educ 4762 assignment 4.3

EDUC 4762 – Problem Solving with Communication Technologies PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING PROJECT

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Problem-Based Learning Project


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EDUC 4762 – Problem Solving with Communication Technologies


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The Project

In practice, this problem-based learning project would serve as a culminating task for the Science 9 Unit D: Electrical Principles and Technologies.

The task outlined ahead would only be one of many options students could choose from in order to use and demonstrate the knowledge and skills they acquired throughout the unit.

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The Project

This particular task requires students to complete research on two or more energy sources and their associated technologies and present their research.

Their guiding question will be:“ What are the advantages and disadvantages of

selected energy sources?”This presentation can be completed using any

method they chose, but the research process and essential information will be documented using an online wiki.

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The Project

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Project RationaleBy completing this culminating task, students

will demonstrate an understanding of the science unit as well as use the scientific process of inquiry and research.

Energy sources are among one of the most discussed topics in 21st century academia and politics which makes the task relevant and student presentations and publications make the task authentic.

Student choice within the task will also allow students to use previous skills and skills learned outside the classroom.

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ContextGrade: 9Class: Science (with possible cross-curricular links to

Social Studies, Mathematics, and English Language Arts)Unit: Electrical Principles and TechnologiesStudents should have prior understanding of :

forms of energy and energy transformation and transmission generation of electrical energy electric charge, current and storage circuits measures and units of electrical energy electrical resistance and Ohm's law renewable and nonrenewable energy

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LEARNER OUTCOMESWhat are the primary objectives for the project? Are there secondary ones?

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Learner Outcomes

Only the BOLDED UPPERCASE outcomes listed ahead would be part of summative assessment with the chosen project; although, many of the outcomes listed from the Alberta Program of Studies would be included in the problem-based project.

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Learner Outcomes

Science Knowledge & Understanding Outcomes IDENTIFY AND EVALUATE SOURCES OF ELECTRICAL


identify, describe and interpret examples of mechanical, chemical, thermal, electrical and light energy

investigate and describe evidence of energy transfer and transformation

identify the forms of energy inputs and outputs in a device or system

describe the by-products of electrical generation and their impacts on the environment

identify concerns regarding conservation of energy resources, and evaluate means for improving the sustainability of energy use

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Learner OutcomesScienceSkill Outcomes (focus on problem solving) Students will: WORK COLLABORATIVELY ON PROBLEMS; AND USE

APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE AND FORMATS TO COMMUNICATE IDEAS, PROCEDURES AND RESULTS work cooperatively with team members to develop and carry out a plan, and

troubleshoot problems as they arise communicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans and results, using lists, notes in

point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means (e.g., use charts to present data on the voltage, current (amperage) and resistance found in series and parallel circuits)

defend a given position on an issue or problem based on their findings (e.g., develop and defend a proposal on the appropriateness of an alternative energy source in a given application)

Students will be encouraged to: Work collaboratively in carrying out investigations and in generating and evaluating ideas (e.g., demonstrate interest and become involved in decision making that requires full-group participation; consider alternative ideas and interpretations suggested by members of the group; share the responsibility for difficulties encountered in an activity)

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Learner Outcomes


COLLABORATION DURING INQUIRY. C.1 - Students will access, use and communicate information

from a variety of technologies. C.2 - Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using

information technologies. C.4 - Students will use organizational processes and tools to

manage inquiry. F.6 - Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the

operating skills required in a variety of technologies. P.1 - Students will compose, revise and edit text. P.3 - Students will communicate through multimedia. P.5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources. P.6 - Students will use communication technology to interact

with others.

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Learner Outcomes


AND ASSEMBLE VARIOUS PIECES INTO A UNIFIED MESSAGE determine the validity of information based on context, bias, source,

objectivity, evidence or reliability to broaden understanding of a topic or an issue

access and operate multimedia applications and technologies from stand-alone and online sources

participate in and predict outcomes of problem-solving and decision-making scenarios

articulate clearly a plan of action to use technology to solve a problem identify the appropriate materials and tools to use in order to accomplish

a plan of action evaluate choices and the progress in problem solving, then redefine the

plan of action as appropriate organize and synthesize researched information include and organize references as part of research refine searches to limit sources to a manageable number

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Learner Outcomes

There are also many English Language Arts and Mathematics outcomes that are tied to this project, but are too numerous to list.

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METHODS & TECHNOLOGYWhat teaching methods and technology will be used?

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DescriptionThe learning project will be student-centered and the

teacher will act mostly to facilitate the problem solving process and make suggestions for technology and resources suitable to research and presentation.

The student hand-out will include instructions and suggestions as well as a grading rubric.

The activity is left open-ended enough so that students can pose their own questions on their topic and continually formulate new questions as they complete their research.

Students are encouraged to use this opportunity to not only demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the topic, but also to showcase and build upon their artistic and technology skills.

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TechnologyAll students are required to use

technology in the following ways:Discussion forums – students working within

groups or as individuals will use online discussion forums to record their problem solving steps, collaboration techniques and reflections on the research and presentation process.

Wikis – students will post summaries of research to be shared on a class wiki that group members can each edit and add to and the remainder of the class can view.

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Students will be using technology throughout the research process via:Web search enginesLibrary searchesWord processors for

keeping notesBlogs for reflectionDigital collaborative

thought webs

Students will have the option to use technology as part in their product by creating:Word-processed reportsVideosSlideshowsPrezisDigital PostersWebsitesOther student-suggested


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WIKISWhy use wikis for this project?

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‘Wiki’ by bobobluemonkey1

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What’s a Wiki?

“A collaborative website which can be directly edited using only a web browser, often by anyone with access to it.”[]

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The pedagogical potential for wikis can be viewed as:

Opportunities for learning:Students create content: knowledge

production and synthesisOwnership and autonomy – Authentic

Learning TasksLinking patterns and contextualisingSharing, collaboration and group workReflection Dialogue through discussion pages

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RationaleOpportunities for differentiated activities:

Group project workBuilding shared repositoriesConference style presentationsCritical peer reviewDebating course topics

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RationaleBenefits of writing for wikis:

Improve the most challenging phase of the writing process: revision

Increase flexibility to consider other ways of saying things

Build an awareness of a wider, more authentic audience

Stimulate discussion and reflection about the writing process

Help students articulate different conceptualizations of the same content

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Activation MatrixDimensions of Problem

Attributes of Wiki Rationale for Technology

Collaborating with peers

Pages can be edited by any group member

Wikis allow for peer editing and collaboration while allowing the teacher to monitor individual contributions

Effective time management

Pages can be edited simultaneously from multiple computers

Students can save time by working on multiple computers –at home or school.

Manage resources Discussion forums act as a record and sharing platform

Relevant resources can be shared and reviewed by peers all in one convenient location

Demonstrate understanding of topic

Information is summarized and presented with references on each wiki page

Audience is genuine and students become “experts” and ensure the validity of their research

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StrategiesStudents will likely be involved in many problem solving strategies throughout the

project, here is a short list: Creating Subgoals

Students will break down the problem into more manageable pieces to keep their research focused and to avoid being overwhelmed with too much information.

Brute force - Trial and Error Some students may wish to use trial and error as a means of brainstorming

presentation ideas or to do decide what pieces of information are most important.

Hill climbing If students have an idea at the beginning of the project of how they would like to

proceed with their research and what their product might look like, this strategy is one that they will be using.

Acquisition of content knowledge Most students should already have enough background knowledge, but some may

need to go back and review unit content, or complete a broader scope of research so that they become more knowledgeable about the topics before they narrow their scope.

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Strategies Pattern recognition

As students complete their research, they will recognize patterns in how previous published materials were organized. They will likely choose to follow those patterns in an effort to maximize efficiency.

Elaboration The use of discussion forums and wikis throughout the research process

will likely lead to new questions that students must elaborate externally and communicate that elaboration to their peers.

Chunking This is similar to creating sub-goals in this case as students break down the

problem into smaller ones . They will hopefully be doing this using the discussion boards or graphic organizers.

Organizational instruments The end product itself, is a means to understand the problem. Students will

be creating some form of organized presentation, thus this strategy will be used throughout the entire process.

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Student Resources

The wiki space for students to post their information and discuss the project with peers (not fully developed) up-t0-date site on news regarding

alternative energy

A great informative site from the U.S. Energy Information Administration

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ConclusionUsing these types of technologies in the classroom is not something

I’ve had the opportunity to try yet... but...

“Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there known n; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”

- Donald Rumsfeld

Known knowns: institutional barriers, pedagogy, current student competencies, my own competencies

Known unknowns: impact of web 2.0 (quality and trust), direction of e-learning, next generation learners

Unknown unknowns: ???

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ReferencesMah, K. (2002). Science in Action. Toronto: Addison Wesley


Wetzel, D. (2009, June 10). 5 Strategies for Using Wikis in a Classroom. Retrieved December 1, 2010, from Suite 101:

Wikiquote. (2010, November 1). Donald Rumsfeld. Retrieved December 1, 2010, from WikiQuote: