ear diseases

EAR DISEASES David Gravano Maria Paula Guzman Health La Salle School

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Page 1: Ear diseases

EAR DISEASESDavid Gravano Maria Paula Guzman


La Salle School

Page 2: Ear diseases

Index• Acustic neuroma …………………. Pag

2 Causes, treatment and prevention… Pag 3• Autoinmune inner ear disease …... Pag 4

Causes, treatment and prevention …Pag 5• Mastoiditis ……………………… Pag 6 Causes, tratment and prevention…. Pag 7• Otosclerosis …………………….. Pag 8• Causes, tratment and prevention… Pag 9• Perichondritis …………………. Pag 10 Causes, tratment and prevention … Pag 11


Page 3: Ear diseases

Acustic Nuroma

An acoustic neuroma, also called a vestibular schwannoma, is a rare benign tumor of the balance and hearing nerves. 95% of acoustic neuroma (AN) are unilateral (occur on one side).Acoustic neuromas do not metastasize (spread) to other parts of the brain or body.According to oxfordjournals.org, It is estimated that the instances of acoustic neuroma are 3.5 in every 100,000 and more than 5,000 diagnosed annually in the US, accounting for approximately 7.5% of brain tumors.AN’s are usually slow growing; however, growth rates do vary.Initial symptoms include single-sided hearing loss, balance disturbances or vertigo, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness in the earIf an acoustic tumor becomes large it may push on the surface of the brainstem but not really grow into brain tissue


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What cause an acustic neuroma ?form and a form associated with a syndrome called neurofibromatosis type II (NF2). NF2 is an inherited disorder characterized by the growth of noncancerous tumors in the nervous system. Acoustic neuromas are the most common of these tumors and often occur in both ears by age 30.NF2 is a rare disorder. It accounts for only 5% of acoustic neuromas. This means the vast majority are the sporadic form. Doctors aren't certain what causes the sporadic form

How to prevent ?

There are one main course of prevention for acoustic neuroma:

the observation is also called watchful waiting. Because acoustic neuromas are not cancerous and grow slowly, immediate treatment may not be necessary


Stereotactic radiosurgery

Surgical removal


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autoimmune inner ear disease

• Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED) is a syndrome of progressive hearing loss and/or dizziness that is caused by antibodies or immune cells which are attacking the inner ear. In most cases, there is reduction of hearing accompanied by tinnitus (ringing, hissing, roaring) which occurs over a few months. Variants are bilateral attacks of hearing loss and tinnitus that resemble Meniere’s disease, and attacks of dizziness accompanied by abnormal blood tests for antibodies. About 50% of patients with AIED have symptoms related to balance (dizziness or unsteadiness).

• The immune system is complex and there are several ways that it can damage the inner ear. Both allergy and traditional autoimmune disease such as ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjoegren’s syndrome (dry eye syndrome), Cogan’s disease, ulcerative colitis, Wegener’s granulomatosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and psoriatic arthritis (Srikumar et al 2004) can cause or be associated with AIED. Another multisystem disease, Bechet’s, commonly has audiovestibular problems..


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How to prevent ?This disease can not be prevented yet.

TreatmentThis disease don’t have treatment yet

What cause AIED ?The cause of AIED is generally assumed to be related to either antibodies or immune cells that cause damage to the inner ear. There are several theories as to how these might arise, analogously to other autoimmune disorders:


Page 7: Ear diseases


The mastoiditis is an infection develops in your middle ear that blocks your Eustachian tube, it may subsequently lead to an infection in the mastoid bone. This serious infection is known as mastoid bone infection of the skull, or mastoiditis. The symptoms are: fever, irritability, and lethargy.


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• What Causes Mastoiditis?The most common cause of mastoiditis is a middle ear infection that has been left untreated. It can spread to the inner ear, invading the sacs of the mastoid bone, without treatment. This can cause the mastoid bone to begin to disintegrate.• How to Prevent ?You can prevent mastoiditis by effectively treating all ear infections. Seek prompt medical attention and follow your doctor’s advice if you develop an ear infection. This may include taking oral antibiotics for seven to 10 days.• Treatment Chronic mastoiditis is treated with oral antibiotics, eardrops, and regular ear cleanings by a doctor.


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otosclerosisOtosclerosis is a term derived from oto, meaning “of the ear,” and sclerosis, meaning “abnormal hardening of body tissue.” The symptoms are radual hearing loss is the most frequent symptom of otosclerosis. Often, individuals with otosclerosis will first notice that they cannot hear low-pitched sounds or whispers. Other symptoms of the disorder can include dizziness, balance problems, or a sensation of ringing, roaring, buzzing, or hissing in the ears or head known as tinnitus.


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• What causes otosclerosis?Otosclerosis is most often caused when one of the bones in the middle ear, the stapes, becomes stuck in place. When this bone is unable to vibrate, sound is unable to travel through the ear and hearing becomes impaired why this happens is still unclear, but scientists think it could be related to a previous measles infection, stress fractures to the bony tissue surrounding the inner ear, or immune disorders. Otosclerosis also tends to run in families.• PreventionOtosclerosis cannot be prevented; the genetic link to developing otosclerosis means that people are susceptible to developing this disease based on their family history. But some people says that drinking fluoridated water may help prevent otosclerosis in people who are susceptible. TreatmentCurrently, there is no effective drug treatment for otosclerosis, although there is hope that continued bone-remodeling research could identify potential new therapies


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PerichondritisPerichondritis is an infection of the skin and tissue surrounding the cartilage of the outer ear, the symptoms are: A painful, red ear is the most common symptom. At first, the infection will look like a skin infection, but it quickly worsens and involves the perichondrium, the redness usually surrounds an area of injury, such as a cut or scrape. There may also be fever. In more severe cases, fluid will drain from the wound



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What cause Perichondritis ?The most common type of bacteria that causes perichondritis infection is Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Perichondritis is usually caused by an injury to the ear due to: ear surgery, ear piercing and contact sportsHow to prevent ?The best way to prevent this infection is to avoid piercing your ear through the cartilage (as opposed to the ear lobe).Treatment Treatment consists of antibiotics, either by mouth or directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous line (IV).