eating out en francais


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Basic vocabulary for all who want to visit any restaurant :).


Page 1: Eating Out en Francais
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Eating outen français

Page 3: Eating Out en Francais
Page 4: Eating Out en Francais

Eating outen français

General EditorSimon Collin

French EditorFrançoise Laurendeau

A & C Black � London

Page 5: Eating Out en Francais

First published in Great Britain 2003Reprinted 2005

A & C Black Publishers Ltd37 Soho Square, London W1D 3QZ

© Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2003© A & C Black Publishers Ltd 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform or by any means without the permission of the publishers.

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 0 7136 7605 1 eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0196-4

Text Production and ProofreadingDaisy Jackson

A & C Black uses paper produced with elemental chlorine-free pulp,harvested from managed sustainable forests.

Text processed and computer typeset by A & C BlackPrinted and bound in Italy by Legoprint

Page 6: Eating Out en Francais


Introduction 7Types of restaurant 7Closing times 8Tipping 8Public holidays in France 8Booking 8Meal times 9Rating schemes 9

Useful French phrases 10Menu 10Getting to a restaurant 13Ordering 13

V Useful phrases for vegetarians 15Useful phrases for people onspecial diets etc. 16Drinks 16Complaints 17Paying 18Numbers 18

French-English menu dictionary 19

English-French menu dictionary 73

Wines and spirits 121Wine regions 122Wine glossary 127

French cheeses 135

Page 7: Eating Out en Francais


If you have ever ordered from a menu written in French withoutbeing completely sure what you were asking for, then you need thispocket dictionary!

We have compiled this book to provide an essential pocketcompanion for any traveller who likes to know what they are orderingand eating. And unlike many other dictionaries, the text is fullybilingual – to and from English, so that you can easily translate amenu or ask for a favourite dish or a particular ingredient.We haveincluded nearly 2,000 dishes and ingredients, with special chapters onwine and French cheeses (an essential part of any French meal).

This pocket book is structured in four main sections:

• English-French menu dictionary

• French-English menu dictionary

• French wines and wine terms

• French cheeses

The dictionary includes several pages of useful phrases. These havebeen selected to help you to find a restaurant, ask for the table thatyou want, order your meal, pay the bill – and, if necessary, complain.

We have also included helpful phrases for vegetarians, whotraditionally have a difficult time eating out in France (where baconand chicken are not always thought of as ‘meat’!). Phrases to coverspecial diets are also included.

Finally, as you travel you will doubtless find new local dishes andlocal names for ingredients – in our experience, this is particularly sowith local names for different types of fish. If you find interestingnew terms that are not in this book, we would love to hear from you;please let us know and we will try and include the terms in futureeditions. Send any new terms (or comments on local variations ofexpressions) to: [email protected]

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Types of restaurantune auberge hotel-restaurant, usually in

the countryun bar serves alcoholic drinksun bistrot café-restaurant, serves drinks

and simple mealsune brasserie café-restaurant, choice of

beer and simple mealsun café serves alcoholic drinks and

coffee, some serve ice creamun café-restaurant serves alcoholic drinks,

serves mealsune cafétéria self-service restaurant

providing simple mealsun restaurant proper dining room; quality

can varyun restaurant d’autoroute motorway restaurant, often a

cafeteriaun restaurant gastronomique high quality food, though

sometimes no choice of menu,often more expensive

un salon de thé shop selling cakes with a fewtables to have tea or coffee


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Closing timesAs shops tend to shut abruptly for lunch, so, oddly, do somerestaurants. Many smaller restaurants have a weekly closure timetable(fermeture hebdomadaire) – closing, commonly, on Sunday andMonday.

TippingTipping is relatively straightforward: bills are often stamped ‘s.t.c.’(service, taxes, compris) and it means what it says – all service andtaxes included. The only exception perhaps is to leave the smallchange in the saucer at a bar (if you are eating at the bar rather than ata table).

Public holidays in France (jours fériés)New Year’s DayEaster Sunday and MondayLabour Day, 1 MayVE Day, 8 MayAscension DayWhit Sunday and MondayFrance’s National Day (Bastille Day), 14 JulyThe Assumption, 15 AugustAll Saints’ Day, 1 NovemberArmistice Day, 11 NovemberChristmas Day

BookingIf any of the national holidays above are part of your holiday, youshould book well ahead for a place in a restaurant. Outside Paris, youshould also book in advance for Sunday lunch, when large familiessettle down soon after mid-day to enjoy a long, noisy lunch. Anddon’t imagine you can squeeze in for a second sitting: except forsome Parisian or tourist-driven restaurants, there is no such thing.


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Meals and eating times07:00 – 09:00 petit déjeuner breakfast12:00 – 14:00 déjeuner lunch19:30 – 22:30 dîner dinner

Restaurant rating schemesToques (chef’s hats) (five toques = de luxe, one toque = fourth-class);Michelin stars (three-stars = exceptional, one-star = very good)


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Useful French Phrases

MenuMenus are usually split into five sections:potage or hors-d’oeuvre soup or starterentrée first courseplat principal main coursefromage cheese coursedessert dessert

Shorter menus might have just three sections:entrée first courseplat principal main coursedessert dessert


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Getting to a restaurantCan you recommend a good Quel restaurant nousrestaurant? recommandez-vous?I would like to reserve a table for J’aimerais réserver une tablethis evening pour ce soirDo you have a table for three/four Avez-vous une table pourpeople? trois/quatre (personnes)?We would like the table for Nous aimerions réserver une8 o’clock table pour 20 heuresCould we have a table …? Auriez-vous une table de

libre …?by the window près de la fenêtreoutside dehors/à l’extérieuron the terrace sur la terrassein the non-smoking area dans la section non-fumeursin the smoking area dans la section fumeurs

What time do you open? A quelle heure ouvrez-vous?Could you order a taxi for me? Pourriez-vous me faire venir

un taxi?

OrderingWaiter/waitress! Monsieur! / Mademoiselle!What do you recommend? Que nous proposez-vous?What are the specials of the day? Quels sont les plats du

jour?Is this the fixed-price menu? C’est le menu à prix fixe?Can we see the à-la-carte menu? Vous avez aussi un menu à la

carte?Is this fresh? Est-ce frais?Is this local? Est-ce une spécialité de la

région?I would like a/an … J’aimerais un/une…Could I/we have … please? Pourriez-vous me/nous

donner…an ashtray un cendrierthe bill l’additionour coats nos manteaux


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a cup une tassea fork une fourchettea glass un verrea knife un couteauthe menu le menua napkin une serviettea plate une assiettea spoon une cuillèrea toothpick un cure-dentsthe wine list la carte des vins

May I have some …? J’aimerais avoir …Pourriez-vous m’apporter …?

bread du painbutter du beurreice de la glace(slice of) lemon une tranche de citronmilk du laitpepper du poivresalt du selsugar du sucrewater de l’eau

I would like it … Je le/la préférerais …Je l’aimerais …

baked cuit(e) au fourfried frit(e)grilled grillé(e)poached poché(e)smoked fumé(e)steamed (cuit(e)) à la vapeurboiled cuit(e) à l’eau/à l’anglaiseroast rôti(e)very rare bleurare saignant(e)medium à point/rosewell-done bien cuit(e)


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Useful phrases for vegetariansI am … Je suis …

vegetarian végétarien (-ienne)lacto-ovo-vegetarian lacto-ovo-végétarien

(-ienne)lacto-vegetarian lacto-végétarien (-ienne)vegan végétalien (-ienne)

I don’t eat … Je ne mange pas …I don’t eat meat, pork or chicken Je ne mange pas de viande,

de porc ou de pouletI don’t eat fish Je ne mange pas de poissonI eat eggs, milk and cheese Je mange des oeufs, du lait et

du fromageI don’t eat eggs, milk or cheese Je ne mange pas d’oeufs, de

lait ou de fromageI don’t eat suet/lard/dripping Je ne mange pas de suif/de

saindoux/de graisse deviande

Do you have any vegetarian Avez-vous des platsdishes? végétariens?Is there a vegetarian restaurant Y a-t-il un restaurantnear here? végétarien près d’ici?Is this cheese made with rennet? Ce fromage est-il fabriqué

avec de la présure animale?Do you have a rennet-free cheese? Auriez-vous des fromages

sans présure?Do you serve this dish without Pourriez-vous préparer cemeat/eggs/cheese? plat sans viande/oeufs/

fromage?Does this sauce/soup contain Est-ce que cette sauce/soupebeef/chicken/fish/meat stock? contient du bouillon de

boeuf/poulet/poisson/viande?Does this dish contain Est-ce que ce plat contient degelatine/aspic? la gélatine/de l’aspic?Does this contain organic C’est bien un platingredients? biologique?Do you use GM foods/MSG? Utilisez-vous des aliments

GMO/du glutamate desodium?


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Useful phrases for people on special diets etc.I am diabetic Je suis diabétiqueDoes this dish contain nuts? Est-ce que ce plat contient des

noix?I am allergic to … Je suis allérgique à …I have a peanut/seafood/ Je suis allergiquewheat allergy à l’arachide/aux fruits de

mer/au bléI don’t eat wheat/gluten Je ne mange pas de blé/de


DrinksCan I see the wine list, please? Puis-je avoir la carte des vins

s’il vous plaît?I would like a/an … J’aimerais avoir …

aperitif un apéritifanother un deuxième; encore un(e)

I would like a glass of … Puis-je avoir un verre de/d’…?red wine vin rougewhite wine vin blancrose wine vin rosésparkling wine vin mousseuxstill water eau platesparkling water eau gazeusetap water eau du robinet

With lemon avec du citronWith ice avec de la glaceWith water avec de l’eauNeat sans eau ni glaceI would like a bottle of … Donnez-moi une bouteille de …

this wine ce vin-cihouse red de vin rouge maisonhouse white de vin blanc maison

Is this wine …? Est-ce un vin …?very dry très secdry sec


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sweet doux/sucrélocal de la région

This wine is … Le vin …not very good n’est pas très bonnot very cold n’est pas très fraiscorked est bouchonné

I would like a … J’aimerais un/une …fruit juice jus de fruitslemonade limonadenon-alcoholic beer bière non alcooliséenon-alcoholic vin nonwine alcoolisélow-alcohol beer bière peu alcooliséelow-alcohol wine vin peu alcoolisénon-alcoholic beverage boisson non alcooliséedecaffeinated thé/café décaféinécoffee/teasoft drink boisson non alcoolisée

ComplaintsThis is not what I ordered Ce n’est pas ce que j’ai

commandéI asked for … J’ai commandé …Could I change this? Est-ce que je peux le changer

pour autre chose?The meat is … La viande …

overdone est trop cuiteunderdone n’est pas assez cuitetough est dure

I don’t like this Je n’aime pas çaThe food is cold Tout est froidThis is not fresh Ce n’est pas fraisWhat is taking so long? Pourquoi est-ce si long?This is not clean Ce n’est pas propre


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PayingCould I have the bill? Pourrez-vous m’apportez

l’addition?I would like to pay Garçon, l’additionCan I charge it to my room? Vous l’ajoutez à ma note

d’hôtel?We would like to pay separately Chacun paye sa partThere’s a mistake in the bill Je crois qu’il y a une erreur

sur la factureWhat’s this amount for? Ce montant représente quoi?Is service included? Le service est-il compris?Do you accept traveller’s Acceptez-vous les chèques decheques? voyage?Can I pay by credit card? Vous acceptez les cartes de


Numbers0 zéro 15 quinze1 un(e) 16 seize2 deux 17 dix-sept3 trois 18 dix-huit4 quatre 19 dix-neuf5 cinq 20 vingt6 six 30 trente7 sept 40 quarante8 huit 50 cinquante9 neuf 60 soixante10 dix 70 soixante-dix11 onze 80 quatre-vingt(s)12 douze 90 quatre-vingt-dix13 treize 100 cent14 quatorze 200 etc. deux cents etc.


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abats gibletsabattis [de volaille] gibletsabricot apricotabsinthe absintheaccompagnement [garniture] trimmingsacide sharpaddition bill, [US] checkagneau lambagrumes citrusaiglefin haddock

aiglefin fumé [haddock] smoked haddockaïgo bouido Provençal garlic soup served over pieces of breadaigre souraigre-doux (-douce) sweet and souraiguillat dogfishail garlicaillé(e) garlickyailloli, aïoli garlic-flavoured mayonnaiseairelle blueberryairelle rouge small cranberryalgue seaweedaligot de Lozère potato, cheese and garlic puréealimentation small shop selling general groceriesallumettes matches

allumettes au fromage (fine) cheese strawspommes allumettes matchstick potatoes

alose shad







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alouette lark [bird]alouette sans tête beef olive

aloyau [faux-filet] sirloinamande (douce) almond

aux amandes with almondspâte d’amandes almond paste

amandine almond tartamer (amère) bitteraméricaine, sauce the cooking liquor from lobster mixed with the

lobster coral and creamamoricaine, à l’ with brandy, white wine, onions, and tomatoesamuse-gueule [hors-d’oeuvre] hors-d’oeuvre; [US] appetizerananas pineappleanchois anchovy

anchoïade anchovy dipping sauceanchois de Norvège sprat

andouille, andouillette sausage made of chitterlings, pork meat,onions, seasoning, etc.

aneth dillange de mer angel fishanglaise, à l’ plain boiled [vegetables]anglaise, sauce see crème à l’anglaiseanglaise, sauce à l’ thin crème à l’anglaise sauceangélique angelicaanguille eel

anguille fumée smoked eelanis aniseedanone [pomme canelle] custard appleapéritif aperitifarachide peanutarêtes (de poisson) (fish) bonesaromatisé flavouredarôme (d’un vin) bouquetarrow-root arrowrootartichaut artichoke

fond d’artichaut artichoke heartasperge asparagus

pointes d’asperges asparagus tipsaspic aspicassaisonné seasonedassaisonnement seasoning






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assiette plateassiette anglaise, assiette de viandes froides assorted coldmeat; [US] cold cutsassiette de viandes grillées mixed grill

aubergine aubergine; [US] eggplantau gratin with a topping of cheese and breadcrumbsaumônière pouch-shaped pancake filled with fruit salad, ice cream,

etc.autruche ostrichaveline filbertavocat avocado

avocat gratiné au four baked avocado gratinavocats gratinés au parmesan baked avocado and cheese gratin

avoine oats


baba au rhum rum bababacon baconbaguette [pain] French breadbaguettes [chinoises] chopsticksballottine faggotbambou bamboobanane banana

bananes flambées banana flambébanane verte [plantain] plantain

bar [loup de mer] sea bassbarbue brillbardane burdockbarquette small tart [shaped like a boat]







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basilic basilbasquaise, à la Basque style, with ham, red peppers, tomatoesbâtonnets batons [of carrots, etc.]baudroie [lotte de mer] monkfishbavarois Bavarian creambavette flank (of beef)bavette, bavoir (child’s) bibbayonnaise, à la braised in Madeira winebéarnaise, sauce hollandaise sauce but thicker and with tarragon.

Served warm with grilled meat and fishbécasse woodcockbécassine snipebéchamel, sauce béchamel a basic white sauce made from

butter, flour and seasoned milkbeignet [pâte frite et sucrée] doughnut, fritter

beignet viennois doughnutbeignet fourré à la confiture jam doughnutbeignet de bananes banana fritterbeignets de légumes vegetable frittersbeignet de pommes apple fritter

belon type of oyster from BrittanyBercy, sauce chopped shallots cooked in butter with white wine

and fish stock addedbergamote bergamotbette chardbetterave beetroot

betteraves rouges à la crême creamed beetrootbeurre butter

avec (du) beurre; au beurre with buttersans beurre without butterbeurre blanc sauce of white wine, vinegar, shallots, butterbeurre clarifié [cuisine indienne] gheebeurre d’anchois anchovy butterbeurre de cacah(o)uètes/d’arachides peanut butterbeurre de cacao cocoa butterbeurre de truffes truffle butterbeurre fondu melted butterbeurre noir browned melted butter with vinegar and seasoningbeurre noisette brown butterbeurre sans sel unsalted butter

bien cuit(e) well done


bien cuit(e)F




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bière beerbière (à la) pression draught beerbière anglaise blonde alebière anglaise pression bitter (beer)bière blonde lager

bifteck steak; [US] beefsteakbigarade, sauce sauce made from the remains of duck with Seville

orange and lemon juicebigorneau winklebiologique organicbiscotte crispbread, ruskbiscuits [gâteaux secs] biscuits; [US] cookies

biscuits à la cuillère sponge fingersbisque de homard lobster bisqueblanc d’oeuf egg whiteblanchaille whitebaitblanchir to blanchblanc-manger blancmangeblanquette de veau veal stew in cream sauceblé wheat

blé concassé bulgur wheat, bulgar wheatblé noir [sarrasin] buckwheat

blennie butterfishblette chardblinis blinisboeuf beef

boeuf (à la) bourguignonne see bourguignonneboeuf de conserve corned beefboeuf en daube beef casseroleboeuf stroganoff beef stroganoffrôti de boeuf [rosbif] roast beef

boisson drinkboisson (gazeuse) non alcoolisée soft drinkboîte (de conserve) tin; [US] can

en boîte tinned; [US] cannedbol bowlbombe bombebonbon sweet; [US] candybonne femme cooked with leeks and potatoesbonite bonito; skipjack tunabordeaux rouge claret, red Bordeaux







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bordelaise, à la with red wine, bone marrow, mushrooms andartichokes

bouchée (feuilletée) vol au ventbouchée à la reine chicken vol au vent

boucherie chevaline butcher’s selling horsemeatboudin blanc sausage of finely ground white meatboudin noir black puddingbouillabaisse Provençale fish stewbouillir to boilbouilli(e) [cuit(e) à l’eau, à l’anglaise] boiledbouillon broth, stock

bouillon de boeuf beef stock, beef brothbouillon de légumes vegetable stockbouillon végétarien vegetable stock

boulangerie bakeryboule flat round loaf with coarse crustboule de glace scoop of ice creamboules de picoulat Catalan dish of pork meatballs in a bean

casseroleboulette de pâte dumplingboulette de viande meat ballbouquet garni bouquet garni [mixed herbs]bouquet [crevette rose] prawnbourgeoise, à la cooked in family stylebourguignonne, à la with red wine, mushrooms, small onions and

baconbourrache boragebourride Provençale fish dish with garlic mayonnaisebouteille bottle

bouteille d’eau (minérale) bottle of (mineral) waterbouteille de vin bottle of wine

braisé(e) braisedbraiser to braisebranche stick, stalkbrandade de morue salt cod puréebrasserie café-restaurant serving simple meals and beer; brewerybrebis ewebrème breambrème de mer sea breambrési air-dried beef from Franche-Comtébrik North African pasty filled with egg, tuna and vegetables






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brioche briocheBrocciu Corsican cream cheese made with sheep or goat’s milkbroche, à la grilled on a skewer over a flamebrochet pikebrochette skewerbrocolis broccolibrugnon [nectarine] nectarinebrûlé(e) burntbrûler to burnbrune, sauce see demi-glacebuccin whelkbûche de Noël Christmas logbuffet buffet


cabécou goat’s or ewe’s milk cheese, often served warmcabillaud (fresh) codcacah(o)uète peanutcacao cocoa, chocolatecafé coffee

café au lait coffee with milkcafé complet continental breakfastcafé crème, un crème (large) coffee with cream or milkcafé décaféiné decaffeinated coffee; decafcafé express espresso, expresso coffeecafé filtre filter coffeecafé instantané instant coffeecafé liègoise iced coffee served with cream or whipped creamcafé noir black coffeecafé soluble instant coffee







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petit crème (small) coffee with cream of milkcaféine caffeine

sans caféine [décaféiné] caffeine-free, decaffeinatedcafetière coffee potcaille quail

oeufs de caille quails’ eggscake fruit cakecalmar [encornet] squidcamomille [infusion de, tisane de] camomile (tea)canapés canapéscanard duck [domestic]

canard (à la) rouennaise duck stuffed with its own liver, in a redwine saucecanard à l’orange duck with orangescanard de Barbarie Barbary duckcanard sauvage wild duck

caneton ducklingcanette duckling [female]canneberge cranberrycannelle cinnamoncannelloni cannelloni

cannelloni aux champignons mushroom cannellonicantaloup cantaloup (melon)cappuccino cappuccino coffeecâpres caperscarafe carafe

carafe d’eau carafe of water, jug of watercaramel caramel

caramel (au beurre) toffeecarbon(n)ade de boeuf beef braised with onions and beercardamome cardamomcari currycarotte carrot

carottes Vichy carrots stewed in butter, sugar and seasoningcarpaccio wafer-thin slices of raw beef or tunacarpe carpcarré rack

carré [d’agneau, de porc, etc.] rack of ribscarré d’agneau rack of lamb

carrelet plaicecarte menu

carte, à la each menu item is priced separately






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carte des vins wine listcarthame safflowercartilage [croquant] gristlecarvi carawaycasher koshercassate cassatacasserole casserolecassis blackcurrantcassoulet casserole from Languedoc, with haricot beans, pork,

sausage or goosecassoulet végétarien vegetarian bean casserole

catalane, à la with tomatoes, black olives and garliccavaillon honeydew meloncaviar caviar

caviar d’aubergine puréed roasted auberginescédrat citroncéleri celerycéleri-rave celeriaccendrier ashtraycèpe cep; porcini mushroomcéréales (froides) (breakfast) cerealcerfeuil chervilcerise cherry

cerise confite glacé cherrycerise noire black cherry

cervelas saveloycervelle brains

cervelle de veau calf’s brainschaise chairchambré(e) at room temperaturechampagne champagnechampignon mushroom

champignons de Paris button mushroomschampignons farcis stuffed mushrooms

chandelier candlestickchandelle candlechanterelle chanterelle [mushroom]Chantilly (with) whipped creamchapelure breadcrumbschapon caponcharbon de bois charcoal


carte des vinsF





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charlotte charlottecharlotte aux pommes apple charlotte

chasseur, sauce red wine boiled with shallots, garlic, mushrooms,tomatoes and demi-glace sauce

châtaigne sweet chestnutchâtaigne d’eau water chestnut

chateaubriand, chateaubriant Chateaubriand [thick piece ofgrilled fillet of beef]

chaud(e) hot [not cold]chaud-froid jelly, aspic [savoury]

chaud-froid de poulet chicken in jelly, aspic of chickenchaudrée chowder(faire) chauffer to heat upchausson turnover

chausson aux pommes apple turnoverchef chef, cookcherry brandy [liqueur de cerise] cherry brandycheval horsemeatcheveux d’ange angel hair (pasta)chèvre goatchèvres en papillote goats cheese filo parcelschevreuil venison [deer]

chevreuil [à la scandinave] reindeerchicorée frisée endive, frisée saladchien de mer dogfishchili con carne [plat mexicain] chilli con carne

chili végétarien vegetable chillichinchard horse mackerelchips (potato) crisps; [US] chipschocolat chocolate, cocoa

chocolat au lait milk chocolatechocolat blanc white chocolatechocolat glacé chocolate-covered ice lollychocolat noir dark chocolateun chocolat [bonbon] a chocolate [sweet]un chocolat [une tasse] a cup of cocoa/hot chocolate

choix choiceau choix, choix de choice ofchoix de légumes assorted vegetables

chou cabbagechou blanc white cabbagechou de Chine Chinese cabbage






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chou rouge red cabbagechou vert [pommé] green cabbagechou vert frisé [non pommé] kalechou vert frisé [pommé] savoy cabbage

chou à la crème cream puffchoucroute pickled cabbagechou-fleur cauliflower

chou-fleur sauce Mornay, au gratin cauliflower cheesechou-navet swedechou-rave kohlrabichoux de Bruxelles Brussels sproutsciboule spring onion; [US] scallionciboulette chivescidre (de pomme) cider

cidre de poire perry [pear cider]cigarettes russes sweet rolled crisp wafer filled with hazelnut

creamcitron lemon

citron pressé freshly squeezed lemon juice drunk diluted withwater and sugarcitron vert [lime] lime

citronnelle lemon grasscive spring onion; [US] scallioncivet stew of rabbit, hare or other game

civet de lièvre jugged harecivette chivesclafoutis aux cérises cherries baked in a thick batterclaire type of oysterclémentine clementineclimatisé(e) air-conditionedclou de girofle cloveclovisse clamcochon de lait suck(l)ing pigcoeur heartcoeur à la crème curd cheese dessert made in heart-shaped mouldcoeur d’artichaut artichoke heartcognac brandycoing quincecolin [merlu] hakecolin [lieu noir] saithecolvert mallard


chou à la crèmeF





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compote de fruits stewed fruitcompris(e) includedcompte accountconcombre cucumbercondiment condimentconfiserie shop selling handmade chocolates, sweets and cakesconfit de canard/d’oie duck/goose preserved in own fatconfit(e) [fruit, etc.] candiedconfiture jam

confiture de fraises strawberry jamconfiture d’oranges (orange) marmalade

congelés frozen foodscongre [anguille de mer] conger eelconserves preservesconsommé clear soup, consommé (soup)

consommé froid cold consomméconsommé en tasse/en gelée jellied consommé

contrefilet sirloin steakcoq au vin chicken cooked in red winecoque, à la soft-boiled [egg]coques cocklescoquetier egg cupcoquillages shellfishcoquille St Jacques scallopcoriandre coriandercornet (de glace) [ice cream] cone, cornetcornichon gherkin

cornichon saumuré/au vinaigre pickled gherkincôte chop

côte de porc pork chopcôtelette cutlet, chop

côtelette d’agneau lamb chopcôtes ribs

côtes de boeuf ribs of beefcotriade Breton fish stew with onions, potato and creamcoulibiac fish pie stuffed with rice and hard-boiled eggcoulis coulis [sauce of sieved puréed fruit]coupe glacée dish of ice cream; sundaecouper to cutcourge squash, marrow [vegetable]






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courgette courgette; [US] zucchinicourgettes farcies stuffed courgettes

court-bouillon fish stockcouscous couscouscouteau knifecouvert cutlerycrabe [tourteau] crab

crabe décortiqué prepared crabcrabe froid à l’anglaise/à la russe dressed crab

crème creamcrème légère/épaisse single/double creamà la crème with cream; with cream saucecrème aigre sour creamcrème (à l’) anglaise thick egg custard made from egg yolks andmilkcrème au beurre butter cream [filling for cake]crème caramel crème caramel [baked custard with caramel sauce]crème Chantilly, crème fouettée whipped creamcrème fleurette top of the milk; single creamcrème fraîche crème fraîche [soured double cream]crème pâtissière confectioner’s custardun crème, un café crème a (large) coffee with cream or milk

crème (de) [velouté] cream ofcrème d’asperges cream of asparagus soupcrème de tomates cream of tomato soupcrème de volaille cream of chicken soup

crémeux (-euse) creamycréole [savoury] with rice, tomatoes, pepper; [sweet] with orange

peelcrêpe pancake

crêpes gratinées stuffed pancakes with cheese toppingcresson cress

cresson de fontaine watercresscrevette (grise) shrimp

crevette rose king prawncrevettes mayonnaise shrimp cocktail

croissant croissantcroissant au beurre croissant made with butter

croque-madame fried cheese and ham sandwich topped with afried egg

croquembouche pyramid of profiteroles with caramel, served atweddings

croque-monsieur fried cheese and ham sandwich







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croquette de poisson fish cakecroquettes de pommes de terre potato croquettes

crottin de chèvre small round goat’s cheesecroustade bread or pastry casecroustillant crispcroûte fried or toasted bread basecroûtons croutonscrudités raw sliced vegetables as an hors d-oeuvrecru(e) raw, uncookedcrumble crumblecrustacés shellfishcube: en cubes diced [cubed]cuillère, cuiller spoon

cuillère à café coffee spooncuillère à dessert tablespooncuillère à soupe soup spooncuillère à thé teaspoon

cuisine cookery, cookingcuisine bourgeoise plain home cookingcuisine maigre low-fat cookingcuisine nouvelles nouvelle cuisinecuisine régionale regional cookingcuisine végétarienne vegetarian cooking

cuisses de grenouilles frog’s legscuissot haunchcuit(e) cooked, done

cuit(e) au four bakedcuit(e) à grande friture deep-friedcuit(e) à la vapeur steamedpas assez cuit(e) underdonetrop cuit(e) overdone

cumin cumin (seed)cumin des prés caraway (seeds)

curcuma turmericcure-dent(s) toothpickcurry curry






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dacquoise meringue filled with cream and soft fruitdame blanche chocolate sundae with Chantillydarne de saumon salmon steakdatte datedaube rich casserole of meat, vegetables, garlic, herbs, and red

winedaurade breamdé: en dés diced, cubed, choppeddéca decaf

un déca a decaf coffeedécaféiné decaffeinated

café décaféiné decaffeinated coffeedécouper to carvedéfense de fumer no smokingdégeler to thawdéglacer to deglaze [mix meat juices at bottom of pan with stock or

wine]dégustation tastingdéguster to taste, to savourdéjeuner [lunch] lunch; to have lunchdélicieux (-euse) deliciousdemi halfdemi-bouteille half bottledemi-glace, sauce a mixture of equal parts of espagnole sauce and

brown stock reduced, used as a basis for other saucesdésossé(e) [en filets] filleteddésossé(e) [sans os, sans arête] boned







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désosser [lever les filets] to fillet; [enlever les os, les arêtes] todebone

dessert dessertdesservir (la table) to clear updiable (à la) devilled

rognons à la (sauce) diable devilled kidneysdiable, sauce a sauce of chopped shallots, white wine, vinegar,cayenne pepper and coarsely ground white pepper. Served withfried or grilled fish or meat

dijonnaise, à la with mustard, or blackcurrantsdinde turkey

dinde rôtie roast turkeydîner [midi] lunchdîner [soir] dinner, supperdorade (aux sourcils d’or) gilthead breamdorée [poisson] John Dorydorer, faire dorer to browndormeur [tourteau] crabdragées sugared almondsDubarry, à la with cauliflowerduchesse piped potato mixed with egg yolkdur(e) hard-boiled; [meat] toughduxelles, sauce white wine, mushrooms and shallots mixed with

demi-glace sauce and tomato purée


duxelles, sauceF




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eau watereau de seltz soda watereau de source spring watereau de vie fruit or nut brandyeau en bouteille bottled watereau gazeuse sparkling water, fizzy watereau glacée/très froide iced watereau minérale mineral watereau plate still (mineral) watersans eau ni glace neat; [US] straight [whisky, etc.]

eau de vie de prunelle sloe ginébréché(e) [verre, assiette] chipped (glass, plate)échalote shallotéclair éclair

éclair au chocolat chocolate eclairécorce (de citron, etc.) (lemon, etc.) peel

écorce confite candied peelécorce râpée [zeste] grated peel, zest

écrevisse crayfishédulcorant sweeteneréglefin haddockémincés de veau/volaille thinly sliced cooked veal/chicken,

served in a sauceendive chicoryenrobé de coated withentrecôte rib steak of beef

entrecôte à la bordelaise rib steak cooked in sauce made ofBordeaux wine, butter, herbs, shallots, bone marrow

entrée starter







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entremets salé savouryépaule [palette] shoulderéperlan smeltépice spiceépicé(e) spicyépinard spinach

épinards en purée creamed spinachéplucher to peelescalope escalope

escalope de dinde turkey escalopeescalope de veau veal escalope

escargot snailespagnole, sauce sauce made from browned flour and butter

mixed with tomato purée and brown stock flavoured with brownedvegetables

espadon swordfishEsquimau® ice lollyestragon tarragonesturgeon sturgeonexpress espresso


faînes beech nutsfaisan pheasantfaisselle curd cheesefalafel falafelfar breton Breton speciality of prune shortcakefarce stuffingfarci(e) stuffed (with)






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farine flourfarine d’avoine oatmealfarine de châtaigne chestnut flourfarine de maïs cornmeal, polenta

faux filet sirloin steakfécule de maïs cornflourfenouil fennelfermier [oeuf, poulet] free range, farm [egg, chicken]fermière with carrots, turnip, onion, celeryfeuille de laurier bay leaffeuilles de vigne vine leavesfeuilleté sweet or savoury puff pasty

feuilleté au fromage puff pastry with cheese fillingfève bean

fève des marais, grosse fève broad beanfiadone Corsican lemon-flavoured cheesecakeficelle French bread [very long thin loaf]ficelle picarde ham rolled in pancake served with white saucefigue figfilet fillet; tenderloin

filet de porc pork tenderloinfilet de boeuf fillet of beef; [US] beef tenderloinfilet de boeuf en croûte beef Wellingtonfilet mignon steak cut from end of filletfilet de volaille breast of chicken or turkey

fines herbes mixed herbsflageolet flageolet (beans)flambé(e) flambéflamiche northern French sweet or savoury pastry tartflan baked custardflet flounderflétan halibut

flétan noir black halibut, Greenland halibutflocons flakes

flocons d’avoine rolled oatsflorentine with spinachfoie liver

foies de poulets/de volaille chicken liversfoie de veau calf’s liverfoie d’oie, foie gras goose liver pâté

fondant [sweet] fondantfondant au chocolat chocolate fudge (icing)







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fondant [meat, vegetables] tenderfondue fondue

fondue bourguignonne meat fonduefondue savoyarde cheese fondue

forestière with mushrooms, bacon, sauté potatoesforêt-noire Black Forest gateauforfait boissons drinks includedformule menu optionfougasse Provençal flat breadfour oven

cuit(e) au four bakedpommes au four baked apples

fourchette forkfourré(e) (à/au/aux) filled (with), stuffed (with)frais (fraîche) freshfraise strawberry

fraise des bois, fraise sauvage wild strawberryglace à la fraise strawberry ice cream

framboise raspberryfrangipane rich pastry cream filling made with ground almondsfriand puffed pastry filled with meat

friand à la saucisse sausage rollfriand au jambon ham roll [in puffed pastry]

fricandeau braised vealfricassée stew

fricassée de boeuf stewed steak, beef stewfrisée aux noix curly endive salad with walnutsfrire to fryfrit(e) friedfrites (potato) chips; [US] French friesfriture de poissons mixed fried fishfroid(e) coldfromage cheese

fromage ‘cottage’ cottage cheesefromage à la crème cream cheesefromage à pâte dure hard cheesefromage à pâte molle soft cheesefromage blanc creamy low-fat cow’s milk cheesefromage bleu blue cheesefromage de (lait de) brebis sheep’s milk cheesefromage de chèvre goat’s cheesefromage de lait entier full-fat cheesefromage frais soft cow’s milk cheese, often with added cream






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plateau à fromage, plateau de fromages cheese boardfromage de tête brawnfroment wheatfruit fruit

fruits confits crystallised fruitfruits frais fresh fruitfruits de mer seafood, shellfish

fumé(e) smoked, cured


galantine galantinegalette pancake

galette de pommes de terre potato pancakegalette de sarrasin buckwheat pancake

galette des Rois Twelfth Night cake [round puff pastry cake withalmond paste filling]

garbure thick vegetable soup of cabbage, beans, potatoes, leeks,ham, herbs, etc.

garçon waitergarni with vegetablesgarniture filling; garnish; serving of vegetablesgaspacho gazpachogâteau cake, gateau

gâteau à la crème cream cakegâteau au fromage blanc cheesecakegâteau au gingembre ginger cakegâteau aux carottes carrot cakegâteau de Noël [anglais] Christmas cakegâteau de Pithiviers round puff or flaky pastry tart filled withalmond pastegâteau de Savoie madeira cake


fromage de têteF





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gâteau mousseline sponge cakegâteau quatre-quarts pound cakegâteau renversé upside-down cakegâteau roulé swiss rollgâteaux secs biscuits; [US] cookies

gaufre de miel honeycombgaufres wafflesgaufrette wafergélatine gelatinegelée jelly

gelée à la menthe mint jellygelée de groseilles redcurrant jelly

genièvre [eau-de-vie] ginbaie de genièvre juniper berry

génoise sponge cakegénoise au citron madeira cake

germe de blé wheatgermgermes de luzerne alfafa sprouts

germes de soja bean sproutsgésiers gizzardsgibier (à plume/à poil) gamegigot d’agneau leg of lambgingembre gingergîte à la noix silversideglaçage icingglace ice

avec glace with ice; [whisky, etc.] with ice, on the rockssans eau ni glace neat; [US] straight [whisky, etc.]

glace [crème glacée] ice creamglace à la vanille vanilla ice cream

glace [pour gâteaux] icingglacé(e) [very cold] icy coldglacé(e) [de sucre, etc.] glazedglaçon ice cubeglouteron burdockglucides [hydrates de carbone] carbohydrateglutamate monosodique/de sodium monosodium glutamate

(MSG)gluten gluten

sans gluten gluten freegnocchi Parmentier potato dumplingsgombo gumbo, okra, ladies finger






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gougère choux pastry ring with added cheesegoujon [poisson] gudgeon

goujons de poulet goujons, strips of fried fish or chickengoulash, goulasch goulashgousse d’ail garlic clovegousse de vanille vanilla pod/beangoyave guavagrain grain

grains de genièvre juniper berriesgrains de raisin grapes

graine seedgraines de pavot poppy seedsgraines de sésame sesame seeds

granité sorbet; granitagras fat [noun]

qui contient peu de gras low in fatgras (grasse) fat [adj]gras-double tripegratin dauphinois scalloped potatoes cooked with creamgratiné(e) browned; [US] au gratingrenade pomegranategrenadine grenadinegribiche, sauce mashed hard-boiled egg yolks blended with oil

and vinegar, flavoured with capers and gherkins, tarragon, cherviland parsley

gril grill [noun]grillade grilled piece of meat

grillade de veau grilled veal chopgrillé(e) grilled

grillé(e) au barbecue barbecuedgrillé(e) au charbon de bois charcoal-grilled

griller to grillgrive thrushgrondin gurnardgroseille à maquereau gooseberry

groseille rouge redcurrantgros sel rock saltgrosse fève broad bean and sweet pepper saladgrouse grouseguimauve marshmallow







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hachis [viande hachée] minced meathachis de boeuf minced beef; [US] ground beefhachis Parmentier shepherd’s pie

haddock [aiglefin fumé] smoked haddockhamburger hamburger

hamburger végétal veggie burgerhareng herring

hareng mariné pickled herringhareng saur/fumé kipperhareng roulé (mariné) rollmop (herring)

harenguet spratharicot bean

haricots blancs haricot beansharicots blancs aux tomates baked beansharicots grimpants runner beansharicots noirs black beansharicots rouges kidney beans, red beansharicots verts green beans, French beans

harissa hot chilli paste served with couscousheure du thé tea-timehochepot Belgian thick soup of pork, beef, mutton, cabbage and

other vegetableshollandaise, sauce thick sauce made from egg yolks, a little

pepper and vinegar, whisked over a gentle heathomard lobsterhongroise, à la with paprika and fresh creamhoumous hummushors d’oeuvre hors d’oeuvre; [US] appetizer






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hot dog [saucisse de Francfort dans un petit pain] hot doghuile oil

à l’huile with oilhuile d’arachide peanut oil, groundnut oilhuile de tournesol sunflower oilhuile de noix walnut oilhuile d’olive olive oilhuile d’olive vierge virgin olive oilhuile de pépins de raisin grapeseed oil

huître oysterhydromel meadhyposodé(e) low-salt


igname yamîles flottantes floating islands [dessert of poached egg whites in

custard]incorporer to blend; to mixindienne, à l’ curriedinfusion herbal teaingrédients ingredients


hot dogF





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jambon hamjambon de Bayonne smoked cured hamjambon blanc (slice of boiled) hamjambon de Parme Parma hamjambon fumé (désossé) gammonjambon poché boiled hamjambon de York York ham (British-style)

jardinière garnished with spring vegetablesjarret knucklejaune d’oeuf egg yolkjulienne julienne [cut into fine strips]jus juice [of meat, fruit]

au jus served in its own juicesjus (de fruits) (fruit) juice

jus de citron lemon juicejus de fruits fruit juicejus d’orange orange juicejus de pomme apple juicejus de tomate tomato juice






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kaki date plum, kakikasher [casher] kosherkébab [brochette] kebabketchup [sauce tomate] ketchupkirsch cherry liqueurkiwi kiwi fruitkouign amman Breton rich puff pastry butter cakekoulibiac see coulibiackumquat kumquat


lactose lactoselait milk

au lait entier full fat, whole milkavec (du) lait, au lait with milksans lait without milk







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lait condensé condensed milklait de beurre [babeurre] buttermilklait de brebis ewe’s milklait de chèvre goat’s milklait de coco coconut milklait de soja soya milklait de vache cow’s milklait demi-écrémé semi-skimmed milklait écrémé skimmed milklait entier full-cream milk

laitance soft roelaitier dairy

produits laitiers dairy productslaitue [salade] lettuce

laitue iceberg iceberg lettucelaitue romaine cos lettuce

langouste crawfish, spiny lobsterlangoustine Dublin bay prawnlangue tongue

langue de boeuf ox tonguelapereau young rabbitlapin rabbitlard de poitrine streaky bacon

lard fumé smoked baconlardons cubed pieces of baconlasagne lasagne

lasagne végétarienne/aux légumes vegetarian lasagnelavabo toiletlavande lavenderleberwurst liver sausagelégume vegetable

légumes à vapeur steamed vegetableslégumes bouillis boiled vegetableslégumes braisés braised vegetableslégumes verts green vegetables, greenslégumes variés assorted vegetablespetits légumes baby vegetables

légumineuses pulseslentille lentil

lentilles de Puy Puy lentils [green or brown]letchi lycheelieu jaune pollacklieu noir saithe, coley


lieu noirF




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lièvre harelimande dablimande-sole lemon solelime [citron vert] limelimonade [citron pressé] lemonadelingue lingliqueur liqueurlisette small mackerellitchi lycheeloganberry loganberrylonge (de veau/porc/chevreuil) loin (of veal/pork/venison)lotte (d’eau douce) burbot

lotte de mer [baudroie] monkfishloup bass

loup de mer sea basslyonnaise with sautéed onionslyonnaise, sauce sauce of onion, vinegar and brown stock


macaron macaroonmacaroni macaronimacédoine de fruits fruit salad; fruit cocktail

macédoine de légumes mixed vegetablesmâche lamb’s lettucemacis macemacrobiotique macrobioticmadeleine small scallop-shaped sponge cakemadère [vin] Madeira







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madère, sauce a demi-glace sauce with added Madeira and butter,served with ox tongue

maïs [plant] maize; [US] cornmaïs (en épis/en grains) sweetcornépi de maïs, maïs en épi corn on the cob [sweetcorn]farine de maïs cornmealmaïs soufflé popcornsemoule de maïs [polenta] polenta

maison home-made, of the housepâté maison home-made pâté

maître d’hôtel, beurre butter mixed with lemon juice and choppedparsley, served with grilled meat or fish

malt maltmandarine mandarinmange-touts mangetout, sugar snap peasmangouste, mangoustan mangosteenmangue mangomaquereau mackerel

maquereau mariné au vin blanc mackerel marinated in whitewine

marc grape brandymarcassin young boarmarchand de vin, sauce a sauce of red wine, shallots and stockmarché marketmargarine margarinemariné(e) marinatedmarjolaine marjorammarmelade (orange) marmalademarmite thick stew or soup; potmarquise rich frozen dessert of fruit or chocolatemarron sweet chestnut

marrons glacés candied chestnutspurée de marron chestnut purée

marsala Marsala winemassepain marzipanmatelote fish stewmauvais(e) badmayonnaise mayonnaiseméchoui North African spit-roasted lambméchouia North African mixed vegetable saladmédaillon medallion [round piece of meat or fish]






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mélanger to blend; to mixmélasse treaclemélisse lemon balmmelon melonmenthe mint

menthe poivrée peppermintmenthe verte garden mint

menu menumenu à prix fixe set menumenu du jour today’s menumenu enfants children’s menumenu gastronomique gourmet menumenu touristique mid-price menu

merguez North African spicy beef or lamb sausagemeringue meringuemerlan whitingmerlu [colin] hakemérou groupermesclun Provençal salad of rocket, lamb’s lettuce, endivemeunière, à la coated in flour and fried in buttermeurette Burgundy fish stew in red winemi-cuit(e) parboiledmiel honey

rayon de miel honeycombmijoter to simmermilanaise [pasta] with parmesan, tomato sauce; [escalope]

breadedmillefeuille millefeuille, cream slice made with puff pastryminestrone minestrone (soup)mirabelle (small) yellow plummode, à la with ice creammoelle bone marrowmollusque molluscMont Blanc dessert of chestnut puree with whipped creammorilles morels [mushrooms]Mornay with white sauce and cheesemorue codmouclade mussel stew with white wine, onion, cream and egg

yolksmoudre to grind







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moule musselmoules marinière moules marinière [cooked with white wine,onions, parsley]

moulin à poivre pepper millmoulu(e) ground (pepper, etc.)mousse (de poisson, etc.) (fish, etc.) mousse

mousse au chocolat chocolate moussemousseline mousse; puréemousseline, sauce hollandaise sauce mixed with whipped double

creammoutarde mustard

moutarde de Meaux whole grain mustardmouton muttonmuffin muffinmulet gris grey mulletmûr(e) ripemûre (de ronce) blackberrymûre (du mûrier) mulberrymyrtille blueberry, billberry, whortleberry


nage, à la (fish) served in its stockNantua with crayfishNantua, sauce béchamel sauce with cream and crayfish butternappe tableclothnappé de coated with [sauce etc.]nature plain (yoghurt, etc.); (tea, coffee) without milknavarin lamb stewnavet turnip






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navet swedenèfle medlarnem Vietnamese spring rollniçoise, à la with olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, black olivesnoisette hazlenut, cobnutnoisette [de viande] noisette [small round piece of fillet or loin]noix nut; walnut

noix d’acajou, noix de cajou cashew nutnoix de coco coconutnoix de coco séchée desiccated coconutnoix muscade nutmegnoix de pécan, noix de pacane pecan nutnoix du Brésil Brazil nutnoix du noyer blanc d’Amérique hickory nutnoix du noyer de Queensland macadamia nuts

noix de veau tender cut of vealnon fumeurs [section] non-smoking (area)nonnette spiced bunnormande, à la with cream, Calvados or cidernormande, sauce a fish sauce with cream, egg yolks and butternougat blanc de Montélimar white nougat made with honey and

roasted almondsnougatine brittlenouilles noodles


oeuf eggoeuf à la coque soft-boiled eggoeuf dur hard-boiled eggoeuf mollet soft-boiled egg







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oeuf poché poached eggoeuf pourri bad eggoeuf sur le plat fried eggoeufs à la neige [île flottante] floating islands [dessert ofpoached egg whites in custard]oeufs et bacon, oeufs au bacon bacon and eggsoeufs brouillés scrambled eggsoeufs de cailles quail’s eggsoeufs de poisson hard roe

oie gooseoignon onionolive olive

olives farcies stuffed olivesolives noires black olivesolives vertes green olives

omble chevalier char [fish]omelette omelette

omelette au fromage cheese omeletteomelette au jambon ham omeletteomelette aux épinards spinach omeletteomelette aux fines herbs herb omeletteomelette aux truffes truffle omeletteomelette baveuse omelette which is runny on topomelette nature plain omeletteomelette norvégienne baked Alaska

onglet flank of beeforange orange

à l’orange with orangeorge barley

orge perlée pearl barleyorigan oreganoormeau abaloneortie nettleos bone

os à moelle marrow bone(viande) avec l’os meat on the bone

oseille sorreloursin sea urchinouvre-bouteille bottle opener






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paillasson de pommes de terre grated sautéed potatopaille au fromage cheese strawpain bread

pain à la farine de maïs corn breadpain au chocolat rectangular croissant-style pastry withchocolate fillingpain aux noix walnut breadpain aux raisins round croissant-style pastry with raisinspain blanc white loaf, white breadpain bis brown breadpain complet wholemeal breadpain croustillant crisp breadpain de campagne farmhouse loafpain d’épice(s) gingerbreadpain de mie white sandwich loafpain de seigle rye breadpain de son wholemeal breadpain de viande meat loafpain grec [sans levain] pitta breadpain grillé [rôtie] toastpain moulé pan loafpain noir de Westphalie pumpernickel breadpain perdu French toast

palmier large crisp biscuit of flaky pastrypalourde clampamplemousse grapefruit

jus de pamplemousse grapefruit juicepanaché [boisson] shandypanaché de mixed plate of

panaché de légumes selection of vegetables, mixed vegetables







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panais parsnippan bagnat Provençal hollowed-out roll filled with tomatoes, green

peppers, olives, onions, anchoviespané(e) breadedpapaye papaya, pawpawpaprika paprikaparfait parfait

parfait au café coffee parfaitParis-Brest cake of chou pastry with praline fillingParmentier with potatoesparmesan Parmesan (cheese)pastèque watermelonpastis aniseed-flavoured aperitif mixed with water, particularly

popular in the Southpatate douce sweet potato; [US] yampâte pastry

pâte à choux choux pastrypâte à frire batterpâte brisée shortcrust pastrypâte feuilletée puff pastry

pâte [on cheese] rindpâte d’amandes almond pastepâté pâté

pâté de campagne coarse pork pâtépâté de canard duck patépâté de foie gras liver pâtépâté de soja tofupâté de gibier en croûte game pie

pâtes (alimentaires) pastapâtes fraîches fresh pasta

paté en croûte meat piepâté végétal vegetable piepâtisserie French pastry; cakepatte leg

pattes de dinde/de poulet turkey/chicken drumstickspaupiette thin rolled stuffed piece of meat

paupiette de boeuf beef olivepaupiette de veau veal olive

pavé square or rectangular piece of steak, cheese, etc.paysanne served with carrots, turnips, onions, celery, potatoes,







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peau skin, peelsans peau peeled

pêche peachpeler to peelpelure peel

sans pelure peeledperche d’eau douce perchperdreau young partridgeperdrix partridgepérigourdine, à la with truffles, liver pâtépersil parsley

persil frisé curly parsleypersil plat flat parsley

persillé(e) garnished with chopped parsleypétillant(e) sparkling, fizzypetit beurre butter biscuitpetit déjeuner breakfastpetit pain (bread) roll, bap

petit pain au lait bunpetit pain au seigle rye bread roll

petits fours petits fours [small dessert or cake]petits pois green peas, garden peas

petits pois gourmands, pois mange-tout mangetout, sugar snappeas

petit-suisse cream cheese in a pot, eaten with sugarpetits gris small dark brown snailspets de nonne deep-fried fritters often served hot with sugarpichet carafe

un pichet de rouge a carafe of red winepickles picklespieds de porc pig’s trotterspieds et paquets Provençal stuffed parcels of sheep’s tripe cooked

with trotters, wine, herbs and tomatoespigeon pigeonpigeonneau squabpignon pine nutpilaf aux champignons mushroom pilaffpilchard [grosse sardine] pilchardpiment doux [poivron] pepper, capsicum

piment fort, piment rouge chilli, red chilli, chilli pepperpiment (fort) en poudre chilli powder







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piment de la Jamaïque allspicepimprenelle burnetpintade guinea fowlpiperade peppers, onions, garlic and tomatoes with beaten eggs and

sometines hampiquant(e) hot [strong]pissaladière Provençal tart with onions, olives, tomatoes,

anchoviespistache pistachio (nut)pistou (basil) pestoplaquemine [kaki] persimmonplat dish

plat du jour dish of the dayplat principal main course; [US] entree

plateau à fromage, plateau de fromages cheese boardpleurote oyster mushroomplie plaicepoché(e) poached

poché dans du lait poached in milkpocher to poachpochouse Burgundian stew of freshwater fish in white winepoêlé(e) pan-friedpoint, à [rose] medium-rarepointes d’asperges asparagus tipspoire pear

poires au vin de Bourgogne pears poached in red winepoireau leek

petits poireaux baby leekspois pea

petits pois green peas, garden peaspois cassés split peaspois chiche chickpeapois gourmands, pois mange-tout, mangetouts mangetout

poisson fishpoisson d’eau douce freshwater fish, river fishpoisson de mer sea fishpoisson frit fried fishpoisson fumé smoked fishpoisson plat flat fishpoisson volant flying fish

poisson-chat [silure] catfish






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poitrine breastpoitrine d’agneau/de veau breast of lamb/vealpoitrine de boeuf brisket of beef

poivrade, sauce a mix of vegetables cooked with wine, vinegar,pepper, and demi-glace sauce

poivre pepper [spice]moulin à poivre pepper millpoivre de cayenne cayenne pepperpoivre en grains whole pepperpoivre moulu ground pepperpoivre noir/vert/blanc black/green/white pepper

poivrière pepper potpoivron pepper [vegetable]

poivron farci stuffed pepperpoivron rouge [piment doux] red pepperpoivron vert green pepper

polenta [semoule de maïs] polentapomme [fruit] apple

pomme au four baked applepurée de pommes apple puree

pomme (de terre) potatopomme de terre au four baked potatopommes (de terre) dauphine croquettes of mashed potatoesmixed with choux pastrypommes (de terre) dauphinoises sliced potatoes baked withmilk, cream, eggs and seasoningpommes (de terre) duchesse duchesse potatoes [mashed andmixed with egg yolk, baked]pommes de terre à l’anglaise/à l’eau boiled potatoespommes de terre aux amandes amandine potatoespommes de terre nouvelles new potatoespommes de terre sautées fried potoatoespommes allumettes matchstick potatoespommes chips (potato) crisps; [US] potato chipspommes frites (potato) chips; [US] French friespommes mousseline puréed potatoespommes purée mashed potatoes; [US] creamed potatoes

porc porkporcelet suckling pigpot jugpot au chocolat chocolate potpot au feu braised meat or poultry and vegetables, with the broth

served separately







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potage souppotage au cari mulligatawny (soup)potage aux légumes vegetable souppotage bonne femme leek and potato souppotage St Germain green pea soup

potée thick soup or stew of pork, ham, cabbage, beans and othervegetables

potiron [citrouille] pumpkinpouding fruit or milk pudding

pouding au riz [cuit au four] rice puddingpouding cabinet cabinet puddingpouding de Noël [anglais] Christmas pudding

poularde fattened chickenpoule boiling fowlpoulet chicken

poulet à la Kiev chicken kievpoulet frit fried chickenpoulet rôti roast chicken

poulpe octopuspourboire tip, gratuitypourpier purslanepoussin poussinpoutassou blue whitingpré-cuit(e) par-boiledprésure rennet

sans présure rennet-freeprimeurs new season’s fruit/vegetablesprix price

à prix fixe set, fixed-priceprofiteroles profiterolespropre cleanprovençale, à la with tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, olivesprune plum

prune de Damas damsonpruneau (sec) pruneprunelle sloe

eau de vie de prunelle sloe ginpurée puree

en purée mashed (potatoes); stewed (fruit)purée de pois mushy peaspurée de pois cassés pease-pudding






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purée de pommes apple puree, apple saucepurée de pommes de terre, pommes purée mashed potatoes;[US] creamed potatoes


quark [fromage blanc] quarkquatre-épices allspicequenelles [de brochet, de poulet ou veau] quenelles [oval

dumplings of pike, chicken or veal, poached]quetsche dark red plumqueue de boeuf oxtail

soupe à la queue de boeuf oxtail soupqueues de langoustine [scampi] scampiquiche quiche

quiche lorraine quiche lorrainequiche au saumon fumé smoked salmon quiche







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râble (de lapin/lièvre) saddle (of rabbit/of hare)radis radish, radishesrafraîchi(e) chilledrafraîchisseur [à vin] wine coolerragoût [fricassée] stew

ragoût de boeuf [potée] hotpotragoût de mouton à l’irlandaise Irish stew

raie skateraifort horseradishraifort, sauce a mixture of grated horseradish, vinegar and

whipped cream. Served with roast beef and smoked fishraisin(s) [de table] grape(s)

raisins de Corinthe currantsraisins de Smyrne sultanasraisins sec raisins

ramequin ramekinrance rancidrâpé(e) gratedrascasse scorpion fishrassis(e) staleratatouille ratatouilleravigote, sauce a vinaigrette made with oil and vinegar, egg yolk,

capers, parsley, tarragon, chervil, chives, and onionravioli raviolirecette reciperéglisse liquoricereine-claude greengage (plum)relever to spice up






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rémoulade, sauce mayonnaise with capers, gherkins, anchovy.Served with fried fish

repas mealrequin sharkrhubarbe rhubarbrhum rumrillettes shredded potted pork or gooserillons fried pieces of crispy pork or gooseris de veau sweetbreadsrissole rissoleriz rice

riz au blanc, riz à la chinoise boiled riceriz au lait au four baked rice, rice puddingriz Caroline long-grained riceriz complet brown riceriz indien basmati riceriz pour risotto risotto riceriz rond pudding riceriz sauvage wild rice

Robert, sauce fried onion with stock, mustard, and castor sugaradded. Served with fried pork chop

rognon kidneyrognons à la (sauce) diable devilled kidneys

romaine [laitue] romaine lettuce, cos lettuceromarin rosemaryromsteck rump steakroquette rocketrosbif roast beefrôti roast

rôti de boeuf [rosbif] roast beefrôti de porc roast pork

rôti(e) roastedrôtie [pain grillé] toastrôtir to roastrouget barbet red mulletrouille mayonnaise made of chillies, garlic, and olive oilroulade stuffed rolled (meat etc.)roux a mixture of fat and flour cooked together, used as the base for

saucesrusse, à la served with sour cream, hard-boiled egg and beetrootrye [whisky de seigle] rye whisky


rémoulade, sauceF





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sabayon zabaglionesablé shortbreadsaccharine saccharinsafran saffronsagou sagosaignant(e) [viande] rare [meat, steak]saindoux lardSaint Germain with green peasSaint-Pierre dory, John Dorysaisir to searsalade salad; lettuce

salade au poulet chicken saladsalade César Caesar saladsalade composée mixed salad [containing vegetables, meat oreggs, fish etc.]salade de fruits fruit saladsalade de pommes de terre potato saladsalade de tomate tomato saladsalade mixte lettuce and tomato saladsalade niçoise salad of tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, olives,anchovies, green beans, capers, potatoes, lettuce, green pepper,cucumber and/or tunasalade panachée mixed saladsalade tiède warm saladsalade verte green saladsalade Waldorf [pommes, céleri, noix, avec mayonnaise] Waldorfsalad

sale dirty [plate, tablecloth, etc.]






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salé(e) salted; saltysalir to dirtysalmis game bird served in rich wine sauce made with remains of

birdsalsifis salsifysandre pike-perchsandwich sandwich

sandwich au fromage cheese sandwichsandwich au jambon ham sandwich

sanglier boarsardine sardinesarrasin [blé noir] buckwheatsarriette savoury [herb]sauce [jus de viande] sauce; gravysauce [mayonnaise; vinaigrette] dressingsauce sauce

sauce à l’aneth dill saucesauce à la crème cream saucesauce à la menthe (fraîche) mint saucesauce au beurre butter saucesauce au chocolat chocolate saucesauce au pain bread saucesauce aux canneberges cranberry saucesauce bigarade [bitter] orange saucesauce blanche [béchamel] white saucesauce béarnaise béarnaise (sauce)sauce bordelaise bordelaise (red wine) saucesauce diable devilled saucesauce espagnole brown saucesauce hollandaise hollandaise saucesauce madère Madeira saucesauce Mornay cheese saucesauce soja soy sauce, soya saucesauce tartare tartar(e) saucesauce tomate tomato sauce

saucisse sausagesaucisse de Toulouse fat pork sausage

saucisson French sausage (pre-cooked)saucisson italien salami

sauge sagesaumon salmon

saumon fumé smoked salmondarne de saumon salmon steak

sauté(e) sautéed







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sauter à la chinoise to stir-frysautoir sauté pan

au sautoir sautédsaxifrage saxifragescampi scampiseau de glace bucket of icesec (sèche) dry

très sec very dry [wine]séché(e) driedseiche cuttlefishseigle ryesel salt

qui contient peu de sel low-salt (dish)sel gemme rock salt

selle (d’agneau) saddlesemoule semolinaserpolet wild thymeserveur waiterserveuse waitressservice service

service compris service includedservice non compris service not includedservice à la discrétion du client service discretionary

serviette (de table) napkin, serviettesésame sesame seedsilure [poisson-chat] catfishsirop syrup

sirop de maïs corn syrupsirop d’érable maple syrup

socca chickpea flour pancakesoja (fève de) soy bean, soya bean

sauce soja soy sauce, soya saucesole Dover sole; sand solesommelier wine waiterson (de blé) bransorbet sorbetsorgho sorghumSoubise, sauce béchamel sauce with onion purée, flavoured with

nutmeg. Used for roast meatssoucoupe saucer






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soufflé soufflésoufflé au fromage cheese soufflésoufflé aux fraises strawberry soufflé

soupe soupsoupe à la queue de boeuf oxtail soupsoupe à l’oignon onion soupsoupe au pistou Provençal soup of vegetables, noodles, beans,basilsoupe aux légumes vegetable soupsoupe aux pois (cassés) pea soup [with split peas]soupe de poisson(s) fish soupsoupe de poulet chicken soup

souris d’agneau knuckle-end of leg of lamb (on the bone)spaghetti spaghettisprat [harenguet] spratsteak steak

steak au poivre pepper steaksteak (et) frites steak and chipssteak tartare raw minced fillet steak served with raw egg yolk,capers, onions

stoemp Belgian dish of mashed potato and chopped vegetablesstout [bière brune] stoutstroganoff de champignons mushroom stroganoffstrudel aux pommes apple strudelsuccédané de lait [en poudre] coffee whitenersucre sugar

sucre de canne cane sugarsucre d’érable maple sugarsucre d’orge barley sugarsucre glace, sucre en poudre icing sugarsucre roux [cassonade] (soft) brown sugarsucre semoule caster sugarsucre vanillé vanilla sugar

sucré(e) sweetsuif (de boeuf) suetsupplément supplement

supplément légumes €3 vegetables €3 extrasuprême de poulet [blanc, filet] chicken breast, breast of chickensurgelé(e) frozensyllabub [sabayon] syllabub







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table tabletaboulé taboulehtagliatelle tagliatelle

tagliatelles aux champignons et à la crème creamy mushroomtagliatelle

tajine North African stew simmered in conical earthenware dishtamiser to sifttanche tenchtangerine tangerinetapenade paste made of black olives, capers, lemon, anchovies,

olive oiltapioca tapiocatartare see steak tartaretarte pie

part de tarte slice of pietarte à l’oignon onion tarttarte aux fruits fruit tarttarte aux noix de pécan pecan pietarte aux pommes apple pietarte Tatin upside down apple pie [apples covered with pastryserved upside down]

tartelette (small) tarttartelette à la crème custard tarttartelette aux pommes apple tart

tartine slice of bread and buttertasse cup

tasse à café coffee cuptasse à thé tea cup






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tasse de café cup of coffeetasse de chocolat cup of cocoa/hot chocolatetasse de thé cup of teatasse et soucoupe cup and saucer

tendre [viande] tenderterrine terrine [chopped fish, meat or vegetable loaf]thé tea

thé (au) citron lemon teathé au lait tea with milkthé de Chine China teathé glacé iced teathé japonais Japan teathé nature tea without milk or sugarthé vert green tea

théière teapotthon tuna, tunny

thon blanc albacore (tuna)thym thymetian Provençal gratin of fish or vegetables cooked in a shallow dishtiède warm, not hot or cold [salad etc.]tilleul limetimbale cup-shaped mould

timbale de poisson fisherman’s pietire-bouchon corkscrewtisane herbal teatofu [pâté de soja] tofutoilettes lavatory, toilettomate tomato

tomate-cerise cherry tomatotomate oblongue/italienne plum tomatotomates farcis stuffed tomatoestomates séchées (au soleil) sun-dried tomatoes

topinambour Jerusalem artichoketorsade twisted plaittourin cream of onion souptournedos fillet steaktournesol sunflower

graines de tournesol sunflower seedshuile de tournesol sunflower oil

tourte tart or flan with puff pastrytourteau [crabe] crabtranche slice

tranche de jambon slice of ham







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tranche de pain slice of breadtranche napolitaine Neapolitan ice cream

tranché(e) sliced (bread, etc.)travers de porc spare ribstremper to diptrévise [chicorée rouge] radicchiotripes tripe

tripes à la mode de Caen tripe cooked with vegetables andwhite wine, for 7 to 8 hours

trou normand glass of Calvados or other spirits between courses toclear the palate

truffade Auvergne dish of potatoes, bacon, cheese and garlic, eatenwith sausages

truffe truffletruffé garnished with truffletruffe au chocolat chocolate truffle

truite trouttruite arc-en-ciel rainbow trouttruite de mer sea trouttruite saumonée salmon trout

tuile aux amandes thin almond biscuit similar to brandy snapturbot turbot


vacherin meringue filled with ice cream or creamvaisselle [service de porcelaine] china (service)vanille vanilla

extrait de vanille vanilla essenceglace à la vanille vanilla ice cream

vapeur steamedveau [animal] calf






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veau [viande] vealescalope de veau veal escalopefoie de veau calf’s livernoix de veau tender cut of veal

végétalien (-ienne) veganvégétarien (-ienne) vegetarianvelouté (de) cream (of) [soup]

velouté de champignons cream of mushroom soupvelouté, sauce a white sauce made from fat and flour cooked till

lightly coloured, with added white stockvenaison venisonvermicelle vermicelliverre glass

verre à eau glass for waterverre à vin wine glassverre d’eau glass of waterverre de vin glass of wineverre propre clean glass

verte, sauce mayonnaise mixed with tarragon or chervil, chivesand watercress

verveine lemon verbenaviande meat

viande de cheval horse meatviande en cocotte pot roastviande froide cold meatviande fumé smoked meat

vichyssoise vichyssoise [leek and cream soup]viennoiserie croissants, brioches, pains aux raisins, etcvigneronne, à la served with grapes and a wine saucevin wine

vin blanc white winevin corsé full-bodied winevin de Bordeaux Bordeaux winevin de Bourgogne Burgundy winevin de pays local wine of a particular grape variety and areavin de Porto portvin de table table winevin doux, vin de dessert dessert wine, sweet winevin léger light-bodied winevin local local winevin (de la) maison house winevin mousseux; vin pétillant sparkling winevin rosé rosé (wine)vin rouge red wine







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vin sec dry winevinaigre vinegar

vinaigre balsamique balsamic vinegarvinaigre de cidre cider vinegarvinaigre de vin (rouge/blanc) (red/white) wine vinegar

vinaigrette French dressing, vinaigrettevivaneau red snappervolaille fowl; chickenvol-au-vent [bouchée feuilletée; timbale] vol au vent


waterzooi Belgian dish of chicken cooked in stock, white wine andcream with vegetables

WC toilet, lavatorywhiskey irlandais Irish whiskeywhisky écossais whiskyxérès sherryyaourt yoghurt

yaourt à la grecque Greek yoghurtyaourt nature plain yoghurtyaourt aux myrtilles blueberry yoghurt

yoghourt yoghurtzabaglione zabaglionezeste [écorce râpée] zest

zeste de citron lemon zest, grated lemon peel






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abalone ormeauabsinthe absintheaccount compteaïloli sauce ailloli, aïoliair-conditioned climatisé(e)albacore (tuna) thon blanc, germonale bière (anglaise) blonde; see also beeralfalfa sprouts germes de luzerneallergic allergique (à/au/aux...)allergy allergie (à/au/aux...)allspice piment de la Jamaïquealmond amande douce

almond paste pâte d’amandeswith almonds aux amandes

amandine potatoes pommes de terre aux amandesanchovy anchois

anchovy butter beurre d’anchoisanchovy paste purée, pâte d’anchois

angel (food) cake angel cake [génoise sans jaune d’oeufs]angel fish ange de merangel hair pasta cheveux d’angeangels on horseback angels on horseback [huîtres entourées de

bacon, grillées, sur toast]angelica angéliqueangler baudroie, lotte (de mer)aniseed anisaperitif apéritif







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appetizer [US] [drink] apéritif;[food] amuse-gueule; hors-d’oeuvres

apple pomme [fruit]apple fritter beignet de pommesapple juice jus de pommeapple pie tarte aux pommesapple puree purée de pommesapple sauce purée de pommes [peu sucrée]apple strudel strudel aux pommesapple turnover chausson aux pommesapple tart tartelette aux pommes

apricot abricotaroma arôme; bouquet [of wine]arrowroot arrow-rootartichoke artichautashtray cendrierasparagus asperge

asparagus tips pointes d’aspergesaspic aspicassorted vegetables choix de légumes, légumes variésaubergine aubergineau gratin [US] gratiné(e), au gratinavocado avocat


baby petitbaby corn (cob) tout petit épi de maïsbaby leeks petits poireauxbaby vegetables petits légumes

bacon bacon, lard fumébacon and eggs oeufs au bacon






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bad mauvais(e)bad egg oeuf pourri

bake (faire) cuire au fourbaked cuit(e) au four

baked Alaska omelette norvégiennebaked apple pomme au fourbaked beans haricots blancs aux tomates; fèves au lardbaked custard flanbaked potato pomme de terre au fourbaked rice riz au lait au four, pouding au riz

bakery boulangerie; [for cakes] patisseriebalsamic vinegar vinaigre balsamiquebanana banane

banana fritter beignet de bananesbanana split banana split [banane, glace à la vanille, Chantilly,amandes]banana flambé banane flambée

Barbary duck canard de Barbariebarbecue barbecuebarbecued grillé(e) au barbecuebarbel rouget barbetbarley orge

barley sugar sucre d’orgebarley water sirop d’orgeat [fait avec de l’orge]

basil basilicbasil pesto pistou

basmati rice riz indien, riz Carolinebass loup (de mer), barbatons [of carrots, etc.] bâtonnetsbatter pâte à frireBavarian cream bavaroisbay leaf feuille de laurierbean haricot

bean sprouts germes de sojabroad beans grosses fèves; fèves des maraisFrench beans, green beans, string beans haricot vertskidney beans haricots rougesrunner beans haricots grimpantssoya bean (fève de) soja

béarnaise (sauce) sauce béarnaisebéchamel (sauce) (sauce) béchamelbeech nuts faînes







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beef boeufbeefsteak [US] bifteck, steakbeef stock bouillon de boeufbeef Wellington filet de boeuf en croûteroast beef rosbif

beer bièredraught beer bière (à la) pression

beetroot betteravebergamot bergamotebib [child’s] bavette, bavoirbilberry airelle, myrtillebill additionbiscuits biscuits, gâteaux secsbitter amer (amère)bitter bière anglaise pressionblack butter beurre noirblack beans haricots noirsblackberry mûre (de ronce)black cherry cerise noireblack coffee café noirblackcurrant cassis [groseille noire]Black Forest cake/gateau forêt-noireblack halibut flétan noirblack pepper poivre noirblack pudding boudin noirblaeberry airelle, myrtilleblanch blanchirblancmange blanc-mangerblend mélanger, incorporerblinis blinisblueberry myrtille, bleuetblue cheese fromage bleublue whiting poutassouboar sanglier; [young] marcassinboil (faire) bouillirboiled bouilli(e), cuit(e) à l’eau, à l’anglaise

boiled egg oeuf à la coqueboiled ham jambon pochéboiled potatoes pommes de terre à l’anglaise/à l’eauboiled rice riz au blanc, riz à la chinoisehard-boiled egg oeuf dur






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bombe bombebone os

boned désossé(e) [viande, poisson]on the bone [meat] avec l’os; [fish] dont les arêtes n’ont pas étéretiréesbones (of fish) arêtes (de poisson)

bonito boniteborage bourrachebordelaise sauce sauce bordelaiseborlotti beans haricots italiensbouquet garni bouquet garnibottle bouteille

bottle opener ouvre-bouteillebowl bolbrains cervelle (de veau)braise braiserbraised braisé(e)bran son (de blé)brandy cognac

cherry brandy cherry brandy, liqueur de cerisebrawn fromage de têteBrazil nut noix du Brésilbread pain

breadcrumbs chapelurebread knife petit couteau [pour beurrer son pain]bread sauce sauce au pain

breaded pané(e)breakfast petit déjeunerbream brème (de mer)breast poitrine

breast of lamb/veal poitrine d’agneau/de veauchicken breast suprême de poulet

brill barbuebrioche briochebrisket (of beef) poitrine (de boeuf)brittle nougatinebroad bean grosse fève; fève des maraisbroccoli (chou) brocolibroth bouillonbrown [verb] (faire) brunir; (faire) dorerbrown bread pain complet







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brown butter beurre noisettebrown rice riz completbrown sugar sucre roux, cassonadebrown sauce sauce espagnoleBrussels sprouts choux de Bruxellesbubble and squeak choux et pommes de terre fritsbuckwheat sarrasin, blé noirbuffet buffetbulgar wheat, bulgur wheat blé concassébun petit pain au laitburbot lotte (d’eau douce)burdock glouteron, bardaneburgundy (wine) (vin de) bourgogne; see also wineburnet pimprenelleburnt brûlé(e)butcher’s shop boucheriebutter beurre

butter sauce sauce au beurrewith butter avec beurre, au beurrewithout butter sans beurre

butterfish blenniebuttermilk lait de beurre, babeurre


cabbage choucabinet pudding pouding cabinetCaesar salad salade Césarcaffeine caféine

caffeine-free sans caféine, décaféiné(e)






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cake gâteaucarrot cake gâteau aux carottescream cake gâteau à la crèmefruit cake cake [aux fruits confits]sponge cake génoise

calf veaucalf’s brains cervelle de veaucalf’s liver foie de veau

camomile camomillecanapés canapéscandied confit(e)

candied peel zeste confit, écorce confitecandle chandellecandlestick chandeliercandy [US] bonboncane sugar sucre de cannecanned en boîte (de conserve)cantaloup (melon) cantaloupcapers câprescapon chaponcapsicum piment doux, poivroncarafe carafecaramel caramelcaraway (seeds) cumin des prés, carvicarbohydrate glucides [hydrates de carbone]cardamom cardamomecarp carpecarrot carotte

carrot cake gâteau aux carottescarve découpercassata cassatecashew nut noix d’acajou/noix de cajoucasserole casserolecaster sugar sucre semoulecatfish poisson-chat, silurecatsup [US] ketchup, sauce tomatecauliflower chou-fleur

cauliflower cheese chou-fleur sauce Mornay, au gratincaviar caviarcayenne pepper poivre de cayenneceleriac céleri-rave







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celery célericereal [breakfast] céréaleschair chaisechampagne champagnechantilly (crème) Chantillychanterelle chanterelle [mushroom]char [fish] omble chevaliercharcoal charbon de bois

charcoal-grilled grillé(e) au charbon de boischard bette, blettecharlotte charlotte

apple charlotte charlotte aux pommescheddar (cheese) (fromage) cheddarcheese fromage

cheese board plateau à fromage; plateau de fromagescheesecake gâteau au fromage blanccream cheese fromage à la crèmecheese sauce sauce Mornaycheese soufflé soufflé au fromagecheese straw paille, allumette au fromage

chef chefcherry cerise

cherry brandy cherry brandy, liqueur de cerisecherry tomato tomate-cerise

chervil cerfeuilchestnut [sweet] marron, châtaigne

water chestnut châtaigne d’eauchickpea pois chichechicken poulet

roast chicken poulet rôtibreast of chicken suprême de pouletchicken gumbo (potage de) poulet et gombochicken Kiev poulet à la Kievchicken livers foies de pouletschicken salad salade au pouletchicken soup soupe de poulet

chicory endivechildren’s menu menu des enfantschilled rafraîchi(e)chilli piment fort, piment rouge

chilli con carne chili con carnechilli pepper piment fort, piment rougechilli powder piment en poudre






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china (service) vaisselle; service de porcelaineChina tea thé de ChineChinese cabbage chou de Chinechipped [glass, plate] (verre, assiette) ébréché(e)chips (pommes) friteschips [US] (pommes) chipschitterling [US] friture de tripes [découpées en morceaux]chives ciboulette, civettechocolate chocolat

chocolate eclair éclair au chocolatchocolate mousse mousse au chocolatchocolate sauce sauce au chocolatchocolate truffle truffe au chocolat

chop [cutlet] côte, côtelettechopped (into pieces) en dés; (persil) hachéchopsticks baguetteschoux pastry pâte à chouxchowder soupe de poisson à base de laitChristmas cake gâteau de Noël [anglais]Christmas log bûche de NoëlChristmas pudding pouding de Noël [anglais]cider cidre

cider vinegar vinaigre de cidrecinnamon cannellecitron cédratcitrus agrumesclam clam, palourde

clam chowder chowder aux palourdesclaret bordeaux rougeclean propreclear up desservir (la table)clear soup consomméclementine clémentineclove clou de girofle

clove of garlic gousse d’ailcobnut noisettecockles coquescocoa (poudre de) cacao

cocoa butter beurre de cacaocup of cocoa une tasse de cacao/de chocolat


china (service)E





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coconut noix de cocococonut milk lait de cocodesiccated coconut noix de coco séchée

cod morue, cabillaudcoffee café

cappuccino coffee cappuccinocoffee whitener succédané de lait [en poudre]coffee parfait parfait au cafécoffee pot cafetièrecoffee spoon cuillère à cafédecaffeinated coffee café décaféiné, un décaespresso / expresso coffee café expressfilter coffee café filtreinstant coffee café soluble

cold froid(e)cold cuts [US] assiette de viandes froides, assiette anglaisecold meat viande froide

coley [coalfish] lieu noir, colincollared beef rosbif roulé [ficelé]condensed milk lait condensécondiment condimentconfectioner’s custard crème pâtissièreconger eel congre, anguille de merconsommé (soup) consommé

cold consommé consommé froid, consommé en geléecontinental breakfast café completcook chefcookies [US] biscuits, gâteaux secscoriander coriandrecorkscrew tire-bouchoncorn maïs

corn bread pain à la farine de maïscornflour fécule de maïscorn on the cob épi de maïs, maïs en épicorn syrup sirop de maïs

corned beef boeuf de conservecornet [ice cream] cornet (de glace)cos lettuce (laitue) romainecottage cheese fromage ‘cottage’courgette courgettecouscous couscous






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crab crabe, tourteau, dormeurdressed crab crabe froid à l’anglaise/à la russeprepared crab crabe décortiqué

crackling couenne croquante (du rôti de porc)cranberry canneberge

cranberry sauce sauce de cannebergescrawfish langoustecrayfish écrevissecream crème

double cream crème épaissesingle cream crème légèrewhipped cream crème Chantilly, crème fouettéecream cheese fromage à la crèmecream cake gâteau à la crèmecream sauce sauce à la crème [béchamel]cream slice millefeuille [où la crème Chantilly remplace lacrème pâtissière]cream tea thé accompagné de scones avec confiture et crèmefraîche

cream of crème (de), velouté (de)cream of asparagus soup crème d’aspergescream of chicken soup crème de volaille, velouté de volaillecream of tomato soup crème de tomates

creamed en purée, à la crèmecreamed potato [US] purée de pommes de terrecreamed spinach purée d’épinards à la crème

creamy en crème, crémeux(-euse), velouté(e)crème caramel [baked custard] crème caramelcrème fraîche crème fraîchecress cressoncrispbread biscottecrisps (pommes) chipscroquette potatoes croquettes de pommes de terrecroutons croûtonscrumble crumblecrumpet petite crêpe épaisse [non sucrée]crystallised fruit fruits confitscucumber concombre

cucumber sandwich sandwich au concombrecumin (seed) cumincup tasse

cup and saucer tasse et soucoupecup of coffee tasse de café; un café







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cup of tea tasse de thé; un thécoffee cup tasse à cafétea cup tasse à thé

cured fumé(e), mariné(e), salé(e)currants raisins de Corinthecurry curry, caricustard crème anglaise

baked custard flancustard apple anone, pomme canellecustard sauce crème anglaisecustard tart tartelette à la crème

cut coupercutlery couvertcutlet côtelettecuttlefish seiche


dab limandedairy products produits laitiersdamson prune de Damasdate dattedate plum kakidebone désosser, lever les filetsdecaffeinated, decaf (café) décaféine, un décadeep-fried cuit(e) à grande frituredeer chevreuildefrost dégelerdelicious délicieux (-euse)demerara sugar sucre roux cristallisé


demerara sugarE




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dessert dessertdessert wine vin doux, vin de dessert

devilled (à la) diabledevilled kidneys rognons à la (sauce) diabledevilled sauce sauce (à la) diable

diced en cubedill aneth

dill sauce sauce à l’anethdinner dînerdip [verb] tremperdip [noun] sauce froide [pour crudités]dirty [adj] saledirty [verb] salirdish plat

dish of the day plat du jourdogfish aiguillat, chien de merdone cuit(e)

under-done pas assez cuit(e); [viande] saignant(e)well-done bien cuit(e)

dory, John Dory Saint-Pierre, doréedouble cream crème épaissedoughnut beignet

jam doughnut beignet fourré à la confitureDover sole soledraught beer bière (à la) pressiondressing vinaigrettedried séché(e), sec (sèche)

sun-dried tomatoes tomates séchées (au soleil)drink boisson

drinks included forfait boissonsdrumsticks pattes de dinde ou de pouletdry (wine) (vin) secDublin bay prawn langoustineduchesse potatoes pommes (de terre) duchesseduck [domestic] canard (domestique)duck [wild] canard sauvage

duck paté pâté de canardduck with oranges canard à l’orangeduckling caneton, canette [female]

dumpling boulette de pâtepotato dumpling gnocchi Parmentier







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eclair éclaireel anguilleegg oeuf

boiled egg oeuf à la coqueegg and bacon oeuf et baconegg cup coquetieregg white blanc d’oeufegg yolk jaune d’oeuffried egg oeuf sur le plathard-boiled egg oeuf duromelette omelettepoached egg oeuf pochéscrambled eggs oeufs brouilléssoft-boiled egg oeuf mollet

eggplant [US] aubergineelderberry baie de sureauendive chicorée friséeentree [starter] entréeentree [US main course] plat principalescalope escalope

turkey escalope escalope de dindeveal escalope escalope de veau

essence extrait (de)ewe’s milk lait de brebis

ewe’s milk cheese fromage de (lait de) brebis






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faggot ballottinefarm (eggs, chickens) (oeufs, poulets) fermiersfat [adj] gras (grasse)fat [noun] gras

fat-free sans grasfennel fenouilfeta cheese (fromage) feta, fétafig figuefilbert avelinefillet filet

fillet steak tournedos, steak prélevé dans le filetfillet of beef filet de boeuf

filleted désossé(e), en filetsfilo pastry pâte phyllofilter coffee café filtrefine beans haricots verts (fins)fish poisson

anchovy anchoisangel fish ange de merbass loup (de mer), barbream brèmebrill barbueburbot lotte (d’eau douce)catfish poisson-chat, silurecod morue, cabillaudcoley [coalfish] colin, lieu noirconger eel congre, anguille de mercrayfish écrevissecuttlefish seiche







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dogfish aiguillat, chien de merdory, John Dory Saint-Pierre, doréeDover sole sole [la vraie]eel anguillefish and chips friture de poisson avec fritesfish stew matelote, bouillabaissefish soup soupe de poissonsfish cake croquette de poissonflounder fletflying fish poisson volantgrey mullet mulet grishaddock aiglefin, églefinhake merlu, colinhalibut flétanherring harengkipper hareng saur/fumélemon sole limande-solemackerel maquereaumonkfish baudroie, lotte de merpike brochetpike-perch sandrepilchard pilchard, (grosse) sardinered mullet rouget barbetrockfish rascasseroe oeufs de poisson, laitancesalmon saumonscorpion fish rascassesea bass loup (de mer), barsea bream brème de mersea trout truite de mer, truite saumonéeshark requin, aiguillatskate raieskipjack bonitesmelt éperlansole solesturgeon esturgeonswordfish espadontench tanchetrout truitetunny, tuna thonturbot turbotwhitebait [sprats] blanchaillewhiting merlan

fisherman’s pie timbale de poissonfish shop poissoneriefizzy pétillant(e), gazeux(-euse)






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flageolet (beans) flageoletflakes floconsflambé flambé(e)flan flanflat fish poisson platflavour [of ice cream] parfumflavoured aromatiséfloating island(s) oeufs à la neige, île(s) flottante(s)flounder fletflour farineflying fish poisson volantfondant fondantfondue fonduefool mousse faite de fruits, crème anglaise et Chantillyfork fourchettefowl volaille

boiling fowl poulefree-range (egg, chicken) (oeuf, poulet) fermierFrench beans haricots vertsFrench dressing vinaigretteFrench fries [US] (pommes) fritesFrench toast pain perdu, pain doréfresh frais (fraîche)freshwater (fish) (poisson) d’eau doucefried frit(e)fried chicken poulet fritfried egg oeuf sur le platfried fish poisson frit

mixed fried fish friture de poissonsfrisée (salad) chicorée friséefritter beignet

apple fritter beignet de pommesfrog’s legs cuisses de grenouillesfrozen surgelé(e)fruit fruit

fruit cocktail salade de fruits, macédoine de fruitsfruit juice jus de fruitsfruit salad salade de fruits, macédoine de fruits

fry frirefudge fondant au chocolatfull-bodied wine vin corsé


flageolet (beans)E





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full-cream milk lait entierfull-fat (cheese) (fromage) de lait entier


galantine galantinegame gibier (à plume, à poil); chevreuil

game pie pâté de gibier en croûtegammon jambon fumé (désossé)garden mint menthe vertegarden peas petits pois fraisgarlic ailgarlicky aillé(e)gateau gâteaugazpacho gaspachogelatine gélatineghee beurre clarifié [cuisine indienne]gherkin cornichongiblets abatsgin genièvreginger gingembre

ginger beer bière au gingembregingerbread pain d’épice(s)ginger cake gâteau au gingembre

glacé cherry cerise confiteglass verre

clean glass verre propreglass of water verre d’eauwine glass verre à vin

glazed glacé(e)gluten-free sans gluten







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GM [genetically modified] génétiquement modifiégoat chèvre

goat’s cheese fromage de chèvregoat’s milk lait de chèvre

goose oiegoose liver foie d’oie

gooseberry groseille à maquereaugoulash goulash, goulaschgranary loaf pain completgranita granitégranulated sugar sucre granulégrape(s) raisin(s) (de table)grapefruit pamplemoussegrapeseed oil huile de pépins de raisingrated râpé(e)gratuity pourboiregravy sauce, jus de viande

gravy boat saucièreGreek yoghurt yaourt à la grecque [au lait de brebis]green beans haricots vertsgreen olives olives vertesgreen peas petits poisgreen pepper poivron vertgreen salad salade vertegreengage (plum) reine-claudeGreenland halibut flétan noirgreens légumes vertsgrenadine grenadinegrey mullet mulet grisgrill [verb] griller, cuire sur le grilgrill [noun] gril

mixed grill assiette de viandes grillées (assorties)grilled grillé(e)grind moudregristle cartilage, croquantgrits [US] bouillie de maïs, gruau de maïsgroats gruau d’avoinegrocery épicerie; [small] alimentationground [coffee] moulu(e), [meat] haché(e)

ground beef hachis, boeuf hachégroundnut oil huile d’arachide







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grouper mérougrouse grouseguava goyavegudgeon goujonguinea fowl pintadegumbo gombogurnard grondin


haddock aiglefin, églefinhaggis haggis [estomac de mouton contenant un hachis d’abattis

de mouton, oignons et avoine, le tout bouilli]hake merlu, colinhalf bottle demi-bouteillehalibut flétanham jambon

boiled ham jambon pochéslice of ham tranche de jambon

hamburger hamburgerhard-boiled egg oeuf durhard cheese fromage à pâte durehard roe oeufs de poissonhare lièvreharicot beans haricots blancshash browns [US] pommes de terre en dés, avec oignons, sautéeshaunch cuissothazelnut noisette, avelineheart coeurheat up chauffer, réchauffer


heat upE




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herbs fines herbesherbal tea tisane, infusionherring harenghickory nut noix du noyer blanc d’Amériquehollandaise sauce sauce hollandaisehominy grits [US] bouillie de maïshoney mielhoneycomb rayon de miel, gaufre de mielhoneydew melon cavaillonhors d’oeuvre hors d’oeuvrehorse mackerel chinchardhorsemeat viande de cheval, chevalhorseradish raiforthot [not cold] chaud(e); [strong] piquant(e)hot dog hot dog [saucisse de Francfort dans un petit pain]hotpot ragoût (de boeuf), potée


ice glacebucket of ice seau de glace [pour garder le vin frais]

ice cream glace, crème glacéeice cream cone cornet de glace/de crème glacéeice cream scoop boule de glace/de crème glacée

ice cube glaçonice lolly Esquimau®

iceberg lettuce laitue icebergicing glace, glaçage

icing sugar sucre glace/en poudreingredients ingrédients, éléments







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instant coffee café solubleIrish stew ragoût de mouton à l’irlandaiseIrish whiskey whiskey irlandais


jam confiturejelly [savoury] aspic, chaud-froid, galantinejelly [sweet/pudding] geléejelly [US, jam] confiturejello [US] gelée [parfumée à la fraise, etc.]Jerusalem artichoke topinambourJohn Dory Saint-Pierre, doréejug potjugged hare civet de lièvrejuice jus (de fruits; de viande)julienne julienne







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kaki kaki, plaqueminekale chou vert frisé [non pommé]kebab kébab, brochette (de viande)kedgeree riz au poisson fumé avec oeufs durs et cariketchup ketchupkey lime pie tarte à la crème de citron vertkidney rognonkidney beans haricots rougesking prawn crevette rosekipper hareng fumé, hareng saurkiwi fruit kiwiknife couteauknuckle jarretkohlrabi chou-ravekosher casher, kasherkumquat kumquat







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lactose lactoselactose intolerance intolérance au lactose

ladies fingers gomboslager bière blonde

a lager shandy un demi panachélamb agneau

lamb chop côtelette d’agneaulamb’s lettuce mâchelangoustine langoustinelard saindouxlark alouettelasagne lasagnelatte (coffee) café crèmelavatory toilettes, WC, lavabolavender lavandeleek poireauleg patte

leg of lamb gigot d’agneaulegumes légumineuseslemon citron

lemon balm mélisselemon grass citronnellelemon juice jus de citronlemon sole limande-solelemon zest zeste, écorce de citronlemonade limonade; [freshly squeezed] citron pressé

lentil lentillelettuce laitue, salade






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lime citron vert, limeling linguelight-bodied wine vin légerliqueur liqueurliquorice réglisseliver foie

liver sausage leberwurstloaf pain

meat loaf pain de viandewhite loaf pain blanc, pain de mie

lobster homardlobster bisque bisque de homard

loganberry loganberryloin (of veal/pork/venison) longe (de veau/porc/chevreuil)low-fat [diet] basses calories; [yoghurt etc.] allégélow in fat qui contient peu de gras; basses calorieslow-salt qui contient peu de sel; hyposodé(e)lunch déjeuner, lunchluncheon meat viande froide pressée [de conserve]lychee litchi, letchi


macadamia nuts noix du noyer de Queenslandmacaroni macaronimacaroon macaronmace macismackerel maquereaumacrobiotic macrobiotique








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Madeira madèreMadeira cake génoise au citron, gâteau de SavoieMadeira sauce sauce madère

maize maïsmallard colvertmalt maltmandarin mandarinemangetout pois gourmands, pois mange-tout, mangetoutsmango manguemangosteen mangouste, mangoustanmaple syrup sirop d’érablemaple sugar sucre d’érablemargarine margarinemarinated mariné(e)marjoram marjolainemarket marchémarmalade marmelade d’oranges, confiture d’orangesmarrow [vegetable] courgemarrow bone os à moelle

bone marrow moelleMarsala wine marsalamarshmallow guimauvemarzipan massepainmashed en puréemashed potatoes pommes puréematches allumettesmatchstick potatoes pommes allumettesmayonnaise mayonnaisemead hydromelmeal repasmeat viande

meat ball boulette de viandemeat loaf terrine/pain de viandemeat pie tourte/pie de viande

medallion médaillonmedlar nèflemelon melonmelted butter beurre fondumenu menu, carte

set menu menu à prix fixemeringue meringue






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milk laitcow’s milk lait de vacheewe’s milk lait de brebisgoat’s milk lait de chèvresoya milk lait de sojamilk chocolate chocolat au laitpoached in milk poché dans du laitwith milk avec (du) lait; au laitwithout milk sans lait

minced meat hachis, viande hachéemincemeat mincemeat [préparation sucrée à base d’un mélange

de fruits et raisins secs, et de suif]mince pie mince pie [tarte(lette) avec mincemeat]mineral water eau minérale

fizzy mineral water eau gazeusestill mineral water eau plate

minestrone (soup) (soupe) minestronemint menthe

mint sauce sauce à la menthe (fraîche)mint jelly gelée à la menthe

mixed grill assiette de viandes grillées (assorties)mixed salad salade composéemixed vegetables macédoine de légumesmollusc mollusquemonkfish baudroie, lotte de mermorels morillesmousse mousse, mousselinemuesli müeslimuffin [sweet, savoury] muffinmug mug, tasse [sans soucoupe]mulberry mûre [du mûrier]mullet rougetmulligatawny (soup) potage au carimushroom champignon

button mushrooms champignons de Parismushy peas purée de poismussel moulemustard moutardemutton mouton







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napkin serviette (de table)natural natureNeapolitan ice cream tranche napolitaineneat sans eau ni glacenectarine brugnon, nectarinenettle ortieno smoking défense de fumernon-smoking area section non fumeursnoodles nouillesnut noix

almond amandeBrazil nut noix du Brésilcashew nut noix d’acajou, noix de cajouchestnut marroncobnut noisettecoconut noix de cocohazelnut noisette, avelinepeanut arachide, cacah(o)uètepecan nut noix de pécan, noix de pacanesweet chestnut châtaigne, marronwalnut noix

nutmeg noix de muscade






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oatcake biscuit à la farine d’avoine [pour manger avec le fromage]oatmeal farine d’avoineoats avoine

porridge oats flocons d’avoineoctopus poulpeoil huileokra gomboolive olive

black olives olives noiresgreen olives olives vertes

olive oil huile d’oliveomelette omeletteon the rocks [with ice] avec glace, on the rocksonion oignon

onion soup soupe à l’oignonorange orange

orange juice jus d’orangeorange sauce sauce à l’orange; [less sweet] sauce bigarade

oregano origanorganic biologiqueostrich autrucheoven fouroverdone trop cuit(e)oxtail queue de boeuf

oxtail soup soupe à la queue de boeufox tongue langue de boeufoyster huîtreoyster mushroom pleurote







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pancake crêpepan-fried à la poêle, poêlé(e)papaya papayepaprika paprikapar-boiled pré-cuit(e), mi-cuit(e)parfait parfaitParma ham jambon de ParmeParmesan (cheese) parmesanparsley persil

curly parsley persil friséflat parsley persil platparsley sauce sauce au persil [béchamel fortement persillée]

parsnip panaispartridge perdrix; [young] perdreaupasta pâtes (alimentaires)

fresh pasta pâtes fraîchespastry pâtisserie

filo pastry pâte phyllopuff pastry pâte feuilletéeshortcrust pastry pâte brisée

pasty chausson avec viande et pommes de terrepâté pâté

liver pâté pâté de foie graspawpaw papayepea pois

green peas petits poisgreen pea soup potage St Germainsplit peas pois casséspea soup [with split peas] soupe aux pois (cassés)






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peach pêchepeanut arachide

peanut butter beurre de cacahouètes/d’arachidespear poirepearl barley orge perléepease-pudding purée de pois casséspecan nut noix de pécan, noix de pacane

pecan pie tarte aux noix de pécanpeel [verb] peler, éplucherpeel [noun] pelure, peau, écorce

grated peel zeste, écorce râpéepeeled sans pelure, sans peaupepper [spice] poivre

black/green/white pepper poivre noir/vert/blancground pepper poivre mouluwhole pepper poivre en grainspepper mill moulin à poivrepepper pot poivrièrepepper steak steak au poivre

pepper [vegetable] poivrongreen pepper poivron vertred pepper poivron rougestuffed pepper poivron farci

peppermint menthe poivréeperch perche (d’eau douce)perry cidre de poirepersimmon plaquemine, kakipesto pistoupetits fours petits fourspheasant faisanpickled cabbage choucroutepickled gherkin/cucumber cornichon (saumuré/au vinaigre)pickled herring hareng marinépickled onion oignon au vinaigrepickles picklespie tarte, tourtepig porc, cochon

suck(l)ing pig cochon de lait, porceletpigeon pigeonpig’s trotters pieds de porcpike brochetpike-perch sandre







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pilchard pilchard, (grosse) sardinepineapple ananaspistachio (nut) pistachepitcher pichet, carafepitta bread pain grec [sans levain]plaice plie, carreletplain natureplantain banane verte [à cuire]plate assietteplum pruneplum pudding plum pudding, pouding de Noëlplum tomato tomate oblongue, tomate allongéepoach pocherpoached poché(e)poached egg oeuf pochépolenta polenta, semoule de maïspollack lieupomegranate grenadepopcorn (sweet/salted) maïs soufflé (sucré/salé)porcini mushroom cèpepork porc

pork chop côte de porcpork crackling couenne croquante (du rôti de porc)

porridge porridge, bouillie d’avoineport (vin de) portopot roast viande en cocottepotato pomme de terre

baked potato pomme de terre au fourboiled potatoes pommes de terre à l’anglaisefried potatoes pommes de terre sautéesmashed potatoes purée de pommes de terre, pommes puréenew potatoes pommes de terre nouvellespotato chips (pommes) fritespotato crisps (pommes) chipspotato dumpling gnocchi Parmentierpotato salad salade de pommes de terre

potted shrimp petite terrine de crevettes au beurrepoultry volaillepound cake gâteau quatre-quartspoussin poussinprawn bouquet, crevette rose

Dublin bay prawn langoustine






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preserves conservesprice prixprime rib côte de boeuf [première qualité]profiteroles profiterolesprune pruneau (sec)pudding [savoury] poudingpudding [sweet] dessert, pouding, puddingpudding rice riz rondpudding wine vin de dessert, vin douxpuff pastry pâte feuilletéepulses légumineusespumpkin potiron, citrouillepurslane pourpier


quail caillequails’ eggs oeufs de cailles

quark quark, fromage blancquiche quiche

quiche lorraine quiche lorrainequince coingQuorn® aliment à base de protéines végétales








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rabbit lapin; [young] lapereaurack carré

rack of lamb carré d’agneaurack of ribs carré (d’agneau, de porc)

radicchio trévise, chicorée rougeradish/radishes radisragout ragoûtrainbow trout truite arc-en-cielraisin raisin secramekin ramequinrancid rancerare [steak, meat] saignant(e)raspberry framboiseravioli ravioliraw cru(e)recipe recettered cabbage chou rougered chilli piment fort, piment rougeredcurrant groseille rouge

redcurrant jelly gelée de groseillesredfish rascassered mullet rouget barbetred pepper poivron rouge, piment doux rougered wine vin rougereindeer chevreuilrhubarb rhubarbe






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ribs côtesrack of ribs carré (d’agneau, de porc)ribs of beef côtes de boeuf, entrecôtesspare ribs travers de porc, côtes levées

rice rizlong-grained rice riz Carolinerice paper papier de rizrice pudding pouding au riz; riz au lait [cuit au four]risotto rice riz pour risotto [riz rond du Piémont]wild rice riz sauvage

rind [cheese] pâteripe mûr(e)rissole rissoleriver rivière; [fish] d’eau douceroast [verb] rôtirroast [noun] rôti de boeuf/porc etc

roast beef rôti de boeuf, rosbifroast chicken poulet rôtiroast pork rôti de porc

roasted rôti(e)rock salt sel gemmerocket roquetterockfish rascasseroe oeufs de poisson

hard roe oeufs de poissonsoft roe laitance

roll [bread] petit painrolled oats flocons d’avoinerollmop herring rollmop, hareng roulé (mariné)romaine (lettuce) romaineroom temperature chambré(e)rosé (wine) (vin) rosérosehip fruit de l’églantierrosemary romarinrum rhum

rum baba baba au rhumrump steak romsteakrunner bean haricot grimpantrusk biscotte [pour bébé]rye seiglerye bread pain de seigle, pumpernickelrye whisky rye [whisky de seigle]







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saccharin saccharinesaddle râble (de lapin); selle (d’agneau)safflower carthamesaffron safransage saugesago sagousaithe lieu noirsalad salade

green salad salade vertemixed salad salade composée, salade panachéesalad dressing vinaigrettesalad cream crème mayonnaiseside salad salade verte [en accompagnement]

salami saucisson italiensalmon saumon

salmon steak darne de saumonsalmon trout truite de mer, truite saumonée

salsify salsifissalt sel

low-salt hyposodé(e)salted salé(e), avec selsand sole sole [plus petite que la ‘vraie sole’]sandwich sandwich

cheese sandwich sandwich au fromageham sandwich sandwich au jambon

sardine sardinesauce sauce

white sauce (sauce) béchamel, sauce blanche






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saucer soucoupesaury balaousausage saucisse

liver sausage leberwurstsausage roll friand

sautéed sauté(e), au sautoirsauté pan sautoirsaveloy cervelassavoury entremets salésavoy cabbage chou vert frisé [pommé]scallion [US] ciboule, civescallop coquille St Jacquesscalloped chicken [US] poulet en sauce blanche, au fourscalloped potatoes [US] gratin dauphinoisscampi queues de langoustine, scampiscone [UK] scone [petit pain qu’on mange avec confiture et crème]scorpion fish rascasseScotch à l’écossaise

Scotch broth potage de mouton, légumes et orgeScotch egg oeuf en croquette [oeuf (dur) enrobé de chair àsaucisse, pané et frit]

scrambled eggs oeufs brouilléssea bass loup (de mer), barsea bream brème de merseafood fruits de mersear (faire) saisirseasoning assaisonnementsea trout truite de merseaweed alguesemi-skimmed milk lait demi-écrémésemolina semouleservice service

service discretionary service à la discrétion du clientservice included service comprisservice not included service non compris

serviette serviette (de table)sesame seeds graines de sésameshad aloseshallot échaloteshandy panaché

a half of shandy un demi panaché







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shark requin, aiguillatsharp fort(e), acideshellfish crustacé, coquillage, fruits de mershepherd’s pie hachis Parmentiersherbet sorbet, granitésherry xérèsshiitake mushrooms champignons chinois (shiitake)shop magasinshortbread sabléshortcrust (pastry) pâte briséeshoulder épaule, paletteshrimp crevette (grise)

shrimp cocktail crevettes mayonnaisesift tamisersilverside gîte à la noixsimmer (laisser) mijotersingle cream crème (légère)sirloin aloyau, faux-filetskate raieskewer brochetteskimmed milk lait écréméskin peau, pelureskipjack boniteslice tranche

slice of bread tranche de painslice of pie part de tarteslice of ham tranche de jambon

sliced tranché(e)sloe prunelle

sloe gin eau de vie de prunellesmelt éperlansmoked fumé(e)

smoked bacon lard fumésmoked cheese fromage fumésmoked eel anguille fuméesmoked fish poisson fumésmoked haddock aiglefin fumésmoked kipper hareng saur, hareng fumésmoked meat viande fumésmoked salmon saumon fumé

snack [light meal] repas léger; [between meals] casse-croûtesnail escargot






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snipe bécassinesoda bread pain au bicarbonate de soudesoda water eau de seltzsoft-boiled egg oeuf à la coquesoft cheese fromage à pâte mollesoft drink boisson (gazeuse) non alcooliséesoft roe laitancesole solesorbet sorbetsorghum sorghosorrel oseillesoufflé soufflé

cheese soufflé soufflé au fromagesoup soupe, potage

soup spoon cuillère à soupebroth bouillonchowder soupe de poisson et légumes à base de laitconsommé consomméfish stock court-bouillonfish soup soupe de poisson(s)mulligatawny potage au carionion soup soupe à l’oignonvegetable soup soupe de légumes; minestronevichyssoise vichyssoise

sour aigresour cream crème aigresweet and sour aigre-doux (-douce)

soya bean (fève de) sojasoya milk lait de sojasoya sauce sauce sojaspaghetti spaghettispare ribs travers de porc, côtes levéessparkling pétillant(e)

sparkling water eau gazeusesparkling wine vin mousseux, vin pétillant

spice épicespicy épicé(e)spinach épinardspiny lobster langoustesponge biscuits biscuits à la cuillèresponge cake gâteau mousseline; génoisespoon cuillère, cuiller







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sprat sprat, harenguet, anchois de Norvègespring greens jeunes feuilles de choux, brocolis, etc.spring onion ciboule, civespring water eau de sourcesprouts (Brussels) choux de Bruxellessquab pigeonneausquash courgesquid calmar, encornetstale rassis(e)starter entréesteak [beef] bifteck, steaksteak and kidney pie pie de bifteck et rognonssteak and kidney pudding pouding de bifteck et rognonssteamed (cuit) à la vapeurstew [meat] fricassée, ragoût

lamb stew navarinstewed [meat] (en) fricassée; [fruit] en compote

stewed fruit compote de fruits, fruits en compotestewed steak fricassée/ragoût de boeuf

Stilton fromage stiltonstir-fry sauter à la chinoisestock bouillon

vegetable stock bouillon de légumesstout stout [bière brune]straight [US] sans eau ni glacestrawberry fraise

strawberry jam confiture de fraisesstrawberry shortcake gâteau fourré aux fraises, recouvert decrème Chantilly

streaky bacon lard de poitrine, poitrine fuméestrip steak entrecôtestuffed farci(e), fourré(e)

stuffed olives olives farciesstuffing farcesturgeon esturgeonsuck(l)ing pig cochon de lait, porceletsuet suif (de boeuf)sugar sucre

caster sugar sucre semoulegranulated sugar sucre granuléicing sugar sucre en poudre, sucre glace






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sugar snap peas petit pois gourmands, pois mange-toutsultanas raisins de Smyrnesundae coupe glacéesunflower tournesol

sunflower oil huile de tournesolsupper dîner, soupersupplement supplémentswede navet (de Suède), rutabagasweet sucré(e), doux (douce)

sweet (wine) (vin) doux, vin de dessertsweet chesnut châtaigne, marronsweet potato patate doucesweet trolley desserts [présentés sur une table roulante]

sweet and sour aigre-doux (-douce)sweetbreads ris de veausweetcorn maïs (en épis, en grains)sweetener [artificial] édulcorantswiss roll (gâteau) rouléswordfish espadonsyllabub syllabub, sabayonsyrup sirop


table tabletablecloth nappetablespoon cuillère à desserttable wine vin de table

tagliatelle tagliatelletangerine tangerinetapioca tapioca


sugar snap peasE





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tarragon estragontart tartelettetartar sauce sauce tartaretea thé

afternoon tea (le) thé de 5 heuresbeef tea bouillon de boeufcup of tea tasse de thégreen tea thé vertherbal tea tisane, infusionhigh tea repas de 5 heures [Ecosse et Nord de l’Angleterre]iced tea thé glacélemon tea thé (au) citronteacake brioche [coupée, grillée, avec beurre, servie avec duthé]teaspoon cuillère à thétea with milk thé au laittea-time heure du théteapot théière

tench tanchetender tendretenderloin filet (de boeuf, de porc)terrine terrinethrush grivethyme thymtin boîte de conservetinned en boîte (de conserve)tip pourboiretoad in the hole saucisses couvertes de pâte [au four]toast pain grillé

French toast pain perdu, pain dorétoffee caramel (au beurre)tofu tofu, pâté de sojatomato tomate

tomato juice jus de tomatetomato ketchup ketchup, sauce tomatetomato salad salade de tomatetomato sauce sauce (à la) tomate

tongue langue [de boeuf]toothpick cure-dent(s)tope milandretough [meat] dur(e)treacle mélasse

treacle tart tarte au sirop de maïs






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trifle trifle [génoise, fruits, Chantilly]trimmings accompagnement, garnituretripe tripes, gras-doubletrout truitetruffle truffe

chocolate truffle [sweet] truffe (au chocolat)truffle butter beurre de truffes

tuna, tunny thonturbot turbotturkey dinde

roast turkey dinde rôtieturmeric curcumaturnip navet

turnip tops fanes de navetturnover chausson (aux pommes, etc.)


uncooked cru(e); qui n’est pas cuit(e)underdone pas assez cuit(e)unsalted butter beurre sans selupside-down cake gâteau renversé







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vanilla vanillevanilla essence extrait de vanille [liquide]vanilla ice cream glace à la vanillevanilla pod/bean gousse de vanillevanilla sugar sucre vanillé

veal veauveal escalope escalope de veau

vegan végétalien (-ienne)vegetable légume

vegetable soup soupe de légumes; minestronevegetarian végétarien (-ienne)venison venaison, chevreuilvermicelli vermicellevery dry [wine] très secVictoria sponge (cake) génoisevinaigrette vinaigrettevinegar vinaigrevine leaves feuilles de vignevirgin olive oil huile d’olive viergevol au vent vol-au-vent, bouchée feuilletée

chicken vol au vent bouchée à la reine






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Wwwafer gaufrettewaffles gaufreswaiter garçon, serveurwaitress serveuseWaldorf salad salade Waldorf (pommes, céleri, noix, avec

mayonnaise)walnut noix; cerneau (de la noix)warm [salad etc.] tièdewater eau

bottled water eau en bouteillefizzy water eau gazeuseglass of water verre d’eauiced water eau glacée, très froidejug of water carafe d’eaumineral water eau minéralesparkling water eau gazeusespring water eau de sourcestill water eau plate, eau non gazeuse

watercress cresson de fontainewatermelon pastèquewell done bien cuit(e)Welsh rarebit/rabbit pain avec fromage grilléwhale baleinewheat bléwhelk buccinwhipped cream crème Chantilly, crème fouettéewhisky whisky écossaiswhitebait [sprats] blanchaillewhite blanc (blanche)

white bread pain de mie, pain blanc







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white meat viande blanchewhite wine vin blanc

whiting merlanwhole grain mustard moutarde de Meauxwholemeal bread pain completwhortleberry myrtillewild rice riz sauvagewild strawberry fraise des bois, fraise sauvagewine vin

bottle of wine bouteille de vinglass of wine verre de vinhouse wine vin (de la) maisonlocal wine vin local, vin de paysred wine vin rougesparkling wine vin mousseux, vin pétillantsweet/pudding wine vin doux, vin de dessertwine cooler rafraîchisseur [à vin]wine list carte des vinswine vinegar [red, white] vinaigre de vin (rouge, blanc)wine waiter sommelierwhite wine vin blanc

winkle bigorneauwoodcock bécasse

YyZzyam igname; [US] patate douceyoghurt yaourt, yogourt

plain yoghurt yaourt natureYorkshire pudding yorkshire pudding [beignet de pâte frite, salé]zabaglione zabaglione, sabayonzest zestezucchini [US] courgette






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Wines and spirits

by John Doxat

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Major French wine regions


Producer of attractive, light white wines, mostly medium-dry, widelyused as carafe wines in middle-range French restaurants. Alsacewines are not greatly appreciated overseas and thus remaincomparatively inexpensive for their quality; they are well placed tocompete with popular German varieties. Alsace wines are designatedby grape – principally Sylvaner for lightest styles, the widespread andreliable Riesling for a large part of the total, and Gerwürtztraminerfor slightly fruitier wines.


Divided into a score of districts, and sub-divided into very manycommunes (parishes). The big district names are Médoc, St Emilion,Pomerol, Graves and Sauternes. Prices for the great reds (châteauxPétrus, Mouton-Rothschild, etc.) or the finest sweet whites(especially the miraculous Yquem) have become stratospheric. Yet‘château’ in itself means little and the classification of variousrankings of châteaux is not easily understood. Some tiny vineyardsare entitled to be called château, which has led to disputes about whathave been dubbed ‘phantom châteaux’. Visitors are advised, unlesswine-wise, to stick to the simpler designations.

Bourgogne (Burgundy)

Topographically a large region, stretching from Chablis (on the eastend of the Loire), noted for its steely dry whites, to Lyons. It isparticularly associated with fairly powerful red wines and very drywhites, which tend to acidity except for the costlier styles. Almost toBordeaux excesses, the prices for really top Burgundies have gonethrough the roof. For value, stick to simpler local wines.Technically Burgundies, but often separately listed, are theBeaujolais wines. The young red Beaujolais (not necessarily theover-publicised nouveau) are delicious when mildly chilled. Thereare several rather neglected Beaujolais wines (Moulin-à-Vent,Morgon, St Amour, for instance) that improve for several years: theyrepresent good value as a rule. The Maçonnais and Chalonnais also




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produce sound Burgundies (red and white) that are usually pricedwithin reason.


So important is Champagne that, alone of French wines, it carries noAC (appellation contrôlée): its name is sufficient guarantee. (Itshares this distinction with the brandies Cognac and Armagnac.)Vintage Champagnes from the grandes marques – a limited numberof ‘great brands’ – tend to be as expensive in France as in Britain.You can find unknown brands of high quality (often offshoots ofgrandes marques) at attractive prices, especially in the Champagnecountry itself. However, you need information to discover these, andthere are true Champagnes for the home market that are doux (sweet)or demi-sec (medium sweet) but are pleasing to few non-Frenchtastes. Champagne is very closely controlled as to region, quantitiesand grape types, and is made only by secondary fermentation in thebottle. Since 1993, it is prohibited (under EU law) to state that otherwines are made by the ‘champagne method’ – even if they are.


Prolific producer of very reliable, if rarely great, white wines, notablyMuscadet, Sancerre, Anjou (its rosé is famous), Vouvray (sparklingand semi-sparkling), and Saumur (particularly its ‘champagnestyles’). Touraine makes excellent whites and also reds of somedistinction – Bourgueil and Chinon. It used to be widely believed – arumour put out by rivals? – that Loire wines ‘did not travel’:nonsense. They are a successful export.


Continuation south of Burgundy. The Rhône is particularly associatedwith very robust reds, notably Châteauneuf-du-Pape, and also withTavel, arguably the finest of all still rosé wines. Lirac rosé is nearlyas good. Hermitage and Gigondas are names to respect for reds,whites and rosés. Rhône has well earned its modern reputation – nolonger Burgundy’s poorer brother. From the extreme south comes thenewly ‘smart’ dessert vin doux naturel, ultrasweet Muscat desBeaumes-de-Venise, once despised by British wine-drinkers. Thereare fashions in wine just like anything else.




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Minor regions


Attractive basic reds; also sweet Monbazillac, relished in France butnot easily obtained outside: aged examples can be superb.


Noted for its powerful vin de pays ‘black wine’, the darkest red made.


Roughish wines of more antiquity than breeding, but by all meansdrink local reds – and try the wine-based aperitif Cap Corse – ifvisiting this remarkable island.


Little known; once celebrated for dessert wines.


Virtually unknown outside France. Try local speciality wines such asvin jaune if in the region.


Remote area; sound, unimportant white wines, sweet styles being thebetter.


Stretches from Marseilles to the Spanish border. Outstandinglyprolific contributor to the ‘EU wine lake’ and producer of some 80per cent of French vins de table, white and red. Sweet whitesdominate, and there is major production of vins doux naturels(fortified sugary wines).


Yes, there is a vineyard – in Montmartre! Don’t ask for a bottle: thetiny production is sold by auction, for charity, to rich collectors ofcuriosities.


Large wine region of immense antiquity. Many and varied vins depays of little distinction. Best known for rosé, usually on the sweetside; all inexpensive and totally drinkable.




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Good enough table wines for local consumption. Best product of theregion is delicious Chambéry vermouth: as an aperitif, do try the welldistributed Chambéryzette, a unique vermouth with a hint of wildstrawberries.

SpiritsThe great French spirit is brandy. Cognac, commercially the leader,must come from the closely controlled region of that name. Ofvarious quality designations, the commonest is VSOP (very specialold pale): it will be a cognac worth drinking neat. Remember,champagne in a cognac connotation has absolutely no connectionwith the wine. It is a topographical term, with grande champagnebeing the most prestigious cognac area; fine champagne is a blend ofbrandy from the two top cognac sub-divisions. Armagnac has becomebetter known lately outside France, and rightly so. As a brandy it hasa much longer history than cognac: some connoisseurs rate oldarmagnac (the quality designations are roughly similar) abovecognac.Be cautious of French brandy without a cognac or armagnac title,regardless of how many meaningless ‘stars’ the label carries or eventhe magic word ‘Napoleon’ (which has no legal significance).Little appreciated in Britain is the splendid ‘apple brandy’, Calvados,mainly associated with Normandy but also made in Brittany and theMarne. The best is Calvados du Pays d’Auge. Do taste well-agedCalvados, but avoid any suspiciously cheap.Contrary to popular belief, true Calvados is not distilled from cider –but an inferior imitation is. French cider (cidre) is excellent.Though most French proprietary aperitifs, like Dubonnet, are fairlylow in alcohol, the extremely popular Pernod/Ricard pastis-stylebrands are highly spirituous. Eau-de-vie is the generic term for allspirits, but colloquially tends to refer to local, often rough, distillates.Exceptions are the better alcools blancs (white spirits), which aremade from fresh fruits and not sweetened as crèmes are.




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Glossary of French wine terms

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AbricotineGeneric apricot liqueur: look for known brands.alcool blancSpirit distilled from various fruits (not wine) such as plums andraspberries; not fruit-flavoured cordials.AligotéLight dry Burgundy.AlsaceSee Major French wine regions, p122.anisAniseed, much favoured in pastis (Ricard/Pernod) type aperitifs.AnjouSee Loire, Major French wine regions, p123.aperitifLiterally ‘opener’: any drink taken as an appetiser.Appellation (d’origine) Contrôlléeor AC wine, whose label will give you a good deal of information,will usually be costlier – but not necessarily better – than one that is aVDQS ‘designated (regional) wine of superior quality’. A newer,marginally lesser category is VQPRD: ‘quality wine from a specifieddistrict’. Hundreds of wines bear AC descriptions: you requireknowledge and/or a wine guide to find your way around. Theintention of the AC laws was to protect consumers and ensure winewas not falsely labelled – and also to prevent over-production. Onlywines of reasonable standards should achieve AC status: new ones(some rather suspect) are being regularly admitted to the list.ArmagnacSee Spirits, p125.BarsacVery sweet Sauternes of varying quality.BasserauA bit of an oddity: sparkling red Burgundy.Beaumes-de-VeniseWell-known vin doux naturel; see Provence, Minor regions, p124.




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BeauneFamed red Burgundy; costly.BergeracSound red wine from south-west France.Blanc de BlancsWhite wine from white grapes alone. Sometimes confers extra qualitybut by no means always. White wine made from black grapes (theskins removed before fermentation) is Blanc de Noirs. Carries nospecial quality connotation in itself.BordeauxSee Major French wine regions, p122.bouchonnéCorked (describes wine that has gone ‘off’ and smells musty, usuallybecause of a faulty cork allowing in bacteria)BourgeuilReliable red Loire wine.BourgogneBurgundy; see Major French wine regions, p122.brutVery dry; description particularly applicable to best sparkling wines.brut sauvageDry to the point of displeasing acidness to most palates; very rarethough a few good wines carry the description.CabernetNoble grape, especially Cabernet-Sauvignon for excellent, if notabsolutely top-grade, red wines.CacaoCocoa; basis of a popular crème.CalvadosSee Spirits, p125.cassisBlackcurrant; notably in crème de cassis (see kir).caveCellar.




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CépageIndicates grape variety; e.g. Cépage Cabernet-Sauvignon.ChablisSee Burgundy, Major French wine regions, p122.chaiGround-level storehouse, wholly employed in Cognac and sometimesin Bordeaux and other districts.ChampagneSee Major French wine regions, p123. Also note MéthodeTraditionnelle below.ChardonnayPopular, now international grape variety producing dry to butterywhite wines.Château(x)See Bordeaux, Major French wine regions, p122.Châteaneuf-du-PapeBest known of powerful Rhône red wines.Chenin-blancGrape variety associated with many fine Loire wines.ClairetUnimportant Bordeaux wine, its distinction being probable origin ofEnglish word claret.closMainly a Burgundian term for a vineyard formerly (rarely now)enclosed by a wall.CognacSee Spirits, p125.CorbièresUsually a sound south of France red wine.côteIndicates vineyard on a hillside; no quality connotation necessarily.côteau(x)Much the same as above.




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crèmeMany sweet, sometimes sickly, mildly alcoholic cordials with manylocal specialities. Nearer to true liqueurs are top makes of crème dementhe and crème de Grand Marnier (q.v.). Crème de cassis is mixedwith white wine to produce kir, or with a sparkling white wine toproduce kir royal.CrémantSparkling wine with strong but rather brief effervescence.cruLiterally ‘growth’. Somewhat complicated and occasionallymisleading term: e.g. grand cru may be only grower’s estimation, cruclassé just means the wine is officially recognised, but grand cruclassé is most likely to be something special.cuve closeLiterally ‘sealed vat’. Describes production of sparkling wines bybulk as opposed to individual bottle fermentation. Can producesatisfactory wines and certainly much superior to cheap carbonatedstyles.cuvéeShould mean unblended wine from single vat, but cuvée spéciale maynot be particularly special: only taste will tell.demi-secLinguistically misleading, as it does not mean ‘half-dry’ but ‘mediumsweet’.digestifLiqueur or brandy drunk after a meal to aid digestion.DomaineBroadly, Burgundian equivalent to Bordeaux château.douxVery sweet.eau-de-vieGeneric term for all distilled spirits but usually only applied inpractice to roughish marc (q.v.) and the like.Entre-deux-MersUndistinguished but fairly popular white Bordeaux.




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frappéDrink served with crushed ice; e.g. crème de menthe frappée.FleurieOne of several superior Beaujolais wines.glacéDrink chilled by immersion of bottle in ice or in refrigerator, asdistinct from frappé above.goûtTaste; also colloquial term in some regions for local eau-de-vie (q.v.).Grand MarnierDistinguished orange-flavoured liqueur. See also crème.Haut‘High’. It indicates upper part of wine district, not necessarily thebest, though Haut-Médoc produces much better wines than otherareas.HermitageSeveral excellent Rhône red wines carry this title.IzarraAncient Armagnac-based liqueur much favoured by its Basqueoriginators.JuliénasNotable Beaujolais wine.kirWell-chilled dry white wine (should be Bourgogne Aligoté) plus ateaspoon of crème de cassis (q.v.). Made with champagne (or gooddry sparkling wine) it is kir royal.liqueurFrom old liqueur de dessert, denoting postprandial digestive. Alwaysvery sweet. ‘Liqueur’ has become misused as indication of superiorquality: to speak of ‘liqueur cognac’ is contradictory – yet some veryfine true liqueurs are based on cognac.LoireSee Major French wine regions, p123.marcMostly coarse distillations from wine residue with strong local




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popularity. A few marcs (‘mar’) – de Champagne, de Bourgogneespecially – have achieved a certain cult status.marqueBrand or company name.Méthode TraditionnelleSince the labelling ban prohibiting the use of the term ‘champagnemethod’ for wines made outside the Champagne district, this term isused for superior sparkling wine made in the same way aschampagne, by fermentation in bottle.MeursaultSplendid white Burgundy for those who can afford it.MinervoiseRespectable southern red wine: can be good value as are many such.miseAs in mise en bouteilles au château (‘château-bottled’), or ... dansnos caves (‘in our cellars’) and variations.MontrachetVery fine white Burgundy.Moulin-à-VentOne of the rather special Beaujolais wines.MuscadetArguably the most popular light dry Loire white wine.MuscatThough used for some dry whites, this grape is mainly associatedwith succulent dessert-style wines.NouveauNew wine, for drinking fresh; particularly associated with now tiringvogue for Beaujolais Nouveau.pastisGeneral term for powerful anis/liquorice aperitifs originally evolvedto replace banned absinthe and particularly associated with Marseillesarea through the great firm of Ricard.pétillantGently, naturally effervescent.




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PineauUnfermented grape juice lightly fortified with grape spirit; attractiveaperitif widely made in France and under-appreciated abroad.Pouilly-FuisséDry white Burgundy (Macon); sometimes over-valued.Pouilly-FuméEasily confused with above; a very dry fine Loire white.portoPort wine: usually lighter in France than the type preferred in Britainand popular, chilled, as an aperitif.primeurMore or less the same as nouveau, but more often used for finevintage wine sold en primeur for laying down to mature.rosé‘Pink wine’, best made by allowing temporary contact of juice andblack grapes during fermentation; also by mixing red and white wine.SauvignonNotable white grape; see also Cabernet.sec‘Dry’, but a wine so marked will be sweetish, even very sweet. ExtraSec may actually mean on the dry side.siropSyrup; e.g. sugar-syrup used in mixed drinks, also some flavouredproprietary non-alcoholic cordials.Supérieur(e)Much the same as Haut (q.v.) except in VDQS.VQRPDSee Appellation (d’origine) Contrôllée above, de XeresSherry (‘vin de ‘ereth’).




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French Cheeses

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How can anybody be expected to govern a country that has 246 kindsof cheese?

(Charles de Gaulle)

France is one of the biggest cheese producers in the world. Since deGaulle’s original comment in 1962 the number of types of cheese itoffers has grown to around 500.

French cheeses fall into six main categories:

• fresh cream cheeses such as petit-suisse

• surface-ripened soft cheeses such as Brie and Camembert

• washed-rind soft cheeses such as Pont l’Evêque

• goat’s cheeses such as Crottin de Chavignol

• blue cheeses such as Roquefort and Bleu d’Auvergne

• cooked and uncooked pressed cheeses such as Comté andReblochon, with a firm texture.

Fresh cheeses are made from unpasteurised milk and do not undergoany ripening or fermentation process. Surface-ripened cheeses areallowed to ripen for a few weeks until a white mould, called a bloom,forms. Washed-rind cheeses are repeatedly washed in warm saltwater to encourage a firm rind to form. Pressed cheeses are pressed ina mould for up to 12 months; in the case of cooked cheeses they areheated before being pressed.

Like the best French wines, the quality of French cheeses is tightlyregulated and the top 40 carry the ‘Appellation d’origine contrôlée’mark (AOC). This means that their origin and quality is strictlycontrolled and guarantees, among other things, that the cheeseoriginates from a specific region of France and has been producedusing traditional methods.




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The criteria laid down for AOC cheeses are rigorous:

• The cheese has to come from a geographically precise areasuch as a municipality or a district. The milk must come fromthis particular region too and the cheese must be producedand partly matured there as well.

• The production methods have a strong influence on thecharacteristics of a cheese. In order to ensure top quality,AOC cheeses have to be made by strictly defined methodsthat have been handed down over centuries.

• The size, type of rind, texture and minimum fat content of thecheese are all responsible for its final flavour. Thesecharacteristics are precisely defined and have to be adheredto strictly by producers, who are inspected by Ministry ofAgriculture staff responsible for monitoring the authenticityand quality of the products.

The current AOC cheeses are listed here, together with the type ofmilk used to make them and the area they originate from.

Cheese Description OriginAbondance hard cow’s milk cheese Haute Savoie

produced from unpasteurised (eastern France)milk, with fruity nutty flavour

Beaufort hard cow’s milk cheese Savoieproduced from unpasteurised (eastern France)milk, with fruity aromaticflavour

Bleu d’Auvergne semi-soft blue cheese from Auvergneunpasteurised cow’s milk, (central France)with full nutty flavour

Bleu de Gex semi-soft cheese made Rhône-Alpes/Jurafrom unpasteurised cow’smilk, with a distinctivehazelnut flavour




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Cheese Description OriginBleu des Causses semi-soft blue cow’s milk Midi-Pyrénées

cheese, stronger thanBleu d’Auvergne

Bleu du Vercors semi-soft blue cow’s milk Rhône-Alpescheese with mild nuttyflavour

Brie de Meaux soft surface-ripened cheese Ile-de-Francefrom unpasteurised cow’smilk, with mild fruity taste

Brie de Melun like Brie de Meaux but with Ile-de-Francestronger smell

Brocciu soft cream cheese made from Corsicaunpasteurised sheep or goat’smilk

Camembert de soft surface-ripened cheese NormandyNormandie from unpasteurised cow’s milkCantal firm drum-shaped cheese Auvergne

from unpasteurised cow’s milkChabichou soft cone-shaped cheese Poitou-Charentedu Poitou from unpasteurised goat’s (west France)

milk, with mild flavourChaource soft surface-ripened Champagne

drum-shaped cow’s milk (north-eastcheese with delicate France)flavour

Chevrotin semi-soft cheese of Rhône-Alpesunpasteurised goat’s milk

Comté hard wheel-shaped cheese Franche Comtéfrom unpasteurised cow’smilk

Crottin de soft goat’s milk cheese in central FranceChavignol small cylinder shape, with

acidic flavour




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Cheese Description OriginEpoisses de soft washed-rind cow’s BurgundyBourgogne milk cheese with strong smell

and rich, mildly alcoholictaste; sold boxed as it becomesrunny as it ripens

Fourme d’Ambert semi-soft blue cow’s milk Auvergnecheese, cylindrical, withtangy flavour

Fourme de semi-soft blue cow’s milk AuvergneMontbrison cheese, cylindrical, milder

than Fourme d’AmbertLaguiole semi-soft drum-shaped southern

cheese made from Auvergneunpasteurised cow’s milk,with tangy flavour

Langres soft washed-rind cow’s milk Champagne/cheese that is sunken on top, Burgundy regiona strong smell and a tangyflavour

Livarot soft cylindrical cow’s milk Pays d’Augecheese with washed rind (Normandy)and a pungent smell; ripensto a strong, spicy flavour;bound with leaves

Maroilles square soft cow’s milk northern Francecheese with washed rindand a strong flavour

Mont d’Or soft unpasteurised cow’s Rhône-Alpesmilk cheese with a butteryflavour, sold boxed; becomesrunny as it ripens




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Cheese Description OriginMorbier firm cheese from Franche-Comté

unpasteurised cow’s milk,with distinctive dark stripethrough the middle anda mild fruity flavour

Munster soft unpasteurised cow’s Alsace-Lorrainemilk cheese with washed,strong-smelling rind; ofteneaten with caraway seeds

Neufchâtel semi-soft surface-ripened Normandyheart-shaped cow’s milkcheese with slightlytangy taste

Ossau-Iraty round firm sheep’s Pyrénéesmilk cheese with nuttyflavour

Pélardon soft unpasteurised goat’s Languedoc-milk cheese, often eaten Roussillonbaked

Picodon soft disc-shaped goat’s milk Rhône-Alpescheese with fresh acidicflavour, often grilled

Pouligny soft cone-shaped goat’s central FranceSaint-Pierre milk cheese with nutty

flavourPont l’Evêque square soft cow’s milk Normandy

cheese with a washed rindthat has a pungent aroma,and a mild flavour

Reblochon semi-soft cheese from Savoieunpasteurised cow’s milkwith creamy, fruity taste

Rocadamour soft cheese made from Midi-Pyrénéesunpasteurised goat’s milkwith nutty, acidic taste




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Cheese Description OriginRoquefort semi-soft blue sheep’s milk Midi-Pyrénées

cheese with strong salty flavourSaint-Nectaire semi-soft cow’s milk cheese Auvergne

with mild flavourSaint-Maure log-shaped soft unpasteurised Tourainede Touraine goat’s milk cheese with grey (central France)

rind and straw in centreSalers firm cheese from Auvergne

unpasteurised cow’s milk,similar to Cantal

Selles-sur-Cher small round soft goat’s milk Loirecheese

Vacherin du haut same as Mont d’OrDoubsValençay pyramid-shaped soft goat’s central France

milk cheese with ash-coveredrind and a mild nutty flavour

Apart from the top 40 listed above, here are some other well-knownFrench cheeses you are likely to encounter:

Cheese Description OriginCantadou cow’s milk cheese in small non-regional

balls that can be used as aspread

Caprice des Dieux oval mild soft white cheese Champagne-Ardennes

Chaumes full-flavoured soft cow’s Périgordmilk cheese with washedrind and buttery flavour

Coulommiers a smaller Brie-type cheese Ile-de-FranceEtorki firm sheep’s milk cheese French Basque





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Cheese Description OriginLe Pié d’Angloys soft full-fat cow’s milk cheese Burgundy

that ripens in its boxMimolette Edam-type cow’s milk cheese, north-east France

dark orange when mature (originally Lille)Port Salut mild semi-soft cow’s milk non-regional

cheeseRaclette firm cow’s milk cheese, Auvergne

often used in cooking as itmelts easily

Saint Agur semi-soft blue cow’s milk Auvergnecheese with mild creamyflavour

Saint Felicien soft unpasteurised cow’s milk Burgundycheese with fresh flavour

Saint Marcellin soft round cow’s milk cheese DauphineSaint-Paulin mild semi-soft cow’s milk mainly Brittany

cheese and NormandyTomme firm unpasteurised cow’s Rhône-Alpes(de Savoie) milk cheese with hard grey

rind and creamy tasteVignotte semi-soft cow’s milk cheese Champagne

with a rich creamy flavour

French cheeses for vegetarians

The French AOC mark generally implies that a cheese has been madewith animal rennet, so vegetarians have to search further afield forcheeses that are suitable to eat. Look for commercial brands such asBoursin, Tartare and Saint-Morêt. Companies such as Milleret (whomake le Gylois, le Charcennay, le Roucoulous and l’Ortolan), Rippoz(who make Emmenthal, Morbier, Raclette and Tendre), OMA,Guilloteau and Entremont all produce cheeses made withnon-animal-based rennet.




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Serving cheeseThe French eat their cheese before, or in place of, the dessert course.Cheese can be eaten with bread, or sometimes just on its own, andshould be served at room temperature.

Different cheeses go with different types of bread: for example a softcreamy cheese such as Neufchâtel or Chaource goes well with fruit ornut bread. Cheese connoisseurs in particular like to eat the rind, so donot remove it before serving. Some rinds however are more suitablefor eating than others.

Ideally a cheese should be divided up so that each piece has somerind on it.

• Small round cheeses such as Camembert or some goat’scheeses can be cut into portions from the centre like cakes

• Square cheeses such as Pont l’Evêque can also be cutdiagonally, then each half sliced into smaller triangles

• Cheeses with a soft rind that have been cut from a larger‘wheel’, such as Brie, are sliced starting from the narrowestpoint of the triangle

• Blue cheeses such as Roquefort are also cut into triangles,fanning out from the centre of the narrower end

• Firmer cheeses such as Comté are cut across in straightslices, with the thickest slice then cut into two so that eachpiece shares some rind

• Log-shaped cheeses – mainly goat’s cheeses such asSainte-Maure – are sliced across into rounds. The smaller,round, goat’s cheeses should simply be cut into halves orthirds

• Divide pyramid- or cone-shaped cheeses such as PoulignySaint-Pierre into vertical triangles starting from the middle,so they do not crumble

• Cheeses sold in boxes, such as Epoisses and Mont d’Or, canbe eaten straight from the box with a spoon if they aresufficiently ripe.




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Serving wine with cheeseAs a general rule of thumb it is safe to assume that a cheese will gowell with local wines from the same region. Another generalguideline is that the stronger the cheese, the more full-bodied thewine should be to balance it. Heavy sweet white wines such asSauternes go surprisingly well with a range of cheeses, includingstrong blue cheeses.

Soft surface-ripened cheeses such as Brie go well with light ormedium-bodied reds such as Beaujolais or Médoc. Another goodprinciple is to match washed-rind cheeses or firm cheeses such asMunster, Reblochon and Tomme with full-bodied reds such asSaint-Emilion or Châteauneuf-du-Pape, or with white Alsace wines.

Goat’s cheeses can be accompanied by Sauvigon blanc orChardonnay wines, or other dry and fruity white wines. Blue cheesescan either be partnered with a full-bodied red or – a famouslysuccessful combination – with a sweet white wine such as Sauternes.


