e tollingt 11fl - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51hd43/data/0346.pdfyour sick bogs...

n r3 M- t g THE INTERIOR JOURNAL I- I STANFORD Ky OcT 2 IQOO I E 0 WALTON BUSINESS MANAOKII TUE beet materials combined with care skill and accuracy Insure good reau ts No era over- used J e In our prescription work Penny J Drug Store r PERSONALS 7 c 6 T LACKEY Ju returned to 8t Louts Sunday Miss RACHEL ALLISON has return ed to Lexington Mlt HAimVJSLL PlCKETT of Shol byvllla la hero with friends Miss JENNIE HUUHLE Is back from ajvltlt to friend In Louisville MRS D S MoKiNNEY of Livings- ton ¬ Is with Mrs W O Speed Miss FLORENCE CULTON of Parks vllle Is with Mrs J W Adams Mils W E AUNOLD and children Joined Mr Arnold hero yesterday MRS A A WAUUEN spent several days with Mr S P Staw In Shelby SAM WALTON SEVERANCE left Sur ¬ day to enter the University of Chicago Miss WILLIE DAWSON la back from v a delightful visit to friend In Louis yllJe I KEV ORLAND HECK Is back from I Cedar Gap Mo wbero be baa been preaching MISSES DESSII AND MATTIU MENE IJ VKK and Anna Cook spent Saturday In LouleAlllo MRS J T llACKLEY leaves today for Cleveland Val to visit relatives frlenlllI ROOT and wife of Vcr I ealllcs spent yesterday with Mr and I Mrs J W Rout 4 Miss DESSIB MATTHEWS of Louis ¬ vile trimmer for MI Annie Phillips arrived yesterday Miss DAISY McGuiRE of Hubble I has been visiting her cousin Miss Ab ble Lutes at Murelaad MR R P ADAMS the Lexington i monument man was here last week J consulting with the Murphy heirs MISSES BOUGHT AND LITA BELLE CASH left last week for Washington D C to enter Fairmont Seminary MRS CLAIRE CAMIUELL is traveling for the Somerset Journal and sending to that paper some Interesting letters Cot JOHN HAMILTON left for his homo In Canada Sunday ills son William Hamilton accompanied him f as far as Cincinnati REV AND MRS W M DIUTT loft for Lexington yesterday A large number of their friend were at the t depot to bid them goodbye MlisJ W DiiYANT of Versailles returned with Mrs E U Dcazloy and Is her guest Rev W S Grlnslcad will arrive today to visit Mrs Ucazlcr MRS JOSEIU COtTKY Is very protd of a beautiful shell Mils Willie Har ¬ den formerly ot this county sent nor t It was left in Galveston Texas by tie t floodHEguVANDJong IDOL who have been with their grandparents Mr and Mr John M White left Friday for San Francisco to Join their father P H Idol Miss OLLIE NBWLAND of Crab Olcbard Is staying with her aunt Mrs Dr Old ham and attending the Sccrcst Normal College Richmond Climaxt MRS I 0 DROWN have tooted to the R K Gaines farm near Walnut Flat they recently rented Wo are glad to receive such good people Mn our midst Miss MARIE GRIFFIN who won the prize at the last elocutionary contest in Stanford won again Friday njgbt at Klcbofasvlllo The prize was a 9100 ° diamond ring MR ISAAC HAMILTON has moved to t bta farm leaving the home ho lived In at Rowlucd for DO years Ills son Vavcrly Hamilton now occupies bo- oM homestead Miss MAUDE SCOTT of Paoll Ind returned with Miss Frances Spoona more who has been visiting her nt that ulace and Is her guest They took In the carnival at Loultvllla on their return THE Somerset Journal aye that Doe I Drye of Uuslonvilic may not be a doc- tor ¬ but the man who swaps horses with him will think ho Is bad medicine uncoated Has Editor Campbell bad aomo sporlenco with our West End I friend MRS MOSES TANNER of McKlnnoy It visiting her parents Mr and Mrs II C Gann Miss Molllo Dougherty of Stanford is visiting the family of J jwninhnUnn Mrs Harry G Crutch held and baby of McKlnnoy are with Mrs E H Hansford Somerset Para tonIN ordering his paper changed Bliss to Ponca City O T our oldi friend J K Jones formerly of this county says Wo are having plenty of rain herb and wheat look Immense If youloo to hunt quails bring your dog and gun and I will Insure you a good Zrttimo and plenty of game AND now we are to lose clever Sam McKlttrick to Boyle county Ho has rented one of Mr Thomas McRoborls1 farms and will move down Jan 1 In a year or so these good Lincoln county pcoplo will bo circulating a petition asking that tnoy may como back and drink out of the old spring Miss LENA REYNOLDS entertained some GO of her young friends Friday v evening The yard was brilliantly Il ¬ luminated with Japanese lanterns and the interior of the residence was beau- s tlfully decorated for the occasion Elo ¬ gant refreshments wore served various games indulged In and everybody had a good time Misses Elizabeth and Etta Hunn of the West End relatives of the hostess assisted her in entertain ng t MRS M O WlSFRFY has joined her husband here T 0 BALL Is building a nice offlco to bis residence on Depot Street MESDAMES TE BALDWIN and CarI lo B Brltton ot Rlchmondaro visit Ing Mrs W H SuankI MR GEO T McRouERTB of Broil head spent several day with bis brother Mr J M McRobertsI Mil W I IlKRRlN of Grab Orchard was initiated Into the mysteries of the Rod Mens lodge bore last night MESSRS G A SILER H H Dnvis and Milton Grayaon leave this morning for a prospecting tour of Oklahoma MISS TEVIS CARPENTER leave to morrow for Knoxvlllo to spend everalI months with her aunt Mrs Dr Black MR JOHN B MERSHONnot only one of the best mechanics but the cleverest men In the State has our thanks for valuable assistance TUB following relative from a die ¬ tance attended the funeral of Mrs E B Stover Sunday afternoon Mr T W Higgins Lexington Mr John A Higgins and wife Richmond John DI Hopper Perry vllle Mrs W W Bruce Perry vlllci tisics Julia Higgins and Sue McRoberts Danville LOCALS 43INCH Excelsior Homespun 60cJ- P Jones FINE Candies JUKI received War ¬ ran Shanks A DAIN Feed Mill xaeulocheap G H Farrls d Co KiLN of good brick ready to sell W G Greening Uustonvllle Go to G H Farris Co and save money on your beating stove THE L ft N has called ort its excur ¬ dons to Natural Bridge Oct 7 and 2 BUY HlgglnsMclnneys Disc plow and Superior grain drill I WE are headquarters for coal bay corn oats and all kinds of feed J UI Baugbman A Co QUARTERLY court wasla session yesterday but the cases tried were of minor Importance oWE all grades of coal at high price buy before It goes high- er J H Baughman Co ACQUITTED M W Penn who abotI J L Whitlock to death on an L S N train near Lebanon last week was ac quitted I TILE woven wire and plckcu fence Is the most economical fence on the mar ¬ ket Oak picket Call and see them A C Sine You can go to Louisville today at one faro for tbo roundtrip good re ¬ turning Oct 8 on account Colored Odd Fellows Convention Tile LL N Isclever Proxy John Yerkes It made a rate of JiI faro for the roundtrip to Mt Vernon Saturday to bear him WILL IMPROVE W M Bright has contracted with J A Allen ft Co to Improve and enlarge his residence on Danville Avenue to the extent of II SIX Miss MZZIE JONES tbo Junction City milliner will have her opening next Saturday Oth Dont fall to at ¬ tend It See ad tn another col umn THE following gentlemen have been appointed election commissioners ol this county Messrs John K BaugL min J M Alvorson and John A Blaln Tilt Danville Nawe bends out a beau ¬ tifully printed half tone of Hon WJ Bryan as a supplement to Its Fridays liiuo Ills a splendid likeness and Is worthy of a fine lruDo nod conspicuous hanging place WHATS the matter with Brers Uar ¬ ris of the Adair > ow and June of the Spectator settling their differences in somebodys barn or erne other place whore the outside world would not be disturbed Wo move that they do so J HON FRANK BURKE The demo ¬ cratic club and campaign committee thought It best for lion Frank Burke the eloquent Indlanalan to speak at night here so his appointment was changed to 7 p M Thursday next Oct 4 You will miss a treat If you fall to bear him The largest crowd In years is expected here that night 5 GILUERT Congressman Gilbert will hoinning afternoon Oct 10 Ho will speak at Ottonhclm that night at Wayncsburg Thursday afternoon and at lngllVllle- that night at McKInney Friday after ¬ noon and Mllledgcvllle that night at Hustonvlllo Saturday afternoon and Stanford that night Go and hear him WAS IT SUICIDE Hiram M Pow ell son of Mr O D owell of Lancas ¬ ter was shot and killed by a pistol In his own hands close to his etoru at Gilberts Creek late yesterday after ¬ noon Tim general Impression Is that U was suicide but one report says ho WAS cleaning his pistol when It was die ¬ charged The ball entered Just below the left nipple and ho died almost In itantly fie was about 28and leaves besides a wife who Is very III three small children Mr Powell bad been drinking to some extent and when un ¬ der Influence of whisky was very low spirited Ho was a good businessman i kind husband and Indulgent father who had but ono fault the lovo of strong drink Squire Rulnea Is at tbo scone and will hold an inquest this morning AtStSQ this morning the coroners jury returned a verdict of suicide i WINDOW glass of alt sizes at Craig i Hookers NEW and beautiful J eckcaratCum- mina k McClary8 NOW is a good Imetohave that pie turo made Miss Sacray FALL line of saddles Call and set them G H Farris S Co r A DEMOCRATIC club will be organiz- ed at Ncals Creek tonight CALL on niggles McKInney for heating stoves coal bode grates tc HAAS Hog remedy willsave your sick bogs Get It at Pennys Drug Store NEW French I acts n slrlpeI polka dot and Persian designs at 75c Severance S Sons SEE 1150and 815 8ultlI They are latest styles and elegant ma- terial ¬ HJMcRoborts THE courtin session TboJ claims this year will not amount to as much as those of last by 82000 TilE Charles Wheeler EmporiumI Hustonvlllc will display the proper styles In millinery Saturday next Oct 0 Tbo public generally are cordially invited WE did H J McRoberts the cloth ¬ ier and furnisher an unintentional InI justice last Issue when wo got that fiAI ure 6 for a 3 In his advertisement IIeI sells the splendid ladles Ultra shoes at t3 CO not 1560 but they would be cheap at the latter price To THE LADIES Miser Laura Jarboc who Is with me again has just spent two weeks In a millinery workroom In Cincinnati and Is thoroughly conver ¬ sant with tbo Fall and Winter style Call in In a few days and see some of her work Miss Llcclc I3cazley TILE stockholders f tbo Somerset Banking Co In this Rockcaetlo and Boyle counties are preparing to have an Investigation made as to tbo true condition of that institution Some 120000 or more of the stock is owned by them and they are desirous of know ¬ ing where their money has gone J DIG TIME The democrats are pre ¬ I paring for a big time Thursday eve- ning when Hon Frank B Burkq cf Indiana speaks hero A procession of several hundred gentlemen on horse ¬ back will form on Somerset Street about fi oclock and go down Main Street thence back up Main to Dan ¬ ville Avenue and returning stop InI root of the court house The court house yard will be made as light as day ty electric lights and lanterns andI many other things will be done to hon or the distinguished gentleman who will speak thatevening J THE war department has made pub ¬ Ito a list of olllccrs and men of Compa cy F 23th Regiment of Ipfanrjs whose captain and 51 members were captured or killed by the Insurgents of Maranduquo P L Among the num- ber ¬ are the following who enlisted alj Hustonvlllo and much uneasiness Is felt about them ScrgU Harry McKIn Icy Corporal Charles P Bratton Cook William C Dally Archie R Brauor Thomas B Ellis Kllcr J Fallowell Edward IK Kldd Jell T Sharp Evei Bit T Smiley Tbo remainder ot ttto company was enlisted at Ft Phereon Ga and at various other points InI Georgia North Carolina Florida Louisiana Alabama and Tennessee I FEELING GOOD Hon James D Black of Barbourvlllc was on Sun ¬ lays train bound for Munfordsvlllc where ho spoke yesterday In answer to our query what do you think of the political outlook he said We will win In State and nation but to do 1y every democrat must do his duty I made seven speeches last week and while I find the people enthused they can not bo too much so and wo must lose no time In trying to uroupo them lo the great Importance of electing democrats this time Mr Black par ¬ Bally promised to make a speech In Stanford and those who heard his splendid effort here last year sincerely hope bo will be able to do so You should hear him at Mt Vernon Satur- day ¬ afternoon next Otb AT the democratic club meeting at the court house Friday night Vice President S J Embry Sr acted as chairman In tbo absence of President McAlister and made a good one The membership was swelled to 171 talks by several of the members were enjoy ¬ ed and the meeting was as profitable al- I was pleasant On account of a mis ¬ understanding no speaker from a dis ¬ tance was present but at the meetings hereafter one or more good ones may be expected The club expressed it- self as being delighted with the pros pects of having Hon Prank Burke speak hero Thursday night and recep ¬ don preparation and advertising cow ¬ mittees wore appointed to make ready for his coming Col W G Welch Judge J P Ballet Hon R C War ren and Messm J H McAlistcr S J Embry Sr and R L Hubble compose she first named committee Mossr J M Alvcreon JT Jone Rowan Sauf 10y10 B Owens George W DeBord J P Jones and T D Nowland the preparation and T M Goodknlgbt W SBurcb Harvey Helm G B Cooper and E O Walton the advertising All of the committeemen pledged earnest work and nothing will bo left undone lo make the vUlt of the distinguished ndlanaian one 10 be remembered Messrs W T Saunders and R C En gleman Sr wore appointed doorkeep er and assistant doorkeeper respect ¬ ively of the club with Instructions to itdmlt none but members After some routine business the meeting adjourn- ed ¬ unity Friday night next when It Is hoped that every member will be on hand 4 I WEDDING presents at Hamiltons j am NEW fall stock of hate received Mies Annie Phillips OUR fall lamps InCall and see them G H Farris St Co whipscollars hames traces c at J O McClarys FOR close prices on buggies car ¬ riages and road wagons go to Weoren Bros WE have several varieties of nice seed wheat for sale J H Baughman 1 Co You make no J oby going to Jonea for your fall footwear The best tbo cheapest ROWLAND has ademocratic club of CO members A C Dunn is president John Barpctt secretary LOST Ladles jacket between Stac ford and Danville Sunday morning Leave at this oRlce Reward TILE October number of The Ken ¬ tucky White Ribbon Is In press at this olllco and will bo sent out tomorrow BEAZLEY L d tollingt yesterday for a child of Susie Hansford and another for a child of Alice Stew- art both colored Fort neatness style comfort and du- rability ¬ The Manss shoes have no equal See the new styles 8360 84 and U50 U J McRoberts BE sure to come In Thursday eve- ning ¬ to see the procession and hear the speech that Hon Frank Burke will make You will be well repaid I THE 110000 futurliy will be trotted Lexington today and tbo great Trac ylvanla Thursday Many of our lov ere of the light harness hone will go over W J who an accidental Senator Is the worst that ever happen- ed will speak to the rads here Mon lay He should bring bis 5 per diem per day grammar along CALL at this office when you come to court Monday If you have business with the paper want to pay your ac count or get printing done The busi ¬ ness manager may not be able to see ou on the street 4 CItI end killed another Negro named Letch Ier Walker Flsherclalms that Walker had stolen his wife Ho was hero In carch of her last week THE C W B M II meet Wcdnei lay afternoon at 3 oclockln the beet S ire room of the Christian church All member are requested to attetyl and bring their offering for the support of- our orphan in India Miss Anna H Shanks r A GENTLEMAN suggests that if these XMtotllce robberies continuo the re mbllcana will have nore money than hey can use In the campaign but of ourio be Is Just fooling Republicans wouldnt take money If they could WAYNESIIURO organized a demo ratio club of 50 members Saturday light with M G Reynolds president iicphcn H Gooch vice president L C Goocb secretary and Sam P Goocb treasurer The club will meet on Friday nights TYPHOID FEVERMrE B CaldI well Jr who was here from Wayne bur told us that there Is a good deal or typhoid fever lo his section and that two young men Willlum Morgan and jenreo Justice had succumbed to that earful disease The others who have been 111 of fever arc on the road to re- cover McKlNNEY has the btfnner demo railc club of the county to far She rganlzed Saturday afternoon with lid- aembereall voters and workers for the cause W A Colley was elected president C C Smith vice preelden C L Crow secretary and Reuben Williams treasurer Hons Harvey Helm and W S Burch went out and tttcr assisting In the organization made ood speeches The club will meet on Monday nights STOVERMraStover who was Miss Mottle Dunlap Hopper died it the home of her parents Mr and Mrs George D Hopper at 10 A M Saturday ot a complication of diseases She was taken ill in April but grew stronger and gave promise of recovery but In Juno she had another spell from which she never entirely recovered A month or so ago she grew worse and her doctors pronounced her case ma- larial ¬ fever Complications set up and for the past two weeks she bad linger ¬ ed between life and death Her death la a peculiarly sad one being a bride of but a year Young light hearted and happy she made those with whom she came in contact feel better by her pres ¬ ence and Inspired them for good Ear- ly ¬ in life she joined the Presbyterian church and had since been a devout member On Aug 22 of last year she was married to Mr Edwin B Stover now principal in a Knoxvlllo high school and they lived as happily as a Duple over did but death cut short tbe honeymoon and now the husband la left crushed by his loss Ho arrived Tuesday night and scarcely left her bedside till the end came Mrs Stover was the idol of her parents and they lke the brokcnncartcd bus >ao have iho sympathy of all In their dark hour After funeral services at Mr Hoppers Sunday afternoon by Eld Joseph Bat lou and RevS M Rankin the longest procession in years followed the re ¬ mains to Buffalo cemetery where they were Interred Jacob 0 Bronston aged OH years a well known farmer of Madison died af- ter a years illness n r- F i He will not be here Thursday eve ¬ ping but his personal friend Hon Frank Burke of Indiana will and be will speak promptly at oclock MISS LIZZIE C JONES Of Morelantl has opened a Complete Lino Millinery at Junction City ADlIIDllt CountryProduce NOTICE J IOllathle shingles at thoaaand Thot I llmipgiTjItrkiiMirKalM several rllllln tanratttr All want the entire lot ol shingles mooed from may shda lijr November thouunJI l lots A good train with bay frame on wagon ca draw from IS to M tuouiml at a load A und UurxtDarrodlburl tie Parties that cannot mike trip In one day tan- g t clghu lodging and team led for iH Thlt slackre PUBLIC SALE I West Lincjln County Farm I- An unimproved farii approximating 2 40 ACRES Two mile from IliulonTlIle Immediately the lyingbetween Ulflr There reality acres to sheaf thla fall twenty or tweng ave acrn of original growth 0 timber con lallngol Immense sugar trees cherry black walnut yellow leech Jc I remain ¬ der In bluegnui A great abundance cf water rronllrlnitbAt never fell eren In the drreat tlmbtr can be cut soil sawed OD the place lo same and there are plentroi loe1 and mulberry for fencing purposes boundary has been ut fur grating for years and no can loe bound In the State Will price reasonably and sire long trine ou deterred payiuenla Mr Jour YantU on the John V Carpenter plan will show the land to any appllcanii or apply to M 1 LETCIIElt Dantllle s- yPOSTED The whose names appear below strictly forbid any hunting of game of any kind tit any time of the year on their lama and will prosecute to the full extent of the law any who violate It llnupbmiin J IC Itaucbman Or Steele Halley JE mute LEND FOR SALE For sale a Tract of Land containing S3 arm two miles arom Stanford on Lancas ¬ ter A Ku li branch Turnpike bring a part of tbe U 8 Wilbur farm All In grass lIaM on it frame cottage of four rooms and a Lull right new Terms easy J II OWSLEV Stanford Ky j MULES AND HORSES FOR SALEI I have 22 cotton mules also four horses ready to feed and want to hell them In tlio next IS days no as to buy mule colts I to bare u carload of fertilizer at DII and as It H In the way of a barber shop 111 sell It below my regular price If partlm buying will take It at once 11 0 KING Morkland Ky NEW LIVERY STABLE s W BURKE k sm Prr3 JUNCTION CITY KY at firstClass Turnouts at Ileasonable Rates Special Attention to Traveling Men Grain und Hay For Sale Poultry And Eggs WANTED I will market price cash for them and also trades Wool Feathers Ac I II DAVIS PUBLIC SALE OF 50 Head Of Shorthorns AND Don61os Standard rolled Durham Cattle AT FOX Si LOOAKS SALE BAB- 1TDanvilla Kyf Oct 5th we wilt sell our entire herd Including our herd bull < aooo 4th Our herd couiprlHS such well known famlllef at Scotch Tope ltoaeSharona Young Marys IbyllheaJosepblnCmsondl and the pure 13 family of I rltP ual merit and breeding henlwankt second to note In the Soulli ai we Ius spared no plni or expense la collecting It We over to breeders a rarcoppoitunlty to ftecure young thrifty anlmali Wewlllorfcr no old or barren anlmali Write for calaliiKiie Hale lcgim at KyCol COAL a SALT I will hue my coal bins completed by Oct 1 and will keep on hand three grade of tho best coal also salt and I will tell to merchants by wagon loud at a very small margin W11l continue to pay thu highest prices Hickory Spoke Btnvrt and Headings Goods oDd Groceries at rock bottom prices Give mu a moneyIi MUSIC LeSSONS Dy an experienced lady music teacher eoI- Wr term of Ore 2 hour lessons lms r week Call at Mrs Strauba To Sell Farms You want to drop an adrcr tbtment In tho hest mountain newspaper which Is the > SonlersetJourllnl Two Inches ono month for el In ndrauce jr J OAMPUILU Manager Somerset Ky 9 A fi s I JIIA ALLEN A CO < Contractors And SuHd ri STANFORD KYr YJ Have now a complete stock of Bulldlnff lUteria Yellow Pine Floqrlntf 0 Sash llllnds and nil kinds of Droned and Koagh Lumber Mingles and 6W 1Itt CUlt lots rice We mike estimatos on anyklnd of work wanted Offlco o II Cooks THE SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILtS Are Still In The Lead I Buy it and you will make no mistake Also the 40 r Miami Valley Fertilizer 1 We have been using this for several eat i with good results HIGGINS McKINNEY 00 ULT 11 fl Itl g GDJ 4 = The Acme of Perfection in i Ladies HighGrade PQ To Date Footwear >fe r r lrem Better and HOLD Their SHAPE Better than tiny other Ladies Shoe J Many Styles But One Price 350 To ALL ik > Ho Jo 191ffiOffiERTS I Plain Talk I s z + 1 This beautiful weather wont last long in fact it always ha s gotten cold Come while the weather Is good and let us supply you with 4 m your Fall and Winter needs 36 In brown cottou at 6c Good Calicoes 4c and Sc Canton Flannels Be to 12c r Outing tloilis 6c to 20c Percales 10 and 12c Flannelettes at Iff Flannelettes 15c iiFrench andwhite Sateens 15c Splendid Calicoes for Ccmforts Ic In wove Drcf a Goods ri1Ladles w Union Suits 23c to i275 Everything in Underwear 1llest r At to f f I Buy Sell Good Shoes i n bU11 Good goods cost very little more than shoddy Bluff If you trash your pocket is n ways scarce of cash if you buy honest when you lay in your tall supply you ate done buying for the winter J e SEVERANCE SONSt N i 1mOpposile Court house S r 1 j r 7i I i t W iI Cf Slwu oM t l n t WJ r- Buy you Fall Shoe of us We bund e the most reliable makes known t- re For Men Hanan Sons 5 to 7 Hel J mers Bettman Cos 3 to 450 For WomenKrippendorff and Dittmanns 2 to 450 1 u In Boys Misses and Childrens we n stock that is equal to anything seen in largo cities JOHN P JONES Stanford Stanford Female CollegeFk STANFORD KY r Next Session will open Monday Sept 3 C Thorough courses in Literature Science Music Art and Elocution Write for Catalogue tor MRS NANNIE SAUFLEY Prof 1Jr a

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Page 1: E tollingt 11fl - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51hd43/data/0346.pdfyour sick bogs Get It at Pennys Drug Store NEW French I acts n slrlpeI polka dot and Persian designs

n r3








TUE beet materials combined withcare skill and accuracy Insure goodreau ts No era over-

usedJ eIn our prescription work Penny

J Drug Store


7c 6 T LACKEY Ju returned to 8tLouts Sunday

Miss RACHEL ALLISON has returned to Lexington

Mlt HAimVJSLL PlCKETT of Sholbyvllla la hero with friends

Miss JENNIE HUUHLE Is back fromajvltlt to friend In Louisville

MRS D S MoKiNNEY of Livings-ton


Is with Mrs W O SpeedMiss FLORENCE CULTON of Parks

vllle Is with Mrs J W AdamsMils W E AUNOLD and children

Joined Mr Arnold hero yesterdayMRS A A WAUUEN spent several

days with Mr S P Staw In ShelbySAM WALTON SEVERANCE left Sur ¬

day to enter the University of ChicagoMiss WILLIE DAWSON la back from

v a delightful visit to friend In LouisyllJe

I KEV ORLAND HECK Is back from

I Cedar Gap Mo wbero be baa beenpreaching


VKK and Anna Cook spent Saturday In

LouleAllloMRS J T llACKLEY leaves today

for Cleveland Val to visit relatives

frlenlllI ROOT and wife of VcrI ealllcs spent yesterday with Mr andI Mrs J W Rout4 Miss DESSIB MATTHEWS of Louis¬

vile trimmer for MI Annie Phillipsarrived yesterday

Miss DAISY McGuiRE of HubbleI

has been visiting her cousin Miss Abble Lutes at Murelaad

MR R P ADAMS the Lexingtoni monument man was here last weekJ consulting with the Murphy heirs

MISSES BOUGHT AND LITA BELLECASH left last week for WashingtonD C to enter Fairmont Seminary

MRS CLAIRE CAMIUELL is travelingfor the Somerset Journal and sendingto that paper some Interesting letters

Cot JOHN HAMILTON left for hishomo In Canada Sunday ills son

William Hamilton accompanied himf

as far as CincinnatiREV AND MRS W M DIUTT loft

for Lexington yesterday A largenumber of their friend were at the

t depot to bid them goodbyeMlisJ W DiiYANT of Versailles

returned with Mrs E U Dcazloy andIs her guest Rev W S Grlnslcadwill arrive today to visit Mrs Ucazlcr

MRS JOSEIU COtTKY Is very protdof a beautiful shell Mils Willie Har ¬

den formerly ot this county sent nort It was left in Galveston Texas by tie

t floodHEguVANDJongIDOL who have

been with their grandparents Mr andMr John M White left Friday forSan Francisco to Join their father PH Idol

Miss OLLIE NBWLAND of CrabOlcbard Is staying with her auntMrs Dr Old ham and attending theSccrcst Normal College Richmond

Climaxt MRS I 0 DROWN havetooted to the R K Gaines farm nearWalnut Flat they recently rented Woare glad to receive such good people

Mn our midstMiss MARIE GRIFFIN who won the

prize at the last elocutionary contestin Stanford won again Friday njgbt at

Klcbofasvlllo The prize was a 9100°

diamond ringMR ISAAC HAMILTON has moved to

tbta farm leaving the home ho lived In

at Rowlucd for DO years Ills son

Vavcrly Hamilton now occupies bo-

oM homesteadMiss MAUDE SCOTT of Paoll Ind

returned with Miss Frances Spoonamore who has been visiting her ntthat ulace and Is her guest Theytook In the carnival at Loultvllla on

their returnTHE Somerset Journal aye that Doe

I Drye of Uuslonvilic may not be a doc-



but the man who swaps horseswith him will think ho Is bad medicineuncoated Has Editor Campbell badaomo sporlenco with our West End

I friendMRS MOSES TANNER of McKlnnoy

It visiting her parents Mr and Mrs

II C Gann Miss Molllo Dougherty

of Stanford is visiting the family of JjwninhnUnn Mrs Harry G Crutch

held and baby of McKlnnoy are withMrs E H Hansford Somerset Para

tonIN ordering his paper changed

Bliss to Ponca City O T our oldifriend J K Jones formerly of thiscounty says Wo are having plenty of

rain herb and wheat look Immense If

youloo to hunt quails bring your dog

and gun and I will Insure you a good

Zrttimo and plenty of gameAND now we are to lose clever Sam

McKlttrick to Boyle county Ho has

rented one of Mr Thomas McRoborls1

farms and will move down Jan 1 In a

year or so these good Lincoln county

pcoplo will bo circulating a petition

asking that tnoy may como back and

drink out of the old springMiss LENA REYNOLDS entertained

some GO of her young friends Fridayv evening The yard was brilliantly Il ¬

luminated with Japanese lanterns and

the interior of the residence was beau-

s tlfully decorated for the occasion Elo ¬

gant refreshments wore served various

games indulged In and everybody had

a good time Misses Elizabeth and EttaHunn of the West End relatives of

the hostess assisted her in entertainng


MRS M O WlSFRFY has joined herhusband here

T 0 BALL Is building a nice offlcoto bis residence on Depot Street

MESDAMES TE BALDWIN and CarIlo B Brltton ot Rlchmondaro visitIng Mrs W H SuankIMR GEO T McRouERTB of Broilhead spent several day with bisbrother Mr J M McRobertsI

Mil W I IlKRRlN of Grab Orchardwas initiated Into the mysteries of theRod Mens lodge bore last night

MESSRS G A SILER H H Dnvisand Milton Grayaon leave this morningfor a prospecting tour of Oklahoma

MISS TEVIS CARPENTER leave tomorrow for Knoxvlllo to spend everalImonths with her aunt Mrs DrBlack

MR JOHN B MERSHONnot only oneof the best mechanics but the cleverestmen In the State has our thanks forvaluable assistance

TUB following relative from a die ¬

tance attended the funeral of Mrs EB Stover Sunday afternoon Mr TW Higgins Lexington Mr John AHiggins and wife Richmond John DIHopper Perry vllle Mrs W W BrucePerry vlllci tisics Julia Higgins andSue McRoberts Danville


43INCH Excelsior Homespun 60cJ-P Jones

FINE Candies JUKI received War ¬

ran Shanks

A DAIN Feed Mill xaeulocheap GH Farrls d Co

KiLN of good brick ready to sell WG Greening Uustonvllle

Go to G H FarrisCo and savemoney on your beating stove

THE L ft N has called ort its excur ¬

dons to Natural Bridge Oct 7 and 2

BUY HlgglnsMclnneys Discplow and Superior grain drill


WE are headquarters for coal baycorn oats and all kinds of feed J UIBaugbman A Co

QUARTERLY courtwasla sessionyesterday but the cases tried were ofminor Importance

oWE all grades of coalat high price buy before It goes high-

er J H Baughman Co

ACQUITTED M W Penn who abotIJ L Whitlock to death on an L S Ntrain near Lebanon last week was acquitted


TILE woven wire and plckcu fence Is

the most economical fence on the mar ¬

ket Oak picket Call and see themA C Sine

You can go to Louisville today atone faro for tbo roundtrip good re ¬

turning Oct 8 on account Colored OddFellows Convention

Tile LL N Isclever ProxyJohn Yerkes It made a rate of JiIfaro for the roundtrip to Mt VernonSaturday to bear him

WILL IMPROVE W M Bright hascontracted with J A Allen ft Co toImprove and enlarge his residence onDanville Avenue to the extent of IISIX

Miss MZZIE JONES tbo JunctionCity milliner will have her openingnext Saturday Oth Dont fall to at ¬

tend It See ad tn another column

THE following gentlemen have beenappointed election commissioners olthis county Messrs John K BaugL

min J M Alvorson and John A


Tilt Danville Nawe bends out a beau ¬

tifully printed half tone of Hon WJBryan as a supplement to Its Fridaysliiuo Ills a splendid likeness and Is

worthy of a fine lruDo nod conspicuoushanging place

WHATS the matter with Brers Uar ¬

ris of the Adair >ow and June of

the Spectator settling their differencesin somebodys barn or erne other placewhore the outside world would not bedisturbed Wo move that they do so



cratic club and campaign committeethought It best for lion Frank Burkethe eloquent Indlanalan to speak atnight here so his appointment waschanged to 7 p M Thursday nextOct 4 You will miss a treat If youfall to bear him The largest crowd In

years is expected here that night5

GILUERT Congressman Gilbert willhoinningafternoon Oct 10 Ho will speak atOttonhclm that night at WayncsburgThursday afternoon and at lngllVllle-

that night at McKInney Friday after ¬

noon and Mllledgcvllle that night atHustonvlllo Saturday afternoon andStanford that night Go and hear him

WAS IT SUICIDE Hiram M Powell son of Mr O D owell of Lancas ¬

ter was shot and killed by a pistol In

his own hands close to his etoru atGilberts Creek late yesterday after ¬

noon Tim general Impression Is thatU was suicide but one report says hoWAS cleaning his pistol when It was die ¬

charged The ball entered Just belowthe left nipple and ho died almost In

itantly fie was about 28and leavesbesides a wife who Is very III threesmall children Mr Powell bad beendrinking to some extent and when un ¬

der Influence of whisky was very lowspirited Ho was a good businessman

i kind husband and Indulgent fatherwho had but ono fault the lovo ofstrong drink Squire Rulnea Is at tboscone and will hold an inquest thismorning

AtStSQ this morning the coronersjury returned a verdict of suicide


WINDOW glass of alt sizes at Craig iHookers

NEW and beautifulJ

eckcaratCum-mina k McClary8

NOW is a good Imetohave that pieturo made Miss Sacray

FALL line of saddles Call and setthem G H Farris S Co


A DEMOCRATIC club will be organiz-ed at Ncals Creek tonight

CALL on niggles McKInney forheating stoves coal bode grates tc

HAAS Hog remedy willsaveyour sick bogs Get It at PennysDrug Store

NEW French I acts n slrlpeIpolka dot and Persian designs at 75c

Severance S Sons

SEE 1150and 815 8ultlIThey are latest styles and elegant ma-



THE courtin session TboJclaims this year will not amount to asmuch as those of last by 82000

TilE Charles Wheeler EmporiumIHustonvlllc will display the properstyles In millinery Saturday next Oct0 Tbo public generally are cordiallyinvited

WE did H J McRoberts the cloth ¬

ier and furnisher an unintentional InIjustice last Issue when wo got that fiAIure 6 for a 3 In his advertisement IIeIsells the splendid ladles Ultra shoes att3 CO not 1560 but they would be cheapat the latter price

To THE LADIES Miser Laura Jarbocwho Is with me again has just spenttwo weeks In a millinery workroom In

Cincinnati and Is thoroughly conver ¬

sant with tbo Fall and Winter styleCall in In a few days and see some of

her work Miss Llcclc I3cazley

TILE stockholders f tbo SomersetBanking Co In this Rockcaetlo andBoyle counties are preparing to havean Investigation made as to tbo truecondition of that institution Some120000 or more of the stock is ownedby them and they are desirous of know ¬

ing where their money has goneJ

DIG TIME The democrats are pre ¬ I

paring for a big time Thursday eve-

ning when Hon Frank B Burkq cfIndiana speaks hero A procession ofseveral hundred gentlemen on horse ¬

back will form on Somerset Streetabout fi oclock and go down Main

Street thence back up Main to Dan ¬

ville Avenue and returning stop InIroot of the court house The court

house yard will be made as light as dayty electric lights and lanterns andImany other things will be done to honor the distinguished gentleman whowill speak thatevening


THE war department has made pub¬

Ito a list of olllccrs and men of Compacy F 23th Regiment of Ipfanrjswhose captain and 51 members werecaptured or killed by the Insurgents ofMaranduquo P L Among the num-



are the following who enlisted aljHustonvlllo and much uneasiness Is

felt about them ScrgU Harry McKInIcy Corporal Charles P Bratton CookWilliam C Dally Archie R BrauorThomas B Ellis Kllcr J FallowellEdward IK Kldd Jell T Sharp EveiBit T Smiley Tbo remainder ot tttocompany was enlisted at Ft PhereonGa and at various other points InIGeorgia North Carolina FloridaLouisiana Alabama and Tennessee



Black of Barbourvlllc was on Sun ¬

lays train bound for Munfordsvlllcwhere ho spoke yesterday In answerto our query what do you think of thepolitical outlook he said We willwin In State and nation but to do 1y

every democrat must do his duty Imade seven speeches last week andwhile I find the people enthused theycan not bo too much so and wo mustlose no time In trying to uroupo themlo the great Importance of electingdemocrats this time Mr Black par ¬

Bally promised to make a speech InStanford and those who heard hissplendid effort here last year sincerelyhope bo will be able to do so Youshould hear him at Mt Vernon Satur-day


afternoon next Otb

AT the democratic club meeting atthe court house Friday night VicePresident S J Embry Sr acted aschairman In tbo absence of PresidentMcAlister and made a good one Themembership was swelled to 171 talksby several of the members were enjoy ¬

ed and the meeting was as profitable al-

I was pleasant On account of a mis ¬

understanding no speaker from a dis ¬

tance was present but at the meetingshereafter one or more good ones maybe expected The club expressed it-

self as being delighted with the prospects of having Hon Prank Burkespeak hero Thursday night and recep ¬

don preparation and advertising cow ¬

mittees wore appointed to make readyfor his coming Col W G WelchJudge J P Ballet Hon R C Warren and Messm J H McAlistcr S JEmbry Sr and R L Hubble composeshe first named committee Mossr JM Alvcreon J T Jone Rowan Sauf10y10 B Owens George W DeBordJ P Jones and T D Nowland thepreparation and T M Goodknlgbt WSBurcb Harvey Helm G B Cooperand E O Walton the advertising Allof the committeemen pledged earnestwork and nothing will bo left undonelo make the vUlt of the distinguishedndlanaian one 10 be rememberedMessrs W T Saunders and R C Engleman Sr wore appointed doorkeeper and assistant doorkeeper respect¬

ively of the club with Instructions toitdmlt none but members After someroutine business the meeting adjourn-



unity Friday night next when It Is

hoped that every member will be on




WEDDING presents at Hamiltons jamNEW fall stock of hate received Mies

Annie Phillips

OUR fall lamps InCall and seethem G H Farris St Co

whipscollars hamestraces c at J O McClarys

FOR close prices on buggies car¬

riages and road wagons go to WeorenBros

WE have several varieties of niceseed wheat for sale J H Baughman 1


You make noJ oby going to

Jonea for your fall footwear The besttbo cheapest

ROWLAND has ademocratic club ofCO members A C Dunn is president

John Barpctt secretary

LOST Ladles jacket between Stacford and Danville Sunday morningLeave at this oRlce Reward

TILE October number of The Ken ¬

tucky White Ribbon Is In press at thisolllco and will bo sent out tomorrow

BEAZLEYLd tollingtyesterday for a child of Susie Hansfordand another for a child of Alice Stew-

art both colored

Fort neatness style comfort and du-


The Manss shoes have noequal See the new styles 8360 84

and U50 U J McRoberts

BE sure to come In Thursday eve-


to see the procession and hear thespeech that Hon Frank Burke willmake You will be well repaid


THE 110000 futurliy will be trottedLexington today and tbo great Tracylvanla Thursday Many of our lovere of the light harness hone will goover

W J whoanaccidentalSenator Is the worst that ever happen-ed will speak to the rads here Monlay He should bring bis 5 per diemper day grammar along

CALL at this office when you come tocourt Monday If you have businesswith the paper want to pay your account or get printing done The busi ¬

ness manager may not be able to seeou on the street

4CItIend killed another Negro named LetchIer Walker Flsherclalms that Walkerhad stolen his wife Ho was hero Incarch of her last week

THE C W B MII meet Wcdnei

lay afternoon at 3 oclockln the beetS

ire room of the Christian church Allmember are requested to attetyl andbring their offering for the support of-

our orphan in India Miss Anna HShanks

rA GENTLEMAN suggests that if these

XMtotllce robberies continuo the rembllcana will have nore money thanhey can use In the campaign but of

ourio be Is Just fooling Republicanswouldnt take money If they could

WAYNESIIURO organized a demoratio club of 50 members Saturdaylight with M G Reynolds presidentiicphcn H Gooch vice president L

C Goocb secretary and Sam PGoocb treasurer The club will meeton Friday nights

TYPHOID FEVERMrE B CaldIwell Jr who was here from Waynebur told us that there Is a good dealor typhoid fever lo his section and thattwo young men Willlum Morgan andjenreo Justice had succumbed to thatearful disease The others who havebeen 111 of fever arc on the road to re-


McKlNNEY has the btfnner demorailc club of the county to far Sherganlzed Saturday afternoon with lid-

aembereall voters and workers forthe cause W A Colley was electedpresident C C Smith vice preeldenC L Crow secretary and ReubenWilliams treasurer Hons HarveyHelm and W S Burch went out andtttcr assisting In the organization madeood speeches The club will meet on

Monday nights

STOVERMraStover whowas Miss Mottle Dunlap Hopper died

it the home of her parents Mr andMrs George D Hopper at 10 A M

Saturday ot a complication of diseasesShe was taken ill in April but grewstronger and gave promise of recoverybut In Juno she had another spell fromwhich she never entirely recovered Amonth or so ago she grew worse andher doctors pronounced her case ma-


fever Complications set up andfor the past two weeks she bad linger ¬

ed between life and death Her deathla a peculiarly sad one being a bride ofbut a year Young light hearted andhappy she made those with whom shecame in contact feel better by her pres ¬

ence and Inspired them for good Ear-



in life she joined the Presbyterianchurch and had since been a devoutmember On Aug 22 of last year shewas married to Mr Edwin B Stovernow principal in a Knoxvlllo highschool and they lived as happily as aDuple over did but death cut short

tbe honeymoon and now the husbandla left crushed by his loss Ho arrivedTuesday night and scarcely left herbedside till the end came Mrs Stoverwas the idol of her parents and theylke the brokcnncartcd bus >ao haveiho sympathy of all In their dark hourAfter funeral services at Mr HoppersSunday afternoon by Eld Joseph Batlou and RevS M Rankin the longestprocession in years followed the re ¬

mains to Buffalo cemetery where theywere Interred

Jacob 0 Bronston aged OH years awell known farmer of Madison died af-

ter a years illness

n r-

F i

He will not be here Thursday eve ¬

ping but his personal friend HonFrank Burke of Indiana will and bewill speak promptly at oclock

MISS LIZZIE C JONESOf Morelantl has opened a Complete

Lino Millinery at Junction CityADlIIDlltCountryProduce


IOllathleshingles atthoaaand

Thot I llmipgiTjItrkiiMirKalMseveral rllllln tanratttr All want the entirelot ol shingles mooed from may shda lijr NovemberthouunJI llots A good train with bay frame on wagon cadraw from IS to M tuouiml at a load A und

UurxtDarrodlburltie Parties that cannot mike trip In one day tan-g t clghu lodging and team led for iH ThltslackrePUBLIC SALE I

West Lincjln County Farm I-

An unimproved farii approximating

2 40 ACRESTwo mile from IliulonTlIle Immediately thelyingbetweenUlflr There reality acres to sheaf thla falltwenty or tweng ave acrn of original growth 0timber con lallngol Immense sugar treescherry black walnut yellow leech Jc I remain ¬

der In bluegnui A great abundance cf waterrronllrlnitbAt never fell eren In the drreat

tlmbtr can be cut soil sawed OD

the place lo same and there are plentroiloe1 and mulberry for fencing purposesboundary has been ut fur grating foryears and no can loe bound In theState Will price reasonably and sire long trineou deterred payiuenla Mr Jour YantU on theJohn V Carpenter plan will show the land toany appllcanii or apply to M 1 LETCIIElt

Dantllle s-yPOSTED

The whose names appear belowstrictly forbid any hunting of game of anykind tit any time of the year on their lamaand will prosecute to the full extent of thelaw any who violate

It llnupbmiin J IC ItaucbmanOr Steele Halley J E mute

LEND FOR SALEFor sale a Tract of Land containing S3

arm two miles arom Stanford on Lancas ¬

ter A Ku li branch Turnpike bring a partof tbe U 8 Wilbur farm All In grasslIaM on it frame cottage of four rooms and aLull right new Terms easy

J II OWSLEV Stanford Kyj


I have 22 cotton mules also four horsesready to feed and want to hell them In tlionext IS days no as to buy mule colts I

to bare u carload of fertilizer at DIIand as It H In the way of a barber shop

111 sell It below my regular price If partlmbuying will take It at once 11 0 KING

Morkland Ky



firstClass Turnouts at Ileasonable RatesSpecial Attention to Traveling Men

Grain und Hay For Sale

Poultry And EggsWANTED

I will market price cash for themand also trades Wool Feathers Ac



50 Head Of ShorthornsAND

Don61os Standard rolled Durham Cattle


1TDanvilla Kyf Oct 5thwe wilt sell our entire herd Including our herd

bull <aooo 4th Our herd couiprlHS suchwell known famlllef at Scotch Tope ltoaeSharonaYoung Marys IbyllheaJosepblnCmsondland the pure 13 family of I rltPual merit and breeding henlwankt second tonote In the Soulli ai we Ius spared no plni orexpense la collecting It We over to breeders ararcoppoitunlty to ftecure young thrifty anlmali

Wewlllorfcr no old or barrenanlmali Write for calaliiKiie Hale lcgim atKyColCOAL a SALTI will hue my coal bins completed by

Oct 1 and will keep on hand three gradeof tho best coal also salt and I will tellto merchants by wagon loud at a very smallmargin W11l continue to pay thu highestprices Hickory Spoke Btnvrt and HeadingsGoods oDd Groceries at rock bottom pricesGive mu a moneyIiMUSIC LeSSONSDy an experienced lady music teacher eoI-

Wr term of Ore 2 hour lessons lms rweek Call at Mrs Strauba

To Sell FarmsYou want to drop an adrcrtbtment In tho hest mountainnewspaper which Is the

> SonlersetJourllnlTwo Inches ono month for elIn ndrauce jr J OAMPUILUManager Somerset Ky

9 A



Contractors And SuHd riSTANFORD KYr YJ

Have now a complete stock of Bulldlnff lUteria Yellow Pine Floqrlntf0

Sash llllnds and nil kinds of Droned and Koagh Lumber Mingles and 6W 1IttCUlt lots rice We mike estimatos on anyklnd of work wanted Offlco oII Cooks


Are Still In The Lead I

Buy it and you will make no mistake Alsothe 40 r

Miami Valley Fertilizer 1We have been using this for several eat i

with good resultsHIGGINS McKINNEY

00 ULT 11fl Itl





The Acme of Perfection in iLadies HighGrade PQ To Date

Footwear >fer r

lrem Better and

HOLD Their SHAPEBetter than tiny other Ladies Shoe J Many Styles

But One Price 350To ALL ik>

Ho Jo 191ffiOffiERTS

I Plain TalkI

s z


1 This beautiful weather wont last long in fact it always ha s gottencold Come while the weather Is good and let us supply you with 4

m your Fall and Winter needs36 In brown cottou at 6cGood Calicoes 4c and Sc

Canton Flannels Be to 12c

r Outing tloilis 6c to 20cPercales 10 and 12cFlannelettes at Iff

Flannelettes 15ciiFrenchandwhite Sateens 15c

Splendid Calicoes for Ccmforts IcIn wove Drcf a Goods

ri1Ladles w

Union Suits 23c to i275Everything in Underwear


At to f f

I Buy Sell Good Shoes i

n bU11Good goods cost very little more than shoddy Bluff If you

trash your pocket is n ways scarce of cash if you buy honestwhen you lay in your tall supply you ate done buying for the winter J


SEVERANCE SONStN i1mOpposile Court house S r

1 j r 7iI i tW iI Cf Slwu oM t l nt WJr-

Buy you Fall Shoe of us We bund e the most reliable makes known t-


For Men Hanan Sons 5 to 7 HelJ

mers Bettman Cos 3 to 450For WomenKrippendorff and Dittmanns2 to 450 1


In Boys Misses and Childrens we n stock that is equal to anything seen in largocities


Stanford Female CollegeFkSTANFORD KY r

Next Session will open Monday Sept 3 C

Thorough courses in Literature ScienceMusic Art and Elocution

Write for CataloguetorMRS NANNIE SAUFLEY Prof

1Jr a