eckert sandra bachelor thesis

Feasibility Study for a High Performance Training Center for Springboard and Platform Diving in Switzerland Bachelor Thesis Presented to the School of Business In fulfillment Of the requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (International Management) By Sandra Eckert International Management 3.4 August 2008 Supervisor Prof. Dr. Rolf Meyer

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Page 1: Eckert Sandra Bachelor Thesis

Feasibility Study for a High Performance

Training Center for Springboard and

Platform Diving in Switzerland

Bachelor Thesis

Presented to the School of Business

In fulfillment

Of the requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (International Management)


Sandra Eckert

International Management 3.4

August 2008


Prof. Dr. Rolf Meyer

Page 2: Eckert Sandra Bachelor Thesis

Feasibility Study HPTC Diving

Eckert 21 August 2008



Michael Barth

Tel.:062 827 44 11

Mobile: 079 410 54 22

Fax: 062 827 44 18

E-Mail: [email protected]


Prof. Dr. Rolf Meyer

Tel.: 0622860164

Mobile: 0774147679

E-Mail: [email protected]


Sandra Eckert

Tel.: 0448671449

Mobile: 0793052211

E-Mail: [email protected]

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Feasibility Study HPTC Diving

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Management Summary

Springboard and platform diving are marginalized sports in Switzerland. To achieve

international success, professionalization of elite structures is inevitable. Following the

example of successful diving nations, a market-oriented high performance training

center (hptc) should be founded. The aim is therefore to assess the feasibility of such a

project in Zürich, as this is where the best infrastructure can be found.

In addition to the example of an hptc of Diving Australia, two newly founded

corporations in Switzerland are investigated. They resulted of an outsourcing effort of

the two sport federations made to professionalize their high performance sport. These

independent entities are bound to their federation by service contracts but are at much

more liberty to adjust to changes in their environment than an association or a

federation is.

As Swiss Diving belongs to the Swiss Swimming Federation (SSCHV) and has to

adhere to its constitution the outsourcing of the whole high performance sport is

impossible due to regulatory constraints. To overcome this; the author proposes the

foundation of an hptc as an independent entity, while any decision competence

concerning international matters remains with Swiss Diving.

In a second step the requirements of an ideal framework for athletes is examined. Four

Swiss hptcs are analyzed and factors for a successful framework are pointed out. The

two most important components apart from the sport-related elements are schooling

and accommodation. Opportunities and services available in Zürich are analyzed.

As a third part a preliminary budget for the cost of operation for an hptc in Zürich is


The paper is concluded by a SWOT analysis of the intended solution and an initial

roadmap for the next steps to be taken.

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Table of Content

1.  Foreword 1 

2.  Introduction 2 

2.1.  Initial Situation 2 

2.2.  Problem Definition 2 

2.3.  Methodology 4 

2.4.  Language Issues 5 

2.5.  Remarks 5 

3.  Organizational Structure 6 

3.1.  High Performance Sport Institutions 7 

3.1.1.  Diving Australia / New South Wales Institute of Sport (NSWIS) ............ 7 

3.1.2.  Swiss Sailing Team ................................................................................ 9 

3.1.3.  Swiss Cycling Team ............................................................................. 11 

3.2.  Some First Deductions 12 

3.3.  Suitable Legal Forms 12 

3.3.1.  Financial Aspects ................................................................................. 15 

3.3.2.  Organizational Aspects ........................................................................ 15 

3.4.  Conclusion 16 

4.  Proposal Organigram “Swiss Diving HPTC” 17 

4.1.  Organization Today 17 

4.1.1.  Division of Functions ........................................................................... 18 

4.1.  Independent HPTC 20 

4.2.  Framework 21 

5.  Framework 22 

5.1.  Detailed Overview of Analyzed Centers 26 

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5.1.1.  HPTC Tenero Swiss Swimming ........................................................... 26 

5.1.2.  Football Academy Zurich ..................................................................... 27 

5.1.3.  Soccer AZ Huttwil (Girls) and AZ Emmen (Boys) ................................ 28 

5.1.4.  Swiss Tennis: HPTC in Biel (Educational Network in Biel) .................. 29 

5.2.  Important Points to Retain 30 

5.2.1.  Education: Schooling and Vocational Training and Studies ................ 31 

5.2.2.  Accommodation ................................................................................... 32 

5.2.3.  Other Services ..................................................................................... 32 

5.2.4.  Competitive Offerings .......................................................................... 32 

6.  Possibilities in Zürich 33 

6.1.  Hallenbad Oerlikon 33 

6.1.1.  Lifetime-Fit AG (Wellfit) ........................................................................ 34 

6.2.  Meals 35 

6.2.1.  Znord Hallenbad Restaurant ............................................................... 35 

6.2.2.  Cafeteria school building “Im Birch” ..................................................... 35 

6.3.  Accommodation 36 

6.3.1.  Student Residences in the City of Zürich ............................................ 36 

6.3.2.  Host Families ....................................................................................... 36 

6.3.3.  Swiss Diving House / Apartment ......................................................... 37 

6.4.  Education 38 

6.4.1.  Educational Institution Secondary Schooling Level ............................. 38 

6.4.2.  Some General Information .................................................................. 40 

6.1.  Services related to Education 40 

6.2.  Recreation/ Other Sporting Activities 41 

6.3.  Conclusion 41 

7.  Commitment of the Involved Stakeholders 42 

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7.1.  Swiss Diving HPTC Stakeholders 42 

7.2.  Athletes and Parents 43 

7.2.1.  Findings ............................................................................................... 43 

7.2.2.  Implications .......................................................................................... 46 

7.2.3.  Prospective Athletes ............................................................................ 47 

7.3.  Educational Institutions 47 

7.4.  Regional Associations (Clubs) 47 

7.4.1.  VZW (Domenic Sprecher) ................................................................... 47 

7.4.2.  Lausanne Natation (Svetlana Bondarchuk) ......................................... 48 

7.4.3.  Michael Geissbühler (Member of the Extended Management Board of

Swiss Diving and Vice President of the FINA) .................................................. 48 

7.5.  Host City (Zürich) 48 

7.6.  Swiss Diving (Board of Directors) 49 

7.7.  The Involvement of Swiss Olympic 49 

8.  Swiss Olympic and its Regulations 51 

8.1.1.  Twelve Pillars to Success (“12 Bausteine zum Erfolg”) ....................... 53 

9.  Cost of Operation of an HPTC 55 

9.1.  Initial Cost of Foundation (Investment Year 1) 55 

9.2.  Meals 55 

9.2.1.  Initial Offer ........................................................................................... 55 

9.3.  Budget Calculation 55 

9.3.1.  Option 1: Host Families ....................................................................... 55 

9.3.2.  Option 2: Own Accommodation ........................................................... 56 

9.3.3.  HPTC Budget ...................................................................................... 54 

10.  Road Map 58 

10.1.  SWOT Analysis for HPTC in Zürich 58 

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10.2.  Next Steps 60 

11.  Bibliography 61 

12.  Glossary of Terms: Translations 64 

12.1.  German to English 64 

13.  List of Figures 65 

14.  List of Tables 65 

15.  Declaration 66 

16.  Appendices 67 

16.1.  Appendix 1: Living in Zürich for Adolescents and Students 67 

16.2.  Appendix 2: Schools in the City of Zurich and adjoining Regions 72 

16.3.  Appendix 3: Evaluation Questions Support Young Talents

(Verbandsförderung) 80 

16.4.  Appendix 4: Answers to Questionnaire (Divers, Parents) 85 

16.5.  Appendix 5: Answers HTPC Eindhoven (Netherlands) 90 

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1. Foreword

I hope that this paper can contribute its part to helping progress and professionalize

Swiss Diving and its high performance structures. I feel very fortunate to having had

the chance to contribute to a matter that is very important to me personally. It has given

me the possibility to use and consolidate both my knowledge about business

administration and Swiss sport structures. I believe that during the past weeks I have

learned a great deal about the potential and the risks of such new projects, especially

in sports.

I would like to thank Michael Barth for giving me the possibility of engaging in this

project. I think we share a vision, and I have been very grateful for his support and his

input. I would also like to thank Rolf Meyer for his helping hand and his specialist input.

Last but not least I would like to extend a warm thanksgiving to all my interview

partners. Without them much of my work would have remained theory.

What remains to say is that I hope that my work is a first step towards a successful

high performance center.

Sandra Eckert

Glattfelden, 22 August 2008

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2. Introduction

2.1. Initial Situation

Springboard and platform diving are in Switzerland a marginalized sport.

Professionalization is yet to be achieved. Athletes are mostly trained by their local

associations and regional/national talents are periodically invited to special training

sessions and assessments. This structure has brought limited success over the past

few years: There are three elite athletes competing internationally but their

achievements remain very limited. Some of the younger talents have been performing

quite well over the last two years but due to the changing environment their future

development remains to be seen. One main obstructive factor is the regional dispersion

of athletes. The three regional performance centers are at the moment in Geneva,

Lausanne and Zürich. Training possibilities are at the moment still provided at all three

centers, which seem to lead to certain reluctance to accept the need and the

consequences of centralization.

2.2. Problem Definition

Swiss Diving, the Swiss diving federation, is investigating measures and steps of how

to further professionalize the sport in order for athletes to obtain satisfying results in

international competitions. One of the measures, the one used most internationally, is

to centralize athletes' training from a certain age on in a high performance training

center (hptc).

Such a professional diving hptc does not yet exist in Switzerland and Swiss Diving

would like to analyze the feasibility of setting one up. Because of high infrastructural

requirements paired with a lack of financial resources it is at the moment to be

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assumed that the new hptc will be based on existing structures in Switzerland in the

region Aargau-Zürich. The pool is located in Zürich Oerlikon. This paper analyzes and

proposes organizational structures1 and frameworks2 that could be used by Swiss

Diving. The main focus is on the creation of an infrastructure and an environment for

children and teenager entering secondary schooling level and recruited from entire

Switzerland because at the moment this is the most promising group of athletes for

Swiss Diving. Additionally, at this age the young talents should, for future success, train

15 hours3 or more. This is virtually impossible to achieve for regional associations

themselves; firstly, they do not have the necessary resources and secondly, the

educational situation of the athletes does rarely permit it.

Other than that, this paper explores and indicates the existing possibilities and

synergies for Swiss Diving to take advantage of. To ensure continuity and provide for

older elite athletes, a framework for them is also pointed out.

An hptc touches upon many stakeholders. It is therefore vital to, from beginning on;

involve all interested parties in such a project. The most important ones therefore have

to be asked for their opinion. As the entire project depends on athletes’ (and their

parents’) willingness to attend (send their children), the athletes’ current situation was

assessed and they were also asked about their attitudes towards an hptc. The same

applies for the regional associations. In addition, the responsible authorities in Zurich

were also interviewed.

1 Structure is used as a term to describe the organization and management of the HPTC;

those are administrative, communicative and organizational functions. 2 Framework: is used as a term to describe the entire environment of an athlete.

It is the setting they move in on a daily basis.

3 Author’s estimate

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As mentioned before, this paper is a first feasibility study and does not go into any

business plan details such as marketing/sponsoring or financing concepts.4 However, it

is essential to note that any project would be dependent on external financial sources.

Swiss Diving does not have the resources to advance such a project on its own.

Also, specific tasks and duties of the necessary personnel such as coach,

administrative support or supervision outside training and schooling will not be

explained in detail. Nevertheless, it is assumed that for an hptc a foreign coach will be


As this project is only feasible with public funding by Swiss Olympic and Jugend&Sport

(J&S) their conditions and requirements for the granting of funds will also be explained.

2.3. Methodology

The following approach was decided upon by client and author: Successful diving

nations such as the Netherlands, the US, Australia and Canada were identified by the

client. Desk research was then used to identify and outline organizational structures of

high performance centers in these nations. In addition to foreign institutes two newly

established Swiss example are also described. In a second step, favorable features for

a possible diving hptc were identified. Being that an hptc is feasible under various legal

forms a comparison of those is also provided, with advantages and disadvantages

shortly pointed out.

Frameworks of other hptc (or similar institutions) were identified based on a report

published by Swiss Olympic in 2007 that analyzes concepts for the promotion of young

sport talents in Swiss sport associations. 5 Other institutions were identified through

4 UBS & IFJ Institut für Jungunternehmen, St. Gallen

5 Swiss Olympic

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research or input provided by the client. Among the different types of institutions those

providing in the author’s viewpoint the most “value added” for Swiss Diving were

portrayed in detail. Synergies in Zürich have been identified through desk research and


The stakeholders were either asked to fill in a questionnaire (athletes, parents) or they

were directly interviewed by the author.

2.4. Language Issues

As most sources used are of German origin; many terms have been translated by the

author. Due to cultural and legal differences, English translations may not be 100%

accurate.6 All terms considered important by the author are listed and defined in a

glossary of terms at the end of the paper.

2.5. Remarks

During the development of this paper the Olympic Summer Games were ongoing.

Because of preparation and competitions many potential interview partners were not

available. As a consequence most of the planned interviews with foreign institutions

could not take place. This applies also to interviews in Switzerland but to a much lesser


6 This is also true for English terms that were translated into German.

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3. Organizational Structure

Defining the organizational structure of a Swiss diving hptc extends into two different

aspects that need to be looked at:

The first point is de facto the organigram. Generally, training centers are organized as

small entities with a management body which is to a certain degree independent. It

makes the centers flexible and they can more easily adapt to changes in the

environment. Consequently, such structures are considered favorable. The most

successful diving nations, among them Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and the US,

also use such structures for their hptcs. It seems therefore advisable to orient towards

them as a role model. In Switzerland, the independent operation of an hptc is feasible

under various legal forms.

The second point to consider is the center’s relation to its mother association, which in

most cases is either a national or regional sport association. In the countries mentioned

above these affiliations can be very different from those in a Swiss environment. In

principal, the main question to be asked is how elite / high performance sport is

organized and what position an hptc takes in this structure. The general situation in

Swiss sports is that there are very few sport federations that have professional

structures. According to Rolf Kalich7 one of the main problems in Switzerland is that

most of the commissions are made up of volunteers. It would therefore be wrong to

expect more than volunteer work. Because of some people’s lack of time for their tasks

there is a lot of improvisation. Conditions are unstable and progress requires a lot of

personal effort. This is also true for Swiss Diving. It is Swiss Diving’s goal to change

towards goal-oriented and professional structures.

7 National coach Swiss Fencing

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3.1. High Performance Sport Institutions

3.1.1. Diving Australia / New South Wales Institute of Sport (NSWIS)

Figure 1: Diving Australia High Performance Program Organizational Chart8

8 Diving Australia


AIS = Australian Institute of Sport (Brisbane)

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Diving Australia is the Australian national diving federation which has several member

association (one for each Australian state)9. Diving New South Wales (Diving NSW),

one of the member associations, is an incorporated association.

This means that the association has a legal identity. Such an association is governed

by a management committee. Decisions for the association and their carrying out are

done by this committee.10

In the case of Diving NSW this is the board, and the CEO, who is a full-time employee

(here called the high performance manager). Strategic planning is done by the board

and the CEO.

Being a member of Diving Australia, Diving New South Wales (NSW) is bound by

Diving Australia's constitution. An annual membership fee is paid to Diving Australia.

Diving NSW’s main facilities and their high performance training center are located at

the New South Wales Institute of Sports, a multi-functional training center supported by

national and local government as well as corporate sponsors.11 NSWIS’s main source

of revenue is grants from NSW Sport and Recreation, funds raised through

sponsorship and any other small grants.12

Employed by the NSWIS for diving are one full time high performance coach and one

part time coach. NSW Divining does not employ any coach at all. At the NSWIS train

more than 200 divers, the most talented ones receive scholarships from NSWIS. Full

competitor divers are charged AU$ 200 per year. No other services (apart those diving-

/ sport-related) are offered by NSW Diving.

9 Brooker

10 The State of Queensland (The Department of Justice and Attorney-General)

11 NSWIS Sponsors & Partners

12 Brooker

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3.1.2. Swiss Sailing Team

Figure 2: Swiss Sailing Team Organizational Chart (German)13

As elite sailing on an international level becomes more and more professional, Swiss

Sailing estimated that international success would soon not be possible anymore. Its

structures were based on volunteer work, which was just not professional enough

anymore (compared to international standards). As of first of January 2006 Swiss

Sailing outsourced its high performance sport into a corporation, the Swiss Sailing

Team (SST). To ensure a binding connection between Swiss Sailing and the SST there

is a contract that regulates the services that the SST has to provide. In addition, the

president of Swiss Sailing sits on the board of directors14 of the SST and has veto

rights when it comes to third party contracts. Also, Swiss Sailing owns 26% of the

shares of the SST and has therefore a blocking share minority. The other shareholders

are mostly private persons. On the other hand the CEO of SST is a member with voting

13 Swiss Sailing Team Downloads

14 Verwaltungsrat

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rights of the executive board of Swiss Sailing.15

Swiss Sailing Team employs two people: A CEO and an assistant. Sources of financing

are Swiss Olympic, Swiss Sailing, private donors and other funds raised through

sponsoring. Main goal is coordination and organization of modular training sessions for

both elite and young talents (a project of reorganization and better coordination with

regional centers will be taken on after the Olympic Games 2008). In addition, they

organize sport-related services and help with career planning. SST is also responsible

for the selection of national squads.

Positive Aspects Negative Aspects • Full attention on sport-related activities

possible • External and internal communication

better and more professional • More professional appearance • Board is very well positioned in

economy and has good knowledge of the sport

• High administrative workload at the time of the foundation

Table 1: Positive and negative aspects of corporation according to Christine Herzer 16

Christine Herzer (responsible for coordination & athletes’ support) mentioned that there

have always been many private investors in sailing. Through professionalization and

incorporation such an investment into sailing has become even more attractive (money

flows and their use has also become more transparent17). Another supporting factor

was certainly that from beginning on, two members of the board of directors took on the

liability for any losses incurred.18 Also, as the corporation’s purpose is non-profit it is

exempt from taxation.

15 Gruber, Furrer

16 Herzer

17 Author’s opinion

18 Furrer

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3.1.3. Swiss Cycling Team

Figure 3: Organigram of the Future Swiss Cycling Team (German)19

Swiss Cycling has also decided to outsource its elite sport into a corporation. It is

planned to be founded as of the first of January 2009. Called the Swiss Cycling Team

(SCT), the corporation will in the future be responsible for all matters concerning the

sport directly (regulations, time planning, expert commissions) and all national squads

(U17, U19, U23 and Elite). SCT was designed after the role model SST. Similar to their

organization there is a contract that regulates the respective competences of each

organization as well as contract which defines the service to be provided on a yearly

basis.20 Contrary to SST, Swiss Cycling planes to leave the functions of marketing/

communication, finance / controlling and administration with Swiss Cycling. This is only

possible because Swiss Cycling already has a full-time office.

SCT wants to be able to market the different fields of cycling individually, which

19 Swiss Cycling Team AG

20 Peuschel

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becomes possible through this new legal form. It thereby hopes to generate more

financial means; mainly through individual sponsoring contracts.

3.2. Some First Deductions

In following conclusions takes mostly reference to the two Swiss examples as the

example of the NSWIS hardly seems to be applicable for Swiss conditions.

Clearly, the structure of an hptc and the organization and administration of elite sport

are two different issues. There are, nevertheless, some overlapping and the pressure

of the external environment that demands professional structures. Many of the tasks of

both hptc and elite sport department are, assuming most athletes train at such a center,

similar if not equal. The same entity can therefore be responsible for elite sport and its

strategic planning in general and the administration of an hptc. Thus, department “elite

sport” becomes in some sense an hptc and is outsourced into a corporation. What

remains to be clarified is which competences remain with the federation and which are

taken over by hptc/elite sport department. SST and SCT have chosen different options:

SST has taken over all external information as well as sponsoring for elite sport, where

as SCT leaves that to the national federation. On the other hand, Swiss Sailing remains

responsible for formation whereas here SCT has taken over this task from Swiss

Cycling. Both federations chose the legal form of a corporation. It clearly has to be

mentioned that SST had a broad-based financial backup, which created security in the

foundation process, whereas the financial situation of Swiss Cycling is not that bright.

3.3. Suitable Legal Forms

When being outsourced from the national federation an hptc/elite sport department

could be take three possible legal forms; that of a corporation, a limited liability

company or an association.

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Corporation21 A limited liability company (llc)22


Legal Basis

OR 620–763 OR 772–827 ZBG 60-79

Intended use

For any kind of profit-oriented company

Smaller, more person-related company

Political, religious, research, cultural, non-profit or any other non-commercial activity

Legal form

Legal person

Legal person Corporate association of people

Prerequisites for foundation

Public authentification of founding, approval of the corporation’s articles, election of board of directors and auditing agency, entry into Commercial Register

Public authentification of founding, approval of the corporation’s articles, (appointment of CEO)election of board of directors and auditing agency, entry into Commercial Register

Association’s articles in written form containing information about its purpose, its means and its organization

Entry into Commercial Register

Coming into operation only with entry into Commercial Register

Coming into operation only with entry into Commercial Register

Legal obligation to register if • Purpose foresees

any commercial activity

• Association is subject to auditing

Subject to auditing

Yes Yes Yes, if one of the two following values are reached within two years in a row • Value of balance

sheet 10m • Income 20m • 50 full-time

employees on a yearly average

Minimum # of shareholders

• At least 1 (legal or natural person)

• At least 1 (legal or natural person)

• None (At least 2 members to make up an association)

Minimum • Mandatory • Mandatory none

21 AG (as defined by Swiss law)

22 GmbH (as defined by Swiss law)

23 Verein (as defined by Swiss law)

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capital requirement

minimum capital of CHF 100’000

• Minimum cash payment of CHF 50’000

minimum capital of CHF 20’000

• All capital has to be paid in

Leading organ(s)

• General assembly • Board of

director(s) • Auditing agency

• General assembly • Board of

director(s) • Auditing agency

• meeting of all members Can be called in either by • Board24 • One fifth of all

members Financial liabilities

• Accountability of company’s assets

• Accountability of company’s assets

• Accountability of association’s assets (can be defined differently in association’s articles)

Mandatory accounting

Yes: bookkeeping according to Swiss Code of Obligations

Yes: bookkeeping according to Swiss Code of Obligations

Yes If entered into Commercial Register mandatory bookkeeping according to Swiss Code of Obligations Otherwise, any form of bookkeeping to record income and expenses


• Corporation for profit and capital

• Shareholders for shares and dividends

Does NOT apply if: • Non-profit


• Corporation for profit and capital

• Shareholders for shares and dividends

Does NOT apply if: • Non-profit


• In principle liable for taxation

• Exemption: association is non-profit oriented

Cost of founding, consulting and notary

from CHF 4’000 on

from CHF 4’000 on

In principle non

Entry into Commercial Register

• CHF 600 • CHF 20 per

function • CHF 30 per official

signature • Usually between

same same

24 Vorstand

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CHF10 and CHF150 other fees

Table 2: Characteristics of Corporation, Llc and Association25

3.3.1. Financial Aspects

In terms of initial investment the association is clearly the most preferable option. The

hptc could start its operation without having to oblige any legal capital requirements.

The corporation requires initial capitalization of CHF 100’000, the llc of CHF 20’000. In

addition, entry into the Commercial Register as well as services related to the

foundation create additional cost.

3.3.2. Organizational Aspects

Associations are generally said to be unsuitable for general commercial activity. One

could argue whether the operation of an hptc is indeed to be classified as such an

activity. It would in any case most certainly be classified as non-profit to attain

exemption from taxation.

One advantage of both corporation and llc is that these legal forms are very suitable for

market orientation. Contrary to an association where all main decisions are subject to a

democratic process, final judgments are taken by the management. The influence of

shareholders on a corporation’s daily business is much smaller than the influence of

members on an association. The increased flexibility of a corporation is certainly

positive for the fast-changing sport environment. Another advantage is that the financial

and contractual liability renders management automatically more focused and goal

oriented. Corporation or llc would require the hiring of staff on a contractual basis. This

would make the enforcement of tasks and specifications possible. Naturally, both the

25 Wahl der Rechtsform, Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch, Duttweiler

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above mentioned is not impossible in the context of an association.

3.4. Conclusion

The principle of outsourcing elite sport is based on the idea of a consolidation of

competences. The functions of a sport federation which need professional handling

and increased attention are outsourced. Thus it is necessary to establish which

functions are core competences of the federation and which functions can be

outsourced or moved to an elite/hptc department. This highly depends on the current

organization and environment of a federation. To chose the legal form of a corporation

for outsourcing activities is consistent with the idea of creating an independent entity

which is not person- but issue-related. The one opposing argument for this legal form is

the high capital requirement.

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4. Proposal Organigram “Swiss Diving HPTC”

In the previous chapters, possibilities for organizational structures have been outlined.

As mentioned in earlier, it is not simply the question of having an hptc or not. It is much

more a question of reforming sport structures for young talents and elite divers.

Reforming the elite structures can also have consequences for the whole organization

of Swiss Diving.

4.1. Organization Today

Figure 4: Swiss Diving Organizational Structure Today

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The directors are elected by the delegates of all member associations (regional clubs).

The director of Swiss Diving is in their function a member of the executive committee26

of the Swiss Swimming Federation (SSCHV). The directors designate a head for each

department, these people in their function members of the extended management

board of Swiss Diving. Generally, the main workload is done on volunteer basis. Clubs

responsible for coaching at all levels, basis to elite. Continuity and progress are mostly

in the hands of the regional associations. Periodical national squad training sessions

are organized by Swiss Diving. Divers become members of Swiss Diving through

payment of licenses; they are necessary to participate in regional and national


As a member of the Swiss Swimming Federation, Swiss Diving is bound by their

constitution. This constitution states that the Swiss Swimming Federation is also

responsible for the appointment of a national squads and it defines terms of reference

(e.g. minimal number of points to attain) for international championships. Swiss Diving

either takes over this competence or has a consulting function. Additionally, Swiss

Diving has also received a new performance mandate from its member associations. It

clearly specifies that Swiss Diving has to provide for (high) performance sport.

4.1.1. Division of Functions

As pointed out in the previous chapter, the main question is where to divide all the

existing functions and how to assign them to an elite or a federation. From the author’s

point of view, in accordance with the examples Swiss Sailing and Swiss Cycling, it

would make most sense to leave all core competences with Swiss Diving and

outsource all functions crucial for elite structures. Core competences are finances (for

26 Zentralvorstand

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the federation), education, judges and competitions (on a national level). FINA&LEN27

could both be classified as either core competence or elite function. Concerning the

function “Information” Swiss Diving should orient towards the option Swiss Sailing has

chosen (explained in detail in the chapter “Organizational structure”).It seems more

advantageous for Swiss Diving. Especially external information, also with view to

generating more sponsorship, has to be handled professionally.

Unfortunately, a complete outsourcing of the whole elite structure is not possible. As

indicated above selection competences for national squads lie with the Swiss

Swimming Federation. To source this competence out would require a change of

constitution. However, this is not a realistic scenario. There are too many different

member associations and interests involved. As it is a goal to have more professional

structures within a shorter time horizon, it only remains to establish an hptc without any

of the before-mentioned decision powers. To ensure decision freedom it would be

structured as a non-profit corporation independent from Swiss Diving. Being that Swiss

diving also has the clear order to provide for high performance training it could assign

this task to an independent hptc. Performance monitoring and selection competences

would remain with Swiss Diving. Other than that, Swiss Diving would have no influence

on the strategy or the decisions of an hptc, except if it decides to purchase its shares.

On the other hand, Swiss Diving is, because of the performance mandate, still obliged

to provide financial means to an hptc.

27 Féderation International de Natation, Ligue Européene de Natation

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4.1. Independent HPTC

Figure 5: Relation of an independent HPTC to Swiss Diving

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The figure above illustrates the organizational chart of the hptc as well as its relation to

Swiss Diving. The hptc’s individual departments are subject to discussion. Most

probable situation in the beginning is the hiring of an hptc manager, this person would

the also be responsible for all administrative matters, and one coach, who would

contractually be bound to the hptc and supervised by the hptc manager.

The hptc would be related to Swiss Diving through contractual agreements regulating

the service to be provided on a yearly basis28. The strategic lead and planning for

“performance monitoring” remains with the extended management board of Swiss

Diving. The hptc defines its own strategy. The board of directors29 of the hptc would be

made up of people who have a good network, both in sport and in the private economy.

4.2. Framework

A framework as described in chapters four and five could be implemented regardless of

organizational structures. Crucial for success are the coordination of all services and

the assignment of clear responsibilities. Hence, the environment has to be informed

about who the contact persons are.

28 Leistungsvereinbarung

29 Verwaltungsrat

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5. Framework

The framework should ensure for athletes, recruited from entire Switzerland, to

effectively arrange training, schooling/vocational training/work, leisure activities and

accommodation in order to maximize amount and effectiveness of training. The aim

should be to design an athletes' environment as supportive as possible. A main goal

should be to have short traveling times between the different locations.30

The two major issues to be resolved are accommodation and coordination with

educational institution (school/apprenticeship). According to Swiss Olympic sport

associations indicate that for their athletes at the age of 16 (plus minus two years) total

pressure of sport and education becomes so high that it causes work overloads,

decreasing motivation and increasing conflicts of interest.31 Therefore, this pressure

has to be reduced through individual arrangements. Also, because students coming

from other cantons will join the hptc, questions about tuition fees and acceptance arise.

The table below illustrates an overview of existing hptc in Switzerland, mainly for young

talents. It also indicates which of them have been portrayed in more detail in the

following section.

30 Svab

31 Swiss Olympic Talents, Psychologisches Institut der Universität Bern 13

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Sport High Performance Center (National)

Performance Center (Regional) Organization

Badminton In development various Periodic meetings Biathlon Realp - Curling Bern - Soccer Frauen Huttwil Boarding school Soccer Men Emmen Boarding school Judo Magglingen - Gymnastics Frauen Magglingen various Boarding school Gymnastics Men Magglingen various Boarding school Athletics’ Magglingen various Periodic meetings Rhythmic gymnastics Magglingen - Wheelchair sports Nottwil .- Rowing Sarnen - Swimming Tenero Boarding school Alpine Skiing Brig, Davos Boarding school Ski jumping, Nordic combined In development -

Cross-country skiing Magglingen, Andermatt, Davos Boarding school

Climbing Niederwangen Periodic meetings Tennis Biel Boarding school Trampoline - diverse - Volleyball - diverse - Table 3: Overview Swiss High Performance Centers (for Young Talents) 32


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5.1. Detailed Overview of Analyzed Centers

5.1.1. HPTC Tenero Swiss Swimming33

Organizational Structure

Accommodation Coordination Sport - School

Financial Considerations

• Independent program under Swiss Swimming

• Addition to regional competence centers

• Centro Sportivo in Tenero CST (single and double rooms)

• Possibility of host families for younger athletes

• Meals provided by Centro Sportivo


• Commercial education for professional athletes (Handelsschule für Spitzen-sportler/innen)

• Other secondary schools as well as universities close by (with special programs for athletes)

• Annual costs for permanent attendee (with board) CHF 24’000

Main aim of the center is to strengthen the group of athletes „in between„ (having

finished mandatory education but not yet members of elite group). The center also

organizes additional training possibilities for the national team (for those members who

do not live in Tenero). The additional infrastructure ate the Centro Sportivo (gym,

massage) is available to the athletes.

One goal is also to create high training standards that trigger an international

reputation; this would open the possibility of providing services to foreign athletes and

generate new financial means.34

33 Weber

34 Author’s opinion

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5.1.2. Football Academy Zurich35

Organizational Structure

Accommodation Coordination Sport - School

Financial Considerations

• Integration of sport (soccer) and commercial apprenticeship, prolonged from 3 to 4 years

• GmbH • Independent

service for soccer clubs, Swiss Soccer federation, talented athlethes

• Not provided, service for the region

• Taking advantage of Zürich as a public transport hub

• Special study program of the KV Business School for Academy attendees

• Short traveling times as school and training grounds are only a few minutes apart

• Parents bear all costs (in total CHF82,00036 for four years)

• Cantonal scholarships will soon become possible

Days are organized as follows: Half the morning students attend classes, the other half

before lunch is reserved for training (two). In the afternoon students attend classes

again. The day ends at 15.00. Therefore, local players also have the possibility to

attend a second training session with their home club.

The athletes have two years of full-time schooling followed by one and a half years of

internship. These positions have mostly been acquired through O.Svab’s extensive

personal network of former soccer players. Athletes do not have to search for a position


35 Svab

36 Kosten & Zahlungsmodalitäten

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5.1.3. Soccer AZ Huttwil (Girls) and AZ Emmen (Boys)37

Organizational Structure

Accommodation Coordination Sport - School

Financial Considerations

Belonging to the Swiss Soccer Federation

• Host families: • Performance

guaranteed through good environment

• Agreement between Parents, athleth, host family

• Integrated into normal school classes

• Adapted timetables

• Supervised homework hours

• Individual support • Meals provided

(lunch and dinner)

• Traveling expenses

• CHF 2’500 for host family accommodation

• From 1.1.2008: Patronage Crédit-Suisse (Crédit-Suisse –Academy)

The aim of these two centers is to support and train of the most talented Swiss players

in order to create a pool of possible players for the U16 (and older) national team.

Condition is that the players have passed their seventh school year. They then finish

their mandatory schooling in Emmen/Huttwil. Training sessions are set in the afternoon

(2h). The centers strive for optimal and continuous cooperation between soccer and

school. Because of the youth of most athletes host families are an important pillar of

the whole concept and provide some sort of social backup for the athletes.

37 Schweizerischer Fussballverband

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5.1.4. Swiss Tennis: HPTC in Biel (Educational Network in Biel38)

Organizational Structure

Accommodation Coordination Sport - School

Financial Considerations

Belongs to the Swiss Tennis AG of Swiss Tennis

Swiss Tennis Villa • Athletes partly attend school in Biel, partly they are taught by a tutor

• No athletes in aprenticeships39

According to P/L statement 2007 expenses of CHF1.4m for the hptc40 Boarding School costs are shared between Swiss Tennis and parents41

All attending athletes are still in secondary school age. They are integrated into regular

classes and are additionally supported by a private tutor. All athletes live in the Swiss

Tennis Villa where they are supervised and also catered for.

Swiss Tennis uses the Network Sport – Culture – Studies in Biel which offers an

educational program for secondary schooling42, meaning both schooling and vocational

training. This program is provided by the public authorities and for participating

students/athletes there is a central coordinator, career planning, a pool of

apprenticeship training positions, tutorials, prescheduled times for training sessions,

tolerant leave policy, medical concept, cafeteria and host families are available. 43

38 Netzwerk Sport – Kultur – Studium in Biel / Bienne

39 Swiss Tennis

40 Swiss Tennis

41 Villa Swiss Tennis

42 Sekundarstufe 1 und 2

43 City of Biel - Bienne

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5.2. Important Points to Retain

There are three different kinds of framework used in Switzerland to organize (high

performance) training centers.

1. Hptc with boarding school and internally organized schooling44

2. Hptc with board and external schooling in public schools (also with reduced

hours and additional internal support)

3. Training center where periodic training sessions are organized and possible

interferences of training times with school schedules are coordinated.45

The total integration of the framework decreases from option one to three. This means

that the less integrated an hptc is, the more services are offered by other providers

Right now, Swiss Diving uses option three, where most responsibilities and financial

burdens are delegated to the regions. The aim should now be to move towards option

one or two by existing structures.

Most boarding schools (option one) cater to the needs of more than one sport; they are

specialized on a range of different sports and cooperate with the respective federations

and Swiss Olympic. Educational and training programs are designed to suit the

athletes’ needs. Because of the infrastructural confinement this is certainly not an

option open to Swiss Diving at the moment. Also, to organize such a full-service hptc

would, for various reasons, not be feasible. Therefore, Swiss Diving should focus on

option two. As mentioned before, the most important factors to be considered very

carefully are education and accommodation, along with their financial considerations.

This side of the framework should then be complemented with more sport-related


44 No example described in detail

45 No example described in detail

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5.2.1. Education: Schooling and Vocational Training and Studies

There are various methods of how to integrate school and sport. Athletes can be part of

regular school classes but receive additional support in a special tutorial to catch up

what they have missed during training sessions. Another possibility is to put athletes in

special schools for athletes, where there is less workload and prescheduled sessions

for individual training. There is a range of offerings in Switzerland and especially in the

region of Zürich.46 This could therefore also be a choice for Swiss Diving. Regardless

of which option is chosen, it would be advisable to provide for an official coordinator

which assists parents in educational matters. Additionally, it is recommendable to

inform school authorities already in an eventual planning phase as most of these

schools have explicit terms of admission that need to be satisfied. This also applies for

universities. As there will be athletes from other regions with possible language issues,

German tutorials for them will have to be provided. As discussed above, there are

possibilities to handle schooling. The issue of education becomes, however, more

complex when athletes progress beyond secondary schooling level to vocational

training. There are public authorities in certain cantons, for example Aarau, that offer

official support for athletes in an apprenticeship.47 Nevertheless, this still requires for

athletes to find an employer who is willing to take compromises. Firms have to be

ready to agree to flexible schedules, dispensation and possible prolongation of an

apprenticeship. It seems that this is cannot be found very often.48 Research indicates

that finding such a training position often requires a strong personal network or a

financial backup to be able to afford a privately financed commercial apprenticeship (for

46 LEISTUNGSSPORT UND AUSBILDUNG: Schulangebote für Sporttalente

47 Gloor

48 Author’s personal experience

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details see next chapter). Hence, helping athletes to find a vocational training position

suitable to their needs is a function that a future hptc should take on in order to

facilitate an athlete’s transition from secondary school to employment. Naturally, the

above mentioned network should at some point extend also to the provision of

positions for (part-time) employment. A long-term goal should be to create, together

with the public authorities and other interested federations and associations, an

educational network analogue to that in Biel.

5.2.2. Accommodation

There are possible ways of accommodating athletes; at home, in host families or in a

residence. These possibilities will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.

5.2.3. Other Services

Other sport-related services such as psychological support, mental training,

recreational offerings and additional infrastructure like a gym have to be provided as

well. There are two scenarios; one is that Swiss Diving provided all services itself. This

cannot be considered as very realistic considering the financial investment. The other

scenario is to use available synergies and networks. (See next chapter for details)

5.2.4. Competitive Offerings

As the financial concern is undoubtedly omnipresent, new ideas for financial resources

have to be developed. Along the lines of the idea of Swiss Swimming, a Swiss Diving

hptc should aim at differentiating itself (inter)nationally. There is a small potential of

(Swiss) athletes changing from other sports because of a favorable framework. An

international reputation could be gained if the provided coaching and other services as

well as sport-school/work/studies coordination are competitive. These are mainly ideas

that need to be looked at in further detail and from a long-term perspective.

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6. Possibilities in Zürich

This chapter presents an overview of the possible framework which already exists in

the region Aargau-Zürich. It also indicates where and how Swiss Diving could use

existing knowledge and infrastructure to facilitate the creation of its own hptc.

Additionally it indicates possibilities of cooperation with other sport associations.

6.1. Hallenbad Oerlikon

Good cooperation with the city of Zürich and the councils responsible for the public

pool are a necessary prerequisite for an hptc. Without the required accessibility of

training facilities the project is not feasible.

Because the pool in Oerlikon is to 100% a public facility financed by the city, local

groups are preferred to any other users. Therefore, any occupation by non-locals is

subject to fees, depending on the purpose of the occupation. Swiss Diving would in all

cases have to coordinate with the Verein Zürcher Wasserspringer (VZW). A national

hptc in Zürich was rejected by the Swiss Swimming Federation not long ago. There is

certain hesitation to accepting the idea of returning to it now.49 In addition, the

springboards and the platform are a unique selling point of the pool in Oerlikon. It can

therefore be said that occupation is only possible to the extent that the pool does not

incur any losses due to a diminishing number of visitors. The use of other infrastructure

(gymnasium) would have to be discussed directly with its current renter, the Wellfit

AG.50 On other occasions (for the VZW) this has never posed any problems.

It has become clear that the existing pool will be demolished. Three projects at new

locations (but close the current one) are under discussion. Whereas the city‘s executive

49 Author’s opinion

50 Schumacher

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agrees in principle with the building of a new pool, the parliament has not yet voted on

the project. The costs of a new pool (according to FINA-Standards and with additional

infrastructure) are estimated to be around CHF 60m to 80m. These expenses have

already been budgeted (“städtischer Finanzplan”). One option would be to combine a

pool with an ice hockey arena. Here the costs are projected to be around CHF 150m

which would make a public vote necessary. This project is probably the one most

advance in whole Switzerland. Expected opening would be in 2015 or 2016. If Swiss

Diving (or the whole Swiss Swimming Federation) wanted to define its hptc definitely in

Zürich, the responsible authorities would be open to negotiations. Additionally, with

such a decision and a subsequent concept the project would be supported with federal

grants. There are, nevertheless, some concerns voiced about the usefulness of one

hptc for all water sports in Zürich, as it would again increase the dependence on one

particular location and its authorities.51

6.1.1. Lifetime-Fit AG (Wellfit)

As mentioned above the occupation and terms of use of both gymnasium and weight

room is to be agreed upon with Wellfit. It would be most advantageous if special terms

could be obtained for the use of the weight room by athletes.

Contact details:

Lifetime-Fit AG

Wallisellenstrasse 100

8050 Zürich-Oerlikon

044 312 53 53

[email protected]

51 Schumacher

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6.2. Meals

6.2.1. Znord Hallenbad Restaurant

If, in accordance with the public authorities and other stakeholders an hptc can be

established, and most training session are held in Oerlikon, it would make sense to

have lunch at the pool’s own restaurant. According to Ronny Wolfensberger (CEO) this

would be possible. He proposes to have a weekly menu plan for athletes and coaches.

Costs per year for ten people (ten adults) would be around CHF 36’000 including

beverages (during meals) but excluding additional beverages which would be CHF 5

per person per day.

Contact details:

Restaurant Znord

Wallisellenstrasse 100

8050 Zürich

Tel. +41 44 312 54 44

Fax: +41 44 312 54 44

E-Mail: [email protected]

6.2.2. Cafeteria school building “Im Birch”

Belonging to the school building, this cafeteria is also open to public. From the pool it

can be reached by tram or bus in about ten minutes. Meals cost between ten and

fifteen francs. Students receive discounts.52

52 Some conditions may apply: these needs to be investigated futher.

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6.3. Accommodation

6.3.1. Student Residences in the City of Zürich53

There are various accommodation possibilities; Zurich offers quite a number of

affordable residences for students and adolescents. For a detailed list of all houses see

appendix one. There are some open to any public, some just for girls and women and

some reserved for students of Zürich’s universities. Most offer rooms (single, double)

and one or more meal as well as kitchens for general use. Those residences open for

adolescents are mostly also supervised by a designated adult (social worker or the


These residences are a very good alternative for athletes that satisfy the respective

residence’s conditions. Nevertheless, it might be difficult to house more than one

athlete in the same residence. All questioned residences indicated that they do not take

any groups. The obstacle to that is that there is never more than one room vacant at

the same time. Thus, it is possible that athletes have to be accommodated in various

suburbs; some of them quite far away from Oerlikon. In addition, it is difficult to define

waiting times and, because of that, date of acceptance and entry. Waiting lists range

from one month to one year. Some residences do not even have waiting lists. At the

moment there are practically no vacancies. This is easily explained; the new semester

begins in September. Consequently, such a housing option certainly requires good

coordination and supervision.

6.3.2. Host Families

In terms of creating a positive and familiar environment especially for very young

53 Sozialdepartement Stadt Zürich

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athletes this is certainly a housing model to look into. To the author’s knowledge there

is no public platform for finding host families in Zürich. This is therefore a concept that

would have to be defined from the very basis. The AZ in Huttwil found host families

through advertisements in regional newspapers.54 In a first step possible capacities

with members of the VZW could be assessed.

6.3.3. Swiss Diving House / Apartment

Although the housing market is very tight in the region of Zurich55, the author sees

sufficient possibilities to obtain an adequate object for renting. The clear advantage of

this possibility would be that Swiss Diving would be free to choose a suitable location.

Naturally, this is also subject to availability and market situation. Most advantageous

would be an object in Affoltern, Oerlikon or Seebach (Kreis 11) but also Höngg (Kreis

10), Schwamedingen (Kreis 12) or Unterstrass / Oberstrass (Kreis 6) which would still

be quite close to the training location.

For an own residence Swiss Diving would have to provide a supervisor who lived with

the athletes. This person would then also be responsible for household, cooking and

other chores. Depending on the size of the house/apartment there would be space for

six to ten athletes, sleeping in double rooms. With such an arrangement it could also

be discussed whether to hold all meals at the house.

On the one hand, this option is certainly the most optimal one in terms of creating

strong group dynamics. On the other hand, if the group is very diverse age-wise this

option might be more prone to create conflicts.

54 Schweizerischer Fussballverband

55 Nauer

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6.4. Education

6.4.1. Educational Institution Secondary Schooling Level56

Zürich (City) Institution Level and offered education Public or private

Institution Minerva Zürich Sekundarstufe II

- Handelsschule - Maturitätsschule - 10. Schuljahr - Handelsdiplom VSH - KV-Abschluss - Eidg. Matura (Vorb. auf Prüfung) - International Baccalaureate


K + S Zürich Sekundarstufe I - Volksschule-Oberstufenschule - 7.–9. Schuljahr - Abschluss der obligatorischen



Kunst- und Sportgymnasium Rämibühl

Sekundarstufe II - Maturitätsschule Eidg. Matura


Schule für Mannschaftssportarten

- Sekundarstufe I Oberstufenschule - 7.–9. Schuljahr - Abschluss der obligatorischen



United School of Sports Sekundarstufe II - Berufsfachschule, - KV-Ausbildung für Sporttalente - Eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis

Kaufmann/Kauffrau/ E- und B- Profil


AKAD Sekundarstufe II - Tertiärstufe - Quartärstufe - Bürofachdiplom VSH, - Handelsdiplom VSH, - Fähigkeitszeugnis Kauffrau/ Kaufmann - Berufsmaturität


56 Sekundarstufe I (Seondary School Level 1): In Zürich school years 7 to 9 (mandatory)

Sekundarstufe II (Seondary School Level 2): In Zürich school years 10 to 12

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- diverse Fachausweise, HFV, FH

Zürich (Canton) Institution Level and offered education Public or private

Institution Sekundarschule Veltheim (Winterthur)

Sekundarstufe I - Oberstufe Abschluss der

obligatorischen Schulzeit


Kunst und Sportschule Uster Sekundarstufe I - Sekundarschule - 7.–9. Schuljahr - Tagesschule - Abschluss der obligatorischen



Region Public or private Institution

Institution Level and offered education

Sportschule Buchs-Rohr, Buchs AG

Sekundarstufe I - Kleinklasse Oberstufe - Realschule - Sekundarschule - Bezirksschule - Abschluss der obligatorischen



Handelsschule KV Aarau, Aarau

Sekundarstufe II - Handelsschule - integriert: KV-Ausbildung für

Sporttalente - Eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis

für Kaufleute4


Kantonale Schule für Berufsbildung (Aargau)

Sekundarstufe II - Brückenjahr


Berufsschule Aarau Berufsfachschule - Gewerblich / industrielle Richtung - Berufsmaturität - Berufsmaturität für Erwachsene


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Sekundarstufe II - Eidgenössiches Fähigkeitszeugnis - Berufsmaturität - technischer oder gestalterischer

Richtung Alte Kantonsschule Aarau Sekundarstufe II

- Gymnasiale Maturitätsschule - Kantonale Maturität eidg. anerkannt


VINTO Sekundarstufe II - Berufsschule Eidg. dipl.

Kauffrau/Kaufmann Profil E, Profil B DHF


Table 4: List of Educational Institutions in Zürich (German)

Please see appendix two for a more detailed list of offers, terms of admission and cost.

Some of the programs described above are from private providers and therefore quite


At the moment most young athletes who train in Zürich attend or have attended a K&S

school. However, the admission terms create a potential risk. It must be assumed that

that only a small number of students from other cantons will be accepted into those

schools because the authorities want to provide this offer to regional talents.

6.4.2. Some General Information

In Zürich, pupils enter secondary schooling after six years of primary school.

Mandatory schooling ends after nine years of school (six primary, three secondary).

There is the possibility of attending 12 years and obtaining the “Eidgenössische

Maturität” at the “Gymnasium”.

6.1. Services related to Education

The Zürich school class for team sports is housed in the above mentioned school

building „Im Birch“. There the authorities offer a lunch special (from 12.30 to 13.30) as

well as additional tutoring (Monday and Thursday from 15.30 to 16.30) for their

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students. R. Scheidegger, principal of the class for team sports agreed that basically

also other students could attend. However, this class will be merged with the K&S in

2010 (location Oerlikon) and it remains to be clarified what pedagogic framework will

be offered.

6.2. Recreation/ Other Sporting Activities

Recreational possibilities to be found in or around Oerlikon are for example the saunas.

Here special conditions are subject to discussion. University students could profit from

the offerings of the “Akademischer Sportverband Zürich” (ASVZ). Also, the VZW

already has some networks that could also be used by Swiss Diving.

6.3. Conclusion

In terms of available framework it is very feasible to create an hptc as outlined in option

two at the beginning of the chapter. Nevertheless, there are strategic issues that

remain to be clarified. The need for some sort of educational network or at least very

close ties with responsible public officials is evident. It has to be added that the

possibilities outlined above are first ideas and details have yet to be worked out.

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7. Commitment of the Involved Stakeholders

7.1. Swiss Diving HPTC Stakeholders

Figure 6: Diving HPTC Stakeholders57

The success and continuity of a high performance center highly depends on the

commitment of all stakeholders. In the case of Swiss Diving this is especially true

because of the high external dependence in terms of financial means and infrastructure

as well as education. Before any concept or project is designed stakeholders’ opinions

57 Author’s design

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should carefully be evaluated. This on the one hand can generate additional ideas,

support and resources and on the other hand makes it possible to incorporate and

encounter potential weaknesses and threats.

7.2. Athletes and Parents

There is a general understanding that diving in Switzerland can only advance through

increased efforts; through professional and effective structures that allow athletes to

fully concentrate on the sport without neglecting education.58

In order to evaluate the general opinion in this stakeholder group a survey was

conducted among all members of the elite and young talent national squad. The

questionnaire started with some demographic questions including age, home club and

educational level. Then respondents were asked about their general opinion towards

an hptc and their expectations about it. They were also asked what additional services

they would like Swiss Diving to provide at an hptc. The last part of the questionnaire

related to a possible location and the willingness to adjust to that. The very last

question related to having to attend school in a foreign language.59

No question relating to financial possibilities and expectations was asked (in

accordance with the client).

7.2.1. Findings

For a detailed lineup of all answers please consult appendix four. There are 19

respondents. 12 are female, seven are male. They are aged between ten and 24. 13

are between ten and 15 years old, four are between 16 and 20, and two are more than

20 years old. The respondents train with the following clubs: Aarefisch (4), Genève

58 Author’s opinion

59 Survey design according to Survey Design

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Natation (2), Lausanne Natation (4), Schwimmclub Bern (2), VZW (7).

Three respondents do not belong to any squad, one person is in the follow-up squad,

six people are part of a regional squad and nine respondents belong to the national

squad. The table below illustrates the current level of education as well as the next

higher level of education which respondents would like to attain.

Level of education

Next higher level of education

Primarschule 4 Sekundarschule 7 3

Gymnasium 5 7 Lehre 1

Angestellt 1 2 Studium 1 6

Table 5: Respondents’ Level of Education

Most respondents are aiming to enter a “Gymnasium”. Out of 13 people under the age

of 15 seven would like to do so. This, along with “Sekundarschule” followed by

vocational training are two areas an hptc administration would have to concentrate on.

17 of 19 respondents agree that education could be in another language than the

mother tongue, independent of age, canton or club

All respondents agree that Swiss Diving should set up an hptc: six respondents would

send their children to an hptc, 12 would under certain conditions. Especially parents of

children under 12 commented that they would agreed to send their children to a hptc

but under the condition that it was from a certain age on (e.g. 14) and not right now.

Main concern was that they thought their children too young to live away from home

and that it was still too early to aim towards high performance sport.

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Athletes agree Live@location (Parents‘ answer) Yes No

Don’t know

Grand Total

Yes 10 2 1 13 No 5 5 Grand Total 10 7 1 18

Table 6: Agreement to Living Away from Home (at HTPC Location)

The above table illustrates the difference between parents’ and athletes’ answers to the

question of living away from home. Except from three cases parents and athletes agree

in their decisions. There is only one case where a respondent agreeing to living at the

location of the center does not want to live with a host family, all other agree.

Live@location (parents‘ opinion)

Hometown Yes Non Aarburg 1 Bassersdorf 1 Bern 1 Burgdorf 1 Genève 1 Glattfelden 1 Gockhausen 1 Küttigen 2 Lausanne 4 Mies Rombach 1 Stallikon 1 Uitikon 1 Wiesendangen 1 Zürich 1

Table 7: Agreement to Living Away from Home depending on Hometown

The only two cases were there might result problems between the decision to not live

at an hptc and the traveling distance to Zürich. It has to be noted that one of the two

respondents is only ten years old. These two answers are consistent with the indication

of a maximal distance of hptc to hometown (both chose 0-2 hours). Interesting to note

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is that also most respondents who basically agreed with the idea of living at the hptc

location chose 0-2 hours (13 respondents). Four respondents chose 3-5 hours and two

indicated no limit.

Expectations about the amount of training hours at an hptc differ slightly, depending on

age and the current amount of training hours. Six respondents each expect either 11-

15 hours or 16-20 hours. Seven respondents expect 21-25 hours.

In addition to sport-related services an hptc should provide the following services:

Figure 7: Additional Services to be provided at an HTPC (in German)

Other answers which were mentioned by one respondent each were: pay everything,

financial support, monthly compensation of traveling expenses, psychological support,

training center exclusively for diving, national squad training sessions.

7.2.2. Implications

It is now confirmed that education is certainly a very important topic. Therefore, being

able to offer a school-sport coordinator as well as apprenticeship training positions

would certainly be an incentive to attend an hptc. Also, it has to be decided from what

age on athletes should train at an hptc. Assuming it was 14 years, there are already

nine prospective athletes, two more become 14 next year and two more the year after.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819


Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und …

Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

Organisation von zusätzlichen …

Organisiertes Mittagessen

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7.2.3. Prospective Athletes

They expect a center offering attractive conditions and development opportunities.

7.3. Educational Institutions

As the framework becomes ever better, educational institutions’ catering to athletes

needs certainly also have in interest in further professionalization. However, all of them

have strict terms of admission and are to some extent obliged to serve the athletes

from their canton. It is therefore difficult to assess what degree of security to admission

can or could be obtained. This is especially true for athletes coming from regions other

than Zürich. As the city of Zürich without doubt must have an interest in promoting its

reputation and its infrastructure, some good presuppositions for discussion with local

authorities are already established.

7.4. Regional Associations (Clubs)

7.4.1. VZW (Domenic Sprecher)

High performance sport is clearly to be provided for by Swiss Diving or by the regions.

The VZW, as other clubs, does neither have the financial means nor the human

resources to do so. The VZW would not be willing to support an hptc on a pay-per-

person basis because at the moment too many members of the VZW are candidates

for attending an hptc. Such a pay-scheme would then again make high performance

sport too expensive for the VZW.

In case a training center is established in Zürich there are clear synergies mainly in the

field of administration and also coaching. To take advantage of these would help to

optimize costs.

The VZW would of course support Swiss Diving in its dealings with the local authorities.

This would be done free of charge as long as the efforts would remain within a normal

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7.4.2. Lausanne Natation (Svetlana Bondarchuk)

The idea itself is seen positively. The number one problem (predominant in individual

sports) is the financial resources. Also, according to Svetlana, there are not enough

diving clubs in Switzerland. This can be related to the limited infrastructure.

7.4.3. Michael Geissbühler (Member of the Extended Management

Board of Swiss Diving and Vice President of the FINA)

The attitude towards an hptc is positive. However, some terms have to be fulfilled to

obtain full support. One of them is the provision of a high number of training hours. In

addition, an hptc should help to coordinate school and sport as well as arrange

apprenticeships for athletes. There are no restrictions concerning the particular location

of an hptc. The concept of host families seems a good idea and there are no concerns

regarding it.

7.5. Host City (Zürich)

As mentioned in the previous chapter under “Hallenbad Oerlikon” the usage of the

infrastructure has to be coordinated with the VZW. Generally, this should be

unproblematic. Nevertheless, close coordination should be sought. Training sessions

could be scheduled during low frequency times (early morning, early afternoon) to

avoid interferences with the public and other sport clubs. There are, to a limited extent,

alternative pools close by that could be used in case of overlapping, for example

Hallenbad Walisellen (1m, 3m, 5m outdoor) or the infrastructure further out in the

regions (e.g. Aarau).

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7.6. Swiss Diving (Board of Directors)

Based on a strategic workshop held with all member associations there is a clear

mandate for Swiss Diving to provide high performance training possibilities with the

goal of achieving an Olympic Diploma.60

7.7. The Involvement of Swiss Olympic61

(For details see next chapter “Swiss Olympic”)

For a diving hptc in Switzerland Swiss Olympic would be an important source of

financial means. Swiss Olympic allocates its grants on the basis of predefined

categories.62 At the moment, diving is classified as level three. Additionally, from

January 1st 2009 on, Swiss Olympic has a new concept for elite sport. Within this

concept there are possibilities to generate financial means as initial aid for a new hptc.

This is at the moment not possible. Right now, most of the money is distributed based

on the existence of a concept promoting young talents. Swiss Diving would have to

create a new concept according to the defined requirements. In this process Swiss

Olympic would assist Swiss Diving with a consultant. Swiss Olympic very much

advocates strong collaboration when developing a new concept or advancing an

existing one. Unfortunately, there are no financial means provided for this process.

In addition, from January 1st 2010 on, all sport associations wishing to receive grants

are obliged to also present an elite sport concept. This is meant to be an extension of

the concept for young talents to elite athletes and those athletes in transition from the

first to the second. A diving project could exist independently from any other water sport

60 Barth

61 Rüdisüli

62 Swiss Olympic

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(i.e. a universal project of the Swiss Swimming Federation). Important is that available

synergies are used as often as possible (e.g. gyms, medical care, etc.) and that

framework and center are spatially close. Also, the most talented athletes have to train

at this center. To summarize the above mentioned, Swiss Diving will support such a

project given it is based on the required overall concepts and satisfies all conditions.

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8. Swiss Olympic and its Regulations

Figure 8: Structure of Swiss Sport Support System63

In order to distribute its grants Swiss Olympic categorizes all sports into level one to

five.64 At the moment, diving is classified as level three. Only level one to three sports

are given any grants for elite sport, level four sports receive a lump sum payment.

Level five sports may receive support for special occasions such as international


The granted means are restricted to use for competitions / preparation and for the

compensation of coaches and functionaries. In addition to this contribution to an

association‘s elite sport budget, Swiss Olympic in particular helps to remunerate the

national coaches. Level one sports receive compensation for 60% of those expenses,

level two 50% and level three 40%.

63 Author’s design

64 Swiss Olympic

Elite Sport(Spitzensport)

Support Young TalentsSwiss Olympic


Promotion Youth and Sport(J+S Nachwuchsförderung)

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A sport’s categorization is reevaluated every four years after the Olympic Games.

Since there are Olympic Summer Games in 2008, the next revaluation of diving will

begin soon. As mentioned before, this system is now complemented by a new concept

offering the possibility of generating new means for hptc.

National sport federations are also supported by Swiss Olympic on the basis of their

concept for the promotion of young talents (Verbandsförderung). Swiss Olympic

requires a concept based on the so called twelve pillars (“12 Bausteine zum Erfolg”).65

If such a concept is given the federation can obtain financial and ideological support for

their concepts from Swiss Olympic. The support of young talents also depends on the

above-mentioned categories. They define the amount of money to be paid out for

coaches and the implementation of the concept.

The support of any sport association through J&S is a basic subsidy for offering sports

to the public. It is not linked to the classification by Swiss Olympic. These subsidies

ensure that also at the basis, on a local, regional and national level, there are qualified

coaches. If a club has talented athletes (accredited by Swiss Olympic) or coaches

these subsidies can be increased up to four times the usual amount.

65 Swiss Olympic

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8.1.1. Twelve Pillars to Success (“12 Bausteine zum Erfolg”)66

1. Bewegungsfreundliches Umfeld (Un environnement favorable au mouvement)

2. Spitzensport und Schule (Ecole et sport d'élite)

3. Talentsichtung, Talentselektion und Talentförderung (Détection, sélection et

encouragement des jeunes talents)

4. Trainer: Aus- und Fortbildung (Formation de base et formation continue des


5. Soziale Betreuung - Karriereplanung (Assistance sociale et planification de


6. Medizin, Sozialpädagogik, Psychologie (Médecine, sociopédagogie,


7. Regionalisierung und Regionalzentren (Régionalisation et Centres régionaux)

8. Kadersysteme - Struktur langfristiger Leistungsaufbau (Système des cadres,

méthode de préparation à long terme)

9. Wettkampfsysteme - Rolle der Wettkämpfe (Rôle de la compétition)

10. Langfristige Trainingsplanung, Trainingsanalyse und -steuerung (Entraînement

: planification à long terme, analyse et contrôle)

11. Kritische Reflexion und wissenschaftliche Forschung (Réflexion critique et

recherche scientifique)

12. Finanzierungs- und Förderungsmassnahmen (Mesures relatives au

financement et à la promotion)

66 Because the German/French version seems clearer and more understandable to the client

and the author there is no translation provided

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These points are meant as guideposts to developing an integrated concept for the

development of young talents. A concept’s ultimate goals should be to lead an athlete

from the very basis (as a child) to an international top performance as an elite athlete. It

should point out the perspectives an athlete has but also what is expected of them.

Main goal are not international titles but continuous, increasing success on an

international level. Development of young talents is therefore the most important task a

sport association has to fulfill and this requires leadership. Swiss Olympic sees its

specifications as a way to a sustainable growth in Swiss sport.

Whether a concept sufficiently incorporates these twelve pillars is assessed through an

evaluation tool. It contains detailed questions about the twelve points as well as a

comparison to international standards within the assessed sport. The evaluation criteria

seem to favor integrated and financially sustainable concepts. (For details see

appendix three and source)

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9. Cost of Operation of an HPTC

9.1. Initial Cost of Foundation (Investment Year 1)

This initial calculation does not take into account payment for any working hours

related to this project because from today’s perspective it is to be assumed that a

project team would have to execute all tasks on a volunteer basis. There are some

expenses budgeted for marketing. The presupposition is that the hptc will be founded

as a corporation (AG). Initial capitalization is therefore CHF 100’000.

9.2. Meals

It is assumed that lunch will always be held at the Znord Restaurant, the calculation is

made for six weekdays during 40 weeks. Costs of meals are calculated for ten adults

and to the initial offer a 15% increase was added to ensure adequate nutrition for


9.2.1. Initial Offer

Children: CHF 10 per meal with beverage

Adults: CHF 15 per meal with beverage (+15% equals CHF 17.25)

Beverages: CHF 5 per person per day (flat rate)

9.3. Budget Calculation

9.3.1. Option 1: Host Families

The cost calculation below is based on the following assumptions:

- The meals are calculated for ten people (adults)

- It is assumed that all ten people live with host families; the cost for that are

assumed to be CHF 1’000 per person per month (CHF 250 per week)

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- All cost calculated on a yearly basis

9.3.2. Option 2: Own Accommodation

The cost calculation below is based on the following assumptions:

- Apartment with five rooms which means three bedrooms and which offers

accommodation for a maximum of seven people (150m² surface)

- It is assumed that there is one coach and nine athletes (Three of them still living

at home but joining the group for all meals)

- Food is calculated for ten adults

- All cost calculated on a yearly basis

The initial investment, which amounts to around CHF 80’00, depending on the chosen

option, is costs incurred before the actual start of operation. It is visible that the income

neither for the initial investment nor for further operation is secured. Planning of capital

requirement is difficult as financing is still open. It is also evident that Swiss Olympic is

intended as a main source of finance. Overall cost of operation is budgeted to be

between CHF 650’000 to CHF 700’000 per year.

In option two, if the number of athletes needing accommodation increases to more than

six people a second object has to be rented. This would double the rental price and

also bears further risks.

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9.3.3. HPTC Budget67

Investment year 1 Cost of Operation from year 1 on Option 1: Host Family Option 2: SD Residence

Total Validity Total Per person Validity Total Per person Validity Expenses Hospitality Rent68 / Cost Host family CHF 3'000 5 CHF 100'000 CHF 10'000 5 CHF 26'000 CHF 2'778 4 Furniture CHF 50'000 5 CHF 1'000 CHF 111 5 CHF 1'000 CHF 111 5 Food, other expenses69 70 CHF 41'400 CHF 4'600 2 CHF 141'400 CHF 15'711 2 Beverages CHF 12'000 CHF 1'333 2 CHF 12'000 CHF 1'333 2 Traveling71 CHF 5'130 CHF 570 2 CHF 5'130 CHF 570 2 Supervision (personnel) CHF 50'000 CHF 5'556 5 CHF 50'000 CHF 5'556 5 TOTAL CHF 209'530 CHF 22'170 CHF 235'530 CHF 26'059 Table 8: Budget Calculation for a HPTC, Hospitality Expenses

67 Excel Budget Tool available on attached CD

68 Präsidialdepartement Stadt Zürich

69 Betreibungsämter der Stadt Zürich

70 Wolfensberger

71 Only local transportation: Zürcher Verkehrsverbund

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Sport-related expenses Coaching (Diving) incl. Social expenses72 CHF 100'500 CHF 11'167 5 CHF 100'500 CHF 11'167 5 3rd party coaching expenses CHF 25'000 CHF 2'778 5 CHF 25'000 CHF 2'778 5 Gym73 CHF 9'900 CHF 1'100 4 CHF 9'900 CHF 1'100 4 Technical equipment CHF 2'000 5 CHF 1'000 CHF 111 5 CHF 1'000 CHF 111 5 Technical equipment (investment) CHF 5'000 5 CHF 2'000 CHF 222 5 CHF 2'000 CHF 222 5 Entry fees, reservation fees, rent CHF 2'200 CHF 244 5 CHF 2'200 CHF 244 5 TOTAL CHF 140'600 CHF 15'622 CHF 140'600 CHF 15'622 Table 9: Budget Calculation for a HPTC, Sport-related Expenses

72 Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen, SUVA 73 Migros

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Administration Founding, Consulting, Notary, etc CHF 4'000 4 Entry into Commercial Register CHF 1'000 3 Other expenses CHF 5'000 5 Salaries incl. Social expense CHF 100'500 CHF 11'167 5 CHF 100'500 CHF 11'167 5 Cost of 3rd party consulting, etc CHF 2'000 CHF 222 5 CHF 2'000 CHF 222 5 Cost of bookkeeping CHF 3'500 CHF 389 5 CHF 3'500 CHF 389 5 Rent office CHF 3'500 CHF 389 4 CHF 3'500 CHF 389 4 Soft and hardware CHF 3'000 5 CHF 1'500 CHF 333 5 CHF 1'500 CHF 37 5 Office supplies CHF 5'000 CHF 556 5 CHF 5'000 CHF 556 5 Furniture CHF 3'000 5 CHF 1'000 CHF 111 5 CHF 1'000 CHF 111 5 Marketing CHF 3'000 CHF 5'000 CHF 556 5 CHF 5'000 CHF 556 5 Memberships CHF 800 CHF 89 5 CHF 800 CHF 89 5 TOTAL CHF 122'800 CHF 13'811 CHF 122'800 CHF 13'515 Education Tuition fees CHF 56'000 CHF 6'222 4 CHF 56'000 CHF 6'222 4 Supervision CHF 72'000 CHF 8'000 5 CHF 72'000 CHF 8'000 5 Other expenses CHF 5'000 CHF 556 5 CHF 5'000 CHF 556 5 TOTAL CHF 133'000 CHF 14'778 CHF 133'000 CHF 14'778 Leisure activities Lump sum CHF 20'000 CHF 2'222 5 CHF 20'000 CHF 2'222 5 TOTAL Expenses Option 1 CHF 31'000 CHF 625'930 CHF 68'603 TOTAL Expenses Option 2 CHF 78'000 CHF 651'930 CHF 72'196

Income Subsidies CHF 50'000 5 CHF 350'000 CHF 38'889 5 CHF 350'000 CHF 38'889 5

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Swiss Olympic J&S Swiss Diving/ SSCHV Sponsoring CHF 25'000 5 CHF 25'000 5 Sale of advertizing space Other sponsors and patrons Income from Sale of Service Sale of coaching services CHF 180'000 CHF 20'000 5 CHF 180'000 CHF 20'000 5 Sale of administrative services CHF 20'000 CHF 20'000 Retained Earnings TOTAL Option 1 CHF 50'000 CHF 575'000 CHF 58'889 TOTAL Option 2 CHF 50'000 CHF 575'000 CHF 58'889 PROFIT OPTION 1 CHF 19'000 CHF -50'930 CHF -9'714 PROFIT OPTION 2 CHF -28'000 CHF -76'930 CHF -13'307

Table 10: Budget Calculation for a HPTC, Administrative, Educational and Leisure expenses as well as Income

The column “validity” was inserted as a quality control measure. It indicates how accurate the budgeted values are:

1 Contract; 2 Valid offer; 3 Agreement; 4 Based on experience; 5 Guess

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10. Road Map

10.1. SWOT Analysis for HPTC in Zürich

Strengths Opportunities

• Basic commitment of athletes • Project independent from Swiss Diving

• Cooperation with VZW possible • Framework accessible and sufficient • Schooling possible • Housing possible • Professionalize diving in Switzerland • Increased communication (increased attention) • Finding sponsors • Development of an educational network

Weaknesses Threats

• Financial situation • Continuity (number of potential athletes) • High personal effort required to advance project

• Uncertainties concerning schooling • Uncertainties concerning vocational training • Need for an experienced coordinator / administrator • External financial dependency • Development concerning infrastructure

Table 11: SWOT Analysis for HPTC in Zürich

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Based on the presented evidence the project is considered feasible from the author’s

perspective. The project is worth to be pursued, even though there are still some

obstacles, since it is the only opportunity to accomplish the desired professionalization

in a relatively short time horizon. With an adequate amount of work this project could

become reality within two years. A more than sufficient framework can be found in

Zürich. Schooling is certainly possible, financial implications (tuition fees) for students

from other cantons as well as certainty of admission would have to be discussed with

the authorities. Choice of accommodation depends on various factors: host families

would certainly reduce costs but possibilities would have to be investigated further.

Own rental brings advantages from a group-building point of view but requires

personnel and is more expensive.

Securing the necessary capital is a challenging task but the intended organizational

structure offers an attractive investment perspectives. Nevertheless, a center only

makes sense if financial continuity, committed personnel and a sufficient number of

athletes can be ensured. The later can be guaranteed to some extent because the

involved stakeholders have, in principle, expressed their commitment.

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10.2. Next Steps

The assumed time horizon until opening is two years.

1. Task force hptc: To continue with this project there certainly needs to be a

committee or a single project responsible assigned to it

2. Contact Swiss Olympic: Inform and assess their opinion and willingness to

contribute to the project

3. Sponsoring concept: Indentify possibilities of financing through promotion and

the sale of shares

4. Road show for potential investors and sponsors

5. Inform VZW and public authorities: Initiate detailed planning for framework

6. Negotiation with schools: Secure admission and tuition fees for students

(especially from other cantons)

7. Contact other local associations for the building of an educational network

(especially “Gymnasium” and vocational training)

8. Concept for host families / rental object

9. Concepts as required by Swiss Olympic together with Swiss Diving (Young

talents and elite sport)

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11. Bibliography

Barth, Michael. Standpunkt NLZ Sandra Eckert. 10. August 2008.

Betreibungsämter der Stadt Zürich. «Existenzminimum .» 23. May 2001. Stadt Zürich.

19. August 2008 <http://www.stadt->.

Billag AG. Gebühren für den privaten Empfang. 2008. 13. August 2008


Brooker, Gilian. Questionnaire Training Center Sandra Eckert. 15. July 2008.

Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen . Beitragssätze. 19. August 2008


City of Biel - Bienne. «Unser Angebot.» Biel - Bienne. 10. August 2008


Diving Australia. «High Performance Program.» Diving Australia. 26. July 2008



Duttweiler, Urs. «Die Besteuerung von Vereinen.» November 2002. 21. July 2008


Furrer, Philipp. «Frischer Wind in den Segeln.» Swiss Sport (2008): 4-7.

Gloor, Harald. Berufsschule und Leistungssport. 11. August 2008 <>.

Gruber, Christoph A. «Weg von der Basis.» Neue Zürcher Zeitung 8. May 2008.

Herzer, Christina. Swiss Sailing Team Sandra Eckert. 24. July 2008.

Kalich, Rolf. Der Schweizer Spitzensport lebt von Verrückten Peter Jegen. 10. August


KMU Portal. Kostenpflichtiger Eintrag ins Handelsregister. 12. August 2008


Kosten & Zahlungsmodalitäten. 23. July 2008 <

Page 70: Eckert Sandra Bachelor Thesis

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Eckert 21 August 2008 62>.

LEISTUNGSSPORT UND AUSBILDUNG: Schulangebote für Sporttalente. Bern: Swiss

Olympic Talents, 2007.

Migros. «PREISLISTE.» 1. October 2007. Migros Fitnesspark. 19. August 2008


Nauer, Christian. «In Zürich ist kein Zimmer frei.» Neue Zürcher Zeitung 6. August

2008: 41.

NSWIS Sponsors & Partners. 30. July 2008 <http://svc234.wic014v.server->.

Peuschel, Markus A. «Swiss Cycling in Zukunft ohne Spitzensport.» Neue Zürcher

Zeitung 7. June 2008.

Präsidialdepartement Stadt Zürich. «Mietpreise Stadt Zürich.» January 2008. Stadt

Zürich Statistik. 26. July 2008 <http://www.stadt-



«Richtlinien.» Swiss Olympic. 25. July 2008


Rüdisüli, Ralph. Unterstützung Swiss Olympic für NLZ Wasserspringen Sandra Eckert.

29. July 2008.

Schumacher, Hermann. Leiter Abteilung Badeanlagen Sandra Eckert. 25. July 2008.

Schweizerischer Fussballverband. «AZ Emmen.» 21. July 2008 <>.

Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch. kein Datum.


Nachwuchsförderungskonzepte. Bern: Swiss Olympic Talents, 2007.

Sozialdepartement Stadt Zürich. «Wohnen.» 11. June 2008. Stadt Zürich

Sozialdepartament. 2008. August 5 <http://www.stadt-



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Survey Design. 2008. July 10 <>.

SUVA. «Die Unternehmerversicherung Prämientarif 2008.» October 2007. 19. August



Svab, Oldrich. Football Academy Zurich Sandra Eckert. 23. July 2008.

«Swiss Cycling Team AG.» 2008. July 3. Swiss Cycling. 2008. July 30


Swiss Olympic. Einstufung der Sportarten. 25. July 2008


Swiss Olympic Talents, Psychologisches Institut der Universität Bern.

«Nachwuchsförderung der Schweizer Sportverbände: Eine Studie im Rahmen des

Konzeptes des Bundesrates für eine Sportpolitik in der Schweiz.» 2003.

Swiss Olympic. Verbandsförderung. 28. July 2008


«Swiss Sailing Team Downloads.» 2007. Swiss Sailing Team. 20. July 2008



Swiss Tennis. Geschäftsbericht 2007. Biel, 2007.

Swiss Tennis, Receptionist. Interview. Sandra Eckert. 24. July 2008.

The State of Queensland (The Department of Justice and Attorney-General). «Why

incorporate.» 21 . June 2007. Queensland Government. 12. August 2008



UBS & IFJ Institut für Jungunternehmen, St. Gallen. «Vorlagen und Muster zum

Erstellen eines Businessplans.» 3. March 2006. KMU Portal der schweizerischen

Eidgenossenschaft. 5. August 2008


Villa Swiss Tennis. 24. July 2008 <>.

«Wahl der Rechtsform.» January 2008. 21. July 2008

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Weber, Pierre-André. «Nationales Leistungszentrum am CSTenero.» 2007.

Wolfensberger, Ronnie. Kostenkalkulation Verpflegung Leistungszentrum Sandra

Eckert. 4. August 2008.

Zürcher Verkehrsverbund. «ZVV-NETZPASS (Jahresabo).» 2008. ZVV. 19. August

2008 <>.

12. Glossary of Terms: Translations

12.1. German to English

German English Translation Körperschaftliche Personenverbindung Corporate association of people Leistungsauftrag Performance mandate Statuten Constitution Stützunterricht Tutorial Urlaubsregelung Leave policy Verband Federation Verein Association Verwaltungsrat Board of directors Zentralvorstand Executive committee

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13. List of Figures

Figure 1: Diving Australia High Performance Program Organizational Chart ................. 7 

Figure 2: Swiss Sailing Team Organizational Chart (German) ....................................... 9 

Figure 3: Organigram of the Future Swiss Cycling Team (German) ............................. 11 

Figure 4: Swiss Diving Organizational Structure Today ................................................ 17 

Figure 5: Relation of an independent HPTC to Swiss Diving ....................................... 20 

Figure 6: Diving HPTC Stakeholders ............................................................................ 42 

Figure 7: Additional Services to be provided at an HTPC (in German) ........................ 46 

Figure 8: Structure of Swiss Sport Support System ..................................................... 51 

14. List of Tables

Table 1: Positive and negative aspects of corporation according to Christine Herzer . 10 

Table 2: Characteristics of Corporation, Llc and Association ........................................ 15 

Table 3: Overview Swiss High Performance Centers (for Young Talents) ................... 23 

Table 4: List of Educational Institutions in Zürich (German) ......................................... 40 

Table 5: Respondents’ Level of Education .................................................................... 44 

Table 6: Agreement to Living Away from Home (at HTPC Location) ............................ 45 

Table 7: Agreement to Living Away from Home depending on Hometown ................... 45 

Table 8: Budget Calculation for a HPTC, Hospitality Expenses .................................... 54 

Table 9: Budget Calculation for a HPTC, Sport-related Expenses ............................... 55 

Table 10: Budget Calculation for a HPTC, Administrative, Educational and Leisure

expenses as well as Income ......................................................................................... 57 

Table 11: SWOT Analysis for HPTC in Zürich ............................................................... 58 

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15. Declaration

I hereby declare and confirm that this bachelor thesis is entirely the result of my own

work except where otherwise indicated. No sources other than those specified in the

thesis itself were used.



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16. Appendices

16.1. Appendix 1: Living in Zürich for Adolescents and Students74

For Adolescents Maximilianeum Leonhardstrasse 12

8001 Zürich Tel. 044 251 08 32 Fax 044 251 98 81 Email [email protected]

Rooms, Halbpension (Mo-Fr), wer studiert, in Ausbildung ist, eine Lehre oder ein Praktikum macht, Zweierzimmer

Jugendwohnhaus OASE Freiestrasse 38 8032 Zürich Tel. 044 267 35 35 Fax 044 252 30 15 Email [email protected]

beherbergt ca. 50 Studierende und junge Berufstätige, Männer und Frauen, im Alter von 18 - 28 Jahren, Zweierzimmer, Frühstück

Jugendwohnnetz Gartenhofstrasse 15 8004 Zürich Tel. 044 298 20 40 Fax 044 298 20 49 Email [email protected]

Bedingungen: In Ausbildung oder in einer Orientierungsphase. (15 und 25 Jahre).

Studenten / Bergstrasse 128 Studierende, Auszubildende und

74 Sozialdepartement Stadt Zürich

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Lehrlingshaus - Rotary-Club Zürich Web

8032 Zürich Tel. 044 265 69 11 Fax 044 265 69 99 Email [email protected]

PraktikantInnen, mit Wohnsitz ausserhalb des Zürcher Verkehrsverbunds.

For Girls / Women

Pension Villa Laetitia Clausiusstrasse 52 8006 Zürich Tel. 044 261 39 62 Fax 044 261 39 67 Email [email protected]

Pension für Studentinnen, Praktikantinnen, Schülerinnen und Lehrtöchter

Pension Lutherstrasse* Lutherstrasse 20 8004 Zürich Tel. 044 241 13 94 Fax 044 241 13 93 Email [email protected]

Frauenpension. Für Frauen in Ausbildung. (Keine Altersbeschränkung)

Ref. Studentinnenhaus Freudenbergstrasse Ref. Studentinnenhaus Freudenbergstrasse Freudenbergstrasse 16 8044 Zürich Tel. 044 252 75 00 Fax Email [email protected]

Frauenpension. Für Studentinnen, Schülerinnen und Praktikantinnen.

Studentinnenheim Sonnegg Scheuchzerstrasse 27 8006 Zürich Tel. 044 362 43 51

Frauenpension Für Studentinnen der ETH und der Universität

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Fax 044 361 43 90 Email [email protected]

Zürich. Alter 18 - 30 Jahre.

Wohngruppe Arche Rötelstrasse 69 8037 Zürich Tel. 044 361 26 91 Fax Email [email protected]

Frauenpension. Wohnhaus für junge Frauen in Ausbildung. Alter zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren.

Wohnhaus Pro Filia Mühlebachstrasse 88 8008 Zürich Tel. 044 383 30 04 Fax Email [email protected]

Frauenpension. Für Frauen in Ausbildung von 16 - 25 Jahren.

For Students (University)

Ref. Studentenhaus Rötelstrasse Rötelstrasse 100 8057 Zürich Tel. 044 361 23 13 Fax Email [email protected]

Studierende der ETH, Universität Zürich und andere Schulen.

Ref. Studentenhaus Steinwiesstrasse Steinwiesstrasse 35 8032 Zürich Tel. 044 251 56 43 Fax Email [email protected]

Studierende der ETH, Universität Zürich und andere Schulen.

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Ref. StudentInnenhaus Moussonstrasse Moussonstrasse 17 8044 Zürich Tel. 044 262 06 26 Fax Email [email protected]

Studierende der ETH, Universität Zürich und anderer Schulen.

Studentenhaus ALV

Wehntalerstrasse 41 8057 Zürich Tel. 044 362 31 89 Fax Email [email protected]

Studierende der ETH und der Universität Zürich.

Studentenhaus Justinusheim

Freudenbergstrasse 146 8044 Zürich Tel. 044 361 38 06 Fax 044 362 29 82 Email [email protected]

Studierende im Grundstudium.

Studentenhaus Vinzenz Loorenstrasse 74 8053 Zürich Tel. 044 381 26 00 Fax 044 381 26 13 Email [email protected]

Studierende, Doktorierende/ PhD-Studierenden und Praktikantlnnen. Kontaktfreudige Menschen aus aller Welt.

Studentenhaus Witellika Studentenhäuser Witellikerstrasse 20 8008 Zürich Tel. 043 488 50 60 Fax 043 488 50 61 Email [email protected]

Studierende der ETH und der Universität Zürich.

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WOKO Studentische Wohngenossenschaft Leonhardstrasse 15 8001 Zürich Tel. 044 632 42 90 Fax 044 632 11 06 Email [email protected]

Vermietung, ausschliesslich an Studierende der ETH, der Universität Zürich und einzelner Fachhochschulen.

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16.2. Appendix 2: Schools in the City of Zurich and adjoining Regions75

Zürich (City)

Institution Stufe und angebotene Ausbildung

Andere Angebote Aufnahmebedingungen

Kosten (pro Schuljahr)


Minerva Zürich

Sekundarstufe II - Handelsschule - Maturitätsschule - 10. Schuljahr - Handelsdiplom VSH - KV-Abschluss - Eidg. Matura (Vorb.

auf Prüfung) - International


- Geführter Stütz- bzw. Nachführunterricht

- Morgentrainings - Aufenthaltsraum - Kantine.

- Obligatorische Schulzeit abgeschlossen

- Kaderzugehörigkeit. - Entwicklungspotenzia

l vorhanden - Bescheinigung vom



- Handelsschule CHF 8’200.– pro Semester

- Gymnasium CHF 8’900.– pro Semester Semester

Institut Minerva Zürich: Scheuchzerstrasse 2 8006 Zürich Karim Sahraoui 044 368 40 23 [email protected] [email protected]

K + S Zürich

Sekundarstufe I - Volksschule-

Oberstufenschule - 7.–9. Schuljahr - Abschluss der

obligatorischen Schulzeit

- Geführter Stütz- bzw. Nachführunterricht,

- E-Learning - Morgentrainings - Aufenthaltsraum - Betreuter


- Öffentliche Oberstufe- Spitzensport.

- Wohnsitz in der Stadt Zürich: Gratis

- Kantonseinwohner CHF 10’000.–

- Ausserkantonal CHF 15’000.– (abhängig von Wohnkanton).

K & S, Zürich: Neumünsterstrasse 25 Postfach 8008 Zürich

75 LEISTUNGSSPORT UND AUSBILDUNG: Schulangebote für Sporttalente

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Kunst- und Sportgymnasium Rämibühl

Sekundarstufe II - Maturitätsschule

Eidg. Matura 5 (verlängert)

- Geführter Stütz- bzw. Nachführunterricht,

- E-Learning - Morgentrainings - Aufenthaltsraum - Kantine.

- Gleiche Aufnahmebedingungen wie für Normalklassen.

- Zugehörigkeit zu einem nationalen oder regionalen Kader

- Eignungsabklärung.

- CHF 1’400.– (Mehrkosten durch Schulzeitverlängerung).

- Ausserkantonale Schüler haben zudem ein Schulgeld von CHF 17’000.– zu bezahlen.

Kunst- und Sportgymnasium Rämibühl: Mauro Bignotti Rämistrasse 58 8001 Zürich [email protected]

Schule für Mann-schafts-sportarten

- Sekundarstufe I Oberstufenschule

- 7.–9. Schuljahr - Abschluss der

obligatorischen Schulzeit

- Geführter Stütz- bzw. Nachführunterricht

- Morgentrainings - betreuter Mittagstisch- Kantine.

- Primarschule besucht- Konkrete

Zielsetzungen für den ausserschulischen Bereich bis zum Abschluss der obligatorischen Schulzeit

- Kostengutsprache für Jugendliche mit Wohnsitz ausserhalb der Stadt Zürich.

- Nomination durch den Fachbereich/Verein.

- Stadt Zürich gratis - Kanton Zürich CHF

10’000.– - Ausserkantonale

CHF 15’000.–

Schule für Mannschaftssportarten: Schulhaus im Birch Margrit-Rainer-Strasse 5 8050 Zürich

United School of Sports

Sekundarstufe II - Berufsfachschule, - KV-Ausbildung für


- Gastfamilien - geführter Stütz- bzw.

Nachführunterricht, - E-Learning

- Sekundarschul- oder Realschulabschluss (evtl. plus 10. Schuljahr)

- KV-Ausbildung 1. und 2. Ausbildungsjahr je CHF 14‘400.–

UNITED school of sports AG Tobias Rohner Baslerstrasse 30

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- Eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis Kaufmann/Kauffrau/ E- und B- Profil

- Morgentrainings, zusätzliches Sportfach oder Ergänzungstraining

- Aufenthaltsraum - Kantine.

- Aufnahmegespräch - Eignung für

kaufmännischen Beruf

- Multicheck. - Zugehörigkeit zu

nationalem oder regionalem Kader bzw. entsprechende Klassierung in der jeweiligen Sportart

- Entwicklungspotenzial im Sport

- Trainingsumfang: mindestens 12 Stunden pro Woche.

- 3.und 4. Ausbildungsjahr je CHF 7‘000.–

- Schulgeldgutsprachen je nach Kanton unterschiedlich.

8048 Zürich 044 741 30 30 [email protected] [email protected]

AKAD Sekundarstufe II - Tertiärstufe - Quartärstufe - Bürofachdiplom VSH,- Handelsdiplom VSH, - Fähigkeitszeugnis

Kauffrau/ Kaufmann - Berufsmaturität - diverse

Fachausweise, HFV, FH

- Schule: Je nach Studiengang unterschiedliche Anforderungsprofile

- Je nach Studiengang und Lernform (Fernlernen oder kombinierter Präsenzunterricht) unterschiedlich zwischen CHF 1’300.– und rund

- CHF 12’000.–

AKAD Hauptsitz Zürich Jungholzstrasse 43 8050 Zürich Oerlikon 044 307 33 33 044 307 22 22 [email protected]

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Zürich (Canton)

Sekundarschule Veltheim Winterthur

Sekundarstufe I - Oberstufe Abschluss

der obligatorischen Schulzeit3

- Geführter Stütz- bzw. Nachführunterricht.

- Überdurchschnittliche Selbstständigkeit

- Sport: Training wird von einem Verein oder Club professionell getragen.

- Winterthurer Schüler gratis.

- Auswärtige (falls Platz vorhanden) CHF 13’000.–

Sekundarschule Veltheim: Stefan Keller Löwenstrasse 3 - 7 8400 Winterthur 052 212 62 52 [email protected] [email protected]

Kunst und Sport-schule Uster

Sekundarstufe I - Sekundarschule - 7.–9. Schuljahr - Tagesschule - Abschluss der

obligatorischen Schulzeit


- E-Learning - Morgentrainings - Zusätzliches

Sportfach oder Ergänzungstraining

- Aufenthaltsraum - betreuter Mittagstisch- Kantine.

- Einverständnis zur Bildungsvereinbarung

- Kostengutsprache der Wohnortsgemeinde oder Eltern.

- Nachweis der besonderen sportlichen Begabung und Leistungsfähigkeit.

- Für Schüler aus den Trägergemeinden kostenlos (evtl. mit Schulgeldanteil der Eltern)

- Für andere Schüler: CHF 12’000.–

Sekundarschule für Kunst- und Sporttalente Zürich Oberland Urs Wegmann, Schulleiter, Sportkoordinator Pfäffikerstrasse 30, House of Sports House of Sports, 8610 Uster 044 942 42 72 [email protected]

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Sportschule Buchs-Rohr, Buchs AG Sekundarstufe 1

Sekundarstufe I - Kleinklasse

Oberstufe - Realschule - Sekundarschule - Bezirksschule - Abschluss der

obligatorischen Schulzeit

- Geführter Stütz- bzw. Nachführunterricht

- E-Learning, - Morgentrainings - Sportmedizinisches

Konzept - Aufenthaltsraum - betreuter


- Gemäss den aargauischen Promotionsbestimmungen.

- Empfehlung durch den schweizerischen Nachwuchsverantwortlichen der betroffenen Sportart.

- Schulgeld: CHF 6‘000

- Ausserkantonale: CHF 12‘340.–

- Verpflegungskosten: CHF 2‘500.–

- Betreuungskosten: CHF 1’000.–

Sportschule Buchs-Rohr: Hugo Wasser Schulhaus Suhrenmatte 5033 Buchs AG 062 837 65 69 [email protected] [email protected]

Handels-schule KV Aarau

Sekundarstufe II Handelsschule integriert: KV-Ausbildung für Sporttalente Eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis für Kaufleute 4

Besonderes: Der Stundenplan nimmt Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der Mehrheit der Sportler. Angebote: Morgentrainings, sportmedizinisches Konzept.

Schule: Bezirksschul- oder Sekundarschulabschluss. Sport: Zugehörigkeit zu nationalem oder regionalem Kader bzw. entsprechende Klassierung in der jeweiligen Sportart. Entwicklungspotenzial

Handelsschule KV Aarau Kontaktperson: Pestalozzischulhaus Frank Kress Bahnhofstrasse 46 062 837 97 10 5001 Aarau 062 837 97 19, [email protected] [email protected]

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im Sport.

Kantonale Schule für Berufs-bildung

Sekundarstufe II Brückenjahr Berufslehre 1

Angebote: Geführter Stütz- bzw. Nachführunterricht, E-Learning, Morgentrainings, Kantine

Aufnahmebedingungen: Schule: Volksschule erfüllt, ausgewiesene Lern- und Leistungsbereitschaft. Sport: Nationales Potenzial.

Kosten (pro Schuljahr): Schule: CHF 1’800.– (inkl. alle Gebühren und Kosten für Unterrichtsmittel, Exkursionen und Spezialwochen).

Kantonale Schule für Berufsbildung, Weiterbildungsjahr Kontaktperson: Bahnhofstrasse 79 Angelo De Moliner 5000 Aarau 062 834 68 10 062 834 68 68 [email protected] [email protected]

Berufs-schule Aarau, Aarau

Berufsfachschule gewerblichindustrieller Richtung, Berufsmaturität, Berufsmaturität für Erwachsene Sekundarstufe II Eidgenössiches Fähigkeitszeugnis, Berufsmaturität technischer oder gestalterischer Richtung 4; 3–4; 1

Die Schule koordiniert die berufslernenden Leistungssportler im Kanton Aargau. Dadurch können auch Leistungssportler anderer Berufsfachschulen in die Sportklasse der Berufsschule Aarau eintreten. Angebote: Geführter Stütz- bzw. Nachführunterricht,

Aufnahmebedingungen: Schule: Bestehender Lehrvertrag mit Zusatzvereinbarung für Leistungssportler. Sport: Talents Card Regional, Empfehlung Nationaler Verband und Verein. Entwicklungspotenzial im Sport.

Berufsschule Aarau Kontaktperson: Tellistrasse 58 Harald Gloor 5004 Aarau 062 832 36 36 062 832 36 37 [email protected] [email protected]

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E-Learning, sportmedizinisches Konzept, Kantine.

Alte Kantons-schule Aarau

Sekundarstufe II Gymnasiale Maturitätsschule Kantonale Maturität, eidg. anerkannt 5 (verlängert)

Angebote: Geführter Stütz- bzw. Nachführunterricht, Morgentrainings, zusätzliches Sportfach oder Ergänzungstraining, sportmedizinisches Konzept, Aufenthaltsraum, Kantine.

Aufnahmebedingungen: Schule: Abschlussprüfung an der Bezirksschule (mind. 4,7) bzw. Bestehen der Aufnahmeprüfung für Schüler, die nicht von der Bezirksschule Aargau übertreten. Ausserkantonale Qualifikationen für das Gymnasium werden anerkannt. Quereinstieg in jede Stufe möglich. Sport: Mitglied eines regionalen/nationalen Nachwuchskaders. Sportliches Potenzial für eine Laufbahn als Leistungssportler auf nationaler oder internationaler Ebene. Empfehlung durch den CH-Sportverband der

Kosten (pro Schuljahr): Schule: Üblicher Aufwand für Lehrmittel, Exkursionen, Spezialwochen, u. a. zusätzliche Aufwendungen im Bereich des individuellen Trainings und des sportmedizinischen Konzepts. Für Ausserkantonale wird ein Schulgeld erhoben (Kostengutsprache mit Anmeldung).

Alte Kantonsschule Aarau Kontaktperson: Bahnhofstrasse 91 Kurt Büchler, Prorektor 5001 Aarau 062 834 67 00 062 834 67 01 [email protected] kurt.bü[email protected]

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entsprechenden Sportart sowie durch den Sportverein und die verantwortliche Trainerperson.

VINTO Sekundarstufe II Berufsschule Eidg. dipl. Kauffrau/Kaufmann Profil E, Profil B DHF

Kaufmann/Kauffrau erweiterte Grundbildung und Detailhandelsfachleute in 4 years (verlängert) Apprenticeship with various partners plus 3 fitness trainings provided E-Learning, Morgentrainings, zusätzliches Sportfach- oder Ergänzungstraining, sportmedizinisches Konzept, Kantine.

Schule: Sekundarzeugnis, gutes Realschulzeugnis. Sport: Swiss Olympic Talent Card.

Kosten (pro Schuljahr): CHF 2’500.–

VINTO Jugendförderung in Sport und Beruf Kontaktperson: KBZ Aabachstrasse 7 Benno Sidler 6300 Zug 041 728 57 74 041 728 57 59 [email protected]

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16.3. Appendix 3: Evaluation Questions Support Young Talents (Verbandsförderung)76

1. Bewegungs-freundliches Umfeld Frage 1.1 Hat der Verband ein innovatives Konzept, welches ein bewegungsfreundliches Umfeld fördert? 2. Spitzensport und Schule Frage 2.1 Bietet der Verband für jede Kaderstufe eine adäquate Lösung im Bereich Schule und Leistungssport an? 3. Talentsichtung, -selektion und –förderung Frage 3.1 Hat der Verband für den lokalen Bereich (Club) spezielle Instrumente für die Talentselektion entwickelt? Frage 3.2 Hat der Verband für den regionalen Bereich spezielle Instrumente für die Talentselektion entwickelt? Frage 3.3 Hat der Verband für den nationalen Bereich spezielle Instrumente für die Talentselektion entwickelt?

76 Richtlinien

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4. Trainer: Aus- und Fortbildung Frage 4.1 Hat der Verband eine leistungssportliche Ausbildungskonzeption? Frage 4.2 Hat der Verband einen Ausbildungsverantwortlichen? Frage 4.3 Hat der Verband einen Nachwuchsverantwortlichen? Frage 4.4 Stimmt das Verhältnis der aktiven Trainer mit der geforderten Ausbildung auf der J+S-Förderstufe 2 und 3 mit der Anzahl Kaderathleten in der J+S-NWF? Frage 4.5 Werden die Ausbildungen für Leiter/Trainer gut besucht? 5. Soziale Betreuung – Karriereplanung Frage 5.1 Hat der Verband einen Verantwortlichen für Schule, Karriereplanung und Umfeldmanagment (Atlethenbetreuung)? Frage 5.2 Hat der Verband eine sinnvolle Lösung für die Spitzensportkarriere während der Militärdienstzeit?

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6. Medizinisches/psychologisches/pädagogisches Konzept Frage 6.1 Hat der Verband ein sportmedizinisches Konzept im Nachwuchsbereich? Frage 6.2 Hat der Verband ein Netz an sportärztlichen Fachpersonen im nationalen Nachwuchskader-Bereich? Frage 6.3 Hat der Verband ein Netz an sportärztlichen Fachpersonen im regionalen Nachwuchskader-Bereich? Frage 6.4 Haben die Mitglieder der Kader jährlich einen Check-up gemäss einheitlicher Vorgabe durch Verbandsarzt? Frage 6.5 Hat der Verband ein Konzept für den psychologischen Bereich im Nachwuchs? Frage 6.6 Hat der Verband ein Netz an psycholgischen Fachpersonen? Frage 6.7 Hat der Verband systematisch-strukturierte Aktivitäten in der Sucht- und Dopingprävention (Kampagne "cool and clean")? 7. Regionalisierung, Regionalzentren Frage 7.1 Verfügt der Verband über ein Konzept mit nationalen und regionalen Leistungszentren/Stützpunkten ? Frage 7.2 Wie ist die Quantität und die Qualität der nationalen und regionalen Leistungszentren/Stützpunkte? Frage 7.3 Organisiert der Verband für seine nationalen Kader zentrale Ausbildungslehrgänge (Trainingszusammenzüge, Trainingslager)? Frage 7.4 Unterstützt der nationale Verband seine regionalen Fördereinrichtungen finanziell (mit Eigenmitteln des Verbandes)?

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8. Kadersysteme Frage 8.1 Hat der Verband eine Kaderstruktur im Sinne einer leistungsorientierten Pyramide Frage 8.2 Hat jedes Kader ein klar definiertes, leistungsorientiertes Ziel (ausgerichtet auf internationales Level) und sind die Selektionskriterien für die Aufnahme ins Kader transparent und umfassend analog 3.4? Frage 8.3 Werden die regionalen Kader zentral nach einheitlichen Kriterien gebildet? 9. Wettkampfsystem Frage 9.1 Hat der Verband ein den jeweiligen Alterstufen und Ausbildungsetappen angepasstes Wettkampfsystem? Frage 9.2 Wie entwickeln sich die Schweizer Nachwuchs-/Junioren-Meisterschaften in quantitativer und qualitativer Hinsicht? 10. Langfristige Trainingsplanung Frage 10.1 Hat der Verband einen Rahmentrainingsplan für die jeweiligen Kader- und Altersstufen ausgerichtet auf den internationalen Leistungsstandard? Frage 10.2 Erfüllungsgrad dieser Rahmentrainingspläne (Vergleich Soll-Ist)? Frage 10.3 Entsprechen die Soll-Trainingsumfänge dem internationalen Standard Frage 10.4 Führt der Verband von seinen Athleten der nationalen Nachwuchskader eine systematische Leistungsdokumentation? 11. Kritische Reflexion und wissenschaftliche Forschung Frage 11.1 Setzt sich der Verband mit wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen im Nachwuchsbereich auseinander?

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12. Finanzierung Frage 12.1 Wie hoch ist die jährliche Kostenbeteiligung eines Inhabers einer Swiss Olympic Talents Card National für die nationalen Wettkampf- und Trainingsaktivitäten zu Handen des nationalen Verbandes? Frage 12.2 Wie hoch sind die Kosten in der Nachwuchsförderung? Frage 12.3 Wie hoch ist der Eigenfinanzierungsgrad in der Nachwuchsförderung? Frage 12.4 Wie hoch ist das Verhältnis zwischen dem finanziellen Aufwand Elite-Nachwuchs? 13. Weltstandsanalyse Individualsportarten Wo steht die Sportart in der höchsten Nachwuchskategorie im internationalen Vergleich?

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16.4. Appendix 4: Answers to Questionnaire (Divers, Parents)

Nr. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 15 11 14 13 11 18 16 10 2 Wiesendangen Burgdorf Gockhausen Uitikon Genève Stallikon Mies lausanne Küttigen 3 Zürich Bern Zürich Zürich Genève Zürich Vaud Vaud Aargau 4 Verein Zürcher

Wasserspringer Schwimmclub Bern

VZW VZW Genève Natation

Verein Zürcher Wasserspringer

Genève Natation

Lausanne Natation


5 Oerlikon Bern Oerlikon Oerlikon piscine de Varembé

Zürich Oerlikon Varembé lausanne Aarau

6 9 Stunden 10 8 - 10 Std (ab Sommerferien 2008)

16-18 env. 13h 8 oder mehr 20 15 8

7 Regionalkader Nationalkader Regionalkader Nationalkader cadre national

Kein Kader cadre national

cadre national


8 Gymnasium Sekundarschule

Primarschule Sekundarschule école secondaire

Primarschule lycée lycée Primarschule

9 Studium Gymnasium Sekundarschule Gymnasium lycée Gymnasium études études Sekundarschule

10 Ja Ja Ja Ja Oui Ja Oui Oui Ja 11 Ja, unter

bestimmten Voraussetzungen

Ja, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen

Ja Ja Oui, à certains conditions

Ja, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen

0 Oui Ja, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen

12 16h-20h 11h-15h 11h-15h 16h-20h 16h-20h 11h-15h 21h-25h 21h-25h 21h-25h 13a

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Aider à coordonner école et sport

Aufgabenhilfe Assister à trouver une famille d'accueil

Assister à trouver une famille d'accueil

Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

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Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln

Organisiertes Mittagessen

Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln

Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

Assister aux enfants à faire leur devoir d'école

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Offrir un repas commun

Organiser des activités de loisirs

Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln


0 Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Organisiertes Mittagessen

Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln

Organiser des activités de loisirs

Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln

Aider à coordonner école et sport

Aider à coordonner école et sport

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport


0 Finanzielle Unterstütung

Zusammenzüge des Nationalkaders

soutien psychologique

0 Indémnité mensuelle frais de déplacement

À remplir Bitte ausfüllen

14 Nein Nein Nein Ja Oui Nein 0 Oui Ja 15 Nein Nein Nein Nein Oui Nein Oui Oui Ja 16 Nein Nein Nein Ja Oui Nein Oui Oui Ja 17 0h-2h 0h-2h 0h-2h 0h-2h 3h-5h 0h-2h 0h-2h 0h-2h keine

Beschränkung 18 Nein Nein Ja Ja Oui Ja Oui Oui Ja 19 Uns ist wichtig,

dass Nadine die Schule auf Deutsch besuchen kann. Auch auswärts Wohnen kommt für uns im jetzigen Alter noch nicht in Frage.

0 Punkt 14 - 16: Lara ist 11 Jahre alt und aus unserer Sicht noch zu jung um über längere Zeit von der Familie getrennt zu sein.

Matthias hat bei den Fragen 14-17 eine andere Meinung.

0 0 Je dois travailler pour gagner un peu ma vie même en faisant su plongeon. Est-ce que SD m'aidera à trouver un travail ?

0 Antworten 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 18 unter Vorbehalt, dass der Athlet das Alter von ca. 14 Jahren erreicht hat

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Nr. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 11 12 22 10 10 16 13 24 14 17 2 Küttigen Aarburg Glattfelden Rombach Bern lausanne Lausanne Lausanne Bassersdorf zürich

3 Aargau Aargau Zürich Aargau Bern Vaud Vaud Vaud Zürich zürich 4 Aarefisch Aarefisch VZW Aarefisch Schwimmclu

b Bern Lausanne Natation

Lausanne Natation

Lausanne Natation


5 Aarau Aarau Oerlikon Aarau Bern lausanne Lausanne Lausanne Oerlikon oerlikon

6 12 4,5- 10 15-20 5 6 15 12 12-15 Stunden pro Woche

9 ca. 12

7 Regionalkader

Kein Kader Nationalkader



cadre national

cadre régional

Kein Kader Nationalkader


8 Sekundarschule


Angestellt Primarschule Sekundarschule

lycée école secondaire

Studium Gymnasium Lehre

9 0 Gymnasium Angestellt Sekundarschule

Gymnasium études lycée Studium Studium 0

10 Ja Ja Ja Ja ja Oui Oui Ja Ja Ja 11 Ja, unter

bestimmten Voraussetzungen

Ja, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen

Ja Ja, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen

Ja, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen

Oui Oui, à certains conditions

Ja, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen

Ja, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen


12 21h-25h 16h-20h 21h-25h 11h-15h 10 21h-25h 16h-20h 11h-15h 16h-20h 21h-25h

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13a Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

Organisiertes Mittagessen

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Organisiertes Mittagessen

Assister à trouver une famille d'accueil

Aider à coordonner école et sport

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

13b Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln

Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Organiser des activités de loisirs

Organiser des activités de loisirs

Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

13c Hilfe bei der Koordination von Schule und Sport

Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln

Hilfe beim Finden von Gastfamilien

Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln

0 Aider à coordonner école et sport

Offrir un repas commun


Ausbildungsplätze vermitteln


13d Bitte ausfüllen

Bitte ausfüllen

Bitte ausfüllen

Bitte ausfüllen

Bitte ausfüllen

À remplir un centre de sport réservé uniquement à cet effet-là

alles bezahlen

0 Bitte ausfüllen

14 Ja Ja Ja Ja Nein Oui Oui Ja Ja Ja 15 Ja Nein Ja weiss nicht Nein Oui Oui Ja Ja Ja 16 Ja Nein Ja Ja Nein Oui Oui Ja Ja Ja 17 keine


0h-2h 3h-5h 0h-2h 0h-2h 0h-2h 0h-2h 0h-2h 3h-5h 3h-5h

18 Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Oui Oui Ja Ja Ja

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19 Antworten 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 18 unter Vorbehalt, dass der Athlet das Alter von ca. 14 Jahren erreicht hat

Die gemachten Angaben entsprechen unseren persönlichen "Wunschvorstellungen" und sind so sicher nicht so einfach realisierbar. Die Antworten entsprechen dem, was wir jetzt so erwarten würden. Wir wissen allerdings nicht, welche Einstellung wir hätten, wenn wir plötzlich vor einer Entscheidung stünden.

0 Unsere Tochter ist noch nicht an dem Punkt angelangt, an welchem wir so ein Unternehmen forcieren würden. Z.Z. hat bei uns die Schule bestimmt noch Priorität

0 0 0 0 0 0

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16.5. Appendix 5: Answers HTPC Eindhoven (Netherlands)

What legal form does your organization have? The programme started as a project, supported by the National Olympic Committee. Now it is the programme of the National team. How does your organizational structure look like? We have found a group of partners to support the programme. Owner is the Royal Dutch Swimming Federation. Partners are NOC, the city of Eindhoven, the local club PSV and the swimming pool “de Tongelreep”. How many people are employed by your organization and what are their tasks? In fact the National coach is the only fulltime employee. Of course the administration is done by the federation office; the facilities are my responsibility. How many full-time coaches are employed and what are their tasks and responsibilities? Only one full time coach, assisted by volunteers. Responsibility: to lead the technical programme, to train and coach the athletes. How many active divers train with you? How many of them are professionals About 10 divers. None of them is professional. Who is involved in strategic planning activities? I’m involved, together with a commission of experts (volunteers) and the federation board. Do you offer any other services apart from diving-related activities? We try to offer all facilities to make sure divers can concentrate on their sports programme. We help athletes finding the right schools, jobs, houses etc. How much do you charge a full-time attendee? The entrée is free. Divers who are in the national team can enter the programme. What are your other financial sources? Support of the federation, NOC and other partners.