eco tourism in india

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tourism is changing rapidly as nature, heritage, and recreational destinations become more important, and as conventional tourism is forced to meet tougher environmental requirements. This presents a challenge to government and private enterprise to develop new approaches to the tourism market. Our goal is to enable people to enjoy and learn about the natural, historical and cultural characteristics of unique environments while preserving the integrity of those sites and stimulating the economic development opportunities in local communities. Ecotourism is cultural tourism (a cross-cultural experience), nature tourism (assisting with conservation programmes), a travel-learn experience (discover how we are coping with modernity), a little bit of soft adventure (just being here is an adventure), and benefiting the well-being of indigenous peoples. Tourism which takes account of environmental, cultural and social considerations is what eco-tourism all about.

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Tourism is changing rapidly as nature, heritage, and recreational destinations become more important, and as conventional tourism is forced to meet tougher environmental requirements. This presents a challenge to government and private enterprise to develop new approaches to the tourism market. Our goal is to enable people to enjoy and learn about the natural, historical and cultural characteristics of unique environments while preserving the integrity of those sites and stimulating the economic development opportunities in local communities.

Ecotourism is cultural tourism (a cross-cultural experience), nature tourism (assisting with conservation programmes), a travel-learn experience (discover how we are coping with modernity), a little bit of soft adventure (just being here is an adventure), and benefiting the well-being of indigenous peoples.

Tourism which takes account of environmental, cultural and social considerations is what eco-tourism all about. Ecotourism is a tourism market based on an area's natural resources that attempts to minimize the ecological impact of the tourism.

Whether it's about a nature camping or organizing trekking trips towards the virgin and inaccessible regions, one should always keep in mind not to create any mishap or disturbance in the life cycle of nature. With over 500 species of mammal, 2000 types of Bird and at least 30,000 kinds of insects, India provides an unmatched range and diversity that justifies several ecotourism travel trips.

India is a rich land in terms of both natural beauty as well as cultural heritage, and this is what eco tourists actually look for in their trip. Hence, eco tourism has tremendous scope in India.

Ecotourism is entirely a new approach in tourism. Ecotourism is a preserving travel to natural areas to appreciate the cultural and natural history of the environment, taking care not to disturb the integrity of the ecosystem, while creating economic opportunities that make conservation and protection of natural resources advantageous to the local people.

In short, ecotourism can be categorized as tourism programme that is - "Nature based, ecologically sustainable, where education and interpretation is a major constituent and where local people are benefited."All this together can be called ecotourism. If a travel does not satisfy any one of these constituents, then it is not called a real ecotouris

CONTENTSTopic Page No.

1. Research Methodology

1.1 Research Methodology

21.1.1. Objectives of Study

21.1.2. Limitations of the Study


2. Travel and Tourism

2.1 An overview

4 2.2 Concept


2.3 Definition

7 2.4 Types

8 2.5 Special forms of tourism

9 3. A Perfect Tourist Destination-INDIA

13 4. Tourism in India

205. Ecotourism 5.1 An Introduction

23 5.2. Meaning and Concept


6. Ecotourism in India 6.1 An Introduction

29 6.2 Ecotourism resources in India

31 6.3 Ecotourism development in India


6.4 Ecotourism promotion in India


6.5 Role and Responsibilities


6.6 Motivations for Involvement in Ecotourism

41 6.7 Approaches to Ecotourism in India

437. Ecotourism Policy of Madhya Pradesh

7.1 Introduction


7.2 Objectives


7.3 Principles


7.4 Madhya Pradesh Ecotourism Development Board


7.5 Activities and Facilities


8. Ecotourism Project

8.1 Ecotourism Project of Kerala


9. Eco Hotels

Orchid An Eco Hotel

649. Conclusion and Suggestion


Webliography and Bibliography

Chapter I

RESEARCH Methodology

RESEARCH METHODOLOGYThe following Flow-chart or schematic representation shows the methodology of study:

1.2.1 Objectives of the Study

To study the concept of travel and tourism and India as a Tourist destination. To study the concept of ecotourism and development of ecotourism in India. To study ecotourism projects implemented in India. To study the concept of eco hotels with an example of Orchid- An eco-hotel.1.2.2 Limitations of the Study

The project is purely based on the secondary information obtained from various sources.

Chapter II



It is difficult for us to have a command on the cyclic movement of fashion, needs and requirements and the lifestyles. The process of change is, of course, influenced by the law of nature which forces us to welcome change. If we delay, the seeds of dissatisfaction and monotony get a conducive nexus for their germination and development. Hence to control or regulate the process, we allow a change which influences our decision making behaviour and forces us to welcome a change of place. It was against this bankground that the tarvelling was transformed into business and of late is an industry. The process of transformation has witnneesed a number of ups and downs in almost all areas. Right from the very beginning of culture and civilization, we find process of change continuing, of course as a pilgrimage. There is no dought in it that the Roman Empire injected life, strenght and continuity to travelling and therefore, the credibility for development of tourism industry ultimately goes to them.

During the rule of Alexander the Great, 700,000 tourists visited what is now a part of Turkey. This was considerably helped by the well built and organized roads, whilst on the journey groups had the ability to change a team of horses, stay at rest houses, and refreshments were available along the trip. During this time, the roads were crowded. Alexander the Great traveled to India and found the road systems and facilities well arranged. It was during the same period that pleasure travel begun taking place in China and Japan. The Chinese emperor, Wu Di traveled plenty in the 2nd century. His adventures were well described in his writing.

During the reign of Elizabeth the 1st tourism reached a high. Coach travel had become popular because of its style. Young gentlemen who came from wealthy backgrounds undertook the Grand Tour in this era. They would travel to parts of Great Britain, France, and Italy, it was considered crucial for the education of the young men. The tour was used improperly on many occasions, the youngsters would go on major shopping sprees and a lot of the time they would meet local ladies and generally behave badly. During the 18th Century, the Industrial revolution changed tourism considerably. A great deal of the rural folk joined the urban society, which allowed them more time and money to spend on travel. Thomas Cook was the first person around the world to begin chartered travel and open travel agents. His first chartered trip was a rail trip in which he offered two brass bands, a gala, tea and buns, and speeches for the guests. Thomas cook was of the view that beauty is for the people. The opinion of Mr. Cook generated new dimensions in the tourism business which paved copious avenues for the development of tourism as an industry.

The developed, less developed and even the developing countries have assigned due weight age to the tourism industry in their national development agenda. With tremendous socio-economic potentials, the tourism industry is considered to be an economic bonanza which paves avenues for the development of allied industries, such as hotels, communication banking, and transportation and so on. In addition tourism is a potential source for making possible world peace through mutual appreciation and international understanding.2.2 Concept

Tourism is the act of travel for the purpose of recreation and business, and the provision of services for this act. Tourists are people who are "travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited". The distance between these two places is of no significance.

A more comprehensive definition would be that tourism is a service industry, comprising a number of tangible and intangible components. The tangible elements include transport systems air, rail, road, water and now, space; hospitality services accommodation, foods and beverages, tours, souvenirs; and related services such as banking, insurance and safety and security. The intangible elements include: rest and relaxation, culture, escape, adventure, new and different experiences.

2.3 Definitions

One of the earliest definitions of Tourism was given by the Austrian economist Hermann Von Schullard in 1910. He defined it as, "sum total of operators, mainly of an economic nature, which directly relate to the entry, stay and movement of foreigners inside and outside a certain country, city or a region."

Hunziker and Krapf, in 1943, defined Tourism as, "Tourism is the totality of the relationship and phenomenon arising from the travel and stay of strangers, provided that the stay does not imply the establishment of a permanent residence and is not connected with a remunerative activities."

In 1976 Tourism Society of England defined it as "Tourism is the temporary, short-term movement of people to destination outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during the stay at each destination. It includes movements for all purposes."

In 1981 International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism defined Tourism in terms of particular activities selected by choice and undertaken outside the home environment.

2.4 TypesTourism may be classified into the following types:1. Domestic tourism:-

This takes place when the residents/citizen of one country travels only within the country.

Thus the Sharma family from Mumbai making an itinerary that includes the Golden temple of Delhi, Jaipur and Agra would de considered as domestic tourism. For India, domestic tourists are the largest- over 100 million and growing fast- and cannot be ignored in any tourism strategy.Major hotel chains like the Taj group, the Oberois, Days Inn, the Mahindras with their gateway hotels- all have started catering to this vast market.

2. Inbound tourism: -

This involves the travel of a non-resident- be he/she a foreigner or a national resident in the given country in that country, after arrival from another country. Thus a group of germans coming in on a chater flight of UVI Holidays and having a 23-day itinerary in india would be inbound tourism.this is growing and at the best of times has reach a figure of 2.5 million for India.

3. Outbound tourism: - This takes place when residents of a country travel to another country or countries. Thus when Shetty of Banglore take up package tour offer of RAJ for a 20-days journey to theUSA, they would be classified as outbound tourists.

The three basic types can be combined in various ways to derive the following categories of tourism, viz.:

Internal Tourism: - This comprises Domestic Tourism and Inbound Tourism.

National Tourism: - this comprises Domestic Tourism and Outbound Tourism. International Tourism: - This consists of Inbound Tourism and Outbound Tourism.

2.5 Special forms of tourism

For the past few decades other forms of tourism, also known as niche tourism, have been becoming more popular, particularly: Adventure tourism: tourism involving travel in rugged regions, or adventurous sports such as mountaineering and hiking . Agritourism: farm based tourism, helping to support the local agricultural economy. Ancestry tourism: is the travel with the aim of tracing one's ancestry, visiting the birth places of these ancestors and sometimes getting to know distant family. Armchair tourism and virtual tourism: not travelling physically, but exploring the world through internet, books, TV, etc. Audio tourism: includes audio walking tours and other audio guided forms of tourism including museum audio guides and audio travel books. Bookstore Tourism is a grassroots effort to support independent bookstores by promoting them as a travel destination. Cultural tourism: includes urban tourism, visiting historical or interesting cities, such as Berlin, Kathmandu, Lahore, Lima, Buenos Aires, London, Paris, Delhi, Rome, Prague, Dubrovnik, Beijing, Istanbul, Kyoto, Warsaw, and experiencing their cultural heritages. This type of tourism may also include specialized cultural experiences, such as art museum tourism where the tourist visits many art museums during the tour, or opera tourism where the tourist sees many operas or concerts during the tour. Dark tourism: is the travel to sites associated with death and suffering. The first tourist agency to specialise in this kind of tourism started with trips to Lakehurst, New Jersey, the scene of the Hindenburg airship disaster.

Disaster tourism: travelling to a disaster scene not primarily for helping, but because it is interesting to see. It can be a problem if it hinders rescue, relief and repair work. Drug tourism: travel to a country to obtain or consume drugs, either legally or illegally. Ecotourism: sustainable tourism which has minimal impact on the environment, such as safaris (Kenya), Rainforests (Belize) and hiking (Lapland), or national parks. Educational tourism: may involve travelling to an education institution, a wooded retreat or some other destination in order to take personal-interest classes, such as cooking classes with a famous chef or crafts classes. Extreme tourism tourism associated with high risk Gambling tourism, e.g. to Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Palm Springs, California, Macau or Monte Carlo for the purpose of gambling at the casinos there. Garden tourism visiting botanical gardens famous places in the history of gardening, such as Versailles and the Taj Mahal. Heritage tourism: visiting historical (Rome, Athens, Cracow) or industrial sites, such as old canals, railways, battlegrounds, etc. Health tourism: usually to escape from cities or relieve stress, perhaps for some 'fun in the sun', etc. Often to "health spas". Hobby tourism: tourism alone or with groups to participate in hobby interests, to meet others with similar interests, or to experience something pertinent to the hobby. Inclusive tourism: tourism marketed to those with functional limits or disabilities. Referred to as "Tourism for All" in some regions. Destinations often employ Universal Design and Universal Destination Development principles. Medical tourism, e.g.: for what is illegal in one's own country, e.g. abortion, euthanasia; for instance, euthanasia for non-citizens is provided by Dignitas in Switzerland,for advanced care that is not available in one's own country,in the case that there are long waiting lists in one's own country , for use of free or cheap health care organisations Pop-culture tourism: tourism by those that visit a particular location after reading about it or seeing it in a film. Perpetual tourism: wealthy individuals always on vacation; some of them, for tax purposes, to avoid being resident in any country. Pilgrimage Tourism: pilgrimages to ancient holy places (Rome and Santiago de Compostela for Catholics, Temples and stupas of Nepal for the Hindus and Buddhist, Mount Athos or Painted churches of northern Moldavia for the Orthodox), religious sites such as mosques, shrines, etc. Solo Travel: travelling alone Sport travel: skiing, golf and scuba diving are popular ways to spend a vacation. Also in this category is vacationing at the winter home of the tourist's favorite baseball team, and seeing them play everyday. Space tourism: Vacilando is a special kind of wanderer for whom the process of travelling is more important than the destination. Chapter III



The land to travel to, a heaven of tourism delights, a civilization to tour through. Tourists come to India for its wealth of sights, cultural exuberance, diversity of terrain and in search of that special something, an extra punch that only India promises and delivers. Teeming with over a billion people who voice over a million concerns in fifteen hundred different languages, India is where people live with variety, thrive on diversity and are too familiar with largeness to let it boggle them.Culture

Few countries of the world have such an ancient and diverse culture as Indias. Stretching back in an unbroken sweep over 5000 years, Indias culture has been enriched by successive waves of migration, which were absorbed into the Indian way of life. It is this variety that is the hallmark of India. Its physical, religious and racial variety is as immense as its linguistic diversity. Underneath this diversity lies the continuity of Indian civilization and social structure from the very earliest times until the present day. Modern India represents a picture of unity in diversity to which history provides no parallel.


India probably has the most religious diversity in any country. Its the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Its among the few places to have a resident Zoroastrian population. The Syrian Christian Church is well established in Kerala; the Basilica of Bom Jesus in Goa, old churches in Calcutta and Delhi, synagogues in Kerala, temples from the tiny to the tremendous, stupas, gompas and the Bodhi tree, the Ajmer Sharif and Kaliya Sharif in Bombay, all reflect the amazing multiplicity of religious practice in India. Tribal people in the northeast, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat practice forms of nature worship.


India is the home of many languages. India is the home of many languages. India is a huge country with lot of cultural and geographical differences. There are a number of languages spoken in India. The national language of India is Hindi, which in one form or another is spoken all over the north. In the Deccan (south India), the languages are completely different. The states were formed on the basis of language so each has its own. On the whole though, dialects, accents, idioms and linguistic flourishes change every few miles. There are 18 official languages but over a thousand recognized dialects. English is widely spoken. Clothing

To the foreign traveler, one of the most powerful attractions in India is the colorful and diversified attire of the people. The silk saris, brightly colored mirrored cholis, colorful lehangas and the traditional salwar-kameez have fascinated many a traveler over the centuries.


The food available in India is as diverse as its culture, its racial structure, its geography and its climate. The essence of good Indian cooking revolves around the appropriate use of aromatic spices. These spices are also used as appetisers and digestives. Besides spices, the other main ingredients of Indian cooking and Indian meals are milk products like ghee (used as a cooking medium) and curd or dahi.

Although a number of religions exist in India, the two cultures that have influenced Indian cooking and food habits are the Hindu and the Muslim traditions. The Hindu vegetarian tradition is widespread in India, although many Hindus eat meat now. The Muslim tradition is most evident in the cooking of meats.A typical North-Indian meal would consist of chapatis or rotis or parathas, rice and an assortment of accessories like dals, fried vegetables, curries, curd, chutney, and pickles. All along the coast and extensively in the northeast fish is consumed almost as a staple. Both fresh water and sea fish are popular. For dessert one could choose from the wide array of sweetmeats from Bengal like rasagulla, sandesh, rasamalai and gulab-jamuns.

South Indian food is largely non-greasy, roasted and steamed. Rice is the staple diet and forms the basis of every meal. It is usually served with sambhar, rasam, dry and curried vegetables and a curd preparation called pachadi. Coconut is an important ingredient in all South Indian food. The South Indian dosa, idli and vada, which is made of fermented rice and dal, are now popular throughout the country. The popular dishes from Kerala are appams and thick stews. Desserts from the south include the Mysore pak and the creamy payasum. Also available are the snacks on the roadside like bhel puri and paapri chaat. Vegetarians will feel like theyve come home, especially in the south. Indians love their sweets.. Theres also a huge variety in drinks. Besides chai (tea) and coffee, sweetened/salty churned yoghurt called lassi, the neemboo-pani or lemon-water, fruit and aerated drinks are readily available in India. IMFL expands into Indian made Foreign Liquor and spans the entire range from beer to whiskey. Some examples of local brews are chaang in Arunachal, today in the South and Goas famous feni. Festivals

The festive celebration of India is woven with the fibers of a galore of traditions, culture, heritage and rituals storing each region's fragrance in it. The fairs and festivals of India are nothing but the outburst of this multi-fragrant basket in different times at different corners of the country. The Indian calendar is one long procession of festivals. These are as varied in origin as they large in number. There are innumerable national, regional, local, religious, seasonal and social festivities. This is not surprising considering the fact that India is the land of gods, goddesses, saints, gurus, and prophets. Colour, gaiety, enthusiasm, feasts, and a variety of prayers and rituals characterize festivals here. some festivals such as Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, Dussehra, Eid, etc. are celebrated in all parts of the country with same energy and India every month is signify different festivalsArt and Handicrafts:-

In India, art is a like an energy booster. It is a mystical force, which gives shape to the vision of the artist. It speak volumes of the quickness and expertness of craftsmanship. For the artists these creations are not pulse less objects but full of life, carrying their passion and exactness. You can experience the variety, vibrancy and discreetness of traditional Indian art and crafts as there are a myriad number of things in terms of gems of Indian stone work, metal work, jewelry, woodcrafts, leather work, carpets, pottery, paintings, textile and furniture.

Indian Paintings can be broadly classified as the murals & miniatures. Murals are huge works carried out on the walls of solid structures. Classic examples are the paintings in Ajanta & Kailasantaha. More recently the opulent paintings of Raja Ravi Varma, the paintings of M.F. Hussain, Jamini Roy and Ganesh Pyne among others rule the art scene.Dance

Dance and music are an integral part of Indian life. The Natya Shastra, written by Baratha between 2 B.C. and 2 A.D., is the source for all forms of Indian classical dance. It is regarded as the fifth Veda. The legacy of dance in India is tremendous. On temple walls, on an urban stage, in impromptu bursts by a mellow evening fire, men and women twinkle their toes in expression of joy. The classical dances of India are numerous. Characterized by stylized movements and elaborate costumes, these dances communicate age-old tales of love, longing and rage. Kathakali of Kerala, Bharatnatyam of Tamil Nadu, Kuchipudi of Andhra Pradesh, Manipuri and Odissi from Orissa are the prominent dance forms in this country that sways to an altogether novel beat. The robust bhangra of Punjabi men, the graceful whirling of Rajasthani women, the gentle sway of northeastern dancers, vigorous tribal dances, every corner has developed its own unique form.


The glorious past of India has ensured that the present and subsequent generations have plenty of historical and cultural heritage to be proud of. The fascinating monuments and heritage sites in the country stand quietly today to retell their story of joy, sorrow, courage and sacrifice before you. Each of the story is so enchanting and singular that you will be left asking for more at the end of each narration. Indian history and heritage. At the end of your trip, you will surely develop a huge respect for the Indian heritage while craving for more such tour in the near future.

On the whole the Indians are a warm welcoming people. The guest is next only to God and they are great hosts. But what exactly is it that gets two and a half million people to pack their bags, book their tickets, and wing their way to India? Given that this is the land of the Taj, granted too that tea, tobacco, tempestuous democracy and terrific travel are a great combination but surely that's not reason enough.India has inspired more than any one place's fair share of travel lore. And, perhaps that's what it is - the legends of India - that's what inspires people from far and near to travel here, to sort out for themselves what's true and what's just a whole lot of tourism pamphlet hype.


The multi hued country, India is probably the ultimate destination of all kinds of pilgrims following any faith around the world. The great religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity and Sikhism are the integral part of Indian culture and heritage whose values and faiths are mingled with the air, soil and the sky of India

A pilgrimage tour in the divine land of India will surely bring all the faces of Indian devotions and you will be moved by seeing the unconditional faiths and beliefs of the Indians for the God, who may have any name or identity. Your spirituality and devotion is sure to attain a new height after a pilgrimage tour in India and who knows, you may return home with an enlightenment which you have searched for all your life.Chapter IV


The acceptance of 'going away' on holiday, commonly referred to as tourism, as a part of our lifestyle in contemporary western society may lead us to believe that it has always been a feature of people's lives. Yet the word 'tourist' is a fairly new addition to the English language, the word 'tour-ist' (deliberately hyphenated), first appearing in the early

Over the last 40 years, international arrivals worldwide rose dramatically from 70 million to 710 million. The tourism industry as a whole is currently estimated to earn over US$ 3.5 trillion worldwide creating a job every 2.4 seconds with every one of those direct jobs creating another 11 indirect ones. Spending on tourism amounts to 5%-10% of total consumer spending in a year, worldwide.

India was one of the first countries to become a member of the World Tourism Organization in 1951. The government of India also took note of the new phenomenon of international tourism and appointed a committee in 1946 under the chairmanship of Sir John Sargent, Secretary, and Department of Education. In pursuance of its recommendation, the government set up a small tourist branch under ministry of transport in 1949 and in 1951 established four field offices in Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai. In 1955, the Estimates Committee recommended the starting up of a separate Department of tourism, and this was done in 1957. A national apex body, the Tourism Development council, was set up in 1951, there were 17,000 tourists who visited India; and in 1980, the number has gone up from 80 to150. In 1980, the share of India in international tourism was 0.39 %.the average length of stay, which determines the volume of tourism and foreign exchanged earned from it, is 25 days for India, one of the highest in the world. It is estimated that in 1980 tourist spent between Rs. 5,500 and Rs. 6,000 million in foreign exchange in India. This was 0.79 percent of the estimated total world revenues of US $ 95.3 billion at the 1980 exchange rate.

Indias share of the total market is a pittance at 0.15%. Nevertheless, tourism has the distinction of being the third largest export industry after gems and jewellery and readymade garments in India. The significance of tourism in terms of employment generation is rising too. In 1996-97, direct employment in the sector was estimated at about 7 to 9.1 million people, accounting for around 2.4% of the total labour force.

The subcontinent of India lies in south Asia, between Pakistan, china, and Nepal.

To the north it is bordered by the worlds highest mountain chain, where foothill valleys cover the north most of the countries states. Further south, plateaus, tropical rain forests and the sandy deserts are lined by palm-fringed beaches. Side by side with the countrys staggering topographical variation is its cultural diversity, the result of the coexistence of a number of religions as well as local traditions. Thus, the towering temples of south India, easily identifiable by their ornately sculptured surface, are associated with a great many crafts and performing arts of the region.

In the desert of kutch, Gujarat, on the other hand, a scattering of villages pit themselves against the awesome forces of nature, resulting in Spartan lifestyles made vibrant by a profusion of jewellery and ornamental embroidery. Used to adorn apparel and household linen. In the extreme north is the high- altitude desert of ladakh. Local culture is visibly shaped by the faith of Buddhism as well as by the harsh terrain. Yet another facet of Indian culture is observed in the colourful tribal lifestyles of the North-eastern states of Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura, and Manipur with their folk culture.

In the central Indian states of Orissa and Madhya Pradesh, tribal village life has resulted in a variety of artistically executed handicrafts. Indias mountains provide lazy sunbathing as well as wind-surfing and snorkeling, and its jungles provide shooting wildlife with a camera.

In creative arts, Indias sculpture, architecture and painting have had a rich history. The cave architecture of Ajanta and cave wall painting of Ajanta and Ellora, the temples of Khajuraho, the Mughal and Rajasthani paintings and the Taj Mahal are but a few examples of Indias culture heritage. The history of accomplishments in dance, drama and music is equally formidable and impressive. The classical dances still thrive in India, especially in their major forms- Bharatanatyam, Kathakali, Kathak and Manipuri.

Chapter V


Eco-tourism is derived from two words - 'Ecosystem' & 'Tourism'. Together it is made Eco-tourism. To understand Eco-tourism we have to understand our Ecosystem first.


Ecosystem is the system in which we live - the system which include the earth, the water, the sky and of course the living and the non-living objects in all these systems. It is a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit. But, there is no such specific and particular spatial unit or scale to measure an Ecosystem. Thus, the term "ecosystem" does not, necessarily, agree to the terms "biome" or "ecological zone", but can refer to any functioning unit at any scale. It could, for example, be a grain of soil, a pond, a forest, the sea, the river, a biom or the entire biosphere.

And, tourism means - 'the practice of traveling for pleasure.' Thus, a tourism which contains a visit to an Ecosystem is known as Eco- tourism. But, that is not all. Eco-tourism is not only travelling to such Ecosystems, but also conserving them.

Basically Eco-tourism means -

"Tourism involving travel to areas of natural or ecological interest, typically under the guidance of a naturalist, for the purpose of observing wildlife and learning about the environment and at the same time focus on wildlife and promotion of understanding and conservation of the environment."This is a conscientious form of tourism and tourism development, which encourages going back to natural products in every aspect of life and helps preserve nature. It is also the key to sustainable ecological development.

The race for becoming the most advanced and most developed state in the world, has led man to destruct the natural resource in our stock and our biosphere. Today, most of the underground and above the ground resources are on the verge of finish, resulting in abrupt climate, natural disaster and more. Now, man is facing two very extreme dangerous conditions - 'Global Warming' & 'Greenhouse Effects', both of which will lead to the total destruction of the Planet Earth. It is now high time, we should (the entire Human Community) start our bit of job to save our Earth from complete destruction. It is now every man's duty to do as much possible to save our Planet Earth.

Today, there are "Green Laws" of conservation, which are making people aware of how man and the environment can live beneficially for more time to come and Eco-tourism is one way to maximize the environmental and social benefits of tourism, not forgetting the economic developments.

Everyone is a stakeholder in the process and we clearly need to avoid our past shortcomings and negative impact. In India too the movement is gathering momentum with more & more travel and travel related organizations are addressing the needs of the eco-tourists and promoting eco-tourism in the country.

5.2. Meaning and Concept

The World Conservation Union (IUCN) and ecotourism society define ecotourism as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of the local people. However for tourism to be called ecotourism, it should be fully compatible with the conservation goals of the country, while at the same time pose minimum threat to the continuation of local culture and society. Moreover, it should contribute by means of income and education to the contribution of ecosystems (Brown et al. 1997).

Ecotourism means ecological tourism, where ecological has both environmental and social connotations. It is defined both as a concept-tourism movement and as a tourism (specifically sustainable tourism) section. Born in its current form in the late 1980's, Ecotourism came of age in 2002, when the United Nations celebrated the "International Year of Ecotourism". The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people".

Saving the environment around you and preserving the natural luxuries and forest life, that's what eco-tourism is all about. Whether it's about a nature camp or organizing trekking trips towards the unspoilt and inaccessible regions, one should always keep in mind not to create any mishap or disturbance in the life cycle of nature. Eco-tourism focuses on local cultures, wilderness adventures, volunteering, personal growth and learning new ways to live on our vulnerable planet. It is typically defined as travel to destinations where the flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Responsible Eco-tourism includes programs that minimize the adverse effects of traditional tourism on the natural environment, and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, initiatives by hospitality providers to promote recycling, energy efficiency, water reuse, and the creation of economic opportunities for local communities are an integral part of Eco-tourism.

Historical, biological and cultural conservation, preservation, sustainable development etc. are some of the fields closely related to Eco-Tourism. Many professionals have been involved in formulating and developing eco-tourism policies. They come from the fields of Geographic Information Systems, Wildlife Management, Wildlife Photography, Marine Biology and Oceanography, National and State Park Management, Environmental Sciences, Women in Development, Historians and Archaeologists, etc. Ecotourism is considered the fastest growing market in the tourism industry, according to the World Tourism Organization with an annual growth rate of 5% worldwide and representing 6% of the world gross domestic product, 11.4% of all consumers spending.What to do in ecotourism Tour? Carry back all non-degradable litter such as empty bottles, tins, plastic bags etc. These must not litter the environment or be buried. They must be disposed in municipal dustbins only.

Observe the sanctity of holy sites, temples and local cultures.

Cut noise pollution. Do not blare aloud radios, tape recorders or other electronic entertainment equipment in nature resorts, sanctuaries and wildlife parks.

In case temporary toilets are set-up near campsites, after defecation, cover with mud or sand. Make sure that the spot is at least 30 meters away from the water source.

Respect people's privacy while taking photographs. Ask for prior permission before taking a photograph.

What you should not do in Eco Tour: Do not take away flora and fauna in the forms of cuttings, seeds or roots. It is illegal, especially in the Himalayas. The environment is really delicate in this region and the bio-diversity of the region has to be protected at all costs.

Do not use pollutants such as detergent, in streams or springs while washing and bathing.

Do not use wood as fuel to cook food at the campsite.

Do not leave cigarettes butts or make open fires in the forests.

Do not consume aerated drinks, alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicant and throw bottles in the wild.

Do not tempt the locals, especially children by offering them foodstuff or sweets. Respect local traditions.

Polythene and plastics are non bio-degradable and unhealthy for the environment and must not be used and littered.

Chapter VI


ECO TOURISM IN INDIA6.1 An Introduction.

Eco Tourism promotes the concept of conserving the environment around you and preserving the natural resources and forest life. Eco Tourism in India takes you on a trip to the virginal land close to the Mother Nature but always remember not to cause any harm to the cycle of nature.

Eco Tourism in India is about taking a break from the fast city life and leading a slow paced life in the midst of the greenery. Wake up to the alarm of the chirping birds, eat healthy and hygienic organic meal, entertain yourself by watching the activities of the animals and birds and take a joy ride on the elephant or camel back. Explore the nearby village, learn about their customs and traditions, appreciate their art and craft and become friend with them. This is how you spend your days while on eco tourism in India.

India offers lots of places unexplored yet safe for eco tourism. Venture into the unexplored paths of the Himalayas, come close to the wild life at the national parks or stay at the tree houses and enliven your adventure with eco tourism in India. Picturesque surrounding, cool climate, calm scenario, healthy environment, pollution free locales and fresh air will make you forget your deadlines and work pressures. You would desire to live here till eternity.

Unlike Africa, where great herds of beats romp across the Savannah giving photo opportunities galore to tourists in Zebra-striped buses, wild animal watching in India takes patience. At any, sanctuary, dress in sensible attires and keep quiet; the creatures are easily spooked. Yet with almost 350 species of mammal, a couple of thousand types of Bird and at least 30,000 kinds of insects, India provides an unmatched range and diversity that justifies several ecotourism travel trips.

Geographical diversity of India

India is a country of continental dimensions consisting of four distinct regions, namely, the great mountain zone, plains of the Ganga and the Indus rivers, the desert region and the southern peninsula.

Almost two-thirds of the Himalaya is in the mountain zone of India, including large plateaus and valleys. The plains of the Ganga and the Indus are formed by basins of three distinct river systems, the Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. The desert region consists of the great desert and the little desert.

The great desert extends from the Rann of Kachchh and runs through the Rajasthan-Sind frontier. The little desert extends from the Luni River between Jaisalmer and Jodhpur up to the northern wastes.

The peninsular plateau is flanked on one side by the Eastern Ghats and on the other by the Western Ghats. Between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea there is a narrow coastal strip, while between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal lies a broader coastal area. India is thus endowed with every land form, mountains, plains, deserts and sea coasts.6.2 Ecotourism resources in India The geographical diversity of India has also given it a wealth of eco-systems which are being protected and preserved. They have also become the major resources for ecotourism. One specific element is bio-sphere reserves. These are multi-purpose areas protected in order to preserve the genetic diversity and integrity of plants, animals and micro-organisms in representative eco-systems. There are seven such reserves in India at present: Nilgiri; Nanda Devi; Nokrek; Great Nicobar; Gulf of Mannar; Manas and Sunderbans. A second element is mangroves, which are specialized forest eco-systems in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world bordering sheltered sea coasts and estuaries. Major mangrove areas are: Northern Andaman and Nicobar; Sunderbans; Bhitarkanika and Mahanadi Delta; Coringa, Godavari Delta and Krishna Estuary; Pichavaram and Point Calimar; Goa; Gulf of Kutch; Coondapur; Achra/Ratnagiri; and Vembanad. The third element is coral and coral reefs. There are four coral areas identified in India so far: Gulf of Mannar; Andaman and Nicobar Islands; Lakshadweep Islands; and Gulf of Kutch. The fourth element is the great and little deserts in the North-Western region of the country. This is a distinct eco-system which has attracted the fascination of tourists.

The fifth element consists of mountain and forests, including great Himalayas and other mountain ranges in the country. Along with their forests, rivers and snow, they have also become great attractions for eco-tourists. The country has an area of about 752 million hectares designated as forests, and of which about 406 million hectares are classified as reserve forests and 215 million hectares as protected forests.

India's sixth element is the flora and fauna which are very abundant. There are about 45,000 species of plants, including shrubs. The country also has a great variety of fauna, numbering a little over 65,000 known species, including 1,228 species of birds, 428 species of reptiles, 372 species of mammals, 204 species of amphibians and 2,546 species of fishes.

In order to protect and preserve these genetic resources, India has created 75 national parks and 421 wildlife sanctuaries in different parts of the country. Some have already become popular with tourists, such as Kaziranga and Manas in Assam; Jim Corbett Park in Uttar Pradesh; Bharatpur, Ranthambore and Sariska in Rajasthan; Kanha and Bandhavgarh in Madhya Pradesh; Bandipur in Karnataka; and Simlipal in Orissa.

6.3 Ecotourism development in India

India has consistently included environmental and ecological safeguards in the development of ecotourism in order to avoid gross commercialism. Opening ecological areas for tourism is generally done after careful assessment of carrying capacity to ensure that nature's bounty is not destroyed. India has also always tried to ensure that tourism does not impinge on the culture and heritage.In general, a sound and sensitive environmental approach is adapted to tourism development planning and is integrated with other activities to ensure the following: a) Levels of development are to be compatible with the general capacity of the physical environment and resources. b) Sufficient facilities and services need to be provided to serve tourists and the local population. c) Hotel rooms must be distributed in such a manner that the natural characteristics and qualities of the area are enhanced. d) The three dimensional manifestation of tourism development should be designed carefully and with a sensitivity that merges with the surroundings and enhances the natural beauty. e) Architectural heritage sites and other areas of historic value are to be adequately protected.

In the initial years of ecotourism development, greater emphasis was given to the development of tourism in the Himalayas and the deserts. One of the earliest projects was the Gulmarg Winter Sports Resort. However, the focus has been on the provision of basic minimum facilities for visits by eco-friendly tourists to the hills, national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Forest lodges and viewing towers were provided in some of the important sanctuaries along with transport facilities in the form of jeeps and elephants.

There are several interesting trek routes of varying difficulty in the Himalayas. Facilities like camping sites, trekkers' huts, tents and trekking equipment are provided to encourage the development of a few of these routes and promote trekking tourism.

Several bodies of water including lakes, back waters and seas constitute major sources of tourist attractions. Facilities like houseboats, water sports equipment, glass bottom boats, hovercraft, etc. are provided to benefit tourists.

Landscaping and upgrading the environment of parks, gardens and other natural areas has been another stream of developmental activity associated with ecotourism. Creation of public conveniences and road side amenities was also given considerable importance in the development process.

Some recent initiatives in the development of ecotourism include the establishment of a resort in 1988 with 70 beds at Bangaram Island in Lakshadeep with private sector participation. The crystal clear sea water, abundant marine life and corals provide an ideal setting for enjoying nature's beauty.

The Coconut Grove at Kumarakam and Spice Village at Thekady in Kerala are some new additions to India's ecotourism resorts. These are private enterprises which specialize in providing experiences with nature in full measure.

India has also been aware of the importance of preparing master plans for the sustainable development of tourism. A study on the sustainable development of tourism at Andaman and Nicobar Islands is now underway with the assistance of UNDP and WTO. Similar studies are also being considered in other areas identified for resort development.6.4 Ecotourism promotion in India

The key players in the ecotourism business are governments at levels, the local authorities, the developers and the operators, the visitors, and the local community. Each one of them has to be sensitive to the environment and local traditions and follow a set of guidelines for the successful development of ecotourism. In addition, non-governmental organizations and scientific and research institutions also have to play a key role in the development of ecotourism.

A management plan for each ecotourism area should be prepared by professional landscape architects and urban planners, in consultation with the local community as well as others directly concerned. Integrated planning should be adopted to avoid inter-sectoral and cross-sectoral conflict. A first step should be to prepare 20-year Master Plans for each state.

The architectural program for ecotourism centers should include controlled access points, roads, self-guided nature trails, transportation options, interpretation centers, signs, observation towers and adequate but unpretentious lodging and dining facilities, docks, garbage disposal facilities and other utilities as needed. If required, suitable living quarters and facilities for project personnel should be provided.

6.5. Role and ResponsibilitiesGovernment Responsibilities for Ecotourism

1. Regulate structures that create visual pollution, unaesthetic views and are non-compatible architecture; and encourage use of local building material and structures befitting the local environment.2. Exclude developments in geologically unstable zones and define development and buffer zones after proper environmental impact assessments.3. Establish and enforce standards, building codes and other regulations.4. Specify environmental, physical and social carrying capacities to limit development.5. Ensure continuous monitoring of adverse effects of tourism activities and initiate suitable corrective measures.6. Recognize and award quality by accreditation of ecotourism operators.7. Provide visitor information and interpretation services covering particularly (i) What to see; (ii) how to see it; and (iii) how to behave. This can be by way of brochures, leaflets, specialized guides, visitor information centers and such.8. Prepare and distribute codes of conduct to all visitors.9. Launch training programs on ecotourism for tourism administrators, planners, operators and the general public.The roles and responsibilities of tourism developers and operators are fundamental to the achievement of ecotourism and the long-term success of the businesses.Role and responsibility of tourism developers and operators

1. Respect and follow the planning restrictions, standards and codes provided by the government and local authorities.2. Implement sound environment principles through self-regulation.3. Undertake environmental impact assessment for all new projects and conduct regular environment audits for all ongoing activities, leading to development of environmental improvement programs.4. Be aware of, and sensitive to, protected or threatened areas, species and scenic amenity; undertake landscape enhancement wherever possible.

5. Ensure that all structures are unobtrusive and do not interfere with the natural ecosystem to the extent possible.

6. Recognize the optimal environmental capacity and sociological use-limits of the site in creating tourist facilities; also take into account the safety and convenience of tourists.7. Design buildings strictly on functional and environmental considerations and avoid over-construction.8.Employ eco-friendly physical planning, architectural design and construction of tourist facilities, for example use solar energy, capture and utilize rainwater, recycle garbage, use natural cross-ventilation instead of air conditioning, ensure a high level of self-sufficiency in food through orchards, ecological farms, aquaculture and such.9. Use local material and designs to the extent possible in construction.10. Employ energy and water-saving practices to the extent possible; freshwater management and controlled sewage disposal should also be practiced.11. Control air emissions, chemical pollutants and noise.12. Control and reduce environmentally unfriendly products such as asbestos, CFCs, pesticides and toxic, corrosive, infectious, explosive or flammable material.13. Respect and support historic or religious objects and sites.14. Provide information and interpretive services to visitors especially on attractions and facilities, safety and security, local customs and traditions, prohibitions and regulations and expected behavior.15. Ensure adequate opportunities for visitors to commune with nature and native cultures.16. Provide correct information in marketing ecotourism products, as visitors who appreciate ecotourism products usually belong to environmentally- aware groups.17. Include training and research programs on environmental issues for company staff.18. Prepare tourists before their visit to minimize possible negative impacts while visiting sensitive environments and cultures.19. Ensure safety and security of visitors and inform them of precautions to be taken.20. Exercise due regard for the interest of the local population, including its history, tradition and culture and future economic development.Just as the government authorities and the tourism operators play fundamental roles in the success of ecotourism, so does the tourist. The Responsibilities of Ecotourists

1. Help conserve habitats of flora and fauna as well as any site, natural feature or culture, which may be affected by tourism.2. Make no open fires and discourage others from doing so. If water has to be heated with scarce firewood, use as little as possible. Where feasible, use kerosene or fuel-efficient wood stoves.3. Remove litter, burn or bury paper and carry back all non-degradable litter.

4. Keep local water clean and avoid using pollutants such as detergents in streams or springs. If no toilet facilities are available, relieve yourself at least 30 meters away from water sources and bury or cover the waste.5. Leave plants to flourish in their natural environment and avoid taking away cuttings, seeds and roots.6. Leave campsites clean after use.7. Help guides and porters to follow conservation measures. Do not allow cooks/porters to throw garbage in streams or rivers.8. Respect the natural and cultural heritage of the area and follow local customs.9. Respect local etiquette and do not wear tight-fitting clothes. Remember that kissing in public is disapproved of in India.

10. Respect privacy of individuals and ask permission to take photographs of local inhabitants.11. Respect holy places; do not touch or remove religious objects.12. Strictly follow the guidelines for personal safety and security and always take your own precautions and safety measures.

Finally there is a role for others, such as scientific and research institutions and non-government organizations, in promoting ecotourism. The things they can do include:(i) create awareness, among all concerned, about the importance of sound eco-practices in tourism development;(ii) Motivate the local community to increase their involvement in sustainable tourism activities; and(iii) Organize training programs to prepare the local people to take up various vocations related to ecotourism.

6.6 Motivations for Involvement in Ecotourism

Hotel and travel companies in India function in a relatively free environment. The country is slowly but surely moving towards a market economy where commercial considerations dictate motivation for the private sector to take up various activities. Crass commercial considerations have, however, to be controlled by the government on behalf of the public. The environment has to be protected through awareness-generation, legislation, policy and administrative action.

The traveling public is also becoming conscious of the need to protect the environment, to some extent at least. As a result, many enterprises in the hospitality sector have adopted environment-friendly practices like conserving energy and water and recycling unutilized hotel outputs. These can be powerful marketing tools for hotel groups. Furthermore, with the increase in cost of vital inputs like energy, water etc.; companies are motivated to conserve limited resources by adopting practices which reduce levels of consumption. Many hotel companies advise their clients to be careful in the use of lights, water and other hotel services.

Civil society has also begun to exercise control over the environment. Many non-government organizations have been generating awareness about environmentally destructive practices. Individuals have taken recourse to public interest litigation to stop environmentally destructive practices. The Indian judicial system has been very liberal in restraining environmentally hazardous activities. At times, political parties also stop environmentally harmful practices by agitation and raising issues in democratic forums such as state legislatures. The print and electronic media have been very active in India in investigating environmentally injurious activities by highlighting such issues and creating public opinion for environmentally compatible practices.

The Government of India has a Ministry of Environment and Forests with a mandate to oversee use of the environment in order to conserve it. The Government has also set up institutions like the Central and State Pollution Control Board to deal with the defaulters.

The state governments also have Departments of Environment and Pollution Control. The Ministry of Tourism has issued ecotourism guidelines for adoption by all concerned organizations. Some tourism bodies and associations like all concerned organizations. Some tourism bodies and associations like the Pacific Travel Association has introduced an ecotourism pledge which requires their members to adopt environment-friendly practices.

6.7 Approaches to Ecotourism in India

Environmental conservation, which is the philosophy behind ecotourism, is deeply set in the minds of the common Indian. As per the Hindu religious scriptures, one is expected to follow certain rules, or Dharma, regarding sanctity to be maintained in hills, sanctuaries, water bodies, villages and marketplaces.

With growing urbanization and industrialization, coupled with increased pressure on natural resources due to the population explosion, and the state having the responsibility to make available water and food grains and other essential commodities in the markets. Environmental management is not only the responsibility of the state, but also a duty of each and every citizen.

The Government of India has decided to involve citizens in environmental management. As a part of this campaign, Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks where people can cohabit with the other living things and learn about environmental management are being established in all parts of India. More and more Marine National Parks, Bird Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserves are contemplated, not only as a conservation measure but also to inculcate a sense of compassion for flora and fauna. Floating accommodation in the form of house boats prevalent in Dal Lake, Kashmir and the back waters of Aleppy, Kerala are famous throughout the world. This type of accommodation brings tourists close to nature. This kind of informal education will go a long way in promoting ecotourism in India, a country where financial and other resources are limited.

Major sections of the society (urban, rural, students, employees, workers, employers) are encouraged to undertake tours in different parts of India. The government, academic institutions and private sector provide funds or concessions for this purpose, with the objective of better binding the countrys multiethnic, multi linguistic, and multicultural people together, while helping them understands their country better and appreciate each others problems.Chapter VII



Madhya Pradesh is endowed with a very rich spectrum of scenic and relatively undisturbed landscapes, forests, wildlife and cultural diversity. The State has the largest forest area (94,669 sq km) in the country of which more than 10,000 sq km is under Protected Areas and the largest tiger population housed in five world famous tiger reserves. It is also home to several endangered species including the Gangetic Dolphin, the Ghariyal, the Great Indian Bustard and the Kharmor amongst others. More than 80 per cent of tourism in Madhya Pradesh is centered on nature and wildlife. The State has long been a premier wildlife destination especially for Tiger viewing. Excessive and exclusive focus on tigers and tiger reserves however has the potential to lead to problems including resource degradation, neglect of other areas, erosion of the local culture and other management problems associated with excessive centralization. Besides, a majority of tourists are deprived of experiencing other lesser known but equally rich facets of the States natural heritage, which could also lead to stagnation in the growth of tourist inflow to the State.

Ecotourism also has potential to play an important role in creating environmental as well as cultural awareness amongst all the stakeholders local communities, tourists, government and the private sector.

With this background, the Government of Madhya Pradesh has resolved to make the promotion of ecotourism in the State a priority area. The focus shall be on conservation of natural resources through awareness building, diversification of tourism activities and destinations, and local community participation. This Policy is aimed at informing and sensitizing the general public and related Government Departments towards ecotourism and laying down the framework for its growth in the State in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable manner.


The State shall endeavor to promote regulated and meaningful public access to forests, peripheral areas and other natural landscapes of the State, through:

a) Development of permissible and ecologically sound ecotourism infrastructure;b) Identification and promotion of lesser known areas having ecotourism potential in addition to popular destinations;

c) Diversification of the range of tourism activities available at destinations;

d) Development and enforcement of standards and norms for ecotourism activities;

e) Securing involvement of the local communities living in and dependent on peripheral and other areas for their livelihood;

f) Awareness building amongst general public; local communities and government staff;

g) Securing regulated private sector participation for the development of infrastructure and services;

With the ultimate objectives of:

Conserving the natural resource base of the State;

Promoting the State as a prominent ecotourism hub;

Securing economic benefits for the local communities without adversely affecting their cultural ethos.


The development, management and promotion of ecotourism in the State shall be governed by the following guiding principles:

a. All ecotourism activities are to be in strict conformance with the provisions of the existing environmental law of the country, especially the Wildlife (Protection) Act, the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and the various directives and guidelines issued by the Government from time to time.

b.Rules and guidelines regarding technical procedures, stakeholder participation and impact mitigation to be developed and strictly adhered to.

c.Adherence to international standards in terms of quality and safety in developing and operating ecotourism facilities and activities to be given highest priority.

d.Priority is to be given to developing sites near existing and known tourist destinations.

e.Striking a balance between financial viability and affordability of the ecotourism facilities.

f.Creation of environmental awareness amongst all sections and age groups, especially the youth, to be incorporated as a major activity for each ecotourism destination.

g.Only activities and facilities having least impact on the natural resources and the local culture to be permitted.

h.Preference to the quality of experience rather than the number of visitors, without compromising on financial viability as far as possible.

i.Wherever resources harnessed for ecotourism are traditionally in use by the local community, activities and facilities shall be developed in consultation with them and mechanisms to ensure flow of benefits to the community shall be identified and implemented.

j.Adoption of a single window system for delivery of ecotourism services.

k.Marketing strategies to be based on sound market research and segmentation analysis, making wide use of electronic, print and cyber media for marketing Madhya Pradesh as a multi-faceted ecotourism destination.

l.Installation of technologically efficient systems and clean development mechanisms to be mandatory for operation of any ecotourism facility.

m.Multi stakeholder partnership in developing and operating facilities and activities to be encouraged. Development and operations to be undertaken either solely by the government agency concerned or in partnership with the local community and private enterprises, depending upon the specific requirements and the category under which the destination area falls.

n.Technical co-operation with national and international agencies having expertise in ecotourism to be encouraged, without compromising on local interests.

o.Mechanisms to facilitate coordination between concerned Government Departments, especially the Forest and the Tourism Departments - to be developed and implemented.


The State Government through its Forest Department constituted the MPEDB in July 2005 to act as the nodal agency for development and promotion of ecotourism in the State. It shall be the Boards mandate to ensure the attainment of the objectives and adherence to the guiding principles set forth in this policy. For this, the Board shall develop the necessary systems, standards and institutions. The Board shall be equipped with required technical and financial resources to implement this Policy. It shall liaise with local, national and international stakeholders for planning, developing and implementing projects compatible with this Policy.

The Board shall also be empowered to oversee and approve specific ecotourism projects, activities and site management plans that are in conformance with this policy and other statutory requirements.

More specifically, the functions of the Board shall be:

a)Identifying and prioritizing ecotourism destinations throughout the State based on parameters to be defined.

b)Overseeing the process of infrastructure and facilities development at the destinations identified

c)Creating and maintaining a conducive policy environment

d) Developing and enforcing standards and norms to regulate operations

e)Encouraging public-people-private partnerships

f)Generating synergy among the Forest Department, Tourism Department and other stakeholders.

g)Liaison with statutory authorities to obtain requisite clearances for projects expeditiously.


Ecotourism activities to be identified and developed at any destination shall be site-specific i.e. dependent upon the potential of the particular site being developed. Following are the activities and facilities that may be undertaken for promoting an area as an ecotourism destination within the State.

a.Nature Camps

Camping sites may be identified and provided with basic facilities to enable the tourists to stay in natural surroundings either solely to experience the wilderness or additionally for participating in other activities requiring overnight stay in forests.

b.Eco-friendly Accommodation

Adequate facilities for boarding and lodging of tourists may be developed. The infrastructure must be eco-friendly and strictly in accordance with guidelines laid down in this regard. Suitable existing buildings, located in picturesque locations, may also be developed for tourist accommodation. Where feasible, local community members may also be encouraged to provide lodging and boarding facilities to the tourists, subject to prescribed quality standards.

c.Trekking and Nature Walks

Trekking routes of varying distances and guided nature trails through designated paths may be identified and developed in scenic landscapes rich in biodiversity, causing minimum disturbance to the natural vegetation and soil. Staff and local persons, especially youth may be appropriately trained to act as Nature Guides and Naturalists so as to assist visitors during wildlife viewing and trekking.d.Wildlife Viewing and River Cruise

Wildlife viewing in eco-friendly vehicles or on elephant backs may be promoted at appropriate sites for observing wildlife. Sites having suitable water-bodies may be developed for providing river cruise facilities in non-polluting boats.

e.Adventure Sports

Facilities for adventure sports such as rock climbing, rappelling and parasailing along with water sports such as river rafting, boating and canoeing may be developed in consultation and cooperation with experts and the concerned department or agency having control over the water bodies.

f. Angling

Angling facilities for Mahaseer and other suitable fish species, strictly on a catch and release basis, may be developed on suitable rivers/ water bodies flowing through or along the forest areas in consultation with the concerned Department. Angling guidelines to be formulated by the MPEDB shall be strictly followed in this regard. If necessary, water bodies may be artificially stocked by rearing and releasing fish seed into the rivers that have been depleted of the target species over time.

g. Herbal Ecotourism

Herbal ecotourism may be made the thrust area at suitable locations having a rich herbal heritage. Traditional medicinal practices of such locations may be explored and based on these; authentic herbal inputs having appropriate certifications and recognition may be made available to the tourists. These activities may be promoted in collaboration with Madhya Pradesh Minor Forest Produce Federation.j. Urban Ecotourism through Eco-ParksIn order to promote urban ecotourism, eco-parks may be developed in various urban centers. Such Eco-parks may contain provisions for various ecotourism activities including interpretation centers, trekking, nature walks, biking, bird watching, camping, angling, herbal center, adventure sports etc. on a small scale depending upon the area being developed. For this purpose, existing public parks in urban localities may also be utilized.

h. Visitor Interpretation Centers

Existing interpretation facilities may be strengthened to make them more comprehensive to accommodate the requirements of various classes of visitors envisaged. Each destination must incorporate ways to enhance and enrich the visitor experience.

i. Conservation Education

Conservation education must be promoted in and around each destination for creating awareness amongst school and college students, local communities, government staff and visitors in order to maintain and enhance support for ecotourism and environmental conservation. Various means that may be adopted include media campaigns, formation of eco-clubs at schools and colleges, exposure visits to destinations, displays and hoardings, community centers etc. New and innovative methods shall also be encouraged.

k. Other Facilities

Facilities for any other eco-friendly activities may also be provided based on specific requirements of a site provided the activity is compatible with the overall objectives of this policy and in conformance with the various standards and guidelines laid down in this regard.

7.6 POLICY IMPLEMENTATION The Government of Madhya Pradesh is committed to achieving the objectives of this Policy in an effective and time-bound manner for which it shall enlist the support of all stakeholders, thus focusing on the concept of "Public-People-Private-Partnerships". The principles laid down in the policy shall be translated into comprehensive standards and guidelines so as to facilitate its proper implementation. For this, existing services and systems of the Madhya Pradesh Ecotourism Development Board of the Forest Department shall be canalized.

Chapter VIII

ECO TOURISM PROJECTECO TOURISM PROJECT8.1 Ecotourism project in Kerala: Eco-Development Project in Periyar Tiger ReserveIntroduction

The Ministry of Environment has undertaken to promote local community participation in forest management, through the India - Eco Development programme in seven states. In Kerala, the Thekkady Tiger Trail project was launched a couple of years ago in the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary. In the Periyar Tiger Trail project, the members involved are the former inhabitants of the forest, who use to make a living by illegal trading of forest goods. Their activity was thus detrimental to the conservation of the forest. However, their intimate knowledge about the plants and animals, and their survival instincts could be best used for participatory ecotourism activities. Besides the Tiger Trail, other ecotourism products of the Periyar Tiger Reserve are: Bamboo Rafting, Day Trekking Programme, Tribal Heritage, Bamboo Grove, Jungle Inn and Wild adventures.

Ecotourism in Kerala

The state of Kerala, forming part of the Western Ghats, contains a protected area of 2,324 in two National Parks and 12 Wildlife Sanctuaries. The Western Ghats of Kerala, with its tropical forest ecosystem, provides a natural advantage for development of Ecotourism. The Western Ghats regions of Kerala can be projected as an Ecotourism Zone in the true sense. It has now become necessary to evolve appropriate location specific strategies for sanctuaries in Kerala, in the sphere of ecotourism development. Proper ecotourism product development, its marketing, environmental impact assessment, monitoring etc. are to be done in a systematic way.

The Tourism Department of Government of Kerala has taken steps to give focused attention to ecotourism in the State. A separate ecotourism wing has been created to give policy support for the development of the ecotourism destinations in the State.

Thenmala ecotourism project was established in and around Shenduruney Wildlife Sanctuary with the co-operation of departments such as Forest, Irrigation and Tourism. It is considered to be the first planned ecotourism destination in India. Thekkady is another ecotourism destination, which offers the visitor an unforgettable experience. Except Thekkady, all other sanctuaries in Kerala are practically unknown to tourists. What is needed is a more focused strategy which is supply-driven and small group - oriented. Ecotourism activities, in an ecologically sensitive area need close monitoring. Tourism in these natural areas should be ecologically sustainable. There should be provision for the visitor to be educated about the environment. The economic benefit of such an activity should accrue to the local population to ensure sustainability. Ecotourism projects the concept of sustainability in tourism, that is, the needs of today's visitor should not be met at the expense of future generations.

Ecotourism in Periyar Tiger Reserve

In 1899, the core area of what today is the Periyar Sanctuary was declared a reserved forest in order to protect the catchment area of the Periyar River. This river had been dammed in 1895, resulting in several small lakes and a reservoir. In 1934 the area, including the reservoir, was declared a Sanctuary. The total area of the present Sanctuary is 777 square kilometers and it is located in the southernmost part of Western Ghats. 70% of it includes tropical evergreen and semi-evergreen forests. What make Thekkady a unique destination on the tourism map are its climate, landscape and possibility of watching wildlife closely on the lakeshore while taking a boat cruise. The prime attraction of tourists visiting Thekkady is a boat cruise in the Periyar Lake. This lake is artificially formed, due to the submergence of low-lying forest areas, following the construction of the Mullapperiyar Dam in 1895. It offers a variety of opportunities to cater to the needs of various classes of tourists.

An experiment in forest management called India Eco-development Project at Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary in Thekkady developed an ecotourism component, the Thekkady Tiger Trail late in 1998. The concept and implementation of the India Eco-development Project made the managers of Periyar Tiger Reserve think seriously in order to identify sustainable tourism activities that ensure local participation in its fullest sense.

The Project at Periyar has two basic objectives: To manage protected areas and to get local people involved in it.

To implement the project initially, local communities living off the forest were organized into eco-development committees (EDCs).

Two basic objectives for the EDCs were to reduce the negative impact of local people on the Sanctuary and to involve encroachers in conservation, instead of exploitation. This was done by addressing the economic needs of those living in and around the park (about 250,000 people) by finding viable and innovative livelihood alternatives for them. The project has so far benefited about 40,000 people of 5,540 families.

Ex-Vayana Bark collectors, who were involved in the illegal de-barking of Cinnamon trees (Vayana) as well as in Sandalwood smuggling and poaching formed an eco-development committee (EDC) in 1998. 23 smugglers came forward to begin life anew. They pledged to protect the very forests that they had plundered in the past and in return, the Forest Department withdrew all the cases against them. The Tribal Trekkers Eco- Development Committee (a group of 20 tribal youths), and the Periyar Tiger Samrakshan (PETS) (a group of 70 members who were earlier employed by the Forest Department as watchers), have an involvement in the tourism. They provide services like day treks through the forest, arranging nature camps, horse riding and special programmes for the tourists. The members of all the committees help the Forest There is also clear evidence for a significant increase in the number of animals in the sanctuary.Periyar Tiger Trail

It is an adventurous trekking and camping programme in dense forest. It is offered in two packages, one- night and two-night stays, depending upon the preference and wallet of guests. Trekking in the Thekkady Tiger Trail is in reality participation in forest patrols within Periyar Sanctuary and National Park. Trekking with tourists during peak season is normally limited to two occasions a week. Each trekking is unique in the sense that different paths are chosen randomly. The physical condition of the trekking tourist determines to some degree the difficulty of the path chosen. As the terrain is undulating, every trekking program demands that each participant is in good physical condition. From the beginning, the trekking follows an easy footpath, but then the team enters terrain and vegetation of varying difficulty to penetrate, in an untouched landscape without tracks. There are no facilities within the Sanctuary, so everything needed has to be carried along. Under the scheme, a maximum number of five tourists will be accompanied by five guides and one armed forest guard. The guides are very knowledgeable on every nook and cranny of Thekkady forest, and on wildlife behavior.

During the night, the guests are put up in temporary erected tents right in the interior.

Guests feel at the lap of Mother Nature and can have a close-up view of wildlife and observe their behavior. Considering the vulnerability of biodiversity the number of slots has been limited.

Although much publicity has been given to the project recently and its popularity is increasing, the number of trekking is limited to not more than a couple of tours per week. This is typical of ecotourism. An ecotourism project is never meant to be expanding with increasing popularity - then it ceases to be a true ecotourism project, which entails a minimum of damage and disturbance of the environment. One very important result of the project so far, is that the former poachers have been converted to devoted trackers with a genuine interest in conserving the Sanctuary. Some trackers have reported that the number of wild animals is already increasing. One national award for ecotourism was given to this project by The Ministry of Tourism for excellence in environmental concern in January 2000. A state award (Kerala) was also given recently for innovation in tourism.Other Ecotourism products of Periyar Tiger Reserve

Bamboo Rafting:

Ex-Vayana Bark collectors initiated a Bamboo Rafting program for tourists in November 2002. A full day nature trail package is offered to nature lovers to enjoy the panoramic beauty of Periyar Lake and undulating surroundings. A maximum of ten tourists can be accommodated in one slot. They will be accompanied by five guides and one armed guard. Only one slot will be allotted per day. Under this package the guests can enjoy two-hour long trekking, one and half hours long rafting upwards, and then after lunch break the party returns in the same manner. During the trail the party can have a feeling of pristine forest, see even large mammals, birds and indigenous people fishing in the lake. The guests will be helped to identify flora and fauna.Day Trekking Programme:

Trekking programme, conducted by EDC, an Eco-development Committee (involving Tribal trekkers cum Guides), formed by 20 selected youths from the nearby tribal hamlets, and offers a possibility to know the richness of an ideal tropical evergreen forest within a short span of time. The trekking duration is 3 hours. Five guests will be accommodated in one slot and they will be accompanied by one tribal youth. Born and brought up right in the lap of forests, the guides are well familiar with the forest life. The guest will be taken through selected nature trails. The programme is also ideal for bird enthusiasts as it starts early morning.

Jungle Inn:

A well furnished hut-like building right inside the forest, near by a vast expanse of wetland, is open to the tourists for night-stay. Two tourists will be accommodated and one guide will accompany them. During the stay in the inn they can have a close watch of the movement of wildlife and if it is a full moon day their experience in the jungle will be unforgettable. The guests will complete short duration trekking to and from their destination. The accompanying guide will serve light food during the stay in the inn.Learning Program in Bamboo Grove:

Typical tribal like huts and tents erected right in a vast bamboo grove are offered to serious nature lovers for their experiential learning programme. In addition to the huts and tents, a seminar hall also exists for conducting sensitization programs. These programs include interactive lectures by topic specific faculties/ professionals, simple food, accommodation in the tent etc.Tribal Heritage:

Under this programme tribal life and culture of 50 years ago has been recreated in an exhibition centre right in the tribal hamlet. It is a 2-hour program and includes an exhibition and interpretation of the heritage and a nature trail in the hamlet.

The guest can get acquainted with their traditional life, such as medicinal herbs, weapons, musical instrument, household articles etc.Wild Adventures:

This programme involves a close interaction with the nature in the midst of a typical evergreen forest in Gavi, about 40 Kms. from Thekkady. The full programme is conducted by the eco-development committees of Meenar, Gavi and Kochupanpa. The package includes vehicle safari from Thekkady to Gavi and trekking in the forest. Animal sighting is common and abundant. Night-stay is also facilitated for a limited number of tourists. Rowing, bird watching, outdoor camping in the forest, tree-top stay and night safari are also arranged on request.

Review of Eco-development Project

The Eco-development project in the Periyar Tiger Reserve can be reviewed on the basis of ecotourism principles like nature-based, ecological sustainability, scope of education and interpretation, benefits to local people etc.

Nature- based:

All the activities in the eco-development project are nature based. Programs like the Tiger Trail, Bamboo Rafting and Day Trekking are carried out in the interior parts of the Sanctuary. Each trekking in the Tiger Trail is unique in the sense that different paths are chosen randomly. At the beginning, the trekking follows an easy footpath, but then the team enters shifting terrain and vegetation of varying difficulty, to penetrate an untouched landscape without tracks. There are no facilities within the Sanctuary. So everything needed, has to be carried along.

Ecologically Sustainable:

The ecotourists are expected to accept the environment as it is, without trying to change it. This is also the case for less attractive portions of the Sanctuary. The only facilities are a few bamboo rafts used to cross lakes and ponds with. No foot-bridges or other installations to facilitate trekking are planned to be laid out. It is a rule here that those who might enter the same trail, should, in principle, not see that others have been there before, even if it has been a campsite.

Education and Interpretation:

Education is also an important factor of the project - a crash course for the ecotourist, and a permanent conservation education for the trackers. Tiger Trail provides a first-hand encounter with the natural environment. As the trekking in fact is a trail that is randomly chosen each time, the Thekkady Tiger Trail programme definitely provides a first-hand encounter with the natural environment for the ecotourist. The small group of ecotourists, who have booked for this trail, gather on the evening before the start for a briefing about what they can expect, what they should consider, and dos & donts, by a professional environmentalist. This briefing with a slideshow is a short but good lesson in environmental ethics and "preferred" behaviour, as well as providing information about the Sanctuary. Opportunity for learning is also available at the Tribal heritage center, the bamboo grove, the visitor center and at the Rajiv Gandhi center for Nature Education and Research.Benefits to local people:

In the communities bordering the Periyar Sanctuary, EDCs (Ecodevelopment Committees) were implemented as part of the program. Also, some well known poachers and exploiters of the Sanctuary were reformed and became members of these committees when they were attached to the project. The project has also laid the foundation for a welfare fund for the 22 trackers with families, and other improvements remain to be made. One very important result of the project so far, is that the former poachers have been converted to devoted trackers with a genuine interest in conserving the Sanctuary. A major part of the earnings from the bamboo-rafting program goes to the community development fund from which the members earn a monthly wage of Rupees 3,500. The earnings from various activities and services also go into a community development fund.Conclusion

The success of the Eco-development project in the Periyar Tiger Reserve reflects the concern for achieving a balance between conservation of the sanctuary and livelihood of people living in and around it. The involvement of local communities in Ecotourism activities is a step in the right direction. It provides for alternative sources of income to local communities, which live in and around protected areas, thus decreasing their dependence on forest resources and increasing their commitment to keeping the forests intact. For the vast protected area network in India, the lessons from the Periyar experience is important, as it legitimately shows the need for communities and conservation to go hand in hand.Chapter VIII


Our environment is the most precious asset that will be passed on to the next generation. Protecting the environment is the task of all the individuals, governments and enterprises. The future of the World is in the protection of the environment, therefore the future of the hotels is in eco-hotels. Hotels use large amounts of water, energy, chemicals, supplies and disposable items. They also generate lots of waste in form of wastewater and solid waste. The prevention of polluting the environment with this waste is of great importance not only to stakeholders and the employees of the hotel, but also tourists who are becoming more concerned for the preservation of the environment.

Eco-hotel or environmental suitable hotel has to follow the basic principles of good housekeeping - based on maximizing benefits and minimizing costs. Those principles are at the same time the main principles of the ecology as a scientific approach and as a global movement aimed at preserving environment and implementing sustainable development concept. Sustainable development is very important concept in hospitality industry because it meets the needs of present tourists and host regions and at the same tim