early 18th-century satire: jonathan swift and alexander...

Bibliography: 18th Century Satire file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/kellerw/Documents/Academics/12... 1 of 33 9/19/03 11:23 AM Early 18th-Century Satire: Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope A Bibliography compiled by Wolfram R. Keller Note: Only one editor is named in cases of essay collections with more than two editors. Articles from Dissertation Abstracts International are only listed in case they are especially relevant. Essays from Explicator are not listed. Likewise, Notes and Queries-articles are neglected unless they seem particularly relevant. To save space, I did not mention the series book-length studies have been published in. Finally, in case of special journal issues dealing with seminar-relevant material, articles have been listed separately to allow for a better overview in terms of inter-library loans. Also, a comprehensive bibliography can be found on the following website "Theorizing Satire: A Bibilography ". Please send comments and additions to <[email protected] >. Editions and Bibliographies General Theoretical Works Alexander Pope Jonathan Swift Comparative Studies 1. Editions and Bibliographies Bloom, Harold. Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. New York: Chelsea, 1986. Cassetta, Richard. "The Rape of the Lock in the 1980s: An Annotated Bibliography." New Orleans Review 15.4 (1988): 78-9. Cowler, Rosemary. The Prose Works of AlexanderPope, Vol. 2: The Major Works, 1725-1744. Hamden, CT: Archon, 1986. Fox, Christopher and Ross C. Murfin, eds. Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Boston: Bedford, 1995. Greenberg, Robert and William Piper, eds. Writings of Jonathan Swift. New York: Norton, 1973.

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Bibliography: 18th Century Satire file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/kellerw/Documents/Academics/12...

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Early 18th-Century Satire:Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope

A Bibliography compiled by Wolfram R. Keller

Note: Only one editor is named in cases of essay collections with more than two editors.Articles from Dissertation Abstracts International are only listed in case they are especially relevant. Essays from Explicator are not listed. Likewise, Notes and Queries-articles are neglected unless they seem particularly relevant. To save space, Idid not mention the series book-length studies have been published in. Finally, in caseof special journal issues dealing with seminar-relevant material, articles have beenlisted separately to allow for a better overview in terms of inter-library loans. Also, acomprehensive bibliography can be found on the following website "Theorizing Satire:A Bibilography". Please send comments and additions to <[email protected]>.

Editions and Bibliographies

General Theoretical Works

Alexander Pope

Jonathan Swift

Comparative Studies

1. Editions and Bibliographies

Bloom, Harold. Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. New York: Chelsea, 1986.

Cassetta, Richard. "The Rape of the Lock in the 1980s: An AnnotatedBibliography." New Orleans Review 15.4 (1988): 78-9.

Cowler, Rosemary. The Prose Works of AlexanderPope, Vol. 2: The MajorWorks, 1725-1744. Hamden, CT: Archon, 1986.

Fox, Christopher and Ross C. Murfin, eds. Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’sTravels: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and HistoricalContexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary CriticalPerspectives. Boston: Bedford, 1995.

Greenberg, Robert and William Piper, eds. Writings of Jonathan Swift. New York: Norton, 1973.

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Lapraz-Severino, Francoise. "Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's Travels (1726) Bibliographie selective et critique." Bulletin de la Societe d’EtudesAnglo-Americaines 27 (1988): 25-39.

Laprevotte, Guy. "A. Pope, Essay on Man: Bibliographie selective et critique."Bulletin de la Societe d’Etudes Anglo-Americaines des XVIIe et XVIIIeSiecles 21 (1985): 45-62.

Lord, George deF., ed. Anthology of Poems on Affairsof State: AugustanSatirical Verse, 1660-1714. New Haven: Yale UP,1975.

Mack, Maynard, ed. The Last and Greatest Art: Some Unpublished PoeticalManuscripts of Alexander Pope. Newark: U of Delaware P; London:Associated UPs, 1984.

—————. Alexander Pope: A Life. New York: Norton, 1985.

McKelvie, Colin, ed. Gulliver’s Travels; Facsimile Reproduction of aLarger-Paper Copy of the First Edition (1726) Containing the Author’sAnnotations. Delmar, NY: Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints, 1976.

Probyn, Clive T., ed. Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels. London: Dent; Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle, 1975.

———— and Bonamy Dobree. Alexander Pope: Collected Poems. London: Dent; Rytland, VA: Charles E. Tuttle, 1983.

Rogers, Pat, ed. Alexander Pope: Selected Poetry. Oxford: OUP, n.d.

—————, ed. Jonathan Swift: The Complete Poems. New Haven: OUP,1983.

Rosslyn, Felicity. Alexander Pope: A Literary Life. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, 1990.

Vander-Meulen, David L. Where Angels Fear to Tread: DescriptiveBibliography and Alexander Pope. Washington, DC: Library of Congress,1988.

—————. Pope’s Dunciad of 1728: A History and Facsimile.Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1991.

Wall, Cynthia, ed. Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock. Boston: Bedford, 1998.

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2. General Theoretical Works

Backscheider, Paula R. A Being More Intense: A Study of the Prose Works ofBunyan, Swift, and Defoe. New York: AMS, 1984.

Beer, Gillian. "'Our unnatural No-voice': The Heroic Epistle, Pope, andWomen's Gothic." Yearbook of English Studies 12 (1982): 125-51.

Bertelsen, Lance. "Journalism, Carnival, and Jubilate Agno." English Literary History 59.2 (1992): 357-84.

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Bloom, Edward. "Apotropaic Visions: Tone and Meaning in NeoclassicalSatire." Huntington Library Quarterly 38 (1974): 35-53.

—————. "Sacramentum Militiae: The Dynamicsof Religious Satire."Studies in the Literary Imagination 5.2 (1972): 119-42.

Bouce, Paul Gabriel, ed. Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Manchester: Manchester UP; Totowa: Barnes and Noble, 1982.

Briggs, Peter M. "Notes toward a Teachable Definition of Satire." Eighteenth Century Life 5.3 (1979): 28-39.

Broich, Ulrich. The Eighteenth-Century Mock-Hroic Poem. Cambridge:CUP, 1990.

Browning, John Dudley and Richard Morton, eds. Satire in the EighteenthCentury. New York: Garland, 1983.

Canfield, J. Douglas and Paul J. Hunter, eds. Rhetorics of Order/OrderingRhetorics in English Neoclassical Literature. Newark: U of Delaware P,1989.

Carnochan, W.B. "Satire, Sublimity, and Sentiment:Theory and Practice inPost-Augustan Satire." PMLA 85 (1970): 260-67.

——————. "Augustan Satire and the Gates of Dreams: A Utopian Essay."Studies in the Literary Imagination 5.2 (1972): 1-18.

Connery, Brian A. and Kirk Combe, eds. Theorizing Satire: Essays in LiteraryCriticism. New York: St. Martin’s, 1995. [one essay dealing with Pope,several dealing with Swift.]

Cosgrove, Peter W. "Undermining the Text: Edward Gibbon, AlexanderPope, and the Anti-Authenticating Footnote." Annotation and Its Text. Ed. Stephen A. Barney. New York: OUP, 1991. 130-51.

Davies, Paul C. "Augustan Smells." Essays in Criticism 25 (1975): 395-406.

DePaolo, Rosemary. "Comic Sense: Madness and Satire inEighteenth-Century England." Dissertation Abstracts International 40 (1980):5439A.

Donaldson, Ian. "The Satirists’ London." Essays in Criticism 25 (1975): 101-22.

Edwards, Michael. "A Meaning for Mock-Heroic." Yearbook of EnglishStudies 15 (1985): 48-63.

Elkin, Peter K. The Augustan Defense of Satire. Oxford: OUP, 1973.

Erlebach, Peter. "Grundzüge der literarischen Satire und ihre Realisation inder klassizistisch orientierten englischen Literatur (vornehmlich im 18.Jahrhundert)." Scholastic Midwifery: Studien zum Satirischen in derenglischen Literatur 1600-1800: Festschrift für Dietrich Rolle zum 60.Geburtstag. Ed. Jan Eden Peters and Thomas Michael Stein. Tübingen:Narr, 1989. 195-203.

Farrell, Maurice. "Satiric 'Subversion' and the Continuity of Doublethink."British Journal of Aesthetics 16 (1976): 370-75.

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Fishelov, David. "Satura Contra Utopiam: Satirical Distortions of UtopianIdeas." Revue de Litterature Comparee 67.4 (1993): 463-71.

Fox, Christopher. Locke and the Scriblerians: Identity and Consciousness inEarly Eighteenth-Century Britain. Berkeley: U of California P, 1988.

—————, ed. Teaching Eighteenth-Century Poetry. New York: AMS, 1990.[two essays on Swift]

Frost, William. "English Persius: The Golden Age." Eighteenth CenturyStudies 2 (1968): 77-101.

—————, ed. English Satire: Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar,January 15, 1972, by Leland H. Carlson and Ronald Paulson. Los Angeles:Wm. Andrews Mem. Lib. (UCLA), 1972.

Garcia, Luisa E. "Man and Satire in Eighteenth Century English Literature."Saint Louis University Research Journal of the Graduate School of Arts andSciences 10 (1979): 557-579.

Gill, James E., ed. Cutting Edges: Postmodern Essays on 18th CenturySatire. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1995.

Gilmore, Thomas B. and W.B. Carnochan. "The Politics ofEighteenth-Century Satire (an Exchange)." PMLA 86 (1971): 277-80.

Ginsberg, Robert, ed. The Philosopher as Writer: The Eighteenth Century. London: Associated UPs, 1987.

Griffin, Dustin. "Satire as an Exploratory Form." Studies in Voltaire and theEighteenth Century 265 (1989): 1245-1246.

Guite, Harold. "An 18th-Century View of Roman Satire." The Varied Pattern:Studies in the Eighteenth Century. Ed. Peter Hughes and David Williams.Toronto: A.M. Hakkert, 1971. 113-20.

Hunter, Kathryn. "The Informing Word: Verbal Strategies in Visual Satire."Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture. Ed. Harold E. Pagliaro et al. Madison:U of Wisconsin P, 1975. 271-96.

Jackson, Gabriele Bernhard. "From Essence to Accident: Locke and theLanguage of Poetry in the Eighteenth Century." Criticism 29.1 (1987): 27-66.

Jackson, Wallace. "Satire: An Augustan Idea of Disorder." Proceedings of theModern Language Association Neoclassicism Conferences 1967-1968. Ed.Paul J. Korshin. New York: AMS P, 1970. 13-26.

Jones, W. Gareth. "The Eighteenth Century View of English Moral Satire:Palliative or Purgative?" Great Britain and Russia in the Eighteenth Century:Contacts and Comparisons. Proc. Of Internat. Conf. Held at Univ. of EastAnglia, Norwich, Eng., 11-15 July 1977. Ed. A.G. Cross. Newtonville: OrientalResearch Partners, 1979. 75-83.

Jouve, Michel. "Corps difformes et ames perverses: Quelques reflexions surla pratique de la caricature." Le Corps et l'ame en Grande Bretagne auXVIIIe siecle: Actes des colloques tenus en 1983-1985 à la SorbonneNouvelle, Centre d'Etudes Anglaises duXVIIIe. Ed. Paul Gabriel Bouce andSuzy Halimi. Paris: Pubs. de la Sorbonne, 1986. 111-117.

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Keener, Frederick M. The Chain of Becoming: The Philosophical Tale, theNovel, and a Neglected Realism of the Enlightenment: Swift, Montesquieu,Voltaire, Johnson, and Austen. New York: Columbia UP, 1983.

Klein, J.T. "Satirists and South-Sea Baubles in the Age of Hope and GoldenMountains." Southern Review 14.2 (1981): 143-154.

Knight, Charles A. "The Images of Nations in Eighteenth-Century Satire."Eighteenth Century Studies 22.4 (1989): 489-511.

Kropf, Carl R., ed. Reader Entrapment in Eighteenth Century Literature. New York: AMS, 1992. [three essays on Swift]

————— and Thomas B. Gilmore, Jr. "Editors'Comment (on Spec. Issue,‘Modes of Augustan Satire’)." Studies in the Literary Imagination 5.2 (1972): v-vii.

—————. "Libel and Satire in the Eighteenth Century." Eighteenth CenturyStudies 8 (1974-75): 153-68. Rpt. in: Die englische Satire. Ed. WolfgangWeiss. Darmstadt: WB, 1982. 334-351.

Kupersmith, William and W.B. Carnochan. "Juvenal as Sublime Satirist (AnExchange)." PMLA 87 (1972): 508-11, 1125-26.

Lockwood, Thomas. "The Augustan Author-Audience Relationship: Satiricvs. Comic Forms." English Literary History 36 (1969): 648-58.

—————. "On the Relationship of Satire and Poetry after Pope." Studies in English Literature 14 (1974): 387-402.

Macey, Samuel. "Theatrical Satire: A Protest from the Stage Against PoorTaste in Theatrical Entertainment." The Varied Pattern: Studies in theEighteenth Century. Ed. Peter Hughes and David Williams. Toronto: A.M.Hakkert, 1971. 121-29.

Mackinnon, A. H. "The Augustan Intellectual and the Ignoble Savage:Houyhnhym versus Hottentot." Essays on English and American Literature. Ed. J. Bakker. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1987. 55-63.

McGeary, Thomas. "Opera, Satire and Politics in the Walpole Era." The Pastas Prologue: Essays to Celebrate the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of ASECS.Ed. Carla H. Hay and Sydny M. New York: AMS, 1995. 347-71.

Mydlarski, Henri and David Oakleaf, eds. Lumen XII: Selected Proceedingsfrom the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies/Travaux choisisde la Societe Canadienne d’Etude du Dix-huitieme Siecle. Edmonton:Academic, 1993. [one article about Swift’s "Discourse of Racialism."]

Nichol, Donald W. and Margarete Smith, eds. Lumen XIII: SelectedProceedings from the Canadian Society forEighteenth-CenturyStudies/Travaux choisis de la Societe Canadienned’Etude du Dix-huitieme Siecle. Edmonton: Academic, 1994. [one articleabout Swift’s "Very Knowing American."]

—————. Writing & the Rise of Finance: Capital Satires of the EarlyEighteenth Century. Cambridge: CUP, 1994.

Nussbaum, Felicity A. The Brink of All We Hate: English Satires on Women,1660-1750. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1984.

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————— and Laura Brown, eds. The New Eighteenth Century: Theory,Politics, English Literature. New York: Methuen, 1987.

O'Neill, John H. "The Experience of Error: Ironic Entrapment in AugustanNarrative Satire." Papers on Language and Literature 18.3 (1982): 278-90.

Olive, Barbara. "Woman Satirists of the Eighteenth Century: Towards a NewAesthetic." Proceedings of the First Dakotas Conference on Earlier BritishLiterature. Ed. Jay Ruud. Aberdeen, SD: Northern State UP, 1993. 95-106.

Peters, Jan Eden and Thomas Michael Stein, eds. Scholastic Midwifery:Studien zum Satirischen in der englischen Literatur 1600-1800. Tübingen:Narr, 1989. [one article about Swift’s "Meditation on a Broomstick".]

Pinkus, Philip. "The New Satire in Augustan England." University of TorontoQuarterly 38 (1969): 136-158.

Rawson, Claude and Kernan Alvin, eds. English Satire and the SatiricTradition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1984.

—————. Satire and Sentiment. Cambridge: CUP, 1994.

Rivero, Albert J., ed. Augustan Subjects: Essaysin Honor of Martin C.Battestin. Newark, DE: U of Delaware P, 1997.

Samson, Grant. "Satire and the Authority of History." Enlightenment Essays 9 (1978): 3-20.

Scanlan, J. T. "The End of the Battle of the Books." Eighteenth Century:Theory and Interpretation 38.1 (1997): 88-96.

Schmidt, Johann N. "Die Politik der Satire." Of Private Vices and PublickBenefits: Beiträge zur englischen Literatur des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Johann N. Schmidt. Frankfurt: Lang, 1979. 35-61.

Seidel, Michael. "Satire and Metaphoric Collapse: The Bottom of theSublime." Satire in the 18th Century. Ed. John Dudley Browning and RichardMorton. 116-123.

Selby, Hopewell. "'Never Finding Full Repast': Satire and Self-Extension inthe Early Eighteenth Century." Probability, Time, and Space inEighteenth-Century Literature. Ed. Paula R. Backschneider. New York: AMS,1979. 217-47.

Spacks, Patricia Meyer. "Forgotten Genres." Modern Language Studies 18.1 (1988): 47-57.

Strasburg, Richard. "The Sensational Mode: A Sociology of Dulness inEnglish Augustan Satire." Dissertation Abstracts International 35 (1975):4458A.

Sutherland, W.O.S., Jr. The Art of the Satirist: Essays on the Satire ofAugustan England. Austin, TX: Humanities Research Center, 1968.

Terry, Richard. "'Ill Effects from Good': The Rhetoric of Augustan Mockery(with Illustrations from Pope and Fielding)." British Journal for EighteenthCentury Studies 17.2 (1994): 125-37.

Trickett, Rachel. "The Heroides and the English Augustans." Ovid Renewed:

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Ovidian Influences on Literature and Art from the MiddleAges to theTwentieth Century. Ed. Charles Martindale. Cambridge: CUP, 1988.

Uphaus, Robert W. "Satire, Verification, and The Fable of the Bees." Papers on Language and Literature 12 (1976): 142-49.

Viner, Jacob. "Satire and Economics in the Augustan Age of Satire." The Augustan Milieu: Essays Presented to Louis A. Landa. Ed. Henry K. Miller etal. Oxford: Clarendon, 1970. 77-101.

Weinbrot, Howard D. The Formal Strain: Studies in Augustan Imitation andSatire. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1969.

—————. "On the Discrimination of Augustan Satires." Proceedings of theModern Language Association Neoclassicism Conferences 1967-1968. Ed.Paul J. Korshin. New York: AMS P, 1970. 5-12.

—————. "History, Horace, and Augustus Caesar: Some Implications forEighteenth-Century Satire." Eighteenth Century Studies 7 (1974): 391-414.

Weiss, Wolfgang, ed. Die englische Satire. Darmstadt: WB, 1982.

Wilson, Penelope. "Feminism and the Augustans: Some Readings andProblems." Critical Quarterly 28.1-2 (1986): 80-92.

Wood, Allen G. Literary Satire and Theory: A Study of Horace, Boileau, andPope. New York: Garland, 1985.

Zimmermann, Hans Joachim. "Simia Laureatus: Lord Rochester Crowning aMonkey." Functions of Literature: Essays Presented to Erwin Wolff on HisSixtieth Birthday. Ed. Ulrich Broich et al. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1984.147-172.

Zwicker, Steven N., ed. English Literature 1650-1740. Cambridge: CUP,1998.

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3. Alexander Pope

Alderson, Simon. "Alexander Pope and the Nature of Language." Review of English Studies 47.185 (1996): 23-4.

Allison, Katherine Rae. "Pope's Epistolary Art: Experiments in AncientModes." Dissertation Abstracts International 57.1 (1996): 226-27.

Atkins, G. Douglas. "Pope's Poetry and the Reader's Responsibilities."College Literature 9.2 (1982): 83-96.

—————. "'Who Shall Decide?': The Economy of Truth in Pope's Epistle to Bathurst." The Eighteenth Century 24.1 (1983): 65-78.

—————. Quests of Difference: Reading Pope’s Poems. Lexington: UP ofKentucky, 1986.

Aubrey, James R. "Timon's Villa: Pope's Composite Picture." Studies in Philology 80.3 (1983): 325-48.

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Aubrey, Karen Leigh. "'Puzzling Contraries Confoundthe Whole': AlexanderPope's Moral Epistles." Dissertation Abstracts International 52.3 (1991):924A.

Ayres, Philip. "Pope's Epistle to Burlington: The Vitruvian Analogies." Studies in English Literature 30.2 (1990): 429-44.

Bailey, Vicki Sapp. "Pope and Antithesis: 'Law andWar with Words.'" Studies in English Literature 27.3 (1987): 437-54.

Baines, Paul. "'Ward in Pillory': Alexander Pope and the Case of Forgery."Literature and History 12.2 (1986): 195-214.

Barfoot, C.C. and Theo D’haen, eds. Centennial Hauntings: Pope, Byron andEliot in the Year 88. Atlanta: Rodopi, 1990.

Bellanca, Mary Ellen. "Alien Voices, Ancient Echoes: Bakhtin, Dialogism,and Pope's Essay on Criticism." Papers on Language and Literature 30.1 (1994): 57-72.

Bevis, Richard. "Eternal Snows: Pope's Temple of Fame and the 'Aestheticsof the Infinite.'" Eighteenth Century Life 10.3 (1986): 44-58.

Bloom, Harold, ed. Alexander Pope. New York: Chelsea, 1985.

—————, ed. Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock. New York:Chelsea, 1988.

Bogel, Fredric V. "Dulness Unbound: Rhetoric and Pope's Dunciad." PMLA 97.5 (1982): 844-55.

Bogue, Ronald L. "'Nature to Advantage drest': Pope and the Improvement ofNature." Essays in Literature 10.2 (1983): 169-81.

Boire, Gary A. "An Arrant Ramp and a Tomrigg: Pope's Belinda." English Studies in Canada 8.1 (1982): 9-22.

Bowden, Tom. "Postmodern Pope: The Rape of the Lock; Or, Have a Nice Day." New Orleans Review 15.4 (1988): 60-67.

Breinig, Helmbrecht. "Pope, Eloisa und die Theorie der Bedeutung: Poetry ofStatement kontra 'the (Un)creating Word.'" Wirklichkeit und Dichtung: Studienzur englischen und amerikanischen Literatur. Ed. Ulrich Halfmann et al.Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1984. 57-73.

Brooks-Davies, Douglas. Pope's Dunciad and the Queen of Night: A Study inEmotional Jacobitism. Manchester UP, 1985.

Canfield, Douglas. "The Fate of the Fall in Pope's Essay on Man." The Eighteenth Century 23.3 (1982): 134-50.

Claridge, Laura. "Pope’s Rape of Excess." Perspectives on Pornography:Sexuality in Film and Literature. Ed. Gary Day and Clive Bloom. New York:St. Martin’s, 1988.

Clark, John R. "Pope's 'Epilogue to the Satires,' Dialogue 1, 155-158."Explicator 50.3 (1992): 144-46.

Crider, Richard. "Pope's The Rape of the Lock." Explicator 49.2 (1991):

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Corse, Taylor. "Heaven's 'Last Best Work': Pope's 'Epistle to a Lady.'" Studies in English Literature 27.3 (1987): 413-25.

—————. "Force and Fraud in The Rape of the Lock." PhilologicalQuarterly 66.3 (1987): 355-65.

Cummings, Robert. "Addison's 'inexpressible chagrin' and Pope's Poem onthe Peace." Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988):143-58.

Cutting Gray, Joanne and Swearingen, James E. "System, the Divided Mind,and the Essay on Man." Studies in English Literature 32.3 (1992): 479-94.

Damrosch, Leopold, Jr. The Imaginative World of Alexander Pope. Berkeley: U of California P, 1987.

—————. "Pope's Epics: What Happened to Narrative?" The EighteenthCentury 29.2 (1988): 189-207.

Deutsch, Helen. "The 'Truest Copies' and the 'Mean Original': Pope,Deformity, and the Poetics of Self-Exposure." Eighteenth Century Studies27.1 (1993): 1-26.

—————. Resemblance and Disgrace: Alexander Pope and theDeformation of Culture. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1996.

Doherty, Francis. "Rape of the Lock: Stretching the Limits of Allusion." Anglia 111.3-4 (1993): 355-72.

Donaldson, Ian. "Concealing and Revealing: Pope's 'Epistle to DrArbuthnot.'" Yearbook of English Studies 18 (1988): 181-99.

Draesner, Ulrike. "'Truth angular and splintered': Die Subversion der Rede inder Reflexion uber den Menschen - Bemerkungen zu Alexander PopesEssay on Man." Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 42.3 (1992):275-303.

Drodge, Susan. "The Sexual Politics of the Eye: Women in Pope's Poetry."Selected Proceedings from the Can. Society for Eighteenth-CenturyStudies/Travaux choisis de la Societe Canadienned'Etude du Dix-huitiemeSiecle. Ed. Donald W. Nichol and Margarete Smith.Edmonton: Academic, 1994. 79-85.

Engell, James. "Wealth and Words: Pope's 'Epistle to Bathurst.'" Modern Philology 85.4 (1988): 433-46.

Erskine-Hill, Howard. "Alexander Pope: The Political Poet in His Time."Eighteenth Century Studies 15.2 (1981-82): 123-48.

Erwin, Timothy. "Alexander Pope and the Disappearance of the Beautiful."So Rich a Tapestry: The Sister Arts and Cultural Studies. Ed. Ann Hurley and Kate Greenspan. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 1995. 88-115.

Fabricant, Carole. "Pope's Moral, Political, and Cultural Combat." The Eighteenth Century 29.2 (1988): 165-87.

Fairer, David. Pope’s Imagination. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1984.

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—————, ed. Pope: New Contexts. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf,1990.

Ferguson, Rebecca. The Unbalanced Mind: Pope and the Rule of Passion. Philadelphia: U of Philadelphia P, 1986.

—————. "'Quick as Her Eyes, and as Unfix'das Those’: Objectification andSeeing in Pope's Rape of the Lock." Critical Survey 4.2 (1992): 140-46.

Ferguson, Ian. "Pope’s Mummy and His Crocodile." Unisa English Studies33.1 (1995): 19-25.

Ferraro, Julian. "The Satirist, the Text and 'TheWorld Beside': Pope's FirstSatire of the Second Book of Horace Imitated." Translation and Literature 2 (1993): 37-63.

Ferraro, Julian. "Taste and Use: Pope's Epistle to Burlington." British Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies 19.2 (1996): 141-59.

Forster, Antonia. "Mr. Pope’s Maxims." The Age of Johnson 2 (1989): 65-89.

Fox, Christopher. "Pope, Perhaps, and Sextus: Skeptical Modes in MoralEssay I." English Language Notes 29.2 (1991): 37-48.

Francus, Marilyn. "An Augustan's Metaphysical Poem: Pope's Eloisa toAbelard." Studies in Philology 87.4 (1990): 476-91.

Franssen, Paul. "Pope's Janus-Faced Imagery." Dutch Quarterly Review ofAnglo-American Letters 20.1 (1990): 19-36.

Gertmenian, Meg. "Strangeness and Temper: Pope in the Act of Judgment."Studies in English Literature 22.3 (1982): 491-504.

Gobin, Charles Edward. "'Here One Poor Word an Hundred ClenchesMakes': Alexander Pope, the Dunciad, and Menippean Satire." DissertationAbstracts International 56.11 (1996): 4406A.

Griffin, Robert. "Pope, the Prophets, and The Dunciad." Studies in English Literature 23.3 (1983): 435-46.

Gross, David S. "'The Conqu'ring Force of Unresisted Steel': Pope andPower in The Rape of the Lock." New Orleans Review 15.4 (1988): 23-30.

Hahn, H. George. "Broadsides on the Thames: The Social Context of The Rape of the Lock, II, 47-52." Anglia 104.1-2 (1986): 118-21.

Hammond, Brean S. "Scriblerian Self-Fashioning." Yearbook of EnglishStudies 18 (1988): 108-24.

—————. Pope. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities, 1986.

Hariharan, V. "The Seeing Eye: A View of the Structure of 'An Epistle to Dr.Arbuthnot." Journal of English Studies 2 (1979): 41-47.

Hinds, Elizabeth. "Pope and Propp: Narrative Tricks in The Rape of the Lock." New Orleans Review 15.4 (1988): 8-16.

Hoerner, Fred. "The Apocalypse of Privilege: Pope's Misrepresentation ofRichard Bentley in The Dunciad." University of Mississippi Studies in English

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11-12 (1993-95): 11-12, 424-37.

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Byrd, Max. "Sterne and Swift: Augustan Continuities." Johnson and His Age. Ed. James Engell. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1984. 509-30.

Carnochan, W. B. "Swift, Locke, and the Tale." Swift Studies 1 (1986): 55-56.

Carretta, Vincent. "The Satirists Swift and Pope Reassessed." Review 9 (1987): 295-300.

Daniel, Clay. "Pope, Milton, and Dunces." University of Dayton Review 23.2 (1995): 75-86.

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De Quehen, A. H. "Lucretius and Swift's Tale of aTub." University of Toronto Quarterly 63.2 (1993): 287-307.

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Falzarano, James V. "Adam in Houyhnhnmland: The Presence of Paradise Lost." Milton Studies 21 (1985): 179-97.

Fletcher, John. "Humour and Irony in Swift and Voltaire." Forum 17.1 (1979):27-33.

Flynn, Carol Houlihan. The Body in Swift and Defoe. Cambridge: CUP, 1990.

Francus, Marilyn. "The Monstrous Mother: Reproductive Anxiety in Swift andPope." English Literary History 61.4 (1994): 829-51.

Foster, Gretchen M. Pope versus Dryden: A Controversy in Letters to The Gentleman's Magazine, 1789-1791. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria,1989.

Fuchs, Jacob. "Ovid and Swift: Cadenus and Vanessa." Classical andModern Literature 17.3 (1997): 191-205.

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Grove, Robin. "Pope's Shaping Powers." The Critical Review 34 (1994): 22-32.

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Kupersmith, William. "Swift and 'Harley, the Nation's GreatSupport': Horace,Epistle VII, Book I: Imitated and Addressed to the Earl of Oxford." Swift Studies 1 (1986): 39-45.

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LaPrevotte, Guy. "Contraintes et libertes dans l'imitation: L'Exemple desimitations d'Horace d'Alexander Pope." Recherches Anglaises et NordAmericaines 20 (1987): 163-74.

Leddy, Annette. "Borges and Swift: Dystopian Reflections." ComparativeLiterature Studies 27.2 (1990): 113-23.

Leissner, Debra. "Pope, Petrarch, and Shakespeare: RenaissanceInfluences in Eloisa to Abelard." Philological Quarterly 74.2 (1995): 173-87.

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Morillo, John. "Seditious Anger: Achilles, James Stuart, and Jacobite Politicsin Pope's Iliad Translation." Eighteenth Century Life 19.2 (1995): 38-58.

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