educaxair for chronic respiratory disease

Registered in EIP AHA Integrated Care B3 Action Group EducaxAir for Chronic Respiratory Disease

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Registered in EIP AHA Integrated Care B3 Action Group

EducaxAir for ChronicRespiratory Disease

Page 2: EducaxAir for Chronic Respiratory Disease


1. Lovexair

2. Service model: EducaxAir

3. Benefits of EducaxAir: For users For Healthcare Professionals

4. Platform

5. WHEN + WHERE: Clinical Study and Post-Pilot Service delivery

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1. Lovexair

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• Offer respite to the community of people affected by chronic respiratory disease such as COPD, Asthma & minority diseases, on course to be the third leading cause of death worldwide.

• Create awareness in Society

• Provide solutions to prevent and help to improve the quality of life and wellness of those affected in their own environment.

• Support healthcare professionals and public services, collaborate with industry to provide low-cost solutions for this community.

our mission

Generate value in chronic -care: respiratory diseaseEIP Active & Healthy Ageing


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eArLY deTeCTion & orienTATion in diAGnosis resuLTs

ChroniC diseAse

Yo espiro

Yo espiro

Canal Yo respiro

-Spirometry events-Awareness & Information Campaigns-Programs for Business & employees

-Spirometry events-Tele-care support and follow-up

-Education program on self-help & monitoring-Tools for m-health & e-health-Tele-health support-Community-building-Training educators to guide patients & care-givers

Canal Yo respiro

Yo respiro empresa

Yo respiro Cuídate

Foro Yo respiro

The Foundation actively participates and is working focused on the 2020 strategy, helping to supply solutions and tools to improve health and quality of life for people with chronic respiratory disease. We are working for the community affected which includes: patients, family-members, care-givers, doctors and healthcare professionals who are interested in new roles in m-health care.

Lovexair aims to complement the healthcare services from a patients perspective, reinforcing areas that need closer attention. The challenge is to implement a strategy that supports the medical profession through programs and activities developed for different stages in the detection, prevention and management of respiratory disease.

our Vision

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The LoVexAir FoundATiondesiGns iTs WorK ProGrAmBY PArTiCiPATinG & CreATinG

Implementing programs and achieving economies of scale. As a Foundation we can work with stakeholders and users to achieve cost- reduction in delivered services .

This is an important advantage to achieve more economical solutions. The programs we design aim to be accessible to all types of user according to their own personal circumstances and are focused on supporting and developing

Independence in the community.

Channels for better breathing:

forums & special events, patient communities, PR activities,web,

newsletter, Social media

Environments for better breathing

in the workplace, at home,

in your local area with your educator

in group sessions

Tools for better breathing :

training, tele-care support, monitoring with your App,

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2. Service model: EducaxAir

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A CRM tele-care information service for patients, family- members or care-givers who need to resolve their issues

Chronic- disease patients need to be able to rely on a reliable, expert and efficient service to respond to their needs in day-to-day life.

We can interact with the community by telephone , email or text messaging through the internet by phone and via web.

This service helps to better manage peoples’ concerns about their condition , reduce over- use of healthcare services eg visits to their primary-care center, hospitalisations, non or inadequate adherence to treatments in pharmaceutical & oxygen therapy, or inability to follow simple exercise programs.

The aim is to re-educate and motivate the patient in behavioural change for better disease-management and learn from the user knowledge space

Users connect via a dynamic and interactive knowledge space: tele-therapists, educators, the patient community,healthcare professionals interested in following their patients in self-management programs for chronic disease with m-health support.

CAnAL eduCAxAir Tele-care

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ICTs m-health


Patient &



Doctors +Pharmacists


Orientation in Diagnosis

a complemenTary service:areas of engagemenT

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An inTeGrATed CAremodelSelf-care:• Bio-Monitoring• & Bio-Tracking

Education & Prevention:• Live,streaming

& recorded

Patient support :• Tele-care & education via

a helpline• Real & Virtual


Shared Space:• Follow-up on Patient progress

• Interprofessional area generates knowledge database for better outcomes in multidisciplinary care

Feedback to GP or consultants on patient progress


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CAre suPPorTin each sTage

Direct access to patient activity. Interconnected HC professionals +educators for better patient evaluation,feedbackandadjustmentonspecificprograms.Dctor’s recommendations +advice to improve response to patient events..


imProVed CLiniCAL


moniTorinG &


seLF-CAre mAnAGemenT


direct communication via educator network +platform+telecare support allowsmoreeffectiveandefficientpatient self- management

Educators + care-givers guide patient in personal programwithdiseasespecifics:presential +virtual, workshopSessions, home-visits, tele-care services + CRM tools

HC professionals can design&deliverspecificprevention programs via the platform+ educator network

iimproves integral treatment & medication capabilities across chronic-disease, comorbiditiesanddiagnosisspecifics.Gives a better picture of the patients’ overall health status.Enables new therapies+treatments to be implemented

Generate value in chronic -care: respiratory disease EIP Active & Healthy Ageing FP7/Horizons2020

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3. Benefits of EducaxAir• For users • For Healthcare


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Educator / Physiotherapist

Tele-careCall Center

Comunication patients-Educator team

Farmacias Colaboradoras

Follow-up on medication plan

Collaborative space(meeting rooms)

Direct Comunication with educators

Personalised Daily healthcare plan


Workshops, session, events

Patient Care-giver

Bio Tracking

Bio Monitoring

APP Mobile

Doctor: consultant/primary-care Collaborator

Access to Bio-measurement & BioTracking data by patient.

Observation by doctor

The doctor can access EHR via the platform: his patients

Comunication withdoctor, when necessary,

via Educator

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4. Platform

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iCTs PArTners: specialisTs in e-healTh soluTions

For the platform and m-solution we have been working with Persei Healthcare in Spain. Their experience in IT health, trusted networks, choice of arquitecture, security, ecosystems and vision for m-health with patient participation fitted with our requirements

mobile healThOur vision of mobile health takes into account all the stakeholders involved in the continuum of care.

Persei Apps facilitate the patient follow-up, support the physician in decision-making processes & allows for improved management of each pathology through educational programs and Big Data algorithms.

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For our CRM callcenter service we are maintaining an independent system for our communications service and have identified partners using technology at low rates with flexible scalability

Solutions which require quality services in health information management to provide secure space to track patients’ input with educators guidance & comments + healthcare professionals monitoring progress at primary & consultant (hospital level).

Clinical study application tool to manage the intervention across multiple participating centres

Multiple user profiles who can share knowledge across the platform

Tracking & Remote Monitoring

healTh informaTion managemenT

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• Information security is assured by our ISO 27001 certification.• Product quality is assured by our ISO 15504 certification• The redundant daily backup system avoids any possibility of lost data information. • Our platforms are based in a Three-Tier Architecture hosted in EU Data centers. No hardware/

software for you to install or support.• 24x7 monitoring service tracks any user access to the servers and monitors more than 100

parameters (offering complete security of the platform)• If it’s required, we can offer your IT department a profile to access the Data center information.

reGuLATorY, Qa and informaTion securiTy app

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The Mobile Application based on a Daily Healthcare Plan: “EducaxAir” App provides further support to engage the patient and ensure connection with tele-care services and their assigned educator.

The patient will perform simple self-reporting tasks, bio-monitoring can be integrated where necessary. This sends information about the patient’s health status to the platform managed by Persei for Lovexair Foundation service.

eduCAxAir app

The App is designed for this service model for respiratory disease but as for integrated care can include any necessary aspects / daily controls deemed necessary in chronic-disease management

Self-reporting encourages more activity and cognitive skills to be maintained.

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The LeArninG PATh: educaxair

• Healthcare profesionals specialising in respiratory care:Physiotherapists, nurses & similar specialised in EducaxAir & Teacher-training at a higher level

• Nationalnetworkwithsufficientdemographicpenetrationtoprovidetraining&guidanceatprovincialleveltoEducators• Trains educators in EducaxAir & represent the Foundation in sanitary sector• Guides and monitors quality standards of care and educator’ services

• Respiratory Physiotherapists , nurses or similar who are trained in EducaxAir • Works directly with patients & care-givers• Attends patients/care-givers in groups or home-care when required via CRM or presential sessions.• Educates, guides and monitor patients through their chronic-disease management program , gives support in IT and social

network skills• Forms part of lovexair network to strengthen & support new therapies, skills, research & provide communication , related

activities in the community

• User of EducaxAir• AffiliatedtotheFoundation• Assigned an educator• Participates in group sessions in their own local area or nearest location• Receives continual support & follow- up on their health status & daily-care program• Learns to support other patients, becomes pro-active in the network as an experienced self-care patient, participates

in focus groups, peer- to- peer support to patient/care-giver network



paTienT & care-giver

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5. WHEN + WHERE: Clinical Study and Post Pilot Service delivery

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reseArCh TeAm

Begoña Jiménez Reguera (principal researcher: Doctorate)QualifiedinPhysiotherapyspecialised in respiratory care Teacher in University CEU San Pablo , Madrid

Jordi Vilaró Casamitjana (Director of the Thesis)QualifiedinPhysiotherapy,specialisedinRespiratryCareResearcher in Pulmonary Rehabilitation & Resp. Physiotherapy & ICTsTeacher at University of Ramón Llull , BarcelonaCoordinator SEPAR

Eva Maroto López(Fundación Lovexair)QualifiedinPhysiotherapy,specialisedinRespiratory


oBjeCTiVes• Monitor adherence in patients using ICTS & App who

have received a rehab and education program based on EducaxAir model and using EducaxAir platform

• Evaluate if use of ICTS in the service model of EducaxAir improves patients adherence to a daily care plan post rehab and lengthens the positive effects by receiving this service.

CLiniCAL sTudY

sTruCTureControl Group Conventional rehab program Rotuine controls post-rehab

Intervention group Conventional Rehab EducaxAir program presential & virtual complementary to rehab Monitoring using the EducaxAir App & Educator service Routine controls post-rehab

meAsurABLe VAriABLes• Adherence Physical Capacity-Building • Reduced Number exacerbations • Quality of Life...

• Fundación Jiménez Díaz Hospital Madrid• Pulmonary Physician• Dr. Luis Seijo Macías• Rehab team • Dra. Gloria Bermejo Fernández •• University Hospital La Princesa, Madrid• Pulmonary Physician• Dr. Julio Ancochea• Emma Vázquez, Masters (resident)• Rehab team • Dra. Marta López

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inTeresT in PArTnerinG

We can offer this service in a next stage for other disease-management programs. The structure has been desiged to support variations in this way.

We are looking for partners who can help large-scale implementation of the service.

This is a low-cost service which can be delivered directly to the patient user or indirectly through third party support

We are also active in H2020 working groups.

EducaxAir has been designed as a service model for chronic - disease management.

The best practice models in EIP AHA have been monitored to ensure that this service complies with the latest and the best services over the last 3 years

Working with a Foundation has fiscal advantages and reduces the cost-burden across stakeholders.

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Please Contact :

[email protected] / [email protected]

inTeresT in PArTnerinG

We have developed our educational materials & program and are currently working on our implementation strategy, training program and have the IT Solutions & App going into production: to begin to offer the service directly to users post-clinical study.

We are interested in developing collaborative networks to offer the service through third parties: individual organisations, healthcare authorities, private & public, insurers, and alternative networks

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“Voces al Aire”


events macro:


microweb: lung function


CoPd Ps sCreenerupdaTe in 2015

e.g meTro madrid.

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