ecosystem of sliver forest


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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Ecosystem of Sliver forest . History of Sliver Forest. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Ecosystem of Sliver forest

Ecosystem of Sliver forest History of Sliver ForestSliver forest, A place where everything is beautiful and peaceful. All living things existed together in peaceful harmony. A forest where even fairies live and devil not even something they know. The place where energy is not gain by eating so in other words a place where no living thing is killed the producers share their energy by just sending them to air.Horned Runner were the one who absorb the energy that comes from producers like fairies and tree but they dont just keep it for themselves, they share with who couldnt absorb such energy directly like the guardians of the forest, The holy knight and Burning Sword.Lost Fairies (Producers)

Horned Runner (Primary Cosumer)

Burning Sword and Holy knight

The Invasion of XdragonSlayarsXBut everything change when XdragonSlayarsX group invade the forest causing problems in their energy flow. The group mercilessly kill everything and absorb the energy. Lead by ShadowFrost a human-like creature and his partner SoulBlade an evil demon lordShadowFrost and Soublade

Soul Blade in his demon form

Picture of Creatures fighting for energy

The end of Sliver ForestThe once peaceful forest is now a nothing but a abandoned place where only souls live The Creature which once lived in peace is now fighting againt each other for food. The producer are now no where to be found . Maybe one day when all fighting stop the forest can return to its original state.CreditsThe whole story was made in GDMO gameThe creatures are made by meThe Story line by meGroup members: MeThe game made by JoymaxAccounts Sponsored by XdragonSlayarsX groupEvil Digimon sponsored by XdragonslayarsXSong: We will meet againThanks for watching
