    company trust the upload of its IP to the Cloud? In

    addition to the SSH with private key access, the issue

    of IP security can be addressed via the deployment of

    the encryption technology that the FPGA vendors use on

    their own IPs. While certain business segments will not

    be satisfied with this solution, others may.

    This also opens the door to different business models for

    the FPGA design software. One option could be the pay-

    as-you-go model (i.e., only pay for licenses when they

    are being used). Or alternatively, you use your existing

    licenses and pay for the compute power. FPGA vendor

    software is significantly less expensive than traditional

    EDA software, thus the business model would likely

    differ from the model that the EDA industry will inevitably


    So, why have the FPGA vendors not provided Cloud

    access? GUI response due to network bandwidth could

    be an issue and require GUI redesign. However, scriptbased compiles, which most designers are using today,

    would work perfectly. The real reason is more business

    uncertainty rather than technical reasons. Would you use

    it? If you would use it, what price are you willing to pay

    for this capability?

    About the Author

    Phil Simpson is Alteras senior manager for software

    technical marketing, product planning, and EDA

    relationships. In this role, he is responsible for Alteras

    Quartus II software and third-party EDA interfacesproduct planning and the creation of the Altera design

    flow software roadmap. Prior to joining Altera in 1997,

    Phil held several engineering roles at various EDA and

    semiconductor companies, including EDA Solutions,

    Data I/O, and Graseby Microsystems. He holds a B.S.

    (with honors) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from

    City University, London and an M.S.C. (with distinction)

    in system design from the University of Central England,

    Birmingham, England. Phil is a published book author

    on team-based FPGA design. In addition he has written

    and had published numerous technical articles on topicsrelated to his experience.

    Figure 1: Potential Cloud Set-up

    Compile Node Servers

    Master Web App

    Get your results anywhere

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