duta protest dharna, 19.10.2013

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  • 7/27/2019 DUTA PROTEST DHARNA, 19.10.2013


    Appointments Stalled For Over Four Years

    Appointments to fill the thousands of vacant posts have not started despite repeated promises madeby the University Administration. Ad hoc teachers and Guest Lecturers working against these posts

    are faced with permanent uncertainty and deprived of basic rights. The delay in permanent

    appointments has caused demotivation and demoralization in the teaching community and is bound

    to cause a flight of talent away from the teaching profession.

    The recent EC decisions on Screening of candidates, modalities for implementing the Reservation

    roster and composition of Selection Committees threaten to derail the appointment process since

    they are not in consonance with legal requirements and the principles of social and academic justice.

    The DUTA demands that the University reconsider these decisions, take prompt corrective

    steps and start the appointment process without any further delay.

    Screening Criteria

    The Screening Criteria adopted by the EC for inviting candidates for interview for posts of Assistant

    Professors is based on API scores. The University has removed the cap on the number of candidates

    to be called for interviews, but has introduced minimum points expected from candidates (60 for

    colleges, 75 for departments) which are unacceptable. Many young aspirants will not have the

    requisite points. To impose a point system on candidates coming from different universities following

    different marking and evaluation systems is unacademic and irrational. The disparity in points

    required for colleges and University departments also threatens to introduce academic and

    professional discrimination between college and university teachers. The University administration

    has not made appointments for over four years. As a result, thousands of posts have to be filled. The

    DUTA demands withdrawal of the screening criteria. All candidates eligible under the UGC's

    Minimum Eligibility Criteria (55% in Master's with NET) must be invited for the interviews.

    Reservation Roster

    The EC decision on modalities for implementing the 200 Point Post-based Roster for teachingpositions taking the College or the University as a unit are not in consonance with the clear directives

    of the UGC, MHRD and DoPT (GOI). The EC decided to apply the Roster to an alphabetically

    ordered, department-wise list of sanctioned teaching posts. The 200-Point Roster, on the other hand,

    is applicable to the college/university as a unit, in which all existing teachers as on 2.7.1997, and

    those appointed subsequently on permanent basis, have to be listed in order of seniority. Shortfall

    and backlog are to be determined for the whole college/university and not department-wise. Once the

    number of reserved vacancies is identified, they may be distributed over different departments

    proportionately. The arbitrary method being adopted by the University will result in faulty rosters that

    will be open to manipulation, create disparities between departments and undo the benefits of


    DUTA PROTEST DHARNASaturday, 19 October, 12 noon3 pm, at VC's Office

  • 7/27/2019 DUTA PROTEST DHARNA, 19.10.2013


    reservation. The University has also unilaterally declared 3 September 2013 as the cut-off date for

    implementation of the 200-Point Roster. This will make backlog non-existent though reservation for

    SCs/STs came into effect from 1997 and for OBCs from 2007. The University has also declared thatshortfall (calculated department-wise) will only be filled when current incumbents retire or resign. The

    DUTA demands that the modalities be amended in accordance with GOI directives.

    Selection Committees

    The composition of Selection Committees approved by the EC is not in consonance with the UGC

    Regulations, 2010. Appointments made through these Selection Committees may be struck down by

    the Visitor as was the case in 2004. The Visitor had directed on 10.1.2004 that appointments be held

    in abeyance till Selection Committees were brought in consonance with the UGC Regulations. The

    DUTA demands that the composition of the Selection Committee be in consonance with the

    UGC Regulations so that the appointment process is not further delayed on any pretext.

    Application Fee

    The DUTA demands withdrawal of the Rs. 250 application fee. The University should ensure that

    money collected as application fee by colleges be immediately refunded to applicants.

    Nandita Narain Sandeep Harish Khanna Anita Ghosh Bhupinder Chaudhry

    President Vice-President Secretary Jt. Secretary Treasurer

    The DUTA congratulates the University community for coming together under the joint

    leadership of DUTA, DUCKU and DUSU to demand justice for Pavitra Bhardwaj. The

    sustained pressure generated by the visible public campaign has resulted in the suspension of the

    Principal of B.R.Ambedkar College, but much more needs to be done to secure justice for Pavitra, to

    expose similar violations in other colleges such as ARSD, and to create the democratic environment

    necessary for the implementation of Ordinance XV(D) in letter and spirit.


    The first semester under the FYUP is underway and there is widespread discontent in regard to the

    courses, infrastructure, hurried manner of implementation and repeated changes in decisions in regard

    to teaching and evaluation. Confusion is also widespread amongst students over the pattern ofexamination/ evaluation. Meanwhile, the VC has been conducting raids in several colleges, in order to

    malign teachers and deflect attention from his own lack of academic and administrative accountability.

    The DUTA has asked for feedbackfrom all Staff Associations/Departmental Councils by Tuesday, 22

    October 2013 so that we can chart out the future course of action.


    Please sign up to the new DUTA website at www.duta-du.info for regular updates and information.


    DUTA PROTEST DHARNASaturday, 19 October, 12 noon3 pm, at VC's Office