e-safety @ arden

Online Safety Internet Safety E-Safety Protecting yourself online Assembly KS5 October 2015 Online Safety @ Arden

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Online Safety Internet Safety

E-Safety Protecting yourself online

Assembly KS5 October 2015

Online Safety @ Arden

Being safe online Protecting your information Protecting your reputation


Online predators Sexting

Online Pornography (KS4/5) Blackmail

Digital footprints

Online Safety @ Arden

How can you keep yourself safe online?

Online Safety @ Arden

What are the laws around


Online Safety @ Arden

Where can you get help and advice

from if you need it?

Online Safety @ Arden

Protect yourself!

Use the privacy controls on social


Online Safety @ Arden

How to make your account private

Online Safety @ Arden

Why is your online reputation so important?

Online Safety @ Arden

Barclays Life Skills (film)

What does your email address say about you?

Online Safety @ Arden

Online Safety @ Arden

Arden ‘Support Button’

Online Safety @ Arden

Arden Internet Safety Posters

Online Safety @ Arden

Tell a family member Tell a friend

Tell a teacher Tell your Form tutor, Head of Year,

Mr Simpson, Mrs Hull or any other member of staff

Report it (Click CEOP button)

Or Block/Report through social media own E-Safety features

Keep evidence

Online Safety @ Arden