ed weatherall


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Ed Weatherall #ogilvychange lab day


Page 1: Ed Weatherall
Page 2: Ed Weatherall
Page 3: Ed Weatherall

The Big Five

OpennessHow open to new

experiences, artistic interests,

abstract thought

Closed: 31%

Open: 69%

Page 4: Ed Weatherall

The Big Five

ConscientiousnessHow organised, diligent,

competent, dutiful,

achievement striving

Unconscientious: 47%

Conscientious: 53%

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The Big Five

ExtraversionHow outgoing, gregarious,

high activity, positive emotion

from high activity

Introverts: 40%

Extravert: 60%

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The Big Five

AgreeablenessHow ‘warm’, tender minded,

sentimental, trusting, modest

and to some extent friendly

Disagreeable: 45%

Agreeable: 55%

Page 7: Ed Weatherall

The Big Five

NeuroticismHow anxious, tendency

towards depressive thought,

vulnerability, even hostility is

predicted by this

Emotionally stable: 35%

Neurotic: 65%

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Ogilvy Lab Day Attendees

busy people, with short attention spans

who like things to be dramatic and


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Prone to


thought and


open to new


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They find the miracle

of childbirth pretty


Sales People

They don't like being on

their own, won't just sit

back and listen.

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Likely to go running

after an argument.

Account Managers

Practical thinkers and good

listeners. They're

comfortable in social

situations, but are happy to

be on their own.

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At a party, they're

the ones telling

the jokes.

Client Marketers

Logical thinkers who like to

take the driving seat.

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If something breaks,

they go to find the



Practical thinkers who enjoy

their own company.

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Likely to turn up

late, and get angry

when things don't go

their way.


Abstract thinkers who feel

inspired when they're alone.

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Girls drink pints

and boys wear


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In evolutionary terms, we began as physical organisms, single cell creatures

responding to simple stimuli. At this point we were purely physical.

The Evolution of The New Me

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…and zooming through evolution a few billion years we arrived at

an aware and feeling being

The Evolution of The New Me

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…and more recently, another part of us has

appeared – our digital me

The Evolution of The New Me

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In the last 12 months, we have seen an explosion of new technologies linking the physical

and digital self – Quantified Self.

Clever devices designed to process physical data

The Evolution of The New Me

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VisualDNA is a technology that connects our digital

being with our emotional self.

The Evolution of The New Me

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We enable connections for a more complete relationship between all aspects of ourselves with

the potential of making the digital world more real and a more complete representation of our

true self.

The Evolution of The New Me

Page 22: Ed Weatherall

Edward WeatherallClient Director

T: 020 7749 0219 / M: 0771 509 1536

[email protected]
