e p&tttt ij'i'' jyfil' · 2015. 5. 30. · 43' ' '" 01...

' '" 43' 01 P&tttt V4 e iJ'i'' JV Jyfil' VOL. VII. NO. 954. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, FKimt'ARY 10, 1804. PRICK f CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN PJflNTKD AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON gZCCPT BCHDAT BT Till Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT TltK OfFICI 326 k 328 Merchant St., Bonolnla, M. I. SUBSOIUPTION-S- ix Dollar a Ycab. Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Cents a Month, In advance. THE WEEKLY BOLLETIN -- 18 PU1JLI8HK- D- HJVHJK,"5T TTJHISDA.Tr At Foub Dollars a Ycar to Domestic, nd Five Dollam to Foreign Subscribers, payable In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DOSE IK SUPERIOR Sir LI. x IIOTH TELEPHONES ZM I. O. IIOX St. The Daily IUtt.i.rTix Is printed and pub-llshe- d by the Dally llulletm Publishing Company, Limited, at It olllce, Mer- chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl- ands. Daniel liOgnn, editor, resides on Alakea street, Honolulu, aforesaid. Address letters for the paper "Editor Hullktik," and business letters " Manager Dally llutletln Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cause delay in attention. Bualnoss Carda. LEWEHS A COOKE, liiirouTERs AMn Dealers in Lumber and ALL KINDS or IIUILDINO MATERIALS. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. HAOKFELD ft CO., Uenkral Commission Adents, Oorntr Port and Queen Streets, Honolulu. JNO. 8. SMITHIES, Auctioneer and Ueneral Husines Auent. Muhitkons, Kohala, Hawaii. WILLIAM FOSTER, Attorn ,w anh Notary Purmc. No. 13 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. TH08. LINDSAY, MtNI'tAlTimiNO Jeweler anh Watcu. maker. H.UEU Jewe rv specialty, Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Mclncrny Illock, Fort Street. J. J. WILLIAMS. PHOTOaRAPHER The Only Collection of Island Vim. O. B. RIPLEY, AROHITBOT, Complete plans and specifications for artery description of building. Contracts drawn and curoful superintendence of con- struction given when required. Call aud examine plans. New designs. Modern llulldlngs. Olllce : Sufo Doitoilt Ilutldlng lupitalrs. Mutual Telephone 'JUS. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Hteam Knuines, Bi'iiar Mills, Hoile&h, Coolerh. Ikon, IIuahh, and Lead Cantinuh. Machinery of F.very Description Made to Order. Purticulur attention puld to Hlilps' Ulacksiuitblug. Job Work executed at Short Notice. tfc ILANIWAI." A F1KST-OLAS- S FAMILY BATH1NO iJL uesort at wamui. i rumours pass the uato. Sneclul arrangements can bo made for Fumlly riuuii'H aim ftvetiinn UathlnR Parties. 8SH-- tf Cement Sidewalks & Gra- nite Curbing Laid. Kstlmates given on all kinds of ATONE, CO.VCKETK .t PLAbTKK WOUK VA- - CONCIIUTK A Bl'KCIAl.TY "d JOHN F. BOWLER CHR. GERTZ, iMfORTKR AND DEALKR If Cent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Sboes and Slippers No, 103 Port Street. CHAS. GIRDLER, HI HUT IMI'OHTKII or - KNOLIBH AND CONTINENTAL IDry O-ood- s No. 10 Kaahumauu street. IE G. IRWIN & CO. ! (Limited) OFPKK FOH BALK FERTILIZERS ALEI. CB08S A SONS' Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. We are also prepared to take orders lor Measra. 17. Ohla.ndt.4iOo.' a VertlUzera, Insuring prompt delivery. BOILED LUCOL! CaT- - This Is a superior Paint Oil. con turning less pigment than Unseed Oil, and Tj':id,gw a lasting brilliancy to colors 1th drier It gives a splendid lloor surface. Linae, Oement, KKKINF.I) 8110 AH8. SALMON. Piirbank Canning Co.'s Cornod Beei fARAFflNE PAINT CO.' Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Reed'i Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarboes' Diamond, Enamol ft Ever- lasting Paint Kseclally designed for Vacuum Pans. FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assets, J7.109.825.49. London ft Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, $4,317,052. Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited) Assets, 16,124,057. New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, 1137,499,198.99. G. 0. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU. Wm. G. Irwin & Go. (LIMITKD) Win. O. Irwin, President ami Manager Clans Spreckels, - W. M. Qlllard, . Sccretury and Treasurer Theo. 0. Porter Auditor SiagELr Factors - AN- D- Commission Agents. AOKNTS OF TUB Oceanic Steamship Company, OF SAN FKANOIBCO, OAL. C. BREWER & CO. (LIMITED) General Mercantile Commission Agents P. 0. Jones PrcMdt nt O. It, Kobertson, Malinger P.. F. llishop. Secretary .1 rieasurer W. F. Allen .Auditor 0 M. Cooke II. WatnrhoUHf Directors 0. L. Caiter JUST ARRIVED PKH ItAltK "C. D. IHIYANT." BABY CARRIAGES Of ALL STYLES; Carpets, Rugs and Mats In the Latent Pnttcrns, "HOUSEHOLD" Sewing Machines. HAND SEWING MACHINES, All with the l.ntct Improvement. ALM) ON HAND WESTERN A YEirS Celebrated i.innc Cottage lauuo Parlor Organs, Guitars, AM OTIICH MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOK 8AI.K ED, HOFFSCHLAEGER & GO,, King Hired, oiiihi. l'ntli .V. Cooke. 7JO-t- f III iioth telephones - tu 1IUSTACE&CO. COAL All kind In any ipuiutlly from a hug to a ton. CHARCOAL From one bag to nny iiiiiutlty. FIREWOOD In length and Snwiil or Split, from a bag to any quantity; alio WHITE & ULACK SAND hTO-t- f IRON WORKS QXJEJTJJN STR.HH2T. Between Alikos and Richards Streets. rpilB UNDEKSIONED AUK PKE-- pared to make nil kinds of Iron, Units, llrimr .Ino, Tin mid lead Cast- ings. A No a General Kopitlr Simp for Strain Engines, Kite Mills, Corn Mills, Water Wheels. Wind Mills, etc. Muchliiei fur the Cleaning of Coll'ee, Castor Oils. Ilcaiis, Kaiiilu, Sisal, Pineapple leaves ami other Fibrous Plnntt and Paper Stock. AIk) Machines for Kxtriictlii Starch from the Manioc, Arrow Hoot, etc. " All orders promptly attended lo WHITE, RITMAN & CO. "Sans Souci" Hotel Seaside Resort Waikiki. : Honolulu. (htl,er ST. hUl If iiimime ilriire inch tliimji iu liiirly trtHtrg, 'i, jiurr mV, clntr irn itiilrr, ijihhI J'ihhI unit litmenlg iiintel hmiij nut Itfitc Ui r' fiic.v rtriiiiHj mtr the I'un-fi- e ini'il Hit ill'lmtl hilli uf Wiiimiiir, I rrrmii-ma- him nmlinlhi In I In' "iitiu S'liici.' linlllUlT l.ul'IS .sy'.T.WVJ.V. T. A. SIMPSON, Manager. BEAVER SALOON, The Best Lunch in Town. fSt Tea. and Ooffee AT ALL IIOL'IW. TU12 FINEST IsKANDS OK Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS ON HANI). H T. lSTOT-iT- E, JProtD. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO,, kjai 81 KING ST. Wholesale and Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. O. J. Wallor, Manugor. ,0ceanic SteamslliP Co- - Anstralian Mail Service, Por San Francisco: The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "MARIPOSA" C. Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and 'Auck- land on or about March -- 8th, And will leave for .lie above port with Malls and Passengers on or about that date. For Sydney and Auckland : The New and Fine At Steel 8teamshlp "MONOWAI" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu, from San Francisco, on or about February 16th, And will have prompt despatch with Malls and Passengers for the above ports. The undersigned arc now prepared to Issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. tW For further particulars regarding Freight or Passage apply to WM. 0. IRWIN ft CO., Ltd., iw Oenaral Agents. Oceanic Steamship Go. Tiryie Table. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu I from S. F. for S. F. Feb. '.'t . March .'I I March '.M. . .March 31 or April '.'1 .. . . April May III. . . May Jtl June 10 .. . ..JllueZI THROUGH LINE. From San Fruurlsn, Knm Hyitney lot for Sydney. Han rrauclsro. rri't IlimiiUilu. 'Il Itimnliihi. MONOWAI, Feb. 1.1 AI.A.MKDA, Feb. s ALAMKDA, Fob. 1 MAKIPilrtA, Mar. 8 MAIM P08A, Apr. I.' MONOWAI, Apr. ft MONOWAI, May 10 AI.A.MKDA. May .1 AI.AMKDA, .liiiic 7 MA It I POHA.Miiv.il MAKIPOSA, July .1 MONOWAI. Jiinu'Jt MONOWAI, Aiiir. .' AI.AMKDA.July'JU ai.ami:da,aiik no MAKIPOHA,Aiik.I I MAKIPOSA, MONOWAI. Kent. 'JU MONOWAI Oct. il I AI.A.MKDA 3STOTIOE ! The PASSENGER DEPARTMENT or Tiir. - Oceanic Steamship Go. IN SAN FUANt'I-sCO- , llnibeeii ltemovel from :f.T Market i street tn 1!W rONT(IOMKUY STUKK'P, (I'NIIKK 0((IISTAI. ItlirKU) KW From this date all communlfa-tluu- s pcrlalnliiK to the San Fruuclvo Pan. MMiner KiiIiivi should be vnt to the new Olllce, Ui Moutcomery Street. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'D, fiierul Agents, Oceanic Sti'amhlp Co. at Honolulu. mil 1 in II. LOSK, NlllK I'rin.n', Coi i.kctiih im Okmhm. llt'Mor.Hs AorT. Sub-age- for Several of the ll.-- t FUCK INBCUANlT. COMPANIES. Mutual Tulciihouu H. P. O. Hot :tls. Merchant Street, Honolulu. K. A. JACOHSOX, "NVatciimakkii ani .Ii:wi:i.f.k M Fort Street, Honolulu, II. I. . llox ..'ST. Mutual Tele. uw. WM. DAVIES, Rhjukk : and : Stkvkdcihk estimates and contkacts on all kinds of wokk. 0li'K: Willi Wright llro., Fori Street. tW'itf 1K. C. W. MOORE, HOD Van Nh Ave,, S. F., Oil. Elegant Apartments for Patients. KU.ITHH'ITV I.N MTUVIirx HKAM.H. Dr. Moore oIl'Ta Invalldi nil the loinforisof home, wiili t'onxiaut and care- ful treatment Ituferi to II, It. Miicfurliinu. Iioitf I)K. S. ASA NO, Physician it Surgeon NO. Ilia NITANF AVKNl'i:. (Ippn-lt- e Eagle IIoiim', - Honolulu. M lit ti.it Telephone 'Jtl. UK. ,J. I Ullll'.X, Physician k Sill gvon .SO. " KFKll LANK. v a . xxix.szr'itoiTx: cas, Canadi?.r.-Au;;iralfe- n IN WITH THE FAMOUS TOURIST ROUTE OF THE WORLD Tickets per $5 Second v P. R. are Class THROUGH TICKETS Uraei from Bonolnla to CANADA, UNITED STATES and EUROPE, alio lo FIJI and SYDNEY. For Fiji and Sydney: STEAM KKH SAIL Mr, EACH MONTH. Freight and Passenger Agents: D. McNlCOLL, Montreal, Canada. KOIIEKT K Kit II, Winnipeg, Canada. M. M. STKItN, Snti Francisco, 'al. (I. Mi'U HKOWN. Vancouver, II. 0. Co. -- AND TH- K- and Oriental S,S, Co, For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamers of the nlxivc Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to the above lorts on or about the following dates: Kimr "OCEANIC Mnndi A, lhl Stmr "CHINA" April HI, INM For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamer of the above Companies will call ut Honolulu on tneir way from Hoiik konunnd Yokohama to t lie ulxivc ptirt on aiHiut the (oIIomIui: dates: btmr "OlK.C, Feb. I'J. IWH Stmr "CHINA" March ill, Itt'.ll Stmr "UAKI.I- l- May 14, INM RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: to iiRn TO MONO. IIAM. KohO. Cabin liro ui 1173 IX) I'abln, round trip 4 mouths ') Ul lt Ml Cabin, round trip Vi months rj MJ Jill 1 Kuropcali SteeriiKf n1 III 100 00 PusMMiiserx Mivlnc full fare will lw allowed 10 iiniiit oil return Inn. If return. IIC within twelve liinntlM For Fri'lght Hiid I'ltsgi'Mpply tn H. & CO., jot tf Agonts. IIETWEEN WAIKIKI, THE PA UK, SANhSOlIi'l, IHAMONI) HEAD AND IKiNol.lM.I'. Time Table. I.MVK HA.Ns MIVI I'llK. foHI SOI') I, am kio sr. 7:Mju. in. tllUlll. Ill, lUltSI " ll:i"i " lL'ioo noon, hm P m. Jump. ui. :i:iu " I:WI " h:lu " Ill.iO " 7i:i " llltsj " luiou Farei to Itillu Itiinee 1 cenls. Will- - kiki, III cents; Suns Souel and Diamond Mead, Ki cents; round trip, 'J- cents; children under I'J years, half price. WILD F. SMITH, Proprietor. .ino NUUANl' ST. Next door .Mitrchuul' Exchunge. New Goods and Latest Styles ! 'Kit KBIT FIT Jl'AltAXTEKD. tW ' gelling ilililitiouul xilltx will reei vti it reductluu til fjuudfl o mit r. 0JI .Mm DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP. MIE roPAKTNKKMIIP IIKI'WKKN tlie tin lur. lulled uxUllllg UUtler the linn uaiiiti til L.wurgiH, Fern iude .V Co. Ino. lieeii illMolveil liy iiiiitual roii-en- l, .Mr. L)curgii' having o, hi IntcrcM in the llrm to Mr. Feriiundi-- . All debt', due by the llrm will lie puld hi tllt More ol Hie lino by Mr. I'uiuuude.. mid all debts tine lo the ilrin Will been leeled li him (ieu, L)ciirgil. ii'KiHi'iftilU ii'ipie-t- - hi friend" lo exienil llielr pat roitage herclofole given to hliu to hi" iici'e"or, who will continue the lmiiii"-"o- f Hie llrm no hi" own account, lil.li. I.Yi'Fltiir.s, ANTliMti FKItN Vii: Honolulu, .lun. I J, l"'i tut tin I It NOTICE. A LI. Ai IjiiFNIf. DFF. in in i: 1'iit.M 1 V Hell K. e I ll.lll il labile. Kauai. Iiuve I U placid fm colli-- lion with Mr. Paul Neiiniiiuii. atti'rue III Mir-chni- ii "ireei, llmioliilii. S. Muiiwar in Mr. Paul Simiiiwiiiii' oitue i uulleiruil to itctite and netii.t f,r tliclr pa.Miii'iil. All lur.oli- - iiidt'tilid tn s.tid tiritiaie to -- el IU- their ItecoillilH and save cottk ol litigation. VI' K.N CIIONO. Honolulu, Juu. I, 15'Jl. 'M Im Steamship Line OONMBOTION CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. STEAMSHIP SERVICE' MONTHLY. PaciQc Mail S.S. Occidental HACKFELD COACH LINE Sfet SIIEU LUN, Merchant Tailor it $11) First Less than U.S. Line to liy ' For Victoria and Vancouver B. C STKAMRUS SAIL Feb. 2 April I, Mm I May 31, July I, July 31, lui. For Tickets and General I tiftirtun- - tlon apply to THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.. Agrnti fur tht Jlnunlinti lulnuih, In Wilders Steamship Co. I ii t mu i ii TIME TABLE. W. C. Wanna. I'res. 8. II. Itom. Kec. Uait. J. A. Kikh, Port htlpt. Stmr. KINAU, CLAREE, Commander, I I III leave Honolulu at '.' i M., touching at Lahalna, Maalneu Day and Mukeim the same day; Mahukoim, KhwiiIIiiii-mil- l the follow Iiik day, arriving hi Illlo at iuldlili;kt LEAVES HONOLULU Frldiiv Feb. In I Tuesday Feb. :: Friday March I, Tucsdut . March M Friday March 'M Tuciilay ... I .! Il Friday". April Jo TucmIiij Friday .M tl i ruelny .. . M . flillll Jo lie l I'llcufiiy .lutie I'.' Friday June 'I iK'xfay ...... .. I Friday Inly I.I lu.xmy .. j uiy Jri-lu- uK, liiiiMiay . . ug Friday ug Tuesday rVpt Frhlay pepi, Tui'aay . . . Mpi Friday .. Oct, TiifFiluy . O. t, Friday . O.'l Tni'Miay Nov, rrldii) .. ... .Nov. In 'I'tiCMiav .. S'uv. -- 1 Friday . Dec. 7 lui'nl.iy ... . inn: '" Iteturulng leaves Illlo, loiu-hiu- at same ilny; Knwuilme a. m.; Ma lillkoua IU A. M.; Mnkeiia I i m.; Maalueu j Hay lir. m.; I.ahiilua M r. m. the following da ; arriving at Honolulu it a. m. Wednes- days and Huturdas. AKKIVES AT HONOLULU: Wednesday Feb. It I Saturduy lib. J I Wednehday March 7 Hiilunlu) .Murcli 17 Wednesday.. . . . Mil roll "J huturduy April 7 Wclncday . April lit Saturday .. .April is Weilnowlny .May ti hatunlay . . . May 10 Wviliiesdav. . Mu .to Saturday .. June ii educMlay June Jo Saturday... . . J iiue .to Wiiluexluy . .July Saturday . .. .lulyJI Weilnesilay . Aug. I Saturday . Aug. II WedliCMlay Aug. JJ aturday M'pt. I Wednesday . . I'J Saturday '.. Sept. JJ Wtnlnewlii) (let. .1 Saturday . Oct. i:i Wi'dnui'ilay tlcl. 'J I Niturday Nov. A Wiilliesilny Nuv. U Saturday Nov. Jl Weilnenloy Dee. .'. Suturday , . Dec. t.-- i Wislui'Mlay Dec. J. No FreiL-h-l will be received after Hi noon on day of hulling Stmr. CLAUDINE, CAMERON, Commander, Will leavti Honolulu every luewluy at i i'. m., touching at Kuliuliu. Huelo. Huua. Ilauioa and Kipahiilu. Ketiiriilug will arrive at Honolulu ver) Suiulu) morning. tm No Freight will lie received alter r. M. on nay ol sailing, lL'B receive their Freight, as we will not bold ourselves restHiiihlhle after such Freight lots been lauded. While the Company will use due dill-genc- u in handling Live Stock, we decline to assume any reoie.llilllty in euxe of tlie loss of same. The Company will not Im rcHinille lur Miiuey or Jewelry unless placed In lite care of Purser". NOTICE. LI. HILL"! Hl'K AdAINM' IIIK IH. iV uoliilii Itonil Hoard in lutiire uic re- unified lo bo pre-clil- lit the olllte of M1m ivi.or ol llouolulll oil tlie Jiltli of each uiuiith, t therwi". Ihcy will lie ex- empt from that nioniliV ehinuaie and k l not in lie paid for one or two uuiiitli" alter. Its order ol the Honolulu Hen. I Hoard, W. II. IT M MINUS. x'S'-t- l Itoild Mllpervinil. lllHiolulll. WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. A LI- - i'AIM'IKS DKslltlNli CO to) III A uliikeiikuu lull" in Manila Vallt') are liereliy reipierlcd to obtain a permU- - Ion from Hie tiudcrslgiied, othvrwUe thc will be pro.icilted lor trespass If found on the premues without such permission, JAS. ll. IIOYD, at the I Ji nd Olllce, Supreme Court llulld-lug- . Honolulu, J un 17, m. 760-- tl BANNINO ESTATE. HcclilcH tb nlmvi- i' Idcnce tho petl tiuiicrt olItTisl proofs n tn the fonditlon , Mini mliti' of tin" mid Invest- - I inents nunlf by Mr. Allen in triMeo, the L'lniui of potitioiiiTi. Loib tluit tho In- - vostmt'iiti iiiiiiIl' liy Air. Allen included Iobiih upon pervmiil which voiild not lio tnkeii by n triNteo hoi-e- r jjootl, j n I o that tho Invc-tiiic- nt.J inclitilctl bonds I iu now irml tiuproM'ti tntorpriwH which Wllit I'lllltl'lllll d Mhotllll tioi Ih iillowod tlu'l'ourt. Ii lli'iic" win iiNo otlen.il show that wiiiii- - if tin lioiuli In ques- - tlnti were not nt prcfi-nt- . or :it tin' time IlaiintiiL' ni'i'lvwl tin tn Innn Allen, wtla- - blent (lie price given for tin in Htiil hud no iiccrtmmibli- - market vulue. The ilefelidunt dllofeil ftlitcncu tend-in- to show tlmt tho nt tho 111111' they were taken wore f.ui'.liU'rid Ko(l luveotiueiitx for triiBt fitniU nud .to.! well in the mnrket, uiul if there Imcl Iteen mi) depreciation eince it hud Ix'cii owing' to eirciiiintiiuecf uri-lli- tince the InventinelltM were litmle over which the trustee had no control nnil uu not tea poiiHible, mid that in time nil of the wduIiIIh' koixI for the money paid for tlitiii. V. F. Am.kn, Swoii.v on Hm Own Uk-i- i m.i, Sr.vn. 1 wan nppolntetl uiltiiimstrntor of the .Mr. Uiiimniriiilvx). The extnte then coiHi-te- il of Mr. Uanniliif'n Interest the bilHiiicti of Ilollehlneier A Co. The will named t". II. lllnhoii ai exeeu- - toriitut he ilecIitKil touct. nml 1 received teiuponiry appointment from the Court mid tinder thai temporiir) iippointiiient llleil mi le'eount. Mini Inter I Will up-- , pointed permanent udtuliiNtnitor with the will innn h I'll-o- ld linn of I loll- - Hchlncger , Co wio .'I.Mcl nut nnil 1 had Htock lil tnlccii whieli I miI.I to Mr. .MiiertetiH. I -- old 111 lit luctflmmlWc ttik- - llig tim note ror it I think I iiiudo n l'ihk! Hale ut the time, u xtuiill dNeount on the value. The pnrttierehlp wn cIoh-et- l out, the liii'.itje'-- U'lng left entirely in the luiud-- . of the linn An -- ouii ut they inaile eollcetioti" "f the old llrtu' ntwetx they puld Mr ll.iiinnm' hhare over to me. 1 he iiieri'lininli-- e "old for ?.),iim. llleil mi ueeoutit in Coint every year exeept the jenr Irtui, when 1 wiin nlretil from the Itiliu'iloin, Thew ucenimtc weie Hiibuiittitl to the Cmirt, mid by the Court telcricd to u uia-t- er mid artel upon, I made the lie.t eolleetioii u itduiiui-.truto- r of deblh due the entitle of Mr. llanning iu ls'.i. When I uppltiil for my illHohurgc 'bd not iiial.e out nnj hcheilule of re eeiptx iiml e.peiulittirei. for there hnd not lieeii nny for tlie oMute hIiiw the lust iiccnillil lll.il by me ill KI. I rednveM- - vi t tit rciili.atloiii from the HHieli of the eKliile an f- -l iih tlii'V eiuiiu in. 1 nidd over the income fiotii Mich invextiueulN '" "" iiiiiiiiii.i;. reiuiitiii); ine money to her t wry nix nioiitlii) und Kemliiit; hei n eeltil miuiiiil iieeoiint thereof. I ercilited the interest inoii illicet to li r in iiii lie mi ,i,u, I I..,, i f.. i.... ,.. iHinull) iih f,.K, ,1H .u.l, ,.1,ril I, I ,,,, ..1,,,., ,.., ,11, ... wii" kept elitlii'ly iliiler.nt, I hud it H'piiriitt' b.llllt itcrolllit ful the ei.ltte money. At the time Hint I tlleil my up plication for ili"i'iiuige I wu not uuiire of liny further dune rciiiaiiim to lie done liy me, fm I Hippo-n- l that when Dolph eiiuie of age the .'"title ivac to bo divided itliiliy ImMwciii tin in. I Cot lliix iiiiprt'K"iou from the will I had not liuitle ii rtlf piobnlily ui familiar with it im 1 ought to have done. I ut 1 knew that one-hal- l wm. to go to the .ui, mid if I hud lend il hi the will I hud forgotten that the other half wa- - to leuiain In the hnmU of tho iiilmiuUtriitor. With logon I to my petition for ill"Clmrge .Mr. Manning nii'n liero ami, of eoiiiw, ho luiew iiImmh it. 1 had nUo iiotilittl Mih. llaiining before that mid Nlie knew perfi'i'tly well that on Ills eoltiiug of itgt the iieeouutH were to lie Hied mid the Ohliite divliliil. At the time of lilniL' my petition for dicliurge J did iml tile nli Ictliiltil lint of lincnt I diilii t know that it win. iici.'iv Iuieiili.. i'iille.1 for, when I lllttl my hist account in I vi I 1 MhnpU niade a "late iiient to the Court then oftho amount in WNltd iu IniiiiU, the iililoillit InveMoil in noien iiml the eaih on hiiiiil, mid I that wie. "illllcient. I ueer was UHketl for ti detailed "tateincnt. tj. What instigatetl you to inaUo the investment" that you made, Mr. Allen; A. That i my luiHincM and I try to keep piett well pontnl upon the value of property nud thing that are olleretl for investment. The nu-.- t of the were inadi upon uiv own judg- ment upon looking into them. IJ. W hieh oiich weie not niade by you poiMiniilly ." A. The sfjtmti loan, the piircliuw of the Seattle IkjiiiU unit tfllKSI in Union Iron Worl.n UmtU. I wiih not in the eountrx at the time they weie uilide. The Seattle UimU art "till iu liiiiidiitiou. ii is not known what the lo will lie. I. Are there any other inie-tineii- tH of the entate that you know or iu which oil have I canon to bclictc t licit' will lx a hibx; A. .'o, don't know of any of litem that I think there will be u lo-- g on. IJ. Will you go through the INt ami piirtieiihnl tlfhi-ril- the nature of the invt'stmeitti-mi- d the nature of the : A Ut, the Hawaiian (iovernuieiit Ixiiulrt, tfdii.iKSlj we lire all familial with thone. 'Jd, liana I'lantuiion boml, the uic hfciirid b HiHt mortgage on the liana Plantation The llir-- t two years boiitlh have been paid. I think the) are pacing them oil at the rate of tlu.noil per annum The liana I'htntatiou owux I leal eHtate. a great deal of it III fee "im pie, they rent muiic. and tliey tunc it half liucii-H- i plant It i an oltl plantation with new woikrt :td. Halm Itmhvay mid Laud Coiiiiuuy ImuuU. U.noo Although thi'M- - luiud" caliuol lie plluxd I think . v are g,.il and will l giunl eventually Ith. K.ihnldi Sugar Com pun,'.'" IkuuU That in tin- - large"! plania Hon oil till" l"llllld. The) wete author izcil to ille ITo,oi4i worth of IhiuiIh The) don't owe tin whole of that, they ilitllit ihue the whi de of that. Interest in paid proiupll) and the) nn iniwug oil' , Willie of the Ik, nils. '1 he plalltalloll I" lining mm) well tilth inn I don't antici pale an) Im- - on that tnw'Mlucnt, otli. Hie I' 111' !! linn Work bonds, tlmKI. I tlunli the Ioh uiiioiintK tn lietween 'JJ lllllldleil and 'J.I litlliillcil doll, it". TIlCI'c in a iitiK "'im.-iliiu- ciimmg et tith, t ti Scuttle liaiik U'lul". fjum I can out) Mi) that tin iniiiiL an up tlieie iu tlie hainU of Mi l imige Cutler, but when eer lin.Mhllig I" icallcd It Will bo held ' direct I) tn Mr and Mr llaillliug I put it in Cm ler'n lutioU In caiihc he is the onl) ' iiiiiii that I know up there I did not coiihiilt with Mr llaiiiung "i her wn aliotit si tiding them up lliete An wioii iih the) wen "int I iiotlliid tlieiti 7th, Ku'an A (ittnii not, , chattel iiuirtgage. for JjlMM, Hint hit" U en paid fst(l .,VKHl to Mr Uiinou and tn CunpUII I (C'oiili'iiUftl on ith I'uye.)

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Page 1: e P&tttt iJ'i'' Jyfil' · 2015. 5. 30. · 43' ' '" 01 P&tttt V4 e iJ'i'' JV Jyfil' VOL. VII. NO. 954. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, FKimt'ARY 10, 1804. PRICK f CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN

' '"43'

01 P&ttttV4 e iJ'i'' JV Jyfil'

VOL. VII. NO. 954. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, FKimt'ARY 10, 1804. PRICK f CENTS.



Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,


326 k 328 Merchant St., Bonolnla, M. I.

SUBSOIUPTION-S- ix Dollar a Ycab.Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Cents aMonth, In advance.


-- 18 PU1JLI8HK- D-

HJVHJK,"5T TTJHISDA.TrAt Foub Dollars a Ycar to Domestic,

nd Five Dollam to Foreign Subscribers,payable In advance.



I. O. IIOX St.

The Daily IUtt.i.rTix Is printed and pub-llshe- d

by the Dally llulletm PublishingCompany, Limited, at It olllce, Mer-chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl-ands. Daniel liOgnn, editor, resides onAlakea street, Honolulu, aforesaid.

Address letters for the paper "EditorHullktik," and business letters " ManagerDally llutletln Publishing Company."Using a personal address may cause delayin attention.

Bualnoss Carda.


liiirouTERs AMn Dealers in Lumber andALL KINDS or IIUILDINO MATERIALS.

Fort Street, Honolulu.


Uenkral Commission Adents,

Oorntr Port and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Auctioneer and Ueneral Husines Auent.

Muhitkons, Kohala, Hawaii.


Attorn ,w anh Notary Purmc.

No. 13 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu.


MtNI'tAlTimiNO Jeweler anh Watcu.maker.

H.UEU Jewe rv specialty, Particularattention paid to all kinds of repairs.

Mclncrny Illock, Fort Street.


PHOTOaRAPHERThe Only Collection of Island Vim.


AROHITBOT,Complete plans and specifications forartery description of building. Contractsdrawn and curoful superintendence of con-struction given when required. Call audexamine plans. New designs. Modernllulldlngs. Olllce : Sufo Doitoilt Ilutldlnglupitalrs. Mutual Telephone 'JUS.


Hteam Knuines, Bi'iiar Mills, Hoile&h,Coolerh. Ikon, IIuahh, and Lead


Machinery of F.very Description Made toOrder. Purticulur attention puld to Hlilps'Ulacksiuitblug. Job Work executed atShort Notice.


A F1KST-OLAS- S FAMILY BATH1NOiJL uesort at wamui. i rumours passthe uato. Sneclul arrangements can bomade for Fumlly riuuii'H aim ftvetiinnUathlnR Parties. 8SH-- tf

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.Kstlmates given on all kinds of




Cent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Sboes

and Slippers

No, 103 Port Street.CHAS. GIRDLER,


IDry O-ood-s

No. 10 Kaahumauu street.




Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

We are also prepared to take orders lor

Measra. 17. Ohla.ndt.4iOo.' aVertlUzera,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!CaT-- This Is a superior Paint Oil. con

turning less pigment than Unseed Oil, andTj':id,gw a lasting brilliancy to colors

1th drier It gives a splendid lloorsurface.

Linae, Oement,KKKINF.I) 8110 AH8.


Piirbank Canning Co.'s Cornod Beei


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed'i Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamol ft Ever-

lasting Paint

Kseclally designed for Vacuum Pans.





Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, J7.109.825.49.

London ft Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,Assets, $4,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, 16,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,Assets, 1137,499,198.99.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.HONOLULU.

Wm. G. Irwin & Go.(LIMITKD)

Win. O. Irwin, President ami ManagerClans Spreckels, -W. M. Qlllard, . Sccretury and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter Auditor

SiagELr Factors- AN- D-

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile

Commission Agents

P. 0. Jones PrcMdt ntO. It, Kobertson, MalingerP.. F. llishop. Secretary .1 rieasurerW. F. Allen .Auditor0 M. CookeII. WatnrhoUHf Directors0. L. Caiter




Carpets, Rugs and MatsIn the Latent Pnttcrns,



All with the l.ntct Improvement.



Celebrated i.inncCottage lauuo

Parlor Organs, Guitars,




King Hired, oiiihi. l'ntli .V. Cooke.7JO-t- f

III iioth telephones - tu


COALAll kind In any ipuiutlly from a

hug to a ton.

CHARCOALFrom one bag to nny iiiiiutlty.

FIREWOODIn length and Snwiil or Split,

from a bag to any quantity; alio



Between Alikos and Richards Streets.

rpilB UNDEKSIONED AUK PKE--pared to make nil kinds of Iron,

Units, llrimr .Ino, Tin mid lead Cast-ings. A No a General Kopitlr Simp forStrain Engines, Kite Mills, Corn Mills,Water Wheels. Wind Mills, etc. Muchliieifur the Cleaning of Coll'ee, Castor Oils.Ilcaiis, Kaiiilu, Sisal, Pineapple leaves amiother Fibrous Plnntt and Paper Stock.AIk) Machines for Kxtriictlii Starch fromthe Manioc, Arrow Hoot, etc.

" All orders promptly attended lo


"Sans Souci" Hotel

Seaside Resort

Waikiki. : Honolulu.(htl,er ST. hUl

If iiimime ilriire inch tliimjiiu liiirly trtHtrg, 'i, jiurr mV, clntr irnitiilrr, ijihhI J'ihhI unit litmenlg iiintel hmiijnut Itfitc Ui r' fiic.v rtriiiiHj mtr the I'un-fi- e

ini'il Hit ill'lmtl hilli uf Wiiimiiir, I rrrmii-ma-

him nmlinlhi In I In' "iitiu S'liici.'linlllUlT l.ul'IS .sy'.T.WVJ.V.

T. A. SIMPSON, Manager.


The Best Lunch in Town.

fStTea. and Ooffee



Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HANI).

H T. lSTOT-iT-E, JProtD.


kjai81 KING ST.

Wholesale and Retail Butchers



O. J. Wallor, Manugor.

,0ceanic SteamslliP Co--

Anstralian Mail Service,

Por San Francisco:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA" C.Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and 'Auck-land on or about

March -- 8th,And will leave for .lie above port withMalls and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland :

The New and Fine At Steel 8teamshlp

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

February 16th,And will have prompt despatch withMalls and Passengers for the above ports.

The undersigned arc now prepared to Issue



tW For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN ft CO., Ltd.,

iw Oenaral Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Tiryie Table.LOCAL LINE.

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu I

from S. F. for S. F.

Feb. '.'t . March .'II

March '.M. . .March 31 orApril '.'1 .. . . AprilMay III. . . May JtlJune 10 .. . ..JllueZI

THROUGH LINE.From San Fruurlsn, Knm Hyitney lot

for Sydney. Han rrauclsro.rri't IlimiiUilu. 'Il Itimnliihi.

MONOWAI, Feb. 1.1 AI.A.MKDA, Feb. sALAMKDA, Fob. 1 MAKIPilrtA, Mar. 8MAIM P08A, Apr. I.' MONOWAI, Apr. ftMONOWAI, May 10 AI.A.MKDA. May .1

AI.AMKDA, .liiiic 7 MA It I POHA.Miiv.ilMAKIPOSA, July .1 MONOWAI. Jiinu'JtMONOWAI, Aiiir. .' AI.AMKDA.July'JUai.ami:da,aiik no MAKIPOHA,Aiik.I IMAKIPOSA, MONOWAI. Kent. 'JU




or Tiir. -

Oceanic Steamship Go.IN SAN FUANt'I-sCO- ,

llnibeeii ltemovel from :f.T Market i

street tn



KW From this date all communlfa-tluu- s

pcrlalnliiK to the San Fruuclvo Pan.MMiner KiiIiivi should be vnt to the newOlllce, Ui Moutcomery Street.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'D,

fiierul Agents, Oceanic Sti'amhlp Co. atHonolulu. mil 1 in


NlllK I'rin.n', Coi i.kctiih im Okmhm.llt'Mor.Hs AorT.

Sub-age- for Several of the ll.-- t FUCKINBCUANlT. COMPANIES.

Mutual Tulciihouu H. P. O. Hot :tls.Merchant Street, Honolulu.


"NVatciimakkii ani .Ii:wi:i.f.k

M Fort Street, Honolulu, II. I.. llox ..'ST. Mutual Tele. uw.

WM. DAVIES,Rhjukk : and : Stkvkdcihk

estimates and contkacts onall kinds of wokk.

0li'K: Willi Wright llro., Fori Street.tW'itf

1K. C. W. MOORE,HOD Van Nh Ave,, S. F., Oil.

Elegant Apartments for Patients.KU.ITHH'ITV I.N MTUVIirx HKAM.H.

Dr. Moore oIl'Ta Invalldi nil theloinforisof home, wiili t'onxiaut and care-ful treatment Ituferi to II, It. Miicfurliinu.



Physician it SurgeonNO. Ilia NITANF AVKNl'i:.

(Ippn-lt- e Eagle IIoiim', - Honolulu.

M lit ti.it Telephone 'Jtl.

UK. ,J. I Ullll'.X,

Physician k Sill gvon.SO. " KFKll LANK.

v a . xxix.szr'itoiTx: cas,

Canadi?.r.-Au;;iralfe- n



Tickets per $5 Second vP. R. are Class


EUROPE, alio lo FIJI and SYDNEY.

For Fiji and Sydney:


Freight and Passenger Agents:

D. McNlCOLL, Montreal, Canada.KOIIEKT K Kit II, Winnipeg, Canada.M. M. STKItN, Snti Francisco, 'al.(I. Mi'U HKOWN. Vancouver, II. 0.

Co.-- AND TH-K-

and Oriental S,S, Co,


Steamers of the nlxivc Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way to the abovelorts on or about the following dates:

Kimr "OCEANIC Mnndi A, lhlStmr "CHINA" April HI, INM


Steamer of the above Companies willcall ut Honolulu on tneir way from Hoiikkonunnd Yokohama to t lie ulxivc ptirt on

aiHiut the (oIIomIui: dates:

btmr "OlK.C, Feb. I'J. IWHStmr "CHINA" March ill, Itt'.llStmr "UAKI.I- l- May 14, INM


to iiRn TO MONO.IIAM. KohO.

Cabin liro ui 1173 IX)

I'abln, round trip 4

mouths ') Ul lt MlCabin, round trip Vi

months rj MJ Jill 1Kuropcali SteeriiKf n1 III 100 00

PusMMiiserx Mivlnc full fare will lwallowed 10 iiniiit oil return Inn. If return.

IIC within twelve liinntlM

For Fri'lght Hiid I'ltsgi'Mpply tn

H. & CO.,

jot tf Agonts.



AND IKiNol.lM.I'.

Time Table.I.MVK HA.Ns MIVI I'llK. foHI

SOI') I, am kio sr.7:Mju. in. tllUlll. Ill,

lUltSI " ll:i"i "lL'ioo noon, hm P m.Jump. ui. :i:iu "I:WI " h:lu "Ill.iO " 7i:i "llltsj " luiou

Farei to Itillu Itiinee 1 cenls. Will- -

kiki, III cents; Suns Souel and DiamondMead, Ki cents; round trip, 'J- cents;children under I'J years, half price.

WILD F. SMITH, Proprietor.

.ino NUUANl' ST.

Next door .Mitrchuul' Exchunge.

New Goods and Latest Styles !


tW ' gelling ilililitiouul xilltxwill reei vti it reductluu til fjuudfl o

mit r. 0JI .Mm


MIE roPAKTNKKMIIP IIKI'WKKNtlie tin lur. lulled uxUllllg UUtler the

linn uaiiiti til L.wurgiH, Fern iude .V Co.Ino. lieeii illMolveil liy iiiiitual roii-en- l, .Mr.L)curgii' having o, hi IntcrcM in thellrm to Mr. Feriiundi-- . All debt', due bythe llrm will lie puld hi tllt More ol Hielino by Mr. I'uiuuude.. mid all debts tinelo the ilrin Will been leeled li him (ieu,L)ciirgil. ii'KiHi'iftilU ii'ipie-t- - hi friend"lo exienil llielr pat roitage herclofole givento hliu to hi" iici'e"or, who will continuethe lmiiii"-"o- f Hie llrm no hi" own account,

lil.li. I.Yi'Fltiir.s,ANTliMti FKItN Vii:

Honolulu, .lun. I J, l"'i tut tin I It


A LI. Ai IjiiFNIf. DFF. in in i: 1'iit.M1 V Hell K. e I ll.lll il labile. Kauai.Iiuve I U placid fm colli-- lion with Mr.Paul Neiiniiiuii. atti'rue III Mir-chni- ii

"ireei, llmioliilii. S. Muiiwar inMr. Paul Simiiiwiiiii' oitue i uulleiruilto itctite and netii.t f,r tliclr pa.Miii'iil.All lur.oli- - iiidt'tilid tn s.tid tiritiaie

to -- el IU- their ItecoillilH and savecottk ol litigation.

VI' K.N CIIONO.Honolulu, Juu. I, 15'Jl. 'M Im

Steamship LineOONMBOTION



PaciQc Mail S.S.






Merchant Tailor


$11) First Less than U.S. Linetoliy


For Victoria and Vancouver B. C

STKAMRUS SAIL Feb. 2 April I, Mm I

May 31, July I, July 31, lui.

For Tickets and General I tiftirtun- -

tlon apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO..Agrnti fur tht Jlnunlinti lulnuih,


Wilders Steamship Co. I ii


mu i


TIME TABLE.W. C. Wanna. I'res. 8. II. Itom. Kec.

Uait. J. A. Kikh, Port htlpt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLAREE, Commander, I


III leave Honolulu at '.' i M., touching atLahalna, Maalneu Day and Mukeim thesame day; Mahukoim, KhwiiIIiiii-mil- l

the follow Iiik day, arriving hiIlllo at iuldlili;kt


Tuesday Feb. ::Friday March I,Tucsdut . March MFriday March 'MTuciilay ... I .! IlFriday". April JoTucmIiijFriday .M tl i

ruelny .. . M .

flillll Jo lie lI'llcufiiy .lutie I'.'Friday June'I iK'xfay ...... .. I

Friday Inly I.Ilu.xmy .. j uiy

Jri-lu- uK,liiiiMiay . . ugFriday ugTuesday rVptFrhlay pepi,Tui'aay . . . MpiFriday .. Oct,TiifFiluy . O. t,

Friday . O.'lTni'Miay Nov,rrldii) .. ... .Nov. In'I'tiCMiav .. S'uv. --1Friday . Dec. 7lui'nl.iy ... . inn: '"

Iteturulng leaves Illlo, loiu-hiu- atsame ilny; Knwuilme a. m.; Ma

lillkoua IU A. M.; Mnkeiia I i m.; Maalueu jHay lir. m.; I.ahiilua M r. m. the followingda ; arriving at Honolulu it a. m. Wednes-days and Huturdas.


Saturduy lib. J I

Wednehday March 7Hiilunlu) .Murcli 17

Wednesday.. . . . Mil roll "J

huturduy April 7

Wclncday . April litSaturday .. .April isWeilnowlny .May tihatunlay . . . May 10Wviliiesdav. . Mu .toSaturday . . June ii

educMlay June JoSaturday... . . J iiue .toWiiluexluy . .JulySaturday . .. .lulyJIWeilnesilay . Aug. I

Saturday . Aug. IIWedliCMlay Aug. JJaturday M'pt. I

Wednesday . . I'JSaturday '.. Sept. JJWtnlnewlii) (let. .1

Saturday . Oct. i:iWi'dnui'ilay tlcl. 'J I

Niturday Nov. A

Wiilliesilny Nuv. USaturday Nov. JlWeilnenloy Dee. .'.

Suturday , . Dec. t.--i

Wislui'Mlay Dec. J.No FreiL-h-l will be received after

Hi noon on day of hulling

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leavti Honolulu every luewluy at i

i'. m., touching at Kuliuliu. Huelo. Huua.Ilauioa and Kipahiilu.

Ketiiriilug will arrive at Honolulu ver)Suiulu) morning.

tm No Freight will lie received alterr. M. on nay ol sailing,

lL'Breceive their Freight, as we will not boldourselves restHiiihlhle after such Freightlots been lauded.

While the Company will use due dill-genc- u

in handling Live Stock, we declineto assume any reoie.llilllty in euxe of tlieloss of same.

The Company will not Im rcHinille lurMiiuey or Jewelry unless placed In lite careof Purser".


LI. HILL"! Hl'K AdAINM' IIIK IH.iV uoliilii Itonil Hoard in lutiire uic re-

unified lo bo pre-clil- lit the olllte ofM1m ivi.or ol llouolulll oil tlie Jiltli

of each uiuiith, t therwi". Ihcy will lie ex-

empt from that nioniliV ehinuaie and kl not in lie paid for one or two uuiiitli"alter. Its order ol the Honolulu Hen. I

Hoard, W. II. IT M MINUS.x'S'-t- l Itoild Mllpervinil. lllHiolulll.


A LI- - i'AIM'IKS DKslltlNli CO to) IIIA uliikeiikuu lull" in Manila Vallt')are liereliy reipierlcd to obtain a permU- -

Ion from Hie tiudcrslgiied, othvrwUe thcwill be pro.icilted lor trespass If found onthe premues without such permission,

JAS. ll. IIOYD,at the I Ji nd Olllce, Supreme Court llulld-lug- .

Honolulu, J un 17, m. 760-- tl


HcclilcH tb nlmvi- i' Idcnce tho petltiuiicrt olItTisl proofs n tn the fonditlon

, Mini mliti' of tin" mid Invest- -

I inents nunlf by Mr. Allen in triMeo, theL'lniui of potitioiiiTi. Loib tluit tho In- -

vostmt'iiti iiiiiiIl' liy Air. Allen includedIobiih upon pervmiil which voiildnot lio tnkeii by n triNteo hoi-e- r jjootl,

j n I o that tho Invc-tiiic- nt.J inclitilctl bondsI iu now irml tiuproM'ti tntorpriwH which

Wllit I'lllltl'lllll d Mhotllll tioi Ih iillowodtlu'l'ourt. Ii lli'iic" win iiNo otlen.il

show that wiiiii- - if tin lioiuli In ques- -

tlnti were not nt prcfi-nt- . or :it tin' timeIlaiintiiL' ni'i'lvwl tin tn Innn Allen, wtla- -

blent (lie price given for tin in Htiil hudno iiccrtmmibli- - market vulue.

The ilefelidunt dllofeil ftlitcncu tend-in-

to show tlmt tho nt tho111111' they were taken wore f.ui'.liU'ridKo(l luveotiueiitx for triiBt fitniU nud.to.! well in the mnrket, uiul if there ImclIteen mi) depreciation eince it hud Ix'ciiowing' to eirciiiintiiuecf uri-lli- tince theInventinelltM were litmle over which thetrustee had no control nnil uu not teapoiiHible, mid that in time nil of the

wduIiIIh' koixI for the moneypaid for tlitiii.

V. F. Am.kn, Swoii.v on Hm Own Uk-i- i

m.i, Sr.vn.1 wan nppolntetl uiltiiimstrntor of the

.Mr. Uiiimniriiilvx). The extntethen coiHi-te- il of Mr. Uanniliif'n Interest

the bilHiiicti of Ilollehlneier A Co.The will named t". II. lllnhoii ai exeeu- -

toriitut he ilecIitKil touct. nml 1 receivedteiuponiry appointment from the Court

mid tinder thai temporiir) iippointiiientllleil mi le'eount. Mini Inter I Will up-- ,

pointed permanent udtuliiNtnitor withthe will innn h I'll-o- ld linn of I loll- -

Hchlncger , Co wio .'I.Mcl nut nnil 1 hadHtock lil tnlccii whieli I miI.I to Mr.

.MiiertetiH. I -- old 111 lit luctflmmlWc ttik- -

llig tim note ror it I think I iiiudo nl'ihk! Hale ut the time, u xtuiill dNeounton the value. The pnrttierehlp wn cIoh-et- l

out, the liii'.itje'-- U'lng left entirelyin the luiud-- . of the linn An -- ouii ut theyinaile eollcetioti" "f the old llrtu' ntwetxthey puld Mr ll.iiinnm' hhare over tome. 1 he iiieri'lininli-- e "old for ?.),iim.

llleil mi ueeoutit in Coint every yearexeept the jenr Irtui, when 1 wiin nlretilfrom the Itiliu'iloin, Thew ucenimtc weieHiibuiittitl to the Cmirt, mid by the Courttelcricd to u uia-t- er mid artel upon, I

made the lie.t eolleetioii u itduiiui-.truto- r

of deblh due the entitle of Mr. llanning iuls'.i. When I uppltiil for my illHohurgc

'bd not iiial.e out nnj hcheilule of reeeiptx iiml e.peiulittirei. for there hndnot lieeii nny for tlie oMute hIiiw the lustiiccnillil lll.il by me ill KI. I rednveM- -

vi t tit rciili.atloiii from the HHieli of theeKliile an f- -l iih tlii'V eiuiiu in. 1 niddover the income fiotii Mich invextiueulN'" "" iiiiiiiiii.i;. reiuiitiii); ine money toher t wry nix nioiitlii) und Kemliiit; hei neeltil miuiiiil iieeoiint thereof. I ercilitedthe interest inoii illicet to li r in iiii lie

mi ,i,u, I I..,, i f.. i.... ,.. iHinull) iihf,.K, ,1H .u.l, ,.1,ril I, I ,,,, ..1,,,., ,.., ,11, ...

wii" kept elitlii'ly iliiler.nt, I hud itH'piiriitt' b.llllt itcrolllit ful the ei.lttemoney. At the time Hint I tlleil my upplication for ili"i'iiuige I wu not uuiireof liny further dune rciiiaiiim to liedone liy me, fm I Hippo-n-l that whenDolph eiiuie of age the .'"title ivac to bodivided itliiliy ImMwciii tin in. I Cotlliix iiiiprt'K"iou from the will I had notliuitle ii rtlf piobnlily ui familiar with itim 1 ought to have done. I ut 1 knew thatone-hal- l wm. to go to the .ui, mid if I hudlend il hi the will I hud forgotten thatthe other half wa- - to leuiain In the hnmUof tho iiilmiuUtriitor. With logon I to mypetition for ill"Clmrge .Mr. Manning nii'nliero ami, of eoiiiw, ho luiew iiImmh it. 1

had nUo iiotilittl Mih. llaiining beforethat mid Nlie knew perfi'i'tly well that onIlls eoltiiug of itgt the iieeouutH were tolie Hied mid the Ohliite divliliil. At thetime of lilniL' my petition for dicliurge J

did iml tile nli Ictliiltil lint of lincntI diilii t know that it win. iici.'ivIuieiili.. i'iille.1 for, when I lllttl my hist

account in I vi I 1 MhnpU niade a "lateiiient to the Court then oftho amount inWNltd iu IniiiiU, the iililoillit InveMoil innoien iiml the eaih on hiiiiil, mid I

that wie. "illllcient. I ueer wasUHketl for ti detailed "tateincnt.

tj. What instigatetl you to inaUo theinvestment" that you made, Mr. Allen;A. That i my luiHincM and I try tokeep piett well pontnl upon the valueof property nud thing that are olleretlfor investment. The nu-.- t of the

were inadi upon uiv own judg-ment upon looking into them.

IJ. W hieh oiich weie not niade by youpoiMiniilly ." A. The sfjtmti loan, thepiircliuw of the Seattle IkjiiiU unit tfllKSIin Union Iron Worl.n UmtU. I wiih notin the eountrx at the time they weieuilide. The Seattle UimU art "till iuliiiiidiitiou. ii is not known what the lowill lie.

I. Are there any other inie-tineii- tH

of the entate that you know or iu whichoil have I canon to bclictc t licit' will lx

a hibx; A. .'o, don't know of any oflitem that I think there will be u lo-- g on.

IJ. Will you go through the INt amipiirtieiihnl tlfhi-ril- the nature of theinvt'stmeitti-mi- d the nature of the

: A Ut, the Hawaiian (iovernuieiitIxiiulrt, tfdii.iKSlj we lire all familial withthone. 'Jd, liana I'lantuiion boml, theuic hfciirid b HiHt mortgage on theliana Plantation The llir-- t two yearsboiitlh have been paid. I think the) arepacing them oil at the rate of tlu.noilper annum The liana I'htntatiou owux

I leal eHtate. a great deal of it III fee "impie, they rent muiic. and tliey tunc it halfliucii-H- i plant It i an oltl plantationwith new woikrt :td. Halm Itmhvay midLaud Coiiiiuuy ImuuU. U.noo Althoughthi'M- - luiud" caliuol lie plluxd I

think . v are g,.il and will l giunleventually Ith. K.ihnldi Sugar Compun,'.'" IkuuU That in tin- - large"! planiaHon oil till" l"llllld. The) wete authorizcil to ille ITo,oi4i worth of IhiuiIhThe) don't owe tin whole of that, theyilitllit ihue the whi de of that. Interestin paid proiupll) and the) nn iniwug oil'

, Willie of the Ik, nils. '1 he plalltalloll I"lining mm) well tilth inn I don't anticipale an) Im- - on that tnw'Mlucnt, otli.Hie I' 111' !! linn Work bonds, tlmKI. I

tlunli the Ioh uiiioiintK tn lietween 'JJlllllldleil and 'J.I litlliillcil doll, it". TIlCI'cin a iitiK "'im.-iliiu- ciimmg et tith, t tiScuttle liaiik U'lul". fjum I can out)Mi) that tin iniiiiL an up tlieie iu tliehainU of Mi l imige Cutler, but wheneer lin.Mhllig I" icallcd It Will bo held

' direct I) tn Mr and Mr llaillliug I putit in Cm ler'n lutioU In caiihc he is the onl)


iiiiiii that I know up there I did notcoiihiilt with Mr llaiiiung "i her wnaliotit si tiding them up lliete An wioiiiih the) wen "int I iiotlliid tlieiti 7th,Ku'an A (ittnii not, , chattel iiuirtgage.for JjlMM, Hint hit" U en paid fst(l .,VKHl

to Mr Uiinou and tn CunpUII I

(C'oiili'iiUftl on ith I'uye.)

Page 2: e P&tttt iJ'i'' Jyfil' · 2015. 5. 30. · 43' ' '" 01 P&tttt V4 e iJ'i'' JV Jyfil' VOL. VII. NO. 954. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, FKimt'ARY 10, 1804. PRICK f CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN

TUIw gtuhl uUclin,


I'ledued to nritfor .( ior Wry,Hul EttabUnhul (or the H'nrtit All.

- - . --- -

bATLKDAl, lhll. 10. iuiii i

" '

If tho ulantors' oligarch v want to '

t in .m,r Chinese il eap aDor, in

ltoof laws forced out of them bthe leagues and elub, they should aapply to the J'resident of the Ameri-

can League. He know a a trick ortwo about getting Chinese lauded inthe face of nrohibitorv law, a hisonce pirtner in watching a vesselfrom China, "Hos--

n Hen." can tet.f.Hennett seru-- Ins thirty da.xs outhe reef, while his partner took a


lt..f.ir.. h.irnini' am more ou thel....l:....".,.i.,r.. il...n,.....ti..i,.c. , ......" -

.organs might tr 10 explain i.1ue.

cold-bloode- d talk ...

some of their people, male and fe- -

male, who hae gone from hereto


States. .Miirderoii thoughts and '''. ""'' tlisposai ol tne ipiestion.... there is gaiusaviiig this -- thatintentions are surely as wicked a fmm ,tB ( n

heart beneath a whitens in one (, roisional Uoverunieutuentli a hrnwti skin. Besides, the i Hawaii is a States pro-(Juee- ii

onlv law, whereas duct.those w ho gloated over the prospect ' '"t l'"" nmiaunoi.iiUMH

. of itself was on thoof her taking otr. in a certain contin- - af,ril0(m uf tw 7t, uf .)ftary.gency. thought only of the daggei IMl.'J, when a proelaniatiou aiiuouiic-o- r

the bullet of a creeping asasin. ed a pnnisional government

Perhaps the Goveri.inenl will an- -

-- .., ..ill,..r..... ll.r.ui.r. ils... ..r.-nu- s ...i.rr... .., v ........p).. ...p.......some soo.-c-siea- in the uu,,,.,,,,,, (u, fn,ltllal ,.MW niilwhether or not ,t has n.tructed the (.iuipped, were looking forCousul-Oenera- l for the l'acihc (.oast j orders to quell any attempt over-- 1

to discourage the to llonolulu of men looking for work. There ,

is a strong suspicion that some largesteerage lists bv steamers, withinthe past few months, have enCilir.igeil to come here Oil theehance

. ." ynroiiwi iu tne i: aru.x.Nunc individual cases are well known ,

of recruiting.

done on tho Coast forthe special police or spyof the 1 0.


Itibald doggerel and vulgar car-loon- s

make up the staple of thetiatiou-stealui- g campaign in the

States press. miserablerhymes are eagerly picked up by thesaintly organ of the elect bandittiiu Honolulu. Colonel ftoper sl,vv. j

the cartoons in his bookstore win-- I

dow, evidently proud of the disgusting exhibition. Contrast tho-- o

methods with the able ami statesmanlike -- above all j.isi ami Ii uioc-abl-

- articles in support of President Cleveland's views and poliov.which the loyalist press from linn1to time lays before the public.When it comes to a et debate hieither house of Congress ou thequestion, a it may iu the news nowprobably alloat. we have no hesitatiou in anticipating that the advo-cates and defenders of .1. L. Stevens'crime will be beaten hip ami thigh.Wo have only heard of desultorvskirmishes as vet. pitched bat-

tle was yet come at last accountsIf the jingoes cannot make a moredecent show in Congress than Humhave hi print, they vvdt present thesorriest legislative spectacle of the

B'- -

ltUMOKEU STOCK SWINDLEThere is a considerable tir among

stockholders of the Kilauea YolcanoHouse Company, over a repoit thatcertain stock-jobbin- g artists areplanning to wreck tin corporationfor their own benefit. It is said thatthe plan in force lhe concern intobankruptcy, so as to got rid of theindebtedness of .r(KJ, while theoperators bid iu the properly atpractically their own price when itcomes to sale at auction Iu such atransaction all the small stockholderswould be frozen out, and such is indeed declared to be a part of theplan which gives the intendingwreckers much prospective delightApart from the villainous characterof this reported wrecking scheme, itwould be disastrous to tourist travelfor a long I line to come. iicwof the companv's bankruptcy goingabroad would deter people fromcoming here to visit the volcano, athey would be apprehensive of notreceiving proper attention or goodfare at the volcano while tlieeslablishineut was iu the hands of thebankruptcy court. Instead of im-itating the met hods of railroad Wlecl,

iug thieves iu Wall street, tho compuny should make an honest ellortto raise the necessary new capitalfor paving its indebtedness. Tieamount in a paltry one viewed in thelight of the high reputations amithe of some of them. It is apitv the concern was not assured ofa solid basis before the mainpomliturcs were incurred MrThurston having been allotted .ln.IKKI of stock for promoting" thecompany, should have promoted n

to a siieces, ful issue or forfeited tini t iiMocu. i an events, no scanuaioiis

scheme such as reported shouldbe entertained

Mr. Dolu'u Hpucltluatioiib.

EiiiToii 11ii.i.i.tin: -

I have read Mr. Dole's specificalions liud the writing a luborudargument to prove that the Govern- -

merit of wliicli lie tlio licnd is (lintof an imlupunduut nation, and assuch claims the riglit to bo nego-tiated with ou tho liaMa of a law-- I

fully established Government irro- -

speetivo of how it came into oxist- -


be- - ,ll(l)of United

appealed to

at four oclock






United The








unco.Lhe situation regarded from the

'taudpoint of preeedentflimtuiloubt0(Uj UMi(1U( Th(, norId ll(H ,

furniifli another iutanee of a Um'"iment cinunencing its career in r.

" f'--- ol tiiii)urnr evpedient andriMnainill(, hl tnat fia,jK 0(Mllitioi.fr ., whole j ear without attempting

niou towards permanency, andinereiore u is inai .ur uom wiiu'?hi.s last stand ou tho conontioiialpedestal as the head of an ninependent nation.

IJut the wont "iTovisional Doingstill the front name by which the'' "" "' "ernnient of Hawaii i


designated b it own ineinbers, the",,, f W.titnaev of its birth.,and wlio were its sponsors in baptisin, are at once pertinent to theisue. not onlv Del ween itself amiil. i;,i..,1 Si.-ft...- but IM'I til I'llit - elf :i..,l tlieiieoiileoftliisc.imitrv..- - - -

ami aiiaiti, oeiweeii ii, ,,..,, ,,t.,i

.,t I

this count rv and tho tinted Mates;. . ,..lii,.en lie l.ii ledStates and the several governmentswho will claim to bo interested in

with Mr. Dole at its head was foriu- -

ed. and the tjueeti and Cabiuut with1 1"' JlUr-IK- Were llISUIISe(l.

When this paper was issued is it

"-- - ,,,",l"ll,"ni Koeriiiueni.- ST& Ztithe (jueen's military or their cita I

dels was made for some houis after '

tin proclamation was published;Is it not l'l"-,,-- J IIUUII"H the.'llHl sol-- I

diers iii the barracks were not tin- -

Uirluil, ,,ial nKlS nilll lm ftU,.m ,

ud made bv Mr. Dole's forces todisarm them before noon of tho nevtday after this proclamation waspublished.

There may be no such thing ascalling a spade a spade iu the re-

finements of diplomatic finesse; butiu the vulgale of every day speechthe pretension of Mr.J)ole. to havehi miraculous piogeuy brought intobeing by tin- - breath of.1. L. Stevens, American Minister,and iu the swaddling napkin of the

-- : l.... :.... .. - .....i uii-- i i'uiii;i--- i ii-- i u ii, i- -,,., pr)M,m?,in.-miI,- y I,,,,,,.,,,,,!,,,,

Pnrt her. when the surrender wasmade at the Police Station it was onthe understanding the ipiestiou oflhe illegal ami outrageous action orthe American Mini-to- r would be ref"rred t Washington for redress,

V. i argument-- , that could Ire advauced to prove that the Provision, 1

Government is of American birthand parentage, could be more forci-ble than the admissions of Mr. Doleand his confreres.

La-tl- y: had it not been for the onename mi that proclamation, that ofS. It Dole, a name which was a syno-nym for all that was honorable, men.1. L. Movent' monstrosity mighthave gone up iu smoke.

It is, however, with the immediatefuture that Mr. Dole will have todeal, ami many of his sincere friendsregret that hi surroundings bodebut little good for the future peaceand good order of this people andnation, nine-tenth- s of whom are op-posed to his present course.

Is there no counsellor near thePresident who can show him thewav to moderation and conciliation?ftie heroic proposals of the pro-visional press are like their abuse ofhonest men, tlu-- v serve but to dis-nu- t,

ami, whilu they cannot scareanyone, s,.rvo to place their authorsin a most ridiculous light.

Kujiu Ao.

Tho4u Specifications.

Editor Uii.i.ctin:- - -President Dole, iu giving his speci-

fications to Minister Willis, says:"An examination of his meaningMinister liloiiut'sj report since publishod, shows that there are state-ments bv approximately sixtv Kotal-isl- s

ami twenty .supportois of theProvisional Government. That hehad obtained n statement from thefour members voted out, althoughho has obtained exhaustive state-ments from their Kovalisi suces-sors.- "

Will Mr. Dolooxplaiu to thepublic the title reason why therenere only twentv supporters of theP. G. that gave their evidence toMinister llloutitf Also, what hinder-ed the four members of the Cabinetthat were voted out from giving iutheir evidence,' Was not Ministerlllotint's doors open and free to all,rich and poor, to come and give theirevidence in a square ami truthfulmanner? We are well aware thatMr. Dole will not answer the abovequest ions, therefore we will answerfor him. Those lambs of the highest iutegiity knew that if they wentbefore Minister ISIouut and gavetheir evidence iu a truthful mannerif who overturned the monarchy,lohu L. Stevens would be n "goner."To go before the good Commissionerwith their mouths stiillcd with lies,was out of the question. Guilt hadmade them foward-- . That is thewhole business iu a nutshell, and noone knows lhe truth of it better thanPresident Dole. His excuse is lame'"'d childish ClII.OI's.

Catairh in tho Head

u mloubte.y a disease of theblood, and as such only a reliableblood purifier can oil'cet a perfectrim I

i"imrihii itniif.......onrn ,....,..I I .il'u .,...- -C. .

sapanlla in the best blood iiurilier,and it has cured many very severeeases of catarrh. Catarrh oftentimes leads to consumption, TakeMood's Mirsapanlla before it is toolate.

Hood's Pills do not Purge, pain orgripe, but act promptly, eally amiullluiuiitlv. li.'c.


ST. ANDREW'S tATIlinilAL.First Sunday in Lent. UiiiO a, m,,

Holy Communion; 11 a. in., morningsorvico and sermon; .'MO p. in., Even-song (Hawaiian); 7:."0 p. in., even-song and ermou.


I'he 'erviei's 'if Mio Second Con- -gregat ion of Si Andrew's Cathedraltomorrow will be as follows: 1: IT.

. n... morning p.aver with sermon;Vonito. "nv s in P;liirch in D: llMi-dict- us, Turlo iu O;iiyuius HI and --'.tl; "Sweeti Ihv mercv. U L'rii,' liv Unrnhv.tiwu p. in., eviMioiiiir, wi'll sermaii;.Maguihcat, .u.ielnrrin iu E; .uucUimittH. UilDeri in V; hvmiis. ',i: ami III. Km. Alex. Mackintosh,,,aior. All are i.ml.v I.

tV1T"",M ?TI" DUAL.

t t'taiul 7o lock a.m. Low ,taosas usual. At V o'clock Children'sMans with Englich iiistruclion. At.!U:,tt) 1,K" Mn'", W1.,h nalivo


i'"Uguee iiisiruc ion. p. ill.,liosarv- and Catechism.: .

1I n.- m., inwinter season (Noenilier to Fobru- -

. , ,,,i . ........ . .

".'' "' I'.' - '"""-- . ":"--vlebruary to .Noveinlier), Hnn;lio- -

Hon of tho M. H, Sacrament. Weekly Seiwcos l! ami 7 a. in., LowMasses.

. M. C. . II ALL.

Suuda, It a. in., services in OahuJail; 1 sl p. in., services in Harraeks;:::t0 p. in., Hible Study Iu Y. M.C. A.Oi.'tO ii. in., Gosple I'rniso Service inV. M. C. A. liiesday. 7::il p. in.,praver ineeting at Y. M. C. A. Ser-vices iu I Jet he) street hall at I'M.

tii:oKoAMt:ii ciiiucii.The Keorganized Church of .lesus

Christ of Latter Day Saints, Mililatii Hall, rear of Opera House. Services will be held Siindav as follows:

a " 1 ,1 1 Ylo a.!. polling! ! - KJ.j (;app.

mvlntii iv xdvi-ntisti-.

Sevmi.h l)av Advei'itis, C ch.',,n'r uiichbowl and lieretaniastreets, in 0. Wet's cottage. Sab

' social meeting af--

''' Sabbath school. Ihble reading..... Sinnlnv uteuiii. Ktnrvniiowelcome.

ci:ntiil in ion ciirncii.Sunday School at U:lf a.m. Public

Worship) at II a.m. mid 7:11(1 p. in.Tho oung People's Society ofChristian Endeavor will meet at liilktp. m. All are e rdially invited tothese services.

A Itunmrlcnblo Uuslnesa.

That is what the New Yrk LifeInsurance Co. Ins done the pastear. In the midst of general

with the crash of fallingbanks reverberating for months, theNew York Life has increased itsbusiness and its stability in everyrespect. It has broken its own amiall other companies' records iu sevendill'erent points, t he increase of busi-ness being simply marvelous. Anabstract of the New Yoik Life'soperations in IMi.'tnml of Its presentstanding will be found, with figuresiu clear tvpe, iu this paper. C. O.lierger is agent for the HawaiianIslands, and will lie happy to giveseekers of life insurance all rcmnrcdinformation. There is no butterantidote to consuming care than anunencumbered policy of life insur-ance, and, as the exhibit made outhis occasion shows, there is no com-pany presenting ijuito so secure asource of such comfort as the New-Yor-


C 5 rA

J1 M

U. 'si '? "1

. 2sJ

. 'A



.z,iTjr.tr cvtiw--AIKOKU MAUU"Due ln-r- mi ur ilmiit tlin .'iiil of Mioi'Ii

vu I In- - ilf ali-l- i I with Mill MiniI'lifsfiit'i - rr t In- - hIhivv

I'.in mi ur iilmiit

--A.lPIR.IILi 9t3a.tWf Kit turilii r iurii-iilii- ri'arilln

I'lissae uii'l Uiilj li


I'M 'Jin AlllIN'lh.


rpK l i.ltsi,M.ii , ';i'Hi:i)1 lu niiiki' all Kimls uf J'uiiilitliiiiit Hall-- i

UK- -, Iliiinnii'iv.t Iron WuiK, I'tt'., tlr.lNtliiuiicn mi uiiiilii-iiilun- .

A. .lAOl'r.S',I iiiuii Klii',. i, iii K.rlili(-'- s I'alllt hhui.

'Oi If


rpm; i ruNinuti; m six no .mh1 iiiiiquiiii' f.ir Ii iii.f kfaqiiiiK. IiicIihIIiik

ii Dili' t riulil I ln IjitIiii: I'Iiiiiii slid aN'l'W IIuiiiii" Mnvln Mm hiiiu. Alipl) nl

.So. Sj llirilunia .tri'iit, mar I'liiiclitinvvl.VIMI

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'll

Saturday, Feb. 10, t8U

The following is copied froma circular issued by the man-

ufacturers of the Jones LockedWire Fence and is of interestto the Hawaiian people:

"While our spring trade wasretarded by unseasonable wea-

ther, and the financial crisiswhich followed threatened todestroy the commerce of anentire nation, we cannot com-

plain, for, as compared withbusiness in general, our suc-

cess has been phenomenal, thisbeing due not alone to ourcomplete business organiza-tion, but to the superiority ofthe Locked Wire System.

"Notwithstanding the gloo-my outlook for all branches oftrade in '93, we adhered toour original intention of ex-

hibiting at the World's Colum-bian Exposition, and the re-

sults have more than justifiedthe enormous attendant outlay,and have well repaid us forconsulting our courage ratherthan our discretion in deter-mining to place our exhibit inthe face of the many difficul-

ties confronting us. The mostpleasing, perhaps, because theearliest decided recognition ofthe merits of our exhibit, wasthe selection of our fence bythe Commissioners. fromamong the many displayed, asbeing the best adapted to theconstruction of paddocks forthe recreation of the high bredstock of the entire civilizedworld.

"In consequence of this, theinterest in our display was in-

tensified, this question beingone of vital importance to allland owners, as about one-fourt- h

of all landed values isI invested in fe'Tes. Our purpose was to attract this spiritof inquiry and thereby fartherthe interests of ourselvesand of our fellow-worke- rs inthe United States, in whichobject we were by no meansdisappointed, as the greatamount of advertising we haveobtained by this method hasalready more than reimbursedus, to say nothing of the in-

crease of orders traceabledirectly to this source, whichitself has more than repaid the

I expenditure incurred."While our chief intention

was to benefit our own tradehere, we were agreeably sur-prised at the earnest attentionmanifested by our foreign visi-

tors who came again and againbringing their friends and in-

terpreters, and talking busi-

ness to such purpose that wenow have buyers in Germany,Russia, France. India, Den-

mark, Sweden, Argentine Re-

public, South Africa, Victoria,South Australia, New Zealandand the Sandwich Islands Inregard to these two latter andespecially the Sandwich Islandswe can not say that our tradewas due to the World's Fair,as our extensive business rela-

tions with I lonolulu had com-menced previous to this time.

"But the crowning recogni-tion of the merits of our fencewas the First Medal and Dip-

loma which was awarded without any hesitation on the partof the Judges.

"In this connection we wouldrecall to your mind the factthat we were the recipients ofthe same honor at the DetroitExposition in 1892.

"Gratilying as our rapid pro-

gress has been in the past, welook forward to a still moreprosperous future."

And we are the sole agents.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'riUpiMMltr HpreoMi' liluok,




Are Rccflvlujt New Invoice! of





Where they tire fully pretmriH te do allkluvU of work Iu tho Intuit ntylm. hi

the tuortcit notice uuil t theutoit iU'ttiouublu HutM.

Flnb Job Work la Colors a Specialty i


Kxtxiitccl In the Mont AttractiveMan tier.




Ilenil tho following partial Hat ofprice be-

fore pluclng your orders, by 10 (Jointyou Mill mwe both tliue urn uiouey.

Letter Ik'iuln,Nulu IL'iuIh,

Uill IivuiU,MfiimriuuluuiB,

Uilla of Lulling,Statements,


Agrecniuntd,Shipping ContrnctB,

Uhuck IJooku,Legul Ulunks,

Unlcudura,Wedding CiirdH,

Viaiting Curds,HimiiuiHb Ourdu,

Funeral Curds,AdiuUbion CantM,

Fratornul CurdaTim it Curda.

Milk Tii'keu,.Meal Tickets,

Theatre Tickelo,Hclioluruhiii Certitleatea,

Corpuriition Curtiliuutea,Murriuge Curtilieutea,

UucuipiH of ull kinds,1'lniiliitiiin Orders,

I'rouiiahory N'ltea,j'uinpliluU,

Catalogues,l'rogru rumen,

Luhela of every variety,Petitions in niiy language,

Envelopes k hotter Circulars,Sporting Scores &. Records,

I'erpoliiul Wiishing Lints,Uenerul Hook Work,

Ki!.. Etc., Etc., Eti,

1'rlntcd anil IllucUd when desired.

Mgr No Job U allowed to leans the oflie until It give tatufactiou.

TEMPLE OF FASHIONCorner Fort Ss Hotol streets.




"Will be offered to the Publicthe "TEMPLE

and will pay you to trade atOF FASHION."


For Friday and Saturday Only,

Boys' Cambric and Flanette WaistsEk'gunt Assortment of Color tit 20 Centu Each.

Just Received by lust "Australia" a Large Stock of

DRESS FLANETTBS!"To be sold for one week o.vi.y at 10c., lU.Jc, We. and lfye.

per yard, (roodn worth 2uc. a yard.


In 10-ya-rd lengths, reduced from 1.00 to 75 cents.

S. BHRLIOH,Comer Port and Hotel Sts., .... Honolulu, H. I.

1 30.000Manila Cigars!

ok Tin:


Constancia & El Cometa Brands. . . JUST TO HAN'D BX "f'lTY OK I'KKIXd" . . .

8CS These Cigars are direct from the factory andshould not be confounded with the cheap imitations whichare so frequently offered as the "Best Manilas." OETRIAL of these Cigars will convince you of theirEXCELLENCE.


J5S3 Tort Street,



H. I.



, CHAIRS, Etc, Etc

jp-- .



J. HOPP cfc, OO.,Beautiful Articles in Antique







Bl3ir;-7r-;-.--.:XIjS-.I-fS- 'A


Splendid Line of Rattan and Reed Furniture!Single 1'ieeex mill els


E LEOA NT II PI-IOLST- E RYIn Klim birlliK, llnir Wool, Mis mill Slntw Muttrensex.

1'ii.i.owh ok i.ivk m:i:si; ki:athi:i:m and kii.k ki.obb.Latest Improvements In Wire Mattresses, Lounge & Sofa Beds, Divan Lounges and Solas,

Great Variety or Baby Carriages, Cribs, Cradles and Ulgb Chairs.Our I'ulilmil.MuMiiK Wiirksui. is Superior III Men ami Muteriul.

Fl'llNITl'IIK AND JIATrill.St.S lll.l'AIIIKU AS (1001) AS NhW.


ar nun pun i;s always tiii. i.owi.m in iioNoi.iM.r. -- iJ. HOPP c& CO,,

XTo. V . .Idxicr Stroot. - ESea.olw.Vu., EE. I.



Page 3: e P&tttt iJ'i'' Jyfil' · 2015. 5. 30. · 43' ' '" 01 P&tttt V4 e iJ'i'' JV Jyfil' VOL. VII. NO. 954. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, FKimt'ARY 10, 1804. PRICK f CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN




Time Table



To Kwa Mu.uli. II. A. D.

A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.Leave Honolulu .8:45 IMS 4:35 6:10lnve l'enrl Olty M:'M '2:30 6:10 6:66Arrive Kwn Mill. ..11:07 2:57 6:30 (1:22

To Honolulu.C. D. II. A.

A.. A.M. P.M. P.M.lave Enn Mill . . .0:21 10:43 3:43 6:42lave l'enrl Olty.. .H:.r5 11:15 4:16 0:10Arrive Honolulu .. 7:30 11:65 4:65 0:45

A. Saturdays only.II. Dally.O. Hiimlnys excepted,D. Baturdays excepted.

(S!w giu1 UUn.

SATUHDAY, FEU. 10, 1891.


8ti turn, IVb. in.Am bk Mitlltla, SwetiMMi, ;il day from

Dei unit re Hnvytmr Ynlnlralu froin Kiikullmele, Hutio

knn und IjiIiiiIiiiiHtmr Moknlll (rum Maul, bitinl and Molo--

knlHtmr V O Hull from Hawaii and MaulBtiiir Jiunes Mil kc from KauaiStinr luiilnul fnmi Kauai

Doparturoa.Svrrnnvv, IVh. 10.

Urlt tcnler W V S.i.vwurd, Kercy, for North

Am tern ampa, Peter-o- n, for Han I'rnneltco

Vosiol leaving Monday.Htmr Junius Maken for Kaan at 5 i mHtmr l.lkeliku for IMauliau at 1 m

Onrgoos from Island Ports.btuir WO HullWi. b.io suj.nr, 2raUe.

to.) hags cullVu, lUtlmits ami, 25 headultle, 3 bills KOiil'Uli", ! cm collet"

plant, 75 iikui Mindrle..Slmr Kuala jrii lnt; uj;iir, 2 pk(; sun-

dries.Stinr James Mnkec 25.V) hags lui- -.

Htmr Wnlnlrnlc lus aiignr.


AHRIVAI.X.From Maul and Hawaii, iierMuir W O

Hull. IVI) li'-- Cnl 8 Norris, J W Kelllkoaand von, S littro, M drier Nahulu (I), JW Waluu, Judge. Halli and wife, anddeck.

Shipping Notos.Tho bark Albert received Migar from

lolh the Wnlnlualn mid W. O. HallThe Mounters Kllauea Holland Hawaiit Haiiinkua, waiting fur Hie xtorm

to subside. ,The tern Zampa, Captain IVIcrxin, sail-

ed for the Ouldeii (lulu thin morning witha full curgonf Mignr.

The steamer I.lkeliko after lying in rot-to- n

row several niuntlnt, haa been cleanedand wilt leave on Monday fur Tamilian,Hawaii.

Tho hark Matilda, Captain .Swciimjii, ar-rived tills morning, ;tl day from DepartureHay with coal for Allou.V ItobliiHou. tfhnlit anchored In the itrcam.


Bovoral Town Proportion Oo IntoNow Hands.

Tho solo of lauds at thu mictionroom of .1. P. Morgan to-da- y wasfairly well nttuudou, aud a nuniborof ladies wuro prusont. Thu laud ofManuel Euoa, ou tho oast aido ofMakiki, known as tho Soal protninos,was first offered. Tho laud, whichhas n frontngo of 120 fool aud is U70feot doop, wont for $2000. Tho prop-erty was uudor mortgage to thoTrustees of tho Luiinlilo Homo.

Tho property of II. Williams onKing street, uuder mortgage to theLtiualilo Homo estate, was sold for$1025.

Tho sale of lots two aud three oftho same mortgage was postponed.Tho latter property is at Koolauloa.

The lots ouo and two of the Wm.Davios mortgage wore sold to V. CJ.

Woedon for S1200. Those lots are atthe corner of Bingham and Motcalfstreets, I'liualiou, and were knownas the Graham promiRos.

All tho hows and mares put upwere sold liy .Mr. Morgan, with theexception of the stallion "Marin."


Thoosophlcal Appoal.

Tho number of persons interestediu theosophy is so great that thoolo-montar- y

books of tho ThoosophlcalLibrary, started through tho gene-rosity of Mrs. T. H. Foster, have al-

ready been found iiiHiUlieient. Toobviato this ditlieulty aud helpthe would-b- e students, it has boonconsidered advisable to make herebyu request to all thu friends iu Hono-lulu who may happou to hnvobooks on theosophy or on psychichcieucoand occult ism, or oven Tuitionon kindred subjects, aud who do notcare for them -- to kindly donate orloan them to the TheosophicalLibrary. The books published iuLovell's occult series, such as Sin-net- 's

lisotoric liuddlusm, would beparticularly acceptable. Already 21adhesions are reported up to to-da-

for tho A. U. J class, which will bestarted some time next week.

Economy of the Garrison.The I. G. army, more especially

that detachment of tho forces domi-ciled in thu Government building,are practicing economy, lliey linvoa vegetable garden imtcli on theWaikiki side of the building iu whichare growing tomatoes, string beans,puiupkiiis nud other vegetable diet.A notice posted up warns all to keepaway from the garden. If thu I'.G.Vwould only lay their own eggs andraise their own cattle, ther'd be nomore fear of taking poisoned food.

Kvtry ilrtcripttun oJUll I'HI.S'TIXUdonf ut the Hullttin Ujjict,


Col. Sam. Morris is in town again.Cool and damp wealhor is still


Tho 1'. G. baud plays at EmmaSquare this afternoon.

Colds and cognate ailments aroalllicting many people.

Phonograph exhibition this even-ing by C. Nestor Edison.

Tho Union Feed Co. will hold itsquarterly mooting next Wednesday.

A number of ladies wore the guestsof Captain Rooko of II. 13. M. S.Champion to-da-

Mr. Fugii, Consul -- General forJapan, visited tho Japanese cruiserNauiwa this morning.

II. Defries has( completed repairsto Allou & Robinsons wharf. Houndertook tho job by contract.

All owners of lots on Waikiki sideof tho Catholic cemetery will mootat that place ou Monday, Feb. 12th.

Mr. Arthur Reynolds will lead thopraise sorvico at tho Youtig Men'sChristian Associationovoniug.

One hundred and livo bags ofKona coffee aud six boxes contain-ing coffee plants came ou the W. G.Hall to-da-

Tho Jas. Makeu brought twolepers from Kauai this morning.They have boon taken to the KaliliiReceiving Station.

Attend tho phonograph exhibitionto bo given this evening at V. M. C.A. Hall by C. Nestor Edison. It istho only show iu town.

Some fine horses and mares weresold at auction by J. F. Morgan to-day. They were from the WaialneRanch anil were of good stock.

The schooner Moiwnhiue had hermainsail carried away yostcrdhy andhad to put into Lahiiinn, where re-

pairing sails will be the order to-da-

A football game between theboarding and the day scholars of St.Louis College this morning was wonby tho day scholars after a hard


struggle.Mrs. A. Ferry has caued the ar-

rest of Vnwk See, a C'hinnmnu, forlarceny iu the third degree by steal-ing oranges from her promise", valu-ed at $10.

Tho American "Lague" nud Schti-etze- n

Club mot yesterday evening.At the Intter meeting the subject ofsecuring work for the unemployedwas discussed.

Views of the residence of 11. W.Schmidt ou Mount Tantalus are onexhibition in Hobrou k Newman'swindow. They were taken by Uol-sto- r

& tjovoriii.

W. C. Peacock A. Co.'s horse anddray ran away this forenoon. Withtho exception of a smashed seal noserious Injury was sustained byeither vehicle or animal.

If bo lino, many peoplewill go out to dispute possession ofthe t'acilic with the whales at LongBranch baths. There was a largeparty of tourists there last Sunday.

To Sans Souci is the popular driveon lino evenings aud Sundays. Itssmooth bathing beach nud brightbig laual overlooking the sea areadditional attractions to a lino table.

Kekua, an elderly native, was ar-rested at noon to-da- for practisingkahutinisin. Tho warrant for his ar-rest was sent from Kau, and Kekuawill bo taken to that district at theearliest opportunity.

The price of ICoua oranges hasgone up, and in consequence buyerswere slow iu coining up at the I titer-Islan- d

wharf to-da- A largo quan-tity of the juicy article came on theW. G. Hall this morning.

It is reported that a dog has boonpoisoned near Thomas Square. Thedirty business would appear to lierather prevalent these times. Per-haps it is preliminary to a new cam-paign of burglars aud sneak thieves.

Tho steamer Mokolii will arrivethis evening with the first news ofthe result of tho race between theHonolulu five-oare- d crow aud theKauuakakai five. The race tookplace ou Thursday.

This night week tho Auintour Min-strels aided by other local talentnud meu from the Philadelphia willgive their complimentary benefit toVV II . Ael. Tl... ..I... : I.. .....I,., lif. tinui aiiu nun in iu llltlltii IIa first class musical event, ami theboys are equal to the ta-k- .

Tho two Chinamen who were ontrial yesterday iu the District Courtfor assaulting a fellow countrymannt Ewa were found guilty. Due wassentenced to pay a line "of jCil) andtho other to be imprinoued at hardlabor one mouth. They uotd anappoal.

On Tuesday evening, February20th, Mr. Wray Taylor will give aitorgan concert iu tue Knuiiiaknpilichurch, when the public will havethe pleasure of listening to MivAuuis Montague and Mr. CharlesTurner, who are at present ou a visithere from the Colonies. Full par-ticulars will appear later

Collector of fimtiims ('nlln wauthority for the statement thatnine thousand cartridges came outhe bark S. C. Allen from the Coa-- I.

I ''Wo were going to order themdirect from New York, because we

' can get them cheaper there, butsomehow or other thu order miscarried ami they came from San - ranCISCO, slid Mr. t'tistlo.

After romliiif,' tho llnvvuiinu I lard-war- e

Co.'s coliiiuu to-da- it wouldbo criminal ou the part of tiuyuuowho wants to keep slock out uriu, to invest iu any othot feint"lliiiu tho ilonos locked wire, ntleant until ho has taken tho troubleto inspect tho fence for liiuiKolfThis linn does iiinunpi to pt thebout of everything that in Kli"fc- -


Boats Stovo and Two Sailors Injuredat Honokaa.

The steamer Waialealo had two ofher boats stovo iu this trip, nt Hono-kaa. She loft hero on Thursdayweek for Hatnnktin, Hawaii, and forseveral days had to lay at anchoroutside Waipio gulch. On Thurs-day last the steamer, was discharg-ing Honokaa freight. A boat steeredby Kamana was going ashore withfreight for the landing, when an-other one similarly laden, mannedby three sailors and steeror Moke,left the ship. Shortly after the lat-ter boat was caught by a heavy seaand stove iu. 'I wo of the sailors,Puhi and Tommy, were thrown intothe sea. Puhi while iu tho waterwas struck in the fotehead and adeep cut was the result. It waslucky for him that ho was not stun-ned, or else ho would havo beendrowned. The other sailor, Tommy,was struck on tho arm, but was notseriously injured. Knmatin, whowas steering the first boat, jumpedinto the sen nud went to his ship-mates' nisi tance, and they weropulled into the bout. Blood wasdripping from Puhi's forehead, whichlooked as if it had been stabbed withsome sharp instrument. The men'swouti(s were bandaged and theboats continued discharging freight.The men are about the docks thismorning, although not working.

The nialeale had to steam awayto sea from Ivuktiihnele two morn-ings ou account of (lie rough weath-er. Only 180 bags of sugar wasiniu'ii irom mai pori. i no steamer i

called in at Lahaina yesterday morn- -

ing ami tooK r.wi Dags ol sugarfrom there.


Hough Woatbor nt MnnlnoA Earth-qitak- o

Shock on Hnwmi.

Tlu G. Hall, whichleft Honolulu for windward on l'ri-da- y

lnt, nud with nit licr rouhOn tint nflcrnoon of tho

ilny iho li'ft thruuof thu nntivo nail-o-

who won iiitunKud tnluiitf in thoJiIm wore nhi'il back by a heavyM'fi. Noiio, hoivovnr, worn Aorionslyinjuri'd, although thoy had a closecall of bointc wahi-- ovorbonrd.ThU oiritrrod in tho Molokni chnn-no- l.

l'aoiif,'nr' for Maalaca oottld notbo landed until TnuMlny on nooontitof tho roti'li woathor.

Maalaoa roxidonl- - nay that forovon ilayi a oontiniial jf.nto of wind

had boon blowing thoro, (ho .strong- -

ost that had boon full in n longtime.Tho SprookoN party had to bo

tlandodnl .Modrogor'n landing, tho, othor sido of .Mnahion, tho so.ih boinga littlo oalinor thoro.

Two .slun'ks of oarthituako worofolt all ovor Hawaii on 'M, buttiiidainnp has boon reported.

Tho olonno i vory notivo, tholurid glare being swu at iptitu a din-tano- o.

Tho V. (;. Hall brought throothou nud ba'-- . of Migar irotu


Divorci O ran tod for Loproay 8onpWorks Onofl.

Judge Whiting thin morninggranted tho petition for divorce ofl.ilia Wood vs. HiMijaiiiin Hood, outho ground of leprosy. V. It. Cantlofor plniiililf.

Iu T. V. ItawIiiiA vm. HonoluluSoap Works Co., (J. Jlrowu niovod toiilaoo the enso on tho calendar.Hnrlvvoll oppiuuil tho motion. ThoCourt ordered tho case placed onthu calendar. Ilrowu thou movedfor leave to ainond tho complaint,and tho motion was aigued and sub-m- il

toil. Broun and Kinney forplaiutilf; Harluull and Hatch fordefendant.

Hoyoiul the foregoing no casesworo ready for trial, ami tho Courtadjourned early for tho day.


And n Largo Audlonco is ExpectodTo Bo I'ruBimt.

Tho phonograph exhibition to bomi. .it 1 li w i.i'.iiiiiiip ...nl I In. V M i .An n ..' .....w.

i hull by C. Xcsttir ICdisou proiuiso.ito bo a most entertaining ouo, and alargo audiont'o is expected to bopresent. Tho doors will open at ";:;()o'clock: tho norforinanco will coin-ineiic- o

at s o clock hharp. WilliamII. lloog.s, Cluster A. Doyle, l'roftw-.so- r

llorgor and others will ns.si.--t intlio recording portion of thu pro- -

Lfr.'llll. A l;,rir,i niiiiilHir iif .iiiila ivillbo provided for people who pay thoadmission price of "() couti, whilechildren will be admitted for 'Sicolli r.

The experience of Goo. A. Apgar.of Gorman Valley, N. !., it wellworm roniouiWoriiig. lie was trou-bled with chrome diarrho'ti auddoctored for livo months and wastreated by four ditVorout doctorswithout benefit. Ho thou beganlining L'haiiilierlainV Colic, Choleraand Diarriiii-- Komeily, of which ouosmall bottlo ollectod a completeeuro. It is for bale by all dealers.Benson, Smith x; Co., AgontH for theHawaiian Islands.

Lodgu lu l'rogros do l'Ocuiiuiu, No. 124,A.F.& A.M.


'IMII.Iti. Wll.l. Ill: A MI'.K'IINti iP1 l.odu'i I" l'r..yri de I'lletMlile, Vo l.'l,nt u- - hall mi Uiiik -- treel, lietuei'ii llethelati-- run. i ills iMitimiii) ) i:vi:msi,It'll lu, ,n , to o I'loi'k fur

..i.k is mi I i 1 Dii.iii i.Miinlii'i- - of llau.iii.iii l.odi:e n ml alliiiirniiii lln ihu iiure fiiiii-rnull.- invited

in l pn i inl onii r nt I In W M

AMiiSIM ri:itAS'DI,'nl-l- i -- leruhir).


' 'IMII HPi.l I liijl Mill III M I.I. I -

1 Hi), ill hi I M I I I . I,', )

Will i tl' Id I" tin 'III - Ullli ', nilUlliM.slin 0 llih ui-- t , in .'oeloeki M I 11 MDA.

Sei it mrv I mmi 1 it d I o , I tl' Honolulu, I'oli. lu, u u., n

Mr, David ii. JordanofEdmeston.K.Y.

Co!orlo9i, Emaciated, HelplessA Complete Cure by JIOOVB

BARSAPATllLLA.This is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a re-

tired farmer, and one of the most respected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y.

" Fourteen years ago t had an attack et the(ravel, and bare since been troubled wlin say

Liver and Kidneysgradually crowing worse. Three years ago Igot down 10 low that cM icareelr walk.I looked more like a corpe thin a Itrlng being.I had no appetite ntid (or five eekt I at

thina; bat (rati. I rv trndlr emaciatedand had no more rotor tlian Marble eiaiae,llood'i Barsairltta wa recommended and Ithought I wild tty It. Before I had finishedthe flMt bottle I noticed that I felt better. uf.fcred less, the laflammailea mt the blaaar had siil'ilrt-t- i, the color began to return tomy face, and I btgaa t feci baairy AfterI had taken thrco boMi I could eat anythingwithout hurting me. Why, I got to hungrythat I had to eat 6 times a day. I bare nofully recovered, thanks to

Hood's SarsaparlllaI feat well aaa aai well. All who knowme marrel to see me o well." 1). M. Jontaj.

HOOD'S PlLLS ' " " afttr-dlnn- nut,Mtltt dltMtloa, sre btadach and tlllomnMS.

HOllHON NKWMAN A CO.,Agent tor Hawaiian Inland.

Circuit Court, First Circuit of tho Un-wnilr- tn

Islands In Probnto.

IN THK MATTKIt OK TUB KSTATKJL ntONOIt'KO. iatonf llniio itln.Mnliii.di'foanisl.

A Pociiuifiit, i)urxirltmr to Is.1 tin M'lWill and T,itaini'iit of tin, lilko.dci'i'iiicd,Iinving oti the I'Jtli il.iy of Jauiinry, A. I.IMM, lii-c- tri'iitvd to ald 1'roli.niv Court,nnd n for I lie Pro itti' tliiTcof, amifor the insnntu'ii of Letters ntnryto Kcalotia luko ImviiiK Ini'ii tlhsl lv lief.

It l herehy onlcnsl, that MONDAY, theI'lth day of IVIiruiirv, A 1). ls'.i, at 10o'clock . X.. of Mild d.iv. at the CourtItoom of raid Court, at the Court Hoii-- e

llnlldltiK' In Honoln'ii, Is-- , and thu ainel, hereliv aiKilutrd the time for erovlnsalil Will and hearltiK ;nd nptiliratloii.when aud where iiuv isTsou Interestedmay npeiir and the nald Will, nudthe unintliiK of Letter- -

Dated Honohilu. II I., Jan. I'--', It'll.Ily the Court:

KO. l.t'CAS.IfJii lit w t Clerk.


A l.t. OWNI'.ltrt or I.OT8 ON THKXX Wn Ikiki side of the Catholic Come.t "' ,,' ,;o",,!,,'r- -

mMONI)!(Y,,llh!0l Hi"1Uls-'.'- w IT.lt OltDCIl. ,

- op

New-Yor- k Life


Premium IncomeI ntercsl, Kunts, oto

Total IncomeDeath ClaimsKiidowniuiits anil AnnuitiesDividends, l'nicliused liisttranco,

Ansl'tsLiabilities, I per cunt . .

Surplusof in Force ...of iu I'orce ....



Edison's Latest Triumph



Who will Introduce IMhon'- - Verv Latentand Improved

Loud TsLiking Phonograph i

!!,ipor.. "f tie Voice of n lUMihrr ofliK-a- l favorites will . tnkeii and repm-dlli-c- d

before the aitdietiee.

All the l.ate-- t Helet-tlon- s in Ilaml Musicby Soila and (Ulliiore's Celebrated Hands

the Utet I oinle and SctitlniPlitatSoiir will be rendered.

KCAI.K OP PltICI.Ilcjt Beits treerved( 7.V;. ; flood Seats

(unreserved) Mv. Ailtnls.ion for Child-ren '.Vic.

ISB. Iteerved Seats on snlc at Hebron,Newman A t'o. 1 Imr-iLi- v inornini;.

IC.l-- lt


(lood I'ust nrne hv the month or vear. Allllor-c- n will lie wellliHiked alter

and kept in paddock-- .


"NUTaROVE,"ltccord 'Ji.1.' in Honolulu,

Will make the !eaou at this Itnneh untilJulv I, l'iil. 1'KKM.S. fi.

iiii'TIon: Ponied pisil, hlood liny, HIhands hlh aud tvelcht lluj pound.

l'i Mi. in. :: Hv "Uroveiior," hvhv "ltdvk's llntnlltmilnii

lo.' Il.iin (ij 'NiiiwinmI," record ll.for further imnli'iilnr apply to

J. P MKNDONCA,C. IIOl.Ti:, Hutiolulu.

liVI-ll- lI


AT THK ANNPAI. MKKriNllOKTlIK(Ii.iimvs HiNr.voti.sr HoiltTV held

on Keliruury 7, HU, Hie fidtimliiK Ulllierwere elected, vlt. :

II. A. Wllemann President,.1. C. Haeltfeld . VlP. Kliinip . .. TrciiMirer,J. K. Kekardt . . Seeretarv,II.. I. Nolle ... .. Aulltor,J. I' Haekfeld . Trustee.

J. r.CKAUPT,t'V.' Jt BeiTetnry.

'I" .""' " Coiiimrri'luJ I'Hnliiwpromptly ftrcuhtl at low mU nt the'MUU Offl


Insurance Co.



J7,'ISS,tl."i7 M. tl:i7l,flS1l.5l

$ :;3,.si:i,Mr ..'

J, MM ,1102. ill)etc . . ilio.vriS.u

..fllS,7(H),7Sl 20i:U,i7r,fl.)3

. IT.OLTi.iMO IS2f:i,S7l)

. 77ii.irift.n7K (in

.. i.oioVi.rr si. . ll,2(l,o82.22

220.liS2.08.".1,812,(1-1- 00SO.'.Mi.s.lllO 00



I,0.S2,I!I8 12


JOHN A. McOALL, President.


Total to Policy Holders .f I r,0:SS,-ir- 27Number of Xmv Policies d s.",l 11Amotint ol Now Insurance Written f22S,U7,l N (10



Number PoliciesAmount Insurance


IMtOGKKSS IN 18):.Incrouse in Ilonelils to Policy IloblemIncrcuso iu Ahst'tnIncrease in SurplusIncrease in Insurance Writtou . .

Increase in Insurance in ForceIncrease in Number of Policies in Forcelni-reas- e in Number id' Policies Written iu 1V.KI

over 18112

InereiiM' iu Now Premiums Income over that of1NH2.

In tho followinj,' reapocto tho Now York Lifo, in 189U, ha BROKEN ALLRECORDS ovor mndo by Horeolf or any otluir Oonipnuy.

Fnim Nuinbei of policies applied for in ISO."! . .il.ViOO

Scin.Mi Number of new policies actually written iu 18il.'!

. .s.r.,lll

Tinud Amount of new iiiMirauco in I.SO.'! ..j.22:,SIHl,(IOO

I'ociitii Number of new policies actuully paid for iu 180:1

... .7II.II0H

Firm Ncl aiu in new business over i lie previous year$.".l,SI2.ii00

Sixth Net incrcasi iu number of polien- -. in foieo . .'IT.iios

Siivk.ntii Net e,itii in illf.Ulani'C III foier ISO ,!MI.S,II H

Oil I

Dr- -


The Newest and the LatestOAK ALWAYS

3ST. S. S-A.C-H

Street, Honolulu.

The "Mother's Friend"This - the lateit Improvement iu

1513 AT

8BO irort

nioiiiers: no more ntiunii" lo etv on as tiu-- e eiiiilint eolne oil Wtliavethem 111 white ami in futiev perei es from i."ieeiit ipard", ...HOYh' CALICO WAISTS IN A I.I. S!ZI. AT .'". r.Vf- -

Iitet Shatu". In

Children's Cloth Caps, University and PinaforeWe have them lu renin, Ciirdltia', Saw 1 it. and Sea, Itrouti.

CHll.DKKN'B AND INFANT'S KAMY KI.ANNKI. COAT-- at verv low prl.--


THE ADELINE BLACK STOCKINGSThey arc prntmtineeil the ltet l,y all v ho hnve ylveti them n irl il. We hivethem for ladies gent, ehlidri'ii and Infuii" 01 iihilu, rihlied. tlroo Mltehand oN'ii work. . . I.adle' Atlellne Klm-- "to, Uiut rtslneed to 'Hint-pe- r

pair. . . . jnlle Diamond I'laek "ttskin- - at cents per pair.

Have) oil seen the CHI I DKKN'H SCHOOI. HATS that e are clllnn for iMiMit- -'

Thev are Jut the tlntii; for llov - or ilirl"

ML. S. LEVY513 Hohinson Block, .Street.


Japanese Silk Gram




Wool I)rcri Goods. ,.to sfll hK stork n .JAP--

rnclia Silks, ANKSK GOODS.Striped Klimclt'tti'N, ...

3v5?' A li iixMH'tinunt ofChcckiid Flundcttcs, .lAPAXKSK PA1M3H N'AP- -

Silk CVupe, k I NS will l.c sold i.i:s thanShawls. ICte., ICtc. .

3. S. LEVY,513 Robinson Bloik, Hotel Street.

Patent Shirt Waist!Hovs' Shirt Wiist and trie friend to


i:i !:::::1priftiiritf the Hawaiian J.

Ii.Ai:. Iloti'l strei't.

n ... ..,,.. ......

G. IRWIN & CO., LU,.s.if 1. u'ji ur Ihf lln' mum htuntl'.

National Cane ShredderI'ATKNTKD t'NDKII TIN: LAWS Ol 1111. II WVAII.W ISLANDS.

rpiIK UNI)KKSI(INKI) HAVE ItKKN Al'I'dlNTKD SOI.K ACK.NTS KOltlIu.'M' .SiliiHiiiiKiis mill ant utivv iu'i.inil to nroiw imliri--.

Tim urt'itt iiilvuiitiii;i'n to In- - tlurivril (rmii the iimi nf tho N.viiu.nvi. 1nkSiiitKiiiJKH un- - tlioriiui;lily liililihlii'il .uul uikiiiivvktluiil hv l'l.intvri,gonurully.

Tin; Inre iiiunlicr nf I'I.iiiIitp itsiiiK tin tin- - UiuIimI .St.it,y. Cnli.i,runtiiu' Uepuhlif, IVru, AiiMr.iHn mut vvitnifs In tin- -

MlHlVl) I'lrtilll,Tho iiho of llio SiiitKiuiKii vor.v larp'ly iiuiui'iits tin tii.intitv nf I'uiifllio mill ntii grind cj.i to .i(l ,), mImi the nf june (.' ti. i.)It in n gri'iil .iffgn,ui, milking kii.ivvn at mat the n miuh ,.f unv

iH'i:uMif iron, stnki'H fr.iiii mrs, nr uii.viliiug vvliiili vvi.tild l, li.tliU In il.nimgitlln- - null, .uul iillnvvini; nniplt tune to p inn In inp- - iluni iging tin null.

Tin' riiiitKiuthit ih very Htrungly nnuli', .nut (nun tin. nutiiiu r nf its npeiii-lin- n

it nitu or tiirn Hicm pii'i-c- s nf wmul nr iriiu without nftoti liri'.iking theHiiitKiuiKit; mill if tuiyiliiug lin-uke- , it iMinjily Miine.if Hi,- - knivi nr I'titti-rs- .

winch win lui tiuii'kly mill ffnnninii'.illv rt'ilai',il. I'lie Siiiiciiukii, tie itrminii' imlii'iiti'M, titnrn tin' fiiu,. iuin l(s ,.f v.irviug K'ugtli.-- , juifivtly oiiuti-in- g

it mill nllnvving tlio mill tn tlmrniiglily ui'.s ,mt ih, jhih vviilmut r- -iniring (lii imiuciiM) n.iru (.nvvi'i taiipai,v to mn.tl nr cnuh tlanlml,.

cmic. The Hlli'j-nnr.i- i bjinMiln thu rlirnliliil eaiu- - uniformly ami evt'iilv mthu mill rnlln. mill iluuMivvny with tin- - inroiwii-- . nf rire.itliug tin li.iguPM hyJiiinil liutvM'i'ii lln- - inilU, vvhi'ie ngiiiuliiig - in 'nso. Nn nic.iur iiuiniiut iifImii r ciiiiicy p. ri'iiiiuil In iiM"riii, tin- - miiimuii.ii ihau tli.it vvlneli vv,ihHtillluifnt fnr tin- - mill, fur tin uhw rt'iiHiiih fnnur-l-i full vviirkiugilruvviiigH for tin nf nur SiuihiiiiMi. iii.ihliiig ,inv mi, tit

in riiaci'Ksfiilly install mul dint ilnni,Iu ordering Kiiiir.iuiMix finin tm, i1ciim' small skenh. Mn vviii- -

mul vvultli nf Ha" null ,1U w,u, wtm-l- i Miiihiun-.- n m hi innni't tnl,llUii till" Mill" (I'lllli-- r right ni left limnl as . ill f.nr il. ,1,1m, v Mill ,. themill), upon which tin- - mill engine is lneali'il, also tin height fmni llmu linetocL'iiU'ruffrnut mill mil sluifi, anil ill. taiK'i' nun r lhif in fmut endnf icil iliu,.. Those SiinhiiiiKiiH arc nun Ininj: iimu l. th lliln Sugar ln.ami J I.l Wl .Mill. rCnll.lla. where lliev tire lmh .iii.li

may lie liail htv nii mg In- -,, . , - . .

rni-i-i-, ami iiiriner iariU'UlaiH

WM.str.'- -t f


...- o (;





parxtoxi Wash Falorios !A olton rulirle New Hi) let thin kmimiii Hie l tire nf fhun,

" ' mini Mliillin in M l' ( ! IfU'Ml.HVE-A.PI-


IsrS !I rlllk Ihlluli jii.t out , rial frrt'lii h tleiKll nr," the llneM mul the enue id tin wn.oii

Oashmere Sublimes SO Oenta Yard 'tine of the huiiditoiiieM Wimh Muterliili. thin nenmin new ami

for the nrlet" has no ,'iiuhI

VVliito Lawns a.ncl Dimity I

In I'lnln, HirlH-- i mid Checked lu Krmt variety.

tW Dreuauklag Under Uie lltaeaent ol MRS. RUNNER, jti


Page 4: e P&tttt iJ'i'' Jyfil' · 2015. 5. 30. · 43' ' '" 01 P&tttt V4 e iJ'i'' JV Jyfil' VOL. VII. NO. 954. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, FKimt'ARY 10, 1804. PRICK f CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN







English Wardrobes, Plato Glass Front;Mnrhlutop Wash Stands,

Marblelop Dressing Tables,

Scotch Chests of Drawers,

Dining Hall and Parlor Chairs,

Rattan Suites, Pictures, Etc.

Royal Worcester Vases,

loyal Worcester Tea Sets,

Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,

Decorated Vases, Tumblers. Glasses.

Claret .Jugs. Lamps, Serpens,

Iron Bedsteads, Matting,

EtO., E3tO., EtO.

THEO. H. DArnm, rnmm- - .m gy

utteuil In.










v. o. iio. a;j

ifiiarilllteed. Ihtlid Order

Uct. Fort axi



l. o nox u.i


to Hint to(It) I'HEE.



Nuaanu Street, - : Near Hotel StreetHA JUST UKCr.IVr.lt LATE ARRIVALS

teaiIMrect from China1 rinet Moutilulii (,'iiilit ' Superior to Any-thing Kvci old In llonolulit:

A Choice Assortment of Christmas Toys on HandCamphnr Trunkt Fittnl icji J'ntnit lhtthr l.rk,

Lut'iit hilm l'hiue llnuiliiiu C'lutir (i.ni .oiuitfji,Itfuuliul J'ttttcriii I'Ui-t'- imf Silk lltuiilkrrrlu'rfs, Kir,

High Glass Tailoring in All Branches!Uii mi limid ii ilniiiv AMirltni'iit ul ('ii'limerei Tweed. '.lc , V.iu.

IjO-- Prices and Good it!U Jill

Tti ci'iioNi: ii".



Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter


Hew Goods Received by Every Steamer from San

All Order fulthfilllvillullrd.und purked with enru.

Li.moia Hlock, Stiiekt,

Ti:..KrilONI.i JIU


toilers. Wholesale




-- I'. 0.

Retail Grocers




Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFresh by Every California

ICE - IIOI'SE - GOODS - A - SPECIALTY.Soliciteii. Jtft V Satisfaction

TKl.i:i'Hos'i; -









Groceries, - Provisions - and - Feed.New UiioiU llecelved li Ever I'aila-- t friini the EiiKlern htate. anil Euroie.


All attendedKin of the




Alakka Stkkkts.

delivered uuy




Islands Oiiuf.hs

II. K.



Anheuser-Busc- h Browing Co.

Wins the Prizo at tho

World's Fair with thoir"EAGL.E" Brand Beer.

Sr. liUl-IR- . Oet. J", ivn.MrcfR". Mai I IttLlNK A C. I 'll.,

Holinllllll. II. I.Vcnr Sir'-- - We hno liiiillril ou n eopy

of tin-- ll,tif'letniicritt niilioillieiiiK liferentvictory won liv 1 1m AMOTtti-Hrei- i Ao-mrio- x

with their "CAULK" llnuiil oflteer.

JMfitiedjAXiiM'sr.it.iti'.si'H mi i:vi no ahso- -


(S)nclnl Peiitrfi lit ,)

WolllleV I'Mli, Clin mhi, ll.l,., Oct 'Jil. --No award 1'iseverbeen made i;riitlfylnj:to St. I.oul people mill t JuMlj meritedn? the one jriveti li the ColumbianJury of the World' Pair eniilthi; of con-nofi,-

nnd rliniil't of the higher rnnk,to the Aliheuer-lliie- h llreMilii; Aoch.tlon. lly of unrivalled bu-ln- e.

enterprise, mid I iv tilnn tin- - het materialtirndueed In America mid Knroin-- . rxchtdinjt corn mid other adulterant or Mirm-iralp.- ..

tho dilloriMit kind of the Anheuer-IIiim'- Ii

lii'er have Ihiihiii- tin- - favorite ultlithe American ieiiflc, nnd have now con-quered the hlghi'M award In ever particu-lar, which lind to In' ccinldcrcil liy theColumbian jury. The hljih character ofthe award given liy the Jilrnr willhe liclter undcrMood when It I. known thatthe dllt'crelil t exhibited h the Alllicuer-lluc- h llrculug A'ietnlion hail tocompete with hundred of the tnn.t excel-le-

dlplny of other brewer. The fnetthut tin other concern lm received ouuiu.v tiolut for the viuioti tuul-ltle-

khii Ikmt roiillrnii anew the linn'rcpiil-itlo- n the lender of nil Auierieiiiideer, nnd Mr. Adolphu lliivh enu feelproud over tlil reult o utlv tuerlted.

A.cr ?22sr Mva .ST

&M& wt irs"B..&s&

, .is; SB 1 . "




Oay- - The above Is a k of tbeLabel of Ibe "EAGLE:" Brand which took

Ibe Prize.

In nrili in: Ihi. Ili'ir le nre Inil. for the i;.VOI.I." Ilrmiil.

Macfarlane & Co., L'd,tO-- lf .'irul fur ll'iiinliiiii lihimh

Dai Nippon!

Dai Nippon!!

rin' nliove htore h received another'phndld luvolee of

JapancspSlk Kanry Goods

Per S. S. "Oceanic.""MI'IIIMMi

Beautiful Silk and GrapeIHtKSSKS

Cushion., Tulde I'over",lied I'tlVero, liouilh,

I'hemiies, Slmwl",

Embroidered Handkerchiefs1)011.1 rW, Hi'A Itl'S,

M.SIII, .l.l'Kr.TS,Al'rf, M'lir.KNS,

Silk and Cotton Kimonos


VA Iiixei'tiou lletpvi'tfully Invited.


Hotel Street (Arlington Block)

Mrs. J, P.P.Collaco, Proprietress,IMl 1 III

King Street Restaurant,

Corner King jffiS. & Alkoa Sts.

Everythlog Served In First Class Style.

HliiKle Meul i'lfentillourd hy the Week ... fl :)

It will lie mien on or about the 1stof

Ul.' Im All I IKK l )., Prup.

European Restaurantl

Hotel OllUOSltO.--m- --"

EVCrVtllillfi S6TV611 111 FlM CI3.SS StVl?

jJMlau'u'ke. S'Vi"

Fowl Tlireo Times a Weeki iiiiiiii and llniriln at iioou, hiiu-d- u

ut tapper."11 lui CHUCK al.SU, Pjop.

(Continued from 1st Paye.)

liold their notes, ench one cndormnK Hieotticr'H notes; Hip property Is lit Moniifi-Iur- .

It Un chattel inortpnKO on letise-hol-

nnd vttttle. It U duo next Mnreli.TIicho mortRnge-- i wlllbopnld when due.!Hh, note and inert unu'c of Kill Keo forSnHHHI on wtcnm pinning mill nnd seMTidbuildings nnd n fnvoridile Ioiiho at thenorner of Bethel nnd King streets. Theproperty ww sold nt unction Tor $(!i"i(l.Vlmt ho iinld win nliout 8.V2IM). nnd I

loaned him glUKHI. Tho Interest is pnldproinptly. lDth, the next is tfU.IM) onMr. nnd Mrs. I'nly's property in Nutttimivalley. I consider tho property worthSaWilM) lodiiy. J( is leased tor Sl.Vi permonth, lillh, note of the Hnwniinn n

Company secured by glKKKl ofsecond tiiirtK:iKu lxin! tm tin l'earl Uiverdivision of thoOnhu Hall road Cotnpnny. Iconsidered in limiting Hint Investment thatthe company itself was Rood for the notensidu from the fxeurlty. lllh, inortKiiRofrom Mrs. Iloniilninn on land nnd twobuildings for 3:NHl. Tiiitul situated onLutmlllonnd l'enaeolnstreetson Punch.ImiwI slope; consider tho property worlhSitMH). Wooden buildincts nnd houses,lioth lenseil. 15th. K. W. Mnefnrlaiie'snote, SX5II0. I hold another one forsSVHHI, msiklnR 811,'VHI for which t hold1'iOshnres of Union teed Company, parvalito 8."K. The la-- sale was SW. Itpays 1(1 percent dividends, nnd pays themmonthly very promptly. I am n stock-holder of tho Union Kewl Company anddirector. So T know exactly the amountof huninc!s it is doing and her; it is done.Tho corporation Is incorporated for 7.VINKj, mid they do n business of S'inn.IKH)

per annum. Hitii, tuo next Is note oi ,i.P. and S. Parker which I consider good,though, there may be some little time incollecting it. The original mortgage wasiniido by Mr. John Parker and wire, andSam. Parker and his wife, with realeslate. freehold nnd nil other Immenselauds, large herds of horses and cattle,all their real and personal tiroperty situ,iihil at Mann and hunts that they ownat llauuikuii. Tho original mortgage wasTor 5'JlKl,lHiO, by which a iiiuiiIht liesidesthe Manning estate was secured. S71.MK)of that mortgage has Wen paid on" andIhere lias lieeti very little or tho propertyreleased. The gros Income from theproperties secured liy that mortgage hasIntii rrom S.vuHXMoi.UHiiior annum .

Tor several yuirs. The net income hastbeen alMiitl 8l(t.(KH. I7lh. ,1. II. Paty'snolo, endorvd liy a perfectly good en. i

donsT. It has been paid. IMIh, C A.Peacock's nolo for 8.m)K). secured bymortgage on his lot nt Walltlki where hobuilt his Slll.iHKI house. He came tomeand wanted to pay It but I re'emst himto Mr. Haniiiug's agent until due. It isgoml. I'.itli. fiTIKKI loatnsl to .Mrs. .Nnku-m- a

on real ("tide which I con-ld- er on-- 1

tirely goisl, nnd it I did not understandto ls itictiiiiied by tho other side. I i

furnished Mrs. linnning u list id tho In- -

vestmeiits, June, Ib'.rj. In regnnt to theUnion Iron Works In vestments. 1 wroteto Mrs. Ilaiining, NovemlxT M, IMrJ. slat-ing that Hie Union Iron Works businesswould soon I hi willed, a propii.lt Inn be-ing to sell out to the Honolulu IronWorks Company and wo would have tolake slock tor our proportion or thebonds that could not be paid. I slatedIn Hint letter that that would be n fairlygoisl Investment, as one Iron works nndfoundry here shor.nl pay with nil themneliiner. on the Inlands to keep inorder. March 'Jt'. lv.y, I wrote to Mrs.linnning, saying Hint .Mr. Damon, who hadcharge or all my business, had boughton her account SjiiHluf Mmltlo NationalHank lluilding llonds. In that letter Isaid, "I Irani thn the company is likelyto fail nnd there .ill be u loss, how muchI cannot say now. Henry Curler's estatehas some ij.'iO.uM in this company, andhis sous (icorgc nnd Charles are bolh ntSeattle trying to get out nil they can.They aro netlng for me nlso. mnl theywill try to get all they can for us." I

wrote to Mrs. linnning, telling her thatif I had not made things plain to her towrite again as I is anxious to have herfully understand tho huiucrs mid the ac-counts. That litter Is dated Mav 'J I,IKri. The list .if .lune. IWrJ. was sent toMrs. Untitling at Iter reuuest. Mr. Man-ning, upon his arrival in Honolulu,December 'J'.l, I VrJ, ustsl to couio to myolllce every dnv, siiiiiellmes two or threetimes a day. lie eouHuurd to visit myolllce up to Hie time of the tiling of myaeeoiititH. At in olllce we freiUeullytallied business. 1 feel very thatI showed him the lUt of the investments,I showed him in bill book mid talkedwith him uboitt rKiiueof theiii. Ho knewHint there was n Ims on the Scuttle andUnion Iron Works IhhuIs beforu lu camedown, and after he down he talkedthose Investments over. My bill Isiokdocs not give the nature of the securi-ties. It simply 8.1 s mortgage or govern-ment bonds, giving tli" nuiiilier. Priorto my discharge. I made up u list of theamounts or the iniestmeuts In full nndgave it to Mr Manning. It wit fromthut list thut the diifhiuu of the securi-ties was iimilu. The division was madeon the day 1 obtained m discharge afterwu had had the ln.irlng In Court.

To In luttauni.)


'pVO NK'KI.Y H'll--lllfhed I!ihiiii for

(ientleliieu III No, I iiiinleuI.uiih. -- ii.' t(


rpV Nlt'EI.V II It. i m -- vL ulidied Itiitim. on 1,1- - H.Av-gk-

Hint Ktreet, opK ite Kciu- - iiLo?kllll .true!, iiIhiiiI livt mill. t"'?fryilti"' walk from N iiiiiim Mnet ear--. ,ppi ul thlx olllre. ill,) If


rpVO NK'h aiTTAOES1 to rule on Niiuuiiu

htreet, lietu.ni Vineyard BliffiSiand Hi liool treet!,. iileu.Miiitly lueaii'.l. l'or purtleiihirs aniily to

T. V. MU11HOS,"I" tf I'ort ktreet.


7 VAI.l'AIH.K 1'IKi'ES OKI iiiijiroved I'roportv, loealedin dith-ruii- t I 'arts of the t Itv ofHonolulu, nil imruuln-,- . .iplyfor full Ibirlieiiliirs to

lilUVEA: A. J. CAUTWItlfillT.


SPECIAL I.IIIUAItY I.S SOW OPENto Miiileiitiiou'l 1'I.SHAY, Tlll'IIH- -

DAY and .A I UltDA Y of eaeh week, fromJ to I r. m., on the Hour of the l'- o-tt r ltl(H'l, Niiuuiiu utreet, over I.ovejuS"lore. Eiilr.iia-- h the ilin.r, oil the!'""' '''iidilii: lii the liuel, part of the llono- -

lulu .i '..I. .,..i i


' IW In re.i,one to iiiiiiieruilH reoiie-t- ,la trial A II CCI.AhMOl' I'HEOnOPHY,

one eveiilliK a weel, free of ehargu, Mill heMarled in the Library Hall, n miiih itstwenl) iiilheiini. havu lieeu received, lutending Mullen!, plea.e iiotlf) ihu l.ihru- -


Ilooki. Ii'iit out in re.iiniKllile i.ar.tlen in Honolulu, uiet win n pun toreiiiiiit of the other Miuid. ul.' Im

description of. H tit PI!l."i'lX(ldone ut the llulUtm Ojice,

Golden(I Rule Bazaar.: JSW. F. Reynolds, : Prop.


ST. VALENTINES' DAY,ir-HJ- 14, 1894.


HV dV no iio in for ffriiitllny outSprrlacle ami Njirplniuft, but wf canJil ynu il price in arronUtncf with the '






Remington v Typewriters1

The King of All Typewriter.

Pursps and Card Cases,

Tennis Rackets and Supplies,

Croquet and Baseball Goods,i

Full Supply of Fine Stationery,

Mourning Stationery,

Office Stationery,

Guitars from $4.00 Up.

S3 Music and Rooks ordered by

Every Steamer.

rm And don't foriict CASH N theIi.iIk of our hulneii and It nUvii talks.




Notice to Consumers I

Tho neir nark of Ihf HawaiianKlrvUic Co. tj now t'ompUlrtl,

notice in hereby frn that fromawl after Jan liar ij loth the Com-pun- y

i prepared to tnpply iiiean'dim'cnt electric I'ujhtiiiu to cut.tamer,

In a few day the Company will

almt be prepared In furnhh ebctricmotor for power, and of which

due notice will be ijlcen.

The Company further announcethat they are prepared to receive

order for interior wirinij and con

furnith future and all fittinfii In

connection with new tervice.

Printed rule, regulations andCompany's rate can be had on

application to the Superintendent.

Wm. G. IRWIN,fit.' tf PltKSIDENT II. E. CO.

Shamrock Linens !


UusJ1 Iiuvk iuupIi jilcastuo in

advising my numorous cli-ou- ts

that I lmvo roui'ivetludvicus thut thn ShamrockLinens lmvo been accorded

The Highest Award, . . .

. . . Medal and Diploma

ul llic Chicago World's Vnrfor Talilo Kiticii, Towels,iSliectiii"., I'illow Linen,Iliindkcrcliiffn nnd n

W. C. SPROULL,iSole Agent for thn lliiwalliiu

'JH tf

rplIK WEEKLY HllLlxflN-l- M COUL uiiiiuof Interfiling IteKillne Mminr.

UUmlt.K; mailed to fortlsu oountrlti,)

ftttnofflt ill ttitittrtft la ntlllurl In nil Vam. '

!'... Hiiviitnrii v. iw "ui nsntitocit or

Christmas Goods!JXJST OPB3NB1X3


SILK DRESS GOODS!Ltdlei' and Gents' Handkerchiefs

(With Amerlcnn or Hnwnllan Klags)Shawls, Bashes, Tabic Covers,

Neckties, HUlrts, Etc., Etc.


Shirts, Pftjamas. Suits,Kimono 1'ftttcrn-"- , Etc., Etc.

Fancy Porcelain Tea Sots,Pups and Saucers, l'lates,flower Vases, Etc., Kto.

Christmas Cards, Fancy Entelopes,Albums, Kans. I'npor lanterns,Table Crumb rnns, Etc., Etc.

ITOHAN,Importer of Japanese Goods

VOO Kort St., nenr Ciietom Houso.

MtT. -I- Ui.i. 474.

P. 0. Ilox 3W).

Nan-Y- u Shosha



IVrS.8. "Oecanlc.'' Dee. 4th,


NOVELTIES!SilUUe for Cbristmas Trade.

COTTOjSMDREPESOf Dlllerent Varieties mid Latent Pattern-- .


I'OUCEI.AINTKASKTS,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

HjO-- JPrioes !

411 -:- - King-:- - Street

Thoroughbred Stock


, The utiders'gned oilers for sale the follow.lug Ilenutiful Stock:



"AiKie A.," "Josiu V.,""Sully Muck" urnl Colt,

"Yum Yum" and Colt,"Ivory," "Violet,"

'"Leilohua,""Kupioluni Girl,"

"True Uluo" and Colt,"Uuwiur Killy."

tty Full Pedigrees of the nbuve uun buaeen at Qrrtmllelu Stables, where prieo andterms can lie urrauged to suit the times.

Greenfield Stables, : Kaplolanl Park.


K'J.'-I- m

HAVE YOU TRIED -:-- -:- -

"Jockey Club; Cigarettes ?

If you try them once you will

smoke no other.

Any one returning C0 Jockey

Club Label), to S. KUBKY S:

CO., No. G14 Wing Street, will

be prrnentcil with a beautifulCigarette or Cigar Cane.


Mokuleia Stock Farm,

Waialua, JBSSb H. I.


SSO EAOH,"Sonny Boy" Service, S20.

IJIHR nnDana nflR niri,t. AA1U UUUUUU i Ull U11UU I

IMIOS. W. (JAY,W7 :'m i tl Muuugir,



PAINT OIL.Dries perfectly solid Inside of twenty

hours.Forms a durable and elastic, not a brit-

tle coating.Retains Its gloss longer than any other

oil.Hoists the action of acids and alkalies

better than any other oil.Flows freely from the brush without run-

ning and spreads well.With the addition of Litharge, yields

hard surface, suitable for floors, steps, etc.Mixes readily with pigments ground In

oil lu paste form.Drlngsout the real shades of the colors

and keeps them unaltered.Is n solvent for the most delicate of the

new coal tar colors.Added to varnish greatly Improves the

working of the varnish.Docs not darken white lead or any dell

cate colors.Hni greater body than any other oil.Requires one-thir- d less pigment than

any other oil.Can be added to linseed oil and It will

greatly Improve the linseed.Can be thinned with turient!tie.lly actual tosts, has outlasted the best

llniced oil.Therefore, Is the host paint oil ever man


Direotion for Use.Use I.i:coi. in every respect in the-hiiiii-u

minuter its you would linseednil, willi the single exception thui youmay add fully uiie-qimrt- mure Lucoi, to tho saiiiu iitmiitily of pigmentlimn you would of linseed.

lu using metallic, Venctiun red, thoochres, nnd other dry pigments, it isudviealilo to mix tip the paint at leastime day before it Is to lie turd, thenadd u third more Lucoi, mid the pulnlwill lie found to cover well and havea good gloss.


Where linrtl surfaces such as Doors,steps, etc., tiro required use lithargeonly, never use Japans.


and assist their working and im-

proves their appearance iipt they"HllfltIM) IIK UHKI) HAMK DAY TIIKV AUK

mixki), otherwise the gum of tho var-nish may ho precipitated or tho mix-ture curdled.

Tho addition of from i to 4 of Lit-

em, to varnishes does not red lire theirtti'trn nor retard their hardening anddrying and it prevents their cracking.


Agents for tbe Hawaiian IslandsTOM!

H. Hackfeld & Go


Are jiiHt in receipt of largo importa-tions by their iron barks "Paul

Uouberg"iind"J.C I'llugor,"and by u number of ves-

sels from Americu.Consisting of a large and complete

uesnrlmi'iit of

DRY GOODSVieiimi ami Iron Clurduu Furniture,

Saddlery and Cutlery,Iron Uedstoiuls, Kto., Kto.

Bechstein & Seiler Pianos

American &c European

GroceriesOilciuiil l'uiuts, I.tibrinuting Urease,

Caiistiu Hoda, Wash Soda,Filtorpresa Cloth, Twine,

Htgs, Market Baskets,Demijohns, Etc, Etc.



Rooting Slates, Firebricks,Sheet Zinc, Sheet Loud,

Plain and Corrugated Iron,It. R. Materials,

Steel Rails, Etc., Etc,



SUGAR & RICEGulden (late, Diamond, Spen.v'b, Met-ehiiii-

ami Eldorado


Uii tin- - mind Liberal Titum at IhuLowi'ht I'rleOK by

H. Hackfeld & Go.