dusk legacy-1 autonomous

Autonomous The Dusk Legacy Chapter 1 GustDragon

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Post on 12-Feb-2017



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The Dusk Legacy Chapter 1GustDragon

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Nix: “Whoa, What?”


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I’m GustDragon!

Nix: “Nix Dusk. Nice to meet you. What am I doing here?”

You’re going to be my new founder!

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Nix: “Whoa! Hold it! I’m an exiled Dark Fairy, Not a founder!”

Too late. Get started.

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Nix: “We’re not allowed.”

You’re exiled. You’re on my island now. Get to work.

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Nix: “I don’t like this.”

Sure you do, you’re smiling. What’s your lifetime want by the way?

Nix: “Reach golden anniversary.”

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Ah, nice and easy. Family sims.

Nix: “Did you say something?”

Go back to reading.

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Now get a job.

Nix: “Culinary?”


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Nix: “Hello! The sun sure is bright today!”

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So Nix meets her first human. Next, she’ll be scouting for a husband!

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What did I tell you?

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Dramatic eyebrows? You can’t have him.

Nix: “Quiet GustDragon.”

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Yay, hangout! But you still can’t have him, He’s a playable!

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Nix: “I thought legacy Sims were supposed to live in big mansions and have lots of money. Not a shack.”

Welcome to being a founder, Nix.

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Anyway, you’ll get there. I promise.

Nix: “Yeah, sure.”

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Nix: “I found a map!”

Yay! Four hundred simoleons!

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Nix: “Oh! Sunlight!”

Off you go! Get me more simo- I mean, a promotion!

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Nix: “That was easy.”

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Ah, painting. One of the many skills…

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Nix: “Why am I getting up…”

Because you’re not getting any younger! Beat it to that community lot!

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I get distracted for a bit, and she’s already been here a while. Oops!

Nix: “And you’re the one who was hurrying me!”

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Anyway, man hunt. Take it as you will.

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Flat face here looks good.

Flat Face: “Wha?”

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Nix: “Hey there! How about a date?”

He was also the only one there that fit. So, they dated.

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Whoa! I did not do that! He did it autonomously!

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Well, he left as soon as it was over.

Nix: “Hey, look who it is!”

Really? It’s Malcolm again!

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Nix: “My needs are low.”

Sim behind tree: “Fear me…”

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Yay for that being done!

Nix: “Working. Ignoring you.”

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And another promotion! Good job!

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Which means you need to skill!

Nix: “When did I get a chess table?”

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Is Flat Face coming?

Nix: “Yep. He’s bringing a friend to.”

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Hurray for final date!

Nix: “Hurray.”

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Wait a minute…

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He’s his friend!?

Malcolm: “My plan is working.”

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Malcolm: “First this chess table, then the legacy!”

Yeah, Right.

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Malcolm: “Oh, ah, you didn’t hear that.”

Nix: “Will you marry me!”

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Malcolm: “Well. I think my work here is done for now. Maybe.”

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And, of course, they waste no time getting married. This is a legacy after all.

Oops. Nix isn’t in love yet. My bad!

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Ah, there it is! You didn’t see anything. She was in love the whole time.

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Yay for the big funds he brought in! Ah, what’s his name anyway?

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Trevor. How nice.

Trevor: “Look! I can hold the plate flat in the air without the food falling off!”

Malcolm: “Just like your face.”

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Trevor: “Ah, I can’t seem to get it off.”

Malcolm: “Should have glued it to your face. Then it would be less flat.”

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Trevor: “Alright, It’s been great and all, but it’s about time you left.”

Malcolm: “First this handshake, then the legacy!”

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Yay, promotion. Alright, everyone outside!

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Alright, so the inside isn’t done at all, and there are no windows, but it’s basically done! It’ll slowly upgrade as we go on.

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Huh? Did I just hear a lullaby?

Which has nothing to do with what’s on the TV.

… wait.

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Quick! Get me money! I haven't done the nursery yet!

Nix: “Yep, sure. Hello sun!”

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Hello first pop!

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This looks familiar.

Nix: “Except I’m pregnant. And it’s a bigger house.”


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Yay, autonomous flirting in front of fish.

Ah. Heads. Oops.

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Trevor: “All skilling shall be for the job you actually want, not randomly have!”

Too bad, Flat face. I need money, and you already have a job.

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Second pop!

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And we end the chapter with a promotion. Congratulations Trevor on not bringing over Malcolm!

Trevor: “Sure!”

I promise that the next chapter will be better!