easter sunday domingo de pascua march 27, · pdf fileeaster sunday domingo de pascua march 27,...

Weekly Bulletin Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua March 27, 2016 Reflections Mass Schedule Weekly Calendar Faith Formation News… and more! Sacred Heart Parish 22 Stone Street, Salinas, CA 93901 (831) 424-1959 Fr. Martin Cain, Parochial Vicar Parish E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Dennis Peterson, Special Minister Parish website: www.shsalinas.org School website: www.shschool.com

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Weekly Bulletin

Easter Sunday

Domingo de


March 27, 2016

Reflections Mass Schedule

Weekly Calendar Faith Formation News…

and more!

Sacred Heart Parish 22 Stone Street, Salinas, CA 93901 (831) 424-1959 Fr. Martin Cain, Parochial Vicar Parish E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Dennis Peterson, Special Minister Parish website: www.shsalinas.org

School website: www.shschool.com

Please pray for the sick in our parish and for those who care for them: Mantenga en sus oraciónes a los enfermos y a los que se preocupan por ellos: Abigail Alaniz, Lety Baron, Joe Barrett, Yvonne Beadell, Paz Bides, Rogelio Bides, Isabelo Bito, Norma Bito, William Bito, Debbie Bomactao, Emily Brito, Ramona Bugarin Gonzalez, Maria Carmo, Perlita Carreon, Patricia Castillo, Barbara Catt, Usman Ahmed Chashmawala, Maria Guadalupe Claudio, Enrique & Refugio DeAnda, Emma Molina Ebora, Camille “Mickey” Echeveria, Benilda Loria Emery, Brianne & Rhonda Ernst, Victoria Esparza, Crisoforo Estrada, Cindy Eudaley, Albert Fernando Sr., Jesus and Socorro Flores, Josie Galdo, Manuel Garcia, Soledad Garcia, Wanda Gibbons, Rowena Gonzales, Victor Gonzalez, Violeta Gonzalez, Allen Gross, Jalen Hannah, Viridiana Hernandez, Gerry Hitchcock, Maria Huerta, Julio & Carmen Rosa Jimenez, Miguela Jurolan, Simeona Jurolan, Henry Kato, Yvonne Kever, Karen Kitamura, Genevieve Labadan, Leslie Lawrence, Karla Lopez, Eric Macaraeg, Alexis Martinez, Christopher Martinez, Eva Martinez, Gil Martinez, Juanita Martinez, Ron Martinez, Anne McGuire, Diego & Esmeralda Medina, Ultima Medina, Josie Mendoza, Marta Montenegro, Rita and Benny Orlando, Loida M. Osteo, Mary Otto, Ambrosio Palafox Sr., Maria Paloma, Damaso Partible, Rachel Pasculli, Javier Perez, Vanessa Agamao Pinon, Leticia L. Querubin, Jesse Quiming, Lana Ragsdale, Leticia Ramirez, Shanieka Reyes, Johnny Jr. Robledo, Hisako Rodriguez, Ted & Pat Rinker, Liz Salao, Jackson Sherry, Ed Shive, Stella, Alberto, and Fernando Skrzypek, Ciro Solis, Paula Sotelo, Helen Stafford, Bob Stewart, Reynaldo Tongol, Claro Torivillas, Eugene Tumacder, Emma Victoria Valdez, David/Joni Vaninetti, Consuelo Villas, Jean Viray-Wigle, Deborah Ann Marie Weaver. If you are in need of prayers or would like to request a prayer for someone, please call the office at 424-1959 or e-mail [email protected]. Si necesita oración o le gustaría pedir por alguna persona enferma, favor de llamar a la oficina al 424-1959.

“Together, we proclaim God’s merciful love” – Our 2016 ANNUAL MINISTRIES APPEAL (AMA) has come to an “official” end. THANK YOU to the 259 members of our parish family who took the time to reflect on the gifts God gave them and then made a concrete decision to support this year’s appeal by pledging or making one-time gifts totaling $61,646.76 (11.85 % of 2,185 registered parishioners). Our families, our homes, our health, and everything we possess comes from God. Your financial support recognizes God’s supreme generosity and is the spirit of true Christian Stewardship. Even though our appeal has “officially” ended, if you are waiting for your “tax refund” before making your pledge … we greatly appreciate it. Remember you may give a one-time gift or pledge over 8 months. Pledge envelopes are available from the parish office. Again, thank you to all our donors … and to those who could not give but prayed for the success of our appeal! Online giving is available at www.dioceseofmonterey.org/ama. Together we make the difference! If you have any questions, please contact either the parish office at 424-1959 or the AMA “Hotline” at 831-645-2844.

“Juntos proclamamos el amor misericordioso de Dios” Nuestra APELACIÓN ANUAL DE MINISTERIOS (AMA) 2016 ha llegado su fin. GRACIAS a los 259 miembros de nuestra parroquia quienes tomaron su tiempo para reflexionar a los regalos que Dios les dio y tomaron una decisión concreta para apoyar a la Apelación Anual de Ministerios de este año totalizando $61,646.76 (11.85% de los 2,185 feligreses registrados). Nuestras familias, nuestros hogares, nuestra salud y todo de lo que poseemos vienen de Dios. Su apoyo financiero reconoce su generosidad suprema de Dios y es el Espíritu Santo de la verdadera corresponsabilidad cristiana. Recuerde que usted puede hacer su donación dando pagos por 8 meses. Tenemos sobres disponibles en la Oficina de la Iglesia. Una vez más gracias a todos los que donaron y a los que no pudieron hacerlo pero oraron para el éxito de nuestra apelación. También pueden hacer su donación por internet en www.dioceseofmonterey.org/ama. Juntos hacemos la diferencia! Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la Oficina al (424-1959) o a la oficina de Desarrollo y Corresponsabilidad en la Diócesis de Monterey al (831-645-2844).



Name Your Own Gift Amount! $1,000 $125 $125 $720 $90 $90 $600 $75 $75 $480 $40 $40 $240 $30 $30 $120 $15 $15

11.85% of total


DRAWN INTO THE STORY “We are witnesses!” The scripture readings for Easter Sunday concentrate on details reported by eyewitnesses. Listen carefully and you will be drawn into the stories yourself. Peter reports the good works Jesus did, his death on the cross, and his resurrection. The passage from John’s Gospel has us running to the empty tomb with Peter and John and peering inside to see the cloths used to cover Jesus’ body. Psalm 118 sums up our response: “It is wonderful in our eyes!” What resurrection details do we see in our lives today? How have we died to our old lives and been raised up again with Jesus? Let us pay attention to the new life around us. It is wonderful in our eyes. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

PASIÓN La palabra “pasión” conlleva un profundo y determinado compromiso. Pero es interesante que también tiene relación a la pasividad. La persona profundamente apasionada del relato evangélico de Lucas es Jesús. Parece pasivo pero no lo es. Está totalmente consciente de sí mismo y totalmente presente al día que comienza el jueves por la noche en su última cena con los apóstoles y termina con su entierro antes de la puesta del sol el día siguiente. Entonces le sigue el largo silencio del sábado. El relato de la pasión se lee entero y sin pausa el Domingo de Ramos en la Pasión. Esta historia, que se encuentra en cada uno de los evangelios, no cambia. Somos nosotros los que cambiamos. Cada año, nos presentamos con otro año de historia para escuchar y hacerle caso a esta historia que tanta falta nos hace. La vida nos traquetea y de nuevo volvemos a los relatos de la Pasión para aprender a seguirle. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.



Sunday: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Monday: Monday within the Octave of Easter Tuesday: Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Wednesday: Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Thursday: Thursday within the Octave of Easter Friday: Friday within the Octave of Easter; First Friday Saturday: Saturday within the Octave of Easter; First Saturday

Domingo: Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor Lunes: Lunes de la Octava de Pascua Martes: Martes de la Octava de Pascua Miércoles: Miércoles de la Octava de Pascua Jueves: Jueves de la Octava de Pascua Viernes: Viernes de la Octava de Pascua; Primer viernes Sábado: Sábado de la Octava de Pascua; Primer sábado


Prayer / Worship / Mass / Treasure



7:15 am People of the Parish (MC) 9:00 am Dorothy Filson (INT) (MC) 11:00 am Clyde Pearce (RR) 1:00 pm Jose Leopoldo Torres (RR) MONDAY, MARCH 28

7:00 am Ben Valdez (DP)


7:00 am Annie McGuire (INT) (DP) 12:15 pm Sacred Heart of Jesus (RR)


7:00 am Alfredo Pombo (MDL) 12:15 pm Joel/Juanita Lozada (RR)


7:00 am Deceased Priests of Diocese of Monterey (DP) 12:15 pm Nadine Smith (MDL) 7:00 pm Juan Pulido (RR) FRIDAY, APRIL 01

7:00 am End Gang Violence (RR) 12:15 pm Patricia Stuby 7:00 pm Abigail Alaniz (INT)


7:30 am Persecuted Christians 5:00 pm Rose Lavorato 7:00 pm Ruben/Carmen Aguilar (INT)


7:15 am Maria Huerta (INT) 9:00 am Sacred Heart Burials 11:00 am Frankie Salazar 1:00 pm Rosalio/Guadalupe Marquez 5:00 pm Rita/Presley Navarro (INT) 7:00 pm People of the Parish


Total Ordinary Sunday Collections needed weekly to meet our expenses: $10,000

Total as of March 20, 2016 (29 weeks into our fiscal year)

Figures as of March 20, 2016: Ordinary Sunday Collections: Special Collections:

WELCOME! Our warmest welcome to all who worship with us. If you would like to join our parish community, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to our Parish Office: 22 Stone Street, Salinas, California 93901. ¡Bienvenidos! Nuestra más calurosa bienvenida a todas las personas que junto con nosotros alaban a Dios. Agradecemos su participación. Si usted desea unirse a nuestra comunidad parroquial, por favor llene esta forma y deposítela en la canasta de los donativos, o envíela por correo, a nuestra Oficina Parroquial: 22 Stone Street, Salinas, CA 93901.

Name/Nombre ____________________________________________________________________

E-Mail Address/Dirección de Correo Electrónico _________________________________________

Phone/Teléfono ___________________________________________________________________

Address/Dirección _________________________________________________________________ New Parishioner/Nuevo en la Parroquia Electronic Giving Form/Forma Electrónica New Address/ Nuevo Dirección New Phone No./Nuevo Teléfono Send Sun. Envelopes/Envié Sobres Moving-Remove Name/Borrar Nombre

Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31

Lunes: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Mt 28:8-15 Martes: Hch 2:36-41; Jn 20:11-18 Miércoles: Hch 3:1-10; c 24:13-35 Jueves: Hch 3:11-26; Lc 24:35-48 Viernes: Hch 4:1-12; Jn 21:1-14 Sábado: Hch 4:13-21; Mc 16:9-15 Domingo: Hch 5:12-16; Ap 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31

THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN CEMETERY holds a Mass in memory of the faithful departed on the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM. Priests of Sacred Heart, Madonna del Sasso and St. Mary’s take turns to celebrate this Mass. For more info, please call 449-5890.

EL CEMENTERIO REINA DEL CIELO (QUEEN OF HEAVEN) - Se celebra una Misa en memoria de los fieles difuntos el primer sábado de cada mes a las 10:00 AM. Los Sacerdotes del Sagrado Corazón, Madonna del Sasso y Santa María se turnan para celebrar esta Misa. Para más información favor llamar al 449-5890.


Totals will be available in next week’s bulletin.

INTENTIONS CALENDAR - The intentions calendar has openings in April, if you would like to add a special intention this month, please call the office for more information 424-1959. CALENDARIO DE INTENCIONES DEL SAGRADO CORAZON - El Libro para sus intenciones especiales del Abril ya está disponible. Favor de llamar a la oficina para mas información 424-1959.

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH -Volunteers from our parish are needed to help at the First United Methodist Church outreach program each Monday by helping to prepare & serve lunch. We are in need of more volunteers! Please call Raquel Quezada at 737-6744 for more info or to volunteer.

SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY—Fellow parishioners: We are in need of your help to feed our many families. There has been an increase of those in need of our help at this time of year. We would appreciate any monetary help you can afford. Please make any checks out to SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY. We are located at 26 Stone St, Salinas, at the rear of the Church parking lot. We are here every Monday & Friday from 9-11 am. Thank you in advance from all of our volunteers.

SPRING BIBLE STUDY - Looking for a way to connect with people and strengthen your walk with God? Join us for Bible Study which will resume on Thursday, April 7. We meet here at the parish from 7 – 8:30 pm and newcomers are always welcome!

SACRED HEART ALTAR SOCIETY NEWS - The next meeting of the Sacred Heart Altar Society will be on Tuesday, April 5, 2016. The meeting will be held at the Parish Center in the Sacred Heart Room, starting at 1:00 pm. New members are always welcome. Hope to see you there.

MISSION SAN ANTONIO - Come to the pristine Valley of the Oaks and enjoy a step backward to the era of the California Missions. Mission San Antonio de Padua will be hosting its annual Mission Days event on Saturday April 2, 2016, from 11:00 a.m.

to 3:00 p.m. Parking and Admission is $10/car. Mission era food will be offered for $10/plate with water and soft drinks also available. There will be historical re-enactors in costume portraying soldiers, artisans, vaqueros, pioneers and dancers. Mission crafts and activities will be demonstrated, including weaving, rope making, candle making, acorn grinding, tortilla making, and much more. Members of Los Arribeños de San Francisco will be performing historical Californio music and dance, and the New World Baroque Orchestra and Choir will play historical music from the Mission period. Access Adventure will offer horse drawn carriage rides, with wheel chair accessibility for the disabled. Access Adventure is led by Michael Muir, the great grandson of John Muir. Artists will also be present to display and offer for sale their original artwork. More information may be obtained by calling the Mission Gift Shop at (831) 385-4478, extension 17, or at our website at http://missionsanantonio.net/mission-days .

ALLELUIA! Happy Easter from Sacred Heart School! Recently, a principal from a nearby school shared a story with me from a 2nd grade student at her school. The young man, after hearing the story of the Passion of Christ, shared with her how sad of a story it was, and how it must have “hurt’ Jesus to be nailed to the cross. He continued

talking about the events he had learned about, and at the end of his story, shared with her, “I’m so glad that it has a HAPPY ending!” Our Savior, Jesus Christ, has conquered death in order to give us a ‘happy” ending and Easter is our time to say “thank you” to him! His resurrection from the dead is not simply a fact of history to be retold at Easter, but a time to remember that Jesus is among us every day. We celebrate Him daily at Sacred Heart School… in our assemblies, our prayers, our classrooms and especially in the actions we share daily in our school community! Our Sacred Heart School students and staff would like to express our thanks to the Parish for the continued support you offer. We appreciate the generosity you have shown to support our tuition assistance and help with facilities. If you think you would like to explore joining us in the Catholic faith, please give us a call or stop by. We pray that our Risen Lord will be revealed to you in Word and Sacrament, in the love of family, friends and Church, in the witness of charity and holiness of life. The students and staff at Sacred Heart School wish you a blessed Easter celebration!

Blessing in Christ, Connie Rains, Principal




Saturday (Sábado) 03-26-2016


Sunday (Domingo) 03-27-2016 EASTER SUNDAY – all Masses are in Cislini Youth Center (wear white if possible) English Masses: 7:15 am, 9 am & 11 am (Easter Egg Hunt after 11 am Mass and 1pm Mass), Spanish Mass: 1 pm No Evening Masses on Easter Sunday

DOMINGO DE PASCUA DE LA RESURREC-CIÓN DEL SEÑOR -27 DE MARZO (vista de blanco si es posible): todas las Misas se celebran en el Centro Juvenil Cislini Misas en Ingles: 7:15 am, 9 am & 11 am Misa en Español: 1 pm (casería de huevos para la Pascua), No se celebrarán Misas por la tarde el domingo de Resurrección del Señor

Monday (Lunes) Parish Office Closed


Tuesday (Martes) 03-29-2016

NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP after 7am Mass and before the 12:15 pm Mass NOVENA A Ntra. Sra. DEL PERPETUO SOCORRO Después de la Misa de 7am y antes la 12:15 Misa

Thursday (Jueves) 03-31-2016

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT after 7am MASS until 12:00 Noon and 5-7:00 pm ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO: Después de la Misa de 7am hasta las 12:00 del medio día y de 5 a 7 p

Friday (Viernes) 04-01-2016

SACRED HEART NOVENA PRAYERS before the 12:15 pm Mass NOVENA EN HONOR AL SAGRADO CORAZÓN antes de la Misa de 12:15 pm


COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you know of someone that would like to

receive Communion at home, call Catherine 758-1797.

COMUNIÓN PARA LOS INVÁLIDOS Si quieren que se les lleve la Comunión o

quieren confesarse, hable a la oficina 424-1959.

PLEASE BE VIGILANT - We ask that you make sure that you lock your cars and don’t leave any valuables in plain sight. Stay alert on the sidewalks, in the parking lot, and be a helper for oth-ers.

POR FAVOR, ESTAR ATENTOS- Les pedimos que siempre estén alertas cierren bien sus carros y no deje nada de valor a la vista. Este siempre alerta al caminar en el estacionamiento, banquetas y ayude a los demás.

Sacred Heart School now sells

Scrip! Stop by Sacred Heart

School and purchase your gift cards from us!

A portion of the proceeds go to support our school! While you plan your shopping list, think of Scrip.

There is no additional cost to you. The school receives a rebate from the retailers such as Nob

Hill, Safeway, SaveMart, Target, Kohl’s, Subway, Starbucks, Shutterfly, Toys R Us,

JCPenney, ITunes and many, many more. For more information, contact Mandy Lebow, Scrip Director

at 771-1310.

The Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries at Santa Clara Univer-sity is taking applications for the Fall 2016 quarter. Did you know that this 60 unit Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Ministries is offered right here in the Diocese of Monterey? Classes are held in diocesan offices on Church Street in Monterey. For more info please call Ann at 831-373-1335 or go to www.scu.edu/cas/academics/graduate-program-in-pastoral-ministries

• Do you have a winning pot of chili? Do you have a spot on

throw? Keep an eye out for the applications, entry fees and more!

Proceeds from this FUNdraiser will support the cost of our Peacock Acres After School program youth attending Hope, Horses & Kids. (831) 754-3635

Liturgical Schedule:

Saturday: 7:30 am, 5:00 pm (English) 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:15 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 5:00 pm (English) 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm (Spanish) Weekdays: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am and 12:15 pm (English) Thursday: 7:00 pm (Spanish) First Friday: 7:30 pm (Spanish) Except Holidays and Holy Days

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: (Bilingual Confessions): Friday: 11:30-12:00 pm and 6:00 pm -7:30 pm.

BAPTISM (Children): Please come to the Parish Office (with a copy of your child’s birth certificate) to receive information about preparation and scheduling.

MARRIAGE: Preparation should begin at least 6 months in advance. Please call the Parish Office during office hours for an appointment with the priest.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: First Wednesday of each month at 12:15 pm, or by appointment.

HOSPITALIZED/HOMEBOUND: Please notify the Parish Office if you would like Holy Communion.