ebenezer · pdf fileebenezer news the residents committee exists to provide, promote and...

Ebenezer News The Residents Committee exists to provide, promote and foster a Christ centred relaxed, stable, and peaceful atmosphere in the Ebenezer Christian Retirement Village for both Residents and Management. September-October 2017 Brian and Denise with Ray Martin and Ken Duncan at his gallery on the NSW Central Coast recently. Ken is a devout Christian doing fantastic work with our indigenous people. Through the Walk a While Foundation, Ken is establishing a creative technologies centre in Central Australia to equip aboriginal youth in remote communities with tools and skills in creative arts to improve their future employment opportunities. Master Class The King George River in WA plunges over an ancient sandstone cliff of King George Falls into the still waters of the river below a truly astounding spectacle. Ken Duncan at work Brian and Denise were privileged to meet Ken Duncan at his photograhic Gallery on the NSW Central Coast whilst on holiday in July. Recognised internationally as a gifted landscape photographer, Ken still chooses to describe himself as an average photographer with a Great God - merely an interpreter of God’s creation.The most notable of the many accolades received was the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in 2009, Gosford City Citizen of the Year, 2009 and The Gold Tripod - the Australia’s highest photographic award. Ken’s photography of World Heritage Areas such as Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef has helped raise awareness of the need to protect Australia’s amazing natural resources. Although best known for his award winning reporting and interviewing skills, Ray has spent as much time taking photographs. His first major photographic exhibition - Rays World was hosted in Ken Duncan’s Gallery in July. What excites me about Ray’s photography is that he doesn’t allow himself to get bound up technically’ says Ken. He keeps it simple and gets stunning shots’. Ray was one of the founding journalists of Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes program in 1978. During his illustrious career in television, he was awarded 5 gold logies for most popular personality on Australian television. He was awarded the Centenary Medal in 2001 and was appointed Member of the Order of Australia in 2010 for his journalism career & charity work. Editors have examples for viewing & ordering Christmas Gift Suggestion Ken Duncan’s exquisite calendars make the ideal Christmas gift for family and friends. Every new edition is more beautiful than the last - a product of unrivalled quality. The 2018 Scripture Calendar presents 13 superb panoramic images, each accompanied by carefully selected Bible verses. A similar calendar entitled Chasing the Light has inspirational quotations. Only $15 This is just one of the many Panographs by the iconic photographer - Ken Duncan Order online www.kenduncan.com Light on a Hill Congratulations to Liliana and Henk for the publication of Light on a Hill - the remarkable journey of our Ebe- nezer Christian Retirement Village. This much antici- pated booklet was launched on 5 August in our com- munity hall. The event was well attended. Booklets are available at $20 each. All proceeds will be donated to charity. Henk van der Ree Liliana van der Zypp Our incredible journey Quantity discounts apply Ray Martin will be hosting ‘Look me in the eye’ on SBS commencing at 8.30pm on 6 September CONGRATULATIONS Our Golden Oldies 20 years occupancy in the Village Henk van der Ree, Nel and Roel ten Hoopen were recognised for having resided in the Village for 20 years, at a special coffee morning on Monday 3 July. The gathering was entertained by Holke on the organ and Jerry singing two Irish numbers. Theresia and Pat played the guitar to the singing of the Village song composed by Theresia Baird. All three contributed to the life of the village in a variety of ways including car boot and cake sales. Roel was recognised for his cooking skills over many years at village evening gatherings like Christmas dinners. His hobby is wood working and his work was on display on the day. He crafted and donated the wall clock in the Hall. Roel’s daily strolls through the village wearing his trademark Akubra hat often resulted in a chinwag with anyone he sees and is known to colour his English with his native Dutch, but he gets his point across nevertheless. Nel was secretary of the residents committee for many years. She contributed to the village newsletter regularly as the Village Scribe. She is renowned for her delightful stories and poems recited at village happenings. Henk van der Ree and his late wife Joop were founding members of the Village Association. Henk served on the Committee of Management and on the Residents Committee for many years. Both Henk and Joop were awarded life membership of the Village Association for their dedication. They won the competition choosing the name Ebenezer for our village. Henk is also an accomplished artist who has displayed his art work on many a day. Dance like nobody is watching you Henk Nel Roel Jerry Theresia & Pat Holke Editors - Brian & Denise Krull "When sorrows like sea billows roll ... It is well with my soul”, were not written during the happiest period of Spafford's life. On the contrary, they came from a man who had suffered almost unimaginable personal tragedy. The Spafford’s only son died of scarlet fever at the age of four. Horatio had invested heavily in real estate on the shores of Lake Michigan. In 1871, every one of these holdings was wiped out by the "Great Chicago Fire". Aware of the toll that these disasters had taken on the family, Horatio decided to take his wife and four daughters on a holiday to England. And, not only did they need the rest but D.L. Moody, who was preaching in England, needed the help. He was traveling around Britain on one of his great evangelistic campaigns. Horatio and Anna planned to join Moody in late 1873. And so, the Spafford’s travelled to New York in November, from where they were to catch the French steamer Ville de Havre across the Atlantic. Yet just before they set sail, a last-minute business development forced Horatio to delay. Not wanting to ruin the family holiday, Spafford persuaded his family to go as planned. He would follow on later. With this decided, Anna and her four daughters sailed East to Europe while Spafford returned West to Chicago. Just nine days later, Spafford received a telegram from his wife in Wales. It read - "Saved alone." Anna was rescued but her 4 daughters perished. On 2 November 1873, the Ville de Havre had collided with The Lochearn, an English vessel. It sank in minutes, claiming the lives of 226 people. Upon hearing the terrible news, Horatio Spafford boarded the next ship out of New York to join his bereaved wife. During Horatio’s voyage, the captain of the ship had called him to the bridge. "A careful reckoning has been made", he said, "and I believe we are now passing the place where the Ville de Havre was wrecked. The water is three miles deep." Horatio then returned to his cabin and penned the lyrics of this great hymn. History of the famous hymn It is well with my soul Composed by Horatio Spafford REMEMBER to check our Notice Boards regularly Denise and I got back to a rude awakening when we returned from our extended holiday up north. The frost may have decimated many plants in our gardens BUT don’t despair. This is nature’s way of pruning. Cutting promotes growth. We will be amazed at how many of the damaged plants will come back to life Thank you Wil, for sharing your life’s journey with us all. We have got to know you so much better. Thank you too, John for your contribution to our last newsletter. You are all encouraged to share your stories. After all, this is your newsletter. You may have noticed the increased activity in our village over the past couple of months. The dense bushes were cut out of our southern boundary fence line and the neighbour’s trees cut back as they were damaging our fence. This opened up the area which will now be planted up with smaller native bushes which will be more attractive and also bring the birds back. Enjoy the warmer weather which will soon be on its way. Happy days From the Chairman’s Desk Residents Committee Chairman Brian Krull 8751 5831 Vice Chairman John Blik 9785 6695 Secretary Denise Krull 8751 5831 Treasurer Marie Bolitho 9776 5886 Events/Care Theresia Baird 9789 6003 Residents John Blik 9785 6695 Social Maureen Gobel 9789 1684 Diane & Jerry being interviewed Brian & Denise Krull HAPPY BIRTHDAY We wish the following Residents many blessings on their special day September October 1 Heika Nomes 1 Theresia Baird 4 Harry Ketelaar 5 Ina Sannen 13 Eva van Schaijk 15 Bert Kruiskamp 13 Brenda Ogilvie 20 Ria de Boer 18 Jannie Dijkman 24 John Ogilvie 29 Coby Hill 26 Rosemary Vine It takes a long time to become young Pablo Picasso Jerry Bill Brian Don This is a new photo taken by the Hubble telescope. Scientists do not know what it is yet …… but they are calling it - HEAVEN’S GATE Josie Bep Maureen Agnes Residents seen enjoying fellowship and fun at Happy Hour on Friday evenings If you would like to receive this news- letter electronically, leave your email address in the Editors postbox no 55 Hush. Can you hear it ? The rustling in the grass Bringing you the welcome news Winter’s day is past Soft. Can you feel it ? The warm caressing breeze Telling you the sticky buds Are bursting on the trees Look. Can you see them ? The primrose in the lane Now you must believe it SPRING IS HERE AGAIN SPRING is here again The affordable pool for retirees Our thoughts and prayers are with all our residents who are lonely, experiencing ill health and recuperating from surgery Message - Pastor Lourens Nel Langwarrin Christian Reformed Church\ I am again privileged to write a devotion for your Newsletter and want to use the opportunity to encourage you. We are especially sad when we see how dear friends of many years are struggling with their health or when they exchange their earthly dwelling with the eternal dwelling. We think especially of those dear friends who passed away. The Apostle Paul longed and groaned in 2 Cor. 5:1-3 to go to the eternal house of God: “For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling, if indeed by putting it on we may not be found naked.” Paul describes that the human life is like an earthly tent, that is only temporally and longing and groaning, he calls out his desire to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling. Jesus asks from us faith. Faith in times of insecurity and death. Because what can frighten us more than death itself ? What should we believe ? For us this human body and this life is just temporally, like to live in a tent but our true home is with God, eternally. For God - death is never a tragedy, death is rather the beginning of a new life ! And when it is time to die, He takes us to our place of rest which Jesus prepared for us. “He who has prepared us for this very thing is God” the apostle Paul tells us in 2 Cor. 5:5, and when he thought of his own life, his repentance, his life as an apostle and as a witness for Je- sus, his sufferings but also his rejoicing in the Lord, then he knows, the Lord was busy to prepare him for his heavenly inheritance. The Lord is also preparing us every day. In John. 14:3 Jesus promised: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” But He also sent His Spirit as our comfort who will wipe our tears away. His Spirit strengthen us, lead us in prayer and is our Witness through the Word of God that Jesus is our Saviour. Are you ready ? Shalom Lourens This Newsletter is printed courtesy of our State Member for Hastings - Neale Burgess MP COME and PLAY Beginners are welcome. Come and learn to play new games and join in the fun over a cuppa and bikkies. A traffic Policeman recently stopped a man for exceeding the posted speed limit. He asked the driver his name. He said - "I'm Mr. Ladislav Abdulkhashim Zybkcicraznovskaya from the Republic of Uzbekistan." The cop put away his summons book and pen, and said, "Well... OK... but don't let me catch you speeding again." A booklet was put into your post boxes detailing the fantastic program of interesting and diverse events offered to Seniors. Look and Talk about the events you would like to attend and hopefully we can go to some of these as a group. OCTOBER is SENIORS MONTH in Frankston This is a program of low cost yet high quality events designed just for our age group Ebenezer Theatre During the cold weather, movies are screened at 2pm on Fridays. However, this will change to accommodate those who are not able to come at this time. Thank you to Pat Webb for lending us movies from her extensive collection of DVDs. WATCH the NOTICEBOARD for future screenings. Gold Coin Donation MAHJONG Diabetes is the epidemic of the 21st century and the biggest challenge confronting Australia’s health system. 280 Australians develop diabetes every day That is one person every 5 minutes Around 1.7 million Australians have diabetes More than 100,000 Australians have developed diabetes in the past year Langwarrin Discount Drug Store DIABETES HEALTH CLINIC will be conducted at the pharmacy on Thursday 21 September 2017 Book your one-on-one appointment with pharmacist Wael Hanna Tel 9785 9188 LANGWARRIN We hope to see you there Watch the Notice board

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Page 1: Ebenezer · PDF fileEbenezer News The Residents Committee exists to provide, promote and foster a Christ centred relaxed, stable, and peaceful atmosphere in the Ebenezer Christian

Ebenezer News

The Residents Committee exists to provide, promote and foster a Christ centred relaxed, stable, and peaceful atmosphere in the Ebenezer Christian Retirement Village for both Residents and Management.

September-October 2017

Brian and Denise with Ray Martin and Ken Duncan at his gallery on the NSW Central Coast recently. Ken is a devout Christian doing fantastic work with our indigenous people. Through the Walk a While Foundation, Ken is establishing a creative technologies centre in Central Australia to equip aboriginal youth in remote communities with tools and skills in creative arts to improve their future employment opportunities.

Master Class

The King George River in WA plunges over an ancient sandstone cliff of King George Falls

into the still waters of the river below a truly astounding spectacle.

Ken Duncan at work

Brian and Denise were privileged to meet Ken Duncan at his photograhic Gallery on the NSW Central Coast whilst on holiday in July.

Recognised internationally as a gifted landscape photographer, Ken still chooses to

describe himself as “an average photographer with a Great God - merely an

interpreter of God’s creation.” The most notable of the many accolades received

was the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in 2009, Gosford City Citizen of the

Year, 2009 and The Gold Tripod - the Australia’s highest photographic award.

Ken’s photography of World Heritage Areas such as Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef has helped

raise awareness of the need to protect Australia’s amazing natural resources.

Although best known for his award winning reporting and interviewing skills, Ray has spent as much time taking photographs. His first major photographic exhibition - Rays World was hosted in Ken Duncan’s Gallery in July. ‘What excites me about Ray’s photography is that he doesn’t allow himself to get

bound up technically’ says Ken. ‘He keeps it

simple and gets stunning shots’. Ray was one of the founding journalists of Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes program in 1978. During his illustrious career in television, he was awarded 5 gold logies for most popular personality on Australian television. He was awarded the Centenary Medal in 2001 and was appointed Member of the Order of Australia in 2010 for his journalism career & charity work.

Editors have examples for viewing & ordering

Christmas Gift Suggestion

Ken Duncan’s exquisite calendars make the ideal Christmas gift for family and friends. Every new edition is more beautiful than the last - a product of unrivalled quality. The 2018 Scripture Calendar presents 13 superb panoramic images, each accompanied by carefully selected Bible verses. A similar calendar entitled Chasing the Light has

inspirational quotations.



This is just one of the many Panographs by the iconic photographer - Ken Duncan

Order online www.kenduncan.com

Light on a Hill Congratulations to Liliana and Henk for the publication of

Light on a Hill - the remarkable journey of our Ebe-nezer Christian Retirement Village. This much antici-pated booklet was launched on 5 August in our com-munity hall. The event was well attended. Booklets

are available at $20 each. All proceeds will be donated to charity. Henk van der Ree Liliana van der Zypp

Our incredible journey

Quantity discounts apply



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Our Golden Oldies

20 years occupancy in the Village

Henk van der Ree, Nel and Roel ten Hoopen were recognised for having resided in the Village for 20 years, at a special coffee morning on Monday 3 July.

The gathering was entertained by Holke on the organ and Jerry singing two Irish numbers. Theresia and Pat played the guitar to the singing of the Village song composed by Theresia Baird. All three contributed to the life of the village in a variety of ways including car boot and cake sales.

Roel was recognised for his cooking skills over many years at village evening gatherings like Christmas dinners. His hobby is wood working and his work was on display on the day. He crafted and donated the wall clock in the Hall.

Roel’s daily strolls through the village wearing his trademark Akubra hat often resulted in a chinwag with anyone he sees and is known to colour his English with his native Dutch, but he gets his point across nevertheless.

Nel was secretary of the residents committee for many years. She contributed to the village newsletter regularly as the Village Scribe. She is renowned for her delightful stories and poems recited at village happenings.

Henk van der Ree and his late wife Joop were founding members of the Village Association. Henk served on the Committee of

Management and on the Residents Committee for many years. Both Henk and Joop were awarded life membership of the Village

Association for their dedication. They won the competition choosing the name Ebenezer for our village. Henk is also an accomplished

artist who has displayed his art work on many a day.


like nobody is watching you

Henk Nel Roel

Jerry Theresia & Pat Holke

Editors - Brian & Denise Krull

"When sorrows like sea billows roll ... It is well with my soul”, were not written during the happiest period of Spafford's life. On the contrary, they came from a man who had suffered almost unimaginable personal tragedy. The Spafford’s only son died of scarlet fever at the age of four. Horatio had invested heavily in real estate on the shores of Lake Michigan. In 1871, every

one of these holdings was wiped out by the "Great Chicago Fire". Aware of the toll that these disasters had taken on the family, Horatio decided to take his wife and four daughters on a holiday to England. And, not only did they need the

rest but D.L. Moody, who was preaching in England, needed the help. He was traveling around Britain on one of his great evangelistic campaigns. Horatio and Anna planned to join Moody in late 1873. And so, the Spafford’s travelled to New York in November, from where they were to catch the French steamer Ville de Havre across the Atlantic. Yet just before they set sail, a last-minute business development forced Horatio to delay. Not wanting to ruin the family holiday, Spafford persuaded his family to go as planned. He would follow on later. With this decided, Anna and her four daughters sailed East to Europe while Spafford returned West to Chicago. Just nine days later, Spafford received a telegram from his wife in Wales. It read - "Saved alone." Anna was rescued but her 4 daughters perished. On 2 November 1873, the Ville de Havre had collided with The Lochearn, an English vessel. It sank in minutes, claiming the lives of 226 people. Upon hearing the terrible news, Horatio Spafford boarded the next ship out of New York to join his bereaved wife.

During Horatio’s voyage, the captain of the ship had called him to the bridge. "A careful reckoning has been made", he said, "and I believe we are now passing the place where the Ville de Havre was wrecked. The water is three miles deep." Horatio then returned to his cabin and penned the lyrics of this great hymn.

History of the famous hymn

It is well with my soul

Composed by Horatio Spafford

REMEMBER to check our Notice Boards


Denise and I got back to a rude

awakening when we returned

from our extended holiday up

north. The frost may have

decimated many plants in our gardens BUT don’t

despair. This is nature’s way of pruning. Cutting promotes growth. We

will be amazed at how many of the damaged plants will come back to life

Thank you Wil, for sharing your life’s journey with us all. We have got to

know you so much better. Thank you too, John for your contribution to

our last newsletter. You are all encouraged to share your stories.

After all, this is your newsletter.

You may have noticed the increased activity in

our village over the past couple of months.

The dense bushes were cut out of our southern

boundary fence line and the neighbour’s trees

cut back as they were damaging our fence.

This opened up the area which will now be

planted up with smaller native bushes which will

be more attractive and also bring the birds back.

Enjoy the warmer weather which will soon

be on its way.

Happy days

From the Chairman’s Desk Residents Committee

Chairman Brian Krull 8751 5831 Vice Chairman John Blik 9785 6695 Secretary Denise Krull 8751 5831 Treasurer Marie Bolitho 9776 5886 Events/Care Theresia Baird 9789 6003 Residents John Blik 9785 6695 Social Maureen Gobel 9789 1684

Diane & Jerry being interviewed

Brian & Denise Krull


We wish the following Residents

many blessings on their special day

September October

1 Heika Nomes 1 Theresia Baird 4 Harry Ketelaar 5 Ina Sannen 13 Eva van Schaijk 15 Bert Kruiskamp 13 Brenda Ogilvie 20 Ria de Boer 18 Jannie Dijkman 24 John Ogilvie 29 Coby Hill 26 Rosemary Vine It takes a long time to become young

Pablo Picasso

Jerry Bill Brian Don

This is a new photo taken by the Hubble telescope. Scientists do not know what it is yet …… but they are calling it - HEAVEN’S GATE

Josie Bep Maureen Agnes Residents seen enjoying fellowship and fun at Happy Hour on Friday evenings

If you would like to receive this news-letter electronically, leave your email address in the Editors postbox no 55

Hush. Can you hear it ? The rustling in the grass

Bringing you the welcome news

Winter’s day is past

Soft. Can you feel it ? The warm caressing breeze Telling you the sticky buds Are bursting on the trees

Look. Can you see them ? The primrose in the lane Now you must believe it


SPRING is here again

The affordable pool for retirees

Our thoughts and prayers are with all our residents who are lonely, experiencing ill health and recuperating from surgery

Message - Pastor Lourens Nel Langwarrin Christian Reformed


I am again privileged to write a devotion for your Newsletter and want to use the opportunity to encourage you. We are especially sad when we see how dear friends of many years are struggling with their health or when they exchange their earthly dwelling with the eternal dwelling. We think especially of those dear friends who passed away. The Apostle Paul longed and groaned in 2 Cor. 5:1-3 to go to the eternal house of God: “For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling, if indeed by putting it on we may not be found naked.”

Paul describes that the human life is like an earthly tent, that is only temporally and longing and groaning, he calls out his desire to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling.

Jesus asks from us faith. Faith in times of insecurity and death. Because what can frighten us more than death

itself ? What should we believe ? For us this human body and this life is just temporally, like to live in a tent but our true home is with God, eternally. For God - death is never a tragedy, death is rather the beginning of a new life ! And when it is time to die, He takes us to our place of rest which Jesus prepared for us. “He who has prepared us for this very thing is God” the apostle Paul tells us in 2 Cor. 5:5, and when he thought of his own life, his repentance, his life as an apostle and as a witness for Je-sus, his sufferings but also his rejoicing in the Lord, then he knows, the Lord was busy to prepare him for his heavenly inheritance. The Lord is also preparing us every day. In John. 14:3 Jesus promised: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” But He also sent His Spirit as our comfort who will wipe our tears away. His Spirit strengthen us, lead us in prayer and is our Witness through the Word of God that Jesus is our Saviour. Are you ready ?

Shalom Lourens


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Beginners are welcome. Come and learn to play new games and join in the fun over a cuppa and bikkies.

A traffic Policeman recently stopped a man for exceeding the posted speed limit. He asked the

driver his name. He said - "I'm Mr. Ladislav Abdulkhashim Zybkcicraznovskaya from the

Republic of Uzbekistan." The cop put away his summons book and pen, and said, "Well... OK...

but don't let me catch you speeding again."

A booklet was put into your post boxes detailing the fantastic program of interesting and diverse events offered to Seniors. Look and Talk about the events you would like to attend and hopefully we can go to some of these as a group.


SENIORS MONTH in Frankston

This is a program of low cost yet high

quality events designed just for our

age group

Ebenezer Theatre

During the cold weather, movies are screened at 2pm on Fridays. However, this will change to accommodate those who are not able to come at this time. Thank you to Pat Webb for lending us movies from her extensive collection of DVDs. WATCH the NOTICEBOARD for future screenings.

Gold Coin Donation


Diabetes is the epidemic of the 21st century and the biggest challenge confronting Australia’s health system.

280 Australians develop diabetes every day That is one person every 5 minutes

Around 1.7 million Australians have diabetes

More than 100,000 Australians have developed diabetes in the past year

Langwarrin Discount Drug Store

DIABETES HEALTH CLINIC will be conducted at the pharmacy on

Thursday 21 September 2017 Book your one-on-one appointment with pharmacist

Wael Hanna Tel 9785 9188


We hope to see you there Watch the Notice board