economic geology - mineral resources

Prepared by: Dr. Abdel Monem Soltan Ph.D. Ain Shams University, Egypt

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Prepared by:Dr. Abdel Monem Soltan


Ain Shams University, Egypt

The discipline of “Economic Geology” covers all aspects pertaining to the description and understanding of mineral resources.

The purpose of this process-orientated course is to provide a better understanding of the nature and origin of mineral occurrences and how they fit into the Earth system.

Gold Lead-Zinc



A very simple classification of ores is achieved on the basis of igneous, sedimentary/surficial and hydrothermal categories. This subdivision is very similar to one used by Einaudi (2000), who stated that all mineral deposits can be classified into three types based on process, namely magmatic deposits, hydrothermal deposits and surficial deposits formed by surface and groundwaters. Ore-forming processes can overlap between igneous and hydrothermal and between sedimentary and hydrothermal.

Classification of the principal rock types (a) and an analogous, but much simplified, classification of ore deposit types (b).

Ore deposits are formed when a useful commodity is sufficiently concentrated in an accessible part of the Earth’s crust so that it can be profitably extracted.

Fe, Al, Mg, Ti, and Mn, are abundantly distributed in the Earth’s crust (i.e. between about 0.5 and 10 wt%) and only require a relatively small degree of enrichment in order to make a viable deposit.Table 1 shows that Fe and Al, for example, need to be concentrated by factors of 9 and 4 respectively, relative to average crustal abundances, in order to form potentially viable deposits.

The crustal abundances for Au and Pt are in the range 4–5 parts per billion (ppb) and even though ore deposits routinely extract these metals at grades of around 5 gt−1, the enrichment factors involved are between 1000 and 1250 times.

Ore deposits are natural concentrations of useful metals, minerals or rocks, which can be economically exploited. Concentrations that are too small/ low-grade for mining are called occurrences or mineralizations.

Plot of crustal abundances against global production for an number of metal commodities (after Einaudi, 2000). The line through Fe can be regarded as a datum against which the rates of production of the other metals can be compared in the context of crustal abundances.

Another useful way to distinguish between the geochemically abundant and scarce metals is to plot average crustal abundances against production estimates.

Simplified scheme illustrating the conceptual difference between mineral resources and ore reserves as applied to mineral occurrences. The scheme forms the basis for the professional description of ore deposits as defined by the Australian and South African Institutes of Mining and Metallurgy.

Exploration results can be translated into a mineral resource once it is clear that an occurrence of intrinsic economic interest exists in such form and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for its eventual exploitation.

Such a resource can only be referred to as an ore reserve if it is a part of an economically extractable measured or indicated mineral resource.

Mineral deposits are basically valuable rocks. Their formation is compared with processes that have produced ordinary rocks and is investigated with petrological methods. Mineral deposits can also be thought of as a geochemical enrichment of elements or compounds in the Earth’s crust, which is determined by their chemical properties.

Important Definitions

Ore: A type of rock that contains minerals with important elements including metals that can be extracted from the rock at a profit.

Ore deposits: Ore accumulation. Parts of the crust, where ores are concentrated.

Gangue: commercially worthless material that surrounds, or is closely mixed with, a wanted mineral in an ore deposit.

Mining: Extraction of ores, or other valuable minerals from the ore deposits.

Metallogeny: the study of the genesis of mineral deposits, with emphasis on their relationships in space and time to geological features of the Earth’s crust.

Metallotect: any geological, tectonic, lithological or geochemical feature that has played a role in the concentration of one or more elements in the Earth’s crust.

Metallogenic Epoch: a unit of geologic time favorable for the deposition of ores or characterized by a particular assemblage of deposit types.

Metallogenic Province: a region characterized by a particular assemblage of mineral deposit types.

Syngenetic: refers to ore deposits that form at the same time as their host rocks.

Epigenetic: refers to ore deposits that form after their host rocks.

Hypogene: refers to mineralization caused by ascending hydrothermal solutions.

Supergene: refers to mineralization caused by descending solutions.

Lateral secretion: concentration of metals by abstraction from surrounding rock.

Endogenetic: concentration caused by processes in the Earth’s interior (magmatism or metamorphism).

Exogenetic: concentration caused by processes at the Earth’s surface (sedimentation, weathering).

The non-genetic descriptors stratiform (layer-shaped) and stratabound (restricted to certain strata) only denote shape and position of an orebody in relation to sedimentary features, not its origin.

Epithermal: hydrothermal ore deposits formed at shallow depths (less than 1500 meters) and fairly low temperatures (50–200 °C).

Mesothermal: hydrothermal ore deposits formed at intermediate depths (1500–4500 meters) and temperatures (200–400 °C).

Hypothermal: hydrothermal ore deposits formed at substantial depths (greater than 4500 meters) and elevated temperatures (400–600 °C).

Mendeleev arranged the elements into rows in order or increasing mass and placed elements with similar properties into the same columns. This arrangements of atoms in columns with repeating properties from row to row is called the PERIODIC TABLE.

Elements are arranged by increasing atomic number. Elements in a group exhibit similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons.

A periodic table in which these elements are presented in ascending atomic number and also categorized into groupings that are relevant to metallogenesis.

There are 92 elements occur in readily detectable amounts in the Earth’s crust. Some of the elements (iron and aluminum) are required in copious quantities as raw materials for the manufacture of vehicles and in construction, whereas others ; the rare earths, for example; are needed in very much smaller amounts for use in the alloys and electronics industries.

The useful elements can be broadly subdivided in a number of different ways. Most of the elements can be classified as metals, with a smaller fraction being non-metals. The elements B, Si, As, Se, Te, and At have intermediate properties and are referred to as metalloids.

A periodic table showing metals; non-metals and metalloids.

•A metal is a solid material (an element, compound, or alloy) that is typically hard, opaque, shiny, and features good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metals are generally malleable, fusible  and ductile. •Currently, 91 out of the 118 total elements on the periodic table are classified as metals.•A metal is a chemical element that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat and forms ionic bonds with non-metals. In chemistry, a metal is an element, compound, or alloy characterized by high electrical conductivity. In a metal, atoms readily lose electrons to form positive ions (cations). Those ions are surrounded by delocalized electrons, which are responsible for the conductivity.

1. Metals are solids. (except mercury)

2. Metals are hard. (except Lithium, Potassium, Sodium)

3. Metals have metallic lustre. (shine)

4. Metals are malleable. (can be beaten into thin sheets)

5. Metals are ductile. (can be drawn into wires)

6. Metals have high melting points. (Gallium and Ceasium have low melting points. They melt in the palm of the hand)

7. Metals have high boiling points.8. Metals are good conductors of

heat. ( Best conductors are silver and copper. Poor conductors are Lead and Mercury)

9. Metals are good conductors of electricity. ( Best conductors are Silver and Copper)

10.Metals are sonorus. (produce sound when beaten)




•Metals are broadly classified as Ferrous and Non-Ferrous.•Ferrous metals include steel and pig iron (with a carbon content of a few percent) and alloys of iron with other metals (such as stainless steel).•A non-ferrous metal is any metal, including alloys, that does not contain iron in appreciable amounts. They are generally more expensive than ferrous metals. Non-ferrous metals are used because of desirable properties such as low weight (e.g., aluminium), higher conductivity (e.g., copper), non-magnetic property resistance to corrosion (e.g., zinc).

Ferrous metals

Among metals there are several subgroups, including transition metals (such as iron, zinc, copper), noble metals (such as gold, platinum, palladium), alkaline earth metals, etc.

Important non-ferrous metals include aluminium, copper, lead, nickel, tin, titanium, zinc. Precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum and Platinum. Exotic or rare metals such as  cobalt, mercury, tungsten, beryllium, bismuth and cerium.

Transition Metals

• Elements in groups 3-12• Less reactive harder metals• Includes metals used in

jewelry and construction.• Metals used “as metal.”• Most transition elements are

found combined with other elements in ores.

• Tungsten has the highest melting point of any metal (3,410°C) and will not melt when a current passes through it.

• Mercury, which has the lowest melting point of any metal (–39°C), is used in thermometers and in barometers.

The transition metals can form a variety of ions by losing one or more electrons. All transition elements are metal at room temperature except mercury which is liquid at room temperature.

• There are two series of inner transition elements.• The first series, from cerium to lutetium, is called the lanthanides.• The second series of elements, from thorium to lawrencium, is called the

actinides. • The lanthanides are soft metals that can be cut with a knife.• All the actinides are radioactive.

Alkali Metals (alkalies)

Alkali metals belong to group 1, from lithium to francium. Alkali metals react with atoms of other elements by losing one electron.

Reactivity increases as you move down the group

Alkali metals are so highly reactive, they only exist as compounds. Sodium and Potassium are very important to life.

Group 2 of the periodic table contains the alkaline earth metals. These elements are not as reactive as the metals in Group 1, but they are more reactive than most other metals. They are also harder than group 1 metals and have higher melting points.

Differences in their reactivity is how they react with water. They are good conductors of electricity.

Mg can be as hard as steel when mixed with other metals but is extremely light.

Calcium is important for bones and muscles.

Alkaline Earth Metals

Non-metals are solids and gases and are not good conductors of heat and electricity. Non metals are chemical elements that form negative ions, have acidic oxides, and are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity.

• Non metals may be solids, liquids or gases. (Solids – Carbon, Sulphur, Phosphorus etc. Liquid – Bromine, Gases – Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen etc.).

• Non metals are soft. (except diamond which is the hardest natural substance).

• Non metals do not have lustre.( except iodine crystals).

• Non metals are not malleable.• Non metals are not ductile.• Non metals which are solids

and liquids have low melting points.

• Non metals which are solids and liquids have low boiling points.

• Non metals are bad conductors of heat.

• Non metals are bad conductors of electricity. (except graphite).

• Non metals are not sonorus.




Another classification of elements, attributed to the pioneering geochemist Goldschmidt, is based on their rock associations and forms the basis for distinguishing between lithophile (associated with silicates and concentrated in the crust), chalcophile (associated with sulfides), siderophile (occur as the native metal and concentrated in the core), and atmophile (occur as gases in the atmosphere) elements.

It is also useful to consider elements in terms of their ore mineral associations, with some preferentially occurring as sulfides and others as oxides. Some elements have properties that enable them to be classified in more than one way and iron is a good example, in that it occurs readily as both an oxide and sulfide.

Common ore and gangue mineralsIt is estimated that there are about 3800 known minerals that have been identified and classified. Only a very small proportion of these make up the bulk of the rocks of the Earth’s crust, as the common rock forming minerals. Likewise, a relatively small number of minerals make up most of the economically viable ore deposits of the world.The following compilation is a breakdown of the more common ore minerals in terms of chemical classes based essentially on based essentially on the anionic part of the mineral formula. The compilation also includes some of the more common “gangue,” which are those minerals that form part of the ore body, but do not contribute to the economically extractable part of the deposit. The compilation, including ideal chemical formulae, is subdivided into six sections, these are: 1.native elements, 2.halides, 3.sulfides and sulfo-salts,4. oxides and hydroxides, 5.oxy-salts (such as carbonates, phosphates, tungstates, sulfates) and6. silicates.

1- Native elements:Both metals and non-metals exist in nature in the native form, where essentially only one element exists in the structure. Copper, silver, gold, and platinum are all characterized by cubic close packing of atoms, have high densities, and are malleable and soft. The carbon atoms in diamond are linked in tetrahedral groups forming well cleaved, very hard, translucent crystals. Sulfur occurs as rings of eight atoms and forms bipyramids or is amorphous.

MetalsGold – AuSilver – AgPlatinum – PtPalladium – PdCopper – Cu

Non-metalsSulfur – SDiamond – CGraphite – C

Gold Silver Platinum

Palladium Copper

Sulfur Diamond Graphite

2- HalidesThe halide mineral group comprises compounds made up by ionic bonding. Minerals such as halite and sylvite are cubic, have simple chemical formulae, and are highly soluble in water. Halides sometimes form as ore minerals, such as chlorargyrite and atacamite.

Halite – NaClSylvite – KClChlorargyrite – AgClFluorite – CaF2Atacamite – Cu2Cl(OH)3

Chlorargyrite Atacamite

3- Sulfides and sulfo-saltsThis is a large and complex group of minerals in which bonding is both ionic and covalent in character. The sulfide group has the general formula AMXP, where X, the larger atom, is typically S but can be As, Sb, Te, Bi, or Se, and A is one or more metals. The sulfo-salts, which are much rarer than sulfides, have the general formula AMBNXP, where A is commonly Ag, Cu, or Pb, B is commonly As, Sb, or Bi, and X is S. The sulfide and sulfo-salt minerals are generally opaque, heavy and have a metallic to sub-metallic luster.Sulfides

Chalcocite – Cu2SBornite – Cu5FeS4Galena – PbSSphalerite – ZnSChalcopyrite – CuFeS2Pyrrhotite – Fe1–xSPentlandite – (Fe,Ni)9S8Millerite – NiSCovellite – CuSCinnabar – HgSSkutterudite – (Co,Ni)As3Sperrylite – PtAs2

Cobaltite – CoAsSGersdorffite – NiAsSLoellingite – FeAs2Molybdenite – MoS2Realgar – AsSOrpiment – As2S3Stibnite – Sb2S3Bismuthinite – Bi2S3Argentite – Ag2SCalaverite – AuTe2Pyrite – FeS2Laurite – RuS2Braggite/cooperite – (Pt,Pd,Ni)SMoncheite – (Pt,Pd)(Te,Bi)2




Tetrahedrite – (Cu,Ag)12Sb4S13Tennantite – (Cu,Ag)12As4S13Enargite – Cu3AsS4

Tetrahedrite Tennantite Enargite

4- Oxides and hydroxides:This group of minerals is variable in its properties, but is characterized by one or more metal in combination with oxygen or a hydroxyl group. The oxides and hydroxides typically exhibit ionic bonding. The oxide minerals can be hard, dense, and refractory in nature (magnetite, cassiterite) but can also be softer and less dense, forming as products of hydrothermal alteration and weathering (hematite, anatase, pyrolucite). Hydroxides, such as goethite and gibbsite, are typically the products of extreme weathering and alteration.Oxides

Cuprite – Cu2OHematite – Fe2O3Ilmenite – FeTiO3Hercynite – FeAl2O4Gahnite – ZnAl2O4Magnetite – Fe3O4Chromite – FeCr2O4Rutile – TiO2Anatase – TiO2Pyrolucite – MnO2Cassiterite – SnO2Uraninite – UO2Thorianite – ThO2Columbite-tantalite– (Fe,Mn)(Nb,Ta)2O6

Hydroxides (or oxyhydroxides)

Goethite – FeO(OH)Gibbsite – Al(OH)3Boehmite – AlO(OH)Manganite – MnO(OH)




5- Oxy-saltsThe carbonate group of minerals form when anionic carbonate groups (CO3)2− are linked by intermediate cations such as Ca, Mg, and Fe. Hydroxyl bearing and hydrated carbonates can also form, usually as a result of weathering and alteration. The other oxy-salts, such as the tungstates, sulfates, phosphates, and vanadates, are analogous to the carbonates, but are built around an anionic group of the form (XO4)n−.


Calcite – CaCO3Dolomite – CaMg(CO3)2Ankerite – CaFe(CO3)2Siderite – FeCO3Rhodochrosite – MnCO3Smithsonite – ZnCO3Cerussite – PbCO3Azurite – Cu3(OH)2(CO3)2Malachite – Cu2(OH)2CO3


Scheelite – CaWO4Wolframite – (Fe,Mn)WO4





Baryte(s) – BaSO4Anhydrite – CaSO4Alunite – KAl3(OH)6(SO4)2Gypsum – CaSO4.2H2OEpsomite – MgSO4.7H2O


Xenotime – YPO4Monazite – (Ce,La,Th)PO4Apatite – Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)


Carnotite – K2(UO2)(VO4)2.3H2O



6- SilicatesThe bulk of the Earth’s crust and mantle is made up of silicate minerals that can be subdivided into several mineral series based on the structure and coordination of the tetrahedral (SiO4)4− anionic group. Silicate minerals are generally hard, refractory and translucent. Most of them cannot be regarded as ore minerals in that they do not represent the extractable part of an ore body, and the list provided below shows only some of the silicates more commonly associated with mineral occurrences as gangue or alteration products. Some silicate minerals, such as zircon and spodumene, are ore minerals and represent important sources of metals such as zirconium and lithium, respectively. Others, such as kaolinite, are mined for their intrinsic properties (i.e. as a clay for the ceramics industry).

Neso (ortho)Zircon – Zr(SiO4)Garnet (almandine) – Fe3Al2(SiO4)3Garnet (grossular) – Ca3Al2(SiO4)3Sillimanite – Al2SiO5Topaz – Al2SiO4(F,OH)2Chloritoid – (Fe,Mg,Mn)2(Al,Fe)Al3O2(SiO4)2(OH)4


Tekto (framework)

Quartz – SiO2Orthoclase – (K,Na)AlSi3O8Albite – (Na,Ca)AlSi3O8Scapolite – (Na,Ca)4[(Al,Si)4O8)]3 (Cl, CO3)Zeolite (analcime) – NaAlSi2O6.H2O

Cyclo (ring)

Beryl – Be3Al2Si6O18Tourmaline –(Na,Ca)(Mg,Fe,Mn,Al)3(Al,Mg,Fe)6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH,F)4

Soro (di)

Lawsonite – CaAl2Si2O7(OH)2.H2OEpidote – Ca2(Al,Fe)3Si3O12(OH)

Ino (chain)

Tremolite-actinolite – Ca2(Fe,Mg)5Si8O22(OH)2Spodumene – LiAlSi2O6Wollastonite – CaSiO3

Unknown structure

Chrysocolla – (Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4.nH2O

Phyllo (sheet)

Kaolinite – Al4Si4O10(OH)8Montmorillonite – (Na,Ca)0.3(Al,Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2.nH2OIllite – KAl2(Si,Al)4O10(H2O)(OH)2Pyrophyllite – Al2Si4O10(OH)2Talc – Mg3Si4O10(OH)2Muscovite – KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2Biotite – K(Fe,Mg)3(Al,Fe)Si3O10(OH,F)2Lepidolite – K(Li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(OH,F)2Chlorite – (Fe,Mg,Al)5–6(Si,Al)4O10(OH)8

Metallic Elements Ore Minerals Chemical Formulae Industrial UsageChalcopyrite CuFeS2Bornite Cu5FeS2Native gold AuElectrum AuAg

Lead (Pb) Galena PbS Batteries, alloys, glasses

Nickel (Ni) Pentlandite (Fe, Ni)9S8Special steel alloys, rockets, nuclear reactors

Mollybdenium (Mo) Molybdenite MoS2 Special steel, filaments, glass piegments

Platinum (Pt) Native platinum Pt Catalysts, Electronics, Chemical instruments

Mercury (Hg) Cinnabar HgS Electric industrie, Catalysts, corrosivesZinc (Zn) Sphalerite ZnS Alloys, pesticides, medicines

Stibnite Sb2S3

Tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13

Aluminum (Al) Gibbsite Al(OH)3 Alloys, automobiles, aircraftsUranium (U) Uraninite UO2 Nuclear fuels, catalysts, piegments

Native silver AgArgentite Ag22S

Tin (Sn) Cassiterite SnO2 Tin plates, bronzeSheelite CaWO4

Wolframite (Fe, Mn)WO4

Cobalt (Co) Llinnaeite Co3S4 Steel alloys, ceramics, catalystsChrome (Cr) Chromite (Fe, Mg)Cr2O4 Alloys, plating, refractory bricks, dyesTitanium (Ti) Rutile TiO2 High pressure vessels, textiles, dyes

Silver (Ag) Precious metals, alloys, photos, electric plating

tungsten (W) Special steels, ultralight macbinaries, alloys

Copper (Cu) Alloys, Electronics

Gold (Au) Precious metals, electronics, chemical instruments

Antimony (Sb) tin tubings, bronze, enamel, ceramics

Some Ore Minerals

Metals and minerals for a high-tech worldThe availability of metal, non-metal and mineral raw materials, particularly those that underpin high-technology sectors, is important for the ongoing development of many industries. Major ore – commodities - such as iron ore, coal, aluminium and copper are very important in a wide range of sectors, however there is a diversity of supply and substantial resources.

In essence a mineral resource, i.e., ore deposit is critical if it is both economically important and has high risk of supply disruption. These supply risks originate from four main causes: (1) scarcity of the ore or mineral (the geological abundance); (2) diversity and stability of supply; (3) production only as a by-product of other commodities; and (4) level of concentration of ore production and processing within particular countries or by particular companies.

US National Academy of Sciences (2008) criticality matrix

Both the US and EU studies developed concepts of criticality involving simple 2-dimensional matrices, which express the combination of importance in use and availability or supply risk of the material in question. As noted in the introduction, there are many factors contributing to each of these two dimensions—for example, supply risk will be influenced by (1) scarcity of the commodity; (2) geopolitical stability of suppliers; (3) diversity of supply and market scale; (4) method of recovery (e.g., as the main product or as a by-product); and (5) level of concentration of commodity production and processing within particular countries.

European Commission (2010) criticality matrix for the European Union.

Uses of critical and other metal and mineral commodities

The periodic table of the elements illustrates the groupings of elements with certain shared physical and chemical properties. For example, all metals are good conductors of electricity and are generally malleable and ductile, whereas semi-metals are semi-conductors of electricity, a highly valuable property in electronics and solar energy panels. Some sub-groups have particular shared properties, for example platinum-group elements (including platinum and palladium) and other noble metals such as gold are highly resistant to chemical corrosion.

Other metals are valued for their extremely high melting temperatures and hardness, such as tungsten and rhenium, so that alloys of these metals tend to have greater tensile strength at high temperatures. This property enables rhenium-bearing super-alloys in jet engine turbine blades to operate at higher temperatures than non-rhenium turbines), reducing aeroplane emissions and fuel costs.

The rare-earth elements, which include the lanthanide series metals as well as scandium and yttrium, have diverse and very useful properties. For example, small percentages of neodymium and dysprosium in some alloys increase permanent magnet strength by orders of magnitude, enabling step changes in miniaturising of telecommunications and other electronic devices, and much more efficient generation of electricity in commercial wind turbines.

The use of rhenium in high temperature turbines in the aerospace industry

Electricity turbines

Driver of metal/material usage Technology/productCommodities used; bold

indicates critical commodities

Industrial production efficiency and infrastructure development

Steel Fe, Cr, V, Mo, Ni, Co, Mn Catalysts PGE (Pt, Pd)Ceramics Li, Ce Paint Ti, Cr Moulds Zr 

Flame retardant Sb Cryogenics He 

Low-emissions energy production

Wind turbines—permanent magnets REE (Nd, Dy, Sm, Pr)

Photo-voltaics (PV) In, Sb, Ga, Te, Ag, Cu, Se Nuclear reactors U, Th, Zr 

Low-emissions energy usage

Electric cars—batteries REE (La, Ce, Nd, Pr), Li, Ni,Co, Mn, graphite 

Electric cars—magnets REE (Nd, Dy, Sm, Pr)Electric cars—fuel cells PGE, Sc Cars—light metals Al, Mg, Ti Cars—catalytic converters PGE 

Communications and entertainment technologies

Wires Cu Micro-capacitors—mobile phones etc Ta, Nb, Sb 

Flat screens—phosphors In, Y Fibre optics and infra-red Ge 

Semiconductors Ga 

Defence / security

Nuclear/radiation detectors He 

Armour and weapons Be, W, Cr, V Aerospace—superalloys Re, Nb, Ni, Mo 

Transport—fuel efficiency & performance

Light alloys Superalloys (high-temperature 

performance e.g. in jet engine turbines) High speed trains—magnets

Al, Mg, Ti, Sc, Th Re, Nb, Ni,Mo Co, 


Water & food securityWater desalination PGE, Cr, Ti 

Agricultural production—fertiliser

Phosphate rock; potash, Mg

Common uses of metals, non-metals and minerals in industrial and high-technology applications.

Metal and other selected element usage in the manufacture of an average car in 2006 (from United States National Academy of Sciences, 2008)

Element/material Mass (kg) Property (use)Iron and steel 963 High strength, durability (frame, engine)

Aluminium 109 Light weight (frame, engine)

Carbon 23 Bond strengthener (tyres and other rubber parts)

Copper 19 Electrical conductivity (wiring)Silicon 19 Bonding properties (windows)Lead 11 Conductor (storage batteries)

Zinc 10 Galvaniser, strengthener (galvanised metal and alloy parts)

Manganese 8 Hardness as metal alloy parts

Chromium 7 Corrosion resistance and hardness as metal alloy

Nickel 4 Strength at elevated temperature and corrosion resistance as metal alloy

Magnesium 2 Light weight alloying element with aluminium

Sulfur 0.9 Strengthens rubber tyresMolybdenum 0.45 Strength and toughness as metal alloy

Vanadium <0.45 Strength and toughness as metal alloy

Platinum 1.5–3.0 grams Catalytic properties (catalytic converters)

Note: In addition to the elements listed above, the average car also contains trace amounts of antimony, barium, cadmium, cobalt,

fluorspar, gallium, gold, graphite, halite, limestone, mica, niobium, palladium, phosphorus, potash, strontium, tin, titanium and tungsten.

Although mineral deposits have diverse characteristics, they can be related using temporal and genetic relationships, the tectonic setting in which they formed and the chemical characteristics of their host

Mineral system can be defined as:

“all geological factors that control the generation and preservation of mineral deposits”.

There are nine broad mineral systems: porphyry-epithermal, granite-related, iron oxide-copper-gold, subaqueous volcanic-related, mafic-ultramafic orthomagmatic, orogenic, basin-related, alkaline, and surficial.

Mineral systems

Three principal tectonic environments of formation for VMS deposits.