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Page 3: earth star 5 FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013 EARTH STAR 3

“It has been a life time journey coming from a state of lack of confi-dence, self doubt, insecurities; going from feeling “selfless” to feeling

like a “selfish” person; a process of acquaintance with my genuine self.An excavation which finally has allowed me to know & expose who I AM

& what I want from life.” —Sharon A. Fisher

The desire to help others along their path is why in May 2010 after 39 years in thefood service industry, Sharon, the biological mother of eight and Nana to five grand-children decided to take her serving skills to a Higher level and retired from her restau-rant job to become a Certified Life Coach. She is and always has been fascinated byunpredictable human behavior and describes herself as a self growth enthusiast andself labeled recovering “People Pleaser”. She believes everyone wants to be heard,understood, validated and even more importantly every individual is the same in thatall have a place within of TRUTH and WISDOM. She perceives herself as an evolv-ing soul who shares her experiences, knowledge, and wisdom openly with humor andgratitude for her lessons learned.

Sharon is a Heart centered Spiritual entrepreneur, who co-creates with clients toguide their self-discovery toward Self-Love for purposeful living. She refers to her-self as an “archaeologist of the soul”{self coined term} who utilizes simple yet pow-erful questions during private, confidential, non judgmental conversations, whichallow clients to uncover & discover their genuine truths and passions. Hence, selfesteem and self confidence promote worthiness and Self Love. Her business name isComfort Coaching {Comfort is her maiden name}, but her business is people. Sheconsiders her job her passion for which she was divinely created to serve humanity.Her intent is to empower people to first find Peace in their own life by experiencingrelational, grief and Spiritual coaching. Her mission, along with other like mindedpeople and kindred spirits, is to co-create Universal PEACE.


Office: 607-771-0495email: [email protected]

Cell: 607-372-6399

Live Your LIfe in Holistic Harmony

Sharon A. FisherCertified Life Coach

9 Newton Street, Binghamton, NY 13901-2020

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ON THE COVER29 Archetypes

by Carolyn Myss

31 10 Cancer Fighting Supplementsby Gale Maleskey, MS, RD

34 The Paranormal Equationby James D. Stein, Ph.D.

51 The Energy-Emotion Matrixby Synthia Andrews

FEATURES12 Down To Earth Astrology

by Tim Gunns

16 The 4 Elements in Your Dreamsby Kaya

22 Entering Life in the Universeby Marshall Vian Summers

\25 High Intensity Interval Training and Fasting

by Dr. Joseph Mercola

37 Has Your CoQ10 Become Obsolete?by William Faloon

43 Are You Using Knowledge, or is Knowledge Using You? by don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

45 How To Use Crystals and Stonesby Margaret Ann Lembo

48 The New Flower Essencesby Dr. Natalia M Schotte

54 The Healing Power of Animalsby By Bill Benda, MD,

56 Rabbits As Healersby T. Stokes

58 Who Are the Reptilians?by Scott Alan Roberts

60 An Unexpected Visit from the Afterlifeby Annie Kagan

62 So What’s Vertical Gardening All About?by J.B. Bardot

64 A Eulogy for Philip Coppens


18 Book Reviews


Page 29

Page 51

Page 34

Cover Art Silent Waves

by Jean-Paul Avisse

For further information,contact

Prestige Art Galleries, 3909 W. Howard, Skokie,IL 60076. (874) 679-2555,


For a free color brochure,please send a S.A.S.E.

Jean-Paul Avisse

Page 5: earth star 5


Electrical Device Plugs Directly Into TTrrees Fees For Por Poowwerer

I n today’s world of high-techportable gadgets, iPods and cellphones, we've become dependent

upon readily accessible electric outletsto power our devices and charge ourbatteries. But now researchers at theUniversity of Washington have discov-ered nature's alternative to the poweroutlet: living trees.

That’s right, living trees. UW engi-neers Babak Parviz and Brian Otis haveinvented an electrical device that can beplugged directly into any tree forpower. “As far as we know this is thefirst peer-reviewed paper of someonepowering something entirely by stick-

ing electrodes into a tree,” said Parviz.The research was based upon a

breakthrough study last year out ofMIT, when scientists found that plantsgenerate a voltage of up to 200 milli-volts when one electrode is placed in aplant and the other in the surroundingsoil. Those researchers are alreadydesigning devices which act as forestsensors powered entirely by this newmethod. But until now, no one hasapplied these findings to the develop-ment of tree power.

It all began last summer with UWundergraduate student Carlton Himes(also the study’s co-author). He spent

his summerw a n d e r i n garound thewoods sur-rounding cam-pus, hookingnails to bigleafmaple trees andc o n n e c t i n gthem to hisvoltmeter. Sureenough, thetrees registereda steady volt-

age of up to a few hundred millivolts. The next step for the UW team was

to build a circuit to run on the availabletree power. Because the voltage gener-ated by the trees can be so small, theresulting device—a boost converter—was specialized to take input voltagesof as little as 20 millivolts to be storedto produce greater output. The device’sproduced output voltage ended upbeing 1.1 volts, which is enough to runlow-power sensors.

Of course, the researchers werequick to point out that the technology isstill a long way off from being able topower normal electronics. “Normalelectronics are not going to run on thetypes of voltages and currents that weget out of a tree,” Parviz said.

At the very least, these findingsopen the door for new generations ofelectronics which might eventually beefficient enough to take advantage oftree power. It certainly excites theimagination. Maybe in time we’ll bewitness to weekend picnickers loung-ing in local parks with their iPods andcell phones plugged into the surround-ing foliage. —MNN


D uring the early part of last cen-tury, 40% of all produce con-sumed in the UK, the USA and

Canada was grown in gardens at is dedicated tobringing back that forty percent markand more, to the whole entire world. is a map-based website whose mission is to con-nect all of the food gardens in the worldonto one map to show the world forwhat it has the potential to be—onegiant cross-pollinating ecosystem filledup with food gardens! In addition we pro-vide location specific gardening informa-tion, networks and get started tutorials.

Given today’s inter-relationshipsbetween food transport, carbon emis-sions, and oil dependence, we believethat much of the world’s environmental,economic, and political issues could bealleviated if everyone in the world tend-ed their own small food garden.

Gardening is a resource we all have theright to use to keep our minds, bodiesand planet healthy. One window-boxtomato plant may not change the worldalone, but collectively, a world full ofsmall food gardens could make a hugedifferance. was begunas a self funded project and is now beingmaintained and enhanced by a few vol-unteers working together remotely fromacross the globe. That said, the volun-teer's time is sparse and there are costsinvolved. If you wish to help theWorldFoodGarden project growstronger, please consider volunteering ormaking a tax deductible donation.

There are enough resources foreveryone on Earth, so long as we showeach other how to use them. The moregardeners and gardening orgs that addgardens to the map, the more potential“cross-pollination” will happen, of ideas

and gardening knowledge, to help eachother grow healthy sustainable food.Please consider adding your garden tothe World’s First Map of Small FoodGardens.. Let the Garden Age Begin!!!—

Page 6: earth star 5

www.earthstarmag.com6 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013

EARTH STARThe Leading Magazine for Holistic Living

in New England


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Janessa Howard

DESIGN & PRODUCTIONEarthstar ProductionsJay Scott Hackleman

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSSynthia Andrews: • JB Bardot • Bill Benda William Faloon • Tim Gunns • Annie Kagan

Kaya • Margaret Ann Lembo • Gale MaleskeyJoseph Mercola • Carolyn Myssr

Scott Alan Roberts • don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.Natalia M Schotte • James D. Stein,T. Stokes • Marshall Vian Summers

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Page 7: earth star 5 FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013 EARTH STAR 7

Earth Star Up FrontVVitamin B6 and B2 Reduce Colon Cancer Risk By 20 Percentitamin B6 and B2 Reduce Colon Cancer Risk By 20 Percent

I ncreased intakes of vitamin B6 andriboflavin (B2) are associated witha 20% reduction in the risk of col-

orectal cancer, says a new study.However, data from 88,045 post-

menopausal women indicated that folateintakes during the initial folic acid forti-fication period in the US were linked toan increase in risk, according to findingspublished in the American Journal ofClinical Nutrition.

Mandatory fortification of grainproducts with folic acid—the synthetic,bioavailable form of folate—was intro-duced in the US in 1998 in order toreduce the incidence of neural tubedefects (NTD) in infants.

The Women’s Health InitiativeObservational Study (WHI-OS) strad-dled the initiation of the fortificationprogram, and indicated that there mayhave been an increase in the risk of col-orectal cancer among women exposedto this initial period.

One explanation for the observedtransient increased risk is that “in theearly post-fortification period, totalfolate content of several fortified foodswere reported to initially exceed theamount specified by federal regula-tions,’ said the researchers, led by Ting-Yuan David Cheng from the FredHutchinson Cancer Research Center,Seattle, and Stefanie Zschabitz from theNational Center for Tumor Diseases inGermany.

“Although there was no systematicanalysis of enriched cereal-grain products,mean folate content was reported to havebeen reduced during 2000–2003.”

A study in the Canadian Journal ofPhysiology and Pharmacology CJPP)found that rats given regular multivitaminB supplements showed a significantlylower risk of developing colon cancerwhen they were exposed to carcinogens.

These B vitamins play a role inlowering homocysteine levels in theblood and thus may help reduce the riskof heart disease and also help preventcervical and colon cancer.

On the flip side, increased intakesof riboflavin and vitamin B6 were asso-ciated with significant reductions in therisk of colorectal cancer with strongerassociations for tumors in specificregions, and among infrequent alcoholdrinkers, said the researchers.

“Vitamin B-6 and riboflavin areinterrelated because flavin mononu-cleotide serves as a cofactor in the syn-thesis of pyridoxal-5_-phosphate,”explained the researchers.

Vitamin B-6 is a water-solublenutrient found in foods such as meat,whole grain products, vegetables,bananas and nuts.

“Suboptimal status of vitamin B-6or riboflavin leads to the accumulationof homocysteine, a metabolite stronglylinked with colorectal cancer.”

The study’s findings were based ondata from over 88,000 post-menopausalwomen. Over the course of the study1,003 incident colorectal cancer caseswere diagnosed.

Results showed that the highestaverage intakes of riboflavin (over 3.97milligrams per day) had a 20% lowerrisk of colorectal cancer, compared to

women with the lowest average intakes(less than 1.8 mg).

In addition, the highest averageintakes of vitamin B6 (over 3.88 mg perday) also had a 20% lower risk of colorec-tal cancer, compared to women with thelowest average intakes (less than 1.52 mg).

No association between vitamin B12intake and colorectal cancer risk wasobserved, while dietary folate intake wasassociated with an increase in cancer riskamong women who had experienced theinitiation of folic acid fortification forbetween three and nine years.

“Our observation that dietary, sup-plemental, and total folate intake werenot associated with overall CRC risk isconsistent with most of the literature,”wrote the researchers.

“However, in the NIH-AARP Dietand Health Study with 525,488 individ-uals recruited in a similar time frameand age range as the WHI-OS cohort,inverse associations of total, dietary, andsupplemental folate intake with CRCwere observed for men and womenwhen post-fortification dietary folatevalues were applied.

“The study confirmed that bothsources of folate have protective effectsbut potentially may exist in men only.

"The mechanism of this sex dis-crepancy may involve factors such assexual hormone and folate demand andwarrants further research.”—Health Freedom Alliance

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Earth Star Up FrontEverything Petroleum Does, Hemp Does Better

I f you look at history about 100years ago, when the big oil boomstarted, that is when the economy

surged and the population started seeingan increase. And, when you think aboutit, almost everything you have is theresult of oil. Clothing, food, homes,vehicles, transportation, electronics,household goods—all are/were depend-ent on oil, either in the manufacturingof those goods or the transportationused in getting those goods to you.

The United States uses 25% of theworld’s daily oil supply, and imports70% of that. (

Oil is not a renewable resource, andit is a DECLINING resource. Easy,cheap oil is on the decline. Countriesare seeing a decline in oil extraction,and there is a rush to find either new oilfields or alternate sources of energy.Again, at this point, it is the easy cheapoil that is on the decline.

Global oil production is decliningat 8-10% per year. And what does thismean? Higher prices. For EVERY-THING.

Now, this is not the end of theworld as we know it. There IS a solu-tion, and that solution is HEMP.

Hemp does everything that petrol-eum does, AND BETTER!

Extracting fossil fuels are harmfulto the environment and to humanhealth. Petroleum extracting and pro-cessing is a chemical-intensive, expen-sive process. Hemp oil for fuel is sim-ply a matter of growing, harvesting, andprocessing.

Petroleum-based plastics are notbiodegradable. Hemp-based plastics arerecyclable and biodegradable.

Fuel for transportation can bereplaced with hemp-based biofuels.Hemp fuel is clean, efficient, and…if itspills it does not harm the environment,it is more like a fertilizer.

Everything, EVERYTHING, thatpetroleum does, hemp does. So, why arewe feeling this pain from fossil fuels?

Why are we not allowing our farm-ers to grow hemp? Well, we know thereasons—big oil, pharma, timber, andchemical companies do not want to losetheir investment dollars; the military—using OUR dollars to fund wars, some

of which have to do with…yes, youguessed it…OIL.

What would happen if in the nextfew years we, in the U.S., farmed hempon a large scale? We would have nomore independence on foreign oil, wecertainly wouldn’t need so much moneyspent on the military, we would have aclean, safe alternative, and every singlefactor in our lives when it comes tofood, clothing, health, transportation,housing, etc.—it would all be thanks toHEMP. Our economy would start toheal. The government wouldn’t need to

print new money, causing more debt(which, by the way, is NOT the answerto reviving a sick economy).

So, what do we do now? We keepspeaking, we keep educating, we worktoward legalizing industrial hemp farm-ing in the U.S. We put our energy intodoing everything we can to rid ourselvesof dependence on foreign and domesticfossil fuels. Will this happen overnight?No. Of course not. But we can begintaking steps NOW to take us in thatdirection. —Waking Times

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Earth Star Up Front

The ‘CrCreeeeppyy’ Mannequin That SpiesSpies On You

M annequins in fashion bou-tiques are now being fittedwith secret cameras to 'spy'

on shoppers' buying habits.Benetton is among the High Street

fashion chains to have deployed thedummies equipped with technologyadapted from security systems used toidentify criminals at airports.

From the outside, the $3,200(£2,009) EyeSee dummy looks like

any other mannequin, but behind itsblank gaze it hides a camera feedingimages into facial recognition softwarethat logs the age, gender and race ofshoppers.

‘Creepy’: The EyeSee mannequin,which has a camera hidden behind itseye to track shoppers’ behaviour asthey browse fashion boutiques to allowretailers to collect information on theircustomers

This information is fed into a com-puter and is ‘aggregated’ to offer retail-ers using the system statistical and con-textual information they can use todevelop their marketing strategies.

Its makers boast: “From now onyou can know how many people enterthe store, record what time there is agreater influx of customers (and whichtype) and see if some areas risk to be

overcrowded.”However, privacy campaigners

have denounced the system as 'creepy'and said that such surveillance is aninstance of profit trumping privacy.

The device is marketed by Italianmannequin maker Almax and hasalready spurred shops into adjustingwindow displays, floor layours andpromotions, Bloomberg reported.

With growth slowing in the luxurygoods industry, the technology tapsinto retailers’ desperation to person-alise their offers to reach increasinglypicky customers.

Staring back: The mannequinshave a video camera hidden behind oneeye which is connected to facial recog-nition software that logs the age, gen-der and race of shoppers as they walkby — The Daily Mail, UK

GooGoogglele Starts Watching What You Do OffOff The Internet Too

T he most powerful company onthe Internet just got a whole lotcreepier: a new service from

Google merges offline consumer infowith online intelligence, allowing adver-tisers to target users based on what theydo at the keyboard and at the mall.

Without much fanfare, Googleannounced news this week of a newadvertising project, Conversions API, thatwill let businesses build all-encompassinguser profiles based off of not just whatusers search for on the Web, but what theypurchase outside of the home.

In a recent blog post on Google’sDoubleClick Search site, the SiliconValley giant says that targeting con-sumers based off online informationonly allows advertisers to learn somuch. “Conversions,” tech-speak for thedigital metric made by every action auser makes online, are incomplete untilcoupled with real life data, Google says.

“We understand that online adver-tising also fuels offline conversions,” theblog post reads. Thus, Google says, “Tocapture these lost conversions and bringoffline into your online world, we’reannouncing the open beta of ourConversions API for uploading offlineconversion automatically.”

The blog goes on to explain that in-

store transactions, call-track-ing and other online activi-ties can be inputted intoGoogle to be combined withother information “to opti-mize your campaigns basedon even more of your busi-ness data.”

Google is all but certainto ensure that all user datacollected off- and online willbe cloaked through safe-guards that will allow forcomplete and total anonymi-ty for customers. When on-the-Web interactions start mirroring reallife activity, though, even a certain degreeof privacy doesn’t make Conversions APIany less creepy. As Jim Edwards writesfor Business Insider, “If you bought a Tshirt at The Gap in the mall with yourcredit card, you could start seeing a lotmore Gap ads online later, suggestingjeans that go with that shirt.”

Of course, there is always the possi-bility that all of this information can beunencrypted and, in some cases, obtainedby third-parties that you might not wantprying into your personal business.Edwards notes in his report that Googledoes not explicitly note that intelligenceused in Conversions API will be

anonymized, but the blowback from notdoing as much would sure be enough tostart a colossal uproar. Meanwhile, how-ever, all of the information being collect-ed by Google—estimated to be on mil-lions of servers around the globe—isbeing handed over to more than justadvertising companies. Last monthGoogle reported that the US governmentrequested personal information fromroughly 8,000 individual users duringjust the first few months of 2012.

“This is the sixth time we’vereleased this data, and one trend hasbecome clear: Government surveillanceis on the rise,” Google admitted withtheir report. —

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Earth Star Up FrontComing Eventually: Print Print YYour Own Orour Own Orggansans

C hris Anderson left his sweet job as editor in chief ofWired because he believes 3-D printing is going tobe “bigger than the Web.”

So far the technology, which enables desktop-sizemachines to “print” objects out of materials as diverse asrecycled plastics and chocolate, is mainly the domain of pro-fessional designers, who have used it for years, and a grow-ing band of early adopters. The machines tend to be slow andwhile prices have dropped, there’s still not a killer app thathas compelled mass interest in a $2,000-plus machine. The“filament”—that is to say, ink—isn’t cheap either.

But the still small industry is betting that the ability tomanufacture whatever you want whenever you want it is toocompelling not to catch on. Just start to imagine the possibil-ities. And the implications. And now here’s something youprobably didn’t get to: printing bodily organs.

Fast Company Co.Exist reports that the design firmAutodesk has partnered with a company called Organovo todevelop the software necessary to instruct printers to createhuman tissue and organs. It’s kind of like software to create a3-D PDF except it would create living (maybe even breathing)tissue. The manufactured product would first be used forresearch but could eventually be transplanted into humans:

Organovo is known for creating the first commercial 3-D

bioprinters back in 2010; as of September 2012, the companyhad produced 10 bioprinters, each of which reportedly costshundreds of thousands of dollars…Organovo’s NovoGenMMX Bioprinter shapes cells—often stem cells from adonor—into 3-D tissue that’s theoretically as good as any-thing created by the human body. —

Stealth WStealth Wearear: New Counter-Surveillance Clothing Makes You Invisible to Drones

M aking its debut on January17th, the Stealth Wear linewill include hoodies,

scarves, hats, and t-shirts that willmake the wearer invisible to thermalimaging cameras widely used through-out the unmanned aerial vehicle com-munity.

The idea is that the materialblocks heat signatures, captured using

infrared sensors, which give peopleaway to surveillance helicopters ordrones from the skies above. [link]The flagship Stealth Wear line willinclude:

The anti-drone hoodie and anti-drone scarf: Garments designed tothwart thermal imaging, a technologyused widely by UAVs.

The XX-shirt: A x-ray shieldingprint in the shape of a heart,that protects your heartfrom x-ray radiation

And the Off Pocket: Ananti-phone accessory thatallows you to instantly zeroout your phone’s signal

Harvey and his projectteam aren’t just limiting thescope of their work to anti-drone technology either.

They’ve introduced newtechniques to counter com-puter vision (CV), alsoknown as facial recognition.

CV Dazzle is camou-flage from computer vision(CV). It is a form of expres-

sive interference that combines make-up and hair styling (or other modifica-tions) with face-detection thwartingdesigns. The name is derived from atype of camouflage used during WWI,called Dazzle, which was used tobreak apart the gestalt-image of war-ships, making it hard to discern theirdirectionality, size, and orientation.Likewise, the goal of CV Dazzle is tobreak apart the gestalt of a face, orobject, and make it undetectable tocomputer vision algorithms, in particu-lar face detection.

Because face detection is the firststep in automated facial recognition,CV Dazzle can be used in any environ-ment where automated face recogni-tion systems are in use, such asGoogle’s Picasa, Flickr, or Facebook— CV Dazzle

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Earth Star Up Front

T here are currently over 1.5 bil-lion people in the World whohave no reliable access to mains

electricity These people rely, instead, onbiomass fuels (mostly kerosene) forlighting once the sun goes down.

The World Bank estimates that, as aresult, 780 million women and childreninhale smoke which is equivalent tosmoking two packets of cigarettes everyday. The fumes also cause eye infectionsand cataracts, but burning kerosene isalso more immediately dangerous: 2.5million people a year, in India alone,suffer severe burns from overturnedkerosene lamps. Burning Kerosene alsocomes with a financial burden: kerosenefor lighting ALONE can consume ten totwenty percent of a household’s income.This burden traps people in a permanentstate of subsistence living, buying cup-fuls of fuel for their daily needs, as andwhen they can.

The burning of Kerosene for light-ing also produces 244 million tonnes ofCarbon Dioxide annually.

A commonly held view is that solarpowered lighting is the answer to theseproblems in the developing world.However a number of conflicting factorscombine to complicate matters. Solarpanels produce electricity only when the

sun shines, so theenergy needs to bestored in a battery toproduce the lightwhen it becomes dark.The amount of energystored is dependant onthe size of the panel,the size of the battery,and how much (if any)sun has shone.

However batter-ies, panels and lightsare expensive, and beyond the reach ofpeople with no savings. Solar lightingprojects continue to provide lighting forthousands of people in the developingworld, but the spread is slow because thecost is too high for individuals, so theyneed to be bought and installed by com-munities instead. Lower cost self-con-tained lamps are becoming more widelyavailable, but batteries are the weak link,because they are expensive and deterio-rate through use and over time. Veryoften, when buying a low cost solar lampwith an inbuilt rechargeable battery, a fullthird of what you’re paying for is the bat-tery, and you will need to replace it everyfew years. Assuming you can get a newbattery. The capacity is often reduced tosave money which limits the use time,

after which there is no light.With GravityLight, however, it only

takes a few seconds to lift the weight,which creates enough energy for half anhour of light, whenever it is needed. Ithas no batteries to run out, replace ordispose of. It is completely clean andgreen.

Because there are no running costsafter the initial low cost purchase, it hasthe potential to lift people out of poverty,allowing them to use the money theyhave saved to buy more powerful solarlighting systems in the future. —Indiegogo

J apanese company Ibasei hasunveiled a new idea in hydro-electricity generation; a turbine

that can be placed in virtually any fastmoving stream or river to generatesmall amounts of electricity for imme-diate use or as a charging station.Called the Cappa, it resembles anengine on a jet aircraft and can be easilyplaced into a location in just minutes.

The idea behind the Cappa is that

not all hydroelectric systems need to behuge, and they don’t have to plug a riveror be situated at an optimal locationeither. Instead, any spot where the rivernarrows causing swift movement of thewater can be used. The Cappa is put inplace by fashioning a couple of spans ofsome sort across the river or stream toform bridges. The turbine is then low-ered into the water and held in place bythe frame resting on the span. Once inthe water, the Cappa goes to work with-out any further ado. For water running at2 m/s the turbine will generate about 250W of electricity. Placing five of them ina stream could conceivably produce upto a 1 kW (allowing for control losses).To increase the efficiency of the turbine,engineers have tailored a diffuser thatcauses water flowing over the blades tomove faster.

Spokespeople for the Cappa saythe generator has been developed for avariety of purposes, from use as in-place generators at outdoor parks toemergency backup systems, particularlyin the event of a flood. They also see itas an alternative to gas powered gener-ators that people use when the electric-ity goes out. A single Cappa isn’t capa-ble of running a whole house of course,but it would be good enough to keepthe lights on; and if it were used in con-junction with a battery storage system,perhaps in tandem with other renew-able resources, a homeowner who hap-pens to have a stream running throughtheir yard might find it helps reduceutility bills. They expect to be ready tobegin selling the generators sometimenext year. — News

Company Unveils Small Personal-Sized Hydroelectricity Generator

GrGraavitylight:vitylight: LLLLiiiigggghhhhttttiiiinnnngggg For Developing Countries

Page 12: earth star 5

/www.earthstarmag.com1 2 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013

Mars heads into dreamyPisces for a six-weeksojourn on February 1st,when unconsciousdesires are powerfully

stimulated. Maintain contact with realitynow as strong emotional turbulence and sen-sitivity could temporarily undermine one’sself-confidence. Above all, stay focused!

When Venus makes her grand entrance intogregarious Aquarius later on the 1st, an urgeto socialize often develops, while affection ismore freely expressed. Relationships cantake an unconventional twist. Seek financingfor a pet project.

Mars conjuncts Neptune on the 4th, in 02°Pisces, powerfully stimulating our uncon-scious desires. The doors of perceptioncould open wide, providing intuitive insightsinto some deeply sensitive matters,However, be realistic if making financial orbusiness decisions at this time, as deceptionor self delusion are possible.

Cosmic messenger, Mercury, aligns in con-junction with the enigmatic red planet, Mars,on the 8th, in 06° Pisces, encouraging enter-prise, initiative, and to make connections withprogressive individuals.

February's new moon arrives late on the 9th,(early 10th, EST) in 22° Aquarius, whichwill inspire bold new objectives in some,while others may require a greater sense offreedom. New beginnings of one form oranother will likely be in the wind. With thelunation squaring the fateful lunar nodes, itmay prompt bold exploits and undertakingsin the weeks ahead.

The Chinese New Year of the Water Snakebegins at sunrise on the 10th, and is tradi-

tionally a year when all things are possible.Saving money and being thrifty should betop priorities. Be alert to delusion and decep-tion, as snakes have the ability to mesmerizetheir prey. To gain the greatest benefits fromthis year, one must control spending and useone's talents wisely.

A momentous sextile (60° aspect) betweenMars and Pluto perfects on the 15th. Whenthe god of war and the lord of the under-world get together, highly unstable andvolatile conditions can typically exist for afew days, and explosive events are possible.However, as this is a generally harmoniouslink up, much potential exists to implementpositive changes in one’s life. Nonetheless,issues concerning power or willpower arelikely to arise, so avoid locking horns withanyone who will surely defend their beliefsas fiercely as you would your own. Improveefficiency wherever possible.

Mars then trines Saturn on the 16th, whenambition is stimulated, and hard work andpurposeful action win the day. Act on busi-ness or career options now. Do work requir-ing physical stamina.

The sun slips quietly into Pisces late on the18th (till March 19), heightening our intu-ition and psychic faculties. Tune in todreams and meditations for guidance orinspiration during the next four weeks.Explore the power of prayer. Spend somequality quiet time by yourself.

Saturn, planetary ruler of career and lord ofkarma, stations Retrograde on the 18th, in12° Scorpio, till June 25th. Take the timeduring this period to review your profession-al or educational ambitions; if necessary,seek vocational guidance. Issues from thepast could resurface for resolution. Much

personal growth can occur now fromacknowledging, then releasing, fears, andwhat you once considered to be limitations.

When the sun makes its annual conjunctionwith Neptune on the 20th, in 03° Pisces,wander through your personal field ofdreams regarding ambitions or career direc-tion. Intuitive insights are possible.

Mercury stations Retrograde on February23rd (till March 17), in 20° Pisces, so plansor arrangements of any importance shouldbe implemented prior to this period.However, while Mercury is retrograde, youmay safely make revisions or otherwise goover previously covered territory for incon-sistencies or errors.

Don’t sweat the details around the Virgo fullmoon on February 25th. If you’re wellorganized and focused, much can be accom-plished now. New information may come tolight that could facilitate progress at work, ora breakthrough that allows a personal projectto quickly reach fruition.

Later on the 25th the sun squares Jupiter, acosmic augury to avoid impulsiveness orsquandering valuable resources under thishighly exuberant influence. Act only aftercareful deliberation, as you may be inspiredto tackle projects that you normally wouldn’tconsider.

When Mercury aligns in conjunction withMars on the 26th, in 20° Pisces, be enterpris-ing...seize the initiative, make connectionswith progressive individuals and groups.There’s no beating around the bush now, ascommunications will be direct and to thepoint. However, do your due diligence onfacts and figures, leave nothing to chance.

ffeebbrruuaarryy -- mmaarrcchh 22001133

Page 13: earth star 5 FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013 EARTH STAR 1 3

Aesthetic sensitivity is heightened as Venusconjuncts Neptune on the 28th, in 04°Pisces, when it may be possible to transforma dream into reality. However, judgment inbusiness or partnership matters may besomewhat below par, while caution isadvised in financial matters.

When the sun sextiles Pluto on March 1st,corporate enterprise and joint financial con-cerns are emphasized and, in general, sup-ported. Find creative ways to recycle orreuse discarded items or resources.

Constructive progress can be made towardscareer or educational goals as the sun trinesSaturn later on the 1st. Advice from anelder, a mentor, or authority figure couldprove helpful. Being both practical and cre-ative achieves best results now.

Energize your dreams and cherished objec-tives as the sun conjuncts Mercury on the4th, in 15° Pisces. Communicate your brightideas to those in a position to help you makethem a reality. Trust your intuition now, butdon’t rely on facts or logic.

Review or renegotiate business agreementswhen Mercury conjuncts Venus on the 6th,in 12° Pisces, Redecorate your work placeto freshen things up. Get some intellectualor cultural stimulation.

The ringed planet, Saturn, precisely sextilesdistant Pluto on March 8th, reprising thesame alignment from December 26th, onlySaturn is now in retrograde. Nonetheless,this is a clear celestial augury that transfor-mative forces are at work, and one’s ambi-tions could in some way receive a signifi-cant boost, while self-improvement disci-plines can be more effective under thismomentous transit. Worldly progress andspiritual growth can dovetail beautifullytogether now. Profound events or revela-tions around this period could have a greatimpact on us all. This aspect will recur oncemore, on September 21st.

Daylight Savings Time Begins at 2:00amon March 10th so remember to turn yourclocks forward 1-hour.

March’s new moon arrives on the 11th, in22° Pisces, aligned with four other planetsin Pisces, and the major asteroid, Chiron—associated with healing old wounds. In the

coming weeks, the quest for emotional andspiritual harmony and understanding couldreceive a higher priority, while creativeartists find fresh inspiration. This is a goodtime to begin a dream diary.

Mars’ entry into Aries later on March 11thprovides a powerful stimulus to begin newprojects during the next six weeks. The redplanet in its fiery home sign engendersforceful self-expression, heightened com-petitiveness, and a driving urge to accom-plish something...anything!

After Mercury stations Direct on March17th, in 06° Pisces, mental processesemerge from the fog and begin to acceler-ate. Any sudden bursts of inspired thoughtshould be recorded for later reference.Move ahead with plans and projects now,but refrain from making snap decisions, asthere's a tendency towards impatience andimpulsive behavior. Nonetheless, communi-cations are now getting back on track.

Spring arrives with the vernal equinox onMarch 20th, as the sun makes its grandentrance into tropical Aries, where it willremain for the next thirty days, invigoratinghumankind, animal, and plant alike,prompting mother nature to spring into life,causing the sap to rise and new growth tobegin in earnest. Spring is the season of ini-tiation, pulsating with the vibrant energyand vigor of Mars—the ruler of Aries—andfilled with the impetus for new beginnings.

Venus leaves the water world of Pisces andjoins the sun and Mars in fiery Aries on the21st (till April 15th), when creative artisticpursuits are favored. Emotions are moreaggressively expressed with Venus in thisardent sign, and new romantic ties may beimpulsively entered into. Curb a tendencytoward self-centeredness in relationships, orspending your hard-earned money in haste.

Expect the unexpected when Mars con-juncts Uranus on March 22nd, as shockingrevelations or events are possible aroundthis period. Seize the initiative in businessor career matters, though avoid acting rash-ly or rushing into new ventures or allianceswithout fully assessing all the ramifications.An easy-going sextile aspect involvingMars and expansive Jupiter sends positiveand uplifting vibrations through the etherson the 26th that may be harnessed for prac-

tical and constructive purposes.

However, Mars also squares Pluto on the26th, when a “hair-trigger” or “short fuse”tendency exists. Under this volatile align-ment, potential exists for angry outburstsand accidents, so remain calm and in controlof your actions. Ambition is aroused, andpower struggles or intimidation may prevail.Sexual desires can also increase. However,with positive use, the intense energies ofthis transit may, in some creative way,enable you to completely transform anaspect of your world.

March's full moon culminates on the 27th,in 07° Libra, with the sun closely conjunctVenus, Mars and Uranus. The need for self-expression and space within relationshipsmay seem of paramount importance,Anticipate emotional fireworks, as well asjoyful exuberance, around this juncture.

Show appreciation for those you love on the28th when the sun conjuncts Venus, in 06°Aries. Social activities, the fine arts, andpublic relations are now well starred.

Venus then conjuncts Uranus on the 28th, in09° Aries, when business or social connec-tions may be made, or severed, quite unex-pectedly. The urge to socialize is strongnow, so be sure to get out and network.

With the sun making its annual conjunctionwith Uranus, planet of innovation, also onthe 28th, investigate new technology orcomputer software, particularly to increasework efficiency. Revolutionize business orcareer strategies to incorporate new andimproved methodologies.

The sun makes a jarring square to Pluto onthe 31st which, through events that mayoccur around this time, could provide anopportunity to transcend a behavior patternthat you’ve outgrown. Much inner strengthand determination will be called for to prop-erly channel these powerful, transformativeenergies. Be bold and go for it!

Following is a general overview of how theplanetary trends for February / March,2013 apply to each sun sign. If you knowyour rising sign (Ascendant), read that, too,for additional insights.

DDoowwnn TToo EEaarrtthh AAssttrroollooggyy

Page 14: earth star 5

www.earthstarmag.com1 4 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013

DDoowwnn TToo EEaarrtthh AAssttrroollooggyyAries (March 20—April 19)

With your ruling planet, Mars, in Pisces andyour solar twelfth house throughout

February you are encouraged to make some personaldreams and goals a reality before too long. Indeed,making plans for the future is a major theme at this time,so take the initiative and connect with friends ororganizations that may be in a position to hasten yourprogress. Pay attention to your dreams, meditations, andintuition, as helpful hints and guidance can be gleanedfrom them. During March the pace of events in your lifebegins to quicken, particularly following Mars’ entryinto Aries and your solar first house on the 11th. Withthe advent of spring on March 20th you will once againbe in your element, and have all the energy and driveyou will need to advance your ambitions.

Taurus (April 19—May 20)

You’re keen to advance your careerprospects in February, and not at all shyabout blowing your own trumpet in order to

get the attention of those in a position to help you tomake a dream come true. The Aquarius new moon onthe 9th lights up your solar tenth house of worldly ambi-tion, attracting attention, opportunity, and perhaps plau-dits to you in the weeks ahead. You will want to set newgoals and raise the bar on your achievements as springapproaches, and to do so it may be necessary to reachout to friends and associations that can get you connect-ed, and with whom you may possibly collaborate.Indeed, a new professional alliance is a distinct possi-bility in the near future and would certainly be to youradvantage, particularly if it offers you access toresources or promotion that you could not obtain byyour own efforts.

Gemini (May 20—June 21)

You have a grand vision for the future youwould like to create for yourself, and leave

no stone unturned in your pursuit of success.Professional associates or connections could provehelpful in your quest to make your mark in your chosenfield of endeavor. Your confidence in your abilities andpotential continues to grow in leaps and bounds, nowand throughout the spring, which encourages you tocontinue your outreach and to broaden your horizons atevery opportunity, which may lead you to add at leastone more string to your bow. March’s Pisces new moonin your solar tenth house of worldly attainment couldprovide fresh impetus to establish yourself closer to thetop of your chosen profession, and you may also get therub of the green to help you on your way.

Cancer (June 21—July22)

A time for regrouping and regeneration is athand, in which to take stock of your

resources and to recharge your batteries, before youlaunch into an expansive trend that will continuethroughout the spring. Eliminate the nonessentials fromyour life, to lighten your load in preparation for movingforward towards new horizons. You are feelingexceptionally creative, and have many bright new ideasfor furthering your professional ambitions. You mayconsider new ways in which to share your knowledge,wisdom and experience with a broader market, and in sodoing create a novel career niche for yourself. Therecould be a book inside of you crying out to be written, ablog page, website, or some other form of creative selfexpression that you feel could help to educate andencourage others, and in doing so, boost your ownpotential for personal success.

Leo (July 22—August 23)

Significant others in your life may havesomething valuable to say in regard to setting

new goals and planning for the future during February,so be open to their suggestions and feedback, as theyonly have your best interests at heart. While one majorgoal may be ensuring the security of both yourself andyour family, and stabilizing your domestic situation,another key objective may be balancing yourcheckbook, to ensure that you have adequate resourcesto pursue your professional aspirations. Mutual businessassets or jointly held funds could take center stageduring March, when it may be necessary to reprioritizecertain financial interests. Taking care of such matterswhen and should they arise will subsequently give yougreater flexibility and the peace of mind with which topursue your expansive plans for the future.

Virgo (August 23—September 23)

It’s fortunate that you enjoy being busybecause you will likely have as much workas you can handle during February, when

your services may be much in demand. It’s nice to bewanted, but it’s even nicer when your talents and skillsgarner appreciation and plaudits from your peers andcontemporaries, which might be the case this month.There could be a new partnership offer on the table foryour consideration during March, one that may be agood fit for your skill-set and experience. You will belooking to expand your professional activities in anycase throughout the spring, in search of newopportunities to advance your ambitions, and a well-connected and capable partner or collaborator couldonly hasten your success!

Libra (September 23—October 23)

Your wellspring of creativity is positivelygushing these days, when you’re keen to putpen to paper, fingers to keyboard, or paint to

brush and express your artistic muse. It’s time, you feel,to enjoy life more and to this end you resolve to be more

Page 15: earth star 5 FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013 EARTH STAR 1 5

DDoowwnn TToo EEaarrtthh AAssttrroollooggyyoutgoing. You’ve worked through a lot of personalissues these past couple of years, and now you’re readyto embrace life to the fullest. Your enthusiasm and novelnotions may attract admirers, and offers of work couldcome your way, so that without even trying, you alsosolve a cash flow problem, and now life is beginning tolook a whole lot rosier. And all because you’ve openedup and said to the world, “I’m here!”

Scorpio (October 23—November 22)

An increase in activities around your homeare very likely the result of the winds of

change that now begin to breathe new life into thisimportant area. Your creative energies are flowing morefreely and you’re keen to find new avenues of self-expression. Indeed, such activities can be very healing,after a period in which your creative muse felt stifled.You may have grown impatient with the lack of oppor-tunity to further personal goals and ambitions. Now newdoors almost magically open to you, in part, because ofa subtle shift in your perceptions, which have allowedyou to see yourself and your potential in a new light.Nurture your inner child through play and laughter, andwatch your spirits soar!

Sagittarius (November 21—December 21)

Your cup runneth over with bright new ideasto improve your lot in life, fuelled in part bya subconscious desire for greater security,

and awareness that you need a plan for the future.Friends and associates can provide you with valuablefeedback and encouragement, so reach out to themwhenever possible. There could be increased activity inand around your home, as you seek to make your nestmore comfortable and perhaps more energy efficient.When it comes to savings and keeping to a budget yourinstincts and intuition could be right on the money!Likewise, you could also come up with a plan tosignificantly increase your revenue stream, or to getmore mileage from your existing assets and resources.

Capricorn (December 21—January 19)

Your mind is working overtime to come upwith innovative ways to add to your

income, and through your industry and sheerdetermination you may attract a new job or businessopportunity. Such are your powers of manifestation atthis time that you may even surprise yourself by whatyou can accomplish when you put your mind to thetask. You are firmly focused on planning for thefuture, and to provide that extra measure of securityfor yourself and your family. Lady luck has a way ofaligning herself with you now when you make aneffort to meet her half way. Seldom have you been sofocused, so clear about what you want to achieve, andthe best part is that your motivations are not entirely

self-serving; rather, that you’re seeking to be ofservice to your family, while advancing your personalambitions in the process.

Aquarius (January 19—February 18)

You are primed and ready to pursue somepersonal ambitions that may have been

elusive until now, when your drive and enthusiasm toimprove your career prospects aligns nicely withopportunities that could open up for you quite bychance. You’re keen, too, to add to your income andthis you may accomplish as well. Indeed, by the timespring arrives your financial status and prospects forthe future may be looking a whole lot rosier! Theremay have been some underlying fears about yourabilities or expectations that hitherto had beenholding you back. But you’ve recently overwrittenmuch of this old programming to the extent that youroperating system has rebooted, and your life isbeginning to run more efficiently, and effectively.

Pisces (February 18—March 20)

If your dreams and meditations have beenmore vivid of late, it's because yoursubconscious is trying to guide you to new

levels of personal achievement, and to encourage youto have more faith in your ability to be successful atwhatever you set your mind to. You will have noticed,too, an increase in your energy levels and drive, somake good use of it by setting some new goals, thenpursuing them with renewed enthusiasm anddetermination. The time is nigh to broaden yourhorizons, and to seek out new avenues of personalendeavor, with the knowledge that you already havethe ability to be a winner, providing you remainfocused on your goals. Trust your instincts to pointyou in the right direction, and in yourself to makethem a reality.

Tim Gunns is an astrological consultant,conference coordinator and producer,and formerly program director of theL.A. Conscious Life Expo, and thenational Whole Life Expos.Tim prepares personalized no-nonsense inter-

pretations of Natal Horoscopes ($40), Future Forecast TransitReports ($75 for 1 full year), and Relationship CompatibilityReports ($45). Shipping is free. Send: Name (as you'd like it toappear on the chart), Date of Birth, Time (as close as possible),Place of Birth (city/country, etc.) for each person, and your returnaddress, phone# and check to: Tim Gunns, c/o110 Hilltop Drive,Waynesville NC 28786. 828-452-7885. Consultations byphone may also be scheduled. Payment can be made via Paypalto [email protected]

Page 16: earth star 5


The fundamental aspects of dream inter-pretation are based on the four elements:Fire, Air, Water and Earth. They are thestructure of symbolic language and it isvery important to understand them, to

have them in mind whenyou interpret your dreams.

FFiriree is related to energyso any symbols or situa-tions we see in dreamsinvolving the notion offire, or energy, or charis-ma also will be connectedto how our energy

behaves, manifests itself. For example, this archetyperepresented by fire can be connected in dreams to an ani-mal that will run fast or too slow and not only the fact ofseeing a fire in action. Anything in connection with energywill reveal how our vital energy is doing and this canshow in many forms and situations to identify the energylevel we have within ourselves, in our deep intentions. Inits positive aspect, fire is also related to a warm pres-ence, just as when this element is in its negative aspect,it can also be a person that has extremism in his energy,

or a person who either sets things on fire or puts thingsinto a fire negatively; such a person becomes aggressiveor cultivates very powerful negative energy within him-self, in his inner self. It is so extraordinary to learn aboutourselves through dreams. We discover our deep inten-tion, root and essence of who we are and how we mani-fest ourselves concretely or intentionally.

AirAir is the element thatrefers to the world ofthoughts. So if we see aplane, a bird, the wind, amosquito, etc., we visitthe situation related tothe way we think, to themanifestation of ourthoughts. It is importantto understand that if wesee a bird, the bird does not represent the intelligence ofthe thought but rather the force, the manifestation of it.Intelligence itself will be manifested in dreams byhuman behavior, books, etc. depending on what the mes-sage of the dream is. Or the bird in the dream can starttalking, of course and this will increase the level ofawareness of the thoughts of the dreamer.

TThhee FFoouurr EElleemmeennttss iinn yyoouurr iinn yyoouurr DDDDrrrreeeeaaaammmmssss

By Kaya

Page 17: earth star 5

WWaaterter is a very commonaspect of our dreams. Ianalyze a lot of dreamsfrom all around the worldand the subject of water isvery often shown.Symbolically, water is inconnection with our emo-tions. So any forms ofsymbols like fish, a boat,

swimming, etc. will talk about how our emotionsbehave. When we see a tsunami, it is because we haveaccumulated within our soul, in our inner computer, a lotof memories with destructive emotions. A tsunami hap-pens after tectonic activities have been set off; and thesesorts of earth disturbances have been prepared over ahundred years or more. Symbolically then, they repre-sent repressed forces, unhappiness, etc. deep within our-selves that have been accumulated in our inner depthsfor a very long time until CRACK! ...all of a sudden theycan rise to the surface and create emotional destructionor destabilization. We can receive bad news or a phonecall that reveals something we didn’t know and then sud-denly the unconsciousness triggers powerful negativeemotions. I witnessed a tsunami in a Starbucks coffeeshop yesterday. A real metaphysical tsunami! There wasa couple that started to argue with each other. I could feelthe woman was flooded and overwhelmed by emotionsand she started to talk louder and louder and she wasfloating in the place with her negative emotions. Thiswas a metaphysical tsunami, an emergence of ancientemotions coming from her unconscious. Most of thetime when something like that happens, the person startsto say things from way back, worries, unhappiness,anger that is very old and has accumulated within for avery long time and remained unspoken. And now, all ofa sudden, she brings everything to the surface. It is sointeresting to understand the depth and the functioningof our unconscious, of our reservoir of memoriesinscribed in our inner computer.

EarEarthth is the last of thefour elements. It is anarchetype that is connect-ed to the world of actions.Anything we see on earth:a car, an animal that man-ifests on earth, a tree, etc.,is in connection with howwe interact and behave inour actions. In our

dreams, when we go deep in the earth, like in archeology,

we discover in our dreams our ancient civilizations, ourancient way of being, of behaving, of manifesting.

Knowing the four elements gives us the core, the basic,fundamental structure of dream interpretation becausewe always interact with these elements in our dreams.Indeed, most of the time we have a combination of ele-ments in our dreams and nightmares. For instance, wecan see a calm sea but simultaneously an aggressiveeagle. Just the fact that the sea is calm while the eagle isaggressive will tell a lot about the personality of thedreamer. He will be a person that can become very con-trolling and dominating in his thoughts while simultane-ously remaining emotionally stable. This sort of dreamcould reveal that the person has very strong, evenextreme beliefs, and is so sure he is right, his emotionsremain stable while he communicates his order, his wayof seeing things. The eagle is the king of birds and is asymbol of power linked to the world of thoughts, to theair element. Of course, sometimes, when it behaves well,an eagle can be a very beautiful symbol in dreams. Allsymbols, like all the four elements can be positive ornegative in a dream depending on how they act andbehave. It is very important to remember this.

Excerpted from How To Interpret Dreams & Signs by Kaya,UCM Publishing, a non-profit organization, and


Page 18: earth star 5

You Can Beat Lung CancerUsing Alternative/IntegrativeInterventionsBy Carl O. Helvie, RN, DrPH

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Lung Cancer is one of the most comprehensivebooks available on alternative treatments for lungcancer. It explains the treatments used success-

fully by a health professional/cancer survivor of 36 years and by some of theleading medical and health practitioners currently in the field.

AYNI Books. Paperback, $26.95.

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This divination card deck brings empower-ment and inspiration in tune with the rhythmsof nature and the planet from the animal king-dom. Personally gleaned and intuited byMadeleine Walker as she traveled far and wideto meet and communicate with both wildspecies and domestic animals, these missives“whisper” the animals’ tidings of love andcompassion and dispatch their greatest wish—for humanity to find reempowerment so we

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Findhorn Press. Boxed Set, $19.95.


The UFO SingularityBy Micah Hanks

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New Page Books. Paperback, $15.99.

The Druid’s PrimerBy Luke Eastwood

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Moon Books. Paperback, $26.95.

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when we have faith in God and in love and all that can go right in ourlives, we open ourselves to receive the miracles the universe is holdingfor us. . This powerful spiritual principle will us help us overcome finan-cial stress and unleash the divine power of abundance. If we have faithin God's promise of prosperity for all, we need never fear the future.

Harper One. Hardcover, $23.99.

Children of the Fifth WorldA Guide to the Coming Changes

in Human ConsciousnessBy P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.

Providing a resource for parents and new kidsthemselves, P. M. H. Atwater explains what ishappening to our species and our world—from neurological changes and climateupheavals to the drive to be constantly “con-nected” through screen-based technologyand the unnecessary widespread use of drugtherapies. Sharing individual case historiesunderscoring the traits of the new-child per-sonality, she reveals how these children, bornwith universal consciousness encoded in their DNA, act as agentsfor world change by reflecting back every misguided aspect of busi-ness, politics, religion, entertainment, technology, and culture so wecan’t ignore what needs to be repaired. Atwater shows how childrenlabeled as autistic or otherwise “damaged” have enormous potentialfor greatness.

Bear & Company. Paperback, $16.00.

Winter Reading Winter Reading

Page 19: earth star 5


Conscious Food By Jim Pathfinder Ewing

Rooted firmly in eco-spirituality, this analysisand guide to reconnecting with edible naturefocuses on how modern people can regainSpirit in food individually and collectively. Theauthor provides a background on the emer-gence of agriculture and the declining con-nection with food as society evolved, particu-larly during times of war, and scrutinizestoday's “conventional” farming that relies upondeadly toxins and unsustainable fossil fuels.

The book outlines how modern people can avoid being victims of bio-cultural evolution and the resultant entropy of declining global and per-sonal health and instead contribute to the movement toward mindfulfood choices and better world health, both physically and spiritually.

Findhorn Press. Paperback, $16.95.

Integrative Wellness RulesA Simple Guide to Healthy LivingBy Dr. James P. Nicolai

Have you ever found that you needed tochange things in your life, but for some reasonlife kept getting in the way? Integrative Wellness

Rules will help you get around that obstacle. Inthe age of conflicting advice on health, thisbook provides quick and easy health tips forindividuals who are on the run but still needstrategies to better manage their fast-paced

lives. Join Dr. Jim Nicolai—the medical director of the Andrew Weil, M.D.,Integrative Wellness Program at Miraval Resort and Spa—as he shareswith you the insights and strategies he has collected along the way to opti-mize health and create wellness.

Hay House. Hardcover, $24.95.

Nine LivesThe Enneagram in Life Stories

By Eric Froggett

Nine Lives contains nine heartwarming storiesabout turning personal failures into successes,with help from the Enneagram and the Bible. Ithelps to answer some of life’s important ques-tions, such as, Why do we make the same mis-takes over and over? Why do people make crazychoices? Can we change and grow up or are welike the proverbial leopard with his spots? In theseshort stories you’ll meet Grace, who really needs to be needed; andGraham, whose priority is his image and a whole cast of others who findout, eventually, that it is possible to change and grow. Each of the maincharacters is a different Enneagram type. Even if you know nothing aboutthe Enneagram you will probably become fascinated by how true to lifeand helpful it is. Nine Lives is all about understanding what makes peo-ple tick, developing a spiritual life and being truly alive to each moment.

O-Books. Paperback, $19.95.

The Lightworker's SourceAn Enlightening Guide to Awaken

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New Page Books. Paperback, $15.99.

True RefugeFinding Peace and Freedom inYour Own Awakened HeartBy Tara Brach

Based on a fresh interpretation of thethree classic Buddhist gateways tofreedom—truth, love, and awareness—True Refuge shows us the way not justto heal our suffering, but also to culti-vate our capacity for genuine happi-ness. Through spiritual teachings,guided meditations, and inspirationalstories of people who discovered lov-ing presence during times of great

struggle, Brach invites us to connect more deeply with our own innerlife, one another, and the world around us. True Refuge is essentialreading for anyone encountering hardship or crisis, anyone dedicatedto a path of spiritual awakening.

Random House. Hardcover, $26.00.

A Lapidary of Sacred StonesTheir Magical and Medicinal Powers

Based on the Earliest SourcesBy Claude Lecouteux

Drawing from a wealth of ancient Arabic, Greek,Jewish, and European sources, ClaudeLecouteux provides a synthesis of all known lorefor more than 800 stones. He includes suchcommon examples as the emerald, which whenengraved with the figure of a harpy holding alamprey in its claws will banish panic and night-mares, and beryl, which when appropriatelycarved can summon water spirits or win itsowner high renown, as well as more exotic stones such as astrios, astone celebrated by ancient magicians and whose center glows like astar. Lecouteux also examines bezoars—stones formed in animals’bodies—as well as “magnets” that attract materials other than iron,such as gold, flesh, cotton, or scorpions.

Inner Traditions. Hardcover, $26.95.

Winter Reading Winter Reading

Page 20: earth star 5


The Gospel of Thomas By Dan Chesbro and James Erickson

This companion to The Order of the

Melchizedek offers profound and inspiredinsights into the sayings of Jesus asrecorded in the Gospel of Thomas andbrings their message into today's worldand emerging consciousness. Through aunique combination of artistic renderingsand a spiritually inspired interpretation ofeach of the 114 sayings, this guide offersfresh perspectives into the teachings ofJesus and their relevance. From “Let himwho seeks continue seeking until he

finds” to “l have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it untilit blazes,” this narrative links the intentions of the original text to mod-ern day prophets such as P.M.H. Atwater and Stephen Hawking andthe sparks behind Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement for thosesearching for divinity in the current moment.

Findhorn Press. Paperback, $15.95.

Moon SurfingA Lunar Astrology Handbook for TeensBy Nikki Harper

Moon Surfing unlocks the complexities oflunar astrology for teens, turning it into apractical tool which offers guidance anddirection through the tumultuous teenyears. Teens learn how to spot patterns intheir own moods and how to use lunarenergies in every aspect of their dailylives, from school to relationships, health,family and friendships. Nikki Harper, for-

mer BBC astrologer for a whole generation of teens, guides readersthrough the creation of a personal moon journal, making it fun and easyfor teens to chart and track their emotions and aspirations.

Dodona Books. Paperback, 22.95.

Neolithic ShamanismSpirit Work in the Norse Tradition

By Raven Kaldera and Galina Krasskova

We are all surrounded by spirits. Manypeople feel called to work with them, butfew know where to begin. Enjoined by thegods and spirits to fulfill this need, RavenKaldera and Galina Krasskova have recon-structed the indigenous spiritual traditionsof northern Europe and Scandinavia extin-guished more than one thousand years agoby the spread of Christianity. Arising from basic survival needs, thesepractical traditions are fundamentally tied to the elements found in theharsh world of the ancient North. Detailing the beginning set of skillsneeded to work with the spirits of this ancient world, this comprehen-sive workbook offers a unique ancestral spiritual outlet for those ofnorthern European descent as well as an accessible guide for anyonetrying to fulfill their shamanic callings.

Destiny Books. Paperback, $18.95.

The Twilight MindTwilight Saga Psychology Skills

By Julie-Anne Sykley

The Twilight Saga is not just a vampire tale.It is a powerful psychological thriller aboutdeep desire, self-discovery defying miseryand achieving happiness against all odds.Not only will The Twilight Mind give youfascinating psychological insights intoMeyer’s best-selling novels, it will entertain,educate, and empower you with the bestideas and strategies from psychology. Howdoes psychology fit with vampires, shape-shifters and other Twilight mysteries? What powerful psychological factsdo the Twilight books hide? Authentic happiness. True love. Super self-control. Mastering emotional pain. Spiritual growth. Discover the Twilight

world’s best mental health secrets and more—and increase yourpsychological power.

O-Books. Paperback, $22.95.

Your Ultimate Life PlanHow to Deeply Transform YourEveryday Experience and CreateChanges That LastBy Dr. Jennifer HowardForeword by Lama Surya Das

Your Ultimate Life Plan will help you improveevery moment of your life by teaching youhow to build: Confidence: Remove what’sstopping you. Strength: Move from yourwounded ego into your sacred self. Courage:Make smarter choices by embracing the Four

Dimensions of Consciousness. Success: Rise to your next level of hap-piness, clarity, and transformation. Your Ultimate Life Plan is the distil-lation of Dr. Howard’s twenty-plus years of experience as a psy-chotherapist and spiritual teacher. This “workshop in a book” will helpyou do more than understand your Wholeness—you will experience it!

New Page Books. Paperback, $16.99.

ArchetypesWho Are You?

By Caroline Myss

Have you ever wondered why you aredrawn to certain people, ideas, or productsand turned off by others? Are you con-stantly searching for something you can'tput your finger on, or wondering whetheryou are living a life that truly fits? InArchetypes: Who Are You?, New YorkTimes best-selling author Caroline Myssdelves into the world of archetypes, whichhave been the subject of her work for more than 25 years.Archetypes are universal patterns of behavior that, once discovered,help you better understand yourself and your place in the world. Inshort, knowing your archetypes can transform your life.

Hay House. Hardcover, $24.95.

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The Aging CureReverse 10 years in one week withthe FAT-MELTING CARB SWAPBy Jorge Cruise

For years, experts have told you that ifyou want to look and feel younger, youmust resort to surgeries, creams, orexpensive vitamins. Others have told youto simply give up. They were WRONG.The solution is a diet that avoids hidden

sugar and is rich in antioxidants. This easy guide makes anti-agingeffortless and affordable. It includes more than 300 options customizedfor carb lovers, chicken and seafood fans, meat lovers, vegans, andvegetarians. Learn how Angie lost 92 lbs, Amy lost 40 lbs, and Jorgelost 40 lbs. Get ready for a fresh start to your life!

Hay House. Spiral bound paperback, $19.95.

Foundations of YogaThe Traditional Teachings of Sri Shyam Sundar GoswamiBy Basile P. Catoméris

Foundations of Yoga presents the full andrigorous yogic training of traditional HathaYoga as taught by renowned Indian Yogamaster the late Sri Shyam Sundar Goswami.Written by his disciple and spiritual heir, thebook emphasizes metaphysical, spiritual,and psychological cultivation in addition tophysical practice. It offers Yoga practitionersand teachers a way to enrich and advance

their physical Yoga practice through a deeper understanding of phys-iology, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality centered on vedic andtantric principles. As the teachings and life of Sri S. S. Goswami show,by strengthening the body, vital force, and mind, one can master allthree for a long, healthy, harmonious life.

Inner Traditions. Paperback, $14.95.

How To Interpret Dreams & SignsBy KAYA

Kaya lived like a hermit for years, sometimes sleep-ing more than twenty hours a day to dream… hav-ing as many as fifty dreams per night. Everyonethought he had gone crazy. Then one day, he start-ed to share and write about his dream experiences.For years, in solitude, Kaya studied the dream sym-bols from every angle, like a mathematician tryingto decode an enigma, only to realize that “I was thereal enigma. I had to understand my fears, my joys,and weaknesses that were appearing in the form ofsymbols, both in my dreams and in my daily life. I found one of the first keysthe day I told myself, If everything I see and know can appear in mydreams, then physical and metaphysical worlds involve the same symbols.There was a code. Now, I know the code.”

UCM Publishing. Paperback, $19.95.

Color Your Life with CrystalsBy Margaret Ann Lembo

Tapping into children’s seemingly inherent love ofrocks, this accessible introduction to gemology pro-vides youngsters with a base understanding of crys-tal qualities, the power of colors, and the metaphys-ical importance of positive thinking. Divided intoseven sections, each chakra is explored and visuali-zation exercises are included in order to experiencethe chakra's energy. Explaining the perils of animbalance in these areas, practical advice is given forchoosing the best stones to restore equilibrium.Each crystal has a photograph and text describing its appearance andenergy qualities, as well as concrete examples of life situations where acrystal and some positive thought affirmations can be helpful. Alsoincluded are free space sections for writing down one’s experiences andreflections, as well as a Life Challenges Easy Reference Chart.

Findhorn Press. Paperback, $14,95.

Your Freudian Psychoanalysis. . . In Five Hours, Not Five Years

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Love him or hate him, we are all intrigued bySigmund Freud. His brainchild, psychoanalysis, isexpensive and time-consuming, but readers ofthis indispensable alternative can save a fortuneover conventional analysis. Discover through 28cheat-proof questionnaires how to analyse yourdreams, measure the strength of your ego, anddecide whether you have an oral or anal person-ality, an Oedipus or Electra complex. Find outwhy people campaign to save the whale, dyetheir hair, enjoy hurting themselves, shift blameonto other people, choose unexpected partners, become vegetarians,wear flashy ties, suck their thumb, choose bread-making as a hobby, orbelieve in magic. If you’ve ever reflected on the influence of your child-hood, wondered what your dreams might mean, or are on a quest forself-knowledge, lie down on the couch and immerse yourself in thepages of Your Freudian Psychoanalysis and you will emerge with a wholenew understanding of yourself.

Psyche Books. Paperback, $19.95.

Psychic IntuitionEverything You Ever Wanted to AskBut Were Afraid to KnowBy Nancy du Tertre

In Psychic Intuition, Nancy du Tertre “TheSkeptical Psychic,” takes readers on herpersonal journey of discovery. She becamepsychic in middle-age after years of inten-sive study and training and is now a believ-er that everyone has the potential to tap intotheir intuition and understand the world at adeeper level. Psychic Intuition is intended tobridge the gap between skeptics, who can

analyze but don't experience psychic phenomena, and believers, whohave the experiences but lack the ability to analyze. If you never had apsychic experience before and don't believe in it, Psychic Intuition mayjust change your mind. This is a must read for believers and, moreimportantly, for skeptics like Nancy.

New Page Books. Paperback, $16.99.

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www.earthstarmag.com2 2 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013

To experience a Greater Community of lifein the universe, and to enter into this greatarena of life, we must first reconsiderGod. This is the Creator of all life—not aGod of the ancients; not a God of the

great testaments from the past, but a God for all timesand all races; not a human God; nota God that expresses our tempera-ment and our judgments; not a Godthat requires worship; not a God ofthe tribe or the hill or the mountainor the sun or the stars, but a Godbeyond it all—a God of a billion,billion races and more, so greatbeyond our comprehension.

Yet how do we relate to a Godlike this, who is so vast and imper-sonal? As the New Revelation tellsus, God speaks to the most sacredpart of us, the permanent part of us,

through Knowledge within us. Therefore our relation-ship with God is of the greatest intimacy and rele-vance—without intermediaries, speaking to us and to allraces in the universe, who are so very different from us.

The universe that we will now emerge into, our localregion of space, is an environment that we know nothing

about, for which we cannot prepareourselves, which endangers us, butalso encourages us to finally estab-lish unity in the face of adversity.

This has required a NewMessage from God, for none ofGod’s previous Revelations can pre-pare us for a reality on this scale, anon-human universe that is not gov-erned by human values or ethics orhuman preoccupations.

Now we stand at the thresholdof this vast arena of life, on a worldthat is valued by others, a world that

By Marshall Vian Summers

Entering Entering LifLifeein thein the Universe

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we are destroying at a precipitouspace. Now we must grow up, endour ceaseless conflicts and our ado-lescent indulgences and prepare forthis much more mature environmentin order to secure human freedomand sovereignty in our world.

For we are now the natives ofthe new world facing intervention,and as history has taught us, inter-vention is an extreme hazard to thenative peoples. And yet we areunprepared.

Therefore, God has spokenagain to prepare us for life in theuniverse, to prepare us for our firstencounters, to elevate us, one personat a time, one relationship at a time,everywhere in the world where peo-ple have access to the Revelation.

This is the challenge ofRevelation, for this is not merely acomfort and a consolation. It is not merely to remedy usfrom our daily stresses and difficulties, but to pull us outof the past by giving us something greater to do.

God has given us the eyes to see, but we do not see.God has given us the ears to hear, but we do not hear—preoccupied we are with our dilemmas, our preferencesand our pursuit of happiness. But we still have the eyesto see and the ears to hear. And I pray that we will knowand see.

God does not care which religion we belong to, forthere are billions of religions in the universe. God caresif we resonate to the power of Knowledge that has been

put within us,You can see that all religions are pathways to this

Knowledge, and they can be rich avenues for us. Butthey know not of the Greater Community, which is themissing piece in the picture of our lives and in the futureof our world and in the outcome for every one of us andour children and their children.

The universe we will face will be a great challenge,the universe where freedom is rare and must be cultivat-ed carefully and preserved against all the forces of inter-vention, seduction and persuasion. The wise know this,but we are not yet wise.

Yet the Creator has put wisdomwithin us so that part of us is wise,and in this way we can respond towhat is true, what is different andwhat is challenging becauseKnowledge within us has no fear.

We are now facing interventionin the world by races here to gaininfluence and control for their ownneeds, presenting themselves asbenign and speaking to our desirefor wealth, power and spiritual ful-fillment, having studied us for solong.

We now as the natives of thenew world must gain the wisdomthat God has provided. For I tell you,people of Earth, without this wis-

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dom, we would eventually succumb—being too weak,too fractured, too ignorant, too selfish, too obsessed withour own ideologies, beliefs and national identities. Wewould succumb. God knows this.

May the power and the presence of Knowledgebecome strong, within us and between us now, for weare living at the greatest time in history, and it is by noaccident that we have come here now to be a part of this.Do not deny or disclaim this. Do not diminish yourselfany further. You know not of your importance in this, fornothing else matters.

God knows what matters for you and for us and forthis world. We have the promise of being a free peoplein the universe, but it is only a promise and not an assur-ance. If humanity should fail at the doorstep of the uni-verse, everything we have created that is good will belost. And the possibility to regain our freedom will beremote.

Do not look to others in the universe for gifts andtechnology. Do not fall prey to that seduction. Do notbelieve the statements offering power and peace andequanimity that those who are here claim, for they arehere for much more mundane purposes, driven by theneeds that drive us. Now the revelation given in Life inthe Universe can inform us. It is not a universe ofdemons and angels, but of physical beings struggling tosurvive.

God knows what is coming over the horizon and hasgiven us the warning and the preparation. We are blessed

to receive this.Let us receive this gift not with our intellect, which

only seeks to refer everything to the past and only toreassure itself that its ideas are true indeed, but to takethis into our heart and our soul, where the deeper truth isknown and remains beyond the realm and reach of theintellect.

This Proclamation must go forth powerfully now.There is no more time. It is very late, and there is muchto do.

Excerpted with permission from Life in the Universe, byMarshall Vian Summers, New Knowledge Library,

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If you’re still not doing interval training, you’relikely wasting an awful lot of time in the gym.This is one of the most important developmentsin fitness science that I can think of, as you canreap far greater health benefits in less time.

But I’ve recently also started talking about thepotential health benefits of intermittent fasting andworking out in a fasted state (i.e. skipping breakfastbefore hitting the gym).

When you exercise while fasting, it essentiallyforces your body to shed fat, as your body’s fat burningprocesses are controlled by your sympathetic nervoussystem (SNS), and your SNS is activated by exercise andlack of food. The combination of fasting and exercisingmaximizes the impact of cellular factors and catalysts(cyclic AMP and AMP Kinases), which force the break-down of fat and glycogen for energy.

Evidence is indeed mounting in support of this strat-egy, and I believe it could be quite beneficial, providedyou’ve already made some fundamental lifestylechanges with regards to diet and exercise.

When combined, high-intensity exercise and inter-mittent fasting could very well be a winning strategy tobring your fitness to the next level.

Keep in mind that fasting, or exercising in a fastedstate, would be unwise if you’re still eating a diet full ofprocessed foods, so addressing your diet is absolutelycrucial before you venture into any kind of fasting. Also,when undertaking any kind of calorie restriction, such asintermittent fasting or simply skipping breakfast, it’scritical to cut the right calories, namely carbohydrates(those from sugars and grains that is, NOT vegetablecarbs).

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

High-IntensityHigh-Intensity Interval Trainingand Intermittent Fasting

A Winning Combo for Fat ReductionFat Reductionand Optimal FitnessOptimal Fitness

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Carb Restriction May Improve Performancein Elite Athletes

A recent study from the Swedish School of Sport andHealth Sciences1 shows that restricting carbohydratescan help burn calories more efficiently and increasemuscle oxidative potential even in highly trained ath-letes.

Ten elite level cyclists performed one hour of inter-val training at approximately 64 percent of maximal aer-obic capacity with either low or normal muscle glyco-gen levels, achieved by prior exercise or diet interven-tion. Muscle biopsies were taken before and three hoursafter exercise. Results showed that exercising in a gly-ocogen depleted state increased mitochondrial biogene-sis. (Mitochondrial biogenesis is the process by whichnew mitochondria are formed in your cells.)

According to the authors:“We conclude that exercise with low glycogen levels

amplifies the expression of the major genetic marker formitochondrial biogenesis in highly trained cyclists. Theresults suggest that low glycogen exercise may be bene-ficial for improving muscle oxidative capacity.”

Part of what makes working out in a fasted state soeffective is that your body actually has a preservationmechanism that protects your active muscle from wast-ing itself. So if you don’t have sufficient fuel in yoursystem when you exercise, you’re going to break downother tissues but not the active muscle, i.e. the musclebeing exercised.

According to fitness expert Ori Hofmekler, authorof The Warrior Diet, you can quite literally re-designyour physique using a combination of under-eating andexercise. However this really only works well onceyou’ve become fat-adapted, meaning your metabolismhas become proficient at burning fat. To learn moreabout this, please see my other recent article on thistopic, What Does it Mean to Be Fat-Adapted?

Interval Training Burns More Calories in Less Time

In related news, research presented at the IntegrativeBiology of Exercise VI meeting2 in Colorado onOctober 10-13 this year, demonstrated that high-intensi-ty interval training burns more calories in less time – amere 2.5 minutes, divided into five 30-second sprintintervals at maximum exertion, each followed by fourminutes of light pedaling to recuperate, can burn asmuch as 220 calories. All in all, in less than 25 minutestotal, you can burn more calories than you would if youwere cycling at a moderate pace for half an hour.

According to lead researcher, exercise physiologygraduate student Kyle Sevits:3

“‘You burn a lot of calories in a very short time...Nearly all the calories are burned in those 2.5 minutes;you burn very few during the rest period.’ He also pointsto additional benefits that come from interval training,including increased insulin sensitivity and glucose tol-erance, both of which are important for overall goodhealth.”

High-intensity interval training, which is part of mytotal Peak Fitness program, has also been shown to pro-

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duce greater health benefits overall than conventionalaerobic training. Back in April, I reported on a study thatfound doing just three minutes of high-intensity trainingper week for four weeks, could lead to significantchanges in important health indices, including a 24 per-cent improvement in insulin sensitivity.

Another important benefit of high-intensity intervaltraining is its ability to naturally increase your body’sproduction of human growth hormone (HGH), alsoknown as “the fitness hormone.” HGH is a synergistic,foundational biochemical underpinning that promotesmuscle and effectively burns excessive fat. It also playsan important part in promoting overall health andlongevity. This is something you cannot get from con-ventional, aerobic endurance training.

How to Maximize the Health Benefits of Peak Fitness Training

While it’s theoretically possible to reap valuable resultswith as little as three minutes (plus rest periods inbetween spurts) once a week, it would be more benefi-cial doing them two or three times a week for a total offour minutes of intense exertion per session, especiallyif you are not doing strength training. You do not need todo high-intensity exercises more often than that howev-er. In fact, doing it more frequently than two or threetimes a week can be counterproductive, as your bodyneeds to recover between sessions.

Intensity is KEY for reaping all the benefits intervaltraining can offer. To perform it correctly, you’ll want toraise your heart rate to your anaerobic threshold, and todo that, you have to give it your all for those 20 to 30second intervals. Different studies will use differentintervals of exertion and recuperation. For example, inthe featured study on elite athletes, bouts of exertionwere separated by four-minute rest intervals. They alsodidn’t “max out” during the exertion phase.

I use and recommend the program developed by PhilCampbell, which will trigger HGH production as you go“all out” during the exertion phase. Here’s a summary ofwhat a typical interval routine might look like using anelliptical:

• Warm up for three minutes.• Exercise as hard and fast as you can for 30 sec-

onds. You should be gasping for breath and feel likeyou couldn’t possibly go on another few seconds. It isbetter to use lower resistance and higher repetitions toincrease your heart rate.

• Recover for 90 seconds, still moving, but atslower pace and decreased resistance.

• Repeat the high-intensity exercise and recovery 7more times.

When you’re first starting out, depending on yourlevel of fitness, you may only be able to do two or threerepetitions of the high-intensity intervals. As you get fit-ter, just keep adding repetitions until you’re doing eightduring your 20-minute session. Once you regularlyincorporate these 20-minute exercises about twice aweek, most people notice the following benefits:

• Decrease in body fat• Improved muscle tone• Improved athletic speed and performance• Ability to achieve your fitness goals much faster• Increase in energy and sexual desire• Firmer skin and reduced wrinkles

Exercise is Key for Reducing Body FatWhile Preserving Your Muscle

I’ve frequently stated that 80 percent of the health bene-fits you reap from a healthy lifestyle come from yourdiet, and the remaining 20 percent from exercise.

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However, it’s important torealize that there is a pro-found synergy betweenthe two, as yet anotherrecent study demon-strates.

The researchers exam-ined data from 11 partici-pants in the reality TVshow “The BiggestLoser.” Total body fat,total energy expenditure,and resting metabolic ratewere measured threetimes: at the start of theprogram, six weeks intothe program, and at week30, which was at leastfour months after partici-pants returned home.Using a mathematicalcomputer model ofhuman metabolism, theresearchers calculated the

impact of the diet and exercise changes resulting inweight loss, to evaluate the relative contributions ofeach.

Interestingly, while diet alone was calculated to beresponsible for more weight loss overall than exercise,only 65 percent of that weight loss was body fat. Theremaining 35 percent reduction in total body weight wasa reduction in lean muscle mass. Exercise alone resultedin fat loss only, along with a small increase in lean mus-cle mass. According to the National Institutes of Healthpress release:4

“The simulations also suggest that the participantscould sustain their weight loss and avoid weight regainby adopting more moderate lifestyle changes – like 20minutes of daily vigorous exercise and a 20 percentcalorie restriction – than those demonstrated on the tel-evision program.”

Tips for Fasting and Exercising Safely:A Post-Workout Recovery Meal is Crucial

An effective exercise program that incorporates high-intensity interval training combined with intermittentfasting can help counteract muscle aging and wasting,and boost fat-burning. If at any point you don’t haveenough energy or don’t feel good, then it is likely timeto shift your experiment and reduce the hours of fasting.Intermittent fasting should make you feel better, and if it

doesn’t then it is best to reevaluate your strategy.Make sure to keep the following two points in mind:

1. Timing of meals: Intermittent fasting is not extremecalorie restriction. You’re not supposed to starve your-self. Rather it’s simply a matter of timing your mealsproperly by abstaining from food during much of theday, and limiting your eating to a small window later inthe evening. If you were to limit eating to say 4-7 pm,you are effectively fasting for 21 hours. Ideally, you’llwant to fast for at least 12-18 hours.

2. If you can’t abstain from food entirely during theday, limit it to small servings of light, low-glycemic,mostly raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, whey pro-tein or lightly poached eggs every 4-6 hours. Whatevertimes you choose, it will be very helpful to avoid havingany food or calories for three hours prior to going to bedas this will minimize oxidative damage to your systemand give your body a major jumpstart in intermittentfasting.

Break your fast with a recovery meal on workout days:

On the days that you work out while fasting, you need toconsume a recovery meal 30 minutes after your work-out. Fast-assimilating whey protein is ideal. Then fastagain until you eat your main meal at night. It’s veryimportant that you eat an appropriate recovery mealafter your workout session, as this will prevent brain andmuscle damage from occurring, so do NOT skip thismeal.

If the thought of fasting for 12-18 hours is too much,you can get many of the same benefits of fasting and exer-cise by simply skipping breakfast and exercising firstthing in the morning when your stomach is empty. This isbecause eating a full meal, particularly carbohydrates,before your workout will inhibit your sympathetic nerv-ous system and reduce the fat burning effect of your exer-cise. Instead, eating lots of carbs activates your parasym-pathetic nervous system, (which promotes energy storage– the complete opposite of what you’re aiming for).

Dr. Mercola is the founder of theworld’s most visited naturalhealth web site, You canlearn the hazardous side effectsof OTC Remedies by getting aFREE copy of his latest specialreport The Dangers of Over theCounter Remedies by going to hisReport Page.

Page 29: earth star 5 FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013 EARTH STAR 2 9

If I said to you, “See that man over there? He’smy Hero,” or “That woman is the PerfectMom,” I know without a doubt that you wouldunderstand exactly what I was communicatingto you about two people you had never met.

With just three words—Hero and Perfect Mom—I wouldhave awakened in you two complete archives of mythsand symbols that you automatically associate with thoseterms. In seconds, these two people would cease to bestrangers, as your psyche wrapped them in stories, fairytales, and your own memories. The man would instantlytake on the appearance of a super-strong Hero able toface any adversary. Despite knowing nothing else abouthim, you would instantly trust him. After all, Heroesdon’t betray the women they’re sent to rescue—at leastnot in the fairy tales we know and love, right?

Consider the archetype of the Perfect Mom. Youdon’t need to meet the woman I’m speaking about toflesh out an idea of her in your imagination. The wordsPerfect Mom pack a powerful punch, especially in oursociety, where we have commercially enhanced thisarchetype beyond its already deeply rooted sentimentalmeaning. The instant someone tells you that a woman is

a Perfect Mom, you immediately picture a great cookwith a charming, well-ordered home, who helps her kidswith their homework, attends all their sporting events,listens to their problems, hosts sleepovers with theirfriends—and bakes brownies. Even if the words PerfectMom bring up painful associations with a not-so-perfectupbringing, you still have the projection of the idealMother figure firmly planted in your psyche.

So how do those words—Hero and Perfect Mom—communicate so much visual, emotional, intellectual,and mythic information to us? They carry the power theydo because they are archetypes, psychic power patternsin the unconscious mind. Although archetypes are col-lective symbols that everyone in the culture shares, theycan also speak to us individually, as personal archetypalpatterns that are the foundation of our beliefs, drives,motivations, and actions, organizing and energizing allour relationships in life. Archetypes are the powerimages we identify with as children. The Athlete or theArtist or the Actor or the Princess or even, sad to say, theVictim or the Vampire represents a complex of storiesand myths that we somehow imagine happening in ourown life. We are drawn to movies, books, and video

AArrcchheettyyppeess AArrcchheettyyppeess

By Carolyn Myss

The following excerpt is taken from the book Archetypes by Carolyn Myss. It is published by Hay House (avail-able January 2, 2013) and available at all bookstores or online at:

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games with characters that represent our power images.Little girls dress up as Princesses and Wonder Woman,little boys as Batman and Warriors. Archetypal identifi-cation begins early.

The ten archetypal patterns that reflect the powertrends of our times are: the Advocate,the Artist/Creative, the Athlete, the Caregiver, theFashionista, the Intellectual, the Queen/Executive, theRebel, the Spiritual Seeker, and the Visionary. They allembody the primary power issues that define womentoday, including their underlying struggles with person-al empowerment. Ten years ago, the list of definingarchetypes would have been different, and it may changeagain ten years from now. But in the world as we knowit today, the modern woman is likely to consider herselfa Professional, or if not a Professional then someonelooking for her place in the world. Today’s woman isalso likely to see herself as a Caregiver, whether or notshe is a mother. Her Caregiver may have a rebelliousstreak, simply by virtue of adapting to life in a world sovastly different from the one in which previous genera-tions of women lived, or she may be a woman in whomthe Rebel is a full-time force.

In addition to reflecting contemporary powerthemes, the ten archetypes embody the more pressingpersonal challenges facing women today. Women in par-ticular face the challenge of developing an inner sense ofpower and personal identity. Without that essential coreof self-esteem, you will be unable to hear your intuitiveguidance. You won’t trust the Intellectual in you as itengages with new ideas. You will tune out theFashionista archetype when it sprinkles your imagina-tion with ideas about creating a new line of clothing orjewelry. You will dismiss the intuitive instructions orsuggestions as if they were a bad dream, with a thoughtlike I could never do that. What if I fail? or some otherexcuse coming from low self-esteem. Few forces in lifehave the positive authority of genuine self-esteem, or thenegative effect of a lack of self-esteem.

Archetypal patterns filter into every aspect of yourlife. Your archetypes influence your spending habits,how you shop, and what you buy or not. They influencethe quality of your relationships, and who you areattracted to and why. And they influence recurringissues: arguments you seem to have over and over, diffi-culties at work that keep cropping up, and other patternsthat repeat themselves. Anything that repeats is a clue towhat archetypes are operating in your life. You identifyyour archetypes in your stories, your patterns, yourfears, your talents—all the things that are constant inyour nature. What would you say is “typical” of you?How do other people describe you? (If you’re up for it,ask your friends for help with this. You would be sur-prised by what you can learn about yourself.) The moreyou know about how archetypes work, the more easilyyou can observe their influence on your thoughts, yourattitudes, your behavior, and your personal myths andsymbols.

Once you connect with an archetype that you knowis genuinely you, it will inspire you to find out aboutother archetypes that may be influencing your life.Connecting with an archetype is a bridge to your trueSelf, to who you really are. You are far more than yourpersonality, more than your habits, more than yourachievements. You are an infinitely complex humanbeing with stories and myths and dreams—and ambi-tions of cosmic proportions. Don’t waste time underes-timating yourself. Dream big. Use your archetypes. Ifyou’re an Artist, make art. If you’re a Visionary, imaginesomething the future needs, then join forces with anEntrepreneur to make a venture out of it. Use the energyof your archetype to express the true reason you wereborn. Life was never meant to be safe. It was meant tobe lived right to the end. There are inner riches awaitingyou in the archetypal domain. Life is an archetypalmagic carpet ride through endless adventures meant toteach us about the hidden truths of life and our place inthe cosmic scheme.


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Nutrition plays an important role in everystage of the fight against cancer: resist-ing it, suppressing its development andreducing its spread. Many nutrients areinvolved, and most are available as sup-

plements. Vitamins and minerals are certainly important,but so are all sorts of plant compounds, friendly bacteriaand specialized fats, like omega-3 fatty acids.

If you’re serious about preventing cancer, here aresome of the supplements you should consider taking:

1. CoQ10This natural energy-pro-ducer and powerfulantioxidant is proving tobe an important cancerfighter. New researchhas found that CoQ10 ishelpful for colon cancer,breast cancer andmelanoma. Animals

exposed to cancer-causing agents who are pretreatedwith CoQ10 are less likely to develop cancer becauseCoQ10 help to neutralize toxins.

During cancer treatment, CoQ10 not only preservesimmune function, it seems to help cancer drugs workbetter. And after treatment, CoQ10 helps the immunesystem attack any remaining cancer cells, reducing therisk for new growth and spread. CoQ10 is used exten-sively in Japan as an adjuvant for cancer treatment. Itssafety record is unparalleled at virtually any dose.

What to Take: We recom-mend 200 – 600 mg of CoQ10a day.

2. ProbioticsThese friendly bacteria candecrease fecal enzymes associ-ated with formation of cancer-causing compounds in theintestines. They can bind tosubstances that cause genetic

By Gale Maleskey, MS, RD

1111 0000 CancerCancer FightingFighting Supplements Supplements Your Doctor May Not Tell You About

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mutations to intestinal cells. They stimulate enzymesthat inactivate cancer-causing substances. Probiotics canalso help support and stimulate the immune system indi-rectly and directly throughout the body, which is whythey’ve been linked to a reduced risk for cancers otherthan colon cancer, such as bladder cancer.

What to Take: We recommend a shelf-stable probi-otic with 10 billion CFU (colony-forming units) countper dose.

3. PrebioticsThink of prebiotics as food and hous-ing for probiotics. These are nutri-tional substances such as inulin, asoluble fiber, that help probioticsgrow and colonize inside your intes-tines. In one study, volunteers werefed a mixture of probiotics and prebi-otics, or placebo, for eight weeks. Awide range of indicators of coloncancer risk were measured. Thosetaking the probiotics with prebioticshad less DNA damage and a lower rate of cell prolifera-tion in biopsies taken from their colons. They also hadlower levels of cancer-causing mutagens in their feces.

What to Take: Look for a probiotic supplement thatincludes prebiotics in addition to beneficial bacteria.

4. Beta GlucanThese chains of sugar mol-ecules have the ability toenhance your immune sys-tem and help it to attackcancer cells. Beta glucan ismost often derived fromthe cell walls of baker’syeast, or from mushroomssuch a shiitake andmaitake. In Japan, extracts containing various types ofbeta glucan have been used to successfully assist intreating cancer patients for the last 20 years.

Beta glucan seems to have the unique ability to stickto cancer cells and “tag” them to make it easier for theimmune system to recognize the cancer cells as foreigninvaders that need to be destroyed. Beta glucan does pro-vide some immune system boost on its own, but it seemsto work best when used along with other forms of can-cer therapy, such as monoclonal antibodies or interfer-on.

What to Take: We recommend about 100 mg a dayof Beta 1,3/1,6 D-glucan, a form proven effective atstimulating immunity.

5. ResveratrolThis powerful anti-agingnutrient helps to pre-serve normal cell cycleregulation, which is animportant function indealing with DNA dam-age. If cell cycle regula-tion is defective, muta-tions in the cells’ DNAmay result in cancer. Resveratrol has been found toinduce cell cycle arrest for a time following DNA dam-age, in order to allow for DNA repair or activation ofprocesses leading to cell death, should the damage beirreparable.

Resveratrol also helps to regulate enzymes. It“upregulates” certain enzymes that break down toxicsubstances in the body, so it promotes the excretion ofthese harmful chemicals.

What to Take: We recommend about 400 mg a dayof standardized trans-resveratrol.

6. Vitamin DNew research suggeststhat having an optimalblood level of vitamin Dcould cut your cancer riskby as much as 60%!Vitamin D can help acti-vate certain proteins thatsuppress tumor growth and development, and help pre-vent as many as 16 different types of cancer, includinglung, pancreas, breast, colon, and prostate cancer.Vitamin D increases the self-destruction of mutatedcells, reduces the spread and reproduction of cancercells, and reduces the growth of new blood vessels frompre-existing ones, an important step in the growth andspread of cancerous tumors.

Research shows 40-70% of Americans have sub-optimal blood levels of vitamin D. The best way to fig-ure out how much you need is to get a blood test, beforeand after you have started taking supplements.

What to Take: Some people need 2,000 – 5,000 IUof vitamin D3 a day, or even more, to stay at a goodblood level of to 40 to 60ng/mL (100 – 150nmol/L).

7. Green TeaAn extract of the mainactive ingredient in green

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tea, EGCG, slows blood vessel formation in tumors,reducing the rate at which they can grow and spread.Like resveratrol, green tea extract can also regulate celldivision and growth, and cause programmed cell deathin DNA-damaged cells. Some of the cancers that greentea can face down include prostate, esophageal, bladder,cervical, pancreatic, ovarian, lymphoma and leukemia.Green tea is also active against human papilloma virus(HPV) a sexually transmitted virus associated with cer-vical and anal cancer and warts.

What to Take: We recommend about 450 mg a dayof a standardized green tea extract.

8. Fish OilGreater intake ofomega-3s has beenassociated with areduced risk for can-cer. By helping to sta-bilize the immune sys-tem, fish oil may havemultiple anti-cancereffects, including reg-ulating cell proliferation, inducing damaged cells to die,preventing blood vessel growth in tumors and helping toprevent the spread of cancer cells to other parts of thebody.

What to Take: Dosages of 1,200 – 5,000 mg a dayare recommended.

9. CurcuminThis component of turmeric has emerged as a leadingcancer fighter. Curcumin can disrupt cancer cells in sev-eral stages of development. It, too, causes programmed

cell death andinhibits new bloodvessel growth intotumors. It seems towork best againstcolon cancer, andin some animalstudies, was asgood as certainchemotherapy drugs at inhibiting the growth of cancercells.

What to Take: Dosages up to 8,000 mg a day forthree months have been used with no toxicity.

10. Garlic ExtractGarlic can increaseactivity of toxin-n e u t r a l i z i n genzymes anddecrease activity oftox in -ac t iva t i ngenzymes in theintestines. Garlicalso helps preventc a n c e r - c a u s i n gDNA changes and promotes the death of damaged intes-tinal cells.

What to Take: As much as 7,200 mg a day of gar-lic extract has been taken for up to six months withoutside effects.

Our risk for almost every kind of cancer goes up as weage. Nutritional supplements that fight cancer at everystage can give you the edge you need to beat it.

MRIMRI Could Solve Could Solve Cellphone Radiation ProblemsProblems

Y ears of studies to determinewhether cellphones can causebrain tumors have yielded one

popular consensus: More studies areneeded. One important piece that has

been missing from researchers’ arse-nals is a way to see what happens tocellphone radiation that is absorbed bythe human brain. Two scientists havenow developed a magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) tech-nique that they saycould solve that prob-lem. This could be animportant tool forresearchers who aretrying to discoverwhether extensivecellphone use cancause brain tumors orother health problems.

The technique creates high-reso-lution 3-D images of the heat createdby cellphone radiation absorbed in thebrain. In research reported recently inProceedings of the National Academyof Sciences, the scientists demonstratethe method on cow brain matter and agel that emulates brain tissue. But theprocedure could easily be adapted fortests on human brains, says DavidGultekin, a medical physicist atMemorial Sloan-Kettering CancerCenter, in New York, who led thedevelopment of the technique.—

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It was later discovered that the Butterfly Effectis pervasive—and applies to gravitational phe-nomena as well. We mentioned earlier that it isimpossible to predict on which side of the SunPluto will be thousands of years from now—

and our solar system is relatively simple, consideringthat we only have one Sun and the masses of the planetsare small in comparison. One can imagine a system withso many stars that it is simply impossible to predictwhere a planet will be some time later, and without theability to confirm predictions it would be impossible tosubstantiate a Theory of Universal Gravitation. Thatdoes not mean that scientists living in such a systemmight not come up with the Theory of UniversalGravitation—after all, they might make a lucky guess.

Think about it. One of the reasons that we were ableto deduce the Theory of Universal Gravitation is that theEarth follows essentially the same path around the Sun,year after year after year. This doesn’t happen on theNightfall planet (Nightfall is a famous science-fictionshort story written by Isaac Asimov, right)—but the

planet does follow an orbit sufficiently regular that itsscientists were able to deduce the Theory of UniversalGravitation. The scientists on our hypothetical planet,the one with so many stars that the orbit is basicallyunpredictable, would in all likelihood never be able towork out the underlying simple law that is the Theory ofUniversal Gravitation. Even if they could, they couldnever confirm it.

But now we come to the crux of the matter. Just

By James D. Stein, Ph.D.

TTTThhhheeee PPPPaaaarrrraaaannnnoooorrrrmmmmaaaallllEEEEqqqquuuuaaaatttt iiiioooonnnn

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because gravitation appears to be a supernatural phe-nomenon to scientists living in an environment wherethe Butterfly Effect would make it impossible to predicthow gravity behaves does not mean that gravitation is asupernatural phenomenon. In fact, we here on Earthknow it isn’t (as do the scientists on the Nightfall planet).And therein lies the problem for us—and it is a problemwhich investigators of the supernatural have recognizedfor some time. Just because we cannot explain a phe-nomenon, or even if we can never explain the phenome-non, does not mean we are dealing with the supernatu-ral. There may well be an underlying simple—and per-fectly natural—explanation for the phenomenon, consis-tent with natural laws that we have not yet discovered,or, in fact, may never discover. One can imagine debateson our imagined planet, the one with so many stars thatit is impossible to predict where celestial objects will be.Philosophers, scientists, and religious figures couldargue whether sunrises, sunsets, and eclipses are naturalor supernatural phenomena.

The scientists on our imaginary planet may indeedbe able to make an educated guess about the Law ofUniversal Gravitation. Coulomb’s Law, which is the lawthat relates the electric force between two electricallycharged objects, turns out to have exactly the samemathematical form as Newton’s Law of Universal grav-

itation. The only difference between the two formulas isthat Newton’s Law uses the letters m1 and m2 to denotethe two masses; Coulomb’s Law has the letters q1 andq2 instead to denote the two electrical charges. Otherthan that, the two Laws have exactly the same formula!In fact, it is probable that Coulomb knew the form forNewton’s Law and used that form to hypothesize the lawgoverning electric charge. It would not be a wild leapfor a scientist on our imaginary planet, assuming thatthey have discovered Coulomb’s Law, to conjecture thatthe Law of Gravitation has a similar form. Nonetheless,they may not get around to this approach, and unlessthey are able to travel to a system where gravitation is asimple phenomenon, they may erroneously classifygravitation as supernatural. How can we be sure that weare not making the same mistake for different types ofphenomena?

So we now have a natural law—the Theory ofUniversal Gravitation—which was discovered withmuch effort on Earth, even more effort on the Nightfall

planet, but which is essentially undiscoverable on theplanet where the Butterfly Effect renders it undiscover-able. But even though there are (hypothetical) planetswhere it would be impossible to discover the Theory ofUniversal Gravitation, that Theory nevertheless exists.There’s a slight linguistic problem here concerningwhether the Theory is the way gravity actually is or theway that we describe how gravity actually is. There isgravity, there is Newton’s Theory of UniversalGravitation, and there is Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.We are obviously producing ever more accurate descrip-tions of gravity—can we be certain that at the momentwe have a description of gravity that tells us exactly howit is?

Possibly there is an ultimate Theory of UniversalGravitation to which Newton’s Law was an excellentfirst approximation and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity adistinctly superior modification—but we still haven’tfound it. Nonetheless, both Newton’s and Einstein’s

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theories are classified as scientific laws. A scientific lawdoesn’t have to be a perfect description, but it has towork extremely well and extremely often.

Here, however, is the $64,000 question—at least asit pertains to this book. Is there a natural law out therewhich cannot be discovered? There is a point to phras-ing the previous sentence in the passive voice. Had Isaid, “Is there a natural law which we cannot discover?”there might be the inference that we’re just not brightenough to plumb the ultimate secrets of the Universe.But a law which is a law but which cannot be discoveredwould legitimately be supernatural. It would be a prin-ciple governing behavior in the Universe which wouldbe beyond our ability, or the ability of any sentient crea-ture, to discover.

And that’s what I will claim in this book. There arehypotheses about the physical Universe which I claimresult in laws—governing principles—which cannot bediscovered; by us or by any sentient creature. If you lookat the strict dictionary meaning of “super” as it comesfrom the Latin, it means “above” or “beyond”. I wouldargue that governing principles in the Universe that liebeyond the ability of science—any science—to discoverare supernatural. In the literal sense, it fits the definitionof supernatural; far more so than alien abductions orstrange doings in the Bermuda Triangle. I can’t see whyit wouldn’t fit your definition of “supernatural” as well.


C BS News’ Jere van Dykreports it will most probablyshow, if the dates are true, that

Jews and Muslims once lived togetherin harmony in Afghanistan, as they didat one point in the modern era. If themanuscripts can be shown to be olderthan 1,000 years or make references toprevious centuries, then this willchange many perspectives; Islam hasonly existed for 1,500 years....

A trove of ancient manuscripts inHebrew characters rescued from cavesin a Taliban stronghold in northernAfghanistan is providing the first phys-ical evidence of a Jewish communitythat thrived there a thousand years ago.

On January 3rd Israel’s NationalLibrary unveiled the cache of recentlypurchased documents that run thegamut of life experiences, includingbiblical commentaries, personal lettersand financial records.

Researchers say the “AfghanGenizah” marks the greatest such

archive found since the “CairoGenizah” was discovered in anEgyptian synagogue more than a hun-dred years ago, a vast depository ofmedieval manuscripts considered to beamong the most valuable collections ofhistorical documents ever found.

Genizah, a Hebrew term thatloosely translates as “storage,” refers toa storeroom adjacent to a synagogue orJewish cemetery where Hebrew-lan-guage books and papers are kept. —CBS News

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Twenty four years ago, the Life ExtensionFoundation introduced coenzyme Q10 tothe United States. Back then, it was soldin Japan as a prescription drug to treatheart disease. Life Extension, however,

provided persuasive evidence that CoQ10 could helpprotect against a host of age-related disorders.Based ona large volume of favorable research, CoQ10 hasbecome one of today’s most popular dietary supple-ments. In recent years, new delivery systems have beendeveloped that transport more CoQ10 into the blood-stream than original versions.

Providing greater quantities of CoQ10 to the body is ofparticular importance, since scientific studies show thathigher CoQ10 blood levels produce superior benefits.

In what may be the most significant breakthrough inthe history of the dietary supplement industry, Japan’slargest CoQ10 producer has discovered a way to deliver

the highest concentrations of the most biologicallyactive form of coenzyme Q10 to the bloodstream.

As you will read in this article, this improved formof CoQ10 not only absorbs up to eight times better, butalso has demonstrated unprecedented anti-aging effectscompared to placebo and compared to the coenzymeQ10 you are using now.

Unlike outrageously priced prescription drugs, thisnew form of CoQ10 enables consumers to obtain moreactivated coenzyme Q10 in their bodies at a far lowercost. Based on the findings you are about to read, thisnovel CoQ10 compound (ubiquinol) could revolutionizehow a number of age-related disorders are both preventedand treated.

Scientists long ago discovered that orally ingestingthe ubiquinone form of coenzyme Q10 producedbeneficial effects on the heart, brain, kidneys, and othertissues.

By William Faloon

Has Your CoQ10CoQ10Become ObsoleteObsolete?

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www.earthstarmag.com3 8 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013

What the layliterature did notdiscuss was the factthat in order for theubiquinone form ofCoQ10 to be prop-erly utilized, it firstmust be reduced inthe body to itsactive metaboliteknown asubiquinol. Whilemost ubiquinone isnaturally reduced

to ubiquinol, the optimal way to supplement withCoQ10 would be to ingest it in its ready-to-useubiquinol form.

Since ubiquinol is highly unstable, it has beenextremely difficult (until now) to make it available as adietary supplement. After years of painstaking research,Japan’s largest producer of coenzyme Q10 has devel-oped a patented method to stabilize ubiquinol so that itcan be swallowed in a capsule for utilization by cellsthroughout the body.

The ramifications of widespread use of this novelform of CoQ10 are profound. For the first time, it maybe possible to achieve the sustained high blood levels ofbiologically active ubiquinol CoQ10 needed to delaycertain manifestations of aging and its related disorders.

Sharply Higher Absorption Levels

Even with today’s enhanced delivery systems, achievingoptimal blood levels of CoQ10 can be challenging.Those suffering from disorders that require higher bloodlevels have had to consume relatively large doses ofCoQ10. Ideal blood levels for those afflicted with neu-rological disorders (such as Parkinson’s disease) or con-gestive heart failure are considered to be greater than 3.5micrograms per milliliter(mcg/mL).

When CoQ10 is ingested inits reduced form as ubiquinol,higher blood CoQ10 levels can beachieved using smaller milligramdoses. In assimilation studies onrats, oral feeding of ubiquinolCoQ10 was shown to increaseblood levels more than twice ashigh as conventional CoQ10(ubiquinone). Human assimila-tion studies are even more


What Makes Ubiquinol Different From Ubiquinone?

Coenzyme Q10 exists in both ubiquinol and ubiquinoneforms, but they have vastly different roles to play in thebody. For instance, ubiquinol is an electron donor, whileubiquinone is an electron acceptor.

The electrons that ubiquinol donates neutralize freeradicals. This fact alone makes ubiquinol the form ofCoQ10 that protects against toxic oxidative reactions inthe body.

The chemical difference between ubiquinone andubiquinol is that the ubiquinol compound contains twohydroxyl groups. These two hydroxyl groups enableubiquinol to be more “hydrophilic” than ubiquinone,and thus much easier to assimilate.

The term “hydrophilic” means readily absorbable ordissolvable in water. The two hydroxyl groups on theubiquinol compound result in its stronger bonding withwater, which helps explain why it is so much morebioavailable than ubiquinone.

Today’s commercial CoQ10 supplements containubiquinone because it remains stable longer in the cap-sule.

However, it is the reduced form of CoQ10(ubiquinol) that has the ability to scavenge free radicalsin mitochondria and in cell membranes, sites where freeradicals inflict significant damage. The ubiquinol formof CoQ10, with its two hydroxyl groups, is what domi-nates in most human tissues.

Called a “coenzyme” because of its unique ability toparticipate in chemical reactions but remain at steady-state levels in the cell, coenzyme Q10 plays a centralrole in energy metabolism. CoQ10’s ability to cycleback and forth between ubiquinone and ubiquinolaccounts for many of its unique properties. This remark-able ability to cyclically accept and donate electrons, as

well as to effect complementarychemical reactions in the mito-chondria, accounts for CoQ10’sunparalleled value to almost alllife forms.

Ubiquinol has a much greaterbioavailability than theubiquinone used in commerciallyavailable CoQ10 supplements.This is understandable, sinceubiquinol has far greater watersolubility and much betterabsorption into the bloodstream

Fig 1.

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after ingestion.As shown in Figure 1, a

recent human trial showed thatsupplementing with just 150 mgper day of ubiquinol resulted inCoQ10 blood levels of 3.84mcg/mL. In study subjects whotook 300 mg per day ofubiquinol, blood CoQ10 levelsreached 7.28 mcg/mL. This studyshowed that it took only fourweeks to achieve these desirablehigh levels.

To put these blood levels in perspective, scientistshave conducted human clinical trials using very highdoses of conventional CoQ10 in enhanced deliverysystems.

As shown in the chart on the previous page (Figure 1),one clinical study used 1200 mg per day of ubiquinoneCoQ10 to achieve blood concentrations of 3.96mcg/mL. Based on recently published absorption stud-ies, just 150 mg per day of ubiquinol would provide vir-tually the same high CoQ10 blood levels as 1200 mg ofenhanced-delivery ubiquinone CoQ10.

As indicated in Figure 1, another study used 2400mg per day of conventional CoQ10 to reach blood levelsof 7.25 mcg/mL. Just 300 mg per day of ubiquinol wasshown to provide about the same amount (7.28 mcg/mL)of CoQ10 to the blood at four weeks.

A review of published studies on human subjectsreveals that it requires very high doses of conventionalCoQ10 to achieve the same levels attainable with mod-est amounts of ubiquinol CoQ10. Figure 1 clearlyshows how little ubiquinol is needed to provide the sameblood (plasma) levels that are achieved in response to fargreater amounts of ubiquinone. This chart (Figure 1)reveals that it takes eight times more ubiquinone toincrease CoQ10 blood levels to what can be achievedwith much lower doses of ubiquinol.

Side-By-Side Comparison of Ubiquinol and Ubiquinone

In a side-by-side single-dose human study, ubiquinolabsorption was compared directly to conventionalCoQ10 (ubiquinone) using the same delivery system.Subjects were given either 100 mg of ubiquinol or 100mg of ubiquinone. To further validate the study, the sub-jects were crossed over, so that every participant wastested after receiving ubiquinol and later ubiquinone,and vice versa.

As shown in Figure 2 the findings showed that in

aged test subjects, ubiquinolabsorption was 60% greater inthis single-dose side-by-sidecomparison.

While single-dose oral studieshave some limited value, the truepicture of bioavailability occursafter people have ingested CoQ10supplements for about fourweeks. In these longer-term stud-ies, the superior absorption ofubiquinol is most pronounced.

Ubiquinol Maintains Higher Blood Levels Longer

Animal and human studies clearly show that ubiquinol ismuch better absorbed than ubiquinone. What may beeven more important is how long ubiquinol CoQ10remains in the body compared to ubiquinone.

In a study of aged rats, equal amounts of ubiquinolor ubiquinone were orally administered to evaluate howlong ubiquinol would remain at increased levels in theblood. The importance of this data is that it might helpexplain why ubiquinol exhibits superior biologicaleffects compared to ubiquinone.

The results of this study showed that ubiquinolingestion caused a greater than 90% increase in bloodubiquinol levels and that this elevated level persisted forthe entire eight-hour duration of the study. In response toingestion of an equal amount of ubiquinone, bloodubiquinol levels never even reached 90% of baseline.

This study also measured ubiquinol levels in micro-grams per milliliter (mcg/mL) of blood. As you mayrecall, humans with certain disorders achieve optimalbenefits when CoQ10 blood levels exceed 3.5 mcg/mL.

In response to a modest amount of ubiquinol sup-plementation (the equivalent of 100 mg per day inhumans), blood CoQ10 levels peaked at 6.0 (mcg/mL)and dropped to 4.5 after eight hours, as shown in Figure 3(next page). In the group receiving an equal amount ofubiquinone, peak blood levels increased to only 2.1(mcg/mL) and declined to 1.2 eight hours later.

In this particular study, ubiquinol was present in theblood at a 3.75-fold greater concentration after eighthours compared to ubiquinone.

Retarding The Aging Process

If all that ubiquinol did was assimilate so much betterthan ubiquinone, this alone would make the ubiquinolform of CoQ10 the preferred choice. What has scientists

Fig 2

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most excited, however, are the supe-rior anti-aging effects demonstratedby the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 ascompared to ubiquinone.

Aging humans suffer a precipi-tous decline in coenzyme Q10 syn-thesis that correlates with increasedrisks of multiple degenerative dis-eases. Gerontologists have long theo-rized that if one could maintainyouthful mitochondrial energy lev-els, many deleterious effects of agingcould be postponed. CoQ10 is a crit-ical factor involved in healthy mito-chondrial energy production.

To ascertain the age-retarding effects of ubiquinol,scientists conducted a meticulous study of senescence-accelerated mice. One reason this mouse model is usedis that it enables researchers to quickly identify com-pounds that may slow aging. Senescence-accelerated

At twelve months of age, the difference in thegroups was so remarkable that the researchers decided totake photos of the mice in each group. As can be seen bythe photos on the next page, a mouse receiving ubiquinolappears to be perfectly healthy, whereas a mouse receiv-ing ubiquinone has suffered noticeable degenerativechanges. The mouse receiving neither form of CoQ10looks absolutely ghastly.

As can be seen in Figure 4, at twelve months, thereis relatively little difference between the placebo andubiquinone groups in grading scores, whereas the groupreceiving ubiquinol shows a 22% slower rate of aging.The most startling data this chart shows, however, is thatmice receiving ubiquinol dramatically slowed the rate atwhich age-induced degenerative changes occurred inmid-life and to a lesser degree in later life.

Video Footage of Twelve-Month-Old Mice

The still pictures of twelve-month-old mice that receivedubiquinol, ubiquinone, or the control (placebo) speak forthemselves. What is even more impressive is videofootage comparing the different groups of mice.

A video shows that in response to no supplementalCoQ10, the mouse is essentially immobile and unre-sponsive, exhibiting lesions in and around the eye, withspinal and limb deformities as well as a patchy, discol-ored coat. Many of these pathological events seen inmice not supplemented with CoQ10 are classic signs ofdegenerative aging suffered by elderly humans.

The twelve-month-old mouse supplemented withubiquinol, on the other hand, is shown to be alert,

responsive, and energetic, with nophysical lesions or deformities and aglossy coat resembling that of ayoung, healthy mouse.

Anti-Fatigue Effects ofUbiquinol In Aged Rats

A universal pathological effectinflicted by aging on living organ-isms is mitochondrial energy deple-tion that manifests outwardly asfatigue. The primary mechanism bywhich CoQ10 protects against age-related degeneration is helping to

maintain mitochondrial energy output.To compare the anti-fatigue effects of the ubiquinol

and ubiquinone forms of CoQ10, scientists took a groupof aged rats and measured how long they could run on atreadmill. In this crossover study, the control groupreceiving no CoQ10 showed a slight decline in treadmillrunning time, whereas running times increased 60% inthe group receiving ubiquinone and an astounding 150%in the group receiving the ubiquinol form of CoQ10, asshown in Figure 5 (next page).

Ubiquinol Levels Lower In Disease States

As humans age, there is a sharp reduction in coenzymeQ10 synthesis, with a corresponding reduction in bloodubiquinol levels. Figure 6 shows the reductions in vari-ous coenzyme Q10 tissue levels that occur with normalaging.

In examining humans suffering from various patho-logical conditions, blood ubiquinol levels are uniformly

Fig 3

Fig 4 At twelve months of age, the mouse receivingubiquinol (bottom) appears to be perfectly healthy. Themouse receiving ubiquinone (middle) has sufferednoticeable degenerative changes. The mouse receivingneither form of CoQ10 exhibits lesions, deformities, dis-coloration, and other signs of degenerative aging.

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lower. In those with diabetes, ubiquinol levels have beenshown to be 74% lower than in control subjects.Ubiquinol decreases of 6.5% to 12.5% have beenobserved in those with hepatitis, liver cancer, and amy-otrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease).

Ubiquinol’s Effect On Mitochondrial Function

In healthy human blood, more than 90% of coenzymeQ10 exists in its reduced ubiquinol form. An analysis ofpublished research indicates that ubiquinol is the formof CoQ10 that most effectively suppresses free radicalsand increases mitochondrial energy output.

Only ubiquinol effectively scavenges lipid peroxylradicals and prevents chain-reaction-causing oxidativedamage to polyunsaturatedfatty acids of biologicalmembranes. Ubiquinol forms an important first line ofantioxidant defense in atherogenic lipoproteins such aslow-density lipoprotein (LDL), and is capable of regen-erating alpha-tocopherol vitamin E.

Supplementation with the ubiquinol form of CoQ10not only elevates blood levels of ubiquinol, but alsoincreases the ratio of ubiquinol to total CoQ10 concen-tration. For example, when ubiquinol is supplemented,the ubiquinol to total CoQ10 ratio increases to 96-98.5%, compared to approximately 80-85% whenubiquinone is supplemented. Moreover, the ratioremained unchanged during administration ofubiquinone.

An increase in the ratio of ubiquinol in blood, byeven small percentages, may indeedhave profound implications. Withenzymes, a boost of as little as 3-5%can translate into powerful biologi-cal effects. Ubiquinol supplementa-tion results in an impressive 12%increase in the ubiquinol to totalCoQ10 ratio.

The term “hydrophilic” meansreadily absorbable or dissolvable inwater. Ubiquinol is the morehydrophilic form of CoQ10, whichhas been shown to be more stable inlipid bilayers of the cell and there-fore could be very well dispersed inthe mitochondria.

Ubiquinol’s greater hydrophilicproperties probably enable it to betaken up better by cells, which mightresult in specifically targeting themitochondria within cells. In otherwords, since ubiquinol is more

hydrophilic (that is, less capable of dissolving in fats), itwould theoretically tend to be less retained in cell mem-branes, while achieving more significant intracellularconcentrations. This may offer a plausible mechanismwhereby ubiquinol might accumulate more effectivelywithin mitochondria than exogenous ubiquinone, there-by exerting a greater contribution to mitochondrial ener-gy production.

Scientists are still seeking to identify the exactmechanisms by which ubiquinol so effectively enhancesmitochondrial function. The ability of ubiquinol toremain at constantly higher levels in the bloodstream isone likely reason why it has demonstrated such remark-able anti-aging effects compared to ubiquinone.

What Is The Optimal Human Dose Of Ubiquinol?

Healthy people seeking to maintain more youthful coen-zyme Q10 blood levels usually supplement with around100 mg of conventional CoQ10 (ubiquinone) daily.Based on side-by-side comparative research, if theseindividuals were to switch to 100 mg of ubiquinolinstead, they would enjoy a significant increase ofCoQ10 in the blood. This alone makes ubiquinol thelogical choice.

Those seeking to replicate the incredible anti-agingfindings of the study performed on senescence-acceler-ated mice should consider supplementing with 200-300mg of ubiquinol a day. These higher doses have pro-duced the most remarkable benefits of ubiquinol CoQ10

compared to ubiquinone CoQ10. Inother words, at a dose of 100 mg perday, the benefit of ubiquinol overubiquinone is only about 1.5-fold,whereas at higher doses, bioavailabil-ity increases up to a remarkable 8-fold.

The reason for this phenome-non is that once one exceeds 100 mgusing conventional ubiquinone, thelinear increase in CoQ10 blood levelsslows. This is probably due toabsorption saturation limitationsinherent to this form of CoQ10.When doses of 150-300 mg ofubiquinol are ingested, there is anexponential increase in blood CoQ10levels. Not only is there a greater ini-tial spike, but there is also a greatersustained level of blood CoQ10 overan eight-hour period.

Fig 5 . Prolonged treadmill runningtime of older rats (aged 61-63 weeks)two hours after administration of thehuman equivalent of 300 mg ofubiquinol compared to 300 mg ofubiquinone. Ubiquinol increased run-ning time 2.5-fold more thanubiquinone.

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Based on the totality of pub-lished research about coenzymeQ10, it would appear desirable foradults over the age of 30 to seek aminimum sustained blood level ofmore than 3 mcg/mL of blood.This level could be achieved bysupplementing with two to three50-mg ubiquinol capsules daily,depending on one’s age, daily calo-rie intake, and body weight.Ideally, one would take ubiquinolin two divided doses to achieveconsistent blood levels throughout the day.

Therefore, for those seeking CoQ10’s classic docu-mented benefits, supplementing with 100-150 mg a dayof ubiquinol would appear to be appropriate. Those whowant to emulate the successful anti-senescence mousestudy should consider a dose of 200-300 mg a day ofubiquinol. Since the anti-senescence study dose wasbased on food intake, those who restrict their calorieintake to around one kilo (2.2 pounds) a day would needonly about 200 mg of ubiquinol, while those who con-sumed more calories would need to take 250-300 mg ofubiquinol.

Reducing one’s food intake (without inducing malnu-trition) is the single best-documented anti-aging therapy.In the case of ubiquinol requirements, those who eat sen-sibly would require less of this supplemental nutrient.


The lay public recognizes CoQ10 as a nutrient that pro-tects heart health, yet provocativeresearch indicates that CoQ10may have a wide range of benefitsthat include preventing skin cancerand skin aging, guarding againstprostate and breast cancers, sup-porting healthy blood sugar levelsin diabetics, and averting endothe-lial dysfunction.

Scientists also report addition-al novel uses of CoQ10, such ashelping to slow the progression ofParkinson’s disease, preventingcrippling migraine headaches,supporting immune health, guard-ing against periodontal disease,preserving healthy vision,andboosting male fertility.

In what may be one of themost dramatic anti-aging discover-

ies to date, scientists have demon-strated that the ubiquinol form ofCoQ10 provides anti-aging effectsthat are far superior to those asso-ciated with the conventionalubiquinone form used by millionsof Americans each day.

For the first time, ubiquinol isavailable as a stabilized dietarysupplement that provides moreactivated coenzyme Q10 to thebody—at a lower cost—than anyother form of CoQ10.

What You Need to Know

• Coenzyme Q10 may protect against many age-related disorders, including cancer, heart disease, dia-betes, and various neurological disorders.

• Nutritional scientists have recently developed amethod to deliver the highest concentrations of the bio-logically active (ubiquinol) form of CoQ10 into thebloodstream.

• Ubiquinol is absorbed up to eight times betterthan standard CoQ10 formulations, which contain onlyubiquinone. Additionally, ubiquinol maintains higherCoQ10 blood levels longer than ubiquinone.

• Higher blood levels of active (ubiquinol)CoQ10 provide superior health benefits.

• Large amounts of ubiquinone must be ingestedto achieve high blood levels of CoQ10. By consumingCoQ10 in its active (ubiquinol) form, one can achievehigher blood CoQ10 levels using far lower doses.

• Senescence-acceleratedmice that consumed ubiquinol dis-played slower rates of aging, degener-ative decline, energy depletion, andphysical decay compared to animalsthat consumed ubiquinone or placebo.

• People seeking to pro-tect their whole-body health shouldconsider supplementing with 100-150mg of ubiquinol daily. Those seekingto capture the documented anti-agingbenefits of ubiquinol should considerconsuming 200-300 mg daily.

Reprinted with permission from LifeExtension Magazine,

Fig 6

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Ibegan my apprenticeship into my family’s tra-dition in San Diego, California, when I wasfourteen years old. My seventy-nine-year-oldgrandmother, Madre Sarita, was my teacherand the spiritual head of our family. She was a

curandera, a faith healer who helped people in her smalltemple in Barrio Logan, a neighborhood in San Diego,with the power of her faith in God and love. Since myfather was a medical doctor, the juxtaposition of the twoforms of healing allowed me to see our tradition throughdifferent points of view.

Though she spoke no English, mygrandmother gave sermons and lecturesacross the country. My apprenticeshipbegan with translating my grandmother’slectures from Spanish to English. Formany years, I awkwardly stumbled overher words, and my grandmother wouldjust look at me and laugh.

One day, she asked me if I knew whyI stumbled. I had all sorts of answers: youare speaking too quickly, you don’t giveme a chance to catch up, some words

don’t have a direct translation. . . . She just looked at mesilently for a few moments and then asked, “Are youusing knowledge, or is knowledge using you?”

I looked at her blankly. She continued, “When youtranslate, you try to express my words through what youalready know, what you think is true. You do not hearme; you hear yourself. Imagine doing the same thingevery single moment in life. If you are looking throughlife and translating it as it goes along, you will miss outon living it. But if you learn to listen to life, you willalways be able to express the words as they come. Your

knowledge has to become a tool that youwill use to guide you through life but thatcan also be put aside,. Do not let knowl-edge translate everything you experi-ence.”I nodded in response, but it didn’t dawn

on me until many years later what mygrandmother was truly talking about.Throughout life, we constantly narrate,or commentate on, everything we do,say, see, touch, smell, taste, and hear. Asnatural storytellers, we continuously

Are You Using KnoKnowledgwledgeeor is KnowledgeKnowledge Using You?

By don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

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keep the plot moving forward, sometimes missing mil-lions of subplots that are developing on their own. It islike taking a sip of wine and saying, “It’s a bit dry; it hasdefinitely aged well, but I can taste the bark. I’ve hadbetter.” Instead of simply experiencing the joy and fla-vors of the wine, we are analyzing the flavor, trying tobreak it down and fit it into a context and language wealready know. In doing this, we miss out on much of theactual experience.

This is a simple example of how we narrate life—explaining it, but, more importantly, justifying and judg-ing it. Instead of taking an experience for what it is, wecreate a story to make it fit our beliefs. During MadreSarita’s talks, I had to completely shut down mythoughts, because if my mind’s commentary got in theway, I would miss out on her message. With this simpleprocess, my grandmother showed me that if we only seethe world through the filters of our preconceptions, weare going to miss out on actually living. After muchpractice, I eventually learned to close my eyes, shut outthe world that existed outside my head, and translate

every single word she said accurately.Seeing beyond our filters—our accumulated knowl-

edge and beliefs—does not always come naturally. Wehave spent years growing attached to them in variousdegrees, and they feel safe. Whatever we becomeattached to can begin to shape our future experiencesand limit our perception of what exists outside ourvocabulary. Like blinders on a horse, our attachedbeliefs limit our vision, and this in turn limits our per-ceived direction in life. The stronger our level of attach-ment, the less we can see.

Think about your set of attached beliefs as a uniquemelody repeating itself in your mind. In a way, we areconstantly trying to force our melody—the one we havebecome accustomed to hearing—onto other melodies,without realizing that often the melody is not our own,and perhaps it’s not even the one we want to be playing.If we continue playing only what we know, never open-ing ourselves to listen to the other songs flowing aroundus, we are letting our attachment to our particularmelody control us. Instead, choose to listen to othermelodies playing. Perhaps you will contribute to them,adding a harmony or a bass line and just seeing wherethe music takes you. By letting go of your attachment towhat you think the melody should be, you open yourselfto the potential to create a unique and beautiful song ofyour own composition or a collaboration that can beshared with others.

Excerpted from The Five Levels of Attachment: ToltecWisdom for a Modern World by don Miguel Ruiz , Jr. © 2013Hierophant Publishing, distributed by Red Wheel/Weiser. Nowavailable at and .

don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., is a Nagual, or a Toltec Master ofTransformation. He is a direct descendant of the Toltecs of theEagle Night lineage, and is the son of don Miguel Ruiz, authorof The Four Agreements. He lives in Sacramento, Californiawith his wife and two children.

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As a young girl, I collected all types ofrocks alongside my collection ofseashells. I also had the good fortune tohave a family friend who introduced meto the magic of believing and the power

of positive thought when I was very young. I learnedthat the power of your imagination and visualization canhelp you achieve great things. These tools I wish to passon to you.

Visualization is when you use your imaginationto mentally see something even though it is notin front of you. Visualizing is making a men-tal picture or creating images in your mind.

I call them “tools” because I look at them like tools in atoolbox. The tools include:

• Good thoughts• Looking at things in a positive way• Pretty crystals, rocks, stones and metals• A vivid imagination• The ability to visualize• The magic of believing that anything is possible.• The willingness to try, because you won’t know ifyou don’t try.

To use the tools from your tool box, start by thinking apositive thought like, “I am smart” or “I can do any-thing” or “It is easy for me to make friends” or “I amsafe and happy”.

Next, pick up a stone, any stone you like. Hold it inyour hand, put it in your pocket or keep in nearby to helpyou remember to think that good thought. The stonemagnifies the thought, making it stronger. Every timeyou see or touch the stone it will help you maintain yourfocus on what you do want. It will keep you from think-ing about what you don’t want, or things that you mightbe afraid of. Keep your attention on the good thought soit replaces any thoughts that are the opposite of what youwant. Visualize and make believe that whatever youwant already exists. And take the action to make it yourintention.

It is important to have an intention and to focus onthe positive so that life reflects your highest potential.Everything that is created is created through intention.We create our lives with our thoughts, actions, wordsand deeds. Our intentions vibrate out into the world andreturn to us in the form of our personal reality. When agemstone is paired with a daily affirmation, the stoneamplifies that intention. It is a tool that helps you main-tain your focus on what you do want. What is your plan?What do you want?

HHHHoooowwww ttttoooo UUUUsssseeeeCCCCrrrr yyyyssssttttaaaallllssss aaaannnndddd


By Margaret Ann Lembo

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Establish your intention. Now, stop and list threethings—three intentions—you would like to have happen!

It is simple to change your mind and change yourthoughts. For example, just as you decide you want aglass of water, you start to think about and imagine,visualize, and then take the action to get that glass ofwater. Anything you want to achieve in your life is nodifferent or more complicated than getting yourself aglass of water. Simply think of the steps you need to taketo achieve your goal, then take the action to make it soand you will find it easily happens – it is as simple asgetting a glass of water for yourself.

So, how do I pick a stone?

Go to the store or outside in your backyard and just pickone! Don’t read about them first, just pick a stone, anystone. You don’t need a lot of money to use the tools andtechniques offered in this book. The stones within thisbook are easily found at rock shops or metaphysicalstores. If you aren’t able to get the stones listed, simplylook around in nature to find a stone of a similar color.The crystals, minerals, and stones listed in this book arethose that you can commonly find in metaphysical

bookstores and rock shops. The words crystals, miner-als, and stones are often used as synonyms throughoutthe book.

When you go to a store or out into nature to get yourstones, start by thinking about what you want to use thestone for (your intention). Do you want the stone to helpyou with your studies and to get better grades? Or per-haps you want to feel better about yourself? Perhaps youwant to feel better about making friends or how yourfriends and family treat you? You can use a stone to helpyou with any part of your life. You can use it to help youwith your thoughts (mental), feelings (emotional), body(physical) or your connection with the angels, naturespirits and Spirit (spiritual).

Keep focused on your intention, then start looking atthe various choices of stones. You can look at the pic-tures within this book (without reading about the stonefirst) to see which stone attracts you. You can also go toyour local rock shop or metaphysical store to browsethrough the choices of crystals and stones available.

You will be naturally drawn to what you need. It’sbest to wait until you have chosen the stones before youlook up what the stone is good for. Use the positivethought affirmations in this book with the stone youchoose. You can also make up your own affirmations tohelp you through your day.

So, how do I use the stones?

Using the stones is easy. Simply hold them in your handand remember your intention. That way you link thatintention to the stone(s). Then carry them in your pock-et, place them under your pillow at night, place them onyour bed stand, use them any way you like, just so thatwhenever you touch or see that stone you will bereminded of your intention.

Use your imagination, visualize the end result as ifyour challenge is already better, and remember to stayfocused on what you do want rather than what you don’twant!

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Ways to use the stones:

• In your hand• In your pocket• In your back pack• In your pillowcase• Next to your bed• On your desk• On your window sill• Next to your computer• On the bathroom counter• Next to the television.

Crystals and the Rainbow Body

Crystals and stones are minerals, meaning they are nei-ther plant nor animal. In other words, they are made upof non-living material. They come in various shapes andsizes. Crystals and stones are also sometimes calledgemstones. There are “families” of crystals in which thestones look similar to each other but appear in variouscolors and slightly different shapes and sizes. Crystalscome in a rainbow of colors. These colors indicate how

you can use the stone to help you in your life. You arealso made up of many colors. Everyone has a rainbowbody. We are all beings of light composed of seven mainchakras, or energy centers, and each has a color.

The energy centers of the body (the chakras) arebands of energy holding the mental, physical, spiritualand emotional bodies of your awareness. The four bod-ies, both visible and invisible, create the aura or energywhich surrounds your body. The mental body is the partof you that thinks. The emotional body is the part of youthat feels, the spiritual body is the part of you connectedwith the Universal Life Force or God, and the physicalbody is the place where your soul and spirit live here onEarth. It is good to understand that there are four levelsof awareness within every aspect of your life. It helpsyou know why you feel, think, act or react in certainways in various situations.

Each of these energy centers has a color associatedwith it, and together these colors make up the rainbowbody. The many colorful crystals and stones can help usto understand and deal with challenging situations asthey relate to each of these energy centers. Each of theseenergy centers has a lot of information stored inside thatcan help you understand yourself, and your friends andfamily. Life doesn’t happen to us; we create it with ourthoughts, actions, words and deeds. A simple desire tobe happy and loved forms an intention. With a little bitof know-how, any of us can change an intention orthought into reality. We all make choices and developbeliefs through the stories we tell ourselves.

Excerpt from Color Your Life with Crystals: Your First Guideto Color, Crystals, and Chakras by Margaret Ann Lembo


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Flower essences are a profound form ofenergy medicine and have long been partof the tradition of Earth-based andShamanic healing. For millennia, healersof all descriptions have accessed and uti-

lized the intelligence inherent in Nature for a variety ofpurposes, particularly personal transformation. FromAncient Egypt, Greece and Rome to the Aborigines ofAustralia, civilizations around the world have reveredthe power of flowers and used flower remedies for emo-tional, physical and spiritual healing. Paracelsus, the15th century botanist and physician, wrote specificallyabout collecting dew from flowering plants, diluting itand using the liquid to treat imbalances in his patients.

In recent times, this ancient technology has experi-enced a significant evolution, becoming one of the mostpotent forms of natural healing available for assisting usto meet the unique challenges of our times. As the speedof change escalates and our individual and collective

challenges intensify, it is time to allow Nature to guideus to solutions to our most perplexing problems.

There are flower essence practitioners doing pio-neering work in the fields of health and spirituality. Theyare at the leading edge of new thought and are laying thefoundation for future science. The traditional remediesare still effective for their intended purposes; however,flower essences holding new patterns of consciousnessprovide solutions at a level that has not previously exist-ed, assisting us to address challenges we have neverbefore faced. They support our development into moreevolved, spiritually mature and vital human beings.

How Flower Essences Are Made

Every flower holds a pattern of consciousness or ‘ener-gy signature.’ The flower essence practitioner choosesblossoms that have reached their peak potency andimmerses the petals in water. The practitioner invokes

By Dr. Natalia M Schotte

The New Flower EssencesFlower Essences

Combining Ancient Technology with Future Science

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Nature’s intelligence to extract the essence of the flower,specifically its healing properties. After sitting in the sunfor several hours, the solution is preserved, usually withbrandy or vinegar. The resulting stock solution, calledMother Tincture, is used to create dosage bottles.

How Flower Essences Work

Each flower essence has a specific purpose. When youtake a flower essence (on or under the tongue), the ‘ener-gy signature’ it holds enters your subtle energy systemand is translated into the physical, emotional, mentaland/or spiritual levels, creating shifts over time. Theeffects of flower essences are subtle and profound,immediate and long-term. Your level of sensitivity deter-mines how quickly a flower essence has an effect onyour subtle energy system and your ability to notice theeffect. To increase your sensitivity, adopt higher nutri-tional practices (e.g., cleansing, fasting, juicing, raw cui-sine, etc.). Also consider increasing the time you spendin spiritual practices (e.g., empowered prayer, medita-tion, Tai Chi, Yoga, etc.).

Healing versus Suppression

We are accustomed to addressing symptoms by sup-pressing them, rather than healing their underlyingmetaphysical causation. Ultimately, to experience healthand well-being, we must heal imbalances at their pointof origin within our consciousness, i.e., imprints frompast experiences such as childhood trauma. We mustalso make the requisite life changes to align our liveswith the impulses of our Souls.

All flower essences address underlying causation tosome extent. The flower essences based in the newAquarian consciousness provide an opportunity for us totake our inner healing to new levels - reaching final reso-lution of the past, setting the stage for optimal health andsupporting us to reach higher levels of consciousness.

Choosing the Correct Flower Essences

There are many flower essences on the market with avariety of purposes. Here are some examples of the newflower essences:

Rose ‘Angel Face’ produces a flower essence whichassists us to transcend the Piscean dynamics of co-dependent giving and conditional love and anchor theAquarian dynamic of Extension of Self throughUnconditional Love. The result is the experience ofauthentic intimacy and Oneness-essential aspects ofevolved consciousness. It is especially useful for expos-ing what we require to heal in order to overcome pat-terns of codependent giving and/or withholding. If weare experiencing any form of lack in our lives, it assistsus in transforming the perceptions that are keeping usfrom the ‘miracle of receiving.’

Rose ‘Europeana’ produces a flower essence whichdraws us into the Inner Sanctum of the Self where weexperience our perfection as a Soul incarnate. It supportsrelinquishing non-essential activities and the primacy ofthe thinking mind so we are able to seat our conscious-ness in the Inner Sanctuary of the Self. In this InnerSanctuary, we experience the eternal and changelessnature of Being. We come to know that we are innocenteven when we appear guilty, we are whole even when weappear broken, and there is no death even though weappear to die.

With so many flower essences available, how do youknow what to choose?

1. Decide at which level you wish to work

When choosing a brand of flower essences, recognizeeach brand has a different purpose and intended level ofeffect. Some address physical imbalances, others work

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on the emotional/mental issues underlying physicalimbalances, and still others go deeper, working at thespiritual level. Working at the spiritual level allows youto achieve authentic resolution and ultimate transcen-dence of your challenges.2. Assess flower essence quality

There is great diversity in flower essence quality. One ofthe key factors is the land on which the flowers aregrown. Land that is chemical-free, energetically andphysically balanced and maintained at the highest levelproduces the most potent flowers. The consciousness ofthe flower essence practitioner is also critical to thequality of the flower essences.

3. Choose flower essences that support your highestunfoldment at this time

Use your intuition supported by the names of the floweressences, their purpose statements and corresponding

photos, and/or use muscle-checking or dowsing (with apendulum).

Recognizing the Effects of Flower Essences

Be conscious of prematurely judging the efficacy offlower essences and, therefore, prematurely discontinu-ing their use. I had a client who was taking floweressences to support her in addressing the underlyingissues related to a long-standing depression, for whichshe was heavily medicated. After a few months shewrote to say she was going to discontinue using theflower essences because she hadn’t noticed any changes.I encouraged her to keep taking them. A year later, I sawher 60 pounds lighter, with a smile on her face, havingmade a series of positive life changes.

We have become accustomed to arduous and com-plicated approaches to personal growth. Though ourevolutionary leaps can be challenging, our personalgrowth can be simplified...and accelerated. Such is thegift of flowers. The ancient Maya call the new agebeginning on December 21, 2012, the Age of ‘Itza’which means, among many things, ‘peace and flowers.’It is time for us to blossom. Let us now choose perfect-ed flowers to guide our unfoldment of the Peace andBeauty within.

Dr. Natalia M Schotte is an internationally acclaimed author,counselor, speaker, spiritual healer and also founder of La Viede la Rose™ Flower Essences, which offers the FIRST andONLY Nature-based system dedicated to AcceleratedSpiritual Growth®. This integrated system includes 30 indi-vidual flower essences, 8 flower essence sets, The AscensionOracle Solutions (all 30 La Vie de la Rose flower essences indram-size - companion flower essence set to The AscensionOracle) and The Ascension Oracle (30 gorgeous cards fea-turing photos of flowers from the gardens of La Vie de la Rose,along with a 128-page guide book with profound spiritualguidance - companion card deck to The Ascension OracleSolutions). While each can be used separately, when usedtogether, the acceleration of spiritual growth is amplified.

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Today more than ever before there is anawakening to subtle energy, the vital forcethat flows within and around us creatingthe ambiance of life. The increased preva-lence of Yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki and other

energy-based systems are rousing learners’ energy sens-es. As individuals begin feeling the flows in their bodyand noticing the energy interactions among people manyare inspired to consciously participate in the dance ofsubtle energy to create meaningful, life-affirmingchange. What people may not realize however is that thekey to understanding energy lies with our emotions.

In addition to providing the rhythm, context andmeaning to life, emotions deliver messages from our sur-roundings and generate the energy needed to respond.They convey the essence of being alive, informing ourperceptions and enabling our goals. Without emotionsthere is small satisfaction in our successes and minimallearning in our failures; yet most of us spend a consider-able amount of time and energy trying to avoid and con-trol our feelings. We strive to escape or suppress anger,fear, sadness and shame while valuing happiness, excite-ment, satisfaction and joy. This is natural: the first groupconsists of emotions that are uncomfortable, the second

energizing and uplifting. We confuse comfortable anduncomfortable with value, labeling some emotions goodand others bad. But what if there is function in our emo-tions that goes beyond comfort?

Emotions translate subtle energy information com-ing to us from our environment and transmit ourresponse back into the world. They form our gutinstincts and intuition. Consider this scenario:

Sarah is walking down the street to meet a friend.She stops to answer her cell phone and becomesengrossed in conversation, oblivious to the peoplearound her. Suddenly, for no reason, Sarah’s hair standson end and she becomes overwhelmed with anxiety.Whirling around, she looks directly into the eyes of aman who is clearly following her. A bolt of energy elec-trifies her arms and legs. Immediately she feels angry.Energy pathways in her body open to send vital force toher boundary, the outer border of the energetic spacearound her. She is instantly filled with physical strengthand ready to respond.

What happened? From an energy perspective, thedanger to Sarah is conveyed on a carrier wave andreceived by the energy structures in her body. The infor-mation is converted into emotion which arrives with

By Synthia Andrews

The Energy-EmotionEnergy-Emotion Matrix

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such magnitude it pulls her attention from her phonecall. Before the information reaches the emotional pro-cessing center in her brain, Sarah is already reacting asthe energy signal informs her intuition and triggers achemical cascade that tightens muscles and focuses herawareness. Her emotion informs her perceptions abouther level of safety and transmits her response while pro-viding energy for immediate action.

Dissecting this process further, we see three distinctemotions that interact with Sarah to provide for her safe-ty. First, she feels anxiety which lets her know thatsomething is out of place. When she swirls around she isconfronted with the source of the incongruity: someoneis threatening her. The immediate burst of fear preparesher system for fight or flight and the subsequent angerprovides protection and resolve. Each of these emotionsis uncomfortable to feel and is often labeled as negative,yet each plays an essential role in keeping Sarah safe.

Every emotion we experience provides a messageand also channels our energy toward specific results.Here are a few examples:

• Despair - The function of desperation is to jump-start creative thinking. It tells us that old ways ofdoing things can’t work: there are no moreresources and no further answers on this path.Energetically, desperation releases our fixed atten-tion, freeing our energy fibers to reach for newground. • Guilt - The reverse of anger, guilt tells us when wehave over-stepped another’s boundary, obstructedsomeone or caused an injustice. Guilt lets us know

that our boundary has hardened and that we need toestablish fair exchange with others.• Contentment - The message here is that we areenough just the way we are, and that life is enoughjust the way it is. It may not be our idea of perfect,yet none the less, it is. Contentment is a purringvibration that harmonizes the cells of our body. Thevibration of contentment opens our energy struc-tures and invites flow through our entire system.

The benefits of our emotion are lost when emotionscontinue past their usefulness. For example, an uncom-fortable emotion such as fear keeps us safe unless it per-sists after the threat is gone. This can happen when wedon’t process the information or discharge the energy.Unprocessed emotion is suppressed under the surface,erupting at unexpected moments to make us afraid ofthings that are not threats. Fear prepares us for action.When we don’t discharge the energy, muscles tighten tohold it in which sets the stage for chronic muscular pain.

The main reason we suppress our emotions isbecause we have been trained to second guess ourinstincts. We have been trained to rely on rational think-ing and to distrust what we feel. However, the reasoningpart of the brain, the pre-frontal cortex, receives infor-mation from the emotional centers of the brain and inte-grates it with other types of intellect. (1) In other words,intelligent response includes emotional information.Research shows that emotional intelligence is more

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important than IQ in career success and fostering happi-ness in relationships. (2)

Do you remember being a kid and knowing fromhow you felt that a parent was angry with you, but beingtold you were “wrong”; that “nothing was the matter”?Denials of this nature send a two-fold message. First,they dissuade us from trusting our senses as we try tocome to terms with a contradiction between what wesense vs. what we are told. A person who is always sec-ond guessing his or her instincts is unable to act withconviction or access personal power.

Second, the denial of our true feelings implies thatemotions are somehow bad and that we should denywhat we feel. We are trained to believe that the mind isgood and emotions are bad; that emotions take us awayfrom logic and will lead us into the addictions of pleas-ure over the virtues of hard work. Fear, anger and shame,we are told, trap us in limitation. Many religions teachthat emotions are tricksters, seducing aspirants awayfrom faith. Emotions have even been described as para-sites, as though one of the attributes in the magnificenceof life is non-functional. The message is clear: emotionsshould be suppressed and overcome in favor of eitherlogic and rationality or blind faith.

Opposition between mind and emotion is an illu-sion: the two are meant to work together, each augment-ing the other’s unique contribution. To return to ourinnate ability to utilize emotional information requiresthat we pay attention to the body. As demonstrated withSarah, neuroscientists have found that emotions areoften felt in the body before they are received in thebrain. (3) Being in touch with how we feel puts us intodirect contact with the flows of subtle energy around us.

To access emotions is the key that opens the door tohigher consciousness, helping us to understand our

selves and the world better. Emotions do this by being adirect link to subtle energy and the information thatdirects our inner convictions. Emotions are the languageof subtle energy; the body’s translation of frequency.Through emotions, energy interactions are brought intodirect awareness.

When we become proficient using the emotionallanguage of energy, we receive the information thatemotions hold, direct the force they entrain and then areable to release them. We no longer harbor feelings thathurt or cause injury and no longer allow them to dictateour actions and behaviors. We choose to step into ourpersonal power and take command of our emotional ter-rain so that our actions become conscious, creative,potent and fulfilling. We become the master creators ofour life.

Synthia Andrews is the author of Path of Emotions, releasedJanuary 2013, published by New Page Books, a division ofCareer Press, Pompton Plains, NJ. 800-227-3371. All rightsreserved.

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Research uncovers therapeutic effects forheart disease, multiple sclerosis,Parkinson’s disease and more. We’ve allseen those highly trained, four-leggedhelpers assist a blind person in navigat-

ing a street crossing.What’s new: Scientists now are discovering that

dogs and other types of animals can actually help pro-mote the healing process in people with a wide range ofmedical conditions. Sound far-fetched?

While cozying up to an adoring family pet is wide-ly known to have psychological benefits, populardomestic animals, including dogs and cats, are nowhelping in a different way. They are playing an importantrole in the treatment plans for stroke patients and otherswith such conditions as heart disease and Alzheimer’sdisease.

In addition, patients who have cancer, mental-healthproblems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, andindividuals with chronic pain have been shown to bene-fit from treatment that involves the use of animals.

So-called animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is alsoincreasingly incorporating an even broader range of ani-mals. For example, horseback riding is being used bypeople with health problems such as multiple sclerosisand Parkinson’s disease. Even rabbits, llamas, birds andother types of animals are being used to promote physi-cal, emotional and social well-being.

Why It Helps

Support for the therapeutic effects of animals continuesto grow…

Landmark findings: Among 92 patients hospital-ized for a heart condition or heart attack, only 6% of pet(mostly dog) owners died within one year of discharge,versus 28% of people who did not own pets. In a studyof 48 New York City stockbrokers, those who owned adog or a cat had half the increase in blood pressure asso-ciated with stressful situations as those without pets.

More recently, research focusing specifically onAAT suggests that interacting with animals may have


By Bill Benda, MD,

The HealingHealing PowerPower of Animals

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salutary effects because it increases levels of the hor-mone oxytocin, which is believed to have powerfuleffects on the body’s ability to heal and grow new cells.

How It Works

With AAT, the animals are not there to simply play withthe patients. Instead, the animal, whose temperamenthas been evaluated by a national animal therapy organi-zation, helps a patient achieve specific treatment goals.

For example, a physical therapist may use a dog(owned by a volunteer who has participated in trainingor, in some cases, the facility where the therapy takesplace) to help a stroke patient regain the ability to standand walk. The stroke patient may walk the dog for shortdistances (the dog owner may use a double-handle leashto accompany the dog and patient).

For people with physical disabilities due to condi-tions such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease,

horseback riding can help strengthen muscles in thetrunk and loosen contracted joints.

AAT can help reduce agitation and depression inAlzheimer’s patients, and it can curb a cancer patient’sperception of pain and fatigue.

Patients who have AAT receive individualized treat-ment plans with the animal…sessions are scheduled atset intervals…and the health-care provider makes noteson the progress that is made by the patient during eachsession. In some cases, AAT may be covered as part ofa physical therapy program.

Getting Started

If you would like to try AAT, speak to your doctor. Ifhe/she gives you the go-ahead, contact Pet Partners (for-merly Delta Society), 425-679-5500, This nonprofit organization,which registers therapy animals and their owners, canhelp you locate a facility that offers AAT.

People who are not able to leave their homes mayalso receive AAT. A family member or health-careprovider should contact Pet Partners for a referral to atrained animalowner who providesAAT on a volunteerbasis. In theseinstances, therapyvisits should bearranged and over-seen by a homeh e a l t h - c a r eprovider.

Important: Ifyou have reduced immunity—for example, due to anautoimmune disease or if you are on chemotherapy,high-dose steroids or other immune-suppressive- med-ications—AAT may not be appropriate for you.

Animals that participate in AAT are required to beclean and well groomed and must undergo a thoroughveterinary checkup. However, patients with reducedimmunity often are advised to limit unnecessary contactwith animals—and humans—to help them avoid expo-sure to infectious agents.

Bill Benda, MD, an emergency medicine physician at Big SurHealth Center and Mee Memorial Hospital in King City,California. He serves as associate editor of the Journal ofAlternative and Complementary Medicine and IntegrativeMedicine: A Clinician’s Journal and has coauthored severalbook chapters and dozens of peer-reviewed journal articles ondifferent facets of complementary medicine, including animaltherapy.

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Joanne is a 30-year-old single mother,who has brought her daughter Gemma,up on her own after a short and abusiverelationship with the father,

This has left her with much emotional scartissue, and like many young women who have losttrust in men, Jo has developed a compensatory lovefor animals, and now takes in many of the unwantedstrays.

Animals love unconditionally, and for manywomen this is the only love they can trust,

But a mix up at social services meant Jo’s rentwas not paid, so Jo, her daughter and the dog, twocats, a pair of parakeets, a tortoise, a large rabbit,and John the goldfish, got evicted.

Now no landlord would take Jo and hermenagerie into their rented property, so Jo had tolook far and wide, eventually finding a smallcottage in a rather snooty village some way awaythat promised to accept all Jo’s animals.

Many British villages have become little morethan cold, suspicious, lonely dormitory towns, asthey no longer have shops, or a church, post office,a pub, public transport, or even employment possi-bilities, yet one small shop remained, which was thehub of the village gossip, and when Jo a singlemother with a daughter and her animal collectionarrived, no one was particularly pleased.

The next few days Jo felt very isolated, as noone replied to her “good mornings”as she walkedthe dog,—but change was in the air.!

By T Stokes

RabbitsRabbitsas HealersHealers

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Her daughter Gemma noticed that “Fluffikins”,the large rabbit, a real escape artist, had dug his wayout of the garden pen, so Jo had to run round andknock on the neighbour’s doors and get them tocheck their gardens for the missing rabbit.

Eventually he was found and brought home, buteach morning he again had dug himself out andescaped. It became a regular thing for Jo to runround the village looking for Gemma’s rabbit. Onemorning the cub scouts team turned out beforeparade to do a quick search, finding her rabbithiding under a neighbour’s car,.

But Jo then noticed things were changing whenthe grocery delivery from the village shop did nothave her name and address on the box, but a draw-ing of a rabbit. And she saw a poster in a house win-dow which said; “if you find a large tame rabbit inthe garden it belongs to little Gemma at number 7”,and while walking the dog, total strangers werebeginning say, “hi Jo. How’s the rabbit?”

Small children would knock on the door andask to see the amazing escaping rabbit, and bring

delicacies like a lettuce leaf or a juicy dandelion, anda sheet with regular updates of gardens he had visitedon his travels would appear in the village shop win-dow. A picture of Gemma and the rabbit appeared inthe church newsletter, the local paper carried thestory about all the children who were now friends ofboth Gemma and Fluffikins. The lady across the roadsaid Fluffikins must have his own page onFacebook, and Jo was thrilled when a retiredcarpenter offered to make the rabbit a secure pen.

The rabbit does not escape any more, and thegossip and excitement may have gone out of thevillage, but Joanne and Gemma have made so manynew friends. And guess who has been invited for astar appearance at the summer village fete (provideda secure pen can be found)?

Animals are often underestimated in theirhealing abilities, but to heal a whole communitymust be a first!

Formore information visit

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The world is full of snakes, serpents, rep-tiles and slithery creatures that pique ourfear, repulsion and awe, dominating ourmythologies, histories and religions.They appear in our iconography, on our

flags, in our religious writings, statuary and stainedglass windows. For millennia, the Reptilian has factoredinto humanity’s mythology and worship, and now theyplay an exponentially greater role in our notions ofancient alien hypothesis andextraterrestrial interactionwith mankind. But the bigquestion is… why?

What is it that Religionand Science isn’t telling usabout where we come fromand why we are here? Andwhy is the Serpent, a beingboth feared and revered, soinextricably linked to themisty imaginations and forti-

fied spiritualties of mankind?What underlies the claims of a Reptilian alien sub-

culture that works behind-the-scenes of the behind-the-scenes of human affairs, giving rise to conspiracies,mythologies and even religion building?

Does the Judeo-Christian belief in a serpent find itsroots in ancient Hebrew religious mythology based ineven older stories and accounts from other religious cul-tures? And why do nearly all of the world’s religions and

ancient civilizations both fearand revere the Serpent, grant-ing him personage, characterand even divinity? Thereexists a serpentine bloodlineflowing through the veins ofthe varied mythologies andhistorical accounts of theworld that is all at once per-vasive and hidden.

The Annunaki, thatdread pantheon of gods that

WWWWhhhhoooo aaaarrrreeee tttthhhheeeeRReeptilians?ptilians?

By Scott Alan Roberts

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ruled the ancient Sumerians, are said to have created“primeval mankind” for the purpose of slave labor, forc-ing them to dig their canals, till their fields and minetheir natural resources. This mythological account hasspawned the notion of extraterrestrial progenitors andnon-human interaction with mankind, underscored bythe undeniable connectivity between the stories of theseancient beings and the writings found in the Hebrewbible and nearly every other ancient culture and religion.

Who were the Annunaki? Were they descendedgods, royal human monarchs or visiting, settling beingsfrom another world, bent on molding ancient man to itswhims and desires?

And who are Elil and Enki? They are listed as thechief gods of the Annunaki, but then why do they appearagain and again throughout ancient world religion? IsElil the same as Elohim? Is Enki/Ea the same asYaweh/Jehovah? Are our religions merely created out ofwhole cloth, built one upon another as they evolve

throughout human history, or are they all telling similarstories of common events?

The Merovingian kings of Europe’s Dark Agesbelieved they were descended from these beings, pos-sessing the blood of the Serpent as well as the blood ofChrist, thereby establishing their godlike claim to power.Adolph Hitler followed in their footsteps, and his claimto being the leader of a “master race,” as well as hisheinous notions of a “final solution” were all based inhis belief that he was a descendant of these serpent-blooded kings.

Are the Reptilians simply part of an ancient mythol-ogy that has reemerged in a modern mythology of spacetravelers and warring species seeking planetary domi-nance? Or is there some underlying secret story that isthe common thread to the seemingly endless line of con-nectivity to the Serpent?

Scott Allen Roberts is the author The Secret Life of theReptilians to be released January 2013, published by NewPage Books, a division of Career Press, Pompton Plains, NJ.800-227-3371. All rights reserved.

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By the time my brother Billy died he was ahomeless alcoholic. The day before hisdeath, a bitterly cold January morning, Ilayered on two down jackets and severalwool hats, and walked across the street to

the bay. Looking up at the silvery sky, I raised my armsand imagined pushing Billy into the hands of the greatDivine. “Take care of him for me,” I whispered.

Unbelievably, hours later, Billy was dead.They say there are different stages of grief—shock,

guilt, anger, depression. But all those feelings collidedand came crashing in on me at once.

Mostly I stayed in bed, crying. The rest of the timeI was swallowing Valium until I was a walking zombie.

After three weeks of post-death misery, it was mybirthday. Just before sunrise, as I was waking up, I heardsomeone calling my name from above me.

Annie! Annie! It’s me! It’s me! It’s Billy.It was Billy’s unmistakable deep, mellow voice. I

was startled, but not at all afraid. In fact, I felt comforted.“Billy?” I said, half asleep. “You can’t be here.

You’re dead. I must be dreaming.”You’re not dreaming. It’s me! Get up and get the rednotebook.

Suddenly, I was very much awake. I’d completelyforgotten about the red leather notebook Billy had sentme last year for my birthday. I was touched that he hadmade the effort to send me a gift even though he wasbecoming overwhelmed by his addictions.

I jumped out of bed and found the red notebook ona shelf in my bedroom closet. The pages were blank,except for an inscription written on the first page.

Dear Annie,Everyone needs a book dedicated to them. Read between the lines.Love,Billy

What a strange thing for Billy to have written! Readbetween the Lines? I ran my fingers over the familiarhandwriting. Then I heard him again.

It’s really me, Annie. And I’m okay, it’s okaybecause...

I grabbed a pen and wrote what he was saying in thered notebook.

www.earthstarmag.com6 0 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2013

An Unexpected Visit from the AfterlifeAfterlife

By Annie Kagan

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The first thing that happens is bliss, at least it was likethat in my case. I don’t know if it’s that way for everyonewho dies. As the car hit me, this energy came and suckedme right out of my body into a higher realm. I say “high-er” since I had the feeling of rising up and suddenly allmy pain was gone.

I don’t remember hovering over my body or lookingdown on it or anything like that. I guess I was pretty anx-ious to get out of there. I knew right away I was dead,and went with it, more than ready for whatever waswaiting.

I wasn’t aware of traveling at anyparticular speed. I just felt light andunburdened as the sucking motiondrew me up inside a chamber of thicksilvery blue lights. People who havenear death experiences sometimes saythey went through a tunnel. I’m usingthe word “chamber” because a tunnelhas sides, but no matter what directionI looked, there was nothing but lightfor as far as I could see. Maybe the dif-ference is I had a one-way ticket andtheirs was a round-trip.

And even though I didn’t have mybody anymore, it felt like I did and thatit was being healed. The lights in thechamber penetrated me and made mefeel better and better as they pulled meup. It wasn’t just the wounds from my car accident thatwere being healed. In the first nanosecond that the lightstouched me, they erased any harm I suffered during mylifetime: physical, mental, emotional or otherwise.

Soon, Daddy appeared right there beside me, youngand smiling and handsome as ever. He was making jokesand asking, “What took you so long?” It was so great,seeing Daddy, but I’m guessing he was there to be afamiliar landmark in foreign territory. I’m saying thatbecause he was only with me for part of the ride andDaddy definitely wasn’t the main event.

The main event was the silvery lights and their partyatmosphere. Those healing lights had a festive feeling,like they were cheering me on, saying welcome home,son.

I can’t say how long I was floating up the healingchamber because I no longer have a sense of time. But Ican say that chamber was some kind of cosmic birthingcanal that delivered me into this new life.

I want you to know, darling, there’s nothing hard orcruel for me anymore. I glided from the chamber rightout into the glorious Universe. I’m drifting weightlesslythrough space with these gorgeous stars and moons and

galaxies twinkling all around me. The whole atmosphereis filled with a soothing hum, like hundreds of thousandsof voices are singing to me but they’re so far away I canjust barely hear them.

And although I can’t exactly say anyone was here togreet me, as soon as I came out of the chamber I felt aDivine Presence, a kind, loving, beneficent presence,and really, that was enough.

In addition to the Divine Presence I also feel beingsaround me, Higher Beings, I guess you would call them.

I can’t explain why I’m using the word“beings,” and not the singular; I justknow there’s more than one. I can’tsee or hear them, but I can feel themmoving about, swooshing by, doingdifferent things that concern yourstruly. And although I haven’t got aclue what these things might be, I’mguessing that floating out here inspace is euphoric instead of terrifyingbecause I’m being attended to by thiscelestial crew.

I’m looking down on the earth,and it is down. It’s like there’s a holein the sky, a hole between our twoworlds, I can look through and seeyou. I know how sad you are about mydeath. Sad is too small a word. Bereftis more like it. But death isn’t as seri-

ous as you think it is, honey. So far, it’s very enjoyable.Couldn’t be better, really. Try not to take death too seri-ously. As a matter of fact, try not to take life too serious-ly. You’d enjoy yourself a lot more. That’s one of thesecrets of life. You want to know another secret?

Saying goodbye isn’t as serious as it seems either,because we will meet again.

Excerpted from The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My BadBoy Brother Proved to Me There’s Life After Death by AnnieKagan © 2013 Hampton Roads Publishing, distributed by RedWheel/Weiser. Now available at Amazon and B&

Dr. Annie Kagan is a former New York City based chiroprac-tor and singer/songwriter. In the late 90’s she left her hecticcity life, and moved to a small house by the bay. While tryingto figure out what to do with the next chapter of her life, herbrother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to herabout the afterlife. This profound experience took her on ajourney that changed the way she thought about life, death,and the universe and resulted in her debut book “The Afterlifeof Billy Fingers: How My Bad Boy Brother Proved to MeThere’s Life After Death,” being released by Hampton Roadsin March 2013.

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Jack had it right when he planted the magicseeds that grew into a sky high beanstalk. Notonly did he stumble upon the principles ofvertical gardening; but Jack also discoveredthe path to abundance and self-reliance when

he realized he could provide for himself and his familyas a result of the riches he discovered after growing veg-etables vertically.

Just like with most new ideas, at first the idea isnovel and a small group of people embrace it while oth-ers look on thinking they’re crazy; however, there comesa tipping point when enough people recognize that thecrazy idea is actually the leading edge of genius and allof a sudden, everyone’s doing it. That’s what’s happen-ing with the idea of growing food vertically, takingadvantage of the uncharted sky and reducing your gar-den’s footprint.

Soil or water medium?

Essentially, there are two types of vertical gardens—those that grow in soil and those that grow in water.Water-based growing mediums are either aquaponic orhydroponic. Hydroponics is a method of growing veg-etables and other plants in water without soil and nour-ished with a mineral nutrient. Aquaponics is a growingsystem combining the raising of aquatic animals such asfish with hydroponic gardening, where plants are culti-vated in a water medium all in the same tank. The sym-biotic relationship between the plants and animals pro-duces a vital growing medium and a sustainable foodproduction system. Both systems provide organic ornon-organic growing environments for vegetables.

SSSS oooo WWWW hhhh aaaa tttt ’’’’ssss VVeerrtt iiccaall GGaarrddeenniinnggVVeerrtt iiccaall GGaarrddeenniinngg

AAAA llll llll AAAA bbbb oooo uuuu tttt ???? 11113333 RRRReeeeaaaassssoooonnnnssss TTTToooo GGGGrrrroooowwww YYYYoooouuuurrrr

VVVVeeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeeessss iiiinnnn AAAA VVVVeeeerrrr tttt iiiiccccaaaallll GGGGaaaarrrrddddeeeennnn

By: JB Bardot

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Reasons to grow vertically

So, why would you want to take advantage of growing agarden vertically, instead of in a traditional garden plot?There are lots of reasons.

1. Old souls love to putter in the garden, but the oldestof souls usually complain about their backs and kneeshurting. Vertical gardening enables you to grow veggieswithout ever bending or getting on your knees again.Grow vertically in plant pockets, hanging planters,stacking containers, recycled pallets, in stacked flowerboxes, table garden systems, plant trees, in greenhouseson tables and up-cycled ladders. If you can imagine it,you can grow it.

2. Save space with a vertical garden, especially if you

have no land or a very small yard.Grow up the side of your fence, on awall, the deck, your balcony, in agreen house or even inside in thegarage.

3. Some vertical garden systems areportable and can be moved fromoutside to indoors on wheeled appa-ratus.

4. Grow inside during colder month,using a grow light.

5. Community gardens are easy toset up, even in small, indoor spaces.

6. There’s much less work and timeinvolved when preparing verticalgardens—no tilling, no digging.

7. Use less water because in manyvertical gardens, water is recycledthrough the planting system.

8. You’re dog won’t dig up your gar-den, and neither will rabbits or deer.

9. It’s an easier way to protect yourplants from soil-borne pests.

10. Companion gardening is easyand even more advantageous whenyou can move planters around totake advantage of beneficial condi-tions.

11. Using no soil means no weeds or fewer weeds in lesssoil.

12. Increase vegetable yield. Relocate plants to bettertake advantage of light and air circulation.

13. My favorite reason for being a fan of vertical gar-dening is to avoid the prying eyes of municipal authori-ties—those people forcing others to dig up gardens anddestroy their food supply. Vertical gardening allows youto grow food in less obvious places, even under growlights, out of site of the food police.

Now is the time to plan your new vertical garden projectfor the spring, just around the corner..

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“I have followed, studied and presented on what the truemeaning of December 21, 2012 is all about,” wrote PhilipCoppens, author and researcher of esoteric ancient myster-ies, on his website in mid December of 2012. This truemeaning, in Coppens’ estimation, of the supposed end ofthe Mayan calendar, could be summarized with a singleword: transformation.

“But in late November,” the Ancient Aliens star contin-ued, “I did not realize how extraordinary my own futurepost 2012 would be from before. An Old Age has indeeddied, or is dying, and is being replaced with a new one.”

These words would mirror, albeit painfully, a transfor-mation of sorts whichCoppens himself had beenundergoing just as well; theauthor’s own eventual strug-gle with the onset of one ofthe rarest varieties of canceraffecting the adult populationworldwide.

“In my case, I was diag-nosed with an extremely rarecase of cancer, angio sarcoma,which affects less than 200people in the U.S. (each year).Each case is almost by defaultunique… and so I found thatthe man who normally studiesanomalies, has become amedical enigma a well.”

Sadly, this would be the finaladdition posted to his person-al blog, for in this instance,Coppens, whose work had run the gamut from politicalconspiracies, to the quest for proof of Earth’s visitation bynonhuman intelligences in ancient times, was unable to out-live the enigma which claimed his life on December 30,2012. He was forty-one years old.

Filip Philippe Coppens was born on January 25, 1971 in themarket town of Sint-Niklaas, a small commerce center serv-ing as capital of Waasland in the Belgian province of EastFlanders. The region’s rich Medieval history served as fertilegrounds for the imagination, having inspired for the fabledfox-character Reynard’s epic, and perhaps the history of thesurrounding lands would indeed instill in young Philip a driv-ing curiosity for the world’s enigmatic obscurities.

Coppens had risen to international fame as an authorand lecturer, in addition to becoming a rising television starfollowing his frequent appearances on the HistoryChannel’s Ancient Aliens, a show which paired him along-side ancient astronaut theorists the likes of GiorgioTsoukalos and Erich von Daniken; with the publication ofvon Daniken’s Odyssey of the Gods, it was announced that

Coppens would also be granting interview appearances inpromotion of the book on the author’s behalf, as it had beenannounced he would be traveling at the time of the book’srelease.

But Coppens, unlike many of his peers in the “ancientastronaut” camp, was often something of an enigma. Whilehe was open minded in his approach to the study of strangephenomena like UFOs, and how these topics fit into Earth’sprehistory, Coppens was at times perhaps even betterknown for the skeptical approach his research and writingcould entail. His appeal to each end of the philosophicalspectrum—heralded as a skeptic by many believers, and a

believer by the debunkercrowd—would garner adiverse audience of fans andadmirers. Arguably, Coppenshad risen to the position ofputting forth some of themost reasonable and full-bodied research intomankind’s ancient past, anddoing so in a way that incor-porated those otherwisetaboo elements that involvedthe supposition of other-worldly influences affectinghumanity’s rise throughouthistory. This research, alongwith his frequent recurringappearances on AncientAliens, would lead to theauthorship of The AncientAlien Question and its sequel,The Lost Civilization Enigma

(New Page Books, 2011 and 2012 respectively).On September 22, 2011, Coppens married New York

Times bestselling author and activist Kathleen McGowan,with whom he hosted a weekly radio program called “TheSpirit Revolution.” Together, McGowan and Coppens col-laborated on a number of projects, including plans to authora revision of the history associated with Anne Boleyn, thecontroversial and tempestuous second wife to Henry VIII.

Shortly following the release of The Lost CivilizationEnigma, Coppens was hospitalized in California, and sub-sequently diagnosed with a rare cancer, angiosarcoma,which affects less than one percent of adults suffering fromcancerous malignancies. Coppens, with Kathleen by hisside, underwent biopsies and testing, with scattered visita-tion from the likes of fellow ancient alien theorist GiorgioTsoukalkos. Following several surgeries and treatment, amedical fund was established for Coppens through dona-tions made to the website He remainedhospitalized, and on December 30, 2012, Coppens passedaway following a series of operations that had taken placeover the weekend.

A Eulogy for Philip Coppens

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