economy & social class comm russia and china

Industrialization Series of 5 year plans to expand manufacturing Industrial cities built with Western engineering Rapid urbanization

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Industrialization Series of 5 year plans

to expand manufacturing

Industrial cities built with Western engineering

Rapid urbanization followed.

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Industrialization Success! By the

1930’s USSR was the world’s 3rd leading industrial power.

Total government control of industry focused on military and heavy industry (not consumer goods)

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AgricultureCollectivization• 1928, Soviet gov seized 25

million privately owned farms

• Established gov’t owned farms called collectives

• Food production declined, grains were taken to feed urban areas or for export

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The Costs• Brutal techniques were

used against workers and farmers

• Massive famine killed 5-10 million

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Socialism in One Country

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Social Class ChangesWealthy upper class

(including ruling families) was removed.

The kulak class (small landowners) was destroyed.

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Social Class ChangesCommunist Party Leaders• Became the new upper

classMilitary Leaders• Continued to be in the

upper classUrban workers • Gained some status

officially• Gained access to new

government services

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Changes in Social Class and Families Similar changes in the family as in the

industrialized nations of the west.• Family ties loosened, emphasis on nuclear

families.• Birth rates declined• Greater emphasis on children succeeding

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USSR- Women’s Status “Legal equality” with

men. Women joined the

work force in industrialization and had some political roles.

Women gained ground in certain professions – such as medicine.

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What stayed the same?• Male-dominated

society – politically and economically

• No middle-class• Elite class still in

control of the politics, economics, and society– (Stalin and communist

party replaced Tsar and boyars)

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What stayed the same?• Largely rural

population and strong agricultural base.

• Consumer-based economy never developed.

• Russian economy mostly isolated from the West.

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Social Class Changes• Wealthy upper class

(including ruling families) was removed.

• Landowning class was destroyed.

• Intellectuals attacked

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Social Class ChangesCommunist Party Leaders• Became the new upper classMilitary Leaders• Continued to be in the

upper classRural workers• Mao’s power base• Gained status (yet economic

conditions deteriorated)

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Women’s Status Improved

“Women hold up half the sky.”• Foot-binding ended and

arranged marriages were limited

• Women could hold professions, join the army, and serve in the government.

• “Legal equality” with men.

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Women’s Status Improved?

• Women were working outside of the home AND still responsible for the home and childcare.

• Traditional emphasis on men as “superior” continued.

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Great Leap Forward1958 - Mao attempted to industrialize and

collectivize agriculture• Eliminated private enterprise and land

ownership• Forced people out of the cities and into

communes and moved rural workers to collective farms.

• Created “Backyard steel mills” – small industrial centers scattered throughout China

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Great Leap Forward = Great Leap Backward

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Great Leap Forward

• The plan failed miserably – famine caused 20 + million to die, steel production dropped

drastically, the program ended early, and Mao’s power was reduced