e learning

JAVED IQBAL, FCPS, FRCS, MCPS - HPE Professor of Surgery & Director, Department of Medical Education Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Professor of Surgery &

Director, Department of Medical Education

Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur,



Do you have a smart phone with internet

connection, right now?

Do you have a personal ‘tablet’ or ‘I-pad’?

Do you have internet available at your work

place and home?

If you want to know about the safely of a

drug in pregnancy, can you find it out now?

Do you have a smart phone with internet

connection, right now?

Do you have a ‘tablet’ or ‘I-phone’?

Do you have net available at your work place and


If you want to know about the safely of a drug in

pregnancy, can you find it out now?

You already are involved in e-learning

E-learning is the use of information and

computer technologies to create a learning


Horton W, 2006 E-learning by design. Pfeiffer, San Francisco

E-learning is also called:

Web-based learningOnline learningDistributed learning,Computer-assisted instructionInternet-based learning.

But: According to the literature

E-Learning as a technical Jorgen is a strategy ofusing computers, internet and electronic devicesas a part of a structured program…

……….and not just random use of the devices.

Ruiz J G and Mintzer M J: 2006: The Impact of E-Learning in Medical Education: Academic Medicine, Vol. 81, No. 3

Behaviorist approach

Teacher centered strategy

Constructivist approach

Student Centered strategy

Social Constructivism

E-learning is actually one of the tools to create

learning experiences.

Following the social constructivist

theory of learning and principles of

adult learning



Learning experience




So is the education

Everything is changing

So Should we

Why e-learning?

Most of the major journals are going to be

electronic in very near future.

Many post-graduate courses have

their major chunk learned through


Knowledge is expanding so fast that it is

impossible to cope with it through hard copies.

One can not travel all over the world: But

can be everywhere electronically

Why e-learning?• Most of the major journals are going to be

electronic in very near future.

• Many post-graduate courses have their major

chunk learned through e-learning.

• Knowledge is expanding so fast that it is impossible

to cope with it through hard copies.

• One can not travel all over the world: But can be

everywhere electronically

AdvantagesLearners have control over:

• The Contents

• learning sequence

• Pace of learning

• Time

• Media

It allows them to tailor their experience to meet

personal learning objectives.

How to start?

• To make a decision

• To design a curriculum

• To design the activities

• To monitor the activities

• To assess the out come

A case scenario

Curriculum for a 25 days rotation of final

year MBBS in a surgical unit

• Outcome 1

• Outcome 2

• Outcome 3

• Outcome 4

• Outcome 5

• Outcome 6

• Outcome 7

• Students are able to describe management of

carcinoma breast at various stages of disease

Activities• E-mail them the study guide and reading material

• Online discussion forum

• Facebook page of the group for sharing the ideas

• Providing them with web-sites of guidelines etc

• Arranging a video link lecture of a expert

Assessment• On line standardized assignments assessed by peers

and teachers

Feedback• On line corrective feedback

The challenges• Too much data

• Time waste

The challenges• Too much data

• Time waste

• Requires Intense faculty development

• Development of IT department

• Development of Department of Medical Education

Directions for the Future

Developments in e-learning and technologies arecreating the groundwork for a revolution ineducation, allowing learning to be individualized(adaptive learning), enhancing learners’ interactionswith each other (collaborative learning), andtransforming the role of the teacher (fromdisseminator to facilitator).

Piemme TE. Computer-assisted learning andevaluation in medicine. JAMA. 1988;260:367–


References• Ozuah PO. Undergraduate medical education ; thoughts on

future challenges. BMC Med Educ. 2002;2:8–10.

• Nair BR, Finucane PM. Reforming medical education to enhance the management of chronic disease. Med J Aust. 2003;179:257 59.

• Leung WC. Competency based medical training: review. BMJ 2002;325:693–96.

• Rosenberg M. E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.

• Moberg TF, Whitcomb ME. Educational technology to facilitate medical students’ learning: background paper 2 of the medical school objectives project. Acad Med. 1999;74: 1146–50.

• Harden RM, Hart IR. An international virtual medical school (IVIMEDS): the future for medical education? Med Teach. 2002;24: 261–67.

• Ruiz J G and Mintzer M J: 2006: The Impact of E-Learning in Medical Education: Academic Medicine, Vol. 81, No. 3

Thank You very much