[e towm schools to open on september 8 harry f....

AIIOIIMD iHan [E TOWM ^VITH M. V. D. VOL. 2. NO. 14. the hvbudityi it not keot Iwhot the (Olka all say tired of beoiiag It >n timea a day. enoiich for yoa, they aak It oer and oer red and wiah them dead hrowndedin their fore. V. H. Tibbetts Outlines Plans For The Term A Fluent Speaker III Wind O06S went to the ,St Bazaar on Monday eve-1 obert did NOT go to the I And has Robert had cause It that fact I Not that he| fnjoy the Bazaar. He did. $450 worth. And IP he I gone to the bazaarand { lad gone to the Playhouse- lid have been $460 richer ^day morning. But its an etc. for EP Robert had I the Playhouse, then Toni nbo.ssll would not have won Sets Dates For The Reg- istration Of New Pupils ADDITIONS MADE TO FACULTY LIST 11 New Teachers En- gaged; Calendar For Year Announced A Popular Booth ^peaking of the Bazaar, the entlon of quarts of Calvert I bp given away last night veritable stampede among of the fourth estate pres- e ensuing rush had the embllng on its foundations, hough ithe Fourth Estaters |t so lucky themselves, their were. And after all, the bt thing to wlpnlng a quart p ts yourself Is having sonie- ] win It who Immediately of- a drink. (Very good Cal- vas, too). Bill (North Shore Reilly, was a bit appre- [when his Boss took a hand dart game and managed to l$2 bulls-eye. The Munhasaet public schools will open for the Fall term on September 8, according to announcement made this week by Vinal H. Tibbettls, Superintendent of Schools. The principalsof- fices in each of the build- ings will be open from ^9 a. m, to 4 p. m. on September 4 for registration of new pu- pils. Kindergarten, pre-pri- __ j e;_i- _-1 - -- Schools To open On September 8 M. W. Littleton To Preside At GOP Gathering mary and first grade pupils'NasBftu Attorney To Give It'l'alk! I has Just reached us of a hing expedition on which Moore embarked. As far n find out, the skipper e thought a lobster pot to make a left turn, In- vhich it atayedf put, as ols^&rejipt to dei TBeTe- "■ on 'rwther dtaanoviliedf business. Eknmett, how- n't talk.are required to bring birth j certificates. The elementary grade classes will start at 9 a. m.; the Junior- senior olasses at 8;40 a. m.: the kindergarten In the Plandome Road school will meet between 9 a. m. 11:30 a. m.; the pre-primary school group. In the Valley School between the hours of 9 a. m. and 11:30 a. m. The school buses will operate as usual for ;the morning groups to ^ool andfor afternoon groups from school and to such extent is possible during the luncheon -mw ia# "t»faniom( the subject of fish-| IduIs (Rhoda Sportswear)) Oscar (Gladys Shop) In and Simon Wilchyk, went I Ion Sunday. No fish! Theyre |lhe weather as an alibi, ndy! At least thats their | tin't No Santa Claus bing no end is the naivete |Democratic members of the Estate wlio. hasten to re- edlborlally of the won- lorks of the 'WP'A and other |Ueal agencies. They wrltel vlng terms., of ..the ..new roads, post offl(»s, sewers. itti Ail muffltllfi hv 1 former In the High ToriAf>iVclHr rtf <m/\H I OLiiUvai fer-faillng generosity of good pie Sam, who Is ever willing Into help the taxpayer species. They blandly Ignorej Miss Oalalda comes to Manhasset that when Uncle Sam 1 In his pocket for this ng inbusiness, that hes Inyoiff nvoney and Its the taxpayer who pays aysand then pays some J After all, there aint no Iciaus. No matter how hard Vleman in the "White House I to prove to the contrary. P. Schuyler Van Bloem of *l*ek Estates has free Junior Ifor the meps, womens and H Jennls eh«ak||ioMahlps to led at the West Side Tennis Forest Hills on Septem- |t and 5. They may be ob- |by applying to her at 7 JOak *1 Be Wrong an't imagine anyone think- furs, far lees buying them, [sort of weather weve been this month. But we must pug. for along comes the ^eck Pur Shop wRh an an- uent of removal to Wger utude necessary by in- buslnem. 'nve stwe U now ■shop formerly occupied by ^ Peels. up of Great Neck samke- el Tonowanda. N. V. attending the New Vork I Volunteer flrmpene Coii- In the party are Chief GUUar of iho VigUanU. 4a^ OVonrko md ^^*7 Of Om VigUanU and ^Uos s- if iha ICK ntOM VACATION l*» Wotae «f of the gth prednet') Nas. toty poUoo, returned (m hom a three w*Uu' May at.. ^~1T-Y. irkh f«muy. jttm mmaOM.' attstf Neck, mitmai in dbaige ttvm of thg gth ptaamet. Bamlts aln. haak vacattei ak i5|| Road . school will continue to serve lunches at minimum prices between the hours of 11:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. Additions To Faculty The faculty roster for the com- ing year reveals the names of 11 new teachers, two in the child guidance department: one in the social studies department: a High School librarian: one in the Junior High School: one In 'the fine arts department of the Junior High school: a science teacher: French teacher: a teacher In the Valley school: a teacher In the elemen- tary-primary group and a new Grade one teacher. Miss Rose Oalalda and Miss Marlon Re^senweber have l^n engaged for toe child guidance de- Keynote Speech At Albany Convention Martin W. Uttleton, district atitomey of Nassau has been named temporary chairman of toe Republican State convention, to be held' in Aftany on September 28 and 28, and wUl deliver the keynote 'speech?. Plans of party leaders 'indiohte toat toe county will play an important part irt the conventlua. s choice is seen by hour, Mr. T«d»etU swnialnert . day, ' . iM dnieeued to be one of toe partya iteuelopwsttt,.«i«k--jSbaaU.' Ntckl .lasUfifc,.JLiartn R. Browner in mentary department. V- Have Good Records with "superior training and wealth of exprelence, to quote (Continued on page 8) To Present Comedy At Roslyn Theatre Fly Away HomeBilled For Week Of August 24 At The Four Seasons For the week beginning August 24. Charles Hopkins will present at his 'Theatre of the Four Sea- sons in Roslyn, toe enormously funny play, Fly Away Homeby Dorothy Bennett and Irving White, which ran for a full season on Broadway two years ago. Fly Away Homeis decrlbed as a genuinely entertaining piece of foolishness that sparkles with comedy sHuations and with an underlying.lesson about toe present wave of Juvenile sophlsticatlmi which cannot help but please toe older folks and eaert a generally healthy interest and suspence from beginning to end. Byron McGrath,' Katherine Mutphy, Oonstanoe F- Rankin *nd Berry wUl play the leading 'roldi aibout a pack of too wise ehlltfrin'' and their hitherto estrugMl father. The youngsters will be played by Ann Hopkins, IS year old daughter of Charles Hopkjns; Idberty and Mnily £Mck,. Julia Uatbrop, daughter of tba dlstlng- (iilMtod pqwhlatrlst Or. A4oU Meyer, gv^ March, well know* motion picture actress who has suppested auch..stAni8t_V^«kte Hepbitrn and Claudetto Oolbert; OKiy Kingsley, James t^y. Wkltet Kapp and ipuilce Vbi^t. '' ' most fluent speakers and his calm and delt)erate delivery is expected to put. toe convention delegates In a proper frame of mind for the selection of their standard-bearer. 'The three leading candidates for the Gubernatorial cnoice are Senator George R. Fearon, who received an ovation in Nassau some weeks ago when he appeared at a meeting of toe county com- mute: Mayor Rolland B. Marvin of Syracuse, wl)o was an aspirant two' years ago and Supreme Court Justice William F. Blakeley ot Westchester. J. P.,Day, Auctioneer, Sells Weybridge Lots Bales of more than 60 lots In- known as Weybrldge, were report- ed toils week by Joseph P. Day, auctioneer, as the result of' an auction held on the property on Saturday. I. G. Wolf. Great Neck real estate broker,. acting for a Flush- ing builder, bought a group of 42 lots on Bellingham i,ane and Brompton Dane for $16,0UV. A block front consisting of 10 lots on Fair- view Avenue also was taken by Mr. Wtolf. Other purchasers were L. S. Berger, who bought three lots at $400 each on Helmsley Lane' as a home site Gerald Richards, five lots on "Wlntbleton Jjuie and Walter Burpe, Road. ^ Is Injuredjll. S, McKn^t InTankBlast^ Cramplon For Campaign Employe Of Great Nedt^Seim Need To Acquaint Firm Taken To Glen Cove Hospital VOLUNTEER VAMP* ha"^ nose brokers Joseph Hauser, Membiiar Of Alerts, Struck By Hose OFFICES OPENED AT COUNTY SEAT ^ill Provide Literature, Speakeps For Or- {^ai^ltotiona Andrew Marcowlci, 37 years (Mj age. of 30 North Roard, orejt Neek an employe of crampton Brothers. | ■t tors, was badly Injured early oi$ Monday morning in an explosion in an asphalt storage tank on the property of the concern on East Shore Road, Great Neck. H* was taken to the North Country Community Hospital in a serious condition, suffering from second degree burns of the arms apd face and a fractured left wrist, t Joseph Hauser of 5 Beach Road, Great Neck, a member of toe Alert Fire Department, also was injured while helping to extinguish the blaze which followed the explosion. He was struck by a hose line and his nose broken. After treatment at the scene by Dr. I>avld 0. Byrne of Great Neck he was allowed to go to his home. Cause Unknown According to police report, toe steel tank, located In a one-story sheet metal building, was being used to heat a mixture of asphalt and naptha, to be used as a road spray. The cause of the explosion Outlines Plans Voters With Provis- ions 'Of Act ' H. Stewart klcBSiSRl Ornt Neck Estates, former county attor- hey of Nassau, has been named well-known North Shore contraoj^halrman. of a special apeokersommittee of the Nassau -Govem- ental Revision Commission, It announced this week, as the rst step In a campaign planned acquaint voters with the provU ilohs of the proposed new county hatter to be voted on at the No- einber election. - Headquarters have been opened In Room 312 of the Home Title Building In Mineola. A member Of toe committee will be present every day to furnish Information ■and answer questions. In announcing his plans, Mr. MoMInight said: "We will have Uierature, copies of the charter and summaries of the charter available for distribution, we are canvassing local organisations In all Nassau communities, seeking their co-operation In bringing the. churtar to the attention of the Voters before the election. We have a list of speakers who will be available for local meetings by Beptember l, to explain toe char- Harry F. Guggenhc Heads Advisory Boal Of GOP Campaign tin wai Work Together tFormer AmlMnMMUr Caba Win Take Part iir Fight AgaiBatf^ The Adminiatraliiin m;reat honor* sat ' CHAIRMAN DOWSET HARRY F. GUGGENHEIM JAMES t. DOWBEY Long Island Women To Work For Defeat Of The New Deal tika not yat ttaen deternstneR, .ajs jDtand to eonduot aft la> though It is believed to have been toe result of excessive pressure caused by heat. Marcowiz had climbed a 20-foot ladder to toe top of the tank U- investlgate the reason for smoke coming from the tank cover, when the explosion occurred, hurling a (Continued on page 8) Overtime Parking Costs Them Money Motorists Forget Ordinsmee; Justice Collects Fine^ Motorists who failed to observe parking regulations . Ih Great Neck plaza appeared before Police the Village' court' on Tues'3^ evenlhgf. Fines of $2 were Imposed on each. The offenders were: Harry A. Dennis, 150 Schenck Avenue, Great Neck.- Jane D. Ralrdon. 401 Plan- dome Road, Manhasset: Lewis For- rest, 166 East 87th Street, New York City: ward A. Meyer, 175 Bayview Avenue, Great Neck and Jacques M. Bearf, 4 Maple Drlva, Great Neck, all' of whom were summoned for overtime parking on Maple Drive. Loretta Dougherty of 42 Jayson Avenue paid a fine of $2 'for over- time parking on Middle Neck Road and Abraham Mandel of 21 Beach Road, Great Neck was fined $2 tenslva educational campaign.Members of the commission, which Ls headed by Earl Bennett of Rockville Centre, include Oscar Houston of Kings Point, Henry B. Swartley Jr. of Kensington and Mr. McKnlght. Alfred Douglas Olena of Garden City, chairman of the educational committee of the commission, de- clared today that an educellppal campaign Is necessary If Nassau voters are to ballot Intelligently on the charter plan, since the Alterna- tive Act which contains the char- ter provisions is 256 pages long. Tile proposal, In fact, Is so com- plicated that thus far newspaper articles and public addresses have failed to place it in a clear light before toe public.It is planned to print from 75,000 to 100,000 “popularized summaries" of the charter, for dl.strlbutlon among voters.*--T7»ese, aceordiug to MrOlena,. will be written In an everyday style that will tend to overcome the difficulties likely to be created In toe lay mind by the legal phraseology of the act Itself.Two Long Island women will be In charge of toe Radio Section of toe Independent Coalition of Amer- ican Women, a non-partisan or- ganization composed of onti-New Deal Democrats snd ihdependeDl Republicans, it was announoed this weak. Ibey are Mrs. Christian B. Hrtmei, of Tsort "WWWniWh -nt- j tlonal vice chairman of the Coali- tion and chairman of Radio and Mrs, Florence Poliak, of Port Wash- ington, who will assist Mrs. Holmts as vice chairman of the radio com- mittee. Mrs. Holme.4' appointment was made by Mrs,. Mabel Jacques El- chel, at National Coalition Head- quarters, 486 Madison Avenue, New York City. In accepting the appointment, Mrs. Holmes annuonced that the Coalitions' radio program will be three lots on North Gate ;fi doutrie parking, also on Middle eck Road. REPORT TRANSACTIONS Fred A. Weeks and Co. Inc,, of Manhasset, UiU week reported the sale of a seven-room Colonial house at 15 Nassau Avenue, Man- hasset, for the estate of Bertha K. Newbold of Mrs. L. C. Helmorth of Brooklyn. The same firm ha§ leased a seven-room house at 4 Sboredale Drive, tor.. Roland W. Betts to Donald B. Anthony, smi of Mrs., Oscar Anthon of Plan- dome. F. Trubee Davison, ChairmanDf GOP Unit, Plans Drive Among Naturalised Citizens BACK PBOM OANAOA Koih McAmis. otfonlst Rod choimMstm e( AU Baiafs Churah BBip'dlM OQ asturdajr from a throe olajF in F. Trubee DgVlson, former as- sistant Secretory of War in charge of aviation, this week assumed his duties os chairman of the Nat- urallrted OlUzeiisDivision of toe Republican state Committee, wUh offices at 41 BMt 43nd Street, New York City. Mr. Davison plans a campaign to oo«drdlhate tos opposition of rocla) ti^tton, acoordlpg to announeie- meat geoeived .today. The on- noimcemeot cemMnuas, He will pursue hia activities with tha somt initiative and resolution that w<» him a citation from the nrcelddnt of ttto Uhi^ Stiatee obd the Naky cnae tor .IB dyMsauen of um flfit Yale aviotlos unit." ' In A statement Iseued Iqr Ur, lUtitui, tm . nCb im olUaens ot fdreltn ori- glgu.BiA frto4* idtlAUiMh' 'rdstindb- •wnr real »nd Vesy sinSer ma Vitsakt $0 ow Supreme OOqyt. tb eoaafvative oppoettlen within the paiilUtii ranks,.and to tSei east- Bum eenee of tb^ Amartnna ly» not. "Until elimination of government control over Industry, the pre^ and toe dally lives of bur citizens con be mode effective; •. untIK the purchasing power of the 59-cent dollar becomes e hard reality, Amerlcan-bom voters ore likely to suffer from a false sense of safety. ■ene have int-hond knowli ed>cltl- iedge of slavery of regimen- tation and the deetruction of lib- <^<by prepedoada. It is understandable, therefore, that so many of our foreign born clttoAs ere- mm. looking to the Republican candidate, Alfr^ X. boadon, to take the leed towArd A r^tni to the Bmaffeis inst,lfaiaon$4 and Amorloan srays (hat prcimlsed to much in the way ft human Ub« ei|^. And a*8y from 'oie'verjriyr- ohay that so many come here to oiMBo, and to eUbhonfe (roedom ^ II Id' Wo. -these eltlsano oe a eioss they ore AmoHnsi' and ci^ed by rsdio into ewtry home in the county. Well known women In public life will bring the OoalN tlon^s message to voters through a teres of radio broadoasts, ocomd- Ing to plant now being formed. Chairmen of State Coalitions hgva been ssked to appoint radio ooqv mitliet to ploh pregrems their territories. Hie radio campaign, described by Mri^ Holmes ss sn honest attempt to bring to voters the fundamental snd practical ob- jections to the New Dealwill be conducted along non-partisan lines. We are not Interested In mud- sllnglng or In political Intrigues,Mrs. Holmes ^ald- Our main ob- ject Is to bring before the' voters the cold facts that are Incontro- vertible proof of New Deal failures. We have. In black and white, fig- (Oontliiued on page 8) Police Will Fclc Na88iiu Youngsters Children From Private stitutions To Have Party In- More ^Ihan 800 children will be Entertained by Nassau Police de- partment organizations at Jones Beach on Monday. The youUiful guests of the cops will Include the entire enrollment of five private schools for underprivileged chil- dren. iTiey arc. tin at. FVancIs School In Manhasset, the St. Mary of the -Angals school o{ Syosset, the Nazareth Trade School and St. Rose Home of Parmlngdale and the Giles Home for Crippled Chil- dren In Garden City. Chief Abram W. Skidmore and Inspector William Yochum will gret the youngsters at 9 a. m. at headquarters. The trip will be made In 25 buses. A special area Department Bami To Give Concert wt Zoshs Bay wTO W rdpcfl Off such's plaii is feasible will dep^ for th^ ilteluslve ii.se of toe chtl dren. On toe committee are Sergeant Henry Wellbsch and Patrolman James Tlntle of^ the 6lh Prwlnct. Women To Flay Fart In Cpming C^mfiaign That Nassau women will play an Important part in toe coming Pres- idential election was indlcsted In plans outIine<^ on Tuesday by the Presidents' Council of Itepubllcyn Women of Nassau County at Hs monthly luncheon hqld At the court view Hotel In Mineola.* which lasuss of toe campaign may be explained, ww stres^ by* the Ineluclea speakers, who included Mrs. Ernest M. Strong of PIsndohM, president of the Fsderstion. 'T* - TO vurr Col4}NEL KNOX Mr., AOd Mn, Herbert L, l*Wr« field of Buibury Lone, Greet Neck, will leave tomorrow noon (or Man* eheelar, - Hw H' wtMfg. tk$g *Ui; visit Mrs. FAirflelds brother, ykmk Knox and Mrs. XMUy ainrWmjWf Btnb YAn BepUblieaa eondidate for the vtgp* praSganey. Itie ywirflelds will re- turn $0 Omt Ne^ on UautUt- Manhasswt-Lakeville Organ- ization To Play At Me- I moriai Field Tlie Manhasset-Lekeville Mrel Department Band, directed by James H. Nllan of Great Neck, will give a community' concert, the only one schedji^led for the cur- rent season, on the evening of August 31 at toe Manhasset Mem- orial Field, according to announce- ment made this week hy Edward C Smith, president of the depart- ment. Permission to use toe Field recently was granted by the Man- hasset Park Board. The program will Include con- cert numbers and marches. Ac- cording to Mr. Smith, toe directors snd members of toe Band hope to be able to give a series of con- certs next sesson. Whether or .not larely largely upon the Interest shown in the forthcoming affair Mr. Smith explained. Organized a year and a half .ago with -12 mentbers, the Band now has 34 namesuon the list and has taken part In various out- standing North ghors events. HURT IN eXASH Nils Ftorman, M years of age, of Shelter Rock Road, Manhasset. Is suffering from injuries received^] in an sutomoblle accident on Sun- day in West Babylon. Flormsn was driving a «or which collided with two other machines tost were Involved In a colllslpn. A Babylon ITie Unpottajlte,of' meetings atff*^ Splally tojwed Ih tos first smosh-up. FBOM Dowse) MEETING BACK James A- bowsey of k|Anhasaslt. county attorney of Noesau. and North Hempeteod RapUbtieon leader, returned toll morning from SyroeUse Whme he attaniM a BMittng of the Btota. QOK emS'4 mlttae, of whlcff he is a Biembef. I3USE BOMB msr The Arm of idwug Igc., has leose4 M agoot S» QnalUled Bayoiul All Others* He Deelaret Of Choice - Hsrry F. Guggenhgim, #4^ ^nds Point, former U. B. Ambaagador to Cubs, wtlt act 88 chairman of th« North Hempstead Minute Men" and "MoUy Pliohers" advisory board, It W*s nounced today; -'i ' These aemi-militaf|i' 'i|h> ganiratlons are being tqt by the Republican Town Committee to turn out s record vote in the gnaulBg presidential election i p r Landon and Knox. Mr. Ougginhelm's wiliingnoes to give Ss much time ss posslbla lo the local campaign was mage known today by Town Ohalrmon James L Dowsty, who by reason of his party position, will bo oom- mander.-in-oblef of both mtlilaaA . uniu of RepUbUeaplsm. Qraat iienei*- -Mr. Oewwy We deem it ajpvegk hengk IRgb a-man at W. Ouggsnhibwli-oa--'^ UonsI slanging 4s to hswg Hw advisory committee of toe Minule Menand the “Molly Plteher Auxi- llarydeclared Mr. Dowsey. “Despite his manifold ootlvtUee with hts private business, the Be- publlcan National CommiUMT'aiM* toe New York City Itaoheteeriitg; invesUgstton Committee of whleh he Is chalrinan, Mr. OukyenhetM' Is so Interested in his hoihe-4Q«n't attempt to get out a reo<ug vote for the Republican candidates thef '. he has consented to set sAbhBlr-* (nan. * "HU' experience ss a naval oU. fleer, dlplonukt and* interpAUmud financier qualities him beyond all others to head tola ■oommittoo which Is nearing personn^ com- pletion.Is EnlhuslasUa ^ - Interviewed at his home Iti Sands point last evening, Mr. Ouggenhstm was entouaiistkLdbout.^' th«,^Mlnule Men" and "MolS^ pitcher. plans to defeat. Booeev veil. "Thase patriotically dellgnatog organizations, I believe, will really result in a comprehenslvt ^eonvosa of the vote,said Mr. Ouggsn- helm. "I feel tost we must wSrlT aw^ g?'*'toy gqsBti al a RepubTIctn and economic truto. will devote much time os I can In toe local campaign' In (ltd capacity of advisory chalrtt^ If evtry Republloan and opponAil of toe administration d<jgl'MB' share, victory must rewoMl our efforts.A mesUnf _M._Mf. ChiggewItelaiV cdbunlttee will be called fhdrUy after Labor Day. when toe AtllniiM Menand , Molly nteherbatallons will swing into acUon ip evtry election district in the Towa of North Hempstead,. according la Chairman Dowsey. Detailed "war ntapsof every street end house ore ih oompie* lion snd toe military ottieonf,- colonels, majors, eoptalns . oafi lieutenants, will be onaouneed by next week. Federation Announffi Garden Lecture Tyai The third of e taylee af ;-epwwie4' ■br'-t(ta«.'aggM»' Federeted Oarden ClHbe ot York atote. Ino.. Un i NoegeU of naodome, dlreelMV be given on Auguct M field Country Club in j MM,,4rttitir ip»pp at II A. m. an "BaUe g|| liaere.Luntfaean (rem »(|gig>p- n. UM aaoh Edward u HgNlit i on Baefc Yard Oae4|li»i be gHde Murohv ~ a honw laeAted on HrthAde Awhih. Oreot Meek, to IX. end AHi. Haery WWf.

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Page 1: [E TOWM Schools To open On September 8 Harry F. …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071155/1936-08-20/ed...aibout a pack of too wise ehlltfrin'' and their hitherto estrugMl father



^VITH M. V. D.VOL. 2. NO. 14.

the hvbudityiit 1»—not keot

Iwhot the (Olka all say tired of beoiiag It

>n timea a day.

enoiich for yoa, they aak It o’er and o’er

red and wiah them dead hrownded’ in their fore.

V. H. Tibbetts Outlines Plans For The Term

A Fluent Speaker

III WindO06S went to the ,St

Bazaar on Monday eve-1 obert did NOT go to the

I And has Robert had cause It that fact I Not that he| fnjoy the Bazaar. He did.

$450 worth. And IP he I gone to the bazaar—and {

lad gone to the Playhouse- lid have been $460 richer ^day morning. But it’s an

etc. for EP Robert had I the Playhouse, then Toni nbo.ssll would not have won

Sets Dates For The Reg­istration Of New



11 New Teachers En­gaged; Calendar For

Year Announced

A Popular Booth^peaking of the Bazaar, the entlon of quarts of Calvert

I bp given away last night veritable stampede among of the fourth estate pres-

e ensuing rush had the embllng on its foundations, hough ithe Fourth Estaters

|t so lucky themselves, their were. And after all, the

bt thing to wlpnlng a quart p ts yourself Is having sonie- ] win It who Immediately of-

a drink. (Very good Cal- vas, too). Bill (North Shore

Reilly, was a bit appre- [when his Boss took a hand dart game and managed to l$2 bulls-eye.

The Munhasaet public schools will open for the Fall term on September 8, according to announcement made this week by Vinal H. Tibbettls, Superintendent of Schools. The principals’ of­fices in each of the build­ings will be open from ^9 a. m, to 4 p. m. on September 4 for registration of new pu­pils. Kindergarten, pre-pri-__ j e;_i- _-1 - --

Schools To open On September 8

M. W. Littleton To Preside At GOP Gathering

mary and first grade pupils'NasBftu Attorney To Give

I’t'l'alk!I has Just reached us of a

hing expedition on which Moore embarked. As far n find out, the skipper e thought a lobster pot

to make a left turn, In- vhich it atayedf put, as

ols^&rejipt to dei TBeTe- "■ on 'rwther dtaanoviliedf

business. Eknmett, how- n't talk.”

are required to bring birth j certificates.

The elementary grade classes will start at 9 a. m.; the Junior- senior olasses at 8;40 a. m.: the kindergarten In the Plandome Road school will meet between 9 a. m. 11:30 a. m.; the pre-primary school group. In the Valley School between the hours of 9 a. m. and 11:30 a. m.

The school buses will operate as usual for ;the morning groups to ^ool and’ for afternoon groups from school and to such extent

is possible during the luncheon

-mw ia# "’t»faniom(

the subject of fish-| IduIs (Rhoda Sportswear))

Oscar (Gladys Shop) In and Simon Wilchyk, went I Ion Sunday. No fish! They’re |lhe weather as an alibi, ndy! At least that’s their |

tin't No Santa Claus bing no end is the naivete

|Democratic members of the Estate wlio. hasten to re-

edlborlally of the won- lorks of the 'WP'A and other |Ueal agencies. They wrltel vlng terms., of ..the ..new

roads, post offl(»s, sewers.itti Ail muffltllfi hv 1 former In the High

ToriAf>iVclHr rtf <m/\H I OLiiUvaifer-faillng generosity of good pie Sam, who Is ever willing

In” to help the taxpayerspecies. They blandly Ignorej Miss Oalalda comes to Manhasset

that when Uncle Sam 1 In his pocket for this

ng in” business, that he’s In” yoiff nvoney and

It’s the taxpayer who pays ays—and then pays some

J After all, there ain’t no Iciaus. No matter how hard Vleman in the "White House I to prove to the contrary.

P. Schuyler Van Bloem of *l*ek Estates has free Junior

Ifor the mep’s, women’s and H Jennls eh«ak||ioMahlps to led at the West Side Tennis

Forest Hills on Septem- |t and 5. They may be ob- |by applying to her at 7 JOak

*1 Be Wrongan't imagine anyone think- furs, far lees buying them,

[sort of weather we’ve been this month. But we must

pug. for along comes the ^eck Pur Shop wRh an an- uent of removal to Wger

■ utude necessary by in- buslnem. 'nve stwe U now

■shop formerly occupied by ^ Peels.

up of Great Neck samke- el Tonowanda. N. V.

attending the New Vork I Volunteer flrmpen’e Coii-

In the party are Chief GUUar of iho VigUanU.

4a^ OVonrko md ^^“*7 Of Om VigUanU and ^Uos s- if iha

ICK ntOM VACATION l*» Wotae «f

of the gth prednet') Nas. toty poUoo, returned (m hom a three w*Uu' May at..

^~1T-Y. irkh f«muy. jttm mmaOM.' attstf Neck, mitmai in dbaige

ttvm of thg gth ptaamet. Bamlts aln. haak

|« vacattei ak i5||

Road . school will continue to serve lunches at minimum prices between the hours of 11:30 a. m. and 1 p. m.

Additions To FacultyThe faculty roster for the com­

ing year reveals the names of 11 new teachers, two in the child guidance department: one in the social studies department: a High School librarian: one in the Junior High School: one In 'the fine arts department of the Junior High school: a science teacher: French teacher: a teacher In the Valley school: a teacher In the elemen­tary-primary group and a new Grade one teacher.

Miss Rose Oalalda and Miss Marlon Re^senweber have l^n engaged for toe child guidance de-

Keynote Speech At Albany Convention

Martin W. Uttleton, district atitomey of Nassau has been named temporary chairman of toe Republican State convention, to be held' in Aftany on September 28 and 28, and wUl deliver the keynote ’'speech?. Plans of party leaders 'indiohte toat toe county will play an important part irt the conventlua.

’s choice is seen byhour, Mr. T«d»etU swnialnert .day, ' . iM dnieeued to be one of toe partya

iteuelopwsttt,.«i«k--jSbaaU.' Ntckl .lasUfifc,.JLiartn R. Browner inmentary department. V-

Have Good Records

with "superior training and wealth of exprelence”, to quote

(Continued on page 8)

To Present Comedy At Roslyn Theatre‘Fly Away Home’ Billed For

Week Of August 24 At The Four Seasons

For the week beginning August 24. Charles Hopkins will present at his 'Theatre of the Four Sea­sons in Roslyn, toe enormously funny play, “Fly Away Home” by Dorothy Bennett and Irving White, which ran for a full season on Broadway two years ago.

“Fly Away Home” is decrlbed as a genuinely entertaining piece of foolishness that sparkles with comedy sHuations and with an underlying.lesson about toe present wave of Juvenile sophlsticatlmi which cannot help but please toe older folks and eaert a generally healthy interest and suspence from beginning to end. ’

Byron McGrath,' Katherine Mutphy, Oonstanoe F- Rankin *nd

Berry wUl play the leading'roldiaibout a pack of too wise ehlltfrin'' and their hitherto estrugMl father. The youngsters will be played by Ann Hopkins, IS year old daughter of Charles Hopkjns; Idberty and Mnily £Mck,. Julia Uatbrop, daughter of tba dlstlng-

(iilMtod pqwhlatrlst Or. A4oU Meyer, gv^ March, well know* motion picture actress who has suppested auch..stAni8t_V^«kte Hepbitrn and Claudetto Oolbert; OKiy Kingsley, James t^y. Wkltet Kapp and ipuilce Vbi^t. '' '

most fluent speakers and his calm and delt)erate delivery is expected to put. toe convention delegates In a proper frame of mind for the selection of their standard-bearer.

'The three leading candidates for the Gubernatorial cnoice are Senator George R. Fearon, who received an ovation in Nassau some weeks ago when he appeared at a meeting of toe county com­mute: Mayor Rolland B. Marvin of Syracuse, wl)o was an aspirant two' years ago and Supreme Court Justice William F. Blakeley ot Westchester.

J. P.,Day, Auctioneer, Sells Weybridge Lots

Bales of more than 60 lots In-

known as Weybrldge, were report­ed toils week by Joseph P. Day, auctioneer, as the result of' an auction held on the property on Saturday.

I. G. Wolf. Great Neck real estate broker,. acting for a Flush­ing builder, bought a group of 42 lots on Bellingham i,ane and Brompton Dane for $16,0UV. A block front consisting of 10 lots on Fair- view Avenue also was taken by Mr. Wtolf.

Other purchasers were L. S. Berger, who bought three lots at $400 each on Helmsley Lane' as a home site Gerald Richards, five lots on "Wlntbleton Jjuie and WalterBurpe,Road.

^ Is Injuredjll. S, McKn^tInTankBlast^Cramplon For CampaignEmploye Of Great Nedt^Seim Need To Acquaint

Firm Taken To Glen Cove Hospital

VOLUNTEER ‘VAMP*ha"^ nose brokers

Joseph Hauser, Membiiar Of Alerts, Struck

By Hose


^ill Provide Literature, Speakeps For Or-


Andrew Marcowlci, 37 years (Mj age. of 30 North Roard, orejt Neek an employe of crampton Brothers. |


tors, was badly Injured early oi$ Monday morning in an explosion in an asphalt storage tank on the property of the concern on East Shore Road, Great Neck. H* was taken to the North Country Community Hospital in a serious condition, suffering from second degree burns of the arms apd face and a fractured left wrist, t

Joseph Hauser of 5 Beach Road, Great Neck, a member of toe Alert Fire Department, also was injured while helping to extinguish the blaze which followed the explosion. He was struck by a hose line and his nose broken. After treatment at the scene by Dr. I>avld 0. Byrne of Great Neck he was allowed to go to his home.

Cause UnknownAccording to police report, toe

steel tank, located In a one-story sheet metal building, was being used to heat a mixture of asphalt and naptha, to be used as a road spray. The cause of the explosion

Outlines Plans

Voters With Provis­ions 'Of Act

' H. Stewart klcBSiSRl Ornt Neck Estates, former county attor- hey of Nassau, has been named

well-known North Shore contrao—j^halrman. of a special apeokers’ommittee of the Nassau -Govem- ental Revision Commission, It

announced this week, as the rst step In a campaign planned

acquaint voters with the provU ilohs of the proposed new county hatter to be voted on at the No- einber election.

- Headquarters have been opened In Room 312 of the Home Title Building In Mineola. A member Of toe committee will be present every day to furnish Information ■and answer questions.

In announcing his plans, Mr. MoMInight said: "We will haveUierature, copies of the charter and summaries of the charter available for distribution, we are canvassing local organisations In all Nassau communities, seeking their co-operation In bringing the. churtar to the attention of the Voters before the election. We have a list of speakers who will be available for local meetings by Beptember l, to explain toe char-

Harry F. Guggenhc Heads Advisory Boal Of GOP Campaign tin

wai Work Together tFormer AmlMnMMUr Caba Win Take Part iir Fight AgaiBatf^ The Adminiatraliiin

m;reat honor* sat 'CHAIRMAN DOWSET


Long Island Women To Work For Defeat Of The New Deal

tika not yat ttaen deternstneR, .ajs jDtand to eonduot aft la>though It is believed to have been toe result of excessive pressure caused by heat.

Marcowiz had climbed a 20-foot ladder to toe top of the tank U- investlgate the reason for smoke coming from the tank cover, when the explosion occurred, hurling a

(Continued on page 8)

Overtime Parking Costs Them Money

Motorists Forget Ordinsmee; Justice Collects


Motorists who failed to observe parking regulations . Ih Great Neck plaza appeared before Police

theVillage' court' on Tues'3^ evenlhgf. Fines of $2 were Imposed on each.

The offenders were: Harry A. Dennis, 150 Schenck Avenue, Great Neck.- Jane D. Ralrdon. 401 Plan- dome Road, Manhasset: Lewis For­rest, 166 East 87th Street, New York City: ward A. Meyer, 175 Bayview Avenue, Great Neck and Jacques M. Bearf, 4 Maple Drlva, Great Neck, all' of whom were summoned for overtime parking on Maple Drive.

Loretta Dougherty of 42 Jayson Avenue paid a fine of $2 'for over­time parking on Middle Neck Road and Abraham Mandel of 21 Beach Road, Great Neck was fined $2

tenslva educational campaign.”Members of the commission,

which Ls headed by Earl Bennett of Rockville Centre, include Oscar Houston of Kings Point, Henry B. Swartley Jr. of Kensington and Mr. McKnlght.

Alfred Douglas Olena of Garden City, chairman of the educational committee of the commission, de­clared today that “an educellppal campaign Is necessary If Nassau voters are to ballot Intelligently on the charter plan, since the Alterna­tive Act which contains the char­ter provisions is 256 pages long. Tile proposal, In fact, Is so com­plicated that thus far newspaper articles and public addresses have failed to place it in a clear light before toe public.”

It is planned to print from 75,000 to 100,000 “popularized summaries" of the charter, for dl.strlbutlon among voters.*--T7»ese, aceordiug to Mr’ Olena,. “will be written In an everyday style that will tend to overcome the difficulties likely to be created In toe lay mind by the legal phraseology of the act Itself.”

Two Long Island women will be In charge of toe Radio Section of toe Independent Coalition of Amer­ican Women, a non-partisan or­ganization composed of onti-New Deal Democrats snd ihdependeDl Republicans, it was announoed this weak. Ibey are Mrs. Christian B. Hrtmei, of Tsort "WWWniWh -nt-

j tlonal vice chairman of the Coali­tion and chairman of Radio and Mrs, Florence Poliak, of Port Wash­ington, who will assist Mrs. Holmts as vice chairman of the radio com­mittee.

Mrs. Holme.4' appointment was made by Mrs,. Mabel Jacques El- chel, at National Coalition Head­quarters, 486 Madison Avenue, New York City.

In accepting the appointment, Mrs. Holmes annuonced that the Coalitions' radio program will be

three lots on North Gate ;fi doutrie parking, also on Middle eck Road.

REPORT TRANSACTIONSFred A. Weeks and Co. Inc,, of

Manhasset, UiU week reported the sale of a seven-room Colonial house at 15 Nassau Avenue, Man­hasset, for the estate of Bertha K. Newbold of Mrs. L. C. Helmorth of Brooklyn. The same firm ha§ leased a seven-room house at 4 Sboredale Drive, tor.. Roland W. Betts to Donald B. Anthony, smi of Mrs., Oscar Anthon of Plan- dome.

F. Trubee Davison, ChairmanDf GOP Unit, Plans Drive Among Naturalised Citizens

BACK PBOM OANAOA Koih McAmis. otfonlst Rod

choimMstm e( AU Baiafs Churah BBip'dlM OQ asturdajr from a throe

olajF in

F. Trubee DgVlson, former as­sistant Secretory of War in charge of aviation, this week assumed his duties os chairman of the Nat- urallrted OlUzeiis’ Division of toe Republican state Committee, wUh offices at 41 BMt 43nd Street, New York City.

Mr. Davison plans a campaign to oo«drdlhate tos opposition of rocla)

ti^tton, acoordlpg to announeie- meat geoeived .today. The on- noimcemeot cemMnuas, “He will pursue hia activities with tha somt initiative and resolution that w<» him a citation from the nrcelddnt of ttto Uhi^ Stiatee obd the Naky cnae tor .IB dyMsauen of um flfit Yale aviotlos unit." '

In A statement Iseued Iqr Ur, lUtitui, tm .

‘nCb im olUaens ot fdreltn ori- glgu.BiA frto4* ‘idtlAUiMh' 'rdstindb-

•wnr •real »nd Vesy sinSer ma Vitsakt $0 ow Supreme OOqyt. tb eoaafvative oppoettlen within the paiilUtii ranks,.and to tSei east- Bum eenee of tb^ Amartnna ly» not.

"Until elimination of government control over Industry, the pre^ and toe dally lives of bur citizens con be mode effective; •. untIK the purchasing power of the 59-cent dollar becomes e hard reality, Amerlcan-bom voters ore likely to suffer from a false sense of safety.

■ene have int-hond knowlied>cltl- iedge of

slavery of regimen­tation and the deetruction of lib- <^<by prepedoada.

‘It is understandable, therefore, that so many of our foreign born clttoAs ere- mm. looking to the Republican candidate, Alfr^ X. boadon, to take the leed towArd A r^tni to the Bmaffeis inst,lfaiaon$4 and Amorloan srays (hat prcimlsed to much in the way ft human Ub« ei|^. And a*8y from 'oie'verjriyr- ohay that so many come here to oiMBo, and to eUbhonfe (roedom

^ II Id'Wo.

-theseeltlsano oe a eioss

they ore AmoHnsi' and

ci^ed by rsdio into ewtry home in the county. Well known womenIn public life will bring the OoalN tlon^s message to voters through a teres of radio broadoasts, ocomd- Ing to plant now being formed. Chairmen of State Coalitions hgva been ssked to appoint radio ooqv mitliet to ploh pregrems their territories. Hie radio campaign, described by Mri^ Holmes ss ”sn honest attempt to bring to voters the fundamental snd practical ob­jections to the New Deal” will be conducted along non-partisan lines.

“We are not Interested In mud- sllnglng or In political Intrigues,” Mrs. Holmes ^ald- “Our main ob­ject Is to bring before the' voters the cold facts that are Incontro­vertible proof of New Deal failures. We have. In black and white, fig-

(Oontliiued on page 8)

Police Will Fclc Na88iiu Youngsters

Children From Private stitutions To Have



More ^Ihan 800 children will be Entertained by Nassau Police de­partment organizations at Jones Beach on Monday. The youUiful guests of the cops will Include the entire enrollment of five private schools for underprivileged chil­dren. iTiey arc. tin at. FVancIs School In Manhasset, the St. Mary of the -Angals school o{ Syosset, the Nazareth Trade School and St. Rose Home of Parmlngdale and the Giles Home for Crippled Chil­dren In Garden City.

Chief Abram W. Skidmore and Inspector William Yochum will gret the youngsters at 9 a. m‘. at headquarters. The trip will be made In 25 buses. A special area

Department Bami To Give Concert

wt Zosh’s Bay wTO W rdpcfl Off such's plaii is feasible will dep^for th^ ilteluslve ii.se of toe chtl dren.

On toe committee are Sergeant Henry Wellbsch and Patrolman James Tlntle of^ the 6lh Prwlnct.

Women To Flay Fart In Cpming C^mfiaign

That Nassau women will play an Important part in toe coming Pres­idential election was indlcsted In plans outIine<^ on Tuesday by the Presidents' Council of Itepubllcyn Women of Nassau County at Hs monthly luncheon hqld At the court view Hotel In Mineola.*

which lasuss of toe campaign maybe explained, ww stres^ by* the

Inelucleaspeakers, who included Mrs. Ernest M. Strong of PIsndohM, president of the Fsderstion.

'T* -TO vurr Col4}NEL KNOX

—Mr., AOd Mn, Herbert L, l*Wr« field of Buibury Lone, Greet Neck, will leave tomorrow noon (or Man* eheelar, - Hw H' wtMfg. tk$g *Ui; visit Mrs. FAirfleld’s brother,

ykmk Knox and Mrs.

XMUy ainrWmjWf Btnb YAnBepUblieaa eondidate for the vtgp* praSganey. Itie ywirflelds will re­turn $0 Omt Ne^ on UautUt-

Manhasswt-Lakeville Organ­ization To Play At Me-

I moriai Field

Tlie Manhasset-Lekeville Mrel Department Band, directed by James H. Nllan of • Great Neck, will give a community' concert, the only one schedji^led for the cur­rent season, on the evening of August 31 at toe Manhasset Mem­orial Field, according to announce­ment made this week hy EdwardC Smith, president of the depart­ment. Permission to use toe Fieldrecently was granted by the Man­hasset Park Board.

The program will Include con­cert numbers and marches. Ac­cording to Mr. Smith, toe directors snd members of toe Band hope to be able to give a series of con­certs next sesson. Whether or .not

larely largely upon the Interest shown in the forthcoming affair Mr. Smith explained.

Organized a year and a half .ago with -12 mentbers, the Bandnow has 34 namesuon the list and has taken part In various out­standing North ghors events.

HURT IN eXASHNils Ftorman, M years of age,

of Shelter Rock Road, Manhasset. Is suffering from injuries received^] in an sutomoblle accident on Sun­day in West Babylon. Flormsn was driving a «or which collided with two other machines tost were Involved In a colllslpn. A Babylon

’ITie Unpottajlte,of' meetings atff*^ Splally tojwed Ih tosfirst smosh-up.


MEETINGBACKJames A- bowsey of k|Anhasaslt.

county attorney of Noesau. and North Hempeteod RapUbtieon leader, returned toll morning from SyroeUse Whm’e he attaniM a BMittng of the Btota. QOK emS'4 mlttae, of whlcff he is a Biembef.

I3USE BOMB msrThe Arm of idwug

Igc., has leose4 M agoot S“»

‘QnalUled Bayoiul All Others* He Deelaret

Of Choice -Hsrry F. Guggenhgim, #4^

^nds Point, former U. B. Ambaagador to Cubs, wtlt act 88 chairman of th« North Hempstead “Minute Men" and "MoUy Pliohers" advisory board, It W*s nounced today; -'i ' •

These aemi-militaf|i’' 'i|h> ganiratlons are being tqt by the Republican Town Committee to turn out s record vote in the gnaulBg presidential election i p r Landon and Knox.

Mr. Ougginhelm's wiliingnoes to give Ss much time ss posslbla lo the local campaign was mage known today by Town Ohalrmon James L Dowsty, who by reason of his party position, will bo oom- mander.-in-oblef of both mtlilaaA . uniu of RepUbUeaplsm.

‘Qraat iienei*- -Mr. Oewwy “We deem it ajpvegk hengk IRgb

a-man at W. Ouggsnhibwli-oa--'^ UonsI slanging 4s to hswg Hw advisory committee of toe ’’Minule Men” and the “Molly Plteher Auxi- llary” declared Mr. Dowsey.

“Despite his manifold ootlvtUee with hts private business, the Be- publlcan National CommiUMT'aiM* toe New York City Itaoheteeriitg; invesUgstton Committee of whleh he Is chalrinan, Mr. OukyenhetM'Is so Interested in his hoihe-4Q«n't attempt to get out a reo<ug vote for the Republican candidates thef '. he has consented to set sA’bhBlr-*(nan. *"HU' experience ss a naval oU.

fleer, dlplonukt and* interpAUmud financier qualities him beyond all others to head tola ■oommittoo which Is nearing personn^ com­pletion.”

Is EnlhuslasUa „ ^ -Interviewed at his home Iti

Sands point last evening, Mr. Ouggenhstm was entouaiistkLdbout.^' th«,^“Mlnule Men" and "MolS^ pitcher”. plans to defeat. Booeev veil. •

"Thase patriotically dellgnatog organizations, I believe, will really result in a comprehenslvt ^eonvosa of the vote,” said Mr. Ouggsn-helm.

"I feel tost we must wSrlT aw^g?’'*'toy gqsBti al a RepubTIctn and economic truto.will devote much time os I can In toe local campaign' In (ltd capacity of advisory chalrtt^ If evtry Republloan and opponAil of toe administration d<jgl'‘MB' share, victory must rewoMl our efforts.”

A mesUnf _M._Mf. ChiggewItelaiV cdbunlttee will be called fhdrUy after Labor Day. when toe AtllniiM Men” and , “Molly nteher” batallons will swing into acUon ip evtry election district in the Towa of North Hempstead,. according la Chairman Dowsey.

Detailed "war ntaps” of every street end house ore ih oompie* lion snd toe “military ottieonf,- colonels, majors, eoptalns . oafi lieutenants, will be onaouneed bynext week.

Federation Announffi Garden Lecture TyaiThe third of e taylee af

;-epwwie4' ■br'-t(ta«.'aggM»' Federeted Oarden ClHbe ot York atote. Ino.. Un i NoegeU of naodome, dlreelMV be given on Auguct M field Country Club in j MM,,4rttitir ip»pp at II A. m. an "BaUe g|| liaere.” Luntfaean (rem »(|gig>p- n. UM aaoh Edward u HgNlit i on “Baefc Yard Oae4|li»i

be gHdeMurohv ~

a honw laeAted on HrthAde Awhih. Oreot Meek, to IX. end AHi. Haery WWf.