e030 human relation. architect asaf mayer

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  • RealityThe perception of our physical dimensions in relation to the enveloping surrounds is essential for our sense of reality. A reflexive consciousness guides our way through space, enabling us to move and conduct ourselves. Reality has a fixed scale and doesn't change its dimensions instantaneously. The door we passed through would not shrink overnight, we would still be able to pass through it tomorrow.

    ModelThe function of the model is to simplify reality into a miniaturized version that can be assembled and placed on the work table. For the architect, the model is a small imaginary world. An architectural tool for exploration, formation and visualization in a virtual reality made of cardboard. In relation to the model, the human is a giant, an overshadowing omnipotent manipulator.

    Twilight topography When contracting the reality into a hand held object, the perception of human scale in relation to the space that the model depicts becomes blurred into a vertigo of scale. We need a reference point, an element of familiar dimensions - a miniaturized version of ourselves through which we can pace in the world we have made. The absence of a reference point reveals an interstitial space between the unset reality of the model and the reality as we experience it - a Twilight topography that shifts scales in accordance with human relation.

    Human RelationThe twilight topography of scale

    The exhibition transforms the gallery into an architectural model and an architectural space simultaneously. Using the materials that make the floor - osb boards, an installation of wall to wall topographic model produces two scale situations, with the trees as reference points. The visitor is led through a trail not only in the physical realm, but also in the relative realm. The shift of scale between the visitor and the trees produces a sort of shrinking and enlarging machine. As the gallery is transformed from a place that exhibits objects into an object itself, so is the visitor transformed into an integral element of the exhibition.

    What happens when the creation overthrows the architect and the miniaturized reality becomes real?

    When the architect gets sucked into the model and transforms into a plastic figurine - A human for scale?

  • 2011 29 2011 13

    21 www.zearchitecture.com

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    MPA ,

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    ZEZEZE Architecture Gallery 13th January 2010 29th January 2011Hangar 21, Tel-Aviv Harborwww.zearchitecture.comOpening hours: M-Th 10-19, F 9-16, Sa 10-19, Su closed

    ZE ExhibitionHuman Relation - The Twilight Topography of Scale

    ZE Special ThanksAvi Yair

    ZE TopographyDiego Prilusky, MPA

    ZE Millwork and ConstructionRani Pundak

    ZE ConsultingArchitect Avi Mayer

    ZE Installation CrewLena Manin, Yael Nissim, Moran Avital, Tom Shaked, Ortal Ben-Zur, Meital Harari, Dori Sadan, Guy Timor, Yaron Etzion,Oded Ginsburg, Efrat Schwimmer, Omer Gura, Arkadi & Sami

    ZE Graphic DesignAdi Hendel Glaser

    ZE Plot PrintAviram Arta Graph

    ZE Catalogue Print Holography // Moti Even-Chen

    ZE Photography - Construction ProcessNadav Lasser

    ZE Photography - Cataloguewww.kfirziv.com

    ZE LightingAvner Mayer

    ZE Exhibition ProductionNoga & Nadav Lasser

    ZE ThanksAvigdor Petel

    Architect Asaf Mayer (Tel Aviv, 1975) is a graduate of the Architectural Association in London. Following his studies, he collaborated with instal-lation artists in London, and did architectural work in Greece. Since 2007, he is a project architect at Mayer Architects and Town Planners, and a partner at MPA Multi-Disciplinary Studio.


  • HUMAN RELATIONt h e t w i l i g h t t o p o g r a p h y o f s c a l e

    Asaf Mayer Architect