editing transitions

In any piece of film, editors use different types of transitions to move from one clip to another. How many transitions do you think there is in the trailer for kickass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td9 21lYSBIA Connec t Now watch the trailer and count the transitions. Were you close to your original guess?

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Page 1: Editing transitions

In any piece of film, editors use different types of transitions to move from one clip to another.

How many transitions do you think there is in the trailer for kickass 2?



Now watch the trailer and count the transitions.

Were you close to your original guess?

Page 2: Editing transitions

In preparation for your editing analysis essay, you must be able to identify a range of editing techniques.

Using Word, keep notes on each editing technique that we explore in the lesson.

• Define them in your own words.• Reference and explain the examples

that we look at in class (you could also screen grab and illustrate your points).

• A distinction student will start to explain WHY they believe these editing techniques are used, how they affect the audience and how they support the narrative.

PassP1 describe the development and principles of editing with some appropriate use

of subject terminology.

MeritM1 explain the development and principles of editing with reference to detailed

illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology.

DistinctionD1 critically assess the development and principles of editing with supporting

arguments and elucidated examples, and consistently using subject terminology correctly.


Page 3: Editing transitions


• The cut is the most common type of video transition. It simply means replacing one shot instantly with the next.

• When you shoot video footage on your camera, there is a cut between each shot, i.e. between when you stop recording and start recording the next shot.


Page 4: Editing transitions

Cross Fade/DissolveA gradual fade from one shot to the next is known as a crossfade, mix or dissolve.Watch the clip for a shopping channel. It is a promo advertising a jewellery show. Why do you think that they have used dissolves?


Crossfades have a slower, more relaxed feel than a cut. They can be used in situations such as:

•Slowing the pace of a video•Creating a mood, e.g. relaxation, thoughtfulness, etc. •Showing a sequence of scenic shots•Photo montages•Conveying a sense of passing time or changing locationThe speed of the crossfade transition can vary between a few frames (for relatively fast-paced content) to several seconds.

Page 5: Editing transitions

• When would you use a shot, reverse shot?

• What is its effect on the audience?



Page 6: Editing transitions

Jump Cut• A jump cut is a transition between two shots

which appears to "jump" forward in time. A section of the clip has been removed.

Watch the clip. How many jump cuts are there?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diNUplP7GZ8

Answer: 11Watch again. Notice how the clip

appears to jump forward in time as though a piece of the clip is missing.

Page 7: Editing transitions

Graphic Match and Cut Away


• A graphic match, is a cut in film editing between either two different objects, two different spaces, or two different compositions in which an object in the two shots graphically match, often helping to establish a strong continuity of action and linking the two shots metaphorically.

List one reason why you would use a jump cut, graphic match and

cut away.‘2001: A Space Odyssey’

Merit question

Page 8: Editing transitions

Parallel editing/intercutting

• A technique which cuts between two separate events that are occurring at the same time within the context of the film.


Although the two scenes within the John Lewis advert are in different time periods (as suggested by the costume, set and props), the parallel editing suggests that the characters actions are simultaneous.

What does this connote about:• The characters relationship• The company (John Lewis)

Distinction question

Page 9: Editing transitions

Match on action

• A match on action is a cut that connects two different views of the same action at the same moment .

• Usually captured using multi camera set up


Why do you think film makers use match on action transitions in their edit?

Can you think of any other famous scenes that use match on action?

Page 10: Editing transitions


Watch the clip.

Why use a montage?


Remember: • a pass student will be able to accurately describe the


• A merit student will be able to discuss relevant examples of a montage.

• A distinction student would be able to explain why they are used and analyse their affect.

Page 11: Editing transitions


• A wipe is a very dated form of transition that is not often adopted in modern film making.

• The shot is ‘wiped’ from the screen to reveal the next shot in a variety of creative ways.


Page 12: Editing transitions

What editing transitions can you identify in these famous scenes?



