ebony park friesian magazine - november 2013

Ebony Park Friesian Magazine NOVEMBER 2013 www.ebonyparkstud.com.au Tash’s Training Tip - If not you...who? If not now...when? ~ Kate’s Knowledge - Joint Ill News From Holland ~ Kate’s Kickass Tips!

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Check out this months magazine!! With articles, photos and videos... it's packed full of information on Friesians!! :)


Ebony Park Friesian Magazine



Tash’s Training Tip - If not you...who? If not now...when? ~ Kate’s Knowledge - Joint IllNews From Holland ~ Kate’s Kickass Tips!

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 2

Create 2014 to be Your Best Riding Year Yet!

Hello riding superstars!!!!

Are you excited?!?!

I am excited!!!!

I was thinking as it’s coming up to the end of the year – how are you guys going with your goals?!?! Are those yearly goals achieved? I know a lot of people find it difficult to goal set. Perhaps they aren’t sure how to do it, or how to set achievable goals, or how to create a plan to make sure their goal happens. Whatever it is – I want to help! I love to set goals and achieve success, and more importantly I love to show and help others do it in their lives as well.

So I have an easy weekly challenge for you guys if you are up to it!?!?!?

Next week, on Monday 4th November, we are going to have a goal-setting week. I will explain in 5 easy videos how to goal set, make a plan, action steps and then actually achieve the goal within that week…

All you have to do is register for the video series. So go to this link and get hooked up! Then keep your eyes peeled on your inbox for 12.30pm Monday to get your first video and be a part of the challenge.

We will also give you the opportunity to be part of our goal-setting Facebook community which will be a private group set up just for you and this week, to help you stay accountable to your goal and ensure success!!!

Looking forward to getting to know you all through next week and helping you achieve your goals!!!!!

To Your Success,


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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 3

H i F a b u l o u s F r i e s i a n Fanatics!! :)

I can’t believe it is November already! We are getting closer and closer to the end of the year!

This month is going to be a busy one - we have 5 mares due to foal!! Can’t wait to see the new babies :) :)

We have bred most of our wet and dry mares now... just waiting on pregnancy tests and keeping our fingers crossed...

If you are interested in breeding your mare to one of our 5 stallions, click here to send in your enquiry and to receive our Ebony Park 2013 Breeding Guidebook!

This month’s magazine has articles from Kate on her training and learnings in the saddle this month, Tash talks about procrastination and making sure you are going for your goals!

We also have heaps of photos of the foals to share with you!

Have a fabulous month!! :)

To Your Dreams Becoming Reality,

Kate Langdon




















From the Editor

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 4

This month you are in for a treat! The KFPS in Holland had the i r F ina l Mare Inspection for 2013 in August, and have just published a great short video of the event!We decided to share it with you this month so that you can see what a huge event it is over in the Friesians’ native Holland! Hopefully one day it can be as big over here!Click on the image below to watch it now! Enjoy :)Source: KFPS Website

News From Holland - Final Central Mare Inspection 2013

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 5

Note from Tash

Hello Friesian Lovers!!!! :):):)

Happy November to you all!!!!

I trust you are having a wonderful month and have s o m e e x c i t i n g t h i n g s planned!!!

I am totally excited! We have 5 foals due this month, and with my foal due in December it is all about the pregnant ladies!!! :)

Foals bring such a smile to your face, and what is even nicer is when they grow up! We are just starting a purebred Friesian and a 3/4 Friesian under saddle and it is so nice to see them as foals all the way grown up into big strong dressage horses. My favourite part of the whole process is the first time you

sit on a horse you have chosen since birth or before. It’s an accumulation of all the time and dreams you have had all jumbled up into that one moment.

For those of you who are ready to become horse owners get in touch - we love being part of your journey from foal to riding horse and seeing you achieve your goals and dreams together!

Have an amazing November, and look forward to seeing you next month!To Your Success,



Abe was pretty pleased with himself after the Grand Prix test :)

The horses are currently having a

break from competitions while

we train up our new rider, Kate,

until Natasha has had her baby due

in December!

Stay tuned for comp dates in


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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 6

Kind Kate’s Knowledge - Joint Ill

Joint ill is the common term for a joint infection caused by a variety of bacteria, in the foal (also known as septic arthritis). The infection often spreads to the bones surrounding the joints, and the foal is generally shows other symptoms such as d i a r r h o e a , h i g h temperatures, pneumonia, septicaemia etc. Joint ill is most commonly seen in very young foals less than a week old (but can affect foals up to 4 months of age), and is usually caused by bacteria which spread through the blood stream. The reason why the joints are affected from bacteria in the bloodstream is due to a number of reasons, the first being that foals have more fragile immune systems, as their initial immunity is derived solely from their mothers first milk (called colostrum). Another reason is that there is a huge amount of blood flow to the bones, as they are growing so rapidly in a young foal – the bacteria may lodge in the growth plates or the bones, as well as the joint, and the infection will spread from there.Joint ill is the most common cause of lameness in foals,

so it is wise to treat any lameness, especially in very young foals, as suspicious. Typically, the infected joint will swell up, be painful for the foal, and feel hot to touch. A day or so later, the foal will become lame (to varying degrees), but this is not always the case. T h e m o r e c o m m o n l y affected joints are the stifles, hocks and knees.A vet who suspects joint ill will take a sample of fluid from the joint, as well as blood from the foal. White blood cell counts will be increased generally in both blood and joint fluid, which indicate an infection.X-rays may also be taken, to make sure the problem is not a bone fracture, and to moni to r the spread o f infection from the joint to the bone.As soon as joint i l l is suspected, the vet will start your foal on a course of a n t i b i o t i c s , a n d o n c e samples of blood and joint fluid have been taken and examined, the antibiotics can be tailored to target the specific type of bacteria causing the infection. Foals will generally be kept on antibiotics for around 3 weeks after the swelling and

lameness has gone down, just to make sure the infection is completely gone.Affected joints need to be t r e a t e d q u i c k l y a n d aggressively to achieve the best possible outcome. This is due to the swelling in the joint causing irreparable damage to the cartilage and possible serious damage to the growing joint. Generally the vet will lavage the joints that are affected – this means using a needle to pump and wash sterile fluid through the joint, to flush all of the things (such as inflammatory cells, bacteria etc) that we don’t want, out

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 7

Kind Kate’s Knowledge - Joint Ill

of the joint, and to relieve some of the swelling.Many foals who have joint ill are also systemically unwell – they may have diarrhoea, an umbilical infection, or a number of other problems, which all need to be treated accordingly – basically this is just common sense – keep a really close eye on your sick foal, and make

sure the vet is called if you have any concerns!The foal will also need to be keep fairly confined for a period of time – in a stable or small yard, to prevent excessive weight bearing on the joints – your vet will advise you on times and what to do.

Something that people often over look is the e f fec t

antibiotics have on the rest of the foal – especially the normal gut bacteria in the foal. Due to the antibiotics killing o f f a l l o f th i s normal gut flora, and the stress the foal is probably going to be under, t h e f o a l m a y d e v e l o p g u t ulcers – this is painful for the f o a l , a n d w i l l cause the foal to possibly go off its milk. Preventative t r e a t m e n t i s probably a good idea (such as scourban or other products on the market which are safe for foals)!!T h e r e a r e a

number of management strategies that you can put in place that will ensure that you have the best chance of p r e v e n t i n g j o i n t i l l happening in the first place (it will not eliminate the risk, but will certainly reduce it!). These include ensuring that your foal is suckling within an hour of birth, and that your mare has adequate colostrum, that your mare is vaccinated appropriately and has had time to build up antibodies to her local environment; disinfecting the umbilicus of the foal at birth, ensuring there is a clean environment for the mare to foal – it is important to rest and rotate paddocks and yards used for foaling, as well and ensuring that they are not overcrowded (overstocking increases e n v i r o n m e n t a l contamination).The earlier the disease is detected, the better the outcome.Here at Ebony Park, a couple of years ago we had one of our purebred foals go quite lame – we called the vet straight away, as we were concerned it was joint ill. Luckily for us, and for the foal, this wasn’t the case – it was a kick from one of the

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 8

Kind Kate’s Knowledge - Joint Ill

other horses – but how do you tel l the difference between joint ill or not?There were a number of reasons why we didn’t need to panic – the first was that the foal was already 3 weeks old, and getting old enough that a joint ill was not going to be a common problem (but it can still affect foals up to 4 months of age, so it was not ruled out). The second reason was that the foal had no swelling or heat in the joints, and no other secondary signs that indicated that it was sick, s u c h a s d i a r r h o e a , depression, lack or nursing etc. She was also in a clean environment, had no signs of navel infection, and had adequate colostrum intake in her first 12 hours – all indications that she had the best chance possible of remaining healthy!We like to keep our mares and foals in together a day or so after the mare has foaled – there are a number of positives and negatives that you can argue for this practice, the main negative being what we have seen here – that the foal was kicked, probably by another

mare or an older foal that it was playing with. However, we firmly believe that the social interaction w i t h t h e o t h e r mares and foals is very important , especially when our horses are young, and we like to let them be horses as much as possible before they are broken in – we find that this gives them better m a n n e r s a n d makes them able to be put in with o t h e r h o r s e s without too much fuss later in life, as they know how to b e h a v e a n d interact with other horses.To Your Dreams Becoming Reality,

Kate LangdonFor a full list of sources, please c o n t a c t E b o n y P a r k a t [email protected]

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 9

Your Gifts Are Waiting For You Now!

Are you enjoying this months issue of the

Ebony Park Magazine? Did you know we also send out weekly blogs

and we have even more Friesian resources for


Click on the picture below to go to our website and !ll out

your name and email to subscribe now and receive your FREE

Friesian resource pack!

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 10

Abe’s PerspectiveHey super riders! My name is Abe and I am Natasha’s superstar Friesian stallion and her one and only horse she likes to

ride. I told her I thought it was very unfair that

she was the only one to share how to ride - as lets’ face it... I’m the one that

really makes it all happen - so this is my chance to teach you how to really ride a

horse... with advice straight from the horses mouth!

*Taken from November 2013 Your Riding Success Monthly. If you would like to view Your Riding Success

Monthly click here

Hey Friesian Lovers!!

How are you all doing?!?!?! I am a bit grumpy as Tash is still riding me, and I am in SERIOUS weight training ... someone should tell her to lose some weight!!!! Not that I’m game to tell her!!!!

This month I wanted to talk about how many rides does it take to get to Grand Prix.

Everyone wants to know how I turned into this amazing 95% scoring Grand Prix horse, so I thought I would share with you how I did it. ;)

Tash got me as a 4.5yo in 2005. She rode on average 4 rides a week times for on average 48 weeks per year.

She did this for 5.5 years as my first Grand Prix start was in April 2011.

This means for all your maths geniuses:


With X being Grand Prix.

Tash is very fond of saying - if you want my results, do my work. It’s not rocket science.

She has ridden a c o u p l e o f horses before m e t o Elementary and t h e n r o d e another up to Inter 2 level.

She has also r idden a few h o r s e s a f t e r me. All up we est imate she h a s r i d d e n approximately 8600 hours.

Malcom Gladwell suggests genius is 10,000 hours. That any success, wether it is music genius like Mozart, or wealth creation like Warren Buffet or sport success like Michael Jordon, it is all 10,000 hours before genius is realised. We know this.

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 11

Abe’s PerspectiveMichael Jordon was cut from his high school basketball team for not being good enough, so he practiced double the amount of the other players and in 6 months made it back onto the high school team and onto the best player of all time.

So one of the biggest things you can contro l is the amount of times you ride.

The more you ride, the more you figure out and the more progress you make.

Think back to the rider you were last year, I’m sure you appreciate how far you have come and the learnings you have gained.

Multiply that over years and that’s how you get to Grand Prix.

This is the same for the horse. I had so much to learn, but even more than

that, I needed the rides and the time to get strong.

I have the biggest muscles in the stable and I have worked hard for those muscles.

The only way I can build my muscles is be worked in the right way, consistently, and that’s what takes the time.

I find piaffe and passage so much easier now than I did even 2 years ago. This is because Tash invested the time to ride me those 4 days a week so I could keep building on my strength.

Tash has a goal setting week starting next Monday where I know she is helping riders achieve their goals. So if you need helping setting goals or perhaps making a plan to get those 4 rides in a week click here and get on it :)

Until next time enjoy your riding and give your horse a carrot for me! :)

To Your Success,


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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 12

Tash’s Training Tip - If not you... who? If not now... when?We are nearing the end of the year... it’s already November! ... Can I ask you a question? ... Was 2013 your best year yet? Did you finally get your riding goal, or reach your perfect weight, or increase profits by 30%, or create a more loving, connected and meaningful relationship with your partner or loved ones?You see - if it wasn't your best year, if you set out 2013 with great intentions but they didn't come off... then what happened?It’s important we address this now, not repeat the pattern of setting huge goals in January, get d i s a p p o i n t e d b y A p r i l , c o m p l e t e l y disillusioned by September and then say the famous words; “There is always next year.”Remember, if you keep do ing what you have always done, you will get the resu l ts you have always gotten.S o w h a t n e e d s t o change? ... I always giggle a bit when I talk of this, because it reminds me of one of the characters on S e i n f e l d - G e o r g e Costanza - have you seen the episode when George

comes running into Jerry’s apartment and says “I’ve got it – I’m going to do everything the opposite! Every thought, decision, action I have taken in my life is wrong!” For those of y o u w h o d o n ’ t k n o w George , he i s sho r t , balding, overweight, no job, etc…So George goes onto d o i n g e v e r y t h i n g t h e opposite… where he would say yes he says no, where he would say no he says yes, and he keeps going and finds himself in his d r e a m j o b , d r e a m relationship…Now – I’m not suggesting you do EVERYTHING differently, but I do know if what you are doing isn't working, you have to try something else. You also need to have a criteria for success that you can use contrastive analysis with, so that you know if the decision or choice you make today, is the right one to get you the results you want tomorrow.For instance - if I want to improve my dressage test percentage from 60% to 70% in the next 90 days… One point in the criteria for success might be:

-Work on halts - make sure still, straight and square- W o r k o n t u r n o n t o centreline – make sure it is straight and still and not overshooting through the shoulder- M a k e s u r e t u r n o f f centreline is smooth and round.

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 13

Tash’s Training Tip - If not you... who? If not now... when?-Make sure centreline is straight and round-Make sure transition to halt from trot is calm, smooth and round and straight-Make sure transition from halt into trot is calm, smooth round and straight.Wow! All that for one movement! Yes! But if you do all of that, you will get a 7 or an 8. So it’s worth doing the work!So… if you do a centerline, and you overshoot the turn and the shoulders swing out - you say hmmmm… that’s not in my criteria for success, I need to ensure that it’s a smooth, steady, straight line.

So you immediately KNOW if something is right or w r o n g a n d m o s t importantly what you ARE looking to achieve. There were 6 segments to a 'good' centre line!

So coming back to the end of 2013 and looking ahead into 2014… What is it for you? What will you be doing to ensure you get amazing results and have 2012 as your best year ever!Maybe you had a super-charged, brilliant 2013, so you will be looking to replicate what you did, in order to get the same results or better going forward?

Or perhaps you need to change some strategies and think about what you need to do differently to meet your cr i ter ia for success?And maybe you need to do a 'George' and completely reinvent everything you do and think and feel, to get the opposite of the results that you have been getting.I a m o b s e s s e d w i t h studying success - why one person can experience a r ich, v ibrant , exc i ted, success-fil led life, and someone else can be in poverty, hardship, failure, despair.T h e m o r e I s t u d y , experience and implement in my own life, the more I am convinced it’s how you think that determines your experience of reality.I meet successful people all the time, and the more I delve into ‘how’ they did it, the more I am amazed by the consistencies of their approaches. They all have visions, 10 year goals, 5 year goals, yearly goals, m o n t h l y g o a l s , d a i l y g o a l s . . . T h e y a l l d o affirmations, positive self-talk, and all have a huge responsibility of self.

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 14

So if something is wrong – it’s up to them to fix it, they never look external to themselves, and never blame anything external for their failures. They all failed… a lot... and kept going.And most importantly - they invested in their learning. And implemented their learning immediately.F igu res o f $250 ,000 , $500,000, $1,000,000 i n v e s t e d i n t h e i r development to be the best they can be. And this is Olympians, Billionaires,

Top Charity CEO’s… it doesn’t matter what they wanted success in. T h e s e a r e t h e commonalities between them all.

So let’s look at this list:1. Are you clear on

your goals – short and long term?

2. Do you do da i ly a f f i rma t i ons and e n s u r e y o u a r e committed to positive self-talk?

3. D o y o u t a k e c o m p l e t e 1 0 0 % responsibility of self a n d n e v e r l o o k externally or blame the external for your failures?

4. Do you fail and keep going constantly?

5. Do you continually i n v e s t i n y o u r ongoing education?

I actually have a list of 12 principles of success, but these 5 will definitely get you on track! If you would like more information, please go to my website to find out more about my Dream Team program. In it I completely explain how to do this for complete success, as well a s e x p l a i n 7 o t h e r important principles that you need to know.I wish you an amazing November, and trust you will ensure you do what you have to do to make 2012 your BEST YEAR EVER!!! To your success,

Natasha Althoff

Tash’s Training Tip - If not you... who? If not now... when?

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 15

Ebony Park TVWhat Do You Look For When You Are Buying a

Young Horse?

Click on the video above to play the movie - you will be taken to the

YouTube link so you must have an internet connection.

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 16

This month we have an update from Justine, who lives in Qld and who is now the lucky owner of 3/4 Friesian gelding Rocky (who she now calls Elkido) and purebred Friesian mare Daquiri (who is a bit younger and just broken in).

Hi Ebony Park Team,

I promised I would give you an update on the two fur kids by the end of the year, so here it is:

After having the first half of the year consistently washed out and being too wet to school the horses (the few attempts before the arena was completely dried led to both horses and I lying flat on the ground), we didn't seem to be getting anywhere. But now it's dry and I am hoping for rain...

Elkido: Elkido is going really well. I have enclosed a photo of his small achievements in the last year considering half a year was washed out (see top right). I am very pleased with him. Mind you, this is all unofficial still.

We have started competing novice, although we are still solidifying certain movements.

Halts are a bit shaky at the moment, as he has a habit of coming into a halt and resting a hind foot - so I have been insisting he stands on all four feet which has led to him to be a bit reactive at the halt, as well as the problem of going up the centreline... could mean leg yielding at any moment so he now keeps anticipating.

I did some tests last weekend. He got a 3rd in the 1D (62.5%), a 4th in the 2C ( 6 5 % ) a n d a third in the 2D (66.29%) on a very hot day.

He was really good (see links attached). It is always a pleasant surprise when you look at some of the competition around you and think boy some of them are good and you'll never get near them, but then you do even though you only remember what wasn't the best in the test. And they just looked perfect in the warmup area.

But as we are still only in training I didn't push him in the halt as I was just happy he got to x and he stood still (except for his head). He was also a bit reactive in the leg yielding to the right and the canter-walk-canter transition, which he was even stuffing up as I was warming up, so I just hoped for the best in the tests and I know what I have to work on...

Ebony Park Rockstar of the Month

Justine Murray with Elkido (Rocky) and Daquiri

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 17

h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ?v=GLaWCzDnLF4

h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ?v=G7SAdGoxsWw

Daquiri:Daquiri is coming along slowly. After not being able to do much with her over the first part of the year I was having lots of trouble with her as she was just trying to trot really fast all the time and panicked every time I asked her to canter... and just went faster and faster and then crop to a stop or change to a big friesian trot.

My arena has a slight downhill slope which makes it a bit more of a challenge as well. I was asking more of her as she has just turned four but it was not working. She was even starting to get stupid on the lunge. I was frustrated and just starting to think I had bitten off more than I could chew here as she is a big powerful horse.

I was ready to send her off to someone who could work it out of her.

However, I gave her three weeks off and cut her feed right back, removing anything heating that was going to make her fizzy.

Well, she seems to have turned a corner. I have slowed her to the pace I want her to work at for the moment.

I found a hill out in the bush they had recently graded which made for a great canter stretch.

The first time I took her she didn't know what to do with herself and she was all legs and bounds. But we have done it a few times and she nows enjoys the canter.

And the canter in the arena, I started with only asking for a few strides and back to trot and gradually built to to now where we can do a couple of circles (by the way, she can canter beautifully balanced for a long period on the lunge).

The canter is not perfect and she still throws her head a bit and tries to drop her shoulder etc., but she is at least not panicking anymore or cropping. I can now also go back to the trot and have her immediately rather than racing off in an out-of-control trot as she used to. We'll get there...


Hope all is well.

- Justine Murray

Ebony Park Rockstar of the Month

Justine Murray with Elkido (Rocky) and Daquiri

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 18

Well now is your chance…

Ebony Park is now offering lessons on our Medium Level purebred Friesian stallion, Ebony Park Jorrit. This is your chance to experience what riding a Friesian stallion is like, as well as learn some pretty cool dressage skills.

Jorrit is available for seat lessons – this is your opportunity to experience what the Friesian paces are like, and a great chance to learn how you can improve your seat to sit their gaits deeper and more effectively.

We also offer dressage lessons on Grand Prix schoolmaster and 1/2 Friesian gelding, The Carrock Tambo.

Lessons are conducted by new young horse rider and trainer, Kate Richmond, and are starting this month!

If you would like to book a lesson, click here to fill out the form on our website, or call Kate on 0422 227 364 for more information!

Have y! ever wanted a lesson on a F#esian?

“I cannot wait to come back to Ebony Park and to continue my riding journey at home as well”

“It has always been my dream to ride a Friesian stallion and having a foal by Jorrit I wanted to take the experience – I never thought I would have the chance!

I just want to say thankyou to the whole team at Ebony Park (but especially Loes and Jorrit!) for the amazing experience I had during my lesson at Ebony Park. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would get to sit on a Friesian stallion, let alone be able to

trot and canter, and learn so much that I can translate to my own horses and riding in the process.”

Kellie Mitchell, 2013

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 19

Ebony Park Gift Vouchers!

Stuck for a gift idea?

Ebony Park has the answer... why not gift an Ebony Park Friesian Experience!?!

Have you or someone you know ever:Dreamed of sitting on a Friesian stallion?Wanted beautiful photos of you with your dream black horse?Been curious to go behind the scenes of Ebony Park, meet all the horses and really see what we do every day with our Friesians?

The Ebony Park Friesian Experience will give you all this and more!

If this is the perfect present for you or someone you know, click here now to reserve your experience, and to find out more.

We will personalise the voucher

(example above) and send it to you

(express post if needed).

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 20

Photo Gallery

Above and Above right: Natasha at 7 months pregnant having cuddles with the pregnant

mares due in November (Above is Jantje, right is Dazzle).

Right and Below: Natasha riding Abe at 7 months pregnant! What a bond these two have!Below Right: Kate schmoozes with Venus and

her foal Vince before the photoshoot!!

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 21


We want to celebrate with you, any photos of you and your horse - they don’t have to be dressage photos, and they don’t have to be Friesian photos - just a photo of you

with your best friend! Just email your photo to [email protected] and we will

share it on this wall next month!

Sarah Ryan vaulting on ECIO Muriel Kavalier Below: Velia talking to Rachel

Above: The horse presentation at the 2013 National and CVI Vaulting

Competition in Sydney - Zia McLeod

Left: Here is an Updated photo of Laila 9 months old this weekend she's on the left ,nearly bigger then her mum already - Karen


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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 22

Victo!a of Ebony Park2014 Foal


Click here to

check out

footage of

Victoria and


Victoria has an amazing story – she was the first foal of Ebony Park Famke, one of our foundation mares, and the first purebred foal born here at Ebony Park. She was born 6 weeks early, and she was not expected to make it through her first 24 hours of life. However, as you can now see, she is a lovely 7yo mare, she is strong and healthy, and has the pride and carriage of her sire, Ebony Park Abe, coupled with the gentle nature of her dam, Ebony Park Famke. We are very proud to have her as part of our stud, as she is the only purebred progeny of Ebony Park Abe so far (we have more due this year!)

She has had two amazing foals so far to Ebony Park Jorrit - Onyx of Ebony Park and Shamika of Ebony Park (see pics) and we loved both of these gorgeous foals so much that we decided to breed her back to Jorrit for her 2014 foal!

Next years foal is available on one of our in utero payment plans, so if you like the look of her previous foals, click here to check out our payment plans now!



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Deja Vu of Ebony Park2014 Foal


Click here to

check out

Deja Vu and

Paris do their


Deja Vu of Ebony Park is one of our purebred Friesian broodmares, born right here at Ebony Park at the end of 2009. She is by 17.1HH stallion Ebony Park Elko, out of one of Natasha’s competition broodmares, Ebony Park Gjanna, who is around 15.3HH… but somehow the height genes have passed this gorgeous mare by! She is our little pocket rocket, and is super easy to handle, taking everything in her stride just like her parents.

Deja Vu had her first foal on the day she was due this year in August to Ebony Park Jorrit - Paris of Ebony Park (see photos). She has been bred to Abe this year for her 2014 foal - we are waiting on her pregnancy test! This foal will be available on one of our payment plans - click here to check out the payment plan page on our website!



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Our crossbred progeny are doing awesome things in the dressage world!:

EP Venus is our first crossbred Friesian by Ebony Park Jorrit born in 2009 right here at Ebony Park. This extremely friendly mare loves to come up for a scratch and a carrot – she has inherited her mother’s friendly nature, together with her sires magnificent movement.a scratch and a carrot – she has inherited her mother’s friendly nature, together wi th her s i res magnif icent movement. She had her first foal this year - Vince - who is by Elko and we absolutely adore!

Ebony Park is very excited to offer Venus as one of the broodmares on our in utero payment plans - we have bred to back to Elko again and we are waiting on a pregnancy test!. This foal will be available on one of our payment plans - click here to check out the payment plan page on our website!

Click here to

check out

Venus and

Vince strut

their stuff!

EP Venus - 2014 Foal


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Kate’s Kickass Tips!Hey guys,This month I thought I would let you in on the training I have been doing here at Ebony Park. Currently I am struggling with getting a steady and constant outside rein connection - how can something that sounds so simple be so difficult?! Simply holding the outside rein will not give you a solid connection that you need - you must push them onto it using your inside leg , while at the same time asking for bending and suppleness, always trying to get them to bend their ribcage around your inside leg… easier said than done! At the moment Milo (one of our young crossbred Friesians by Elko) and I are still figuring out how to get a constant outside rein connection... it has made turning very difficult!!If you were to listen to one of my training sessions with Natasha, you would be constantly hearing how I need more outside rein in order to control the shoulders. When I can control the sh ou lde rs, i t w i l l make t u r n ing , straightness and leg yield a lot easier. My next issue, due to a lack of an outside re in is control l ing Dante’s

sh ou lde rs i n t he canter. When we canter down the long s ide of the arena, his shoulders become very free - which allows him to constantly change leads in the front (the cheeky bugger!). This all comes back to that mysterious outside rein... in every horse I ride I am always trying to keep a solid outside rein. The easy part is g e t t i n g t h e h o rs e o n t o i t b u t maintaining it is the difficult thing.Natasha is always saying that my issues in my riding are all too common especially on the younger horses. I am learning to develop my skills as a rider to be able to feel issues in straightness and outside rein connection and be able to fix them quickly.I hope you enjoyed my article this month and it has given you some insight into your own riding!Send through any questions you may have to [email protected]!Until next time,


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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 26

5 Minutes with Sven Rothenberger

FACTSDOB: 1/06/1966

Country: Frankfurt, Germany

Weight: 88kg

Height: 190cm


Johann Hinnemann

Otto Hofer

S o u r c e : W i k i p e d i a , w w w . e u r o d r e s s a g e . c o m a n d www.exclus iveequines.com.au/a_j /jonggors_weyden.htm

The horse gene runs strong in Rothenberger's family. He won team gold with the German team in 1991 and became the European Champion on Andiamo. With his wife Gonnelien he won the silver medal in the Team Dressage Event at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia for Holland. In the Individual Competition Rothenberger won the bronze medal. Eight years later in Athens, Greece at the 2004 Summer Olympics, after having missed the Sydney Games (2000) with severe back problems, he finished in fourth place in the Team Event.

What Sven has to say about the horse he took to the 1996 Atlanta Olymics, Jonggor’s Weyden:Where did you find Weyden?

"That's a funny story. In 1995 in August at a show in Germany there was one really spectacular horse and he was always in the training arena at the same time that Weyden was being trained by Mr Fritz Stahlecker, and five dealers thought that I was running behind the other horse. I just let them think that. No-one thought about Weyden, and I said to myself, this is a stone that has to be cut and polished. I went to Mr Stahlecker and I said please sell me the horse, or let us make a deal. I think you have a jewel but no-one sees that at the moment.

"Mr Stahlecker is 70 years old, he runs a factory with 2,000 people working for him. He is a really straight and brave man. His daughter rode Weyden. She has three children, one of her children is handicapped, so she cannot leave her home more than 100 kilometres around. She cannot go to Wiesbaden or to Atlanta because of the situation. So I said to this man 'Look, what is your dream? You are 70 years old. What can be your dream? That every one in the world sees what good work you did with this horse? Sell him to me and there is a little chance that he will go to the Olympic Games. I always show with my horses, because I can change my way of riding to the horse, I don't say my way or no way and that's why I have had success with different horses from different trainers."

"I telephoned him two or three times and finally he said 'if you come now we will make that deal'. I drove at night to his place and at 11 o'clock in the riding hall I said, after only three times seeing this horse, I'll take him. He was not clipped, he had no shoes on, he never had a rug on and he was always trained in long reins from the ground - only once a week, Mr Stahlecker's daughter rode him.

"I cut this diamond, I polished it, and I gave him shoes, I cut his hair, I showed him how to breed, because we are breeding a lot of mares to him. To me he was like a young boy coming to the army. On with the shoes, cut the hair, and... lots of breeding."

It was an instant success with him?

"Directly. I took him to the first show, I won Grand Prix. I beat Donnerhall with 80 points... next show, I beat Isabell with Antony in Grand Prix...just Anky was in front of him...."

"He is a swinging, elastic, in the basics a totally correct, relaxed horse. A super walk, he is getting 10's for his walk. A super trot, it is very elastic. Really a good canter to make small or big - like an accordion you can go big or you can go very small.

"Weyden, he is like a soldier. Mr Stahlecker wrote 70 pages of how to handle Weyden. And I read that book. When you go in that box and you stand with your finger in front of Weyden and you say 'Weyden put your feet correctly together', he does."

Source: http://www.exclusiveequines.com.au/a_j/jonggors_weyden.htm

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 28Click here for

video of Jorrit!

Click here to visit Jorrit’s page on our website

Ebony Park Jor#t

Born 12/05/2003, 16.2hh, Jet Black imported Friesian ster stallion

By the Grand Prix Dutch Approved Dressage Friesian Jasper 366

Scored 82% for the IBOP (2009 Keuring)Foalbook ster stallion with a Current KFPS

Breeding Permit for 2013-2014Registration Number: 5280 0420 0305 315

Jorrit is an exceptional dressage stallion that made it through to the very prestigious 70 day performance test

for approved stallions.  In the performance test in Holland, Jorrit was within days of being approved as a

stallion but a muscle strain hindered his movement and was unfortunately eliminated late in the test. 

He was also awarded a breeding permit from the KFPS when they came out for the 2013 Keuring. This is only

awarded to very select Friesian stallions who possess the desired characteristics of the breed. There are only a few Friesian stallions in Australia that hold a current

KFPS permit, and Ebony Park is very proud to offer Ebony Park Jorrit to the discerning Friesian breeder. This permit is limited to only 20 mares so please book quickly and as

early as possible to avoid disappointment!

Photo by Nadeen Davis

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Ebony Park Friesian Magazine November 2013 29

Ebony Park Elko

Click here for video of Elko!

Unfortunately, due to a paddock injury to his knee, Elko is no longer able to be ridden, and has been retired from the competition arena.

Ebony Park is extremely disappointed and upset by this incident, however we are very happy that he is still able to be bred, and has still retained his breeding permit (not something to be taken

lightly, as the KFPS are very strict about awarding breeding permits!). When Elko

was able to be ridden he was destined to be Natasha’s Olympic Grand Prix horse.

He had everything! Three amazing paces, the desire and trainable

temperament, and was quick to learn and improve. In his short career he scored up to

72% in preliminary and gained 44 grading points qualifying him for the 2006 Australian Dressage Championships in Novice in

only 2 months of competition.Born 21/04/2001, 17.1hh, jet black

imported Friesian ster stallionBy the Champion Approved licensed Dutch

Friesian Stallion Teunis 332Foalbook ster stallion with a Current KFPS

Breeding Permit for 2013-2014Registration Number: 5280 0420 0120 011

Click here to visit Elko’s page on our website

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Ebony Park AbeAbe has had consistent results of over 62% at the Inter I

level, and currently competing and winning at the Grand Prix level in 2012 with scores over 60%, improving with each competition! Early in his

career Abe was the horse to beat in Novice bringing home 3 Novice Championships with

scores up to 71%. He also took home an Advanced Championship in 2008 and competed and qualified for

the prestigious Dressage with the stars in the PSG and Inter I Kur in March 2010.

Abe is now establishing himself in Grand Prix and he hasn’t disappointed. His piaffe/passage is amazing and

we are now waiting for him to develop the strength to catch up. This horse is destined for a legendary Grand Prix career. Ebony Park Abe is an exceptional stallion to

ride. He is powerful and responsive and carries you through any situation with pride and attitude.

To ride him is pure joy! He is solid, strong and powerful! Abe takes you into a test almost like a war horse taking you into battle. He is proud, noble and loves to show off

and be the centre of attention.

Click here for video of Abe!

Born 29/03/2000, 16.2hh, jet black imported Friesian ster stallion.

First Friesian stallion in Australasia to compete and win at Grand Prix level in

dressage.Abe has been awarded the sports predicate

from the KFPS. He is the first stallion in Australia to achieve the award due to his

outstanding results in the dressage arena.By the Champion Approved licensed Dutch

Friesian Stallion Anne 340Registration Number: 5280 0420 0010

Click here to visit Abe’s page on our website

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Click here for video of Zeus!

Zeus is Elko’s first son that we have bred, and we have eagerly been waiting the years until he was old enough to work. At 5 1/2 he is already competing in Elementary level

dressage, with scores over 68% and a Medium start expected late 2013!

Zeus is a delight to work with, having an exceptional canter just like his father, and a swinging, easy trot. He is still taking time to mature with some growing to do, but in

another year we are so excited to see where this boy is at! He has inherited the beautiful, willing Friesian temperament from both sire and dam.

This will be Zeus’s third season standing at stud, with his first lot of gorgeous babies born last year, and a wonderful opportunity for people to get access to Elko’s


Zeus of Ebony Park

Born 22/11/2007, 16hh, jet black Friesian BBook1 stallion.

By our imported Friesian stallion (who has a breeding permit) Elko van der Woalderhoeve

Registration Number: AU0360 0420 0706 076

Click here to visit Zeus’ page on our


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Click here for

video of Dante!

Click here to visit Dante’s page on our website

Ebony Park Dante

Born 21/04/2008, 16.2hh, Jet Black imported Friesian stallion (in utero)

By the Champion Approved licensed Dutch Dressage Friesian Stallion Norbert 444

Foalbook stallionRegistration Number: 0360 0420 0905 604

Dante is by Champion dutch stallion Norbert 444, who has won the prestigious Friesian Stallion Show in Holland for the last 2 years in a row – 2012 and 2013. We imported

his gorgeous mother, Ebony Park Jantje from Holland, and within 2 months of his birth, Jantje

was competed by Natasha, with three floating paces and one of the easiest horses to ride! Dante

looks to be a superb mixture of sire and dam – he is solid, strong and powerful, at the same time being

easy and willing to train.

Natasha says this stallion is the definition of ‘easy’ – you get on and do nothing, and the horse performs

exactly how you want underneath you. To handle he is quiet and obliging. He has great bloodlines and breed

potential, and we can’t wait to breed him for the first time this year for some gorgeous foals in


Dante was competed for the first time in February 2013 in Preliminary dressage – and what a superstar! It was his

first time out ever, and he took it all in his stride, coming home with over 62%! We can’t wait to see what he does in

the future on the dressage arena!

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To stay up to date and in the know with all things Ebony Park, connect with us on Facebook!

CONTACT USAddress: 611 Belgrave-Hallam Road, Narre Warren East VIC 3804Website: www.ebonyparkstud.com.auEmail: [email protected] Phone: 0422 227 364 or 03 9796 8690

Ebony Park does not assume any responsibility or liability for any loss or

damage which may result from any inaccuracy or omissions in this magazine, or from the use of information contained

herein, and we make no warranties, express or applied with respect to any of

the material contained herein.

Narre Warren

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