economic systems thinking_23_07_10

Systems Thinking and Finance 3.0 Strathclyde University Chris Cook, Glasgow 23 July 2010

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Systems Thinking and Finance 3.0

Strathclyde University

Chris Cook, Glasgow

23 July 2010

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“You can't solve 21st Century problems with 20th Century solutions”. Dr Narsi Ghorban

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Market 1.0 – was for thousands of years decentralised but disconnected

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Money 1.0 was a physical object and market presence also physical

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Market 2.0 is centralised but connected

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Money 2.0 is a credit object and market presence is through 'for profit' intermediaries

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Market 3.0 will be decentralised but connected – a “Peer to Peer” Market

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Money 3.0 – is a relationship defined within an interactive protocol

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Money 3.0 – is one of the outcomes of P2P Credit and P2P Investment

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Let’s look first at P2P Credit

Sellers Buyers


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Sellers give buyers interest-free credit –or “time to pay”

Sellers Buyers

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Credit is guaranteed by a Guarantee Society of seller and buyer members...

Sellers Buyers

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..with some kind of “common bond”: geographical, functional, or both....

Sellers Buyers

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Both sellers and buyers pay into a Pool for the use of the Society’s Guarantee

Sellers Buyers

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FeeFee Fee

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Buyers settle credit in money, or money’s worth of Value acceptable to Sellers

Sellers Buyers

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FeeFee Fee


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If buyers default, the Pool pays sellers, and collects from buyers

Sellers Buyers

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A service provider sets guarantee limits, handles defaults & manages the system

Sellers Buyers

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Services Fee


Guarantee Guarantee


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P2P Investment and Unitisation

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There are conventionally two types of ownership - Public or Private

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There are two conventional investment protocols: Debt and Equity

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The statutory Limited Company protocol

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....a 19th Century legal dinosaur...

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Page 24: Economic systems thinking_23_07_10 what makes the Private Sector Private

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Credit is typically issued by banks and secured by debt protocols....

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Page 26: Economic systems thinking_23_07_10 two conflicting claims over the same productive asset

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But there’s a new furry mammal out there....

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...the 21st Century UK Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

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A UK LLP is a corporate body with limited liability....

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...and...errrr...that’s it!...

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As far as the UK Tax Man is concerned it is a Partnership

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It’s an “Open” Corporate where partnership working is possible....

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... even without a written agreement

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It enables direct Peer to Peer (P2P) Credit and Investment

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Over 60,000 UK LLPs are now in pervasive use for purposes never intended...

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...even in the Public Sector, where Glasgow has five municipal LLPs

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Capital Partnership – direct Peer to Peer investment in productive assets

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Hilton Capital Partnership ( > £1bn)

Capital Partnership LLP10 UK Hotels

Gross Revenues

Hilton GroupCapital User

Consortium LLP Capital Provider

Bank PropertyDeveloper


% %


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Capital Partnership




% %





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Productive assets are held by a Custodian

Assets CustodianOwnership

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...who safeguards the asset on behalf of the Community

Assets CustodianOwnership

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Investors put in Financial Capital in money, or money’s worth…




Financial Capital

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Managers provide Human Capital of time, expertise and experience....





Financial Capital


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Users pay for the use of Capital




% %





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Result: Capital Partnership




% %





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Capital Partnership reinvents Equity

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Equity Shares - % age shares in revenues or production...

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…..which may be transferred, but never redeemed, since there must always be 100%

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Units – Redeemable in production eg Kilo Watt Hours, natural gas

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Example: “The Art of Flirting” – a film incorporated as an LLP

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The actors received nth’s of the gross revenues...

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...I got 5%...and the producer the rest...

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...except that we needed lights, cameras, pizza, coffee

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Two Capital Partners invested £10k for 20% of revenues

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...if there are any

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Art of Flirting Partnership

Art of Flirting Partnership

Financial Capital(Investors)


Human Capital(Actors, Producer, Me)


% %


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Everyone was on the same side

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Example: Albion Trust...a charity

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..which provides affordable office space for social enterprises

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...due to demand they bought a disused church next door

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...and planned a £4m development

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But if they borrow, the rents will be unaffordable

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Solution? An Albion Partnership?

Albion Partnership





% %


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Capital Partnerships and Guarantee Societies are not Organisations

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They do not own anything, do anything, employ anyone, or contract with anyone...

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They are simply framework protocols with cross border application

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...transcending borders through interactive consensual agreements

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...rather than adversarial contracts imposed by national statutes or courts

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Law is Code

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Partnership protocols require no legislation

Master Partnership

Financial Capital(Money, IP etc)


Human Capital(Developers, Operators)


% %


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There need be no national or international organisations or hierarchies

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Money 3.0 is not an Object: it is a Relationship

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My vision for Money 3.0 is of a networked Clearing Union....

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....where 'Money's Worth' of value is exchanged on credit terms

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I assume three fundamental bases of Value.....Location

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Units redeemable in payment for location rental will be acceptable geographically

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Units redeemable in payment for energy will be acceptable generally

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Credit Units issued by individuals and enterprises are backed by knowledge

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Transactions will be priced by reference to an energy standard or Unit of measure

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Communities with a common bond constitute Guarantee Societies

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The agreement defines the Community

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Money 3.0 - the Community is the Currency

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Thank You

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