early showing o! men's...

v.i' .-u.^a ^v.z 1 * r^j>^ PAGE EIGHT. gfS; s, k ; sy r WATCH GRAND FORKS GROW Houses for Sale S600. For three room house and two acres of land adjoining city limits. This is a bargain. $3250 Fine new seven room house on Cheyenne avenue. All modern but heat; hardwood floors, birch finish, and 50vl40 ft. lot. $1400 Five room house with hardwood floors and good cellar on Inter- national avenue. $200 cash and balance monthly will handle. $1500 Six room house on Cherry street. Terms can be arranged. $4000 All modern eight room house on 75x140 ft. lot on Chestnut street. Fine lawn and shade trees. Very desirable location. Lots for Sale ,5 I can sell you 50 ft. lots on Cheyenne avenue for $200 at $10 down and $10 per month. Only have a few left. These are the cheapest lots in town. HOUSES FOR RENT in all parts of the city. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN, LOANS MADE ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY AT lowest rate of interest. My time and auto are at your service. > W. H. KELSEY KL W. Hansen 8k Company «1ANI> rOKKS. N. DAKOTA. Both Fhoaaa 101 Western Freestone Qft peaches, case ............... k?UC Italian plums, QP tuaket 25c, case Concord grapes, OB*, basket uuC 40c Green tomatoes, PA bushel OvC Jersey sweet potatoes, »lbs £OC Large lemons, Or\ (dozen , *+++*>•*** (iMtu** jOUC WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE {Standard Fashion Company THE CITY IN BRIEF DB. COUYERETTE, Dentist, Demers , -v Avenue and Third street. At Richland Fair. M. C. Bacheller, secretary of the Commercial club, left Wednesday evening for Wahpetcra to attend the Richland county fair. Home From Enrope. President and Mrs. Webster Merrl- fleld have arrived home from Europe where they spent the summer. This Is the last year President Merrifield will be at the head of the university. * * Alert Laundry, both 'phones ftB. FRESH SCALLOPED OYSTERS, 60c per big can. Pickled pig's feet. Amble & Knuepfer. Phones 85. Had Big Cargo. The steamer Grand Forks arrived Wednesday morning with a big cargo of wheat from down river points. Plant Transferred. The Mid-West company has pur- chased the job printing plant of Geo. Wheeler & Co., and will conduct the business in connection with the pub- lication of the weekly paper. Homestenders Attention. The Homesteaders will meet this evening at 8:30 o'clock in Odd Fel- lows' block. All members are urged to attend. Andlt Accounts Sit down some evening and audit your accounts. If you find that you are not coming out ahead, better cut down expenses a little and begin sav- ing. An account in our Savings De- partment Is a good incentive for do- ing this. The" Northern State Bank. At Company Conference. Superintendents Fox, Haverland and Ryan were among elevator of- ficers who left last evening for Min- neapolis to attend an elevator con- ference. Bowling Alley to Open, The DeMers avenue bowling alley will open for the season on Saturday afternoon. A large amount of work has been done on the alleys during the summer. Scavanger TVork. Scavanger work of all kinds will be given prompt attention and work will be satisfactorily done by John Dellek, N. W. 'phone 1229-M., or leave or- ders at 821 North Sixth street.' 1M On Legislative Committee. J. F. T. O'Connor of this city was made a member of the national legis- lative committee of the United Irish league, in session at Boston. Mr. O'Connor was the delegate from the Irish-American club of Grand Forks. Yesterday he delivered a speech re- garding conditions in Ireland which was one of the most powerful of the entire gathering. Attention. Any person in Grand Forks or East Grand Forks having work of any sort or description to offer to students at- tending the university of North Da- kota will confer a favor on the Em- ployment Bureau of the University Y. M. C. A. by notifying it at once. Stu- dents may be secured for any kind of honorable work. Are you satisfied with the appearance of your woodwork? Wouldn't you like to see it look like new without scratches and marred places? No matter what con- dition it is now in. an application of Johnson's Prepared Wax "A Complete Ftnith and Polish Jar All Wood " will give It new life and beauty. AU that you have to do is to first wipe the woodwork, clean off dust and dirt, apply Johnson's Wax with a dry cloth and polish with our new device, Johnson's Polishing Mitt, or with a clean dry woolen doth. Verf simple, no waiting for it to dry, either. Johnson's Prepared Wax preserves and bring* out the natural beauty of the wood. It Is unexcelled for polishing floors, furniture, oil eloth and linoleum. It produces an artistle, lasting polish to which dust and dirt will not adhere. It prevents scratches from show- It will not crack, blister or peel on. Johnson's Prepared Wax is the. largest selling wax in the world. It is Mpsrior to all otters. tot copy of new booklet "The Proper Treatment for Floors, Woodwork MM Furniture." it will Interest you. Tells all about wood am«t.inr Johnson's 1 Wax Is sold aod recommended by LKADOni HARD WARS MERCHANTS Block .... . Grand Forks. N. D. *•' % ' T */ > *1 ffMSCTiOWWWs THE EVENING TIMES ^0 WILDERS 122-124 S. third SL Grsai Porks. N. D I Grapes, full cluster, not QCJ_ over ripe, per basket .... Peaches, Elberta, good freestone stock, per case . L tJC Plums, Italian blues, per basket 25c, per 4 01 f|f| basket crate iJIAeUU Cantaloupes, Rockford3, nice sweet pink meats QC 10c, 3 for ,wOC Bananas, large fruit per dozen ,uUC Celery, well bleached AC_ stalks, per bunch UuC Pumpkin, home grown, large size, each Cauliflower, home grown, large bleached head, "I C_ each A tlC Sweet Potatoes, Jerseys Of}- 6 lbs for ...f bUC Cranberries, Cape Cod berries, per qt Plums, Austrian, red, per basket 35c, per 4 tiJ"| |3f5 basket case kjrJLeMtJ Tokay Grapes, fancy per lb 20c, per basket .... Ripe Tomatoes, large ripe firm stock, per bu. Green Tomatoes, good stock, per bu Don't fail to visit our bakery coun- ter 12k 65c 65c 50c ICE Write as for prices in car lots. GRAND FORKS ICE COM Telephone 447 For school days buy your needs from Lamb. All good—a little lower. Do you realize what is in store for you at Opsahl's Removal Sale? Shoes Repaired. N. Kamlin, 9 South Fourth street, "The Real Shoemaker." 1 X J ' r 'it., t «*< / y?* VY S. ' October 1 we remove to our new quarters next door to Empire theater. Until then Cut Prices will prevail at Opsahl's. The Light Ilonse For anything in light, call np the Light House, 428 both phones. Gas and electric goods. Stanley & Smith proprietors. Got Thirty Days. Fred Reite, arrested Wednesday on a charge of neglecting to pay hi6 board bill and at the instance of Col. Andrew Knudson, was given thirty days in the county jail by Judge Mc- Loughlln. 9 Any one having old clothes that they wish to donate to the rummage sale of the St. Paul's Guild may leave them at the rectory or at Wm. Cas- well's on North Third street, or H. C. Gifobs, Belmont avenue. Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop's*— stop headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in twenty minutes sure. Formula on the 25c box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula—it's fine. Schlaberg & Griffin. Gus Mochlenbroch has opened a first class barber' shop In the base- ment of the Hagen block, corner of DeMers .avenue and Second street, East Grand Forks. tf Engine Went Through •Bathgate Pink Paper: While mov- ing his threshing rig, Jim Brady's en- gine went through the bridge over the Tongue river near Sam Hodgson's place. The engine men escaped In- jury by Jumping but the engine was badly jammed up. September Thunder. According to the old adage. North Dakota is entitled to about two months more of good weather. Wed- nesday afternoon a thunder bolt was turned loose in this vicinity and, thunder in September, so it is claim- ed," means some first-class weather. Yonng People's Society The Young Peoplfe's society of the Zion Lutheran church will meet at the church Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock. A good program will be ren- dered, including a talk by Faste Svensen. Refreshments will be serv- ed by Mrs. C. H. Nelson and Mrs. Al- rick. >Vell Condemned. The public health laboratory at the university has made a report as to the condition of water taken from a well on the R. H. Pettit premises in Riverside park which has resulted in the city officials declaring the well water unsafe. The water was con- demned because of the presence of typhoid fever germs. More Are Coming Devils Lake Journal: Miss Maude Sprague left yesterday for Grand Forks where she will enter upon her senior yeaiy at the state university. Devils Lake has a number of repre- sentatives at the state Institution this year, who have recently gone to Grand Forks to register for the year's work. Among them are Allie Belford, Ax- zelia Beauchamp, James Brennan, Jennie Bell Lewis, Howard Maher and Alma Honett. Others will leave for school as soon as the fall work is over. A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tablet—called Preventlcs—is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours, Preventics are said to break any cold—completely. And Preventics, being so safe and tooth- some, are very fine for children. No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Box of 48-r26c. Sold i by Schlaberg & Griffin. I ^ j., , t & <-<"• *">*!&• < . i v A. A, Rolf, tailor, representing Brown Bros., Mer. Co* Minneapolis. Popular tailors and furriers. Time Called Time has been called on straw hats and all owners of such headgears will do well to get them out of sight Straw hats and the present weather make a bad combination. Qnick Delivery Trunks, "parcels, notes, any errand —73 either telephone. A. O. T. Infant Child Died A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. N. Nordlund this morning at 2 o'clock and lived only two hours and a half, but 'before he died he was bap- tized and received the name Clint. He will be buried this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock by Rev. PerBenius. The. moth- er is quite sick at present. Passed Through Mrs. Lars Aarhus of Mayville pass- ed through the city enroute to Thief River Falls and stopped off in Grand Forks to visit with friends. Floor stains and varnishes at Lambe'a. Prominent Farmer John Jackson, the prominent Rey- nolds farmer is in the city today look- ing after business interests and vis- iting friends. THURSDAY, Change October 1, The change in city milk inspectors will be made on October 1 when Dr. E. J. Davidson will turn the office over to tne newly appointed inspec- tor, Dr. A. L. McDonald. You miss a filg saving by not buy- ing a suit noW at Opsahl's. Testing Samples Additional Bamples of the cement and tar being used in the paving of the city streets were secured today and submitted to Prot. E. J. Babcock of the state university for analysis. The report on the cement used was very good, shoVing the grade to be highly satisfactory. Twin City Dancing Clnb, This will be the third dance of the series which is given every Friday night at Geis hall. East Grand Forks. Good four-piece orchestra. 1 3t Had Some Hard Work Inspector John Woodruff, engaged at the Kettle River Quarries com- pany plant in the inspection of the creosoted blocks, writes that he has been having a rather strenuous time of it.. For something like two days and nights he was obliged to work al- most continually and by the end of that time was about "all in." To Bar Association Meet Attorney T. S. Becker of Williston was in Grand Forks Wednesday night enroute to St. Paul where he will at- tend a meeting of the bar association. A few days since Mr. Becker met with a rather serious accident in McKen- zle county his . automobile failing to make a hill and starting backwards. It went into the ditch, but the occu- pants managed to get out of the way before the machine caught fire and was destroyed. The Golden Monster. For Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week the Empire theater of- fers a special attraction in Don Fay- bis' novelty act It Is billed as the Golden Monster: and is * a gorgeous scenic, electrical and specaoular nov- elty. As a contortionist, he is said to have no equal. The Ader trio continues to excite the wonderment^f the audiences with their difficult and sensational juggling act. They discount all other jugglers by passing the clubs up and down in rapid succession while one stands on the other's shoulders. Also both boys stand on the father's shoulders jug-; gling six clubs backwards, passing them from one to another. This act moist be seen to be appreciated. Froeto and Weyman are very clever. As dancers they are in the first clasB and their music is entertaining. Frosto's impersonation of a female character is a work of art. He cre- ates the impression of a dainty piece of femininity. As the Stoddards are a rare treat they are gaining their share of the applause. Mrs. Stoddard, a" refined looking little woman with a crown of jretty hair, is very apt on the piano. Her husband, with a comic make up and several young jokes does not fall in his pose to entertain and amuse. CO. Phone 848 402 DeMers Cider Vinegar, OA per gallon .OUC Mixfcd Pickling Spices, *| f|_ per package .. XUC Pint Mason Jar, 7ft** per dozen £ UC Quart Mason Jar, Of|_ per dozen .OUC 2-Quart Mason Jars, Q"| f|f| per dozen ipjLeUU Best Fruit Jar Rubbers, 3 dozen for . MUv Paraflne Wax, 1 C _ per cake .................. .IOC Cross & Blackwell Malt Vinegar, 'per bottle JmitJC 2-lb. can White House *7f|— Coffee /UC 6 bars Fell's Naptha Soap wuC Carnation Evaporated DCS*. Milk, 2 tor ............... C Oswego Velvet Gloss *1 ft Starch, per pkg............XUC Minute Tapiopp, -| r|_ per pkg XUC 2. packages- , , fjc_ Quaker Oats <mOC After October 1 the old prices will be restored on all goods. Until then is your opportunity at Opsahl'B Pockethook Found Assistant Chief of Police Clynch of East Grand Forks has a pocketbook in his possession which was found in the basement of Harry Hatch's place and Is evidently the property of Joe Deschenes of Grafton as several wheat checks which it contains are issued to Wm by the Minneapolis Elevator company and on the First National bank of Grafton. It is believed that some thief got busy and emptied the pocketbook of its money and left the cheoks. If you want to hire good horses for plowing or other word, address Hugh Malcolm, EaBt Grand Forks. 3t COME TO GRIND FORKS NEXT WEEK r i a rs | ti i r~\ i \ I STORE READ Oil REBAtE » ANNOUNCEMENT Early Showing o! Men's Fall Ibl &SKu-r GRIFFITH lOywcbafeF i 1 We hare received onr line of fell and winter overcoats. These we are pre* pared to show yon. The name Knp- penhelmer stands for the best In the clothing world and yon can bank on anything bearing their trade mark as being of the latest stye and highest quality. The cut on the left shows the "Re- gent" style. This coat Is made in a number of materials, Venetian lined. Full 52 Inches longt Price $15.00 to $30,00 The-cut on the right shows our "Auto" coat. This coat Is made In fancy dark and light mixtures with a military collar, 52 Inches long and serge lined.. A dandy for cold air. Price $18.00 to $25.00 MAKE USE OF OUB REBATE SER- VICE DURDfG CARNIVAL WEEK For your benefit, should you desire to visit and personally trade In the biggest store in North Dakota, we hare arranged . the following rebate . card. This means a free trip for yon' to Grand Forks. We pay your rail* road fare both ways If yon comet 80 Miles and Buy $25.00 40 Miles and Buy $30.00 50 Miles and Buy $40.00 60 miles and Buy $50.00 70 Miles and Buy $60.00 80 Miles- and Buy $70.00 : - ' 100 Miles and Buy $80.00 Claim the rebate when you pay your MIL Grand Forks North Dak. I- ' % % ? ft * Sr - X A "V- '4 pbsoiius T. Engett is here from Fargo. F. W. Jenner is'here from Fargo. John O. Fadden was in from Ar- villa last nlghi. ( Mrs. David Kirk is here from Ni- agara. G. RoBtberg of Lartmore was in the city yesterday. A. O. Souer of Towner was an ar- rival yesterday. John Ogren returned last evening from a trip west L. J. Vanderbergh is in the city from New Rocktord. Miss Belle B. Lonecker is in the city from Albert Lea. A. G. Peterson of Hankinson, ar- rived in the city yesterday. E. Wold of Cummlngs , was an ar- rival in the city yeBterday. Conductor Perry came in from Mi- not last evening. , W. M. Prince of Edmonton is here looking after some land matters. Oscar Anderson of^Crary Is in the city on a business mission. Mrs. Landsgaard of Milton is in the city today for a visit with friends. J. Johnson of Larimore was in Grand Forks on business yesterday. William Russell went to Minneapo- lis last evening. J. Hewitt of Mlnot is in the city to- day on a business mission. John Newman Is here today froii Fargo on business. Hans L. Gordon of Shevlin 1B in the city today. H. W. Gannis of Minot is spending the day in the city. P. H. Ryan of Fargo is spending the day in the city. O. S. Christianson is in the city from Hlllsboro attending to business matters. C. H. Black of Thompson was transacting business in town yester- day. D. H. Beecher went to Minneapolis last night to look after some business matters. ^ ' R. H. McCoy of the Grand Forks Lumber company was in Minneapolis yesterday. B. F. Warren of Emerado is In the city today looking after business in- terests. IN SECOND HAND HEATERS MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY AS OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED. Grand Forks Furniture Company Sole Agents (or National Ranges, The ^ Great Fuel Savers. ; . Telephones 680. ( 208 S. 3rd Si it x Do Not Delay Having That f Engine and Boiler Repaired We rebore cylinders, face valves and seats. You will gain from two to six horse power by so doing. All kinds ot Foundry, Monhino ud Boiler work done on short notice. Threshers' supplies always kept on hand. Scrap iron Vanted at highest prtoe. MaU orders taken care of promptly. ^ , Grand Forks Foundry and Machine Shop Telephone 727k ,; : r ' Grand Forks. N. Dak. WANT AD TOQrl ATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT—WELL. FURNISHED rooms In all modern hotis* SOS North Fifth street. HJS.S * •* ' •*" 1 .IJ..ILJIIH ii Dr. ECKMAN DENTIST! .FLATKY BLOCK \t: PRICES SEASONABLE. ALL WOBK GUARANTEED New Hlethods Teeth With- out Plates Eitnlutloi Pre* 'AX. x ONE MORE REASON Why oar Shoes are better. Becaostvbnying as,we do direct from the man* nfactarers, we gather the cream of the market for yon. ~ - This is onr style No. 18, fine plnmp tan calf, plain toe, hlncher cut and spike heel. ^ •- S4.00. V"' Hail Orders Filled Promptly. ' v ' - •>-&< >* s j* dp <t '! ^*1 A % ft » R VIJ

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Page 1: Early Showing o! Men's Fallchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042373/1908-09-24/ed-1/seq-8.pdftyphoid fever germs. More Are Coming Devils Lake Journal: Miss Maude Sprague left yesterday

v.i' .-u.^a ̂ v.z 1 * r^j>^


gfS; s,

k ;




S600. For three room house and two acres of land adjoining city limits.

This is a bargain.

$3250 Fine new seven room house on Cheyenne avenue. All modern

but heat; hardwood floors, birch finish, and 50vl40 ft. lot.

$1400 Five room house with hardwood floors and good cellar on Inter­

national avenue. $200 cash and balance monthly will handle.

$1500 Six room house on Cherry street. Terms can be arranged.

$4000 All modern eight room house on 75x140 ft. lot on Chestnut street.

Fine lawn and shade trees. Very desirable location.

Lots for Sale ,5

I can sell you 50 ft. lots on Cheyenne avenue for $200 at $10 down and $10 per month. Only have a few left. These are the cheapest lots in town.


FARM PROPERTY AT lowest rate of interest. My time and auto are at your service. >


KL W. Hansen 8k Company

«1ANI> rOKKS. N. DAKOTA. Both Fhoaaa 101

Western Freestone Qft peaches, case ...............k?UC Italian plums, QP tuaket 25c, case

Concord grapes, OB*, basket uuC

40c Green tomatoes, PA bushel OvC

Jersey sweet potatoes, »lbs £OC

Large lemons, Or\ (dozen , *+++*>•*** (iMtu** jOUC


{Standard Fashion Company


, -v Avenue and Third street.

At Richland Fair. M. C. Bacheller, secretary of the

Commercial club, left Wednesday evening for Wahpetcra to attend the Richland county fair.

Home From Enrope. President and Mrs. Webster Merrl-

fleld have arrived home from Europe where they spent the summer. This Is the last year President Merrifield will be at the head of the university.

* *

Alert Laundry, both 'phones ftB.

FRESH SCALLOPED OYSTERS, 60c per big can. Pickled pig's feet. Amble & Knuepfer. Phones 85.

Had Big Cargo. The steamer Grand Forks arrived

Wednesday morning with a big cargo of wheat from down river points.

Plant Transferred. The Mid-West company has pur­

chased the job printing plant of Geo. Wheeler & Co., and will conduct the business in connection with the pub­lication of the weekly paper.

Homestenders Attention. The Homesteaders will meet this

evening at 8:30 o'clock in Odd Fel­lows' block. All members are urged to attend.

Andlt Accounts Sit down some evening and audit

your accounts. If you find that you are not coming out ahead, better cut down expenses a little and begin sav­ing. An account in our Savings De­partment Is a good incentive for do­ing this. The" Northern State Bank.

At Company Conference. Superintendents Fox, Haverland

and Ryan were among elevator of­ficers who left last evening for Min­neapolis to attend an elevator con­ference.

Bowling Alley to Open, The DeMers avenue bowling alley

will open for the season on Saturday afternoon. A large amount of work has been done on the alleys during the summer.

Scavanger TVork. Scavanger work of all kinds will be

given prompt attention and work will be satisfactorily done by John Dellek, N. W. 'phone 1229-M., or leave or­ders at 821 North Sixth street.' 1M

On Legislative Committee. J. F. T. O'Connor of this city was

made a member of the national legis­lative committee of the United Irish league, in session at Boston. Mr. O'Connor was the delegate from the Irish-American club of Grand Forks. Yesterday he delivered a speech re­garding conditions in Ireland which was one of the most powerful of the entire gathering.

Attention. Any person in Grand Forks or East

Grand Forks having work of any sort or description to offer to students at­tending the university of North Da­kota will confer a favor on the Em­ployment Bureau of the University Y. M. C. A. by notifying it at once. Stu­dents may be secured for any kind of honorable work.

Are you satisfied with the appearance of your woodwork?

Wouldn't you like to see it look like new without scratches and marred places? No matter what con­dition it is now in. an application of

Johnson's Prepared Wax

"A Complete Ftnith and Polish Jar All Wood "

will give It new life and beauty. AU that you have to do is to first wipe the woodwork, clean off dust and dirt, apply Johnson's Wax with a dry cloth and polish with our new device, Johnson's Polishing Mitt, or with a clean dry woolen doth. Verf simple, no waiting for it to dry, either.

Johnson's Prepared Wax preserves and bring* out the natural beauty of the wood. It Is unexcelled

for polishing floors, furniture, oil eloth and linoleum. It produces an artistle, lasting polish to which dust and dirt will not adhere. It prevents scratches from show- • It will not crack, blister or peel on.

Johnson's Prepared Wax is the. largest selling wax in the world. It is Mpsrior to all otters.

tot copy of new booklet "The Proper Treatment for Floors, Woodwork MM Furniture." it will Interest you. Tells all about wood am«t.inr Johnson's

1 Wax Is sold aod recommended by

LKADOni HARD WARS MERCHANTS B l o c k . . . . . G r a n d F o r k s . N . D .

* • '

% 'T*/

> *1 ffMSCTiOWWWs

T H E E V E N I N G T I M E S ^0

WILDERS 122-124 S. third SL Grsai Porks. N. D


Grapes, full cluster, not QCJ_ over ripe, per basket ....

Peaches, Elberta, good freestone stock, per case . L tJC

Plums, Italian blues, per basket 25c, per 4 01 f|f| basket crate iJIAeUU

Cantaloupes, Rockford3, nice sweet pink meats QC — 10c, 3 for ,wOC

Bananas, large fruit per dozen ,uUC

Celery, well bleached AC_ stalks, per bunch UuC

Pumpkin, home grown, large size, each

Cauliflower, home grown, large bleached head, "I C_ each A tlC Sweet Potatoes, Jerseys Of}-6 lbs for ...f bUC

Cranberries, Cape Cod berries, per qt

Plums, Austrian, red, per basket 35c, per 4 tiJ"| |3f5 basket case kjrJLeMtJ

Tokay Grapes, fancy per lb 20c, per basket ....

Ripe Tomatoes, large ripe firm stock, per bu.

Green Tomatoes, good stock, per bu

Don't fail to visit our bakery coun­ter


65c 65c 50c

ICE Write as for prices in car lots.


For school days buy your needs from Lamb. All good—a little lower.

Do you realize what is in store for you at Opsahl's Removal Sale?

Shoes Repaired. N. Kamlin, 9 South Fourth street,

"The Real Shoemaker."

1 X

J ' r 'it., t «*< / y?* VY

S. '

October 1 we remove to our new quarters next door to Empire theater. Until then Cut Prices will prevail at Opsahl's.

The Light Ilonse For anything in light, call np the

Light House, 428 both phones. Gas and electric goods. Stanley & Smith proprietors.

Got Thirty Days. Fred Reite, arrested Wednesday on

a charge of neglecting to pay hi6 board bill and at the instance of Col. Andrew Knudson, was given thirty days in the county jail by Judge Mc-Loughlln. 9

Any one having old clothes that they wish to donate to the rummage sale of the St. Paul's Guild may leave them at the rectory or at Wm. Cas­well's on North Third street, or H. C. Gifobs, Belmont avenue.

Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop's*— stop headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in twenty minutes sure. Formula on the 25c box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula—it's fine. Schlaberg & Griffin.

Gus Mochlenbroch has opened a first class barber' shop In the base­ment of the Hagen block, corner of DeMers .avenue and Second street, East Grand Forks. tf

Engine Went Through •Bathgate Pink Paper: While mov­

ing his threshing rig, Jim Brady's en­gine went through the bridge over the Tongue river near Sam Hodgson's place. The engine men escaped In­jury by Jumping but the engine was badly jammed up.

September Thunder. According to the old adage. North

Dakota is entitled to about two months more of good weather. Wed­nesday afternoon a thunder bolt was turned loose in this vicinity and, thunder in September, so it is claim­ed," means some first-class weather.

Yonng People's Society The Young Peoplfe's society of

the Zion Lutheran church will meet at the church Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock. A good program will be ren­dered, including a talk by Faste Svensen. Refreshments will be serv­ed by Mrs. C. H. Nelson and Mrs. Al-rick.

>Vell Condemned. The public health laboratory at the

university has made a report as to the condition of water taken from a well on the R. H. Pettit premises in Riverside park which has resulted in the city officials declaring the well water unsafe. The water was con­demned because of the presence of typhoid fever germs.

More Are Coming Devils Lake Journal: Miss Maude

Sprague left yesterday for Grand Forks where she will enter upon her senior yeaiy at the state university. Devils Lake has a number of repre­sentatives at the state Institution this year, who have recently gone to Grand Forks to register for the year's work. Among them are Allie Belford, Ax-zelia Beauchamp, James Brennan, Jennie Bell Lewis, Howard Maher and Alma Honett. Others will leave for school as soon as the fall work is over.

A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tablet—called Preventlcs—is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours, Preventics are said to break any cold—completely. And Preventics, being so safe and tooth­some, are very fine for children. No Quinine, no laxative, • nothing harsh nor sickening. Box of 48-r26c. Sold

i by Schlaberg & Griffin. I ̂ j., ,

t & <-<"• *">*!&• < . i v

A. A, Rolf, tailor, representing Brown Bros., Mer. Co* Minneapolis. Popular tailors and furriers.

Time Called Time has been called on straw hats

and all owners of such headgears will do well to get them out of sight Straw hats and the present weather make a bad combination.

Qnick Delivery Trunks, "parcels, notes, any errand

—73 either telephone. A. O. T.

Infant Child Died A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.

N. Nordlund this morning at 2 o'clock and lived only two hours and a half, but 'before he died he was bap­tized and received the name Clint. He will be buried this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock by Rev. PerBenius. The. moth­er is quite sick at present.

Passed Through Mrs. Lars Aarhus of Mayville pass­

ed through the city enroute to Thief River Falls and stopped off in Grand Forks to visit with friends.

Floor stains and varnishes at Lambe'a.

Prominent Farmer John Jackson, the prominent Rey­

nolds farmer is in the city today look­ing after business interests and vis­iting friends.


Change October 1, The change in city milk inspectors

will be made on October 1 when Dr. E. J. Davidson will turn the office over to tne newly appointed inspec­tor, Dr. A. L. McDonald.

You miss a filg saving by not buy­ing a suit noW at Opsahl's.

Testing Samples Additional Bamples of the cement

and tar being used in the paving of the city streets were secured today and submitted to Prot. E. J. Babcock of the state university for analysis. The report on the cement used was very good, shoVing the grade to be highly satisfactory.

Twin City Dancing Clnb, This will be the third dance of the

series which is given every Friday night at Geis hall. East Grand Forks. Good four-piece orchestra. 1 3t

Had Some Hard Work Inspector John Woodruff, engaged

at the Kettle River Quarries com­pany plant in the inspection of the creosoted blocks, writes that he has been having a rather strenuous time of it.. For something like two days and nights he was obliged to work al­most continually and by the end of that time was about "all in."

To Bar Association Meet Attorney T. S. Becker of Williston

was in Grand Forks Wednesday night enroute to St. Paul where he will at­tend a meeting of the bar association. A few days since Mr. Becker met with a rather serious accident in McKen-zle county his . automobile failing to make a hill and starting backwards. It went into the ditch, but the occu­pants managed to get out of the way before the machine caught fire and was destroyed.

The Golden Monster. For Thursday, Friday and Saturday

of this week the Empire theater of­fers a special attraction in Don Fay-bis' novelty act It Is billed as the Golden Monster: and is * a gorgeous scenic, electrical and specaoular nov­elty. As a contortionist, he is said to have no equal.

The Ader trio continues to excite the wonderment^f the audiences with their difficult and sensational juggling act. They discount all other jugglers by passing the clubs up and down in rapid succession while one stands on the other's shoulders. Also both boys stand on the father's shoulders jug-; gling six clubs backwards, passing them from one to another. This act moist be seen to be appreciated. Froeto and Weyman are very clever. As dancers they are in the first clasB and their music is entertaining. Frosto's impersonation of a female character is a work of art. He cre­ates the impression of a dainty piece of femininity. As the Stoddards are a rare treat they are gaining their share of the applause. Mrs. Stoddard, a" refined looking little woman with a crown of jretty hair, is very apt on the piano. Her husband, with a comic make up and several young jokes does not fall in his pose to entertain and amuse.

CO. Phone 848 402 DeMers

Cider Vinegar, OA per gallon .OUC

Mixfcd Pickling Spices, *| f|_ per package .. XUC

Pint Mason Jar, 7ft** per dozen £ UC Quart Mason Jar, Of|_ per dozen .OUC 2-Quart Mason Jars, Q"| f|f| per dozen ipjLeUU

Best Fruit Jar Rubbers, 3 dozen for . MUv

Paraflne Wax, 1 C _ per • cake .................. .IOC

Cross & Blackwell Malt Vinegar, 'per bottle JmitJC

2-lb. can White House *7f|— C o f f e e / U C

6 bars Fell's Naptha Soap wuC

Carnation Evaporated DCS*. Milk, 2 tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C

Oswego Velvet Gloss *1 ft Starch, per pkg............XUC

Minute Tapiopp, -| r|_ per pkg XUC

2. packages- , , fjc_ Quaker Oats <mOC

After October 1 the old prices will be restored on all goods. Until then is your opportunity at Opsahl'B

Pockethook Found Assistant Chief of Police Clynch of

East Grand Forks has a pocketbook in his possession which was found in the basement of Harry Hatch's place and Is evidently the property of Joe Deschenes of Grafton as several wheat checks which it contains are issued to Wm by the Minneapolis Elevator company and on the First National bank of Grafton. It is believed that some thief got busy and emptied the pocketbook of its money and left the cheoks.

If you want to hire good horses for plowing or other word, address Hugh Malcolm, EaBt Grand Forks. 3t


FORKS NEXT WEEK r i a rs |

ti i r~\ i \ I




Early Showing o! Men's Fall



lOywcbafeF i 1 W e h a r e r e c e i v e d o n r l i n e o f f e l l a n d winter overcoats. These we are pre* pared to show yon. The name Knp-penhelmer stands for the best In the clothing world and yon can bank on anything bearing their trade mark as being of the latest stye and highest quality.

The cut on the left shows the "Re­gent" style. This coat Is made in a number of materials, Venetian lined. Full 52 Inches longt

Price $15.00 to $30,00 The-cut on the right shows our

"Auto" coat. This coat Is made In fancy dark and light mixtures with a military collar, 52 Inches long and serge lined.. A dandy for cold air.

Price $18.00 to $25.00

MAKE USE OF OUB REBATE SER­VICE DURDfG CARNIVAL WEEK For your benefit, should you desire

to visit and personally trade In the biggest store in North Dakota, we hare arranged . the following rebate . card. This means a free trip for yon' to Grand Forks. We pay your rail* road fare both ways If yon comet

80 Miles and Buy $25.00 40 Miles and Buy $30.00 50 Miles and Buy $40.00 60 miles and Buy $50.00 70 Miles and Buy $60.00 80 Miles- and Buy $70.00 : - ' 100 Miles and Buy $80.00 Claim the rebate when you pay your


Grand Forks North Dak.


' % % ? ft *

Sr - X

A "V-



T. Engett is here from Fargo. F. W. Jenner is'here from Fargo. John O. Fadden was in from Ar-

villa last nlghi. (

Mrs. David Kirk is here from Ni­agara.

G. RoBtberg of Lartmore was in the city yesterday.

A. O. Souer of Towner was an ar­rival yesterday.

John Ogren returned last evening from a trip west

L. J. Vanderbergh is in the city from New Rocktord.

Miss Belle B. Lonecker is in the city from Albert Lea.

A. G. Peterson of Hankinson, ar­rived in the city yesterday.

E. Wold of Cummlngs, was an ar­rival in the city yeBterday.

Conductor Perry came in from Mi-not last evening. , W. M. Prince of Edmonton is here looking after some land matters.

Oscar Anderson of^Crary Is in the city on a business mission.

Mrs. Landsgaard of Milton is in the city today for a visit with friends.

J. Johnson of Larimore was in Grand Forks on business yesterday.

William Russell went to Minneapo­lis last evening.

J. Hewitt of Mlnot is in the city to­day on a business mission.

John Newman Is here today froii Fargo on business.

Hans L. Gordon of Shevlin 1B in the city today.

H. W. Gannis of Minot is spending the day in the city.

P. H. Ryan of Fargo is spending the day in the city.

O. S. Christianson is in the city from Hlllsboro attending to business matters.

C. H. Black of Thompson was transacting business in town yester­day.

D. H. Beecher went to Minneapolis last night to look after some business matters. ^ '

R. H. McCoy of the Grand Forks Lumber company was in Minneapolis yesterday.

B. F. Warren of Emerado is In the city today looking after business in­terests.


Grand Forks Furniture Company Sole Agents (or National Ranges, The ^

Great Fuel Savers. ; . Telephones 680. ( 208 S. 3rd Si


x Do Not Delay Having That f

Engine and Boiler Repaired We rebore cylinders, face valves and seats. You will gain from two to six horse power by so doing. All kinds ot Foundry, Monhino ud Boiler work done on short notice. Threshers' supplies always kept on hand. Scrap iron Vanted at highest prtoe. MaU orders taken care of promptly. ̂ ,

Grand Forks Foundry and Machine Shop Telephone 727k ,;:r' Grand Forks. N. Dak.


rooms In all modern hotis* SOS North Fifth street.

HJS.S * •* ' •*" 1





New Hlethods

Teeth With­out Plates

Eitnlutloi Pre*

'AX. x

ONE MORE REASON Why oar Shoes are


Becaostvbnying as,we do direct from the man* nfactarers, we gather the cream of the market for yon. ~ -

This is onr style No. 18, fine plnmp tan calf, plain toe, hlncher cut and spike heel. ^ •-

S4.00. V"' Hail Orders Filled

Promptly. 'v'

- •>-&< >*

s j*


<t ' !



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