e, it lp - studyquran · % [he made a rustling sound in going along, ike that of the ost,rci]. (a.)...

% [He made a rustling sound in going along, ike that of the ost,rCI]. (A.) And I1, aor., [so in the TA,] inf. n. /I, t (a camel's saddle) made a sound or noise [produced by his running]. (AZ, TA.) And f signifies abo t The wund- ing of water in pouring forth. (TA.)- -C:, (0, g,) aor. ', (1, L,) inf. n. C^I, (., 1g,) It (water) wvas, or became, such as is tennel .tel (Q, L, }b.) - .w He rendered it (namely water) such as is trmned 1_. (]~.) 2. ~s ,, (Q, A, F,) inf. n., (,) He made the fire to [burn, burn up, burn brightly or fjercely, (see 1,)] blaze, or fjlme, or blaze or Jf.lame Jfircly. (S, A, I.)_- [Hence,] r. 1,z s t l e kindled cl il, or mtischief, among themn. (TA.) 6: see 1.- Hence ___U also signifies It gaw light; shone; or shone brightly. (TA, from a trad.) -See also 8, where a contracted form of this verb is mentioned. 8: see 1. - [Hcnec,]e JI .I [written with the disjunctive alif 1] The dny wvas, or became, intet.sely hot, orJfiecely burning; (S, ]~ ;) as also c U and 53. (19.) l . Intensenem of heat, and its fierce burning; (~,19;) as al]o t l ;[inf.n. of 1], and V , and t 'c;=r' [inf n. of 8]: p.l t. (S.) You say, ;..J £.. :.j. The intene heatt, or Jie.,c butningy, of snmmer came. (TA.)- The sonurl of fire; as also t 51. (ISd, TA.)-- The sound, or noise, and commotion, of an ostrich running, and of people walking or passing along. (A.) You say,.L/J" I ,C E [explained abovc: see 1]. (A.)-_t Confusion: (S., l:) or, as also t 1, the confusion arising fromn the talking ol a people, and the sound, or noise, of their walkinj or paming along. (L.) You say, - k.I The people arc in a state of confittsion [&c.]. (.. C~..l: see 1.I. Is1 Anything bnurning to the nmouthA, whethet salt or bitter o. hot. (MF.) [Hence,] J .t i (., A, :, &c.,) and t *I, (Myb,) TVWter tha burns by its saltne: (A:) or alt water: or bitte water: (TA:) or salt, bitter water: (., 1]:) o very salt water: (I'Ab:) or bitter and vemj sal water: (Mb :) or very salt water, that burn b reason of its saltnes: or very bitter water: o water very salt and bitter, like the w~ater of tA ea: (TA:) or water of which no Us is made fo drinking, or for ~matering eed-produce or fo other purpose: (El-laaan :) or very hot water (TA:) the pl. is the same [as the sing.; or is alo used as a quai-pl. n.]. (TA.) 5a.: isee li. c.! Giving light; 'hinmng; or shining briuAtl 3 (AA, g., F.) - inf. n. of 1, which see: and see also q1, in three places. 1i; q. [A Oeh)em tly hot, or fiercely- burning, sumer-midday]. (A.) i; fem. with;: see d1Il1, below. si: :see t ,below. I·.. l>i ,..,JI [Tle fiercely-burning hot weinds; the latter word being pL oft . 1, fem. of t n, which is the act. part. n. of l; is used by )oetic licence for ~Lj'l. (TA.) W=' inf. n. of 8, which see: and see also 641 tt (1 A t* e, it (4 p 0 LP [I a ta t : see what follows. d ti ne who walks quickly, and run, in this and that manner. (V,' TA.)- _ and J t v l, (, M9b,lV,) imperfectly decl., (,) [Gog and Magog;] two tribes of God's creatures; (TA;) or two greatnations; (M9b;) or two tribes ( of the children of Japheth the son of Noah: or, as some say, the former, of the turks;! and the latter, of the Jeel [meaning JeelJeldn, said in 1 the TA in art. Ji., on the authority of ISd, to a be a people beyond the Dcylem; and on the authority of Az, to be believers in a plurality of gods; (the Geli and Gelce of Ptolemy and 8trabo, as observed by Sale, in a note on ch. xviii. v. 93 of the Vur, on the authority of Golius in Alfrag. p. 207;)]: (Bd in xviii. 93:) [said by the Arabs to be Scytlhiais of thiefurthwst East; particularly those on the north of the Chinese: (Golius:) or, as some say, the ceendants of Japheth, and all the nations inhabiting the north of Asia and of Europe: (Freytag:)] said in a red., (TA,) on the authority of I'Ab, (Mtb,) to compoe nine tenth of mnankind: (Mob, TA:) or is the name of the males, and C.r is that of the femals: (Mgb:? he who pronounces them thus, and makes the I a radical letter, says that the former is of the measure ja4;, and the latter of the measure j3i; as though from WI ; (Akh, 8, Mb ;*) or from C1. i; (TA;) or from i said of an ostrich; and imperfectly decl. as being determinate and fem.: (Bd ubi suprk:) he who pronounces them without ., making the I in each an augmentative letter, says that the former r is from a., and the latter from _:4. : (Akh, S, V:) this is the case if they be Arabic: (TA:) but some say that they are foreign names; (Msb, TA;) their being imperfectly decL is said rto indicate this; (Bd ubi suprk;) and if so, the I in them is similar to that in '1 and and r ,;b and the like; and the ., anomalous, as that in 1A and the like; and their measure is 3j&. (Mbi.) Ru-beh used to read t and i:w [in the CV EL]; and Aboo-Mo'adh, (8·) L .1, aor. 1 and,, ($, Mgh, Mtb, 1.,) which latter form of the aor., though known to most of he lexicologist, is disacknowledged by a few of iem, (TA,) inf. n. i.; (M, MYb;) and t g, Mgh, Myb, 1.,) a form disacknowledged by ,q, but said by some to be the more chaste of the wo, of the form J0, not mjth, a IIt# by vident inadvertence makes it to be by saying that a aor. is i-"lj, (TA,) inf. n. jI.; ( ;) He God, S, A, Mgh, Myb, and a man, Mgh) recom- ened,compmated,or rewarded, him,(, A, Mgh, Msb, V,) j.W C wfor what he had done. (A.) See .CI, below.] ,.;j it. yI1 [Such one became entitled to a reward for .five of hi hildren, by their death, (for it is believed that the wuslim will be rewarded in Paradise for a child hat has died in infancy)], (.,) and ;. ij/i, (A,) nd #,f q I t , (5,) mean that his children ied, and became [causer of] his reward. (1, A, )--01., (X,) aor. ', (8,) [H,e .red him for hire, pay, or ~aes;] he became his hired Ian, or hireling. (8, V.) 86 in the lgur xxviii. 27. TA.)-_oi,J aor. , (L, Mb, ,) and ,, Myb, g,) inf. n. i1, (L, L,) He kt him (namely uis slave) on hire, or for pay, or wages; (L, Mb,* ] ;) as also t °m1, inf. n. jI'..; ('Eyn, Mgh, Mqb, ]C ;) and ~ o1, inf. n. 5j.1.: (V :) all these are good forms of speech, used by the rabs: (L:) ort * #jT having for its inf. n. -$.S 4 signifies he appointed him (namely another man) hire, pay, or ages,for hiA work; (Mj, Mgh ;) or he engaged with him to give him hire, pay, or nWages; (A, Mgh, Mqb;) and can have only one objective complement: whereas, t when it is of the measure Jal it is doubly trans.; (Mgh, Mb ;) Ho thatone says, ;:.t ' He let me hi. sdave on hire. (Mgh.) One also says, jl .- t, aor. - and , inf. n. , He let the houwe on hire; and ;1;, t, [inf. n. jt:] (M,b, TA:) and j1.J1 t . 1, [inf. n. H, ] He let to him the hue on hire: (8, A, Mgh, Mb :) the latter verb being of the measure --- , not of the meaure jl.: (A, Mgh, MRb:) and the vulgar qay, .j: (s:) some, however, say, 1jdJl t ,'-1, inf. n. -. 15, making the verb of the meaure J.U: (Myb, TA:) some alo say, 1. l2JI * Z. T ^ [I let the houe to Zeyd], inverting the order of the words: (Myb, TA:) and the lawyers say, j )ld ;Jl. q.I t [in the same sense, like as jI.,l vC %.m ~ means the same u I.kJ ,loJI]. (Myb: [but in the Mgh, the like of this is said to be vulgar.]) 3. jj, inf. n. am.: se 1, latter half, in three places: and se 10. One says ablo, of a woman, (1,) or a whorish female slave, (TA,) ,.-l, [of the mesure ',M6,not -,, 1¶,(.ee,4., below,)] meaning She prostituted herelffor hire. (,.) 4. ., inf. n. ;1I.4: se 1, first sentence:- and ee the latter half of the same paragraph, in seven places. 8. .,.,1 [written with the disjunctive alif.dl] He gave alms, sweking thereby to obtain a reard p 1r A 1 5I 5 1 4 1 1 ied, aor. ror ,&an, TA.) Mqb, Lis W9b,' Wgh, al kmbe: 5ignifies raire, ke (A, objective the Bo that dam aor. and and lwim being (A, some, S^. 00, (Mqb, let the j JW; 511;]" is 3. three woman, 6 [of or A. belowffl (V.) 4. .Pjl, and seven 8. He C -~ 1 Boo, I.]

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% [He made a rustling sound in going along, ike

that of the ost,rCI]. (A.) And I1, aor., [so

in the TA,] inf. n. /I, t (a camel's saddle)

made a sound or noise [produced by his running].

(AZ, TA.) And f signifies abo t The wund-

ing of water in pouring forth. (TA.)- -C:,

(0, g,) aor. ', (1, L,) inf. n. C^I, (., 1g,) It

(water) wvas, or became, such as is tennel .tel

(Q, L, }b.) - .w He rendered it (namely water)

such as is trmned 1_. (]~.)

2. ~s ,, (Q, A, F,) inf. n., (,)

He made the fire to [burn, burn up, burn brightly

or fjercely, (see 1,)] blaze, or fjlme, or blaze

or Jf.lame Jfircly. (S, A, I.)_- [Hence,] r.

1,z s t l e kindled cl il, or mtischief, amongthemn. (TA.)

6: see 1.- Hence ___U also signifies It gaw

light; shone; or shone brightly. (TA, from a

trad.) -See also 8, where a contracted form of

this verb is mentioned.

8: see 1. - [Hcnec,]e JI .I [written with

the disjunctive alif 1] The dny wvas, or became,

intet.sely hot, orJfiecely burning; (S, ]~ ;) as also

c U and 53. (19.)l .Intensenem of heat, and its fierce burning;

(~,19;) as al]o t l ;[inf.n. of 1], and V ,

and t 'c;=r' [inf n. of 8]: p.l t. (S.) You

say, ;..J £.. :.j. The intene heatt, or Jie.,cbutningy, of snmmer came. (TA.)- The sonurl

of fire; as also t 51. (ISd, TA.)-- The

sound, or noise, and commotion, of an ostrichrunning, and of people walking or passing along.

(A.) You say,.L/J" I ,C E [explained abovc:

see 1]. (A.)-_t Confusion: (S., l:) or, as also

t 1, the confusion arising fromn the talking ol

a people, and the sound, or noise, of their walkinj

or paming along. (L.) You say, - k.I

The people arc in a state of confittsion [&c.]. (..

C~..l: see 1.I.

Is1 Anything bnurning to the nmouthA, whethet

salt or bitter o. hot. (MF.) [Hence,] J .t i

(., A, :, &c.,) and t *I, (Myb,) TVWter tha

burns by its saltne: (A:) or alt water: or bittewater: (TA:) or salt, bitter water: (., 1]:) o

very salt water: (I'Ab:) or bitter and vemj sal

water: (Mb :) or very salt water, that burn breason of its saltnes: or very bitter water: o

water very salt and bitter, like the w~ater of tA

ea: (TA:) or water of which no Us is made fo

drinking, or for ~matering eed-produce or foother purpose: (El-laaan :) or very hot water

(TA:) the pl. is the same [as the sing.; or

is alo used as a quai-pl. n.]. (TA.)

5a.: isee li.

c.! Giving light; 'hinmng; or shining briuAtl3

(AA, g., F.)

- inf. n. of 1, which see: and see also q1,

in three places.

1i; q. [A Oeh)em tly hot, or fiercely-

burning, sumer-midday]. (A.)

i; fem. with;: see d1Il1, below.

si: :see t ,below.I·.. l>i ,..,JI [Tle fiercely-burning hot

weinds; the latter word being pL oft . 1, fem. of

t n, which is the act. part. n. of l; is used by

)oetic licence for ~Lj'l. (TA.)

W=' inf. n. of 8, which see: and see also








t : see what follows. d

ti ne who walks quickly, and run, in

this and that manner. (V,' TA.)- _ and J

t v l, (, M9b,lV,) imperfectly decl., (,) [Gog

and Magog;] two tribes of God's creatures;

(TA;) or two great nations; (M9b;) or two tribes (

of the children of Japheth the son of Noah: or, as some say, the former, of the turks;! and the latter, of the Jeel [meaning JeelJeldn, said in 1

the TA in art. Ji., on the authority of ISd, to a

be a people beyond the Dcylem; and on the

authority of Az, to be believers in a plurality of

gods; (the Geli and Gelce of Ptolemy and 8trabo,as observed by Sale, in a note on ch. xviii. v. 93

of the Vur, on the authority of Golius in Alfrag.

p. 207;)]: (Bd in xviii. 93:) [said by the Arabs to be Scytlhiais of thiefurthwst East; particularlythose on the north of the Chinese: (Golius:) or,as some say, the ceendants of Japheth, and all

the nations inhabiting the north of Asia and of

Europe: (Freytag:)] said in a red., (TA,) on the authority of I'Ab, (Mtb,) to compoe nine

tenth of mnankind: (Mob, TA:) or is the

name of the males, and C.r is that of the

femals: (Mgb:? he who pronounces them thus,and makes the I a radical letter, says that the

former is of the measure ja4;, and the latter of

the measure j3i; as though from WI ;

(Akh, 8, Mb ;*) or from C1. i; (TA;) or

from i said of an ostrich; and imperfectly decl.

as being determinate and fem.: (Bd ubi suprk:)he who pronounces them without ., making the Iin each an augmentative letter, says that the former

r is from a., and the latter from _:4. :(Akh, S, V:) this is the case if they be Arabic:(TA:) but some say that they are foreign names;

(Msb, TA;) their being imperfectly decL is saidrto indicate this; (Bd ubi suprk;) and if so, the I

in them is similar to that in '1 and and

r ,;b and the like; and the ., anomalous, as that

in 1A and the like; and their measure is 3j&.(Mbi.) Ru-beh used to read t and i:w

[in the CV EL]; and Aboo-Mo'adh,


L .1, aor. 1 and,, ($, Mgh, Mtb, 1.,) whichlatter form of the aor., though known to most of

he lexicologist, is disacknowledged by a few of

iem, (TA,) inf. n. i.; (M, MYb;) and tg, Mgh, Myb, 1.,) a form disacknowledged by

,q, but said by some to be the more chaste of the

wo, of the form J0, not mjth, a IIt# byvident inadvertence makes it to be by saying that

a aor. is i-"lj, (TA,) inf. n. jI.; ( ;) He

God, S, A, Mgh, Myb, and a man, Mgh) recom-ened,compmated,or rewarded, him,(, A, Mgh,

Msb, V,) j.W C wfor what he had done. (A.)

See .CI, below.] ,.;j it. yI1 [Such

one became entitled to a reward for .five of hi

hildren, by their death, (for it is believed that thewuslim will be rewarded in Paradise for a child

hat has died in infancy)], (.,) and ;. ij/i, (A,)

nd #,f q I t , (5,) mean that his children

ied, and became [causer of] his reward. (1, A,

)--01., (X,) aor. ', (8,) [H,e .red himfor hire, pay, or ~aes;] he became his hired

Ian, or hireling. (8, V.) 86 in the lgur xxviii. 27.

TA.)-_oi,J aor. , (L, Mb, ,) and ,,

Myb, g,) inf. n. i1, (L, L,) He kt him (namelyuis slave) on hire, or for pay, or wages; (L,

Mb,* ] ;) as also t °m1, inf. n. jI'..; ('Eyn,

Mgh, Mqb, ]C ;) and ~ o1, inf. n. 5j.1.: (V :)all these are good forms of speech, used by the

rabs: (L:) ort * #jT having for its inf. n. -$.S 4

signifies he appointed him (namely another man)hire, pay, or ages,for hiA work; (Mj, Mgh ;) or

he engaged with him to give him hire, pay, or

nWages; (A, Mgh, Mqb;) and can have only oneobjective complement: whereas, t when it is of

the measure Jal it is doubly trans.; (Mgh, Mb ;)

Ho thatone says, ;:.t ' He let me hi.

sdave on hire. (Mgh.) One also says, jl .- t,

aor. - and , inf. n. , He let the houwe on hire;

and ;1;, t, [inf. n. jt:] (M,b, TA:)

and j1.J1 t . 1, [inf. n. H,] He let to him the

hue on hire: (8, A, Mgh, Mb :) the latter verb

being of the measure --- , not of the meaure

jl.: (A, Mgh, MRb:) and the vulgar qay, .j:

(s:) some, however, say, 1jdJl t ,'-1, inf. n.

-. 15, making the verb of the meaure J.U:

(Myb, TA:) some alo say, 1. l2JI * Z. T^ [Ilet the houe to Zeyd], inverting the order of

the words: (Myb, TA:) and the lawyers say,

j )ld ;Jl. q.I t [in the same sense, like as

jI.,l vC %.m ~ means the same u I.kJ,loJI]. (Myb: [but in the Mgh, the like of this

is said to be vulgar.])

3. jj, inf. n. am.: se 1, latter half, inthree places: and se 10. One says ablo, of a

woman, (1,) or a whorish female slave, (TA,)

,.-l, [of the mesure ',M6,not -,, 1¶,(.ee,4.,below,)] meaning She prostituted herelffor hire.


4. ., inf. n. ;1I.4: se 1, first sentence:-

and ee the latter half of the same paragraph, in

seven places.

8. .,.,1 [written with the disjunctive alif.dl]

He gave alms, sweking thereby to obtain a reard










and b;��; [causm of] his reward. (�, A,


1 [He wreed kin


hire, pay, or ~] he becanw his hired


or hireling. 86 in the V-ur xxviii. 27.


- ^I, aor. 1. , (L, Mqb, V,) and


]g,) inf. n. ^I, (L, ]P,) He kt itim (namely


slave) on hire, or for pay, or wages;


]p;) as also t ,pq.71, in£ n. jboil; ('Eyn,


Mqb, 19;) and in£ n.


these an good forms of o~, und by the


(L:) or * #^�1 having for its inf. n. $^1J4


he aplwinted him (namely another mm)


pay, or m"es,for his nwh; (Mj, Mgh ;) or


engaged wuh kin to give him hire, pay, or


Mgh, Mqb;) and can have only one


complement: wherem, * when it is of


measure,,,'W'##; it is doubly uww ; (Mgh, Meb ;)



one says, �� * v He lot me his


on hire. (Mgh.) One also says, jtj;


t and inf. n. He kt the houn on hire;


;I1; [inf n. (Mqb, TA:)


jUl [inf. n. He kt to him thd


on hire: (�, A, Mgh, M9li:) the latter verb


of the mmure --- , not of the memure


Mgh, Myb:) and the vulgar say, ^1.$:


however, say, 5111 * £;.;1, in£ n.


15-, making the verb of the memun >U:


' a .0 6,1


TA:) nome abo say, I.Wj jW1 * Z,^1 [I


th A~ to Zoyd], inverting the order of


words: (Mqb, TA:) and the lawyers say,


C)4 jW; [in the came sense, like u


-vi c). C..W means the same u I-VJ


(Mq'b: [b'ut in the Mgh, the like of this


Wd to be vulgarJ)


jj;, inf. n. am 1, latter half, in


placw: and me 10. One ways aloo, of a


(VJ or a whorich female slave, (TAJ


the not




meaning She ~ tutod *re.




in£ n. # ' 11: me 1, first Bentence:-


see the latter half of the same pamgmph, in




[written with the disjunctive alif;"!]


gave alow, swking thereby to obtain a r~

C -~ 1Boo, I.]