eee - shohakusha · eee reading 5 10 15 20 25 30 when i was seven, my mother decided i should leave...

Unit EEE1 次の 1~10 までの語(句)と同意の語(句)又は定義を A~J から選んでカッコ内に書きな さい。 1. ourishing ( ) 2. last ( ) 3. dead ( ) 4. scarlet ( ) 5. fabulous ( ) 6. tremble ( ) 7. bizarre ( ) 8. set out ( ) 9. linger ( ) 10. troop ( ) A. continue for a particular length of time B. wonderful, fantastic C. prosperous D. bright red in color E. suddenly F. leave a place and begin a journey G. walk together H. to shake slightly I. very strange, unusual J. reluctant to leave The bicycle and the sweet-shop (I) 01

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Page 1: EEE - Shohakusha · EEE Reading 5 10 15 20 25 30 When I was seven, my mother decided I should leave kindergarten and go to a proper boy s school. By good fortune, there existed a



次の 1~10までの語(句)と同意の語(句)又は定義をA~J から選んでカッコ内に書きな


1. fl ourishing ( )

2. last ( )

3. dead ( )

4. scarlet ( )

5. fabulous ( )

6. tremble ( )

7. bizarre ( )

8. set out ( )

9. linger ( )

10. troop ( )

A. continue for a particular length of time

B. wonderful, fantastic

C. prosperous

D. bright red in color

E. suddenly

F. leave a place and begin a journey

G. walk together

H. to shake slightly

I . very strange, unusual

J. reluctant to leave

The bicycle and the sweet-shop (I) 01

Page 2: EEE - Shohakusha · EEE Reading 5 10 15 20 25 30 When I was seven, my mother decided I should leave kindergarten and go to a proper boy s school. By good fortune, there existed a









When I was seven, my mother decided I should leave kindergarten

and go to a proper boy’s school. By good fortune, there existed a well-

known Preparatory School for boys about a mile from our house. It was

called Llandaff Cathedral School, and it stood right under the shadow

of Llandaff cathedral. Like the cathedral, the school is still there and

still fl ourishing.

But here again, I can remember very little about the two years I

attended Llandaff Cathedral School, between the age of seven and

nine. Only two moments remain clearly in my mind. The first lasted

not more than fi ve seconds but I will never forget it.

It was my first term and I was walking home alone across the

village green after school when suddenly one of the senior twelve-year-

old boys came riding full speed down the road on his bicycle about

twenty yards away from me. The road was on a hill and the boy was

going down the slope, and as he flashed by he started backpedalling

very quickly so that the free-wheeling mechanism of his bike made a

loud whirring sound. At the same time, he took his hands off the

handlebars and folded them casually across his chest. I stopped dead

and stared after him. How wonderful he was! How swift and brave and

graceful in his long trousers with bicycle-clips around them and his

scarlet school cap at a jaunty angle on his head! One day, I told myself,

one glorious day I will have a bike like that and I will wear long

trousers with bicycle-clips and my school cap will sit jaunty on my head

and I will go whizzing down the hill pedalling backwards with no

hands on the handlebars!

I promise you that if somebody had caught me by the shoulder at

that moment and said to me, ‘What is your greatest wish in life, little

boy? What is your absolute ambition? To be a doctor? A fi ne musician?

A painter? A writer? Or the Lord Chancellor?’ I would have answered

without hesitation that my only ambition, my hope, my longing was to


Track 01

Page 3: EEE - Shohakusha · EEE Reading 5 10 15 20 25 30 When I was seven, my mother decided I should leave kindergarten and go to a proper boy s school. By good fortune, there existed a





Unit 1 The bicycle and the sweet-shop (I)

have a bike like that and to go whizzing down the hill with no hands on

the handlebars. It would be fabulous. It made me tremble just to think

about it.

My second and only other memory of Llandaff Cathedral School is

extremely bizarre. It happened a little over a year later, when I was

just nine. By then I had made some friends and when I walked to

school in the mornings I would start out alone but would pick up four

other boys of my own age along the way. After school was over, the

same four boys and I would set out together across the village green

and through the village itself, heading for home. On the way to school

and on the way back we always passed the sweet-shop. No we didn’t,

we never passed it. We always stopped. We lingered outside its rather

small window gazing in at the big glass jars full of Bull’s-eyes and Old

Fashioned Humbugs and Strawberry Bonbons and Glacier Mints and

Acid Drops and Pear Drops and Lemon Drops and all the rest of them.

Each of us received sixpence a week for pocket-money, and whenever

there was any money in our pockets, we would all troop in together to

buy a pennyworth of this or that. My own favourites were Sherbet

Suckers and Liquorice Bootlaces.


Page 4: EEE - Shohakusha · EEE Reading 5 10 15 20 25 30 When I was seven, my mother decided I should leave kindergarten and go to a proper boy s school. By good fortune, there existed a


Hint! ヒ ン トこの章をスムーズに読むための

 述語動詞と準動詞 (I)

 動詞には詳しく分けると述語動詞と準動詞の 2つがあります。述語動詞は皆さんが今まで学校で一般に動詞という呼び方で習われてきたものです。それに対して準動詞の方は馴染みのない呼び名だと思いますが、不定詞、動名詞、現在分詞、過去分詞は中学、高校で習ったことと思います。この、不定詞、動名詞、現在分詞、過去分詞を一括して準動詞と呼びます。述語動詞と準動詞の識別は文を正確に読む際に重要ですので、きちんと識別できるよう練習して下さい。

述語動詞= 主語を付けて文を作ることができます。動詞としての働きしかしない動詞。      I know the woman who teaches music at your high school.   knowも teaches も共に述語動詞

準動詞= 主語を付けても文にはなりません。動詞+名詞、形容詞、副詞の 3つのいずれかの品詞として働く動詞。

     I met the woman teaching music at your high school.   met は述語動詞、teaching は準動詞(形容詞として働いています)



1. What were two unforgettable memories when the author attended Llandaff Cathedral School?

2. What was his greatest wish in those days?

3. How much pocket money did he get a week?

4. What kinds of sweets were sold at the sweet-shop?

Page 5: EEE - Shohakusha · EEE Reading 5 10 15 20 25 30 When I was seven, my mother decided I should leave kindergarten and go to a proper boy s school. By good fortune, there existed a


Unit 1 The bicycle and the sweet-shop (I)

5. What were the author’s favorite sweets?

本文中の[ ]内の箇所を参考にして、次の日本語を英訳しなさい。

1. 彼は昼食には多くても 500 円しか使わない。[ll. 9─10]

2. 彼女は流行の歌を歌いながらやって来た。[l. 13]

3. ジョンは彼女の肩を軽くたたいた。[ll. 24─25]

4. 放課後にはよく野球をして遊んだものです。[l. 37]


1. What are your unforgettable or memorable experiences in your childhood?

2. What were your favorite sweets when a child?

Page 6: EEE - Shohakusha · EEE Reading 5 10 15 20 25 30 When I was seven, my mother decided I should leave kindergarten and go to a proper boy s school. By good fortune, there existed a


 ダールは 1916 年にノルウェー人の両親のもと、『少年』にも登場する英国の南ウェー

ルズのランダフ(Llandaff )という町に生まれました。1932 年にレプトン校(Repton


ロンドンのシェル石油に入社します。1939 年に英国空軍に入隊し、第二次世界大戦に








それが遺憾なく発揮された作品は、Edgar Allan Poe 賞を受賞した彼の代表作『あなたに

似た人』(Someone Like You, 1953)や『キス キス』(Kiss Kiss, 1960)に収録されてい





 映画好きの人なら 2005 年に公開された『チャーリーとチョコレート工場』を覚えて


童小説『チョコレート工場の秘密』(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)が原作の映画で

す。この小説の映画化は 1971 年にもされています。同じ小説が 2回も映画化されるこ


 彼は脚本家としても才能豊かな人で、007 シリーズの一作目『007 は二度死ぬ』や



小説の一節を再現したエピソードを挿入しています。また英国の BBC で『ロアルド・

ダール劇場「予期せぬ出来事」』(Roald Dahl’s Tales of Unexpected)が 1979 年からドラ


Roald Dahl とその作品について