ecological dairy products: healthy or just a...

87 ECOLOGICAL DAIRY PRODUCTS: HEALTHY OR JUST A TREND? Carmen Daniela PETCU, Emilia CIOBOTARU-PÎRVU, Oana Diana OPREA, Oana Mărgărita GHIMPEȚEANU University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 105 Independenţei Spl, District 5, 050097, Bucharest, Romania Corresponding author email: [email protected] Abstract With the development of the food industry, the products have undergone different phases of diversification, so today we meet products that did not exist yesterday or simply were not known, referring, for example, to "BIO", "ECOLOGICAL" or "ORGANIC" products. These can be defined as products of animal or vegetable origin, obtained without the use of chemicals or genetically modified components, which have not been exposed to irradiation, and as a result of their production, the environment has not suffered. In this study, we analyzed samples of dairy products represented by drinking milk, sour-batter milk, kefir, fermented cream, yogurt and fruit yogurt. A comparison was made between conventional products and ecological products of the same type, in terms of ingredients, and their nutritional value. To identify the different features of conventional or ecological dairy products, physico-chemical parameters such as fat content, carbohydrates, proteins, salt or other added substances were analyzed. Regarding the verification of the ecological products labeling, in all the analyzed samples it was found that the ingredients used come from the ecological agriculture, therefore respecting the labeling requirements. At the same time, these products were analyzed organoleptically, observing the appearance, colour, consistency, smell and taste. Analyzing the obtained results, it was found that the ecological products show some changes in the chemical composition and nutritional values. The salt level of the dairy products analyzed, although it is described on the label as part of the natural salt of raw milk, in the case of ecological products, the value obtained is lower, compared to that of conventional products. Ecological fruit yoghurts have a higher content of piece of fruit compared to conventional yogurts. In conclusion, some ecological products have a higher nutritional value compared to conventional dairy products, without registering statistically significant changes. Key words: ecological agriculture, bio-eco-organic, milk, nutritional value. INTRODUCTION Milk and dairy products meet the body's needs in energy and in substances with a plastic and biostimulatory role, positively influencing the health of consumers (Worsley et al., 2003; Usturoi M.G., 2007; Sala C.C., 2008; Claeys W.L. et al., 2013; Claeys W.L. et al., 2014; Ladokun O. et al., 2014; Visoescu I.D. et al., 2015; Nistor C.E. et al., 2019; Oprea O.D. et al., 2019). Currently, nutrition puts its mark on the pathology of contemporary humans, as a result of the imbalance between the intake and the need for biologically active substances. Nutrition is a factor with permanent action, which determines the development of metabolic processes, because food represents their source and their moderator (Tăpăloagă D. et al., 2017). Also, maintaining the body's homeostasis depends on the nature of the diet, which influences the functions of the system, especially the enzymatic and hormonal factors Until recently, the provision of sufficient quantities of food was the primary requirement, but today, special attention is paid to ensuring the integrity of foods and their nutritional value (Savu C. et al., 2002). It has reached a stage where the concept of "food safety" is increasingly difficult to control and audit (Petcu C.D., 2006; Petcu C.D. et al., 2014), due to the increasing pollution of the atmosphere and due to the development of the industry that generates toxic gas emissions, which is affecting products in general, and food in particular. The number of harmful elements in the environment has increased greatly and so did the number of preservatives or substitutes of taste or aroma used in the food industry. Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine. Vol. LXVI (1), 2020 ISSN 2065-1295; ISSN 2343-9394 (CD-ROM); ISSN 2067-3663 (Online); ISSN-L 2065-1295

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    REFERENCES Chevrier, M.I., Chomiczewski, K., Garrigue, H.,

    Granasztoi, G., Dando, M.R., Pearson, G.S. (2004). The Implementation of Legally Binding Measures to Strenghten the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. ISBN: 1-4020-2097-X, NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht.

    Dando, M.R., Pearson, G., Toth, T. (2000). Verification of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. ISBN: 0-7923-6506-2, NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht.

    Eremia, T.B., Staicu, I.M., Tudosie, M.S., Ordeanu, V. (2019). The concept of biological warfare and real biological attacks, Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, vol. 122, no.2, p. 26-30.

    Gal I.A., Eremia, T.B., Tudosie, M.S., Ordeanu, V. (2019). The risk of bioterrorist and biocrime attack in the contemporary world, RJMM, vol. 122, no.2, p.21-25.

    Humphrey, T.J., Threlfall E.J., Cruickshank, J.G. (2005). Salmoneloza, (19) in Palmer S.R., Soulsby, L., Simpson D.I.H., Zoonoze, Editie internationala Oxford University Press, Editura Stiintelor medicale, Bucuresti, pag. 189-201.

    Ionescu, G. (2006) (coordonator). Ministerul Sanatatii – Ghid national de biosiguranta pentru laboratoare medicale. ISBN: 973-99-893-7-3, Editura Medicala, Bucuresti.

    Ionescu, L.E., Ordeanu, V., Dogaru, M., Necsulescu, M., Popescu, D.M., Bicheru, S.N., Dumitrescu, G.V. (2018). Research for the development of logistic planning support in health protection against biological agents. Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, vol 121 no. 1 p.36-39.

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    Ordeanu, V. (coordinator) (2012). Protectia medicala contra armelor biologice si a bioterorismului. ISBN: 978-973-0-13973-0, Centrul de Cercetari Stiintifice Medico-Militare, Bucuresti.

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    Ordeanu, V. (coordonator) (2015). Ghid de proceduri terapeutice pentru protectia medicala impotriva agentilor biologici (ABR-Med2). Centrul de Cercetari Stiintifice Medico-Militare, Bucuresti.

    Ordeanu, V., Andries, A.A., Hincu, L. (2008). Microbiologie si protectie medicala contra armelor biologice. ISBN: 978-973-708-311-1, Editura Universitara “Carol Davila”, Bucuresti.

    Popescu, D.M., Necsulescu, M., Ionescu, L.E., Bicheru, S.N., Dumitrescu, G.V., Ordeanu, V. (2016). Capabilities for identification and confirmation of bacterial agents. Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, vol. 119 no. 3 p. 5-9.

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    Carmen Daniela PETCU, Emilia CIOBOTARU-PÎRVU, Oana Diana OPREA, Oana Mărgărita GHIMPEȚEANU

    University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 105 Independenţei Spl, District 5, 050097, Bucharest, Romania

    Corresponding author email: [email protected]


    With the development of the food industry, the products have undergone different phases of diversification, so today we meet products that did not exist yesterday or simply were not known, referring, for example, to "BIO", "ECOLOGICAL" or "ORGANIC" products. These can be defined as products of animal or vegetable origin, obtained without the use of chemicals or genetically modified components, which have not been exposed to irradiation, and as a result of their production, the environment has not suffered. In this study, we analyzed samples of dairy products represented by drinking milk, sour-batter milk, kefir, fermented cream, yogurt and fruit yogurt. A comparison was made between conventional products and ecological products of the same type, in terms of ingredients, and their nutritional value. To identify the different features of conventional or ecological dairy products, physico-chemical parameters such as fat content, carbohydrates, proteins, salt or other added substances were analyzed. Regarding the verification of the ecological products labeling, in all the analyzed samples it was found that the ingredients used come from the ecological agriculture, therefore respecting the labeling requirements. At the same time, these products were analyzed organoleptically, observing the appearance, colour, consistency, smell and taste. Analyzing the obtained results, it was found that the ecological products show some changes in the chemical composition and nutritional values. The salt level of the dairy products analyzed, although it is described on the label as part of the natural salt of raw milk, in the case of ecological products, the value obtained is lower, compared to that of conventional products. Ecological fruit yoghurts have a higher content of piece of fruit compared to conventional yogurts. In conclusion, some ecological products have a higher nutritional value compared to conventional dairy products, without registering statistically significant changes.

    Key words: ecological agriculture, bio-eco-organic, milk, nutritional value.


    Milk and dairy products meet the body's needs in energy and in substances with a plastic and biostimulatory role, positively influencing the health of consumers (Worsley et al., 2003;Usturoi M.G., 2007; Sala C.C., 2008; Claeys W.L. et al., 2013; Claeys W.L. et al., 2014;Ladokun O. et al., 2014; Visoescu I.D. et al.,2015; Nistor C.E. et al., 2019; Oprea O.D. etal., 2019).Currently, nutrition puts its mark on thepathology of contemporary humans, as a resultof the imbalance between the intake and theneed for biologically active substances.Nutrition is a factor with permanent action,which determines the development ofmetabolic processes, because food representstheir source and their moderator (Tăpăloagă al., 2017). Also, maintaining the body's

    homeostasis depends on the nature of the diet, which influences the functions of the system, especially the enzymatic and hormonal factors Until recently, the provision of sufficient quantities of food was the primary requirement, but today, special attention is paid to ensuring the integrity of foods and their nutritional value (Savu C. et al., 2002).It has reached a stage where the concept of "food safety" is increasingly difficult to controland audit (Petcu C.D., 2006; Petcu C.D. et al., 2014), due to the increasing pollution of the atmosphere and due to the development of the industry that generates toxic gas emissions, which is affecting products in general, and food in particular. The number of harmful elements in the environment has increased greatly and so didthe number of preservatives or substitutes of taste or aroma used in the food industry.

    Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine. Vol. LXVI (1), 2020ISSN 2065-1295; ISSN 2343-9394 (CD-ROM); ISSN 2067-3663 (Online); ISSN-L 2065-1295

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    Ecological agriculture is a production method that preserves soil structure and fertility, promotes a high standard of animal welfare and prohibits the use of substances such as: synthetic pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, genetically modified organisms or growth enhancers, such as antibiotics. Farmers use techniques that help maintain ecosystems and reduce pollution. Only a limited number of additives and technological aids can be used in the ecological processing of food products (European Regulation no. 848/2018; Gonciarov M. et al., 2014; Gonciarov M. et al., 2015; Gonciarov M., 2017; Tapaloaga D. et al., 2018). Presently, in Romania, the trend of ecological products is expanding. In well developed countries, this is a concept already rooted in the lifestyle of the population. Despite the fact that the natural ingredients based products, without preservatives and dyes, are more expensive, the interest and the degree of information of Romanians has increased recently. Thus, in supermarkets or specialized stores, we can find a diverse range of ecological products. ECOLOGICAL, ORGANIC, BIO are terms that have the same meaning (Figure 1), each being specific to another geographical area. The term "organic" is used for food products in the Anglo-Saxon space (organic food, organic milk). The term "bio" is used especially in the Franco-German space (agriculture biologique). The term “eco” or “ecological” is used in Romania, being the term accepted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (

    Figure 1. The relationship between the terms bio, ecological, organic and natural

    The term "natural" or "natural 100%" applied on the label of some products is only a marketing strategy, which does not necessarily offer the guarantee of a quality product and certainly does not indicate an ecological

    product. The legislation does not refer to the labeling and classification of products using the term "natural" ( Labeling of ecological products In recent years, major advances have been made in terms of healthy food. The world has begun to get rid of unhealthy habits and place greater emphasis on the food quality and safety. This can be observed from the increased number of consumers interested to read the label and to check the packaging, this being the consequence of the ascertainment that most of the additives and chemicals used in the treatment of products can trigger pathological conditions (Petcu C., 2015). The provisions regarding the labeling of products obtained from ecological agriculture, (Figure 2), established in Regulation (EC) no. 848/2018 regarding ecological production and labeling of ecological products are very precise and are intended to offer consumers complete confidence in ecological products, as products obtained and certified according to strict rules of production, processing, inspection and certification (Regulation (EC) No. 848/2018).

    Figure 2. Logo used on the labels of ecological products

    The Romanian ecological food products can be easily identified by the buyers because they have the “ae” logo on the label or packaging (Figure 3), which means product obtained in Romania from the ecological agriculture (

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    Ecological agriculture is a production method that preserves soil structure and fertility, promotes a high standard of animal welfare and prohibits the use of substances such as: synthetic pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, genetically modified organisms or growth enhancers, such as antibiotics. Farmers use techniques that help maintain ecosystems and reduce pollution. Only a limited number of additives and technological aids can be used in the ecological processing of food products (European Regulation no. 848/2018; Gonciarov M. et al., 2014; Gonciarov M. et al., 2015; Gonciarov M., 2017; Tapaloaga D. et al., 2018). Presently, in Romania, the trend of ecological products is expanding. In well developed countries, this is a concept already rooted in the lifestyle of the population. Despite the fact that the natural ingredients based products, without preservatives and dyes, are more expensive, the interest and the degree of information of Romanians has increased recently. Thus, in supermarkets or specialized stores, we can find a diverse range of ecological products. ECOLOGICAL, ORGANIC, BIO are terms that have the same meaning (Figure 1), each being specific to another geographical area. The term "organic" is used for food products in the Anglo-Saxon space (organic food, organic milk). The term "bio" is used especially in the Franco-German space (agriculture biologique). The term “eco” or “ecological” is used in Romania, being the term accepted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (

    Figure 1. The relationship between the terms bio, ecological, organic and natural

    The term "natural" or "natural 100%" applied on the label of some products is only a marketing strategy, which does not necessarily offer the guarantee of a quality product and certainly does not indicate an ecological

    product. The legislation does not refer to the labeling and classification of products using the term "natural" ( Labeling of ecological products In recent years, major advances have been made in terms of healthy food. The world has begun to get rid of unhealthy habits and place greater emphasis on the food quality and safety. This can be observed from the increased number of consumers interested to read the label and to check the packaging, this being the consequence of the ascertainment that most of the additives and chemicals used in the treatment of products can trigger pathological conditions (Petcu C., 2015). The provisions regarding the labeling of products obtained from ecological agriculture, (Figure 2), established in Regulation (EC) no. 848/2018 regarding ecological production and labeling of ecological products are very precise and are intended to offer consumers complete confidence in ecological products, as products obtained and certified according to strict rules of production, processing, inspection and certification (Regulation (EC) No. 848/2018).

    Figure 2. Logo used on the labels of ecological products

    The Romanian ecological food products can be easily identified by the buyers because they have the “ae” logo on the label or packaging (Figure 3), which means product obtained in Romania from the ecological agriculture (

    Figure 3. The logo of ecological agriculture


    The use of "ae" on the label is mandatory in the case of local products. However, to facilitate the identification of ecological products on the store shelves, the logo "ae" can also be applied to imported products, if they are also certified in Romania by an inspection and certification body accredited to us (www.tradiţ - Guide “Ecological products”, 2012). The logo "ae" (Ecological Agriculture), owned by M.A.D.R. (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), guarantees that the product so labeled comes from ecological agriculture and is certified by an approved inspection and certification body. The rules for the use of the "ae" logo are included in Annex No. 1 at the Common Order for the modifica-tion and completion, at the Annex to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development no. 317/2006 and at the President of the National Consumer Protection Authority no. 190/2006 for the approval of the specific rules regarding the labeling of ecological food products ( The right to use the logo "ae" (Ecological Agriculture) on the products, labels and packaging of the ecological products belongs to the producers, processors and importers registered with the M.A.D.R. ( The Community logo offers the recognition of ecological certified products throughout the European Union (Figure 4).

    Figure 4. EU ecological logo for the certification of

    ecological products (

    Consumers who buy products bearing the national logo as well as the Community logo can be confident that: - at least 95% of the ingredients of the product were obtained according to the ecological production method; - the product complies with the ecological production rules; - the product bears the name of the manufacturer, processor or seller, as well as the name or code of the inspection and certification body; - the label "ecological" is granted only to the producers inspected and certified by the inspection body; - the inspection and certification bodies authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture may grant producers the right to use the ecological logo, if the results of the inspection carried out are in accordance (Gonciarov M., 2017). MATERIALS AND METHODS In order to identify the differences between ecological and conventional dairy products, physico-chemical parameters were analyzed such as: fat content (butirometric method or by using the Funke Gerber®LactoStar dairy analyzer), carbohydrates, proteins, salt (by using the Funke Gerber®LactoStar dairy analyzer) and other added substances. At the same time, these products were analyzed organoleptically, following the appearance, colour, consistency, smell and taste. A number of 20 types of conventional and ecological dairy products were analyzed, represented by 1.5% fat drinking milk, 3.5% fat drinking milk, 3.7% fat drinking milk, 2% fat sour-batter milk, 3.5% fat kefir, 3.5% fat yogurt, 25% fat fermented cream, banana yogurt, strawberry yogurt and peach yogurt. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The results obtained from the comparative analysis of conventional and ecological products were examined, finding that the ecological products show some changes in chemical composition and nutritional values. Although the salt level of the product is described on the label as being part of the natural salt of milk, in the case of the

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    ecological 1.5% fat drinking milk, this level is lower compared to conventional products (Table 1).

    Table 1. Differences and similarities between conventional 1.5% fat drinking milk and ecological 1.5%

    fat drinking milk

    CONVENTIONAL PRODUCT ECOLOGICAL PRODUCT Conventional 1.5% fat drinking

    milk Ecological 1.5% fat drinking

    milk Ingredients: semi-degreased,

    standardized, homogenized and pasteurized cow's milk.

    Nutritional information/100 ml product

    Energetic value 185kJ/44 kcal Fats 1.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1 g

    Carbohydrates 4.5 g of which sugars 4.5 g Protein 3.1 g Salt 0.1 g*

    Calcium 118 mg (14.75%) *the natural salt of milk

    Storage temperature: +2...+4oC

    Ingredients: semi-degreased, homogenized and pasteurized at

    high temperature cow's milk, from ecological production.

    Contains milk lactose.

    Nutritional information/100 ml product

    Energetic value

    185kJ/44 kcal

    Fats 1.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    0.9 g

    Carbohydrates 4.5 g of which sugars

    4.5 g

    Protein 3.1 g Salt 0,06 g*

    Calcium 125 mg (15.6%)** *the natural salt of milk **from the daily reference nutritional value

    Storage temperature: +2...+4oC

    Products with a high fat content are perceived by consumers as "creamy". Thus, ecological products with a higher fat content have an increased sensory score in terms of pleasing taste (Worsley A., 2003; McCarthy K.S. et al., 2017). Ecological 3.7% fat drinking milk is also recommended in children's nutrition, benefiting from a high intake of vitamins and minerals (Table 2).

    Table 2. Differences and similarities between conventional 3.5% fat drinking milk and ecological 3.7%

    fat drinking milk


    drinking milk Ecological 3.7% fat drinking

    milk Ingredients: semi-degreased,

    homogenized and pasteurized at high temperature cow's milk.

    Contains milk lactose.

    Nutritional information/100 ml product

    Energetic value 260kJ/62 kcal Fats 3.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.1 g

    Carbohydrates 4.5 g of which sugars

    4.5 g

    Protein 3.2 g Salt 0.1 g*

    Calcium 125 mg (5.6%)** *the natural salt of milk **from the daily reference nutritional value

    Ingredients: 99.83% organic whole milk, minerals (iron,

    zinc, iodine), vitamins (A, D3, C, E, B1, B6, K1, niacin, folic

    acid, biotin, pantothenic acid), natural flavors.

    Nutritional information/100 ml

    product Energetic value

    273kJ/65 kcal

    Fats 3.7 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.0 g

    Carbohydrates 4.7 g of which sugars

    4.7 g

    Protein 3.3 g Salt 0.1 g*

    Vitamins și minerals Calcium 120 mg *Phosphorus 90 mg Iron 1.4 mg Zinc 1.5 mg Iodine 8.5 μg *Magnesium 12 mg *Potassium 140 mg *Sodium chloride 85 mg

    Vitamin A 80 μg Vitamin D3 1.7 μg Vitamin C 5 mg Vitamin E 1 mg Vitamin B1 0.15 mg *Vitamin B2 0.14 mg Vitamin B6 0.2 mg *Vitamin B12

    0.4 μg

    Vitamin K1 4.7 μg Niacin 1.8 mg Folic acid 20 μg Biotin 15 μg Pantothenic acid 0.6 mg

    *Vitamin and mineral content is due exclusively to their naturally occurring presence in cow's milk Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Following the salt level in the ecological 2% fat sour-batter milk, compared to a conventional dairy product, a lower salt level is observed, although in both cases the salt content is described on the label, as being part of the natural salt of milk. In contrast to the conventional product, the calcium content is also written on the label of the ecological product (Table 3).

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    ecological 1.5% fat drinking milk, this level is lower compared to conventional products (Table 1).

    Table 1. Differences and similarities between conventional 1.5% fat drinking milk and ecological 1.5%

    fat drinking milk

    CONVENTIONAL PRODUCT ECOLOGICAL PRODUCT Conventional 1.5% fat drinking

    milk Ecological 1.5% fat drinking

    milk Ingredients: semi-degreased,

    standardized, homogenized and pasteurized cow's milk.

    Nutritional information/100 ml product

    Energetic value 185kJ/44 kcal Fats 1.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1 g

    Carbohydrates 4.5 g of which sugars 4.5 g Protein 3.1 g Salt 0.1 g*

    Calcium 118 mg (14.75%) *the natural salt of milk

    Storage temperature: +2...+4oC

    Ingredients: semi-degreased, homogenized and pasteurized at

    high temperature cow's milk, from ecological production.

    Contains milk lactose.

    Nutritional information/100 ml product

    Energetic value

    185kJ/44 kcal

    Fats 1.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    0.9 g

    Carbohydrates 4.5 g of which sugars

    4.5 g

    Protein 3.1 g Salt 0,06 g*

    Calcium 125 mg (15.6%)** *the natural salt of milk **from the daily reference nutritional value

    Storage temperature: +2...+4oC

    Products with a high fat content are perceived by consumers as "creamy". Thus, ecological products with a higher fat content have an increased sensory score in terms of pleasing taste (Worsley A., 2003; McCarthy K.S. et al., 2017). Ecological 3.7% fat drinking milk is also recommended in children's nutrition, benefiting from a high intake of vitamins and minerals (Table 2).

    Table 2. Differences and similarities between conventional 3.5% fat drinking milk and ecological 3.7%

    fat drinking milk


    drinking milk Ecological 3.7% fat drinking

    milk Ingredients: semi-degreased,

    homogenized and pasteurized at high temperature cow's milk.

    Contains milk lactose.

    Nutritional information/100 ml product

    Energetic value 260kJ/62 kcal Fats 3.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.1 g

    Carbohydrates 4.5 g of which sugars

    4.5 g

    Protein 3.2 g Salt 0.1 g*

    Calcium 125 mg (5.6%)** *the natural salt of milk **from the daily reference nutritional value

    Ingredients: 99.83% organic whole milk, minerals (iron,

    zinc, iodine), vitamins (A, D3, C, E, B1, B6, K1, niacin, folic

    acid, biotin, pantothenic acid), natural flavors.

    Nutritional information/100 ml

    product Energetic value

    273kJ/65 kcal

    Fats 3.7 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.0 g

    Carbohydrates 4.7 g of which sugars

    4.7 g

    Protein 3.3 g Salt 0.1 g*

    Vitamins și minerals Calcium 120 mg *Phosphorus 90 mg Iron 1.4 mg Zinc 1.5 mg Iodine 8.5 μg *Magnesium 12 mg *Potassium 140 mg *Sodium chloride 85 mg

    Vitamin A 80 μg Vitamin D3 1.7 μg Vitamin C 5 mg Vitamin E 1 mg Vitamin B1 0.15 mg *Vitamin B2 0.14 mg Vitamin B6 0.2 mg *Vitamin B12

    0.4 μg

    Vitamin K1 4.7 μg Niacin 1.8 mg Folic acid 20 μg Biotin 15 μg Pantothenic acid 0.6 mg

    *Vitamin and mineral content is due exclusively to their naturally occurring presence in cow's milk Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Following the salt level in the ecological 2% fat sour-batter milk, compared to a conventional dairy product, a lower salt level is observed, although in both cases the salt content is described on the label, as being part of the natural salt of milk. In contrast to the conventional product, the calcium content is also written on the label of the ecological product (Table 3).

    Table 3. Differences and similarities between

    conventional and ecological 2% fat sour-batter milk

    CONVENTIONAL PRODUCT ECOLOGICAL PRODUCT Conventional 2% fat sour-batter

    milk Ecological 2% fat sour-batter

    Ingredients: pasteurized cow's milk, milk proteins, selected lactic

    acid cultures.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 190kJ/45 kcal Fats 2 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1.2 g

    Carbohydrates 3.6 g of which sugars 3.6 g Protein 3.2 g Salt 0.1 g

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Ingredients: high temperature pasteurized cow's milk from

    ecological production, selected lactic acid cultures.

    Nutritional information/100 g


    Energetic value 195kJ/ 46kcal Fats 2 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1.2 g

    Carbohydrates 3.8 g of which sugars 3.8 g Protein 3.3 g Salt 0.06 g Fiber 0 g

    Calcium 125 mg (15.6%)* *from the daily reference nutritional value Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Following the evaluation of some assortments of kefir, it was concluded that there is no difference in their nutritional values. The only difference identified is given by the origin of the raw material, in the case of the ecological kefir, the milk comes from the ecological agriculture (Table 4).

    Table 4. Differences and similarities between conventional and ecological kefir


    Conventional 3.5% fat kefir Ecological 3.5% fat kefir

    Ingredients: high temperature pasteurized cow's milk, selected

    lactic acid cultures. Contains milk lactose.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 247kJ/59kcal Fats 3.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.1 g

    Carbohydrates 3.7 g of which sugars 3.7 g Protein 3.1 g Salt 0.06 g*

    Calcium 125 mg (15.6%)** *the natural salt of milk **from the daily reference nutritional value

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Ingredients: high temperature pasteurized cow's milk from

    ecological production, selected lactic acid cultures. Contains

    milk lactose. Nutritional information/100 g


    Energetic value 245kJ/59kcal Fats 3.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.1 g

    Carbohydrates 3.7 g of which sugars 3.7 g Protein 3.1 g Salt 0.06 g*

    Calcium 125 mg (15.6%)

    ** *the natural salt of milk **from the daily reference nutritional value

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    By studying the differences between conventional and ecological 3.5% fat yogurt, it is found that in the case of ecological products a high level of carbohydrates and proteins is observed (Table 5).

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    Table 5. Differences and similarities between conventional and ecological 3.5% fat yogurt


    Conventional 3.5% fat yogurt Ecological 3.5% fat yogurt Ingredients: pasteurized whole milk, yogurt starter cultures.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 249 kJ/60 kcal Fats 3.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.3 g

    Carbohydrates 3.9 g of which sugars 3.9 g Protein 3.1 g Salt 0.1 g

    Calcium 120 mg (15%)* *from the daily reference nutritional value

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Ingredients: pasteurized cow's milk, selected yogurt starter cultures. Ingredients from

    ecological agriculture.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 291

    kJ/70 kcal

    Fats 3.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.1 g

    Carbohydrates 4.5 g of which sugars 4.5 g Protein 5 g Salt 0.1 g

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Nutritionally, the carbohydrate level is lower in the case of conventional 25% fat fermented cream, and the protein level is lower in the case of the ecological 25% fat fermented cream (Table 6).

    Table 6. Differences and similarities between conventional and ecological 25% fat fermented cream


    fermented cream Ecological 25% fat fermented

    cream Ingredients: pasteurized cream

    and selected lactic acid cultures.

    Nutritional information/100 g


    Energetic value 1016

    kJ/246 kcal

    Fats 25 g of which saturated fatty acids

    15 g

    Carbohydrates 2.5 g of which sugars 2.5 g Protein 2.9 g Salt 0.1 g

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Ingredients: high temperature pasteurized cream from cow's

    milk from ecological production, selected lactic acid cultures.

    Contains milk lactose.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 1020kJ/247 kcal Fats 25 g of which saturated fatty acids

    15 g

    Carbohydrates 3.3 g of which sugars 3.3 g Protein 2.3 g Salt 0.06 g*

    *the natural salt of milk

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Yoghurts with added fruit were evaluated, comparing products with different fat content. The added fruit quantity was especially monitored, not performing the nutritional values comparison, as in the prior situations, because the results would not have been eloquent, with the samples being of different categories and with different declared fat content. The amount of fruit added to the conventional product is 2%, while in the case of the ecological product, the banana content is 15%. In both situations, pectin (E440) is used as a stabilizer, and the results are presented in table 7.

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    Table 5. Differences and similarities between conventional and ecological 3.5% fat yogurt


    Conventional 3.5% fat yogurt Ecological 3.5% fat yogurt Ingredients: pasteurized whole milk, yogurt starter cultures.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 249 kJ/60 kcal Fats 3.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.3 g

    Carbohydrates 3.9 g of which sugars 3.9 g Protein 3.1 g Salt 0.1 g

    Calcium 120 mg (15%)* *from the daily reference nutritional value

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Ingredients: pasteurized cow's milk, selected yogurt starter cultures. Ingredients from

    ecological agriculture.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 291

    kJ/70 kcal

    Fats 3.5 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.1 g

    Carbohydrates 4.5 g of which sugars 4.5 g Protein 5 g Salt 0.1 g

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Nutritionally, the carbohydrate level is lower in the case of conventional 25% fat fermented cream, and the protein level is lower in the case of the ecological 25% fat fermented cream (Table 6).

    Table 6. Differences and similarities between conventional and ecological 25% fat fermented cream


    fermented cream Ecological 25% fat fermented

    cream Ingredients: pasteurized cream

    and selected lactic acid cultures.

    Nutritional information/100 g


    Energetic value 1016

    kJ/246 kcal

    Fats 25 g of which saturated fatty acids

    15 g

    Carbohydrates 2.5 g of which sugars 2.5 g Protein 2.9 g Salt 0.1 g

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Ingredients: high temperature pasteurized cream from cow's

    milk from ecological production, selected lactic acid cultures.

    Contains milk lactose.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 1020kJ/247 kcal Fats 25 g of which saturated fatty acids

    15 g

    Carbohydrates 3.3 g of which sugars 3.3 g Protein 2.3 g Salt 0.06 g*

    *the natural salt of milk

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Yoghurts with added fruit were evaluated, comparing products with different fat content. The added fruit quantity was especially monitored, not performing the nutritional values comparison, as in the prior situations, because the results would not have been eloquent, with the samples being of different categories and with different declared fat content. The amount of fruit added to the conventional product is 2%, while in the case of the ecological product, the banana content is 15%. In both situations, pectin (E440) is used as a stabilizer, and the results are presented in table 7.

    Table 7. Differences and similarities between conventional and ecological banana yogurt


    yogurt Ecological 3.1% fat banana

    yogurt Ingredients: pasteurized whole

    milk, sugar, bananas 2% (with the addition of: sugar, juice and mashed banana concentrate,

    water, modified starch, flavour, stabilizer: pectin, acidifier: citric

    acid), milk proteins, selected yogurt starter cultures.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 397 kJ/94 kcal Fats 2.6 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1.7 g

    Carbohydrates 14.7 g of which sugars 14.5 g Protein 3 g Salt 0.09 g*

    Calcium 103 mg (13%)** *the natural salt of milk **from the daily reference nutritional value

    Storage temperature: +2...+8oC

    Ingredients: 85% organic yogurt - pasteurized cow's milk from

    ecological agriculture, selected yogurt starter cultures (L.

    bulgaricus, S. thermophilus); organic banana preparation 15% - organic sucrose, organic mashed

    banana 30%, organic Tapioca starch, concentrated organic

    lemon juice, natural flavours, stabilizer (pectin E440).

    Nutritional information/100 g


    Energetic value 414

    kJ/98 kcal

    Fats 3.1 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1.8 g

    Carbohydrates 13.0 g of which sugars 11.8 g Protein 4.6 g Fiber 0.1 g Salt 0.1 g

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Analyzing conventional fruit yogurt, the amount of strawberries present in the product is 2%, while in the case of the ecological product, the strawberry content is 15% (Table 8).

    Table 8. Differences and similarities between conventional and ecological strawberries yogurt CONVENTIONAL


    Conventional 1.9% fat strawberries yogurt

    Ecological 3.1% fat strawberries yogurt

    Ingredients: pasteurized milk, partially skimmed milk, sugar,

    strawberries 2% (with the addition of: glucose-fructose syrup, dyes: carrot juice, red

    beet juice, beta-carotene, flavour), milk proteins,

    modified starch, thickening agent, pectin, selected yogurt

    starter cultures.

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value

    342 kJ/81 kcal

    Fats 1.9 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1.2 g

    Carbohydrates 13 g of which sugars

    12.1 g

    Protein 3 g Salt 0.09 g

    Calcium 120 mg (15%)* ***from the daily reference nutritional value

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Ingredients: 85% ecological yogurt - pasteurized cow's milk from

    ecological agriculture, selected yogurt starter cultures (L.

    bulgaricus, S. thermophilus); organic strawberries preparation 15% - organic sucrose, organic

    mashed strawberries 30%, organic Tapioca starch, concentrated organic lemon juice, natural

    flavours, stabilizer (pectin E440).

    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 414 kJ/98 kcal Fats 3.1 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1.8 g

    Carbohydrates 12.8 g of which sugars 11.9 g Protein 4.6 g Fiber 0.1 g Salt 0.1 g

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    In the case of conventional and ecological peach yogurt, there is not much difference in their fruit content, thus, the conventional product contains 23% fruit preparation and the ecological product contains 25% fruit preparation (Table 9).

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    Table 9. Differences and similarities between

    conventional Peach&Apricot yogurt and ecological Peach&Passion fruit yogurt

    CONVENTIONAL PRODUCT ECOLOGICAL PRODUCT Conventional creamy yogurt with

    pieces of peaches and apricots (23% fruits)

    Ecological yogurt with pieces of peaches and passion fruit

    juice (25% fruits) Ingredients: yogurt, fruit

    preparation (36% peaches, sugar, 20% apricots, natural flavour),


    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 435 kJ/103 kcal Fats 3.2 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.2 g

    Carbohydrates 14.4 g of which sugars 13.6 g Protein 3.3 g Salt 0.16 g

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Ingredients: yogurt, peach (12.5%), sugar, passion fruit

    juice (2.5%), corn starch, ingredients from ecological


    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value

    416 kJ/99 kcal

    Fats 2.7 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1.7 g

    Carbohydrates 14 g of which sugars

    13 g

    Protein 3.9 g Salt 0.13 g

    Storage temperature: +4...+8oC

    CONCLUSIONS For the analyzed samples, regarding the ecological products labeling verification, it was found that the ingredients used come from the ecological agriculture, having met the requirements regarding their labeling. In the case of the comparative study between conventional and ecological products, it was observed that, although the salt is described on the packaging as being part of the natural salt of milk, in the case of ecological products its level is lower, a fact that most probably correlates with the food that animals raised in ecological systems receive. The organoleptic examination of the 20 types of products analyzed showed that all products have normal characteristics, without

    modification of an alterative nature or taste not specific to the assortment. Analyzing fruit yogurt (banana yogurt and strawberry yogurt), it was found that ecological products have a higher percentage of fat, namely 3.1% fat, compared to conventional products, and the salt level is similar, registering insignificant variations. between product types. Regarding the storage temperature, there were no major differences between the conventional and the ecological products, this being in the range +2 ... + 8oC. Some ecological dairy products, including drinking milk, 2% fat sour-batter milk and 3.5% fat yogurt have a higher nutritional value compared to conventional dairy products of the same type, without significant variation. REFERENCES Gonciarov M., Neagu I., Tapaloaga D., (2014).

    Principles and standards of organic agriculture. Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 185:S76 , ISSN 0168-1656.

    Gonciarov Magda, Neagu Iuliana, Ghimpeteanu Oana Margarita, Petcu Carmen Daniela, (2015). General principles and regulations on obtaining products from genetically modified organism, Journal of Biotechnology, vol 208, page S72.

    Gonciarov, M., (2017), Elemente, noţiuni şi norme necesare însuşirii legislaţiei sanitare veterinare. Bucureşti, RO: Editura Printech.

    McCarthy, K.S., Lopetcharat, K., Drake, M.A., (2017). Milk fat threshold determination and the effect of milk fat content on consumer preference for fluid milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(3):1702-1711.

    Nistor, C.E., Bacila, V., Avram, P., Usturoi, A., Avarvarei, B.V., (2019). Evaluation of raw milk quality gathered from north east area of Romania. Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science. Vol. LXII, No. 2, 289-295, ISSN 2285-5750; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769; ISSN Online 2393-2260; ISSN-L 2285-5750.

    Oprea, O.D., Petcu, C.D., Ciobotaru-Pîrvu, E., (2019). A study concerning quality assessment and processing particularities in certain dairy products. International Conference “Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, Bucharest, 6-8 of June 2019, Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine. Vol. LXV (1), ISSN 2065-1295; ISSN 2343-9394 (CD-ROM); ISSN 2067-3663 (Online); ISSN-L 2065-1295, pag. 121-126.

    Petcu Carmen Daniela, (2006), HACCP-Food safety guarantor, Idea Design, București.

    Petcu Carmen Daniela, Cornelia Șulea, Mihaela Dumitrache, (2014), Audit of Producers/Users of Compressed Air and other Industrial Gases used in

  • 95

    Table 9. Differences and similarities between

    conventional Peach&Apricot yogurt and ecological Peach&Passion fruit yogurt

    CONVENTIONAL PRODUCT ECOLOGICAL PRODUCT Conventional creamy yogurt with

    pieces of peaches and apricots (23% fruits)

    Ecological yogurt with pieces of peaches and passion fruit

    juice (25% fruits) Ingredients: yogurt, fruit

    preparation (36% peaches, sugar, 20% apricots, natural flavour),


    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value 435 kJ/103 kcal Fats 3.2 g of which saturated fatty acids

    2.2 g

    Carbohydrates 14.4 g of which sugars 13.6 g Protein 3.3 g Salt 0.16 g

    Storage temperature: +2...+6oC

    Ingredients: yogurt, peach (12.5%), sugar, passion fruit

    juice (2.5%), corn starch, ingredients from ecological


    Nutritional information/100 g product

    Energetic value

    416 kJ/99 kcal

    Fats 2.7 g of which saturated fatty acids

    1.7 g

    Carbohydrates 14 g of which sugars

    13 g

    Protein 3.9 g Salt 0.13 g

    Storage temperature: +4...+8oC

    CONCLUSIONS For the analyzed samples, regarding the ecological products labeling verification, it was found that the ingredients used come from the ecological agriculture, having met the requirements regarding their labeling. In the case of the comparative study between conventional and ecological products, it was observed that, although the salt is described on the packaging as being part of the natural salt of milk, in the case of ecological products its level is lower, a fact that most probably correlates with the food that animals raised in ecological systems receive. The organoleptic examination of the 20 types of products analyzed showed that all products have normal characteristics, without

    modification of an alterative nature or taste not specific to the assortment. Analyzing fruit yogurt (banana yogurt and strawberry yogurt), it was found that ecological products have a higher percentage of fat, namely 3.1% fat, compared to conventional products, and the salt level is similar, registering insignificant variations. between product types. Regarding the storage temperature, there were no major differences between the conventional and the ecological products, this being in the range +2 ... + 8oC. Some ecological dairy products, including drinking milk, 2% fat sour-batter milk and 3.5% fat yogurt have a higher nutritional value compared to conventional dairy products of the same type, without significant variation. REFERENCES Gonciarov M., Neagu I., Tapaloaga D., (2014).

    Principles and standards of organic agriculture. Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 185:S76 , ISSN 0168-1656.

    Gonciarov Magda, Neagu Iuliana, Ghimpeteanu Oana Margarita, Petcu Carmen Daniela, (2015). General principles and regulations on obtaining products from genetically modified organism, Journal of Biotechnology, vol 208, page S72.

    Gonciarov, M., (2017), Elemente, noţiuni şi norme necesare însuşirii legislaţiei sanitare veterinare. Bucureşti, RO: Editura Printech.

    McCarthy, K.S., Lopetcharat, K., Drake, M.A., (2017). Milk fat threshold determination and the effect of milk fat content on consumer preference for fluid milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(3):1702-1711.

    Nistor, C.E., Bacila, V., Avram, P., Usturoi, A., Avarvarei, B.V., (2019). Evaluation of raw milk quality gathered from north east area of Romania. Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science. Vol. LXII, No. 2, 289-295, ISSN 2285-5750; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769; ISSN Online 2393-2260; ISSN-L 2285-5750.

    Oprea, O.D., Petcu, C.D., Ciobotaru-Pîrvu, E., (2019). A study concerning quality assessment and processing particularities in certain dairy products. International Conference “Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, Bucharest, 6-8 of June 2019, Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine. Vol. LXV (1), ISSN 2065-1295; ISSN 2343-9394 (CD-ROM); ISSN 2067-3663 (Online); ISSN-L 2065-1295, pag. 121-126.

    Petcu Carmen Daniela, (2006), HACCP-Food safety guarantor, Idea Design, București.

    Petcu Carmen Daniela, Cornelia Șulea, Mihaela Dumitrache, (2014), Audit of Producers/Users of Compressed Air and other Industrial Gases used in

    the Food Industry, Quality-Access to Success, 15 (130).

    Petcu, C.D., (2015). Ambalaje utilizate în industria alimentară. Editura Granada, Bucureşti.

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    Tapaloaga D., Tapaloaga P.R., (2017). Study regarding animal organic farming in romania – current status and trends, Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science. Vol. LX, ISSN 2285-5750.

    Tapaloaga D., Tapaloaga P.R., (2018). From conventional to organic agriculture - romanian past and future perspectives. Scientific Papers-Series D, Animal Science, Volume: 61, Issue: 1, Pages: 239-244, ISSN: 2285-5750, eISSN: 2393-2260.

    Usturoi, M. G., (2007). Tehnologia laptelui şi a produselor derivate. Iaşi, RO: Editura Alfa.

    Visoescu, I.D., Petcu, C.D., Tapaloaga D., (2015). Researches regarding the influence of packaging on the quality of some dairy products. Journal of Biotechnology, vol 208, Supplement Issue European Biotechnology Congress, Bucharest, page S19.

    Worsley, A., Bus A.E., (2003). Consumers sensory and nutritional perceptions of three types of milk. Public Health Nutrition, 6(2):201-208.

    ***Ordin nr. 317/2006 privind modificarea şi completarea anexei la Ordinul ministrului agriculturii, alimentaţiei şi pădurilor şi al preşedintelui Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor nr. 417/110/2002 pentru aprobarea Regulilor specifice privind etichetarea produselor agroalimentare ecologice.

    ***Ordinul nr. 190/2006 privind modificarea și completarea anexei la Ordinul ministrului agriculturii, alimentației și pădurilor și al președintelui Autorității Naționale pentru Protecția Consumatorilor nr. 417/110/2002 pentru aprobarea Regulilor specifice privind etichetarea produselor agroalimentare ecologice.

    ***Regulamentul (UE) 848/2018 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului din 30 mai 2018 privind producția ecologică și etichetarea produselor ecologice și de abrogare a Regulamentului (CE) nr. 834/2007 al Consiliului

    *** *** ***www.tradiţ (Ghid “Produse ecologice”,


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