easter s april 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and...

E ASTER S UNDAY A PRIL 21, 2019 First Presbyterian Church 508 West Davis Street Burlington, North Carolina 27215 www.fpcburlington.org

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Page 1: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,


First Presbyterian Church 508 West Davis Street

Burlington, North Carolina 27215 www.fpcburlington.org

Page 2: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,

GATHERING AROUND THE WORD MUSIC FOR PREPARATION Music for Brass CALL TO WORSHIP Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia! This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia! *PROCESSIONAL HYMN — NO. 232 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today EASTER HYMN *PRAYER FOR EASTER Glory to you, O God: on this day you won victory over death, raising Jesus from the grave and giving us eternal life. Glory to you, O Christ: for us and for our salvation you overcame death and opened the gate to everlasting life. Glory to you, O Holy Spirit: you lead us into the truth. Glory to you, O Blessed Trinity, now and forever. Amen. *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus HYFRYDOL

Please join in reading aloud

those parts of the service printed

in bold.

When this symbol (*)

precedes an element of the service, please rise in body or


Page 3: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,

*PASSING THE PEACE, LOVE, AND JOY OF CHRIST TO OTHERS The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.


EPISTLE READING: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Large Print Pew Bible, pages 214-215 Pew Bible, page 176 The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. ANTHEM O Voice of the Beloved! Grayston Ives (b. 1948)

Chancel Choir O voice of the beloved! Thy bride hath heard thee say, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, arise and come away. For lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird, and over all the country the turtle dove is heard. The fig her green fruit ripens, the vines are in their bloom; arise and smell their fragrance; my love, my fair one, come!” Our Easter Sun is risen! And yet we slumber long, and need thy Dove’s sweet pleading to waken prayer and song. Oh, breathe upon our deadness, oh shine upon our gloom; Lord, let us feel thy presence and rise and live and bloom. -Jackson Mason (1833-1889), based on Song of Solomon 2:10-13; 8:6-7 GOSPEL READING: John 20:1-18 Large Print Pew Bible, pages 140-141 Pew Bible, pages 114-115 The Gospel of the Lord Praise to you, O Christ. SERMON: Jesus is on the Loose! Dr. Ron Shive

We exchange reconciling words among the people of God.

The refrain is sung at the direction of the cantors.

We listen for what God is saying to God’s people through scripture, song, and sermon.

Page 4: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,

RESPONDING TO THE WORD *HYMN OF RESPONSE — NO. 245 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today! LLANFAIR *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH - from A Declaration of Faith

We declare that Jesus is Lord. His resurrection is a decisive victory over the powers that deform and destroy human life. His lordship is hidden. The world appears to be dominated by people and systems that do not acknowledge his rule. But his lordship is real. It demands our loyalty and sets us free from fear of all lesser lords who threaten us. We maintain that ultimate sovereignty now belongs to Jesus Christ in every sphere of life. Jesus is Lord! He has been Lord from the beginning. He will be Lord at the end. Even now he is Lord.

SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. …who forever sing to the glory of your name:

Our response to

hearing God’s Word includes

singing and saying what we believe.

Lord’s Supper During his

ministry, Jesus shared meals as a

sign of community and acceptance. As

we gather for communion, know

that you are welcome in this community and

accepted at Christ’s table.

Page 5: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,

LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. BREAKING OF THE BREAD COMMUNION OF THE PEOPLE ANTHEM This Joyful Eastertide Charles Wood (1866-1926)

Chancel Choir This joyful Eastertide, away with sin and sorrow! My Love, the crucified, hath sprung to life this morrow. Had Christ, that once was slain, ne’er burst his three-day prison, Our faith had been in vain: but now is Christ arisen. My flesh in hope shall rest, and for a season slumber: Till trump from east to west shall wake the dead in number. Had Christ, that once was slain, ne’er burst his three-day prison, Our faith had been in vain: but now is Christ arisen. Death’s flood hath lost its chill, since Jesus crossed the river: Lover of souls, from ill my passing soul deliver. Had Christ, that once was slain, ne’er burst his three-day prison, Our faith had been in vain: but now is Christ arisen. -G. R. Woodward (1848-1934)



Sing Ye to the Lord Edward C. Bairstow (1874-1946) Chancel Choir

Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously. Pharoah’s chariots and his host hath He cast into the sea. Mighty Victim from the sky, Hell’s fierce powers beneath Thee lie; Thou hast conquered in the fight, Thou hast brought us life and light; Now no more can death appal, now no more the grave enthrall; Thou has opened Paradise, and in Thee Thy Saints shall rise. Alleluia! Amen. -Exodus 15:21, 4 and R. Campbell

Page 6: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,


BEARING THE WORD INTO THE WORLD *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION May the steadfast love of the Lord be yours, Psalm 118:1, 24 this day and forever. Alleluia! Christ is risen! Jesus is on the loose! Matthew 28:10 Go and tell this good news to all. Thanks be to God.


Ronald L. Shive, D. Min., Pastor

Taylor Barner, M. Div., Associate Pastor for Student Ministries Norman Whitney, M. Div., Parish Associate for Pastoral Care

J. Patrick Murphy, M. Mus., Organist-Choirmaster Charlotte Allbright, C.C.E., Church Educator

Peggy Harrelson, Liturgist, 8:30 a.m. David Vaughan, Liturgist, 11:00 a.m.

INSTRUMENTALISTS Rob McConnell, trumpet

Mikeal Swanhart, trumpet Patrick Hayes, horn

Samuel van den Bosch, trombone Nicholas Psihountas, tuba

Erin Studstill Lopp, timpani W. Thomas Jones, organ

God blesses and sends us in

mission to the world.

Page 7: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,


A WARM AND CORDIAL WELCOME is extended to all who worship with us this Sunday. We hope in this service you will encounter the living Christ and experience the warmth of our caring family of faith. Please take a moment to sign our friendship register when it is passed to you. If you are visiting with us and in search of a church home, we invite you to become a part of our church family here at First Presbyterian Church. Please let us know of your interest by way of the friendship register, or by speaking to one of our ministers. LARGE PRINT HYMNS: Copies of today’s hymns are available in the Narthex. HEARING ASSISTANCE: If you need hearing assistance, units with headphones are available in the narthex from the ushers. LIVE VIDEO STREAMING: The Sunday morning worship service can be seen live from anywhere you have an internet connection. Click on the “Live Streaming” box at the bottom of the website home page (www.fpcburlington.org). WELCOME-TO-WORSHIP ACTIVITY TOTE BAGS containing worship bulletins, pencils, crayons, children’s Bibles, and other activities for preschoolers and elementary children are available on the “tree” in the narthex located at the main Davis Street entrance. Blue bags are for children 2nd grade and younger. Red bags are for children 3rd grade and older. The worship bulletins found in the blue and red tote bags have been specially prepared for each age group. Please return the tote bags to the “tree” following worship. NURSERY CARE PROVIDED: Each Sunday nursery services are available from 8:30 a.m. until noon for children from birth through Pre-K age. Children are welcomed into one of three age appropriately created classrooms: (Rooms 301 and 302) Children Kindergarten age and older are invited to worship. Each classroom has adult volunteers and a highly qualified FPC staff member with extensive child care experience, background checks and Child and Infant CPR training. Pagers are given to all guardians for immediate access during worship or Sunday School as needed. Please ask an usher for more information. THE PASCHAL CANDLE is lighted in worship throughout the season of Easter (the fifty days between Easter Day and the Day of Pentecost), and is intended to represent the splendor and glory of Jesus’ resurrection and the light of Jesus the Messiah coming into the world. It was first lighted in the opening moments of worship of the Great Vigil of Easter on the Saturday evening preceding Easter Day. The candle’s wick represents the humanity of Jesus, and the halo of the flame represents his divinity. The candle is decorated with the cross and a lamb, both symbols of Jesus Christ. The two medallions in which the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and ending letters of the Greek alphabet) are encircled are intended to represent the two full millennia (the first 20 centuries) thus far of Jesus’ reign on earth. After the Day of Pentecost, two other occasions call for the lighting of the Paschal candle: when our worship includes the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism (signifying the Spirit and fire that John the Baptist promised to all who are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ), and during funeral or memorial services of worship (as a reminder of the hope of the resurrection into which Christians are baptized). WORSHIP SERVICE CDS AVAILABLE EACH WEEK: Each Sunday, the Scripture readings, anthem, and sermon will be recorded on CD. A limited number of copies will be available immediately after the 11:00 a.m. worship service in the narthex. Additional copies may be requested by calling the church office. This same recording will be posted on the website. COVER ART: First Glorious Mystery of the Resurrection, Fra Angelico.

Page 8: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,

LITURGICAL BANNERS: The liturgical banners, which are hanging at the front of the sanctuary during the season of Easter, represent the good news of Christ's resurrection. Using the metaphor of a caterpillar’s metamorphosis into a butterfly, Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection are transformative. Through the risen Christ, we are forgiven and have eternal life. Alleluia! Share the good news with others. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia! The banners have been designed by Carolyn Langley and created by Carolyn Langley and Catherine Matthews, members of the Liturgical Arts Guild of this congregation. OFFERING RITUAL: In the pew racks this morning you will find “Offering Ritual” cards. The giving of our offerings and ourselves is a vital part of worship in which we express our gratitude for God’s blessings. The passing of the offering plate is a visible demonstration of our commitment to devote our time and treasures to Christ’s ministry. If you give monthly, quarterly, annually; or through stocks, credit cards, or e-giving, you may still participate in the offering ritual by placing this card in the offering plate. If you are interested in giving electronically through our secure e-giving process, you will find instructions on the back side of this card. FEED THE HUNGRY ITEMS IN APRIL: This month we are collecting canned meat and drink mixes. CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED: The church office will be closed on Monday, April 22 in observation of the Easter holiday. 2020 JORDAN, ISRAEL, AND PALESTINE TRIP: Join this spiritual pilgrimage to Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. It will change the way you read the Bible and you could find it to be transformative as many previous pilgrims have described it. The dates of the trip are Friday, February 14 – 29, 2020. This is an opportunity to see many Old and New Testament sites, but also an opportunity to “get off the bus” and meet and have meals with Palestinian Christian partners in the region. An itinerary and additional information is available in the church office. THE WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER in Alamance County hosts the Herb Festival each year to provide Triad-area gardeners with the highest quality organic herbs, perennials, annuals, heirloom tomato and vegetable plants and specially-selected vendors. The event will take place in Calvin Hall on Friday April 26th 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 27th 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. TENOR ROCCO SHARKEY TO PRESENT RECITAL: Rocco Sharkey, a tenor in our Chancel Choir and a senior voice performance major at Elon, will present a recital in our sanctuary on Sunday, May 5 at 3:00 p.m. The program will include works by G. F. Handel, Robert Schumann, Gabriel Fauré, W. A. Mozart, and Robert Lau. Mr. Sharkey will be assisted by Tyson Hankins, piano and Patrick Murphy, organ. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – YES! VBS IS FOR ADULTS! The Congregation’s Song Led by Patrick Murphy, Sunday through Tuesday Evenings, June 16-18, 6:30-8:00 p.m. The congregation is “the true choir” of the church, for the congregation is the voice of the people. Our faith foundation is formed through our singing, for it is the song of the congregation we first sing with our lips and believe in our hearts. Over the course of three nights, we will explore our “song,” walking through the hymnal and singing our faith. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN: VBS Storytelling, Science, Crafts, Music, & More! June 17-20 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Register online www.fpcburlington.org and bring friends! Need more information? Contact Charlotte Allbright, Director of Christian Formation.

Page 9: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,

THIS WEEK AT FPC April 21-25

Sunday, April 21 8:30 a.m. Worship Service — Sanctuary 9:15 a.m. Welcome Center Opens 9:30 a.m. Choir Breakfast — Witherspoon Room 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 10:00 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:45 a.m. Session meets for prayer — Board Room 10:45 a.m. Butterfly Release 11:00 a.m. Worship Service — Sanctuary Monday, April 22 FPC Church Office Closed in Observation of Easter Thursday, April 25 10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets — Resource Center Minister on Call: 4/19-4/21 Norman Whitney (336-214-8353) ` 4/26-4/28 Taylor Barner (412-613-0835)

Page 10: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,

EASTER LILIES The beautiful Easter lilies that decorate the Sanctuary today were donated to the glory of God and in honor or memory of the named loved ones by the following donors: In Memory of Donor Mallory Grace Anderson Frank and Carole Covington Jane M. Baird Pressly and Mike Hill Jane M. Baird David and Alston Hill Jane M. Baird Jim, Hamilton and Macon Baird Hannah, Caroline and H. Baird Harold B. Bates, Jr. Hal, Patti, Robert and Elizabeth Bates Margaret Boswell Her Family James O. Cooley, Sr. Deborah, Jim, and Nikki Cooley Lynn Miller Dula Jane Miller and Family Richard Feroe Jo Birta Feroe Stanley and Mary Grady Don and Joan Grady Joseph and Nancy Houston The Houston Family Harvey and Rae Leonard and

Frank and Thelma Harrelson Clark Leonard and Peggy Harrelson Betsy Henjes Jim and Beth Hooten Dr. Henderson and Eloise Irwin Nancy, Nancy Anne, Mary Katherine Mrs. John Liles Mr. and Mrs. John Knight Peggy and John’s Parents Peggy and John McCuiston Loved Ones Joan Marder Robert Boyd Mann Laura Mann Walker T. D. Miller III Jane Miller and Family Donald Stewart Miller Jane Miller and Family Donald Stewart Miller Jane Andrews John and Julia Nicholson Deborah, Jim, and Nikki Cooley Our Parents Dave and Betsey Aldrich Our Parents: John Gerken, Jim and Dott Hooten Jim and Beth Hooten Our Parents and Grandparents Janie and David Sellers Michael A. Patten Pemmy Patten and Children Alan Ross Payne – Beloved Brother and Son Mark and Fredda Payne, Mary Kate Payne,

and Dillon, Molly and Evie Hubbard Donaldine J. Pringle Jay and Patsy Pringle Barbara D. Rasch John Rasch Grace Joy Sailer Lori and Tim Rowe Sharon Shields Her Family Brenda Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jessup Marilyn Jenkins Whitcomb Chuck Whitcomb and Family Rev. Dr. Charles Williams Nancy, Nancy Anne, Mary Katherine Rev. Dr. Charles Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jessup Leon and Evelyn, Ronald Williams Don and Joan Grady Rosella Wilson Russell Wilson Marvin E. Yount Agnes Yount

In memory of our former pastors, Easter lilies have been placed on the graves of Dr. and Mrs. Chester Alexander and Dr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson at Pine Hill Cemetery, and Dr. Charles Williams at Magnolia Cemetery.

Page 11: EASTER S APRIL 21, 2019 lo, ‘tis past, the winter, the winter of thy year; the rain is past and over, the flowers on earth appear. And now the time of singing is come for every bird,

In Honor of Donor Grant Anderson and Phoebe Anderson Frank and Carole Covington Emily Bates Hal, Patti, Robert and Elizabeth Bates Henry and Karen Carrouth The Enrichment Sunday School Class Don and Doris DeSarro Jim and Beth Hooten Shirley Gerken Jim and Beth Hooten The family of Betsy Henjes Jim and Beth Hooten Betty Hooten Jim and Beth Hooten Dr. Beth Hooten Shirley Gerken Dr. Jim Hooten Shirley Gerken Patrick Murphy Dave and Betsey Aldrich Our Family Tom and Gail McGowen Dr. Ron Shive Dave and Betsey Aldrich Ron and Pam Shive Wade and Ellen Harrison Mrs. Nancy Williams Wade and Ellen Harrison Linda and Bill Scott Trip and Caroline Durham,

Josh and Lynette (Neel), Durham, Zac and Audrey Durham

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