easy street script

“Easy street” Opening sequence script IRISH: (To Gaudi) Hey good to see ya again Danny, this place ain’t been the same y’know, GAUDI: Yeah? Well thanks a lot I appreciate the gesture friend. How’s business been? IRISH: Lousy… Hey don't look now but I think you got an admirer Gaudi looks around noticing an attractive young woman approaching, all in red with full rouged lips and dark hair. Irish makes for the door, noting her as she passes Ma’am Brushing past him CHRISTINA: Hey sugar GAUDI: Evening CHRISTINA: Buy you a drink? GAUDI: No thanks… I gotta go CHRISTINA: No no I’ll go, I know where I’m not wanted. just be careful as you leave, you could catch your death and it’s dark out there! GAUDI: Well thanks for the concern CHRISTINA: No problem hun… (pausing to look him up and down) you don't remember me do you? GAUDI: (growing impatient) Do I know you ma’m? CHRISTINA: Not anymore sugar, not yet. she gets up playfully stealing his hat from the table and wearing it out of the bar Name’s Christina Appleby, See ya round hun. Gaudi, clearly baffled looks around and shakes off the whole incident he looks dow and begins drinking again as a non-diagetic voice over is heard GAUDI: (inner monologue) Name’s Daniel Gaudi. I’m a detective. These days I’m kickin’ around this small town shit heap Hartlepool. but don’t get me

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Post on 30-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Easy street script

“Easy street” Opening sequence script

IRISH: (To Gaudi) Hey good to see ya again Danny, this place ain’t been the same y’know,

GAUDI: Yeah? Well thanks a lot I appreciate the gesture friend. How’s business been?

IRISH: Lousy… Hey don't look now but I think you got an admirer

Gaudi looks around noticing an attractive young woman approaching, all in red with full rouged lips and dark hair. Irish makes for the door, noting her as she passes


Brushing past him

CHRISTINA: Hey sugar

GAUDI: Evening

CHRISTINA: Buy you a drink?

GAUDI: No thanks… I gotta go

CHRISTINA: No no I’ll go, I know where I’m not wanted. just be careful as you leave, you could catch your death and it’s dark out there!

GAUDI: Well thanks for the concern

CHRISTINA: No problem hun… (pausing to look him up and down) you don't remember me do you?

GAUDI: (growing impatient) Do I know you ma’m?

CHRISTINA: Not anymore sugar, not yet.

she gets up playfully stealing his hat from the table and wearing it out of the bar

Name’s Christina Appleby, See ya round hun.

Gaudi, clearly baffled looks around and shakes off the whole incident he looks dow and begins drinking again as a non-diagetic voice over is heard

GAUDI: (inner monologue) Name’s Daniel Gaudi. I’m a detective. These days I’m kickin’ around this small town shit heap Hartlepool. but don’t get me wrong, once upon a time not too long ago Daniel Gaudi was a big shot. I spend half my life bustin' your ass to get to the top. A New York man, I was workin' homicide, and then one little mistake, a few guns go off and you get shot right back down.

*he takes a pill and swallows it with scotch, after a while he gets up after finishing his drink at the bar, picks up his hat, exits the bar and crosses the street. the looks up melancholy at the streets*

And so here I am, bustin my ass again back in this hell hole Where I grew up. And heres the best part, as a matter of courtesy those scumbags back in the apple set me back up in the same old neighbourhood. Truth is, Hartlepool makes me sick. It’s the God damned Big green monster that swallowed up my childhood and here it is dragging me right on back.

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*as Gaudi looks up at a dark apartment building he flashes back to a darkened vision of his child-hood in which he sees his father beating his mother. he shakes it off looking shocked but com-posed and then takes a few steps forward abruptly noticing a ghost-like corpse resembling his mother surrounded by glass of the sidewalk covered in blood. he gasps and taken aback walks on fast.

MOTHER: (Other worldly voice) Hi baby.

I keep having these things, like daydreams, started getting stronger when I got sent back here. Doctor say’s its all in my head and not to worry, so I’m not, I ain’t the type to worry about stuff like this. My line of work is big time real. Over the years I seen a thousand corpses and a whole lotta blood.

*after walking a few steps he hears a loud male scream.*

what is that?

*he runs to find it blacking out and hearing his fathers voice, after a while he wakes up at a sea front he looks out to sea and then examine his hands which are covered in red lip stick.*

Strange times indeed

*reaching into his breast pocket he inspects his pill bottle he notices that it is strangely covered in lipstick and gets annoyed and confused*

These fuckin’ things…

*he throws the pills out to sea*

The next scene is in an office. A match on action shows Gaudi walk in and meet with two men. one portly and sat at a large desk the other standing at his side.


MICHAELS: Ahh Daniel, good man. Meet Ricardo Martel. He’ll be your new partner

MARTEL: Mr Gaudi, a real honour.

GAUDI: (shaking his hand) Good to meet you pal. Sir I appreciate it an all but I tend to work best by myself

MICHAELS: Now Daniel your not in New York anymore, This is how we do it in Hartlepool and thats all there is you understand

GAUDI: (hesitant) Yes sir.

MICHAELS: Well then, I got your first case right here, 228 Church street, Homocide, Body identi-fied as Timothy Wood. Meet with the coroners down there to get better acquainted

MARTEL: Yes sir

MICHAELS: Woah there eager beaver, cool it a little, this is homicide not the god damn Micky mouse club. Gaudi take care of the kid huh? And play by the book or I’ll throw it at ya. Good hunt-ing!GAUDI AND MARTELL: Sir!

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The pair leave and the next shot shows them in a parking lot making their way toward a car.

MARTEL: So Mr Gaudi, i was thinking we could…

GAUDI: (cutting him off) Yeah don’t. Look kid truth is your dead weight here, I’m sure your a real nice guy an all an you probably just graduated top o your class back in the academy but that don't mean nothin’ to me, i been in the job a long time i know my way around ok and i sure as hell don't need no partner… So as long as we gotta work together I just want you to watch an learn you un-derstand?

MARTEL: Well sure but…

GAUDI: Good, this is me (indicating the car)

MARTEL: It’s Ricky by the way, that’s what my friends call me

GAUDI: (Looking him up and down sympathetically) Dan, but sir when people listening, got it?

MARTEL: Sure Dan.

They get in the car. The next scene takes place on a deserted street, only the coroners and a hys-terical widow are present. Martel and Gaudi are seen walking toward the crime scene.

GAUDI: This your first time?

MARTEL: Yes sir.

GAUDI: Play it cool, take a look around, let me do the talking ok?

MARTEL: (Splitting off from Gaudi) Yes sir.

GAUDI: Coroner what we got?

CORONER: Homicide, basic hit and run job, footprints leading to and from the scene, size 11, heavy lacerations to the head and neck, bite marks on the face and a series of stab wounds on the stomach, glass traces left behind so probably from a bottle. Real sicko. Hat left behind,


Gaudi turns to see his own hat that was taken by Christina. He is taken aback and assumes a glazed over look.

CORONER: (Blurring out) yeah how about that? probably drunk, anyway he was clearly in a hurry by the look of those prints. Take a look.

GAUDI: Thanks…

MARTEL: (Out of shot, drawing Gaudi’s attention) Sir!

Fade out.